#marginalised groups
enbycrip · 10 months
I am pro-kid because I am pro-human, and kids are people. No matter how much social bullshit tries to say they are not.
No one asked to be here. Everyone deserves a loving, gentle, safe childhood; and the world is actively a much worse place because that idea is somehow controversial.
Active hostility towards kids also *massively* entrenches the inequality birthing and feeding parents experience. If you really hate kids but you don’t hate women and people read as women, sell treating kids like people to yourself on fighting misogyny. And consider that hating any group of marginalised people for their marginalisation is bigotry.
You don’t have to like kids en masse. You *certainly* don’t need to have them if you don’t want to, or to babysit kids if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.
But you *do* have a responsibility to treat kids like people, including accommodating their needs. Don’t be a dick to kids you meet in the wild, and don’t be a dick to parents because their kids are acting like kids.
And be aware of the intersections of privilege when you are considering kids in public. Kids who are getting in your way in public spaces are likely to be doing that because of poverty, frankly. Very few parents *want* to take their young kids on a long ride on public transport, especially if said kids are clearly either tired and cranky or full of energy that public transport is a shitty environment to release it on. If they are doing this, it is likely because they have no other options.
And please don’t make the disingenuous “they chose to have kids” argument; horribly, bodily autonomy is not a given for birthing parents. About a third of births in “western countries” are unplanned. There is lack of access to birth control and reproductive healthcare and there are controlling partners (manipulation through sex and reproduction is a favoured tactic for far too many abusers).
A 3 year old having a meltdown is doing it because of their developmental stage and because their basic needs aren’t being met. It’s not deliberate and it’s not under their control. Being a dick about that as exactly as bigoted as behaving that way towards a disabled person who isn’t being accommodated either.
I’m physically disabled and neurodivergent. My adult brother is neurodivergent and learning disabled. I’ve seen a lifetime of people who hate kids hating disabled people too. Including too many privileged disabled people, frankly. There is absolutely such a thing as a clash of accessibility needs, but vocal hatred of other marginalised people, or being a dick to them, because their needs clash with yours is Not Okay.
I am also pro-old people for the exact same reasons I am pro-kid. Because they are all people, and marginalised people at that.
Childhood and old age are the times people living in economically-exploited classes experience the most poverty, because age, and the lack of capacity for economic exploitation that accompanies both old age and childhood, is a characteristic that people are marginalised for.
We live in a society here. We are communal creatures. We have a basic responsibility to be decent to other people, including people who are marginalised and dehumanised, and that includes kids and old people.
If you are organising, including kids and providing childcare is as essential as accessibility. If you don’t, you are literally entrenching the same power dynamics you claim to be organising against. This is a huge fucking problem on the left, and it’s one thing the second wave feminists got entirely right, despite all their other issues.
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claraameliapond · 1 month
Trump Ally BUSTED after Posting on WRONG ACCOUNT
I mean ...
This is one of the reasons that testimonials have less argumentative weight than actual reputable verifiable evidence and sources in any information sharing.
Don't get tricked by pretenders on the internet telling you they're from marginalised backgrounds when all they're doing is pedalling non voting and anti voting propaganda . This was a proven tactic in 2016 , they're doing it again
Things like "voting doesn't do anything/ make a difference " -
Or one like "I'll vote third party instead" when everyone knows all third parties do is take votes away from the parties big enough to defeat the worst ones, especially in elections like this. That "logic" is used by : bots, paid disinformation anti voting peddlers, and idiots who think that will make them blameless and unaccountable.
