#manifesting a better next project for you my darling
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nanaminsmoon · 1 year
gojo satoru x thickthighed!reader. (mdni.)
(inspired by when i went out without shorts under my skirt last week, and regretted it immediately😭)
wc: 950
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the colour of his irises would practically project on every inch of the room, with how wide satoru’s eyes opened at the sight of you putting on a pair of black cycling shorts under your dress. too busy looking at your reflection, you were none the wiser to your boyfriend’s extreme reaction to you getting ready for your picnic date. even as he’d lean against the doorframe, and examine the dress from afar; confusion growing when you’d let it fall, and the hem of it kissed the top of your ankles. he’d assume you were just doing it for comfort, but his curiosity would make him ask anyways.
”darling~”, he'd hum from behind you, chin rested on your shoulder and hands clasped around your midsection, ”it's so warm outside, won't you be hot with shorts under your dress?”, he'd ask as he kissed your cheeks. looking in the mirror, he’d see you chuckle at his ignorance before you’d turn to face him. your hands would join to intertwine at his nape, and his would rest on your hips.
”you love my thighs don't you?”, you'd ask, moving his bangs from his eyes and satoru would just look at you in confusion.
because that man found any, and every, excuse to touch your thighs and knead at the flesh there. they were his hand warmers, his comfort after a long day, and their warmth was the physical manifestation of the word ‘home’. on either side of his head as he laid watching tv, smothering his hand as he sat next to you, or just exposed as your shorts rode up when you sat, there's nothing satoru loved more than your thighs.
”i love them more than i love myself, yes”, he'd answer, prompting a flattered laugh from you.
”well, if i don't wear these, they'll chafe and it stings and i hate it. baby powder doesn't work, and it's just so uncomfortable, so i have to wear these. especially since we'll be walking from the car to the park”, you said, placing a peck on his lips. satoru would have no reaction, nor usual quip, because his mind was whirring. the cogs in his brain were turning at super speed, thinking of a solution to your problem and he had already picked a favourite.
”you said baby powder didn't work?”, he'd ask and you'd nod back, “well, let's try one more thing”.
an hour and a half after the time you were supposed to have left the house, you were still stood with your hands on your vanity table as satoru fucked you from behind. the tips of his slender fingers dug harsher into you with every thrust, and you could both see and feel his concentration. through his reflection in the mirror, you’d see his snowy eyebrows creasing as they met in the middle and his lips organised in that cute little pout they always formed whenever he was focused on something.
the plan satoru had devised consisted of one phase; fucking load after load into you, until it leaked out to run down your thighs and rid you of the chafing. evidently it wasn't well thought out, but as soon as the little voice in his head had suggested it, the twitching in his boxers wouldn't let him dismiss it. so now he had nutted in you twice, and you’d lost count of how many times you came after the fourth.
originally he had placed you on the vanity table, to sit on it, but the physics of that position bothered him. so he’d moved you to be stood in front of him, because he figured that would allow the nut to slide down your thigh better.
”t-toru, we're gonna b-be lat-te”, you stuttered out. and his azures would momentarily glance up at you to observe your facial expressions, yet his hips wouldn’t stop. but his teeth would relax their grip on his bottom lip and allow him to speak,
”i know, baby, but my plan's almost finished”, and, apparently, so was he. because, not too long after he said that, gojo would still inside of you and fill you with his seed. though his sensitivity would have him sucking in a breath, he'd still pull out of you slightly to let his release drip down your plush thigh. he’d spare a second to take in the view, before he’d pull back from your body completely. heavy breaths were still leaving your mouth, as your legs starting giving way underneath you. luckily satoru would catch you, pulling your dress down once he had you against him. once your eyelids gained the strength to actually stay open, you’d look in the mirror to see a proud smile on your boyfriend’s face, before his lips moved to kiss your cheeks. seeing your visible confusion, he’d finally enlighten you,
”now you it won't sting anymore. because they'll be gliding every time you walk”, he'd smile brightly, and you'd roll your eyes at him before reaching to unzip your dress.
”you're disgusting, you know that? go run me a bath”, you'd sigh out, grimacing at the moisture between your legs. though disheartened by your reaction to his self-proclaimed genius, satoru would pull his boxers up, and raise his hand in a salute,
”yes, ma’am”, he’d say, placing an apologetic kiss on your lips before scurrying to the bathroom to do as you said.
© Rights owned by nanaminsmooninc. Do not repost without permission.
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luna--reading · 3 years
Hello lovelies~ ♡ 
I’m finally back, I’ve been taking a very long hiatus and I’m so sorry for that~ I hope you would continue to support me and my pick a card readings!
This is a pick a card reading for “What is coming in for me for June 2021”. Please do find peace if it doesn’t resonate with you~ ♡
So take a few minutes to mediate on these 3 piles:
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Left to right: 1 – 3
Once you’re ready, just scroll below to find the reading that you have chosen!
You can always leave a comment or simply like the post if it resonates with you, thank you so much~ ♡♡♡
Pile 1
The Wild Offering: COMPANIONSHIP – When you fully bless and embrace your aloneness, you’re ready for the ones who are meant to be with you. May I welcome this solitude knowing it will open the way for all healthy relationships
Psychic Tarot for the Heart: MANIFEST – The Magician
Astrological: AQUARIUS
Tiny Tarot: 8 of Wands, 4 of Wands, Page of Cups
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General outlook for June 2021:
With the Magician and the 2 of Cups, I feel like this month is all about manifestation coming into place, and I feel like this is something that you’ve been working on for the past few months. With the Manifest card as well as the Companionship card, I can’t help but feel that this month, connections are very significant in your life. I feel like you are creating this wonderful balance between yourself as well as the people around you. This also ties in with the Aquarius card which is usually tied to the 11th House. I feel like social connections are significant for you in this month. In fact, I feel like if you feel that socially, things weren’t that great for you, then darling, everything is going to come into place over the next few weeks. I strongly feel like social connections (be it romantic, platonic or familial) are very significant for this month, or in fact, over the next few weeks. This is definitely the time for you to build on those connections around you, but don’t be afraid to set healthy boundaries as well, darling!
Love outlook for June 2021:
For my singles, I feel like you’ve been in this period of isolation or just leaving the dating scene for quite some time already. And for those who are single but are dealing with someone, some kind of like a situation-ship, I feel like there has been a period of separation, or no-contact. But darling, this month, this tough cycle is coming to an end and that there would be a new beginning in regards to your love life. For those who are single (with no person of interest), I do feel that you would be meeting someone new and things might progress rather quickly for both of you this month. But it will just feel so right and it’ll make you realise that actually, that period of hermit mode wasn’t so bad after all. Because I feel that this period of hermit mode actually made you realise what is it that you truly wanted in a relationship and it only prepared you for this significant connection that the Universe had in store for you. As for those who are single (but you do have a person of interest, or are currently dealing with someone), I feel like this period of separation has led to certain enlightenment between you and that person. I do see this person wanting to come in with an offer of love and this might be especially so in terms of communication. For those who are waiting for certain communication coming in from your person, it is coming, and it will come over the next few weeks.
For those who are in a relationship, I feel that this month is definitely important for you to build on this connection with your significant other. I feel that you might be very busy balancing your other connections that you might sort of neglect your significant other and I do see that you are asked to constantly work on this partnership with them. I feel that some of you might be having certain doubts about this connection and you might feel that some time apart is needed. What I am getting from the Universe is that, you’re asked to communicate with your partner, be truthful about your own feelings. Present yourself in the rawest and most vulnerable position, darling, this person is your significant other (for some, I’m definitely getting a very strong soulmate energy), so there’s nothing to be ashamed of for you to express yourself freely. It’s going to be a roller-coaster ride, but darling, this month, it’s going to be worth it for you. I feel like through all of this expression of love, both of you would come to this realisation that you would want nobody else but your person.
Career and Finances outlook for June 2021:
Darling, honestly, I’m hearing “there’s nothing for you to worry about” when it comes to your career and finances. I see 2 scenarios here. Firstly, I feel like if you’ve been very obsessively thinking about a current financial situation, or obsessively worrying about this situation. There is really nothing for you to worry about when it comes to this situation because while it may seem like everything is rather bleak and dark right now, things will slowly brighten up over the next few weeks. In fact, I do feel like this worry that you have is rather unnecessary, and it’s only creating more blockages for you in regards to your career and financial situation. I do feel that partnerships are important for you as well, so why not focus on your work partnerships, instead of worrying about this future that has not yet arrive. Remember, nothing is yet set in stone, and you have the power to change your current future. As for the second scenario, I’m getting very strong Capricorn vibes, so you might be a Capricorn or have Capricorn strong in your chart. But the message that I’m getting is that you might be prone to overworking yourself, or wanting to overwork yourself this month because things might have been hard on you financially and it’s creating this anxiety within you. And darling, I feel like you’re asked to just take a break. Or in fact, the message that I’m getting is “it’s okay to take a break”. I feel like you’re asked to have that work-life balance and know that it’s okay for you to just simply have fun for this month. Everything will fall in place as it should. Don’t overwork yourself, darling!
Pile 2
The Wild Offering: POSITIVITY – If you can find even one thing to be grateful for, it will restore you to the light. Please, dear God, let me always feel gratitude for something, even a tiny thing, in even the hardest situations.
Psychic Tarot for the Heart: NURTURE – The Empress
Astrological: VIRGO
Lovers Oracle: Be careful for what you are projecting, for the qualities you admire in one another are qualities you both possess. Equally so, the qualities you don’t like are also your own reflection.
Tiny Tarot: Queen of Wands, The Sun, The Chariot
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General outlook for June 2021:
I feel like things might not have been so great for you, in general, over the past few months. And I say it, in the sense that this kinds of feels like no matter how much you try, you just can’t seem to get out of negative situations and it acts as a vicious cycle. You just constantly get beaten down by life over the past few months. But darling, in this month, I do sense big, happy changes on its way and you are asked to be positive about your future. I know things have been hard for you and I’m not saying that I can fully understand because everyone goes through different things, but trust that this month, things are definitely changing for the better. I feel like whatever that you have been giving to the Universe, you will be receiving them back. So, why not try to present a positive outlook, and to raise your vibrations so that the Universe can match these vibrations and to give back this energy to you as well. I do feel with the Virgo card, that you might be a Virgo, or could be dealing with one, or someone who is a Virgo would be very significant for you this month. But what I’m getting is also this sense of discipline, very much tied in with the 6th House, it’s important for you to change your mindset and to set out this routine for yourself so that you are ready to receive all of this abundance that is coming in for you. Darling, mindset is very important, so please remain positive and you’ll start to see these changes coming in for you!
Love outlook for June 2021:
For my singles, I feel that there is going to be someone new coming in for you this month. And I do sense that this is someone that you already know. This doesn’t necessarily have to be an ex, or someone that you are currently dealing with. But what I’m getting is that this is someone who is working on things with you, on a very slow pace. You could be dealing with a Virgo or someone with strong Virgo in their chart. But I’m getting that this person is someone who is sort of a perfectionist and they want to make sure that everything is perfect before they bring things to a higher level as time goes by. This is why I feel that this is someone who is in your immediate circle, trying to set things right first before moving things along. As for those who are single but currently dealing with someone, one message (for a specific someone, I don’t know who has to hear this, but this is for you) is that someone has been trying to change you. I feel like this person feels that they are trying to bring you to your best capabilities but darling, you don’t have to change for anyone, if you don’t want to. I feel like deep down, this person might be insecure about themselves which is why, in the name of love, they try to change you to become “better” but I see that you know exactly where you stand, and please, don’t change yourself if you don’t want to. I see that you are that confident and powerful individual and this person will start to realise that their insecurities got the better of them. As for others, I feel that the dynamics might have change between the both of you and you are feeling a little confused as to why things have changed the way that it has. I do see that you are asked to reflect on your actions and to work on this partnership, if you would want to. It’s going to take some time to let this situation return to the way it was, but I do feel that this time round, it would be way more solid and stable than it was used to. Transformation is needed in this situation, so please don’t be afraid of this change!
For those in a relationship, I see that there might be a new level of commitment coming in for you, for some, this can be a proposal, or moving in, or even marriage. I feel like in the midst of this shift from one state of commitment to another, there might be some dilemma and conflict. But darling, I do see that you are asked to not be afraid of this conflict but to face them directly. Be truthful but be loving with your partner as well. I feel like through this conflict, or whatever that is coming in between the both of you, you would start to see new things and new perspective that you’ve not seen before. And for those who are in a separation with your partner, I do see big, happy changes on its way for this connection, and that is only if you want this reconciliation to take place. Remember, you are in power and if you don’t want this reconciliation, do take yourself into consideration and say no. But for those who want this reconciliation, I do feel that it is important for you to be truthful to not only your partner but yourself, as to why this ending would take place. Only then, can you both welcome this new beginning!
Career and Finances outlook for June 2021:
I feel like for this month, your hard work will be paying off and for those who are waiting to hear good news in regards to your job, it is coming! This can come in the form of a pay raise, a new job offer, a promotion and I do see travel involved in regards to this job for some of you. I feel like this is something that you’ve been waiting to hear as well and darling, I just see you feeling very completed within your career and finances. So, I feel like if things are not going smoothly for you in regards to your career, you are asked to continue working hard. Your effort will be paying off and big, happy changes are definitely on its way. I feel like for some of you, this is not going to happen immediately for this month, but it’s going to take a few months (especially during the next Virgo – Libra season) but this is going to be so worth it for you. So please, don’t give up now, darling!
Pile 3
The Wild Offering: ENJOYMENT – Striving and pushing makes life into endless hard work. The more you’re inviting Love to take over, the more enjoyment comes. Allow me to enjoy this life, dear Lord!
Psychic Tarot for the Heart: CONTROL – Strength
Astrological: SOL
Lovers Oracle: TIME – You are trying too hard. Give it time.
Tiny Tarot: The Empress, Death, The Lovers
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General outlook for June 2021:
I feel like for this month, you are asked to heal. Heal from your past wounds, past traumas, past hurts. I feel like a very strong message for you for this month is to “take a break”. Please take a break, darling, and please know that you deserve this break. I feel like with both the Star and the 4 of Swords, these 2 cards speak of inaction. To me, I see the Star as you taking a step back, retreating into the back scene and simply healing. And that’s what the 4 of Swords is all about, rest. I feel like you’ve been working too hard to want to fulfil something in your life, and you need to give it some time for this to come into fruition. So, why not take a break while the Universe works things in your favour. It’s time for you to enjoy life, darling. And honestly, I feel like this takes a lot of courage and strength to even try to take a break. In our current society, I feel like people might judge you for simply not doing anything but really, that’s all they see on the surface. Do they see the shadow work that you’re doing behind the scenes, or you simply trying to piece yourself back together after being torn apart repeatedly while trying to achieve your goals? No, they don’t. And you might feel fearful to even stop because you are afraid that you would be left behind. But darling, your goals are different from their goals. Everyone has a different set of goals that they have to achieve, so why do you want to be the same as others. Please, take a break and learn to enjoy life. Spend some time with your family, friends, your significant other and even your children or your pets. You need to take a break before you can move on to the next stage of your life.
Love outlook for June 2021:
For my singles, I feel like there has been something that you are holding on very tightly to. And this can refer to something that has already ended but you refused to let it go. Or this can also refer to something that you know should end but you just refused to move on. Whatever it is, this ending has to happen and this ending will happen whether you like it or not. But one thing about endings is that, endings can only bring about new beginnings and that is something that I like about Death. Honestly, I feel like this card when presented itself, is here to serve as a reminder that there are some things that we are holding on too tightly and that it’s causing a lot of decay and destruction in our lives. And darling, I feel like only by accepting this ending, can you then bring about a new beginning. And this new beginning will come. For those who are single (and not dealing with anyone), I feel like as soon as you let these past hurts go, as soon as you gain that strength and courage to move on from your past, this new person will come in and they will come in fast. I feel like it’s going to catch you by surprise, but it will be a pleasant surprise. And in fact, I feel like this new person could be a strong soulmate connection as well. As for those who are single (and dealing with someone), I feel like this can really go both ways – either this connection ends and a new person comes in, or as you start to put in the work on yourself, you welcome a new beginning within this connection. And this really depends on how things play out between the both of you within the month. But I do see promising beginnings coming in for all my singles out there over the next few months.
For those in a relationship, I feel like you have been holding on too tightly to something. This can be a past mistake, or a past hurt. I feel like some things were not addressed clearly and it has created this burden within you (or your partner, take as it resonates). And I feel like as time passes by, this feeling only accumulates further and it’s weighing heavily on your (or your person’s) mind. I do see that you are asked to let things go, but do things slowly. It’s not going to happen overnight. Because unlike the Tower, while Death brings about sudden endings, these endings don’t happen overnight. This kinds of ties in with the idea that due to these accumulations of heavy emotions, things are slowly decaying within this connection. But let go of these heavy feelings (if it’s you) and if it’s your partner, try to talk things out with them, truthfully but lovingly. I feel like you are asked to make a decision within this month and it’s going to take a lot of strength and courage to make this decision but trust that your angels are there to protect you. So, if things really need to end between the both of you, make that decision based on what your heart wants. Your heart space will feel so much freer as time goes by. Open up your heart space and be truthful to yourself, darling!
Career and Finances outlook for June 2021:
I feel like in regards to your career and finances, a wish fulfilment is definitely on its way and I feel like this is something that you’ve been wishing for. Or in fact, you have been working on it, and this reward is coming in, in the sense of a wish fulfilment for some of you. I feel like work connections are pretty significant for you this month and in fact, for some of you, I’m getting the message that you need to balance out your work and your romantic relationships well for this month. So, maybe that is the decision that you have to make in regards to your career and romance for this month. As for others, I feel like this month, you might be seen greatly under the spotlight and this will help to bring in more opportunities for you to expand your business (for those with your own businesses) or to simply upgrade yourself within your field. I feel like opportunities are going to come in for you but it’s really up to you to reach out and to catch these opportunities. One message that I’m getting is also to be careful for what you wish for. Things may have been working out in your favour and it might seem too good to be true, but that is only because you’ve put in the hard work previously and the Universe is rewarding you for them now. So, it’s going to require hard work on your end to achieve your goals and not to simply just wish for them to come true!
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beautifulduckweed · 3 years
Paladin's Blade
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Happy Yuletide author reveal day! (I guess there's another occasion of significance today?) I wrote two things for Yuletide: one was a completely sane and tremendously fluffy Jackdaw fic, which was a joy to write, behaved beautifully, and only derailed me a little bit by insisting that it needed kittens.
I'm not here to talk about that.
Oh no. I'm here to talk about me making good on my threat to write a Will Darling/Saint of Steel crossover, which I did as a Yuletide Madness treat: Paladin's Blade.
Will Darling is a paladin for the Saint of Steel. He runs an antiquarian bookstore, but he also lowkey kinda hates books because Reasons.
Kim Secretan is a haunted knife. He high-key hates being trapped in a knife and being bound to eternal servitude, but it's better than the alternative, also because Reasons.
What could possibly go wrong when a berserker paladin who's lost his god and an actual honest-to-God sexy knife with so very, very many secrets get together?
Will doesn't get to stab anyone using Kim...yet; this is only the first chapter, after all. An excerpt, from when Will pulls Kim's knife out of his sheath (ah, the endless innuendo possibilities of this fic) and manifests him:
“Hullo. You’re not who I expected to see.” The voice was cultured, beautifully modulated, and it came from the slim, dark-haired man standing right next to Will. Will started and slashed at the man unthinkingly; the man grabbed his wrist. “Quite rude to try and stab me with myself.” Will tried to pull free, but the grip did not budge. The man continued, in a contemplative voice: “Truth to tell, I don’t know what would happen if you did successfully stab me with myself. I propose we never find out.”
I would like point out that this is definitely @s-leary's fault.
Anyway, Happy New Year, I have somehow acquired yet another unhinged project, everything is normal here, will be updating both Captive Goose and hot sauerkraut wrestling over the next few days, this is a totally sane and standard sentence for a person to write.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
“Excellent!” the manager rumbled after a final glance at her references. He was clearly making an effort to keep his voice down, but this guy was probably the biggest man Charlie had ever seen and he had a voice to match. He seemed to like her though, which was all that mattered right now. “If it is agreeable to you, you could start next week! Just as soon as we have the proper checks and paperwork in order.”
“I can’t wait, Sir,” she grinned. There had not been a single job interview that she had gotten through this easily. And for a position as front of house manager. It did feel slightly like bluffing, saying she knew how to handle all that. But this hotel, no matter how fancy it was, was way smaller than her previous hotel. She very much doubted she’d be any busier. It’d just be more responsibility. And better pay.
“Excellent, excellent,” he said again, leafing through his various papers with his huge hands. “Yes, and I think we have gone through all the questions.”
Charlie smiled politely. He had had a lot of very peculiar questions. Well, perhaps wanting to know about people’s allergies wasn’t very weird. But she wasn’t kitchen staff, so why would it matter if she was allergic to grapes or pomegranates? Anyway, she wasn’t. Nor did she have a problem with dogs or birds and neither did she have hay fever.
“If you don’t mind, I so just have one question of my own,” she said.
“But of course!” the manager said. Charlie wished she could remember his name, but it had been very long and he had only said it once.
“It said in the job listing that the hotel caters exclusively to Olympians,” she said cautiously. “Just out of curiosity, I was not aware there were so many training facilities nearby?”
The manager looked at her in surprise. “Training facilities?”
“Yes, if you are running this hotel specifically for Olympic athletes, there must be a demand for it.”
To Charlie’s surprise the manager stared at her with visible distress. She sincerely hoped that she was not the first person to suggest to him that his business model was a little niche. Because if not, this place would be belly-up in a week. But did he not mention it has been here for a while now?
“Not athletes,” he said finally. “Gods, miss.”
