#mark noll
ocalvinista · 2 years
Entre os muitos benefícios importantes de ouvir ou ler bons sermões, há o estímulo de pensar mais claramente sobre Deus e seus caminhos.
Mark. A. Noll, na apresentação de “Pense: A Vida da Mente e o Amor de Deus”, de John Piper
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msculper · 10 months
i need a primary source abt christianity in late 19th c america and im thinking abt picking a televangelist sermon but idk do u have any good suggestions 😔 <- also a history student procrastinating finals
this is slightly outside of my usual shtick, but i think a televangelist sources is perfect for late *20th century! billy graham is an obvious choice that you'll find plenty on, but you could also find some niche stuff out there. obviously idk where you're going with this, but the 2nd Vatican council in the 1970s had some pretty big impacts on catholicism and other denominations going into end of the century, or there's always the rise of the religious right in the 80s (who put out loooots of thought pieces on foreign policy, abortion, aids, television, and probably anything you wanted to get your hands on). depending on your focus, there're probably some interesting sources about american missionaries in the aftermath of korea & vietnam or serving in the global south during decolonization!
best of luck!! i'd love to know what you come up with :)
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treeroutes · 10 months
what's up ! non-exhaustive list of stories featuring weird plants :
The Day of the Triffids, John Wyndham
The Night of the Triffids, Simon Clark
In the Tall Grass, Stephen King and Joe Hill
The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig', William Hope Hodgson
The Man Whom the Trees Loved, Algernon Blackwood
The Red Tree, Caitlín R. Kiernan
Annihilation, Jeff VanderMeer
The Willows, Algernon Blackwood
The Nature of Balance, Tim Lebbon
'Bloom', John Langan
The Ruins, Scott Smith
The Wise Friend, Ramsey Campbell
'The Green Man of Freetown', The Envious Nothing : A Collection of Literary Ruins, Curtis M. Lawson
The Beauty, Aliya Whiteley
The Ash-Tree, M.R. James
Canavan's Backyard, J.P. Brennan
Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jack Finney
The Hollow Places, T. Kingfisher
'Reaching for Ruins', Crow Shine, Alan Baxter
'Vortex of Horror', Gaylord Sabatini
Hothouse, Brian W. Aldiss
Vaster than Empires and More Slow, Ursula K. Le Guin
Odd Attachment, Ian M. Banks
Deathworld #1, Harry Harrison
The Bridge, John Skipp and Craig Spector
'The Garden of Paris', Eric Williams
Apartment Building E, Malachi King
The Seed from the Sepulchre, Clark Ashton Smith
Rappaccini's Daughter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Nursery, Lewis Mallory
The Other Side of the Mountain, Michel Bernanos
The Vegetarian, Han Kang
Sisyphean, Dempow Torishima
The Root Witch, Debra Castaneda
Semiosis, Sue Burke
The Wolf in Winter, Charlie Parker #12, John Connolly
Perennials, Bryce Gibson
Relic, Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Gwen, in Green, Hugh Zachary
The Voice in the Night, William Hope Hodgson
Ordinary Horror, David Searcy
The Family Tree, Sheri S. Tepper
The Book of Koli, Rampart Trilogy #1, M.R. Carey
Seeders, A.J. Colucci
Concrete Jungle, Brett McBean
The Plant, Stephen King
Anthologies/collections :
The Roots of Evil: Weird Stories of Supernatural Plants, edited by Michel Parry
Chlorophobia: An Eco-Horror Anthology, edited by A.R. Ward
Roots of Evil: Beyond the Secret Life of Plants, edited by Carlos Cassaba
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Sylvan Dread: Tales of Pastoral Darkness, Richard Gavin
Evil Roots: Killer Tales of the Botanical Gothic, edited by Daisy Butcher
Weird Woods: Tales From the Haunted Forests of Britain, edited by John Miller
'But fungi aren't plants' :
The Fungus, Harry Adam Knight
Growing Things and Other Stories, Paul Tremblay
The Girl with All the Gifts, M.R. Carey
Mexican Gothic, Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fruiting Bodies, and Other Fungi, Brian Lumley
'The Black Mould', The Age of Decayed Futurity, Mark Samuels
What Moves the Dead, T. Kingfisher
The House Without a Summer, DeAnna Knippling
Mungwort, James Noll
Fungi, edited by Orrin Grey and Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Trouble with Lichen, John Wyndham
Notes :
all links lead to the goodreads page of the book, mostly because i like to look at book cover art ;
list features authors/books that i love (T. Kingfisher, Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Ursula K. Le Guin, the collections from the British Library Tales of the Weird, etc.), but also a few that i don't like and some that i have not yet read ;
if upon seeing that list the first novel you check out is by Stephen King's you have not understood the assignment ;
not all of those are strictly horror stories, some are 100% science fiction (Brian W. Aldiss' Hothouse for instance).
