#mari but its short for marigold
moomoorare · 1 year
Major L for Pomme. They got cpuffys short genes. And Mari is a tank she's Soo tall
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dooxliss · 7 months
alright I'll bite, tell us about your OCs. who they are, fav movies, least fav foods, the works
i have. so many ocs and you can see the ones i’ve drawn in my #gari’s ocs tag :^) but i’ll narrow it down for this ask
Agent 3
jacinthe vermillion (i always forget if i spell it with 1 l or 2. so if it’s different elsewhere no it isn’t)
was 15 in splat1’s hero campaign, is 22 during splat3’s (valentine’s baby!)
has two siblings (pumpkin who is ~8 years younger and rusty who is 3 years older. jacinthe loves pumpkin but has serious beef with rusty)
prefers short range weapons like the aerospray due to being slightly nearsighted, vision is now greatly reduced due to octo expansion
the world’s biggest fan of squid squad, was devastated when they broke up but still keeps up with diss pair and front roe
based on firefly squids and can glow in the dark naturally :^)
goes for comfort over style 90% of the time
Agent 4
chartreuse ’char’ viridigris
was 16 in splat2, 21 in splat3 (march birthday)
very academically inclined
met jacinthe bc they were subletting their apartment for the time that they were on a mission with cuttlefish
moved to inkopolis to finish school 👍🏽
budding hyperfixation is vexillology
special interest of nudibranches and owns several
not knowledgeable in pop culture at all but listened to jacinthe’s cds while she lived there
if asked to pick a band tho she would answer squid sisters in front of callie/marie to save face but enjoys sashi mori and chirpy chips
based on glass squids :^)
hydra main! she isn’t very fast naturally so prefers to use weapons where she doesn’t need to cross the entire map
Agent 8
coral ‘eight’ (answers to both)
around 18 during octo expansion, thought to be 23 during side order
in a qpr with jacinthe (jacinthe is sapphic coral is ace biromantic)
has a brother named razz who was with coral when fighting jacinthe before octo expansion, doesn’t seem to remember very much about him in the present
lived with pearl and marina post octo expansion until chartreuse decided to move away, leaving space at jacinthe’s apartment
(the three agents did live together for about a year or two)
bad at pool
tetra dualies main
misses traditional octarian food a lot
bilingual like marina and they talk a lot about the old days
looked up to marina both before and after the military, but probably wouldn’t have tried to leave herself for some time
is very good at cooking but not at baking
Neo Agent 3
marigold ‘goldie’ (vastly prefers goldie)
14 in splat3
found lil buddy a few years before splat3 and grew up with him, considers him to be a brother
has an underbite
wiper main
battered/fried its hair for kicks
seaweed fiend
aro :^)
thinks jacinthe is alright
obsessed with ω-3 but does not engage in salmon run at all
on a very vicious losing streak in splatfest
has a labret piercing and cut an ear and eyebrow in a fall but is terrified of getting an ear piercing
has stolen splatfest decorations
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your-local-grubdog · 1 year
Together in the Storm Chapter 9: Charlie's (One and Only) Angel
Story Summary: Olimar is back home once again, ready to rest and recuperate from everything that had happened. Yet the universe keeps throwing unwanted surprises his way, making rest difficult. He just wants to make his (now rather large) family believe that he’ll be okay. Because he is, for he has to be.
Chapter Summary: Charlie decides he needs some more help from Olimar to properly take care of Marigold.
Some quick authors notes: Sorry this one took so long to get out! Burn out and school caused me to need to take a break from this. But It's here now! As the semester is coming to its end (and thus final projects season is upon me) neither this nor the next chapter will have art. Also, this short story (only on Ao3, sorry!) is now part of the AU. If you haven't yet, I'd suggest reading it as it will be referenced in the next chapter!
Read on Ao3 here!
Charlie groaned as he turned over in his sleep. He wasn't truly awake, not yet, though he was in the first few stages of slowly stirring.
This time the captain grunted before letting out a low grown. He mumbled something that almost resembled words, though they were far too slurred to be understood by anyone.
There was a pause then, letting Charlie slowly fall back asleep.
Bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap-
"Mercy, I'm up I'm up... Stars..." He grumbled before sitting up. As he did, he made eye contact with a certain pesty little pikmin. It giggled in delight at seeing its guardian finally awake, now cuddling close for some snuggles. At that the captain could only sigh, holding the little one close. "You're so lucky that you're so cute, Marigold." He teased, though the little pik didn't respond. It was starting to learn its new name, and a few other common phrases, but it still didn't really know galactic common.
After a few moments Charlie lifted up the pikmin, now crawling out of his large cubby bed. Marigold liked to get up bright and early, much to the captain's annoyance. Though he couldn't really complain; it was merely hungry after all. It needed him awake so that he may get it some food. Hm... what to make for Marigold for breakfast today, then? Fruit smoothie would be the easiest, though plain buttery oatmeal proved to be its favorite... ah, why not let it have some oatmeal today? A few extra steps were more than worth it to make the little one happy.
He yawned as he shuffled through the house, Marigold darting ahead of him at an incredible speed. He just sighed as he watched it, making his way into the kitchen. It was an very small room, just barely providing enough space to work in. It was rather dark too, at least until he turned the light on, due to a lack of light. As his house was built into the cavern wall, there were few windows in the house. There was one in the kitchen, giving a view of the back yard, but it was completely enclosed in the cave as well. Thus, the only light in this part of the house was artificial. Maybe he should invest in some bioluminescent plants for the back yard; Marigold would adore them. He watched as the little pikmin climbed up on top of a counter, sitting there expectantly and excitedly. He gently stroked its stem again before pulling down a pot to start cooking.
It didn't take long at all for him to cook the oatmeal, and the extra time taken to then pulverize Marigold's portion in the blender was trivial in comparison. He lifted up his bowl and Mari's cup, smiling softly as he watched the little pikmin grow excited and run out of the kitchen. He followed behind it, heading into the living room where his dining room was set up. Marigold had its own chair there, something he ended up custom ordering from a local crafts person. It was... expensive. Hand made, uniquely tailored to Mari's needs, and made of actual "wood" rather than plywood or plastic (it wasn't really wood, but rather a different but similar plant matter that was actually native to Koppai - still much sturdier than the other materials, though).
He watched as Marigold climbed up its special chair, soon sitting down to slowly drink its mushy breakfast. Charlie simply sighed as he slowly ate his own breakfast, looking out the window as his mind wandered a bit. His - their? - pet duck, Elizabeth, was sleeping soundly on a little platform made specially for her. Her food bowl was full, as it usually was. She wasn't prone to sitting down and eating all of her food in one go, choosing instead to slowly nibble at it throughout the day. Thus, Charlie could keep it full at all times and know she wouldn't gorge herself on it and become ill. The duck was sleeping still, though, so he wasn't going to reach up and pet her.
As he stared out the window, things slowly began to dawn on him. How much his life had really changed sense adopting Mari. Before, he was much more prone to staying inside all of the time and generally not doing much. This wasn't to say he'd encourage just anyone to adopt or have a child (which, Marigold basically was a child - the pikmin were certainly people, they just worked differently from the other alien species Charlie knew about). No child deserved to be a tool for the betterment of their parents. Rather it was just him knowing that he did truly enjoy this. He wanted to keep caring for Mari for however long he could. He loved the little rascal.
He was pulled from his thoughts when the little pikmin began to pull on his shirt sleeve. It pointed at its now empty cup, head tilted. Okay, does it want more or is it done? He hummed for a second before asking the little one "Done?" hoping that it understood that word.
It tilting its head to the other side gave him all the information he needed.
He sighed as he stroked its stem. Alright, he couldn't keep up with this any more. He couldn't care for a whole person for long if he didn't have some consistent way to communicate with them. For now, he'd clean up after the two of them and provide Mari with a snack if it was still hungry. However, he also pulled out his phone to send a quick IGE-Mail to Olimar. It would be more cumbersome than a text but inter-galactic internet services (such as inter-galactic e-mail) was kind of the only way to contact people on other planets.
He hadn't spoken to the other Captain sense they brought him home, though... Charlie could only hope that Olimar wouldn't mind doing a favor for the sake of a little pikmin.
Charlie tapped his fingers against his laptop as he waited on Olimar. Sure enough, the other captain was willing to help out Marigold at the very least. Speaking of, the little pikmin sat next to him - both were at the dining room table, the only real place Charlie had for a computer. Plus, it turned out that the poor pikmin was indeed still hungry. So, as its caretaker (rather impatiently) waited, it happily drank a fruit smoothie blended for it - a mix of sunseed berry and slapstick crescent proved to be its favorite.
After a few moments, Olimar finally joined the call. "H-Hey!" The other captain waved, slight grunts of pain escaping him. "Sorry, had to help my boy out first."
"It's not an issue." Charlie shifted in his seat a bit, finally winding down. "Ah, is your son okay?"
"Huh? Oh ah... Just, a personal issue I didn't realize he was dealing with before. Don't worry too much, we'll take care of him."
Ah, okay. He couldn't help but worry a little, eying Marigold, but this wasn't his place. Olimar certainly could help his own son. Now for me to be able to help my own child... "Alright then. So, the reason I called you-"
"Oh yes yes! You need help with the little one?"
Charlie nodded, grunting a bit from annoyance. "I wanted to know if you knew any of the pikmins' language? communicating with Mari has been... difficult, to say the least, and I don't want it to have all the burden of learning a new language just to speak to me."
"Hmm..." Olimar paused for a bit, leaning back into his chair. "I know very little. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to take a trip there with the goal of just studying everything and learning a language. One where no one exists who speaks both your language and the language you want to learn - it would take ages. Something I'm willing to do, if given the time, bu-"
"Olimar, I appreciate it, but please just tell me what I need to know to help Marigold out."
The other captain tensed then, shifting awkwardly. "Right, right, sorry. Uh... most of what I know are nouns, so I hope this can still help you. Firstly, I've noticed something... rather cute." He chuckled a bit. "The pikmin would use the term "nahnoja-a" to describe both Louie and I." He spoke the pikmin word rather slowly and akwardly, clearly trying to pronounce it right. Still, Charlie watched with a small smile as he saw Mari's face light up at hearing its own language in... Stars, weeks - over a month by this point. "When I showed confusion at this, the pikmin on my ship pointed out into the stars! So it could mean space, or sky, or - my favorite theory - star! Regardless, its also how they saw Louie and I collectively." A pause, then, "And my boss too. So, aliens in general then!"
Charlie chose to nod. Good to know, but he wasn't sure how helpful he could be. Then again, he couldn't be picky here with what he could learn. He only had what Olimar knew. He just wished he would just get to the point sooner.
"Another one they used a lot is "vi". They used it to describe other pikmin but... also me at times." At that, the older captain's ears drooped as he sighed heavily. "I can't tell you more than that. Maybe it means pikmin? Or team?"
Marigold began to squeak incessantly then, crawling over to the computer. Once where it wanted to be, it pointed at Charlie as it looked at Olimar. "Za chosha pono vi!"
The two captains stared at the little pikmin for a moment before turning to each other.
Marigold groaned before pointing at Charlie again and saying "Za chosha pono abah."
Olimar's ears wiggled at the last word. "Abah! They used that to describe me - and only me, as far as I can tell - but now its using abah for you!.... no idea what it means though." he shrugged then. "An affectionate term, then? Hmm... an affectionate term that can be swapped with vi... I don't know, sorry, but they're clearly connected somehow!"
At that, Marigold growled before sighing, its ears drooping. Charlie frowned, then, lifting up the pikmin to hold it close to his chest. "Sorry, little one."
"Za chosha otah..." it mumbled in response, face hidden against Charlie.
Olimar's ears drooped as well, the captain now shifting awkwardly in place. "... If - If I may, there was a phrase the pikmin would say to me a lot. Like, all the time, but they went out of their way to repeat it over and over whenever I was upset. And they wouldn't stop until I felt better. I'm not sure what it means, but it was always either "po voe mo" or "too voe mo"..." he then paused for a moment, followed by "You know, whenever one pikmin was caught saing po voe mo, it was always met with insistent squeaks of too voe mo. I think - I think po and too may be pronouns!" He grew excited then, smiling wide as he emphasized his words with his hands. "It only makes sense, right? If "po" is "I" and "too" is "we", then that would explain why an individual pikmin caught saying that it... whatever the rest of the sentence means, that anyone who agrees would respond with "we" plus the rest of the sentence!"
Well, damn. He was rather wordy with his explanations, but he was clearly smart. If he was right (which, Charlie had no basis for that), then it was damn impressive he was able to figure that out from so little. He looked down at little Mari, who looked back up at him. "P-Po voe mo?" he offered in an awkward voice.
The little pikmin sighed, eyes curled up as if it were smiling yet its ears remained droopy. It clearly knew that Charlie had zero idea what he was saying, and yet... "Po voe mo shetano." It laid its head against him gently, stem curled around his neck.
Charlie sighed softly, now stroking the back of its head as he looked up to Olimar again.
The older captain was also smiling softly, a look of yearning or maybe nostalgia scrawled all over his face. "Well, no matter what, it certainly seems to love you."
"Y-Yeah... yeah..." Charlie gently nuzzled its forehead. "... yeah."
"I know this is frustrating, really, I do. But I must commend your willingness to try. Like I said earlier, you can't just take a class on their language or look up translations online. No one exists who knows the pikmin language and galactic common. We both have to learn the hard way, without teachers."
Charlie chuckled a bit at that. "Man, I just wanted to know when it was still hungry."
That make Olimar laugh softly as well. "Yeah, sorry, I'm as clueless as you are with that one." A pause, then, "Or... maybe not, actually!"
"One of the few words I'm certain of is kahnota... kahnoota?... kahnutah?... no, kahnota. Kahnota is right." Olimar's brows furrowed as he struggled with the word, putting extra emphasis on the part he couldn't seem to remember.
Marigold began to giggle as well, turning to the camera. "Kahnota!" it squeaked back.
"Ah, thanks little one." Olimar chuckled. "Anyways, it means nectar. Or at least, they used it to refer to the stuff. Could also mean food. Either way, you could maybe teach it to use that when asking more food until you know more of the language."
Charlie's ears wiggled at that. "Kahnota, eh? We'll try it out. I'll let you know how it goes."
"Alright. I know a little more, if you wanted to go over it."
"Nah, I got what I needed. I'll let you get back to your own family now." Charlie rubbed the base of Mari's stem as if he were ruffling some hair. "Maybe I'll try learning some more later. For now, I should let what I did hear today sink in, you know?"
"Oh, of course, of course. I'll also send you a IGE-Mail with pronunciation guides and meanings, if you'd like."
"Yes please. Oh! And before you go-" Charlie sat up more, looking at Olimar again. "Has Alph told you about the University thing?"
Olimar pulled his hand back, as if he was about to hang up. "Oh! Uh, yes actually. He did. I-I'm still... thinking about it, the logistics of it all."
"Understandable. Either way, think about writing down everything you know down some where? I'm sure others would love to learn as well. Regardless if its from a professor or just some guy posting stuff online."
Olimar chuckled nervously, ears drooping ever so slightly. "Yeah I'll... I'll keep that in mind."
"See you latter, then?"
"Huh?" Olimar seemed shocked, which honestly caught Charlie off guard. "Oh, yeah - yeah! That sounds great!"
"Alright then. Bye." Charlie did a half-hearted salute before hanging up, not giving the still surprised Olimar a chance to respond. He then sighed as he looked to Marigold.
"Well, ready to try out what we learned?"
Mari just tilted its head.
"... yeah, not sure what else I expected."
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
Marigold Fairchild:
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Mary, Goldie, Mary-goldie, whatever you call her, Marigold is the oldest of the triplets. 
Her thing is carving. Particularly, marble carving.
 She's as obsessive as everyone else in her family and is really good at what she does. Probably because that's all she does. She paints her statues, the same way ancient Romans did, though much updated. 
  She uses warlock pigments, fae powders, paints from every corner of the universe, and every piece of art is amazingly realistic. A fully finished statue is identical to an actual person. 
Her carving studio is a particularly large garden shed, renovated. Originally, it was supposed to be for all the triplets to play in but she took it over. Good luck getting it back.
She likes blue. A lot. When she isn't carving, she looks for color. She loves the ocean, and likes to wander around the coast, the more wild the better. Scotland, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, ect. Her favorite by far is Ireland. The only thing she may like as much as carving or preparing to carve, is probably staring at the Irish coast. The color, the feeling you get, the greenness of it all, what she would give to live under those waves, stand in the surf during a storm, see that color, experience it, live in it.  Carving is the closest she gets to that type of living though, you know? It's creating a person, freeing a form from its stone prison. Once you finish a carving you're as familiar with that carving as you could be with any person in the world.
As an artist, she smokes a hookah recreationally. She’s the only one of the triplets to smoke, and none of them drink.
 She's got a dog, an English setter, named Mary Shelly, Shelly for short. They figured since Matthew named a dog after an author they might as well keep the theme going (It was Matthew's idea).
Shelly was her sixth birthday gift, for her first rune. Peter got a nice piano (and the old one moved to his room) , Thelma got one of the spare rooms redone to work as a ballet studio. 
