#marauders live + big trauma au
rockingrobin69 · 11 months
Arshole to arsehole violence
Malfoy is long silences and twitchy fingers. He never smiles, but doesn’t always scowl anymore, and he doesn’t speak, although Harry hears him practice sometimes. At night when everyone else is asleep. Slow, scratchy notes from behind the bathroom door. He probably does it in front of the mirror, watches the thick lump of his tongue barely move behind his chapped lips. Harry sure does stare at it a lot. Finds himself picturing Malfoy’s mouth even when he isn’t looking.
Malfoy is turtlenecks and socks. It’s roasting hot inside the house and he’s always covered, as if on principle. Sometimes Harry wants to shout: we know, all right, we all know about the mark, and we know about the scars, and we fucking know, so cut it out already. His socks are unerringly straight and perpetually black. Sometimes Harry wonders how he knows to match them if they’re all the bloody same. Finds himself thinking, what if they are both left-feet right now, and how would he even know?
Malfoy is infuriating eyerolls and sort-of funny sighs. For someone who reportedly hasn’t said a word in however-many years he’s one expressive wanker. Harry, dunno, kind of likes it when Malfoy’s eyebrow arches and he instantly knows what that means. Likes that they get to look at each other when the adults are being arseholes and know, immediately, that Malfoy sees it too.
Malfoy is petty and cranky, is sarcasm and impatience, is angry, all the time, anger-anger non-stop every minute of every hour of every day. He sleeps as badly as Harry and he eats even worse and he’s constantly walking around like it’s everyone else’s fault, and he’s determined to make them pay. Harry… yeah. Harry can’t say he’s so different after all.
It’s weird that they’re not kids anymore. Harry’s so used to having to prove himself, to fight for a seat at the table, that he still does it subconsciously, and sometimes even for Malfoy’s sake. Not because—it’s not that he trusts him. It’s not that Malfoy did one useful thing for them ever since the big one. But it’s them against Molly and Albus, against mum and Moody. It’s them versus them, and Harry, uncomfortably, got used to the new world order. There’s always a lot of getting used to and discomfort. There’s always a lot of shit, and now Malfoy lives here.
Sometimes Harry says mean things to him just for the practice. Like ‘What happened, wolf got your tongue?’ or ‘better for everyone if you were just dead’ or ‘off my fucking bed, Malfoy, it’s mine, get off’. Sometimes even that isn’t enough and he says really, really nasty stuff, like, ‘is that why they didn’t want you at Grimmauld anymore?’ and watch with satisfaction as all the colour drains out of Malfoy’s face and the way he sort of, crumples into himself, goes small-small-small until the sour patch in the base of Harry’s throat throbs. It’s usually enough to drag something terrible out of him, a truly wild revenge the sort Harry can only dream of: Malfoy is creative and fucking diabolical. Harry thinks that’s when they get along best—when they’re being as cruel as bloody possible, when they break everything around to the tiniest bits and devour it ravenously, choke on it.
The part about Grimmauld stings him too. That they didn’t want him there either. That the fucking Marauders who thought they were so cool and good and dangerous chose Malfoy of all people to crash with them for all that time and didn’t even let Harry come visit.
What’s so special about Malfoy, anyway? Apart from the not-talking and the pacing around like a cat in a cage, apart from how he’s always so fucking serious and nippy and oh-so alert. Apart from the arch of his calves and the way his neck goes just about forever, and the shell of his ear and the tilt of his lips. How he leans on walls and every single doorway, how he breathes real deep and the look in his eyes. How he climbs in Harry’s bed and refuses to leave, just, refuses, stretching and moaning until Harry has no choice but to give up. Malfoy’s a slut and Harry’s so into it that he can hardly speak sometimes. Maybe that’s why Malfoy’s really quiet, and not the whole tongue thing. It’s been years and he should have got a lot better by now.
Maybe that’s the thing that drives Harry mad (he means, the most, more than the rest of it). Malfoy should have been fucking over it, the way all the others seem to be, Ron and Gin and Hermione and Dean and Neville. But he’s like Harry, like that. Bitter. Not better.
Malfoy is mostly a riddle and a curse. And a distraction, sometimes, in the brand-spanking-new world everyone seems so excited about, and a co-conspirator and a nemesis number two. He’s pathetic, and gorgeous, the sexiest thing Harry’s ever seen with both eyes, and just enough of a wet-cat to high-kick all the right places in Harry’s belly. Harry can’t stand him and wants him, badly, worse than he’s ever wanted anything: and has him, has him, clasped so tight he’s gagging, and begging for Harry’s hands to go tighter still. He’s a slut for pain and Harry is too, he’s a maniac and Harry is worse, he’s beyond repair and Harry is—ha—he’s the rat and Harry’s the trap, he's the parasite to Harry’s host, he’s the sickness to his blood and the only thing that matters.
Malfoy is here, which is all of it in a nut shell. And Harry won’t let go.
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cerise-grenadine · 7 months
For the Snapedom AU Ask game, can I get your answers to 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, and 26?
1.) Do you have a name and/or a tag and/or a master post for your AU (so I can peruse your blog and admire your creativity)?
2.) What is the premise of your AU (one sentence summary, tropes, your big “What-if” question, etc.!)?
5.) What are the major divergence points in your AU?
6.) Is there any part of the canon narrative you really like to build off of or interrogate with your AU?
9.) How and why does your AU!Snape differ from the canon!Snape?
26.) Does Severus have any major interests (mycology, astronomy, sci-fi, baking elaborate puff pastries, art forgery, etc.) in your AU that we never got to see canon!Snape indulge in?  Do these interests play a major narrative role?
i'm sorry, if you ask me about my AU, i will infodump 😔🙏🏻
1.) Do you have a name and/or a tag and/or a master post for your AU (so I can peruse your blog and admire your creativity)?
Yes! SlythenclawAU!Snape. it's quite meh but i never really took the time to think of one.
2.) What is the premise of your AU (one sentence summary, tropes, your big “What-if” question, etc.!)?
A long time ago there was a teenager in boarding school who got tired of waiting for the 5th Harry Potter book and decided to make a Snape-centered sequel herself (it's not particularly focused on anything but the ✨ fluffy romance 💖).
5.) What are the major divergence points in your AU?
Honestly, it’s easier to point out the parts in common 😅 It’s only canon-compliant up to Goblet of Fire (with some parts of OOTP included now), meaning Severus was pretty much a blank canvas. We knew he was a smart skinny bastard who disliked the Marauders and was about to resume his job as a DE spy, that was it. As a result, his background is completey different. He has a different family, a different childhood (still terrible), different motivations, different traumas, and Lily was never even a thing.
6.) Is there any part of the canon narrative you really like to build off of or interrogate with your AU?
Not so much one part in particular, but there are themes I like to think about (I won’t say write, I haven’t written a thing in years). Everything that has to do with guilt and forgiveness is interesting to explore with Severus, because he’s both a victim and a culprit: how to forgive, should one forgive, how to make amends, isn’t asking for forgiveness selfish and placing the weight of the pardon on the victim, how to live with guilt when some things can’t be forgiven... In the same vein I like to explore his guilt towards Lucius, who is a genuine friend and a genuine Death Eater; he feels guilty for betraying his friend, and feels guilty for still considering the man a friend.
9.) How and why does your AU!Snape differ from the canon!Snape?
I think the major difference (apart from no Lily) is that he’s more adjusted as an adult. It’s not necessarily visible to the Hogwarts staff or students 😬 the teeth incident or his breakdown at the end of POA are still a thing and the British wizarding world really brings out the worst in him. But he actually has a solid support network in the form of siblings and adoptive parents he met when he was 21. They live abroad and he keeps them secret to avoid DE retaliation so they don’t meet often, but still they are very supportive and it has helped him a lot sorting things out during his late twenties/early thirties. Having this one anchor, being loved and loving them back, has really done him a lot of good and he strives to better himself (at least in private). By the time his love interest appears, some things have healed enough that it’s not her job to fix him, she merely becomes yet another support to help deal with the rest (and the first one in the Brit WW). Don’t worry, he still has nightmares, and tons of guilt, and petty tantrums, but overall he’s in a better place than canon!Snape and has hope for the future. Also I don’t usually include Occlumency/Legilimency. Ho and he’s very French (sorry not sorry)
26.) Does Severus have any major interests (mycology, astronomy, sci-fi, baking elaborate puff pastries, art forgery, etc.) in your AU that we never got to see canon!Snape indulge in?  Do these interests play a major narrative role?