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By the time Finn had woken up, they still had their arms tightly wrapped around Oliver. There weren't any mirrors nearby, but they were sure they probably looked like they had been hit by a truck. They looked up at Noll, a big grin on their face. The morning light trickling through the windows was shining on his face, highlighting his perfect features and making him look like an angel. He looked absolutely beautiful.
Her muscles were still a bit sore from the night before, and Finn wanted to get up and stretch a little bit, but they were too comfortable in Oliver's arms to even think about moving. Instead, they softly began touching the marks that had managed to stay on his skin throughout the night. They were a nice splotchy plum color, scattering his neck and shoulder in uneven shapes. One had even healed into a heart-shape... how ironic. Maybe it was a sign that everything would turn out okay. That maybe Finn wasn't making a mistake when she decided to fuck someone who was essentially a total stranger. "Good morning, sugar," they whispered.
Still... something about Oliver was just immensely perfect. Even now, after the sex hormones had worn off, the thought of getting up and leaving him for even just a day was almost excruciating. He made them feel so goddamn fulfilled and just... calm. They weren't scared when they were with him, expect of the thought of what it would be like without him.
- @lost-in-gardener
Oliver doesn’t think he’s ever slept so soundly, let alone without waking up at some point during the night. The first thing that wakes up is his sense of touch, sighing deeply and contently as the feeling of fingers tracing his skin. Next came his hearing, an all familiar voice breaking the silence of the room. When he tries to open his eyes, he groans at the light that was just a ray’s too bright. His arms around Finn secure a fraction tighter around them as he buries his face in the crook of their neck, hiding away from the light that invaded his vision.
He knew they would both have to get up at some point, but for a few more seconds, he stays there and tries to remember how Finn’s body feels against his. Oliver wanted to make sure he never risked forgetting her touch, her voice, everything about them. Before Finn could begin to speculate if he had fallen back asleep, he takes the opportunity to pepper light kisses along her neck, trailing up to her jaw and cheek before resting his forehead gently against hers. His smile is soft, still not fully woken up and the sun still somewhat manages to get in his eyes, but he’d be damned if he looked away now or even thought about closing his eyes again. One hand moves up to brush a few loose strands of hair away from their face, his smile widening.
“Good morning, my darling.” Oliver whispered back, voice practically laced in affection. Leaning in just enough, he presses a light kiss to her lips, the hand that had brushed away her hair moving to cup her cheek. He’s as gentle as can be, caring with every touch and mindful of anything that may be sore. The whole night, it felt like he was absolutely dreading the idea of waking up and watching them leave, and he doesn’t think he ever let both of his arms unwrap around them. “How do you feel? Did you sleep well?” He asks once he pulls away, admiring how much brighter her eyes looked in the sun. Beautiful.
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empresskaze · 10 months
Okay so I have t/m/a on the brain and I'm curious: Which of the Fears would each of your OCs serve and/or which would they be most afraid of? Feel free to say why, too, if you have the energy because I would LOVE to know
OK HERE WE GO, this is probably going to be long and rambling so I'll do a cut so people not into TMA dont have a wall of text on their dash XD
also if people have their own insights let me know!
Gabriel - I feel Fessor would be very much drawn to the Lonely given his childhood, who he grew up being different, his issues with his father. I think he'd both serve and fear it, like the Lonely would totally try seeking him out. He doesn't have many friends at Davenport and even his time with Michael he was seen as his "odd boyfriend". I know the Lonely is an anecdote for depression and I bet espc after Michael broke his heart, Gabriel would have either been consumed by it or become an Avatar had Liam not been there. Eye would be another, he's definitely marked by it being a professor, a bookworm and loves learning but Lonely in the end would beat it out.