Charlie did her best to keep her expression neutral. Sports fans. “Yes,” she said. “I’m sure they are very impressive. Well, I’m excited to cater to them!” Perhaps this place was some sort of pet project by some ridiculous rich person. Well, as long as she got paid she didn’t care.
“No, miss!” the manager exclaimed. “I do fear you don’t understand. This hotel is not for athletes. Our guests are the deities and demigods of the old Hellenic world.”
This time Charlie stared at him. The deities and demigods of the... “So this is an experience hotel,” she said, slowly. Yes that had to be it. “With LARPing for the guests.”
The manager’s eyes went as glassy as Charlie was sure hers had done at the word ‘Hellenic’. “Miss Charlie,” he said weakly. “I…”
Right at that moment there was a sudden noise outside. It was a rattling, cracking noise and while something about it sounded instantly familiar Charlie had no idea what it was. She looked at the manager in alarm and he cleared his throat.
“Yes, ah, you see…” He gestured helplessly to the window behind him.
Charlie, her mind strangely blank, got to her feet and walked towards it, just as the noise came to a halt. She looked out the window and froze. Then, after a good while, she turned around to face her future manager and said: “I see.”
What she had as a matter of fact seen, outside at the entrance of the hotel just now, had been several guests arriving in three strange little open carriages drawn by – in that exact order – one white and three black horses, two peacocks, and six golden antlered deer. She had looked at them a good long while too, but they had not disappeared. So that was that. Apparently.
The manager met her eyes with the unmistakable expression of a hotelier desperately in need of new staff. “The worship of our old Gods has started to grow again, of late, you see,” he said, sounding rather pleading. “But there are no temples anymore for them to safely manifest on earth. If they wish to make an appearance in person…Hotel Olympus is there to provide.”
Charlie listened to him in silence, a slight buzz of static in her ears coming from the place where her own thoughts usually were. Outside she could just hear someone going: “Woah there! Mind your hooves, darling! There’s a good deer. Aren’t you all beauties.” Well.
“Miss Charlie?”
She lifted her head. “Overtime is compensated by equivalent paid leave or 120 percent pay, isn’t it?”
“Then I can start next week.”
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland|4
chapter 4: the scene
enemies to lovers au/enemies with benefits
story summary: Tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. However, you happened to be best friends with the twins. When one of your friends challenged you to break Tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. Old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies.
chapter summary: you and Tom get... nicer. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: smut (if you don’t wanna read it skip the *), swearing, mentions of sex, alcohol mention, didn’t proof read
word count: 4.9k
here’s a playlist
previous chapter next chapter series masterlist wanna be tagged? 
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We’ve all made mistakes. It’s a part of life. It’s on us if we learn from them or not. Making the same mistake twice makes you a fool, but making it for the third time and doing it worse, makes you wise. No, it doesn’t. It really doesn’t. Because life isn’t a movie, you can’t skip a scene. 
But everyone conspired on making everyone believe life would be like the movies. You knew better. You knew that your life wouldn’t have something out of the ordinary. 
And you didn’t believe in movies that made the whole big act, you loved movies which pictured life as it is. Of course, we can’t get rid of the whole happily ever after and the good guy wins, dreams come true. But, the whole story can’t be a fairytale, it had to have some drama, it couldn’t be perfect, because life..it truly wasn’t. 
You had a lot of trouble with the script you were about to write, not only because it involved pulling stunts you’d certainly not like doing, but because it wasn’t the kind of scripts you liked to write. Because you knew that your boss wanted a story that would sell, and you didn’t like writing those. They felt… plain. 
You believed in feelings and in poetic cinema, if one must call it some way. You believed in rough action and transmitting something, on making life a little bit better, but true. You loved writing feelings and the thoughts and the way we tend to speak when we're alone, the roughness of thoughtful and quiet minds, life as hard as it was. Not writing about some stupid tv series about getting revenge on your childhood enemy. Because even though this was life, it was more than that. 
It was deeper and so beyond the crap you were pulling. 
It wasn’t something you’d watch. Especially, because for you, there were too many love songs, too many romance movies, too many of them. The world doesn’t need one more, did it? It was getting tiring the same old story. There wasn’t one that made you feel something. What was so special about romantic movies? You never truly liked them, maybe it was due to your early heartbreak but you never invested your life on romance. It felt… plain. Like a scene with no action. 
How would you write something that probably didn’t exist? Not that you didn’t believe in love, but romance per se. You didn’t like the idea of giving false hope. 
But movies, they gave false hope. Of the guy who’d stop your wedding, or the summer love or whatever crap they’ve manifested so recklessly now. It was stupid. 
Sure dreams aren’t crap, and there are moments in life which you’d love to picture forever. There was something about life being captured in camera that made it so… magical. Maybe that’s why you’d obsessed on the videos that you’d recorded throughout your childhood and teenage years. You had a sort of project with them, one you’d kept to your heart. The script you actually wanted to write, about a girl and a dream and how life maybe keeps pulling her down. And that maybe she stopped one day and wondered if this was the life she was supposed to live. 
An Oscar worthy script, that’s what you’d love to write. Not some stupid tv series that’d probably star some standup comedian that would be popping at the moment and Britain’s latest sweetheart. 
You didn’t want to write it.
Besides, you weren’t sure  how exactly you’d write what was probably going to happen. Because you knew what was going to happen. You wouldn’t have this on camera, though. 
The driver was rushing  to get you to your location, and you weren’t sure why you hadn’t stopped either yourself or Tom from doing this. 
This was the sort of mistakes that happen in movies that lead to the perfect romantic spot. But this was your life and you were sure that this would only lead to more trouble than you already had with him. But gosh, why was he so good at this? His lips were like poison, but you had to keep on tasting and tasting. 
This could be… poetic cinema. 
His fingers were roaming around your skin as he tried to deepen the kiss, his tongue finding a way into your mouth. You pulled away, this was inappropriate, and you could clearly sense it by the way the driver was trying to go faster. 
Tom frowned and you discreetly motioned to the driver, but that didn’t keep Tom away. His hand on your waist was fidgeting as he cleared his throat. 
The ride went quiet, too quiet for your own convenience. Except for the music the driver was playing in the background. Your heart beat was about to pop out of your chest, but eventually you arrived at Tom’s place. 
“Or should we go to your…?” He asked but you quickly jumped off the car. Tom quickly followed you and rushed to the door. He searched for his keys but you had already placed your lips back on his, you felt in such a rush, unsure why. 
He weakened against your touch as he then pushed you against the door, he finally found the keys and opened it, you both, between sloppy kisses walked in. Your hands were going under his shirt and he pulled away. 
“We can’t make any noise,” he whispered as your lips landed on the very welcoming spot on his collarbone.
“Shut up, then,” you ordered as his hands landed on your ass, feeling it up. His fingers then travelled up your sides. 
He slammed you against the wall, taking you by surprise but he smirked. “In no way are you taking control of this,” he warned as he sucked on that sweet spot on your neck. 
“We’ll see,” you sentenced as you walked your fingers down his chest, down to his pants as you unbuckled him, but then your fingers stayed on his abs, as they traced them up, making him shiver as he was too busy moving down to your cleavage. 
You pushed him away to finally rip off his shirt and he pushed you right back to the wall, as he unzipped you, his hand cupped your heat. You let out a moan but he quickly silenced you by pushing his lips back to yours.
“So wet for me, darling?” He smudged between kisses, as he started to grind against you, you felt a bulge growing up and pushing you up. He was the one to groan this time. 
“I’m gonna fuck you,” he stated as he pulled your legs up to his waist. 
“That’s the least you could do,” you snapped. And he took it as an invitation for his hand to go past your pants, feeling your folds through the underwear. You closed your eyes with pleasure as his fingers gently circled your core through the fabric, but then he pulled his hand back up as he saw you liking more than he wanted to
You started to unbutton him but he stopped your hands. This was the alcohol doing its job, but also you had really felt the need to do this, without feeling anything for anyone. Somehow your friends had been right, this was exactly what you needed a perfect rebound.
“To my room,” he warned as he picked you off the ground and between pushing you against the walls and trying no to fall, you both finally made it. 
He slammed his door shut and then let you down, but you changed it up, pushing him against the bed. He sat on the edge as he pulled you close to him, he finally got rid of your shirt as his lips then connected to your chest. You sat on top of him, and grinded against him. He moaned, but you covered his mouth knowing damn well his brother and Harrison were next door. 
“Easy, Holland.” You grinned as you pushed his arms down to the bed, he looked at you with surprise but then a smug smirk traced on his lips. 
“This seems oddly familiar,” he recalled, laughing. “Seems like all those years wrestling were of use.” 
He unhooked your bra as he then admired them, he didn’t hesitate on bringing his lips to them.
His tongue swirled around your nipples. You bit your lip trying to stop yourself from making any noise as you pushed him back down, you finally unzipped him and pushed down his pants, his hard cock trying to burst out of his boxers. You crawled back up to meet his lips, your hand palming his length. 
“All that for me? I thought you hated me,” you grinned cockily, as you kissed down your way down to his abs, but then you kissed your way back up. You teased him, as you felt his cock growing. You say on top of it, legs opened and chuckled as you moved your hips around just a little, his hands practically cementing into your body as he also tried to move you as he pleased to. 
“Fuck, y/n,” he half moaned half whispered. But you went back down to the edge of his boxers as your fingers brushed against his length, as his body . But you were only teasing him, somehow seeing him tense and suffering had you on your edge. 
“Are you going to do something or not?” He snapped, and you laughed to yourself. 
“No,” you smirked as you traveled back to suck on his collarbone, grinding against him. 
“Fuck,” he cursed as he took you by your arms and pushed you into the bed. It was his time to pull down your pants, as his hands caressed your half naked body, bristling your skin with each touch. He kissed behind your ear and then turned your face to face him. 
You thrashed your hips against his, trying to get some friction to the growing need in yours, it seemed like he had needs of his own to be covered. But even as his lips crawled down from your lips to your chest down to your belly, you knew you weren’t going to get what you wanted. You squirmed against his touch, his lips leaving wet spots as he was trying caving his way down. He was just an inch from your sex as he kissed your thighs, his warm breath vibrating against your heat, he smirked as he placed a single kiss on top of your underwear. 
“Tom,” you breathed out, but he only brushed his lips against it, as if he was punishing you for what you’d done earlier. “You’re a prick.” 
���I know.” 
He climbed back up as his fingers brushed your underwear again, pulling it down slowly. His index gently bristled your folds as you let out a soft moan. Your hands arrived back on his ass as you kneaded them, just as his own hand played with your breasts. 
You finally pulled down his boxer and his cock sprung out, already dripping. He brushed it again your swollen clit and you had to catch your breath. 
“Keep it down,” he warned again. 
“Or what, asshole?” You grinned as your fingered traveled down to hold his pulsating bulge, he rolled his eyes back and then gasped out of surprise. 
But he pushed your arms to the bed, as you looked into his eyes, filled with lust and excitement. 
“No touching,” he ordered as you plucked into the duvet, gripping tight as his own fingers slid through your folds, as his thumb rubbed circles on your core. 
You convulsed with pleasure as he then tried to positioned himself in between your legs. He searched in his nightstand and reached out for the condom, ripping it open with his teeth. 
You saw his hard and big cock sprung out as he wrapped it around. He smirked. You couldn’t have expected it even if being warned as soon as he filled you up, you let out a moan. 
“Shut up, idiot,” he reminded you as he adjusted himself. “So tight,” he whispered as he started to thrust upon you, slowly at first then getting a steady rhythm than had you pulling on the blankets. You bit your lip to resist you from moaning, and Tom was trying to shut himself too as he was slamming against you. Your hands found their way into his har and you clawed his back. He cursed against you, but his lips found their way back to yours. His fingers trailed down back to your core as he was circling it, just like you needed him to. 
You cursed under your breath, as you rocked your own hips up. He rolled back his eyes as he let out a moan. 
“You shut up,” you said this time with a smirk, as he pulled you up, sitting the two of you up, helping you out to maneuver more. 
“Fuck, I hate you so much,” he stated. 
“Hate me harder, then,” you snapped. You rocked your hips in circles trying to find the perfect spot as he jumped up and down, his head falling back down with pleasure, as his hands explored around your body. 
“I’m gonna--” He announced as you nodded. Sweat dripping down the both of your bodies. 
“Me too,” you whispered as you felt your orgasm building up in your stomach, your thighs trying to close as he kept opening you back up. He laid you  back down as he tried to keep up his pace but you saw him squirming, as your own toes curled and you had to keep the grip on the duvets as you reached your high, panting slowly as he finally came undone, and pulled out of you to catch his breath.
You rubbed your face as you were panting softly. 
That had… been a scene. Maybe not as poetic as you thought it would go, but it was rough. 
“We fucked up, didn’t we?” You managed to say in between breaths. 
He grinned. “I… don’t think we did.” He admitted as he faced you. “That was amazing.” 
“It was okay,” you stated, with a smirk, knowing it’d pinch his pride. 
“What?” He frowned. 
You laughed. “I’m kidding… it was…” You bit your lip. “It was great.” 
“Try fucking great,” he corrected you. “We made a good team for once.” 
You shrugged. “You said it, all those years wrestling.” 
“Man, why did Timmy leave you? That was… something else” 
“Are you really going there?” You rolled your eyes. 
He laughed. “Right, sorry, I forgot about your shitty personality.” 
“And you’re one to speak,” you flicked his shoulder. 
“I’m England’s sweetheart,” he smirked. “The whole world is in love with me.” 
“The whole world is stupid,” you stated. 
He paused and then chuckled to himself, it felt silent, and you felt your stomach falling down. He stared at you, and for a moment, it felt different as if he had paused to admire you, and you did to, looking at the sweat that sensually brightened up his face and as his chest puffed up and down, it felt… Different, not like you were just seconds ago, it had  changed it all to this, not the rush, not the heat, it was… Silent. He puckered his lips as he then proceeded to caress them, you raised your brows but then pushed his hair away from his face. He kissed you again, it felt different as he wrapped himself around you. As if he was trying to state something with the kiss. As if he was asking to slow it down, and… you did. 
You woke up later, it was early, the moonlight was still striking through the room, you curled up to the soft and warm duvet that surrounded you, your bare skin made you feel uncomfortable, but you were… pleased. You tried to shift but his arm fell around you, he pulled you close to him. And then you turned around to look at him. You felt your skin bristle with cold. You ran a hand through his hair, still curled from the sweat. 
You despised him. 
Even if the moon was dancing over his skin and his eyes were calm enough and his lips just parted perfectly, you were sure of it, you didn’t like him. Specially because you’d felt used, no matter how good it had felt, it only made your hatred grow. Because you knew how it’d go in the morning, with him probably telling his friend and brother that you had begged him to sleep with you, even if he had been the one to start it. 
And you hated him because he had made you feel so good, it had felt great, there had been barely any inhibitions. And… no feelings. It was weird. It had been what you’d probably asked from yourself all this years, selfless meaningless sex. Casual, and… It probably wouldn’t ruin anything.
That’s what made it worse. This wouldn’t be acknowledged in just a few hours. 
You closed your eyes again to find some sleep, as he pulled you even closer. Which made you… feel different. He probably was doing this subconsciously and you didn’t need to address it. But if you were honest, you’d been so touch starved since your break up that you had missed this more than the sex. An arm around you and someone to curl up to. 
This… this was too intimate and you weren’t sure if you liked it was with Tom, out of everyone, with Tom. But you couldn’t help but feel nice with his bare skin against yours. 
Eventually you fell back asleep. 
You woke up later again, the foggy light coming from the window, as you stretched out to find no one by your side. You felt a jolt in your stomach as you saw your clothes perfectly folded on the edge of the bed. 
You didn’t want to walk out of the room, and you didn’t want to face anyone. Not Harrison, not Harry, although you’d been quiet, you were kind of sure the bed had made noise of its own. 
You didn’t regret it, though. Somehow, you didn’t regret it, but you didn’t want to address it. 
You dressed up and then, quietly made your way down. You almost had a heart attack as you saw Tom in the kitchen. 
“What the fuck are you still doing here?” He asked. The sentence stayed in the air, as you stayed there, with your arms crossed. 
 He seemed confused as he stared at you. 
“I just woke up.” Your voice was just as harsh as his. 
“Well, you’re up. Go.” He snapped again as he was looking behind you. 
“I literally just woke up, Tom,” you rolled your eyes taking out your phone. “I’ll—get myself a cab and then we’re good.” 
“I’m—no, sorry, I’m sorry,old habits, it’s cause...I think I saw Haz there. They can’t see you,” he explained, as he went to a softer spot on his voice. He gulped as he stared at you. He walked over and grabbed you by the hand as he pulled you to the end of the kitchen, cornering you against the counter. 
“I am not hiding, Tom.” 
“I—sorry, sorry… sorry,” he apologized, as his hands landed on your waist. Your brows picked up. “I just—don’t want them to know.” 
“You’d rather have them believe we hate each other?” You questioned. 
“I don’t have to pretend,” you stressed. “Nothing’s changed.” 
“Oh, I don’t like you either.” He smirked. “However, I think a lot has changed y/n,” he pointed out as he lifted your chin, his fingers sketching on your waist. He knew exactly what he was doing as his eyes were bathing you with his glance, going from your own sight to your lips. 
“We don’t have to do this,” you quickly sassed. “We can pretend it didn’t happen.” 
“But it did, y/n.” 
“You know it changed nothing right? I still despise you.” 
“Tell me more,” he smirked as his  lips bristled a sweet spot on your neck. 
“That’s not dirty talk,” you stated. 
He grinned. “Which makes it better, doesn’t it?” His lips were barely half an inch close to yours. “But we both know, they can’t find out about it,” he admitted and you felt his warm breath hitting your lips. 
Somehow that made it… fun. Keeping this a secret and having the adrenaline of trying not to be discovered awakened something in you. You closed the gap by pressing your lips fully to him, and you could taste coffee from them, a sweet but passionate kiss. 
“We were drunk,” you said in between kisses. 
“I’m not drunk right now,” he grinned as he cupped your face. “It was fun.” 
“I… really, Tom…” You looked away. “I don’t do that.” 
“You think I do?” 
You shrugged. “Well.” 
“I guess we both did it because we trust each other,” he admitted. “For better or for worse.” 
“Well, it can’t… Keep happening.” You gulped. 
“Why not?” He grinned as he placed a single kiss on your cheek. “It’s not like we’d catch feelings.” 
He was right, and that made you think of the first reason you’d done it. The bloody script you had to write. 
“But I’m going to work for you, it’d be unprofessional,” you said. “Besides, sleeping with the enemy?” 
Tom laughed. “I guess,” he sighed dramatically. “Well, it was fun.” 
You pushed him away. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m leaving.” 
“I was about to make you coffee,” he stopped you by your hand. 
You frowned. “Really?”
“No,” he smirked. “You really thought I’d get all domestic on you? Gee, y/n, thought you’d known better. Get the hell out of my house.” 
You grinned. “You’re such a sweetheart, aren’t you?” 
“Y/N?” And that voice had not been the one you expected. 
“Harry, hi,” you gulped. 
Harry looked confused, this had fucked it up. If he’d heard anything from what had happened. Tom stopped as he stared at you, you knew he was building up excuses as his brother watched you both. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked. “Are you… wearing the same…?” 
He seemed clueless, that was good. 
“Yeah, uh, last night y/n got pretty wasted so I offered her to stay here,” Tom cleared out his throat. 
“You did?” Harry raised his brows. 
“Yeah, yeah, he was drunk too, you know we’re nice to each other when we’re drunk,” you explained. But last night you’d been quite a bit nicer, hadn’t you? You wrinkled your nose. 
“Morning,” Harrison had chirped into the kitchen. “Oh, y/n didn’t see you…” He frowned as he looked between you and Tom. “Hello.” 
“Haz,” you smiled at him, trying to cover up your embarrassment. “What’s up?” 
“Eh, not much, just awful roommates I have,” he pointed out as he glared at Harry and Tom. “Uh, okay, I found this,” Haz said lifting up Tom’s t-shirt from last night, throwing it over at Tom, but then turning back to you.. 
Both Tom and you got flustered red as he caught it. 
 “Where did you sleep? Had I known I would’ve offered you my room,” Harry pushed.  
“I--I gave-I gave her my room, I slept on the couch, yeah, yeah, I slept on the couch,” Tom explained. 
“And the shirt?” Harrison frowned.
“I was drunk and since I slept on the couch… I took it off,” Tom quickly blurted out. 
“Yeah.” You nodded. “And he already kicked me out, so I’ll… see you later, Harry, Haz.”  
Harry frowned. “Of course not,” Harry said. “You’re staying for breakfast.” 
Tom sighed. “Then I’m not having breakfast with you.” 
“No one wants that,” you poisoned as he walked past you, but he dedicated you a wink as he left. 
“Piss off, y/n,” he chanted as he finally left, lifting his middle finger at you. 
“Fuck off, Tommy!” You sang back. “Have a shitty day!” 
Harry crossed his arms as he rolled his eyes. “Is that ever going to stop?” 
“No, not really,” you grinned. 
Harry headed to the coffee pot as he poured out a mug for you, you sat down on the counter as Harrison was very confused watching you. He pulled out his protein shake and started to prepare it. 
Harrison seemed suspicious. “Was anyone watching porn last night?” 
“What?” You laughed. 
“I heard...moans,” Haz said. “Could've been my imagination.” 
“Again with those dreams boo?” Harry teased. 
“I...I was,” you lied, nervously. Harry and Haz side eyed each other with a smirk. You rolled your eyes. “It wasn’t porn, I… Was helping out a friend with a scene.” 
That gave them less of an explanation. 
“He… is making a project, it’s… You know one of those films that has the unnecesary sex scene but it’s all poetic and shit?” You rolled your eyes. “He asked me if it had been unnecessary.” 