Yes! he’s a huge nerd (the kind who solves equations for fun when he can’t sleep), so he likes to study a lot of things.
Apart from normal magic things, he’s very knowledgeable about human anatomy and medecine, it makes him a better brewer and practitioner of healing magic (also his brother studied Muggle medecine for a while + his brother’s adoptive father was a heart surgeon). He is also an exellent cook (who doesn't eat much), because what’s the difference between Wolfsbane and mayonnaise, you just put stuff in a big saucepan and stirr dutifully it’s the same thing really.
Both those skills are pretty much background stuff; but there is one big hobby that is very important in his life, for several reasons: playing the piano 🙌🏻��
He is very attached to it because his mother taught him (and she died young) and it’s his one pastime and antidepressant. He will focus on fast-paced pieces when his anxieties keep him awake, will hammer away his anger when he’s had a row with someone... it helps him calm down and clear his mind, and sometimes he will learn complicated parts just for the fun of it simply because he enjoys himself. He is a selfish pianist however. Music is very private to him, he is not a performer and will only do it sometimes for very close people he loves. He owns two pianos, his mother's grand piano at home (which has been through some stuff and is his most prized possession), and a baby grand at Hogwarts gifted by his siblings when he started teaching (it was needed for his mental health and the not-murdering of students). He’s learned how to tune his piano the Muggle way (the only true way, it sounds better, and yes of course he’s pedantic about it) and can talk about the links between mathematics and music for hours. Also +30 years of piano training have given him an acute sense of rhythm and very precise motricity skills that are highly valuable in potions work.
His lover being a musician herself (of the performer kind), music is very important in their relationship and has been central in their getting together. In fact, she first kissed him as they were playing together, so his sister jokes he would never have gotten laid if not for the piano she gifted him (she’s right)(his entourage also jokes sometimes about the kind of fingering skills a pianist with decades of experience has)(he hates it)(because he’s a giant prude)(they’re also right)
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fic author self-rec
When you get this, reply with your 5 favourite fics that you’ve written. Then pass it on to five other writers. Spread some self love.
I was tagged by @kay-elle-cee and @nodirectionhome-ao3 <3
the way you left me and its companion piece heart of glass || 9.7k and 11.7k || jily one-shots || rated M
Is it cheating because it's two? If so, don't tell me. TWYLM came out in a sad little flood while listening to a lot of 9 Crimes by Damien Rice and Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead. It's about grief and loss and how even the right decision can feel wrong. I loved writing it.
2. Forget-Me-Not || 55k || jily, 10 chapters, with two companion pieces || rated M
This was hard to write. Delving into the trauma following sexual assault, as well as anxiety, coping strategies, opening up to people about your pain... it was a lot, lol. But I'm glad I did, and I'm especially proud of the big 'talk' chapter (number 8 maybe?) and how it ends in chapter 10.
3. Expectant || 6.9k || jily one-shot || rated M
A fic where it checks in with Lily in each month of her pregnancy. I was excited to get to write her interacting with different people and showing those different relationships - with Sirius, and Remus, and her mum, and of course with James. It ends just as she's about to give birth, so no sadness can breach the cargo hold of this one. Woo!
4. The Price We Pay || 274k || WIP, 28 chapters so far, marauders canon era || rated T
274k is insane. But there you go. It's my big ongoing project, my own drop in the ocean of fabulous canon-era stories. The pov mixes between Lily, James, Remus and Sirius, starting at the beginning of sixth year, so we've got post-Prank suffering, jily becoming tentative friends, and Peter just out there living his best life. It's a big undertaking, so I'm incredibly grateful to anyone who takes time to read it. <3
5. A Lesson in Communication || 11.6k || jily one-shot || rated M
This muggle AU came about initially because I thought how fun James would be as a primary school teacher. I could so easily picture him teaching the Year 6s (10-11 year olds) and enthralling the mums. From that, I spun out a lot of misunderstandings, a lot of flirting and a lot of unnecessary guilt. I think it's great fun, not least because of Remus' reactions to his friend throughout the story.
Tagging @mppmaraudergirl @clare-with-no-i @isahorcrux @whinlatter @thequibblah if you fancy doing it!
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About Me
I've had this blog for about two years and only just realized I never like actually introduced myself.
So hi! I go by Issy or Iutb and use any/all pronouns!
I've been posting fanfiction to Ao3 for over four years, though I like to think I'm a better writer now than I was back in high school. I draw on occasion, and I've been trying lately to get into oil painting and watercolor. I like to listen to music (folk, rock, and classical) and play minecraft (I've logged 60+hours just in the last two weeks).
(my fandoms and ships under the Read More)
My Fandoms:
Avatar: The Last Airbender - This is the show that got me into writing, but I'm not as active in it anymore. Zuko is both my sweet baby girl and also my favorite punching bag.
Harry Potter - !!Obligatory Disclaimer!! I do not support JKR or any of the things she says! When I write these characters, they are all some flavor of Queer!
Special Mention: The Marauders fandom
My Hero Academia - To be honest, I got so deep into this fandom that my versions of the characters are no longer connected to canon like at all.
Supernatural - I don't write for spn, but this show has held me in a chokehold for years at this point, so it deserves a place in this list.
Marvel - I do not like any of the recent Marvel movies but I am a big fan of Spider-man and Iron Man, so I've written several things about them (but not posted bc they're just snippets).
Percy Jackson - I have never read or watched pjo, but i somehow got sucked into the fandom. I do not know how this happened.
Danny Phantom - Again, I have never watched dp. I have become obsessed with through Tumblr and fanfic though.
DC - The Batfam and general Justice League chaos. End of sentence.
Aphmau - I say this regretfully, but my elementary school obsession has come back to haunt me. This is the fandom that got me into fanfiction at the ripe old age of 9. I prefer Minecraft Diaries to Mystreet, and my pension for dramatic, high magic worldbuilding will be the death of me trying to fill the plot holes in that Irene forsaken series.
My Favourite Tropes and Ships:
Time Travel Fix-it
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Found Family
Everyone lives/nobody dies
Reaction fics
HP - Harry has a million something titles, Slytherin Harry, focus on Wizengamot and politics, anything with the goblins, Harry raised by others, Draco/Harry, Theo/Harry, Blaise/Harry, Hermione/Harry, Neville/Hannah
Marauders - Canon Divergence (you will never catch me adhering to canon), one of them stealing Harry away from the Dursleys, Black brothers angst, Black sisters angst, James/Regulus/Lily, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Severus, Barty/Evan
MHA - Vigilante AU, Quirkless Izuku, unconventional friendships, Izuku/Kirishima, Todoroki/Bakugou, Todoroki/Sero, Sero/Iida, Izuku/Monoma, Izuku/Shinsou, Uraraka/Toga, Aizawa/Mic/Shirakumo, Dabi/Hawks, Shigaraki/Natsuo
SPN - Cas lives (non-negotiable), finale does not happen, witch Sam/doesn't lose demonic powers, Dean/Cas, Sam/Eileen, Sam/Rowena
ATLA - Zuko is the avatar, zuko joins the gaang early, gaang finds out about zuko's scar, early zuko redemption (can you find the common theme here), Zuko/Sokka, Aang/Katara, Katara/Yue, Ty Lee/Mai/Azula
DC - Justice leagues meets the batfamily, batfam angst, Titans Tower AU, crossover with Danny Phantom, Marvel, or White Collar, focus on Jason or Dick, Dick/Wally, Jason/Roy, Tim/Kon/Bernard, Cass/Steph, Bruce/Selina, Bruce/Clark
Marvel - Peter's field trip to SI, Irondad, functional avengers, Loki redemption, Team Iron Man, Tony/Pepper, Tony/Loki, Peter/MJ, Peter/Ned, Peter/Harley
Aphmau - MCD rewrites, religious trauma, Aphmau/Laurence/Garroth, Aphmau/Zoey, Dante/Nana/Nicole, Zane/Nana (MYS)
Blog Tags:
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moonlightdancer26 · 3 years
heyy! I just wanted to ask u this what would have happened during the prank if James was the werewolf instead of lupin? and even if severus somehow went to the shreaking shack and got attacked by james, do u think that james will be self ashamed of this fact? or will he continue bullying snape? as a person who likes both james and snape i kinda want them to be friends. and i also hate sirius mor than james tbh...
