#marisa x daemon
freuleinanna · 2 years
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The monkey chatters sharply. Marisa glares. Hateful creatures, both of them, she thinks, like broken mirrors only capable of showing the worst parts. Their worst parts have grown wild in isolation, clashing all the time. Following an impulse, she holds his gaze, then sinks to her knees, leans forward – then, after a moment of consideration, growls. Her upper lip curls to show teeth. Vocal cords strain dangerously. A menacing grumble is rolling somewhere so deep in her throat she didn't know a sound like that could be produced. Her daemon drops to all fours and mirrors the note, prowling toward her. Golden fur on his neck bristles, he even paws at the ground a couple of times as if aiming for a blow. He wouldn't dare, and neither would she, but both feel rabid for wanting to. Snarling, they inch the distance between them and stare at each other, face to face – repulsive, repulsed, and ugly.
Marisa x daemon + exiled together, in wait of a trial after Edward's death.
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tragicotps · 6 months
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biscottiarts · 2 years
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I finished HDM season 3 and I am so far from being okay. Like I'm sobbing
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writtingforfun · 9 months
Prey or Prayer?
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OC! Marisa Hastwyck x Daemon Targaryen
Summary: Lady Marisa Hastwyck, of House Hastwyck of the Reach. First born daughter of Lord Murrel Hastwyck and Lady Lydia Hightower, second born child of the couple. Married to Prince Daemon Targaryen after the untimely death of Lady Laena Velaryon. Married at the young age of fourteen and a mother at fifteen. Her relationship with her step-daughters was strained and very one-sided.  A dutiful wife and mother, caring and loving person to all. A devout of the Faith of the Seven, her only comfort on the days the bed was left cold, even if her husband laid next to her. The very persistent shadow of the Princess Rhaenyra hunted both their bedchambers and their own hearts and souls.
Chapter 1
None so dutiful.
Those are the words of House Hastwyck. And they are words they live by. 
Like a Stark keeps his word, like a Velaryon sails the ocean, a Hastwyck is bound by duty and honor.
Lady Marisa Hastwyck was the perfect picture of the Maiden; devout, chaste and kind. Her entire life she had been prepared for marriage - her mother had made sure of that. Lady Lydia Hightower was unpleasant and highly strict about her children's upbringing, perhaps not in the best way. It was the sort of ambition that ran through Hightower blood, irrational and indifferent to anyone else’s feelings.
When Marisa was just ten, she was already made to spend two hours of the day praying to the Seven, by the time she turned twelve, she knew how to sew and embroider, by thirteen she was ready to be sold away as soon as someone wanted her. 
Which is why she had been sent to the Red Keep to study under the septas of the capital. Four moons had passed since she arrived there with her father and was presented to the King. But her father had only stayed for three weeks, and she was soon left alone with only her long time handmaid, Helia. 
Marisa was very intelligent, despite her mother’s disregard towards intellectual knowledge. She and her brother had always shared a passion for books and history, something that she thought would be rather important to maintain a conversation. Turns out her mother knew that the people of court were incredibly vain. The one time she brought up history, she received so many looks like she had lost her mind. 
Life at court wasn’t for her, and Marisa was certain of it. But how could she disappoint her parents and beg them to leave after all the weight they put on her shoulders? Her brother had been married just the year before, at sixteen, because he was found in bed with a middle class lady. The wedding had been rushed and no one even mentioned it. Now, their honor laid fully on her, since her little sister was only ten. 
Everyday, as part of her routine, she spent the nights in the library. She could slip in, unnoticed by anyone, and read as much as she wanted. And the library in the Red Keep was without a doubt the most beautiful one. History, stories, languages… Anything anyone could ever want.
This night was not any different. She picked up her book, one of the History of House Targaryen, and walked towards her usual table, somewhat secluded from the rest of the library, a book in one hand and a candle in the other.
As she made her way to the table, she was startled by the light in her seat. She was always so distracted and so sure no one would be there - after all, no one had sat there in over three moons. It was still very dark, despite the light each of them had, but she could see the outline of his body. Their eyes met and her breath caught in her throat. It was Daemon Targaryen.
“Your Grace,” Marisa quickly said, bowing at him.
He simply looked her up and down.
