mccek · 1 year
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Mariadele - Fra Bologna e me
Credo e credici anche tu
credo in questo amore che sa aspettare
che mi fà gioire per te
che mi fà capire se non puoi
e se tu sei distante lo fai anche per noi.
Vivo come vivi tu
e so che il tempo è un'occasione che non può tornare
e anche se ho bisogno di te
anche se ora è qui che ti vorrei
so che posso contare su questo nostro amore
Erano altri tempi pt.15 (3)
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juruna-yudja · 2 years
WIP Word Search Tag Game
Tagged by @inkstaindusk thanks! Though now I have no one to... wait.
Rules: search for the words given by whomever tagged you within your wip(s) and post them for us to see! Then tag as many people as you want and give them five words to find in their works.
And he had followed this hunch to one of the village’s elders who, lured with the promise of an open ear and after a bit of coaxing had told him in a hushed whisper who exactly the house used to belong to. Apparently the hero of old and his family had roots in Hateno. When the Hero had failed its mission and the Calamity ran rampant… Past the shock of such destruction people had taken out their frustrations and fears on the closest  target.
The shadows flickered in the gloomy light of the underground lounge, while the slender figure at the table heaved an almost imperceptible sigh, inspecting their glass of golden liquid. 
Water, food, shelter. If these three remained out of reach it helped nothing to curse Dazai’s shitty ability, that it could neutralize anability’s effects but not reverse them, trapping Chuuya here for the foreseeable future, because he wouldn’t live to witness any of it. 
For a second the cold terror seemed endless and all encompassing. But then she burst into flames, in an instinctive reaction to protect herself from danger. It was a reaction that Rinka was much more used to seeing from the outside while busy containing the damage, and that knowledge wrestled the terror and morphed it into something much more familiar, anger. She let the flames continue to burn into a merry bonfire around her, in warning, while she finally addressed her captor.
Still, another surprise intervention by Mariadel wasn’t something he was keen to repeat, for most of his climb up to the headquarters he kept an eye out, looking at every shadows like it had the potential to hid his worst nightmares.
Tagging @unironicallycringe @sayakxmi
You are:  tendency, match, mask, confine, silver. Good luck!
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sayakxmi · 9 months
[Magi reread] Night 28: The Fanalis Warrior Clan
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Can't believe that out of all the possibilites, this is the bit we've got the backstory for in SnB.
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Seeing this guy I'm reminded that he & his bros later open a casino in Reim & help Alibaba out just like that. I mean, I know they appear in the Balbadd Arc, too, & joing the Fog Troupe, but I actually don't remember if there's a specific reason or if they decided Alibaba was neat & they're gonna help him out. Anyway.
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Ok, to be fair, it looks silly until
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that happens.
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Still, damn, the shits she doesn't give.
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Me: -tries to enjoy Morgiana fight scene- Ohtaka in my brain: Morgiana wears no underwear. Me: ...
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You go, girl.
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Wreck shit.
Also, Morgiana with this expression looks awesom. Ohtaka should've let her go wild more.
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He knows. He knooows
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He very much does.
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My brain strikes again. Fatima was a slave of Mariadel, same with Masrur, and treated like her "child", so it's like they're family, and Morgiana's like a little sister to Masrur, so it's almost a family reunion.
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Morgiana 🤝Aladdin "I beat the living daylights out of you, now please do the thing I'm asking you for."
And then there's Alibaba.
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Uh oh.
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Very unfortunately, I have to give it to Fatima that he looks kinda good in here.
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On the list of small things that I'm a little salty about, I wish the Fanalis' hair was actually drawn as, you know, red. They keep talking about them being red lions, and flowing red hair, red eyes, and then they're drawn pink. It's a small aesthetic thing, but still.
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You sound really proud of yourself.
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Again, understandable reaction.
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Uh oh
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Wait, who's that. Makes me kinda think of Lo'lo'.
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Srsly who that
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: (
So. Anyway. I hit the 30 photo limit. As always. So we don't get little Morgiana, and that other little girl who tires to help her, bc she has a nightmare. F.