Aight, let’s get to work:
Hm, I don’t really know. I know for a fact that Sirius wouldn’t have told Snape shit if it was James in the Shack instead of Remus. So, let’s say Snape was somehow led to the Shrieking Shack and it has something to do with the Marauders (otherwise it isn’t James’s fault).
Do I think James would be ashamed of himself? Yes, I do.
I think one of the main reasons why James didn’t really have a problem with the Shrieking Shack fiasco in canon is because he wasn’t in Remus’s place, or at least Sirius’s. If James were to be in Remus’s place, he would’ve known what it would be like to be that close to murdering an innocent student and becoming what you most feared—a monster. James is not murderous in canon, unlike Sirius. James is more of the sadistic type.
I believe James is one of those people who think death is crossing the line, anything else—be it torture, rape, abuse, etc etc—is fine, because “they didn’t die so what’s the big deal?” And it’s also why he saved Snape (and went on to torture him in SWM), he despised Snape but he wouldn’t go as far as to murder him.
But would James continue bullying Snape? That, I do not know. If you’ve been through my blog for a while, you’d know that I… don’t exactly have the best feelings about James. I don’t think James and Snape will ever be friends in canon, whether or not James apologises or regrets what he did. Severus’s trauma does not suddenly disappear. Perhaps it would be nice for an AU. I actually really like the idea of that (which is another reason as to why I ship Jeverus), it would require James to grow and become a better person and I love that for him!
I understand how you feel; liking both James and Snape and wanting them to be friends; that’s how I feel about Severus and Remus. XD
and i also hate sirius mor than james tbh...
I don’t blame you! I like Sirius a lot more than James—I’m an ex Sirius stan—because Sirius makes up for how despicable he is by being a complex, enjoyable, dark character but James is barely there in the story so the same cannot be said for him. I was actually thinking of making a post about which of them’s worse.
Who did more bad things between the two? If we’re judging on bad things alone, then yeah, Sirius is definitely worse. But, Sirius has his excuses, he was abused by his family, lost the love of his life his best friend, was framed by his supposed friend, and trapped in Azkaban—an evil prison surrounded by soul-sucking creatures—for over a decade. James was loved by his parents, never had to deal with the loss of a loved one (at least from what we hear in canon), and lived a happy (but short) life.
I also think it’s unfair to compare the two, for the reasons I stated above and because Sirius lived up to 36 while James died at 21. It’s the same with comparing Snape and James, it’s unfair to the former.
As I’ve said above, if we’re judging them on who did more bad things then yes Sirius is worse. But, Sirius lived longer and we got to see more of his… non-terrible qualities. He looked out for Harry, he went to the Ministry for Harry (it was reckless as hell but still), he even ate rats just to keep in contact with Harry, and he broke out of Azkaban partly because of Harry. He did do good things for the wrong reasons and his bad deeds overshadow his good, but he still does have some slightly redeeming moments.
James does seem more mature than Sirius in their teenage years. We see him doing a lot of things because of Sirius’s influence. James only attacked Severus because Sirius was bored, James stopped playing with the snitch only when Sirius told him to. Hell, it even says this in the text:
“If it bothers you,” he said, stuffing the Snitch back in his pocket. Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.
This suggests that James might’ve turned out differently without Sirius’s influence.
Despite liking Sirius far more than James, I agree that Sirius is a lot more irritating. I definitely understand why you hate Sirius more than James.
I hope you liked my answer! Have a great day!
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sblacksvelvet · 2 years
wolfstar muggle au fic rec
a long time coming, expertly compiled list of the most essential, very best, must-read wolfstar muggle aus (in my opinion)
guaranteed to be: fabulously well-written, sometimes heartwrenching, often heartwarming and well placed to fix any canon related trauma
Beneath a Big Blue Sky by eyra
The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands.
Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
starting off with a very, very sweet choice. this one is the PERFECT cure to post-canon heartbreak. warms you right up on the inside. eyra is such a special writer, always up for changing things around and somehow always nailing her characters perfectly. plonking sirius and remus on a farm and making it work should be a challenge, but it works brilliantly - you'll still feel like you know these boys, and you'll probably finish loving them even more.
How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky
After two years of noncommittal sex:
Remus tells Sirius that he loves him. Sirius firmly rejects him. Remus tries to move on. Sirius is not happy.
Remus Lupin becomes king of the cockroaches, Fabian Prewett writes a book, Gilderoy Lockhart is a catfish, and Sirius Black realizes he's a fucking idiot.
a classic for good reason. i do always think remus and sirius look slightly different than we typically see them in today’s era - but don't let this put you off! if you haven't read it yet - this is so good! very rom-com, very gorgeous and nice and light-hearted whilst also having really brilliant character development. the marauders as a group are fantastic - and we get baby harry! he's the star of the show, really. realityshowjunky is really a remus stan - as she should be - so he’s rather great here. you’ll probably re-read 900x as I have, if you haven't already.
Just what the doctor ordered by WrappedUp
This is the story of how Sirius Black finds a dog.
Except, it's not really that.
This is the story of how Sirius Black finds a dog and meets a skilled veterinary surgeon with crinkly eyes and dimples in his cheeks.
Except, that's not really it either.
This is the story of how Sirius black finds a dog, meets a skilled veterinary surgeon with crinkly eyes and dimples in his cheeks, and grows the fuck up (at least a little bit).
i almost have no words for this one. simply couldn't recommend it enough. my favourite fic by my favourite fic author. she's had 3 works out since i read this one and discovered her and i’ve honestly hung off her every word since, checking for updates like its my full time job. warning for an age difference, but sirius himself is the younger at 25 - so nothing untoward! this is likely my favourite sirius black rendition ever and it truly encapsulates how i see him. 
general comment on wrappedup: i reckon very few authors can compare to her on both vibe and characterisations. you’ll see what i mean, if you're like me and become inspired to live a relatively simple wonderful life in bristol with your best mates and a local pub as your keys to happiness after reading this fic. 
(also read her current wip, its bloody brilliant)
Sweater Weather by lumosinlove
Remus works for the Gryffindor Lions as a physical trainer, and has been half in love with Sirius Black, the Lions' heartthrob captain, for a while now, but he never expected Sirius to return the feelings. 
a controversial pick by tiktok’s standards but i sort of think that's all bollocks? this is great - just don’t read it if you don’t like smut or are under 18. it is a slightly different one, since it doesn't really have a marauders cast as you might anticipate and there are lots of oc’s along with a few of our favourites, however you will come to love love love the oc’s. sort of feels like it’s own story. i really do think it's worth a read - its so, so very feel good and you will DEFINITELY develop an ice hockey obsession (i now have two jerseys of my own, and they are not cheap).
a brief history of dragons by eyra
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea.
Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons.
another eyra choice! i do love her. this one feels slightly less on the nose marauders in terms of familiarity than beneath a big blue sky, but it is no less lovely. might be even more lovely, and its certainly a special read if you like soft boys and soft feelings. who doesn't though? its a shorty and you might cry of affection- go read it.
Dear Your Holiness by MollyMaryMarie
During the week of his father's funeral, Sirius Black meets an unusual priest and offers to help write Orion Black's eulogy. At the same time, he's started texting a mysterious bass player from a pop-punk band that he accidentally swapped phones with. Eventually, the conversations between the two start to blur together and Sirius has trouble trying to decide which one he's falling for the hardest.
absolute a+ sexual tension in this one, folks. such a great concept, and super different! loved the characterisations of everyone, and having teddy be a part of it all is very sweet. a very cool read and a recent favourite!
bonus jegulus recs! 
Crimson Rivers by zeppazariel
Regulus Black was fifteen the first time his name was called at a reaping. He's twenty-five when it happens to him again. A lot has changed in that time, and one of them is that he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it home. Nothing or no one will stop him, not even James Potter.
James Potter has no plans to stop Regulus Black from making it home. In fact, his plans revolve around the opposite. He has his reasons, but he's made his choice to get Regulus out of the arena, even knowing it'll be the last thing he ever does.
Sirius Black was sixteen when he volunteered to take his little brother's place in the arena. At twenty-six, without the option to do it again, he has no choice but to be a mentor to his brother and best friend, knowing that only one of them can make it back out.
Two names called, a mentor on the verge of falling apart, and more secrets and grief between all of them than they know how to handle. None of them are prepared for what comes next, or how far they'll go to make it through.
as per, a big favourite already for most of us. if you haven't heard how good this is then let me tell you - get on this shit, its making for such a good wip!! each update is so exciting and the suspense and slow burn is fabulous. plus the wolfstar is as good and as important as the jegulus!! zeppazariel can do no wrong. go go go!
when you were mine by battlehamster
Regulus shattered James' heart the day he chose the Black family over the future they could have built together, and James was left witnessing from afar as Regulus turned into the monster his mother raised him to be. Six years later, Regulus storms back into his life after the Black Empire gets torn to pieces in the wake of what is arguably one of the biggest financial crime scandals in Britain's recent history.