 She takes very careful care of her curls. All the triplets have lovely hair, Marigold just uses product, lets it grow, covers it at night, ect. It’s waist length, 3a, excellent volume, and lowkey intimidating. 
Cold rain, paint on your forearms, pockets full of things, oversized clothes, nicks on your fingers, heather on the coast,  bare feet covered in grass stains, sleet in the morning, tons of cardamom tea, dyed fingertips, sketchbooks, drawing on yourself, callused fingers, sore arms, marble dust sticking on your hair, watching the stars with your one true love, shopping the shadow market searching for new pigments, bitten lips, dog hair stuck on your pants, and the scent of sea salt and stone with an undertone of wildness.
(Part 4/5)
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1wingedtraveler · 2 years
Hello! My name is Marigold or just Mari for short. Im 21 years old. I don't mind any pronouns but I just go by she/her irl.
I also have a side blog for twisted wonderland @cozygold but idk if I will be writing there too. Its mainly for talking with people and stuff
Overall rules:
Be nice. Lets just have a good time
Fluff and angst are allowed
Dark content is allowed as long its not pedophilia or incest
I will try to write reader as gender neutral most of the time
DNI rules
Basic dni criteria (homophobe, racist, shitty human being)
I said this before and I will say it again if you have female aligned dni/ people above 18 dni whatever category i might fall into, please don't interact with me first
If you say you're uncomfy with me, its hypocritcal that come to my blog and like/reblog/comment on my post
If I see anyone breaking this rules reapetly they will be blocked
Unless they have a excuse that i will find vaild idk🧍‍♂️ im soft like that
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hot-lesbian-knight · 7 months
7, 8, 17, 20 for the tav asks!
Ask Game from this link!
My Tav is Marigold(She/Her)! She's a trans Tiefling from Baldurs Gate who managed to escape her urchin orphan life by forging a pact with a Fey woman!
Now for the Asks:
7. Greatest Strength - Her kindness, open-mindedness, and loyalty. Despite many cruel and harsh turns in her life, she's still incredibly kind and willing to help people she's only just met and generally doesn't judge folks for having different views than her(the few exceptions include those who hurt/steal children, and slavers which she kills almost on sight). While her loyalty is tough to earn, once you have it she will do almost anything to help and care for you
8. Fatal Flaw - She has a deeply ingrained distrust and dislike of Authority figures and generally responds to being ordered around by anyone claiming Authority over her with Derision, Mocking, and/or extreme Violence. She doesn't like being told what to do by people who think they are better than her and will often pushback violently.
17. Favorite Person - Before the events of BG3 her favorite person was probably her warlock Patron, as she is one of the few people Mari trusts almost completely. After BG3 it's her big red teddy bear of a wife Karlach. Mari latched onto Karlach immediately because they share a joy of life and an almost childlike wonder, and because she has a thing for huge women with huger swords, but she tried really hard to play it cool because she didn't want to either drive Karlach off or admit how quickly she'd become smitten. They both fell hard but Mari tried to keep her feelings on the DL because she was surrounded by strangers(she failed spectacularly the second Karlach said she wanted to ride her til she saw stars). They also bonded over their shared upbringing in the lower city of Baldur's Gate, realizing that they had actually crossed paths once before years ago. They are both rays of sunshine in a party of angsty edgy folks, but they love all their angst filled friends.
20. Free Response! - Unlike a lot of warlocks she's actually got a fairly positive and healthy relationship with her patron! When Mari was a teen living on the streets of Baldur's Gate she was imprisoned by a shitty wizard man who used her as bait for a Fey creature. Long story short, a fey creature showed up, gave Mari her pact, and was then immediately imprisoned by the wizard using it's true name. The wizard decided Mari was useless to him now and decided to find a way to get rid of her later, leaving her and the Fey trapped in chains of iron in his basement. Mari managed to break out of the cage she was held in and then freed the Fey, who was shocked by her choice as it fully expected Mari to leave and keep the power. Mari told the fey no one deserves to be imprisoned and asked the Fey to help her hunt down the wizard. The fey agreed and the two tracked the wizard and Mari killed him. Because Mari knew the Fey's true name and the Fey had its pact on Mari, the pair were at an equilibrium of sorts. Over the next few years Mari and her Patron worked together more, Mari to help more kids in the Lower City and her patron with some Things™ and the two became friends of a sort. All this means that while they are absolutely not equals, they respect and trust each other quite a bit more than the average Warlock and Patron! (They even have Tea and play cards(specifically old lady card games like Cribbage) every couple of months to catch up and hang out/ask each other for favors, her patron even helped her magically transition as thank you gift for saving it from the wizards machinations!)
This was super fun and I can't wait to answer more!
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septembersung · 3 years
Dear Anon who asked me for Books That Don't Suck, suitable for a range of reading ages, preferably less well-known: I was in the process of answering your ask, when tumblr logged me out, and ate your message. But I saved my list!! So here it is:
For children's lit, I'm going to refer you to my two major children's booklist sources: the Mother of Divine Grace curriculum list, and Mater Amabilis. Both are broken down by grade/age range. MODG will give you more fiction, MA more nonfiction. For example, here's the MODG 2nd grade curriculum; under English - Supplemental - Optional, they have a list of good literature to pick from. (There's even longer lists for PK-1st.) It ranges from very simple stories and early readers to quality read alouds. And they have such lists for each grade. Here's an MA sample, from ~8th grade (scroll down to "Literature.") For nonfiction at MA, look at the syllabus for each level; it's broken down by subject. I recommend searching by title and author, using a search tool like Amazon to visually compare different editions, then if a particular edition speaks to you, using its ISBN and searching for it through bookfinder.com. If edition doesn't matter, searching just through bookfinder is the fastest route to comparing cheap prices at different outlets. Some of our favorite fiction:
Arthur Ransome (Swallows and Amazons, A Child's Book of the Garden);
George MacDonald (The Princess and the Goblin);
Maud Hart Lovelace (Betsy-Tacy);
Dorothy Canfield Fisher (Understood Betsy);
Robert Louis Stevenson (Treasure Island);
The Hobbit illustrated by Michael Hague and The SiImarillion illustrated by Ted Nasmith;
Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare;
Rosemary Sutcliff (any and all);
The Moffats by Eleanor Estes;
The Enormous Egg by Oliver Butterworth;
Little House;
Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls (small 4 volume set);
A Life of Our Lord for Children and St. Patrick's Summer by Marigold Hunt;
Elizabeth Gray: Adam of the Road;
Frederick Buechner: Godric;
Rutherford Montgomery: Kildee House (illus. Barbara Cooney!);
Death Comes for the Archbishop (if reading aloud with young listeners just skip the section "The Lonely Road to Mora.") Some more of our favorites, more on short story and picture book style:
Once Upon a Time Saints;
Brother Hugo and the Bear;
The Ink Garden of Brother Theophane;
Theodoric's Rainbow;
anything by the D'Aulaires, Virginia Lee Burton, or Beatrix Potter;
Lang's Fairy Books;
The National Review Treasuries (Bedtime Stories, Classic Children's Literature);
James Herriot's Treasury for Children;
Alfie Out of Doors Sotrybook;
Mayo and Ray mythical/magical anthologies;
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle; anything Margaret Hodges;
Cowboy Sam;
Billy and Blaze;
Mr. Putter and Tabby;
McBroom's Wonderful One Acre Farm series (seriously, you need these books; the original illustrations are superior);
Stella and Sam by Marie-Louise Gay (also a sweet animated show.) For grownups, here are a few of my personal favorite authors and titles from my shelves. In no particular order:
Flora Thompson, Lark Rise to Candleford
Michael O'Brien, Voyage to Alpha Centauri and Father Elijah
Elizabeth Goudge, The Little White Horse (children), The Eliots of Damerosehay trilogy (grownups)
Dean Koontz, the Odd Thomas series
Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor
Naomi Novik, Spinning Silver
Willa Cather - O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark, The Professor's House
Rumer Godden - In This House of Brede
Bruce Marshall - The World, the Flesh, and Father Smith
C.S. Lewis - Til We Have Faces, the space trilogy (Out of the Silent Planet)
Robert Hugh Benson - Come Rack! Come Rope; The King's Achievement ; Lord of the World
Michael Kent - The Mass of Brother Michel And here's a separate list for poetry:
Everyman's Children's Library: Poetry for Children
Side by Side: Poems to Read Together
The Harp and the Laurel Wreath (ed. Berquist)
A Child's Garden of Verses (Robert Louis Stevenson)
A Child's Introduction to Poetry (with cd)
Poetry Speaks to Children (our favorite; with cd)
Nature poetry: Dark Emperor; Butterfly Eyes; Winter Bees; Red Sings from Treetops
The Ox-Cart Man by Donald Hall
Jack Prelutsky - esp. Something Big Has Been Here, The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
The Darkling Thrush by Thomas Hardy, illus. by Gordon Beningfield
Wonder and Wrath by A.M. Juster
Motherland by Sally Thomas
Rose by Li-Young Lee
Louder Than Everything You Love by Nicole Rollender Edward Caswall - A May Pageant and other Poems (available free online at archive sites)
Sir Walter Scott - The Lady of the Lake
Tennyson. all the Tennyson. including: Idylls of the King
C.S. Lewis: Poems
Chesterton: Lepanto; Collected Poems
Tolkien. all the Tolkien.
The Poems of Richard Wilbur
Love Like a Conflagration by Jane Greer I don't know how lesser known any of that is, but it's a great list anyway - hope it helps you!
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aftqrglow · 3 years
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↳ Bucky Barnes
summary: your daughter has his eyes, you know?
warnings: mentions of trauma; mentions of death and alcohol; husband!bucky; set WAY post-Endgame; swearing if you squint; their daughter is named marigold, mari for short; bucky calling his little girl 'bug'
We'll Be Alright
summary: after he has a nightmare, you take it upon yourself to keep his mind off of it.
warnings: mentions of nightmares; that's all i think
Promise Me
summary: he already lost nearly everything. he can't lose you too.
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, mental trauma; guns and gunshot wounds; oc antagonist and side characters; hospitals; French dialogue; ANGST SO MUCH ANGST
Stay, Please. Stay With Me.
summary: after a long mission, he comes home to his girl.
warnings: mentions of injuries; post-trauma shock; the TINIEST bit of angst
We Deserved An Ending
summary: a letter you wrote to bucky after you heard he fell out of the train and was assumed dead.
warnings: angst; mentions of death; a disgusting fucking amount of metaphors;
A Blessing, Beautiful and True
summary: bucky didn't even particularly like books. he did very much like the girl who owned the bookstore, though.
warnings: use of she/her pronouns; swearing if you squint; mentions of death; mentions of food
What Would You Give For Love?
summary: pretending to love bucky was easy. pretending not to love him was harder.
warnings: roommate!bucky; alcohol; swearing; ANGST; injuries; use of she/her pronouns; allusions to sex; i think that's it?
Dad!Bucky Headcanons
summary: just a bunch of headcanons about bucky with his children
warnings: babies; mentions of pregnancy; i think that’s it? otherwise, its pure fluff
Burnin' For You
summary: the man with Steve turned out to be far more important to you than you'd realized.
warnings: post civil war!bucky; mentions of blood, food, death and torture; descriptions of injury; swearing
Come Back Home
summary: bucky doesn't think he has reason enough to keep him safe. You think he's wrong.
warnings: allusions to depression, descriptions of bullet wounds, arguments.
— [last updated: January 1st, 2022.]
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tarnished-doll · 2 years
i feel like im going to get a little more pushback than i did with pokemon if i get too deep into My Realm My Rules completely off the rails of canon aus/fanfictions but i am shamefully thinking about one now... 
marigold should make a crucible magic mending rune and use it to restore what the golden order stamped out i think. she should go through a harrowing gauntlet of fighting shardbearers and dealing with the inevitable fallout between her and godrick over clashing ideologies. she should get stuck with only her imperfect rune of flesh and blood to help her against foes she can’t fight normally, absorbing it into herself and letting it take just a little bit more of her glintstone core’s power to manipulate the bodies of others to incapacitate them. she should get unbelievably invested in the people around her - rogier’s fatalism towards his death makes her feel like a failure for the first time in her life over the one thing she was literally made to do. melina’s single-minded - yet self aware - determination to be a sacrifice looks like a twisted version of mari’s marionette sensibilities, she begs and pleads with the girl to no avail. godrick is just... fucking. godrick. and he thinks her idea is a betrayal to him personally because if she’s against the golden order surely she’s against him as well, as much as she’s tried to nudge at and nurture that disillusionment he’d been keeping inside of him for so long. morgott is so close to agreeing with her, but his own doubts and lingering love for a mother who abandoned him makes him doubt her goal, frustrating mari so much she exclaims that marika is a puppet, no better than she, and might as well be just as artificial at this point. it doesnt go over well!
but marigold still fights and still stubbornly, agonizingly kills herself through using a rune she wasn’t made to use. she faces the elden beast and resigns herself to falling just short of the goal when the rune fully blooms into the beast of the roots, the primordial magic infusing with the very material of her body, all of it natural and a part of this realm while the elden beast and marika’s numen were true aliens. she belongs here! she is a part of this place and it isn’t, and she is going to excise it like the infection it is from the world. the elden ring, the magic that had overwritten the bloody, messy, infinitely complex roots of this world’s natural order, carefully and precisely has the mending rune of flesh and blood grafted onto it. the world can heal now, free from the outer god and its followers that had invaded it so long ago. mari accepts that the very act will destroy her faltering artificial life force. all of this to fulfill the dying wish of a fellow puppet, who could finally be put to rest free of the greater will.
then marigold gasps a deep, desperate breath with lungs she didn’t have before.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
A blurb on Daniel and Marigold's wedding? 💕
↳  A/N I kinda got carried away with this one but I think Mari and Dani's wedding would be a little un-traditional but just as sweet as they are 🥰 Thank you for this ask lovely!!
↳ Oh and Die a Happy Man by Thomas Rhett is their wedding song (and his wife - the woman in the video - is Mari's faceclaim hehe)
↳ Word Count: 4981
↳ Seasons Change Masterlist
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June 30, 2012
Her soft giggle breathed life across the quiet bedroom, early morning sunlight streaking across the quilt and down filled pillows and sparkled through her long blonde hair draped effortlessly across the pillow. The white cotton sheets shifted around her body as she moved, letting her fingers trace the bare skin of the man she loved who laid beside her. His arm was around her shoulders and only pulled her closer for another good morning kiss in the warm comfort of their bedsheets.
Their breaths were slow and in time, sharing inhales and exhales between chasté kisses and lingering innocent touches as they woke with the sun. She tucked her face in his neck with a content sigh, her arm resting across his chest with her hand right over his strong heartbeat, basking in the moment before the chaos of the day would start.
His hand found its way into her hair and he kissed her head as he threaded the long blonde strands through his fingers, breathing in the floral scent of her shampoo.
“Good morning, Sunshine.” Daniel whispered.
“Good morning, husband.” Marigold replied.
“Mm, not your husband yet.” he chuckled.
She shifted in his arms to stare down at him and let her hand caress his face, “Only a few hours.”
He leaned up to kiss her lips, “I’m so excited.”
“I’m so excited I could hardly sleep.”
“I know,” Daniel chuckled as he raised his arms above his head for a morning stretch, “You kept moving around all night.”
Marigold smiled down at him and let her lips press to his jaw in a sweet kiss, “Sorry.”
Daniel shook his head with a hum in disagreement, “Don’t be. I always like knowing you’re there.”
Marigold dusted her lips across his ever so gently as she whispered, “Sweet as sugar.”
The knock on the bedroom door tore them from their lovesick trance and they glanced over as it was opened with a call of, “Better be decent! I’m coming in!”
Daniel’s sister, Anna, peeked around the corner to them.
“Morning.” Daniel and Marigold laughed lightly at her dramatics.
“Morning, bride and groom. Ready for the big day?” Anna asked.
Marigold answered with ease, “Only been waiting since the day I met him.”
Anna let out a playful scoff, “Sickening.”
Daniel pulled his wife to be down for a quick kiss in agreement.
“Okay, I’m still here!" Anna tapped on the wall to bring their attention back to her, “Our mothers are getting everything set up for makeovers in the dining room and, Daniel, the boys are over at Jack’s as you know so get your butt over there and out of our way.”
“Fine so leave so I can kiss my fiancé goodbye for the last time.” Daniel tossed a pillow at his sister and Anna left them alone for a few more minutes.
Sitting up together in the middle of their queen size bed, sheets pooled around their waists, Marigold and Daniel shared gentle kisses and whispered sweet nothings of adoration and excitement before they had to part ways. At only twenty, they were a couple too in love to wait any longer and after three years of engagement, the last few hours felt nearly tortuous. They were a pair that hated to be apart – they thrived in life in the presence of each other – so they chose to ignore the standard wedding tradition of not seeing each other before the ceremony in exchange for spending every possible second together. It was their day after all.
They emerged downstairs hand in hand, Marigold in one of Daniel’s t-shirts and her pyjama shorts with her cat in her arm and Daniel in his own pyjama pants and a shirt. They were met with gushing excitement from their parents and sisters who were busy putting together everything that was needing for the preparations for the day. Their fathers and a few of the men from town were out in the backyard arranging chairs and the archway at the end of the aisle while the women were setting up the hair and makeup stations around the dining room table and kitchen counters.