Liam - He'd totally serve the Vast. As close to agoraphobic as he is, his issue is mostly with people, he likes being outside by himself (or with Gabriel) with no one around, he loves the water. I mean he's also my own projection and I serve the Vast XD But yeah wide open spaces are for him, plus he does like roller coasters! So he'd fear the Buried but not in a normal claustrophobic way, he hate being crushed by people around him, being put in social situations he can't escape. That kind of buried feeling. Also Corruption a bit only cuz Liam is a clean freak. It's something I could see begin to push him in obsession if it wanted to consume him. Let's also throw End in here given how much his dad's death affected him.
Aiden - I think they're very Web. Not saying he's a manipulator but they like being in control, being the center of attention. She can work a room like no one else. Aiden wants all eyes on them and everyone eating out of their palm. So yeah Web XD Would totally fear the Corruption, mostly the dirt/disgust side, I mean he has an image to uphold, no messy runways, no dirt or grime! He's obv not a clean freak but image is very important and anything to spoil that they wouldn't like.
Barrett- Given he's a lawyer, probably would serve the Eye, since lawyers generally need to know a lot of information and just being able to "know" it would save a lot of time XD. God I'm not sure what'd he'd fear cuz I'm nearly positive once in an ask I said what his fears was/were and I can't find it so I dont know if I imagined it or not XD For the sake of this I'd probably say Web (which is funny considering Aiden) because it is a loss of control and he's my type A, workaholic so loosing control of something would be a fear of his, being manipulated, etc. So weird that I picked those for Aiden and Barrett XD
Colin - my germaphobe totally fears the Corruption XD I mean do I have explain why? He's got an immune system worse then Gabriel and Ambrose's, has a cleaning service, boxes of tissues everywhere and rules for River to adhere too XD He's not gonna do well around anything dirty or illness spreading. As for serve, as a joke since he's a food critic Id say Flesh but lets not go there XD Honestly for Colin I cant really think of one he'd outright serve, I think he'd be consumed than serve.
River - ok this is a toughy.... possibly Eye cause he likes to read and gain knowledge but not enough where he'd be compelled to do it. God maybe River would be like Smirke and Leitner who dance around the Fears but never is taken by one XD Or he's Joshua Gillespie and just doesn't notice. Yes I like that for him XD
Noll - HA oh man, this one is gonna be fun. Alcohol is his crutch so he's very Web, he needs that control over him. MAG 172 with Francis is like the perfect example of Noll. Except he doesn't try to do better. He'd definitely serve it as long as it provided him bourbon. A healthy pairing of serving and fear. Also he'd probably fear the Spiral, only cuz so much has happened to him and epsc when you're drunk you can't always trust what you see. Lonely fits in there too and Stranger, he's definitely marked by it. He's several fears in jeans and a tshirt XD
Ren - He 100% fears the Desolation. I mean a fire burned down his family's gallery and permanently damaged his lungs. He has a very healthy fear of fire and who can blame him? Honestly next to Colin his fear was probably the easiest to determine. As for serving, I'd say either Eye or Web. He's smart, quite manipulative (good god is this a theme in my OCs???), wants to impress the right people, definitely doesn't want his secrets known to others. Eye and Web can fight over him.
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azspot · 1 year
As Mark Noll explains in *America’s Book: The Rise and Decline of a Bible Civilization, 1794–1911*, figures like Paine were instrumental in shaping America’s commitment to independence, which in turned shaped how its people engaged the Bible. In Paine’s mind, and in the minds of many of his contemporaries, Americans had the right to use the Bible however they saw fit, lest they bite the hand—independence—that fed them their freedom.
Early Americans Read the Bible in a Way That Nearly Destroyed America
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cherinoll · 7 months
I made a Facebook
And collected my friends
Some were true
Some just connections
The electronic footprints
Developed a trend
The permanency
When life came to an end
A final wall post
Etched on the screen
Another overdose
Couldn't stay clean
A mark left forever
Of a life lost too soon
Pain and confusion
A family left in ruin
You will be mine
Once you start sharin'
'Til DEATH do us part
Forever Love, HEROIN
Cheri Noll
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kaitropoli · 7 months
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NGC 1999
ESA/Hubble & NASA, ESO, K. Noll
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THE Cosmic Keyhole, or by the government name of NGC 1999, is a reflection nebula in the Orion constellation. Located near the Orion Nebula, in a region of the Milky Way where stars are actively being formed, NGC 1999 is ~1350ly from Earth and is the composition of young star’s (V380 Orionis) formation discards.