“Was it good?” Harry asked. 
“Very,” you said without thinking. “Bad. Very Bad. Very unnecessary.” 
Haz laughed. “Well, I heard it but then I went back to sleep, thought Tom had brought someone, but… Clearly,” he laughed as he stared at you. “I was very wrong.” 
Harrison finished shaking his protein. “Well, Imma head out, it was nice seeing you, y/n,” he grinned. 
“You too, Haz.” 
Harry ran a hand through his hair. “So, what’s the script gonna be about? Any idea?,” he said as he handed you a mug of hot coffee. 
“I...” You shrugged. “Dunno, I’m not as excited,” you admitted. “They probably want me to write something that sells.” 
“And have England’s new sweetheart to star it,” Harry rolled his eyes. “Right.” 
“But maybe I’ll go back to the other project you know?” 
“Memories one?” He asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah, so if you have any vids please... Send them my way, I need some inspiration.” 
He grinned. “For sure.” 
“I....y/n I’ve gotta be honest, I need to talk to you.” 
You felt guilt inside you, maybe he had heard you last night. “About what?” The coffee tasted bittersweet. 
“Tom,” Harry was serious. 
You almost spat the coffee.
“What about him?” You faked ignorance but you couldn’t ignore the tingle in your stomach. 
“You’re gonna be his assistant, y/n, and… I know he really can be an asshole to you,” he started. 
You loosened up as you took a deep breath. “Ah don’t worry, we… talked about that last night, we’ll… be okay, we can be….decent.” 
“But can you?” He questioned. 
“Well,” you clicked your tongue. “We’ll try, and besides... I...” 
“Did you go check his stuff last night?” 
You had checked him just fine, that you had. “I... we... didn’t, but I’ll ask him to send it over to me. Look, I’ll text him just now.” 
You picked out your phone and hovered through your contacts, Tom’s had a crap emoji right next to it. 
Y/n: Hey, send me your schedule, dipshit.  Tom: Hmm, I think I need something in return, love. 
You rolled your eyes as Harry watched you. “He’ll send it later,” you told him. 
Y/N: Not gonna happen.  Tom: I haven’t even asked you anything.  Y/N: No.  Tom: Tell me more.  Y/N: This isn’t sexting. Tom: Nice, and what are you wearing? Y/N: 🖕 Tom: Oh, already asking for a dick pic?  Tom: attachment Tom: 😉
You coughed as you felt your heart stopping, but it was only his schedule. You put your phone away and then watched Harry. 
“Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, perfect.” 
Harry sighed as he looked up. “There’s… there’s something else, I need to tell you.” 
You watched him as he paced around the kitchen, he seemed nervous, he really had something to tell you and you knew this wouldn’t go well. What was this all about? 
With Harry, it was always… Complicated. He was your best friend and you could trust him with anything in the world, but sometimes, you’d felt like there was always something in your friendship bothering him. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was so close to Tom and you couldn’t stand him, or maybe it revolved around the fact that Harry was one of the few people whom you’d actually worded it to: ‘I like him’, sure it had been a long time ago, and those feelings had never resurface but Harry knew it. Harry had seen you cry when Tom had made you cry. And Harry had been the one to show up at your house, uninvited to make you feel better after Tom had been an asshole to you. 
But what could Harry really do about it? It was his brother you were talking about, sure he could stop him, but he’d always have to choose Tom over you, because he was his damned brother. 
Would it bother him if he knew you’d slept with him? Probably. 
“I… I love Emma,” Harry started. 
That was certainly not where you thought the conversation would go. You grinned, knowingly. “I know, silly.” 
“I…” Harry closed his eyes. “I… really love her, okay, and… Everything else is just…” 
You raised your brows. “Well, that’s amazing, isn’t it?” 
“I..” Harry was shaking. “God, I thought saying this would be easier.” 
“Harry Holland, what are you tryna tell me?” You chuckled with confusion. 
He kept pacing through the room, trying to talk to himself. “I well, look, it’s complicated, and I’m telling you this first because you’re my best friend, alright? And I need you to tell me if I’m doing anything stupid, or… If whatever, I mean, I dunno, maybe it is very silly, but I feel that even after… After all these years when I thought I knew something, I well… Look, it’s… I haven’t even told Sam, and not Tom…” 
“What?” You tilted your head. 
Harry took a deep breath. “I think I’m going to ask her to marry me,” Harry finally blurted it out. 
Well, that was a scene.
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darlingdtarot · 4 years
🌕 2/27/2021 - Full Moon In Virgo & Horoscopes For All Signs🌕
 The Virgo Full Moon, where do we even begin? This is going to be an amazing time to take stock on what all is in your life. Where the New Moon is about setting new goals for yourself, the Full Moon is a wonderful way to reflect on what all has happened over the last month and how to be more in your own integrity. Are your current circumstances aligning with what you know is right for yourself and your Divine Purpose on this planet? This energy of rumination on what has transpired, and how this has either bettered your life, or made you a stronger individual, is almost palpable and you could very well be feeling it's effects days before the actual Full Moon itself.   
Some might be feeling a little emotionally charged and might feel as if it's easier to judge yourself a little too harshly as Virgos can be very detail oriented about themselves.  They can tend to be way too hard on their own projects, while being comforting and loving to other's. Show yourself and your dreams this same unconditional love and understanding that you would show others. Don't stoop to making self-deprecating jokes in the presence of others in the heat of the moment or setting the bar low on how you should be treated. Give yourself your dues – you deserve it for always pushing forward so courageously. No more cutting yourself into bite sized pieces to be more palatable for others. You are the spiciest, warmest, and most comforting cup of tea; but not everyone is a tea drinker. Some people enjoy coffee or hot chocolate and that's okay. Remember even though you might not be everyone's cup of tea, there are still a heck of a lot of tea drinkers out there in the world. Respect what sets you apart from others and what makes you different. These are things that others can't replicate even if they tried as they are unique to you. Embrace your uniqueness and authenticity with this Full Moon, and go into the month of March feeling empowered and strong.     
  Remember; this is a heavy time for everyone, so make sure that you're reaching out to those that you care about and seeing how they're faring with these newfound energies. They will be ecstatic that you took the time for them.  
Rituals that you can do during the Virgo Full Moon:     
Some of the best rituals to be doing for the Full Moon in Virgo are actually the most simple.  We are going to discuss a few of the different ways we can utilize the energy of the Full Moon. Take what you feel called to, and don't feel as though you have to accomplish everything on this list. We go over a few so there are many different ways for many different lifestyles. The most important thing to take away from this is to be kind towards yourself during this Full Moon, and not to be so hard on yourself. Give yourself credit where credit is due, and respect your boundaries! If you're tired, take a nap. If you're hungry, get something good to eat. Which speaking of; Eating better such as making yourself a home cooked meal is a wonderful way to honor yourself during the Virgo Full Moon. Work with your Clairgustance and allow yourself to go all out when cooking yourself something. This could even include eating a bit cleaner – more water, more vegetables, and more fruits. It sounds so simple, but it's a great ritual to take part in on the Virgo Full Moon. Learning new recipes and offering some of the food to your ancestors is also a wonderful way to not only honor yourself, but also your bloodline that has come before you. This energy will be transferred to your living relatives as well, protecting and providing to both you and your loved ones. Virgo also reminds us to take some time to honor our living friends and relatives with a cooked meal, too. Sometimes we get so comfortable with them being around, that we can take them for granted. Do or say something kind ; remember, “a kind word can keep someone warm for years.” On that same note, volunteering at local charities and rescues would be another incredible way of utilizing the momentum of good karma coming your way over the next moon cycle. Remember, Full Moons are about reflecting on what we have had over the last moon cycle, while honoring that we are stepping into a brand new space yet again.  
    Baking some breads would also be a wonderful way to honor the Full Moon and the harvest it has brought into your life over this last month. I would love to suggest a braided bread with 3 strands. Each strand of dough will represent something different ; One being in reference to all that has been brought into your life, One Strand being what you are Currently Thankful for, and the Last Strand is going to be what you want to manifest into your life over this next period. There are many yummy bread recipes online, might I also suggest Butterswim Biscuits, Sweet Bread, or Gluten Free Socca bread. (There are many great ways to turn a regular recipe into a Gluten Free one as well, I love to make my dog's cookies using Chickpea Flour as they have sensitivities to gluten.) On the subject of our pets/babies, this is a wonderful time to make them treats or snacks of their own! Honoring your Fur-baby (Or Scalebaby, Featherbaby, etc) is a wonderful way to also bring in this Full Moon.  
  Cleaning your space and getting things in order is going to be incredibly beneficial for you also. You'll feel recharged and more inspired when your space is cleaner. For some in particular getting up earlier in the morning and making your bed is going to make you feel more encouraged to do other things. Remember to give yourself a pat on the back for all that you do though. The Virgo Full Moon wants us to remind ourselves of all that we do on a daily basis. Just getting up in the morning and pushing forward is so commendable and brave – and both The Universe and I couldn't be prouder of you, Darling!  
Furthermore, this would be a wonderful time to work on getting into an exercise routine too. This doesn't have to be a super intensive workout session, but something that gets you going for the day and gets those endorphins going. Some are going to really do amazing with yoga, and this will bring you a more peaceful energy while you are practicing poses that provide mindful moments. Express yourself over all during this Moon Cycle, loved one.  
Horoscopes for Each Sign over the Full Moon in Virgo:  
         (Please make sure to check your Sun, Moon, Rising, and Venus Signs as they might resonate with your current energy)
Earth: 3 of Pentacles – Working with others is going to be amazing this month, Earth Signs! You're going to feel excited to cooperate and share ideas with those around you. This is going to bring in eye opening conversations and you're going to really appreciate bouncing ideas off of those around you and have their input. Teamwork truly does make the dream work this month, Earth Signs. There might also be someone who wants to extend you a job opportunity or maybe wants to go in on a business with you. For some this could be a friend that gets you a job interview at their place of work, and you're feeling grateful to know them. Others might just be finding it easier in general to get along with coworkers or peers – even those coworkers that aren't always the easiest to work with. This is going to have you feeling more open to fellowship and conversations with like-minded individuals. Make sure you're not hiding yourself away as these connections are going to be incredibly important to you later on in life. The Virgo Full Moon is bringing things in that are meant to stay for the long-term, so don't be scared to be vulnerable with these new people joining your energy space. For a few Earth signs, The Universe says “Don't judge a book by it's cover.” Give new individuals a chance to be a part of your life. You won't be disappointed – that's for sure.  
 Taurus: 7 of Wands – You're fighting for what you want, Taurus, and now is not the time to back down from what you truly desire! What you hope for is in the homestretch, which might be adding to the surmounting feeling of needing to finish things up. You might be wanting to tie up any loose ends, but those around you might be giving you a little bit of a hard time to do so. Some Taureans are discovering who is really in your corner and supportive of you this month, which is going to be both liberating and a bit frustrating at the same time. When someone tells you 'No', you're going to laugh in the face of danger and show them what you're really made of. No one quite accomplishes those goals like Taurus does, and it's time you show them who is really boss. Some might be deciding to pursue an entrepreneurship with a craft of hobby that you are incredibly skilled at. Spirit wants you to disregard any of the naysayers and keep striving forward towards those dreams. A select few Taurus might feel as if they have been taking one step forward and two steps back, but The Universe wants you to know that this was for a reason. “If we gave you all your abundance at once, what would there be to fight for?” is their message to you, Taurus. Don't stop believing!    
Virgo: The Star – Wow! You are feeling very hopeful with this Full Moon in your sign, Virgo! This energy is going to uplift you and make you feel excited to take action in many different areas of your life. No longer feeling stuck or stagnant, you're going to feel as if there is truly nothing holding you back or could get you down. You will be feeling very creative this month too. Some are going to be feeling hopeful in regards to business endeavors while others might be deciding to branch out in their hobbies. Now is a wonderful time to learn a new skill and to share your intelligence with others. Know that good fortune and incredible luck is coming your way. Some Virgos might be called to start writing as well, so if you have any ideas during this full moon phase be sure to write them down. Get out in nature too as it will inspire you, Virgo. You might be feeling called to sit near a small stream or take a long hike to clear your mind – and it will! This is going to be incredibly beneficial to you. Spirit keeps showing me that some Virgos need to clear their Solar Plexus Chakra, and loosen up their body – for some there is a need for a better posture as your neck and back have been aching. Take priority in yourself now, Virgo ; do your hair, sing in the shower, laugh loudly! The hardest part is now over. Now is the time for healing and honoring your space. You might have been carrying around stress for a while, but it will feel as if you've finally let out a breath you were holding in. Good for you, Virgo!  
Capricorn: The Magician – You're manifesting great things into your life, Capricorn! Have you been working with the Law of Attraction more? If yes, then your harvest is coming in a lot faster than you originally anticipated. If no, The Universe wants you to start working with the Law of Attraction and Affirmations as soon as possible as this will really help you in so many aspects of life, Capricorn. Saying Affirmations that confirm that you are That-Bitch™. Know that you are worthy of achieving all your dreams as you're not just a snack; You're the entire Buffet. The Universe also wants you to know that you have all the resources that you need in order to achieve your goals. Anything that you can dream of can be birthed into being – you are the creator of your world, and someone who knows how to get things done. Mixing both your Logical mind with your Intuitive mind will help balance out decisions you have to make. Some Capricorns are manifesting a call on their cellphone from an Air or Fire sign. This is working, and you can expect some kind of a call very soon as this person has genuinely been missing you. Stay optimistic and envision yourself doing good in every scenario you desire, Capricorn. This is the key to manifestation. Your high vibration is going to bring your fruition in sooner than you could even begin to imagine.
Air: The Hierophant -  Air Signs are being called to get back to basics and ground themselves. This could be through more mindful moments or actually meditating. Bringing a new plant into your space is a wonderful way to freshen things up and get some positive energy into your room. Someone might have recently gotten a succulent or have been planning on getting one – this is your sign to do so! With this plant offering some perspective you'll be able to take a hard look at your life in where you need to grow yourself. Some Air Signs are going to be receiving some sound advice from a Authoritative figure. This could be someone with a strong Paternal/Masculine Energy (Regardless of Gender), this means this person wants the best for you. They are protective, and want to offer you some words of wisdom on where to go next. Don't see this as the end all be all, but do take the moral from their story on whatever they're telling you as it might be incredibly important regarding where you're going in life. For some this is going to be a Grandfather, Father/Step-Father, or your Boss. Some might also be longing to follow tradition, perhaps getting connected with their heritage and culture. Some Air Signs are wanting to deepen a connection and having a stronger commitment. Stability is the name of the game right now, and something that is weighing you down a bit. Other Air Signs might be longing to have a promotion at work as well and step into your own position of Authority. As you already know, Air Sign, you are a natural born leader who is capable of doing so quite easily! You're going to be offered the chance to prove yourself worthy of what's next – either to a boss, the Universe, or someone shady. You've known your worth this whole time – it's about time they get on the same page. ;) One Air Sign in particular has been mulling over in their head if they are going to branch out into something new in regards to career. You're being asked to go towards what you know and are amazing at. This Air Sign in particular has dark hair with blonde highlights and beautiful eyes. You might want to start a Spiritual Youtube or Social Media account and Spirit is telling you to go for it as you truly have a gift for connecting with the Divine. Let nothing hold you back, Air Signs!    
Aquarius: Knight of Pentacles – You're really making sure to take your time with something, Aquarius. You're deciding to stay very practical and not to just dive in head first to something. You're choosing to be cautious with everything that you do. You're seeing every angle of a situation or reading all the fine print. It might feel a little meticulous, but it will be something you'll be glad you spent the extra time on. For some Aquarius, you might be focusing more on your material wealth and finances. Some are very excited about a job they have, but they're having to learn how to pace themselves better. There might be a lack of boundaries that you have had in the past when it has come to job situations, and you're learning how to work smarter – not harder. You're feeling determined to do a job well done though, and who better to call for the job than you, Aquarius? Others are in a relationship that they might be wanting to pump the breaks on a little. This isn't out of lack, but wanting to regroup and have a bit more of a 'Slow-Burning Romance'. You might be saying, if it's meant to be they will wait for me. It seems as if you want to get your ducks in a row first before you proclaim a commitment of forever as well. There might be a Aquarius in particular that wants to get back to basics as well. Go for it! 
 Libra: 3 of Swords – You might be feeling a little down in the dumps about something, Libra. What has been getting you down? Was there an ending of something? Are you grieving something that you miss from the past? For some you might be feeling nostalgic, but it pains you to have to think about it. The Universe wants you to honor the memories, but honor yourself first. When you feel overwhelmed, feel your emotions, but then spend time picking yourself up again. Taking care of yourself, having a nice meal, watching that new series on Netflix. For some Libra, the song “Had to Lose You to Love Me” by Selena Gomez is going to resonate. Look up this song or read the lyrics as I feel it could pertain to your situation. It's not always easy to have to move on from a situation, a person, or a relationship – but not everyone is meant to be in your space forever. Some are meant to just be lessons in your life. For some Libras there is going to be a Dark Night of the Soul that makes you really look at what you've been doing leading up to this point. I see this card as the Soul Growth card as well – each sword representing a different cycle in our life that we are going to experience. The Maiden, The Mother, and The Crone all have their different lessons and morals to learn. You might be having a Coming Of Age or 'A-Ha!' moment that ushers in a brand new energy with new opportunities and blessings around the corner.   
Gemini: King of Swords – Gemini, you're taking a logical approach to everything you're doing over the Virgo Full Moon. Some are taking a look at their obstacles or problems with a fine toothed comb – really seeing where they can improve or grow. This Full Moon is going to make you feel as if you are in your power and you're trusting yourself more. You might be focusing on your studies a lot more as well, and really putting your nose to the grind stone in order to make big waves. Even when trials or tribulations come your way over this period, you maneuver it with such ease that others are going to be shocked in this. You are going to see life as a beach with waves, and when a large one comes your way instead of panicking you're taking your surfboard out and riding this out. How incredible, Gemini! You're going to be focusing on yourself and the things you enjoy a little more as well, maybe not having as much time to just has conversations with anyone around you. You're being more discerning on how you spend your time or where your intention goes into. For some Gemini's you're going to be putting up better boundaries. There's a blue haired Gemini that is going to be stepping into their integrity and inner truth – this is going to bring new opportunities. For a blonde Gemini spirit is showing that you might be receiving a lot of signs and synchronicities through flowers. Make sure to look up the kind of flower you are seeing repeatedly in order to gain the full message. What an exciting time, Gemini!
Water: 4 Of Wands – Wow, Water Signs! That's all I can say right off the bat. Good things are coming your way – and fast. This could be in the form of stability, firm foundations, celebrations, homecomings, and inspiring thoughts. This is an amazing card as it shows people all together,  celebrating the beauty of life and love. You yourself might be invited to celebrations yourself – perhaps baby showers, weddings, or birthday parties. Of course a lot of these might be virtually as well, because of the pandemic, but it will still be a good way to get you out there. For some Water Signs, it might be Bittersweet as you are wanting these things to come into your life also. So while you might be genuinely happy for others, you might feel a bit left out or contemplative on how to bring this into your life. Don't stress it, Water Sign. It's coming into your life when you least expect it – and that's the beauty of it. To manifest something, the Law Of Attraction asks us to let go of what we truly desire to be in the moment. This will bring more chances of what you want entering when we don't hyper-focus on 'when' or 'how'. Let the Universe work it's magic! In the meantime, enjoy basking in the celebrations and connecting with those that you love! I'm hearing the song 'Bittersweet' by Panic! At the Disco, so this might be a sign for some Water Signs.    
Cancer: 9 of Swords - Are there worries on your mind that are keeping you up at night, Cancer? You haven't been sleeping very well, and this might be causing you to hyper-focus on or analyze the things that scare you. The Universe wants you to change the way you're seeing your situation in order to solve whatever this might be. Are you worried about someone in particular? Or are you missing a Passed Loved One? Are you worried about a Job position even? In the words of Newt Scamander, “Worrying is just Suffering twice.” Know that if this Job/Partner is meant to be yours, it will come your way no matter what. Get some good rest tonight and clear your mind. Know that you will also be able to think about it tomorrow when you start your day. To prepare for this, set your alarm 45 minutes earlier than usual to be able to think over everything that has been stressing you out. It will not only give you a quiet space to be alone with your thoughts, but also a dedicated time just to deciding what you're going to do going forward. Other Cancers feel as if something is on the horizon and just about to enter their life. This is causing you undue stress, because you might not be able to pinpoint what exactly it is. This makes you feel on edge and uncomfortable, but why not shift this energy to excited? Know that you are headed towards another new adventure, another new perspective, or another new connection. Be proud that you're going through another cycle in life! Some Cancers might be reminiscing on memories you spent with a passed loved one that you miss dearly. Your loved one(s) with you no matter what, in every walk of life, guiding you to something better. They want you to take care of yourself, and honor yourself too just as you honor them.  
Pisces:  2 of Pentacles – Do you feel as if you have been juggling for a while, Pisces? There might be two different energies that are calling you in different directions. Some are struggling to divide their time between their loved ones and their studies or work. With all of this trying to be in many different places at once, you might be feeling a little unbalanced. Grounding yourself will do wonders over the Full Moon in Virgo. Some Pisces might be feeling a little drained. Spirit is showing me someone who feels as if they have ran an entire marathon – exhausted, sweating, but feeling excited for all the progress they've made. Victory theirs as they know their hard work wasn't in vain. Know that yours wouldn't have been in vain either Pisces. With this constant pushing forward or juggling you may feel pulled between what you want to do versus what those in your energy expect or desire you to do. You might feel as if something is going to have to give sooner or later. You're highly underestimating your phenomenal juggling skills though, Pisces dear. You have all the resources to get through this period of trials and tribulations. Others are trying to find balance between their logical mind and their emotions. Some Pisces have noticed that in the past they would over-react with others, but now they're realizing this came from a place of needing healing. You're pulling your energy back and honoring yourself more over this Full Moon – which is fantastic! You're more mindful about where you're putting your intentions – and this is going to bring a lot more happiness your way.    
