spiritualsrs · 2 months
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Reblog to Affirm 😇
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theambitiouswoman · 4 months
Journal Prompts To Welcome The New Year 🤍✨
✨ Reflecting on the Past Year:
What were your three most significant moments of the past year?
What lessons did you learn in the last year?
Which achievements are you most proud of from the past year?
✨ Gratitude:
What are you most thankful for as you look back over the past year?
Who made the biggest impact on your life last year, and why?
✨ Setting Goals and Intentions:
What are your top three goals for the New Year?
How do you plan to step out of your comfort zone this year?
What new skills or hobbies would you like to explore?
✨ Personal Growth:
How do you want to grow personally in the coming year?
What daily habits do you want to cultivate or change?
✨ Challenges:
What challenges from the past year are you still dealing with, and how do you plan to overcome them?
What fears or obstacles do you want to conquer this year?
✨ Future:
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year?
How do you envision your life one year from now?
✨ Creative:
Write a letter to your future self, describing your hopes and expectations for the year.
Create a vision board in your journal for the New Year.
✨ Relationships:
How do you wish to strengthen your relationships this year?
Are there new connections or communities you wish to be part of?
✨ Health and Wellness:
What are your health goals for the year?
How do you plan to take care of your mental and physical well-being?
✨ Experiences:
What new experiences do you want to have this year?
Is there a place you wish to visit or an adventure you’re dreaming of?
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
Stop dreaming about your life and make it your fucking reality. Make actual plans TODAY that align with your future. Go eat at the restaurant in Soho and order the kataifi prawns, (and take cute pics while you're at it). Go light that diptyque candle that's been sat on your dresser unused for months waiting for a special occasion. Go plan the dream trip that's occupied your vision board for years. Book the damn flights. Chop your hair. Get the brows did. Whatever you need to do to bring the 2.0 version of yourself to life, go do that. You are your own hero. You owe it to yourself, that little girl inside you that dreamt of a beautiful life, you owe it to her to make this dream come true, she is relying on you. So quit complaining, quit researching, quit talking about what you want to do and move. Move into action, move into booking shit, move into walking and talking as if you are living your dreams. Let's go!
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fujisfuji · 1 year
edward art quotes that help me understand the law 📸
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imp : read it slowly and you will understand , I used to have the habit of skimming through his videos and texts & I would always sit in confusion and frustration . it’s truly revealing when you read slow and steady same with posts on tumblr . read fully . listen to the message completely .
💐 hey siri play flowers by Miley Cyrus
“ Now, when we speak of “future” and “past,” we must not confuse this with the only time we can experience, which is NOW. We can only experience Consciousness. When we dwell on a past mistake, we are essentially becoming Re-Aware of Being that Version in the Now. Since consciousness is the only reality, we are not just “dwelling on the past” but in fact reliving that experience and we are Being that Version in reality. This is vitally important, because our thoughts of the past that we dwell on, do not recede but precede in our future, because everything comes from Consciousness, and Consciousness can only experience Now. What we experience NOW, is what we are Aware of Being, which Version we are Aware of Being. What we are Aware of Being, manifests. “
“ When you experience something you disliked and it happened a few years ago, where do you think that experience is taking place? If you fear the future, where do you think that is taking place? It is all happening within your Mind, "self." Past/future only exist in the mind. And you have the luxury to change what you wish in your mind. “
“ Neville tells us to not live in desire. The Bible tells to stop sinning. William Blake tells us not to suppress our desire. Take these words very seriously. If you have tiny bit of desire, no matter how small, Neville tells us to fulfill it mentally. Keep pruning each day. Remove rules. Remove consequences. Remove the outer-world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you "should do" or "have to do." Do what you want. “
“ Neville tells us to not live in desire. The Bible tells to stop sinning. William Blake tells us not to suppress our desire. Take these words very seriously. If you have tiny bit of desire, no matter how small, Neville tells us to fulfill it mentally. Keep pruning each day. Remove rules. Remove consequences. Remove the outer-world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you "should do" or "have to do." Do what you want. Overtime from practicing this, I noticed that the answer is always the same. Whenever I am not feeling and imagining well, the answer is this: "I am not imagining what I want." This is always my answer. The moment I actually go towards exactly what I want, I become fulfilled. The fears all away and bliss comes. I do not care what the world thinks about it. I do not care what my circumstances are Neville tells us to not live in desire. The Bible tells to stop sinning. William Blake tells us not to suppress our desire. Take these words very seriously. If you have tiny bit of desire, no matter how small, Neville tells us to fulfill it mentally. Keep pruning each day. Remove rules. Remove consequences. Remove the outer-world when you imagine. Remove all ideas of what you "should do" or "have to do." Do what you want.