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ljf613 · 2 years
Decided to finally bite the bullet and read Magi: The Adventures of Sinbad.
In the middle of the Mariadel arc, and whoa does it get heavy.
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sororitahazel · 3 years
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Saint Celestine By annamariadel
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Speaking of hurt/comfort angst may I pls have hcs for snb Sinbad's s/o being a little bit clingier after he comes back from the Mariadel company and admitting that they're scared they'll lose him again?
He’s surprised by their suddenly clingy actions. 
He’s not upset about it one bit, though. 
He’s definitely a little happy about it. 
He is curious why though. 
He sits down with them and asks them what’s going on. 
They confess to him about being scared of losing him again. 
He pulls them into a huge hug and holds them tightly. 
He promises he’d never let that happen again. 
He also promises that if he was to go away, he will always come back to them somehow, no matter what. 
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chebbites · 7 years
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Maader for @iimuchakk! Thanks for the request!
request a panel┃ko-fi  
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circe-poetica · 4 years
(vía https://open.spotify.com/track/475JRORKGO2kWMrLiQPeOp?si=m4JyiWGoQqWxJMeufdw3Cw)
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highseaskxng · 3 years
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Unprompted // always open // @zorkaya​
After the incident with Mariadel Company, it took her a while to come up with a possible avoidance of major problems. It took her a while to come up with this but after return from the Dark Continent, she was able to finish the preparations thanks fo visiting the Torran tribe. And so, here she was standing before the young head of the Sindria’s Trading Company with a small box in her hand. As she placed it on his desk, Zarina began. “I insist you wear this wherever you are. It took me a long time to finish it, but if you will ever be facing a grave danger — it will alert me.” Upon opening the box there would be present a crescent moon shaped necklace, the crystal the moon was created from was shining dimly, mysteriously, beautifully. She spent too long trying to make this work, not wishing to have Sinbad die without her presence by his side. “This one will work only one time before it breaks. It’s a summoning device, to explain it simply. When you need me the most, hold it in your hand and call my name. I won’t be able to make another one,” until she’ll travel through the great rift but it’ll take too long. “This is for the direst situations, Sinbad. Use it only when the danger is so big it will leave you no choice. Do you understand?” Her tone was calm yet tense, putting pressure on the other to not use it for silly gimmicks. “Even when I travel, as long as you are live, I’ll come back; do not use it simply if you miss me.” For the next fifteen years for sure, but after that? It depended. Zarina then gestured at the necklace in the box. “But this is what’ll force me appear by your side. Transportation magic, summoning — whatever it can be called. It will cause you to be dizzy for a bit after, but it won’t be a prolonged problem. It’s one of a kind, only you can make it work; treasure it and keep it by your side. Any questions?”
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What had happened with Mariadel Company was a travesty, and as of now Sinbad bears the bruise upon his neck as a constant (but temporary) reminder of the horrors he's faced, it opened his mind and taught him a valuable lesson. As traumatizing as the moment was, to the rest of the crew Sinbad had recovered quickly from the ordeal ever since Zarina's return two days ago. Sinbad's scream and cries that would prevent him from sleeping had ended, it wasn't as if Sinbad was magically healed. The scars, that trauma, nothing and no one would get rid of it overnight so sinbad simply buried the pain for the sake of his friends, for the sake of a dream, an ambition he will stay strong.
Though, was she had offer him opened his eyes with curiosity. A pretty necklace with a crescent pendant. “Didn't realize we were at a state of a relationship where we exchanged gifts.” Of course he jests in the moment, but he really wondered the reason behind this rather beautiful gift. Without much waiting she explained the purpose of this little trinket and it was for the purpose of summoning her. Whenever he situation was dire, he'd have one chance, ONE opportunity to call upon her power to get him out of trouble. This only meant that once again, she would leave them.
