#marius fic
Marius - Tears of Themis (ToT) - You Shall Be Mine!
Pairing: female reader x Marius
Warnings: angst, make out
Word count: 2438
A/N: okay, that was not the fic I was writing for marius bday, but let's all pretend it is. I honestly can't believe it took me 4 months to finish this ahaha
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“Oh my, I’m so excited! My first art class with the one and only Marius von Hagen! I'll not lose this opportunity! He shall be mine!” you confidently say it to reassure yourself.
“Definitely! Keep your hopes high and you will get him! If Ms. Lauren said so, it will happen!”
“I hope so Amy. Because she did get it right that you were going to marry your now husband.”
“I know, right? She is indeed a great fortune teller.”
“What commotion is that over there? I think it’s close to my classroom. I’ll go check it out. See you later, Amy.”
“See ya!”
You head towards the commotion near your classroom to find out that this chaos was caused by Mr. von Hagen himself. Several women were screaming and some even fainted. All of them are your classmates by the way.
You were excited to finally get a chance to see in person the bachelor Ms. Lauren said it was going to belong to you, but, apparently, other women also had the same idea.
“I was so inspired to draw anything just to get a chance to talk to him, but look at this-”
With no other option, you go to class. At the end of it, Marius asked all the students to show him their drawings, and as expected, they were all in line fighting to see and interact with the youngest von Hagen first-hand.
It’s finally your turn to show your art, however, your excitement is no longer there, but you still put on your best smile in respect of Marius efforts to teach a bunch of noobies to draw something in only one class.
You briefly talk to Marius, he gives you a few suggestions to improve your art and after thanking him, you pack your stuff up to go home. While you are leaving Stellis University, you spot a few of your classmates chatting and approach them to ask their impressions about Marius and the reason why they decided to apply to his course.
Apparently, none of them was there because the fortune teller told them they would marry Marius. But, on the other hand, they told you that they recently saw an article in the most famous gossip magazine that a von Hagen expert affirmed that Marius wants to settle down for good, after years of being involved with several women.
The von Hagen youngest heir is no longer that young, but he still is the most eligible bachelor in Stellis. Some say that nowadays there are men at the age of 20 who are the new deal, but if those polls are indeed accurate, women still think that there is no one like 40-year-old Marius.
A week later, you are in his class, but, once more, there is no progress. It’s impossible to talk to Marius. You feel defeated and unable to come up with a plan B.
“I shouldn’t have trusted Ms. Lauren, but she hit the nail on the head when she specifically said who Amy was going to marry. I guess the seer just got lucky, although, at that time, Amy didn’t even know her now-future husband.”
“But you know what? I’ll talk to her again. Let’s see if she will have the courage to lie to me again after I tell her there are hundreds of women trying to seduce Marius.”
It’s still early, so you head to Ms. Lauren’s booth at Stellis Park for another appointment.
“Welcome, dear. It’s so nice to see you again. How is your friend Amy doing?”
“Thank you for having me. She is doing great. I suppose you know why I’m here, right?”
“Hehe, don’t tell me that you already gave up, sweety?”
“Did you read that article about Mr. von Hagen? Coincidentally, it was not long after I first came here.”
“I did not. What was it about?”
*sigh* “A supposedly von Hagen expert said he wants to get married for real."
"Oh, I see. Well, that's good news then! The cards don't lie."
"So you still believe he will be mine?”
“Of course, dear. I can see your souls are connected. But you seem dispirited. Be patient, okay?”
You left the appointment, but you’re still gloomy. You decide to buy an ice cream to cheer you up while you ponder on what to do from now on.
“I don’t think I should waste my time with Ms. Lauren. As I expected, she kept insisting I would marry a von Hagen. You know what? I’ll just focus on my art classes. It’s a lifetime opportunity for a Z fan like me.”
“Ohh… that’s actually an excellent idea. Focusing on your class, I mean.”
You turn around to see Marius looking at you leaning on a nearby tree in the park.
“Shit… How much did you hear? Er… I mean… Nevermind. I… I better get going. I have to work tomorrow, so… Bye, Mr. von Hagen!”
You walk as fast as you can without looking back, but something tells you that he is making fun of you while you helplessly try to run away from him.
