#manon and charles
nesiacha · 6 months
in your opinion, what was the most significant mistake the jacobins ever made? (i tend to like them much more than other factions in the frev, but i still want to know how Problematic my Faves were)
Good question. I'm not sure which period you want to talk about regarding the Jacobins, so let's discuss the one after the fall of Louis XVI's monarchy. I will mainly encompass the Mountain faction.
Regarding tactical errors, according to some historians, including Antoine Resche, a contemporary historian who has made excellent videos on the French Revolution under the name Histony, which can be found on the Veni Vidi Sensi website, leans towards the lack of left-wing unity as one of the errors. And honestly, he's not wrong. Some might think that the elimination of Danton and the Hébertists was a turning point. But it was salvageable (I've already discussed what I thought in one of my posts). Only the Jacobins made the grave mistake of eliminating Chaumette, among others, even though he had refused to participate in an attempt to overthrow the Convention, which showed he was the most reasonable. Keeping him as the prosecutor of the Commune would have appeased some of the sans-culottes. Instead, the Convention has him arrested and executed. I understand that at that time the Convention could not afford an overthrow and was afraid Chaumette might change his mind, but by doing so, they alienated a large part of the sans-culottes. The wave of executions like Gobel or Chaumette was one of the most disastrous moves.
Another one is the non-application of the Ventôse laws, but it is true that some Montagnards blocked this, and the Marais was against these laws.
Also, being a fervent advocate of freedom of expression, there should never have been decrees holding journalists accountable. I don't particularly like Desmoulins, but executing him for his writings… Moreover, it will not prevent opinions from forming and solidifying.
Regarding moral errors: In addition to the travesties of justice I mentioned concerning the Hébertists and the Dantonists, there were other cases. When Girondin deputies were dismissed, most deputies did not want them dead, let alone imprisoned. They were only supposed to remain under house arrest. The problem is, many of them escaped and incited uprisings in the departments, which further exacerbated the already endangered Republic. Despite all I have to reproach them for, some Girondins were honorable people, notably Manon Roland and Vergniaud (even if Vergniaud had an ambiguous attitude, he still remained under house arrest) who stay in Paris. Yet they were judged, condemned to death, and executed along with other Girondins who incited or attempted uprisings and fled Paris. It wasn't even a tactical error; it was unfair.
Another very minor point concerns the Convention entirely, and this is my opinion. Why separate Marie Antoinette from her son? I understand there were royalists in Paris (the assassination of the remarkable Louis Michel Lepeletier by one of Louis XVI's former guards, among other events, will demonstrate this) who would do anything to get their hands on him as Louis XVII, which would have been dangerous. It would have been better to monitor the child's education closely given this context, but why not have strict supervision while leaving him in his mother's care, even though we know her opinions? I don't want to demonize Antoine Simon, executed in Thermidor; he wasn't a brute; he had compassion for the former queen and liked the child, but it's horrible. Being myself a proponent of reforms for jail to ensure the child remains very close to his parents, I protest against this. And the royalists seized upon it to portray an image of an inhumane Republic.
Women's rights were not respected, as I discussed in my post "Women's rights suppressed."
One of the most serious errors was the Prairial Law. When this bill presented by Couthon and later approved by the Committee of Public Safety and voted on by the Convention passed, many innocents suffered. Following the execution of the "Robespierrists," the Convention lied, saying it had not approved it, which was false.
Paradoxically, there was no internal elimination necessary at that time, notably the case of Carnot, who gave orders behind the backs of others to wage a war of conquest, which would have jeopardized the Battle of Fleurus if Saint-Just had not intervened with the order. I don't understand why he wasn't arrested; generals have been executed for less than that. This man doesn't deserve his title as the organizer of Victory, but having eliminated those who had really done the job like Saint-Just, among others, he could claim that title.
I realize I have done a critical job on the Montagnards even though I admire them, so a few lines to rehabilitate them. Most of them refused the irresponsible war of conquest advocated by the Girondins. Finally, fatigue was fatal to them. They put their best efforts into saving France, but most became ill (Couthon, Robespierre; I don't know if Billaud-Varenne was beginning to develop his dysentery or if his illness came after his deportation). Robespierre made a grave mistake by slamming the door on the Committee of Public Safety following a dispute among its members, then a few weeks later making a speech where he designated culprits without naming names (like Fouché, for example), so some wrongly believed they were the ones being designated when they weren't. Fouché and his gang played on this.
I want to say that Jean Clement Martin explained that if the Girondins are seen as victims, it's because they didn't have time to put the Montagnards on the guillotine. There were quite a few assassinations of Montagnard deputies (some think that Barbaroux manipulated Corday to kill Marat, Joseph Chalier was killed in atrocious conditions by the Girondins of Lyon, Isnard's speech). When the Jacobins acted, there was an internal civil war and an external war against the Revolution, plus a depreciated currency. And they saved it. For a while, they tried to accommodate (at least the majority of them) their adversaries. Then the gloves came off. But they remained in democracy, even in the worst moments. The Jacobins supported the abolition of slavery (not just them), and most of the major Jacobin figures fully supported the uprisings by slaves against the colonists.
Napoleon, although praised today for inheriting a better situation thanks to the efforts of his predecessors, through his dictatorial attitudes, betrayal of the Jacobins, and wars of conquest (all the wrong things), left France in a worse state with the return of the Bourbons. Revolutionaries like Marat predicted from the outset of the French Revolution that if the Girondins persisted in declaring war, even if France were victorious, there would be a military dictatorship and subsequently the return of the Bourbons.
All this leads me to think that it was the revolutionaries of the Mountain who were pragmatic and Napoleon the "idealist" in the wrong sense of the term, given his grandiosity and stupid belief (in my opinion) that he could impose hereditary dictatorship, exploit other countries without them retaliating (but that's another story).
Finally, the Jacobins in power were exhausted; they even lacked sleep hours due to their internal schedules. Before the Prairial Law was passed, there was an assassination attempt on Collot, so it was thought that the royalist danger was present. Plus, this law was disfigured by those who presented it; they thought they would only use it against people like Fouché, Carrier, Barras, Fréron, Tallien—des despicable men who dishonored France and the Revolution. It was they who later presented themselves as victims of the Jacobins when they were the worst during the Terror. Contrary to belief, heads rolled after the Terror; just look at the execution of Romme and the other Montagnards, the execution of Babeuf, the fact that anyone who demanded the constitution of 1793 could be punishable by death.
Finally, I want to say that despite my speeches, I don't believe in providential men; if France could have a sense of greatness during this period, it's thanks to the people. In Algeria, we have the slogan: "One hero only: the people."
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voidchimeras · 9 months
thinking about skam france yesterday. thinking about skam france today. thinking about skam france tomorrow.
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Do you know anything about the supposed affair between Madame Roland and Buzot as well as maybe her relationship with Barbaroux?
Thank you!
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The first time Manon mentions Buzot in her conserved correspondence is in a letter to Brissot dated April 28 1791 — ”your good friend Pétion got excited and spoke of it all the better; but why do the vigorous Robespierre and the wise Buzot not give themselves up to the advantage of written speeches, to the kind of reason for which one can then add the magic of declamation?” We do however have to wait until the fall of the same year to find a letter indicating the two were also becoming personal friends, it is dated September 9 1791 and adressed to Jean-Marie Roland:
I had promised myself to write to Madame Buzot; she could not imagine my sensitivity to the testimonials of interest that she has been kind enough to give me; I left her with a sort of haste, because I had to tear myself away, but that moment never leaves my heart. Tell her and her worthy husband how dear they are to us; you can speak for both of us, since you love them as much as I do.
During her interrogation held after her arrest on June 1 1793, Manon admitted her relationship with Buzot had started earlier than what her correspondence reveals, claiming she and her husband ”had been linked since the Constituent Assembly with Brissot, Pétion and Buzot” and ”that she knew them with Roland and through Roland; and that she had for them the degree of esteem and attachment each of them seemed to deserve according to her.” In her memoirs, she also reports the following about her relationship with the Buzots during the period of the Constituent Assembly:
During the Constituent Assembly, at the time of the revision, I was one day with Buzot's wife, when her husband returned from the Assembly very late, bringing Pétion for dinner. It was the time when the court had them treated as factious, and painted them as intriguers, all occupied in stirring up and agitating. After the meal, Pétion, seated on a large ottoman, began to play with a young hunting dog with the abandonment of a child; they both let go and fell asleep together, snuggled on top of each other: four people conversing did not prevent Pétion from snoring. ”So here we have this rebel,” said Buzot, laughing; ”we were looked askance on leaving the room, and those who accuse us, very agitated for their party, imagine that we are to maneuver!”
Buzot did not live very far from us; he had a wife who did not seem on the same level as him, but who was honest, and we saw each other frequently. When the success of Roland's mission, relating to the debts of the commune of Lyons, enabled us to return to Beaujolais, we remained in correspondence with Buzot and Robespierre; it was better followed with the former; there reigned between us more analogy, a greater basis for friendship, and a fund otherwise rich to maintain it. It became intimate, unalterable; I will tell elsewhere how this connection was tightened.
It’s most likely after the two were reunited for the National Convention in September 1792 that the relationship became more than platonic — at least it’s only after this we find signs of this being the case. Throughout  the latter months of 1792 we have a series of frosty letters exchanged between Manon and her protégé Lanthenas, which all seem to allude to the affair (check out page 261-262 of Marriage and Revolution: Monsieur and Madame Roland for an analysis of these). On December 25 1792 we also find a note Manon sent to Servan, telling him that ”after my husband, my daughter and one other person, you are the only one to which I make [my portrait] known.” In her memoirs, she further claims to have visited Buzot’s wife only a single time since the beginning of the Convention, a choice we might imagine was influenced by the growing feelings between her and François:
As for the alleged confabulations at the house of Buzot's wife, no charge in the world is as ridiculous. Buzot, whom I had seen a great deal during the Constituent Assembly, with whom I had remained in friendly correspondence; Buzot, whose pure principles, courage, sensitivity, gentle manners, inspired me with infinite esteem and attachment, came frequently to the Hôtel de l'Intérieur: I only went home to his wife's once since their arrival in Paris for the Convention.
