#manipulation thy name is unknown
shiratamahatsumiyo · 2 months
Twst with a Blood Mage reader
Warning: ...Blood and Violence? No shit?
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• In this fic, I won't be specifically referring to the reader as Skarlet or any part of Skarlet's backstory. I'll only be using references of her skillset (Dagger Dance, Cell Siphon, Krimson Shield, etc.) and I'll also leave the reader's backstory as a powerful unknown mage with a forbidden type of magic.
• You have a very unique magic. A magic oh so powerful that everyone feared that it may turn you into a monster. But the thought of manipulating anyone and making them serve you never crossed your mind. You first discovered that you possess such type of magic is when you accidentally bit the inside of your cheek. The blood dripped down from your mouth to the floor. As you cried, the drops of blood levitated in the air, startling you. When the people around you took notice of this, they immediately cast you aside as a villain.
• ... That's okay. It doesn't hurt anymore.
• You didn't know what happened. That's that. You didn't know you blacked out, you didn't know how you got trapped inside a coffin, you didn't know why this... Blue furry thing on fire screaming at you to take off your robe that definitely wasn't there before. You shrugged its hostile behavior towards you since it doesn't sound like it wants to elaborate.
????: "Fnyagh! Just gimme your robe and I won't burn ya to a crisp, got it?!"
• I mean, look at this thing. Judging by its size and aura, it doesn't seem to be strong enough to knock you out, much less overpower you. The flaming feline is not pleased when you casually ignore him and just walk away like nothing happened. So it blew flames at you when you turn from him. You sharply turn to a corner to avoid the flames. You realize that you didn't have your dagger or anything sharp around you, so you ran.
????: "Fnyaaaah! Hey come back here!"
• Hmm, Courtyard... No sharp rocks or sticks, the whole place looks clean. Hmm, Library... Papercuts from papers? No, too small. Shit, a dead end... Should you just bite your fingers or bash your head against the wall? Nah, no time-
Grim: "Fnyahaha! Ya think ya can escape from the Great Grim's nose?! Now, take off your- FNYAGH!"
• You sighed, close your eyes, and just thought of letting him burn your skin off so that you can have access to your blood magic...... Huh, he's silent all of a sudden. You open your eyes to see a man wearing a crow mask and a top hat capturing the cat with a lash. The man scolded you after bickering with the tiny monster. He doesn't seem to pose a threat to you and you won't pose a threat to him.
• Whatever nonsense this man keeps blabbering about, it intrigues you. A college? Solely to train young mages? This loud-ass man is their headmaster? A horse drawn carriage of ebony took you here? As a student? ...Should you be glad that it's not a dungeon? Should you be annoyed and tell him that you're not supposed to be here? Either way, you quiet down and observe the commotion until your explanation is needed.
??????: "Where is the headmage?"
?????: "Maybe he had a stomachache and had to leave?"
Crowley, barging in: "NOT AT ALL!"
????: "Ah, there he is."
?????: "Whatever. Let's get this stupid ceremony over with."
• Crowley pushed in front of a mirror and a face glowed from it.
Dark Mirror: "State thy name."
BloodMage! Yuu: "...."
Crowley: "Psst! Say your real and full name!"
BloodMage! Yuu: "... But it's an object? I'm not sharing my name with an object, I'll look stupid."
Crowley: "Just say your name!"
BloodMage! Yuu: "Fine! It's BloodMage! Yuu..."
Dark Mirror: "BloodMage! Yuu... Thy color and shape of soul is..."
107 notes · View notes
tnsophiaonly · 1 year
"Thy should learn its place."
"It is beneath me."
The Creator scoffed at an annoyance, the fact that someone dared to use her gene blessed to mortals for their own advantage?! Out rageous! But her connection to the realm has been disconnected from Celestia thyself. They dare challenge their Creator?
Challenge accepted.
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4
Liar Reader. SAGAU. Cult AU. Impostor-ish AU. OOC. Manipulator Reader.
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The same looking figure as you was talking to Kujou Sara. Really unfortunate.
So the plan to avoid characters at all causes, yeeted to Celestia.
What do you do?! What do you do?!?!
Wait, just go back to where you are and leave with your boat!
You were about to walk away when...
"Halt! Show yourself, intruder!"
Kujou Sara commanded and took out her bow and put the '(S/M)' behind her as a sort of protection.
Well. Shit.
You walk out of your hiding place and despite the fact that Kujou Sara dropped her weapon a little bit, you could feel her guard is still on.
"State your name and purpose!" Kujou Chic- Sara demanded. Geez was she always this loud? Man her vocal cords must hurt, her own issues meh.
"Akeldama Kagema, I am an adventurer. I came here for a commission." You lied smoothly, keeping up a facade of a serious and hardworking.
Kujou Sara eyes you up and down. 'Strange, why do I feel a divine like aura on this stranger...?' Kujou Sara thought quietly, unbeknownst to her guard dropping.
(S/M) chuckled awkwardly, gaining your and the yokai's attention
"So, Kagema-chan, what exactly is your commission?" Wow. No formalities? Straight up -chan and comfy? You keep up your facade.
"I had to take care of a hilichurl camp." You lied explained. (S/M) seemed skeptical of your answer, "Just a hilichurl camp? That's your only commission..?" Clearly she knows nothing about the Adventurer's Guild does she..?
"Only in Kannazuka. I still have other commissions on other islands of Inazuma." You cleared things up.
"Ohh! I get it!" (S/M) sickly sweetly said in false fascination.
"By the way. Kagema-chan, I noticed that you're bruised and your clothing doesn't really seem adventure-like!" Perceptive people suck but are also hot. "I am very aware of my clothing choice but it's the only clothing choice I have. But it didn't cause a hindrance or whatsoever." You lied replied professionally.
Before (S/M) could speak, Kujou Sara unconsciously cut her off. "I'll patch this stranger. I can't trust this stranger to be anywhere safe with you (S/M). You are after all an oracle and the only person that's personally connected to the creator. You should visit the Kamisato Estate for some early discussions regarding the festival and ritual for the creator."
"Ohh yeah!" (S/M) says in realization, and her face turns red, 'Ayato...' She thought quietly. She then faces the both of us and bows down. "May the Creator guide you!" She says in a hurry and runs away.
Oracle? She- she already took the role of an oracle? Fuck! Now what're you going to do... Maybe just act like an adventurer? Yeah...
You were thinking deeply, unknown to your surroundings of someone watching you. "Akeldama, is there something wrong?" Finally formalities! Kujou Sara asks in either suspicion or worry.
"I'm fine. I was just shocked about the news of an oracle..." You clear things up. Kujou Sara nods, "I totally understand you, I, first, did not acknowledge her, until, I felt myself being awakened." That was just a coincidence, or was it?
Awakened? What does she mean by that..? "Ah.. you don't seem to have a vision.." Does she mean pulls?
"It's when shooting stars in the sky get a color of gold or purple which will give you a connection to the creator. It's like wishing for fate." Kujou Sara explained. So it is pulls.
"Ah. Now I'm kind of envious of you vision holders. Getting your own personal connection with the creator sounds like a dream come true isn't it..? It almost feels like, she'll give you everything to just get you all acolytes a connection to the creator hmm? It's a really really special deal.." You became out of character from your facade.
Kujou Sara's eyes widen at your statement, she's never thought of it as that special as you do. It's as if she's not pledging her utmost devotion to The Creator! You're right.. the probably only reason The Creator hasn't awakened every vision acolytes is because they might have been growing weaker in the other world and that's why she sent an oracle now because she wanted to see what we personally feel. Oh she apologizes very much, does she need to sacrifice and do something about it?!
You hid your smirk. Kujou Sara seems bothered... Guess your statement got her mind to chicken in.
Now you just wonder what challenges you'll face at the acolytes you haven't awakened yet.. you'll find out soon.
This chapter is short for a reason 😔. 1. I couldn't do anything until next week to see what lies beyond the poll.. and also because I didn't want to write for others in this specific chapter.
I'm so sorry for being lazy ig 💔
Anywho. VOTE IN THE FIRST PART NOW CAUSE THE DEADLINE IS NEXT FRIDAY!!! Just know that the most popular given mask has its own ability that'll help you out in future conflicts!!!
Taglist: (?)
@khalhaimdad @yourlocalstranger123 @undecidingfate
351 notes · View notes
xxmyhomexx · 1 year
He is a powerful sheshmu and is worshipping Anubis to purge Egypt of people who oppose the idea of sheshmu living amongst Menes II. He is also the leader of an elite team that is growing and growing, powerful sheshmu who can do more than what Eva's trained to do, including mind manipulation and dream control. He takes a keen interest in Eva, not only because of her dreams and visions, but also her beauty and determination.
One day, he has two of his loyal followers bring Eva to him after she has an attack following a vision of Anubis destroying Egypt. Her friends are in shock, but can do nothing when they manipulate their minds into unconsciousness. When she wakes up, she is on a bed of the softest straw, wondering if she is in her house.
When she looks around, Eva realizes she is not at her home in Thebes, but an unknown village with houses and people walking around. She is confused and scared, until a woman walks in.
"You're awake," she smiles at her. "I will let Ash know."
"Ash..." Eva's eyes widen. The man from the oasis.
She follows the woman to a big house similar to that of Amen's, but not as vastly rich. The woman knocks on the door, announcing that Eva was awake.
"Enter!" Ash's voice booms. The woman bows at Eva before walking away. Cautiously, she enters the house, and sees before her the man that has captured her interest. He is sitting in a chair with his arms across his lap, leaning forward.
"Ah, the beautiful Ev-thys," he emphasizes her name. "Welcome to my kingdom."
Immediately, she freezes. His red eyes bare into her, icing her core.
"You," she realizes. "You're the one responsible...for the virus."
Ash says nothing for a moment. "Not exactly, but I had a hand in it, yes."
Eva is sick to her stomach. "Why am I here?" Her eyes are full of fear.
"My friends! Where are..."
"Don't worry about them, my desert flower," Ash interjects. "My people didn't touch them. I only had them knocked out, but not enough to hurt them. They are safe."
Now Eva is angry.
"Safe? Safe?! You kidnapped me! You had my friends KNOCKED OUT!" she screams. Ash's smile fades.
"How do I know they're safe, Ash??" Eva demands furiously. "I thought you were a wanderer, someone who was lost like me, someone who just wanted to belong in a place without judgement, without prejudice! But you and I, we're still strangers!"
"We're NOT strangers, Evthys," he denies. "You're just like me. We are both sheshmu, powerful and superior! Your dreams, those visions! You saw him, you saw our lord Anubis."
Eva froze. "How...how do you..."
"You and I are connected," he explains. "Us sheshmu, our minds are alike."