Outside the park, you finally stop for a moment to breathe properly. There is no sign of Marius nearby, so you finally allow yourself to relax leaning on a wall.
It’s a lovely sunny Saturday, the park is crowded, probably hundreds of people coming and going, but your mind is elsewhere. It seems that the more you try to approach Marius, the more bad luck you get.
In the end, you just feel frustrated that you wasted your money AGAIN to see the fortune teller, who basically said the same damn thing. And to make things worse, now your professor is aware that you are a terrible student who is only there to try to hook up with him.
A moment of clarity comes to your mind, and you realize that although you were now planning to just take his classes with no ulterior reason, Marius may expel you from his class as he already knows you are just wasting his time.
“Fuck… How did I manage to ruin everything so fast? I’m probably the worst stalker Stellis has ever seen.”
“ But- Wait! I can fix this. I KNOW! I’ll find him, apologize, and ask him to replace me with another student. I just took two classes so I’m sure he can find another person willing to join in the remaining classes, right? At least, there is a chance he won’t think I’m a gold digger.”
Resolute, you go back to where he saw you. Your ice cream melted at this point, but you just don’t care and eat all of it to give you the extra boost you need to face him again.
Finally, Lady Luck smiled on you. Marius is still there. It seems he is alone, so you take the chance to approach him before you change your mind.
“Ahem… Mr. von Hagen… Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Oh… I didn’t think you’d come back. Don’t tell me that you are here to ask me out…” says the bachelor with a teasing smile.
“No! I’m so sorry about that. I just came to apologize for earlier and also well…”
After explaining your situation…
“I see… I don’t need your apology though. You know, what? I know how you can make up for what you have done.”
“As you claim to like Z so much, you’ll help my assistant Vincent to organize the following exhibition we're planning. Then we'll be even as you took a place from someone who might actually come to study.”
One week later, instead of going to your class, you head to the exhibition’s location to help Vincent. This is your last day working with Marius' assistant. Since Monday, you have been visiting the location after work to help with what you could.
You had more fun there than you imagined. Having a chance to see so many captivating paintings and sculptures is only for a privileged few.
“And that’s the last one. I think I’m done here, Vincent.”
“Thank you so much, lady. Master Marius will be pleased to see everything is ready for tonight.”
“I hope so, I don’t wanna get in trouble again hahaha.”
“Hehe, don’t worry, you did a terrific job. By the way, here is the ticket for tonight.”
“What? Is something wrong?”
“I didn’t… I was not expecting this, Vincent.”
“Huh? But that’s just a thank-you gift for your hard work. I thought you liked Master’s work.”
“O-Of course I do! It’s just that… I’m sorry, Vincent. I really can’t accept it. I hope you understand.”
“But… *sigh* Okay, lady. If you change your mind please let me know. You can still enter tonight without a ticket.”
“Thanks. Well, it’s time for me to go. It was a pleasure working with you, Vincent. Good luck.”
You nod to Vincent apologetically because deep inside you know you will not attend the event. You mentally thank Vincent for being so understanding. You haven’t seen Marius since he offered you this position to work with them to organize the event. It turned out that Marius even paid you to work there, even though he didn’t need to.
You take the money to treat yourself in a restaurant of your liking to chill. You have this sense of accomplishment and relief that you can close this Marius chapter in your life and move on from that crazy idea you’d marry him.
The following days would have passed by smoothly if it wasn’t for Mr. von Hagen's regular presence watching you leave work. The first time you saw him, you just couldn’t believe it. You had to look twice to make sure you were not seeing things. He was certainly looking at you inside of his car. That unmistakable seductive smile that probably all women in Stellis have seen at least once on TV or in person.
So many theories crossed your mind of why he was doing that, but you tried your best to ignore his presence. He never approached or got out of his car. Vincent also didn’t text you to ask for anything, so you were clueless at this point.
You tried to ignore him for a week, but it got to a point that you could no longer pretend he was not there, so you finally decided to question the man.
“Good night, Mr. von Hagen, may I know what’s the matter?”
“Oh, good night. What a coincidence, huh? I was just passing by. Do you work here by chance?”, he says playfully as if it was not a straight-up lie.