Between Pisti's feather and now this, it seems that he was getting the best gifts from the best people. “Awww, that was the plan too, use it when I miss you. I was hoping I'd get a kiss that's a bit more than the one on the forehead you gave me two years ago.” Oh yes, he's counted. And he's said it because her tone was quite serious, it was not that his confidence had inflated once again..he just did not want to appear weak to her. He did not want to seem broken before her. “Okay, I do have one question about this, so say I was in the middle of a fight and I did choose to summon you. And at that very same time you were bathing, would you arrive already clothed or completely in the nude?” That question that he asked really left everyone in the vicinity sighing, all including Drakon hung their head low in disappointment and Ja'far covering Pisti's ears to at least keep her an innocent party in this.
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They weren't really disappointment despite their sighs, in their hearts they were relieved. Their lead had come back, as miraculous as it had seemed. Sinbad dangles the pendant along his fingers before setting the necklace around his neck, fixing his ponytail to tuck the necklace safely upon him as he faces her with a smile. “Thank you Rina, I'll treasure this always as a gift and a lifeline.” His voice soft and returned neutral.
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ima-kil-joy · 6 years
Send in a symbol and I’ll write a drabble of one of my muse’s memories: ↕ - a memory that may or may not have happened
This got long (like 1k words or so) so putting it under a cut 
With Maader taking a nap Kil was left with nothing more to do. She didn’t often have time to herself in the past two years she’d belonged to Maader but she was just bored. Sitting on the bottom steps that led to the stairs that led to the hall that led to Maader’s chambers, she pressed down on a bruise on her arm and watched the discoloration, wincing at how it felt. She was long since used to bruises and much worse things but she still didn’t really like them.
When she heard footsteps she tensed up, freezing perfectly still as though she could pretend that she somehow wasn’t there if she didn’t move. Fear pulsed through her because she recognized the sound of her master’s shoes.
She didn’t know the man well but Maader always said that he was scary and she was the most terrifying woman alive so Kil couldn’t even imagine how horrible her husband must have been to warrant her fear.
When she heard him stop, feeling him standing right there in front of her, she began to tremble, her shoulders shaking. What was he going to do to her? Had he just been waiting til she was without Maader’s protection? Was her pathetic life going to end so soon?
Kil didn’t know what death was like but she knew she wasn’t ready.
To her surprise he sat down beside her on the step and spoke to her, his soft voice just hardly more than a whisper. “Are you alright?”
She squeaked when he spoke, cowering and shielding her head. When she processed this question though, she slowly relaxed a little and sat up again, resting her hands on her lap. She slowly nodded, whispering hesitantly as though he might strike her if she spoke too loudly. “I’m okay.”
“Good…” he hesitated just a moment before he set a tray down next to her. “Are you hungry? Has she been feeding you enough? I made something for you to eat…”
She didn’t understand why he sounded nervous, she could detect that but she couldn’t comprehend it. To her it seemed he had all the power in the world, even more than Maader, so she said. He could do whatever he wanted, he could make her do whatever he wanted. Why was he speaking like that, softly, without the commanding tone she’d gotten used to?
She didn’t know what it was and it scared her considerably.
She briefly glanced to the tray, that was the nice food Maader usually ate, wasn’t it? Why was he offering her that? Would it hurt her somehow? Was this some kind of a cruel joke?
She quickly glanced down at the ground again. “Are you…is it an order to eat that?”
He nodded slowly. “It is if your hungry.”
Carefully picking up the tray and setting it on her lap, she slowly gripped the food with her hands and brought it to her mouth. She winced as she took a bite of it but nothing bad happened. The food didn’t hurt her. He didn’t strike her or take it away with cruel laughter.
She didn’t understand.
The food tasted good, and she really was starving, so she finished it quickly and guzzled down the water she’d been given with it greedily. Not knowing what to do once she was finished, she bowed at the waist. “Thank you, master…”
“Please don’t call me that, just Aurelius okay? Or you can call me Mr. or anything else that’s easier for you…”
She nodded then. “Okay.”
His expression was too soft when she glanced over at him, somehow incredibly frightening. She swallowed hard and stared at the floor again, her shoulders shaking.