Scorpio: 3 of Cups – Your friends are thinking about you, Scorpio! Have you been wanting to spend more time with them? Or to get away from such serious, stagnant energy towards more productive and lighthearted fun? That's totally fine! Spirit is telling you to go for it now! Allow yourself to reach out to those that you care about; they're going to be extremely excited to hear from you. You might be wanting to hang out more with family members too during this time, perhaps wanting to play board games or have more family nights. Other's might be craving to have a drink with their longtime buddy. (Remember to be mindful with the pandemic, of course) This could be someone that you haven't talked to in a long time and you're wanting to change that. Regardless of what you've been manifesting, people are wanting to connect with you just as much as you've been wanting to connect with them. It's looking like setting aside a whole day to livestream a movie with your group would be more conductive and beneficial right now than constant working – so make time to find joy in your day. Some Scorpios are going to benefit from hearing other people's point of view. For one Scorpio in particular you might have a friends group with two friends, one with blonde hair and the other with auburn (you yourself might have dark brown hair). Something exciting is going to enter into you guy's space. You might have an opportunity to safely travel to see one another, or have a chance to come together through online video calls.  
Fire: 2 of Cups – Fire Signs might be getting a deeper level of commitment! For some you might be going on a date with someone who makes you feel on top of the world. This person is supportive, kind, and they encourage you to do better in every aspect of your life. You both understand each other on a level that you've never experienced before, and it's both alluring and a bit terrifying at the same time. You two might be a lot like yin and yang. The Universe is highlighting for someone in specific “Sometimes Opposites Attract”. They are showing me a battery, and how there is a Negative and a Positive. You can't have one without the other, and this might be the same for you two's union. Let this love come in naturally. For Leo's especially there might be a solid offer of love headed your way. Fire Signs are also being asked to be flexible between Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energy – to be comfortable with switching between being nurturing to protective, or logical to emotional, without missing a beat. This is going to get you the most out of every situation you find yourself in, so make sure to go with the flow. Don't be scared to be vulnerable with people around you. There are so many people that value your thoughts and want to cherish you, Fire Signs, allow others to celebrate you during this time.  
Aries: Ace of Swords – Clarity is on the way fast, Aries! Have you been hoping for clarity in a situation with something or someone? Perhaps this is clarity on what you want to go towards or achieve during this next Moon Cycle. The Full Moon is going to make you reflective on where your energy has been going, and where you might have been overextending yourself. You're getting into the Driver's Seat and taking the wheel, which Spirit is very proud of! You're being asked to look at things logically right now when making decisions. For some Aries, you're deciding if you want to go back to school and pursue a different line of study. This could be something completely different than what you originally thought you would want to go towards, but it will be a better fit overall. You're going to decide to chase your intellectual endeavors in whatever means possible. This is going to inspire other people around you as well to do the same thing, and how amazing is that, that you are going to be making others strive ahead too? Some are deciding to finally cut energetic cords to people or places that no longer serve their highest good. You'll know when something isn't serving you, Aries. You're incredibly intuitive, and you know when to stay in something or when to disengage.    
Leo: Seven of Cups – Leo, you are going to have a lot of options coming in very soon, but this might leave you feeling a little confused. With all of these opportunities, you might be feeling as if you could potentially make the wrong decision. There is never any wrong decisions in life, Leo. As long as you believe in your goal and yourself, you will always be able to make the right choice for what is correct and aligns with your integrity. Some Leo's might be confused on what it is that they want to pursue going forward into the month of March. Spirit also wants to remind you, Leo, that choosing to not make a decision is still making a decision. So make it count where it matters most! Again, there is no wrong decision. If you decide not to act towards the opportunities coming your way, know that better ones will come. Others are finding a way to get away from self sabotaging tendencies, and are taking a realistic look towards their life. Spirit says, “Someone is dropping the Rose Colored Glasses, and Seeing things the way they Actually Are.” The Universe wants to remind you that when someone shows you their true colors – don't paint them to be something else. Someone better will come in, but right now the name of the game is combing out the tangles in your life with a fine-tooth comb. This might feel a little tedious, but the meticulousness will pay off – I promise, Leo.  
Sagittarius: Six of Wands – Victory is ahead, Sagittarius! Do you see it in the distance? It's a lot closer than you realize, and it might be a bit surprising. Some might be getting money for something that they put effort into a while ago, and it's finally paying off. Others might finally be receiving recognition at a job which will lead to promotion. Whatever these opportunities are, Sagittarius, one thing is for sure; it's finally coming full circle! For those that have been struggling, there will be relief and smooth sailing. Others are going to have a new mindset of 'Only Up From Here' – this is a perfect perspective to have, Sag! The Six of Wands also reminds us that whatever we set our mind to is definitely something that can be achieved. You will definitely be getting a lot of praise and recognition for all that you do though. Those around you are going to want to lift you up and honor you over the next few weeks. Are you ready for this? This recognition has been a long time coming, with some Sagittarius in the past feeling overlooked or overburdened, and it's something that you have been in the works manifesting in for yourself. There is an energy of not having to compromise your ideals or dreams in order to achieve amazing things either. Don't worry - Let the chips fall where they may, and know that a glorious outcome is yours, Sagittarius.
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I wanna hear abt ur ocs owo 👉👈🥺
AAAA omg bless u you’re a peach <3
I would love to tell you about my OCs I’m like Charlie It’salwayssunny over here I’ve got boxes full of OC stuff I’m just dying to talk about. I’ll put everything under a read more so anyone that’s not interested can just skip past here cause I’m about to get RAMBLY okay let me tell you about my beloveds
Okay so by far my favorite creative project right now is my novel that I’ve been planning on & off since January of 2019, the working title is Villainous, it’s like the most refined and likely to actually go somewhere of all my story ideas and I swear this thing holds my entire soul
The actual story is a play on the classic Career Woman RomCom setup except her name is ~Magnate~ and her big city career that never gives her time for love is ~Supervillain~
unfortunately I don’t have any art of her or any of the other characters yet because good super designs are difficult to nail down, but I’m working on it!
Anyway Magnate is amazing and a bit of an ass and I like her so much <3 She’s a big time supervillain that uses the high tech gadgets she creates for your standard robberies heists kidnapping the mayor the usual. Her parents were shitty white collar criminals that on top of being totally uninvolved in their daughter’s life embezzled from their numerous charity organizations, leading her to be suspicious of anyone that calls themselves a hero + giving her a whopping case of trust issues and a loose grasp on ethics, cuz hey, morality may be a ruse but the power and prestige sure aren’t. She's worked hard and climbed the ladder and made a name for herself as a kickass supervillain, and she plays cool and dramatic but underneath all the bravado she’s just an endearingly awkward nerd who wants a friend, which is where the next character comes in~
So for plot reasons Magnate joins up with another even more infamous supervillain to get a spot as his right hand woman in his plan for world domination, and she’s fine and everything’s business as usual until she’s told that she has to work with another person he’s recruited for her part of the plan to do biochemistry stuff synthesizing the compounds they need while she engineers the tech components, and so enters best boy Dr. Bodhi Bright who crashes into her carefully curated life and ruins everything in the nicest way :)
listen, I LOVE this guy he’s weird he’s a weirdo, just a chill funky lil dude with the most incomprehensible moral compass on Earth. Because of their job he and Magnate have to spend a lot of time together forcing Magnate to actually socialize for once beyond hurling quips at her nemesis, and right of the bat Bodhi completely throws her off her game vis a vis her supervillain image with just his whole deal. He’s this sweet polite guy who’ll talk about a death ray in the same casual tone as the minutiae of city parking, he’s new to the villainy thing and he just thinks Magnate is cool. Bodhi thinks he’s just good at reading people but he actually has minor latent empathic abilities which let him pick up on Magnate’s bravado and so he’s just...not intimidated by her at all. He completely circumvents the whole ‘big evil supervillain’ thing and just talks to her like they’re normal coworkers. And it’s not like they can just find somebody else to replace him so Magnate’s forced to respond and build an actual relationship and rapport with someone for the first time in ever. So they get closer and become actual friends, Bodhi starts calling her ‘Meg’ because Magnate kind of sounds like Margaret, and she lets him. Meg shows him the ropes of villainy, and just sort of learns to be a person again through working & developing this friendship with him, remembering what it’s like to be genuinely happy and excited about her everyday life and care about more than just her job, to open herself up to care about other people at all, and this is a romantic comedy so of course as the story progresses they fall in love and just—GAH I love their relationship so much they're so good for each other I could talk about them forever and I’m literally writing a book about it so like yeah they’re great. my darlings <3.
Here I’ve got some memes to give a better impression of their dynamic
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I've only really got one other important character left to talk about aside from Meg & Bodhi's boss (he's literally the worst & the major antagonist for the book that's all that needs going into for now otherwise this thing is just going to reach unwieldingly more rambly and specific heights) and she's the secondary antagonist, superhero extraordinaire and Meg's nemesis AmaZing (get it? like amazing? except it sounds like amazon? cuz she's a lady superhero—) in a shocking turn of events this woman is the best person out of any of the people here and also the most well adjusted, she is also a very interesting character to me and I could probably pull a whole other book out of her character if I wanted to. AmaZing’s real name is Zoe Amison, before she was a hero she was a professional ballerina with a kickboxing hobby that she used to keep in shape, her first night out I think she was just straight up dressed in her costume for Firebird or something. She has superhuman strength and agility, her powers manifest with these bursts of golden sparks and arcs of electricity which she can direct as a close range weapon, basically she’s very good at the big punchy aesthetics. She’s known as one of the best superheroes in terms of like who they are as people, she tries to help rehabilitate the supervillains she fights, including Magnate, even though most of them have none of it, any money she gets from her hero work she donates back to the community so she can contribute more than just punching muggers, and she does a lot of activism and charity events on the side. She makes most of the money she needs to eat and whatnot in the cornerstore she inherited that her family’s owned for generations, and she lives in the apartment above the store with her girlfriend because YES she’s a lesbian YES her girlfriend is trans YES they are disgustingly in love and YES they own a cat named Petal together. (Her girlfriend’s name is Callie (short for Calliope) she’s a nurse and patches Zoe up when she gets hurt on the job)
And there is so much more I could say about this thing but that’s about all I can muster right now in terms of like a basic overview of these characters. Thank you so much for this ask dude this was so fun to do!!
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Shadow Walk
Coming in FAST with that quality Lady Di x OC ONCE AGAIN~ The Reaper’s dark magic abilities are slowly starting to take shape, and it’s up to Alcina to teach her the ropes. I hope I explained how this ability works well enough... And yes, more soft Alcina ksksksk TW: abuse mention
Some headcanons: the daughters have different abilities, but that might change when the game comes out and we find out more. c: I’m also gonna assume dark magic is a thing in this game, since Daniela can do spooky dark magic stuff in the demo.
Viorica is the oldest daughter, and Aurelia is the youngest. Pointless, since they’re only mentioned in this story, but... still!
“Now, with any new ability, you have to practice it and hone it, my dear Reaper,” Alcina swirled a wine glass, finishing off the last of it. “Once you get this down, shadow walking is a powerful skill.”
“Makes sense, I wasn’t an all star tennis player after one day,” the Reaper finished off her own drink, a HarSha black tea with honey and blood. She rolled her shoulders back and tossed her leather jacket to the side to make things easier.
“How did it feel, the first time you walked into the shadows?” the castle’s mistress asked as she set her wine glass down, trying to pinpoint the issues to help her hound dog improve.
“Crushing, like I turned flat as paper and it was hard to breathe, so I panicked and clawed my way out,” the Reaper explained, shuddering at the memory.
“Not surprised, the first time in the shadow realm is always… terrifying. It’s exactly why I cleared out my entire day: to teach you how to better utilize shadow walking. The very first step is to relax. Loosen up. Take a breath before you step into the shadows and breathe in and out… in and out slowly and evenly,” Alcina advised. “The second step is do not be afraid. Don’t let the dark and fear get to you, my pet, because that’s a fast ticket to stay stuck in the shadow realm.”
“So… just relax and don’t get scared. Sounds easy enough.”
“But do not underestimate its difficulty. It’s far easier said than done, O Reaper Mine,” the lady of the castle strongly warned. “It’s far more dangerous shadow walking unprepared than it is to astral project prepared.”
“Typical dark magic stuff, everything has a risk when it comes to that,” and with that, the Reaper took a few breaths to psych herself up, slowly stepping into a nice little corner rife with darkness by the throne. She normally hid away in this spot, anyways, in case Alcina wanted her at the ready to dispose of someone who was being a bother.
“Just focus on entering and exiting for now, Reaper. Don’t let the branching paths within the shadow realm distract you,” the mutant vampiress nodded, watching her little hunter ease into things. “Hmm,” she poured herself another glass of wine as she watched. For now, she didn’t feel the need to take a stroll in the shadow realm with her, as the Reaper needed to get used to being alone in the shadow realm first.
“Okay, don’t get distracted…” the Reaper repeated to herself as she went in. The shadow realm was, as Alcina said, terrifying the first time. The shadow realm was full of a person’s darkest fears and most painful memories, which was why the gargantuan woman stressed the importance of keeping calm. “...Don’t…” she swallowed nervously as she saw the eerie specters of her birth family in the voidscape, all eyes on her as if casting judgment on her, “get distracted…” She remembered her mistress’s words and decided to dip out before the shadows would try to drag her in. She stepped back out into the mortal world, slashing her way out as she panted heavily, shaking off the dark tendrils that still clung onto her arms.
“Breathe, Reaper,” the vampiress reminded her hound dog, watching her take a breather as she sat down against a wall. Alcina stood up to give the Reaper some encouraging words. “Don’t be surprised if you fail many times. I have experienced it many times myself when I was learning,” she knelt down to her hunter’s level.
“...You? Failure?” the Reaper was surprised, to say the least. To her, Alcina Dimitrescu, the lady of the castle, was the epitome of grace and perfection. How could she have possibly failed at anything?
“Mother Miranda taught me all I needed to know when my own abilities started manifesting. If it makes you feel any better… I saw slayers in the void, doing unspeakable acts on the servants of the castle. My fears actually became even worse when my daughters went under my protection,” Alcina admitted. “It’s horrific, is it not, to see your constant fears being personified in the shadows? That paralyzing grip… you can’t let your fears win, Reaper. If you do, they’ll drag you away, never to be seen again. It’s a fate worse than death, my dear.”
“Wow… I didn’t think you feared anything,” the Reaper admitted. “...Makes my own feel stupid. I saw my birth family, judging me. I was scared because I saw Pop again… I was scared he’d try to hit me. I was scared Ma would try to manipulate me to go back home. And my little bro? Tch. Less said, the better.”
“Shhh, your pain isn’t lesser than mine just because you think it is. Slayers are a rare occurrence. You went through torture every day. Those are not the same, Reaper. Even my own childhood pains can’t be compared to yours.”
The Reaper reached out for Alcina’s hand and gently squeezed it, nodding a bit. “I know… it’s just hard for me to realize that. Just… gimme a minute and I’ll be ready to face my trauma and fears again, Lady Alcina.” She liked it when Alcina was soft, it was a rather rare side of the mistress only she, besides the sisters, got to see.
“Of course. It’s never easy the first few times. I don’t expect you to suddenly get over years of abuse the second time you enter the shadow realm,” the lady of the castle was understanding, or more lenient than she would usually be, at least.
The Reaper took a few breaths, trying to compose herself in a few minutes. “I’m kinda curious… do your daughters have similar abilities?”
“Not quite. Past their strength and speed, it seems like they have different powers. Aurelia, for example, doesn’t swarm into moths like Daniela can. She can shapeshift, though. Viorica is excellent at using magic compared to the other two, so she much prefers hands-off fighting,” Alcina explained.
Soon enough, the Reaper was ready for another round. “I got this. Those specters won’t get to me…” she relaxed as she went into the shadows again. Naturally, she was still a bit tense seeing those laughing phantoms, but she stood tall (well, as tall as could be for 4’9”). She turned tail only once the one depicting her father stepped forward, fist raised. “Sorry… it’s Pop. He’s the big hangup, it seems,” the Reaper sighed.
“You did say he gave you some of your scars… I’m not surprised. We’ll take it one day at a time, Reaper,” Alcina nodded. “Once you get past your little hurdle and get used to being alone in there, I will join you in the shadow realm to show you how to navigate. It can be… difficult, due to how fluid shadows can be.”
“I think I get what you mean, it all depends on the angle of light, and that can drastically change the shadow it casts.”
“...Exactly, my dear. It’s another reason traversing the shadow realm is more dangerous than the astral plane. Unless you have furniture that you never move, your starting point might not even be there when you get back, so you can’t rely on that. Just be ready to end up in a different spot in the castle when we do that,” Alcina gave her hunter a heads up.
For now, though, the Reaper needn’t worry. She just focused on getting used to the horrors of the voidscape, bit by bit every day. “Okay, I think I’m mostly okay now, Lady Alcina. Realizing that they’re only phantoms helped me out a lot… they can’t hurt me,” she confided after months of simple practice, just shifting between mortal plane and shadow realm.
“Good,” Alcina nodded in approval. “That will be your armor, my Reaper.”
“We just need a big enough shadow for you to walk into, but luckily… we got one right here, if you don’t mind bending down a bit,” the Reaper smacked the wall nearest to her. It was evening, so the sun cast some decent shadows on some of the objects. The petite hunter learned during her training that she needed a shadow big enough to enter (if she couldn’t get into it crawling, it was too small, she found), that she couldn’t go into shadows with many holes, and that she obviously couldn’t go into her own shadow.
“I wonder where we’ll end up tonight,” Alcina giggled charmingly as she took off her hat and set it down somewhere, which sent shivers down the Reaper’s spine.
Oooh, maybe it’ll be our room, the Reaper was flushed behind her bandana as she followed the countess into the shadow realm. Of course, with Alcina by her side, she wasn’t scared of these shadowy wisps tormenting her for who she loved, and with her at Alcina’s… the countess was reassured that slayers wouldn’t dare enter Castle Dimitrescu.
“Eyes up, my pet, the branching paths have subtle cues to clue you in where they lead you to. Blink and you’ll miss it,” Alcina patted her hunter’s head. She squinted, noting a vague blob resembling a table. “I believe… this one leads to the dining hall,” she led the Reaper through the twists and turns, and out they came, stepping out from next to a cabinet. “It can be dreadfully difficult to ascertain where the path will lead,” the mutant sighed. “I’m glad we didn’t pop up from underneath the table this time.”
“...It’s happened before?”
“...I don’t want to talk about it,” Alcina pursed her lips in embarrassment at that memory. Hell, even to this day, it still happened on occasion. “Now, let’s keep going in your training, my darling hunter. Just follow my lead, and you might get rewarded nicely~”
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-12-25
I’m not going to spend time BLOGGING an upd8 on Christmas morning!
...yes I am who the fuck am I kidding.  (Bonus stuff and Hiveswap are still well on hold though.)
So are we gonna follow up on the main ship?  Probably not, right, with that perfect Karkat point to cut away, right?  We’re just going to leave Roxy’s question hanging, as well as makeouts etiquette, and leave while having seen a COUPLE FRAMES of non-possessed canon Jade with only whatever fun fanart was inspired across the internet by the moment to tide us over????
Yeah, probably.
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Ugh, more Dirk.  I guess it’s overdue.  :(
> CHAPTER 16. Welcome to my Secret Lair
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Oh huh, I guess not?  So... Jane’s, or Rose and Kanaya’s?
Karkat stays for longer than John thought he would. They talk a bit, but mostly they are quiet. Eventually, Karkat gets called away on yet more important war business, leaving John with one final touch on the shoulder. John leans into it in response, though he’s a bit ashamed of chasing down a sliver of physical affection so soon after obliterating Karkat’s evening like he had.
Pretty much, yeah.  Can’t blame either of them.
When Karkat is finally gone, John still doesn’t move. It isn’t as though he has nowhere else to go, since there are quite a few places he might attempt to make himself useful, for better or for worse.
You’re still abandoning the task that was explicitly yours to protect your literal kid and his friends, but, oh well.  Low-point.  Dave dead, house dead, broke news, I get it.
He just doesn’t feel ready for that yet. The remnants of his house are still smoldering, and he can’t stop staring at them. It would make sense, he thinks, to want to root around through the rubble for anything that’s still intact; some half-charred keepsake to claim as the last thing left that’s still his. But he doesn’t want to do it, and he doesn’t want to think about it. And he still can’t move.
Can’t move.  No Breath huh?  What’s going to get him to, then?
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Oh boy, that might help.  XD  She’s pretty good at that.
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Still with the waistline gap.  And was his phone always yellow like his God-Tier shoes?
ROXY: hey john can u do me a quick solid ROXY: actly idk how quick itll be but its definitely solid ROXY: harry anderson says i just missed u being here but could u skip back on over?
Nice, huh!  No judgment, just a hey-any-chance-you-could-swing-back.  He sort of needs to be needed right now, in a simple, almost everyday non-judgmental way I guess.  (That’s what he NEEDED anyway-- whether he deserved it though is up for debate.)
ROXY: i need help w/smth and yr darling boy is holed up in his room working on some fuckin craft project or other and cant be bothered
ROXY: and now that me and u are freshly on speakin terms again i might as well take advantage of that olive branch and put u to work ROXY: assumin you havent died in an air raid, that is ROXY: which id also be interested in knowin about so if u wld be so kind as to reply instead of leavin me hangin
Heheheh.  Gosh Roxy is always the best.