“Yeah, what a coincidence indeed. I do work here. Do you have a meeting with someone from my work?”
“Not really. But as we are already here, why don’t you come on in so we can chat a bit?”
Sighing, you enter his car. Marius laughs as if he was enjoying this whole thing. Before you can ask again what’s his problem, he shows you the fortune teller’s business card.
“What? How did you get this card?!”
“I think you are asking the wrong question here, missy. You should ask me what I was doing that day at the park. I was expecting you to figure it out, but apparently, you are too polite to ask anything about my personal life.”
“Well… after what I did it would be awkward to ask you that.”
“If you were curious enough we could be in a totally different situation now, missy.”
*sigh* “It can’t be helped. I’ll have to tell you. I also got an appointment with Ms. Lauren that day.”
“WHATTTT?! For real?”
“Why are you surprised?”
“Er… I don’t know, you don’t see the type of person who would pay for a fortune teller’s service.”
“Hehe, maybe you are right. The thing is, I was kinda bored walking at the park a few months ago and decided to give it a try just to see what she would tell me about my future.”
“I asked her about my love life and she had the audacity to tell me I would finally get married and that my future wife was one of her client' friend. Just like you that day, I didn’t take that seriously, but deep inside I wished she was right.”
“Surprisingly, not long after I talked to her, I saw you around here chatting with your friend when I was driving home, and you caught my attention. Since then, I’ve been watching you closely. The more I observed you, the more interested I got, to the point I decided to invest in OUR future. So I’ve been trying to lure you as you were so dense.”
“Don’t tell me…”
“Hahaha, that’s right, missy. I paid the fortune teller to tell you what I wanted. That day you saw me at the park I was going to thank her as she indeed brought you to me.”
“I was a bit concerned though when she told me you were discouraged to stalk me when you heard about that interview I gave and that most women in our class were there because of that. At the time, I was very frustrated about my personal life, so I said that to mock the interviewer. I have always lied about my private life to those journalists, so it never occurred to me this would shy you away from me.”
“As a von Hagen, I love to be challenged and I love to be surprised as well. So when I found out you went to her booth, I was soo excited to see if you were going to make a move.”
Unable to process what you just heard, you get in shock for a moment. Seeing you were not reacting, Marius makes his move, kissing your lips with no hesitation. Open-eyed, you look at him in disbelief, trying to mumble something, but he just keeps going and going until you finally give in to his charms.
Almost out of breath, the two of you stop for a second. There is no hint of embarrassment on you or Marius' faces. It felt so right that there was no regret. On the contrary, your eyes lock with his, giving him the answer he needed. He goes for it again. But, this time, you’re ready to enjoy every second of it, letting him touch you as he pleases. All the chagrin, desperation and bashfulness you felt in the past few weeks finally paid off. Marius von Hagen will indeed be yours.
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im-a-killer-queen · 9 months
Yesterday I saw Aquaman and the lost kingdom and I fell in love with Orm again so I’m gonna leave this here.
Orm Marius x Reader
Warnings: no proof read, fem!reader, curly!hair!reader, chubby!reader.
Author note: I think I’m gonna start writing more about him, there are barely any fics of him and he deserves them.
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So i head canon that as an evolution trait under the water, no one in Atlantis has curly hair, because of the friction and all of that.
So imagine the first time Orm goes to the surface after helping Arthur.
He is walking, admiring the view, completely mesmerized when his eyes meets you.
Your hair is the first thing his eyes see, and he is curious about it, he walks towards you like he was in a trance.
He looks at your face and he swears he has never seen someone as beautiful and exotic as you.
He admires your plush thighs and tummy, your body is different from any Atlantean woman, he is used to slim bodies and looking at yours felt like looking at a work of art.
Before he knew it he was in front of you, staring at you shinny eyes.
You look around and then at him.
“E-excuse me, are you okay?” At first you were scared, now that he was close you didn’t feel that he was a threat but still, you felt a bit uncomfortable.
He suddenly comes back to reality and takes a step back.
“I apologize, didn’t want to bother you, just…” he took air, you were talking to him and your voice was more beautiful than any siren song.