Jean-Marie also found out about the relationship. In her memoirs, Manon writes the following about it:
I honored and cherished my husband like a sensitive daughter adores a virtuous father, to whom she would even sacrifice her love. But I found the man who could be that love, and, while I remained faithful to my duties, my ingenuous nature was unable to conceal the feelings that I was suppressing for their sake. My husband, a man of extreme sensitivity, both in affection and self-love, was unable to tolerate the slightest alteration of his rule; his imagination painted things in the darkest colours, his jealousy irritated me; happiness had fles far away from us, and both of us were unhappy.
The affair also didn’t go unnoticed by contemporaries. In his Étude sur Madame Roland, Charles-Aimé Dauban cites the following passage from the Moniteur on June 15 1793:
Duroy: I'm from the same department as Buzot; I have worked with him, and I am convinced that he would sacrifice the whole republic to satisfy his ambition. The marked incivility of Buzot dates from September 13; at that time, he received a letter from the wife of Roland (laughter is heard); he read it to me: the wife of Roland complained that the revolutionary commune had issued a warrant for the arrest of the virtuous Roland.
Dauban suggests the reason people laughed after hearing Manon mentioned is because they knew about the relationship between her and Buzot.
Their relationship also appears to be what Desmoulins is talking about in his Histoire des Brissotins (May 1793) when he writes: ”Jérôme Pétion told Danton in confidence that ”what makes poor Roland saddest is the fact people will discover his domestic sorrows and how bitter being a cuckold is to the old man, troubling the serenity of that great soul.” The girondin Louvet also seems to be alluding to it in his memoirs (1795) when remembering the day he said farewell to Buzot, Pétion and Barbaroux for the very last time:
[Pétion, Buzot and Barbaroux] were going, a few leagues away, towards the sea, to seek an invertan asylum; with what sorrow we bade each other farewell! Poor Buzot, he carried deep in his heart very bitter sorrows, which I alone knew, and which I must never reveal.
And the deputy René Vavasseur reported in his memoirs: ”Salles and Buzot were the most irritable of the party. We know one of the causes of Buzot's excessive irritability.”
Manon was arrested on June 1 1793, while Buzot fled Paris to avoid the same fate. They would never see each other again. We do however know of five letters Manon wrote to Buzot while in captivity (first published in 1864 within Charles-Aimé Dauban’s Étude sur Madame Roland et son temps). These, it would appear, are the only letters exchanged between them that have been conserved, or at least published (the letters Buzot wrote to Manon that the latter mentions, would for example appear to have gone missing). Since all five letters are quite long I’ve decided to only include the parts dealing with their relationship here:
June 22 How I reread them! I press them to my heart, I cover them with my kisses; I no longer hoped to receive any!... I had in vain searched for news of Madame Ch(alot); I had once written to M. Le Tellier, to É(vreux) so that you may have a sign of life from me; but the post is violated; I didn't want to send you anything, convinced that your name would cause the letter to be intercepted and that I would have compromised you. I came here, proud and calm, forming wishes and still harboring some hope for the defenders of liberty, when I learned of the decree of arrest against the twenty-two; I cried: My country is lost! I was in the most cruel anguish until I was assured of your escape; they were renewed by the decree of accusation which concerns you; they deviate well this atrocity to your courage! But, as soon as I found out that you were in Calvados, I regained my peace of mind. Carry on, my friend, with your generous efforts; Brutus despaired too soon of the salute from Rome to the fields of Philippi; as long as a republican breathes that he has his freedom, that he keeps his energy, he must, he can be useful. The midi offers you, in any case, a refuge; it will be the refuge of good people. It is there, if the dangers accumulate around you, that you must turn your eyes and carry your steps; it's there there that you will have to live, because there you will be able to serve your fellow men and exercise virtues. As for me, I will be able to either wait peacefully for the return of the reign of justice, or suffer the last excesses of tyranny, in a way that my example becomes just as useful. If I have feared something, it is that you have made imprudent attempts in my favor; my friend! It is by saving your country that you can bring my salvation, and I would not want my salvation at the expense of the other; but I would die satisfied knowing that you serve your country effectively. Death, torment, pain, they are nothing to me, I can defy it all; go, I will live until my last hour without wasting a single moment in the confusion of unworthy agitations. […] I spent my first days (in prison) writing a few notes which will one day give pleasure; I put them in good hands and I'll let you know, so that, in any case, they do not remain foreign to you. […] I dare not tell you, and you are the only one in the world who can appreciate it, that I was not very sorry to be arrested. ”They will be less furious, less ardent against R(oland), I said to myself; if they attempt a lawsuit, I will know how to support it in a way that will be useful to his glory; it seemed to me that I thus acquitted myself towards him of a indemnity due to his sorrows; but don't you also see that in finding myself alone it is with you that I remain? Thus, through captivity, I sacrifice myself to my husband, I preserve myself to my friend, and I owe to my executioners to reconcile duty and love: don't pity me! The others admire my courage, but they do not know my pleasures; you, who must feel them, keep them and all their charm by the constancy of your courage. This amiable Goussard! How taken I was to see his sweet face, to feel myself being pressed into his arms, being wet with his tears, and see him pull from his bosom two letters from you! May these details bring some calmness to your heart ! Go! we cannot cease to be reciprocally worthy of the sentiments which we have inspired in each other; we are not unhappy with that. Farewell my friend; my beloved, farewell!
July 3 What sweetness unknown to tyrants, whom the vulgar believe happy in the exercise of their power! And if it is true that a sublime intelligence distributes goods and evils among men according to the laws of rigorous compensation, can I complain of my misfortune, when such delights are reserved for me? I received your letter from the 27th; I still hear your courageous voice, I witness your resolutions, I experience the feelings that animate you, I am honored to love you and to be dear to you. Tell me, do you know sweeter moments than those spent in innocence and the charm of an affection that nature avows and that is regulated by delicacy, which pays homage to the duty of the privations it imposes on it, and nurtures the very strength to bear them? Do you know of any greater advantage than that of being superior to adversity, to death, and to find in your heart what to taste and beautify life to its last breath? Have you ever experienced these effects better than through the attachment that binds us, despite the contradictions of society and the horrors of oppression?  I told you, I owe it to said attachment to please me in my captivity. Proud to be persecuted in this time when character and probity are proscribed, I would have borne it, even without you, with dignity; but you make it sweet and dear. The midwayers believe they are overwhelming me by putting me behind bars... Fools! what do I care if I live here or there? Don't I bring my heart everywhere I go, and reassure myself in prison, isn't that giving myself up to it without share? My duties, as soon as I am alone, are limited to vows for all that is just and honest, and what I love still occupies the first rank in this order. Go, I feel too well what is imposed on me in the natural course of things to complain about he violence that overthrew it.[…] I found it delightful to unite the means of being useful to [Roland] with a way of living which left me more to you. I would like to sacrifice my life to him in order to acquire the right to give my last breath to you alone. Except for the terrible agitations which the decrees against the exiles caused me, I never enjoyed greater calm than in this strange situation, and I tasted it without mixing once I learned almost all of them were in safety, since I saw you working in freedom to preserve that of your country. […] May this letter reach you soon, and give you a new testimony of my unalterable sentiments, communicate to you the tranquility that I enjoy, and add to all that you can feel and do that is generous and useful, the inexpressible charm of the affections that tyrants never knew, affections which serve both as trials and as rewards to virtue, affections which give value to life and make it superior to all evils! Greetings to our friends, and especially to the sensitive L(ouvet).
July 6 Yesterday I saw for the second time this excellent V(allée). He gave me your letters from the 30th and first. I didn’t dare to open them in his presence. One does not read a friend’s letter in front of a third party, if only he had known what he was carrying. […] I feel all the generosity of your care , the purity of the wishes, and the more I appreciate them, the more I like my present captivity. […] Four days ago I had this dear picture brought to me, that I, through some sort of superstition, didn't want to put in a prison; but why then refuse this sweet image, beautiful and precious as a revelation of the presence of the object? It is on my heart, hidden from all eyes, felt at all times and often bathed in my tears. Go, I am penetrated by your courage, honored by your attachment and by all that they both can inspire in your proud and sensitive soul. I cannot believe that heaven only reserves sorrows for sentiments so pure and so worthy of its favour. This sort of confidence makes me support life and contemplate death with calmness. Let us enjoy with ignorance the goods which are given to us. Whoever knows how to love as we do carries with him the principle of the greatest and best deeds, the prizes of the most painful sacrifices, the compensation for all ills. Farewell, my beloved, farewell!
July 7 […] How I adore the bars behind which I’m free to love you without limits and where I can think of you without stop. Here, any other duty is forgotten, I no longer owe myself to anything except to the one who loves me and deserves to be cherished so well. Continue your career with generosity, serve your country, save liberty, each and everyone of your actions is a pleasure for me, and your conduct is my triumph. […] I am interrupted; my faithful maid brings me your letter from the 3rd; you are worried about my silence. […] If fate did not allow us to reunite soon, should we therefore abandon all hope of ever being brought together, and see only the tomb where our elements could be confounded? Metaphysicians and vulgar lovers talk a great deal about perseverance, but it is that of conduct which is rarer and more difficult than that of the affections. Surely, you are not made to lack anything that belongs to a strong and superior soul: do not therefore allow yourself to be carried away by the very excess of courage towards the goal where despair would also lead. You have seen my reasons for not accepting, under these circumstances, a dangerous expedient which does not seem necessary to me; but if the circumstances were to worsen decidedly, I would not persist in refusing a measure that their rigour would justify. It is only a question of calculating calmly, so as not to give to the impetuosity of feeling what it is for prudence to determine.