“My apologies, I did not know you’d be here”
His gaze fell on the book she had in her hand, “Interested in history?”
She looked down at the book and then at him, blinking rapidly, “Yes, I-” she stammered a bit and then took a breath. It was only Daemon Targaryen. “I simply believe that everyone should know the history of our kings”
Daemon chuckled at that. Someone who was not insipid, he thought. “Should you not me in your chambers, Lady…?”
“Marisa. Lady Marisa Hastwyck. I came only to fetch a book. I enjoy the library during the night, it is very quiet.”
“Uhm,” he hummed, his eyes returning to the book.
At the awkwards interaction, Marisa whispered “your grace” and excused herself, taking the book with her to her chambers. A shill ran up her spine as she remembered the indifference she saw in the Prince’s eyes. But then pity took its place. Marisa knew his reputation, but he had lost his wife and been left with two young girls. She couldn’t imagine the pain of losing someone she loved and vowed to be with for the rest of her life.
That was the very first interaction she had with the Prince, but certainly not the last.
The King held a five day feast for his older daughter, the heir to the throne, to celebrate her name day. The only good thing about this was that her parents were to attend.
“Quickly Helia, my parents must be arriving!”, she urged her handmaid to help her with her hair.
“Calm yourself,”
“I am calm. I just,” tears formed in her eyes, “I just miss them so much. Perhaps they’ll allow me to return home!”
Her bright smile of hope and high dreams of fantasy was only that - a fantasy. Helia looked at her with pity, for she knew that the girl’s fate - the same girl she helped raise - was to be nothing more than a broodmare. And it made her bones freeze.
Marisa stood waiting for her family with a bright smile, and as soon as saw her family’s sigil she could barely hold herself in place. How she missed seeing her brother and sister! It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Until her mother’s rigid face looked at hers, the weight suddenly fell back on top of her. In all these moons, her mother had only written to her to ask if she had caught the eye of any men. Despite the sadness that was now filling her, Marisa decided to put it aside and hug her brother and father. All the words of kindness and happiness that parents should hold for their children were lost in her mother’s stone cold heart. 
“Stand up straight!” Lady Lydia spat at her daughter who quickly lost the small smile she held.
“Ignore her,” her brother whispered in her ear, “she has been nasty since-” he laughed “since ever”
Marisa giggled at that, holding her brother’s arm. “How come your wife didn’t join you?”
“Mother didn’t think she should”
“Isn’t it more disgraceful for you to come to the capital without your wife than to show she is a commoner?”
“It should be, but I was happy she wouldn’t be subjected to hours in a carriage with mother”
Loud horns sounded and Marisa jumped frightened, holding her brother tighter. The King and Queen approached the family. They all quickly bowed to them.
“Murrel! Welcome to my court!” the King greeted his old friend.
“Your Grace, what a pleasure to return.” he turned to the Queen “My Queen, a pleasure to see you again” 
“Welcome back Lord Murrel, and your family”
“Come, let us talk while your daughter talks with her mother and brother.”
As they leave, she notices the queen’s sad gaze on her. A small smile graces her lips as she walks towards them. “Lady Lydia, welcome to court. It has been a while.”
“Your grace,” she bows again, “thank you for the invitation.”
“Of course. You are friends of the crown, therefore, always welcome. Lady Marisa is a delight to have in court”
“Thank you, your grace.” 
The rest of the morning was spent with her mother continuously asking questions and giving her a hard time. Even poor Helia had to listen as her Lady scolded her for not encouraging Marisa to be in court more often than hiding in her chambers or with septas. “I wonder where your father is,” she kept repeating. As Marisa looked at her family, she realized how alone she had been back home, and how alone she was now. 
Upon her father’s return, he and her mother locked themselves in their chambers, leaving their two older children outside to wander as they pleased.
“Show me everything,” Tommen pleaded as they roamed the Keep. They started in the library, moved to the Tapestries and the Godswood, to lastly stand looking at the training grounds - Tommen’s favorite place.
“What do you think? Is it everything you expected?”
His eyes shined looking at the swords and armors, “more. So much more that I won’t even allow myself to wonder what mother and father are talking about”
“I would like to know,” she pouted, unsure of what it could be.
His smile vanished and he kept his eyes low, “Mar…”
“I would!” She repeats, “I have behaved well.”