“You are beautiful” he breathed out in a whisper.
He chuckles awkwardly “It’s just… I’m lost” he finally gets himself together “Im new here and just wanted to ask for your help but… it’s just…” he points at you hair.
Your hand flies there, to see if everything is okay “is there something wrong with my hair?”
“No!” You get startled “it’s… different” you frown in confusion “the form, you know…” he moves his finger in circular motions.
“My curls?” You ask?
“Yes, I’ve never seen that before”
“Really? I mean not everyone has them but…” you stop and chuckle “are you trying to flirt with me or something?”
“Flirt?” He looked like a lost puppy.
You shake your head.
“Never mind” you say “where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere I can buy a greasy cheese burger” he smiles
You chuckle.
“There is a good place in the seafront”
He nods slowly, still staring at you.
You stare back and turn you head a bit to try and make him realize he is staring.
He comes back to reality once more and he closes his eyes a bit ashamed then chuckle.
“I’m sorry… again, I just really like you hair, I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“It’s okay” You laugh, he is very strange but he is polite and he just seems genuinely lost.
“I’ll show you the place”
“That would be great” he smiles.
After five minutes walking you get there, he apologized one more time during the walk and told you he was gonna stay around for a few weeks.
Once you got there you told him to give you his number.
“My… number?”
“Yes, phone number”
“I don’t have that”
“Oh” you look around not knowing what to say.
“You live in the village?” He asks.
“Yes” you smile.
“I’ll see you around then” he says determined.
“See you”
You leave him there and go back to your life.
You thought you would never see him again and it would end like a weird and funny story to tell your friends.
Little did you know that atalantis prince was completely smitten for you.
He was ready to swallow all his pride and ask Arthur for help so he doesn’t seem like a creepy weirdo again.
He knew you were his favorite thing in the surface and he was going to marry you.
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reegis · 11 months
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prison mechs preening time with Lyf 💖💖💖
commission for @moons-br
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nortism · 5 months
jean valjean shouldn’t have died at the end of les miserables solely because i feel we were robbed of getting to see he having an awkward father-in-law / son-in-law relationship with marius
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platoapproved · 15 days
All these years, Armand had believed Marius burned to death.  It would be fitting, if Daniel were to do it that way.  More like correcting a continuity error than anything else.  Marius still breathing was a mistake in the script of the universe, and Daniel was ready and willing to play editor.  Sure, it hadn’t stuck the first time, but that was… oh, what was the phrase he’d heard his publisher’s assistant use?  A skill issue.
Anyway uhhh, first chapter of the Killing Marius Fic is up!
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autumnalmess · 2 months
Something so precious to me about Mr Darcy coded Enjolras who can't get the right words together to express how he feels, so people just think he's an asshole when really he's TRYING
Enjolras who does the Mr Darcy hand thing send post.
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oldbutchdaniel · 6 days
iwtv fanfic friday <3
happy weekend reading!
all human decisions by LuckyDiceKirby (@luckydicekirby) m, 19k
Daniel’s bastard maker had the advantage over him: he could travel by daylight. By the time Daniel woke at dusk, sprawled on the couch and actually literally tucked in, there was no sign of him. Well, fuck Armand. Daniel might be a newly minted best-selling conspiracy theorist whose sanity was being publicly debated on every existing social media platform, but he was still a journalist. He could track down one monstrous extremely divorced serial killer, easy.
(armand is sooooooo annoying in this. he's everything to me.)
colour me your colour, baby by hederabug m, 2.6k
“Daniel.” Daniel hears the soft, but insistent voice first as a distant call, as if she’s submerged in water. She breathes air when Armand’s hand grabs at her shoulder. “Wake up, lover.” Armand is on all fours, hands and knees on the bed above where Daniel’s still lying down, so they’re face to face. Armand’s brown eyes are glinting with some manic light, her face cast in shadow, striking chiaroscuro, lit only by the dull amber glow of the bedside table.