“Time to say goodbye for now and go get ready.” Daniel’s mother ushered him back down the hallway, “The faster you go the faster you can return.”
“Wait, wait,” Daniel side stepped her, “I gotta say goodbye to Lady.”
Marigold only giggled at his obvious attempt at stalling as he gave the kitten a scratch behind the ear and a kiss to her little head, nearly earning a confused meow from the feline as to why he was suddenly showing her so much affection. As he stood back up again, he kissed his fiancé once more and they shared quick ‘I love you’s before he was hurried out of the house.
Although Jack was only next door, Daniel had to drive over since it was a bit of a walk across their neighbouring farms. His brothers had stayed the night at Jack’s place to be close by to get ready for the wedding morning of; Jack's wife and newborn daughter staying at Jonah’s farther in town as to not be bothered by their guests. When Daniel had hopped up the front porch steps and headed inside, the main floor was loud with music and chatter from the group of young men and he nearly had to shout to announce his arrival. His brothers and friends greeted him loudly and he was handed a bottle of beer before he was even offered breakfast.
Back at his house, Marigold was being waited on like royalty. She was ushered to the couch and had been brought over an omelette and hot mug of coffee by her mother. The last thing she really wanted to do was eat but under the watchful eye of her sisters and the hungry stare of her cat at her side, she ate.
Of course, the women had Taylor Swift playing through Marigold’s CD player as they did their hair and makeup around the dining room table in matching silk robes. Marigold was giddy with nervous excitement and she kept catching herself glancing out the dining room window to the front drive to see if Daniel’s truck was returning. The constant turn of her head ended up with her having an accidental line of eyeliner streaked across her temple.
“Marigold, you need a serious distraction, sis.” Iris huffed, desperately trying to turn her older sister’s face back towards her.
“How’s the backyard looking?” Marigold tried.
“Beautiful.” her mother answered, “You’ve done a remarkable job with the gardens, Mari.”
“Nothing’s too overgrown? I want it to look perfect for pictures and I tried to trim yesterday but-”
“Marigold.” Iris huffed, “I can’t put lipstick on you when you’re blabbing.”
“It’s not an easy job to get Marigold to be quiet.” Aster pointed out from across the table as Anna hair sprayed her curls.
Although Marigold was checking the window, Daniel was checking the time. Between strokes of his razor over his cheeks, between buttons on his shirt, between tugs of his comb through his hair he was always glancing at whatever clock was closest. Time seemed to be going by so slowly and it felt as if 10:00 would never come.
As Daniel stood in front of the mirror in Jack’s bedroom, he adjusted his bowtie for the uncountable time since he had put it on. His friends and brothers bustled around him as they finished getting ready themselves too but Daniel was in his own mind. He could only think about what Marigold was doing in that moment and when he would be able to see her next.
Jack slapped his bicep, startling him slightly, “Wow, you may just pass as a gentleman.”
“Speak for yourself.” Daniel elbowed him teasingly.
“Are we just about ready to go back over?” Tyler, as the eldest of the group of them, asked.
The young men agreed loudly, eagerly ready to marry off their best friend to the woman of his dreams.
When they arrived back at the farmhouse – Daniel driving, his brothers with him, and his friends sitting on the edge of the bed of the truck – the backyard was completely set up and guests were starting to arrive. It was going to be a small wedding so there weren’t too many people coming, mostly a bit of extended family and more townsfolk from Lincoln. Daniel took a moment to greet a few of them before he was to head inside in preparation for his first look with Marigold.
They had planned it all out just the two of them, giving them just less than an hour to spend together before the ceremony was to begin. Daniel was most looking forward to that, honestly. However, when he stepped inside with his brothers and friends trailing him, Marigold was no among the women.
The sisters were already done up and put in their dresses and Daniel offered his sister a brief compliment and a kiss to her cheek although his eyes were scanning the living room. Their mothers answered his silent question with a simple answer,
“We tried to get her back inside but she insisted.”
Daniel stepped out onto the back porch overlooking their growing gardens and soft green grass of their backyard, how it spanned far to the fence and had now been set up for the wedding with white fold out chairs and a small archway at the end of the makeshift aisle. A few guests were mingling in the distance in summer dresses and button-ups before taking their seats but the only person who easily captured Daniel’s attention was the woman crouched by the garden.
Marigold already had her hair and makeup done and she only wore her white satin robe and flip-flops as she trimmed the rose bush with her garden shears. She was in fierce concentration, eyebrows narrowed slightly as she worked to tame each leaf that was out of place without mind of the preparations of her wedding that were going on around her.
Daniel descended the few steps from the deck and approached her on the stone path, “Sunshine, what are you doing?”
At the sound of his voice, Marigold looked up quickly from her work as if she had been the equivalent of a child getting in trouble. Her eyes softened at the sight of him and she sat back on her heels with a soft pout, “Oh, Daniel, you look so handsome.”
“Thank you, my love, now can we please put the shears away?” Daniel chuckled.
Marigold couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he pried the garden tools from her manicured hands and helped her to her feet. She just set a hand against his chest, right over the lapel of his suit, and leaned in to kiss his lips sweetly.
“You’re so gorgeous.” she reiterated, gliding her hand down the shiny buttons of his jacket and the crisp lines of the trim, “My God, I’m so lucky.”
“Hey,” Daniel gave her hip a little squeeze, “our first looks are supposed to be with you dressed up too. Unless you’re walking down the aisle in your robe…”
“I’m sorry, I guess I lost track of time. I didn’t want our garden to look chaotic for the pictures later…” Marigold tried to turn back to the flowers but Daniel pulled her close by an arm around her waist.
“They’re perfect, sunshine. I promise.” Daniel whispered, “You…are perfect.”
She melted into comfort at his presence, physically untensing in his arms as she draped herself around him while being careful not to get makeup on his crisp black suit. His fingers brushed along her lower back and he closed his eyes for a moment to breathe in her soft perfume.
In the middle of the stone pathway, among the flowers and in the shade of the large oak tree, Daniel and Marigold held each other for a few seconds, too dizzy in love to even think about what they were supposed to be doing next. They were to be married in barely an hour but who needed to rush when they already had each other right there.
“Come help me get ready.” Marigold whispered.
“But, Mari…”
“I don’t think I can take my eyes off of you for one more second.” she pleaded softly.
So that was how Daniel became the one to button her into her wedding dress, stood behind her in the full length mirror in their shared room. His fingers worked slowly along each tiny button that rose from the skirt of the white dress to half up her back where the fabric ended and when she was done up, his hands glided around the floral lace bodice so he could hold her close. They stared at their reflection in the mirror, sharing lovesick smiles and wandering eyes as their fingers interlocked.
“You really are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen.” Daniel whispered against her ear, his eyes taking her in, “And how lucky am I? I get to have you for life.”
Marigold smiled and leaned her head back against his shoulder for a kiss and he left one more to her forehead. They stayed there for a moment, with her wrapped up in his arms and held against his chest, just breathing each other in and sharing the slightest kisses between them when their lips grazed.
Marigold opened her eyes to meet his gaze, “I wanna marry you now.”
“I know, me too. Only thirty minutes-”
“No. No more waiting. I want to marry you now. Right now.”
“Mari.” Daniel chuckled as she stepped out of his arms and took his hand to pull him towards the stairs.
“Mama!” Marigold shouted down the stairs as she lifted the long skirt of her dress with her other hand to take the stairs cautiously despite her racing heart.
Nora came hurrying down the hallway with Keri at her heels, the mothers almost concerned by the urgency in the bride’s voice. But Marigold was nothing less than beaming, clutching Daniel’s hand like she was never going to let go. Their mothers complimented the bride adoringly but Marigold wasn’t willing to wait for niceties.
“Get people to their seats. I wanna get married right now.”
Nora laughed lightly, “Only thirty minutes, Mari, and-”
“Can’t wait that long!” Marigold called over her shoulder as she pulled Daniel after her down the hallway of their farmhouse and across the kitchen, her fresh white cowboy boots clicking faintly against the hardwood floors.
Daniel’s cheeks were pink with glee, his smile aching his face as he gladly hurried after her through the back doors and out onto the porch, their mothers and sisters following after them in a rush. He always followed after her, being the quieter of the two, but her insistence to marry him only had his heart beating double time in agreement.
Their families rushed to get the guests seated and the priest from the town church was pushed to his spot at the end of the aisle nearly the second he stepped out of his car. Daniel and Marigold watched the chaos of organization as they stood hand in hand on the back porch, nothing but smiles on their faces.
“Okay, Daniel, you’re up.” his mother instructed, offering out her arm for him.
Daniel turned to his bride first, leaning down slightly to kiss her, “I love you.”
Marigold slid her hand to the back of his neck to keep him there for a moment longer, “I love you.”
He nearly tripped down the few steps as he was so hung up staring at her to see where he was going but thankfully his mother caught his stumble at the bottom. She walked with him down the aisle although he kept glancing over his shoulder to see Marigold now hidden behind the fruitful flower gardens that sprawled through their backyard.
Marigold’s two sisters and Daniel’s two brothers took to the aisle next as the instrumental music began to play and he was joined by them on either side of the white wood arch. Daniel took a moment to look out over their small crowd of people they loved most. Their parents, siblings, cousins…Jonah and his wife, Jack and his and their newborn daughter asleep in his arms, and Corbyn and his date between a few of Daniel’s high school friends. People from the town took up most of the seats as the people who were closest to them from the older ladies whom Daniel often helped out to fix creaking stairs or leaking roofs and other men from the Lincoln hockey team. Their whole world in six small rows of fold out chairs.
But then there was Marigold.
His guiding light taking the breath from his lungs at the end of the aisle, bouquet of home-grown pastel blue hydrangeas in hand. He had seen her all morning, he had buttoned her into that white dress himself, but the sight of her walking towards her on her father’s arm just had Daniel completely breathless. It brought him back to his junior year English classroom, watching the blonde girl in cowboy boots walk purposefully across the linoleum towards him and take the seat behind him. From that moment she had always been the sun to him; the thing this whole world revolved around.
He didn’t cry but he was close, blinking away tears behind the beaming smile that took up his face watching his bride nearly drag her father down the aisle in a rush to get to him. Daniel was waiting with a hand outstretched and Marigold, having never been more ready for anything else in her life, took his hand.
Everyone closed their eyes and bowed their heads to begin the ceremony with a prayer but Marigold and Daniel held each other’s hands and stared into each other’s eyes as the word of the Lord was wrapped around them.
Marigold didn’t waste a second as she was instructed to say her vows and she began on the confession of her love to the man in front of her.
“My Daniel. My sweetheart. My moonlight. You were made for me by the hands of God. There is no other person in this world that would ever touch my heart and my soul as much as you have. In the last four years, you have turned my life upside down and inside out in the most perfect, chaotic, blissful, incredible ways. You have showed me the meaning of passion, of devotion, of love…and undying support through it all. We have taken chances together from cheating on English tests to getting engaged at eighteen to moving out here to this run down farm in the middle of nowhere to live out our dreams together. You are my dream. I have vowed to you since our first summer together that I will stand by your side through it all and I say this now, in front of all our closest friends and family, that I will stick by that promise for as long as I live and even after. I vow to love you with my whole heart, to support you through everything, to cheer the loudest at your hockey games, to be the best mother to our children that I can be and the wife that you deserve, and to always spare time to go stargazing with you. Daniel James Seavey, you are it for me. You are my one true love. You are my beginning, my middle, and my end, from now until forever.”
There were a few sniffles from the audience but especially one from Daniel and he lifted their joined hands up to kiss her knuckles. The priest directed to Daniel to say his own vows.
“My Marigold. My love. My sunshine.” Daniel responded right back to her, making her laugh softly and give his hands a squeeze. He continued, “Love found me when I wasn’t looking. Everyone always told me that it would happen that way but I didn’t believe it until that early February morning in the most boring class of the term when love walked in. I knew from the moment I saw you that this was it. That the indescribable thudding of my heart in my chest was only for you; that shamelessly exuberant girl in the cowboy boots in the middle of winter in Connecticut.”
There was soft laughter from their small crowd.
“You captivated me from the moment we met and the moment you chose to sit behind me in class that day. You turned me into a bumbling fool, crushing too hard on the pretty girl who for some reason always wanted to pass me notes in class. You opened my eyes and my heart to the concept of love and how scary but thrilling it feels to welcome someone in so raw and unguarded. It’s always been easy with you, Mari, from the moment I sucked it up and finally asked you out and you got in my truck like you had been doing it for years. You are home to me. You make me a better man. You truly brighten my world, guide my life, and give me purpose when I feel like there is none. It is nothing less than my privilege to be able to live life with you, to raise a family with you, and to grow old with you under the same stars we fell in love beneath. I vow to be the man you deserve, to hold your hand through it all and support you through all your crazy endeavors, to work alongside you, to make you proud, and to love you unconditionally until my dying day.”
Marigold couldn’t help herself but lean in to kiss him, sliding her hand around the back of his neck to keep his lips on hers for a few long seconds. They shared breathy ‘I love you’s between them as they separated and turned back to the priest smiling between them. They exchanged their wedding rings with a soft prayer to each other as directed by the priest and slid the gold bands onto each other’s left hands.
As the ceremony came to a close, the priest read a final speech from his book to bless the couple in his own words. Marigold and Daniel held hands between them and let their loving gaze hold as the springtime breeze carried the reassuring voice of the priest.
“Look at each other and the gentle touch of each other’s hands.” he spoke slowly, full of purpose, “These are the hands of your best friend; young and strong and full of love for you and holding yours on your wedding day and promising to love you now and to forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours and together build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years and, with just a single touch, comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children and protect them as they grow. These are the hands that even when they are mangled and aged and sick, they would still be reaching for yours; still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a single touch. Marigold and Daniel, God put you on this Earth to be together and to walk through life hand in hand in his image. By God and His witnesses, your loved ones here today, and the state of Connecticut, I now pronounce you man and wife; you may kiss the bride.”
Marigold nearly lunged at Daniel, throwing her arms around his shoulders and smothered her beaming grin against his lips. He lifted her up off the ground ever so slightly by his arms around her waist and their family and friends applauded and cheered. They walked back down the aisle together hand in hand, Marigold with her bouquet of hydrangeas and Daniel with nothing but the purest love in his heart.
Their wedding pictures were taken throughout their five acre property from the gardens to the field and his truck to even a few shots of them on horseback, they spent the hour within arms reach and far too in love to think of anything else. Marigold’s sunshining smile had Daniel’s heart racing in his chest, so hung up on her in her white dress and baby’s-breath tied into her long blonde hair that he could hardly take his eyes off of her.
Before they were to be announced to their loved ones, Daniel and Marigold had set aside a moment for just the two of them. They sat on the bottom of the stairs in their silent farmhouse, sharing soft kisses hand in hand as husband and wife. Daniel raised his hand to the side of her face, dusting along her jaw and into the ends of her hair as their noses brushed softly and their eyes stayed closed peacefully.
Marigold leaned back from him slightly and gestured out a hand as if introducing him to someone who wasn’t there, “This is Daniel, my husband.”
He only blushed, leaning in to kiss her again before whispering back, “And Marigold, my wife.”
She giggled sweetly, standing up from the stairs as if to act the introduction out, curtsying formally to the invisible stranger, “Nice to meet you. This is Daniel Seavey, my husband.”
Daniel just grabbed her around her waist and tugged her onto his lap to make her shriek with laughter as he kissed her neck, “Okay, my darling wife-”
“No,” she protested, “you need to introduce me with my last name.”
“This is my wife,” Daniel whispered against her ear, “Marigold Seavey.”
She leaned her head back against his shoulder, “Told you I’d take your last name someday.”
Daniel smiled and leaned down to kiss her lips once, “You sure did.”
By the time they returned to the backyard, the aisle had been transformed into a set up of chairs and tables for the reception with the catering set up along the back porch. Guests had already started to mingle and eat, finding their seats with like-people and filling the warm spring air with their favourite memories of the happy couple.
Daniel and Marigold made their rounds to each group to thank them for coming. Champagne was soon poured and speeches were shared; a few from friends and Daniel’s family that didn’t fail to share in embarrassing stories that made him turn red, especially the few from his older brothers. Then Marigold’s parents took to the microphone and her father led their short speech.
“When Daniel came to us to ask for our eldest daughter’s hand in marriage…the boy nearly gave me a heart attack.” Glenn chuckled, “My first instinct was to say no, that they were far too young and not even out of high school yet, and what did he have to offer her for life. But the thing is, I could see something in the two of them…a love that is raw and rare…something that only comes once in a lifetime. Daniel was special and he treated our daughter like she was nothing less than a treasure so one of the easiest answers I ever had to give was giving him our blessing. Marigold, your mother and I love you with all our hearts and nothing makes us happier than seeing you so happy.”
Everyone raised their glasses for a cheer.
Glenn finished his brief speech with a, “Plus, I am very grateful to finally have a son.”
But the best speech by far was by Marigold’s sisters who filled their airtime with loving stories of their childhood and adorations towards their eldest sister that nearly had everyone tearing up. Iris, as the middle sister at eighteen, took the microphone to close off.
“I once heard that you don’t marry a person, you marry a family. Mari, I am so thankful that you found love in Daniel…and thus allowed me to become sisters with the most popular girl in my grade those years ago. Freshman Iris loves you a little extra for that.”