Please engage critical thinking when encountering any information. And research any information you receive beyond what you first encounter from multiple reputable sources before you accept it
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psychotrenny · 6 months
It does annoy me how a Cis person can gain all the accolades of "Allyship" by doing the bare fucking minimum, such a writing a transfem character as anything but a demonised caricature, while their supporters get violently defensive should you mention all the transphobic remarks they've made and all the transphobic people they've willingly gotten friendly with. Like I suppose you could have been a whole lot worse about it, but I begrudge the idea that I should wash your feet because you refrained from kicking my face
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ventbloglite · 19 days
I think the existence of MRAs and everyones inability to see outside of the baby box marked 'basic feminism' has really hindered the progression of feminism, dissolving toxic masculinity and patriarchy. We do not live in a world in which women are the only kinds of people who face oppression and bigotry. We do not live in a world where women who are also part of other marginalised identities are the only ones who experience intersectionality between those identities.
You want to change how the world works to be more equal, accepting and fair? Listen to maginalised men as much as you do marginalised women.
Also, it's basic and ignorant to assume that when marginalised men talk about being oppressed they mean 'by women' even when they're not saying it. The systems which be are the oppressive force, not another gender. Again, you want progress and justice for women? Move on from this concept please. It's hurting women as well as men to view the binary genders as enemies forever who cannot and will never be safe around each other or work together.
Being a man is not a shield against other forms of predjudice, it shapes that predjudice, which is also why being a women and another marginalised identity has it's own shape too. Bigots take in all your factors when they decide how to hate and oppress you. People are begging you to take your head out of the sand and realised that men who are marginalised (for reasons that are not 'being men') face specific types of bigotry based on the intersection of their marginalised identity and being men. TRANS men. GAY, MSPEC and ACE men. Men of COLOR. Men who are NOT CHRISTIAN. POOR men. FAT men. MENTALLY ILL men. PHYSICALLY DISABLED men.
People do treat these kinds of people different because they are marginalised and men! If you would expect those who are not women to listen to women about the problems they face and not groups like MRAs who are assuming what feminism is saying then why are you listening to misinformed or bigoted people who are not marginalised men to determine what these marginalised men are saying?
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liesmyth · 2 months
my locked tomb hot take of the day is that the way Harrow’s symptoms are presented in HtN line up much more closely with religious OCD with poor insight and psychotic features than schizophrenia. She shows almost no signs of paranoia or delusions (G1deon really was trying to kill her! It’s absolutely true that the other houses would swoop in like vultures if they knew her house’s true position! Her sword and psyche were both actually haunted, to the point that Alecto could hitch a ride in her body. She is never shown in the text to hold a belief that is inconsistent with reality, IMO) and her only true psychotic symptom that we see is hallucinations, and she seems to most of the time have some idea that they aren’t real, which indicates a level of self awareness incompatible with schizophrenia. She also doesn’t seem to display many cognitive symptoms like thought block or disorganized speech and thinking. The rest of her behavior is highly obsessive (compulsive praying, wearing face paint even when nobody is around, obsessive studying, needing her food to be arranged on her plate a certain way) and is very in line with someone suffering from religious scrupulosity. As someone who has experienced both OCD and psychosis, and knows how the symptoms can overlap, this is is the hill I will die on.
I don't feel like I can contribute in any meaningful way to your points, so I'll just put this out into the world and say that I appreciate your insights!
Speaking from a #meta perspective: I know that around the time HtN came out, Tamsyn gave interviews talking about her own experiences being hospitalised for mental health reasons and implied that was what she was partly drawing on when writing HtN. I can't remember if she called Harrow schizophrenic or stated that it was her intention to write her as such, and the author is dead anyway. Plus, obviously, the fact that someone's writing was informed by irl experiences doesn't have to mean that said writing is a 1:1 parallel for those experiences, expecially in a sff setting where ghosts exists and in fact there's something that Harrow can see and nobody else can.
TO ME, the fact that people who experience psychotic episodes can recognise themselves in Harrow's internal monologue and experiences is more meaningful than whether Harrow “really” has a given specific disorder or she's just seeing ghosts. The point is that SHE feels a disconnect from reality and that she's delusional and cannot trust anything she remembers or reads. Nobody in-universe is ever going to diagnose her, you know? The series itself doesn't claim to be straight-up representation for any specific named issues — things like Cytherea's cancer or Harrow's mental state are left ambiguous and partly influenced by magic. I think the fact that readers can relate to some symptoms some characters experience is more meaningful than whether these symptoms all point to something that can be diagnosed unambiguously.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!