(rest assured i will be doing a dm yuri theme week soon and rest assured this will be on it. but it was too good not to include here. i need like 17 more fics in this series)
With His Heart Still Intact (They Didn't Do It Right) by CaravanOfCrows (@asthedeathoflight) t, 6k
A series of collisions; in which free will exists but fate isn't going down without a fight. (surely Armand and Daniel only have extremely normal feelings about freedom and agency and destiny)
marketplace heart-eater by eggalbumin m, 6k
Daniel picks up a blade from the stack of discarded tools in the kidney tray. It has blood on it. “I’m a little scared to ask,” he says, with the aura of someone who isn’t very scared of asking at all, “but who’s blood is this?” Mine. Yours. My master’s, twice-diluted. Why does it matter anymore? It’s poison either way. “The doctor was just showing me how to do incisions. It’s fascinating work.”
(really fucking awesome armand character study. the first time i ever found marius compelling due to the fact that he's written from the lens of armand's tangled knot of being. like i think he should be killed with hammers as much as the next guy but he makes for such a fascinating narrative concept)
did you believe in the glass city by tei @bloodripelives nr, 5.9k
"Yes," Armand breathes. "Yes. Is anything they did to me worse than what I have done to you?" Daniel wants to say yes, but shit, he's not even sure what Armand had done to him. And whatever it was, he is sure that he would have let him do worse.
(daniel tracks down marius for the sake of armand's tangled knot of being. it goes as well as you would expect. so fucking beautiful and soooo fucking compelling. made me cry at least twice. read it now)
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ghost-bxrd · 5 months
His phone is stuck on the open chat with Orm. The last text message, several years old by this point, simply reading: “Is it true?”
There’s none after that.
Because Jason was dead.
So… that was probably answer enough.
Jason types out short and stupid “Hi”, deletes it before he can hit send, then types it out again, deletes that too, types out a simple “yes”— and then backs out of the messenger app completely, without hitting send.
Orm’s not gonna remember the stupid selkie that got himself killed, either way.
— sneak peek of “Our Dead Drink the Sea”
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greenfinchwriter · 2 months
Tempted to add an extra tag of "Armand de Romanus" to any post including Armand just to enjoy witnessing certain people clutching their pearls so hard they could fit right in at a 50s Utah potluck.
I'm a petty person,what can I say.
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desertfangs · 2 months
Imagine Daniel and Marius watching some tv show together that prompts Daniel to explain kinky handcuffs and Marius just silently nods and lets him talk. And then like a week later Daniel discovers Marius has furry pink red handcuffs in his nightstand.
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doormatty3 · 10 months
Minors do not interact!
Always feel free to message me about whatever you want - yes, I also take requests! I write smut for men I'm feral about ~
Check out my Ao3!
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Set Nerves - Patrick Wilson x Reader: How intimate scenes do not work in Hollywood 101 Onions and Orgasms - Orm Marius x Reader: You laugh about Orm’s horrible kitchen skills, and he shows you with what he *is* skilled The King's Broodmare - Orm Marius x Reader: Orm *makes* you submit to him and turns you into his perfect pet Echoes Of Madness - Possessed!Josh Lambert x Reader: Josh is possessed and possesses you with his cock A True Gentleman - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick teaches you to be quiet while taking his cock Dirty Little Nun - Patrick Wilson x Reader: Patrick gets on his knees and makes you worship a different type of god
SERIES: newest to oldest
Whispers In The Shadows Josh Lambert x Reader:
Pushing Further - And they were roommates - except you fucked his dad Veiled Passions - Josh shows you who you belong to Pushing Further: Josh POV - How I fucked his friend in a college dorm room Veiled Passions: Josh POV - I show her who she belongs to
MULTIPLE CHAPTER FICS: newest to oldest
Ocean Eyes - Orm Marius x Reader: You impress Orm with the surface world and he impresses you with his Atlantean cock FINISHED, CHAPTER 8/8 Sinner's Salvation - Ed Warren x Reader: Ed shows you how well he can possess your body - and your cunt FINISHED, CHAPTER 2/2
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ONE-SHOTS: newest to oldest
Till Next Time, Love - Matty Healy x FOC: Matty puts the cock in cockiness and does what he does best
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actualbird · 3 months
my girlfriend and i went to an upscale bougie mall today and because she works for an upscale bougie magazine as an underpaid writer, she knows how much stuff costs for Expensive Brands like along the lines of versace or burberry and whatnot. she kept pointing at criminally expensive looking items and asked me to guess how much they were
her: guess how much that face mask is
me, going high for the laughs: haha what 20,000 (PHP)?
her: yes
her: guess how much that skin cream is
me: ....15,000 (PHP)??
her: nope. 50,000 (PHP).
being horrified at prices aside, she told me this was good reference for marius von hagen's experiences in Rich People Shopping. fuckin 50K skin cream.