JOHN: yea yea sorry im here. JOHN: i just had a hard time getting my phone out of these fucking tiny pants.
JOHN: and also my house is bombed out so i'm kinda grappling with that. JOHN: but i honestly am not sure how much longer i need to sit around staring at it. trying to align my memories of my youth with whatever is happening right now so JOHN: short version is no i’m not dead, and yeah i can come back over there and help you out. ROXY: oh sweet yr alive and down to do manual labor its a win/win JOHN: see you soon.
Yep!  Pulled away from all the metaphorical, ultra-meaningful bullshit, back to some brass tacks with some easy humor.  Definitely something Roxy can do well.~
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EXCUSE ME.  What is that outfit and pose.  Did you--
ROXY: sup ROXY: follow me ROXY: well were just going to my room so i guess technically u know the way JOHN: haha ok.
Did you invite him over for the manual labor of banging you while your son is sewing in the other room
Or maybe the labor is making him a new sibling.  JFC
Is this plan part of why we got the sudden content warning that was mocked or was that mainly for Hiveswap 
John follows, trying to shake the ominous feeling he got from what she’d just said. He’d been in and out of this house a lot in the past few days. Why should this be any different?
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Yea this seems like a fucc room.
JOHN: it’s not like i could forget! ROXY: ya i guess u only really saw the living room when you were here the other day but i have changed some stuff up ROXY: done a lil redecoratin here n there
So it’s MORE of a fucc room than previously >__>”
ROXY: may have to do a smidge more if my old bff decides im next on the list for bombing out ROXY: but so far so good
Ah geez.
ROXY: just a coupla exploded cars in the yard from some shenanigans our dear son and his friends were in but u kno it is what it is!!!
Well, that’ll buff out easy.
ROXY: can i get u anything? ROXY: just made some coffee JOHN: no, uh, i’m good.
Of course she has a fancy handled winecoffeeglass  (and the handle does look ridiculous but it’d be too hot to hold otherwise)
Roxy shrugs and swirls her own coffee around in her novelty mug. John looks around. A lot about the room is the same. The family photos, the rug. There’s a lot more cat stuff in there now, though. The bed is new. John feels like he’s about to take a test he hasn’t studied for. He makes himself focus on what she’s saying.
That would be the feeling.
> (==>)
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MY GOD.  Roxy is so fucking good at this holy shit
She KNOWS she’s making him squirm and she loves it
JOHN: so uh anyway. JOHN: what was this favor? ROXY: yo why dont u just come rest yr tush for a bit ROXY: take a lil relax next 2 me here JOHN: haha uh. JOHN: roxy i uh. JOHN: im flattered, but i don’t know if that’s really the right step right now. JOHN: don’t get me wrong, everything seems so fucked up right now that when i try to think about what might actually BE the right step, it feels like a huge cartoon question mark might physically manifest over my head. JOHN: but I’m not sure if um rekindling our physical relationship is really the best--
So is Roxy trolling him, about to reveal she wasn’t thinking of sex and was just making things seem sultry?  Or just had “lol jk” as an option-select, maybe.
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ROXY: r u kiddin me rn egbert JOHN: i’m not? unless you were, in which case yeah lets say i was also kidding. JOHN: oh my god, i’m sorry, i don’t know why this making me freak out.
ROXY: i remember our past boot knockin with fondness but that is a situation im not interested in revisiting
boot knockin XD
ROXY: look john ROXY: i was trying to be polite about it ROXY: offering u sustenance n rest n all ROXY: but you look like shit ROXY: i just wanted to catch up on the whole heinous war situation were in and maybe check in on e/o before leaping strait to the real n actual nonsexual manual labor favor i have in mind for u JOHN: oh.
Hey, she can’t help looking sexy she’s too good at it.
Is the manual labor moving the crashed cars?  Can’t Roxy pull that off on her own, or... banish the cars to the void or something?  (Oh, but WOULD she want to do it on her own when she can rope in John and bring him down to earth by giving him a useful task?  And admittedly his strength and wallet would make things easier.)
John feels his shoulders unbunch. Of course. Yeah. He’s almost embarrassed by how relieved he feels. So what if his ex wife wanted to hook up? Shouldn’t that be a situation he could navigate? Don’t people like to find solace in human physical connection during dire times? Why did the idea of it make his mind white out in panic more than, say, any number of the traumas he just experienced?
Probably some gender stuff mixed up in there too, June.
He doesn’t know, but he believes Roxy that he must look pretty haggard. He probably feels haggard? Maybe sitting down will feel better.
Just put your feet up yeah
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JOHN: sorry. like i said, my "how to react to stuff" meter is completely fucked right now. ROXY: thats fair bud
she’s used to being patient with you don’t worry otherwise you never would’ve gotten this far
ROXY: real fast i do need to do a quick takeback of all that shit i said last time we talked about janey not being literally the most evil person we knew or whatever ROXY: i guess i was hopped up on arguin or somethin since that was before we hit our conversational vibe bc of course u were right and i shoulda listened
Ouch.  Yeah, we saw just lately just how far off the deep end she was.  (Where was that funny upd8 reaction art summarizing the bit where Kanaya was holding Tavros hostage and Jane was transparently debating “hmm do I let my son die?” and Kanaya and Tavros were just looking at each-other flat-mouthed nervous?  I REALLY wanted to share that but I don’t usually want to reblog or put most stuff HS^2 not under a read-more, for spoiler purposes, usually.)
ROXY: im just glad ur ok ROXY: or like alive JOHN: yeah, jury's still out on "ok" but, you know. ROXY: ya ROXY: u said ur house is gone?? JOHN: yep. JOHN: completely. ROXY: jeez ROXY: i would ask how ur feelin but like the answer 2 that has got 2b "prtty bad"
Talk it ouuuut~~  get those feels out there and articulated john
JOHN: yeah. JOHN: i mean. JOHN: no? JOHN: it’s weird. JOHN: it feels like it should be a bigger deal, I guess? JOHN: like it’s my HOUSE. JOHN: but mostly it always felt like my dad’s house? JOHN: and when i started living there after i moved out of here, it was like i crammed myself back into whatever was left of my kid self? JOHN: and it didn’t feel good, but it at least was familiar, you know? JOHN: like living there let me feel closer to my dad, trying to be like the way i remember him, or like how i remember him wanting me to be, or something? JOHN: and i didn’t realize how much i hated doing that until i saw it all go up in flames. JOHN: so i guess i could have used my powers to stop the fire and save whatever was left of the place, but i couldn’t bring myself to do it. JOHN: like some fucked up part of me was glad i got there too late? JOHN: so i just sat there, watching, trying to figure out why watching my house burn down felt like i was being released from prison. JOHN: and even now i keep trying to explain it away, as though it’s because of how fucked up everything else is that it made me feel good. JOHN: but that’s just bullshit. JOHN: it DID feel good. JOHN: i DO feel free. JOHN: sorry.
I was kind of saying some Breath/Blood stuff at the time of him losing his last tie to his stubborn sticking-to-his-kid-self bit?  Except now we’re mixing it in with June Egbert and his gender-identity questions too.
ROXY: no need 2 apologize ROXY: we just delved in2 my whole gender thing last time so it seems fine for u to have a turn JOHN: i didn’t say it was a gender thing.
Oh shit
ROXY: well no i just meant like i did some sharing ROXY: like referrin 2 the topic i brought up when we chatted last ROXY: but like now that u mention it ROXY: *meaningful pause* JOHN: … JOHN: i JOHN: ROXY: lol well we can move on 2 the favor part if youd rather ROXY: stick a lil pin in that topic n come back 2 it when u have had sleep
Are you just INCREDIBLY incisive Roxy or have you and John talked about this before?
ROXY: like i said the other day its not like this shits figureoutable in 1 sitting anyways JOHN: yeah... ROXY: sooooooo ROXY: movin on
It’s just fine for Roxy to slow-roll this yeah, if she’s going to pry open that door a little
ROXY: dont be mad but theres a part of the house u didnt know abt the whole time u lived here JOHN: what? ROXY: yea ROXY: i got a secret lair ROXY: for my sciences
OH FUCK YES SCIENCE LAB, of COURSE Roxy would want a cool science lab basement because she always wants a cool science lab basement
ROXY: and i get to it via a transportalizer underneath our bed ROXY: which is 2 heavy 2 move by my lonesome so i just needed to borrow some o your aforementioned powers of wind
Okay no.  Wait.  What the fuck?
First of all, as funny and MSPaintAdventures-y as furniture being in the way of things is, why would you block it with a bed too heavy to move, but,
Second of all, more importantly, how is a GOD-TIER ROXY not strong enough to lift a heavy bed?!?!?!?  Either she’s lying to get John involved in things or this is a gendered cop-out because these characters are superheroes at the TOP of their echeladders, given obnoxiously powerful video-game strength and athletics only to then have ascended into DEITIES.  God-Tier Roxy could probably have lifted a bed like that when she was SEVENTEEN!  And now she’s an ADULT, out-of-shape or otherwise!  If this were a whole CAR I might be willing to handwave it, but just a heavy BED?!?  And none of the GUYS are going to have this much trouble lifting a bed like this, are they??  This just feels like following classic cartoony gender tropes in the complete absence of these characters’ super powers, what the fuck, and also Roxy if you didn’t make it Transportalizer-only access you could have given it an entrance you could phase through with your fancy powers to get to.  FUCK.
This feels stupid.
ROXY: so if u dont mind woosh away JOHN: uh ok, well... JOHN: a secret science lair, sure, i can deal with that. JOHN: why not! JOHN: it doesn’t work out great when i do the windy thing indoors, though. ROXY: aight then no wind bending just use your mangrit
Roxy flexes, the corner of her mouth pulled up into a familiar grin. John feels his guts, so recently calmed, twist up into knots again. Her eyebrows shoot up and the smile loosens. He must have shown something on his face.
You’re already THIS sensitive about gendertalk?
ROXY: ok or just like push when i push ROXY: we both got sick muscles ROXY: no other adjectives necessary JOHN: yeah ok. ROXY: on 3?
Please, please reinforce the idea that they both have sick strength, because they fucking do and the idea that Roxy actually a hundred percent NEEDED John to do this is BS.
> (==>)
JOHN: holy shit? ROXY: sorry to lop yet another huge scoop onto ur lil brains ice cream revelation sundae JOHN: so wait, if this thing's always been under the bed, how’d you get down here before without me? ROXY: well thats neither here nor there john JOHN: i mean it is kinda. Here. ROXY: fine ok checkmate ROXY: i dont ACTUALLY need ur nerdgrit for this escapade ROXY: like im sorry but i said it ROXY: i mostly just wanted to see you and show u wats down here
If that wasn’t actually just a lie to get him involved I was going to stay SO mad.  Of COURSE Roxy can move a fucking BED no matter how heavy it is.  OF COURSE.
ROXY: and also uve been ~sent for~ JOHN: ok but like ROXY: john i am inviting u 2 my inner sanctum ROXY: i am literally bringing out the word "sanctum" in case u werent already clued in 2 how cool this is ROXY: so do u wanna go into my secret lair or wat JOHN: yeah!? JOHN: yes? i guess? ROXY: aight good
Yes John of course you want to stop fighting it
ROXY: then as they told me in the hospital before lil h a was born ROXY: just push
eyeroll, but yeah, of course
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Oh cool, sprite form version of her loungewear.
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Sorry for my compulsion to post every full-frame image of Roxy in this awesome outfi-WERE YOU KEEPING CALLIOPE UNDER YOUR BED THIS WHOLE TIME?!?????
That’s like... almost a fucking metaphor isn’t it????  For the relationship you preferred in the other timeline and possibly THIS one TOO or
ROXY: hey callieee i got him ROXY: o damn john sorry i shoulda also told u callies here weve been hangin out again ROXY: 1 more freak for ur bean
Oh huh, so this isn’t an always thing.  And these two can get close in more than one timeline where it would’ve worked out nicely.  :)
JOHN: oh it's ok, my bean feels pretty well adjusted to freakage at this point so keep them coming if you like! ROXY: k cool i will JOHN: do i get to know what that big thing under the sheet is? ROXY: hmmmmmm no JOHN: oh ok. JOHN: are you sure? i mean, it seems like a pretty prominent feature of the room. JOHN: space. JOHN: wherever we are. ROXY: and a totally mysterious n COMPLETELY inconspicuous feature it will have to remain for now ROXY: we r kinda in a hurry here fyi ROXY: and by that i mean ROXY: we are in precisely the amount of hurry that means im excused from having to a that specific q rn JOHN: right, sorry. JOHN: i will pay no attention to the object behind the curtain. ROXY: u catch on fast egbert ROXY: anyway theres more cool info coming so just follow me
I don’t have any big theories.  Is it just the Hiveswap device or something?  If Calliope helped with it it’d help explain the Cherubic theme.
> (==>)
JOHN: so... this is all downstairs? JOHN: it seems like you had a lot of work done. ROXY: well no not x actly ROXY: were in the old meteor JOHN: under the house??? ROXY: ok so ROXY: in hindsight it may have been a bit misleading 2 say like ROXY: "downstairs" ROXY: in reference to a place which is hells of buried underground and may not actually be literally under the house ROXY: but there is no time to explain all that rn john so instead im going to refer u to my adorable little green friend here CALLIOPE: #U_U# ROXY: (hehe) CALLIOPE: *AHEM* CALLIOPE: hi john! CALLIOPE: long time no see. ^u^
Cherubs just really like dark cavelike places full of weird tech don’t they.
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JOHN: oh, uh. hey callie! JOHN: it sure has been a while huh. JOHN: now that i think about it, the last time the three of us hung out like this... CALLIOPE: was when i was aggressively third wheeling yoUr prenUptial coUrtship? CALLIOPE: if yoU dont mind, john, i'd rather not rehash that period of oUr lives. CALLIOPE: it was more than a little painfUl for me. JOHN: oh. JOHN: god, jeez, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to-- CALLIOPE: hee hee john i am only pUlling yoUr leg, don't worry. CALLIOPE: if anything i was personally a little thrilled with how things shook oUt in that respect. CALLIOPE: imagine, if yoU will, a yoUng cherUb raised in solitUde, whose only solace was the convolUted and tUmUltUoUs romantic schemata she projected onto her only friends from another Universe. CALLIOPE: and then fUrther imagine that this yoUng cherUb, throUgh varioUs even *more* convolUted contrivances, ended Up in the company of those selfsafe friends as an eqUal participant in their sphere of social discoUrse! CALLIOPE: it is a joy the like of which yoU possibly cannot fathom. u_u
Reinforcing that things turning out this way was in fact the FANTASY that Calliope was writing over in the Canon timeline.  Just, heavily, HEAVILY implied that the Candy timeline is -- or at least originated as -- Calliope’s fanfiction as a Muse of Space, and its competition for audience interest with canon is the essential conflict between alt!Calliope and Dirk (or Dirk and Andrew Hussie).
CALLIOPE: so to pUt it simply, getting to experience sUch emotional drama myself was an impossibly enriching experience. CALLIOPE: possibly a first for my species! CALLIOPE: it's actUally qUite interesting, if yoU ROXY: *nudge* CALLIOPE: oh, right. yes. i'm getting a little carried away, haha. CALLIOPE: argh, i'm sorry, this is not how i planned to begin this vital conversation.
Vital conversation?  What sorta truth-bombs are coming?
CALLIOPE: but to sUmmarise, what i was trying to say is: CALLIOPE: don't beat yourself Up aboUt it john. CALLIOPE: besides, hUman divorces are even more fascinating than i had ever imagined, and being able to witness yoUrs in motion was an honoUr. CALLIOPE: so i consider Us aboUt even at this point. JOHN: hahaha!!! JOHN: okay, well that's good to know! CALLIOPE: ^u^
Holy SHIT that was savage!  And we’ll NEVER know whether or not she really intended it so savagely, either.~
JOHN: so um... JOHN: i hear that there's this big secret thing you wanna tell me about? CALLIOPE: oh right, yes of course! CALLIOPE: let me jUst say first of all how thrilled i am that yoU're on board. CALLIOPE: i wasn't sUre if yoUr natUral inclinations woUld have preclUded yoUr coming to such a place as this, and yet here yoU are. CALLIOPE: this whole endeavoUr will be *so* mUch easier with yoUr help.
Uh oh.
Hopefully babies aren’t involved.
JOHN: oh! well, shucks. JOHN: not really sure what that means but i'm just glad to be of use somewhere, haha. JOHN: which, speaking of somewhere, CALLIOPE: ah right, right. yoU're probably a little cUrioUs as to where the dickens we are. CALLIOPE: how much do yoU know aboUt black holes? JOHN: um... like, the big space things? CALLIOPE: they aren't always big actUally, and in fact their relative smallness is practically their defining qUality. JOHN: oh. CALLIOPE: bUt okay i think we are on the same page. CALLIOPE: so, what if i told yoU that we are inside of a black hole right now.
Oh dear, we’re getting into the canon/noncanon divide?
JOHN: um... JOHN: like, HERE? JOHN: we just transportalized into a black hole? CALLIOPE: no, i mean, what if oUr whole WORLD was inside a black hole. JOHN: ok.
Yeah, that’s gonna be John’s reaction.  “ok.”  Pretty much inevitable.
CALLIOPE: earth c, or at least oUr version of it, has, from the moment we crossed the victory threshold, been inside a black hole. JOHN: ok. CALLIOPE: and not just any black hole, bUt the very black hole in which the green sUn Ultimately met its demise, allowing oUr victory in the first instance! JOHN: huh! ROXY: ("huh!") ROXY: (rofl my fucking ao egbert) JOHN: (shhhh!)
And Roxy enjoys his non-reaction reactions as much as we do, hehe.
CALLIOPE: bUt, paradoxically, the critical moment which determined its capture within the black hole happened *after* that point. CALLIOPE: i refer of coUrse to yoUr decision not to retUrn to the mediUm and fight my brother. JOHN: wait, wait. JOHN: you mean, the meat and candy thing? JOHN: oh my god. JOHN: you mean i actually DID make a mistake that day. CALLIOPE: well, that's not exactly what that-- JOHN: ugh, i fucking KNEW it! JOHN: i'm so sorry. JOHN: i'm so sorry that i put the earth inside a black hole everyone. ): ROXY: john ROXY: listen ROXY: u have got to get out of this mindset i am begging you JOHN: ):
Yeah shake him out of this shit.
ROXY: your choice literally didnt matter ROXY: the whole thing was symbolic in the first place ROXY: literally symbolic in the case of the picnic i mean come on ROXY: it was just some steak and a plate of candy suckers JOHN: oh. CALLIOPE: i mean, i wouldn't go so far as to say that the meal we shared was unimportant, given the sacred significance of the two options i presented. CALLIOPE: but yes, yoUr choice of snack was infinitely less important than the choice which it presaged. CALLIOPE: and even then, calling it a choice woUld be sorely misleading. CALLIOPE: think of it like a coin flip. CALLIOPE: the series of events that led to Us being trapped beyond the event horizon of an Ubermassive black hole could be considered "tails", while the events which would have occUrred otherwise could be considered "heads". CALLIOPE: since both were possible, and paradox space is the way it is, they actUally both happened. and we jUst "happened" (hee hee) to get tails instead of heads. JOHN: you mean we ended up with the bad possibility. CALLIOPE: not at all! since both possibilities depend on one another's existence, it really doesn't make sense to call them "right" or "wrong". they both just "are". JOHN: o...kay... CALLIOPE: u_u
Yeah, it’s going to take a bit more than that to convince him he didn’t make the “wrong decision”.
CALLIOPE: i realise that this may be a lot to process. CALLIOPE: it's easy to forget that this wasn't obvioUs to everyone from the beginning. CALLIOPE: anyway, the reason i went on this tangent in the first place was to explain that the space we are standing in right now has a special significance, in that it is the location which corresponds to the black hole's singUlarity. JOHN: oh, wow. JOHN: um. JOHN: ok so, sorry if this is a dumb question to ask suddenly, but what does being inside of a black hole actually... mean for us? JOHN: is that bad? JOHN: is it like in movie, um, JOHN: shoot. JOHN: roxy what was that matthew mcconaughey movie from your earth that we watched? ROXY: u mean interstellar JOHN: RIGHT. JOHN: the one with the organ. JOHN: man. i cried at that movie so much. ROXY: lol u can say that again ROXY: iirc at least part of y u got so weepy was the fact that u couldnt believe a version of earth existed where ppl got 2 watch more mcconaughey films than you JOHN: listen. JOHN: i simply don't think you all appreciated the gift you were given. CALLIOPE: i don't believe i'm familiar with this particular film ^u^;; ROXY: oh dont worry cal you didnt miss much JOHN: (gasp)
This is all gold
ROXY: but the important point is that no its not really an interstellar type situation here egbert ROXY: ur not gonna enter a weird time vortex and change the trajectory of a little girls life with the power of love JOHN: aw.
Dammit, now we have to be on the lookout for that possibility.  Or it did sort of already happen more than once to John.  ...Whatever.
CALLIOPE: to go back to your original question, john. CALLIOPE: it's not strictly speaking "bad" for Us to be inside of a black hole, mUch thoUgh that contradicts most of what anyone knows about them. CALLIOPE: of coUrse, if we had fallen into it, that woUld be a whole other kettle of fish. CALLIOPE: the tidal forces woUld have stretched Us all into spaghetti and then ripped us apart! CALLIOPE: bUt the natUre of oUr arrival was more akin to simply "being" here, sUddenly. one moment we were not, and the next moment we were, and somehow always had been. CALLIOPE: in everyday, practical terms, being inside of a black hole has very little bearing on Us. CALLIOPE: i mean, the natUre of space and time is a little finicky in here, bUt for the most part it doesn't seem to be anything too oUt of the ordinary. CALLIOPE: bUt beyond that, it means that we are sealed away from the rest of existence. CALLIOPE: oUr sphere of inflUence is limited to the sphere of the black hole's bounding horizon. CALLIOPE: as far as everyone else is concerned, we might as well not even exist! JOHN: is there no way we could let anyone know that we're in here...? CALLIOPE: almost certainly not!