He gets up from the chair and locks his fingers in hers. "We can be more, so much more than the cloaks we wear or the masks that hide our faces. We need to be known, to show that damned Pharoah and his hunters we are here to fight for our freedom."
"What freedom?" Eva pulls away. "What is freedom if we are fighting and killing? You control people, Ash. You bend their minds to your will, and I..."
"That is where you are wrong, my princess," Ash shakes his head. "I have built this community upon everyone's willingness. Nobody is forced to stay, and everyone can come and go. Let me show you."
Reluctantly, Eva takes his hand as they step outside the house. In front of her, she sees sheshmu, women and men alike, talking amongst one another. They are laughing, there are no masks, and everyone seems happy. Nobody is running away, and one man waves to Ash passing by with a jug full of water.
"We are all one, connected by Anubis," Ash explains. "He gave me purpose after those damned Epistates killed my parents."
Eva gasps and she gazes at him. "I've been wandering across desert after desert for the one that would understand me, understand the pain of hiding in the shadows. When I saw you at the oasis, I knew I had to get to know you better. I felt your energy, the connection between the dead and the living."
Eva remains silent.
"I could feel everything about you. The love for your friends, the giddiness of challenging the hunters, and the pain of your childhood. So, so much pain."
Ash closes his eyes with a frown. "I've never had a kindred spirit, but our interactions made it clear you were my equal. Your power is growing, and the chaos in your heart, it cannot be unleashed with the teachings of Remmao."
He lead Eva back into the house. He walks to a bookshelf and pulls a large scroll from the shelf, unsheathing it and rolling it across the table. Her eyes widen.
"These scriptures...they were forbidden from practice! Manipulation of the mind and body, control of the dead...it's dark magic!" Eva was disgusted.
"Not by the hands of sheshmu who are tired of hiding."
He holds out his hand and helps her to her feet from the table.
"I know it's overwhelming to take in, but I'm telling you this because...I want you by my side, Evthys."
Eva goes slackjaw.
Ash takes her hand. "Join me in my cause, Evthys, and together we can overthrow the tyrant that is Menes II. Those damned Epistates won't hunt us down like cattle to slaughter, and commoners won't spit at us anymore. My community is small, but we keep growing, and we can continue to especially with someone like you. You are special and brave, and I've grown quite fond of you."
Eva bit her bottom lip.
"My cause needs you, and it cannot continue under your mentor. You are meant to be so much more than making a measley commission."
He bows before her and kisses her hand. "Remmao teaches you only scraps. I can show you the world."
Eva turns her head away, emotion overwhelming her. "But...Remmao is like a father to me. He's taken care of me, and I have friends! Isman, he's been my brother when I had no one, and Dia and Ramesses...I can't lose them!"
"And you won't," Ash assures her. "They will see you in new light. Your feelings are valid...but do you want to continue to feel the pain of your childhood? The torment of waking up from the nightmares of times when your family hurt you?"
Eva's heart became heavy. Could she really leave behind the life she knew for years? Ash and her had a connection, a connection of more than just sheshmu who wanted to belong in the world. He offered her a chance, a chance of a new life, where one day everybody could be equal again. People could practice magic with one another. But it would mean giving up a part of her soul that still clung to the life she grew up with.
Ash returns to the chair, patiently awaiting her answer. Several moments pass by before she approaches, kneeling and taking his hand, pressing it against her forehead.
"I'll..." she inhales. "I'll join you."
With a smile, Ash helps her to her feet. When he looks in her eyes, unshed tears are threatening to escape. He wipes them away with the pad of his thumb, kissing both lids along with the tip of her nose.
"No more tears, my princess," he comforts her. "No more crying."
He tilts her head to meet her in a kiss. His lips are soft and full, not rough and dominant. She closes her eyes as it remains gentle, Ash only pulling her closer. When he releases her, he leads her out the door once more.
"MY FELLOW SHESHMU!" he hollers. The faces outside start to surround the house.
"Today is a day to celebrate. The God Anubis has bestowed upon us a savior that will lead us into a new dawn. A sheshmu that not only has a connection to the Lord himself, but has decided to join us in our cause. She is standing here in our territory right now, because she sees the mission we are working on."
The men and women smile and chatter with excitement.
"She sees a world where there are no rulers, hunters, or disgust amongst us sheshmu. With her at our side, we will shake the realm of Egypt on its knees, letting them know we no longer will be silenced. Menes II will be on his knees bowing before us, because our answer has come from our newest leader! ALL HAIL EVTHYS!"
"ALL HAIL EVTHYS!" The crowd screamed, lifting up their fists in celebration. Eva shyly bowed and smiled.
"My fellow sheshmu," her voice was soft. "I am not looking for worship or rule. We are all equals, and we must continue to be so. Let us show the world we are not monsters, and we are here to stay!"
The crowd cheered.
"This calls for a celebration!" A woman announced.
"Yes, let us eat and drink to new beginnings!" Another man agreed.
"Yes," Ash called. "So it shall be a feast!"
Hours later, the sheshmu gather around the village square. Music plays, food is served, and the company is merry. Eva watches as Ash joins her.
"These people believe in you," Eva looked at him. "You give them hope."
"No," Ash shakeshis head. "We give them hope. They believe in us."
Eva purses her lips. "I have to...speak with someone about this. I can't go back, not now."
"You are home," Ash embraces her. "If it pleases you, I will send a bird."
"A bird? But I..."
Ash looks away with a frown. "We must not waist time planning, my love. I wish you could have time to say your goodbyes, but..."
"War has no time," Eva finishes. Ash nods his head in agreement.
"But it'll all be worth it in the end. Trust me."
"I trust you." Eva wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. Ash holds her close, tangling one hand in her soft dark hair. Eva slightly opens her eyes and peers at the side.
"Forgive me, everyone, but I must follow my heart."
She closes her eyes once more to enjoy the arms of her beloved.
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thedivinefish · 1 year
TGIWednesday: We got this for you
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TGIWednesday News
I think we all get a little crispy/frantic sometimes and I am no exception.  The other day I could not find my main credit card I use to purchase things.  I looked high and low before I dare tasked my little Taurus the bull girlfriend with that mission!  Nothing and nowhere to be found.  When I sat with it, I got “it’s hiding in plain sight” thanks a lot for the parable Spirit!   Now please show me and tell me where is my credit card? Ugh grrr Even after unleashing the bull to search for it, still she didn’t find it either.  Ok, I will go through the horrific process of canceling that one and ordering a new one.  Turns out they have an app for that (they seem to have an app for everything now right?) easy breezy and final click said something to the effect of “are you REALLY REALLY sure you want to do this? because if you find that card, you can’t use it or go back in the time space continuum and undue or reverse this action?”  Reluctantly I pressed “I agree” only to roll up into my driveway and spot the credit card laying on the ground in the driveway.  (hiding in plain sight? Makes sense now) Promptly I called the bank reflecting on the end-all, be-all solution that I just agreed to!  I got a super nice Indian man (not like tech support comedy, more like the voice of a soothing patient shaman) and after explaining my dilemma, he nearly whispered on the line, “We got this for you.” A few clicks later and my same old card was good to go.  Relief be thy name!  Remember that not everyone who wanders is lost and there are still angels among us just looking to be of assistance while being in allowance and acceptance of the glorious splendor that is you!
Has it been a while since we last fished together? Get on my schedule today!!!  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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  ~ HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the unseen world can be even more magical and enjoyable than this one and there are forces at work to bring us more into alignment with our true purpose. I am ready, willing and able to let my imagination go wild and spring forth more creativity, frivolity and joy while still remaining grounded, loving and kind. I know, when, where, how and why to tap into the unseen world for whispers from Spirit to light my path during this journey and allow for it to be one of contribution and joy. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life! 
October's LIVE Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/oct-zoom23
THEME: Releasing the Evil affects of the unseen world. We will touch on any negative energies affecting you, a loved one and the world! 5G, Wifi, chem trails, pure evil energies, Weather fears, future fears of the unknown and the dark side of halloween! 
Submit one brief sentence for each after payment and please email [email protected]
1) For myself: I would like to be relieved of the haunting feeling/fear caused by_____ (5G, wireless, reversed polarity, being ungrounded, my ex partner, my past, my fear of the future)
2) For my loved one:  I would like to see them released from______ (pain of a health challenge, mental health causes, an upcoming test that they have to pass, addiction to…..)
3) For the world: I would like to see our planet Earth unincumbered by _____ (catastrophic weather, global warming, over harvesting, air/water/ground polution, evil manipulative/ignorant/greedy human agendas …)
  Join us as we collectively release the negative, dark and heavy energies and exchange them for positive, light and flowing loving energies It's as simple as filling in the blanks above after submitting your invest of you for 22$ US.  
Pre-register now - just $22
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Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
OCTOBER 11TH "Today I will throw the rule book out the window and improvise. I will ask spirit, 'What else is possible?' I will wonder aloud and say to spirit, "'I wonder how this can be improved in ways I never thought possible?"
From the Fish Box
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Hi please tell Jimmy that his monthly requests have been successful for 1 year priority request of friend with pregnancy issues delivered a 8-13 oz healthy boy on 9/9.  I will send pics cuz he wanted to see this special boy. I don’t want any details but could post that many issues along the way thru spirit worked out and I am so grateful!! Sending photos for you to enjoy.  If you want to post in success, may help others with fertility issues." - Mary A
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
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divinefishingtips · 1 year
TGIWednesday: We got this for you
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TGIWednesday News
I think we all get a little crispy/frantic sometimes and I am no exception.  The other day I could not find my main credit card I use to purchase things.  I looked high and low before I dare tasked my little Taurus the bull girlfriend with that mission!  Nothing and nowhere to be found.  When I sat with it, I got “it’s hiding in plain sight” thanks a lot for the parable Spirit!   Now please show me and tell me where is my credit card? Ugh grrr Even after unleashing the bull to search for it, still she didn’t find it either.  Ok, I will go through the horrific process of canceling that one and ordering a new one.  Turns out they have an app for that (they seem to have an app for everything now right?) easy breezy and final click said something to the effect of “are you REALLY REALLY sure you want to do this? because if you find that card, you can’t use it or go back in the time space continuum and undue or reverse this action?”  Reluctantly I pressed “I agree” only to roll up into my driveway and spot the credit card laying on the ground in the driveway.  (hiding in plain sight? Makes sense now) Promptly I called the bank reflecting on the end-all, be-all solution that I just agreed to!  I got a super nice Indian man (not like tech support comedy, more like the voice of a soothing patient shaman) and after explaining my dilemma, he nearly whispered on the line, “We got this for you.” A few clicks later and my same old card was good to go.  Relief be thy name!  Remember that not everyone who wanders is lost and there are still angels among us just looking to be of assistance while being in allowance and acceptance of the glorious splendor that is you!