UNLIKE emission nebulae, which alone emit light due to radiation ionization involving stars’ ultraviolet rays and nebula’s hydrogen atoms, NGC 1999 can’t shine unless a fixed light source illuminates the nebula due to its reflective type. The Cosmic Keyhole, however, is brightened by V380 Orionis (the light diffracting in the image above), a T Tauri star that sits covered by the smog of its birth.
REGARDING the “keyhole,” astronomers initially thought the hole was a Bok globule, a dense molecular cloud of gas and cosmic dust that absorbs light. In 2009, further observations were conducted using the Herschel Space Observatory (an infrared telescope that can penetrate dense material such as in this case), with supporting analyses from the Atacama Pathfinder Experiment, Nicholas U. Mayall Telescope, and the Magellan telescopes, debunking the Bok globule belief—instead concluding that NGC 1999’s mark isn’t anything but empty space. To this day, it’s still unknown why NGC 1999 has its iconic hole, but experts speculate that its creation is from local, new stars’ jets of gas puncturing the nebula’s foggy wall.
THE nebula was first discovered in the late 18th century by astronomer siblings Sir William and Caroline Herschel. It was later listed as object 1999 in the New General Catalogue—hence its formal name. In 1999, shortly after Servicing Mission 3A, the WFPC2 observations captured the image above.
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Main article w/ picture: "Hubble Peers at Mysterious Cosmic ‘Keyhole’" (NASA).
| "Hier ist wahrhaftig ein Loch im Himmel. The NGC 1999 dark globule is not a globule"
| "Herschel: the first science highlights"
| "Bok Globules"
| "Cosmic Keyhole"
| "The Reflection Nebula in Orion"
| "NGC 1999"
| "Hubble's Nebulae"
| "Hubble Images Bok Globules"
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(Caption written by @kaitropoli (me) using information from the sources above. Astronomy--knowledge of the universe, its population, fundamentals, and how everything is *known* to operate--is expanding every day with new things being discovered; the information listed could expire, so note that what I've gathered spans from 1990-2010 (with particular articles from the 2020s affirming up-to-date information with unchanged data).)
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louisevonsalome131629 · 9 months
the books i read in 2023 in chronological order with rating / favs in bold (yes sometimes sth is a fav even though it wasn't a 10/10 a the time and vice versa)
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 7/10 Christa Wolf - Leibhaftig 5.5/10 Fruttero & Lucentini - Du bist so blass 6.5/10 Nadia Terranova - Farewell Ghosts 9/10 Sally Rooney - Beautiful World Where Are You 4.5/10 Mark Z. Danielewski - House of Leaves 10/10 Katharina Hagena - Der Geschmack von Apfelkernen 7/10 Toni Morrison - Recitatif 6/10 Alice Munro - Die Jupitermonde 8/10 Siri Hustvedt - Die unsichtbare Frau 8/10 Miriam Toews - Women Talking 10/10 Mirna Funk - So What?! 2/10 Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451 7.5/10 Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - Americanah 8/10 Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid‘s Tale 9.5/10 Emma Cline - The Guest 9/10 Christa Wolf - Störfall 3/10 Katharina Adler - Iglhaut 6/10 Truman Capote - In Cold Blood 8.5/10 Erich Hackl - Entwurf einer Liebe auf den ersten Blick 7/10 Ingrid Noll - Die Apothekerin 8/10 Ayobami Adebayo - A Spell of Good Things 7/10 Margaret Atwood - Polarities 8/10 Jean Anouilh - Antigone 10/10 David Foster Wallace - Infinite Jest 10/10
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lost-soul-in-time · 1 year
😬 ( GRIMACE )  - sender is giving receiver head beneath a desk when someone unexpectedly walks in and receiver is forced to keep a straight face while the person talks to them
- @drowned-bitch
School has been over for more than an hour, Oliver’s mind feels hazy from his recent hits from a joint, and the principal won’t stop talking.