But James is a man now, a man with a life he built for himself, and he won't let Regulus destroy him all over again.
oh my! this one makes me soft, its soooooo good. another wip. it is still strange to me to read jegulus fics with depictions of good malfoy/black family members since ive never dabbled in drarry, but don't let that, or the hints of lily bashing, put you off - it all makes sense! we get some great black brother bonding, baby harry and draco, established married wolfstar (who makes me die) and a full blown slow burn, second chance pine. its lovely. 
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queerofthedagger · 4 years
001: Prongsfoot!
Thank you for the ask!! ❤️
when I started shipping it if I did:
I’m going to start really strong here and say... I’m actually not completely sure. I think it started through my Regulus-obsession and filtering out wolfstar-works for Marauders-era fics. At some point it just clicked, and suddenly I was writing my prongsfoot story for the Sirius fest 2019. 
my thoughts:
Oh dear. I’m just generally weak for friends-to-lovers, and these two offer themselves so perfectly for all the pining, for the angst of the trope as well as being in love while a war is going on, and of course for all the shenanigans. I love to play around with post-Hogwarts scenarios and the sub-cultures of the Muggle world of the time too, and all that in front of the canon background that they were inseparable. It offers such a great basis to take it in so many directions and explore a myriad of themes and I just, love them a lot.
what makes me happy about them:
The friendship! I’m a huge fan of having a good friendship as the groundwork of romance, and also, that there’s a lot of room to play with their characterisation. They’re reckless and a bit stupid but also incredibly smart, and basically the definition of idiots-to-lovers.
what makes me sad about them:
If we don’t ignore canon - how they ended, of course. The whole underlying tragedy of how fast they had to grow up, and how very little time they had.
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Lily (or any other character-) bashing for the sake of the ship, and ignoring their flaws. I like them so much because they’re layered characters (or at least have the huge potential to be).
things I look for in fanfic:
As I said above - I like it a bit complicated and messy and gritty. I like when it’s clear that there’s no black and white in a war (or ever, really) and that growing up during one affects them, and when that’s explored. Or if it’s AU’s or just with another focus, generally the struggle of growing up, two spoiled boys of which one also has a really messed up background. Also, all the pining. So much pining.
who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I have a huge soft spot for James/Regulus, and I think there’s also a lot of potential in Sirius/Lily. Or James/Lily/Sirius, even though that’s... not strictly with someone else, is it?
my happily ever after for them:
Both survive the war and get to process their trauma. Maybe Sirius becomes a curse-breaker or something along those lines, and James starts playing professional Quidditch, of course. They get to travel a lot, and maybe live in a big house with all their friends, while Sirius also makes up with Regulus. Yeah. ❤️
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
They both want to be the little spoon. James wins most times because Sirius can never tell him no, but they do swap eventually during the night.
what is their favourite non-sexual activity:
I think they’d never grow out of loving harmless pranks. Going flying, either both on Sirius’ bike, or James on a broom and Sirius on his bike. Oh and also, going to concerts. ❤️
Send me an ask and I’ll tell you my opinions about a ship/characters
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aidanchaser · 3 years
Character Profile: Harry James Potter
Tumblr media
Canon: son of James and Lily, The Boy Who Lived, orphaned by Voldemort, protected by Lily’s self-sacrifice, abused by the Dursleys, manipulated by Dumbledore, hero of the Wizarding World
AU: There were so many questions when this AU began, and they all centered around how Harry would change. I wasn’t concerned with the plot -- Voldemort could continue as he had in canon, regardless of who survived in Godric’s Hollow. But Harry? Who would Harry become with a large estate to roam, with two loving parents and two loving “uncles” to support him and guide him? Would he have siblings? What would they be like? What influence would they have on him? Would be still be in Gryffindor? Would he still be the savior of the Wizarding World?
The first question I answered was would Harry have siblings, and I pretty quickly came up with “No.” I had skimmed through other AUs like this one, seeking out more Marauders content, and had seen what it was like for Harry to have siblings. As someone who has two siblings, I knew that giving Harry siblings would complicate the plot so much. To truly flesh out these characters, to understand what it would be like to grow up in the shadow of an older brother who was the savior of the wizarding world, to understand the dynamics between siblings and how they shape us and how we shape them, and to track those changes over seven years at Hogwarts -- I wasn’t up to the challenge. In those early days of the AU, I just wanted to focus on the Marauders and who they were. I didn’t want to complicate Harry’s world. 
If I were to go back, I think that I have grown enough that I could tell the story with siblings. But I still don’t know if I want to.
Rowling had said that Lily was definitely not pregnant when she died, but it was such a strong fanon theory that I had numerous comments in those early days of the AU asking about it. I crafted the miscarriage arc in response to those comments, but I think I would have landed on infertility for James and Lily eventually, even without those comments. Harry needed to be the focus of the story, and I couldn’t do him or a sibling justice if I was splitting my time in the structure I had set up.
So that left me with two real questions: How was Harry different from canon and would he still go into Gryffindor?
I never cared much for Harry in canon, honestly, and you can thank @ageofzero​, who always connected with Harry, for helping me understand his motivations and his desires better than I did on my first few reads of Harry Potter. They helped me identify Harry’s sense of justice, his defiance of authority, and his overwhelming compassion for those in need. All of these things would stay, because I knew they existed in his parents already.
I planned early on that each Marauder would teach Harry something vital to his story. James taught him Quidditch, Lily taught him her protective charm & helped him with Potions, Remus taught him Defense and dueling, and Sirius taught him healing charms. I also knew that each character was going to pass on their personality. I never expected the running theme of James and Lily actively discussing how Harry inherited their strengths and flaws, but I found that I enjoyed it, because most often they’re discussing decisions that parallel or are even lifted straight from canon. It’s like we get a glimpse of how they would have felt about Harry’s original story, which was always the purpose of this AU.
In the end, I made three big, conscious changes to Harry: 
he would have a greater knowledge of the wizarding world (which works only because my readers share that knowledge)
he would have a greater trust of authority, thanks to having a stable home life (but not too much, because his parents were still rebels)
he would have a bit more emotional maturity -- nothing too much, but having been raised with people he could trust and talk to, he would be more willing to trust and talk to people
But nothing else had to go. He could keep all of James’ humor. He could keep all of Lily’s compassion. He could keep Sirius’ defiance and Remus’ wit. He could keep their anger and indignation and he could also carry their trauma.
Lastly, I always knew he would go Gryffindor. It’s a similar question to should Harry have siblings -- how much of Harry did I want to change? And the answer is very little. The tension, the nuance, to Harry going into any other house was not worth exploring. And, ultimately, on rereading canon!Harry’s decision, it’s not so much about him choosing Gryffindor over Slytherin. He chooses Ron Weasley over Draco Malfoy. Since there was nothing I had set up -- and nothing that I thought made sense to set up -- to change that, of course Harry would stay Gryffindor. Why shouldn’t he choose to follow his parents’ path?
This post is already longer than it needs to be, but I have to talk about how Harry has changed and grown. I love looking back at the letters eleven-year-old Harry wrote home, and then reading his letters to Cedric in Half-Blood Prince. I love seeing the way his wit and humor has evolved, and his compassion.
It’s also been an absolute blast to lean into the bi-Harry fanon. I never really planned on changing canon ships, but I wanted leave myself open to possibility. Then in Goblet of Fire, I decided on a whim that every moment Harry shared with Cho, he would share an equitable moment with Cedric Diggory. I came out of Goblet of Fire shipping Harry and Cedric so painfully, but knowing that it absolutely could not be endgame! I loved Ginny, and I didn’t have time to tease out a relationship and breakup for Harry and Cedric while also giving Ginny more depth and nuance. So instead I continued through Order of the Phoenix giving every Ginny or Cho-attractive moment an equal moment with Cedric, as if that would somehow fix the problem? And when I got to Half-Blood Prince and realized how crucial Cedric was to the quest, how key a support he was for Harry, and knowing that Ginny would be unavailable to Harry for most of the book, I threw a boyfriend at Cedric, hoping that would ease my frustration.
