#mark x JB
cherryeol04 · 1 year
I Hate Decorating
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➻ Pairings: Mark x Jaebeom
➻ Genre: romance, fluff, domestic relationship
➻ Additional: N/A
➻ Word Count: 1K
➻ Warnings: N/A
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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Jaebum had been dreading this day since October hit. Even though there were two Holidays before it, Christmas items were already being put out on display already. And his boyfriend, Mark, was an avid Christmas fanatic. Christmas songs began to play in the house in November. Shopping began in October and of course, the decorations had to be up the day after Thanksgiving. Okay. Well the day after the day after Thanksgiving because the day after Thanksgiving was super, mega shopping day and Jaebum refused to go shopping anymore after nearly dying the first time around. 
“No.” Jaebum grumbled as he looked up from his phone, eyes landing on Mark as the other male dragged out the newly purchased boxes of inflatables and statuettes of lighted creatures. 
“Oh come on, Grinch. Give me a hand.”
Jaebum sighed as he stared intently at Mark. He lowered his phone and started clapping, which didn't amuse Mark as much as it was amusing himself. 
“Jaebum, help me decorate.”
“Mark, it's not even December.” Jaebum commented. 
“Exactly and our neighbors already have their lights up. We need to do the same!” Mark huffed, a pout gracing his beautiful lips. 
“Americans…” Jaebum grumbled and Mark grunted. Walking over, Mark took a seat on Jaebum's lap and crossed his arms as he stared at him. 
“Hey now, you agreed to move with me to LA. Don't even complain about us “Americans”. You're gonna be a citizen soon too.” he grinned. Jaebum groaned and wrapped his arms around Mark's waist and held him close.
“Yeah, I agreed. But you go a little excessive when it comes to decorating.”
“But you love me.” Mark pointed out cutely, voice taking on a higher pitch. Jaebum groaned and rolled his eyes as he lowered his head to rest on Mark's shoulder. 
“Alright. Fine, let's go put up the decorations.”
Mark grinned and clapped his hands happily before throwing them around Jaebum's neck. “Thanks, love.” he said and smiled. He leaned in and kissed Jaebum's cheek. He slipped off of Jaebum's lap and made his way back to the boxes he had been carrying and picked them back up and started walking towards the front door. 
Jaebum gave a deep sigh as he watched his boyfriend leave out the door and wondered to himself exactly why he just couldn’t say no. But he supposed it was because the other was just an amazing man in general. Everything he had ever wanted in a partner. Jaebum honestly considered himself lucky that he was able to snag such a beautiful and pure-hearted man to call his own. Getting up from the chair, he moved to the door, ready to meet his maker.
Jaebum clung tightly to the edge of the roof, lights dangling from his body. Mark’s hand wound around his wrist, gripping tightly and for a moment Jaebum thought maybe he wouldn’t actually die. Granted, their house was only one story, so maybe if he fell he wouldn’t actually die and just break something. But still, the fear was real. His heart was racing as Mark started pulling and he did his best to help push himself back up as well. Thought it was difficult since one arm was tied to his side by the lights. 
Between the two of them, they managed to pull him up and over the side, both laying on their sides. They hadn’t exerted that much energy, but they were panting as they had just run a country mile. Jaebum looked to Mark, whose eyes were still wide with fear, his cheeks flushed red. “This is why I don’t want to decorate,” he spoke after a moment of silence between them. A large smile spread over Mark’s lips and he laughed.
“It’s not my fault you’re an absolutely clutz.” he teased. “Are you okay?” he finally asked, trying to calm himself from his laughter.
“I’m just peachy,” Jaebum grumbled and groaned. “Mark unwrap me!”
Mark snickered as he leaned over and started unwrapping the lights from Jaebum’s body. “I have to admit, I kind of like you like this, all tied up. Like your my Christmas present.” he teased. 
“You know, sometimes I wonder about your mind and where it goes.” he commented. He was more than happy when Mark finally removed the lights from his upper body, and he was able to finally sit up on his own. 
“It goes on a lovely trip and brings me back such amazing commentary when it returns.” Mark chuckled and Jaebum could only roll his eyes. He couldn’t deny that. The things that Mark would say were sometimes very questionable, but funny or suited for the situation. Mark had his own style of living and commenting on life and that was one of the things that had intrigued Jaebum about the other when they first got together.
“You’re so silly.” Jaebum smiled.
“That’s why you love me.”  Mark said, pausing in his work to stare at into Jaebum’s eyes. “Right?”
“Mmm, well it’s not the only reason I love you. But definitely one of the reasons.” Jaebum said as he leaned forward slightly.
“What are the other reasons?” Mark asked, smiling ever so slightly at Jaebum.
“There are too many to list. We don’t have all day, we need to finish getting the decorations up.” Jaebum said. “But trust me when I say, there are so many reasons why I love you and nothing will ever change my thoughts on that.” he said. Closing the gap between them, Jaebum pressed his lips against Mark’s in a chaste kiss. Mark hummed against the lips, leaning into the kiss for a moment before pulling back.
“Alright. Let’s get back to work and this time, try not to kill yourself. I know you hate decorating but that doesn’t mean you can just throw yourself off the roof.” he teased and Jaebum rolled his eyes.
“Yeah yeah yeah. I’m just saying, I’m not taking this all down in January.” he said and Mark pouted.
“But Bummie.” 
“No! Not finish the lights!” Jaebum said and tossed one of the evil strands at Mark, who caught it with a laugh.
“Love you too babe.” he winked and blew a kiss at Jaebum, the other just shaking his head and moving to continue to hang the lights on his side of the roof. Decorating was something he really hated, but he would suffer through it for Mark. Because he loved Mark, and he would do anything for the other, just to see him smile.
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markie-baby · 8 months
If You Love Me | pt.1
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🌹AngstFluff/Smut (18+ MA) Part II 🌹Black Female Reader x Mark Tuan 🌹shower sex 🌹Your boyfriend Mark has been away on his first solo tour for his album, The Other Side. You haven't seen him in months and something is...off. Now that he's back home, there are a few things you need to get off your chest.
You stared intently at the last text messages your boyfriend sent you.
(7:00 pm) Markie-moo💜: I just landed😁
(7:05 pm) YAYYYY💕 can't wait to see youuuuuuu
(7:05 pm) you sure you don't need me to pick you up?
Read 7:09 pm.
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I'm sure😊 I need to go by the studio real quick, then I'll be omw
(7:10 pm) Markie-moo💜: I can't wait to see you, beautiful🖤 I've missed you so much
(7:15 pm) Okay💕 Let me know when you're otw home... I've missed you more!
Read 8:30 pm.
You glanced up at the time on your screen...It's 11pm.
"Your father is very late." You sighed at Milo, who could only look up at you and tilt his head as if he understood the severity of you using the word 'Father' and not 'Daddy'.
The television screen shined through the tall bottle of red wine that sat on your living room table, which casted a shadow on an open bag of gummy bears. You already started snacking on them an hour into waiting for Mark to get to your apartment, and only just realized that you obliterated half the box already. You spent the past three days gearing up for Mark's arrival from his first album tour; aimlessly cleaning your place, cooking all of Mark's favorite foods, buying wine, and meticulously sprinkling rose petals all over the bedroom. You even got dressed up and wore that perfume he liked on you... only to find yourself feeling silly, scratching the belly of his furry baby, as your bones grew stiff waiting for him.
Regrettably, you couldn't deny that you weren't surprised he was a little late. The strongest part of your relationship with Mark was first and foremost, honesty. Mark hated lies and had never told you one himself. Which is why it was so obvious that he has been lying for the past few months. Badly. I was stuck at the studio and I lost track of time, being the most frequently used of the bunch. You'd find him speaking in a low tone for phone calls, rarely letting you use his phone or laptop, and getting absorbed into his phone screen. He started becoming distant... becoming someone completely different from the man you met. You started suspecting he was cheating.
You moved to LA six years ago to pursue owning a business and had no intentions of having a long-term relationship. Mark was a little timid towards you when you first met him through a mutual friend. He never said much outside of the realm of "Hi", "How are you", and "How are you doing?" But as you stuck around more and more, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. You felt connected talking to him about your aspirations, hopes, and fears, knowing that he was always there to listen and share some of those same feelings. It also helped that Mark was (and still is) the most beautiful man you've ever met in your life. Every time you met up with him, you found yourself drinking up all his features; from his pink, heart-shaped lips that opened to a breath-taking smile, to his deep, dark, entrancing eyes. The last time you got lost in Mark's eyes as his best friend, was when your business hit an all-time low.
"I just don't know, Mark..." you sobbed through clogged sinuses. "I don't think I can't still support myself if my business can't make more sales."
Mark was only inches away from you on your couch as you cried into your fetal position.
"Hey, hey..." Mark gently placed his warm hands on your shoulders. "Don't think like that. You've done amazing so far... There has to be something else you can do to get your sales up."
"Well..." You poked your head out briefly. "I could do more marketing... but I already spent so much money on marketing and-"
The tears started reforming in your sore eyes as you hid your head back into your knees. Silence hung in the air like a bad joke as the idea of complete failure circled in your head... You would have to leave the life you worked so hard to build in LA, only to return home to square one, with your tail between your legs. You weren't ready to leave your hard work, your home, your friends, or Mark...
"Y/N..." You felt Mark leaning closer to you with a rasp in his voice. "Look at me."
You reluctantly looked into the eyes of your friend, and suddenly, all the anxiety and fear that you felt only seconds ago, felt like forgotten emotions. His eyes seem to pull you into their calming, deep brown pools.
"Ever since I met you, I have seen you fight and work hard for this. I've admired your passion, and how dedicated you are to your dreams... It's one of my favorite things about you. You can't give up on this now. Not after you worked this hard. Not after you've built this life for yourself all on your own... Not to mention how hard it would be to say goodbye to you if you leave."
"Mark..." You felt your heartbeat in your throat.
"I care about you... and I hate seeing you struggling like this. If you need help, why didn't you ask me?"
"I just didn't want to inconvenience you... I know you've been busy in the studio and doing photoshoots I-... just figured that could do this on my own. Like I've always done everything on my own."
Mark's eyes trailed yours, slowly inching to your nose then your lips...
"You don't have to do this alone." You felt Mark snake his long fingers in between yours. "I'll be there for you... like always."
The bubble developing in your throat was an indication that the waterworks were rising again. Up to this point, Mark has been the most supportive, honest, sweetest, considerate, and the most chill person in your life. He's always been there to listen to whatever you had to tell him; what you see each other doing in the next few years, or a late-night drunken rant about pineapples on pizza. And whenever Mark called, you would drop everything just to hear how his day was. Whenever you hung out with him, you could be alone or in a group of other people, it was like it was just you two. Your soul mate...
You looked into Mark's eyes again, feeling your heart start to race... in your trance, your eyes wandered across his face, admiring how the low glow of the Livingroom television showed his soft textured skin. How his hair was poofy since he raced over to you from his nap. Sometimes you felt like you didn't deserve someone this amazing and supportive to be in your court. But Mark was just your cute little blessing on top of all the other ones. Overcome with emotion, you crash into Mark's arms and held him tight.
"Thank you so much, Mark. For everything." Your stress left your body in a big sigh. "I love you..."
You felt Mark's arms around your waist slowly pull you closer to his body and his face buried into the crook of your neck.
"I love you more..."
You replayed his response in your head as you held on to him.
"I love you more" Thump.
"I love you more" Thump-Thump.
"I love you more" Thump. Thump-Thump-Thump. Thump.
Your heart started to race. Goosebumps raised when Mark's breath lightly brushed your neck, and you felt his strong heartbeat thump against your chest. What was this feeling? You were scared to pull away, frightened of getting lost in his gaze again.
"Um, right s-so..." You cleared your throat. "Thanks again, Markie."
You tried pulling away... but found that Mark's grip was still tight around you.
"Wait..." He spoke in a low tone that made your spine shiver.
Your heart felt like it was going to climb out of your mouth. Of course, you've been this close to Mark plenty of times before, you guys have practically held hands before. But there has never been this type of tension hanging in the air. It was almost suffocating. You looked into Mark's eyes for some sort of sign... but damn, he was looking so gorgeous. Your eyes traced his whole face; every curve of his pink lips, every line in his jaw & every eyelash sitting upon his beautiful eyes. Oh, his eyes... they seemed to sparkle... and they were intently fixed on your mouth. Instinctively, your hands made their way up to his jawline, which produced a small sigh from Mark's parted lips.
He was slowly closing the space between your faces. The heat started to rise in between your ears, as you battled with the thought of kissing your best friend. If you did, you could be either making the best decision of your life... or ruining a friendship with a man you cared for deeply. But you couldn't deny... you wanted him. With every heavy breath that Mark breathed, with every second his hands tightened around your thighs, with every inch that his lips drew closer to yours... your desire for him grew. The realization that you loved him grew.
With the most genuine softness, Mark closed the painful gap between both pairs of lips. Both of your bodies were lost in each other... neither of you realized just how steamy your little make-out session got. You became a couple shortly after, with this year being your third year together.
With each passing day, you felt more frustrated in your conflicted feelings. On one side, you were upset at him... but more at yourself for letting the situation grow. On the other hand, you felt the yearning for him grow hot and restless in your core, and eventually, you couldn't help but touch yourself out of the thought of him. The way his dark, loose curls flop over his forehead, the sparkle in his eyes, the sincerity of his smile, the sweetest of his cologne, the slight curve of his lips, the softness of his skin, the heat of his breath-
You snap out of your trance when you hear the jingle of keys at the door. You tap your screen back to life. It's 11:55 pm.
"I'm home!" Mark poked his head through the door at beamed at you on the couch.
"Mark..." You couldn't help but sigh.
"Babe!" Mark cheesed the brightest smile you've ever seen as his chest collided with yours.
His arms tightly squeezed around your waist as you heard him drink in your scent. Finally, your boyfriend was home, with a bouquet as bright as his smile. Almost instinctively, your nerves weakened in his warm embrace, and you melted around him. You forgot about everything you were ever upset about. With every bone in your aching body, you wanted to hold him... feel his skin gently graze yours, caress his adorable face, and shower him in kisses... but he still broke his promise. The one person in your life who was always truthful, real, and loyal... wasn't anymore.
"I missed you so, so much..." Mark whispered into your ear.
"Mark..." You pulled away from him. "What took you so long..."
"I'm sorry," He sighed. "I got tied up again-"
"Mark I..." You paused. "I've spent all of the past 3 days preparing all this stuff for you. And I have been... trying so hard to be so excited for you to come home. For you be in my arms again, to kiss you, to make absolute love to you..."
"What?" Mark's eyes widened.
"We need to talk about something."
Mark's smile slowly started to fade and the bouquet slowly lowered from his grasp.
"You've broken the one promise that we've had in this relationship... you lied to me, Mark. And you've been doing it over and over... And I'd hope that our bond was strong enough for you to realize that I would notice that."
Mark gently placed the bouquet on the kitchen counter and held both of your hands in his.
"Do you truly think I'm cheating on you?"
You looked longingly into his eyes, only to be handed a cold, serious gaze in return.
"No," You bit your lip in hesitation. "You wouldn't do something like that. But I don't know what to think, Mark."
Mark sighed deeply...
"I leave for months and come back to a fight..." He scratched the back of his head in frustration. "You said that the one promise we made in this relationship was honesty, but you broke another one too. You don't trust me to be loyal to you?"
"I do trust you! But what am I supposed to make of this, Mark?" Your eyes stung.
Mark's cold gaze softened. "I have never had the thought of ever cheating on you and would never. I'm sorry that I was distant and made you feel that I wasn't being truthful."
"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you about it until now..."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I've been waiting for forever just to get back home to you." You felt his warm hands caress your waist. "Can I please kiss my beautiful girlfriend now?"
"Yes." You breathed.
Mark snaked his hands further around your waist, and with a passionate firmness, pursed his lips between yours. You felt your body tingle with warmth and your heart beating heavily against your boyfriend's chest. A groan left Mark's lips as he left yours.
"Hey..." Mark's voice turned raspy as he eyed your body. "You deserve my honesty; The real reason I have been distant is because I was putting a lot of energy into planning something really important."
"Planning something...?" Your head cocked to one side. "For your album?"
"No, for you."
"For me..?"
Mark's lips cut your question short and derailed your train of thought.
"It's a surprise for later." You could feel a smirk developing on your boyfriend's soft lips. "Let me enjoy the surprise you have for me first."
Mark gazed over at the romantic display you made in the living room.
"Do you like it? I hope I didn't go overboard..."
"It's perfect." Mark looked into your eyes with the utmost sincerity. "And you even got me my favorite gummy bears? It's everything I could have wanted. And you being here with me makes it all better."
Mark infused passion into every aspect of his life, and his way with words was no exception. Surprisingly, conveying his feelings verbally wasn't always his forte in our relationship. However, he consciously broke free from the habit of murmuring, trailing off, and avoiding eye contact. Despite not being the most talkative when we initially met, the incomprehensible extent to which Mark went out of his way to express how much I meant to him was truly remarkable.
"I'm so glad you're home." You wrapped your arms around your boyfriend's torso and pulled him close.
"Me too." You felt a light peck on your forehead. "Why don't we get this night started?"
It was 2:45 am when the credits started to roll on the third horror movie that Mark insisted that you both watch. Unfortunately, he had been too invested to realize that you had fallen asleep since movie number two. You found the most heavenly spot on his chest to rest your head, and with his right arm snuggled gently around your torso and his left hand resting on your thigh, it was a guaranteed recipe for a great night's rest.
"The gore in that was something else-" Mark cut himself off when his eyes came to gaze on your sleeping figure.
Your face was adorably smushed up to Mark's chest, letting out soft breaths as you rested. All four of your limbs found themselves wrapped around his slim body, trapping him in your sloth-like embrace. Mark's eyes traveled and the bottom hem of your dress found itself dangerously hiked up to expose your smooth thighs.
Mark rubbed his hand against your thigh. "Wake up, babe."
You blinked your eyes awake and gazed upon the tired eyes of your boyfriend. "Oh shit, did I fall asleep?"
"Definitely. And I think you were snoring a bit, too." He joked.
"Oh stop." You rubbed your eyes to get a better view of the clock. "Oh shit, it's late..."
Mark's voice became hushed. "Maybe we should...continue this celebration upstairs?"
"You're ready for bed?"
"I am. But not necessarily sleep."
You smirked, picking up on his hint. "Oh, I see..."
Without saying another word, you took Mark's hand and guided him up the stairs, where you were greeted by the romantic glow of the moon.
"You like it, right? I got rose petals, the candles are all lit..." You gestured towards the bathroom.
Mark pulled your hand back towards his body and planted a firm, hungry kiss on your lips.
"You are so sweet. This is amazing..." His warm hands caressed your cheeks. "How do I deserve someone as perfect as you?"
You could feel the heat of his breath on your lips. He was close, too close. The temptation to press your mouth to his was too much to handle. You could almost taste the mint of his toothpaste.