“Make sure you get some color in here at some point, Noll. It’s like I’m looking into a bland library.”
“Yes, um, of course. I’ll-”
“I mean, really. You want it to feel accepting, you know? That’s what we’re all about. Have you also got tomorrow’s—“
The spew of words is interrupted by a groan that sounds harsh from how difficult it had been to contain it, the effort proving to have been in vain when the heels of his hands rub and rest over his eyes when they threaten to flutter shut on their own.
“You doing alright there? You don’t look too good. Do I need to get you anything?”
When the principal steps forward, the threat of potentially having them walk closer to where he’s seated at his desk making itself known, and he hurries to lift up a hand to stop them in their tracks. “No! I- I think I may be.. I honestly don’t feel great, I may be coming down with something. I wouldn’t want it to pass onto you.”
“Ah, of course. Well, what’re you still doing here? Get out of here, get some rest, feel better. We’ll talk then.”
“Right. Thank you. Could you- would you close the door on your way out? I’ll be leaving shortly.”
With a court, friendly nod, the third presence in the room is finally making its way out of the room, though they stop just short of having their hand on the doorknob. They take in a deep breath as if scenting for something and let out an unamused sigh, looking back at Oliver’s slightly wide-eyed expression. “Tell Mr. Rivers to at least make an effort to clean out the smell his joints leave in here. I’ll get you a Febreeze or something to keep in your drawer for when they leave. I swear, that one’s got a problem.”
Not trusting his words, he only hums in acknowledgment as he watches the third presence in the room finally leave. Only when he hears the footsteps fade into nothing and leave silence behind does he let out a quiet, trembling moan. Forcing himself to push away from his hunched over position over the desk is a difficult task, but he still manages to do so and lean back in his chair to catch sight of the sinful image of Daniel knelt in front of him, his cock slipping out of their mouth with a near silent pop and smirking up at Oliver’s flushed face.
“Look at that, I’m already leaving a lasting mark in more ways than one.”
“You’re insatiable.”
“I thought you were the one who begged for it earlier, my darling boy.”
“You’re—” His jaw clenches and a groan gets stuck in his throat when Daniel’s tongue licks over the tip of his cock, his jaw loose as he mindlessly licks and sucks around it. “We need to leave.”
Pulling away with a kiss to the head, Daniel glances up at Oliver from underneath dark shades. He almost shivers at the dark eyes he’s looking down into and the playful intensity that accompanies them. “We will soon enough. I want to watch you come in my mouth first, darling.”
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ocalvinista · 2 years
O pensar claro que segue padrões bíblicos nos afastará do “eu” e nos levará a um deleite completo na graça de Deus como a chave para cada aspecto de nossa existência.
Mark. A. Noll, na apresentação de “Pense: A Vida da Mente e o Amor de Deus”, de John Piper
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lost-in-gardener · 1 year
🤔 ( THINKING ) - receiver is looking for any means to distract sender from their work to get them to come to bed and resorts to teasing them
— @lost-soul-in-time
Ever since Finn had started staying at Oliver's house, they noticed that he almost never took the time to just lay down and relax. Maybe he just didn't need rest since he was already dead, but he was constantly cleaning and dusting and playing music, and as sweet as that was, Finn wanted to make sure he got the care that he deserved. The first step to succeeding in doing that was getting him into bed, a subject in which Finn had to admit they were an expert in... but maybe they'd also put some effort into making his pretty brown eyes roll back into his head with pleasure on the way down.
He was sitting at his piano, playing Moonlight Sonata when Finn came up behind him and wrapped their arms around his shoulders, resting their face in the crook of his neck. "Sugar, come to bed," they murmured, causing Oliver to chuckle softly.
"I'll lay down in a few hours, darling, I still have to learn how to perfect this..." His voice trailed off, accidentally striking the wrong note in the middle of his practice as Finn began kissing along the side of his neck and smoothed their hands over his back. "...I..."
"Come on Noll, what's stopping you?" they whisper into his ear, a smirk spreading across their face as he shivers, sliding one hand up to tangle in his hair and softly tug his head back so they can start sucking a mark into what would be his pulse point if his heart was still beating. The sound of the choked whimper slipping from his lips is enough to spur Finn onwards, sliding one hand up to start slowly unbuttoning his white shirt as the other keeps a gentle but unyielding grip on his curls. "Sugar, you know you need a break from all this hard work, right? If you let me, I can help you relax..."