The crowd burst into laughter and Anna held up her flute of champagne from across the table to clink against Iris’ with a smile.
As the day melted into later afternoon, Daniel and Marigold took to the clearing in the centre of the crowd for their first dance. The steady guitar played through the speakers that were set up at the end of the makeshift dance floor and Daniel pulled his wife close to his chest. Their arms wrapped around each other and her head rested against his shoulder as they swayed slowly to the gentle love song that they had picked out well in advance.
A song to show how dedicated they were; how nothing else mattered as long as they had each other. It spoke the words they didn’t know they were missing until they heard it and swore from the first listen that it would need to be their wedding song.
Daniel could feel her smile against his neck and her soft breath against his skin as they danced slowly over the green grass of their backyard. He wasn’t often one who liked being the centre of attention but with Marigold at his side, he would stand in front of the world. Happiness like this had never been felt before, he was sure. He felt like his life was whole and he was at peace; his one dream had come true and was standing in his arms in that exact moment. Daniel leaned down slightly and sealed his adoration for her with a soft kiss to her lips.
Oh, if all I got is your hand in my hand
Baby, I could die a happy man
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Seasons Change Taglist: @stuffofseaveyy @randomlimelightxxx @jonahlovescoffee @hiya-its-amber @hopinglimelight @onlyangelavery @sbrewer21 @bessonsbxtch @viamiasoncrack @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @21burritoseavey @queenseavey23 @xkelsev @serenityseavey @marthagryffindor
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pl-panda · 4 years
The vines that bind us - Chapter 6
Chapter 1 || Previous || NEXT
Elevator took her all the way to the highest floor. When she exited, the floor was back to perfect condition and several more plants were awaiting her. She promised them silently to check on them soon and went to the main office. She knocked several times on the doors, but nobody answered. Hesitantly, she pushed the doors open, but no one was in the office. After double-checking with security, it turned out that Tim Drake did not show to work. She sighed. Looks like more work for her… Just like Nathalie said.
“Didn’t you cause enough drama…” Lila never got a chance to end that sentence, because Mari delivered a straight one strong enough to send her flying several feet back before she came crashing down. Blood pouring from her nose.
The girl was about to launch herself at the liar and pound her into the ground when two strong arms grabbed her. She noticed the characteristic spikes on the sides of black gloves and stated to trash around. “Let me go you overgrown furry!” She screamed. “I will mix her face with the concrete until it’s nice and even!”
She tried to wiggle herself out of his grip. Most of the class surrounded Lila and were trying to help her. It only served to irate Mari more. She kicked her leg back, hitting Batman’s shin. It was finally enough to let her go. The girl fell down... right into the embrace of Chloe and Adrien who managed to get to her on time. The two blondes hugged her tightly. 
“There. It’s alright Goldie. You got her good. Rest.” The girl cooed and pressed her best friend to her chest, muffling the sobbing. Adrien was just silently there and hugged them both. When Batman tried to approach again, the boy sent him an angry glare. The warning was clear and the vigilante didn’t really need anything from the girl right now. 
After a bit, Mari fell asleep in their embrace. The stress finally caught up to her and she couldn’t hold exhaustion at bay any longer. Chloe easily picked her up and started to walk toward a taxi that was conveniently parked nearby, waiting for them. 
“What!?” Angry Alya looked from Lila who was now being cared for by a pair of paramedics. She turned to Commissioner Gordon who was discussing something with Batman. “You!” 
The policeman looked at her curiously. Alya continued her shouting. “You’re letting her go just like that? She just assaulted Lila! She might’ve ruined her modeling career! Arrest her!”
“Miss.” Gordon shook his head. “These are some of the braves men and women in Gotham, but I doubt any of them would dare to try and arrest her right now. They don’t get paid enough.”
“What?!” Several kids started to protest, but Gordon just ignored them and directed Harvey to start taking statements. He wasn’t paid enough to deal with these brats. 
Bruce sighed as he exited the Batmobile. Almost immediately, he was swarmed by the rest of his family. Jason and Dick practically carried him, still in the suit, to the movie room. 
“Now, Ladies and Gents, we have some of the greatest shows for you. We call it… The Demon Trashing!”
What followed was a clip taken from monitoring in the anteroom of the CEO office in Wayne Tower. He watched as Damian, dressed in civilian clothing, and carrying a simple ninjato on his back entered the room. He walked around for a moment before knocking on the main office doors, but whatever answer he got seemed to have irritated him given the scowl that formed on his face. He walked over to the PA’s desk that stood there, but no one was here. After a short moment, one could see the elevator doors open again and a small girl in a smart outfit walked in. Damian dashed to the shadows before she had a chance to notice him. 
Bruce resisted the urge to facepalm. He could already see where this was going. 
When the girl started to walk to the desk, his son suddenly reappeared with the sword drawn. He pressed the blade to her neck. From the angle, it was impossible to see either of them expressions. The man did not expect his son to kill a civilian for trespassing, but the amount of glee on Jason’s and Dick’s faces was suggesting that his headache hadn’t really started.
The girl suddenly grabbed the blade and pushed it away. Damian, probably acting on instinct, tried to cut her, but she just walked out of the way and disarmed his son before knocking him out. There was a short skip to when Jason and Dick entered the room. The small girl was clearly very much irritated with them from the start and when she reached her limits, she used a pencil as a projectile to open the elevator doors. 
A small smirk made its way to Bruce’s face when he saw her storm past his three sons, carrying the ninjato through a tissue. The video ended with Damian waking up.
“And that’s how Drake’s new PA trashed a certain Demon Spawn. I swear, she could probably give Luthor’s bodyguard a run for her money when it comes to being a badass” Jason commented on the silent video in his typical fashion. 
“Tt. She stole my sword.” Damian huffed.
“You mean the sword she later used to stab Riddler’s man before disarming him?”
“I still consider the best part of today when she called B. an overgrown furry,” Dick said trying to hold back on laugher.
“Wait. I have a new personal assistant?” Tim asked half-awake. 
“Yeah. She was supposed to be an intern, but apparently, Sarah hired her on the spot and quit.”
“Oh… Cool.” Tim said and took a swing from his gargantuan cup. 
“Did you manage to pull the video of her taking down Riddler?” Bruce asked.
“The cameras malfunctioned before she even entered.”
“It was me,” Tim confessed. “I was still in my office when the alarm sounded. I keep a separate copy of my suit in a hidden compartment. To save time I dressed there, but I had to disable the CCTV…”
“Yeah yeah. Whatever.” Jason shut him up. “I also got the part when Damian’s eyes roll back as my new screensaver.”
“Tt. You’re lucky I don’t have my sword.”
“Don’t think you’re getting it back any time soon,” Bruce said in a stern tone and sighed. “What exactly do we know about her?”
“She is from Gotham, but she lives in Paris for some years. She said she was practicing martial arts since she was five.” Dick started
“She is also one bada…”
Jason was interrupted by Alfred, who entered the room with a plate full of cookies and tea. “A young woman just called. She asked me to forward a message to young master Damian.”
“Tt. What is it?”
“I quote. ‘Good luck getting your sword back now. Police took it as evidence. Suck it, Wayne.’ I believe the woman was young miss Chloe Bourgeoise.”
Dick, Jason, and Tim were literally rolling on the floor laughing. Bruce just facepalmed.
“No, you can’t break into the evidence room. You might jeopardize the whole investigation if you taint the evidence.” Bruce said in an exasperated tone. 
It was late after midnight (or even early morning, depends on your definition) when the vigilantes returned from the patrol, only to meet Tim and Barbara working on something on Batcomputer in tandem. Whatever it was, they were completely devoted to it since neither realized they had company until Bruce made a coughing sound.
“Not now.” 
“What exactly are you doing?” The father inside Bruce resisted the urge to force-feed Tim some sleeping meds. 
“We’re doing the background check,” Barbara said while typing frantically.
“On my new personal assistant.” The boy supplied.
“oh?” Bruce raised an eyebrow.
“Like… from what we found she is either the worst bitch on the block or strongest badass around.”
“Langauge master Tim.” Alfred scolded him. 
“Sorry. But like seriously! There are so many contradictions.”
“Check this out.” She pulled out a scan of a letter. It was largely creased, but still perfectly readable. “Her adopted parents one day disappeared, leaving her everything they owed sans some of their clothes. It was like they packed and left.”
“You suspect a foul play?”
“I’m not sure. The investigation was a joke and so was the follow-up proceeding. The interesting part is the custody battle that followed.” 
“Jagged freaking Stone and Parisian Mayor.” Tim interrupted Babs. “It ended with a compromise that Jagged was lawfully named her uncle and Mayor became her guardian. She was the one who suggested it.”
“How can one be lawfully named someone’s uncle?”
“Apparently one can in France. Or they just made some concessions to a celebrity. Seen weirder things.” He shrugged. “She was also his designer for years now. You remember that mysterious MDC?”
“The one you used to fawn over?” Bruce asked.
“She is brilliant so sue me.” The boy huffed. “Also, it stands for Marigold Désign et Création. She runs an internet boutique where she takes commissions from both commoners and celebrities.”
“What does it have to do with anything?” 
“I’m getting to that. Gee.” 
“Maybe I will get there?” Babs tried to take over. “She’s been working part-time as a babysitter to get funds to buy materials for new clothes and received nothing but praise. She also became a class representative. A successful one at that. She also holds the national championship in U-17 Mechastrike.”
“How is that important exactly?” 
“You wanted to know everything about her B., so we are giving you everything.” Tim sassed
“Just… get to the important parts.” He shook his head. What did he do to deserve this?
“Fine. Her school records are a mess. Skipping that they wouldn’t hold to any official inspection, they straight-up contradict each other.” Tim waved his hand in some undefined gesture. “On one hand, she receives nothing but praise from the teachers, but at the same time, there are multiple bullying reports and even several assaults in here. Most of them were met with harsh punishments.” Tim opened a separate file. “Too harsh according to the school charter.”
“It didn’t help that the letter from her parents also mentioned these kinds of things.” Babs chimed in, trying to regain control of the tale. Bruce just gave an exasperated sigh. He just gave up and allowed them to solve it, mentally already cataloging the information. 
“Except! There were statements from several people that contradicted this. Especially Chloe Bourgeois. She said, ‘Puh-lease! Mari is the kindest doormat in the world. I was mean to her for years and she still welcomed me back with open arms.’ Given her track record, I’m inclined to believe it.” 
“There was also this Drama, capital ‘D’, with MDC stealing designs. Several tabloids caught the wind of it and it even led to the police investigation. Only after Jagged Stone intervened, the thing quickly shut up.”
“Now onto the juicy parts!” Babs smiled. 
“And that was what? An introduction?”
“Yup. She has a certified black belt in two different martial arts, is a master gymnast, has an IQ of over 130 and owns two separate businesses in Paris.” She quickly read. “As we mentioned, she is the honorary lawful niece of Jagged Stone, but also designed for Clara Nightingale, Nadia Chamack, worked with Gabriel Agreste, was offered an internship from Audrey Bourgeois before she became her ward. She was seen hanging out with Kagami Tsurugi, world-renowned fencer, and Luka Couffaine, the rising star under Jagged Stone’s tutelage.”
“That was fast.” Tim summarised. 
“Yeah. Also, she was adopted some nine years ago. She originally comes from Gotham.”
“Do we know her biological parents?” Bruce asked, getting serious.
“That’s where it gets juicy. When I tried to pull out her adoption files, the computer shut down to avoid detection. There is some serious encryption on it. Probably due to who her father is. We got some of it. She described her mother as ‘wearing an outfit that showed more skin than her beachwear’, so we suspect she was a prostitute.”
“Hm… It’s not unheard of. You say she was with her mother until she was eight?”
“Between seven and nine the file said.”
“Hm… Do you think she is a threat?”
“No. But I have a different question. Why didn’t the league investigate Paris’ supervillain?”
“We were made aware of him only recently, after what our satellites mistook for Poison Ivy attack,” Batman said in an irritated tone. The fact that there was a supervillain running around for close to four years completely undetected grated on his nerves. “Diana Prince has been investigating for some time now. She has it under control.”
“The only problem I see is that she is only sixteen,” Barbara pointed.
“I mean I’m barely seventeen and I ran this company for two years now. And don’t act high and mighty. You started playing Batgirl at fifteen.”
“Played?!” She screamed. 
“You wore a hoodie and carnival mask at first.”
This quickly developed into an insults contest until Bruce finally had enough. He just shook his head and left. Alfred silently followed him, carrying a plate of sandwiches. 
The next morning, Mari woke up in her bed, with Chloe and her curled together in a mess of limbs and clothes. Of course, she panicked and jumped up, waking the blonde.
“Honestly, Goldie, five more minutes. I need my beauty sleep!” She murmured.
“Um… Why are we in one bed?”
“Because you fell asleep hugging me yesterday and refused to let go at any point. I swear I wanted to get a crowbar. Ridiculous!”
“Sorry…” Mari gave her a sheepish smile.
“None of that! You ruined Lila’s face in one punch. Adrien texted me that in the end she lost seven teeth and will require plastic surgery for her nose not to look like a mashed potato.”
“No…!” Her eyes widened. 
“Yup.” Chloe grinned, popping the ‘p’. 
“That’s awful! I can already imagine how much the class will hate me now! And the employees that saw this! There were cameras there!”
“Some people actually applauded you. It could be also because you called Batman an overgrown Furry though…” Chloe’s voice wandered off. Mari collapsed onto the bed, head buried in the pillows.
“Kill me…”
“Can I kill you with hugs?”
When the panicking bluenette finally calmed down, Chloe got her to sit down and showed her the headlines.
Brave WE employee saves dozens of lives!
A hero without a suit!
Civilian stopped Riddler!
Personal Assistant takes down a dangerous criminal!
They were all overly positive and showed much support. Only one tried to vilify her based on Lila’s comment and her being punched, but it quoted Ladyblog as a reliable source, so it was dismissed. The majority of the comments were also positive. The ‘overgrown Furry’ was already trending too. 
Only one of the articles contained the list of names of people killed in the attack.
Ted Black - a security guard, put himself between the bullet and another employee Sigfried Osborne - a security guard, died when he tried to stop them from entering Molly Bishop - a PR specialist, called the police when she thought the guards were busy Heidi Dickson - a security guard, killed in crossfire Craig Lloyd - an HR employee, wrestled the gun from one of the henchmen before he was shot in the back. Ethel Arson - A lawyer, killed in crossfire Christian Thorn - a security guard, shot two of the riddler’s henchmen in defense of a group of hostages.
Their room had several live plants on the rail. Mari walked to them and allowed her powers to flow. Slowly, the flowers bloomed. She picked seven beautiful flowers and put them on the table.
“Mari… I’m sure they will understand if you don’t come to work today…” Chloe placed a hand on her best friend’s shoulder.
“No… No. I won’t be scared into hiding by Riddler of all people.” She said with determination and some coldness in her voice. She stood up and walked to her suitcase. From there, she gathered a different outfit. Now she would wear a red shirt, a black blazer with the Ladybug logo on her right breast, a black pencil skirt, and black leather ballet shoes (she still hated heels). But the greatest change was her hair and eyes. She let go of her twin pigtails and allowed her wavy hair to run free. It was no longer black, instead turning dark blue with purple highlights. Her eyes also changed. Her bluebell eyes also changed. The iridescent green she used to suppress was now mixed with the normal eye color, giving an entrancing effect that was hard to stop looking at.
“It’s time to rock this place.” She smiled at her best friend.
------- (Play ‘Confident’ by Demi Lovato) --------
Marigold and Chloe entered the Wayne Enterprises in full stride. Flashing her pass, she got them through control without the queue or checking, much to the shock of the class (who still had no idea Mari was now technically their boss). Adrien showed the girls thumbs up. Lila was seething, but neither Chloe nor Marigold paid her any mind and guards didn’t let her follow them and straight-up kicked her to the back of the queue. 
Mari gave a nod to the receptionist, but they didn’t slow down. Elevator was about to close, but one of the employees held it for her. Once they entered, she quickly checked her tablet and the to-do list she had for that day. First stop: PR. Chloe was going to HR to receive a new mentor after… the previous day.
When she entered the Public Relations department, Mari didn’t stop to chat with the employee that looked at her in awe. Her goal was the department’s head office and that’s where she would go. Gently knocking on the doors before entering, she pushed the doors. While she was smiling kindly, her whole posture screamed professional. 
“Hello. Mr. Drake will need the Friday press conference plan adjusted in response to what happened yesterday. There needs to be a mention of the event, as we won’t want to sound too detached. The press would tear us apart. Some gesture to show the public that we care…”
“Maybe a memory board in the lobby? And perhaps schedule Mr. Drake to visit each of the families somewhere next week?”
“I think it will be okay…” For a short moment, Mari allowed her confidence to drop, but she quickly gathered herself and made a note in her calendar. 
“If that’s all…”
“I will also need a press statement no later than by lunch.” She said quickly. “Make it a priority and forward it to me to read before you post it.”
“Yes, Ma’am.” The man smiled. Mari was about to leave when he spoke again. “And thank you for yesterday. Many people owe you their lives.”