"I know I've been a little distant for these past few months." Mark started. "It's just... I've had a lot on my mind. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, but I didn't want to rush things."
"But now, I can't hold back." He cupped your cheek and brushed his thumb against it. You felt his gaze bore into yours, and he seemed to study every inch of your face.
"What is it, baby?" You pressed.
"I'm so in love with you. I love you so much that it hurts. I love how passionate you are, I love how you make me feel when we're together, and I love that you've been patient with me during this whole process. You're my rock. You make me want to be a better person. I want to be worthy of you."
"Mark, you already are." You gently held the sides of his face. "Don't say that. You are good enough, Mark. You have such a kind heart and a big soul. You're the most loving and caring person I know. Just don't get too caught up in your music, and start overworking yourself. You're not gonna find me there."
Mark let out a soft chuckle in response.
"You always know what to say," Mark breathed. "I need to ask you something."
"What is it?"
"I know that I was gone for a while, and I want to make it up to you. So, how would you feel about me taking you on a trip?"
"A trip?" You shot him a confused look. "Where would we go?"
"Oh, don't worry about that." Mark kissed the tip of your nose. "I'll take care of everything. Just be ready to leave for this weekend."
"Three days??" You giggled. "You really just planned a whole trip, huh?"
"Anything for you."
As Mark leaned in to kiss you again, you couldn't help but notice his scent. He smelled like the airport and the plane and everything else that was not his normal aroma.
"Speaking of jet setting, you smell weird," you chuckled.
"What do you mean?" he laughed back.
"I'm not sure, but you just smell different."
"Well, I should take a shower then," he suggested. "And maybe you can join me."
"Okay, but don't try any funny business." You smirked.
"What?" He feigned innocence.
"You heard me," you replied, wagging your finger at him.
"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," he said, pulling you close.
"Wait and see, huh?" you repeated.
"Yeah, just wait and see."
You rolled your eyes and pulled away from him, making your way toward the bathroom. As you walked into the bathroom, you could hear Mark following closely behind. You pulled him toward the bathroom and turned on the shower, the sound of the water filling the small room. The sound of unzipping made your head turn to Mark, who was already undressing. You watched on in perverted wonderment at how his abdominal muscles flexed under his perfect skin as he moved to remove his underwear. He glanced over his broad, muscular shoulders, smirking while keeping eye contact as he bent down. You admired how his hair grew poofy from the steam beginning to form around him.
"Enjoying the view?" Mark's husky voice startled you, causing your eyes to snap to his face.
"Shut up," you said as you joined him, sliding the flimsy slip of material you wore onto the floor.
Mark's eyes burned with need as his gaze traveled up your legs, slowly drinking in the image before him.
"Damn..." he breathed as he raked his teeth across his bottom lip, his dark eyes meeting yours.
You smiled coyly at him as you stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind you. Mark's eyes never left yours as he joined you in the warm spray of the water.
"Mmm," he hummed as he cupped your cheek and brought his lips to yours.
The kiss was soft and sweet at first but quickly turned passionate and needy. You ran your fingers through his damp curls as he pressed his hips into yours, his hardening length brushing against your stomach. His hands were everywhere, exploring every inch of your bare flesh as the water cascaded around you. You moaned softly as his lips found your pulse point, sucking the sensitive skin into his mouth.
"I love the sounds you make," he growled as he gently nipped the delicate skin.
"Hey, don't forget that you have to take a shower, stinky." You chuckled.
Mark grinned and rolled his eyes, grabbing the bottle of shampoo that rested next to the tap.
"Okay, okay."
You watched in anticipation as he squirted some of the soap into his hand, before applying it to his hair. His eyes stayed fixated on yours, which flickered down briefly to take in his naked, glistening body. You couldn't help but admire his perfection, even when doing the most mundane task. How his pectorals flexed with every movement, as he brushed and lathered the soapy bubbles throughout his coils of dark brown hair. How his veins tightened from his arms to his hands, and how each drop of water seemingly dripped at a pace slow enough for you to memorize. Your gaze traced down from his chest to his abs, and even further down past the borderline of pubic hair where-
"Sorry, what?" Your eyes shifted back to his face.
"Were you paying attention?" Mark smugly raised an eyebrow.
"I was definitely paying attention..." You trailed off.
"So what was I saying?"
"You were saying, that I was being the best girlfriend ever!"
"By making us dinner tonight."
"And how your favorite gummy bears are an ample reward for me having to put up with you-"
"Alright," Mark chuckled as he laid his index finger on the seam of your lips. "Point made. You got me."
"Duh." You nipped at his knuckle. "You're so easy. What did you say, anyway?"
"Something..." Mark teased as he dunked his head back under the water, washing the remaining shampoo down his torso. "About how much I really, really, missed touching you. All of you."
You snorted. "You mean our little quickie at LAX before you left didn't cut it?"
"Is that what you call what happened at LAX?" He asked, pulling you close and pressing his arousal against you.
"Yes," you giggled. "Because that is exactly what we did. You were the one trying to miss your flight."
"I couldn't help it." He groaned. "It was just so hot."
"Oh shut up." You laughed.
You grabbed the bottle of body wash, poured some on your towel, and rubbed the soap into the cloth.
"Are you gonna help me or what?" You asked playfully.
"What do you think?" He replied, grabbing the other end of the towel and helping you rub the wet cloth along your body.
Your breath hitched as his hand moved from your ribs down to your hips and your mouth dropped open when you felt his fingertips graze your behind. You groaned loudly as Mark continued to caress your ass, his other hand sliding around your waist and pulling you into his embrace. You shuddered as he pressed his lips against your neck, murmuring words of love and encouragement in between every kiss.
"Why didn't you come with me on tour, again?" Mark asked as he continued massaging your skin.
"We talked about this, Mark," you replied, lightly rolling your eyes. "I wanted to be here and continue working. And I don't think I'm cut out for road life."
"But I wanted you there..." he pouted, making your heart stop. "I missed you like crazy."
"I missed you, too..." You turned to face him, seeing him still with an upset frown. You reached for his hands and gently ran your thumb over his knuckles.
"But I don't think I can spend another tour without my Markie-Poo," you admitted with a soft smile.
You looked up to see your boyfriend with the brightest grin you've seen him with in a long while. Mark immediately took the back of your head and pulled your face towards his in a loving embrace, getting soap all over his arms and torso...
"So you're telling me that the next tour I have, you're coming with me?"
" I promise."
"I could get used to having you near me every day," Mark whispered into your ear, his low voice sending shivers down your spine.
"I'd hope so," You replied. "It would be pretty confusing to accommodate another presence in our bed, otherwise."
You could see a pout starting to form on your boyfriend's lips. You loved how Mark could make a face of indifference switch from a stone-cold wall into a begging, adorable, child. The pout quickly melted away, however, and you were only able to appreciate its short existence for a split second. His eyes shifted from your own to your neck, his pale and slender fingertips gliding gently against your exposed collarbone.
"Hey..." You whispered into his ear. "What are you thinking about?"
Mark didn't speak. Only paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he wanted to say, but only getting lost in your beauty. Your breath hitched. His eyes were focused on yours as he inched closer to you. He never broke your stare until his hand suddenly reached up and he placed it ever so carefully against your cheek, causing you to inhale deeply. His eyes flickered over your face, resting for a brief moment at your lips, then back up to meet yours once again. His hand traveled from your cheek and made its way down to your chin, tilting your head up slightly. His lips met yours, softly and gently. He didn't push or rush. He seemed to savor the moment, pulling away just enough to let out a small whimper.
"Did you just moan?" He asked.
"Mmmm, maybe," you replied teasingly.
"If we weren't in the shower right now..." he started.
"Then what would we be doing, Mark?" You asked, grinning at him.
"Then," he said, his low voice rumbling as his hand wrapped around your waist, gently moving his face close to yours. "I would be taking you against the glass."
Mark kissed your forehead tenderly and continued his gentle ministrations against your skin.
"We would start slow," he began. "My hands would travel all over you, starting at your hips. I'd go over them over and over until I could feel you shake."
You bit your lip as Mark's movements matched his words. You could feel your cheeks warm from the way he talked. He had never talked to you this way. Never with the confidence and sultry tone of voice. Mark was normally a gentle, passionate, yet quiet lover.
But this was different. It was sexy. You loved it.
A moan escaped from your lips, unable to suppress the shiver that ran throughout your entire body. The mere thought of having him inside you caused your muscles to twitch and spasm. Mark chuckled lightly as he leaned into you, his hands still exploring your curves. You loved it when he held you. His touch felt so warm and comforting. It made you feel safe and protected, but at the same time, you loved how strong his arms felt against your frame. He felt so large compared to your small size and it gave you the most pleasant butterflies.
"After that I would pick you up, your legs around my waist," he said softly, pulling back a bit to stare into your eyes. "And then, I'd drive you insane..."
He emphasized each word as if he were whispering them into your ear, and his words left you breathless and speechless. Mark's voice had a way of making you feel things you've never felt before.
"Sounds like you really want to have shower sex," you said with a slight giggle.
He kissed you passionately as his hands glided back to your ass once again, gripping you firmly as he slowly lifted you in the air. You wrapped your arms around his slender neck, and your legs around his waist. As your curves pressed against him, you could feel his excitement, causing your eyes to widen slightly. You hadn't even touched him yet, and he was extremely excited for you.
Mark placed one hand against the shower wall for support and you looked into his beautiful brown orbs once more.
"Have you been wanting me, like I have been needing you?" He asked in a low and husky voice that sent shivers through your body. You answered him by pressing your lips against his and kissing him passionately. After a few seconds, Mark moved his kisses across your neck and down to your collarbone. He sucked on it lightly, causing you to gasp as your nails dug into his shoulders. He let out a small groan, and you couldn't help but laugh slightly. The man was adorable.
For five agonizing minutes, he tortured you with his mouth, and slowly lifted you higher. Your heart started beating so fast, causing a mixture of nervousness and excitement that blended perfectly.
"Relax babe," Mark cooed.
You took a deep breath, the smile not leaving your face, and nodded at him.
Mark entered your slit slowly, his length engulfing your walls slowly. You sucked in a breath and shut your eyes tight, letting yourself enjoy this feeling of being filled so completely by your boyfriend. He went deep, his entire length inside you now. He let himself stay there for a second, giving you time to get used to this new feeling. Then he pulled out a few inches before sliding back into you. He continued this process, slowly getting a rhythm, his thrusts growing in power. You moaned each time his length penetrated you.
"Yes..." you breathed and heard Mark moan in response.
He increased his pace even more, driving his length into you and then withdrawing completely with each thrust. Soon, the sounds of water splashing off your wet skin filled the room. Mark became a mess of grunts and pants every time he penetrated you, audibly teasing you toward your climax.
"Babe, you feel so-" A deep moan escaped your boyfriend's parted lips.
His breath was hot on your neck as he worked you towards your release, and it felt like electricity every time his skin touched yours. You had forgotten where you were, who you were, and what was going on around you, it was only you and Mark.
"Mark..." you moaned.
You couldn't hold off your orgasm any longer as waves of pleasure washed over your body. He continued his ministrations as you rode your high, and you watched him as you came down. You looked in awe at this beautiful specimen of a man standing before you as he held you in his arms. He just smiled at you and placed a kiss on your forehead.
Then he exhaled and put you down, slumping against the cold tile wall. His wet hair dangled over his blushed face. You smiled and placed a hand against his cheek, stroking it gently as you gave him another kiss, he kissed you in return, and the soft brush of his lips lingered as you pulled away.
"I love you," he said, his gaze fixed on yours.
"I love you, too."
You say "You took the energy out of me."
Mark smiled and leaned back against the wall. "I guess you could say that," he smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Do you think you'll be able to get to the bedroom? Or do you need me to carry you?"
You slowly stood up, ceasing the sound of running water with your index finger. "Carry me, please!" You pouted and raised your arms.
Mark chuckled as he opened the shower door to retrieve your towels.
"Alright, alright, my queen," Mark threw your wet towel on your head, muffling your laugh. "I'll carry you to the bed."
You pushed the towel off of your face as Mark slipped his arms underneath your wet body and scooped you up into his arms.
"Mmm, you smell much better," you murmured as you nuzzled against his neck. Mark snorted and kissed the top of your head.
You were smitten by his scent and the way he handled you with such ease. He gently laid you on your bed, sinking in on top of you, like you had been daydreaming of for months.
"I've missed this," he whispered, "missed touching you, missed watching you sleep..." He brushed a strand of hair away from your face and gazed down at you like you were the only person in the world.
"I missed waking up next to you, seeing your face in the mornings, and hearing your voice at night."
He brought his lips to yours, softly and sweetly like he was afraid you would break. His lips tasted like the memories of stolen kisses in dark corners and glances behind closed doors. The more you tasted his lips, the more you craved, and you pressed into him, desperate for more.
"Baby, I've missed you so much," he mumbled against your lips, "and you don't understand how crazy it's been."
"No kidding," you replied, returning his kiss with equal vigor.
"Everywhere I went, fans were throwing themselves at me. All I could think about was you. All I'm ever gonna want is you."
Your heart skipped a beat at the confession. You pulled away to smile at him, taking in his beautiful face. It wasn't just his looks that captivated you; it was his mind and his heart. He was pure goodness through and through, and you knew you were the luckiest person in the world.
"And all I ever want is you," you replied. Mark cupped your face and stared into your eyes, his deep brown eyes pooling with emotion. "You okay, babe?"
"It's nothing...I just- I love you," he said, his voice cracking slightly, "so much."
You kissed him fiercely, overcome with emotion. "I love you a shit ton too."
Mark laughed, the corner of his eyes crinkling. "Well, you better. You won't be able to get rid of me that easily."
Mark smirked and moved his head down, trailing kisses across your stomach and past your navel.
"What are you doing down there? Aren't you tired?"
Mark looked up, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"It would be a waste not to take advantage of the candles and rose petals, don't you think?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
To Be Continued.
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mwagneto · 4 months
YES i miss jack like crazy NO i don't want him to be recast YES i'll still go bat shit insane if the rogue is actually him but NO i won't be happy about it i contain multitudes
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pepsiconcoction · 1 year
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hello stay/aghase! i'm pepsi, and i thought i'd write a little intro post about me :)
so i'm a new stayville/aghaville writer huh? that's crazy!
so whos ur bias?
well that's an impossible question lmao, but (believe it or not) i'm kinda old in terms of fandom so in skz i have a big soft spot for the hyung line :') in got7, i'd say yugyeom is my fav, but again, they have all been my bias at some point or another... but seriously i love them all v much for different reasons!
are you any good at writing? and what are you gonna write?
well that's a great question! I will be focusing on one-shot style writing, but a long form series could become a thing in the future, i'm just not planning on it. As for what i'll be writing, it'll largely be a lot of fluff/slice of life kind of stuff, but i'm not opposed to spicy content, so it could really be anything! dw, i'll try and assure everything is appropriately tagged ;) and am i any good? who knows! i've been writing since i was a very young teenager, although looking back at earlier stuff, it was definitely shit... imo i think i've defo improved lol
who do you write for?
i'll write for any of the stray kids or got7 guys! i'm mainly a fan of skz and got7, they're the groups i know the best, but i know a lot of people, so feel free to request other people too!
ok! that's enough for now, if you have any other questions, just ask! i'm hoping to start posting some stuff soon, so keep an eye out, but PLEASE, feel free to send any requests! ;) <3
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percervall · 6 months
it's a bad idea (fuck it, it's fine) — part 1
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Summary: your housemates give you an offer you can't refuse. What's the worst that could happen? Pairing: Jenson Button x fem!reader, Fernando Alonso x fem!reader, Sebastian Vettel x fem!reader, Mark Webber x fem!reader Warnings: smut, dirty talk, mild degrading, oral (m and f receiving), face fucking, fingering, slight nipple play, hinting at m/m, mentions of free use, *gasp* and they were room mates Word count: 1.9k
Part 1 of the Fuck It series
The arrangement was, frankly, absurd. Had the offer come from anyone other than Jenson, you would have kicked them so hard they wished you had punched them instead. Part of you hoped he would have forgotten what he had said while heavily under the influence of too much champagne, but luck was not on your side. 
"Have you thought about my offer?" Jenson asks, innocently blowing on his coffee, making you choke on air. 
"The offer in which I pay my rent by, wait let me check my notes. Ah, yes, 'fucking you'," you reply, voice a lot steadier than you feel. Because truth be told, it had been impossible to not fantasise about getting railed into next week by him- by any of them. Oh, you were well aware of how much your life had become the plot of a rom-com ever since your landlord decided to be an absolute greedy bastard. Become a live-in house sitter for 4 millionaires they said, it'll be fun they said. Liars.
"Oh come on, it'll be mutually beneficial," Jenson argued. 
"Proud of you for using your big boy words, pretty boy but how exactly is this gonna end up in anything other than disaster?" 
"He's hungover and a himbo, why are you bullying him?" Mark mutters, voice still rough with sleep as he literally picks you up and unceremoniously plops you down on top of the counter. There are days where you curse your small stature and his strength, especially when it leaves your brain stuttering to process getting manhandled. 
"We'll set rules. All I'm saying is we're all adults-.." You can't help but snort at that. "Fine, whatever. I'm just saying that I've seen the way you look at them, seen the way your eyes flash with lust and I am pretty sure some truly filthy fantasies, and I know I can speak for all four of us when I say we would love to help you realise those. Also, we don't need your rent money and this is just so much more fun." Well then. You just got read for filth before even having had your morning coffee. Fuck him for seeing right through you. 
"Where's your sense of adventure, nena?" Fernando comments, a wicked glint in his eyes.
"Right next to my 'I survived Multi-21' t-shirt," you mutter. It's a low blow, but getting bullied into sleeping with four drivers makes it hard to think.
Mark shoots you a look, eyebrow raised. 
"The mouth on you," he comments, "Seb was very apologetic. Made it up to me in the best possible way. In fact, I should make you apologise to the both of us the same way, sweetheart. On your knees." He whispers the last part in your ear and you cannot contain the whimper that comes out at his thinly veiled threat.
“Oh, you’d like that, wouldn’t you? Being made to kneel and take cock like the good little girl you are, hm?” 
“Mark-..” You have no idea how to respond to that and keep your dignity in tact. You try to look away but Mark takes your chin between his forefinger and thumb.
“I asked you a question sweetheart. Are you gonna be a good girl for us?” His thumb tugs on your bottom lip and all rational thought leaves you as you nod. 
“Mm, knew JB was right about you. Takes one to know one, I suppose.” You can hear a muffled what the fuck’s that supposed to mean? from the living room as Mark helps you down from the counter. You hadn’t even noticed the McLaren teammates had left the kitchen until just now. 