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highlordofkrypton · 4 months
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“You are not Atlantis, and Arthur  is not a threat. I am.”
- Queen Atlanna (with Prince Orm)
Commission by @ywnoart Based on the first chapter of The Lighthouse on AO3
I love the way this art turned out, omg!! It's everything I dreamed of and more 💕 Below the cut, you'll find the piece of writing that inspired this commission!
This place is suffocating.
Though there is no air, she craves the crisp feeling of it in her lungs and the warmth of the sun against her face. The surface—the surface is what she longs for with its simple pleasures and its anonymity. She looks upon the great city of Atlantis, dreaming of a little lighthouse in a small town. She grew up here, and yet, this place has become her prison.
I should have been Queen.
Her eyes flutter shut. Images flood her mind of a happy little boy whose heart is bigger than his body, and of a man who’s tender eyes always see right through her. They are so different from her with their sun-loved skin of deep ochre and bright, bright smiles it’s almost blinding. At first, Atlanna could not believe a boy like Arthur could come from her.
I want to be anywhere else, she laments quietly to herself, but she does not cry. Tears and sorrow are beneath her.
A tiny cry cuts through her thoughts. She spares not a second, gathering the little bundle out of his coddling clam and holding him close. Atlanna hushes the child, a perfect blonde baby—her little fry. He quiets at her touch, his blue eyes opening to look at her. He smiles, blowing happy little bubbles at the sight of her. He is so small and so innocent; he is the only thing that makes her happy here.
But if he stays here, he will not know happiness.
Neither of them will.
It happens in a split second; Atlanna tucks her son against her chest and wraps him tightly with supple fabrics. He will not fit beneath her armour, but she will die before letting any harm come to him. She returned to this place in hopes of protecting those she loved, and she had not wanted another child. She had wanted no offspring for the Kingdom was her child. She had plans to nurture it and help her people flourish. Her presence here meant Arthur would be safe, but who would protect this little one?
Atlanna has had enough.
She has had enough of her husband’s ambition and his betrayal.
She has had enough of the roiling feelings in her chest. 
“Your Highness, what are you doing?”
“You know exactly what I am doing, Vulko.”
The High Councillor has been with her since she was born, and now, he has lived to see the birth of her sons. Both of them. His expression is grave as he watches her prepare, but he does not stop her. He never will, for the heart and soul of Atlantis has always been with her. He raised her to be the Queen she always dreamed of being, one that ruled with no male by her side, but he could not sway her father’s hand. Ever since the marriage, he atones for being unable to save her from this lesser life. The bruises Orvax leaves on her skin are his trespasses as much as they are his King’s.
“He will not let you take his son.”
“My son. Orm is my son, just as much as Arthur is, and I will not let Orvax taint him!”
Vulko hangs his head, shaking it in thought. “Perhaps you should consider challenging him, for the sake of your children.” He has been encouraging it since the first time he noticed Orvax has been laying hands on her. “You are the stronger combattant.”
“And the Council?”
She breezes past the guards outside her room, knowing that Vulko would have them stand down. He follows closely behind her, speaking quietly. He motions for them to give them room.
“We will face the Council if it comes to that, but you have their favour. They know you, your Majesty.”
“Their favour? What good did their favour do when my husband went back on his word and took my crown in the name of tradition? I will not wait for him to change his mind, and I will not wait for someone to save me.”
Atlanna stops at the armory. She tips her head up, waiting for the doors to slide open and welcome her in. Nothing happens. She presses her fingers against the door, testing its integrity.
Access denied, speaks a robotic voice.
She tries again.
Access denied.