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fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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thesealfriend · 8 months
Hey yknow how a few months into the pandemic folk finally realised that compassion fatigue is a real tangible thing that comes on real quick when no matter how much you do the right thing, the powers that be continue to make it harder and insist on making choices that harm and kill people regardless, and we started being a lot more gentle with folk who were tangibly doing the right things (staying home, masking, testing) but were too exhausted to share statistics, correct misinfo and otherwise preach from the rooftops about it?
can we have that understanding for people who will pour their spare change into relief funds and take part in boycotts to the best of their abilities but still don't want untagged photos and videos or graphic descriptions of dead children on their social media feeds?
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as someone who is both trans and disabled i think the fact that transphobia and ableism come from the exact same place isn’t talked about enough like. it’s the idea of someone being abnormal looking abnormal needing medication needing healthcare. it’s the idea of people changing their bodies to help themselves it’s the idea of bodily autonomy it’s the idea that the people you know will be abnormal in ways that cannot be hidden. being transgender is conflated with disability, both physical and mental, by transphobes, and cannot be talked about without talking about ableism.
you’ll see it in their talking points. doing shit like “would you let a MENTALLY ILL person around your DAUGHTER?” implying mental illness makes you a danger unfit to be around a child worthy of scorn and mockery, needing to be hidden away from the public instead of having their rights fought for. it’s in framing autistic trans people as unable to make decisions of their own, framing them as objects and pets and not people who should be pretty little dolls and when we're not we're clearly being manipulated into it. it’s in how they mock surgery and scars and treat the medical consequences of such as gross and immoral, framing surgery as something horrific to be avoided because of it being “abnormal”, talking about how no one should ever be on medication for life even though most people that are are disabled people who would be severely impacted and possibly die without it. it’s in the way they casually call trans people retarded and crippled. they’re the same thing.
and we see this! photomatt, the guy harassing a random trans woman for being mean to him on the internet and breaking the fucking law for epic owns, has told people with epilepsy who are in genuine danger from flashing lights in ads to buy ad free for basic accessibility and Not Dying. bigotry against trans people directly leads to bigotry against disabled people. bigotry against disabled people directly leads to bigotry against trans people. our struggles are linked so heavily.
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gothhabiba · 2 years
it's strange because in general I would read a willingness to attribute a form of bigotry to someone's mistreatment that doesn't "match" their identity as a promising step, insofar as it reveals a decoupling from the "identity-of-the-receiver-centred" conception of bigotry or marginalisation and a potential openness to an "epistemology-&-'purpose'-of-the-bigotry-itself-centred" conception. because the latter, in considering the evident logic 'behind' bigoted language or behaviour, the purposes to which bigoted rhetoric is put, and potentially the created & historically contingent nature of the categories being described, is much much more useful than getting caught in a taxonomisation of "kinds" of marginalisation based 1:1 on different "identities"
however in the case of "people who are not transfeminine experience transmisogyny" I don't feel that it often actually extends into a consideration of any of the above, but is rather used as a way to get trans women to shut up. so.
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scpaftermathau · 3 months
Thinking of how people, when asked if truly sapient AI should have rights, said that ‘they are tools’, ‘they were made to serve us, not themselves’, and many MANY variations of ‘why would we give them rights? They are LESSER than us.’ I even saw one person on a forum write: ‘It’d be stupid to give rights to a machine. Imagine if your chess-playing robot doesn’t want to play chess anymore, or wants to be paid for its work.’