“On your knees, sweetheart,” Mark nudges you and you sink down onto the floor. The small kitchen runner is the only thing protecting your knees from the cold hardwood floor, but the prospect of sore knees is quickly forgotten now that you’re at eye level with Mark’s crotch. You can clearly see the outline of his hardening cock against his shorts and it has your mouth watering. Mark chuckles as he notices the hunger in your eyes.
“You’re lucky Seb is out for a run. Or maybe I’m the lucky one, getting to fuck this mouth all by myself.” The whimper you let out is involuntarily as you eagerly watch him hook his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts, pushing them down far enough to free his cock. You scoot a little closer, taking him in your hand, tongue darting out to lick away the bead of pre-cum. Mark hisses, head thrown back and that’s all the encouragement you need to suck the tip into your mouth. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he says, sounding absolutely wrecked already despite you not even having done anything yet. 
“You said something about fucking my mouth?” Mark looks down at you, pupils completely blown and he grins so wickedly, it leaves you breathless. 
“Are you absolutely sure sweetheart?” As you nod in response, he gathers your hair into a ponytail in his fist, angling your face. “Alright then. Tap my thigh twice if it’s too much and I will stop, okay?” 
“Okay,” you parrot, and move your legs apart ever so slightly to stabilise yourself. Mark drags the tip of his cock across your lips and you open up for him. He slides in, careful to not immediately choke you. You relax your jaw as much as you can, but god it’s been so long since you last did this. Mark sets a slow rhythm, letting the both of you adjust. Looking up at him through your lashes, you can see how he’s trying to hold on to the last shreds of self control, and well. That just won’t do. 
“Mark,” you say, slightly out of breath as you pull back, “you taunted me with using me. So for the love of God, fucking use me.” Mark chuckles and the sound has you aching. He tightens his grip on your hair and slides his cock back into your mouth. Resting your hands on his thighs, you close your eyes as he finally delivers on his promise. The sounds are obscene and if you had a functioning brain cell left, you would have been concerned about the two of you doing this in the kitchen, but as things stand, the only thing you can focus on is Mark’s throbbing cock inching down your throat. Forcing yourself to open your eyes, you look at him as you swallow around him. 
“Fuck. Fuck. I’m not gonna last, sweetheart,” he groans, pulling back. You hollow your cheeks while taking deep breaths through your nose, pulling another string of curses from the Aussie. You can feel his cock throb as he grunts above you.
“Gonna-.. Fuck.. So good, you feel so fucking good..” he mumbles, and throws his head back as he comes. 
“You better not swallow, Schatzi,” comes a voice from the doorway. Who are you to disobey? Mark pulls out carefully, tucking himself back into his shorts while Sebastian helps you up from the floor. He carries you bridal style into the living room, placing you down on the couch next to Fernando. 
“Show Nando, baby,” Sebastian all but coos and you carefully open your mouth. The underlying relationships? Questionmark? between your housemates makes your head spin, but judging by the way Fernando’s eyes darken, Sebastian knows something about the Spaniard you don’t. 
“Can I kiss you, nena?” he asks and all you can do is nod. Fernando cradles your cheek, pressing an almost chaste kiss against your lips before he runs his tongue over the seam of your lips. The moan he lets out as he tastes Mark on your tongue has you throbbing. When you break apart to catch some air, Sebastian leans closer and licks away the few drops of cum that spilled when Fernando kissed you. Am I dreaming? you can’t help but wonder. Out loud apparently.
“Very much awake, doll,” Jenson grins as he kneels in front of you, “Something tells me you’re absolutely soaking. Mind if I give a hand? I do so love making people come with my mouth,” he adds and you’re quick to raise your hips so he can pull down your panties, much to Jenson’s amusement. He pushes your oversized shirt up higher and parts your legs. Sebastian moves your face so he can steal a kiss and you moan into his mouth as Jenson drags the flat of his tongue over your oh so sensitive clit. Their hands are everywhere it feels like. You’re pretty sure Fernando has one up your shirt, teasing your nipple while he kisses your neck. Jenson’s are curled around the inside of your thighs as he holds you open for him while Sebastian has one hand on your cheek as he kisses you; the other mirrors Fernando’s. Needing something to hold on to, you bury a hand in Jenson’s hair. He sucks your clit into his mouth, moaning against your cunt as you tug. Breaking the kiss, you throw your head back with a moan of your own while you grind against Jenson’s tongue. 
“Need.. Fingers.. Please, Jenson, need your-.. Fuck, oh God..” Despite your incoherent state, Jenson understands what it is you’re asking of him as he carefully slides two of his long fingers inside of you. Sebastian and Fernando manage to strip you of your t-shirt, both of them taking a nipple into their mouth. 
“I’m so-.. So close.. I’m gonna cum, please can I cum?” you whimper. Fernando mutters a yes against your skin and something snaps; Your back arches as your orgasm hits you and for a moment you forget how to breathe. The loss of Jenson’s fingers makes you whine but your housemates more than make up for it when Fernando grabs his wrist in order to bring Jenson’s fingers to his mouth, moaning as he tastes you. 
“Just as I thought, you taste delicious nena,” the Spaniard comments with a grin. These men will be the death of me, you can’t help but think while Seb accepts the glass of water Mark hands him. The German driver helps you take a few sips as you slowly return into your body. Something tells you that this only scratches the surface of their underlying dynamics and you are dying to delve deeper.
“Told you it’d be mutually beneficial,” Jenson jokes, pulling you from your thoughts. 
“God, I hate that I’m saying this because your ego is fucking big enough as is-,” you start only for Jenson to interrupt with a that’s not the only thing that’s big, doll which makes you roll your eyes.
“I was gonna agree to your plan, idiot. You proved your point. Twice over. I- eh.. I can see the appeal,” you continue before downing the last of the water. The four men share a look that you can’t quite decipher and it makes you wonder: just what did you exactly sign up for? You pull your shirt back on, suddenly very aware of the fact you’re naked, needing something to act as a barrier between you and this crazy idea. 
“How about we discuss the details after breakfast? Don’t know about you, but I am starving,” Mark breaks the silence. You nod gratefully and let Sebastian pull you to your feet. A part of you is excited to see where this.. arrangement will lead you, but you’re also apprehensive that you might be about to bite off far more than you can chew. 
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Welp. Here we go I guess. Updates are gonna be slow on this, so please temper your expectations. Ideas have been brain stormed, things are brewing in the ol' noggin, I just gotta write it 🥲
Massive shoutout to @curiousthyme and @feralnando for helping me brain rot about this and for holding my hand while I descent even further into chaos. This whole part was written while listening to Hozier's Too Sweet and Ethel Cain's Gibson Girl on repeat, so feel free to do with that information as you please
Please let me know what you think. Your comments, likes and tags mean the world to me 💜
@2pagenumb @dannyramirezwife @daydreaminlewis @emlynblack @forza55 @jaimeleannavanlloman @mehrmonga  @szobosz @raizelchrysanderoctavius @whoreforeveryon
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joelalorian · 6 months
Fall Into Me - Chapter Four: Until I had met you there was no sun in my sky
dbf!Joel x f!reader
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Summary: Joel is hanging on by a thread as a single father to a tenacious 10-year-old Sarah. Feeling like he's drowning, like the world is about to spit him out, he needs some help before he breaks in half. At your dad's insistence, you show up in his life and change everything.
Story is inspired by the song Fall Into Me by Forest Blakk. Chapter titles will be lyrics from the song.
Word Count: 3.5k
Chapter Warnings: Mature, under 18 take a hike. No outbreak AU. Lots of feelings, confusion, and self doubt. Two idiots falling and pining for each other, but there's a little bit of progress. Tommy is the hero in this chapter. Age gap of about 9 years (Reader 24/25, Joel 33/34). No use of y/n. Reader has a nickname used only by her dad. Emily is modeled after my sister and JB is based on my dad, who used to try setting me up with his younger work buddies when I was in my 20s :)
Dividers by the wonderful @saradika-graphics
Thank you for reading this little tale! I did not expect all the love - my heart is fit to burst over all the wonderful comments and reblogs!
Chapter Three | Main Masterlist
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Sleep evaded Joel Saturday night, his mind unable to shut down and rest. He spent half the night searching for words to fit what he was experiencing. The right one didn’t occur to him until nearly five o’clock in the morning.
That was the perfect word to describe the utter confusion and uncertainty boiling inside him.
His date went about as well as could be expected when one wasn’t particularly interested in the other person. There was conversation, but it mostly revolved around Annica and her interests. She asked a few polite questions about Joel but didn’t seem too interested in his responses. To be fair, they were short and rather ineloquent, but he barely had the chance to talk about Sarah before the woman changed the subject. She was also very much not his type.
She wasn’t you.
That’s the part which caused the most turmoil.
Joel didn’t realize how quickly he was falling for you until he was on a date with someone else. It somehow felt like a betrayal toward you, even though you and Joel weren’t together. Even though you didn’t even know that he liked you, more than liked you.
This entire thing was eating him up inside, all your interactions since Friday, but especially the way you bolted from him last night. He didn’t understand what happened until he checked out his face in the mirror, your parting comment finally making sense.
Annica had kissed him goodnight when he dropped her off. He knew she wanted more, at least a real kiss, but he offered nothing other than a loose hug and brief thanks for joining him. So, she pressed her painted lips to his cheek for several moments too long, subtly trying to turn his face toward hers, before he finally stepped back and walked away. He didn’t even wait for her to get into her house safely.
To his dismay, she left a clear and distinct reminder of her on his cheek that he was not aware of until you mentioned it. His face burned with the feeling of being marked like territory, and the worst part was you saw it. Who the fuck knew what you thought of him now.
Joel needed advice, someone to talk this all through with. If the situation didn’t involve you, he would have gone to you for advice. You were so easy to talk to and he opened up more easily with you than he had with anyone else in his entire life. But that was out of the question for… obvious reasons.
Your dad was equally as easy to talk to, a quality you must have inherited from him. But he couldn’t turn to JB about this for the same obvious reasons.
That left his brother. Tommy would give Joel a good ribbing about all this. Joel wasn’t ashamed to admit that his brother had more practical experience with dating and complicated relationships, especially recently, than he did. It was time to capitalize on all of Tommy’s shenanigans.
Dangerously under-caffeinated and bleary-eyed, Joel made bacon, eggs, and pancakes for the usual Sunday morning family breakfast. Tommy joined them a little after nine o’clock and helped himself to the spread. He knew better than to ask Joel about his date in front of Sarah, so the younger brother made quiet conversation with Sarah as Joel sipped at his coffee. She told him all about her adventure to the movies with you and how much she loved hanging out with you, how smart you were, and how pretty.
A stupid grin spread over Joel’s face as his daughter spoke about you. He could feel Tommy’s narrowed gaze burning into the side of his head, which he ignored until Sarah finished her food and ran off to play a video game in the living room.
“You gonna make me ask?” Tommy grinned at Joel as he cleared the table. Joel merely quirked a brow and focused on washing the dishes. “Fine, ya ol’ grumpy ass. How was the date?”
“Was alright. She talked, a lot,” Joel emphasized, “and mostly about herself. We don’t have much in common other than we like to eat. The movie she picked to see was God awful. I’d rather have seen the other movie with Sarah.”
“Really?” Tommy placed the last of the dirty flatware next to the sink, watching as Joel scrubbed each item before rinsing it off. “Annica texted me that she had a wonderful time and hoped there’d be a second date. Asked if I could put in a good word for her. Guess that’s not happenin’.”
“There’d be no point. She’s not who I’m interested in.” The words were out of his mouth before he realized what he was saying, and he cringed when Tommy latched right on them.
“Ohhhh, and who might you be interested in, dear brother?” The shit-eating grin on the younger brother’s face let Joel know that Tommy already had an idea on who piqued his interest. “Couldn’t be JB’s hot little daughter, could it? You going cradle robbin’ now?”
Punching his brother in the arm, hard, Joel growled. “I ain’t robbin’ any cradles, asshole. She’s only about nine years younger than me.”
“Oh, is that all?” Tommy teased, rubbing his arm to soothe the sting.
“Don’t get me started on how you almost got busted for statutory rape last year, dickhead.”
“Hey now, I’m just teasing. Don’t get your panties all in a bunch.” Tommy surrendered, adding a grumbled, “And you know damn well that wasn’t on purpose. That girl looked 25! She sure had me fooled.”
Joel nodded, heading out to the back patio with another cup of coffee. Tommy followed, stopping briefly to grab a can of soda from the fridge. The pair sat quietly listening to the sound of songbirds singing the songs of their people before Joel finally spoke.
“I feel like an idiot asking this, but how do you tell if a woman is into you?”
Tommy nearly spilled soda all down the front of himself, the question caught him so off-guard. “Whadda ya mean?” he spluttered, trying not to choke on the carbonated liquid.
Rolling his big brown eyes with a huff, Joel glared at his brother. “I mean just what I said. I’m so outta practice with this. I keep second guessin’ everything. I just don’t know…”
Taking pity on his older brother, Tommy refrained from razzing him further. He was intrigued by this version of his brother who lacked self-confidence, so different from the over-confident man Joel used to be, at least when it came to women.
“Just so I understand, do you want to know how to tell if any woman is into you or a specific woman?”
Brows pulling together, Joel stared at Tommy blankly for a moment. “Does it make a difference?”
Tommy’s lips spread into a wide grin, deep brown eyes sparkling mischievously. “It sure as hell does, brother. There are few key ways to tell with most women, but if it’s a specific woman you’re curious about, I may have some intel.”
The struggle to hide his overwhelming curiosity on the ‘intel’ his brother had was a losing game, and Joel relented, his cheeks growing hot as he uttered the words. “Fine. It’s JB’s daughter.”
The room stilled as the brothers stared at each other, the grin on Tommy’s face growing impossibly wider until nearly all his pearly whites were on display. “I knew it! You dirty dog.”
“Tommy,” Joel growled, drawing out the two syllables until his brother sat back in his chair with a satisfied smirk.
“Fine, no razzin’.” Tommy grumbled. He waited a few beats until Joel grew even more uncomfortable. “She’s into you, too.”
Joel perked up at that. “That’s your intel? How do you know?”
Looking around the backyard, Tommy thought of all the times he’d been around and caught you ogling his brother when you thought no one was watching, but none rivaled that time in the kitchen when you stared as Joel pulled his tee shirt off to put in on right side out. Tallying it all up in his mind, Tommy was certain that you had a thing for his brother. And now, it seemed he had a thing for you, too.
The question Tommy had now was, would either of you do anything about it?
With recent history as proof, he had his doubts.
Perhaps it was time to give you each a little nudge.
“It’s in the way she looks at you, all wide-eyed with wonder, like she’s imagining what it’d be like to be with you. I flirted with her for nearly an hour one day and she never looked at me like that once.” Tommy smirked at the glassy look that overcame his brother’s eyes. “Well, that and the drool dripping down her chin every time she sees you.”
“Yeah… wait, what?” It took a moment for Joel to catch on. “Fuckin’ asshole, I swear. She doesn’t drool when she looks at me.”
Laughter rumbled from deep within Tommy’s chest. “She might as well do with as into you as she is. I’m telling you, pay attention to how she is around you and you’ll see.”
The brothers fell silent again with Joel’s thoughts drowning in you. If what Tommy said was true, then you must be hurting over the fact that he went on a date with someone else, more so since you also saw him on that date. Already feeling like such a dick, worry over you weighed more heavily on him this morning. He had to fix this, but how?
Part of Joel wanted to rush over to JB’s and check on you, but the other part was terrified of how that would work out, especially if your dad was home and wanted to know why his best friend was frantic to see his daughter.
Shit. JB. Joel still needed to figure out how to navigate that part of this entire situation. The two of you could like each other all day long, but how would JB react?
Joel envisioned several scenarios that ended with him getting his nose bashed in by your old man. He wasn’t looking forward to that.
“What about JB?” Joel finally broke the silence, looking once again to his younger brother for guidance. “If I’m gonna do this, I want to do it right.”
Placing his empty bottle on the patio table between them, Tommy nodded. “Ok. Let’s think about this. Do you always check with a chick’s dad before askin’ her out?”
“’Course not, but this is different.”
“I get that but hear me out. What if you try before you buy?” Tommy asked.
Joel immediately stiffened. “I’m not gonna just fuck her before asking her on a date. Jesus, Tommy.” Not that he didn’t want to fuck you… he most certainly did, but Joel wanted to do this right. He wanted more than just sex. He wanted something meaningful, and he suspected you would as well.
“That’s not what I meant, asshole. Ya can quit clutchin’ your pearls like you ain’t banged a chick before the first date before.”
“Tommy,” Joel growled again. Little brothers were the worst no matter what age they were.
“Jeez, alright, fine. You’re really into her, I get it. I’m not sayin’ sleep with her first. I’m suggestin’ you ask her out and see where this is goin’ before you go to JB with your tail between your legs, is all.” Tommy explained, already getting fed up with how easily Joel got his feathers ruffled.
Considering the advice, and ignoring his brother’s snippy tone, Joel bobbed his head in a nod. “That’s not a bad idea, actually.”
“I’m full of good ideas, sometimes. I got another one, actually. Get your grumpy ass to the store and buy some new shirts. Everything you own is at least ten years old and worn down. You need to dress better if you’re gonna date a younger woman.”
Another point to Tommy. He sure was racking them up.
“Fine. I fuckin’ hate to admit it, but you’re right,” Joel grumbled, looking down at the tee shirt he was wearing. It used to be black and faded to a cloudy gray from years of wearing and washing. “You mind watchin’ Sarah for a while so I can run to the mall?”
“Not at all, brother. I was hoping to watch the game on your flat screen anyway.” Tommy led the way back inside the house.
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Emily: Sounds like you need some retail therapy, asap.
The pair of you spent the past hour texting about Joel’s date the night before. Emily’s emoji reactions were priceless as you recounted seeing them together at the movie theater and she was pissed on your behalf when you told her about the lipstick mark on his cheek. The conversation came full circle before Emily suggested the retail therapy.
You: Omg do I ever. Mall?
Emily: I can’t ☹ Ed wants my help with the garden. Again. I swear, I hate this fucking garden.
You: Booo. How dare you pick your husband over me
Emily: I gotta go with the one who has the bigger dick. Ur girl has needs u know that 😉
You: Yeah yeah. Chat later?
Emily: You bet. Have fun. Buy lots!
An hour later, you walked through Barton Creek Square, window shopping with a chocolate smoothie clutched in your hand. Not sure exactly what you were in the mood for, you started with clothing. This mall was a bit upscale for your budget, but you always enjoyed perusing the department store discount racks. Tossing your empty cup into the garbage can, you entered the large store.
Somehow, you found yourself searching through flannel shirts in the men’s department. Stopping for a moment once you realized what you were doing, you sighed. There was no escaping thoughts of Joel Miller, even subconsciously, it seemed. Huffing in frustration, you turned to walk back to the women’s section where you’d find things you actually needed when you heard your name.