Has it been a while since we last fished together? Get on my schedule today!!!  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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  ~ HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the unseen world can be even more magical and enjoyable than this one and there are forces at work to bring us more into alignment with our true purpose. I am ready, willing and able to let my imagination go wild and spring forth more creativity, frivolity and joy while still remaining grounded, loving and kind. I know, when, where, how and why to tap into the unseen world for whispers from Spirit to light my path during this journey and allow for it to be one of contribution and joy. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life! 
October's LIVE Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/oct-zoom23
THEME: Releasing the Evil affects of the unseen world. We will touch on any negative energies affecting you, a loved one and the world! 5G, Wifi, chem trails, pure evil energies, Weather fears, future fears of the unknown and the dark side of halloween! 
Submit one brief sentence for each after payment and please email [email protected]
1) For myself: I would like to be relieved of the haunting feeling/fear caused by_____ (5G, wireless, reversed polarity, being ungrounded, my ex partner, my past, my fear of the future)
2) For my loved one:  I would like to see them released from______ (pain of a health challenge, mental health causes, an upcoming test that they have to pass, addiction to…..)
3) For the world: I would like to see our planet Earth unincumbered by _____ (catastrophic weather, global warming, over harvesting, air/water/ground polution, evil manipulative/ignorant/greedy human agendas …)
  Join us as we collectively release the negative, dark and heavy energies and exchange them for positive, light and flowing loving energies It's as simple as filling in the blanks above after submitting your invest of you for 22$ US.  
Pre-register now - just $22
FREE Live Appearances
Coming up this month!  
You Wealth Revolution Season 26 with host Darius Barazandeh Halloween Wednesday October 31st at 4pm Eastern and The Quantum Shift Academy 14 with host Helena Riley
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
OCTOBER 11TH "Today I will throw the rule book out the window and improvise. I will ask spirit, 'What else is possible?' I will wonder aloud and say to spirit, "'I wonder how this can be improved in ways I never thought possible?"
From the Fish Box
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Hi please tell Jimmy that his monthly requests have been successful for 1 year priority request of friend with pregnancy issues delivered a 8-13 oz healthy boy on 9/9.  I will send pics cuz he wanted to see this special boy. I don’t want any details but could post that many issues along the way thru spirit worked out and I am so grateful!! Sending photos for you to enjoy.  If you want to post in success, may help others with fertility issues." - Mary A
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
TGIWednesday: We got this for you
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TGIWednesday News
I think we all get a little crispy/frantic sometimes and I am no exception.  The other day I could not find my main credit card I use to purchase things.  I looked high and low before I dare tasked my little Taurus the bull girlfriend with that mission!  Nothing and nowhere to be found.  When I sat with it, I got “it’s hiding in plain sight” thanks a lot for the parable Spirit!   Now please show me and tell me where is my credit card? Ugh grrr Even after unleashing the bull to search for it, still she didn’t find it either.  Ok, I will go through the horrific process of canceling that one and ordering a new one.  Turns out they have an app for that (they seem to have an app for everything now right?) easy breezy and final click said something to the effect of “are you REALLY REALLY sure you want to do this? because if you find that card, you can’t use it or go back in the time space continuum and undue or reverse this action?”  Reluctantly I pressed “I agree” only to roll up into my driveway and spot the credit card laying on the ground in the driveway.  (hiding in plain sight? Makes sense now) Promptly I called the bank reflecting on the end-all, be-all solution that I just agreed to!  I got a super nice Indian man (not like tech support comedy, more like the voice of a soothing patient shaman) and after explaining my dilemma, he nearly whispered on the line, “We got this for you.” A few clicks later and my same old card was good to go.  Relief be thy name!  Remember that not everyone who wanders is lost and there are still angels among us just looking to be of assistance while being in allowance and acceptance of the glorious splendor that is you!
Has it been a while since we last fished together? Get on my schedule today!!!  Folks always say, “you’re so busy” and I always say “yes, but I’ll always make time for you!” Appointments View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule  15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins
TGIWednesday Video Download
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  ~ HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT ~ I believe, think, know and feel that the unseen world can be even more magical and enjoyable than this one and there are forces at work to bring us more into alignment with our true purpose. I am ready, willing and able to let my imagination go wild and spring forth more creativity, frivolity and joy while still remaining grounded, loving and kind. I know, when, where, how and why to tap into the unseen world for whispers from Spirit to light my path during this journey and allow for it to be one of contribution and joy. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you’ll make a little daily progress that the rest of your life will be the best of your life! 
October's LIVE Zoom Event
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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25TH 7:30PM ET/ 5:30 CT/ 4:30 PT (30 mins) Pre-register at Calendly for $22 (includes reminders and REPLAY)  https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/oct-zoom23
THEME: Releasing the Evil affects of the unseen world. We will touch on any negative energies affecting you, a loved one and the world! 5G, Wifi, chem trails, pure evil energies, Weather fears, future fears of the unknown and the dark side of halloween! 
Submit one brief sentence for each after payment and please email [email protected]
1) For myself: I would like to be relieved of the haunting feeling/fear caused by_____ (5G, wireless, reversed polarity, being ungrounded, my ex partner, my past, my fear of the future)
2) For my loved one:  I would like to see them released from______ (pain of a health challenge, mental health causes, an upcoming test that they have to pass, addiction to…..)
3) For the world: I would like to see our planet Earth unincumbered by _____ (catastrophic weather, global warming, over harvesting, air/water/ground polution, evil manipulative/ignorant/greedy human agendas …)
  Join us as we collectively release the negative, dark and heavy energies and exchange them for positive, light and flowing loving energies It's as simple as filling in the blanks above after submitting your invest of you for 22$ US.  
Pre-register now - just $22
FREE Live Appearances
Coming up this month!  
You Wealth Revolution Season 26 with host Darius Barazandeh Halloween Wednesday October 31st at 4pm Eastern and The Quantum Shift Academy 14 with host Helena Riley
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day!
OCTOBER 11TH "Today I will throw the rule book out the window and improvise. I will ask spirit, 'What else is possible?' I will wonder aloud and say to spirit, "'I wonder how this can be improved in ways I never thought possible?"
From the Fish Box
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Hi please tell Jimmy that his monthly requests have been successful for 1 year priority request of friend with pregnancy issues delivered a 8-13 oz healthy boy on 9/9.  I will send pics cuz he wanted to see this special boy. I don’t want any details but could post that many issues along the way thru spirit worked out and I am so grateful!! Sending photos for you to enjoy.  If you want to post in success, may help others with fertility issues." - Mary A
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
*Upon sending an email request after your purchase, you can receive a one-time sample/example of the software analysis. Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!  
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day!  SUBSCRIPTION AUTO-RENEWAL ($95/mo - save $5) Purchase a recurring subscription  Update your prayers monthly. You can cancel or pause anytime.
Use PayPal for subscription Click here  Use Stripe for subscription Click here.  Could you use a private session? Are you feeling extra-crispy?  If so, you can now  Book Appointments... View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins  
30-Days of Prayer - $99
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
?Visit our ?NEW O?nline ?TRAININ?G? CENTER
We have finally completed the migration of the Mastery & Practitioner Certification Courses and are now opening up the BRAND NEW ONLINE TRAINING CENTER!  All are welcome to create a FREE account to access the NEW and IMPROVED MLF Basic Training Course and also know that the Anchors Away, Masterclass and both Mastery & Practitioner courses have been UPGRADED with new information & lessons!
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   Visit now, Click Here!
The Fish Market
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Below is list of over 35 titles in the MyBeliefWorks Clearings audio series, monthly Zoom clearing call replays and Guided Energy Processess. Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better and we are ALWAYS working on the next one. Don’t forget… you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Freedom from Abuse Overcoming Addiction Receiving Abundance Body Scan: Head to Toe Healing Bountiful Harvest Igniting Creative Spark Discovering Your Destiny Daily GPS Reset Releasing Dark Energies/Fears Crossroads -Decision Making Diet & Exercise Support Education & Learning Support Empowering the Empath Enthusiasm for Life Financial Windfall Gold Coin: Money in All Forms Healing Family Relationships Healing Body Disorders High Cotton Abundance Joy of Money
IRS Stress & Taxes Relieving Holiday Stress Increasing Intuition Lucky 777  Finding Love & Romance Mental Stress Positive Money Mindset Moving Forward from Past Chronic Pain Relief Pet Healing Support Improving Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Pro$perity Unlocked Traveling with Ease Treasure Chest Work & Career Success Weight Loss Support Restoring Youth & Vitality
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We now offer digital Gift Certificates for gift-giving. Gift a free session, daily prayers or clearing audios/videos to someone special.  You simply select the denomination that matches the gift you'd like to give from the options on this page amounts from $19 - $225.
Buy Gift Certificates here
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View Full Zoom Replay Collection  The 5 Anchors Process The Purple Rain Process The Magical Golden Key
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Healing and Grounding Mats for all occasions Yes even Lily my cat uses the pet one!   View Grounding Mats here Use code: MyLiquidFishfs for Free Shipping
**We are NOT involved in the sales or shipping process of the 3rd party items, please contact them directly. 
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments ???Transformational Healing of Body, Mind? & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!? ? View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins Search FAQ Create Your FREE MEMBERS Account  Clearing Audio Downloads? and eBooks Get Certified in MLF Mastery or Practitioner Watch Free Videos on YouTube Radio Show Archives Healing and Grounding Mats ...enter code: MyLiquidFishfs at checkout for Free shipping! http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2023 All Rights Reserved
0 notes
tabooafrica2024 · 1 year
Protection Prayer
Since most children repent during their infancy and the deception being church "house of worship" 💒 related to repentance only. But of course it is not people tend to forget that they did it already. Also because life comes with real realities such as Noa a drunkard to the house of worship community you couldn't belong to Father Sacred because you are a drunkard.
You have to protect yourself from those who oppose the truth that the journey is not make the person it's the compliance through whatever the journey brings your way that makes the person.
You do this by agreeing with Father Sacred all the way through it again the first prayer we call Our Fathers Prayer that acknowledges who where what we are addressing the outcome the purpose how it is achieved etc giving us the percept of understanding of how further prayers should be. We also knowledge the same with admission of unequally yoked ties.
It's the unequally yoked ties that bind us to situations and mind fuck us out of our progress to remain equally yoked folk sneaking into your circle who bring discord damages and even separating people from their own thinking that their relationship with Father Sacred is severed.