“Of course you have, you always do. But mother sent you here with one goal in mind.”
“To find a husband for me.”
He nodded, and upon seeing how sad she was, he took her hand and told her to watch as they trained. Tommem explained every move as if she had interesse, as long as she forgot her fate. She hated violence, but her brother’s effort put a smile on her face.
Men cheering made them both look down to see someone walk in. 
“Who is that?” Tommen asked.
The man looked up and then took his sword.
“That’s Prince Daemon Targaryen”
Let me know if you liked it, and if you want to be added to the taglist! The first chapter is different than the rest will be, it's just a little starting point. I wanted you to understand the dynamics between the Hastwyck family.
@marihoneywk @toxicberrie @snowtargaryen @bellstwd @pet1t3 @watercolorskyy @hypocritic-trash-baby @marvelescvpe @jasenialovesjinx @msmorningstaarr @angeliod @dornishannie @ewwwitsel @billyloomiswife827289301
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midnighttragedy28 · 1 year
Hear me out : a 'His Dark Materials' x 'The Secret History' Au in which Lee is Richard, Asriel is Henry, Marisa and Marcel are Camila and Charles and Jopari is Francis. (I have no idea who Bunny could be). I think the vibe overall matches, more than the characters themselves do. Also, all of them would have daemons, because I am obsessed with the concept of daemons.
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viciousgold · 1 year
So my friend @aercnaut recently made a post about the general basics of how to start off with a HDM verse if you're new to the fandom. I've also noticed that several of my mutuals now have HDM verses as people new to the fandom, mainly @daemondaes, @unbeleveable, @nightmdic and @hlfaghst. If there are more of my mutuals who either have or desire an HDM verse, hi, welcome <3. so glad to have you here <3 hello <3.
aercnaut's post is a very helpful post and I want to thank them for inspiring this post of mine. I highly recommend you read aercnaut's post first if you haven't already, shown here: X
This post is basically my autism being like "here's an expanded version/ted talk/extended guide of the basics of this world". bc my autism demanded it. again though, please read aercnaut's post, it inspired mine, full credit where credit's due. <3
So with all that being said, this is what I am going to call:
The Long List of Need to Know Basics in This World Guide
the title isn't great lol. but anyway, here's the guide:
So from the moment someone is born, they have a daemon. When we see baby Lyra in the show, we see a baby Pan (her daemon) swaddled in the baby blanket with her. Daemons are most commonly the opposite sex of their human, but there are canon mentions of others who have same sex daemons. It's just not as common. What does it mean when a person has a same sex daemon? Who knows. There's no canon answer. People have asked Philip Pullman, the author of HDM and he's basically been like "there are so many interpretations of same sex daemons, I don't want to deny any of them". Super nice guy, hates confirming anything lol. Fanon interpretations of same sex daemons range from anything like someone being gay, someone being trans, someone being hyper masculine or hyper feminine, someone being non-binary, etc. Feel free to go with whatever interpretation feels right for your character if you choose to have their daemon be the same sex. You can even have your own interpretation, it's completely up to you.
Something that Pullman has deigned to tell us though, daemons are usually named by the daemons of the child's parents. Of course, there are some exceptions to this, such as me being like "haha Marisa's daemon doesn't have a name bc her bitch ass mom's daemon didn't name his son", orphans, etc. There are almost always some exceptions.
For example, for most people, it hurts both physically and emotionally to go too far from your daemon. Usually your daemon can only go a few feet or a few yards away before you and your daemon start feeling that intense pain. It's said to be the worst pain imaginable. Makes sense, it's like your soul getting ripped out of your body. However, like I said, there are almost always exceptions. The biggest exception to this are the witches and their daemons. What are witches in this world? We'll get more into that in the species category. For now; witches can go far from their daemon due to a ritual performed when a witch comes of age. They don't feel pain from being far from their daemons, and they remain connected.