Joel stood on the other side of the rack, eyes wide with surprise at the sight of you. His cheek was clean, no lipstick mark in sight, you noted. Just the normal, totally endearing patchy scruff. “Hey darlin’, what are you doing here?”
“Shopping,” you stated the obvious with a shrug, delighted at the pink tinge creeping up his cheeks.
“Me, too. Obviously.” Joel nodded, rolling his eyes – at you or himself, you weren’t sure. “I could use your help, actually.”
You weren’t expecting that. He looked at you with such open hope in his eyes, you couldn’t deny him. “Ok, shoot.” Your heart nearly exploded at the smile that spread across his face, putting his dimple on full display.
“I can’t decide which of these to go with,” Joel replied, holding up several flannels. After a moment, he put those across the top of the discount rack and held up a pile of tee shirts. “Or these.”
Eyes taking in the details of each selection – he had good taste; you could picture each option on him – you hummed. “Have you tried any of them on?” Joel shook his head, the mop of curls swaying deliciously with the movement. “Ok. Go try them on. That’s usually how I decide.”
Turning toward the fitting room with a nod, Joel paused and turned back around. “Come with me? I need your honest opinion on each one.”
Brow furrowed, you followed behind him wordlessly, eyes straying to his backside of their own accord. He wore the same dark, fitted jeans as last night and you swore beneath your breath at yet another reminder of his date. No amount of staring at his nice ass could pull that jealous feeling from your gut. He went on a date with someone and for all you knew, it could have been the best damn date of his entire damn life.
Leaning back against the wall opposite the fitting room Joel chose, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and wondered what the hell you were doing. You came to the mall for a distraction, to treat yourself and get your mind off the man on the other side of the fitting room door. Now you were… what? His wardrobe consultant?
Helping Joel pick out new clothes seemed like the job of a girlfriend, not his daughter’s babysitter. Let’s face it, you thought, that’s all you were to him. Mood growing sourer by the second, you startled as the door ripped open in front of you.
“What do you think?”
The universe was a fickle bitch. It wasn’t fair that Joel stood there looking like the man of your dreams and you didn’t get to call him yours.
The first shirt Joel tried on fit like a glove, like the factory made it with his frame as the model in mind. The material had just the right amount of stretch across the breadth of his chest and shoulders, while hanging on for dear life around his biceps.
After ogling him for far too long, your eyes finally met Joel’s. “Looks good,” you said, the cadence of your voice not giving away the riotous flutter of desire flaring to life deep in your lower belly. “Let’s see the next one.”
Chocolate eyes sparkled with delight at your response as Joel slipped back into the fitting room. What you wouldn’t give to follow him in there. Already picturing it in your mind, you would slip to your knees in front of him, fingers undoing his belt and the button of his jeans before slowly sliding the zipper down. You’d wind one hand inside his pants to trace the curve of his cock through his boxer briefs before slipping the length of him out of the little secret pocket. Joel would be trying on his shirts as your lips—
“How about this one?”
“Jesus fucking nutcracker!” you exclaimed, Joel’s voice jolting you right out of that wonderful little daydream. So deep into the fantasy, you hadn’t heard the fitting room door open.
Concerned, Joel reached out a hand, his calloused fingertips and palm running over the bare skin of your forearm as you steadied yourself. “Do, uh… do you have Tourette’s or something?”
Bemused, you blinked up at him, head thumping back against the wall. “What? No, no. I was just lost in thought, and you startled me.”
“Not that there’s anything wrong with having Tourette’s, you know.” Joel tripped over himself to make sure you didn’t think he was making fun of the disorder.
You waved him off. “Of course not.” Clearing your throat, eyes closing to recenter yourself, you counted to ten. The heat of Joel’s gaze like a burn on your skin, you opened your eyes and assessed his shirt. It was nice, a deep burgundy color, but the fit differed from the last one. You hated it. “I like the way the other one fit you better.”
The pattern continued until Joel tried on every shirt in his pile. You managed to keep your mind from straying again by making conversation.
“How did your date go last night?” You dreaded the answer but needed to know.
“It was… I’ve had better dates. She talked a lot,” he said through the fitting room door. “I couldn’t wait for it to be over, honestly. I just wanted to be home.”
“So, no second date then?” you confirmed, butterflies beginning to take flight in your belly.
“Hell no.”
A wave of relief washed over you at the conviction in Joel’s voice, but you tried not to let it show on your face or in your voice as he stepped through the door. “That’s too bad. You deserve to find someone great, Joel.”
He looked at you for a long time, his eyes penetrating like he was trying to tell you something without using words. You just had no idea what. You were about to bid him farewell as he paid for the shirts you chose – the bluish gray tee shirt that fit him so well and a flannel with similar hues, and two more just like them – when he stopped you.
“Uh, would you have lunch with me?” he asked shyly, eyes brimming with such eager hopefulness you nearly melted.
Part of you wanted to turn him down over hurt feelings he wasn’t even aware of, but you couldn’t. Not after what he just told you about his date. The other part of you screamed not to read too much into it, that he wasn’t asking you on a date. It would just be lunch with your boss. But the final part of you, the hopeless romantic who wore her heart on her sleeve and just helped the man pick out clothes like a girlfriend would, screamed that this could be your chance to get closer, that it could be a date if you made it one.
Fearing you stayed silent too long arguing with yourself, you rushed out a quick, “Sure.” Joel’s face lit up like you’d never seen before. He didn’t look anywhere near this happy when he left for his dinner date the night before.
Taglist: @mellymbee @untamedheart81 @anoverwhelmingdin @runningmom94 @leilanixx @pedropascalfan221 @lovelyjess69 @sarahhxx03 @sofiparallel @tammythr @lulawantmula @islacharlotte @allyourfavesinoneblog @lover-of-books-and-tea @pedropascalsbbg @ashleyfilm @brittmb115 @lilmizmoz @loveisacowboyyy @shotgun-shelby @deninoe
353 notes · View notes
Kamala Harris herself has now borrowed Walz’s lingo and is also calling her opponents “weird”, while Walz is all over our television screens, bolstering the vice-president’s candidacy and playing “attack dog” against the Trump/Vance Republican ticket. I’ll be honest: last month, I would have struggled to pick Walz out of a lineup. This month? I’m Walz-pilled. I have watched dozens of his interviews and clips. And I’m far from alone. He has an army of new fans across the liberal-left: from former Bernie Sanders 2020 campaign co-chair Nina Turner, to one-time Democratic congressman Beto O’Rourke, to gun-control activist David Hogg. “In less than 6 days, I went from not knowing who Tim Walz is,” joked writer Travis Helwig on X, “to deep down believing that if he doesn’t get the VP nod I will storm the capitol.” According to Bloomberg, the Harris campaign has narrowed down its “top tier” of potential running mates to three “white guy” candidates: Walz (hurrah!), plus the Arizona senator Mark Kelly and Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro. Both Kelly and Shapiro have their strengths – and both represent must-win states for the Dems. Allow me, however, to make the clear case for Walz. First, there’s his personality. The 60-year-old governor would bring energy, humor and some much-needed bite to the Democratic presidential ticket. There’s a reason why his videos have been going viral in recent days. Tim Kaine he ain’t. Pick the charismatic and eloquent Walz and you have America’s Fun Uncle ready to go. Then, there’s his résumé. A popular midwest governor from a rural town. A 24-year veteran of the army national guard. A high school teacher who coached the football team to its first state championship. It’s almost too perfect! Finally, there’s his governing record. You will struggle to find a Democratic governor who has achieved more than Walz in the space of a single legislative session. Not Shapiro. Not JB Pritzker of Illinois. Not even Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. [...] Think about it. Democrats can have Tim Walz on the ticket, who called the anti-war, pro-Palestinian ‘uncommitted’ movement “civically engaged” and praised them for “asking for a change in course” and “for more pressure to be put on” the White House, or they can have Josh Shapiro, who called for a crackdown on anti-war, pro-Palestinian college protesters and even compared them to the KKK. They can have Walz on the ticket, who has reportedly “emerged among labor unions as a popular pick” after signing “into law a series of measures viewed as pro-worker” including banning non-compete agreements and expanding protections for Amazon warehouse workers, or they can have Mark Kelly, who opposed the pro-labor Pro Act in the Senate (but has since touted support for it). They can have Walz, who guaranteed students in Minnesota not just free breakfasts but free lunches, or Shapiro, who has courted controversy in Pennsylvania with his support for school vouchers. They can have Walz, who calls his Republican opponents “weird” and extreme, or Kelly, who calls his Republican opponents “good people” who are “working really hard”. This isn’t rocket science. Walz is the obvious choice. Not only is he the ideal “white guy” running mate for Harris, against both Trump and Vance, but he is already doing the job on television and online, lambasting Vance in particular over IVF treatment and insisting he mind his “own damn business”.
Zeteo News founder Mehdi Hasan for The Guardian on why picking Tim Walz as Kamala Harris's running mate is the best option (07.29.2024).
Zeteo News founder Mehdi Hasan wrote in The Guardian why Tim Walz should be Kamala Harris’s running mate. Hasan’s opinion piece is worth reading.
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loveharlow · 3 months
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SEVEN [SEASON 2] - 005 (PART 1)
PAIRING ‧₊˚ JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
SYNOPSIS‧₊˚[7.3k] Early morning arrests and break ups, one member of the pogues goes rogue and gets into a world of trouble.
WARNING(S)‧₊˚ swearing, mentions of death, forced drug use, abduction, mentions of physical violence, mention of non-con/sexual assault, disorientation
A/N‧₊˚ Good doesn't come without bad :/ I'M SORRY also THIS CHAPTER IS SM BETTER W THE SONG TRUST ME
˗ˏˋ series masterlist ˎˊ˗
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“BETWEEN YESTERDAY AFTERNOON AND EARLY THIS MORNING, OUR KILDARE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT CARRIED OUT SEVERAL ARRESTS IN THE MURDER CASES OF SUSAN PETERKIN, GAVIN BARNSTEAD, BIG JOHN ROUTLEDGE, AND OWEN CARTER.” Shoupe’s voice traveled from the small speaker of your phone. You were watching the local news — you, JJ, John B, Pope, and Kiara all sitting out on the pier behind The Chateau. It was still early, the sun just settling in the sky, providing a comforting warmth over the five of you.
JJ was laid outstretched on on the boat, head buried in his arms while Pope stood with his hands in his pockets. Kiara was kicking her feet, sitting on the wood of the dock as you and JB stood side by side, eyes glued to the phone screen as Shoupe continued giving his statement. “...The individuals in custody are our department pathologist Mark Daniels, officer Shane Graves, local attorney Rebecca Reyes, and Rafe Cameron.” Shoupe explained, swallowing harshly. “Unfortunately, our prime suspect, Ward Cameron was the victim of an explosion late yesterday afternoon. The other trials will take place in the following weeks, more updates are to come. Thank you for your time.” And then he was walking away from the podium swiftly, head down as chatter erupted and cameras flashed, the program cutting back to it’s anchor.
You sighed, powering off the phone and sliding it into your back pocket. 
“...He deserved it, right?” JJ asked, lifting his head from his arms and squinting his eyes from the harsh sun.
“Of course he deserved it.” Pope added, sitting down on the boat.”I’ve just...never seen anyone blow themselves up like that.”
“Cross that one off the bucket list.” The blonde shrugged, laying his head back down.
“Dude.” Pope said sternly, shooting JJ a look of warning as Kiara rounded the dock and sat herself next to John B who’d taken a seat inside.
Planting a gentle hand on his back, she spoke to him softly. “Are you okay?”
John B fiddled with his fingers in his lap, biting his lip. “It’s not me I’m worried about.”
“Where are you going?” He asked casually, resuming his slow steps plopping himself down on the sofa.
“Hopefully to get my dog back.” You said, patting your pockets to make sure you had everything. With the announcement of Rafe's arrest, you figured it was as good a time as any.
“...And you were just going to leave without telling anyone?” He asked, sitting up straighter, becoming increasingly more concerned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t think JJ would agree with it either-”
“What does he have to do with anything?” You cut him off, your eyebrows set into a straight line.
“C’mon,” Pope sassed, standing from the couch. “It’s literally so obvious. It’s been obvious.” He said cooly. “Like, everyone knew he liked you before but now it’s clear you two have something going on. And you know how he is. He cares about you. A lot. You don’t wanna make him worry, do you?”
You wanted to tell him so badly. You felt like he needed to know why JJ wasn’t a priority right now. But you knew doing it would break Pope’s heart. Pope was in love with Kiara. And he deserved to know the truth, but you telling him out of spite wasn’t the best way to go through it.
“...Look, Pope.” You sighed, letting your shoulders fall. “Me and JJ aren’t on the best terms right now and I don’t want to be around him and I definitely don’t want his help. I know what I’m doing.” You assured, looking the boy in his eyes. “Okay? I’ll be fine, I promise.”
He seemed to sway on his feet, fighting with what to do in his head. “At least let me come with you. You can’t go alone-”
You immediately shook your head, putting your hands in front of you. “No, no. I don’t want you anywhere near Barry or Rafe without at least an army behind you.”
“But what about you?”
“...I’ve dealt with them before.” You affirmed, tensing your jaw.
Pope sighed in defeat, running a hand down his face. “Well, Rafe’s in jail but I doubt he’ll be in there long before he’s bailed out so you should be up against just Barry.” He pondered, turning to you and squinting his eyes. “...Fine. But if I call or text and I don’t get an answer, I’m telling JJ and everyone else. Deal?” He held out his hand.
The amount of care Pope had for your safety was sweet. So sweet it put a small, sheepish smile on your face. Connecting your hand with his, you shook it. “Deal.”
YOU SLOWED IN YOUR STEPS SOME FEET AWAY FROM THE SECLUDED TRAILER, wanting to minimize the chances of Barry seeing or hearing you before you even got to the door. The closer you got, the worse it smelled. You’d almost forgotten how the stench of weed and bonfire smoke stung your nostrils. Or how the overgrown grass scratched at your exposed legs, irritating the skin.
Your eyes immediately spotted a singular, metallic dog bowl — the inside smeared with what looked like canned meat. You felt sorrow and relief all at once. On the bright side, at least Marley was here. Or here at some point.
“Lookin’ for that mutt?” A familiar raspy voice sounded out. You whipped your head to the side to find Barry standing the doorway of his trailer. He startled you for a moment but the fear quickly diminished. After all, Barry rarely ever left the comfort of his trailer. He was dressed in a dirty wifebeater and shorts, his signature smirk plastered on his face.
“Where is she?” You asked, a hard expression on your face.
He simply drew his lips into a thin line, his eyebrows raising as he shrugged carelessly. “I ain’t got a damn clue.” He chuckled, shifting his weight against the frame and licking his lips. “Why don’t you ask Country Club?”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “He’s in a cell. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here. Not alone, anyway.” You explained. “What, you don’t watch the news or something? Figured you’d keep tabs on your partner in crime.”
Barry just stood there smiling. Smiling weirdly. It made your stomach turn. You were never scared of Barry but he never failed to give you the creeps. “Trust me, I keep tabs.” He chuckled, strutting down the small staircase that led up to the door of his trailer. “You shoulda kept your ass away from here, Snoozie.” He told you, waving a finger in your direction, a mischievous expression on his face.
“...What is that supposed to mean?” You asked, pinching your eyebrows together.
“It means…whatever happens now is on you.” He smiled when suddenly, you felt two hands wrap around you and pull you into a body. One arm was on your neck, right under your chin as the other held your torso against the assailants. You could hear breathing in your ear — somewhere between heaving and chuckling as your body froze before trying to fight the person off to no avail.
“Hey, calm down,” You knew that voice.
It was the voice of someone who wasn’t supposed to be here.
“...Get off of me.” You warned, but it came out as more of a weak whisper.
You didn’t think you were afraid of Rafe anymore. But the feeling of his hands on your body, the force he was using to hold you in place, his warm breath against your neck — it all made you feel disgusting.
It made you feel like you were in the back of his truck all over again.
“Yeahhh…I can’t do that.” He laughed, walking you closer to Barry, his grip never loosening. “We’ll let you and your annoying ass dog go but, see, you walked into our domain? Alright, so…that means, we get to have our fun with you, first.” He whispered into your ear.
You watched helplessly as Barry pulled a plastic bag filled with a white, powdery substance from his pocket — scooping a decent amount onto the tip of his pinky before walking closer to you. "This for you and your friends stealin' my fuckin' money."
You began to dry heave, frantically shaking your head from side to side as he lifted the drugs to your nose. You jerked and jumped in Rafe’s hold, trying to do anything to get him to either let you go and disable Barry from drugging you.
“Hold her head still, Rafe.”
“Alright…” The Cameron boy groaned, carefully maneuvering the arm on your neck so that he quickly grasp your jaw, the strong hold causing an immediate ache as he held your head in place. 
“There we go…” Barry drawled on, shoving his pinky so far up your nose that it hurt, triggering you to cough vehemently but ultimately sniff the substance. “Aight, she should be out soon. Take her inside, my neighbors are nosy as shit...”
Rafe released your jaw as you coughed. Your whole chest hurt and your nostrils stung and tingled, the sensation traveling from the bridge of your nose and to your brain — the feeling somewhere in between a migraine and a brain freeze. When your coughing died down, your head began to feel light. As light as a feather on your shoulders. 
Their voices became inaudible in your ears, fading in and out. You tried to fight Rafe once more but you couldn’t feel your arms, or your legs for that matter.
The last thing you remember before the trees turned to blobs was Rafe carrying your body inside the trailer.
WHEN YOU OPENED YOUR EYES AGAIN, you didn’t know how much time had gone by. Minutes, hours…
Everything felt so heavy. Your eyelids were half close as that was as high as you could hold them. Your head rolled on your shoulders, gently swaying from side to side because holding it straight didn’t seem to be in your list of capabilities at the moment. Your lips felt permanently parted, not enough muscle strength to push them together and keep them there.
Looking around slowly, everything had a trail behind it. Everytime you turned, the object in your vision would leave behind a trail, like smeared paint. You didn't even know where you were, in all honesty. The kitchen? You looked up, letting your eyes settle before you realized what you were looking at — your hands. They were tied to a pole. A rack, of sorts.
You couldn’t even feel it. You tugged and tugged, at least you thought you were. But it didn’t look like your hands were moving.
“You awake now?” A voice echoed in your ears. You lowered your gaze to a find a figure in front of you.
Rafe, you concluded once your vision settled. 
You swallowed and you could feel that, a little bit too much. It felt like you were swallowing rocks. What did Barry give you? “...Can you untie me?” You spoke.
“I’m sorry,” Rafe said, his voice sounding weird in your ears. He crouched down in front of you, his eyes boring into yours. He looked so much scarier. “...What was that? You’re mumbling, sunshine.”
You swallowed again, the action causing you to blink harshly - the smear of colors hurting you vision when you opened your eyes again. “...Can you untie me?” You mumbled once more, but you didn’t know you were mumbling. In your ears, you could hear your voice so clear. It was so loud and it echoed, like yelling down an empty hall — every sounded bounced off the walls.