Her entire life has been spent in this palace exploring different rooms to her delight, yet now that she is grown, she is not trusted with sharp objects. Atlanna was born with a trident in her hand, and she would often pluck the crown off her father’s head when he held her. This is unacceptable. She bangs her fist against it, denting the door. Vulko cannot help her without compromising his alliance.
“Go,” she tells him. “Warn your king.”
It doesn’t occur to her to take Vulko with her. His place is here. He would rot on the surface. People like him—like her —were made for war. He can still save himself, but her life belongs to the little one curled against her chest with his little fists balled in errant strands of her pale hair.
“Atlanna,” her old friend starts, his voice rough with an unfamiliar emotion.
“Do not .”
Apologies are not his to give. She would refuse them anyway, so he might as well save his breath.
Vulko bows to her, one last time, and swims off to warn Orvax of his betrayal. It is his duty; his Queen has ordered it of him.
There is no hesitation in the way she swims through the halls of her childhood. Memories haunt her with every stride. Children playing—a little girl, and a little boy who could have been the love of her life instead of her greatest enemy—and laughing about dreams of princesses and karathens. She turns her back on the man he could have been, finally seeing Orvax for the king that he is. 
At the entrance of the throne room, the last statue of her youth stands, tall and proud with an old claymore of human making. The two of them had found it at the bottom of the North Sea and she had been so fascinated with its abnormally large blade. They had carried it together, snuck it back through the same pocket underneath the Gates, and hit it in a wreckage that only nobles could access, but none ever dared. Orvax had been proud to gift it to her upon their betrothal, a perfect addition to honour her statue—a perfect way to mark the end of their childish dreams.
Atlanna rips the weapon out of her coral-kissed hands, testing its weight. It fits her better now that she is older, wiser and angry enough to wield a dull blade against an enemy. Her rage will be her strength. She needs nothing more than that.
The throne room is a massive auditorium. Her people are welcome to attend any official rulings and its size accommodates not only for Atlanteans, but its neighbouring Kingdoms of the Wrights and the Bright Lights. She had stood upon the dais, thinking of all the good she could do with Orvax at her side. He had stood with her, dreaming just as loudly and just as fervently. When the crown had been within reach, when he had snatched it right from under her with laws and technicalities, she no longer bothered to visit this damned place.
“Atlanna,” Orvax purrs, floating towards her with his arms spread wide as if to welcome her home. “My darling son.”
She stops out of reach, just as his eyes flicker to her sword.
“Vulko informed me that you were going to run. Here, I thought he was overreacting.” 
Once more, he approaches her. Atlanna steps back. She is not here to posture, she is here to fight and there is no need to let him anywhere near them. 
“My love, come .” Anger simmers beneath his kind words. 
His hand darts out to grab her arm. Atlanna parries the attempt with the blade of her sword. It only serves to draw up mocking laughter.
“That blade is dull.”
She draws the blade quickly, adding pressure to it. Though it does not cut on its initial contact, by the time she has run the length of it against his offending palm, blood wafts in the water between them.
“But my intent is not. You will let me leave with my son and you will not follow.” The request is simple and clear, but her husband has made a habit of not listening. “Every guard, assassin or man you send after me will die with my name on their lips and their regrets for not pledging allegiance to me . Send an army and I will answer in kind.”
“Ha! You and what army? The surface dwellers?” Orvax’s lips curl. “Ever since my coronation, you have been a hook in my side. I am sick of it, Atlanna. You could have been a great Queen, but you insist on whoring around on the surface and raising that abomination . He will bring about our ruin.” When he tries to bridge the distance, to tower over her like he has done time and time again, Altanna points the tip of her claymore in the center of his chest, where his heart would have been, if he had one.
“If you are so curious, try me and find out.” Her voice does not waiver and her grip does not tire. Orm fusses against her, but her eyes do not leave Orvax as she runs a comforting hand through his soft hair. “You are not Atlantis, and he will is not a threat. I am.”
Orvax opens his mouth to speak and she shifts her aim towards his throat, the metal testing the yield of his skin.
“I am giving you one chance. You love Atlantis, as do I, but I have found something I love more. Leave me be. We will not disturb you.” 