It only worked a little. I still love Cedric and Harry and like to think about how different the AU could have been if I had just allowed them a few stolen kisses after DA meetings in Order of the Phoenix. But I would have had to break them up and I don’t think I could have handled that.
Not to worry, though. Harry and Cedric’s arc is nowhere near finished.
Character Notes: I have no notes about Harry. I scoured three documents and scattered pages, but anything for the future is spoilers, and anything from the past you already knew, and there just are no little character notes for him. Either I know him too well or I trust my betas to know him too much. I’m sorry.
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cobwebsandcathair · 4 years
This or That: Fanfiction Edition
tagged by @omnishambolichologram​ - cheers! 
I felt the need to link to a few of my absolute most favourite fics from various fandoms so ... that’s a thing that happened. 
Slow burn or love at first sight: The burn makes the payoff that much greater, the slower the better. I want to be in physical pain by the time they kiss 100k words later. 
Fake dating or secretly dating: I’ve recently read a couple of really good fake dating fics but I probably liked them so much because the fake dating turned into secretly dating. And apparently I have a thing for coming out scenes and/or others finding out. 
“Oh no, there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence: I mean, come on. Bonus points if they wake up accidentally cuddling and/or the whole thing was a setup by their friends to push them together. Long distance isn’t much fun, unless it’s a small part of something much longer. 
Hurt/comfort or amnesia: Has to make up at least 90% of the stuff I read, probably because I’m drawn to cursed/disabled/mentally ill/fucked up characters in the first place.  --The Golden Bird by pierrot_dreams, original, E (very, very E), currently 170k - take those tags seriously, because I guarantee you WILL be triggered 
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers: Again, I’ve read some excellent ETL fics lately but the ‘enemy’ part is always based on miscommunication (hello my beloved #stupidboys tag). I don’t do actual enemies (fuck off Drarry). Give me more of that slow-burn, childhood-best-friends, one-sided-pining plzkthx. --And they were right in front of you the whole time by Ihavecoldhands, Evak, T, 18k
Mutual pining or domestic bliss: I feel kind of cheated if a fic ends without a bit of domestic bliss, but I rarely read things that are entirely that. Mutual pining, particularly when it’s third-person limited and the pining is clearly mutual but the narrator misinterprets it or thinks they’re imagining it. 
Smut or fluff: If I read a smutty one-shot there’s a very high likelihood that fluff is also in the tags. I like smut as much as the next guy but if there’s no feelings involved then I’m just not interested. N’awws before phwoars. --Mondays at Sixteen by @folerdetdufoler​, Evak, E, 163k - copious amounts of both smut AND fluff, what more could you want
Fantasy AU or modern AU: I’m super picky about fantasy and sci-fi in general because worldbuilding is of vital importance and it’s too often poorly done. I’m also not really a fan of real-world magic or supernatural elements in a fic if they’re not part of the canon (including Hogwarts AUs). Modern AUs are a pretty safe bet and some of them are AMAZING. --There Are No Gays in Football by Malu_3 (Grainne), Merthur, E, 213K --Keep the Key Within Reach by SpiritsFlame, Mercy, E, 62k  --If You Look to Your Left, You Will See by unoriginal_liz, Thommy, E, 144k
Alternate universe or future fic: Future fic meaning a continuation of canon, or future as in set in the 24th-and-a-halfth Thentury? Either way, I’d pick AU. Especially when canon makes all AUs technically canon also (thank you Julie Andem). 
Canon compliant/missing scenes or fix-it: I have TWO absolute-most-favourite fics to add here, one of each, so I can’t really choose between them.  --Trauma Medicine by Kispexi2, Mal/Simon, E, 168k - missing scenes; very possibly the best fanfic I’ve ever read in my life --Grow In The Openings by mindabbles, Wolfstar, E, 33k - because the only acceptable post-Marauders Era fic is a fix-it fic 
Reincarnation or character death: Not really a fan of either but FUCK character death. No. Just no. Unless that character happens to be a canonically-dead hologram, or a canonically-dead wizard who is then brought back to life. 
One-shot or multi-chapter: I’ll go for either but the longer the better. 450k slow burn angst with a happy ending? Yes hello that is my name. 
Time travel or isolated together: I’m up for both but the only example I can think of is that Hornblower epic in which Archie didn’t die but he and Horatio were beamed up to the Enterprise, Beverly saved his life, they hung out with Riker and Troi and then Picard married them. (In the unlikely event someone knows this fic, LINK PLEASE.)
High school romance or middle-aged romance: Some of my absolute favourite fics are the latter, but given that my two most beloved ships mostly take place in high school, I have to say the former.  --In Case The Scene Gets Nasty by zarah5, Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, E, 90k - I know people are squicky about RPF, and rightfully so, but this is hella AU and I shamelessly adore it 
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage: Not a big fan of either, but the old What Happens In Vegas trope can be entertaining. 
Sci-fi AU or magic AU: Really not into either; see above. HOWEVER, this is a good excuse to link to another favourite with supernatural elements which put me off reading it for ages, but god I’m glad I did.  --Burning For Your Touch by cuteandtwisted, Evak, M, 257k
Neighbours or roommates: Both have potential for shenanigans and different forms of tension. 
Body swap or gender-bend: I have fond memories of a few Wolfstar body swap fics back in the early 00s (and of course, Rimmer and Lister). I’m all for gender-bending if canonically cis characters are written as trans or non-binary. 
Angst or crack: Never really got into crack, although there has been the odd one I’ve liked. I prefer to have my heart ripped out, shredded into tiny pieces and slowly put back together again. 
Apocalyptic or mundane: Mundanity tends to make the stakes internal rather than external, with more potential for angst and whump, and that’s basically where I live. But if we’re talking post-apocalyptic, then I have to recommend:  --Stars Fell On Alabama by saddle_tramp, original, E, 104K
I don’t know who to tag. If you’ve read this far, consider yourself tagged. 
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2010s round up
i thought i’d round up my best fics (at least imo) of the decade for y’all
by year:
2010: Alfons and Alphonse is a rather introspective FMA (2003) fic where Edward ruminates on the similiarities between his roommate in Germany and his brother in Amestris, who he (as far as he’s aware) can never see again. wc: 1312. no ship. rated T.
2011: Disgust is the only fic I have on AO3 from that year, so it wins out by default. wc: 292. fandom: Harry Potter. ship: one-sided Draco/Ginny. rated G. Written for an LJ RP exchange.
2012: Homecoming is a No. 6 fic I wrote for a gift exchange. It features Nezumi coming back after the anime finale. wc: 296. ship: Nezumi/Shion. rated G.
2013: Of the fics I posted that year, I think my Almei week collection (posted as one single multichapter fic) is probably the best one. The first chapter is in the 03 anime universe, and the remaining six follow FMAB in an interconnected series of (mostly) fluffy ficlets. AlMei Week 2013. WC: 6944 Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist. Ship: Alphonse/Mei. Rated T. 
2014: I participated in Royai Week that year, with a fic that subverted many popular tropes in the fandom and treated Roy and Riza like the war criminals they canonically are. The fic is super dark and disturbing (especially after not having reread it for several years), but I think it holds up. Royai Week 2014. WC: 5595. Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist. Ship: Roy/Riza. Not Rated. Mentions of genocide, war crimes, torture, vomit, burning people alive, the works (some of it detailed).
2015: inspired by a tumblr post I’m no longer able to find, Confession is a Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun fic where Chiyo tries to ask Nozaki out... and his response isn’t quite what she expects. wc: 732. rated G. (honorable mention in the same fandom: Katawa Mikorin) 
2016: I actually focused only on original fiction this year, so there’s no fanfic to be found, but the original fiction projects I was working on are available on tumblr at @thisisgettingwayoutofhand and @abenteuerinwestberlin​
2017: Rather than go with one of my more popular fics, my pick for 2017 is The Trouble with Hänschen, a 70s East German Yuri!!! on ICE AU. It’s historically accurate and optimistic. Featuring references of Jewish life & LGBT culture in the USSR & GDR. Happy ending. wc: 4032. ship: otayuri. rated T. no warnings.
2018: though there was a LOT of great fic to pick from this year, my pick has to be Crush‘d, which I wrote for the 2018 Big Bang on ICE. It’s a Yuri!!! on ICE / Clueless fusion, wherein Yuri Plisetsky is an emo kid version of Cher (and they’re in suburban Philly, not LA). It’s a solid, complete read, and I drew a lot from my own adolescence, and my artists ( @eclair​ and @binreiss​ ) were absolutely wonderful! wc: 62622. ship: otayuri (secondary victuuri / jjbella, bg milasara / emimike). rated M.