“I’m sorry…I never heard your name…”
Why did he want to know that?
“It’s Kil…if you wanna call me that, sir…”
“Yes, I want to use your name.” He smiled softly, encouragingly, and she found herself peeking over again. For some reason this time his expression wasn’t quite so scary.
“I’m glad…thank you.”
“Do you have a family, Kil? Don’t you miss your home or friends or anything?”
She shook her head, answering honestly. “No I have nothing…I would have died if Lady Maader didn’t save me.”
“Oh…well, would you like a family? I know some very kind people I could help bring you too, they wouldn’t hurt you and you’d be able to eat your fill and play and grow up in peace…you wouldn’t have to wear a collar or be scared anymore…”
The whole thing was hard for her to imagine. She thought maybe she’d wanted a family once but lately she’d learned to stop wanting things.
“That sounds nice…”
“So what’d you say? Wanna go somewhere nice? We could leave right now in fact, we sort of have to…”
Shaking her head, she refused. “I’m sorry, sir, but Lady Maader says I have to stay.”
Suddenly, he lurched forward, seizing both her hands and leaning over. As she looked at him she could see the desperation, the fear behind his eyes. “Kil, please…come with me so she can’t hurt-”
“What is my darling husband doing at the bottom of the stairs, Hm?”
When they heard Maader’s voice from just behind them, Kil jumped and Aurelius stiffened. There was a tense silence in which Kil noticed his hands were shaking, and then he slowly stood and sighed, dusting off his robes. “Nothing at all, love. Did you sleep well?”
“Just fine.” Her voice was icy as she snatched Kil by the wrist and pulled her to her feet. “I certainly hope you weren’t planning on leaving? I would like to remind you that Kil belongs to me…”
“Of course I wasn’t, would I really do something like that? You know you can trust me to keep my word…”
“Good. Now I’m afraid we have work to do. Come, Kil, we’re leaving.”
Kil nodded and bowed respectfully, managing a tense smile. “Thanks for sitting with me, Mr. You say funny things…”
His expression softened again and he nodded. “You’re welcome, Kil, I-” He’d tried to reach out to pat her head but Maader had dragged her away already.
Kil just barely noticed him reaching out as she was ripped away, seeing the sad look behind his eyes as he slowly lowered his hand.
She really didn’t understand.
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corallorosso · 5 years
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Napoli, Galleria Umberto I. (Mariadele)
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vele-e-vento · 5 years
Sono in vasca non c'è molta acqua calda ma chissenefrega con sta afa…i piedi ammollo…. penso che la vita è fantastica!  Ironia. Qualunque cosa io abbia programmato la vita aveva in mente ben altro per me. Io volevo fare il violinista pensa un po’. Anzi il musicista. Scrivere dirigere comporre suonare. Ho studiato 12 anni Violino e mazzi vari. Se ripartissi  da capo andrei a NY andrei a implorare John Williams di fargli da dogsitter. Per fargli vedere cosa scrivo. Via via via…! Via da questo paese dove tira sempre un’aria da provincia dell’ impero …
Chissà perché ho voluto studiare matematica? Ah sì perché Andrea studiava matematica e non so perché mi ero convinto che così avrei potuto rivivere qualcosa di lei dopo che se n'è andata per sempre… certe ferite sono fatali!
Perché sono stato 5 anni con Mariadele? Eppure l'amavo. Perchè l’ho lasciata se l’amavo? Non l’amavo? ma allora perchè ne ero convinto? Perché non ho mai fatto teatro, che mia madre che era regista teatrale aveva tanto da insegnarmi invece io lì a insistere a suonare sto dannato violino. Lol. Perché non ho detto più volte e più spesso a mia madre che era una persona piena di pregi per me. Chissà se l'ha mai capito quello che pensavo…. perché vivere ora con questo rimorso sciocco? Non so se so chi sono.