August 31 Know, my friend, the heart and attachment of your Sophie. You can’t yet imagiene her emotion, her delight at receiving your news. But what incertitudes remains with her, what worries devour her! Why don’t you talk a bit more about your business ventures, so perilous under the circumstances? The modesty of your small properties, the successes you can achieve for yourself are the only benefits she is likely to enjoy in the languor to which she is reduced; she breathes only for the fatherland and will die if you must suffer. I have taken it upon myself to speak to you for her and you cannot hide from yourself the need she has for employing a foreign hand. I will tell you better about her condition. Her sickness has, since your departure, taken a fatal character. […] The state of her family and the idea of ​​your prosperity supported her at that time. I saw you, happy in suffering, preserving her serenity, the freedom of her mind, enjoying the goods she thought reserved for you and looking at herself as a propitiatory victim whose fate perhaps wanted the sacrifice for the price of the advantages assured to those who are dear to him. […] In the strange destiny which unites you so closely to disperse you more cruelly still, enjoy at least, oh my friend! the aspiration to be cherished with the tenderest heart that ever was. What tears I saw poor Sophie shed, kissing your letter and your portrait! Save your days for her; it is not impossible that her age resists the attacks which she bears with such courage; and you owe yourself to her love as long as she exists. She asked me to ask you if you neglected to take your speculations to America? She is convinced that, in spite of the embargo which opposes exports, but which cannot last long, it was with the United States that it was convenient for you to deal. She would like your views to turn in that direction; she was so penetrating with the depth of this disposition, that she is tormented by the suspiciousness which she believes to appear in your letter in this regard. […] Be wiser, my friend, don't think of anything from now on except with these brave republicans, there is no trust and security except with people of this species. Sophie awaits announcement of your resolution in this respect as it was the only means to parry your misfortunes. Farewell, man most beloved by the woman most in love! Farewell! Oh, how you are loved!
The correspondence appears to end here, despite it being another two months before Manon was executed. Through a letter from October the same year we learn that Manon gave away the portrait of Buzot she talks about in the fourth letter to a friend, telling him to take good care of it — ”it is my dearest property, I could only get rid of it in fear that it would be profaned.”
After the death of Manon we find a letter from Buzot to Jérome le Tellier, where he writes the following:
She is no more, she is no more, my friend! The scroundels have murdered her! Judge if I have anything left to regret on earth! Once you learn of my death, you will burn her letters.
Finally, among Buzot’s effects was found the following portrait depicting Manon (cited on page 260 of Marriage and Revolution: Monsieur and Madame Roland):
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As for the relationship between Manon and Barbaroux, I’ve not been able to find any letter between the two. A lot does however point towards such things having existed, but, like in the case of Buzot, been either destroyed or gone missing.
On June 13 1793 Barbaroux wrote to Lauze Duperret: ”Do not forget the estimable citizen Roland, and try to give her some consolation in her prison, by transmitting to her the good news; for that, you could go see Champagneux, head of the offices of the Minister of the Interior.” He followed that up two days later when telling the same person:
You will no doubt still have fulfilled my commission with regard to Madame Roland, by trying to pass on some consolations to her. She must be very unhappy, this estimable wife of the most estimable citizen! Ah! make every effort to see her and tell her that the twenty-two proscribed deputies, all good men, share her pain; may that relieve her! Do you think they have a plan to keep her prisoner? I don’t think so; I believe, on the contrary, that her virtue embarrasses them, and that they would like to see her removed. She should try the proposal to stay only under house arrest. May she soon enjoy her freedom, with our good friends! What a terrible crisis! but also what glory if we save freedom! I give you, enclosed, a letter that we have written to this estimable citizen; I don't need to tell you that you alone can fulfill this important commission: she must, at all costs, try to get out of her prison and find safety.
Duperret did as he was asked, writing to Manon on an unspecified date to tell her that ”I have for several days kept three letters Buzot and Barbaroux had adressed to me to give to you, without it being possible for me to send them to you.”
In another undated letter Manon responded to Duperret:
The news regarding my friends is the only good that affects me; you helped me taste it; tell them that the knowledge of their courage, and of all that they are capable of doing for liberty, consoles me over everything; tell them that my esteem, my attachment and my wishes will follow them everywhere, that the poster (affiche) of B(arbaroux) gave me great pleasure, etc.
All these letters were later used during Manon’s trial to help pass her death sentence.
Manon also shortly mentions Barbaroux in her fourth prison letter to Buzot. Her daughter’s music teacher Anne-Marie-Madeleine Mignot, did in her turn claim during her interrogation ”that [since August 13 1792] she noticed several deputies from the National Convention, such as Brissot, Gensonné, Guadet, Louvet, Barbaroux, Buzot, Pétion, Duperret, Duprat, Chassey, Vergniaux, Condorcet, and others whose names she doesn’t remember, often visited [the Rolands]; that especially Brissot, Buzot, Gorsas, Gensonné and Louvet came there more frequently than the others and had the most direct contact with femme Roland, who often received them in her cabinet.” Barbaroux would in other words have been a frequent visitor to the Rolands, but not the most frequent of them all. This was also confirmed by Manon herself, who during her own interrogation admitted Barbaroux came to visit her and her husband ”from time to time.”
Other than that, we basically only have their memoirs to rely on in regards to their relationship.
Manon’s memoirs:
It was in the course of July that, seeing affairs worsen by the perfidy of the court, the march of the foreign troops and the weakness of the Assembly, we sought a place where the threatened liberty could take refuge. We often talked with Barbaroux and Servan about the excellent spirit of the south, the energy of the departments in this part of France, and the facilities that this place would present for founding a republic there, if the triumphant court were to subjugate the North and Paris. We took maps; we traced the line of demarcation: Servan studied the military positions; they calculated the forces, they examined the nature and the means of transferring the productions: each one recalled the places or the people from whom one could hope for support, and repeated, that after a revolution which had given such great hopes , it was not necessary to fall back into slavery, but to try everything to establish somewhere a free government. “It will be our resource,” said Barbaroux, “if the Marseillais whom I have accompanied here are not sufficiently well supported by the Parisians to reduce the court; I hope, however, that they will come to the end of it and that we will have a Convention which will give the republic for all of France.
Barbaroux, whose features painters would not disdain to take for a head of Antinous, active, industrious, frank and brave, with the vivacity of a young Marseillais, was destined to become a man of merit and a citizen as useful as enlightened . Lover of independence, proud of the revolution, already nourished with knowledge, capable of a long attention span with the habit of applying himself, sensitive to glory; he is one of those subjects which a great politician would like to attach to himself, and which was to flourish with brilliance in a happy republic. But who would dare to foresee to what point premature injustice, proscription, misfortune can compress such a soul and wither its fine qualities! Moderate successes would have sustained Barbaroux in his career, because he loves reputation and has all the faculties necessary to make a very honorable one for himself: but the love of pleasure is next to it; if he once takes the place of glory, through spite of obstacles or disgust at reverses, he will weaken his excellent temper and cause him to betray his noble destination. During Roland's first ministry, I had occasion to see several letters from Barbaroux, addressed rather to the man than to the minister, and whose object was to make him judge the method that should be employed to preserve in the good path of ardent and easily irritated spirits, like those of the Bouches-du-Rhône. Roland, a strict observer of the law, and severe like it, could only speak one language when he was in charge of its execution. The administrators had gone a little astray, the minister had reprimanded them vigorously; they had become embittered: it was then that Barbaroux wrote to Roland to pay homage to the purity of intention of his compatriots, to excuse their errors, and to make Roland feel that a softer mode would bring them back more surely to the necessary subordination. These letters were dictated in the best spirit and with consummate prudence; when I saw their author, I was astonished at his youth. They had the effect which was unmistakable on a just man who wanted the good; Roland relaxed his austerity, took on a more fraternal than administrative tone, brought back the Marseillais and esteemed Barbaroux. We saw him more after leaving the ministry; his open character, his ardent patriotism inspired us with confidence; it was then that, reasoning from the bad state of things and from the fear of despotism for the North, we formed the conditional project of a republic in the South. “It will be our last resort,” said Barbaroux, smiling; but the Marseillais who are here will exempt us from having recourse to it. We judged by this speech and some others like it, that an insurrection was on the horizon; but confidence not extending further, we did not ask more about it. In the last days of July, Barbaroux almost ceased coming to our house, and told us, at the last, that we should not judge his feelings towards us based on the first glimpse of his absence, that his intention with it was to not compromise us. He set out again for Marseilles after the tenth, and returned as a deputy to the Convention. He did his duty there as a man of courage; many of his written speeches show excellent logic and knowledge in the administrative part of commerce; that on subsistence is, after the work of Creuzé-la-Touche, the best of its kind. But he would have to work to become a speaker. Barbaroux, affectionate and lively, became attached to Buzot, sensitive and delicate; I called them Nysus and Euryale: may they have a better fate than these two friends! Louvet, finer than the first, happier than the second, as good as both, became friends with both of them, but more particularly with Buzot, who served as a link to the other, and whose natural gravity made him a bit of a mentor.
Barbaroux’ memoirs:
I went to the interview. Roland lodged in a house in the rue Saint-Jacques, on the third floor; it was a philosopher's retreat. His wife was present at the conversation and participated in it. Elsewhere, I will talk about this amazing woman. Roland asked me what I thought of France and the means of saving her; I opened my heart to him and concealed nothing from him of our first attempts in the South. Precisely, Servan and him had occupied themselves with the same plan. My confidences brought his. He told me that liberty was lost if the plots of the court were not foiled without delay; that La Fayette seemed to meditate on treasons in the North; that the army of the center, completely disorganized , lacking all kinds of ammunition , could not prevent the enemy from making a breakthrough, and that finally everything was arranged for the Austrians to be in Paris in six weeks. Have we then, he added, worked for three years at the finest revolution only to see it overthrown in a day? If liberty dies in France, it is forever lost for the rest of the world: all the hopes of the philosophers are disappointed. The most cruel tyrant will weigh on the earth. Let us prevent this misfortune, let us arm Paris and the departments of the North: or, if they succumb, let us carry to the south the Statue of Liberty, and found somewhere a colony of independent men. He said these words to me, and tears rolled from his eyes. The same feeling made those of his wife and mine flow. Oh! how the outpourings of confidence relieve saddened souls! I quickly gave them an overview of the resources of our departments and our hopes. I saw a sweet joy spread over Roland's brow; he shook my hand, and went to look for a geographical map of France.