Speaking of coming of age, when you're still a child, your daemon can shift into any animal possible, depending on mood, feelings, wants, etc. When they come of age via puberty, usually around either 13 or 14 (but there are sometimes late bloomers), the daemon settles into one form representing who you are deep down at your core. It's said that usually if your daemon settles into a form you don't personally like or agree with for yourself, it could signify discontentment with who you are, lack of a sense of self, self hatred, etc. Your relationship with your daemon reflects your relationship with yourself, essentially. If you're someone who knows yourself pretty well, has a lot of self love, your daemon will likely be your best friend, like Lyra and Pan, and Lee and Hester. If you have a lack of that sense of self, your relationship will likely be that of Marisa and her daemon, at odds with each other, annoyed with each other, possibly even hating each other. Of course, it's all a spectrum. There can be varying degrees of all this, it doesn't have to be cut and dry. Lyra, Lee and Marisa are just very good examples of the more extreme ends of that spectrum.
Marisa is another exception to the "going far from your daemon" thing, but not exactly. She can go far from her daemon, but unlike the witches, this isn't natural, and she and her daemon do feel immense pain when it happens. It's heavily implied that Marisa can go far from her daemon because of whatever abuse her mother did to her. She feels the pain of going far from her daemon but because she's done it so much, essentially it's pain that she's used to.
Speaking of pain, humans and daemons share that completely, and any other senses too. Any sensation that one feels, the other feels too, as well as sharing a telepathic link. Of course, humans and daemons can audibly talk to each other, and to other humans and daemons, but they can also telepathically communicate. Because of the shared sensation thing, it's basically human nature in this world to instinctively know that a human shouldn't touch another person's daemon.
With that shared sensation, when someone else touches your daemon, it feels like a phantom hand is touching your very core, and it can feel like one of the most violating things. However, there's almost always an exception. When you have an incredibly deep and intimate relationship with someone, touching their daemon, with permission, can be one of the most wonderful, sensual and beautiful things.
I think that might be like, the core basics of daemons. Feel free to ask questions though. <3
Remember how I said we'd get to the witches in this category? We're to this category now and we'll start with witches (with a brief mention of humans)
Humans: they're like humans of our world, except for the daemons. that's the only difference. they're there.
Witches: Witches are usually in large groups known as witch clans, each witch clan being lead by a witch queen, usually a very powerful witch who has already lived for a super long time, they can typically live anywhere up to thousands of years. They almost always have bird daemons, so they can fly as their witch can fly. Daemons can go far from their witches due to a magic ritual, we touched on this above. They fly using cloud pine. In the books, it's actual sticks of cloud pine that they grab and use as flying instruments, in the show, cloud pine is something embedded in a witch's skin, either interpretation works. Witches also are exclusively women. Witches can have children with humans who are boys, but they won't have magic. Only the girlies will become magical girls. There are, however--
Shamans: Shamans are human men who, through a lot of time and effort and rituals and shit idk how it exactly works, they eventually gain magic. Other than some nature magic and shit though, they're basically humans.
Armored Bears: Armored Bears, mainly known as Panserbjørn, but I don't want to keep copy and pasting that little o symbol so I'm going to keep calling them by their lesser known name, Armored Bears. They're talking bears that wear armor. Their armor is very meaningful to them, as they craft it for themselves using a precious metal made out of meteorites, sky iron. Armored Bears live in Svalbard, ruled by a King, and they have their own bear society, basically.
Cliff-ghasts: Cliff-ghasts are these weird bat creatures that live in the north and they are dangerous, they fly, they will attack you on sight, stay away from these fuckers. They're usually up in cliffs, usually seen at night or in dark places.
Spyflies: Spyflies are like, half machine, half spirit, they're these tiny mechanical insects that can be used to track people, spy on them, and then relay information back to the person first using them. The spirits trapped inside spyflies though are said to be specifically evil spirits, so like, if you provoke one, it aims to either knock out and/or kill the first target it sees after being provoked. (ie locking them in a container and not letting them out for a while. when you let them out, they will shoot out flying, craving violence.) They're also very illegal to have.
Arctic Foxes: So, animals do exist outside of daemons. Dogs exist, dolphins exist, foxes exist, etc. And they're all just random animals. (fun fact, dogs and cats in this world, though domesticated, are all working animals. with the strong companionship of daemons, humans in this world never saw a widespread longing for things like pets. there are probably exceptions, who knows, there are almost always exceptions. but the majority of society do not see animals as pets.) Arctic Foxes, however, are a different thing. They are animals, but they're also talking animals. Not daemons, they're kinda like the Armored Bears, except they don't really have their own society or anything? They're just... talking Arctic Foxes. A random fact about Arctic Foxes: They only understand the present tense in speech and they usually tell lies.