Rafe just stared at you. It looked like he was thinking before he shrugged lightly, shifting closer to you and reaching above your head where your hands were bound. “You’re too weak to go anywhere anyway…can’t do anything…might as well.”
You felt your arms float to the floor as Rafe held the rope in his hands, examining it before tossing it to the side. His gaze returned to you, analyzing your face as if he’d never seen it before. His blue scanned over you in your entirety, drinking you in with his eyes. It felt like he was staring straight into your soul, taking every part of it for himself. He was your focal point, everything else behind him fading into a mess of colors. 
Even in your altered state of consciousness, your body still found the strength to flinch when his hand reached out to touch your face, his fingers leaving a fiery trail in their wake. “...You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He whispered, his voice sounding ghostly in your ears. “I just want you to let me love you. And you won’t…” His words made you ill. So ill that you were sure that your stomach audibly turned. “I never…meant to hurt you. But you just made it so hard.”
You could see the tears welling in his eyes and the redness blooming on his nose. He was…crying. Or trying not to. You couldn’t clearly tell. “And then you told everyone that I..raped you.” He choked out, threading his fingers through your hair as you tried to move away from his touch, the sound of his digits scraping against your roots making your body recoil. “We both wanted it. You were just too ashamed to admit it. You thought it was wrong, that we were wrong. You were fighting me, I'll admit…but you wanted it.”
You shook your head, bile rising in your throat. “...Didn’t.” You choked out, throwing your head back against the wall. “I didn’t…want it.” You breathed. “And I…don’t…love you.” You struggled to form fluent sentences, your words slurring in on each other even with the long pauses in between nearly each word. “You and your family…took everything f-...from me.” Talking was as hard as hiking up the steepest hill in the world. “I just want my dog back. Can’t you j-...just give her to me?”
“Jesus- forget the fucking dog!” Rafe screamed, kicking a nearby object. You couldn’t see what it was. His hands gripped his hair at the roots, the boy pacing back and forth in front of you before crouching down in front of you once more, closer this time. “This is about us — me and you. I am in love with you. So, why is it…that you can’t love me back? You led me on. You made me like this-”
“No, I didn’t.” You cried, head thrown back as you looked up at the ceiling, tears running from your eyes, the droplets tickling your cheeks. “You made…me like this.” You said tearfully, a cough following the statement. “I was fifteen. I didn’t know…any better. But you did.” You wailed, lowering your head to look at him, although your head still swayed. “And when I did…know better, you didn’t w-want to let me go. And it doesn’t even matter…” You almost laughed through your tears. “Because your dad…ruined my life months before we even met.”
Rafe was quick to wrap his hand around your neck after that, squeezing harshly. He edged his face closer to yours, the tips of his hair tickling your forehead as stars invaded your vision, or what remained of it. “My dad? Did what he had to do. Alright? He’s not a monster.”
“...Neither was mine.” You croaked out. Rafe looked between your eyes with an expression you couldn’t place. Sadness? Anger? Whatever it was, he felt enough of it to release his grip, you taking the biggest gulp of air possible, your hair falling in front of your face as you held it down weakly.
He stood up from his crouching position in front of you. You heard him pace around once more as you caught your breath, each intake feeling like you were breathing in the coldest air ever, before you cried out in pain, the sound hurting your ears. Rafe had grabbed a fistful of your hair, using it to pull you up, but you could barely stand so the angry boy used his other hand to grip your upper arm for support. Using the hold he had on you, he drug your limp frame into the small living area, throwing you onto Barry’s tattered sofa.
…Where was Barry?
You landed on your side, rolling over onto your back. The whole room was spinning again, the quickness of his actions not allowing your brain to catch up with the swift movements. “I try to do the right thing and no one ever cares. My dad and Sarah, even Rose…they blame me for everything.” He ranted and rambled, his hands balled into fists by his sides as he looked down at you. “I thought you were different.” He said through labored breaths. Him standing above you, face red and furious, you would've sworn he was the devil himself. “But you’re just as bad as the rest of them. But I can change that…” He nodded, climbing on top of you, straddling your motionless body.
All you could do was look at him through the strands of hair that cloud your vision. You let out a ‘hmph’ as he let his weight rest on your thighs. “I can’t change their minds. I can’t fix them.” He said, his hands trailing the hem of your bottoms before unbuttoning them. “...But I can fix you.” He breathed, his tongue peeking out from between his lips as he nodded to himself. “I can make you love me.”
Before you knew it, the sound of him dragging the zipper of your fly rang out in your ears - the familiar situation triggering a series of images to flash in your mind. Images of the first time. You felt the puddles of hot tears leaving your eyes as your throat ached to say something. “Please, stop…” You cried, throwing your head side to side as your weak hands tried to push his away. “Please, don’t do this again.” You stuttered, your nimble fingers clawing at his knuckles as he struggled to drag your bottoms down your legs.
You felt like God himself came down from Heaven when a harsh light filled the trailer, the door of the mobile home opening as Barry entered, taking in the scene in front of him. You quickly registered that it was actually moonlight blinding you so viciously, the brightness fading behind Barry’s figure to reveal the eerie darkness outside.
How long had you been here?
“Aye, what the fuck? Rafe!” Barry said disgusted, slamming the door shut behind him. “Get the fuck off her, man. Don’t do that shit in my crib.” He told him, throwing a hand out in his direction. Rafe sighed, getting off of you and aggressively dragging your pants back up your legs, but he didn’t bother to button them back. You laid on the couch, sobbing silently. You didn’t know if it was out of fear or relief. “That’s why yo ass put me on paw patrol? So you could fuck the doped up girl in my damn house?”
Rafe made a face of annoyance, rolling his eyes at the drug dealer’s words. “Did you do it?”
“Uh, yeah, I did it, dumbass.” Barry said, voice full of attitude. “I just let her go in the backyard, it sounded like they were all inside. I saw one of the dudes come out and take her inside before I dipped.” He explained, grabbing a half-drunken beer from his cluttered coffee table. “Why you have me take the dog back if she still here? Y’know they gon come lookin’ for her eventually…” He threw out, the rim of the beer bottle touching his lips before he took a big sip.
“Just had to leave a little hint behind.” Rafe told Barry, sitting on the couch next to your feet as you turned to your side, groaning. He made a line out of the loose coke on the coffee table before quickly snorting it. A large exhale leaving his lungs as he let it pass through him. “It’s fun to fuck with ‘em, dude.”
“I ain’t with these games and shit.” Barry complained, walking to the back of his trailer. You were still laid out on the couch, sobbing silently. “If they come by here and fuck up my shit, it’s comin’ outta your pocket, Country Club.” He said. “And give her another hit!” He called from the back. “All that cryin’ and shit is givin’ me a headache. Damn…”
Rafe rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath before searching around the table before picking up the plastic bag Barry had before. You figured whatever they were putting you out with wasn’t cocaine. And that’s what scared you the most when Rafe snatched you up and shoved another pinky-full up your nose, letting your drowsy frame fall back into the plushness of the sofa.
“JJ…BACK IN THE VAN!” What sounded like John B’s voice filled your ears. Your eyes cracked open little by little, your vision much more clear and less distorted than the last time you recall waking up. So many voices were speaking at once. Your eyes wandered, trying to find out who was talking to who. It was then you realized the entire world was sideways and you were inside of The Twinkie.
Your head was slightly more elevated than the rest of your body, causing you to turn and peer above you where you found Sarah’s wide eyes staring down at you, finally registering the feeling on her fingers running through your hair. Her eyes were slightly red and glossed over as she peered down at you.
You felt more conscious this time around — no paint smears, no muffled voices, and you felt like you had more control over your body. You were cold, so cold. Probably shivering.
Looking over, you found that the door of the van was open. You could see a group of people crowded in on each other. When your vision focused, you realized it your four other friends and they were surrounding Rafe and Barry.
“What is wrong with you?!” That was Kie’s voice. And you knew her well enough to hear the anger in voice. “What the hell do you want, huh? You should be in jail, you sick motherfucker!”  It wasn’t long before the guys pushed her to the back of the circle, the girl yelling at Rafe through the blockade they’d formed in front of her.
“You Kooks think you can do whatever the fuck you want!” JJ shouted, his voice deeper than you’d ever heard it before. It was almost unrecognizable. “You wanna end up like your father? ‘Cause we can make it happen!-”
“The fuck’d you just say to me, you little shit?” Rafe countered, stepping closer to JJ as John B and Pope stepped closer to him.
“You heard me, bitch.” JJ spat, the small accent he had showing itself as he pushed his way through his two friends to stand toe-to-toe with Rafe.
“All y’all needa get the fuck off my property.” Barry added, standing beside Rafe, but his words went ignored.
“If you wanna do this, we can do it. ‘Cause I’ve been waiting to get my fuckin’ hands on you.” JJ warned. “You like to drug girls? Rape them? Hit them? Hit me. Hit me, you pussy-” Just then, Rafe clocked JJ in his jaw, the force and sound of the assault causing you to flinch in Sarah’s lap as John B and Pope caught their friend, Kie gasping behind them. You tried to sit up as you watched JJ’s head whip to the side, but Sarah was quick to force your weak frame back down.
You looked up at her with wide, glassy eyes. “Rafe’s gonna hurt him.” You said weakly, sounding like a scared child.
The blonde girl simply shook her head side to side. “I don’t think so.” She smiled weakly before looking back out at the brawl unfolding outside of the vehicle. “Not this time.”
Your own eyes refocused on the two guys just as JJ recovered from the blow, wasting no time in lunging at Rafe and sending the boy to the ground, allowing himself to deliver blow after blow. You couldn’t tell if he was landing them, you could only see one arm go up after the other, his fists coming down in a vicious frenzy. 
Kiara was calling JJ’s name as Barry shook his head and backed up,n John B and Pope watching with their hands up. “Y’all gon’ have the cops pokin’ around here...” Barry said angrily, eyes on John B and Pope who stood by helplessly, shocked. “Get this shit under control, I don’t need them people on my radar!” The drug dealer urged, the commotion sure to disturb any nearby trailer owners.
John B and Pope looked at each other before John B peered back at you, an expression of sadness in his eyes.
Oh. You forgot…he didn’t know. 
So, it wasn’t long before that sadness turned to anger as he turned back to Barry. “...We’ll leave when he’s done.” John B spat, referring to the two boys brawling in the grass before walking away and rounding the vehicle to get in the driver’s seat, Pope and Kie following and climbing into the back of the van quickly. Without those three blocking your field of view, you could clearly see the two boys now.
Rafe had managed to pick himself up but surprisingly, JJ still had the upper hand. But it was still a brutal brawl between the two, one not staying on top for long before being pinned by the other. Every few seconds, you could spot droplets of blood flying. It was an odd thing — on one hand, seeing Rafe get his ass handed to him almost put a dizzy smile on your face, but on the other hand, you knew he’d never stop coming after JJ now. Any chance he got...
Especially since now he probably got the hint that JJ had some sort of feelings for you. JJ didn’t come after him like a concerned friend, JJ lunged at him like a enraged boyfriend. JJ attacked him like someone who was in love with you. And after what Rafe said in the trailer, or at least what you remember of it, these two would be butting heads over a lot more than financial status.
When the blaring of sirens hit your ears, you perked up, as well as everyone else. But Rafe and JJ were too enthralled with trying to kill each other that they must not have heard anything. 
The pogues began calling JJ’s name, trying to draw him out of his rage-induced assault to get back in the van. After a few moments, he finally registered their voices and the sound of the sirens. He forcefully pulled himself away from Rafe as the boy laid on the grass, heaving. JJ delivered one last glare to the boy on the ground, the blonde’s chest going up and down heavily as he turned and threw himself into the van.
“And don’t come ‘round here no more, you hear me?!” Barry’s voice traveled before Pope slammed the door shut, John B speeding off.
Your eyes were trained on JJ’s breathing figure — he had a small trail of blood going from his bottom lip to his chin, dirt on his shirt and in his hair, and his eyebrows were set into a permanent frown. You managed to meet his eyes for a second and he looked upset. 
Upset with you?
KIARA AND SARAH HELPED YOU INSIDE THE CHATEAU AS THE GUYS HELD THE DOORS OPEN. What you didn’t expect was for Marley to come charging at you the second you stepped foot in the house. The girls let you go gently, allowing you to crouch down on your knees and embrace your dog.
She smelled like wet dirt and you could feel the outline of her ribcage as you rubbed her sides. Tears gathered in your eyes as you and Marley comforted each other. Your voice was still weak and scratchy as you spoke softly to the animal. If anything, after today, you should be grateful she was still alive.
“Hey,” John B spoke up, your eyes going to him. “We can hose her down in the backyard while you wash off.”
You drew your lips into a thin line, nodding your head in his direction as you stood up on shaky legs, Kie and Sarah putting a hand each on your back. He and Pope led Marley outside, JJ lagging behind. “JJ.” You called out. The blonde simply looked at you over his shoulder, chewing the inside of his lip before making his way outside with the other two guys.
Your shoulders fell at his cold demeanor. You guessed he was upset with you.
“It’s okay…” Sarah reassured, her hand rubbing your back as you frowned into the distance. “He just needs a second.” She told you, turning you in the direction of the bathroom, helping you walk alongside Kie who hadn't said much. “C’mon. We’ll help you get yourself together…”
WHEN YOU CAME OUT OF THE BATHROOM, the house was empty. The only living things inside being a sleeping Marley and you. She looked a lot cleaner, aside from the food remnants around her mouth. You smiled smally to yourself, admiring the animal for a moments before walking over to her, crouching down and placing a light kiss on the top of her head. She was so deep asleep that she didn’t stir, even a little.
You almost passed out a handful of times in the shower, the steam only contributing to the lightheadedness you felt but easing the neverending ache in your arms and legs. But you felt better — less disoriented. Less…gross.
You were dressed in one of JJ’s few sweatshirts and a pair of pajama shorts. All the time the two of you’d spent living together meant some of your clothes were still mixed in with one another’s. Your hair was slightly damp, the strands pulled back into a low bun to keep it out of your face. 
Even though you felt more sober, you still felt like you were walking outside of your body and it was making you a bit nauseous. You spotted a bottle of aspirin on the kitchen counter, snatching it up and swallowing two pills.
Just then, you heard voices outside — low and faint, but there. You peered out of the small window in the kitchen , spotting John B and Pope laid out on the HMS Pogue. Everyone must’ve gone outside, you thought to yourself.
You slipped out the backdoor, bare feet on the grass as you walked in the direction of the two guys.
“What’re you two talking about?” Your voice was still off and scratchy but you were grateful that you could hear yourself talking. The two males turned to you, making out your figure in the dark of night as you squeezed into between them on the boat.
“How’re you feeling?” Pope was the first to ask, genuine concern swimming in his eyes.
You sent him a small smile. “Better.” You nodded. “...And I’m sorry. For putting you in a weird position, before I left. I shouldn’t have done that-”
“You don’t have to apologize.” He shook his head, patting your shoulder. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You mumbled a ‘thanks’ to the boy, patting the hand on your shoulder as he slid it off as you turned to John B who was already looking at you. You knew him the best out of all your friends. That’s why you could tell he was going from upset with you to sad all at once.
“Just say it.” You sighed, giving him the floor.
“...Why didn’t you tell me?”  He asked, squinting his eyes. “You’re like my sister. And not to sound weird but I love you, dude. I would’ve killed Rafe-”
“That’s why.” You cut him off, a pitiful frown on your face. “I didn’t need you doing anything stupid in my defense. And you were still torn up over your dad. We both were.”
He just huffed, turning away from you and shaking his head side to side as he crossed his arms. “...You still should’ve told me.”
“I know.” You nodded, sighing and sliding down to lay fully down next to your two friends. “Where is everyone?”
“Well, Kiara is out front doing…whatever. JJ has been pacing in the Surf Shack for like an hour, and Sarah...left.” He hesitated at the end of his statement, eyeing John B who just sighed deeply. You looked between them both, eyes stopping on John B.
“What happened?” You asked.
“We, uh…we broke up.”
“What?” You asked, shocked. “Why?”
“...She wasn’t the biggest fan of how I react to Ward blowing himself up.” He explained, shifting in his spot. “She said I looked glad. And I didn’t want to lie to her and say I wasn’t. Because I was.”
“I mean, I get it.” You threw out, looking up at the stars in the sky. “He killed your dad. He killed a lot of people…I think it’s okay to be glad he’s dead. But I also get her side. He was her dad. But she can’t expect you to feel the same.”
“Exactly what I said.” Pope chipped in. “How sad can you expect someone to be when their father’s murderer dies and they get to see it?”
“I don’t think it was that, though.” John B spoke up, his brows pinched. “She said that out of all people, she thought that I’d understand what it’s like to lose a dad. And I do and I feel like a dick for not comforting her in that moment and giving Topper the opportunity to swoop in but…I feel like she didn’t even give me a chance to be there for her.”
“...Love is five minutes of pleasure for a lifetime of pain.” Pope said sadly, you and John B turning to him silently with wide eyes. The boy turned to the both of you, the same expression plastered on his face.
“Okay…” John B groaned, sitting up from his position and leaning on his arm.. “You and Kie, talk to me. What’s goin’ on?”
“Well…” Pope said, sitting up as well as you just looked up at the two guys. “She wants to be just friends.”
John B and you sighed simultaneously. “Whooo, death blow.” JB said to him. “Sorry, man.”
“It’s not like I can say I didn’t see it coming. After what happened in Charleston…” Pope was explaining before he cut himself off, his wide eyes darting to you as he pressed his lips shut. But John B’s curiosity was peaked, and so was yours.
“What happened in Charleston?” The brunette boy asked, looking between the two of you. 
Pope’s mouth opened and closed like a fish gasping for air. You cocked an eyebrow, sitting up on your own elbow now. “So you did see it?”
Now he was the one looking confused, using his finger to point at you. “You saw it? I thought you were inside-”
“I was but I had just walked out when I saw them.”
“So, we both saw it?”
“Helloooo.” John B butted in, the two of you looking at him. “Third party is still here. Saw what?”
“The kiss.” You and Pope said at the same time, looking at him.
“Kiss? What kiss? Who kissed?” He asked, genuinely baffled.
“Kie and JJ.” The both of you said in sync again.
John B’s jaw dropped as he stuttered to find words. “Is that why you’ve been avoiding JJ?” He settled on his question, eyes on you.
“Yes…” You said squinting your eyes. “What would you know about that, though?” You asked, wondering when JB got the inside scoop on you and JJ’s newfound relationship.
“I mean, everyone could see he had a thing for you. For a looong time. Well, everyone but you…”
“Thank you.” Pope butted in, throwing his hands up in surrender when you shot him a glare. “I’m just saying, I wasn’t the only one who saw it.”