Perché ho fatto un dottorato di ricerca? Non lo capisco. Quando quello che volevo fare era il ricercatore ma tutto in un altro senso, non questi scaldapanche bravi a scrivere pezzi di carta, ma fare la ricerca che cambia la vita le cose. E quindi avrei dovuto andare a fare un dottorato di ricerca fuori dall'Italia? perché credere a tutti quelli che mi hanno detto che era più facile farlo qua in Italia?  è un pessimo consiglio.
Ah sì poi c'era quella cosa non banale che avrei dovuto lasciare B  per andare all’estero a farlo il dottorato, e non volevo assolutamente lasciarla. E perché l'ho fatto? Non ha nessun senso. Lei mi ha lasciato, quando gli ha comodato, per un piatto di lenticchie. Perchè sono così idiota? Perchè non ho messo me davanti a tutto, e ho messo invece lei? Noi? Che stupido a pensare che l’amore esiste.
Pensavo di essere solo un tecnico di laboratorio e mi sono trovato a insegnare in università a scrivere i libri per grandi case editoriali italiane, a scrivere articoli per riviste di tiratura nazionale…. riempio le aule di studenti. Sono bravissimo a fare una cosa di cui non me ne frega assolutamente niente: la programmazione informatica, in senso tecnico. Uau. Come essere bravissimo a scopare e odiare il sesso.
È così difficile far capire agli altri cosa sai fare ....specie in Italia dove la burocrazia impera .
Il paese nonsense:  privo di giovani, privo di futuro, privo di entusiasmo privo di capacità di guardare avanti. Privo di sogni. Pieno di Retorica.
E ora, al punto della vita che dovrei essere per il 90% del tempo a fare ricerca passo il 90% del tempo far andare un'azienda che vuole fare innovazione nel campo della intelligenza artificiale. Insomma: lavoro 15 anni per entrare in università per scoprire che questa ricerca non si fa più nelle università ma nelle aziende. Chi va su marte, la Nasa o un privato? Chi fa l’auto che si guida da sola, Stanford, o un privato? Chi fa ricerca sul cancro, le università o un privato?
Bene. Ancora una volta il destino sceglie. Beffardamente. E quindi a che serve lottare? È proprio vero quello che diceva quel tizio:
la vita è quella cosa che ti succede mentre tu stai pianificando altro.
E domani? Domani è un'altro giorno. Forse.
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magibigbang-blog · 5 years
Fic Summaries Post
We apologize for the delay in this post- between people dropping and unforseen health circumstances in the mod team, things were a bit delayed. Thank you so much for your patience! The artist claim form will go up tomorrow at 1 PM EST, so that people have a chance to read over these and decide which fics they are interested in drawing for. 
With no further ado, let me present our stories!
FIC 001 Ships: Sinbad/Judar Characters: Sinbad, Judar Rating: M Warnings: Graphic Violence Additional Warnings: Mentions of slavery and abuse Summary: Somewhere between the painful burn of his clogged lungs and the bloody petals falling from his lips, Judar remembers a distant past and a broken slave with exquisite golden eyes. A slave who now is the mighty king of Sindria. soulmate!AU,   Hanahaki!AU
FIC 002 Ships: Sinbad/Judal Characters: Judal, Sinbad Rating: M Warnings: no major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Nothing in particular, I’ll keep you guys updated as I continue to work. The rating might be explicit depending on... how explicit I decide to go with nsfw :’). Summary: In a world with no use for kings nor magi, Judal has never felt more alone. It’s only the rumors of a certain king’s return to the world that reignite his sense of purpose; however, it is the fate he so desperately abhors that brings Sinbad back into Judal’s life, and he finally begins to understand the love of fate.
FIC 003 Ships: Juhaku, background Alimor & Hakuei/Paimon Characters: Hakuryuu and Judal Rating: T Warnings: No Major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: none Summary: Modern Figure Skating AU. Ren Hakuryuu is an up and coming prospect in the figure skating world. He’s been trained all his life by his coach and aunt, former champion Arba, to surpass her and gain prestige for himself in their chosen sport. However, his first attempt to move onto the world stage is soured when he meets Judal, an equally skilled skater who is seeking the exact same thing and being coached by Solomon to achieve it. Much like their trainers, each of them is instantly put off by the other and are determined to leave everyone else in the dust in pursuit of the gold medal. However, as they train for competition, they find their fierce rivalry developing into something much deeper.