2019: I actually can’t pick just one from this year. It’s a two way tie, for two different fandoms. one of them is I Know My Luck Too Well, which is a Remus Lupin-centric Harry Potter fic I wrote for Fandom 5K. It details Remus’s attempt to live as a Muggle in the mid-1980s, and touches on his trauma from the war, and his loneliness. (wc: 8458; rated M; angsty, optimistic ending). The other is tame our ways (if we start to devise something more), a 5.3k Chronicles of Narnia fic wherein Edmund Pevensie copes with his attraction for one of his classmates at his co-ed university. rated M; period-typical attitudes, but again: overall optimistic.
by fandom:
I’m only considering fandoms wherein I wrote more than three fics in the past decade.
Harry Potter: Fantastic Beasts Era: Fantastic Professors and Where To Find Them, 2018. Newtina Professors AU. Rated G. 2507 words. Marauders Era: I Know My Luck Too Well, 2019. (see 2019, above). Hogwarts Mystery Era: Mum Knows Best, 2019. Charlie/Rolf, post-canon blind date. Canon compliant. Rated M. 4709 words. Lightning Era: Flatshare, 2019. Neville/Luna Muggle Roommates AU. Rated E. 8015 words. Next Gen: my hands shake, i can't explain this, 2019. Scorbus friends with benefits-to-lovers. rated M. Canon compliant. 4365 words.
Yuri!!! on ICE: Again, I have to go with Crush‘d (see 2018, above). For a canon-compliant fic, I’d recommend Operation Win Plisetsky Over (As A Friend), 2017, rated G, 1431 words. JJ tries to befriend Yuri.
Fullmetal Alchemist: See Royai Week 2014, (2014), above.
The Umbrella Academy: some kind of hero in disguise, 2019. a middle school AU where the Hargreeves are still superheroes, just in public school, and Dave Katz lives in the City (and is their age). Funny, mildly-to-moderately cracky, 2108 words. rated G. no pairing, but you can (and are invited to) read in Klaus/Dave.
Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun: see Confession, 2015, above.
Miraculous Ladybug: What happens on Erasmus..., 2018. Study Abroad/Erasmus AU (& no powers AU). Adrien and Marinette find themselves studying abroad in the same city, drawn together by mutual friends. Slow burn! 51809 words. rated T. Marinette/Adrien. for canon-compliant, see Up All Night, a gen fic about Nathaniel celebrating Shavuot
by genre / trope:
Angst: The Sharpest Lives, 2018. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 10313. Regulus Black-centric. rated T. implied / mentioned suicide & child abuse. | Regulus Black through his years at Hogwarts.
Pure Fluff: let's fall in love (what else is there to say?), 2018. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 4142. pairing: Rolf/Charlie. rated G. | Rolf invites his new boyfriend, Charlie, to celebrate Chanukah with him.
Angst & Fluff: How Not To Marry Your Soulmate, 2019. fandom: The Good Place. wc: 4225. pairing: Eleanor/Tahani. rated E. | In Attempt #218, Jason plans Tahani and Eleanor’s wedding. Team Cockroach is tortured (they’re in hell, after all), but there’s fluff and humor to balance it out.
Fluff & Humour: Of Furbies and Dark Magic, 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 4283. pairing: Neville/Anthony. rated T. | Anthony’s cousin gives him a Furby. Neville’s convinced it’s cursed.
Romantic Comedy: i bloom just for you, 2019. fandom: Red, White & Royal Blue wc: 2519. pairing: Alex/Henry. rated M. | Alex convinces Henry to let him bottom. It goes about as expected.
Situational Comedy: Ain’t No Lie (I’m Bi Bi Bi), 2019. fandom: Brooklyn Nine-Nine. wc: 2361. pairing: N/A (bg peraltiago). rated T. | Jake is pretty sure the whole precinct knows he’s bi by now, right? ...right?
by AU:
Soulmate AU: suddenly here we are (thinking "what are the odds"), 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 5621. pairing: Neville/Anthony. rated T. | body-swap soulmate AU set during Deathly Hallows.
Mundane AU: (all i want is to see through you), 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 25584. pairing: Regulus/OC | Sirius talks Regulus, a professional soccer player, into going on a reality dating show. 
College / Uni AU: What happens on Erasmus..., 2018. fandom: Miraculous Ladybug. wc: 51809. pairing: Marinette/Adrien. rated T | Marinette and Adrien meet while studying abroad in Berlin.
High School AU: so let the party & the sounds rock on, 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 3119. pairing: Neville/Anthony. rated T | Anthony’s best friend Michael drags him to a college Halloween party.
best original characters:
Max Scamander (fandom: Harry Potter). ao3 tag: Maximus Scamander (OC)
Isaac Goldstein (fandom: Harry Potter). ao3 tag: Isaac Goldstein (OC)
Bruce (fandom: Harry Potter). Appears in: I Know My Luck Too Well (2019) & scratch my name on your arm with a fountain pen (2019)
Will Levine (fandom: Chronicles of Narnia). Appears in: tame our ways (if we start to devise something more) (2019)
Amalia Sachs (original works). appears on @abenteuerinwestberlin
by category:
het: been here all along, 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 5169. pairing: Remus/Lily. rating: E
slash: tame our ways (if we start to devise something more), 2019. fandom: Chronicles of Narnia. wc: 5299. pairing: Edmund/OC. rating: M
femslash: How Not To Marry Your Soulmate, 2019. fandom: The Good Place. wc: 4225. pairing: Eleanor/Tahani. rating: E
gen: nisht ahin, nisht aher, 2019. fandom: Harry Potter. wc: 1885. focus: Harry Potter-centric. rating: G
by stats:
most kudos: What happens on Erasmus..., 2018, Miraculous Ladybug (369 Kudos)
least kudos (but still worthwhile): the altar is her hips, 2019, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (1 Kudos)
most hits: What happens on Erasmus..., 2018, Miraculous Ladybug (7084 hits)
least hits (but still worthwhile): Meeting the Changs, 2019, Harry Potter (28 hits)
most (public) bookmarks: What happens on Erasmus..., 2018, Miraculous Ladybug (45 bookmarks)
no bookmarks (but still worthwhile): Cranberry Robes and Quodpot, 2017, Yuri!!! on ICE - Ilvermorny AU
longest fic: Crush'd, 2018, Yuri!!! on ICE (62622 words)
shortest fic: Thoughts, 2010, Harry Potter (126 words)
largest coherent series by word count (excluding collection-series): ô saisons, ô châteaux (ravenclaw au) - 2018-present, Harry Potter (119,918 words, 14 works, incomplete)
shortest coherent series by word count (excluding collection-series): YOI Potterverse AU - 2017, Yuri!!! on ICE (3,884 words, 2 works)
most written:
fandoms: Harry Potter (63 works), Yuri!!! on ICE (33 works)
characters: Otabek Altin (23 works), Regulus Black (21 works), Yuri Plisetsky (21 works), Anthony Goldstein (17 works)
relationships: Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky (18 works), Jean-Jacques Leroy/Isabella Yang (9 works), Anthony Goldstein/Neville Longbottom (8 works), Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (8 works), Otabek Altin & Jean-Jacques Leroy (8)
additional tags: Jewish Character (36 works), Canon Compliant (26 works), Fluff (23 works)
category: M/M (53 works)
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likeawildthing · 6 years
Is Summer of 81 canonverse or au? Are jily already together in that? What's it about?
Hi! I hope you don’t regret asking me this lmao.
First chapter is posted! (ao3) 
Short version: After her mother’s passing, Lily returns to her childhood home and opens a tattoo shop. James and his mates, working for the Order, are glad to find a small, nondescript town where they can lay low. When he passes by her shop, however, an old memory resurfaces, and they both realize this might not be a simple as they’d intended. Tattoo shop au.
Long version: 
This started as a really quick vignette fic and spiraled b/c it raised such interesting and compelling questions that I coudn’t bear to publish without exploring. 
At around the time I published this, JK released her “big” magic schools and it begged the question, what if Lily knew she was a witch, but didn’t go to Hogwarts and instead to one of these smaller, less prestigious schools? What if she stays more entrenched in her muggle life and on the outskirts of the magical world. We’re talking about Voldemort’s era, so that’s interesting. Recovering from losing her mom, alienated from her sister. Striking out on her own, and she returns to Cokeworth, of all places.