In his eyes, Atlanna can see the anger and the pride. She knows he will not let her swim out of this Kingdom without a fight. She also knows that he will not raise his sword against her, not yet. She is too rational to justify such public violence, and he respects tradition too much to act without a public trial. He will chase her until the ends of the earth. What a shame.
“Go, but leave the boy.”
“He is my heir.”
“And he is my son.” On that, she refuses to yield.
“You did not want him,” Orvax grits through his teeth.
“And I thought I wanted you. Things change, Orvax. If you come for him, or me, or anyone else in my family, whether it is here or on the surface, I will kill you. Slow. You are not a crown. You are made of flesh, bone and many soft things. You will not touch me again. Do you hear me?”
For a brief moment, fear flickers behind the King’s eyes. He hesitates, considering the merit of a fight.
“You are mine, Atlanna. The Widowhood gave you  to me.”
“I was never theirs to give.” The Queen turns to her former counselor. “Tell any guard you send after me that they will be slaughtered. Indiscriminately.”
“Do not command—”
Atlanna moves quickly, closing the distance between them. She shifts the sword’s trajectory, aiming the butt of the hilt towards his stomach. The feint works in her favour as he moves to block it. Her target was never something so obvious. She slams her forehead into his and a burst of blood clouds his face. She doesn’t dare wait for his retaliation; she swims as fast as she can.
“What are you doing?!” Orvax roars at his high counselor. “Go after her!”
“I am waiting for your command, your highness.” Is that not what Orvax wanted?
The delay of getting the orders to the soldiers gives Atlanna enough time to escape. The guards she encounters are reluctant to face their beloved princess turned hostage. No one speaks of Orvax’s firm hand, but they know. They always have.
This time, with her baby strapped against her chest, she does not look back.
Atlantis is not her home.
The journey from the Kingdom to Amnesty Bay is a long one. She can only ride her mighty shark so far before she sends it back on a journey back towards the only home it knows; she has no choice but to swim in  long and roundabout ways to preserve the safety of her family. Travelling by land is safer, but the shift in environment is too difficult for her little one who wails at the strange new sensations and the dry, dry air. 
“I know, my fry, I know,” she soothes, wading back into smaller bodies of water. Rivers and lakes are better, but they are not as accessible as she would like. There are brief periods where she has to travel by foot. Orm cries for the most part; she soaks him in birdbaths and forgotten kiddie pools. A family nearly calls the authorities on her. To them, she is a madwoman who has kidnapped a distressed child. 
With the lighthouse in view, Atlanna’s strength is renewed. She lights up and kisses the top of her son’s head.
“Look, we are home.”
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platoapproved · 7 days
Do you think Armand's style of leading the coven resembles Marius' style of authority?
Respectfully, anon, do not feel like talking about that man!
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starry-teacup · 4 months
Team give lyfrassir edda tentacles. Not in a horny way. I mean, sure if that's your thing, but that's not what the point of this post is. the rainbowed hair, blood, and eyes are cool and all but I need something a little less pretty bifrost glow-up and a little more I-got-turned-into-an-eldritch-monstrosity-and-can't-go-out-in-public-anymore.
Not full on monster level (though bonus points if they have a barely even human-esque form when they're angry or using their powers). I want them to still be decipherably humanoid, or recognizable by someone who'd met them before all this. but something that could conceivably be achieved by a cosplay is not enough for my hp Lovecraft body horror needs. my ideal post-tbi lyf design has become the subject of several drastic urban legends simply by walking around the street and not interacting with anyone.
so yeah. give the fricker tentacles that don't go away and are a nuisance to find clothes to wear with. make Marius find them pretty even when the way they've been changed isn't conventionally attractive. Please reblog with any personal hcs you have about their cosmic horror appearance that are a bit more screwed up than the norm, lyf edda is my barbie and I like dressing them up in nuclear chaos lmao
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vkylociferart · 26 days
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Here's my contribution for @tdvzine Thank you so much for letting me be part of this beautiful project 🥰
Here's a short fic inspired by this pic, or is it the other way around? 🤭 https://archiveofourown.org/works/58614676 I thought about posting this for the @deromanuscoven #Mariusderomanusaprreciatonweek, though I missed it for one day. Still, I hope it counts for the last prompt ^^'
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