FIC 004 Ships: Judal/Hakuryuu Characters: Judal, Hakuryuu Rating: T Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Does it count as major character death if one of the characters is dead before the story starts? Also mentions of magic bullshit violence/death/ghosts Summary: Hakuryuu stumbles upon a dead amusement park, now inhabited by the ghosts of past patrons, magical creatures, and Judal, a former employee who PROBABLY should have died from all the bullshit he did in the park after hours. Hakuryuu is clued into the world of magic and has run from his mother's magical cult, with plans to gather power and fight back.
FIC 005 Ships: Sinbad/Ja'far Characters: Ja’far, Sinbad, and a small orphan girl... Rating: Not Currently Sure Warnings: Graphic Violence Additional Warnings: I’m not entirely sure what I want to do yet in terms of darker content, but there could potentially be disturbing themes or imagery, as well as physical harm to either an animal or a child... Summary: In the wake of loss, Ja’far finds himself incapable of moving on in his life. Drakon, concerned by his lack of self care, relieves him of his work and insists he travel. Upon heading to the only land untouched by his former fiancé’s legacy, however, Jafar learns he can’t truly outrun his despair. Mistania, instead of a new start, brings him a stranger with the exact face and voice of a man he once thought dead. Now, set into the turmoil following a revolution, he’s on the run with an amnesiac, a dog, and refugee princess. What has his life become... Longer summary/planning document can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Az6dKCZOM3hQkAtzvWo-VsK9MkjiSvqfVkOIE7_N1qE
FIC 006 Ships: Kouen/Judal, Sinbad/Ja'far Characters: Kouen, Judal, Gyokuen, Kougyoku, Kouha, Koumei, Hakuryuu, Hakuei, Sinbad, Ja'far Rating: T Warnings: No Major Archive Warnings Apply Additional Warnings: None Summary: When the only way to access his inheritance is to get married, Kouen has to turn to Judal, his right-hand man. Kouen will do anything to protect his family, but falling in love with his new husband makes it just a bit more complicated.
FIC 007 Ships: Gyokuen/Hakutoku Characters: Gyokuen, Arba, Hakutoku Rating: M Warnings: No Major Archive Warnings Apply Additional Warnings: Some sexual content, unsure of how explicit it will be Summary: Growing up as an orphan, Gyokuen wanted nothing more than to have a family of her own. But being a person who regularly starts fights, it was unlikely for her to get married. That is, until a traveller named 'Toku' expressed interest after she beat him in a fight. But that was just the beginning of her problems as soon, a curse her family had been harboring comes to haunt her, the very same curse why she was abandoned in the first place. And that curse has a name; 'Arba.' As time went on, 'she' claimed more and more of her family's lives and Gyokuen cannot do anything but watch as she killed them with her own hands.
FIC 008 Ships: SoloShe, AlaKou Characters: Aladdin, Kougyoku, Solomon, Sheba Rating: G Warnings: No Major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: none Summary: Post-Final Arc! It shouldn't have been possible, but in front of Aladdin stood King Solomon and Queen Sheba. Something gone wrong with the Rukh, but Aladdin's just happy he gets to meet his parents.
FIC 009 Ships: Gen, with some Badr/Esra Characters: Sinbad, Kil, Yamuraiha, Maader Um Mariadel, Falan, Arba, Ja'far, Badr, Esra, Fatima, Masrur, Mystras Rating: T Warnings: No Archive Warnings apply Additional Warnings: Canon typical violence, abuse, guns, starvation, eating disorder mention Summary: Thousands of years after the events of Magi, Sinbad was reborn and lives his life as a High-school student in New Remano. When he meets a mysterious girl with a link to a past that he cannot remember and discovers a plot against him he must fight to stop history from repeating.