Finally, I also found the following footnote in Mémoires inédits de Pétion et mémoires de Buzot et de Barbaroux:
Barbaroux had been the confidant of Madame Roland and of Buzot. I learned this fact from M. Barbaroux, who learned it from his grandmother. We can see, moreover, the confirmation of this tradition in certain passages in the letters from Barbaroux to Madame Roland, which we have published along with the letters to Buzot in our Étude sur madame Roland. 
I have no idea regarding the letters from Barbaroux to Manon mentioned here however, I could find none whatsoever inside Étude sur madame Roland. 
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months
Chapter 7: Parisians’ Arrival in Florida
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(Now Adrien enters the Place des Vosges. Stepping onto the fountain, he eyes the rest of the park)
ADRIEN: Come on, guys. Are we seriously going to let Marinette physically vanish from our lives like this? After everything she’s done for us, we’ve got to try again to do the same for her. When I was trying to get to Solitude when my fragrance ad premiered, who helped me get there? Marinette did. Juleka, when you were dealing with a class photo jinx, who helped you overcome it?
JULEKA: Marinette did.
ROSE: Marinette did! Marinette did! She did it!
ADRIEN: And when Markov was called a toy by Ms. Mendeleiev and confiscated by Mr. Damocles, who was willing to put herself to his office to get him back?
MARKOV: It was Marinette!
MAX: I see your point! We need to go to Florida and bring Marinette back!
(Everyone agrees.)
ADRIEN: So, who’s coming with me?
ALYA: Marinette’s my best friend. I must go.
NINO: I wouldn’t have won the arm wrestle if not for her! I’m going!
SABRINA: She showed me the true meaning of friendship the day Nathaniel was akumatized.
KIM: She influenced me to ask out my former crush.
MAX: She decided to give her Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament spot to me.
(Ivan, Mylène, Juleka, Rose, Nathaniel, Alix, Tom, Sabine, Luka, Kagami, Marc, Nora, Ondine, the Chamacks, Markov, Ella, and Etta also join in. As does…)
ADRIEN: Chloé? You, too?
CHLOÉ: Well, Marinette did decide to return my phone to me, so l’ll go.
(Adrien and the group stare.)
CHLOÉ: Okay, there’s more. She did accept my invitation to my apology party, she apologized for insulting my heart, gave up her chance to be a famous fashion designer with my mother, helped me reconcile with said mother, threw me a Queen Bee party for helping Ladybug defeat Malediktator, and invited me to send you a message on the anniversary your mother’s disappearance. That, along with my time as Queen Bee, has given me clarity. If she’s done that many nice things for me, then it’s about time I return the favor.
ADRIEN: Glad to hear it.
GINA: Bring my granddaughter back, alright?
MASTER FU: Good luck, (WHISPERS) Cat Noir.
MARLENA: We wish you the best of luck, okay?
OTIS: Bring back Marinette!
MR. DAMOCLES: Until you guys get back, the school will be closed!
ADRIEN: Come on, team! Let’s go to Florida and bring Marinette back to Paris!
ALL: Yeah!
ALYA: Wait. How are you going to pay for all of us?
ADRIEN: Don’t worry. I’m rich.
ALYA: Right.
(Now, Adrien leads the group through the bustling Charles de Gaulle airport. The Parisians head through the jet bridge to the plane. Moving at high speed, the plane ascends off the runway and into the sky. On the plane in the middle of the flight, the couples, including, but not limited to, Alya and Nino, Ivan and Mylène, and Rose and Juleka, sleep on each other. Towards the end of the flight, Adrien eyes Orlando sparkling in the night. The plane lands on the Orlando International Airport runway. Now, the Parisians walk along International Drive, looking at the sparkling lights. Still along International Drive, they step toward Marriott’s Grande Vista. The arriving Parisians eye the beautiful lobby. The guests roll their eyes at them and angrily murmur. At the front desk, the first employee eyes the Parisians angrily and hands them keys.)
ADRIEN: Thank you.
(Now, with an emotionless look, the second employee leads them to a room.)
MARRIOTT WORKER 2: Here you go.
ADRIEN: Have a nice day.
(They enter their two-bedroom villa. It looks just like Marinette’s except they have a Cox mini box.)
TOM: Look at this place.
KAGAMI: So clean.
NORA: We hit the jackpot!
MYLÈNE: It’s so beautiful.
ADRIEN: All right, guys. Let’s rest now and begin our mission tomorrow.
KIM: Good idea.
Adrien was originally going to bring up Marinette getting Nathaniel and Marc to collaborate on making comics. It was cut because whereas Marinette failed, Ladybug managed to mend things between them.
Chloé’s motivation for joining was originally as bland as “She gave me my phone back”. The story was written in early 2019, before the Season 3 finale aired, so Chloé didn’t leave as much of an impact as she did when she was assassinated in the season finale, but I only recently thought of a better motivation to join the trip, her time being Queen Bee and becoming a better person changed her life, so she decides now is truly the time to spit in the face of her bullying ways and turn over a new leaf.
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parcai · 1 year
ewwww why is he being so weird i have the ick
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opera-ghosts · 2 years
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Today a program for a Special Concert at the The Metropolitan Opera on March 15. 1931.
Take also a look on the weekly program and the famous names. The advertising was in the same brochure. Click on the pics for better view.
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batautism · 1 year
im watching skam france because my french teacher recommended it and i didn't bother looking up a french series on my own and this straight romance is so boring....
0 notes
landograndprix · 4 months
╰┈➤ ❝ desire us • l.n c.l ❞ i
part two
➪ life changed after you decided to go through it as a single woman, offering your daughter the best life she deserves, focusing on work, friends and family but damn, that guy.
➪ life is good and so is your 'friendship' with lando
➪ mom!reader x dad!Charles x lando
➪ book two is here & im so so sorry it took so long :( this takes place 2/3 years after desire. I kept the taglist from the first part of this series but let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore. Comments and feedback are welcome <3 **I fucked up with Shangai gp and Suzuka, please pretend you never saw that 😭
📍 Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by manon_roux, charles_leclerc and 578,982 others
y/nusername meeting manon's mini 👶🏻
tagged manon_roux
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norrizz welcome to the world manon's mini! <3
milliexoxo he's here! Will drop by soon 💙
↳ manon_roux still in florida with your boy?
milliexoxo yessss ☺
logansargeant what's his name, logan?
manon_roux boy you wish :')
logiebear still not over the fact logan is a part of this silly ass friend group 😂
norry4 congrats to Manon & Alice 🍼
joris__trouche bienvenue petit garçon 💙 (welcome baby boy)
landooooo zoe would make a great big sister 👀
↳ carlandooo bet lando would love to volunteer 👀
landooooo lando give y/n a 2nd baby pls 😭
norrisgp what the actual fuck is wrong with you guys?
landonorris thanks for the nephew 💙
landonorris his name's lando right?
↳ alicedidier 🖕
landonorris classy
yukisan MANON HAD A BABY?!
↳ landoscar girl her and her wife have a whole football team already 💀
yukisan WIFE?!
charles_leclerc bébé, tu es déjà tellement aimé 👶🏻💙 (baby boy, you're so loved already)
leclerc_16 all these men in the comments having massive baby fever lmao
charlos16 I personally think Charles and y/n should give zoe a sibling
↳ norry4 leave them alone jfc
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📍 Australia
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 462,781 others
y/nusername straya 🇦🇺
view all 1,222 comments
oscarpiastri would've given you a tour if you'd told me you were here
↳ y/nusername I've been here before, I know my way around :')
oscarpiastri I guess what i'm trying to ask is; do you want to hang out?
y/nusername no, I only want to hang out with lily
oscarpiastri that's fair and totally understandable
landoscar I love them your honor 😭
norrizz just two girlie girls living their best lives 🥺
charles_leclerc c'est définitivement ta fille 😂 (definitely the your daughter)
↳ arthur_leclerc deux divas (two divas)
y/nusername tu devrais peut-être te regarder dans le miroir une seconde ;) (maybe you should look in the mirror for a second)
joris__trouche trois divas dont Arthur 😂 (three divas including Arthur)
y/nusername fais-en quatre parce que tu es le plus grand de tous 🤣 (make that four because you are the biggest one of them all)
norry4 can't wait to see your pretty face on TV again <3
milliexoxo thanks for the invite..
↳ y/nusername you're welcome 😘
logansarge mom abandoning her child again lol
hamilt44n pls continue to humble Danica this season 😂
sharl16 I'm counting 3 adorable koalas in this post 🐨
landonorris do you want to build a snowman?
↳ y/nusername no
landonorris oh ☹️
y/nlando please y'all still so cute :(
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liked by manon_roux, oscarpiastri and 413,678 other
y/nusername osc & co.
tagged: milliexoxo, oscarpiastri, landonorris
view all 1,319 comments
mrsnorris interesting
oscarpiastri knew I was being watched
norrisfour in the mclaren garage again? Interesting indeed 👀
↳ bott_ass she was in Oscar's side of the garage, calm your tits
norrizz yall need to chill out, she's with mclaren, ferrari and williams most of the time. She's friends with their drivers. Give it a break.
logansarge what the hell millie, a mclaren hoodie?! 😭
↳ milliexoxo I'm sorry, it was the first thing I found in y/n her suitcase!
landoscar it's alright bestie, we know it's your favorite team <3
milliexoxo don't tell my bf :(
charlos16 dinner with lando you say?
maxfnorris where's zoë?
↳ sharl16 she's got a dad too yknow?
maxfnorris I never see them together
sharl16 then you need a pair of glasses cause youre blind as shit, Charles loves to show off his daughter 💀
landonorris starting to feel you're a bit obsessed with osc
↳ y/nusername just a bit?
landonorris a bit too much
manon_roux same 🥰
y/nusername yeah, don't you just want to pinch his cheeks and ruffle his hair?
manon_roux i just want to kidnap him and put him in my basement
oscarpiastri this is getting weird now, should I be worried?