Father Sacred who are keeping vigil over all who repented I have to engage in ties that may be unequally yoked. Since I do not know should they received the Order to repent I am asking that you deliver me of evil attributes help me understand not to be foolish use wisdom keep me in THY Will, grant grace should tampering and covetous results against me. It's not my desire to suffer as a wrong doer but the devises of unbelief lead to such things occurring. There are ways of manipulation set against me all of them are unknown to me but I acknowledge that I prefer to remain in a relationship with you. You know what I mean Yahweh is the name many African are taught so is Jehovah by way of a book given to us in our plantation or abolition. We come to rely on those names to relate to HE who gives us the breath of life not to separate us from HIM. Please give us grace to humble ourselves and to hear your voice that we may not be lead astray. For in all things correction and guidance is our friend and instructor ensuring that we follow in paths that shall protect us and keep us with you.
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0 notes
oransvillage · 2 years
New Oc Hilal the moon guardian
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Name:  Hilal
Species:  Ceris Gaia Child
Sex: Male
Sides: Good
Age:  Unknown
Diet; Fruit / Meat
Special Abilities:  Dream walking and manipulation / Star manipulation / Moon Blast / Magic
Power - 6/10
Intelligence - 5/10
Speed - 9/10
Courage - 5/10
Skill - 9/10
Sexuality:  straight
Occupation; Guardian of the night and dreams
Current Residence: In his temple.
Relationship status: single
Personalty good side: Independent, Keen, Dependable
Personalty bad side: Jealous, Fussy
Likes: Crafting Constellations, Reading, Walling, Swimming
Hates:  Being ignored, Hard work going to wast
Fear: Not being good enough.
Friends: Guardian of the sun.
Family: (later)
Enemies: Sun guardian (Past/Present) Nightmare.
Hilal was found as a egg by a clan of Ceria in the moon pool as thy raised him he reached the age of 10 the even that only comes 1 thousand years came where the Sun and Moon would chose there guardians because the old guardians where retiring to pass on to the spirit world.
Hilal joined the gathering as children of high nobles,kings and Queens where in the ring or choosing as the sun and moon shared the sky as the suns light shines down and chose its guardian all that was left was the moon as Hilal was trying to get a good look but he fell into the ring of choosing as he shakes his head the moons light shines upon Hilal.
Before others could react the ones chosen by the sun and moon were teleport-ed into the respective temples the Sun and Moon temples thy were greeted by the old Guardians.
Hilal thought it was a mistake but the Old Moon Guardian settled his worry's and he begins his training to become the Moon Guardian he even meet the training Sun guardian and thy became friends.
when there training was done the old guardians pass on leaving the new guardians to fulfill there new role.
At first Hilal took pride in his work making beautiful night skies as he soon noticed that Hilal Night sky was not being appreciated seeing that everyone slumbered under his hard work no one was up to look at the wonderful stars he has created seeing the creature love the Day not the night.
Every day creatures called the Nightmare burrowed into Hilal mind increasing his Jealousy,Rage,insecurities until he falled to them becoming the vessel for the Nightmares as he forced a eclipse as the Sun guardian tried to reason with him but it leads into a battle as the Sun guardian managed to banish Hilal to the moon but the spell will not last for long only 100 years.
With that time the Sun guardian prepared for the day Hilai returned making a group of creatures to help the guardian defeat the nightmare and free the Moon guardian.
when that time came thy battled until thy defeated the Nightmare freeing Hilal.
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thebirdandhersong · 3 years
While Hamlet is furious with his mother and uncle for forgetting his father, he has, perhaps, more reason to be angry at himself for not only forgetting what he must do in his floundering emotions, but also forgetting the person Old Hamlet truly was. Death warps his memory of his father, which leads Hamlet to mourn—and love—an idealized image of him. As the play nears its climax and Hamlet becomes exposed to how tangible and unavoidable death is, he realizes that it is memory, no matter how true or warped, that will keep him alive after his own death. Although he has no way of knowing what kind of afterlife will greet him, he knows that he will live on forever if people remember him.
Yorick has been forgotten by all but Hamlet, and Old Hamlet’s real story is never told to the rest of the world. Hamlet wants to ensure that the self that will live on in the memory of those who remain will be one that correctly reflects who he was, and why he acted the way he did. “O God, Horatio,” he says to his friend as he dies,” What wounded name./Things standing thus unknown, shall live behind me!/If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart/Absent thee from felicity a while,/And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain/To tell my story” (Shakespeare 5.2.348-351). After all he has seen and done, Hamlet decides to “let be”, as no one can control the circumstances in which death will take them (Shakespeare 5.2.221).
Old Hamlet’s ghost no longer plagues him—rather, it has been his own thoughts and his own questions about human existence and his identity in the context of his own morality that have driven him to this point. His father exited the stage long before he realized it, but the ghost that has haunted his steps all along now stands before him. Death, putting on the masks and faces as a thing to be manipulated, inflicted, feared, reflected upon, and finally, accepted, does indeed haunt Hamlet’s every step, but at the very end, it leads Hamlet to his final wishes. At last, when the prince lies dying, thought has become action, word deed, and Hamlet passes the “burden of memory” he has been carrying, not of his father, but of himself, to Horatio (Andrews, 1981, p. 269). Tell my story, he says. Tell my story. “Remember me,” is essentially what he is saying. The son’s final words echo his father’s, reminding the reader that while everyone must die, no one ever truly will, if there is someone out there who will remember who you were, who will tell your story.
12 notes · View notes
song-of-asystole · 3 years
Crime and Punishment - Soukoku oneshot
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A demon once whispered to him of crime and punishment. He hadn’t paid it much mind – how trusted can a demon be?
His crime, among others, was betrayal.
The only aspect of the crime he left overlooked turned out to be the most crucial one – the punishment.
And the demon stays amused by the most pathetic Raskolnikov in existence – Dazai Osamu.
The author being an absolute nerd for Dostoyevsky and overanalyzing Soukoku’s relationship. Enjoy Dazai’s late-night thoughts!
TW: death, implied suicide
Author’s note:
I’m taking a break from my usual writing (which I’m super insecure about), so I’m writing this little fic because I hope you will be kind to me. Also, I just needed some comfort and BSD is my go-to place for that.
There’s a couple of references scattered across the fic: the obvious one about Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment, as well as The Brother Karamazov and The House of the Dead. Yes, I’m aware I’m a huge nerd.
I actually got really carried away and I wrote 2 more chapters which I’ll post on AO3. Of course, this chapter will be up there too, I’ll put a link down below, so please give feedback. :D
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30342828
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A demon once whispered to him of crime and punishment. He hadn’t paid it much mind – how trusted can a demon be?
Dazai Osamu’s crime, among others, was betrayal. He betrayed the miserable life he had led in Port Mafia, the life that had devastated him on the days he remembered he had heart under that cold, colorless ribcage of his. This life, if one may even call it that, deprived Dazai of a childhood, of innocence, of cleanliness: his hands stained crimson red and his thoughts painted pitch black. Would letting go wash away those dark colors, reveal the truth underneath, which was unknown to him? He did not know, but something had to change.
And so he escaped, with the night cradling him and the smoke of a burning car covering his treacherous silhouette. He had fled the winter of his life, days of bloodshed and sin out of sight and out of mind, looking forward to a promisingly bright spring. Betrayal is an ugly thing, but he had never cared much for looks.
The only aspect of his crime he left overlooked turned out to be the most crucial one – the punishment. Never had he dreamed he would feel guilty.
What am I really even guilty of? Wanting to see the light? Wanting to do good for once in this wretched life I lead? The days I spent swimming in the dark waters of despair deserved to see the end. Am I a monster for wanting happiness?
Hard as he tried to reason with his guilty consciousness, it never left him. It just kept gnawing at his thoughts, making him remember what, nay, whom he tried to forget.
The red-haired calamity.
The manipulator of gravity.
To Dazai, the giver of life.
Nakahara Chuuya.
At the time, Dazai could’ve never fathomed the concept of missing the redhead. Sure, Chuuya was important to him – as much as a person who knew everything about you could be. The two knew each other from the tip of the head to the end of the toes.
He could never not be important. Such noise is rarely ignored, Dazai mused jokingly.
Chuuya was what brought him life. The constant cheating, stealing and killing tramples the soul until you cannot make anything of what’s left. It’s what makes Dazai long for death – he’s seen the depths of this cursed city that squeezed his heart to the point he wanted to throw it away. However, Chuuya – just saying his name made Dazai feel warm – he saw it too. He felt it the same way Dazai did. He might act harsh with all his stomping, yelling, and destroying, but underneath all that is a gentle, nurturing nature that he hides. It’s a detriment in his line of work. Having someone understand meant a lot to Dazai. Maybe their partnership was even built on this silent understanding, among other things.
However, Chuuya was not nice. Don’t ever mistake Chuuya’s sensitivity with kindness. Sugar and spice was not to be in the same sentence as his name. He has always been… rough. Sometimes it served as a wake-up call to Dazai. It helped put things into perspective, but it also helped put things into bad perspective. Not a single morning did these two share without a fight – verbal or physical. Dazai didn’t mind it much at first. After all, teasing Chuuya did work like a drug for him. With time, however, the blade of their words never became dull. It only sharpened. Words like poison flung around the apartment, sentences like spider-webs sitting in hidden corners of the bedroom. Love – they never dared call it that, but, oh, what a burning love it was – love, the most sacred of all emotions, was a chore until it became a war. Eventually, Dazai couldn’t find his peace even in the arms of a lover.
So, his craftiness started turning wheels again and – he escaped. Not a word in the evening, not a trace in the morning, only confusion and hurt spelled over Chuuya’s heart.
Dazai knew it was cruel. He never felt right about it. He loved Chuuya, after all, so the best thing to do, he concluded, was to forget.
The demon laughs. Punishment has been passed.
Presently, Dazai Osamu spends his night awake, staring at the dirty ceiling of his room, as the most pitiful of the world’s Raskolnikovs.
Why can’t he seem to forget a man he once loved, a man he soon grew to hate, a man he betrayed in order to find happiness? What twisted force of nature is dragging his thoughts back to the time he was at his lowest? Why is it that now, when all hope of reunion between the lovers is lost, he finds himself longing for the infamous Port Mafia executive Nakahara Chuuya? Why did the ashes find their way back into a flame after he committed the worst of all sins – betrayal of trust and love?
The demon chuckles once again and in a sing-songy voice he says, I told you, Dazai-kun. To love thy neighbor is impossible. The man himself is the ugliest of all God’s creations – how could anyone love such a creature up close? Even the Father won’t cast a glance at him. It takes distance, Dazai-kun, and you’re not exempt from this rule of human nature.