"F-Finn, I just need to... agh, darling..." he moans, eliciting a low groan from Finn as they soothe their fingers over his scalp. As Oliver's shirt falls open, Finn runs their hand over his scarred abdomen and down to his waist.
"You just need to what, sugar? Use your words..." They softly nip at the fresh mark in his skin, causing him to whine softly and shiver again.
"It doesn't... it's not important anymore..." he mumbles, gasping softly as Finn slides their hand down a little further and begins palming the start of the erection that had started making a tent his slacks and leaning his head back against her shoulder. "My darling, I... you... not fair..." His chest is heaving slightly as he pants with desperation, and Finn suddenly pulls away from him entirely with a low hum.
"I'll be waiting for you in the bedroom sugar, it's up to you whether or not you're patient enough to wait 'a few hours'. Who knows, I might even be asleep by then, and you'll have to wait until the morning to get your release. Wouldn't that be a shame, sugar?"
They're not succumbing to the pleading look in his eyes as they kiss him on the cheek and begin walking towards their shared room, and the sound of him trailing behind her like a lost puppy is enough to make Finn chuckle softly.
"Good boy."
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chromalogue · 2 years
They swore up and down that Germany has real cold and real snow, but it’s been raining since before I got back.  The river is high and brown and swollen. 
I don’t carry an umbrella, because most of the time toting around this weird instrument that interferes with everyone around me and takes up one of my hands and has to be carried in just such a way is several orders of magnitude  more annoying than just getting wet.  But last Thursday I walked to my German class in a steady downpour and even in a distressingly waterproof coat I got so absolutely soaked that four hours later, my bra was still soaked through. I turned on the heat in my office and tried to read Mark Noll with my chest pressed up against the radiator which was a) not comfortable but b) more comfortable than sitting there damp and shivering. 
Then I slogged down to the centre of campus for lunch and a library book, and discovered that the book I’d ordered wasn’t waiting on the main campus, but on another one a few streets south.  And at first I just thought I’d knock off an hour early and pick it up on my way home, but turns out that library closes at 4, so I left four hours early, because although it would have been a matter of a ten-minute walk back up the street to get back to my office, I wasn’t putting myself through that again.  I found this other campus, got into the library building, defeated the Minotaur, and picked up my book, which I had to put into my plastic portfolio for protection, because by this time the ink from everything was bleeding onto everything else.
This was my first time in months walking home during full daylight, and I saw the sidewalk covered in drowning earthworms.  Anytime I saw one still moving, I took a leaf and moved it as gently as I could onto the grass.  Because at this point it’s not like I was going to get wetter.  And then when I got home I stripped everything off, hung it up, crawled under my duvet, and went to sleep.  But this past vacation, if you’d told me that I would be rescuing earthworms in January, I wouldn’t have paid any attention.  Partly because it would have seemed so improbable and partly because I was trying to haul a bundle buggy through a foot of snow. 
My dad’s gonna be fine, it looks like.  He stopped eating at the hospital, but now he’s eating again and getting stronger.  But now my uncle is in with pneumonia and a disturbingly high heart rate.  I know it’s just the way things happen, but it feels like when I leave everything falls apart. 
But I’m paid now, and that makes here much nicer, rain notwithstanding.  I found out I can turn my own heat on, and the store has trout caviar for 4 euros, and it’s like tiny fishy pomegranate seeds.  I got myself Netflix and I’m puzzling my way through Mord mit Aussicht. 
Naomi Novik’s Scholomance series was thoroughly amazing.  Now I’m rereading the old Nancy Drew books, because I loved them as a kid and I want to understand what I was thinking.  And as a holdover from my pre-being-paid days, listening to John Galsworthy’s The Man of Property on audiobook.  Probably says loads about my upbringing, but there’s something deeply soothing for me about a posh accent minutely describing landscapes and rich people and their furniture.  I mean, I gather stuff happens in the book, but so far it’s the aforementioned rich people obliquely pondering enduring questions that are I’m sure important but nowhere near as pressing as “What if I never get paid?”  And it’s been marvellous to nod off to, so much so that after six weeks I’m at part 4 of 13. 