Overtime from practicing this, I noticed that the answer is always the same. Whenever I am not feeling and imagining well, the answer is this: "I am not imagining what I want." This is always my answer. The moment I actually go towards exactly what I want, I become fulfilled. The fears all away and bliss comes. I do not care what the world thinks about it. I do not care what my circumstances are. I do not care whether or not it will even happen. I do not care what fears pop up. None of that matters to me. All that matters is that I fulfill it within me. This is what actually changes me. This is how I find happiness. I make consciousness my only reality. not care whether or not it will even happen. I do not care what fears pop up. None of that matters to me. All that matters is that I fulfill it within me. This is what actually changes me. This is how I find happiness.I make consciousness my only reality. “
“ Neville said this: "You want to be free of all embarrassment? How would you feel this night if you were not embarrassed, that not a thing in this world could embarrass you? How would you feel where it so?" Here is a quote that must be taken seriously. You see, I always felt the world is unsafe. I would act upon this feeling, always feeling uneasy and I world create thoughts of me being harmed from the world. But imagining that my world is safe, I get all sorts of feelings. I get feelings and thoughts like "Sure you can imagine that but come on... there are crazy people out there." "It would be nice to believe that but you know people can be harmful," etc. But that is what I WANT. I want to feel that, I want to experience that. I want to imagine that and believe that. That is what I want. Why reject myself from that experience? Neville is saying, "What if NOTHING could embarrass you?" What if your world was safe? What if your world always worked toward the fulfillment of your desires instead of having opposition? When I assume it, I do not care about how it will happen or when, or even if it is possible. All I care about is changing my entire feeling to exactly what I want. Then it's own strange way, it grows in my world. This is what I mean by giving yourself what you truly want. Find something deep that you want, and dare to assume it. This is what truly changes the "self" and that "self" will be expressed. “
♱ videos that truly helped me feel limitless to the core .
reason, my bondage .
who is imagining ?
imagination, my refuge .
Inner self must be exalted .
life is a dream .
freedom of expression .
his series on youtube ( hearing it in his voice is so calming )
the world is a response .
The name of ‘ I AM ‘ .
& his series is so helpful .
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Money Quotes Short
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prettymindset111 · 1 year
void challenge
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this challenge includes completely living in the end and your 4d + a strict mental diet
instructions : completely embody the mind of a person who enters the void every time they fall asleep with no effort at all , they simply fall asleep as they do daily and wake up in the void before they go 2 sleep again . so completely live mentally as this person basically think the thoughts you would have if this was your relationship with the void . no techniques just live in the end , you have your desire/ assumption, that’s it .
how to live in the 3d : do all your responsibilities physically but mentally you are just doing it for the experience for example, you are a student so it’s your responsibility to study but you affirm “ I study now just because I wanna experience what it’s like anyway i’m gonna enter the void tonight as usual “ or smth along those lines … remember your 4d reflects your affirmations instantly, + your subconscious does not have eyes it believes what you tell it immediately repetition is not required but persistence & consistency is a must ! less wavering = faster manifestation .
happy manifesting cuties <3 🎧
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changingthemood · 3 months
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radiatehigher · 1 year
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Whatever you are in pursuit of, is also pursuing you. #beintentional
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imoneymantra · 1 year
Type 'YES' to Affirm.
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My Week 1/22/24-1/28/24
My week started off rough and it sucked because I was humiliated and embarrassed at work. It was literally the worst case scenario and I wished I had gone back in time and changed it so I hadn’t been embarrassed like that. It felt like it was my fault. I talked to my friends and a coworker about it and they told me I hadn’t deserved it even though I had done something wrong, and that I should file an unofficial complaint. I’m still working up the courage but hearing my friends say “I’ll fight these people for you” made me feel good.
The rest of the week was pretty good. I was haunted by the humiliation for about three days but by Saturday it was pretty much gone. I went to a cosplay convention and met up with my online friends and we hung out all day and made tiktoks and talked. I had a few moments where I didn’t know what to say because they were talking to other cosplayers they knew who I didn’t know. I did try to make conversation with the people in the group I didn’t know, though I don’t know if I’ll be close friends with them, but at least casual acquaintances. We went out for fast food towards the end of the con and some eleven or twelve year old boy said “nice haircut” about my wig (these kids have no filter, I swear) and my friend was like “I’ll fight them for you” which was a joke that I appreciated the sentiment behind.
I’ve come down from the “con high” and I am glad that I had successful socialization and learned that other people’s fears are similar to mine when it comes to socializing. I hope that me and my cosplay friends can meet up outside of a convention because that would be really fun, and they seem to want to. I can’t wait for the next convention in March, and I think I found some of my cosplay people- one of my friends and I want to do a cosplay duo together! I’m one step closer to having my ideal people in my life.
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kolilikkuma · 1 year
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Not my artwork
~ 🖤🖤🥀 ⱠłⱠł₮Ⱨ ₴ł₮₮ⱧⱧ 🧿🖤🖤 ~
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I’ll prove to everyone that I’m worth it and that I’m going to work hard for my future until I’m satisfied with the results. I predict a lonely road to success, but I can make it.
Journal Entry 2020
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theambitiouswoman · 5 months
"I AM" are the most powerful words you can say because anything you put after that creates your reality. We can choose to limit ourselves by how we label ourselves (I am anxious, I am bad, I am broke) or you can choose to expand your reality.
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adviceformefromme · 1 year
You have to become your number one cheerleader in order to win in this life, there can’t be any room for that toxic voice in your mind. You might not even realise that you’re your very own number one hater. Think of all those times you try to step it up, wake up early, start a new business, take on a new exercise? And guess who’s whispering loudly in your ear holding you back? Persuading you that waking up early is BS, that going to the gym and doing exercise is stupid and you’ll do it another day, that why even start a new business? It’s going to fail anyway? That voice there in your mind is keeping you stuck and the only way to overcome your inner sabotage is to firstly start noticing this voice. Notice is as often as possible. As you’re in the shower and it’s creating an argument with that person, as you’re looking in the mirror and it’s pointing out how bad your skin is. Once you have this awareness and you can start to see how toxic your inner voice has become, you can now decide… do I listen to this self-hate that puts me down day in day out? Or do I replace that voice with something that empowers me? Because you truly have that power. Slowly but surely you’ll start overcoming all that negativity in your mind and watch how quickly this changes your life.
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tooedgyforbrunch · 7 months
We’re getting the brownstone!! 🫶🏾🍾
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moneymanifestion · 1 year
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