It is irksome, yes, how right the demon seems to be. It is certainly irksome, Dazai feels, as the demon’s words carve into the left chamber of his stone cold heart. What even was it that made Dazai hate Chuuya? Hate Chuuya… it used to seem so impossible and yet, along with Odasaku’s death, it drove him to plan and execute a high-scale betrayal of the entire Port Mafia.
It would take years before Dazai could understand the intricacies of his past with Chuuya at Port Mafia. What mattered now – truly, the only real thing in this world – was the fact that he actually loved Nakahara Chuuya.
Oh. There. He thought of it. For some reason, he didn’t want to think of anything else but that. It wasn’t scary, as he thought it’d be, all those years ago. He finally broke the lock in his lungs and there it was: all that air he never let himself breathe. What was it about that mere word that made two Port Mafia executives shy around it, avoid it like the authorities, dance around it as if it was bonfire in the festival night? Why had they never let the simple four-letter word into their little sanctuary when it so obviously belonged with them? The fear he once felt seemed foolish to him now.
I guess we do learn as long as we live, he whispers in the dark room to no one in particular.
He felt a rush trying to sweep him up, make him stand. However, where would he go? To Chuuya? As if. He hurt Chuuya in unspeakable ways even during the time they spent together. He has no right to show up at his doorstep or in his life. Ever again.
Even if he did, how would that end? They squeezed each other’s hearts dry and called it love. Every day felt like torture, but they swore it was sweet. Why, why, why did they cause so much pain? Was it truly the only method to make them feel alive in the house of the dead? Did the right answer slip between their fingers at some point?
The question Dazai had been stuck on was, Is there any way he could forgive me? If, once in the future, I looked him in the eye and told him the truth – would there be salvation pouring from his lips? Or would he rightfully convict me for my crime?
Thus, Dazai fell into slumber, like every other evening for the past four years. The bed will never feel comfortable to him because it always seems to be missing something, but Dazai will keep denying it. His little room doesn’t even look like a home, but Dazai will tell you that he just can’t be bothered to unpack and decorate. His heart, cold like a Russian blizzard, has not known warmth in a while, but he will tell you it’s incapable to do so.
Those are the only three lies Dazai Osamu tells people and himself – until the night comes again and unlocks a little door in his brain.
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365daysofrwby · 6 years
Canadian RWBY AU - Weiss Schnee
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Idk if you're here for the bad art or what, but here's most of the Weiss stuff. Thanks to @misslionfigther for the figure skating idea.
Weiss Schnee is an Atlesian born Canadian with German roots that go way back, (America is now the United States of Atlas in this AU, so Atlesian = American)
She's an Olympic figure skater and is also relatively adept in a variety of other fields including firearms, fencing, business, finances, and music.
She speaks German, English, and several dialects of French fluently.
When her older sister Winter decided go into politics rather than the family business all the expectations of inheriting both the Schnee Dust Company, and Schnee Lumber and Oil CO fell on her shoulders.
Her childhood and upbringing was micromanaged by her father, so that she would become the perfect candidate for running the companies.
She's lonely, trapped, and constantly burdened by her family's dark historical past, her future responsibilities, and the fact that it's up to her to somehow make amends for all of the bad her father and family have done.
During her first experience with competetive pair skating her partner accidentally kicked her in the eye, she's lucky she didn't go blind, after that she only did solo routines.
She met Pyrrha briefly a couple times during the olympics, and because her father considers Pyrrha "a wise investment" she keeps in touch with her.
Her 18th birthday is soon. The day when she would begin work at the company and as each day passes she gets more and more stressed. At this point she just wants some kind of out from the literal hell she's living in.
Notes on her Family:
Willow Schnee: Atlesian, former CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, Alcoholic, she lives in a summer mansion in Hawaii, where there's no ice to be seen.
Jaques Schnee: Canadian born, CEO of both Schnee companies and founder of the Schnee Lumber and Oil CO. Abusive and Racist Asshole. Lives in Atlas Canada, an area in Quebec near Toronto, that used to be an Atlesian colony.
Winter Schnee: President Ironwood's VP, Atlesian, used to be an ice skater herself. Owns way too many guns. Served in the military before moving into politics.
Whitley Schnee: Atlesian born, lives with his father, spoiled and undersupervised younger brother. Since no one ever payed attention to him or made him do anything he never developed any particular talents besides manipulation and avoiding work.
Attends a private school in Atlas Canada. Is a very depressed and spiteful young boy.
Klein: Weiss' figure skating coach, basically the one who keeps her sane.
Now have a badly written short fic!
Unknown Number
The day before her 18th birthday she got a call from an unknown number. Normally she would let it ring, but for some reason, be it boredom or hope, she picked up.
Instead of answering with her usual cold 'This is Weiss Schnee, heiress of the SDC, why are you calling.' She simply answered with a tentative "Hello?"
The voice that responded was high pitched and childish "A-ah! Hello! I mean-"
The voice cut off and there were panicked noises in the background, she heard a cheery 'Just be yourself' and a cryptic 'I can't just talk to important people normally!' Before the voice resumed
"Most esteemed heiress! I am Ruby Rose! The finest player of the Canadian Nation's iconic sport! Your, frie- uh, fellow comrade in arms! Pyrrha Nikos bestowed thy number upon me! And! I wish to, um. . Uh."
There was a pause, and more mumbling before
"Okay you know what this is hard! I can't talk fancy! Weiss Schnee! I need to talk to you about how to fix the disparity between Faunus, Semblancers, and Normies!"
Weiss hung up. She was already constantly bombarded with reporters and angry crowds asking about what she "Planned to do" about every little grievance and misdeed attached to her name.
Now they had gotten their hands on her private number. She made a mental note to block Pyrrha permanently later.
The girl who had called. What was her name again? Ruby Rose?
Weiss googled the name and was soon hours in to an intensive investigation on the sixteen year old hockey rookie.
Human Rights, Faunus Rights, Semblancer and Normie equality. Autism Awareness, Gun safety, Children's health,
These were all causes that this seemingly awkward and underqualified redhead had involved herself with.
Weiss sighed and looked at the ornate clock in her room as it ticked to midnight. She was 18, and her life was never going to be her own again.
She stared at the last webpage she had opened, Beacon Academy's player roster.
She scrolled down to the bottom and found the link to the Beacon website homepage,
Here she found pictures advertising the programs specifically catering to Semblancers, and the school's hockey program.
And there it was, the Academy's address, somewhere in Northern Alberta Canada.
She stared at it, the old forgotten feeling of defiance rising in the pit of her stomach.
Picking up her phone she dialled her coach's number and left a simple message.
"Klein, I won't be making it to rehearsal tomorrow"
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doomedandstoned · 5 years
Swedish Sludge Masters GLOSON Issue Harrowing New EP, ‘Mara’
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
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In the summer of 2012 in Sweden, a group of individuals came together with a solitary goal in mind: to create dark music offset with the smallest glimmer of hope. Instead of being inspired by political and religious themes, the band turned to their own personal and internal wastelands to see what would manifest from their subconscious, writing within this very cruel world.
GLOSON has always represented one of the finest names in progressive sludge metal, on par with Sumac, Intronaut, and Bible Black Tyrant. The band graciously appeared on last year's Doomed & Stoned in Sweden compilation and has long been a favorite of mine, going back to the Yearwalker days.
On Friday, April 8th, the foursome from Halmstad take the leash off of this 15-minute two-tracker, 'Mara' (2019). I do believe mara is Swedish for nightmare. The band confirms this:
"The concept of our new EP 'Mara' is about our subconsciousness while being asleep; being stuck between the realm of dreams and reality. Portraying personal demons has usually been the agenda of Gloson, and the most graphic and terrifying ones occur during such states."
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Lyrically and musically, "Usurper" sets the mood quite effectively, enveloping the listener in the fog of somnambulance, with all the tense feelings of helplessness that accompany a bad dream (that eerie synth, just subtle enough to be sensed, is largely responsible for discomfort we feel). According to the band, this song "is about when you are the protagonist of a dream and have to wade through oceans of unreal horror that dwells within."
Some of the words remind me more of the waking nightmare this world finds itself in, where at times it feels like we've somehow been spirited away into a surreal alternate dimension where everything is rapidly digressing. "Is this the world we were given?" Gloson asks rhetorically. "Is this the world we would flee?" Certainly the answer to the first question is "yes," and increasingly many of us are giving a reluctant "yes" to the second question, too. If it's a world we no longer feel at home in, it begs a third question still: "What are you going to do to change it?"
On the flip side is "Equinox," which the band describes as a different kind of nightmare, "when you yourself are the antagonist and the chokehold of everything that is real and unreal." The last song hinted at the cultural, spiritual, and political manipulation that has us all turning against one another ("Ravens randomly strike through the shadow, 'til the end they're striking through me"). This often leads to majority populations looking for a scapegoat to their economic and social problems. I'm not sure if that's what Gloson are alluding to with a line like "the blaze of a thousand souls will purge us," but the song is nonetheless compelling.
Look for Mara on Black Lion Records this weekend, who is issuing the record on compact disc, in addition to giving it a digital release (pre-order here). In the meanwhile, Doomed & Stoned is providing you entrance into Gloson's stimulating, if disturbing, dream life.
Give ear...
Mara by Gloson
World embezzler The walker of voids Shed light, summoning mist Creature within
Stubbornness won't give insight Clairvoyant redeemer Inured to face thy hollow Unearth the willows in my dreams
Is this the world we were given Is this the world we would flee Ravens randomly strike through the shadow 'Til the end they're striking through me Is this the world we were given Upon this world we will see Whatever my world has forbidden Is forever what I will be
Planets align Planets align Critters lies dormant And withers in bliss
Planets align Planets align Shielding the bulwark Of realities unseen
Light does seem to break these walls Seeping mist, veils of smog
Breaching the gateway Repent, repent The blaze of a thousand souls will purge us Coming salvation Repent, repent Whitening necrotic tint fulfills us
Billows of fumes, figurines appears Spiritual rape from origins unknown
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Poster by Prakash Khatri Chhetri
Some Buzz
Hailing from Halmstad, Sweden, GLOSON was formed in the summer of 2012 by a group of individuals with a solitary goal to create dark music offset with the smallest glimmer of hope. Instead of being inspired by political or religious themes, the band turned to their own personal and internal wastelands — to see what would manifest from their subconscious, writing within this very cruel world.
Yearwalker by Gloson
Their 2014’s self-released EP, Yearwalker, was well-received by the listeners and the critics alike, and it was re-released on LP format in the following year by two labels: Catatonic State (Sweden) and Art of Propaganda (Germany). After several live performances, the debut album, Grimen, with a stronger production, mastered by Magnus Lindberg of Cult of Luna, arrived in the early-2017.