No?  So this doesn’t have to do with the divide?
CALLIOPE: there are very few ways for anything to escape the kind of predicament that we are in right now. one of them is to be an all-powerfUl being with control over the very fabric of space, with the energy of two Universes at yoUr disposal. CALLIOPE: in which case, escape woUld become rather trivial, if a little Unscientific. JOHN: ok. i am going to assume that we can't just do that. CALLIOPE: yoU've hit the nail on the head, UnfortUnately. U_U CALLIOPE: the method i described was the one employed by my alternate self, who yoU may recall crashed through the event horizon in the body that once belonged to jade harley. CALLIOPE: she departed through a pUnctUre she created in the black hole's surface shortly after consUming my brother, a deed which provided her with the necessary "oomph", and which was frankly rather breathtaking to watch. =u= CALLIOPE: bUt Upon her departUre, the rift closed for good. as far as i can see, there's simply no way for Us to commUnicate with the world oUtside the black hole.
What the heck?  Calliope SAW all this?  Is this her Muse powers at work, letting her observe these things, or was she there?  And John certainly did NOT see ANY of what Calliope just said happen.
CALLIOPE: i woUld certainly be very sUrprised to find oUt that anyone had managed sUch a thing!
So we’re going to find that out if we haven’t already.  Maybe something to do with the way Vrissy just conks out narcoleptically?
JOHN: ...right. JOHN: so... let me just get this straight. JOHN: knowing that we're inside of a black hole... does that actually change anything? JOHN: like, can't we just go on living like normal? CALLIOPE: oh absolUtely not. CALLIOPE: i don't know if yoU've noticed john bUt this world is on the brink of a total cataclysm. JOHN: oh.
Um, what?
CALLIOPE: oUr exclUsion from the overarching coUrse of events which governs all reality means that oUr existence here is liable to dramatic and violent Upheaval. CALLIOPE: to pUt it another way, becaUse nothing in here "matters", we are likely to be sUbjected to things which are a bit bats in the belfry, for no reason other than it's totally insignificant to the wider canon of reality. CALLIOPE: and mUch thoUgh i am personally titillated by some of the conseqUences of this predicament, it is a degrading way for Us to live. u_u JOHN: that's... certainly one way to put it, yeah...
No plot-armor for your entire timeline, I guess, yep.  Outside of canon, we can imagine and write about ANYTHING happening to the characters, or just drop their existence entirely, much like a doomed offshoot timeline.  It’s a plot stability that depended heavily on the threat of Lord English and being trapped in a story, and without it things are bound to see a BIT chaotic (or “degrading” if you view it as subjected to the whims of fanfic writers, certainly).
CALLIOPE: at first, i believed that this was simply necessary. Us playing tails to oUr coUnterparts' heads, the black to their white, and so forth. CALLIOPE: bUt over the years i have come to the conclUsion that this is simply not kosher. ROXY: its total bs is what it is CALLIOPE: right, yes. CALLIOPE: a steaming pile of bUllshite. CALLIOPE: and so we have decided that something needs to be done aboUt it.
Ah fuck.  You’re going to regulate non-canon?  “Canonize” it?  Is the fact that you eventually succeed at whatever it is you’re trying to do part of why we have the story presented to us in this bifurcated structure?
ROXY: this is finally where u come in jegbert ROXY: we gots quests for yous CALLIOPE: hee hee, yes. CALLIOPE: or *a* quest, to be specific. JOHN: oh boy! ROXY: (this fkin nerd i s2g)
Roxy and Calliope setting him on this quest as a Rogue of Void and a Muse of Space feels fitting.
JOHN: i'm not sure how i can go about freeing us from a hellish space prison, but i'm up for giving it a try i guess? JOHN: i have... literally nothing better to be doing at this point. except for maybe hanging out with harry anderson. ROXY: nice save lol
ROXY: but u dont need to worry abt busting us outta space jail tbh ROXY: thats not ur problem to fix JOHN: oh. JOHN: i'm... not sure i follow, then. ROXY: i mean yeah ur gonna obvs facilitate it in a sense ROXY: but only by going and busting the person who can actually help us outta normal earth jail CALLIOPE: we need yoU to free vriska from the clUtches of oUr misgUided friend jane, and bring her here, to the singUlarity. ROXY: weve been calling it the plot point CALLIOPE: yes, the plot point is a key part of oUr plan. CALLIOPE: as far as we have been able to sUrmise, the only remaining method for escaping oUr grim confinement depends on leveraging the UniqUe properties of this location to create an event of sUch catalcysmic proportions that it simply cannot be contained within the black hole any more. CALLIOPE: something SO dramatic, so hyper-relevant, that it becomes ontologically impossible for anyone to ignore it. CALLIOPE: for that, we need an individUal of sUfficient narrative cloUt, so to speak. CALLIOPE: and to liberate her, who better than the embodiment of the aspect of freedom itself? CALLIOPE: ... CALLIOPE: phew. okay, i'm finished. CALLIOPE: CALLIOPE: sorry, that took longer than i expected to go throUgh.
OOooooh, kay.
Whatever this is, it’s going to be really weird and PROBABLY infuriating and/or shippy, and I’m probably not going to like it.  Plus it seems like it’s some sort of inverse belated canonization of some other black-hole-rescue theories I went on about at some point.  Although, related to that link, “aspect of freedom” if anyone wasn’t paying attention!  That’s a (sorta-)canon mention of the purpose of it!
They’re going to attention-wh-- attention-hog themselves out of the black hole so that they’re “considered canon” too, or close enough.  Huh.
ROXY: what r u talking about cals that was great ROXY: i could listen 2 u plotsplain for years CALLIOPE: oh you >u< ROXY: fyi this was why i wanted u to get a move on eggbread ROXY: so callie could have more time 2 infodump ROXY: thats love bitchhhhhh JOHN: hahaha. JOHN: ok, well, i think i understood all that?
Love with who? Callie, John, both?
In reality, John isn’t sure what most of this means. But on balance, it feels okay? He’s gone back and forth about a hundred times in the last week about where his place in everything is, so he might as well ride this out. Plus, the last time a Lalonde kind of told him to do something, he thinks that he chose not to, and look where that got him. And it’s not like he has other plans. He may as well do this! It’s at least going to get him involved in things again, if nothing else. He turns to go, and then hears a sound. It’s the sound of feet and knocking on doors, echoed through stone and digital static.
Oh shit.  Is Andrew trapped behind some fourth walls behind the curtains.
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Oh RIGHT also that DEVICE is where they want to bring Vriska.  Are they going to overturn part of canon itself with a super-retcon thus making this timeline unbelievably relevant or--?  Maybe make all the PESTERQUESTS canon or something?!  I don’t know.  Maybe they’re INTENTIONALLY starting the game like Vriska wanted to??????
Guh, this is something so big that I don’t WANT to theorize about it, do I.
JOHN: did you hear that? ROXY: wha ROXY: oh yeah uh ROXY: i may have messaged rose and kan and jade to check on them too ROXY: so its prob onea them showin up ROXY: they don’t need to know bout all this tho ROXY: we got time to chat with them b4 u go get vriska
No, even if it’s a knock at the somehow-top-level-house-even-under-buried-- oh, right, maybe it’s covering in part a monitoring system that looks up there.  But still, part of that sound was DOUBTLESS these two hiding something, all standing in front of the curtain like that.
JOHN: i’ll go stall em. ROXY: thx babe ROXY: oh is it 2 soon for that joke or JOHN: no, weirdly enough, that one’s fine. ROXY: oh good ok see u up there soon!
How is calling your significant other “babe” not cool REGARDLESS of gender?!  Like wasn’t that always cool? --Oh wait is it because they’re not together or... but... guh, I don’t know.
Anyway, see y’all after the holidays at least.
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whydoyouwantmyname · 4 years
Imagine not telling the boys something important (Part 2)
Part one
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“Tell me something Ailsa?” Eve asked, her voice echoed through the walls of the motel room your mind had manifested as you laid on the queen bed, the static now replaced by the projection of the world that Eve was seeing, it looked like a truck stop.
“Why do you keep calling me that.” You groaned
“I think it is cute.”
“Of course you do, alright Eve, what is your question.”
“Out of everyone I didn’t think a 207 year old cambion would be a virgin, care to enlighten me?”
“I figured you already creeped around in my memories and found it.” You answered as you sat up, and made your way to the mini bar, which instantly restocked itself, as she replied, “Nah, I didn’t feel like digging too deep.”
“Just deep enough to figure out my whole life story?”
“Well if you must know, it is so much easier to avoid feeling, and the annoying humanity I have if I just don’t let people in romantically.”
“Which is why you never made an attempt on dating Dean, even though you two are obviously meant for each other.”
“Exactly, and honestly if you do see them, please don’t tell them, I would rather..”
“I understand, I swear not a word.”
“Thanks Eve, if you weren’t investing people with your spawns, and possessing me, I would say you were pretty cool.”
“You have no idea what Crowley is up to, do you?” She asked, her voice soft as you opened your fifth miniature and downed it with no issue.
“Not a clue, but knowing the king of hell, I am sure it is something designed to get him into a position of greater power.”
“Well he is seeking to open the doors to Purgatory, for what I am not aware, but he is killing my supernatural children’s souls and imprisoning them. Rumor has it, he is not working alone, he has an angel on his side.”
You stopped mid sip, your whole body frozen as you thought, slowly lowering your arm you asked, “An angel.”
“Do you know him?”
“I fear I might.” You whispered, reflecting on your memory as a previous conversation played in your head.
You were standing alone in the living room, a lore book in hand as you paced the room, it was a rare moment where both Winchester’s were outside, leaving you alone in a blissful silence, which was soon to be interrupted by the sounds of angel wings.
“How they ever allowed you in this house is still a foreign concept to me.” He formulated the statement as you lifted your head towards him, his blue eyes piercing your figure as you raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t the slightest idea what you mean Castiel?”
“How have you managed to hid the sins you drag around with you, suppress the screams of the souls your precious hounds have torn to shred, how do you manage not to shiver in the nippy air of earth, when the flames of hell flicker at your flesh?”
“Cas, what are you implying?”
“You are a liar, and a…”
“I would choose your next sentence extremely carefully, unless you want an angel blade driven through your chest.” You warned, his face grim as he growled, “The trap will reveal who you really are, don’t worry.”
“Oh you mean that one?” You stated, pointing to the ceiling, where a classic Singer masterpiece decorated the ceiling, the book slamming shut in your single hand before being placed on the desk, as Cas smiled, almost pleased that you were caught, until you approached him slowly, his eyes filling with confusion as you got right up in his face,”Looks like you should do your homework Castiel, before you make threats to the woman who has been traveling with the Winchester’s for three years now.” Your once filled hand extends quickly, seizing his throat in your digits before using your strength to push him into the wall, leaning in you got right up in his ear, “Unless you want to see what these red eyes can really do.”
It wasn’t until you saved his ass that he truly learned who you were as a hunter, all negative feelings drifting further away with time, until he was finally comfortable enough to call you a nickname, Angel.
“So your father is working with the man who calls you Angel?” Eve replied, almost forgetting she could also see your thoughts.
“He must, Cas is the only angel I could imagine him trusting.”
“Well you’re a smart cookie, any idea…”
“Not a clue.” You answered, glancing at the TV screen as you noticed the tv screen, her eyes set on a trucker before she pushed off the wall. As she started towards the 18 wheeler, you couldn’t help but notice that Eve glanced over at the wall, the corner of your mouth lifting.
“What are you smirking about?” Eve questioned
“Nothing at all.” You replied, before a pie magically appeared.
“Like I said fellas, I remember pulling into the truck stop, and next thing I knew I was at work. I have no idea how I ended up there, or anything that happened after I pulled in.” He stated, looking to Sam and I, my head somewhere else as he spoke.
“And where do you work?” Sam asked
“Starlight Canney. After I came to, I called home, hoping my family was there. I didn’t think anything of it when she didn’t pick up, that was…” a small sob escaped his lips as Dean looked to the other officer, “mind if I have a look at the security cameras footage?”
“Not at all, let me just pull ‘em up.” The officer answered as Dean left Sam and Bobby to question Rick.
As the other officer set Dean up, all his mind could do but wander back to a memory where she was.
“Jesse.” You pleaded, the small boy's eyes flickered towards you as you remained frozen in between Sam and Dean, neither of them could see you, but the demon possessing Julia could, and Jesse.
However Sam and Dean remember it much differently then what truly happened, they remember Sam stopping Jesse, and Julia’s demon, before driving off to the next motel. However you knew it went differently
“Don’t listen to her son, you are going to do great…” As the demon talked, you lowered your own head, as Sam and Dean’s heads suddenly fell forward as the demon laughed, “So you do still know how to use your powers.”
Looking up your eyes were completely crimson red, and glued to the demon, “I can’t wait to tell my father about what you are doing, and I hope I have the pleasure of…”
“You haven’t stepped foot in hell for over 20 years, what makes you think…”
“Do you even know who my father is?” You screamed, suddenly whatever held your body stiff slowly melted away, as your arms lowered, “You’re just like me?”
Looking from the black eyed demon to Jesse, you slowly stepped forward and crouched in front of the small boy, “Yeah, my dad is a demon just like yours.”
“Jesse, don’t listen to her.” She started forward, however she suddenly became mute, and frozen, Jesse looking towards her as it happened before turning back to you, “Did they tell you lies too?”
“No, they actually don’t know, but I know that they wanted to tell you this to protect you, because it is really scary at first to learn that you are part evil.”
“Does that mean I am going to do what she said, am I going to end the world?” You could hear the small boy’s voice quicken in fear, as you put a hand on his arm and smiled, “No, all it means is that you are going to be able to do things other kids can’t, cause even though you are different, you are still human, and that means you have good in you. Listen Jesse, I am 206 years old, and have had a lot of opportunities to do some wicked stuff, and instead of doing that, I am helping people just like you.”
“You aren’t evil.” He whispered, almost as a reassurance to himself, as you responded, “And neither are you.”
“How do I beat this?”
“Well, you are going to have to run away, here.” You reaches into your bag and pulled out a notebook you had been filling with all things to do with the life since 1981, the pages worn and the book spine was well used, and with a smile you stated, “This has everything in it that I have learned over the years, it will help protect you from both angels and demons.”
“I need protection from angels?”
“Yes darling. See the angels don’t understand that we aren’t all bad, they just see the demon side of us.”
“They’re narrow minded.” He replied as you smiled, “They are just scared. You will have to move around a lot but just lay low, here you can also use this.” You pulled out a 100 dollar bill, and handed it to him, “Do you understand?”
“What will happen to my parents?” He asked
“Well they will stay here, it is too dangerous to bring them, just because the demons and angels might try to hurt them if they know where you are.”
“Have they ever done that to you?” Your face lifted to Julia, a wicked smile on your face as you thought of all the shit the demons did to Dean while in hell, and what Ruby did to Sam. “Yeah, but the Winchesters are the two strongest men I know, and no punk ass, black eyed scumbag is going to break them, not as long as I’m around to stop it.”
Looking towards you Jesse whispered, “How do I run away?”
“Just think of yourself going to a place, and just like that…” you looked down to see him gone and heard a slight thud behind you, a smile on your face as you slowly rose and looked at Julia,who went to move but remained frozen, and mute, “I like you better as a mute statue.”
As you approached her, you monologued, “Everything I said about the Winchesters is true, and I hope you all figure it out soon that nothing you do will ever make them stop hunting the bad guys. So just drop your little obsession with these two, because you got what you wanted, Lucy is running all around creation, trying to end the world. I just hope for your sake he doesn’t turn on you like he did God.”
With a single lift of your palm you sent her back to hell, her scream echoing the empty space as you watched the black goo melt into the floor from her eyes, once she was gone you turned to see Sam and Dean had fallen to the floor, the invisible force holding them still disappearing with Jesse. You walked over to the two of them and placed your hands on their heads, filling it with false memories as you mentally called out to your father.
“I was busy.” He snapped as you lifted your head to see Crowley standing before you, his eyes lifting from you to Julia’s body, “Have I ever mentioned I love it when you get feisty with your own kind?”
“All the time, yet you only allowed me to file your paperwork. Now help me get these two idiots in the Impala.”
“Here ya go, this is the footage from that night. Not really anything exciting.” The officer told Dean, snapping him from the false memory you had planted in his head. Taking a seat in the Rollie chair he muttered a thanks and started fast forwarding through the tape, until he saw something that made him stop, looking at the camera was a pair of glowing eyes, and upon rewinding and going frame by frame he saw the way the face distorted, and the eyes clearer, along with something he was not expecting to see.
“[Y/N].” He whispered, backing up the frames to before your face distorted, a slight smile was on your face, your hair was down, and you were dressed in a tank top and skinny jeans. He couldn’t take his eyes off of your face, the way your lips smeriked up as though you were taunting the camera, like you knew they would find out you were the one doing this. With the frame still pulled up he quickly rose, the chair pushing back so quickly it hit the wall, alerting Sam and Bobby to his distress, before he stormed out of the office. Frustration filling his body as his mind stated over and over that he had failed you.
When Sam and Bobby finally came out they found Dean sitting on the hood of the impala, his eyes just staring into a void above as they approached him, “Dean?” Bobby asked
“It’s her.” His eyes never leaving the sky as his voice was gruff and soft, “whatever we are hunting is inside her head.”
“We will figure it out.” Sam whispered as Dean finally lowered his head, his eyes red rimmed, bloodshot and puffy.
“Will we?” He replied.
About an hour later Dean and Sam were sitting in the motel, milling over notebooks trying to find anything on what could be possessing [y/n], “I mean it could be a shapeshifter.” Sam offered as a possible answer as Dean knitted his fingers into his greasy hair.
“Sam you saw her face distorted on the security footage, no shapeshifter has done that before.” He sighed out as Sam lowered the book.
“Are you sure you are okay dude?” Sam asked, the sound of his own question making him feel like it was a dumb thing to say, anyone with two eyes could have been able to tell that Dean was falling apart every second, especially now that he knew that something had possessed you. Dean’s index and thumb moved from his hair to the bridge of his nose, the two digits squeezed the flesh between his eyes as he let out a sigh, “This is why hunters can never fall in love.”
“Sammy, please don’t feed me your positive outcome bullshit right now, we have no leads, no information of what is possessing her, we have nothing. As far as we know there could be no cure, it is possible that we could try everything and that thing will still be in her head.”
“And we will, don’t forget Dean, she wasn’t just your friend. She was mine and Bobby’s too, and we will save her.”
Before Dean could respond his burner was ringing, his response turned into him flipping it open and muttering, “Whatcha got Bobby?”
“I need you and Sam to get your asses down to Starlight Canney, Rufus and I will meet ya outside.”
“Rufus is with…” Dean started but he was cut off by Bobby’s like going dead, Dean looked at Sam and promptly stated, “Bobby found something, I think.”
While the boys drove to the canney, Cas was opening the doors to an abandoned warehouse, a glowing light seeped out from under it as he revealed the grey lab space that he and Crowley had built. Crowley was seated at the table, a sheet of paper before him as his hand scribbled across the page with a pen. Cas looked over the railing at him, as he stated, “Stop staring at me like you do the Winchester boy.”
“I have news.”
“Did you find me more souls?” Crowley’s head still did not lift as he spoke, it wasn’t until Cas replied that he finally became alert, “No, it is about [Y/N].”
“What about her?”
“She has been possessed, the boys are trying to track her down, but whatever is inside of her is ancient.”
“Eve.” Crowley hissed
“Why would Eve be…”
“She knows we are trying to open purgatory, and wants to stop us. Is she creating an army?”
“I won’t call it an army, but she is creating hybrids.”
“And she has my little girl on like a meat suit.” He stated more than asked, frustration clear in his brow as he slammed the pen down, “I thought the Winchesters…”
“They are looking for her right now. I can’t see her though, so I was wondering…”
“Eve will make her go dark to everyone who could have been able to find her, I can have my spies on the lookout for her, but Castiel….” He started before pausing, the reality of his next statement taking a toll on his still beating heart, “[Y/N] will die if you remove Eve.”
“Not all of her.” Cas replied before leaving, as Crowley leaned back in his chair, his heart breaking for his little girl.
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Hi! May I please get a creative block reading with your movie tarot deck? My initials are mmc if that helps. Please and thank you. You’re honestly so incredibly amazing for offering readings.
of course darling!! I hope this helps!
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Tarot: 8 of coins, temperance, knight of cups, four of wands, the hierophant, 5 of wands
Okay so there are 2 things we look at in a creative block reading – the internal and the external – because both can influence creative energy in different ways. You may feel that one resonates more than the other or it could be a mix of both. Just take whatever makes most sense to you.  
So let’s start with the internal stuff. The 8 of wands in this reading represents internal difficulties that keeping you from creating. It relates to apprenticeship and passion and, notably, high standards. I think it’s possible that you’re expecting perfection from yourself and get frustrated when things don’t turn out the way you were picturing. High standards can be good! But they should be something to work towards that makes you edit and rewrite paragraphs or makes you redraw that one thing over and over until it’s muscle memory. High standards can inspire passion and ambition and skill but they can also get in the way of all those things.  
Temperance is what you need to change in your attitude so you can get back to a more creative headspace. It’s a card of patience and moderation. You need to balance out those high standards. Be patient with yourself when things don’t immediately go the way you planned. Take a breath, remind yourself that it’s still a work in progress and that you can change things later, and stop beating yourself up. Manage your expectations of yourself so you can get back to a place where those high standards push you to try more and to improve your skills rather than frustrating you and make you stop altogether.  