She stopped in her tracks, unable to say a word. Finally, she regained her composure. “Thank you. I… I’m coping.” 
As she left the office toward the elevator, Lila and Alya, who were interning in that department, tried to speak with her, but she didn’t even spare them a glance. Alya tried to grab her, but she was stopped by one of the older employees. As the elevator doors closed, Mari could see the girls receive a serious scolding. A grin made its way onto her face. Lila and Alya would have a really hard life for the next two months. Especially if she had anything to say about it. 
Her next stop was the security office. She entered it with a neutral expression, but it lasted only maybe five steps from the elevator. She didn’t tear up. She was a Gothamite inside. Right as one walked out of the elevator, there was a small bar, behind which a board was filled with pictures. Some looked really old, black and white or even sepia, while some others were high-quality and new. Roughly half of them were the clean pictures one would attach to a resume. The other half were profile pictures from social media. Or a photo that was taken in the forest. One was even a detailed drawing of a person. There were maybe fifty of them in total.
“It’s a reminder. Guards who lost their lives since the founding of WE” An older man said. “Silas Wayne started the tradition after he served in the Great War. You’re here for something miss?”
“Oh… Yes. The security on Friday press conference. We must increase it by about fifty percent. And make sure that only those with invites can enter.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He saluted her.
“Um…” Mari suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. 
“Don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault.” He said in a comforting voice.
“Thank you, sir.” She allowed a weak smile to enter her face before she left. Only two more stops. 
The elevator next took her to the Legal Department. She had many things that needed to be done here. Chloe met her as soon as she exited the elevator. Mari managed to regain her professional posture and once more emanated the aura of confidence. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep it up, but she was determined to show that she was okay. 
“I already forwarded your requests. At first, Madame McKinsley was reluctant, but apparently, our entrance is already the top corporate gossip. Good job Mari-bear.”
“Good. Thanks, Chlo. Now get back to work before someone sees me get friendly with an intern. I have a plan.” Before they separated, Marigold let a smile ghost her face. “One more thing. You’re free to unleash the foxes of war.”
Chloe lit up at that. Her whole demeanor changed to almost beaming light. She immediately started planning. Mari left her to the devious scheming and instead went to McKinsley office. The head of the Legal Department was a middle-aged woman with short, slightly graying brown hair and no-nonsense composure.
“Miss Bourgeoise informed me of your visit. I already had several documents prepared, but I will need clarification on several things.” She offered the young PA a chair, but Mari refused with a shake of her head. She opened her tablet and started to go through the list.
“First of all, the video that caused the attack was leaked by an intern. What actions exactly can be undertaken in response?”
“There are several options. We could terminate their contract entirely, but as it’s their first offense, it could’ve been seen as too harsh. It would also require to terminate all internships.” The woman was clearly unamused by the situation. Mari just raised her eyebrow and gave her a quizzing look.
“I’m not sure who in their right mind wrote their contracts, but when I track them down they are gonna get their ass demoted to toilet cleaner. It’s one big mess.”
“Don’t I know it…” Mari deadpanned. “So, other options?”
“We can move them between departments, so having them demoted to Toilet cleaners could also work, but it’s not exactly a legal punishment. The fact that it was Riddler really threw a wrench in any legal proceeding as he is clinically insane and the video was not directly calling him out and only speaking about him. I could give you the legal mumbo-jumbo, but the gist is that they are somewhat protected.”
“What about revoking their privileges?”
“Take that to HR.” 
“Will do. Now, about the next matter.”
“It was much easier. She can’t do anything to you, not even forward the bill. You were in shock and there are several recordings showing her taunting you. If she pushes it, she will lose. You’re a public hero right now. Good job by the way.”
“I was only doing what had to be done.” Mari brushed it, doing her best to keep a professional face. 
“Sure…” It was clear that McKinsley did not believe her.
“Now about the last thing?”
“Ah. The slander. I already directed it to our French and Italian departments, but it’s slow-going. That witch made it an international case. It will definitely bite her, but we have to be patient.”
“Brilliant. Thank you for your time.” Mari left the room with a grin on her face. Now onto the HR.
As she strode through the floor, people turned their heads to look at her. In the killing outfit, she looked older than she was and the aura of confidence and professionalism made her seem like a powerful woman. They had no idea just how powerful she was, but the way she carried herself was enough to make them shake in their shoes. 
When the doors of the elevator opened, Juleka and Rose were waiting for her. Both looked furious. Before either got a chance to say anything though, Marigold silenced them with a murderous glare that took away their voice. She strode past them looking fabulous. Any other employee removed themselves from her path to avoid her ire. The rumors were already circulating and the fact that she took down Riddler before Batman even arrived did wonder to her image. 
“Hello. I had an appointment.” She said when she entered the head of the department office. 
“Yes. Miss Dupain-Cheng. I was told you forwarded a list of topics, but an intern lost it.”
“Was this intern from my class?” She asked in a cold voice.
“Um… Yes actually.” The woman said after checking a small post-it.
“Then it was probably sabotage.” Mari spat the words. “I asked to have a list of possible punishments in regards to the newest intern group prepared. Two of them were responsible for the leak. Sadly, as one of them is the class representative, she is quite popular.”
“Ah. Well…”
“First of all, both Alya Cesaire and Lila Rossi are to have all possible privileges revoked for breaking the rules. They leaked or were involved in the leak of video. Neither of them is to be handed anything more important than refilling a stapler or bringing someone coffee, to ensure they are no further threat to this company. They will also receive an official warning and an entry to their acts. They are also restricted to the lower floors. If possible, I want their access to electronic devices restricted. Maybe assign them a pager each so it doesn’t negatively impact their work.”
“Hm… I will see what can be done, Ma’am.” The woman replied, already going through her notes.
“Good. Onto the next business, while it pains me to do it so fast, we need to hire more security as soon as possible. But make sure to triple check their backgrounds.” 
“And the last thing. Why was Damian Wayne allowed to bring a ninjato into the building?”
“There is actually no restriction on bringing swords ma’am. We’re trying to fix it, but we’ve been blocked at every turn even when Mr. Wayne was the CEO.”
“And whose permission is needed?” Mari allowed a small grin.
“Yours would do. Sarah was always too stuck up to even leave her desk unless forced so she didn’t care that much.”
“Consider my permission granted. Forward the paperwork to me.”
“And if Mr. Drake disagrees?”
“He can try.” She said coldly, remembering how close she came to being cut in half.
“Last thing. When is the top floor scheduled for repairs?”
“It should be done already. It was made to withstand an assault from a much larger force, so we only had to replace the furniture. Following the instructions that were left, we repotted the plants into bigger and more decorative pots. As per your request, we added some more plants.”
“Thank you. Plants always calm me down.”
“I prefer cat pictures.” She pointed at the wall where a cheesy calendar with a cat giving her thumbs-up was hanged. It took all of Marigold’s willpower not to burst into laugher at the image of Chat Noir posing for such a calendar.
“Good. Thank you.” With that, she left. This time, Rose and Juleka did not try anything. They were too terrified of her. 
Elevator took her all the way to the highest floor. When she exited, the floor was back to perfect condition and several more plants were awaiting her. She promised them silently to check on them soon and went to the main office. She knocked several times on the doors, but nobody answered. Hesitantly, she pushed the doors open, but no one was in the office. After double-checking with security, it turned out that Tim Drake did not show to work. She sighed. Looks like more work for her… Just like Nathalie said.
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westerhos · 4 years
Our Story: Chapter 5
Here marks the middle of our tale, that vast, perilous land between the beginning and the end. The going is treacherous in these parts—the wayward couple must heal on their own, tread the sea of two decades with arms and souls akimbo—but still, it is not unnecessary. The middle is never aimless. Always, always, it has one goal: the ending.
When the lights go up and the curtains close, you clap—perhaps, should the couple reunite (which, of course, they will), you shout “Encore, encore!” But then, at last, you return to your car. You catch the train, or you grab a taxi. At last, having started at the beginning and waded through the middle, you reach the final destination. The night is over; you go home.
Home. Whether a place, a person, a feeling, or a thing—it does not matter. Home is always the goal and the ending, the northernmost star we pray to and walk towards.
[December 24th, 1996]
Two weeks’ vacation in a cabin, tucked deep inside a fold of mountains. Here, amongst the stretches of living nothingness, even the silence has a voice. Owls hoot in the night. The pines’ chatter, their needle-whispers pierced by caws and shifted air—a hawk swooping to ensnare her prey. And if one listens closely enough, one can hear the hunter's a shaky, traitorous breath, which launches the doe across the snow—the echo of his heartsong, the drum to which the doe’s hooves beat. Come back, come back, come back.
This is why Jamie has come here: for the endless conversation between man and mountain, more steadfast than the chill in his heart. In the past four years, Jamie has sold the twin cot (it lies in a salvage yard somewhere, all broken springs and dreams). A different couple has moved into the studio, and when they had spoken of paint jobs—“Perhaps mint green, what d’ye say, hon?”— Jamie had thought, Thank God. He’d happily offered them the keys when they turned to him, pupils dilated with youthful optimism. By that point, there was no space for Jamie and Claire inside that Edinburgh Eden, and so he’d chimed in, “Aye, a bonny color.” (Indeed, the walls are mint now, though a forgotten strip of marigold shines in the northern corner.)
For two years, Jamie has lived with Murtagh in Glasgow, having shed not just his home but his editorial career in publishing. He has grown tired of fixing other’s mistakes—too many of his own in need of correction—and so here he sits on this Christmas Eve, writing towards redemption.
The Grampians are a peaceful place, big hulks of rock scattered with trees—bouquets of fir, oak, and pine cradling other cabins. At dark, their windows flicker, candlelit with the dreams of the aspiring novelists, essayists, playwrights therein. Men and women, all bowed before the cleansing hum of nature’s speech. Like Jamie, they had seen the fliers: WRITER’S RETREAT, TWO WEEKS IN THE MOUNTAINS—and so it was. They were small colony taking its temporary leave, hoping to reconstruct the world according to their own, more favorable terms.
Over supper, the group gathers and shares their ideas: outlines, pieces of dialogue, an inspiring poem they’ve loved since childhood. And while Jamie is generous with his advice, he holds his notebooks against his chest. Enraptured by this warm aloofness (for is it not the way of all great wordsmiths?), the others whisper behind their palms, “Have you read Fraser’s story?” Into napkins, “No, have you?”
But among the fifteen guests, only one has read Jamie’s story—and tonight, Jamie waits for her inside his cabin. His latest draft is fanned around him, some sections highlighted and others slashed. They are not unlike Claire’s old strike-throughs, which had snipped the would-be Dalhousie and eventually, Jamie’s own name, from her life (a reclamation of Beauchamp, a transformation to Randall). Among Jamie’s scribbles are his friend’s edits, which are much more forgiving, much less forceful than the lines of his own red pen. Each comment reads like a bashful request: “More clarity?”, “Switch the verb here?”, “Too many adjectives?” as if she needs permission to occupy the margins. Should I really be reading this?, she seems to say, the bare-backed rawness making her squirm.
But she is helping him, his friend. And so she sees Jamie’s drafts before John, his agent, and before Fergus, his assistant and most loyal advocate. With each comment, she brings him closer to understanding, to the better beginning, middle and end. Note by note, to the way his story (their story, for it can never be Jamie’s alone) should be. All rhymes and logic, had it not veered off-course.
Is Alexander too cold here? Shouldn’t he say something? (He should have.)
It seems out of character for Alexander to never visit his daughter’s grave? (Grief carves cowards out of heroes.)
Shouldn’t he try to win Elizabeth back? (God, yes. He should have tried harder.)
The knock comes three minutes later, as expected.
“Door’s unlocked.”
“Oh!” A muffled apology, embarrassment for the delay. “Sorry,” the visitor says. “It’s late. Didna ken if ye still wanted to talk or not. I brought—well, I finished reading your last chapter.”
And now another player enters this fifth act, tip-toes quietly onto the stage. Only a slip of a thing in the cabin’s doorway, cheeks pinked by the storm’s sharp nip. She is Jamie’s friend-slash-critique partner, and even her entrance is punctuated by a question mark. The score of owl, pine, hawk and hunter swells, buffeted now by new notes: the crack of chapped lips smiling, the anxious shuffle of papers, and—
“Dinna fash, I couldna sleep anyways,” Jamie assures her. “Did ye like it, though? The new ending?”
His friend inhales sharply, stealing as much oxygen as the room will allow. Everything—the threadbare futon, the TV’s antennae, the welcome mat and Jamie’s body—bends towards some invisible presence. A ghost between between all.
“It was…a bit different from the last one.”
“I’ll take that as a ‘Nay, I didna like it.’”
She looks shyly at the ground, one foot treading nervous circles into the planks.
“It was a bit too sentimental is all. After everything. All that time and silence…D’ye really think Alex and Lizzie could make it?”
Her words are a blow to Jamie’s stomach, and the pages are fire in his hands. He puts them down, wants to thrust himself under a blanket of snow to freeze the flames.
“In a fairy tale, maybe, but life isna a fairy tale. And d’ye no want to write truths?” She looks up, and her eyes gore him. “This story isna a fairy tale either, Jamie. Yours never are.”
“Aye…aye, I s’pose they’re not,” he replies, thinking of his other novels and short stories, essays and poems. Each accepted by John’s gimlet eye, only to meet their end in a publisher’s slush pile. (“Too dark, too wallowing,” an editor once wrote.)  
“Give it another go. I’ll help ye tomorrow, if ye’d like,” his friend offers. “Three days left. I reckon we’ve time to sort the kinks, right the wrongs.” (Three days will never be enough for Jamie’s wrongs.)
“I’d appreciate that, lass. Verra much.”
His friend looks behind her and at the moon, a shy sickle in the sky. It draws her toward the door and the snow-covered mountainside.
“Weel, it’s a long walk back,” she says. “Wanted to give ye that before the morning, so I guess I’ll just…”
“Will ye stay with me tonight?” Jamie blurts. And he hates himself for saying this, the way it sounds outside his mouth and inside his cabin, landing on the unmade bed. Its despair makes it ugly. But.
But if his friend stays, Jamie thinks, perhaps the emptiness will leave. If his friend stays, perhaps his story will correct itself, falling into its natural rhythm, by the force of whatever solace she can give him.
“It’s Christmas Eve,” he continues, “and I…I dinna want to be alone.”
She pauses, thinks it over before saying, “Okay. Just for a bit?” (Just for a bit? Another loaded question, and one he doesn’t want to answer.)
“Thank you,” Jamie whispers, and Mary McNab removes her coat.
Long before daybreak, Jamie wakes. He gathers his draft, made complete by that final failing chapter, into a single stack. He retrieves a box from his suitcase, which is swathed in his old holiday sweater, and it speaks to him. A quiet loudness, like the murmur of the Grampians. You mean your lager-stained pullover? With the Santa looks that looks like he’s got vomit in his beard?
Inside the box is a gift—a vase, azure porcelain—though Jamie has no plans to send it across the Atlantic, to the Boston apartment where his ex-wife kisses another man. No. This vase will stay with Jamie, forever hidden on the high shelf of a closet, or exiled to the back corner of a desk drawer. Like his grief, it is something that he owns—this small cut from a cloth of unraveled dreams—to be kept and locked safely away. There, there, always there. All fancy people have vases.
Jamie wraps the box with his manuscript. One by one, he folds the pages over and under, seals the edges with tape to form an inch-thick layer. So much history around this small, delicate thing—their story, with the ending Jamie cannot use and which cannot be the truth. At last, he cuts the string of wool, which still drips from his sweater after all these years, and it rasps, Do we have time? Of course we do.
Finally, Jamie weeps—a mournful sound that joins the chorus of this great, big mountain—and ties a frayed, red bow.
(Jamie does not realize that Mary watches him from the bed. “Tell me about her,” she wants to say—for once a statement and not a question—but she does not. Instead, she calls to Jamie, presses her goosefleshed nakedness to his. And as they move together, slow but unfeeling, she pretends she is a vessel. Closes her eyes. Makes room for the ghost. I’m Claire Beauchamp. Just plain Claire Beauchamp.)
Here, the idea of a writer’s retreat, the introduction, and the parentheticals (although those are also inspired by one of my favorite authors Kate Atkinson) are my lame attempts at trying to be Lauren Groff. Actually, the next handful of chapters are the result of my obsession with her novel Fates and Furies—which you should absolutely go read, right now.
One of my favorite parts about writing a modern AU is finding ways to fit in canon characters or references. I started this chapter having no idea who Jamie’s critique partner was, but it very quickly came together once there was a remote cabin, Jamie inside it, and a woman coming to visit him. I hope the reveal is at least somewhat...fun? The vase is also obviously a nod to Outlander, and, well, I’m assuming y’all caught on to Jamie’s character names (a bit on the nose, lmao).
I’m not crazy about this introduction (it’s...a bit much...but it’s meant to tie into the introduction of Chapter 1), but the final paragraph from Mary’s POV is actually one of my favorite paragraphs in the whole fic.
I also think I wrote this during a snowstorm, wheeeee!
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multifics-canary · 5 years
Random nanowrimo daminette fic
A/n: this is my random pitch to nanowrimo. And it also includes the adventures of ruby culpa so ye ye. Uhhhh enjoy!