Grimen by Gloson
Now, Gloson is poised to exhibit another storm of dreary heaviness with their impending EP, 'Mara' (2019). The EP, striding into an eccentric terrain, offers a soul-stirring trip throughout its well-crafted two numbers. 'Mara" comes out this April 5th on CD (and digitally) via Black Lion Records.
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Follow The Band
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itsdeaflorumlove · 6 years
And this gonna be long so grab thy popcorn bishes. And be warned it is a bit messy (even the position of the drawings are ;-;)
Still a small teetle,
(still an endangered specie-)
In this AU. Lou Jitsu or Master Splinter agreed to create powerful mutants with Baron Draxum, because that sheep is a manipulative fuck and Lou not thinking twice about it. So on their first experiment they only used Lou Jitsu's arm to mutate our precious little Pearl. But it went wrong, yes Pearl was mutated but her shell was developed in the mutation making it small and only covering half-ish of her back and on the front are actually human genes like I would say Uhh she developed a feminine part.... uh... for fuck sake, I swear, so she has boobs and a freaking shell behind her. How did she live? HUMAN DNA!-
It was heartbreaking to Lou, that the sheep motherfucker made it sure that she will survive..... eventually. So for straight four years they took care of Pearl like their own child (ahhhhjjkjshhsh- (With her calling Baron Father and Lou Dad)) along with Baron Draxum's henchmen Muninn and Huginn of course. And after perfecting the mutation, thus the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were born. But when Lou Jitsu found out about Baron Draxum's true intention with the mutation, he saved the boys and burned the lab up. But Lou Jitsu wasn't able to save Pearl along with her brothers. Leaving a confused four year old in the arms (literally) of evil. Baron Draxum manipulated Pearl, telling her that Lou Jitsu and her brothers didn't survive the fire, to save her precious heart. But the dumb fuck (he ain't dumb ;^;) sheepman wants his warriors, he stills have Pearl and trained her to be the best warrior there ever was. Yes, the sweet naive girl..... is still sweet and naive but very dead-panned and serious in front of her foes. She never really had friends in the yokai world because of her 'father', but she always has Muninn and Huginn by her side when she needed it, and of course an action figure of her other 'dad'. She still misses her dad and her younger brothers. If she face off her brothers, she could defeat them easily. With Lou Jitsu's genes, moves and hard training given to this seventeen year old turtle from her father, of course she can, even Raph. To Baron she is too sweet for his taste but he developed a father-daughter relationship with her throughout the years of training her (and somehow keeping Pearl innocent) but if it wasn't for Muninn and Huginn the girl would be very much less emotional less. Pearl's mask is black (light so kind of like gray(?)/grey(¿) but not.), she requested it, she dedicated it to her 'deceased' dad and younger siblings. Let's go back to the whole no friends thingy. She doesn't have a friend in the yokai world because of her father right? Welp! There's more. She was bullied, because she wasn't a full yokai and because of how irritating she looks (a.k.a. looking like almost human on the body department *hoot hoot*), the other turtles (yokai and kids of course.). They tease her about her shell, not being fully developed. So she often sneaks out to the skirts of NEW YORK. And there she met... her first best friend (Yass finally a friend!!!). There she saved a ravenet from a couple of bad guys, she knew they didn't need her help but she was drawn by the way they fight. They fought the badies side to side with smirks and grins on their faces, with a fist bump at the end in front of piled VERY beat up badies. And that my friend is the story how Pearl met her best friend, Casey Jones.
(Since there is still no official Casey from ROTTMNT, I had to make my version of him in ROTTMNT ;-; and boi does he look weird???)
Yes Baron knows Casey. But the first meeting was awkward and quote and quote from Casey, it was terrifying. With Baron staring at Casey across the table with an intense glare, it made him sink on his chair. Casey is eighteen and he looks out for Pearl with all his heart. Baron and Casey, Protect the cinnamon bun squad. Casey is around Donnie's height so if you compare her with the turtles, she is still smoll. Now, Pearl meeting the turtles. The bois, of course usually they would run around the roofs of New York, but they saw a glimpse of a shadow that they followed it. Of the abandoned warehouse trope, they met there. They both sides thought (Pearl and her younger brothers) they were bad guys, so they fought.
(still need to look for a better looking reference for hooded ninjas.(drawing))
(*readies a box of tissues*)
Her weapon is a black gymnastic(?) ribbon, and when she whips it fast it turns into a sharp sword (MYSTIC WEAPON!). She defeated her brothers, semi-beat-up (but of course while Pearl was fighting her brothers, she was thinking twice on defeating them, the color of their masks are what her dad named her younger brothers). The three older ones were thrown away far across the rooms, while Mikey was kneeling hopelessly in front of Pearl. The older three were shouting at him to move away, as they limped (running) towards Mikey. The orange masked turtle crying as he looked up to the white eyed small turtle, raising her sword to end his life. Mikey smiled at her with a sweet grin saying, "Sorry dad that we failed you.". Now this caused Pearl to stop mid-air, the blade closed to Mikey's closed eyes.
"Sorry dad that I failed you." A little three year old turtle said as she looked at her two disappointed fathers. "You deal with her." Baron said as he walked back to his lab, leaving a sighing Lou and a crying Pearl. "You only fail if you stopped and never do it again." Lou said as he carried Pearl with his arms. "You see here." Lou said as he pointed to her younger brothers, still normal turtles. "Orange here doesn't give up, he doesn't give up on making everyone smile." Lou said as Pearl sniffed and she giggle slightly. "Yeah, he does always bring happiness to everyone, except father." Pearl giggled again as Lou wiped away her tears. "And that is why he is named Orange, since he is the source of joy in the family." "Lou could you stop calling Michelangelo Orange."
Pearl dropped her sword, causing Mikey to open his eyes hindi shock and the older three stopped running. Mikey looked up to a crying Pearl as she removes her mask (mouth) and her hood with her saying, "Don't give up Orange, you are the source of the family's joy, my joy.". And with that Pearl hugged her youngest brother in joy and sorrow. The boys were stunned, speechless. "You have never failed to me." Pearl said as she hugged Mikey tightly, a soft smile adorning on her face, tears flowing down her cheeks. Slowly, Mikey hugged back with unknown tears falling down his face, he doesn't know why but he felt already emotionally attached to the small turtle. The older three brothers walked towards them again (still limping). They hugged the two turtles, feeling the same way Mikey is feeling. The four brothers confused on why are they emotionally attached to Pearl.
And we end there, *dabs tissues on my eyes*, the heck the feeeelllssss. And wow, this is the first they I went full on mode to an OC. And hecc yeah I am proud! Maybe part two will come along in the future.
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brightstarblogs · 7 years
Pandora Park AU Part 2
(This is a re write of Pandora Hearts (Jun Mochizuki) with the South Park (Matt stone & Trey Parker) characters, I don’t own any either of these. I hope you enjoy it)
A faint music box melody broke through the darkness that surrounded the huge expanse of water. It disturbed the boy floating a few feet above the water surface. He turned his head towards where he had heard the source of the music and listened intently, it seemed very familiar to him but he couldn’t recall where. 
“What a familiar melody. Is it calling me?” the boy uttered as he put the soles of his shoes to the surface of the water and began walking towards the source of the music. He knew it would lead him somewhere important.
Tweek entered the room to greet his guests. Immediately he spotted the back of Uncle Thomas ginger hair and jogged over to him. “Unc-” He stopped when he noticed that his uncle was not alone. Talking to him was a young girl with long black hair wearing a beautiful purple dress and yellow dress shoes.
“Ahh, Tweek, sorry I didn’t see you. Let me introduce you to someone. This is the grand-daughter of duchess Testaburger, Lady Wendy Testaburger.” Tweek suddenly became very shy. He was used to talking to Mrs Red and his little sister Heidi, but with other girls he would instantly freeze. 
“Pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir Tweek.” “Gahhh, yes, err, will you be attending the party as well?” Wendy shock her head “No, my mother is the one who should be here, but because she fell ill yesterday as her daughter, I have come on her behalf to apologize for her absence. I do wish I could attended in her place but I have yet to turn 15.”
Tweek was shocked when he heard that Wendy was younger than him, she seemed like she was at least as old as him, her speech was so much more sophisticated than his own. Tweek then saw his sister next to his Uncle, she was pouting. 
“Heidi sulking as she can’t attend the party either.” Thomas said, chuckling a little. Wendy smiled at Heidi before she turned back to Tweek “Sir Tweek, I shall be 15 in two years’ time, please do dance with me then.”
Tweek really wondered how he should respond “what would Clyde do in this situation, he’s so much better at talking to girls then me.” with a vague idea of what to say, Tweek blurted out the first thing that came into him head. “S-Sure thing babe.” Tweek instantly regretted his decision. Thomas just face palmed. Fortunately Wendy just smiled and laughed a little thinking it was just a joke 
“Well, since the party is about to begin I regret to say I must take my leave for today. Congratulations on your 15 birthday from the bottom of my heart, Sir Tweek.” As she grabbed his hand Tweek’s blush grew a shade darker “Gah..” “From this day forward, you will have the right to attend society functions so many people will approach you. Some will do so because of your enormous wealth, others to benefit from the unknown powers of a dukedom.” Wendy’s face turned serious “And everybody will see your father in you.” 
Thomas at that moment tried to interrupt the conversation as he knew how uncomfortable Tweek’s father made Tweek feel, but Wendy continued with a smile on her face “so, please do not forget those who have always stood by your side and supported you.” She let go of Tweek’s hand and turned to leave “if you do not fail to keep them in mind you shall never lose yourself.”
Wendy walked towards the door and nodded to the man standing there who nodded back. This man stared at Tweek, his black hair covering his left eye. Tweek was a little confused as to why this man had a small towel with eyes on his shoulder and wearing a red puff ball hat inside, but he was more drawn aback to the colour of his right eye. It was the deepest blue he’d ever seen, it looked as if it was glowing. The man bowed his head to Tweek before leaving with Wendy.
Tweek turned around to his uncle who had a worried face. “Uncle remind me to nugh never use one of Clyde’s chat up lines again.” Thomas face tuned into a huge smile “I’m more concerned you need to be told that in the first place, seriously what were you thinking.” “I panicked, it just slipped out!” Thomas calmed a little before holding his hand out “Anyway, it’s time Tweek, Lets go.” Tweek nervously smiled before taking his uncle’s hand. The ceremony was starting.
Wendy looked over at her servant as there carriage headed back to the Testaburger estate. “Tweek Tweak, What did you think of him?” Her servant smiled “Well, He’s the type of baby face boy that suites your tastes, my lady, so you two are well matched.” He smirked into his sleeve. “What are you talking about” Wendy then realised she’d just gotten too worked up due to his teasing and cleared he throat before she continued. “as successor to the Tweak house, his fate is to eventually come over to our side, so you may very well end up being more involved with him then I.” “Yes that does seem to be most likely!” the man laughed again, still enjoying his previous joke.