“And he kind of told me everything that happened while me and Sarah were gone.” John B smirked as you groaned. “But we’re getting off topic…” He waved his hands, dismissing the previous statements.
“Right.” Pope refocused. “I never said anything about the kiss to her or him. I just kind of hoped it was a spur of the moment thing and that it would just remain as that — a kiss. But then, she friendzoned me. And now I can’t help but think that she likes JJ. And I don’t know if JJ likes her, no offense Y/N...”
“He told me he doesn’t.” You butted in. “The day we got that call about what happened to your pops, we had an argument about it. He said that Kie initiated the kiss and it didn’t mean anything. To him, at least. I don’t know how much of it I believe but," You cut yourself off, shrugging. "And I can’t speak for Kiara…”
“Okay, here’s some not-so-friendly advice for the both of you from good ole Dr. Routledge,” John B piped up, a bright smile on his face. “You,” He pointed a Pope. “focus on your yourself and your books and…grades and shit. Forget about Kie, there’s plenty of fish in the sea. And you, Pope, are one handsome young man and I guarantee there is some girl out there willing to jump your bones and not kiss one of your best friends. And, you, little missy,” His attention turned to you. “If JJ says he doesn’t have feelings for her and the kiss didn’t mean anything, I’d believe him. He loves you and I don’t think he would do anything to purposefully screw up his chance with you. And please, for the love of God, be nice and talk to him. Hearing him whine about you not talking to him is going to drive me off a cliff.”
The three of you laughed before you turned to Pope, a light smile on your face. “So, you really just weren’t going to tell me?” You asked in faux-offense.
Pope faked shock, a hand on his chest. “Uh, me? I didn’t even know you and JJ had something going then. If anything, you should’ve been the one to tell me.”
“I didn’t want to upset you!” You laughed and groaned all at once.
“Yeah, yeah…” He waved you off lightheartedly. “Alright, next time we see something that would…affect the other person, we have to tell. Deal?” He asked, holding out his pinky.
“Ohhh, okay. We’ll be each others witnesses. I like this two person witness protection program.” You smiled, connecting your pinky with Pope’s. “Deal.”
YOU WERE IN THE GUEST ROOM WHEN THE DOOR CREAKED OPEN, a stream of light illuminating the dimly lit space — the only source of light being a bedside lamp. You thought everyone had gone to sleep.
Turning at the sound of the door, you found JJ closing the entryway behind him before he turned to you. You could hardly see his features, not enough light to see his face clearly. Neither of you said anything as he walked slowly towards you, walking around the bed. 
He stopped in front of you, just inches between the both of you. Nothing was to be heard except your breathing and the cicadas outside.
“...What’s wrong with you?” He asked. His voice sounded strained, like he’d been crying. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
You nodded, accepting his frustration towards you. Swallowing, you attempted to reply.  “...I didn’t think-”
“Yeah, you didn’t think.” JJ cut you off. “You left without telling anyone. You went there alone. Why would you do that?”
“He wasn’t supposed to be there-”
“Anything could’ve happened to you. Anything.” JJ reprimanded, shifting closer to you subconsciously. “Do you know what is was like to hear, from Pope, that’d you left to go to Barry’s trailer hours ago? That you hadn’t answered any of his calls or texts that you said you’d answer? To ride all the way there with my heart beating out of my damn chest just to rush in and find you passed out on the couch with the your pants unbuttoned, confirming every single fear-”
“Nothing happened-”
“But something could have!” He lost himself, looking around as if someone heard as he licked his lips, one tear rolling down his cheek. “He tried to, clearly, and something could have.” He sighed, letting himself sit on the edge of the guest room bed, his head in his hands. “...You didn’t even know who I was when we woke you up the first time to put you in the van. You didn’t recognize any of us. You were completely out of it. I've never seen anyone like that...” He told you. You don’t recall waking up more than twice. Voices and colors here and there but…not much. “I know…that you think I took your trust and feelings and ran with them. But you can’t do things like that.” He said firmly, lifting his head to look at you. “I’m not blaming you. I just want you to understand that even if you’re mad at me or whoever, you can’t just abandon ship. Especially, not like that.”
He told you, reaching his hands out to grab your waist and pull you closer as you sniffled. You felt almost completely sober as you stood between his legs, the aspirin you took earlier taking effect.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his teary blue eyes boring into yours as he looked up at you. You bit your lip from the inside of your mouth as you nodded. “Okay…good.” He sighed, letting his head fall in relief before looking at you again. “I know the last few days have been…hard. Especially today. And I’m sorry that I put you in a place where you couldn’t even trust me as a friend anymore. But I don’t know how else to tell you or show you that I love you. And today just made me realize how badly I need you and how far I’m willing to go for you.” He said softly. “...There were so many reasons I didn’t tell you about the kiss. For one, it didn’t mean anything to me. Also the fact that I didn’t want to cause drama between you and Kie. But none of that matters because there was only one reason that I should’ve told you — because you deserved to know and because I promised I would. So, I am really sorry.” 
You'd never heard JJ be this vulnerable and open. Or be so vulnerable and open this easily. It didn't seem practiced or rehearsed. It was like he was really letting his heart speak for him and right all his wrongs.
After what happened today, holding a grudge wasn't as appealing. Because you didn't know what could happen tomorrow.
“...I believe you. And I forgive you.” You said, eyes locked on his. “And I’m sorry, too. If I had told you guys where I was going then maybe-”
“Don’t even go there.” He stopped you, shaking his head. “Rafe is insane. What he and that fucking loser, Barry, did wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t have gone there alone, sure, but what happened wasn’t your fault.”
You just sent him a half-hearted smile. You know he meant it but you still felt at least partially to blame. You licked your lips and took a deep breath before speaking, your hands rubbing up and down the blonde’s exposed arms. “JJ…” You spoke, more like whispered.
Something in the way you looked at him changed. Something in the way you felt for him changed. “...I want you.” You felt the boy tense in your arms, lifting his head up more to look you directly in the eyes. “I don’t need any more time. I know what I want and I know how I feel. I love you. And I want you.”
“...Are you sure? Because you just went through something really terrible tonight-”
“I’m sure.” You interrupted him. “If I keep waiting until nothing bad happens to be with you, then we’ll never be together. This is our lives now. And even if we didn’t have all this death and drama around us, I would still love you.” You reassured, trailing your hands up to his shoulders as his soothed themselves up and down your waist. “You said you were all mine. So, now I’m all yours, if you want me…”
He had a look on his face that you couldn’t decipher. His eyes looked at each of yours and then landed on your lips, seeming to trace them before pulling you down into him and colliding his lips with yours. A small noise of surprise leaving your lips before you melted into the exchange. Your hands slid around the nape of his neck as his trailed the length of your thighs, helping you onto his lap.
His fingers pressed into your skin, passionately dragging his prints into your skin as your nails scraped at the skin of his scalp and shoulders. The kiss wasn’t like the ones before. Those were soft and gentle, testing the waters. This kiss was hungry and prolonged — feverish. So starved of each other that it probably would’ve had the potential to lead to something else if the day had gone differently.
But knowing JJ, after what happened tonight, any kind of sex was off the table. Ad you weren't sure when you'd be ready to go that far. But this was good enough. More than good enough. There wasn’t a single part of either of you that wasn’t touching. You couldn’t help but sigh when his warm hand went up under your shirt, his fingers clawing at your back as he pressed you endlessly closer against him. 
You were confused when he pulled back — lips swollen and red as his hair stuck up in one-hundred different directions. He was breathing heavy when he spoke. “Sorry, sorry…” He said through labored breaths. “Just to be clear, you are my girlfriend, right-”
You couldn’t help but laugh and roll your eyes. “Yes, JJ, I’m your girlfriend.” You smiled. “I’m completely yours.” You sighed, eyeing his lips like an animal before connecting your lips with his once more, the both of you falling back into the mattress.
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
would you pls write jj having sex with reader while ALL the pogues are at the chateau in the living room & they both don’t hold back because they’re filthy & don’t get embarrassed🫣
Birthday Boy
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x Fem!pouge!reader
Summary: you have a surprise party  for JJ, and he has a surprise for you.
Warnings: smut, cursing, p in v, weed/smoking, fluff
Word Count: 2149 words 
Main Masterlist - OBX Masterlist
"Surprise!" Everyone screams as JJ pulls off the bandana you tied across his eyes before looking around the room at the decorations you and your friends had put up while John B took JJ to pick up dinner. With a massive smile across his features, he turns to you as you hold a cake in your arms, candles illuminating the sugary square.
"Happy Birthday, J." You smile as you look up at him. He blows out the candles before capturing your lips in a kiss. 
"I love you." He mumbles against your flesh before pulling away and turning to his friends. Sarah walks over to you, taking the cake from your hands.
“You did good. This is amazing!” Sarah reassures you before heading to the kitchen.. You’ve known Sarah since you were eleven years old. She was the first and closest friend you made since you moved to the OBX. That was until she introduced you to JJ. 
"Thank you guys so much! Y'all didn't have to do all of this for me." He says nonchalantly, attempting to brush the gesture off, but his glassy eyes give him away as he looks around at everyone with a bashful smile. Coming up beside him, you wrap your arms around his slim waist making him wrap his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him tightly.
“JJ, you deserve this and more. You deserve the world.” You tell him, leaning forward to place a kiss on his cheek; a lipstick stain marking his face. You move to wipe it off when he catches your wrist.
“Leave it. I like it.” He says, kissing your hand before turning back to his friends, a mischievous smile on his face as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a perfectly rolled joint.
“Birthday Sesh.” Everyone froze in silence before bursting into laughter as JJ looked around at his friends confused. Once the laughter died down, Sarah reached behind the couch as Pope grabbed a tray from under the coffee table. Sarah tosses a bag to John B who handed it to JJ. Giggling, JJ opened the bag and pulled out a joint and two blunts while Pope put the tray on top of the table that held two smaller joints and a bowl.
“Birthday sesh!” The group says in unison before making their way to the lit fire burning. JJ was shocked as he looked around the yard to see lights laced through the branches of the trees and balloons tied to a chair with a cloth on it. You walk over to the chair, grabbing the cloth before motioning  for the blonde to come to you before putting the sash over his torso. 
‘Birthday Boy.’
Looking down at the fabric, JJ blushes before grabbing your face and pressing his lips against yours. His hand slides down to cup your throat as he growls, quietly. 
“Get a room!” Kie yells as Pope whistles as they grab a seat around the fire. JJ plops into his seat, pulling you into his lap before lighting the first joint of the night as conversation picks up.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you. Honest, I don’t know how I got so lucky to have found you.” JJ whispers into your ears before kissing your cheek, passing the jay to Pope who was ranting about something to Kie.
“I’m the lucky one, JJ. Did you like the surprise?” You ask, turning to face him as his hand rubs your upper thigh.
“Yes, baby. This is the best thing anyone has ever done for me. And it was with my family. It is perfect, baby girl.” He brushes your cheek before Pope brings him into the debate between him and Kie while JB laughs at Pope’s dramatic gestures, almost knocking over his drink.
Across the fire, you could see Sarah's mouth word, ‘I told you so’.
“Goodnight!” JB and Sarah were the last to go to bed as the clock hit three am. before you and JJ move into the bedroom. Closing the door behind him, JJ pulls off his t-shirt before tossing his shorts to the side and jumping into bed. Following behind him, you strip down to your underwear and hop in beside him. Pulling the covers over both of you, JJ pulls your chest against his. 
“Tonight did mean a lot to me, babe. I don’t even have words for it. I’m just so grateful for you.” He says, holding your face while his other hand rubs your side. Caressing his back, you draw small patterns into his skin before looking up at him. 
“I would go to the end of the earth for you, JJ Maybank. You deserve everything in the world that would make you happy.” You say sincerely. Your words ignite something in JJ as his hand moves from your hip to gripping your ass.
“Everything? I deserve everything I want? That’s what you said, right baby?” JJ’s voice is smooth as his eyes rake over your face as he slowly shifts his weight until he is hovering over you. 
“Yes.” You whisper as JJ guides your legs around his hips, grinding his bulge against your core, gaining a moan from both of you.
“You wanna know what I want?” JJ kisses down your neck, leaving love bites here and there along your collarbone. Pulling off your bra, JJ kisses along your breast before licking your nipple, bringing a yelp from your lips. Pulling away, his lips are switched with his fingers as he plays with your nipple.
“I asked you a question.” JJ looks up at you, abruptly stopping his movements. “Do you want to know what I want?” He asks again, enunciating every word.
“Yes, sir.” You answer, grinding your hips upwards against him before he lowers against you, grinding harder.
“Good girl.” He praises you with a warm smile before his eyes darkened as you whine, pathetically. “I want you to be a screaming mess beneath me.” He grabs your underwear and pulls them down your legs before removing his boxer, tossing both to the floor. JJ rubs his cock against your clit before guiding himself into you until you are full of him.
Arching your back, your eyes roll back as JJ pushes your legs apart before rapidly thrusting into you eliciting boisterous moans that filled the room.
"Fuck, you look so good under me," JJ grunts as his hand grips your throat, squeezing slightly. 
The two of you became an obnoxious, moaning mess as you feel your stomach start to tighten as JJ's hips smack against yours, transporting you as your eyes rolled back. 
"Oh Fuck, I'm coming!" You yelp as your cum drenched JJ's thighs. JJ's thrusts slow down as he lets you ride your high out before pulling up, much to your disappointment.
"Turn around. I wanna see that ass, baby girl." JJ gestures with his hand, which you comply with as you arch your back while resting on your elbows. 
"You listen to me so well, baby. You just love to let me use you, huh? You love being full of my cock?" J nibbles on your ear lobe as he pressed his dick into your core, making an unexpected gasp leave your lips as you drop your head against the bed. 
"Oh, God. Oh my God. This feels so good." You groan as you feel JJ snake his hand through your hair before gripping at the scalp, pulling you until your back was against his chest while he slowly thrust into you.
"Oh, little one. Don't scream God’s name, scream mine." He snarls as he lets go of your hair, letting your drop to your arms again before pounding into you at an alarming speed. 
"Fuck! JJ! Holy Shit." You screamed as JJ pulled you closer, making himself go deeper into you. You feel yourself tighten around him as the pressure in your abdomen grows.
"This is fucking heaven!" JJ moans as he grabs your hair again, being more gentle than the previous. "I'm going to cum." JJ grabs your hips and slams you against him while you reach for your clit, rubbing circles as you felt yourself begin to come.
"Oh, yes! JJ! Fuck!" You moan as you feel JJ pull out quickly before his cum lands on your backside. 
Stunned, you lay on the bed, feeling euphoric as JJ wipes himself off with a rag before grabbing another to wipe you off before pulling on fresh boxers you finally turn and sit up to face him, a lazy smile covering your face. 
"Here, baby. Put this on." JJ says as he grabs one of his old t-shirts and hands it to you, but stops you to lean down and connect your lips. 
"You are the best gift I could ever ask for. I mean that with my whole heart. And I will marry you one day. Matter of fact, wait…" JJ dashes over to his bag as you pull on his shirt and scoot to the edge of the bed as he comes back to sit in front of you with something in his hands. 
"JJ, what are you doing?" You laugh, unsure of why he was kneeling on one knee when you realized what was in his hands. The blonde boy sat in front of you, in nothing but his boxers, with a ring outstretched in his hands. Your heart started to pound in your ears as fear crept into your soul. He wouldn't, would he?
"Y/N, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Maybank?" JJ looks up at you, eyes filled with fear as you analyze him for any sign of a joke. When you found nothing but sincerity, a smile broke out on your face.
"Yes, of course. I would be honored to be your wife, JJ." Your words send JJ flying towards you as he wraps you in his arms as you both fall onto the bed.
"Fuck yes!" He screams, kissing all over your face before pulling away to grab your hand as he slides his ring onto your finger.
"For better, for worse," JJ says with a smile, brushing your cheek.
"For richer, for poorer," you say the next part of the vow as you lean into his hand, moving your own to brush strands of blonde from his eyes. "In sickness and in health,"
"To love and to cherish, until parted by death," You and JJ say in unison as he leans his forehead against yours, brushing his nose with yours before kissing you. Pulling away, JJ lays back as you snuggle to his side with his arm around you as you feel your eyes start to shut.
"Wanna smoke?" JJ's voice cuts through your fall to sleep as your eyes shoot open.
"Fuck yes!" You say, sitting up and pulling on a pair of your shorts and a hoodie. After slipping on your shoes, you and JJ leave the room and head towards the back when you notice all your friends are wide awake, sitting in the living room. The clock read 4:47 am. 
"Congrats, guys!" Sarah says, sarcastically with a genuine smile as she leans into John B on the couch with a blanket covering them both.
"Mr. And Mrs. Maybank!" Kie joins in while John B and Pope mockingly moan loudly.
"Oh, my god." You say covering your face as you bury it into JJ's chest. Mortification wouldn't cover how you felt as your stomach started to turn. You couldn't believe your friends heard you and JJ having sex.
"Okay, guys. That's enough. Do yall want to smoke or not?" JJ laughs, erasing the joking tension as everyone looks at each other before smiling.
"Lit it up, Birthday boy." JB playfully snaps his finger at JJ as you and he sit on the couch, him pulling a fuzzy blanket over your lap with his arm still around you. Pope hands him a blunt which he lights and takes a hit before passing it to you. 
"Did you guys just get engaged?" Kie asked from her spot beside Pope. With a smile, you look at JJ, waiting for his answer as he turns to the group.
"Actually, it was a Routledge-style wedding." JJ kisses the side of your head. "She's my wife." He finishes with a smile as your friends cheer as you see Sarah and JB kiss as they remember their wedding. 
Looking down at your hand, you look at JJ's ring as it fits perfectly like it was made for your hand as well as his. Turning to face him, while he talks to your shared friends, you realized how perfect the two of you were together.
JJ Maybank was your husband and you couldn't be happier as his eyes catch your own and you see your future unfold in his smile. Nothing could be more right in the world than this.
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bitethehnd · 6 months
Hii, love your writting! ❤️❤️ Can i request one where JB and reader are seen kissing at a party and fans freak out on social media and the next day they look at the posts together?
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₊˚⊹ ʚɞ style !
pairing : julien baker x fem!reader
synopsis : after a fun night out celebrating the boys’ new album, you and julien wake up to madness
cw : really nothing, just fluff and an accidental hard launch. some sexual innuendos, actress!reader because i said so, femme!reader, phoebe being a menace
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you were a fairly well-known actress, julien was a fairly well-known singer. the two of you should have probably known to be more cautious if you didn't want your business showcased all over enews, but neither of you were thinking about that. the boys had just released their album 'the record' last night at midnight. it had done very well on the charts so far, and there was nowhere to go but up from there. you were insanely proud of the women you loved and all of you were celebrating their achievement.
muna had joined you and the boys at the bar you were at. the four of you all sprouted grins as you stood up to greet them. you pulled jo's girlfriend, kelli, in for a long hug.