Dupont decided to hold a fashion for all school in the area to participate. A certain class sat around an Italian girl with sausage looking hair, who was the center of attention.
"I would love to join the school event, but my arm hurts really bad from pulling a lot of boxes for charity with Prince Ali. The most I can do is take notes." Lila says sheepishly, looking at her classmates.
"No worries, girl! At least can you watch with us?" Alya says excitedly, leaning forward to her best friend. Lila smiled, her eyes narrowing a little.
"Of course! We can can meet up before the viewing starts."
With that the rest of the class talked, mostly hearing what Lila had to say about something. Adrian ignored his class, focusing on the person he was texting instead.
The night of the event, Dupont was crowded. Lila and her possy lingered around, commenting in each outfit shown.
There was one display that had a cover over it, with the initials on the sign of MDC. No one in Mme. Bustier's class knew why the name sounded familiar, and Lila took advantage of the mystery designer. All she knew MDC was a famous aspiring designer working for Jagged Stone.
"MDC is such a darling," she starts, grabbing their attention. "He's in love with me, but I'm with Damian Wayne. But I gave him the design for tonight's event!" She says, looking at everyone's excited face. Alya frowns a bit, unsure why the name sounded so familiar.
Lila looks to Adrian, only to see him waiting by the front doors. She scowls, even after 3 years, he doesn't fall into her web.
Just as she's about to spin another lie, people begin to crowd around the doors at the front.
The class was curious to the gathering. Lila heads first, managing to squeeze through and nearly shrieked at what she saw.
Adrian was smiling cheekily at a very familiar person, holding her hand after placing a kiss on it. Next to her, a very handsome young man, glaring playfully at Adrian. The infamous Kagami stood next to them, smiling at them as juleka's older brother held her.
The familiar blue eyes shined brightly, causing Lila to sneer.
"How's the lovely couple doing? Am I going to be the best man at your wedding?"
"You wish, Agreste. You'll have to beat my brothers." The black haired man said. Lila was vaguely aware that the class finally pushed their way to the front. Chloe was among them, holding an unknown blonde in her arms.
"Guys come on. As much as I want to talk about when the wedding is, we have to get our grade for this first." Marinette was different, confident, not the clumsy girl that Lila bullied. A group was gathered. Much larger than Lila's as people took pictures of them.
"Is that--?"
"Oh my God it is!"
"Chloe?!" Various reactions were given to the group. The main ones were aimed at Marinette. Alya stared as her former friend laughed lightly, going over to where the MDC display was.
"Marinette, what are you doing?" Lila says, and the group freezes upon hearing her voice. She tries to look innocent, but got a bit unnerved at everyone's gaze on her.
Alya watches as Marinette's face lost all emotion, as did everyone else, including Adrian. She noticed Adrian look actually a little angry at Lila.
"I'm competing. It is a fashion event. This is also a grade for me to graduate." Marinette replied, and Alya flinched . Her voice held nothing. There was no warmth in her eyes. She looked at her best friend, and saw anger, of what, she didn't know.
"I meant what are you doing near my friend's display. MDC worked so hard and you're going to claim his work?" Lila supplies, everyone's eyes on them. There's tension growing, students from other school's looking between the students of Dupont and the students of the private school of arts.
The unknown blonde in Chloe's arms cracks first, covering her mouth to laugh, only to fail when Chloe joined in as well. Marinette and the others looked at them in amusement, as Lila and her group stared offended.
"Oh man. Last time I heard something this ridiculous was when I told uncle Gabriel I was bisexual." The blonde said, and Chloe laughed harder, this time Adrian joining.
"Father's look when that happened was the best. Rubes you really went for it. " Adrian states happily and his classmates look at him like he grew a second head.
"Chloe??" Everyone turned to the the meek voice of Sabrina, who was staring at the two blonde's. Lila stared Marinette, angry that she wasn't getting the attention.
"Who is this?"
"Really, Sabrina? I've gossiped and ranted about this girl since we were younger and you're basically telling you pretended to listen to me?" Chloe states, glaring at the orange haired girl, who flinched severely.
"Love, relax. Remember we're here for marinette and that grade. But mostly Marinette." The blonde says calmly, and Chloe visibly relaxes under her voice.
"Of course, my rose."
"Ok, what is going on?!" Alya yells out. Everyone turns to her, and Lila is somewhat grateful for her 'best friend'. "Marinette, they said you were expelled after bullying Lila, with no chance of rejoining any school." At the words, students looked to see Marinette stare unimpressed at her former friend.
"Honestly Alya, this shows you aren't the reporter I thought you were." Everyone turned to Adrian who had said that, his eyes an unusual cold green. Marinette just sighed and pulled the cover back.
The crowd gasped at the hero themed dress. It wasn't a Ladybug OR Chat Noir theme, but a Robin themed dress. One of the heroes of Gotham.
"MDC did so well with my des--"
"Say one more word about my fiance like you know her, I will personally see to it that you lose everything. " Damian spoke dangerously low, glaring at Lila as she paled drastically.
"I-I don't know--"
"Who do you think you are?!" Alya spoke up, standing between Lila and the group. The look on the man's face grew colder.
"Be glad I am not sueing you for using my name. Not yet anyways."
"Name? What name? Lila isn't lying!" Alya insisted.
"Damian, love, just forget it. We're here for the grade, not drama." Lila pales considerably at the the name.
"Damian?? As in the Damian Wayne!?" Alix spoke up, looking at all of them. The short girl turned to Marinette, showing nothing but excitement and shock. "You're engaged to Damian freaking Wayne!!"
Everyone whispers amongst themselves, Lila's group slowly paling at the realization. "MDC... m-marinette was the one who made Jagged's glasses." Mylene said softly, holding herself.
Alya stares at the dress intensely, as if trying to find something. Which she was, because Lila had to be telling the truth. Her best friend wouldn't lie about Damian and knowing MDC. But what--
Around the collar of the dress, a gold pattern sewed on. Normally, it looks like a beautifully crafted design that contrasts well with the colors of the dress. Alya titled her head a little and gasped, dread and horror creeping in her stomach.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
"Marinette, I'm so glad you've joined us today." Principal Damocles stated, walking through the group of students. You could see how nervous he was to see the former student, and miserably tried to hide his shame. After all, Marinette was one of the brightest students in the school and they wrongly accused her.
"I'm here for my grade. Nothing else."
"O-of course. Mlle. Bourgeois, I believe that your mother is a judge, correct?" He turned his attention to the blonde, flinching a little at her stare.
Lila looked around and saw her possy pale considerably at something on the dress when Alya pointed out to them. It was bad enough damian Wayne was here, but now something bout the dress? How she prayed hawkmoth was still active.
The italian felt eyes on her and turned to see the unnamed blonde, staring at right her. "You know, when my brother told me some girl had tried to ruin marigold's life by lying, I thought she would at least be pretty."
"Mlle. Culpa!" Damocles yelled, Lila practically seeing red as Chloe laughed and the lied group stared in horror.
"Can it, Damocles. The girl can Express how she feels, especially if it involves this cheaply dressed model." Everyone turned and saw Chloe's mother-- fashion queen Audrey-- walk up as the sea of students parted like the red sea.
She looked at the dress and inspected it, writing down things on a paper she had. It only took a few more minutes before she turned to Marinette. "Well Mari dear, you surpass my expectations as always. Your grade will be given to your school. Chloe and chloe's rose, I want you both tomorrow with this childs information." And with she walked off, leaving the gaping class.
"Culpa? As in Felix Culpa? Adrian's cousin?" Rose stepped forward, staring excitedly at the couple. "You helped prince Ali with one of his many children's hospital!"
"C-children hosptial?" Lila didn't know that. Especially the fact that Felix Culpa's little sister was apart of it.
"Oh, Lila. I thought you had some little random boy toy to pretend was in love with you. Like my brother, my cousin, Damian-- oh wait, they never talked to you." Ruby glared at the Italian, smiling viciously at her.
Slowly, Alya turned to Lila, seeing her trying to struggle to come up with another lie. "Let's not forget how you've willingly worked with a powered terrorist, and use that to try and murder Jagged Stone's honorary niece."
Gasps were heard when Ruby said that out loud. Everyone could see Lila turn sickly green as she began to back away.
"You lied about everything!" Alya snapped first, followed by everyone else. Marinette just stared, shaking her head before turning and walking out with her friends in tow.
"Its over, angel. Its over." Damian whispers to her, holding her close when they were outside. After years of the torment of Lila, and the threat of Hawkmoth as well, it was all over.
Finally. Paris is safe.
General tags: @the-wlw-cafe @natu123 @mcgrathandwives @imagine-lcorp @baked-bean-bekah @miraculous-of-salt
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kelelamentia · 5 years
Plant Charming
Plant Charming
 Because I want to add to Marinette’s growing list of admirers.
 On a street in Paris:
 A male figure stood.
“She’s here, I hope I don’t scare her.” He walked toward a very specific bakery.
  On Marinette’s balcony:
 Marinette was tending to her garden; watering and weeding, and just enjoying here flowers.  This was something Lila and her class couldn’t take from her; just like designing, it gave her some peace of mind.  Tikki was flying around the flowers like she was dancing, when she stopped.
“Marinette I’m going inside to eat some cookies, would you to come?” Tikki asked.
“No thanks Tikki, I want to stay out here a bit longer.”
“Okay Marinette have fun.” With that Tikki disappeared down the hatch.
Marinette was left alone with her garden.  As she went about her business Marinette was singing a soft tune, never noticing a large vine growing until a voice came.
“My, what a lovely voice.” Marinette turned around, almost throwing her watering can, and saw a boy about her age standing on a large vine. “Hello, are you Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
He had long red hair that just reached past his shoulders in a pony tail, green eyes and pale skin. He wore a white buttoned-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms, a pair of nice light blue jeans, and some brown loafers.
“Y-Yes, I am, who are you?” Was he an Akuma, Marinette wondered?
“I am Emmanuel ‘Mandrake’ Isley; but you can call me Manny, I am the son of Gotham’s Poison Ivy and I’m here to thank you.” Manny greeted giving a slight bow to Marinette.
Marinette was put high alert as soon as he said ‘Poison Ivy’; he was much more dangerous than an Akuma, but him wanting to say ‘thank you’ through her off.
“Thank me?” she asked.
“Yes, you remember your trip to Gotham?”
Marinette nodded yes.
“So, you remember how you organized the mass clean up of Gotham’s parks; when no one else would, after my Mother and a few others went on a rampage?”
“I didn’t plan it alone, I had friends helping me.” Marinette informed.
Manny just nodded his head.
“True, the Wayne family helped, but you were that driving force weren’t you; you even managed to set up a better recycling system for Gotham’s park’s, and that’s more than my Mother has ever done and for that I says thank you.”
“You don’t sound like you’re happy with your mother…” Marinette commented.
“She is my Mother and to some degree I do love her,” Manny sighed, “And I share her love of plants and her idea of eco friendly things, but with the way she handles her reaction to pollution and litter; it is a miracle that the people of Gotham aren’t terrified of going green.”
Manny stood up straight and Marinette in the eye; still standing on the vine and said.
“So please, Marinette don’t be afraid of me.  I am not my Mother; I plan to help the green movement the right way.”
He sounded so pure in his intentions, so Marinette was willing to give him a benefit of a doubt.
“It’s nice to meet you Manny.” Marinette smiled “I’m Marinette, but I guess you already knew that…”
“You just a lovely bloom, aren’t you?” Manny laughed softly. “I wish I could say my intentions here were completely unselfish, but I was hoping I could have your help as well Marinette.”
“With what?” Marinette asked, tilting her head to the side.
“May come on to your balcony first?  This might be a long talk and my vine will likely attract some attention.” Manny made a gesture with his hand, indicating to her balcony and his vine.
“Oh! Sure!” Marinette was so used to Chat just coming on to balcony; into her space, that she never thought about anyone asking for her permission.
Manny thanked her as he hopped down; the vine receding from once it came.
“Thank you, lovely Marigold.”
Marinette blushed at the nick-name but did her best to focus.
“What would you like me to help with Manny?”
“Many things really, but todays goal would be to create a logo.” Manny admitted.
“You want to start your own awareness group?” Marinette asked.
“Yes, I want to do this the right way and I’ll start from the bottom up.”
They sat down on a bench Marinette had set up there to discuss what Manny wanted his logo to look like.  It was not a quick talk as Marinette keep giving new ideas and a outside perspective for Manny.  Eventually they came up with a logo for Manny to use and he had to leave.
“Please forgive me my lovely Marigold, but I must leave.”
“It’s fine Manny.”
“At least let me pay you.”
“No Manny, you’re starting from the ground up; with who you’re related to acting as an obstacle. Let this be my good luck gift to you.”
Manny gave Marinette a charming smile.
“You really a bloom amongst the weeds Marinette, at least let me give you this.” Manny reached out his hand over her flowers, after a moment a vine curled up and around his hand; creating a circlet.  After the circlet was complete flowers began to bloom; marigolds more accurately.
Once the flower crown was finished Manny placed gently it on Marinette’s head.
“For the lovely queen Marigold, to repay her kind heart.”
Marinette was blushing hard at Manny’s words.
Manny smiled once more at Marinette before walking to the edge of her roof, he got up on the railing and turned to face her.  With her attention on him he gave Marinette a wink and salute just before flipping off the roof saying.
Then he was gone.
Marinette just stood there, she couldn’t believe what had just happened to her.
“Marinette?” A small voice sounded from the roof hatch.
Turned and went to her room.
“I’m sorry Tikki, I didn’t mean to worry you.”
Tikki flew up and cuddled Marinette’s cheek.
“Its fine Marinette but that was a risk.”
“I know,” Marinette sighed, “But he didn’t feel dangerous.”
“He’s from Gotham, right? Maybe call Damian and ask about him.”
“That’s a good idea Tikki, I’ll do that.”
"Granted, you were going to call him no matter what, you miss him."
"That's true." Marinette nodded her head.
"Now if only you could ask him out."
  Later with Damian when Marinette called:
 Marinette was on speaker phone with Damian and his family.
“Emmanuel ‘Mandrake’ Isley?  Yeah that’s Poison Ivy’s kid, but he doesn’t seem to want to follow in her foot steps; he even left Gotham, no one knew where he went until you called Marinette.” Tim explained, looking at a computer, not giving out any more information than what a normal civilian would know.
*Is he going to hurt anyone? *
“No, you’re in the clear on that one Mari.  He really doesn’t want to be like his Mother, he’s even been cleared by Batman…mostly.” Tim confirmed.
*That’s good; I’d hate to think that his kindness was all an act. *
“Kindness?” Damian asked.
*He asked for permission to jump onto my balcony and he wants to start his own ‘Go green’ campaign from the ground up. He came to me to get help with a logo, he was very much a gentleman the entire time. *
“That’s good to hear he didn’t try anything Marinette, promise to let us know if that changes; okay?” Dick said, watch Damian’s eye twitch in irritation.
*I promise, you guys will be the first to know. *
“Good.” Damian stated bluntly.
“Hey Short-Stack?” Jason asked. “How did he pay you for the logo?”
*I didn’t accept payment from him; even though he said he wanted to. He’s starting from the ground up with nothing to really back him besides his mother’s reputation, which isn’t a good thing. *
“That’s very kind of you Mari.”
*Thank you, Dick, but since he could pay me; he gave me a flower crown he grew right in front of me, it was very sweet. *
Dick, Jason and Tim were watching Damian start to seethe.
*And he seems to like calling me Marigold; that is what the flower crown was made of, actually. *
“How the h*ll did I miss the obvious nick-name!” Jason groaned, “It literally has the word ‘Mari’ in it.”
*Sorry Jason, but you won’t be able to use it now. *
Damian was starting to look apocalyptic and Dick and Tim were trying to keep him from exploding which Marinette was on the phone.
*I should go now; I have some homework to do before bed. *
“That’s I good idea Mari, it was great talking with you!” Dick chirped, while having his hands firmly on Damian’s shoulders.
*Night guys! Night Damian! *
“Night Marinette!” Was the group farewell.
Once the phone call was disconnected Jason decided it would be fun to take a few shots at Damian.
“Looks like Demon Spawn had some competition for Pixie-dusts attention.”
“Jason!” Dick scolded.
“He’s right you know, and Mandrake is apparently better at talking to people as well, the Brat is at a disadvantage.”
“Die Drake!” Damian launched himself at his brother.
“I’ll go ask Bruce to book a trip to Paris.” Dick sighed, walking out of the room, leave Tim and Damian brawling and Jason laughing.
  Next Day in Paris with Manny:
 Manny was in the park exercising another one his powers; talking to plants, he asked them about the lovely Marigold.
‘She’s sweet.’ They said.
‘She’s kind.’ They praised.
‘She’s hurting.’ They grieved.
“Hurting?” Manny asked.
They spoke of a liar; one of stories that were far too good to be true, of classmates with no common sense, and of a boy with false promises.
“This cannot be allowed to continue.” Manny murmured.
The plants told Manny of the liar’s favorite lie, one he would very good at exploiting.
“Thank you, my friends; this gives me chance to help Marigold remove the weeds in her life.” Manny looked towards the sky, “I should also make my intentions towards her clear, I would hate for her to misunderstand me.”