Just then he looked up into the sky “Oh dear” “Yes?” “It’s begun to rain. Perhaps this will turn out to be a storm?”
Tweek kneeled before his uncle in the ceremony hall. Thomas put the sword on both his shoulders before continuing on with the ceremony, Tweek trying his best not to shake to hard as he normally would as he didn’t want to accidently cause his uncle to stab him. “With this baptismal sword the impurities in thy flesh have been expunged.” Thomas then motioned his head to signal Tweek to go to the clock tower at the end of the hall.
Tweek got up and started to walk, hearing only his heartbeat and the faint ticking of the pocket watch. He had yet to ask his uncle about it, but he had more important stuff on his mind. “The ‘clock tower of silence’. If I state my vows before it this nightmare of a ceremony will be over.” 
Tweek then saw as he got to the top of the a familiar face wearing the robes he’d given him a few hours earlier. The smiling face of Clyde calmed nerves that had been telling Tweek to run. “I’m so glad he came!”
“Are you in complete control of that black haired brat Dos?” “I’m using Duldum to manipulate him. We need him to open up a ‘Path’.” “Make sure Duldum doesn’t go berserk.” “I told you, I have it under control!” 
“Before the ancient clock that ceased ticking 100 years ago, the actor is taking the stage referenced in the prophecies.” “Now, Let the countdown begin!”
Tweek kneeled before the clock and recited his vows. “Until the day when Gah the crimson heartbeat of this body falls silent, I shall continue to protect the name and pride of Tweak. This I now vow upon this land and my friends.”
The clock suddenly rang out for all to hear. Everyone was stunned. The clock was broken, and was never meant to ring again. 
“When the one whom we await descends upon the promised land the bell will toll and break the silence. There is no mistake, he is THE ONE!!!”
Tweek didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t supposed to happen “I knew this was a bad idea, It’s way too much pressure for me. Why do I always have to mess things up.” He looked at Thomas for help but for some reason the entire room was now vacant. He then heard a voice, one he had heard earlier that day.
“A ‘Path’ is about to open up.” Tweek looked behind him to see a boy, a boy wearing a blue chullo and blue frock coat. the same boy who has strangled him after he touched the pocket watch. “I came because the melody lured me here, and I can smell the crimson reapers.” Tweek didn’t know why the boy was here, or what he was talking about, he could only stare in shock. “They’re coming.” the boy smirked before disappearing again.
Suddenly Tweek was surrounded by multiple people all wearing red capes.
Tweek was about to run when someone’s arm went around his neck, causing him to fall back and lose his footing. He looked up to see Clyde. His face had an expression Tweek had never seen him wear, no hint of good was in that smile. 
One of the hooded figure spoke “The one for whom we have been waiting has appeared, and the bell has tolled. The next thing we must do is…” Tweek was then stabbed in the chest by Clyde. Tweek stayed frozen, all he could do was stare at his chest, unable to comprehend what was happening. The hooded figure continued “The blade of a friend glitters crimson and the drops carve a path to the distant place. Now then, shall we move on to the judgement!?”
Tweek could hear Clyde behind him, slowly his laughing was becoming louder and his voice becoming more distorted “Your blood is different from that of other humans, it smells delicious..” Tweek only had one thing going through his mind “I DON’T UNDERSTAND, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!?” “I want to see MORE OF IT!!!” Clyde was now laughing uncontrollably as he raised his knife again and this time aimed for his eye.
Tweek shut his eyes to brace for the impact, but it never came. He opened his eyes to see that Clyde had been thrown across the room. The red caped figures had moved back and were looking above him. “And here I was just going to sit back and watch…”
Tweek saw a gloved hand touch his cheek and as it moved away it morphed into a huge claw. He turned round and saw the scariest site he’d seen all day.
A giant all black Guinea Pig with a blue chullo hat and frock coat was staring at him, a huge survival knife was in its right hand. This monsters spoke to Tweek “You’re really pathetic, aren’t you kid.” 
One of the hooded people spoke to the monster “Do you intend to interfere again? You Bloody Black Guinea Pig!!” The monster was now a human boy again. Standing behind Tweek he smirked putting his right foot on Tweeks shoulder, using him as a foot rest while he spoke. “How could you say that? I stopped that brat over there who went berserk.” Tweek looked to see Clyde, he was still breating but looked a little worse for wear. The boy above him continued his talk with the hooded figures. “This boy here is mine. Don’t you dare lay a hand on him, reapers.”
Tweek looked up and in the smallest voice he uttered “I’m….yours?” The boy looked down at him with his emotionless eyes before whispering so only Tweek could here “I made up my mind just now, hold your tongue.” The boy then looked back up to the others “If you’re going to kill him, I’ll do everything in my power to stop you.” The boy now put his arms around Tweek, embracing him tightly. Despite the situation he was in, Tweek was incredibly embarrassed and a light blush started to form, he wasn’t used to having his personal spaced invaded like this. “I won’t allow you to take what belongs to me.” His smirk crept back onto his face “but you don’t want to kill him, do you?”
At this point Clyde began to stir and had sat up, holding his head. He was back to normal now that the being that had possessed his body was gone. The boy that was hugging Tweek let go and also turned back into a monster, his voice now sounding more gruff “you lot are here to drop this kid into the Abyss, aren’t you?”
Tweek and Clyde looked horrified as they both remembered what Clyde had told Heidi earlier that day. “They say that a messenger from the Abyss visits those who have committed deadly sins, and takes them away to a terribly frightening place.” 
Tweek yelled at hard as he could “THIS HAS TO BE A TRICK! THAT’S ONLY A LEAGEND!” The monster behind him started to laugh. “Is that right. This kid’s coming to our side? What a joyous moment.” The monster was now firing chains with spikes on the ends at the figures. The figures were having a hard time dodging them. The monster was no longer talking as it entered battle mode.
Whilst it was distracted Clyde grabbed the cloak of the leader of the figures, Tweek saw this and called out to him “CLYDE!” Clyde didn’t acknowledge him as he started speaking to the leader. “Just what are you accusing young master of having done? THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR YOU TO TAKE HIM AWAY!”
Tweek then saw the leader holding a sword and tried to warn Clyde “STOP IT CLYDE! HURRY UP AND GET AWAY!” but as the lightning and thunder struck Tweek’s plea fell on unheard ears. In the light of the flash, Clyde saw the face of the leader. Noticing this, the leader pulled his hood down more. Clyde looked shocked “You…are…” 
Tweek, desperate to help his friend saw the sword used in the ceremony on the floor and grabbed it. He leapt to his feet and ran toward the leader. He charged screaming “GET AWAY FROM CLYDE!” 
Clyde then did something that Tweek didn’t see in his blind rage, he protected the leader. “No young master, you mustn’t. This person is-!”
Tweek slashed Clyde across the chest.
Tweek looked up, snapping out of his rage, to see crimson splash onto Clyde’s clothes as Clyde fell to the ground. He wasn’t moving.
Tweek’s blood went ice cold and he shock the likes he never had before. “Cl….yde……w…wh…why…” Tweek dropped the sword and put his hands to his head. His mind was a wreck. “I…I….I..killed him..” Tweek made the most primal scream he could muster in his grief. Even the monster stopped fighting and a small hint of sadness went across its face.
Using this moment to his advantage, the leader cut the monster with his sword. The monster slowly began to fade. “Leave now, ghost of the Abyss.” The monster raised its middle finger to the leader as a sign of annoyance before shifting back to its human form.
The boy hugged the back of Tweek as he vanished, a small smile on his face “I’ll be waiting for you to come to our side. I’ve finally found my key..” and with that the boy completely disappeared.
Tweek felt broken and in no fit state to fight back when the hooded figures grabbed him. The leader spoke once more “Tweek Tweak. With my chain of condemnation I hereby pronounce judgment on you.”
Tweek looked up to see a huge black winged bird. “Black wings are dragging me in.” Chains appeared all over Tweek’s body and pulled him down. His vision started to go black and he passed out….
To be continued…
Hey guys. Thank you so much for reading part 2. I hope you all enjoyed it. Apologies it’s a little late but I’ve been really busy this week. Also the amount of times I had to rewrite bits because the page refreshed was beyond annoying. Hopefully it won’t happen to much with part 3. As normal please feel free to ask me any questions and point out any errors that I may have missed. Hope you all have a pleasant day.
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coolblog2stuff-blog · 5 years
Be all God has created you to be
Commencement Address delivered by Rev. Dr. Jerson B. Narciso, CPBC General Secretary, during the CPU Senior High School 2ndCommencement Exercises held at the Rose Memorial Auditorium on April 15, 2019
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CPBC General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Jerson B. Narciso encouraged Centralians to a life that glorifies Jesus.
“I beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” – Ephesians 4:1-3
Our University President, Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, members of the CPU Corporation and Board of Trustees, CPU Faculty and staff, parents, guests, honoured graduates, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am indeed honoured to have this wonderful privilege to speak on this very important occasion in the lives of our graduates. First and foremost, allow me to congratulate you, your parents and families for this very significant achievement in your life. You have passed one of the many road marks set before you in this life and we are all very proud of you. We seek God’s guidance and blessings on you as you move forward to pursue your dreams.
Yes, I supposed the journey was not easy. But you have grown in different and beautiful ways. You have learned so many things that otherwise you may have not learned under comfortable conditions and circumstances. Indeed, making it through 6 years of high school took a lot of toil, time, money, and hard work on your part. It involves dealing with some very real and difficult challenges. And as we all can testify, making it through life will include continuous struggles and challenges that we must have to deal with. But the wonderful thing about facing all these challenges is that God has endowed us with gifts and power to overcome and succeed.
Today, you will begin another chapter in your life’s journey. And usually, this is the time where we, as adults, place the burden of high expectations upon your backs and watch to see you succeed. We usually put so much, and sometimes unfair, expectations on our graduates by wanting all of them to become leaders of our industries and institutions. But the reality is that God has not created every person to be a leader, and in placing unrealistic expectations on these graduates, we are actually setting them up for failure. Today, I suggest that we place but one expectation upon these graduates. “To Be All God Has Created Them To Be.” Some of them may be created by God to be leaders of the industry, or to be doctors, nurses, engineers and some other specific vocations. But we as a community must support them in whatever direction and vocation God intended them to be.
Our dear graduates, we look at you this morning as young men and women who have been blessed with life, wholeness, vitality and promise. But remember, the journey that you are about to take is long, dusty, even dirty at times. They are filled with adventures and wonders, challenges and triumphs. Your feet will get dirty along the way. It is the human condition that we all have to bear and share. As someone said, “As you walk down the road of life, watch out for traffic!” There is the unknown future in front of you.