And then–what about James, in the throes of the first wizarding war? Fighting for the Order, holed away in Cokeworth semi against his will, healing from a Big injury/trauma. What would he be like without Lily to temper him a bit in 7th year (the Prequel James, essentially)? And he’s got his relationship with his mum, his own dad has passed, and his friends, and they’re losing the war, and it’s just some incredibly compelling stuff, you know?
AND what if we throw both traumatized kids together in Cokeworth, mix in some “i can’t tell you I’m magic because ‘x”, and shake it up like a snow globe?
It started out with a tattoo shop kiss, how did it end up like this??
So, some of it is – definite summer vibes, mix of heavy and hilarious, lots of UST, lily exploring magic, lots of marauder/friendship action, James w/ a good dose of PTSD, Lily grieving, both of them sorting out their lives kind of in tandem, falling in love, helping each other in cool ways. James calls her “little ginger yoda” and that’s about right. 
And tattoos.
I’m actually writing in the Order characters,. At some point Lily & James do get together, but this is definitely a slow burn. 
Of course there’s more drama, but the first chapter is only 5k. The rest is….45k. After I revise the first chapter it should be 50-55k. It’s mostly drafted, but Editing. So much editing.
Here’s my summer of 81 tag for more excerpts, insp/vibes, etc. I’ll post it all at once later this summer! 
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Harry Potter Fan Fiction Dump
So if you're like me and read a lot of fanfiction on the go you probably have Codex Reader downloaded on your phone. And because nobody asked, I am presenting you lucky people with a list of all the Harry Potter fanfics I have saved on my phone...for absolutely no reason...what so ever. Here we go.
In A Time of Uncertainty by Marauder: Apparently I’m up to chapter 19 but I don’t think I remember this story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “Years ago Percy and Oliver were together but an unfortunate combination of circumstances and lies split them up. Now, after the Ministry has officially announced Voldemort's return, they attempt to be a couple again. AU since HBP.”
Isolation by Bex-chan: A true Dramione classic, completed “He can't leave the room. Her room. And it's all the Order's fault. Confined to a small space with only the Mudblood for company, something's going to give. Maybe his sanity. Maybe not. "There," she spat. "Now your Blood's filthy too!" DM/HG. PostHBP.”
Order of Mercy by MandyinKC:  Super long, completed and full of that Percy/Audrey that I love so much “Set during Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. While Harry, Ron, and Hermione are searching for Horcruxes, a small band of witches and wizards are helping Muggle-borns escape persecution by the Ministry of Magic. Follow Bill and Fleur and Percy and Audrey as they struggle with the realities of war, trauma, family, friendship, and romance in the darkest year of their lives.”
Our Brother’s Keeper by welshforlesbian: Ahh yes this was a fun cute read and a complete story to “Percy's behaviour is decidedly odd, and it seems to be exacerbated by a particular Gryffindor Keeper. So Fred and George call on the "advice" of their big, somewhat distant, brother Charlie. Shenanigans ensue.”
Percy’s Diary by bionsena: Incomplete but I've been following this for years now and I'm still hopeful for its ending... “Charlie finds Percy's diary and the whole family read it. Along the way the discover the truth behind his betrayal and uncover secrets of their lost family member. Set during Deathly Hallows.”
The Door of Time by Serena90: Only Alpha/Beta fic Ive ever read... It was an experience “Draco Malfoy is in trouble. He's treading a thin line trying to fix the Vanishing Cabinet, when the Room of Requirements gives him a way out. Will he make things better or worse?”
The Road Not Taken by kellydofc: A super long Snily fic that left me screaming when I found out it hadn't been finished “What could have happened between Lily and Severus if he had said the right thing outside the Gryffindor Common Room.”
Wanting Narcissa by Amandah-Leigh: This honestly had me enthralled for days which I was not expecting “Frustrated by 20 yrs of infidelity from her beloved husband, Narcissa Malfoy offers Severus Snape a mutually beneficial arrangement: her body in exchange for his companionship. But what happens when she begins to develop more than lust for the emotionally-unavailable Potions Master? Could falling for him be dangerous? Narcissa/Snape, Narcissa/Lucius, Bellatrix/Voldemort, COMPLETE”
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maraudiersrp-blog · 7 years
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“There are many, many, many worlds branching out at each moment you become aware of your environment and then make a choice.”  - Kevin Michel
Hello everyone ! As many of you have guessed by the rampant talk of AUs in the discord chat, we are rolling out a more permanent way of exploring alternate universes. As you might recall, we did an alternate universe event ( modern college au ) a few weeks ago that received a lot of positive buzz and feedback. We as admins were kind of scratching our heads trying to figure out the logistics of it all.  And then our dear Amanda suggested that there was a way for us to have aus all day every day through sideblogs ! You may do one sideblog for all your characters or a sideblog per character. But these additional blogs will explore alternate universes for your characters.
for those of you who aren’t aware. an alternate universe is kind of like an exploration of a what if? so for example our modern college au we explored what if the marauders era characters were regular college students in a small college in scotland? We have quite a list here as well as the general tag / bio tag associated with them. we will add more of course but for the sake of getting carried away these are the aus that will be in play for the next little while. I just want to remind everyone, to please remember to be active on your main blog as well that’s what we’ll be checking for activity. once you’ve made your sideblog(s) please send them into the main ( they’ll be posted under maraudier.aufollow tag )
list of aus are located under the cut, please reach out to us if you need any further clarification
HOLLYWOOD AU ( maraudierau.hollywood / maraudierau.hollywoodbio ) envision where your character is living in sunny lala land, california. a place of dreams but also a place of heartbreak. your character could be the star everyone aspires to be, or perhaps one of those on the rise, or perhaps they career away from the limelight in the media or providing support to the big name.
POWERS AU ( maraudierau.powers / maraudierau.powersbio ) instead of being born in a world of magic, the marauders characters are born in a world of superpowered heroes, villains, sidekicks, and those that linger in between. then again there are those that are merely in au of the superpowered or fearful of them, every year a young crop of supers are invited to hogwarts a training facility for the supers located a few hours outside of london. they are tested on the first day to see if they’re be a hero or a hero support ( also known as sidekicks ). however the world doesn’t always fall neatly into these categories. ( see here for power inspiration )
20S MAFIA AU ( maraudierau.mafia / maraudierau.mafiabio ) the year is 1923, the air is thick with the talk of strife, while prohibition rules the streets. london is a war ground between two rivalling mafia clans; the dumbledores and the riddles. and war is not fought with magic but with bloodied fists and men and women stare down the barrel of a gun ready to obliterate. the rule is; choose a side or suffer in the crossfire. 
REALITY SHOW AU ( maraudierau.realityshow / maraudierau.realityshowbio ) MTV has renewed their hit reality show searching for for a second season. the show centers around a group of twenty-thirty somethings living in a beach house in miami florida. they are tested on a weekly basis with crazy dares involving love, sex, and everything in between. the goal is to find the person they are most compatible with, but can love be deduced down to an algorithm. your character can be a contestant or even a crew member for the show. 
YOUTUBERS AU ( maraudierau.youtube / marauderierau.youtubebio ) in this world, your character has their very own youtube channel or perhaps they help produce content for someone else’s. channels can range from beauty to food to games to movie reviews to everything in between. although this world may seem segregated and disparate, they all have something in common; they just want their voice to be heard.
DEMI AU ( maraudierau.demi/ maraudierau.demibio ) welcome to a world filled with demigods, children of the greek gods coming together to face certain trials and tribulations that will leave them wishing they had NORMAL parents (as most children do). in this world, you may choose which god your character is related to; however, there are certain restrictions that must be taken into account. for instance, there are certain gods with very few and possibly no children. in addition to this, you can send them on quests, have them discover their abilities, fight off monsters, and plenty more! 
OPPOSITE AU ( maraudierau.opposite / maraudierau.oppositebio ) this is basically a world where there is a switching of allegiances and exploring the lighter/darker aspects of your character. voldemort is a young inspirational freedom fighter rising up against the oppressive dumbledore who believes that eradicating muggle kind is the only way to rise above as wizards. neutral characters can choose sides or stay neutral.