  After school with Marinette:
 Marinette was happy to rush out of school, but unfortunately Lila and her herd of sheep were right behind her.
“Prince Ali said we should get together soon again; apparently he misses me.” Lila was boasting about her green program with Prince Ali again, and the class was eating it up.
“You’re so lucky Lila.” Rose sighed.
“Girl you are something else.” Alya cheered.
Marinette rolled her eyes, a quick web search would be all it would take to debunk that lie, but if she were the one doing it, they would never even listen.  Since Marinette wasn’t watching where she was going, she bumped into someone at the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m so sorry!” Marinette apologized, not looking at the persons face.
“Its fine Marigold, my plan was to ‘Bump’ into you anyway.”
Marinette shot up at the voice.
“Manny!” Marinette blinked in surprise, “What brings you here?”
“Why? Can’t I visit you Marigold?” Manny questioned, delivering a kiss to the back of Marinette’s hand making her blush.
As Marinette tried to stammer a reply, the class; Lila mostly, saw the scene.  They were surprised to see a handsome young man giving a kiss to Marinettte’s hand.  Lila was not about to allow Marinette to have any happiness.
“Hello there, are you new?” Lila asked, in a very fake sweet voice.
Manny only gave her a passing glance.
“Don’t mind me; I’m just here to talk Marigold about a ‘Go Green’ program.”
Lila thought this was perfect.
“I could help you; you know. I helped Prince Ali with a GLOBAL green program a couple years ago.”
Lila was wrong.
“Really?  What the name of the program?” Manny asked, now looking directly at Lila.
“N-Name?” Lila stuttered; she never came up with one.
“Yeah, the name; how else am I to look up and join your ‘Global’ program if I don’t know its name?” Manny inquired.
“Umm…I don’t remember it?” Lila tried.
“What? You don’t remember the name of your OWN program?”
Marinette was staring in awe at Manny; did he some how plan this?
“Well, I can get very busy…” Lila began, Manny never her finish.
“I suppose that is understandable, but a quick web search should clear everything up.  I mean there can only be only so many green programs Prince Ali is a part of.” Manny offered.
“To bad my phone died earlier, so I can’t do that right now.”
Lila was getting nervous, this conversation with this guy was drawing a crowd; normally something she would like, but he is poking holes in her story she wasn’t prepared for.  No one had thought about ‘joining’ her ‘green program’.
Alya ended up being Manny’s ally and Lila’s enemy.
“Don’t worry girl! I got your back!” Alya yelled, whipping out her phone.
After a couple a minutes Alya started frowning.
“What’s wrong Alya?” Rose asked.
“I went to Prince Ali’s website,” Alya started “But, there’s nothing about a green program there; any green program…”
The class looked over at Lila.
“H-He hasn’t had anyone update the site in a while.” Lila excused.
“In years?” Manny’s question came out more as a statement.
Marinette was quiet, watching as one of Lila’s biggest lies crumbled; other members of the class were now pulling out their phones to double check.  Why didn’t they do that when Marinette said she was lying?
“Why would you lie about that Lila?” Rose was near tears.
“I-I’m sorry,” Lila faked sniffed. “But I promise; I did meet Jagged Stone and traveled the world. I’ve even met the Wayne family, the youngest; Damian, just loves me!”
The class; ever the sheep, began to close in on Lila in admiration when a hard voice growled.
“I’ve never met you before in my life, you lying harpy!”
Everyone to see a very angry Damian Wayne; dressed in a polo shirt and some slacks.
“Damian!” Marinette cheered. “I didn’t know you were coming to Paris!”
“I wanted to surprise you Angel.” Damian faced Marinette with a smile, the complete opposite of what he was giving Lila, before turning back to the class. “Don’t EVER use my name; or that of my families, for your gain.  If I find out that you have continued along ridiculous tales, you will be hearing from the Wayne family lawyers.”
Lila was turning white in the face, well as white as her tan would allow her to be.
“Two very massive tales you’ve told have turned out to be lies; one of them being a few years old apparently.” Manny tutted.
“She probably has more lies she’s told; anyone who’s willing to tell such big lies always have multiple stories, I know the type.” Damian sneered.
“When you first started talking, I thought you were just a weed growing in the garden, but it is clear to me now that you are nothing but a slug; gnawing at the roots of plants, destroying them for your own nourishment.” Manny stated, shaking his head.
Damian turned to face the class.
“Did ANY of you check anything?”
The class looks sheepish.
“Disgusting; next she’ll be saying she knows Jagged Stone.” Damian turned his nose up at the class.
"Ah, it seems you missed that part.  She said that just before you got here." Manny informed.
"Really?" Damian said sarcastically. "How did she meet him?"
"She rescued his kitten from an airport runway, he even wrote a song about her!" Alya argued, deep down praying this was true.
Damian and Manny looked at Alya in disbelief.
"Oh God," Damian choked out. "Aren't you the supposed 'journalist'?  The creator of the 'Ladyblog’?  A quick search would have told you Jagged Stone never had a cat, he doesn't like them."
"Not to mention that civilians aren't allowed on runways." Manny chipped in.
"And did you really not ask Marinette?" Damian continued. "Someone who knows him PERSONALLY; as in HAS HIS NUMBER!"
"W-We forgot?" Alya tried, though it came out as more of a question.
"Forgot or chose to ignore?" Manny asked.
The class couldn’t give an answer that didn't sound bad.
"Okay, maybe Lila lied about meeting people, but she saved Max from losing an eye!" Alya insisted.
Damian was intrigued.
"How did she 'save' him?"
Lila winced, know what was about to be said sounded out right dumb.
"She kept a napkin from hitting his eye and cutting it out."
Alya looked very proud when she said that, but the looks she got from Damian and Manny, Marinette was just shaking her head, dimmed the pride she felt.
"A napkin?  She 'saved' him from a napkin?" Manny heard about this from the plants, but to hear it out loud was a different thing.
Damian had a look of horror on his face and turned to Marinette.
"Angel, I can't in good conscience let you continue going to this school, it lowers your IQ and removes common sense.  You are brilliant and I would never be able to live with myself if you lost that because of something that I could have helped you avoid."
"HEY!" the class out raged.
"He's right, you know." Manny defended. "Which one of you is Max?"
"I am." Max stepped forward and Manny took a good look at him.
"How is it possible to lose an eye to a NAPKIN?! And even if it were possible; you're wearing glasses, so you would have had protection from it in the first place!"
Max could only squirm in place at Manny’s statement.
“Right then,” Damian nodded his head. “Marinette will ask Father to transfer you to Gotham Academy. You will have nothing but the best for you there.”
“Damian, that’s very sweet of you to offer, but I couldn’t leave Paris and my parents just yet.” Marinette gently objected.
“She also wouldn’t be safe in Gotham Wayne,” Manny cut in. “Not to mention that Gotham Academy would do nothing to help her with her dream of being a designer.”
“Then I would be happy to help her to get into an art school in Paris Isley” Damian said, looking up schools on his phone. “Here is an excellent one Angel and it’s not too far from your home.”
“Guys please!  It is very sweet of you to offer, but I want to get in on my own merit; not because of who I know.”
Damian and Manny gave a soft look to Marinette.
“Of course Angel, it was rude of us to assume what you want.” Damian apologized.
“Forgive us Marigold?” Manny asked.
“I forgive you, but please try not to do it again; okay?” Marinette asked at the end.
“Promise.” They said in synchronise.
“Thank you.”
With the promise made Damian and Manny looked back at the class; who were on their phones trying, and failing, to find SOMETHING to support Lila.
They found nothing.
Marinette’s classmate’s felt horrible, what have they done...
“Marinette...” Alya started, but was cut off by the girl herself.
“No Alya, you could have done all this when I first said she was a liar 2 years ago; all of you could have, but you CHOSE not to because you liked her words better than the truth. So the way you’re feeling now is not my fault, it’s yours.”
Alya and a few others started to tear up.  Adrien tried to come to their rescue.
“Come on Marinette they feel bad enough as it is.”
“Again, that is their fault, not mine. Marinette stood strong, having long gotten over Adrien.
“No, no ‘buts’’.  This has been a long time coming and now they’re facing the results of their actions. Part of the reason it’s this bad is because of you Adrien.”
Adrien jerked back like he was slapped, the class gasped.
“You were the one to say we shouldn’t expose her lies remember; because ‘They’re not hurting anyone’. It hurt me when I was sent the back without being allowed to give any input, it hurt me when my ‘friends’ just dismissed me as jealous until they needed something from me, it hurt me when you promised to have my back only to go back on it not a moment later.”
Adrien gulped, he didn’t want to believe what Marinette was saying.
“Lila could have been Akumatized...”
“I WAS NEARLY AKUMATIZED 6 TIMES YOU JERK!!!!!” Marinette finally yelled “Do really not care about my safety?!”
The entire class recoiled, 6 near misses, they could have encountered an Akumatized Marinette. Someone who’s smart and creative, someone who could give Ladybug a run for her money; and they almost had to face her.
“I...” Adrien started.
“NO!  No more fake apologies, no more false promises.  I’m no longer going to be this class’ doormat and scape goat, if you want something from now on; you have to earn it like a normal person!” Marinette finalized.
Marinette was panting after her rant; Damian wrapped an arm around her shoulders.
“We should get you away from these people Angel; they are clearly bad for your health.”
Manny gently grabbed one of the fists she made during her rant and began trying to rub the tension out of it.
“Wayne is right Marigold, this much stress will cause you to wilt.”
They began leading Marinette away; back to her family’s bakery, not before throwing a hard glare back at the class.
The class watch the trio walk away, some with tears running down their faces, knowing they blown it with their Everyday Ladybug; all for some girl with pretty words and no proof.
  At Marinette’s Famliy Bakery:
All three people were sitting on Marinette’s balcony; the girl tired from her emotional outburst, was leaning on Damian’s should to her left and to her right Manny was playing with her fingers.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” Marinette finally breathed.
“Don’t be Angel, you needed to let that out.” Damian comforted.
“There is no shame in expressing yourself Marigold.” Manny assured.
“Thank you Damian, Manny.”
They sat quietly for awhile before Damian asked a question.
“Were you truly nearly turned into that monster’s minion 6 times Angel?”
“...Yes” Came the hesitant answer.
“Why didn’t tell me Angel? My family and I would have done something!”
“I didn’t want to worry you or your family Damian.  Besides what could you have done?”
“A transfer of schools would have happened.” Damian admitted.
“Yes, because Gotham is a safe place.” Manny said sarcastically.
Damian shot him a look.
“Guys please don’t fight; I really don’t have the energy to keep up with you right now.” Marinette interrupted.
“Fine.” The boys agreed.
“Thank you.” Marinette sighed.
They stayed like until Marinette fell asleep.  That’s when a discussion started between the two young men.
“It seems we both like this lovely bloom.”
“I suppose it is to be expected, Marinette is an Angel.”
There was a brief pause.
“You shouldn’t be near her; your life is dangerous.” Damian started.
“And you should?  Your family is one of the biggest targets in Gotham.” Manny quipped back.
They were at a stalemate.
“You know,” Manny began. “Neither one of us is really gets to decide this.”
Damian reluctantly nodded his head.
“True and in the end, it is her happiness that matters, but it doesn’t mean I won’t try for her affections.”
“Then we understand each other Wayne.”
  The next day:
Marinette was walking into her classroom, on time for once, greeted by stares and silence.  She expected that, but what she didn’t expect was the large bouquet of flowers sitting on her desk.  It was beautiful, roses, lilies, snap dragons, marigolds all combined together.
Marinette walked up the stairs, becoming more aware of the looks she was getting with each step. Once she reached her desk Marinette saw a note, opening it; it read:
To the lovely Marigold,
May these flowers brighten your day, like your smile brightens mine.
Marinette couldn’t help but turn slightly pink, why did Manny have to do this?
“Hey girl, who’s it from?” Alya asked.
“That’s none of your concern Alya.” Marinette huffed, she couldn’t believe she was going to try and act like nothing had ever happen between them.
Alya flinched, but backed down, the teacher came in and the lesson began.
Time flew by rather quickly and soon it was after lunch and everyone was returning to their classrooms, only when Marinette walked in there was a second surprise waiting for her.
There sitting on her desk, beside the flowers, were three bags.  Upon opening them Marinette learned the bags contained various pieces of high-quality fabric; again, there was a note.
To my beloved Angel,
I hope this helps bring your dreams into creation.
Yours truly,
Marinette turned a bright red; she knew Damian was a sweet heart.
“Marinette, who is it from?” Adrien asked this time.
“Again, its not any of your concern.” Marinette stated.
Adrien didn’t seem ready to back down, but the teacher came and started class again.
 After class:
Marinette was making her way down the front steps, gifts in hand, with Adrien close behind her.
“Marinette, those things…”
She stopped him before he got any farther.
“These are gifts Adrien; you have no say in them, and I didn’t ask the people gifting them to do so during school.  That was their own decision.  And if you try to make it seem like this my plan to make the others feel bad you will be leaving with a limp.”
Adrien took a couple steps away from Marinette hearing that.
“None of this is my fault Adrien, it’s Lila’s.  All she had to do was not lie and be a decent person and none of this would have happened, but I suppose it’s a good thing she did lie.  She just proved to me how little I meant to you or the class outside what I can do for you and guess what?  I decided I deserve better friends and partners.”
Marinette’s rant was firm, not loud, but Adrien felt like it was shouted next to his ear.
A slow clap from behind Marinette reached them, they turned and saw Damian.
“Well put Angel, but I feel it was a little understated; you deserve the world in my opinion.”
“Damian!” Marinette greeted. “I wasn’t expecting you here!”
“I came to help get you home, I didn’t want my gift and you school items to drag you down.” Damian said, walking over to her, he glanced at the flowers she was holding as well. “Though it seems I’m not the only one who thought you deserved a gift.”
“Apparently…” Marinette trailed off, unsure how to answer Damian.
“They are lovely though,” Damian admitted, grabbing a lily and placing it in Marinette’s hair; causing her to blush. “and I adore seeing you happy above all.”
“Damian.” Marinette sighed.
“I best be getting you home now Angel, unless there was something else you wanted to do before that?” Damian asked.
“No Damian, home sounds wonderful.” Marinette smiled.
Damian nodded his head and started leading Marinette to a car nearby.  He helped her place her gifts in the back and held open the passenger door for her to get in.  But, before the door closed Adrien heard Marinette ask.
“Damian, I have a great idea for a suit I would like to make you, would you like to see it?”
“I would love to Angel.”
Damian then closed the car door, got in on the other side and drove away; leaving Adrien standing at the school alone, with the understanding that he was not going to get his way.
The next several days were very similar, Marinette would find flowers on her desk from Manny in the morning and a range of gifts from Damian, from sewing supplies to some small pieces of jewelry.  Marinette was flattered, but she didn’t want material objects.
One day she finally got to meet with them in the park.
“Guys, this very sweet of you, but I don’t need all this.”
“We know that Marigold,” Manny said. “We want to do all of that though.”
“Indeed Angel,” Damian agreed. “like I said before, you deserve the world.”
“What am I going to do with you guys?” Marinette moaned, turning a bright red.
“Well…” Manny started. “There is something.”
“What?” Marinette asked.
“You can answer a question Marigold?” The red-haired boy asked.
“Are you attracted to either one of us?  And if so, would you like to go on a date with that person?”
Marinette was stunned at Manny’s question, Damian saw this and explained.
“Angel, we both have feels for you and we both want you to be happy.  If you say ‘No’ to one or both of us we will back off.”
Marinette closed her eyes and took a deep breath, held it, and then released it.
“First of all, both of you are wonderful people, you respected me and stood up for me when I needed it, any person would be lucky to have a relationship with you.”
She turned to Manny.
“Manny you are charming and sweet, you have a wonderful dream and are well under way to achieving it, but I’m sorry; I’m not attracted to you.”
Manny gave a sad smile.
“I understand Marigold, may I still call you that?”
“You can Manny.” Marinette confirmed, nodding her head.
Marinette then turned to Damian.
“Damian you are a strong, kind (in your own way) and a driven individual.  Since I’ve met you, you’ve listened to my ideas, you’ve mdke me smile and you’ve challenged me to do my best.  I am attracted to Damian and I very like you as well, I have for a while, but I never worked up the nerve to ask you out.”
Marinette was blushing as she finished.
Damian was wide eyed in awe, Marinette; his Angel, liked him.  He could have asked her out sooner and she would have said yes!  He wasted so much time!
“You honor me Angel.” Damian said, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. “I promise to be the partner you deserve.”
Manny was still smiling sadly, but, like Damian said earlier, Marinette’s happiness and consent was the important part in all of this.
“Just be aware Wayne, you break her heart; I’ll break you.”
Damian looked Manny in the eye.
“If I break her heart, I’ll come find you so you can.”
“I’m glad we understand each other Wayne.” Manny turned to Marinette. “I think its time I move on from Paris Marigold, I have many ventures to take and more people to talk to.”
“Good luck Manny.” Marinette smiled.
Manny gave one last salute to Marinette before leaving.
Once he was out of sighted Marinette sighed.
“Why do I feel like I just chased him out of Paris.”
“You didn’t do that Angel,” Damian assured, wrapping his arms around her. “His plans for a good ‘Go green’ program involved him traveling around and talking to all that he could.”