Mermaids: Mermaids are real. We don't know much about them. We just kinda know they exist. Most people don't know they exist, but there are people who have claimed to have seen mermaids. Mermaids are real though. Also, somehow, some guy's daemon settled as a mermaid? idk man.
Ghosts: Ghosts are what people become when they die. They go to the land of the dead. They're not the same as Night-ghasts though, which are beings that don't go to the land of the dead.
Night-ghasts: Are night-ghasts dead people? Dead other beings? Who knows, we don't. We just know they exist. They're spirits who sometimes make contact with the living. For example, Lyra took some coins off some dead bodies. Some Night-ghasts visited her in the middle of the night and scared the fuck out of her. She immediately put the coins back and learned to not fuck around and find out with the dead.
Zombi: These people are what you get when you have adults who are separated from their daemons. They still are aware and functioning, they still hold conversations, but they mostly like, lack creativity, lack imagination, thinking for themselves, etc. They're essentially people who now literally lack a soul.
With all of this being said about daemons and different species, let's move on to general societal norms and rules of this world:
This is a very sexist society, unfortunately. Not everywhere, thankfully. In mainly the North, particularly in Svalbard and any witch territories, Africa, and in Gyptian societies, women are valued equally to men. Everywhere else though is gonna be ruled by the Magisterium, and the Magisterium says women are lesser. Because of the sexism, there are things like Marisa being denied her doctorate, colleges still being separated based on gender, like in Oxford, men go to and/or work at Jordan College, women go to and/or work at St. Sophia's College. The only exception is servants, as women and men can work at either college as something like a butler, maid, chef, etc. There are also a lot of male dominated fields that either have very few or no women working in them. The major male dominated field that has a lot more women working in it than other male dominated fields though, is being a Scholar, aka a college professor, for reasons I'll explain soon, in the Scholastic Sanctuary portion.
This is also a very classist society. General classism things. People like those who live in the North, people like the witches, people like the Gyptians, basically anyone who chooses to live outside of Magisterium-run society aka most of the world, are considered to be major outcasts, rebels, and/or heretics. Along with that, there is a huge class system of like, members of the Magisterium being the highest valued people in society, then members of the aristocracy, then the wealthy fuckers, then the upper middle class, middle class, lower class, servants, and lower-lower class aka people who don't work, don't have money, are homeless, etc. There are of course people who don't agree with this class system, and are normally people who are also very anti-Magisterium, the government of the majority of this world.
The Magisterium is not only the government, it's also the Catholic church. Or in this world, "The Holy Church". The Magisterium/The Holy Church is kinda used interchangeably throughout the series. But yeah, that's what's brought us to this hellscape folks, Pullman was basically like "lol what if the Catholic church was a near one world government/authoritarian regime" and that's how we got here.
The Magisterium views any non-approved Magisterium opinions/thoughts/etc. as "heresy". There are scientists who are Magisterium members, but they do Magisterium approved science. Any other non-Magisterium scientists are known as heretics, which is a very bad thing to be labeled as in this society. If you're accused of heresy by the Magisterium, you could be possibly imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed. However, some people, like Lord Asriel, are very vocally and proudly "a heretic", and are very vocally and proudly anti-Magisterium. Partly because of this and partly because of his scientific "heresy", he is one of the most wanted criminals in the eyes of the Magisterium. The only thing that is protecting him is that pesky little law "Scholastic Sanctuary".
Probably the biggest loophole to the Magisterium's bullshit: Scholastic Sanctuary. No one is safer in this world than members, students, staff and servants of colleges. Scholastic Sanctuary gives protection to anyone who rightfully claims it at any academic institution. This protection fully and completely protects you from any Magisterium persecution, even if it's heresy, as it falls under the umbrella of "protected academics". When Lord Asriel needed protection for baby Lyra, he literally brought the infant to Jordan College, claimed Scholastic Sanctuary for her to make sure she'd be kept safe from the Magisterium, and then peaced out. However, he remains a member of Jordan College, so as long as he continues to claim Scholastic Sanctuary while at the college, and as he continues to evade the Magisterium while not there, he's virtually untouchable. He only ever goes from Jordan, to his explorations in the North, where the Magisterium have almost no authority, and that's mainly it. He stays far out of society otherwise. Now, before the Magisterium had full power, society was mostly ruled by varying kings/queens, who are now basically just powerless figureheads. My personal theory is that the law of Scholastic Sanctuary was put into place way before the Magisterium came into full power, and thus it's long historical precedent made it unable to be dissolved.