And so, as you embark on a new journey, I’d like to share some principles which I hope would serve as your guiding light in your pursuit of a meaningful, enriching and fruitful life ahead.
The first principle is, Know Yourself. To succeed in life we need to have a sense of self-understanding and purpose. The stoics believe that the first and cardinal rule in leading a successful life is “know thy self.” It is based on the assumption that one could not make any significant progress in their lives unless they understand and know themselves. This first rule is implicit in what we read in Ephesians 4:1-3. It says, “I beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called…” In this passage, the Apostle Paul admonishes us to understand ourselves in relation to what we have been called for because our vocation in life is better understood in the light of how we assess and look at ourselves. Vocational identity is found in discerning who we are. We need to understand how God has made us, how we are unique, how God has enabled us to serve, what are the abilities God has endowed us with, and where is God calling us to make a difference in the world.
I understand that many of us hesitate to hear this call to self- knowledge; something blocks us. We have been taught all our lives to ignore ourselves and to focus our attention on others. Well, don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you to become selfish or to adopt the “mind your own business” mentality. Yes, we need to be concerned about other people’s lives. But you know, we cannot serve with love and we cannot make a difference in the lives of others if we refuse to understand ourselves. To know ourselves and to be true to ourselves is to be true to God and others. To be true to ourselves is to be true to how God has made us, how God has crafted our personalities, how God has given us ability and talent. God calls us to make a difference in the world. However, this calling should always be consistent with who we are. I think it is helpful to think of self-knowledge as something that we gain when we respond to four questions:
What are my gifts and abilities?
What is the deepest desire of my heart?
Where do I personally sense the needs of the world?
What is my unique personality and capability?
Knowing ourselves does not only include identification of our abilities and talents but knowing our heart’s desires. What is it that I long for? What brings me joy and a sense of fulfilment? Yes, the desires of our heart matters. We always think of our hearts desire as evil. But the Psalmist assures us that God longs to give us our desires: “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4). Our desires can be twisted and self-destructive when they are shaped by greed, insecurity, a longing for comfort and ease, or an inclination to control or manipulate others. They can be rooted in pride rather than humility, love, and kindness. But when we are right with God and genuinely long to respond fully to him in a way that is consistent with his call on our lives, then we must acknowledge the desires that he has placed in our hearts.
Now, let me ask you, what do you long for more than anything else? Do you aspire to that which is noble and honourable? If you could only be one thing and do one thing in your life, what would you want it to be? When you set aside your longings for security, wealth, comfort, fame and even acceptance, what do you long for? It is worth noting that we will only be effective in fulfilling our vocation if we joyfully do what we are called to do. Without joy we cannot be effective. It is therefore important that we come to terms with what it is that gives us joy, even if it means giving up comforts or wealth, fame or power. Today a lot of people are complaining about their job. For them, work has become a drudgery, a mere compliance, a mere source of income or for a living. It is not uncommon to hear about employees who are always absent, always late and some are even sleeping on their job! Why? The reason is simple. They don’t find joy and meaning in what they do.
In our journey, it is important for us to know and remember who we are, who we are becoming, why we are here and where we are headed to. These questions are necessary because they remind us of what is most important and they keep us focused on our deepest goals. Today, people are motivated by a misguided sense of significance that makes them think that if a person is highly educated and well informed, he or she must be wise and important. And yet, if we are honest, we will see that underlying all our so-called amazing human achievements in the field of education lies an inevitable awareness that we have begun to lose a sense of what our actions mean and ultimately what our lives mean.
You see, this generation has more access to information about the universe, human personality and about anything than all previous generations combined! High school graduates have been exposed to more information about the world that Plato, Einstein and all other great men in human history were deprived of. But with all of our knowledge, society today is peopled with a bumper crop of brilliant failures. You may begin to plot out your goals and figure out things you want to pursue in college. You may get yourselves busy accumulating a lot of information about anything. You may become more concerned about how you can get a high grade and a scholarship or whether you are going to graduate with honors. But if you fail to understand the meaning and purpose of life, you will end up achieving nothing. Skills and knowledge are not enough to face life’s challenges and problems. We need wisdom and discernment to understand who we are and what God wants us to be.
Second, the journey requires on our part a clear and God-centered vision. You know, the most valuable thing that I have learned from CPU can be summarized in the word EXCEL. For me, this word stands out quite prominently and this has been the driving force that prompts me to achieve my goals. I think every normal person desires for excellence. Here at CPU this desire for excellence is embedded in our vision of excellent Christian education for life that caters to the total development of every person, that every individual will become mature person who lives fully Christ’s life in the world. Now, if we want to excel and if we want to become successful in life then we must put God at the center of our goal and in all our endeavors.
I know of a man in the Bible with a clear and Christ-centered vision. His name is Apostle Paul. Paul’s dream was to live for Christ alone and for him—the somum bonum or the highest goal in life is to know Christ. In Philippians 1:21 he says, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Oh, what better goal there is than to live for Christ, our Saviour, the one who died for our sins? As the saying goes: “Only one life ‘twill soon be passed, only what’s done for Christ will last. Everything we do for ourselves won’t last for eternity. Even heroes and heroines and their heroic deeds will soon be forgotten. Only things done for Christ will last for eternity. Very often, our goals are self-centered rather than Christ-centered. Instead of making him the center of our lives we push him aside. Instead of being the director of our plans we simply ask him to put his stamp of approval to things that we have already decided. We treat God as a spare tire
The book of Proverbs reminds us of the futility of planning and doing things apart from God. Proverbs 16:1-3 says, “Man makes his plans but it is always God who has the last words. Commit your plans therefore to the Lord that he may bless and make it successful. And then Proverbs 3:5, 6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him. You see, regardless of how much experience and knowledge we have, there’s still a lot we don’t know, and when it comes to God, there are things we will never know or understand in this life. In going forward, humility will be absolutely necessary.
And so, we must submit our lives to God, and as we come to Him, we need to honestly admit our limitations, our brokenness, our pains, our doubts, our fears and our frustrations, allowing Him to mould us and shape us according to His perfect plan and purpose for our lives. Yes, here we are reminded of how much we need God to sustain us, and we come with open hearts and minds to be nourished and strengthened by God.
Third, to be successful in our journey, we need to learn how to walk harmoniously with significant others. We are part of a larger community. There are others who are also journeying with us. It is important to stress that our self-knowledge and self-awareness happen in community. We come to know ourselves not in isolation from others but as part of the body of Christ. Saint Paul wants us to realize that we will see who we are within the context of the community of which we are a part. We all fulfil our vocations as members of a community.  It is in our communal associations with others that we find ourselves. It is in community that we come to an appreciation of our gifts and abilities. It is in community where we share our gifts and talents for the well-being of others. It is in community that we see how we are unique and how the desires of our hearts are different from but complimentary to the desires of others. It is in community that we grow in appreciation of the needs of other people.
This crowd here is very diverse. We come from different places representing different cultures, traditions and perspectives. We are uniquely different one from the other and yet, we are one. And if there is one common thread that binds us as one, it is God’s love and our common calling to serve him and our fellow human beings. Here, we are united by God’s call in loving and serving others. As we seek to serve and encourage one another, the Gospel image that should motivate us is that of Jesus kneeling on the floor, towel wrapped around his waist, as he washes the feet of his disciples.
My friends, I want to let you know that my hope and my commitment to respond to God’s call to love and serve others is strengthened and sustained by the awareness that I have known you, and that I have co-travelers in this journey. They are there to support and encourage me along the way. To become successful in our journey, we need to support, sustain and nourish one another. Being mutually dependent, brought together, and sustaining one another in love is the characteristic of our calling, and that is what we are experiencing here at CPU. That is how I understand the Central Spirit that we always orient ourselves to. It should give us hope. Yes, we have different personalities, different backgrounds and perspectives, endowed with variety of gifts and talents. Yet, it is the same Spirit that works in us and we are called to work together as members of the same body, the body of Christ, growing together toward unity of faith. Paul admonished, “I beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing one another in love, making every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”(Ephesians 4:1-3)
We are called to build together the body of Christ, a community of faith where healing occurs, strength is renewed, and new growth takes place until each individual bears the fruit of the Spirit. Remember, we are called for a purpose. We are called to serve God and humanity. And so we are expected to translate our skills and knowledge into concrete actions in a way that our lives would become a blessing to others.
As you go forward from here, may you be assured that the Lord of the journey is always with you. Perhaps, at times you might be overwhelmed by the trials and difficulties of life. But faith in God can help you look at life positively and give you hope and joy in the midst of challenges. Stay strong and keep the faith. If you do so, the word of God in Isaiah 52:12 gives you the assurance that “you will go out in confidence and joy, and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you will burst into songs, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” So go on your way, with open hands. Follow God’s leading as you continue your journey of life. And may the God of ultimate power, grace and love bless you on your journey. Again, congratulations and God bless!
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Do you have another fanfiction with OC like Manipulation, Thy Name Is Unknown? Or perhaps some recs?
I have my Naruto fic, WWYDI?. The OC is actually the main character, unlike in MTNIU, and she’s basically either dead in the real world, or in a coma and is dreaming. 
And then my Harry/Tom/Voldemort/OC fic, I Will Always Come Back to You. That one is a reincarnation AU, so Harry’s soul has been through 3 bodies before finally becoming Harry Potter, and each former person meant something important to Tom Riddle/Voldemort in some way.
And finally my Tomarry/Harrymort/ fic The Fairy Godmother, where Harry is granted a fairy godmother who takes charge of his life early on. The fairy looks like Lilly Singh because I couldn’t help myself.
But I have a LIST of OC fics that I love! Varying fandoms and pairings, so make sure you look before you read!
Naruto Fandom:
Iryo-nin Kasa (医療忍傘) by Vaengir.
Sakura by Darkpetal16.
Vapors by ElectraSev5n.
The Boy In the Park by Shadenight123.
Clockwork and a Teacup by Artsome.
Decaying Bluebells by Darkpetal16.
Harry Potter Fandom:
Arcane Academy by ame3565.
The Visitor by Lady Sophie of LalaLand.
The Rise of the Drackens by StarLight Massacre.
Lord of the Rings Fandom:
The Accidental Arrival of Lauren Harris by Mandagal12.
The Hobbit Fandom:
Heart of Fire by DONOVAN94. And the sequels.
Dragon’s Bait by smart-blonde-the-oxymoron.
REMEMBER TO READ EVERY SUMMARY AND AUTHOR’S NOTE! There are some M/M and M-Preg and Time-Travel in this list. READ AT YOUR OWN WILL.
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