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hercla · 3 months
Det här blir sista veckobrevet det här läsåret. Känns tråkigt med bara en massa sommarbilder som sista brev, men vet inte vad annat jag ska prata om. Det får bli lite sånt blandat med sporadiska tankar LIVE från mitt huvud.
Både mina föräldrar och deras föräldrar har alltid varit trädgårdsmänniskor. Inte jag. Det har varit så många helger och lov som man suttit och svurit över att behöva räfsa löv och rensa rabatter. Men någonting har skiftat. Kanske är det äntligen frontalloben som är färdigutvecklad eller något för jag är så jävla trädgårdssugen. Någonting är det, kanske en till pensionärssyssla att lägga till på hobby-listan. Men oj, aldrig känt det så starkt? Nu har vi också en trädgård, typ. Vår förening är bara vi och tre lägenheter till och det finns gräsmatta med äppelträd och inte mycket annat. Inte heller någon som är speciellt trädgårdsintresserade så det är nog bara välkommet att någon tar tag i det hela.
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Jag skulle vilja sätta en klätterros vid stammen på ett av fruktträden, på Rosariet hade de gjort det på flera stycken och det var så himla fint.
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Jag skulle också vilja sätta någon rabatt mot framsidan och vägen. Det är så fint när man ser alla blommor i folks trädgårdar, det lyfter hela grannskapet och så många fler får ta del av det då.
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Något stort och yvigt, tillsammans med lite högre plantor. Vår mark är helt platt så man för fejka lite höjd istället.
Man får ta en grej i taget, Felix föräldrar har hjälpt till så mycket med lägenheten så nu kanske mina äntligen kan vara till någon nytta ahahah.
Annars vet jag inte, inte så mycket mer jag tänkt på. Om någon är trädgårdsintresserad får ni gärna komma med tips!! Jag vet så gott som noll.
Det blev visst inte lika spretigt som jag hade tänkt mig... Men jag lovade sommarbilder också så här kommer dom!
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Låten blir "Caracas - Drago Milnanrec"
Trevlig sommar!! Och tack för att ni läser mitt lilla veckobrev <3<3<3
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theboardroomsurfshow · 5 months
Greg Noll Talks About the Last Days & the Last Phone Call with Miki Dora...
Greg Noll's Last Conversation with Miki Dora
In this poignant excerpt featuring Greg Noll, we witness the final moments and heartfelt conversation with surfing legend Miki Dora. Noll's reflections delve into their deep friendship, from regular talks to the profound impact of Dora's passing. Through these intimate glimpses, we experience the enduring bond between these surf icons and the lasting impressions they leave.
Noll shares the emotional journey of their last discussion, touching on themes of human connection and memories they cherished. From contemplating building a wall to moments of levity and care, Noll's recollections paint a vivid picture of their relationship. He also shares fond memories, like fishing with his grandfather, capturing the essence of their shared experiences.
This excerpt captures the essence of friendship, loss, and the indelible mark left by surf legends like Greg Noll and Miki Dora. It offers a moving portrayal of their connection and the legacy they leave behind in the surfing world.
🎬 Produced by: Scott Bass 🌊 Scott is the driving force behind The Boardroom International Surfboard Show, previously known as Sacred Craft. With years of experience and passion for surfboards, Scott brings you insights, interviews, and a cultural exploration of the iconic symbol of freedom – the surfboard. 🤝✨ DONATE: Boardroom Podcast 🤝✨
📖 Listen to our Surfboard Podcast Archives here: https://boardroomshow.com/podcast/
0 notes
azspot · 1 year
The question of the Bible and slavery in the era of the Civil War was never a simple question. The issue involved the American expression of a Reformed, literal hermeneutic, the failure of hermeneutical alternatives to gain cultural authority, and the exercise of deeply entrenched intuitive racism, as well as deep-seated convictions about the Bible as an authoritative religious book and slavery as an inherited socioeconomic relationship. The North—forced to fight on unfriendly terrain that it had helped to create—lost the exegetical war. The South certainly lost the shooting war. But constructive Christian theology was the major loser when American believers allowed bullets instead of hermeneutical self-consciousness to determine what the Bible taught about race and slavery.
Mark Noll
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