Before Marisa, there were no women in the Magisterium as official members. There were nurses and nuns who worked for the Magisterium, but that was it. Marisa's unique research on Dust and its relation to daemons intrigued the Magisterium, so much so that they were willing to extend membership to her, allowing a woman into their ranks for the first time. We've since seen another female scientist working in specifically Marisa's branch of the Magisterium.
Speaking of which, the Magisterium is split into different branches. Marisa's is the General Oblation Board, a smaller branch of the Magisterium that is basically listed as a very unofficial, on paper not approved operation. There are also branches like The Consistorial Court of Discipline (which is the main one that deals with all the decided criminals of the Magisterium), The Office of Inquisition, The Red Chamber, The Secretariat of the Holy Presence, etc. etc. and like, they all do different shit. The CCD though is the main one that has to do with people's lives. People want to avoid pissing off anyone from the CCD, people want to stay out of their way, etc.
The Magisterium is really worried about Dust. Most people don't know what Dust is, and it's kinda taboo to talk about it. Most people also suspect, especially the Magisterium, that it's the physical embodiment of sin. The evidence used to create this theory is that the elementary particle known as Dust doesn't settle on children, that is until they reach puberty and their daemon settles. There was a connection made to Adam and Eve, since the story in this world goes that Adam and Eve had daemons that could change shape, until they ate the apple, and their daemons settled into permanent forms.
There are more, but these are the basics lol again, feel free to ask questions, I'm probably gonna make a second part to this at some point, maybe I will, maybe I won't, who knows. Anyway, onto the next section:
Magisterium societies: Explained a lot in detail above. These are gonna be your Brytains (Britain but spelled quirky), your major countries and nations etc.
Africa: In this world, Africa isn't a continent, it's considered to be a country, and it's ruled by a King, outside of Magisterium's rule.
New Denmark: The closest equivalent to America. It's not really America. It's independent from the Magisterium, but not really by much, and I honestly don't canonically know too much about New Denmark. We know that the country of Texas is a part of New Denmark. Other than that, idk man. The wiki doesn't tell me much either. By the way, yeah, Texas is also a country. This world really likes to be like lol it's actually a country here.
Gyptians: Gyptians are a nomadic people who live mostly on boats/ships out at sea, and thus mainly stay out of Magisterium societies, and are a self governed people by Gyptian kings. We know in the west, the Gyptians are made up of six different Gyptian families. There's a Western Gyptian Council and one of it's members is a Gyptian King.
Skraelings: Some Skraelings live in Magisterium societies, though a majority of them live in Groenland (this world's version of Greenland) and New Denmark, as they are indigenous people of Groenland and New Denmark. We don't know much canonically about Skraelings as a whole aside from a few individuals, like the famous Dr. Leonard Broken Arrow, and bits and pieces of information in passing, such as trepanning being mentioned as a previous common practice that was later outlawed by New Denmark.
Armored Bears: Explained a lot above in the Armored Bears section.
Witches: Explained a lot above in the Witches section.
The North: The North is a region mostly outside of Magisterium reign and consists of this general area
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the Magisterium has slowly been trying to gain more power in the North though and has slowly been succeeding in this.
So these are like, the basics of this world. Is this everything? No. Are there things I'm forgetting as basics? Probably. Are there probably inaccuracies? Probably, yeah, I'm gonna be real with you, HDM has a very extensive lore and it's difficult to keep track of everything, especially since there have been a few inconsistencies within canon from either Pullman changing his mind about something, or I swear, just straight up forgetting something. Again, I want to reiterate; a very sweet man. I wish him the best. To anyone reading this that knows HDM, if I have made any mistakes in this basics guide, please feel free to tell me.