Thinking of how the question of whether the sapient SCPs should have rights would have likely gone the exact same way. The ‘anomalies’ are deemed as less than human, and because they have little to no power over the Foundation, they can’t do anything to change that. In the eyes of the almighty O5, they are tools, slaves, livestock to be used and used and used until they can’t handle it anymore and lash out. Then, the Foundation would point to their behaviours, the aggression and violence driven by fear, frustration and hopelessness, the pain that they caused these sapient beings, and claim that this is the exact reason why the SCPs don’t have rights.
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satellitesunset · 1 month
perpetually thinking about suguru geto.
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
i do sometimes think about community histories that come from similar spaces, especially pre-certain-words-being coined, and while i do understand the drive to go "no you [x identity] go away, this one is for us!" because often certain queer communities are woefully ignored and talked over, i also have an instinct for wanting to bring communities together because they were often one and the same community, or the words were conflated in certain ways and there's almost never a "this one is for us" that is as neat as people like to pretend (flashbacks to "butch and femme are lesbian-only terms" although ofc sometimes it really is importantly a closed community term, like the word "stud")
sometimes historically you cannot neatly map a label onto a person/group/event/idea because that terminology was different, and we cannot go back and ask what would work best using today's terminology anymore than we can travel to the future to see what it'll evolve into that might work better than today, but also maybe it's important to find some middle-point between a lack of clear terminology and community spaces that are divided into their own, clear sections
but in order for people to not feel overlooked and mocked the work needs to be done from all facets of the queer community to go outside ones own personal identity to make a history queer rather than "just" [insert x here]. and i hope that one day that work will make us more unified as a series of political and philosophical ideals and less disparate groups without bleed-through or overlap, even when one personally may feel quite easily placed within an identity
idk, it's the idea of "personal identity" vs "political coalition" but it's also just quite sad to try and box us in again
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corvusissotired · 2 years
At white radfems who bitch about video games sexualizing white cis women: maybe sit out the HL discourse. Trans, Jews and racial minorities are talking. And we're allowed to call out media we know will harm us just as much as you are.
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mayonnaise-sock · 3 months
The fact the people actually fucking think that israel is just defending themselves or that palestine deserves any of this is genuinely fucking insane. Like enraging. How is anyone on israel’s side when the idf shot 300 bullets from a tank into a six year old girl. How is israel the victim when they’re storming hospitals and schools. They do not care if those hostages are alive. They’re just trying to wipe out the last of the country they’ve been trying to steal for 75 years. “It’s complicated” it’s a fucking genocide. If a thousand jews took a thousand germans hostage in WWII would it have been complicated? No, it’s still a fucking genocide. Not to mention that israel has a history with this stuff. Kicking people out because it’s “promised land”??? Just because it was promised to you in a book written two fucking thousand years ago, doesn’t mean the people there don’t matter.
Seeing people say “good, hamas brought this upon themselves” or claiming being anti zionist is antisemetic or even that anti zionists support hamas is just blatant ignorance. You can just say you’re a nazi because you may as well be.
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Always makes me laugh when transphobes & TERFs & GCs act like innocent little lambs who are being ABUSED & THREATENED by the big bad TRANSES. But when I say I've been personally abused by them, sent death & rape threats, insulted & called slurs, & (this site's classic) sent suicide bait, suddenly I'm lying & it didn't happen, & I'm a violent testosterone-filled female who WISHES she had been raped (this last one was sent to me today & hoo boy, that's a new one!)
& when they ask for receipts? Yeah, sure! I definitely take screenshots of every. Single. Vile thing I've been sent by transphobes trying to get a rise out of me, but do please ignore one of your mutuals calling me a delusional girl who will eventually grow out of 'thinking she is transmasc', right below your own comment. That one doesn't count!
Ah, TERF innocence.
(This is why I go on twitter like once every few weeks)
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weedle-testaburger · 4 months
people talk sometimes about leftists having a 'one strike and you're out' attitude to media where if it does something Problematic they immediately turn on it, and it does happen and is frustrating, but i think it's fascinating how reactionaries do the exact same thing every time a series has any queer characters or characters of colour in it
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