SPY AU ( maraudierau.spies / maraudierau.spiesbio ) the most powerful currency in the world is information and there are two rivalling spy organizations that are in the business of information. the order is a group of judicious individuals believing that their tactics are humane and fair and that spywork is a necessary. while the death eaters are a rival rogue agency that operate in the black market trading information for money or power. they believe there is nobility in spywork. just power and money and influence. specialties for spy characters include: assassinations, cyberwarfare, stealth, hand to hand combat, and reconaissance. neutral members can be regular civillians or they may pick a side and offer additional support as medical, administrative, etc
HOSPITAL AU ( maraudierau.hospital / maraudierau.hospitalbio ) the order district hospital is one of the best hospitals in all of europe. however due to some financial troubles and poor planning, the hospital is struggling. the owner, albus dumbledore has allowed for a merger with the rival hospital in the era known as riddle general. the two sets of hospital have different ideologies, different staff, and old rivalries that run deep. can the two groups set aside their differences and make riddle-order district hospital relive the glory of days past? characters can be doctors, surgeons ( specialties include cardiothoracics, trauma, plastics, neonatal, obstetrics, neuro, pediatric, and general surgery ), nurses, orderlies, or even patients. neutral members can be newly hired staff that don’t have an allegiance 
ROYALTY AU ( maraudierau.royals / maraudierau.royalsbio ) your character is transported to a medieval realm, where several powerful kingdoms engage in epic battles for bastions of power within their claimed lands. to strengthen alliances, arranged marriages between the prince consort and princesses are common. for a brief moment in the start of the summer, the kingdoms come together and meet in peace at the gardens in the heart of Europe to celebrate the truce of the 100 years war that occured years ago and left a blood soaked europe in its wake. Will this tentative peace last during this sacred event? your character can be a prince or pricesss, lord or lady, a knight, a solider, or event servants. kingdoms can be as many as we like !
FAIRYTALE / OUAT AU ( maraudierau.fairytale / maraudierau.fairytalebio ) the town of hogsmeade deep in the Scottish countryside may seem like any other small town. But take a closer look, and the baker might remind you of your favorite fairytale prince or the waitress at the local malt shoppe might remind me of your favorite villain. It’s not coincidence, as your character is a disney/fairytale imprisoned in reality without access to their fairytale memories as a result of a curse put upon them by the powerful sorceror voldemort. Can they break the curse and fulfill their destiny?
GENDERSWAP AU ( maraudierau.genderswap / maraudierau.genderswapbio ) your character is born identifying as a different gender and/or sex than they are currently. all present conditions stay the same, it may be up to if you want to keep your character’s present timeline the same or change them drastically.
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the-cerwyn · 8 years
Golden Roads, Chapter Vlll:
The point of these writings is to show how the happenings of Cley whilst the Season 2 AU, as well Season 6 of the show, occurred. References to other OCs and characters are included as listed: Gryff and Harys belonging to @morethanjustwords / @fiercefourthborn, Gwyn belonging to @vxicefromhighpoint, Greta belonging to @terrarosas, as well as references to @badgershite‘s Season 2 AU.
Warning: Acts of violence are described in this chapter and the next one.
As the two of them sneaked to the patrolling bandits, the criminals’ backs were faced to the two Flints; two against four, and they had the element of surprise. Donnel looked all too eager to get his hands dirty and his boots wet, but he still understood the reasoning behind their stealth. Cley on the hand… had changed dramatically. The once friendly and very anxious boy had a stone faced expression, his mind came up with various ways of dispatching his share of brigands. The Cerwyn was all distant in his current mindset; cold, calculating; this persona was a rare one to spectate with those who have met the young lord. He was now methodical, his medical knowledge and survival instincts now kicking in.
Approaching his target from behind, Cley grabs one of the men’s left arm and roughly spins them around. Following this, he impales his victim's stomach twice with his family’s sword before pushing their body to the floor. Cause of death: Internal bleeding, if he didn’t die instantly, he would perish slowly.
As for Donnel, the Flint clansman now runs up behind his target, before taking his axe and violently sweeping their legs from beneath them with great force, causing them to fall hard into the ground. He then brings the axe around and swings it down onto his victim's face, crushing it messily and killing them instantly. The big man brutally tears his weapon free. Cause of death: Skull shattered by the impact of his cousin’s two handed axe, severe trauma applied.
That left two remaining bandits, who were now alarmed to the noise of murder behind them. As they turned to face them, the Cerwyn knew for a fact they had a small window of time to dispatch them before they unsheathed their own weapons. Before his target can stop him, he rushes forward and stabs their stomach, causing them to lean forward. Afterwards, he viciously twists the blade and kneels in the same movement, keenly freeing his sword and causing his victim to collapse backwards, bleeding to death. Cause of death: Internal organs mangled by his sword, if not already dead, would bleed out.
Donnel takes his own opportunity to show off his own tenacity, as if the Cerwyn or their hiding forces had time to be impressed by his feat of strength. The Flint heir runs at his target, before knocking them helpless to the floor and riding his axe head downwards into their face. Standing up, the Flint nudges his hammer from side to side to help him dislodge it, before walking away, leaving his victim with a bloody mess for a head. Cause of death: Same as the one Donnel killed.
Cley gives a weary sigh as the Flint’s Finger bannermen and Flint clansmen come out of hiding to place the slain bodies in the shrubbery to hide them from discovery. He hated the violence, even if it was truly necessary; it wasn’t properly apart of his own nature. Noticing Cley’s posture, Arwyn comes forth and places a comforting hand on one of his shoulders: “My lord, are you well?” The Cerwyn gave the squire a knowing look, before conveying to him: “You know how it can be… I’ll be fine, hopefully”. Not the answer he was looking for, but one nevertheless, Arwyn gave his lord a understanding nod before backing off to his mentor.
He took a moment to glance away from his bloodied hands, had to take his mind away from his disgusting actions. He thought about noteworthy combatants thus far: Donnel and him. A very tall and strong individual, and a young lord. Reminded him of two other people, companions, friends of his. His mind, to recuperate, went off to think of people he remembered. He wondered if Gryff and Harys were carrying themselves quite alright. He hadn’t heard from them in quite a long while. Well, not only them, but the other Whitehills as well. Greta, his old friend, was with child last he saw her. The Cerwyn was the one to point it out to her, but that fact was often overlooked by most of Highpoint, something… something that hurt sincerely. Gwyn was probably still trying to vied for peace between her house and the Forresters, he wished the best for her. Torrhen… was probably still doing the best for his family, he didn’t want to dwell on him too much. His thought process was broken by Donnel, giving his cousin a hearty pat on the back, his voice was a murmur: “Good work there, Flint’s Finger. Our boys hid the bodies, we can move forward”.
Cley gave an acknowledging nod his bigger companion, as they all began to creep carefully forward, no doubt getting closer to the big camp they were told about. However, his cousin had another thing to say, murmuring quietly again to the younger one. “That patrol didn’t mean much… which one us is gonna start the battle off right? You or I?” The Cerwyn gave his cousin a weird look, before realizing what he meant by such. Who would initiate the attack, be the first to kill the enemy. Who would have… the “honor”, in that sort of terms. Such a detail didn’t matter much to Cerwyn lord, but it no doubt matters to his behemoth of a family member. Before Cley thought it out more, Donnel murmured again: “Don’t worry too much about it, you have some time before the battle begins. If me, just gesture me; if not, feed em’ the afterlife”. Not much of conversation happened afterwards, considering they were upon the camp closer and closer. Several minutes of careful travel occurred before they found what they were looking for: A enlightened encampment, when they saw it in the distance, the mixed force proceed to hide properly among the surrounding woods, becoming with nature in case of wandering eyes of their enemies. They snuck closer, and closer; until they were able to look upon the camp closely in a safe manner. It was lively, many bandits were present; drinking and making merry. His calculating side told him not for long, as he counted at least fourty men within. They had sixty and four men with them, with thirty and six men nearby, ready to charge in. Their own advantages: Most of the bandits could be intoxicated, they had twice the number of men they had, and finally… this alliance of houses had the element of surprise. Their enemies’ advantage: None he knew of, most likely didn’t have one. One could compare this to the Red Wedding in a way; they outnumbered their foes while they were unsuspecting and drinking their fill. This… felt dirty, but necessary. Bandits were a parasite upon this land.
Donnel glanced at Cley from his position, as the Cerwyn looked back. The man was looking for a signal from him, to begin the... slaughter. Cley only had so much time to think of who should begin this battle. Him… or his cousin, who would get the glory? He himself knew he could make a crossbow shot from here, could kill a marauder quite easily. He knew the Flint heir was proficient in throwing axes, but was he guaranteed to make it? The Cerwyn had a choice to make, and it was by no means an easy one…
Make Cley’s choice here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12526756
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