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y/nusername posted to their story
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manon_roux replied to your story
What are you doing in London?
I mean I know why you're in London but want to see if you're going to be secretive about it again 😂
No shame in visiting the people you'll call your in laws in a couple of months 😉
Don't you have a newborn to look after?
He's taking a nap
If he let's me, I'll have 20-30 minutes to annoy you
Are you staying at his place?
I hope Noah keeps you up at night
He's got a one bedroom flat, right?
He's got a couch
lol and who's sleeping on it? You?
He's not letting you sleep on his couch and you're not letting him sleep on the couch either
People can sleep in the same bed without anything going on
We did it before
we never dated nor do we still have feelings for each other
I'm glad you know how I feel
Bubs you're an open book to me, it's written all over your face
Even your baby daddy is trying to get you two back together
oh c'mon charles is trying so damn hard to get you and lando back together, don't play dumb with me 😂
you meeting up with mum and dad norris? 🥰
You've been hanging out with millie too much
and you've been hanging out with my wife too much because why are you ignoring my questions?
Suck my nonexistent dick babes
I tried for years babes but turns out your into British goblins :(
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife @harrysdimple05 @minkyungseoki @pretty-little-bunny382728 @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @severewobblerlightdragon @cherry-piee @namgification @mycenterfold @devineendevers @celestialend @jsjcue @d3kstar @themislovesf1 @geehsf @mehrmonga @gentlemonsterworld
Lando taglist: @beatricemiruna @simp-for-fictional-people @landossainz @christianpulisic10 @bored-brunette2 @i83andrew @mcmuppet @justdreamersdream
Desire taglist; @fangirl-dot-cm @sainzluvrr @writingworlds @chezmardybum @lewisvinga @xjval @fanficweasley @rockyhayzkid @aundercover @thecubanator2 @minchedchilli @crimeshowjunkie @alisoncasey21 @eeviepepi08 @shamelesspotatos @sleepybrokenmelle @leireggsworld @janeholt3 @iamahalicinationn @dessxoxsworld @kapsylia @22yuki @dark-night-sky-99 @sheslikeacurse @nerdreader @norwayxo @sunny44 @honeymoonelvis47
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1onelypoet · 8 months
sweet tooth (for you) || lando norris smau
a/n: we're backkkkkk!!! making this took way more time than I expected but hopefully it's better quality?? also I have an actual plan for how the story will unfold so (ik, shocking) 😍
pairing: lando norris x singer! ex-leclerc! reader
fc: reneé rapp
warnings: cursing
disclaimer: this is completely fictional. no hate meant towards anyone mentioned.
part two, part three, part four
popculture August 7
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liked by f1gossip, user1, user2 and others
tagged yourusername, charles_leclerc
popculture Singer Y/n L/n's boyfriend of 3 years, Charles Leclerc, has been spotted with another woman.
The Ferrari driver was seen spending his summer break in Corsica on a boat with the unamed woman yesterday. He was pictured talking to her and kissing her, leading us to wonder: where is Y/n? The singer was last spotted in Monaco, where she and Charles share an apartment.
Neither party has said anything about the situation as of now.
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user4 poor y/n :(
user5 ikr, hope she's doing okay :( ↳ user4 also if we assume that she found out via ig :(
user6 if THE y/n l/n gets cheated on there's no hope for us
user7 love isn't real.
user8 the new album is going to slap
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yourusername added to their story August 7
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seen by carlossainz55, yukitsunoda0511, gracieabrams and others
replies have been disabled
yourusername August 9
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liked by charlottesiine, lilymhe, sabrinacarpenter and others
yourusername maybe i should try religion cus jesus ur hard 2 rely on
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yourbff my love <3
yourusername <3
carmenmmundt sending love 🫶🏼
addisonraee main character.
lilymhe love u babe ❤️
yourusername love u too lils❤️
user12 are those song lyrics i see in the caption 🤨
f1gossip August 9
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liked by manonsworld, user14, user15 and others
tagged charles_leclerc
f1gossip More unseen photos of Charles and his unamed beau
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user16 this is actually really sad
user17 Charles, I just want to have a chat! 🤗
user17 🔪🔪
user18 bro imagine being y/n and just seeing ur bf publicly cheat on u
user19 someone HAS to know who she is, like 🤨
user20 i bet the twitter stans are already on it
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yourbff added to their story August 11
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seen by yourusername, anasainzvdec, landonorris and others
f1gossipgirl August 12
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liked by f1gossip, user21, user22 and others
tagged charles_leclerc, manonsworld
f1gossipgirl Paparazzi photos taken of Charles Leclerc and Manon Bernardi enjoying their holiday
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user23 oh thats not...
user24 I mean she's really pretty but um
user25 Cute couple!
user26 bffr ↳ user27 HELP
user28 how r u guys getting these pics what???
yourusername August 15
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liked by luisinhaoliveira99, landonorris, spotify and others
tagged charlottesiine, isahernaez, itselenaberri, katerinaberezhna, luisinhaoliveira99
yourusername girls night out 🥂
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luisinhaoliveira99 ❤️❤️❤️
charlottesiine had so much fun 💓
user29 the ex wags supporting eachother is so precious 🥹
user30 they're such cuties 🥹🥹
itselenaberri 👯🏼‍♀️👯🏼‍♀️
isahernaez my fav girls 🫶🏼
katerinaberezhna ❤️‍🔥💋
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yourusername August 19
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liked by landonorris, lizzymcalpine, yourbff and others
tagged yukitsunoda0511, yourbff
yourusername surprise coming soon yay
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yukitsunoda0511 who dat boi 😎​
yourusername pls never say that again u sound like a frat boy ↳ yukitsunoda0511 maybe i am a frat boy ↳ yourusername ...no ❤️
yourbff loveeee the crying pics!
yourusername ty pookie
user34 it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's an album announcement it's
yourusername added to their story August 21
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seen by yourbff, landonorris, f1gossip and others
yourusername August 22
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liked by gracieabrams, conangray, lilymhe and others
yourusername i was originally planning on making an ep, most likely called talk too much, with somewhat final drafts of pretty girls, 23, i wish, willow, talk too much, and gemini moon for the tracklist. but, as some of you guys know, my life took a drastic turn in august. in the past month i have tried to distract myself as much as possible, constantly on the move, whether it was actually moving out of my apartment or hanging out with my friends. but when i worked on my music i let myself really feel. feel the pain and the betrayal. and so, after way too many late night runs to mcdonalds, mental breakdowns, calls with my therapist, and movie marathons, i had six more songs.
and so snow angel was born.
even though i know this isn't going to get rid of the pain, which will probably linger in the depths of my insecurities for years to come, snow angel is the step i needed to take to reach acceptance.
thank you to everyone who made this album possible: my fans, friends, producers, family -- i truly could not have done this without you.
i love you all.
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landonorris Great album!
yourusername tysm lando 🤗
user35 UM??
oliviarodrigo not okay rn
yukitsunoda0511 slayyyy 🔥💅🌈
user36 yuki, babe, what is this... ↳ yourusername we'd all like to know 😔
carla.brocker Talented, Brilliant, Incredible, Amazing, Showstopping, Spectacular, Never The Same, Totally Unique, Completely Not Ever Been Done Before, Unafraid To Reference Or Not Reference
leclerc_pascale ❤️❤️❤️
yourusername 💗💗
danielricciardo pop offff (did I use that right?)
yourusername thanks! (yes but it sounded cringe) ↳ landonorris hm (y/n's being nice, it was atrocious)
spotify on repeat.
rachelzegler omg
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embrosegraves · 11 months
ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕃𝕖𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕣𝕔𝕤
Charles Leclerc x Reader (implied she/her) Charles and Reader name their daughters the same order as the Leclerc brothers. 
Mr Charles “Girl Dad” Leclerc
Warnings: Extreme use of the red heart emoji, IT'S SO LONG I'M SO SORRY, also watch out for Google translate lmao don't trust them to be exact
Still not the best at smaus but I'm working on it (between every 'post' will be a timeskip of an unspecified amount of time. my brain can't handle doing maths more than it needs to.)
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Liked by yourBff, carlossainz55 and others
youruser Baby Leclerc Loading...
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yourBff I'm so ready to be an Aunty  → youruser One of the best ❤️
user omgomgomgomgomgomg user Is it a girl or a boy? → youruser We're waiting until the birth to find out user GUYS CHARLES MIGHT BE A GIRL DAD 
carlossainz55 Charles is gonna be out of a seat soon → charles_leclerc they're going to take your seat actually → youruser please don't encourage this, they aren't even born yet
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Liked by racerbia, sebastianvettel and others
youruser As of Nov 8 2026, please welcome Lorelei Manon Haydée Pascale Leclerc ❤️❤️ Charles and I are so incredibly excited to share this chapter of our lives with everyone however we plan on keeping Little Lori's face completely hidden until she can tell us otherwise. We ask that you respect our decision and that you do not go out of your way to find out what she looks like ❤️
comments have been limited
landonorris Hey there Little Lori Leclerc  → youruser ❤️
carlossainz55 Bienvenida Pequeña Belleza translated Welcome Little Beauty → charles_leclerc Uncle Chilli reporting for duty? → carlossainz55 Of Course!
leclerc_pascale When can I see my precious grandbaby❤️ → charles_leclerc I will facetime you Maman ❤️
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Liked by pierregasly, arthurleclerc and others
youruser Round Two LETS GO
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pierregasly Another gossip buddy!!!  → youruser Our gossip sessions are about to be so much cooler!