"hi, baby," kelli said into the hug. you smiled brightly and kissed her cheek.
"thank you for coming, kells. i know it means the world to them that you're all here," you said sweetly as you pulled away.
"are you kidding me? jo wouldn't shut up about seeing them all week." you and kelli started to giggle loudly. jo and julien turned around in amusement at the sound.
"and what are you ladies laughing about?" jo asked sarcastically and raised one eyebrow. julien walked up to you and wrapped one arm around your waist securely, a giddy smile on her face. it made you practically beam to see her so happy.
"i was just telling kelli my elaborate plan to steal her away from you. you better watch out, jo," you winked at the curly-haired woman with a smug smile. jo fake gasped and pulled kelli away from you. the four of you all started to laugh loudly your antics.
"who's ready to party?!" phoebe suddenly yelled over the loud music. you all started hollering and made your way to the bar top. some ordered drinks, but you and julien opted for soda instead. she was sober and you had decided when you two got serious that you wouldn't drink around her. she insisted that it was fine and it didn't bother her in the slightest, but you stuck with your decision. you were sober in spirit for her.
as the drinks were downed, all of you made your way to the dance floor. you cheered in delight as a rihanna song came on, pulling julien to dance with you.
"babyyy," julien whined, "you know i can't dance."
"anyone can dance, jules. now c'mon, just follow my lead," you said and placed her hands on your hips. you guided her movements, instructing her to move her hips in sync with yours. you put your arms around her neck as your bodies got closer together.
julien leaned up and burrowed her head in the crook of your neck, sucking marks onto the delicate skin. you giggled softly at her actions, moving your torso right up against hers. at that point, you two were practically grinding on each other. you could feel the outline of her abs through her button up shirt, and she was right at eye level with your cleavage that was probably spilling out of your top.
neither of you were thinking about anything other than each other, so you failed to see the woman that was recording you sitting at the bar.
after about ten minutes of dancing, you pulled julien's face away from your neck and told her you needed a drink. she, of course, followed you to the bar and ordered a cherry coke for you.
the bartender filled up the glass for you and slid it across the bar. you took a long sip from the straw as julien watched you. she took the drink from your hands and did the same. you sat down on a stool, and she moved to stand in between your legs. you placed the drink down and wrapped your arms around her neck, her pulling you by the waist to get you closer.
"have i told you how proud i am of you?" you asked her as you played with her hair. she let out a soft chuckle.
"have i told you how beautiful you are?" she countered with a smug smile. you laughed loudly and slapped her on the shoulder.
you leaned in to give her a sweet kiss. she immediately responded, kissing you back passionately and gliding her tongue along your bottom lip. you gave her access, letting her tongue into your mouth. you two made out for a few minutes before phoebe came into sight and wolf whistled loudly. you laughed and julien just flipped her off. that night was perfect.
˚₊‧꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
the next morning, you and julien woke up to phoebe banging on the guest room door. the two of you and lucy decided to stay in the blonde’s apartment, which in hindsight was a bad idea. phoebe stayed up all hours of the night doing god knows what and woke the two of you up so early.
“phoebe! cut it out!” julien whined and rolled over, shoving her head under a pillow. the door practically busted open and phoebe came running in.
“guys, oh my god. you have to see this,” the older woman said and almost threw her phone at you.
you sighed and took her phone from her hands, the blonde bouncing on her feet anxiously. what could have made her so worked up? you didn’t know.
phoebe’s phone was opened to twitter. the tweets on her homepage were filled with videos and pictures of you and julien from last night. your eyes practically bulged out of your head as you scrolled.
“oh my god, julien, get up,” you said with a hardy laugh. the dirty blonde rolled over and glanced over your shoulder at the phone. her jaw was slack and she had a horrified look on her face. phoebe came and sat next to you on the bed as the three of you saw the leaked photos.
“this is…” julien trialed off and tilted her head.
“kinda funny…” you said monotonously before looking over at your lover and bursting out laughing. phoebe joined you in the giggles as julien looked at you guys like you grew three heads.
“guys! it’s not funny!” julien tried to reason, but she herself was starting to crack up.
“it’s funny. like, really funny,” you let out through your laughter. it sucked that someone had invaded your privacy, but the two of you were making out in the middle of a bar, so really it was your fault.
“it’s julien’s fault for practically fucking you in public,” phoebe shrugged.
“i was not!” julien exclaimed dramatically and hit phoebe with a pillow. the blonde fake gasped and hit her back. you were stuck in the middle of their childish fighting, trying to get out of the way of the flying objects.
“can you guys shut the fuck up! some of us would like to sleep!” lucy suddenly yelled from her bed down the hall.
“sorry, luce!” you yelled back.
“alright, get the fuck out, bridgers,” julien said and pointed a finger at the blonde.
“fine, baker,” she sassily responded before taking her phone and walking out of the door.
you and julien looked at each other as she shut the door, soft smiles on your faces. you hugged julien and gave her a kiss on the forehead, she cuddled into your chest.
“do you think we should tell people we’ve been together for two years?” julien asked jokingly as she looked up at you. it was surprising that you guys managed to keep your relationship a secret for so long.
“do you think we should tell people we’re engaged?” you joked back as you two fell into laughter again.
the rest of the morning was spent scrolling on social media to see people’s reactions. most were surprised and overjoyed, and some said they knew all along. which was obviously a sham because the two of you were ‘just friends’ to the public until now.
the tiktok edits made you blush and people’s shocked tweets made the two of you smile. after a while, you two decided to post an instagram story to your profile. the picture was the two of your hands laced together. julien’s unique tattoos made it obvious it was her, but the real surprise came from the diamond ring proudly placed on your ring finger. let’s just say twitter had another field day after that.
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© bitethehnd
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nicolesainz · 10 months
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Darling (JB 22)
Jenson Button x f!reader (Mark Webbers Daughter)
A/N: Ya’ll can blame the Brawn Doc (which btw was great, go check it out)
Summary: A little visit to your dad’s old friend after the Goodwill festival wouldn’t hurt,right?
Warnings: minors dni, +18, suggestive smut, edging, fingering, p! in v!, age gap (reader is 22)
“Hey Jense, would you mind keeping an eye on her? Missus and I will fly back to Australia but she’s staying here for a friend’s party”
My father would’ve never let me stay in a hotel. It had to be Jenson. Out of all his friends, all the people in the fucking UK, it had to be him.
And reminded that I’m 22. Not underage. And I can legally drink, thank you very much.
“Of course mate. I have a spare room she can use. I’ll barely be home this weekend.” It was the British Grand Prix and he is a presenter for Sky Sports, hence why he won’t be around.
To be fair, I only watch the post race show just to admire him. But my dad doesn’t need to know that, or Jenson himself. He doesn’t have to know how handsome he is or how smart he sounds given his knowledge in Formula One.
What’s more attractive than that?
And the fact that I have secret screenshots of his shots in my phone, but again, no one needs to know.
“Let me get her luggage full of god knows what type of dresses. I don’t even know when she bought them!”
"I hope you know how old I am, dad" I roll my eyes at his comment as Jenson lets out a small giggle, earning a death glare from my dad.
"Before she leaves the house, please make sure to see what she's wearing. And if there are any boys in sight." my dad warns him, as if I am going to enroll myself in the army and fight the enemy, which to him, would've been more preferable compared to a party.
"Got it. We definitely know that you think she's 17" Jenson replies and my mother laughs along, as I try not to burst out.
"If you side with Y/N, I will break your Porche." My dad's voice raise and I glance at Jenson who has a look plastered on his face as if he was offended and scared by the threat.
"I have kids myself, I think she's going to be safe with me. Come on Mark! I was the only driver you never crashed with, kinda." He takes the luggage away from my mother's hands and waves them goodbye as I go and hug them.
"Take care kiddo and if you need anything, im a call away. Also if you want to go to the paddock, the passes are under my name" he kisses my head after having me squeezed in a tight hug.
"Y-yes dad, I know. Now please let me go because I cant breathe."
"Sorry" he sets me free and I join Jenson's side. God he's tall and broad.
"Alright now, shall we?" he looks down at me and I nod, unable to utter a single word, even though I've know him my whole life.
The boys in my university were dying to hear stories with the senior formula one drivers, coming from a daughter of one. It's a nice feeling to narrate all the success and glory of this sport.
"Seriously though, your bag is very light. Are you even carrying anything in here?" Jenson asks, weighing up and down my luggage, flexing his muscles as I try not to drool all over the place.
"Only necessities. Dresses, shoes, makeup, few outfits for the race and condoms." the last one quite shocked him but also was a way of teasing him, given my major crush.
"You have condoms, yet I didn't hear you say panties"
"Won't be needing any"
"And why is that, may I ask?"
"Cause I like to be free. More access and more fun" I wink at him and I stare at his lips, a smirk is growing as each word is leaving mine.
"So you are telling me, that right now, underneath this short but nonetheless breathtaking dress, no panties are worn?"
I get closer to him and whisper softly in his ear:
"Wanna see for yourself?"
Honestly, don't ask me where I found this much confidence and especially with someone twice my age. And a friend of my dad's.
"Behave yourself darling" he coughs lightly to clear his throat and grabs me by the waist, so my dress doesn't float from the summer breeze.
"And what if I don't want you, Mr. Button?"
"Then you'll wish you had never said that" he growls and immediately opens me the door to his McLaren.
When he gets in the drivers seat, he wastes no time and gets on the road instantly. During the ride, there's a comfortable silence filling the atmosphere, until the air coming out of Jenson's window pulls up my dress and his hand quickly falls on my thigh, holding it down once more.
Jenson decides to roll up his window but his hand remains on my thigh and this time, is holding it firmly and starts caressing it from the inside.
Soft sighs leave my mouth, but controlling them is inevitable when his touch was all I have been craving since I turned 18. His foot hits the gas harder, speeding and driving in between the other slower cars. He reminds me of the Jenson back in his Brawn days and I can feel myself pooling just at the thought.
It was the very right time when his hand cupped my bare pussy, feeling the wetness caused by barely a thought of him. The slight touch of his fingers on my trembling self has my knees going paralyzed. I feel like crying from pleasure and yet I don't even know if he's doing that on purpose to embarrass me or if he's actually enjoying it too.
"Oh baby, you're definitely not behaving yourself" he says as his index finger draws circles around my clit. My legs are clenching his hand inside me as the other one holds the steering wheel, looking at his knuckles that have turned white.
"Jenson" I breathe out and moan simultaneously as he starts pumping two fingers inside me fiercely, letting myself to his mercy and unable to react.
"This behavior will have consequences young lady. I warned you" he lets a soft kiss on the crock of my neck and feeling his beard scratching it, I go absolutely insane.
"Then punish me sir" I blurt out without thinking and Jenson drives in seconds at the spot in front of his house, stops the car and places me on top of his lap with just one hand.
Jenson's lips crash into mine without wasting a second as his fingers play with my uncontrollably wet pussy. The feeling of moaning is surely necessary and I don't hold back. My tongue dances with his and the kiss gets deeper like his fingers, hitting perfectly my soft spot.
"You are going to be the death of me" Jenson says as his mouth falls on my neck, sucking it off like there's no tomorrow. My hands try to unbuckle his belt and eventually make it to the part where I can feel his erection growing. It's true what they say, older men do it better.
In other instances I would have been furious, but Jenson ripping my dress, just so he can have better access at my breasts is incredibly hot. I don't care that I am left vulnerable at his sight. At this I was pleading it.
My breast hurt from his kisses and I know in a few hours small red dickies will be covering the surface. My fingers decide to trace the shape of his thick cock but I can tell he wants to feel me. I have teased him and he me, for way too long.
"If you keep being naughty I won't let you cum, dear" a groan escapes his body as I take his length in my hands and caress the veins that have popped out.
"Then I want you to fill me up with your cum" I take him by surprise and I can sense his heartbeat raising from worry. He regards me as something innocent, precious and fragile. Which I am. But I feel ready and I am.
"Are you sure? I mean, have you? Uh? Had sex before?"
"I-uh-well, no. But-"
"Baby we can't do it here. You don't deserve to have your first time on a car. You deserve to be worshipped."
Jenson's words make me blush and my heart was flattering as if I was a fifteen years old again, simply watching him race and get multiple podiums.
He looks around and opens the door of his house and then quickly rushes with me inside and shuts it with such force, my legs started trembling.
Suddenly, he picks me up and carries me all the way to his bedroom. A dark room filled with some of his most iconic trophies and with his smell that has been covering my entire body since the moment I entered his car.
He turns on the soft baby lights on the bedrest and takes a look at my flushed self, covered with hickies he's gifted me. His eyes scan me from head to toe as if he's about to feast.
"I want you to tell me to stop whenever you feel uncomfortable in any way." He kisses me softly and I nod my head, knowing that he would never hurt anyone.
Jenson stands up and with his strong arms parts my legs so he can have a clear vision of my already swollen womanhood. My breast are half showing from inside my bra and my lips are bitten to the core. I am a mess but he seems to like it.
He removes his shirt in quick motions revealing his god like crafted body with the hints of dark ink covering his lower v and shoulder. I had never seen them before and I am was very pleased with what was in front of my eyes.
It doesn't take him too long to strip off his trousers and be left with simply his boxers that were trying to hold in his hardened cock and my patience as well. They were giving me a preview of what was about to happen.
As Jenson lowered his body his hands were hoisting down his boxers, revealing himself and it wasn't just my mouth that was drooling but also my pussy.
His hands now were on the insides of my thighs, holding them fiercely, whilst mine were hanging around his neck. I felt like my heart was about t burst out of my chest.
"Are you ready baby?"
I was at loss for words so I gave him a final kiss for reassurance that he could continue.
In slow motions, he lowered even more and started inserting himself inside me, pumping slowly as I was trying to get used to his size. My cries were out of control as Jenson was deepening himself and my pussy was stretched to its limits.
"Jesus, you're clenching me so well darling" he breathed out and I tried to open my legs wider for his pleasure. Jenson was panting on the hem of my neck and upping the pace of his thrusts.
"Dear lord this feels so good" It feels better than good. As if I am in the seventh heaven. I don't think any man will ever make me experience this. And I don't think I want to either.
"Say that again" he demands with a harder thrust, hitting my G-spot, earning the biggest moan of the night, echoing at the entire house.
"You make me feel so damn good Jenson" I gulp hard as I try to catch my breath and scratch his back from the pain that this gives me.
"And I shall be the only one darling" he hoists me up and removes my bra with a single movement, freeing my breasts and enjoying the sight, as they are bouncing up and down along with the trusts.
"Only you Jenson" I scream his name as loud as I can and his chest fills with pride as I am reaching my height.
"Cum sweetheart. Let go" I can't hold it in much longer and I cum all over his cock. He doesn't remove himself from inside me and I don't want to. This felt so right even though for some it's very wrong.
"That was, perfect" I say in a whispering manner as I am unable to speak louder. I am so wasted but full of thrill.
"You deserve it. You deserve to be treated like that dear"
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deathbyhertouch · 3 months
3M Part 2
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click here to read part one
boygenius x stripper!reader
AN: sorry for the delay, here is part 2 of the 3 Musketeers series.
word count; 1.9k
warnings: smut (mdni, 18+) pussy eating, oral, face riding, JB being a writhing mess, heaving making out, praise kink, ownership/marking kink
Please enjoy!
You woke up feeling refreshed, the sun peaking through the curtains. You took a moment to recoup after last night. The large bed felt so empty without Phoebe, Lucy, and Julien snuggled into you. You sighed, knowing that this was a possibility, waking up alone once again. It wasn’t until you heard a large crash and the sound of glass breaking that urged you to get up and out of bed. You grabbed your phone, ready to call if an intruder was breaking into your apartment. You cautiously made your way out of the bedroom, trying to keep quiet. You instantly relaxed once you saw Lucy and Julien bent over your kitchen floor, trying to clean up what appeared to be one of your pint glasses. Phoebe was the first to notice your presence, a cheeky smile painting her face as she strode over to you.
“Hi princess, sorry to spook you. We wanted to try and make you some breakfast, with minimal casualty.” She spoke, her eyes turning to see the other two finishing picking up the glass. The other two perked up as she spoke, each of them donning a smile to greet you. 
“It’s okay, are any of you hurt? I have a first aid kit around here somewhere.” You turned to move towards the bathroom, but before you could, a pair of hands found their way around your waist, pulling you back. 
“We are completely unharmed, love. Thank you though, you’re very sweet.” Phoebe murmured into your ear, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, just below your ear. You smiled and turned in her arms, wrapping your own around her neck. You leaned up to kiss her, she gladly hummed into your mouth. You squeezed her closer, and her hands moved to cup your ass. You squealed and broke the kiss, pressing small pecks all over her cheeks. It was then, you felt another set of arms pulling you out of Phoebe’s and into their own. You leaned up and saw Lucy’s blue eyes staring into your own. You leaned into her arms, burrowing your face into her neck. You trailed kisses down her neck and along her collarbone. She ran her hand through your hair, twirling your locks between her fingers. You looked back up at her, giving her a sleepy smile.
“Good morning, sunshine. How does coffee and some eggs sound?” She beamed at you, You smiled and nodded. She released you from her grip, allowing you to pad your way into the kitchen, grabbing a mug from the cupboard, filling it with the coffee from the pot. You took a sip, making your way to the kitchen table, where Julien sat, sipping from her own mug. You smiled down at her, kissing her hair, pulling a chair out beside her. She gave you a toothy grin, sending you a wink as she took a drink from her mug. 
“I was almost worried you three had snuck out before I woke. I was going to be very sad, if that was the case.” You mused, your eyes flicking between the three women at the table in front of you. “I’m glad you’re still here, it’s nice.” 
You finished your coffee before placing your mug into the sink. You made your way to the frying pan, grabbing a small helping of eggs. You ate them at the kitchen counter, before finishing them up and you walked back over to Julien. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders from behind, placing a lingering kiss to her cheek. She pressed a kiss to your hand, before resting her chin on your arm. 
“Well, pretty girl, I’m not sure if you have work tonight or not, but we have our album release party tonight, and we’d be delighted if you would be our date.” Julien remarked, hopefully. You pulled back a bit, so she could turn to face you. 
“I could go for a night of fun, after all, I still have yet to hear your music.” You responded, a small smirk on your lips. You heard a squeal of delight come from Phoebe as she moved quickly to grab you in her arms. You laughed at the affection, wrapping your arms around her. 
“Then maybe after, we can have a continuation of last night?” You proposed, trying your best to use a sultry tone. Your head was twirling at the thought of last night, you could feel the heat pooling in your lower abdomen. Lucy was the first to notice you trying to hide your thighs rubbing together to ease the tension.