Next we have the external difficulties that are keeping you from creating. The 4 of wands symbolises community, home and celebration. It could be that something about your home life is getting in the way of your creating – maybe your favourite room to create in needs a tidy, maybe you find that every time you sit down with the intention of making something new someone interrupts you. It could be that you thrive under pressure and things are just too peaceful at the moment and it’s not sparking that creative energy. Or maybe it’s the opposite, maybe you’ve been too busy or someone has disturbed your routine (my first thought was builders coming through to fix something and changing the feeling of your usual creative space). Whatever it is it has something to do with your home life.  
The Hierophant tells us what you can physically or practically do to change this. This card relates to tradition and conformity so it may be that you need to reorganise or re-establish your “creative space” – tidy off your desk, organise your tools, make sure it feels comfortable and inspiring. It could also be a case of breaking tradition – if you usually create inside maybe try going and sitting outside in the fresh air instead, or if you usually sit on your bed try moving to a desk or the floor instead. Shake things up a bit! The Hierophant also relates to rituals and ceremonies so it could be that by creating a ritual for yourself you can more easily slip into the creative mindset and warn people that you’ll be busy without telling them – get yourself a drink or a snack, set your laptop up, light a candle, put on a favourite album, whatever helps you transition from regular thinking and your everyday brain to the mindset you need to create.  
This leaves us with two cards – the knight of cups and the 5 of wands – which represent the lesson to take away from this creative block as well as any extra advice the deck wants to share. So the knight of cups is about following the heart. He’s a card of imagination, a little bit idealistic and romantic. He’s in touch with his emotions and his intuition and uses them for his own wellbeing. He’s telling you that the lesson to take from this is to reconnect with yourself. Use this as a time to reflect on what you enjoy about creating and why, and what you need from your environment to feel comfortable creating in it. Figuring out the background whys and hows can make you more receptive to creative ideas.  
Finally the 5 of wands. This is a card of conflict and competition. It’s advising you that conflict isn’t always bad. It could be a friendly rivalry that pushes you to do better or, like the high standards I mentioned earlier, it could be an inner conflict between what your mind imagines and what your hand actually makes. Don’t let the idea of conflict hold you back. New opportunities rise from battles. Learn from whatever conflict arises – do you need to communicate your needs better so others don’t interrupt as much? Do you need to spend time practicing a particular skill so you can improve and eventually produce those amazing things you think of? Accept whatever conflict appears and use it to drive you forward.  
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So I pulled a few different oracles for you. 
First up is a card from the artist oracles - Charles & Ray Eames. This card offers three pieces of advice - one for life, one for work, and one for inspiration - you may find that all of them are relevant or that only one of them is. Take whatever resonates most! 
Design your days - don’t plan them / Aspire to profound practicality /Be unbending in your flexibility.
I really like that last one, especially in connection with the cards that talk about the external blocks. This card is encouraging you to be a little more flexible with how you create so try some new things and see what works!
Your literary witch is Charlotte Perkins Gilman. She represents freedom, oppression and the systems at work. I think the dichotomy between freedom and oppression connects strongly with the internal/mental blocks. It definitely speaks of needing to free yourself from something - negative/overly critical thought or a rigid idea of what you want to make, etc. It could also relate to the external side too with that “systems at work” bit. Perhaps there is something in your current system that is holding you back. 
I also pulled 3 cards from my new sacred creators oracle deck. Creator Alchemy / Feed Your Artist / Over-Thinking Can Spoil The Magic 
Creator Alchemy - This card says that you are a powerful alchemist and you’re ready to transform the ingredients of your life and make gold. It suggests that there is a need for focused determination in order to get out of the creative block you find yourself in. I see it connecting with the external side of the reading because it talks of the minutiae that anchors you down like day to day home life and regular responsibilities. It does also suggest that you could be dealing with too many different ideas or projects at the same time but i think that’s secondary to the other parts. 
Feed Your Artist - This one 100% ties into those internal block cards. It speaks of self-judgement being a problem, especially in regards to harsh expectations. And it suggests some down time could be a way to break out of that headspace and, like the knight of cups, also that there’s a need to reconnect to your creative joy. 
Over-Thinking - This is the first card in this deck which I think goes to show how common of a problem this is lmao It says that analysis-paralysis or the fear of making the wrong decision is part of whats holding you back. It’s causing doubts in your own abilities which means your worrying about the outcome before you’ve even really begun. It could manifest as obsessive planning or perfectionism. You need to switch to a more positive mindset and trust that you are capable of making something good, something people will enjoy.
And finally, I also got you a Frida Kahlo card which will hopefully be of some inspiration. It says:
Breathe deeper, extend your breath and listen to your heart. Create a life from here. 
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queerchoicesblog · 4 years
The Thiasus
So, folks, let's start the wlw miniseries writing project!
As announced, the first series to be posted is the Ancient Greece one suggested by @jackievarma , others will soon follow. I decided to name the first bit The Thiasus as it takes place on Lesbos at the famous Sappho's thiasus where rich girls were sent to be educated before their wedding.
Since this is the first fic of this miniseries project, I will just share one thing, so that you can choose whether my approach suits you or not. After much consideration, I decided not to omit from the stories potentially uncomfortable issues. I will add a trigger alert if need be but especially writing about women through the centuries, I'd consider a distortion of truth cutting off for instance homophobia, transphobia, forced marriages, and other unpleasantries like these. They won't be the main topic of my works but sadly they are part of what women had - and still as in a way- to go through so, no matter how tough adding it to the romances is for me, banishing them from these stories would have sounded like spreading a lovely lie, which in the end is simply a lie. Not sure they will recur systematically but if you find it in any of my stories, you know why.
Also, I absolutely hate when writers make poor wlw suffer or die, depriving them of the happy ending we all dreamed of. However, I am the worst at writing happy endings but I'll try. Don't be mad at me if sometimes you won't find one: happy endings aren't and weren't always feasible. But a sad ending is not necessarily mean or homophobic or so I think.
Apologies for the long talk, hope you enjoy it! The next part will be out on Saturday
When I joined the thiasus, I was young, a pretty little flower yet to blossom. The first born of a merchant hoping to score a good match and wedding for her daughter. I didn't know what to expect: Sappho's community was well renewed and respected all over Greece, but I knew little about it. All I knew was that it was a school where young girls like me could learn all they needed to learn to be the good wives of powerful men one day. I didn't mind being around girls -if they weren't as annoying as my sisters- but it didn't sound too exciting: we were expected to learn how to properly behave and please, how to sing, play instruments and dance to appeal the Gods and our betrothed. It wasn't entirely correct. Yes, of course, we learned all those things there and refined our grace: from raw childish material we blossomed into gracious young women thanks to Sappho's teachings. But we also learned something more invaluable...eternal, I'd say.
One of the first classes I had there was a few days after my arrival. We were sitting in a circle near an altar in the green, the murmur of the waves crushing against the rocky cliffs echoing in the distance. Our teacher kept quiet for a while, her eyes wandering, taking in each one of us. Then, out of the blue, she asked us what the best thing in the world is. What do you value most in this world?, she inquired. What would you say? Silence fell in our group before someone said "the favour of the Gods" and another "power". A girl sitting next to me exclaimed "a fair husband" while I humbly suggested "happiness". What should we all seek in this life if not happiness? Sappho pondered our words then smiled. When she spoke again, she recited lines that went straight to my heart like an arrow: Some celebrate the beautyof knights, or infantry, or billowing flotillasat battle on the sea.Warfare has its glory, but I place far abovethese military splendorsthe one thing that you love.For proof of this contentionexamine history: we all remember Helen, who left her family, her child, and royal husband, to take a stranger's hand: her beauty had no equal, but bowed to love's command.As love then is the powerthat none can disobey, so too my thoughts must followmy darling far away: the sparkle of her laughterwould give me greater joythan all the bronze-clad heroes I spent the rest of the day repeating those words in my head and wondering who was "her darling far away" whose laughter was a memory so dear to win over glorious heroes. I also wondered if I would ever feel anything close to that: a tender smile still lingered on my teacher's lips at the thought of her. It must be nice, I thought. I've always been a good singer: when I was still at my parents's house I would shock my poor mother and nana saying that I wanted to be a singer, to sing for the passerby in the streets. Nana would comment harshly that it wasn't an honourable occupation for a girl. "Not a respected girl, at least" she chastised me, giving me an assessing look. Mother would agree and suggest that I could always sing for my husband and our guests one day, if my betrothed agreed. Funny enough, it's what happened: I'm an honorouble woman who delights my husband's guest with the finest melodies and hymns. I gave up my dream of singing and dancing free in the streets. But I wasn't surprised to excel in singing at the thiasus. It was not out of hubris, I was just aware of my skills and I basked in my teacher's appraisal. I was so excited when she offered me to perform a duet with another student for the upcoming celebrations. Generally, only older students were allowed to perform on such occasions but she believed I had a special gift and I would have done just fine. What better way to thank the Gods for the talent I received from them? I studied my part eagerly and when I was ready I came back to her and she introduced me to my partner. A girl slightly older than me was sitting with her, her raven curls dancing in the salty breeze from the sea. She graciously stood as Sappho explained the reason of my presence there and told my name, singing my praises. The girl smiled at me and I blushed a little in the sunlight. She noticed and looked back at our teacher, smiling to herself. Or refraining herself from giggling in front of Sappho. "And this, my sweet Athenian, is Kleanthis" our teacher announced with pride. Kleanthis. I repeated her name in my head and it filled me like the perfume of a sweet flower. Kleanthis came from a nearby island, Samos, and was one of the most brilliant student. By the way Sappho talked of her, I got the impression she was destined to follow our teacher's path one day. I was right but I couldn't possibly know it back then. When the pleasantries were over and we were left alone to rehearse before the celebrations, Kleanthis collected her lyre and guided me towards a beach nearby. Once there, she gently strummed her instrument and looked at me over her shoulder. "Let me hear what you've got, Athenian" The first lines were hers: her voice was like a siren's song but not as harmful. She swayed with the music and I had to concentrate not to miss my part just after hers. I had never seen someone like her: as she performed, she transformed herself, her whole body, not just her voice was participating and praising the goddess. She looked nothing short than a terrestrial manifestation of the Graces. Maybe she was one of them, I remember thinking: after all, the Gods visit our world under disguise. We repeated our parts over and over and stopped only when the sun was about to go down into the sea. She wiped away the sweat from her forehead and smirked, handing me her lyre. "Not bad, Athenian. How long you said you've been here?" Then she walked towards the sea and washes her hands into the sea, her face. When she moved back and asked me to follow her, I was mesmerised by the way the last rays of sun sparkled on her wet skin. That night we performed by the altar and it was...magical. Our voices fused together as if they had always meant to be, as if we were the two souls separated by the Gods and destined to meet again. Our hymn to Hera reached the sky and the hearts of our audience. I was ecstatic: the thrill of the performance still running in my veins, the lights of the torches and the moonlight dancing around me, the admiration of the people surrounding me. I felt as if my heart could burst for too much happiness all at once. I went looking for Kleanthis after the celebrations. I wanted to congratulate her and share with her the whirl of feelings inside me. I found her near the woods, away from the crowd. The first thing I noticed was that...she wasn't alone. A few girls were around her, chatting and whispering words I couldn't hear into each other ears. Kleanthis was laughing: one of the girls wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek making her laugh. A melodious sweet laughter. A knot formed in my stomach and I ran away before they could spotted me. I ran to my bed: my cheeks were crimson when I stopped. I laid down and hugged my knees as I used to do when I was a kid and needed reassurance. Kleanthis's laughter rang in my head again and I started crying. I had no idea why but tears ran copiously down my cheeks.
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
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Me? Ignoring my 20+ other projects to start a shitty Good Omens fic bingo? It’s more likely than you think 
“Watch it!”
A pram hit the back of Aziraphale’s calves and the woman pushing it let out a string of curses. That more than the collision had him jumping out of the way, profusely apologizing for stopping in the first place. Aziraphale didn’t think his apologies meant much—especially now that the infant had started screaming—so he miracled up a free coffee at the next cafe she stopped at and a good night’s sleep for good measure.  
“Sorry, terribly sorry again...”
The woman gave him a dirty look as she swerved back into pedestrian traffic. Aziraphale shuffled off to the side.
Oh dear.
Well, best to re-tie his loafers, yes? Never mind another miracle he’d performed years back, ensuring those bows would never again come undone (not after he’d nearly face-planted in Crowley’s company). One could never be too careful after all. So Aziraphale bent and spruced up one shoe, then the other. While down there he found that the cuffs of his pants could do with some straightening and there was a nearly invisible speck of dust on one knee. Maybe both. His waistcoat was always askew and the buttons could do with some polishing, his hair was—
“Fine,” Aziraphale sighed, lowering his hand from where he’d been patting his curls. “You look exactly as you always have, old boy, and it’s not worth putting this off a moment longer.”
That’s what he told himself anyway. It was quite another thing for Aziraphale to get his feet moving again, rounding the corner that would take him to the front of his shop. The feeling that had stopped him in the first place still hung heavy in the air and Aziraphale found himself fiddling with the buttons on his sleeve, more to waste another few, precious moments than out of any real desire to fix something.
There was a supernatural entity packed into the shop. Oh yes. Packed being the optimal word. Whoever it was had enough power to their name that it had seeped out of their corporeal form and spilled onto the street, drawing the humans’ gaze even if they didn’t know what they were looking towards. Could be a whole army of angels stationed among the books. Demons even. That might generate the sort of skin-prickling heat Aziraphale could feel now, growing hotter which each step he took towards the door. More likely though it was a single archangel.
“Perhaps,” Aziraphale whispered, now just an arm’s length from his well-worn handle; the collection of dates and times meant to deter too many from popping in. The faded paper seemed silly now, given that he would have rather hosted any thousands of humans over one of his brethren. So yes, perhaps he should rethink this. Head back out for a second lunch. A long, mid-day walk. Anything other then opening that door.
He could call Crowley.
Aziraphale was stepping across the threshold before he’d even finished the thought. No. They might be on the same side now, but that only meant he couldn’t throw his ally to the proverbial wolves. If his celestial siblings had decided to attempt a second punishment there was nowhere on Earth—or Alpha Centauri for that matter—where he could hide and Aziraphale’s last act as a Principality would not be dragging his beloved down with him.
“Crowley always did say I was stubborn as a mule,” he muttered. 
There was something quite freeing about committing to a decision. It allowed Aziraphale to finally still his hands and lift his chin, determined to meet this challenge with at least half the grace Crowley had afforded him during his first trial. Or the sham of one based on the story he’d heard. That alone was enough to give him a burst of something resembling courage, propelling him through the door.
Aziraphale was so certain he’d be greeted by Gabriel’s smug smile that he nearly tripped over himself when he... wasn’t.
“Ah,” he said, arms splayed out in a comical bid for balance. “Hello. You’re getting tar on my favorite cushion.”
Pollution tilted their head, much like an owl spotting prey. They sat slumped in the chair tucked between the counter and the first bookshelf, long legs stretched out and yes, a small puddle of what looked like tar dripping down from their ear. It settled on the tartan pillow wedged behind their back.
“Sorry,” Pollution said and smeared the muck further into the fabric.
Aziraphale swallowed.
This was most definitely unexpected. Unprecedented. Other un-words that Aziraphale couldn’t hope to think of because his brain was currently the equivalent of an egg frying on the pavement. Yes, a Horseman would most certainly generate the level of power he’d felt outside and—wait. Scratch that. Two Horsemen, Famine stepping out from the shadows to stand at Pollution’s side. He gave a jaunty little wave.
“Hello angel,” he said.
Aziraphale winced, unused to the endearment coming from anyone other then Crowley. Not that Famine meant it in such a way. He might be able to fake it though, with that relaxed posture and easy-going smile. Aziraphale looked around, a bit wild, now expecting the other two to close in on him. When nothing of the sort occurred he was left standing in the middle of his shop with two of the most destructive embodiments to ever exist staring like they expected him to start this conversation.
So Aziraphale did the only thing worth doing when things went pear shaped.
“I’ll make us some tea.”
Humans were quite right that there was an art to this practice and Aziraphale had spent many centuries mastering it. He’d never admit it aloud, but he found that the routine of boiling, steeping, and adding produced a drink far superior to what he could simply conjure up with angelic whim. Whether that said more about his skill or miracles themselves, Aziraphale wasn’t inclined to say. Perhaps it was simply the act of engaging in labor before reaping the reward.
Whatever it was, routine gave him a good ten minutes away from the Horsemen, allowing Aziraphale to pick up such useful information as, “I haven’t been attacked from behind yet” and “Apparently physical manifestations of mortal failings do enjoy a good drink now and again.” Famine asked for milk and three sugars. Pollution wanted nothing in theirs. Between checking the milk’s expiration date and pulling down honey for himself, Aziraphale felt another urge to dial a long-memorized number. He needn’t even say anything. The fact that he’d called at all would be more than enough to get Crowley here in record time.
Instead Aziraphale hefted a tray laden with tea and molasses cookies back into the shop, hoping he wasn’t making another wrong decision.
“Here you are,” he said, marveling at how steady his voice was. “I fear I’ve never entertained Horsemen before. Or, ah...” Aziraphale’s gaze landed on Pollution, something wet and sticky now seeping out of their boot. “Horse... people?”
Famine chuckled. “‘Horseman’ is traditional and I hardly care for the labels humans give us. Do you?”
It felt like a dangerous sort of question. Any would have really, so Aziraphale kept his mouth shut and made a non-committed sort of noise in the back of his throat. He poured the tea and tried not to spill too much of it into the saucers.
Pollution was still staring. Then suddenly they leaned forward in their seat, a squelching noise filling the silence, showing too many teeth when they smiled. “He’s nervous.”
“He’d better be.” Famine spoke as if Aziraphale were no longer in the room. “We may not have had our Armageddon, darling, but I hope we’re not that out of practice.”
Two pairs of eyes slid his way.
“Oh! Yes. Very, very nervous. That’s me. Nothing but nerves I should say. I’m positively stuffed with them—like a goose!—and that  certainly isn’t changing as you both... ah, look at me like that. Tea?” Aziraphale desperately held out a cup.
He shoved it towards Pollution though and there was a cold, suspended moment as he realized it was the one filled with sugar and milk. Then Famine stepped between them and took it for himself.
“Lovely,” he said, downing half in one go. This close Aziraphale could feel Famine’s aura, the gnawing, bottomless ache that had opened up in his stomach. Instinctually he reached for a cookie only to find that the box was already in Famine’s hands. “I fear we didn’t come here for the goodies though. Rather, we have a proposition for you, angel.”
“Something fun.” Pollution had taken their cup as well, though they didn’t drink from it. Their finger just went round and round the rim as a pungent smell began to emanate from the tea. “There’s a war coming. Your boyfriend realized it first. We want in.”
Back in the 1740s Aziraphale had the dubious pleasure of befriending three young boys, each too rowdy and smart for their own good. A bit of mischief had resulted, in its final act, with them yanking a prayer rug Aziraphale stood on—perhaps the only literal example of someone having the rug pulled out from under them. He experienced the same stomach dropping sensation now, the instinctual urge to bring out his wings.
“War?” Aziraphale said faintly. “But... we avoided the—”
“Yes, but humans always find a way, don’t they? Eventually. They’re more resourceful than all of heaven and hell put together.” Famine took another cookie, eating it with a pleasure that contradicted his purpose. “We’re not stupid, angel. We knew going into the war that it would end in our demise. All but Death’s, of course. Angels and demons don’t need to eat, you see. Erasing humanity means erasing me too.”
“And me.” Pollution’s voice had grown softer, though Aziraphale was hesitant to call it laced with anything like fear. “War would survive...”
Famine grimaced. “In a fashion.”
“But humanity,” Pollution continued, not seeming to hear the interruption. “What wonderful creatures. Even if they learn from those brats at the airbase and improve themselves, the two of us can still go on. Famine lives in every holy man of yours, fasting in the name of the Lord. I exist in all the children leaving sweet wrappers in forests and gum under their chairs. We might not be powerful,”
“But you’d exist,” Aziraphale finished. Famine inclined his head.
“And that’s just the pessimistic view. I believe that humanity will continue on as it has, now that you’ve given them that chance.” Famine’s grin was nothing like Pollution’s and every bit as unsettling. “Gorging themselves. Leaving the mess behind.” He finished off the cookies and obligingly dropped the box on the carpet, inciting a happy squirm from Pollution.
“I see,” Aziraphale said. He wasn’t entirely sure he did. “So you need me to...?
“Do nothing. Nothing at all, angel. This was merely a polite acknowledgement. You and that demon started something when you stood at humanity’s side. Know that we have every expectation you’ll finish it.”
Famine clapped him on the shoulder as he went by and Aziraphale nearly buckled at the hunger that ran through him. Pollution followed, having taken nothing but leaving plenty behind. The stench was overwhelming.
“We’ll be in touch,” they said and left a smear of oil on the edge of Aziraphale’s sleeve, grasping it briefly like a child.
“Y-yes. Lovely to see you. Toodle pip!”
Aziraphale had his hands on the phone three seconds after his door closed.
“Crowley? Well of course it’s me, who else—? Never mind. I suggest you get over here quick as you can. No, no, nothing like that. Just... bring dinner would you? I hardly care, dear, just get lots of it. Yes, I’m alright. Quite ravenous though, I’ll explain later. Oh really, Crowley, there’s no need for that kind of... of... innuendo over the phone. I’m hanging up now. Yes. Right now. Goodbye, Crowley.”
A beat passed with the phone pressed against Aziraphale’s ear. Then Crowley’s tinny laughter filled the bookshop.