user ANOTHER ONE!! → user ok dj khalid user are you waiting to find out the gender again? → youruser ✨oui✨ user please be another girl, i need charles to be purely a girl dad
maxverstappen1 this one will be in a redbull i can feel it → youruser oh god not you too
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Liked by LeclercLorenzo, leclerc_pascale and others
charles_leclerc Papa and Manon Spa Night (so Mama can try to relax before baby is born)
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youruser you have mastered the towel turban my love  → youruser Lori looks so cute 😭❤️
user Charles "Girl Dad" Leclerc coming in clutch → user he's in his element user be honest /youruser did you teach him the towel turban? → youruser i mean, not on purpose? he's watched me do it so often i guess he just, learnt??? user I love how squishy she looks MY HEART--
lilymhe this qualifies as Charles' official invite to Girls Night™ → youruser i'll add him to the groupchat lmao → charles_leclerc yeah babyyyyyy
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Liked by yourBff, carlossainz55 and others
youruser And on October 17 2027, the world said let there be Charlène Madeleine Héloïse Pascale Leclerc ❤️❤️ Once again, we are so so so excited to share our growing family with the world. As we did for little Lori, we will not be sharing baby ChiChi's face until she can tell us otherwise. We are so grateful that everyone respected our wishes with Lori and we ask that you respect them once more. Love Always ❤️
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LeclercLorenzo Might be early but I'm sensing a trend... → youruser 👀/charles_leclerc → charles_leclerc a trend you say?? 👀
carlossainz55 Un'altra splendida bambina ❤️ proud of you guys translated Another gorgeous baby girl → charles_leclerc Grazie Fratello ❤️ translated Thankyou Brother → youruser Grazie Chilli ❤️
leclerc_pascale Another granddaughter to spoil ❤️❤️ → youruser I fear you'll put Char out of a job Maman 😂 → charles_leclerc you cannot spoil her as much as me! 😠❤️
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Liked by LeclercLorenzo, leclerc_pascale and others
charles_leclerc My Precious Girls, how your Papa loves you
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youruser My Loves 😭❤️
user Another classic Charles "Girl Dad" Leclerc moment → user omg I saw them the other day and the way Charles looks at Lori and ChiChi 😍🥰 user Charles is so in love with his girls it make me feel warm and fuzzy inside → youruser makes me wanna have another lmao → user SO REAL FOR THIS → charles_leclerc oh? 😏😏
lilymhe Why can't we have this? /alex_albon → alex_albon our sons are literally your personal bodyguards... I can't even kiss you without their permission → charles_leclerc he misses you 😂😂
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Liked by sebastianvettel, danielricciardo and others
youruser 3 is a magic number
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pierregasly Do you guys ever stop? → youruser who? → pierregasly you and charles → youruser no i mean who asked?
user has anybody noticed that the age gap between each leclerc baby is basically the EXACT same as the leclerc brothers? → user OMG I WAS GONNA SAY youruser before you ask lovey /user once again we're waiting for the birth ❤️ → user honestly at this point i think everyone knows it's gonna be a girl liked by youruser user Okay, they definitely have a theme going on here with Lorenzo and Lorelei, and then literally Charles and Charlène. this one is gonna be named after Arthur i know it
charles_leclerc One more after this? → youruser no <3
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Liked by kimimatiasraikkonen, carlossainz55 and others
youruser Say hello to our newest arrival, Artemis Marinette Helena Pascale Leclerc ❤️❤️ born on October 15 2030 For the third time, Charles and I invite you to meet our (now complete) family! Just as we did with little Lori and Baby ChiChi, Mini Artie's face will be hidden until she can tell us otherwise. Forever grateful that everyone is so understanding of all our daughters' privacy, thank you all so much! get ready to see a whole bunch of the Leclerc Sisters on your feed from now on❤️
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carlossainz55 I can't keep commenting in another language now, you used all three that I know → charles_leclerc sounds like a you problem mate → youruser be grateful we're only having three kids Carlos
sebastianvettel One more for the collection → youruser my daughters are not like your cars and their bond girl names → charles_leclerc i'll be honest, i did laugh a little
LeclercLorenzo Some might say I... called it. → youruser don't even, you knew when we told you about naming Little Lori → LeclercLorenzo let me live in my delusion
kimimatiasraikkonen 👍 → youruser never change Kimi ❤️
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Liked by fernandoalo_oficial, georgerussell63 and others
charles_leclerc At least Mini Artie likes to kart 🫠❤️
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georgerussell63 I think it's hilarious that not even your mini me likes karting → youruser it is the funniest thing to watch as Char sulks because of it → pierregasly I can only imagine 😂😂 → charles_leclerc what is this, bully Charles day?
user Mini Artie is gonna carry on the family legacy → user can you imagine omg youruser come back home the kids miss you → user i had to double check that this was ACTUALLY the mother of his children liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly, youruser and others user I see no one else has realised that all three of the girls birthdays are THE DAY AFTER the person they're named after. → youruser believe me, that wasn't planned ((it was harder to plan than it should've been))
youruser I love you so much Char. Best father, best husband ❤️ → charles_leclerc Je t'aime encore plus, Ma Chère. Best mother, Best wife ❤️ translated I love you more, My Dear
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holy shit that was long jesus christ.
uhhhhhh hope you enjoyed? reblogs and likes would be much appreciated because this took me SO MUCH LONGER THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO
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theemporium · 1 year
🧸 your baby refuses to sleep until Charles sings to her 🥺
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Every single person who had met Manon Leclerc knew she was practically an angel when it came to babies.
Even as a newborn, she was hardly ever fussy. She didn’t wake up in the middle of the night to cry a lot. She was good with new people, despite so many people warning you that it might not be the case. She was one of the happiest and giggliest babies you could have ever asked for. 
However, things changed when Manon turned nine months old. 
It was like something had flipped in her. You weren’t sure if it was because she was more aware of her surroundings, or maybe it was just a bad phase you were hoping she would grow out of. But it seemed like once she started crying, there was very little that could actually calm her down. 
The worst part had been that Charles had been away for most of the month on a triple header, which left you exhausted and stressed and frazzled after dealing with a non-stop crying baby for the last three weeks. You were drained. You felt guilty for not being able to even help your own daughter. And you just wanted to cry. 
When Charles finally returned home, he was eager to finally see his girls. He knew the last few weeks had been rough on you and Manon, and he was happy he could finally be there for you both. 
However, instead of coming home to his two girls curled up on the armchair in the living room like he was used to, he was instead welcomed home by shrieks and cries and frazzled whispers. 
Charles dropped his bags by the door before he quickly rushed towards the nursery. He stopped at the door, taking in the sight of both his girls crying. Manon was inconsolable, crying and screaming in your arms, while you just looked like you were seconds away from giving up. Your eyes were red and glossy, your cheeks looked puffy and wet, and he hated how broken you looked.
“Oh, mes amours,” he murmured before he closed the distance between you. Without even saying anything, he took the crying baby from your arms, wincing a little at how loud such a small pair of lungs could be. “Shhh, it’s okay. It’s okay, Dada’s here.” 
“She won’t stop,” you sniffled, the heels of your palms pressed against your eyes. “I’ve tried everything, but I just can’t—” 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s fine. You did everything you could,” he murmured as he wrapped the arm that wasn’t holding Manon around you. He pressed his lips against your forehead. “You go lie down, I’ll put her to sleep.” 
You sighed. “Charles, you just came home—”
“And you’ve been dealing with her for the last three weeks,” he said with a sad smile. “Let me do it, okay?” 
You nodded, wiping your hands over your face before you shuffled out of the nursery. 
Charles turned his attention down to his crying daughter, his chest clenching at the clear distress on her face. He slowly began to rock her in his arms, pacing around the nursery as he tried to calm her down. But just like you said, nothing was working.
“Do you want some music, hm? You love music, baby,” he murmured softly as he reached for his phone, randomly pressing play on whatever he was listening to. 
His cheeks instantly burned when he realised it was his own song. 
“Ah, we don’t need to listen to Dada,” he murmured as he reached for his phone that was now resting on the chest of drawers. 
Only, he quickly fell short when he realised her crying was beginning to slow down. 
“Ah,” he sighed, and he couldn’t help himself as a massive grin grew on his face. “You like Dada’s music, hm? Did you miss me, sweet girl?” 
He didn’t even notice he had begun humming as he paced around the nursery, watching the way her cries came to a stop and eventually her big eyes started to slowly fall shut. He knew he should’ve put her down, but he didn’t have the heart to do as much. 
“How did you get her to stop?” 
Charles lifted his head, giving you a soft smile as you leaned against the doorway. “She’s a daddy’s girl, clearly just missed me.” 
You huffed out a small laugh. “I should have known.” 
“I’m sorry you have had to do this alone,” Charles murmured but you just shook your head.
“You’re here now,” you said. “That’s what matters.”
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mote-historie · 8 months
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George Barbier, Mlle Jeanne (Jane) Marnac dans "Manon, fille galante". Shoes by Perugia (André Perugia), costume de George Barbier for Charles Frederick Worth, detail. La Gazette du Bon ton, 1924-1925.
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nesiacha · 2 months
Camille Desmoulins and Antoine-François Momoro
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Antoine-François Momoro Camille Desmoulins
I couldn't say exactly how, but I have the impression that the printer-bookseller Antoine-François Momoro and the pamphleteer Camille Desmoulins had very opposite paths and were very different despite having similarities, if you know what I mean. Camille Desmoulins was a republican from the start, while Momoro was cautious on the matter and hesitated to publish Desmoulins' pamphlet "La France Libre" in June 1789, only releasing it on July 17, 1789. However, Momoro increasingly engaged in the revolution, eventually becoming one of its key figures and a regular at the Cordeliers Club. He was arrested after the Flight to Varennes, having signed the Champ de Mars petition. Desmoulins, on the other hand, had to go into exile. In this regard, they shared the common ground of being among the harshest critics of the monarchy, although Desmoulins had been vocal much earlier, opposing the property-based suffrage in 1789 and circulating 3,000 copies of his journal "Les Révolutions de France et de Brabant." During the Varennes episode, Momoro ensured that many issues of the Cordeliers Club Journal, which became virulent towards the king due to his escape, were distributed.