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omagazineparis · 5 months
À la croisée des mondes : la série épique de HBO
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La concurrence est rude entre les plateformes de streaming qui adaptent toujours plus de grandes épopées fantastiques sur nos écrans. On compte notamment The Witcher pour Netflix ou encore Le Seigneur des Anneaux pour Amazon. HBO a fait le pari risqué de réadapter l’univers de Philipp Pullman À la croisée des mondes après une première sortie au cinéma très controversée en 2007. Souvent comparé à la saga de Harry Potter pour leurs dimensions universelles, À la croisée des mondes raconte ainsi l’histoire de Lyra Belacqua et de son enquête sur la « Poussière ». Cette étrange particule que le Magisterium (le bras armé d'une Église toute-puissante et radicalisée) pense être le fruit du Péché originel. Au fil de son voyage, elle découvrira les secrets de l'univers ainsi que les forces qui s'assemblent autour de sa propre existence et de sa destinée exceptionnelle. Dafne Keen, James McAvoy, Ruth Wilson ou encore Lin-Manuel Miranda dans À la croisée des mondes. Un univers riche et surprenant La série À la croisée des mondes retrace l’histoire des romans de Philip Pullman portant le même nom. Ainsi, chaque saison suit un volet de la trilogie (Les Royaumes du Nord, La Tour des anges, Le Miroir d’ambre). Si les romans étaient initialement destinés aux adolescents, la série vise un public plus adulte et propose plusieurs niveaux de lecture. Cette dernière se veut le plus fidèle possible aux romans en adaptant notamment chaque passage clé de l’histoire. La production n’a pas omis les aspects les plus sombres de la trilogie. Philip Pullman a validé lui-même tous les scénarios et a travaillé en tant que producteur sur le show. Bien plus qu’une simple série fantastique, l’œuvre de Pullman est riche en réflexion. On retrouve ainsi de nombreux thèmes abordés dans cette saga : la théologie avec le Magisterium (puissance de l’Église catholique), la physique avec la théorie des cordes (les mondes parallèles), les mythes et légendes avec la prophétie des sorcières, etc. Le questionnement de l’âme est omniprésent. Dans la série des animaux totémiques appelés daemons, ils sont inséparables de chaque personnage et représentent une matérialisation de leurs âmes. Les deux premières saisons sont disponibles uniquement sur OCS. À la croisée des mondes : une aventure épique Pour cette adaptation, HBO a vu les choses en grand pour le budget et le casting ! Dans le rôle titre, c’est Dafne Keen (Logan) qui interprète la jeune et touchante Lyra Belacqua. On retrouve également James McAvoy (X-Men) dans le rôle de Lord Asriel, Ruth Wilson (Luther) interprète Marisa Coulter, ansi que Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton) en Lee Scoresby et Andrew Scott (Sherlock) en John Parry. Chaque acteur interprète son personnage de manière juste et nuancée. Mention spéciale pour Ruth Wilson qui livre une interprétation de Marisa Coulter stupéfiante. En tout point de vue, la série À la croisée des mondes est une réussite ! Les fans seront ravis de l’adaptation fidèle de la saga. Les effets spéciaux sont magnifiques et immersifs, dignes des plus grands films. On s’émerveille dans ce voyage unique à travers les mondes ! De la magnificence des royaumes du Nord en passant par la mystérieuse tour des anges de Cittàgazze. La musique envoûtante de Lorne Balfe (the Crown) ajoute également beaucoup de grandeur à cette épopée fantastique. Batailles épiques et intrigues politiques, À la croisée des mondes est une série captivante à découvrir dès maintenant sur OCS. https://youtu.be/fQoJ0Jo3n1A Read the full article
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willsilvertongue · 2 years
hello!!!! it’s your #ccss2022 secret santa here!! how is your december going so far? is there anything you’re looking forward to this month, whether it’s seasonal or media related?
as for your gift, what have you been into lately? any shows or movies you can’t stop thinking about? are there any characters or ships you’d particularly love a creation for? anything I haven’t thought of that you might wanna see? I’ll be back with some more questions later ⛄️❄️
ahhhh hi secret santa so nice to meet you!! how are you doing? my december… has been a bit of a toss up tbh but i’m taking it one day at a time 🥲 there IS a lot to look forward to this month tho you're right - his dark materials season airs its last season this month which is so exciting, and since i’m free for a little bit i’m also v much looking forward to watching all the (possibly bad) holiday themed movies i haven’t watched yet!