“Well I don’t hear you hanging up either,” he groused. All of it—the banter, Crowley’s voice, the utter absurdity of this little disagreement—helped to loosen the tension in Aziraphale’s shoulders; alleviated some of the stench from his nostrils and cleared out the air. He sat with a thump and listened to the familiar sounds of Crowley starting up the Bentley. It perhaps couldn’t hurt to stay on the line just a little bit longer.
“Best pick up a few bottles of wine while you’re at it,” Aziraphale said, staring at the empty cookie box. “I just had the most unexpected visitors. I fear we have a great deal to discuss, my dear.”
Crowley cracked another joke about Aziraphale’s visiting practices and that right there was their first miracle in a while. Because despite Horsemen and the presumption of inevitable war, even with the reminder of their newly minted side and all the consequences that came with it... 
One joke from Crowley made Aziraphale feel like it was all going to be okay.
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vivi tang as a model,, and mc being her painter/photographer. after flirting through many projects, finally mc just snaps and has to stop painting/taking pictures and just begs vivi to fuck her. preferably a fic thank you !!!!
Sure thing, anon, I’d be happy to write this for you! Thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Famous model Vivienne Tang is in the midst of being painted nude by her trustworthy painter when one particular comment sends MC into a frenzy and the task at hand flying to the back burner...
Vivienne was impossibly beautiful and almost staggeringly sexy in her pose, slumped on a couch with a posture that reeked of strong feminine power. Her body was embellished in nothing at all unless the air counted as an article of clothing; yet she still looked better than most of the women MC had painted. On the far side of the room sat a very distressed MC, whose hands were busy painting a picture of the seductive woman in front of her. She found herself wanting to be busy touching Vivienne and not merely painting her--she wanted an in depth examination of her anatomy in ways that would definitely be a recalcitrant towards her professionalism. But the painter had fair reason to desire this when the subject of her painting continuously teased and seduced her throughout the entire painting process. “You’re taking much longer today than you did the last time you painted me,” Vivienne’s smirk is palpable even from the distance MC was sequestered in, “has my body changed overnight enough that you need a thorough viewing?” The model’s voice is a rumble so feline that MC swore she could sense her sentence nuzzling against her leg purring. MC frowns at the painting before her, the warm hues of Vivienne smiling back as if jeering. It appeared that no matter where MC turned, Vivienne’s ethereal beauty followed to haunt her mind and blot her gaze. “No, just want to get this right. It’s been a week since I’ve painted you, remember?” 
She swipes a crimson grin across the length of Vivienne’s thigh, manifesting the sublime couch beneath the even more sublime woman. Behind the canvas, Vivienne’s lips curl and she lifts a hand to sweep aside a strand of hair from her forehead. Even that brief movement persuades MC’s eyes away from the painting. “That’s fair. But you’ve painted me naked countless times and each portrait came out to be impeccably gorgeous, so that argument doesn’t exactly withstand, MC,” the artist’s name is both a prayer and a curse all at once as it dances past Vivienne’s scarlet lips, casting a spell on MC that shouldn’t have been feasible for any other person except Vivienne Tang, “perhaps your hands long to cherish what your eyes can’t?” Vivienne’s brown eyes bore into MC harder than the looming presence of her nudity, which is reimbursed each time the artist swings her eyes away from the painting to drink the model’s illustrious form. By the way, how the hell did she just vocalize the thoughts circulating in my head? Yeah, she’s a bit mysterious and reclusive but a mind-reader? That sounds so absurd. Vivienne drags a blood-tinted fingernail along the salivating curve of her hip and MC struggles to tear her gaze away. ...Absurdly sexy, apparently. 
MC realizes all too late that her cheeks are inflamed and when she speaks again, her tone is lopsided without the confidence there to bite Vivienne back. “That’s... I’m not-! Listen, do you want your painting finished or not?” The model in question grins at MC’s clipped voice and she tempts a fingernail between her teeth coyly. ‘Coy’ wasn’t exactly an adjective MC would use to describe Vivienne Tang but in this moment that was the only term that could appropriately prescribe the view. A flare of heat splashes within MC and she swallows as a rush of rouge scurries up her nape. “Of course I want this painting finished... if it entails more of your admiring stares. I feel like a subject to your wanton apodyopsis, MC.” She tucks her hair over her shoulder, simultaneously exposing more of her wondrously pale skin, and MC’s breath hitches. Her hand stills against the canvas flooded with Vivienne’s palette. “Apodyopsis? I’m hardly imagining you naked, Vivienne,” the artists keens as she gestures to Vivienne’s lack of clothing, “everything I’d want to see is right here in front of me.”
Vivienne’s grin morphs into something borderline fond and vexatious approval that unleashed a swarm of butterflies in MC’s belly. She almost expected Vivienne to rise from the couch and come over to her but the model stays posed, her posture barely shifting. Instead it’s her words that approach MC--challenging her just the way she hoped. “Oh? All of what you want on display is right in front of you at this moment, hmmm? If so, then why aren’t you acting on the easy exhibit? Why not feast from this buffet when you do so with your eyes constantly?”
There it was. The criticism that would surely tear down the walls MC had carefully constructed--the ones meant to shelter her from falling for Vivienne’s incessant flirting. All of it deflated in a matter of seconds. And Vivienne most likely knew this with the way her eyes flashed with satisfaction.
“Alright, that’s it.” MC sets her brush down roughly and hops off of the stool she was perched on, her arms crossing against her paint-spattered chest. “You talk boldly for someone who just wants to model, Vivienne. I’m starting to get the incentive that you want to walk away with more than just a portrait.” The artist’s admonishment is composed of akrasia, her dark eyes pools of irritation and desire all mixed into one. Vivienne’s brows raise in the slightest hint of shock... before her features slink inwards suggestively. “My, that’s a strong opinion to have, MC,” she says this as if feigning offense even though MC could read the show she was pulling, like a magician performing a trick able to debunked on the spot, “you seem passionate about your resolve. Tell me, darling, am I wrong?” Vivienne levels MC with a dashing look of impishness. Her question is pressing and MC gulps down the rest of her reservations, deciding that if there was any other opportunity as propitious as this one that she’d act with no questions asked.
“What if I asked you to ditch this painting and fuck me instead?”
The question is bashing the moment it breaches the air between them but MC could hardly care, her body coming to life with the thrilling promise of touching Vivienne Tang. This time the model’s eyes widen in tune with her eyebrows hiking and MC finds it hard not to feel gratified. Not many people can claim that they’ve made Vivienne make that kind of face before, can they? In the next moment, Vivienne’s face is composed in that of a mask of a seductress on the prowl. Her pose finally shatters as she whisks her long legs over the side of the couch. MC’s confidence falters as she watches Vivienne’s legs cross sinuously, as if in seldom invitation; not to mention the sudden shift her breasts experience, now solemnly unaffected by gravity. “Is that a challenge? Because if so,” Vivienne’s purr trails off as she leans back on her palms, inviting MC to gawk at her, “I won’t hesitate to push aside the painting for now.” Seeing an entrance, MC scoffs despite the flush embodying her face. “For now? How long do you plan on keeping me here, Vivienne Tang?” She asks this as she slowly nears Vivienne, her hips swaying suggestively. A sense of accomplishment blooms in her chest as she catches the model’s eyes flare with interest beyond what she had already been displaying, tracing the movement intently. “As long as it takes to make you scream my name, which shouldn’t be very long.”
“Oh? You’ve got a track record to back up that claim or what, Miss Tang? Or is that all talk for the sake of getting me naked faster?” MC taunts, her hands planted on her hips. All Vivienne gives in response is a feral grin and a sharp tug, sprawling MC into her nude arms. “I do, in fact, have a track record of just that. Under an hour in most of the woman I bed.” Vivienne flaunts as her hands slide around MC’s back, reaching for the binding that was holding her floral dress in place. MC shivers at how Vivienne’s breath feels against her neck and curls her arms around the model’s neck, her cheeks reddening. “Prove it,” is all the artist manages to murmur as Vivienne finds her vantage point into MC’s dress, her hands transcending the boundaries MC had longed her to breach for the longest time. It was almost an orgasm in and of itself--so satisfying it felt mind-melting.
And true to MC’s request, Vivienne spends the next few hours providing evidence to back her bragging; even going as far as succeeding in stroking her bellowed name out of MC in just thirty-six minutes flat.
A new record for model Vivienne Tang to flaunt to the rest of the world.
Thank you for your request! I loved writing this for you, it was a lot of fun to write Vivienne again!
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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cerezsis · 5 years
Chapter Five: Hello
Summary: Steven tries to get through to Gray by showing her the truth about her past.
WARNING: This chapter contains descriptions of blood and gore. Tread cautiously.
           Gray’s body trembled with a mixture of fury and confusion. She had no idea how this hybrid got in her head, but she was not about to let him stay there! The world around her faded to static as she fully manifested in the mind space.
           “How dare you!” she shouted in her head, “What makes you think you have the right to invade my mind!? When I get my hands on you –”
           Steven froze. “You can see me?”
           “Of course I –” Gray froze too, her own realization dawning on her. “You can hear me?”
           Steven nodded.
           The two of them stood, staring at each other in bewilderment. Touching the gash in her throat, Gray stood upright and her muscles relaxed a bit.
           “… Hello,” was all she could think to say.
           “Um, hi.” Steven floated closer to her. “How are you able to see me? Whenever I’ve been in the mind space before, no one’s been –”
           His words were cut off by something appearing in his peripheral. After a better look, he saw what appeared to be a butterfly, only… not. Its shape was on point, but its coloring was completely gray, and it was surrounded by a smokey aura that trailed behind it as it fluttered.
           “My powers are based on illusion,” Gray explained, the smokey insect landing gracefully in her stretched out palm, “I can project images such as this, and make others see things that aren’t there. I suppose the opposite is true too, and I can see things others can’t.”
           The butterfly disappeared in a puff of smoke. Steven nodded, satisfied enough with that answer.
           “I just wanna talk to you, Gray. Why are you doing this? Why are you attacking your own mother?”
           Gray scoffed. “Are you serious? Why? Did she tell you what she did to the cessineans? What she did to me?”
           “What she did to the cessineans was wrong, but we can make it right without fighting. Things have changed. White has changed. We can –”
           “What about me? Did she tell you what she did to me? Her own child! She can’t be trusted, Steven! What kind of monster does that to her own baby?”
           “What happened to you was the cessineans doing. White never –”
           “Oh, so the cessineans made her abandon me?” Gray once again interrupted, her tone mocking and increasing with anger. “The cessineans made her reject me at birth? They made her and Black toss me away like trash?”
           Steven stared at her, blankly. “What… did the cessineans tell you?”
           “What did White tell you? Look at me! You’ve met her! You know how she treats things that are flawed, how she treats beings that she deems “beneath” her!”
           “That’s… That’s not…” He tried to think of how to explain it to her. “White loved you, Gray. She and Black both loved you! White’s been mourning you for centuries! She never –”
           Rage seething through her core, Gray grabbed Steven, holding him tightly in her fist.
           “You don’t know anything!” Gray screamed. “They loved me? Liar! Mocking me isn’t going to save you! When I get to Homeworld, I will shatter you first!”
           “Wait!” Steven pleaded as Gray prepared to throw him out of the mind space. He couldn’t leave yet. He needed to show her the truth, but how? This wasn’t like when he tried to reach out to Blue and Yellow. How was he supposed to –
           “It must be a trick!” Yellow’s voice suddenly echoed, “Show yourself, foe!”
           Steven’s eyes popped open, and Gray froze in her tracks. They were surrounded by the projection of Yellow, Blue, and Steven from that fateful day two years ago. Gray let go of Steven in her astonishment, and the projection faded away.
           “What… was that?” Gray asked.
           Wondering the same thing, Steven looked to Gray. Curious, he reached out for her still outstretched hand. The memory projected around them again, the way it surrounded them reminding Steven of the observation device Lapis showed him on the moon base.
           “I’m not your foe!” Steven of the past pleaded, “Please just listen to me!”
           Coming to her senses, Gray drew her hand back.
           “What was that?” she demanded once again.
           Steven turned to look her in the eye. “I… think when my mind powers mix with your illusion powers, we’re able to see each other’s memories.”
           Gray raised an eyebrow. “You say that as if it’s a common occurrence.”
           “This kind of stuff happens to me a lot,” Steven shrugged.
           Gray’s face contorted in even more confusion. Grinning, Steven offered her his hand. She hesitated, but curiosity won out. With reservation, she touched his much smaller hand.
           Suddenly, they were surrounded by a shiny, metallic room. On one side, giant sheets of paper were scattered across the floor. On the other, a variety of carefully crafted paper flowers sat piled on the floor. A much younger Gray Diamond sat in front of a large screen that was mounted on the wall. Her long, white curls flowed freely over her shoulders, and her dress reminded Steven of something out of the Edwardian era. Her scars and gashes were as present as they were today, but her face was rounder and more child-like.
           The younger Gray continued to fold the piece of paper in her hands as an old cessinean comedy program played on the screen in front of her. Something had happed that made her giggle, but no sound came out. Her body just trembled as one would do when laughing.
           “Is this what you did all day?” Steven asked.
           “Not necessarily. Sometimes I’d preform maintenance on the base. With the cessineans in cryo-sleep, it was my job to keep everyone safe.”
           Steven continued to stare at the younger version of Gray. He watched her fold the paper with great precision, her face stoic but a glimmer in her good eye showed joy in what she was doing. Within seconds, what was once a blank piece of paper was now a beautiful, though alien looking lily.
           A thought suddenly occurring to him, Steven pulled his hand away from Gray.
           “I have an idea,” Steven said, “You don’t believe me when I say that Black and White didn’t abandon you, but if you can see it for yourself, you’ll have to believe it. We can project your memories of them, and you’ll see that I’m telling the truth.”
           Gray rolled her eyes. “And what if you’re wrong? What if I’m the one who’s right?”
           “Then you’ll prove to me that you’re telling the truth.”
           Gray was silent for a moment. “Regardless of who’s right, how is this supposed to work? How are we supposed to project things I don’t even remember?”
           Steven’s expression dropped. He hadn’t thought of that. He quickly searched his mind for an answer.
           “I saw something on TV once that we can try. I don’t know if it’ll actually work, but… Just hear me out. Close your eyes.”
           Gray tilted her head, unsure of where this was going. Despite her uncertainty, she decided the truth was worth the leap of faith. Doing as he instructed, she closed her eyes.
           “Now picture a door. Behind that door lies the memories you’ve forgotten, memories of your mothers and your life before the cessineans took you in. Picture that door and focus on it.” He reached out and touched her hand. “Now open it.”
           At first, nothing happened, but after a moment of silence, a happy, high pitched squeal echoed in their ears. Gray’s eyes snapped open. The image of toys and shiny things dangling down from two overlapping arches projected around them. Two tiny, chubby gray hands reached up and grabbed what looked like a mirror. In its reflection, there was a bright-eyed, smiling baby, no cracks or gashes to be seen. The infant’s tiny, wispy curls bounced as she flailed her limbs and let out another squeal.
           Gray’s eyes were locked on the infant as she raised a trembling hand to touch the gash in her throat. Thousands of questions raced through her head, but she found herself unable to voice any of them.
           “Is she supposed to be this active at this hour?” a familiar voice asked.
           The infant Gray turned her head, now looking towards the two large gems standing next to the sensory gym.
           “Aren’t infants supposed to sleep at night?” White continued.
           The gem standing next to her was equal to her in height, her black dress tight from the waist up, but loose in the skirt, the front of which opened to show her thigh-high boots. Her black hair reached her shoulders, and a square-shaped topknot sat on the top of her head. Like Gray, her chin was rounded, and her gem was on her navel, though its point faced upwards, much like Pink Diamond’s.
           “She’ll eventually grow out of needing to sleep,” Black Diamond rationalized, though her tone didn’t sound so confident, “I doubt it matters much when she sleeps.”
           Gray tore her hand away from Steven’s, causing the projection to fade away.
           “Is this a trick?” she demanded, “Are you manipulating my memories?”
           Steven shook his head. “You’re the one with illusion powers, Gray.”
           Gray was frozen in place. Steven gave her a reassuring smile and reached his hand back out for her. Hesitantly, she reached back for him, her hand shaking the entire time.
           When they touched this time, a sharp cry pierced the air. A tiny, fussy Gray Diamond clung onto a flustered White, the baby’s face flushed from crying so long. Black Diamond entered the frame, looking to console both her lover and child.
           “She won’t sleep, she won’t eat,” White listed off, “It’s been over an hour. She won’t settle down.”
           “Hand her over, darling,” Black offered, her arms outstretched.
           All too eager to hand over her screaming child, White gave Gray to her other mother. The darker diamond stroked the infant’s hair as she cradled her in her arms.
           “You’re causing quite a ruckus, little one.”
           Suddenly, images of calming, slow moving clouds began to manifest in front of the infant’s eyes. It was like slowly floating through a dreamland, though she knew she was still in her mother’s arms. Captivated, she watched the clouds go by, her cries finally starting to slow.
           Present day Gray also watched the clouds go by. She knew she inherited her powers from her sire, but she never thought she’d whiteness them firsthand. She watched as her younger self’s eyes began to flutter shut, her cries transitioning into hiccups as both her mothers began to quietly hum to her.
           As baby Gray’s eyes closed completely, present day Gray let her arm drop to her side, her eyes still locked ahead as the vision faded away.
           “Are you ok?” Steven asked.
           Gray turned to look at him.
           “What did White say happened to me?”
           “You and Black were waiting for her at a secret diamond base, and it was bombed by the cessineans. No one survived except you, apparently.”
           “How did I survive?”
           “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”
           Gray stared at him for a moment, completely silent. Her hand trembling more than ever, she reached back out for him.
           “I have to know.”
           Steven nodded, and touched her hand.
           The sound of Gray’s cried once again filled the air. This time, though, it was accompanied by the frantic voice of Black Diamond.
           “What about the warp pads?” she pleaded to a gem neither Gray nor Steven recognized, “If we can’t evacuate with the ships, we can –”
           “The warps have been deactivated as well,” the unknown gem informed her, “There’s no escaping, my diamond. The bomb will hit at any moment.”
           Black turned away from her, a mix of panic, despair, and desperation flooding over her. There was truly nothing she could do. The realization of their fates fully sinking in, she lifted the still crying Gray out of her cradle and held her close.
           “What about your forcefield, my diamond?” her pearl asked, “Perhaps –”
           “The larger my forcefields are, the weaker they are,” Black cut her off, “One that big wouldn’t stand a chance against an attack like this.”
           Looking down at the infant in her arms, a small spark of hope suddenly glimmered in her eyes.
           “But perhaps…”
           With a heavy heart, Black summoned her forcefield, surrounding Gray in its protective glow. Knowing she could do nothing more than rely on this small slither of hope, she fell to her knees and held her daughter as close as the forcefield would allow.
           “I love you, Gray.”
           In the blink of an eye, everything was engulfed in a bright light, followed by a loud BOOM! Even the memory of the sound was enough to make Steven and present-day Gray’s ears ring.
           The bright light faded to black, and within seconds, a metallic room began manifesting around them. Baby Gray had survived and reformed, but she far from unscathed. Her gem had been chipped, leaving her naked body covered in cracks and gashes. She was crying in terror, but no sound escaped her lips. Her right eye glowed white, and her face showed no emotion, aside from the fear in her good eye.
     ��      Just a few feet away, twelve cessineans stood, the very same twelve that were on the ship with Gray right now. None of them paid any mind to the terrified, injured infant.
           “I’m telling you, keeping her alive is the best thing we can do,” one of them explained to the others, “Look at her. We might’ve made the mistake of making Black and White too autonomous, but that won’t be a problem with her. She’s just a drone now, a mindless robot. She has no choice but to obey our commands.”
           Without thinking, Gray quickly let go of Steven, falling to her knees in anguish. She covered her face with her hands and shrieked loud enough that Steven had to cover his ears. Gasping between sobs, she ran her hands through her tied-back hair. Her anguish was so strong she could feel tears manifest on her physical form, outside of the mind space.
           Cautiously, Steven approached her and put a hand on her large shoulder.
           “I’m so sorry, Gray,” he said, “I didn’t know it would be… Now that you know the truth, you can stop all of this. Without you, the cessineans can’t hurt anyone. You have the power to –”
           Before he could finish, he found himself trapped in Gray Diamond’s fist. Hate and anger burned in her eyes as she threw her arm back, and violently tossed him out of the mind space.
             Steven gasped as he awoke in a cold sweat. Taking in his surroundings, he saw that he was still on the floor of the nursery, the diamonds and Spinel still surrounding him.
           “Did you talk to Gray?” White Diamond pleaded, “What did she say?”
           Steven didn’t know how to answer. He clutched his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.
           Suddenly, a loud BOOM shook the palace walls, causing even the diamonds to lose their balance, and few artifacts to come falling to the ground. Panicked, all five of them ran out of the room.
           Sprinting through the halls, they all stopped in their tracks once the nearest balcony came into view. Gray Diamond stood in between the open curtains; the flaming remains of the cessineans ship plummeting down behind her. Her face was stained with tears, and, much to Steven’s horror, her hands and dress were stained with blood.
           White Diamond’s hands trembled as she stared at the damaged face of her daughter. Slowly, Gray began to raise her hand, pointing at White as crimson blood dripped from her fingers. Trying to suppress her shakiness, White approached her.
           For a moment, all they did was stare at each other, their eyes locked. Lifting her hands, Gray summoned a smokey, silhouetted image. In it was the likeness of Black and White, the two of them standing close to each other, and lovingly embracing an infant Gray.
           The image faded away and White looked up, once again locking eyes with Gray. Slowly, as if afraid she too would disappear in a puff of smoke, White raised a trembling hand and touched Gray’s cracked cheek. Wiping a tear trail away with her thumb, White smiled at her.
           “Hello Gray.”
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