Both Camille Desmoulins and Momoro participated in the events of August 10, 1792. While Desmoulins left his mark as a key figure of July 14, 1789, Momoro, alongside Mayor Pache, inscribed the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" on public buildings in the summer of 1793. Both played roles in the expulsion of the Girondins. Desmoulins was elected to the Convention, whereas Momoro, though not elected, played a significant role in the Paris Commune, overseeing supplies and soldier morale, among other tasks. He recruited volunteers from various departments and regions and was sent to Vendée alongside Charles Philippe Ronsin. Both men remained actively involved in what was considered a faction until the end, in contrast to their leaders Danton and Hébert, who were less ardent or coherent (although there were no real leaders, if you understand my point).
Their wives played more significant political roles alongside their companions than often portrayed in films. Lucile Desmoulins' journal shows her as a fervent critic of the monarchy, writing dark texts about Marie-Antoinette, approving the King's execution, and defending Camille when the future Marshal Brune asked him to temper his critiques in "Le Vieux Cordelier." Sophie Fournier, Momoro's wife, played a crucial role in her husband's dechristianization campaign, representing the Goddess of Reason armed with a pike at each ceremony (when you consider the struggle of the women of the Revolution to bear arms, in my opinion, it only demonstrates her great determination ). Both Momoro and Desmoulins had only one son from their marriages, and their wives were subject to sexist attacks, similar to Manon Roland, Louise Gély, Marie Françoise Goupil, and even Marie-Antoinette.
However, their paths diverged significantly. Initially cautious, Momoro became increasingly revolutionary, ultimately considered an ultra-revolutionary, while Desmoulins became more moderate. Momoro began to advocate for property rights redistribution, a stance not shared by Desmoulins or many Montagnards, who were moderate on this issue. Momoro supported de-Christianization, while Desmoulins opposed it. Momoro called for harsher measures against counter-revolutionary suspects, whereas Desmoulins, in "Le Vieux Cordelier," called for leniency (except for approve the mock trial of the Hébertists) and advocated for the mass release of counter-revolutionary suspects, many of whom were innocent. During the harsh winter of 1793-1794, Momoro prioritized the suffering of the Parisian masses, a concern Desmoulins did not share.
Despite this, Momoro and many considered Hébertists were sent to the guillotine. It is said that Momoro died bravely, like most of his colleagues except Hébert (his bravery was remarkable given that his wife Sophie was arrested ten days after him, and he knew she could die, yet he refused to show fear in public). Desmoulins, calm when preparing for death, panicked when Lucile was arrested (as unjustly as the arrests of the Hébert and Momoro wives) and expressed his despair all the way to the scaffold. The most horrifying part is that Desmoulins and Momoro learned of their wives' arrests the day before their execution.
My personal reflections: Honestly, I believe there is a golden legend about Camille Desmoulins, which he does not deserve, and a black legend about Momoro's faction, which is also undeserved . As I mentioned in this post https://www.tumblr.com/nesiacha/744960791081631744/the-difference-in-treatment-between-the-indulgents?source=share, in my eyes, Camille Desmoulins is highly overrated. While I do not deny his talents, I do not think he was fit for great responsibilities, unlike men he mocked, like Ronsin, Saint-Just, or Momoro, who worked tirelessly during the revolution's most challenging period. I must say in my eyes that once Desmoulins became a Convention deputy, he seemed to rest more than other revolutionaries. Consider Sonthonax, labeled a Girondin, who accepted a mission to Saint Domingue to better fight against colonizers who denied equal rights between people of color and whites, or Condorcet, who worked with Carnot on women's education with Pastoret and Guilloud, or Charles Philippe Ronsin. Many members of the Committee of Public Safety had grueling schedules in addition to their missions. Other Convention deputies, unlike Desmoulins, were sent on missions, such as Charles Gilbert Romme (and many others). While Desmoulins advocated leniency in "Le Vieux Cordelier," he approves the mock trial that led to the Hébertists' guillotining and said nothing about their wives' arrests (perhaps he planned to call for their release to be fair, but I don't know). Besides being partly responsible for the fall of the Brissotins, he remained silent on the illegal harassment Jacques Roux faced, leading to his suicide, and once said he understood the need to curb liberty for the people's salvation. Nonetheless, Camille Desmoulins should never have been arrested, let alone executed, as he only wrote articles.
In comparison, Momoro, a victim of a black legend, was clearly more honest about following a consistent line. Initially more cautious than Desmoulins in 1789, he ultimately advocated for more social rights. Despite not being elected to the Convention, he played a significant role in the Paris Commune, carrying out various missions during the revolution's most challenging period, from late 1792 to early 1794. During the Convention's invasions, he was among those who demanded vital laws for the revolution, such as the maximum or the revolutionary army's levy. His attempted insurrection was mainly due to the severe suffering of the Parisian masses in the winter of 1793-1794 and the frequent attacks on the Hébertists by the Convention (the arrests of Ronsin and Vincent in 1793), while dubious characters like Danton were free. Momoro was never rehabilitated, unlike Desmoulins, who was falsely accused of sabotaging supplies and destroying his reputation by accumulating 190,000 livres in cash, although he always refused to elevate himself, leaving behind only 26 livres and 400 livres in assignats. As Mathiez Albert, a historian harsh on Robespierre's opponents, said, "One of the main leaders of this Hébertist party, who first tried to translate and represent the popular aspirations against the wealthy bourgeois of the Convention [...] He died poor, as he had lived."
However, Momoro also had his faults, and Desmoulins was right on some points. Nothing is entirely black or white, especially among revolutionaries. The dechristianization campaigns often caused problems for the French Revolution. I understand the anger of incorruptible revolutionaries like Momoro, given the religious intolerance of that time, but intolerance cannot be fought with more intolerance. These campaigns also alienated many French people.
Moreover, if Desmoulins had dubious political allies in Danton, Momoro could be worst. He counted as an ally the horrible Nantes drowner, Carrier (Momoro didn't drown people by the way, but still a bad point for him...). Many French Revolution characters made alliances with dubious figures (like Robespierre, who knew the criticisms against Danton were well-founded but largely allied with him until a certain point), but it's still a big no for me for the alliance with Carrier. Not with one of the most hateful characters of the French Revolution. His last insurrection attempt, which led to his guillotining, was understandable, but the Convention was at a critical point and could not afford a new insurrection. Unlike Hanriot and Chaumette, he was not lucid enough on this point. He should have been more lenient with the suspect laws. Plus let's not forget that the faction call hebertist who after denunce the faction call enragés took them petition.
Even if I am harsh on Camille Desmoulins, I must acknowledge his great courage and contributions to the French Revolution, and like Momoro, he never betrayed his principles. Moreover, I fully agree with him on press freedom and often highlight his reasoning on freedom of expression. It's worth noting that Camille Desmoulins' father died shortly after his son's execution, heartbroken by his loss, just as Momoro's mother, a servant in Besançon, died a week or two after her son's death. Regardless of what one might say, both revolutionaries earned the right to be considered important figures in the 1789-1794 period.
I would like to end with two phrases these two revolutionaries reportedly said shortly before their deaths:
Momoro, during his condemnation: "I am accused, I who gave everything for the Revolution!"
Camille Desmoulins in jail : "I had dreamed of a republic that everyone would have adored."
P.S.: I have searched everywhere for a biography of Sophie Fournier, Momoro's wife. I found it in PDF and French, but I don't know its value.
Here is the link : https://www.sh6e.com/images/publications/Lettre_d_information/2023_05_Lettre_info_Sh6.pdf
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months
Chapter 3: Plan in Action
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(Nighttime. In her room, Marinette looks at her phone clock, which reads, “23h55”. Tikki crawls to the side of her head. Brows furrowed, Marinette nods to Tikki and the little red ladybug-like kwami responds with one of her own. Marinette makes her way down the staircase leading to her bed. Next, she goes to the trapdoor on the plank ground. The expelled Parisian student goes down that staircase and heads for the door. Marinette goes down the stairs to the second floor. She quietly opens the door, slinks inside, then gets it shut. She comes across Tom and Sabine’s door. She gets it open, then shuts it. The pigtailed teen sinks to the floor and crawls past the foot of the bed. Rising, she quietly unzips Sabine’s bag. Pressing her tongue to her top lip, she pulls Sabine’s wallet out, then quietly unzips it. She pulls out a card. As Sabine stirs in her sleep, Marinette cringes, believing to have been caught. Sabine settles into another sleeping position. Marinette sighs. “That was close,” she’s probably thinking. She puts the card in her pocket, then leaves. In her room, Marinette adds her notebook as the last item in her bag. With furrowed brows, she gets to her feet and confidently steps out of her room. She quietly sneaks out of the Patisserie as the midnight sky barely illuminates the city. With a confident smile, she starts forward.)
TIKKI: (WHISPERING) Charles de Gaulle, here we come.
MARINETTE: (WHISPERING) Florida, here we come.
(Now, by a glass window, Marinette waits near a door leading to the long bridge to the plane. Scrolling words on a screen read, “Floride. Prochain vol, 19h30”. Marinette pulls out her phone. The time reads, “1h30”.)
MARINETTE: Eighteen hours left.
TIKKI: I’m surprised this plan actually worked.
MARINETTE: I know. Now all have to do is not get caught.
(Now, a clock switches from 02h59 to 03h00. Tom and Sabine wake up.)
TOM: Morning, honey.
SABINE: Good morning, Tom.
TOM: Tell me I wasn’t the only one who heard something last night.
SABINE: Nope. heard something, too.
TOM: I’ll go see Marinette.
(Tom goes into Marinette’s deserted room. Sabine peeks in.)
SABINE: Weird. It’s 3:01. Marinette’s wake-up time is 7:00, since school begins at 8:00. Where is she?
TOM: I’ll try to call her.
(At the airport, Marinette sleeps, resting her head on her right arm. Her phone rings, startling her awake. She looks at her phone, which shows Tom trying to call her. Furrowing her brows, she declines the call.)
TOM: Oh, no!
SABINE: She didn’t answer?
(Now, Adrien’s phone goes off, startling him awake.)
(Across the room, his black cat-like kwami, Plagg, also wakes up.)
ADRIEN: Yes, Mrs. Cheng?
SABINE: Is Marinette with you?
ADRIEN: Sorry. No, ma’am.
SABINE: (OVER PHONE) She’s not in her room!