as for obsessions, again i’ve been very into his dark materials especially since it’s been two years since it’s most recent season :’) i love sooo many of the characters and relationships but lyra x will and marisa x asriel are the most brainrot-inducing right now. but also i love all daemons and anything to do with will
but honestly for my gift i’d first and foremost want it to be something we both enjoy 🫂 this is more than you asked for but i'll list some other shows i love (in detail) just so you're not too limited <3
lost in space
derry girls
the umbrella academy (love all the siblings and five as a character!)
ted lasso (love them all but esp roy)
outer banks (love them all but esp the jj/kiara/pope trio and jj/pope relationship)
succession (would give my life for the roy siblings)
i’m a bigger tv show person than movie person but i do have a few favourite romcoms, chick flicks, and sci-fi/dystopian movies (that i won’t list now bc i think i need to shut up) but ! do let me know what kind of media YOU go for/if you have any recommendations!!!
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freuleinanna · 1 year
Marisa x daemon via random excerpts from my writing, because I'm going feral over them yet again
The monkey is staring at her. She knows that stare very well. The feeling of it, rather: a tingling at the back of her neck following her around the library. A rustle of careful steps overhead. Beady eyes shining in the dark. Like a twisted game of hide-and-seek all children play with their daemons, only he’s the one both hiding from her – and seeking. Oh, how he seeks her.
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Marisa makes it exactly till the second door on the right and has a split second of pride to enjoy, when punishment comes. A brutal tug. She sways, clawing at the doorknob. In the library, her other part presses itself against the wall and growls in pain, scratching at the wooden panels. Ancient instincts yank their hearts back to the safety of blissful togetherness, but ancient instincts have never fought Marisa Coulter and her daemon before. [...] Without seeing him, Marisa knows exactly how heavy the risings of his chest are, how sweaty the forehead; how clenched the teeth, threatening to crush from the force. How terrified, and pained, and longing he is. She’s all that too, but someone has to be stronger. She has to physically drag herself forward.
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His fur breaks scarce sunlight into a ripple of glints across the wall. He is beautiful, audience-ready, except when Marisa looks, the golden elegance crumbles to reveal the same dirt-coated creature, always hissing and snarling around. They walk down the corridor together. The care placed in keeping the distance might have reminded somebody with a keen eye of a crowded room where every soul treads just as carefully, stepping and flying around paws, hands, tails and shoulders, avoiding the forbidden contact to the best of their ability. Between two beings joined since birth, it looks oddly repugnant. Unnatural, one might say.
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tragicotps · 8 months
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Masriel AU: In which Asriel and Marisa survive their fall into the abyss and get stuck in Will's world. A couple of years later, Marisa is convinced she's seen Lyra but has a hard time convincing Asriel she didn't just imagine it.
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lyraspan · 4 years
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She stroked his head and settled down deeper in the furs as they fell asleep.
Serpentine 🐍, Philip Pullman.
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writtingforfun · 9 months
Prey or Prayer?
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Marisa Hastwyck x Daemon Targaryen
Lady Marisa Hastwyck, of House Hastwyck of the Reach. First born daughter of Lord Murrel Hastwyck and Lady Lydia Hightower, second born child of the couple.
Married to Prince Daemon Targaryen after the untimely death of Lady Laena Velaryon. Married at the young age of fourteen and a mother at fifteen. 
Her relationship with her step-daughters was strained and very one-sided. 
A dutiful wife and mother, caring and loving person to all. A devout of the Faith of the Seven, her only comfort on the days the bed was left cold, even if her husband laid next to her.
The very persistent shadow of the Princess Rhaenyra hunted both their bedchambers and their own hearts and souls.
Sorry for how long it's been, first chapter coming today. It's a very small one, very introdutory. From the second forward it'll be better.
@marihoneywk @toxicberrie @snowtargaryen @bellstwd @pet1t3 @watercolorskyy @hypocritic-trash-baby @marvelescvpe @jasenialovesjinx @msmorningstaarr @angeliod @dornishannie @ewwwitsel @billyloomiswife827289301
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thesunsetsea · 5 years
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"And when Lyra looked up from them, Mrs. Coulter herself stood there, clasped in Lord Asriel's arms."
Northern Lights, Philip Pullman
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