FIC 010 Ships: no ships expected, potential for otome game style harem teases Characters: Kassim, Kouen, Koumei, Kouha, Hakuryuu Rating: T Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort Summary: Kassim lives and stays in Balbadd as it's reformed by the Kou Empire, which has moved in as canon. He approaches the princes to change Balbadd back and ends up working with them (begrudgingly) to aid Balbadd's integration. This allows him to interact with them, his own people, and help work out the hidden scars of the royal family. Now that he's finally talked to his own family, he doesn't want to see the one in charge of his home destroy themselves and everything around them.
FIC 011 Ships: Gen, maybe some ship tease for Ja'far/Masrur, Ja'far/Drakon, and obviously, Ja'far/Judar. I suppose there could also be hints of Ja'far/Sinbad, due to some reminiscing about the past--however, I want the artist to know that I am trying to write Ja'far as a person who is learning to become more independent and self-motivated, rather than motivating himself with Sinbad's goals and pining constantly for Sinbad's return. Characters: Ja'far, Judar, and supporting/somewhat major roles from every ex-general of Sindria. Any other characters would have brief appearances. Rating: T Warnings: Graphic Violence (canon-typical) Additional Warnings: Canon-typical violence Summary: The world has changed and there's work to be done. With the shifted landscape, changes in leadership, and the departure of a certain king, there's a never-ending stream of challenges to be overcome. Oh, and the brat magi of Kou has up and vanished without a word of warning. Well, Ja'far is sure they can do without. Like with all cockroaches, he's a pest that always turns up eventually. And besides--he's far more concerned about the black cat he stumbled upon in the gardens, found wounded and mewling in hunger. Sure, its personality is a bit aggressive, and it claws him every time he tries to pet it, but that's only natural for such a frail, scared little animal, likely separated and lost from its mother. And he's always had a soft spot for cats, as Drakon would say… The first chapter will be from Ja'far's perspective and the rest is Judar begrudgingly witnessing the events through his cat body and getting used to his short bout as a cat. Basically, this fic will explore the changed/re-emerging relationships between Ja'far and the other ex-generals after the end of the final arc, and will attempt to explain how Judar and Ja'far--two polar opposites that fell in hate at first sight some years ago--reach a mutual understanding and tolerance of one another in this new world. I definitely do see this as a multi-chapter fic that will stretch beyond 10k words and the required scope of Big Bang!
FIC 012 Ships: Gen Characters: Hakuryuu Rating: Not currently sure Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: Canon Death, and Canon Violence Summary: Hakuryuu wondered what his place was with his family before his family massacre as he was the youngest son. Even now with his new siblings, he still struggles to find a place among them. With meeting Alibaba and the other he felt as if he had finally gain a place where he can be himself but again he stuggled to find himself accepting the hand he was dealt and goes off with Judar.
FIC 013 Ships: Gen, potential background sphintitus Characters: aladdin, ja'far, scheherazade, yunan, ugo (as a cat), yamuraiha Rating: T Warnings: No major archive warnings apply Additional Warnings: this deals w the aftermath of living under the influence of a cult, so certain gaslighting/brainwashing/false worship fall under it. specific ptsd, possibly, and panic attacks, with adjusting to normal society. Summary: modern au. deals with aladdin, after the cult al thamen is disbanded, and the only life he's ever known getting thrown on its head.
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rinqueraa · 6 years
Summary: Sinbad returns home after being enslaved by Mariadel. (Sinbad x Ja'far, PTSD recovery)
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sinbadofficial · 2 years
Losing myself to the mariadel company is my worst trauma genuinely but unfortunately the main side effect is that I cannot stop talking about it casually so occasionally it will just be mariadel company posting
I gotta say it did not meet OSHA requirements lol
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the-phantom-union · 3 years
I don't miss the Mariadel company, obviously, something may be wrong with me but not that wrong with me.
I do think me having an office/room was really funny though. Just pov you must go to my evil domain where I write ceaselessly on scrolls and you tell me something and I start ranting about taxes to you. I am 15 and 4'8''
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