“True,” Marinette agreed. “I hope he finds happiness though.”
“I’m sure he will Angel.” Damian nodded his head. “Now, would the lovely Angel Marinette accompany me on a date?”
Marinette giggled.
“I’d like that Damian.”
Marinette began guiding Damian to her favorite café for their first, and proper, date.
That was Pant Charming.
 Extra 1:
 Why there was no Akumas:
Hawkmoth – Go my Akuma darken their heart.
Butterfly - *Gets eaten by a strange Venus fly trap*
Hawkmoth – Right…Let’s try this again, go my Akuma darken…
Butterfly #2 - *Gets eaten by a strange Venus fly trap*
Hawkmoth - *Eye twitching* R-Right, third times the charm, go my…
Butterfly #3 - *Gets eaten by a strange Venus fly trap*
Hawkmoth – You know what? I think I’ll just stop for today.
  Extra 2:
 Mari - *Looking up new schools*
Tikki - *Looking over her shoulder* This is a nice Marinette.
Mari - *Nodding her head* Yeah it is, this is the one Damian was talking about.
Tikki – A new school will be good for you and it’s an art school, so you’ll have more subjects focusing on fashion.
Mari – Yeah and it will be nice to get away from that toxic class.  Just because they know Lila’s lying now, it doesn’t change what they did to me.
Tikki - *Angry* - They got away with a slap on the wrist if ask me.
Mari – Maybe, but I don’t think they would survive anything designed by you…or Damian…or Manny…or Damian’s family…
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cursed-jujutsu-san · 4 years
✿Flower Requests✿
Hello, Hello! ✿◕ ‿ ◕✿ Welcome everybody to the flower viewing season better known as Hanami ✿ I know its too early to start the viewing since some flowers haven’t even flourished yet, but that’s just psychically!
This series of requests will be based around flowers and their meanings! So I’ll be combining my love for flower language with my love for an manga/anime!
Obviously the meaning of the flower will change how your request plays out so please make sure to check if the flower you’ve picked has a double meaning and if you’ve picked the one most suited to your wants!
Run-Time: 25th December until 5th January - but it has the potential to run on for longer or even come back at a later date ۹(ÒہÓ)۶
You can only request one character at the moment - this may change at a later date but for now to make it easier only one character please!
You can pick up to 2 flowers per request - anything more than that and it becomes a bouquet 
Specify colour of flower - the meaning of a flower will change depending on the colour so when stating your flower also state the colour! 
Sometimes flowers have a double meaning - e.g. peony symbolize compassion + good health but also shame or  indignation - so if your flower is one of those please make sure to state the meaning you want!
Random: You state a character and the genre you’d like, leaving the flowers and story to me - its potluck for what you’ll receive for your viewing 
Bouquet: You pick 5 or more flowers + type along with your character of choice
Types of Bouquet to order and view: 
Wedding Anniversary  Gift
Garden: ???
Flower shop: ???
Flowers - Alphabetical Order
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Alstroemeria: A flower is symbolic of wealth, prosperity and fortune. It is also the flower of friendship.
White: Signifies a pure friendship and/or an unfading love between two people - used often for weddings
Yellow: Joy, Happiness, energy and optimism 
Pink: Gentle love/feelings
Red: Passion and Dedication 
Purple: Beauty, Royalty and Nobility 
Anemone: A flower that symbolizes anticipation but also fading hope and a feeling of having been forsaken!  Due to its wild nature, the flower specifically symbolizes relaxation and serves as a reminder to enjoy the moment in order to take in opportunities at the right time.
White: sincerity due to their delicate appearance.
Red and pink: symbolize death or forsaken love.
Purple: symbolize protection from evil
Bouvardia Double: symbolizes enthusiasm and  It is also used to indicate zest for life
Bluebells: symbolizes Humility and constancy
Calla Lily symbolizes magnificence + beauty
White: Purity and unity 
Pink: friendship + gentleness 
Yellow: Energy/energetic 
Burgundy: Vitality 
Carnation symbolizes pride, beauty, love and fascination
Pink: most commonly found colour and symbolize gratitude 
Red: Deep Love and Admiration
White: purity and good luck.
Yellow: disappointment and rejection
Purple:  capriciousness - best to send to someone when you have no clue what to buy someone or their impulsive
Striped: Rejection or Regret
Chrysanthemum: symbolizes fidelity, optimism, joy and long life
Red: Love and Deep passion 
White: Innocent, truth and a loyal love 
Yellow: A slighted love
Camellia: This flower symbolizes the heart and expresses positive feelings. It’s most common meanings are Desire/ Passion, Refinement+ Perfection, Excellence, Faithfulness and Longevity
White: can mean  purity, the love between mother and child or mourning when used in funeral flowers. When presented to a man, a white camellia is thought to bring luck.
Pink: symbolize longing.
Red: symbolize passion or desire.
Red and Pink: Combing red and pink camellias expresses romantic love.
Daffodil: It’s primary symbolism is that of new beginnings, rebirth and the coming of spring, but also Creativity, Inspiration, Renewal Vitality, Awareness, Inner Reflection, Memory and even Forgiveness
A single daffodil foretells a misfortune while a bunch of daffodils indicate joy and happiness.
Forget-Me-Not: This particular flower symbolizes True love memories and of course, please do not forget me
Gladiolus: Are a flower that symbolize Remembrance
Heather :A flower that symbolize Independence, Good fortune and Good luck - its also called Erica 
Purple: beauty or worthy of admiration
White: luck/protection or fulfillment of a dream
Hyacinth: symbolizes playfulness, sporty attitude and constancy. 
Blue: Constancy
Purple: Sorrow
Yellow: Jealousy
White: Loveliness, prayers for someone
Red + Pink: Playfulness 
Hydrangea: This flower symbolizes heartfelt emotions. It can be used to express gratitude for being understood. In its negative sense hydrangea symbolizes frigidity and heartlessness.
Iris: A flower that symbolizes eloquence
Purple:  wisdom and compliments
Blue: faith and hope 
Yellow: Passion
White: Purity 
Lily: A flower that symbolizes purity and refined beauty. 
White: symbolizes modesty and virginity, 
Orange: symbolizes passion, 
Yellow: symbolizes gaiety while 
Lily of the Valley: symbolizes sweetness and purity of heart
 Easter lily: the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
Magnolia: A flower that symbolizes a Love of nature Marigold: A flower that symbolizes Despair, grief, jealousy. BUT! It can also symbolize things such as:
The beauty and warmth of the rising sun
Winning the affections of someone through hard work
Creativity and the drive to succeed
Desire for wealth
Cruelty and coldness due to jealousy
Sacred offerings to the Gods
Remembering and celebrating the dead
Promoting cheer and good relations in a relationship
Orchid: A symbol of the exotic beauty. It symbolizes refinement, thoughtfulness and mature charm and also symbolizes pride and sometimes femininity. 
Peony: symbolizes bashfulness and compassion. When used in a negative sense it can be used to express indignation or shame. It symbolizes a happy life, happy marriage, good health and prosperity.
Rose:  It signifies love in its various forms. Its symbolism varies based on color, variety and number
Red: Love, I love you.
Dark crimson: Mourning
Pink: Happiness
White: I’m worthy of you
Yellow: Jealousy, decrease of love, infidelity
Orange: enthusiasm and passion.
Lavender: love at first sight
Coral: friendship, modesty, sympathy
One rose symbolizes love at first sight. Two roses symbolize shared and deep love. Three roses says “I love you”. Six roses says “I want to be yours”. Seven roses says “I’m infatuated with you”. Nine roses symbolize eternal love. Ten roses says “You’re perfect”.
Snapdragon: This flower symbolizes graciousness and strength. But its  negative connotations include deception and presumption.
Sunflower: It signifies pure thoughts. The flower symbolizes adoration and dedication. It is symbolic of dedicated love. It is however also symbolic of haughtiness but that is specifically for a tall Sunflower! 
Sweet pea: Is a flower that symbolizes Delicate pleasures
Red:  love, courage, and desire.
White:  innocence, calmness, and gratitude
Pink: youth, linked with happiness, joy, and beauty.
Purple:  symbolizes admiration, respect, and pride.
Sakura (Cherry Blossom): Its a flower that symbolizes the short lived beauty of youth, arrival of a new family member and the coming of spring, since this is one of the first trees to bloom each year.
Tulip: It signifies a declaration of love but it also symbolizes fame and perfect love but on a negative note it symbolizes forgotten or neglected love
Yellow: unrequited or spurned love - Sending a yellow Tulip to someone means you love them, but you know they don’t return your feelings.
Bright red:  passion and perfect love
Purple: tied to royalty, but also abundance and prosperity.
Pink: affection and love
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jammyjess · 5 years
Hey friends!
I found King Falls AM at a time in my life where I felt scared, hopeless and alone. I didn’t want to be here at all, and I thought for the most part I’d never be happy again. I’m still most of those things, but every day in King Falls makes that a little easier to be okay with. I thought long and hard about what I could manage for this, but most of all, I just wanted to say thank you. So. Here goes.
Thank you for Sammy Stevens, who is my favourite kind of character. He’s sassy and pretty and humble and full of love.Thank you for his cynicism and snark, but also for his ability to push aside his own beliefs and ideas and wants when it matters. Also, for letting him Suplex Grisham, because that was pretty neat! Thank you for the way he relates to the people around him, but especially to Lily. For a character who makes mistakes and actually tries to learn from them - he doesn’t always get it right, but he tries, and that’s so important. He’s made me laugh, he’s made me cry, he’s made me want to scream. I adore his backstory, it means more to me than I can say, but also thank you for the way you handled the events around 75. It was so meaningful. I love him with everything I have, which is why it hurts me to thank you for his pain, which is so unbelievably relatable to my own. For my own hurt that comes out of his mouth. The kind of hurt that transcends circumstances. I was in a dark place before this show, and parts of me are still there, but watching Sammy grow, and change and heal has meant everything to me. It gives me hope for better days. For Sammy, and for me too. Thank you for giving him the courage to stick around, and for giving him hope. Thank you for Benny Arnold. Who I can’t write about coherently without bursting into tears. He’s messy and flawed and just absolutely gorgeous. Seeing him grow through the years has been an absolute joy, but most of all, I love his ability to remain untainted by the horrors he’s been through. He’s still got the same heart, and it’s the best heart there is. I love his passion, his hope, his resilience. His belief in everybody around him. He remains unapologetically himself through everything, and I adore him. He is The Good, and I’m so glad we have him. Noah brings such complexity to him too, and I can listen a thousand times to a single episode and continue to feel all the things. 
Thank you for Emily. For making a strong, intelligent, badass women who’s also soft and desirable and loving. For letting her write her own story and for letting her be more than a prize to be won. She’s so good natured and considerate and thoughtful, and even in her worst moments she never loses that. Every moment she appears is wonderful and Jess KILLS IT every time! I’ve especially enjoyed phase two Emily, as her relationships with other characters become more integral to the story. Thank you for speaking out against the Frickards of the world through her, because it hurts and it’s hard but it’s so important. Using your audience for good means so much. Thank you for the thoughtfulness and care with which you consistently apply to sensitive subjects. For day-to-day happiness, for happy places and for months of quiet kindness without ever being asked. 
Thank you for Jack Wright. For the reminder to choose love (even when it’s hard. Maybe especially when it’s hard.) For the reminder that we’re all worthy of love, in all its forms. The affirmation that nobody corners the market on sadness, but also that we don’t always have to go it alone. That grief is universal, and that’s not always a bad thing. For quiet moments of humanity in the midst of absolute tragedy. For vulnerability, for heartbreak and moving forward together. For forgiveness and acceptance, and humility. 
Thank you for Dwayne Libbydale, who’s a special kind of chaos. I am again lost for words, but I love him, I love him, I love him. 
Thank you for Pete Escobar Ed Edwards Yardboy Myers and his funyuns and disdain and snark (even if me saying I love him means he’ll never listen to this show again.) Thank you for PHENOMENAL journalist Lily Wright, who is an absolute delight! She feels like the personification of grief, loss and trauma, but at the same time so, so real. Her reluctant acceptance of King Falls as home is beautiful, and I hope she gets ALL THE HUGS really soon. She’s not afraid to speak her mind, even if it means alienating the people she loves. Her shaky vulnerability with Sammy, Ben and Emily is so good, and I’m so excited to see where the future of Lily Wright lays. King Falls Chronicles was some KILLER story telling, and Candace was the icing on the cake. The acting chemistry she has with everybody is absolutely on point. I’m so glad we get to keep Lily. That she’s found home. Thank you for #DeputyDead. His unwavering optimism and willingness to see the good in everything and everybody is absolutely wonderful. 
Thank you for Debbie and RoboTim, who I still believe in, despite all evidence pointing to ‘don’t do that.’ Thank you for Maggie Masterson, an Actual Icon. And for our Man’s Man’s Man and his lil Kingsie Bab. For Regan who is a sweetheart and Chet who I hate to love.
Thank you for villains that fill me with white hot rage. Who’s actions are explained, but never excused. For Frickards and Gundersons and ShadowFUCKS and HFB3’s and Leland Hills and Ernies and Grishams. They’re different levels of despicable, and I adore hate them all. 
Thank you for ridiculous caricatures ; the Gwendolyns and the Cynthias and the Jacob Williams. Thank you for SPORTSBALL (CHOP. DAT. WOOD.) and WALL CRABS and GARBAGE BEARS and DANGER NOODLES  and every other ridiculous Benism. 
Thank you for Teareal and serendipity and redrum roses and for the inability to see the word ‘ghost’ and not correcting it to APPARITION. Thank you for Dan & Larry and boy band battles and Doyle’s Conspiracy Cavern and Devon Hamptonframptonshire. For Golden Owl, Finn and Gator Jack and Alvin and every other ridiculously loveable character you’ve created. Some of them barely last longer than an episode, but their chaos will fuel me for a lifetime. 
Thank you for Mary Jensen, who is the mom I wish I had. All moms are champs, but Mary is perfect. Thank you for Betty and Nancy and Loretta and Marigold. All who I expect deserve the praise they’re given. 
Thank you for Herschel and Cecil, who are cranky old bastards and who probably shouldn’t fit together, but they do so effortlessly. The care and compassion they have for each other is inspiring, and I too hope to have a friend like that someday. Trent is wickedly skilled, and I’m sure he hears it so often but!!!! 
Thank you for BE WELL BUDDIES and silly puns in the titles, and short jokes and RoboTim mixups and Science Institute break-ins with vigilante superheroes and mysterious callers. Thank you for love through overnight oats and moustache talk and non-binary pals. For a willingness to grow and change and learn and laugh. For the electrolocaust and my favourite threesome and for sammiversarys. For Ben posting Sammy’s bail, and heart-to-hearts in jail cells. For stupid bets and bensplosions and the fucking kickball story. For creepy dreams and technical terms, for badly timed BEEPS for awkward flirting and on-air confessions. For idiots who can’t keep secrets, let alone not talk about them on air for more than five minutes. For missing hikers and weird shadow tornados and notebooks and shooting down UFOs and death by damnation. For the SECOND BEST small town in American Celebration, for Christmas Gifts for Ben’s Mom and Jupiter Jaundice. For Ben’s monopoly tactics and Sammy’s audible eye rolls, for prophecies and ‘legend-has-it’s and for love and love and love.
Thank you for the mysteries, and for the constant need for MORE. You do cliffhangers so wonderfully, and I feel like I’ve never anticipated anything so keenly in my life. Tim Jensen, The Dark, Merv, Death by Damnation, The Rainbow Lights, The Zombies. 
Thank you for Cameron Chambers??? How does he do it?? I have no idea, but I hope he keeps doing it. Especially all them Christmas BOPS. Legendary. Jazz-Hands worthy! 
Thank you for making Zombies the F- plot. 
Thank you for the Eagle Screech in the DALE’S DOLLAR TREE ad. And all the other ads too, I guess. I don’t understand The Fucky List, but thanks for that too! Thank you for JACK IN THE BOX JESUS which has caused my internet to constantly recommend me eat at Jack in the Box, despite the closest one being literal continents away.
Thank you for continuing to choose this. For being open to sharing so much of yourselves with us. Thank you for fan interactions and live listens, Q&As and twitter replies and twitch streams and retweets and Beyond the Falls. Thank you for the love and care you show us all, which above all feels genuine. 
Thank you for being the catalyst for a community where I finally feel like I belong. Like I’m important. Like I matter. Thank you for being the reason for hours and days and weeks and months of in-jokes and teasing and theories and head canons and screaming and food talk and love. For so much kindness. And acceptance. For a space to be myself without fear. For people I feel like I’ve known lifetimes, and for whom I hope I can love for lifetimes more. For people to cheer on, and cry with, and poke fun at. For stupid nickname changes, and memes and words in reactions. For making me feel like i’m part of something much bigger than me. For a place to be passionate without judgement. For a place to just be. For friends. For family.
Thank you for the push I’ve needed to create again. And for all the others you’ve inspired too. 
Every moment inside King Falls have been an absolute blessing, but the impact it’s had on my life outside of it is absolutely everything.
Congratulations on (almost) 100 episodes. What an adventure it’s been. I’m so excited for everything the future of King Falls holds, but most of all; Thank you for making this fuckin’ mean something.
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