SABINE: My husband and I just woke up and entered her room, and she's nowhere to be found!
ADRIEN: Oh, no. We have to alert everyone.
SABINE: (OVER PHONE) Meet us at the Place des Vosges.
(As Adrien hangs up, Plagg glides to him.)
PLAGG: I heard the conversation! It must be because of Lila!
ADRIEN: I knew I should never have told Marinette to leave her alone!
(Adrien makes a call.)
ADRIEN: Alya! I have terrible news! Marinette’s missing!
(On the other end, Alya Césaire answers.)
ALYA: This news is not staying private!
(Someone else’s phone rings.)
ALYA: Nino! We’ve got a situation!
NINO: I’m on my way!
(Now, with Tom and Sabine at the Place des Vosges, Adrien's phone reads, "07h00". The rising sun casts a soft pink beam on the morning sky. Alya, Nino, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Kim Chiến Lê-Ature, Ivan Bruel, Mylène Haprèle, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Alix Kubdel, Max Kanté, Luka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Marc Anciel, Nora Césaire, Ondine, the Chamacks, Markov, and Ella and Etta Césaire hurry over.)
ADRIEN: Thanks for showing up on short notice, guys.
IVAN: What could Marinette possibly be gone for?
ADRIEN: (UNDER HIS BREATH) It’s because of Lila. (OUT LOUD) No one is to rest until she’s found! Everyone, scatter!
(The group splits up.)
Originally, Sabrina was going to alert her father about Marinette’s disappearance. Roger and his SWAT team search for her, but to no avail. At the last second, I decided it wasn’t worth keeping.
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visionofvoid · 1 year
How the Drivers React to Meeting/Seeing You For the First Time - Part One
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Max Verstappen:
He was always supportive of Kelly picking her own staff, especially when it came to a role she would be working very closely with such as a personal assistant. He would sit with her after Penelope went to bed and help her choose the person adequate enough for the role. Max wanted someone that Kelly and Penelope would feel comfortable around, someone they could rely on and he immediately liked the look of Blake’s application. First impression purely from the resume was that he assumed Blake was a male but boy he was wrong. When Max was first introduced to Blake he immediately felt what he could only describe as uneasiness around her. She seemed comfortable straight off the bat, with the hustle and bustle of a lavish life that many would find intimidating. 
“Isn’t Blake a male name?” Were Max’s first words to her. Kelly apologised profusely before Blake simply smiled and offered a soft giggle. 
“I’ve never met a Max that wasn’t a female before. I guess we learn something new everyday.”
It was safe to say that Max had never had someone go up against him like that, someone that was more certainly not on his level or even remotely in the position to do so. So, he fuelled his uneasieness around Blake into something he was all too familiar with; hate. He had hoped that she would be gone in a few months time and that everything could go back to normal. 
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Carlos Sainz:
To him you were always Ezekiel’s younger sister that just wanted someone to play with. You were still the younger sister that annoyed her three older brothers to no end in sight, wanting to feel like you belonged. He remembered the constant whining to your mother when the boys were able to go out but you couldn’t, you had to stay home because you were younger. Of course you had your own friends but you were all several years younger, crushing over boys that would never look at them in a different light other than Ezekiel’s younger sister and friends. 
Then you moved away to study abroad in America. You partied, studied, worked with children and loved, had your heart broken and cried many tears. Ezekiel, now all grown up, had started a family of his own but still spoke to Carlos on a weekly basis, catching the race whenever it was the Spanish Grand Prix and spent time with his childhood best friend when Carlos had time off. 
Carlos hadn’t seen Andrea in years until Ezekiel decided to surprise both of them at the Austin Grand Prix. Carlos was floored when Ezekiel rounded the corner, bringing his best friend in for a brotherly hug before pulling away, his eyes widening when they landed on Andrea. She still had her looks from back when they were younger but this time she grew into her body. She dressed maturely and managed to take his breath away all at the same time. 
“Andrea, wow! This is a surprise.” Ezekiel smirked as Carlos moved in, embracing Andrea in a tight hug. 
“Ah, my second favourite Spanish racer.” Andrea’s stupid and childish high-school crush looked as handsome as ever and she couldn’t help but feel insecure. She knew she would always be the best friend’s younger sister to Carlos. 
“Well, yes. Alonso is the first.”
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Charles Leclerc:
He met Manon by chance. It was the classic right place right time trope that you see in romantic comedies. He would never say it was love at first sight, no, but he was immediately entranced by her. She was an enigma. 
The way her body moved to the beat of the music, her tight bun slowly losing its structural integrity the more she bounced around her small group of friends, strands of her dark brown hair sticking to her sweaty face. She seemed unfazed by some of the looks she was accumulating from some of the other females that were dancing a bit more modestly on the dance-floor but everyone else enjoyed her confidence, enjoyed how she let go to the sound of the music.
Everyone could just tell that she and her group of friends were not from the area, but instead they acted and looked like tourists, not that it was a bad thing. He felt a bit weird, sitting with George, Pierre and Lando in the VIP booth and just watching her but he noticed how she didn’t seem to be drinking the alcohol like her friends, but instead having fun whilst sober and making sure she was safe. 
“Go talk to her, mate.” George finally caught out, an espresso martini in his hand. The four boys decided to have a week in Monaco during their break, just have fun and let go whilst they were all young and before the world and their year got a little bit more crazier. “What have you got to lose?” Charles wondered in his head how he could sneak down to the general dancefloor and introduce himself to the girl without being noticed. 
He finally found his way walking towards her, offering a smile to some of the fans on his way but he was on a mission. He felt his friends eyes watching him and he secretly hoped he wouldn’t be rejected, he couldn’t deal with the teasing. It wasn’t hard to spot the girl from ground level, her bun sat tall and bobbed up and down. She grinned at her friends before spinning around and paused as the song ended, her eyes landing right on Charles. 
“You just gonna stand there or introduce yourself?” 
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Daniel Ricciardo:
Claudia was eternally grateful when her uncle decided to offer her a position as a Junior Events Manager working out of Red Bull Racing in Milton Keynes. She had just graduated college and was looking to kick start her professional career, applying for various roles across London before Christian and Geri approached her with the idea to apply for the new 2023 intake. Christian had assured her that he would not be making the final decision and could only give a recommendation and that she would undertake the same application process as everyone else that was applying. It was only fair, she thought. 
So, when she finally got the call to come in and sign all the necessary legal documents and bring in relevant information (such as passports for international purposes such as following the race and security clearances) she was so thankful and so relieved. She was caught in traffic and was running a little bit behind her personal schedule, enough to make only herself nervous, so she pulled into one of the only remaining staff car parks closest to the entrance. She managed to beat someone else, the driver throwing their hands up in annoyance and honking at her, not that she was really worried about that for the time being. 
Daniel was livid. Not only did someone steal his car park but he was now ten minutes late. He liked to be on time, he liked to arrive early even but he had forgotten what traffic was like in the area at that time in the morning. The small action set him off for the rest of the morning, his stomps on the gravel kicking up bits that went flying everywhere. He knew what she looked like, at least the behind of her that he saw rush into the building. Christian finally spotted his third drive, Max and Sergio beside him, all three dressed in Red Bull branded clothing.
“Daniel, so lovely to finally join us. I have someone I’d like you to meet.” Christian began, shaking his hand before Daniel turned to the other two racers, sharing a smile and shaking their hands.
“Sorry I’m late. There was this incident in the car park and i-” Christian smiled brightly, looking behind Daniel causing the man to look over his shoulder. Though he only saw the back of her he knew this was the woman from this morning, the front of her matching the clothes, the same copper hair.
“My niece, Claudia. Claudia, Daniel Ricciardo.” Well, this is great, Daniel thought. 
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Lance Stroll:
Piper Broadstone is the youngest daughter of two incredibly wealthy car collectors and curators. She was no stranger to the glitz and glamour of the life she was born into, sometimes loathing it when she wished to have some secrets to herself, sometimes appreciating it when she needed to use it for her own gain. She is an incredibly smart young woman, known to be quite quiet unless conversing with close family and friends. She would wear the most lavish dresses to galas, charity balls and auction nights and bask in the flash of the photography. Tonight was no different. 
Piper sat in a rather uncomfortable seat decorated with an almost acidic green backing. She listened as the auctioneer called out the newest bids, going back and forth with bidders and new prices. Every now and then she would put in a bid for something that piqued her interest; the first edition of a literary classic, an all-expenses paid trip to somewhere exotic and sometimes jewellery. She was oblivious to what was currently up for grabs. 
“Fifty-thousand dollars going to number six-zero-three. Going once, going twice-” Piper held up her bidders paddle, her lucky number eighteen in white block letters. 
“Seventy-five thousand.” The auctioneer seemed taken back by the twenty-five thousand increased bid but nodded, calling out according to his script. Lance looked over to where the woman called out the new bid, dissatisfied with the fact that her back was facing towards him, as was everyone else on the table or they were obstructed by a large structural column. He did note that the colour dress she wore was very similar to the green of his racing suit. His father’s eyebrows raised slightly before he simply smirked. His father was the reason why this charity auction was put together in the first place, it was good PR. 
“Seventy-five thousand. Going once, going twice. Sold! An one-on-one drive and date with Aston Martin’s Formula One race car driver, Lance Stroll, is sold to Piper Broadstone.” Lance, who was about to swallow a mouthful of whiskey choked from the sudden announcement before looking up to where the woman sat, now turned around and smiled at him. 
Piper looked back to Lance, someone she had only seen from a distance at other similar events or being briefly introduced to by her parents. The Broadstones and the Stroll’s were quite well known, in the same financial calibre. Well, there could be worse things to win at an auction.
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parcai · 1 year
OH MY GOD STOPPPPPPP this whole plot w his brother is too good im so obsessed now i don't even know y charles + manon got 2gether since they had like. no reason except maybe physical attraction but this second half of the season where they're ALR together + it's just other shit happening *chefs kiss* is he writing part of the paper for her?? stop that's act v sweet 😭😭😭 and her cousin noooo 💗💗💗 sweetest person ever
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