“Or… we could start now.” Lucy gave you a teasing grin, her voice now notably lower. Phoebe clicked her tongue, her hands running up and down your arms. Julien stood up, pushing her chair back into its original position. Lucy pulled you out of Phoebe’s arms, and brought your lips up to meet hers. You could taste the caramel from her coffee, as you ran your tongue across her bottom lip. She brought her hands to the back of her thighs, giving them a light tap. You picked up the hint, jumping into her arms, wrapping your legs around her waist. She groped your ass, moaning into your mouth. You reciprocated quickly, grabbing her hair, pulling at the roots. 
“C’mon baby, let’s at least get you to the bed, so we can fuck you properly.” She mumbled, laughing against your lips. You were definitely soaked now, her words turning you feral.  When she got into your bedroom, she sat down, your legs still around her making you straddle her. Her lips trailed their way across your jawline and down your neck. She left hot, heavy, wet kisses in their wake. You were almost completely fucked out, and she hadn’t even touched you yet.
“Don’t hog her, Luce, I want to fuck her too.” Julien whined. Even in your hazy mindset, you still found it hot that you were their little fuck toy. Phoebe giggled at her, picking the brunette up bridal style and running towards your bedroom. Lucy, still carrying you, followed them in as well. She sucked on your neck, soothing the budding marks with her tongue. You moaned at the soft feeling of her lips against your hot skin. She moved down to your collarbone, pulling the collar of your loose sleep shirt aside, and sucking another mark onto your skin, she took a while and when she pulled back, you see she made one in the shape of a heart. You giggle, and smile up at her.
“I thought it would suit you, I was right.” She beamed, before pulling you back to capture your lips once more. You didn’t think she could be any cuter, it made your heart flutter. You were really down bad for her, well - all of them. You looked to Phoebe and Julien, who were both looking at the two of you, pupils blown and adoring smiles on their faces. You leaned over, and pulled Julien into a kiss, her mouth intoxicating against yours. You scooched towards her, moving to straddle her lap. She moaned into your mouth, feeling your bare pussy already dripping onto her thighs. Her hands dug into your hips, grinding you against her skin. Your head flung behind you as a string of curses and moans escaped your lips. She lifted the baggy sleep shirt you had on, revealing your breasts to her. She plastered a shit eating grin to her face.
“There’s my girls. All ready and waiting for me.” She cooed, fully talking to your breasts as if they weren’t attached to you. Phoebe’s laugh booming loudly, letting out a snort. 
“Your girls? Those are our girls, a sharetime if you will.” She quipped, giving you a wink. You laughed at this, musing at the idea of the three of them buying into allotted time with your boobs. You were quick to stop laughing though when Julien leaned down and took one of your nipples into her mouth, swirling her tongue around your pierced nipple. You instinctively ran a hand through her hair, your fingers scratching her scalp. She moaned against you, the vibrations against your skin turning you on even more. Your hips rutting against her thighs. One of her hands snaked down to your clit, rubbing slow circles on it. You whined against her lips, wanting her to move faster.
“C’mon JB, let our baby come all over your thighs, she’s been such a good girl for us.” Phoebe bargained, her face inches above Lucy’s wet cunt, before moving back to the task at hand, licking a flat stripe through her folds. Lucy’s long moan makes you gasp, partially due to the fact that she sounds like an angel, and partially because you know how talented Phoebe’s mouth is. Julien’s swift fingers on your core pull your attention back to her as she slips a digit inside. You let out a mewl, your pussy throbbing at the new sensation, tightening itself around her fingers. Julien is now looking deep in your eyes and you match your stare. You can feel how hot your cheeks are and she leans in to place a kiss on each of them. Her finger pumping in and out of you at a faster pace now, she slips another inside. You can feel the band in your stomach tying itself in a knot, your orgasm now building rapidly. 
“You gonna cum f’me, princess? Is your sweet cunt going to gush all over my thighs?” She asks, as if she doesn’t already know the answer. You let out a breathy affirmation, nodding lazily. She smirks before moving her fingers even faster, attaching her mouth to your tit once more. Her tongue flits against the small gold barbell adorning your nipple, only adding to your sensitivity. You moan, and your breath picks up. You feel that band snap and your orgasm crash over you. You can feel your release coat her thighs, and sucks hard around your nipple. She works you through your release, before pulling off your nipple with a small pop. 
“Good girl, baby. You did so good, honey. “ Her praises make you feel lighter than air, still coming down from your high. Your knees were wobbly, and she helped you off of her. Laying you onto your back. She tries to move away, but you grab her wrist before she can get too far. 
“Ride my face, Jules. I want to taste you.” You plead, giving her big doe eyes. She blushes before moving back towards the bed, angling her body before she has a knee on either side of your face. You grab her thighs and pull her flush against your mouth. She squeals at the quick motion, and your lips fasten themselves against her puffy clit. You suck hard, making her moan out, and hum against her dripping pussy. Your tongue swipes through her folds, savoring the taste of her in your mouth. Your tongue moves to probe at her entrance, before sliding in. She lets out a moan that started deep in her chest. You can hear her heavy panting and notice she is getting close. You speed up your movements, your tongue plunging into her sweet cunt. Your hands have a death grip on her thighs, ensuring that little marks will be there by this evening. Her orgasm comes all too soon, coating your tongue and face with her arousal. She lets out a pathetic whine, before begrudgingly pulling off of your mouth.
She lays next to you, her eyes soft and cheeks flushed. It’s not long before you feel another set of hands on your own thighs, and you look to see Phoebe giving you a devilish grin.
“My turn.”
Love, A
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marionvonwolfstadt · 26 days
whats your fav seb ships
sebmark/martian — I think it's quite obvious haha, I'm just so compelled by their dynamic, history, how they fit together, I love so many fics of them (Shutter Speed, che angelo sei, I Heard Youre a Player, pleaser is my comfort fic as of late, The Edge of Glory, fast in my car, White Out and so much more) but I'm gonna link the one that always makes me choke on a gasp as I read it: ignore the smoke and smile
I'm also in the process of reading some, including Everything Changes but you know, it's... long
simi — they are soooo adorable together, I never thought I'd love writing them so much, no notes, classic grumpy and sunshine trope with enough depth to go angsty if you want, one word: badminton (my fav fic: what a thing to choose)
sebson, sewis, mark/jb/seb, and brocedes x seb — are like in the neutral zone to me, I might write it, I might read it, I see the appeal but they don't make me crazy (if smn sends me a link to a fic that has the capacity to make me go crazy about those ships I might give it a go :))
sebchal — I meeeean, my two favs together but I prefer them as a more platonic duo, never gonna write them as a pairing, but reading, that's another thing lol, recent example: he's (k)not my problem
vettonso, sebschumi, seb x mick — not for me but I get why people might like it, not gonna write or read abt them sorry (Sebastian and Schumachers = platonic love <3)
also, are there fics with Max and Seb? because I'd be interested to check them out..
Thank You for the ask <3 and remember it's just my preference ;) (also, I feel like I'm forgetting smth)
Edit: yeah, I forgot about Danny and Nico (I'd put them in 4)
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ghxstyfae · 5 months
Little Doe ♡ John B headcanons
John b is just so daddy. He needs to take care of something, and he loves taking care of his little doe.
Warning: nsfw, not x reader, bit of dacryphilia,
Tumblr media
He calls her doe, little doe, and doe-girl most of the time
Shes actually pretty tall, 5'7, very skinny and frail though.
They met somewhere in the middle of the woods. She was foraging for berries (living her aesthetic nara smith life) to make a berry pie.
Whem she heard him rustling around, watching her, her head snapped up with wide eyes, just like a deer and thats where the nickname stuck.
When they approached her she was wary of them, but outstretched her basket to offer strawberries.
She has longg brown hair, and brown eyes that John B absolutely LOVES
Hes always staring at her wide eyes, even helps her put on mascara sometimes when shes tired before they go out
Like most my girls, shes a big fan of Sanrio, her favourite being pompompuri
Doe isnt too hard to please, one of her biggest love languages is penguin pebbling. She adores when john b brings her little things that remind him of her.
That being said she did it first, making him little knitted projects, crocheted keychains, regular rocks, crystals, or whatever she thinks he might like.
Its just how she shows her affection.
Doe girl doesnt like wesring shirts. Or bras. Half the time shes walking around home or the chateau in just her loose pants, overalls, etc. Titties to thr wind
She also likes wearing outfits like this, this, and this
Daddy jombee gets a little upset at that (^^), especially at first when he and jj walks in to her wearing her patchwork overalls and knitting in the couch.
"Doe weve talked about this before" "if boys can have their tits out so can i daddy" that shut him up quickly enough, considering neither him nor jj were wearing shirts.
Shes lowkey a crybaby, very fragile emotionally and that makes her really anxious
Gets overstimulated from people VERY easily, she lives near a forest that shes constantly exploring whwn she wants a break
Every thursday and sunday they go on a date night, but sometimes she asks to cancel whatever plans they had and either stay in or have a picnic outside.
It didnt take long for the tradition to have 1 solo date night a week, and 1 date where they're around other people
Shes so extremely kinky, but would never share that verbally
Loves to be tied up, esp with the colourful rope Jombee uses.
Shes very quiet when JJ, Pope, Kiara, etc. Are around, even though theyve known eachother for a very long time
Its not that she doesn't like them, shes just a silent soul
As i mentioned, shes a crier, and John B loves it. He loves watching her wide eyes fill up with tears as she takes him, gripping onto his back
Her nails are naturally a decent length and she shapes them sorta almond ish, but the scratch marks on daddys back are deep and sharp
She wakes up very early, almost 5 am every day, and she goes to bed at around 10:30.
First thing she does when she wakes up is makes a fruity smoothie (on weekends she'll make pancakes or waffles), take care of her plants, and finish up any laundry or dishes.
She is absolutely a morning bird, and looses her energy as the day goes on.
This results in naps from 2 pm to 3:40 (shes a creature of habit)
Shes lowkey very book smart buut not street smart at all. Kinda like Pope,
but worse, very oblivious. This is one of the reasons her and JB work so well together. He sees her as someone he gets to take care of
Holds his pinky instead of his whole hand
Doe always says the right thing. Shes a super comforting and empathetic person and is always the person to go too when you need advice
Hates scary things, she really is like a deer in headlights at any sign of horror or danger.
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Resident Evil content creators!!!
This is an ongoing list and more content creators will be added! If you wish to be added or removed, please contact to have your information removed. If you feel that you are in the wrong category, please message as well, as it’s hard to manage every single person and all possible selected platforms. 
Any content creators are subject to be removed on this list. We will not be tolerating any misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia or bigotry. Any problematic content creators will not be platformed here and are subject to not being added to this list. 
This is a collective list and you are free to share it, however do not take credit for this list as this is an ongoing process that does take a lot of time to curate.
Any creator must be primarily resident evil content. Multi fandoms are permitted but any that stray too far away from resident evil are subject to being removed. Inactive creators (inactive for more than 2 years) will also be removed. 
(This WILL be primarily aeon, (leon x ada) or resident evil, some are multi fandom and will be listed accordingly but not all will be listed)
All links are subject to 18+ content so any minors DNI
Any new additions will be marked with a ⭐
amiko @amikoroyaiart 
cami -https://twitter.com/artsycams 
cat - https://twitter.com/skystarsdrawing (multi)
@chibidoodlezuwu ⭐
dangerous bride - https://twitter.com/dangerousbride (multi fandom)
diviedrawn- https://www.tumblr.com/diviedrawn (multi)
@emmentalplushy https://twitter.com/emmentalplushy 
fiercelilpup - https://twitter.com/rubywaist (aeon + ada + some nsfw) 
@firebirds-flaming-art-blog (resident evil) 
@glacierclear https://twitter.com/glacier_clear  (multi fandom + aeon + some multi ship + NSFW) 
@hhshio (aeon) 
hnafusa_re - https://twitter.com/hnafusa_re (aeon)
hort - https://twitter.com/ickysquiggs (multi ship)
https://twitter.com/kittykat_567 some nsfw 
kurumi - https://twitter.com/Kurumi031212 (aeon)
kore- https://twitter.com/mayheaps (aeon + multi fandom) 
https://twitter.com/mugi2836 (aeon + nsfw) 
https://twitter.com/neverity98929 (nsfw) 
peary - https://twitter.com/ItsmePear_ (multi fandom + aeon)
https://twitter.com/ringorange_0514 ⭐
@saphirdevil (re + aeon + multi fandom) 
sardine - https://twitter.com/kjr0313 (aeon)
sakura hanae - https://twitter.com/VenChew (aeon)
@sei-un (aeon + multifandom) 
shumkaki - https://twitter.com/shumkaki (aeon + multi fandom) 
https://x.com/sssapoey ⭐ (nsfw)
@toothpasteflavor (aeon) 
tomoe_vnd - https://twitter.com/tomoe_vnd (aeon + chreon)
troperoo - https://twitter.com/troperoo (multi) (nsfw)
3D photography/video/editors/ tiktoks / 3D Render Artists/ mods
aeonluvs - https://www.instagram.com/aeonluvs?igsh=MXE4NTF2NXhuYXR2
@katshinigami bastard tough to die - https://twitter.com/GETMANTLED (NSFW) (multi-ship)
https://twitter.com/Fluff_Renders (NSFW + MOSTLY LEON) 
@gnvp2020 / http://twitter.com/gnvp2020 (mostly aeon)
leongwongmmd - https://twitter.com/LeonWongMMD (aeon)
MA1998 - https://twitter.com/37976740 ⭐
mo6ons - https://www.instagram.com/mo6ons/
https://twitter.com/nexus3d_nsfw (there’s like ONE aeon post) 
slighttear- https://twitter.com/slighttear (multi fandom but some nsfw and non nsfw aeon)
taitaiii - https://taitiii.tumblr.com/ (multiship + multi fandom)
U JB - https://twitter.com/ujb3310 (multi fandom)
winterswong - https://www.tiktok.com/@firefly.dixon
https://twitter.com/ujb3310 - not always re 
cora! - https://www.tiktok.com/@cora.reef 
enrique - https://www.tiktok.com/@cosmic.kiki.cosplays
leon - https://www.tiktok.com/@leon.cos.games 
nat - https://www.tiktok.com/@giovannatcos
ronnie - https://twitter.com/ronnieaintavamp
Fanfic writers (most here are focused on aeon)
aeonluvs - https://archiveofourown.org/users/aeonluvs
aparisianshakesperean - https://archiveofourown.org/users/AParisianShakespearean/pseuds/AParisianShakespearean
awls - https://archiveofourown.org/users/awlsk/pseuds/awlsk
BGShepard - https://archiveofourown.org/users/BGShepard/pseuds/BGShepard
https://archiveofourown.org/users/burningcoffeetimetravel (aeon + reader fics + multi fandom) 
eternity spear - https://archiveofourown.org/users/eternityspear/pseuds/eternityspear
eya_silvers - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Eya_Silvers/pseuds/Eya_Silvers
heart - https://archiveofourown.org/users/pink_strawberry_kisses/works 
jcaverp - https://archiveofourown.org/users/jcavero/pseuds/jcavero (aeon)
MOCHS - https://archiveofourown.org/users/MOCHS
romantic prism - https://archiveofourown.org/users/romanticprism/pseuds/romanticprism
teatin - https://archiveofourown.org/users/teatin/pseuds/teatin
Notable twitter accounts (almost all are aeon)
ada wong archives - https://twitter.com/archiveadawong
aeonweek - https://twitter.com/aeonweek
aeon nation - https://twitter.com/aeonarchive
asukadattebayo - https://twitter.com/asukadattebayo1
belle - https://twitter.com/wongadas
cumi bakar - https://twitter.com/cumii_bakar
dailyaeon - https://twitter.com/dailyaeon
emilia - https://twitter.com/emiliastargirl
karen - https://twitter.com/AEONC0RE
lexie - https://twitter.com/loversreunion
lil - https://twitter.com/lilacuous (aeon + multi)
ree - https://twitter.com/no_reeree (aeon twitter)
malou - https://twitter.com/maloulada
nila - https://twitter.com/hangintherehun
oreo-leon - https://twitter.com/slutk3nnedy
paragas - https://twitter.com/Paragas95Leon (mostly leon)
pat - https://twitter.com/spicygatas
slaydawong - https://twitter.com/slaydawong
v - https://twitter.com/rromanticprism
Tumblr blogs (most are aeon or re unless otherwise stated)
@ask-a-w - https://ask-a-w.tumblr.com/
@ask-leon-skennedy-dbd https://www.tumblr.com/ask-leon-skennedy-dbd
@aeonweek - http://aeonweek.tumblr.com/
asukadattebayo- https://www.tumblr.com/asukadattebayo (gif maker)
@lilygaocentral - https://lilygaocentral.tumblr.com/
jcavero - https://visualheresy.tumblr.com/ (aeon)
@marisaeon ⭐
@october-faye - https://october-faye.tumblr.com/
@oreo-leon - https://www.tumblr.com/oreo-leon
oursassyjho- https://www.tumblr.com/oursassyjho
@pink-strawberry-kissess - https://www.pink-strawberry-kissess.tumblr.com/ (aeon)
@wondertrevor - https://wondertrevor.tumblr.com/ (multifandom)
Etsy shops/Redbubble shops
cat - https://www.redbubble.com/people/sky-Zelda-girl/shop (multi)
sardine - https://www.redbubble.com/people/SARDINE/shop
milcish - https://www.twitch.tv/milcish
our very own leon kennedy ;) - https://www.twitch.tv/nickapostolides
ohkatytv - https://twitter.com/ohkatyttv (multi but has an affinity for leon)
Deep dives/docu series/youtubers 
detective masterclass - https://www.youtube.com/@DetectiveMasterclass (some bloodline jokes though, but his playthroughs are informative)
indeimaus - https://www.youtube.com/@indeimaus (multi fandom)
pongsifu - https://www.youtube.com/@Pongsifu (multi fandom)
ratlabs - https://www.youtube.com/@RatlabsOfficial - (Their Fan film!)
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musing-and-music · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @the-blue-eyed-firebender !
The story you're proudest of:
That would be one of the first multi-chaptered fic I translated, Her story through her hair, and I would also add my first smut, It's a moment in between the others
Your story that's gotten the most love online:
That would be She's not a diamond, my JB Regency AU! I haven't updated it in a while, the fault to ffnet that refuses to send me emails when there's a Nuit du FoF, the moment I usually write one or even two chapters. It's the outlier in my stats, the one that has the most of everything except word and chapter counts
Tease a current WIP or idea you're working on:
From the next chapter of The name was a knife, twisting in her belly:
The surprise on Jaime’s eyes melted into an undefinable softness, and moved by a sudden impulse, she swore this oath. “I, Brienne of Tarth, promise you to use this sword to help the Stark daughters and help you restore your honor.” A small gasp from Jaime was his only reaction for a few seconds, before he put his hand and stump over the sword so their skin touched. Brienne shivered involuntarily. “And I, Jaime Lannister, accept your promise. I will do everything I can to help you in this enterprise so you can stay safe as well.”
Your top 3 fandoms:
Fullmetal Alchemist, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Lord of the Rings
Your top 3 ships:
Unsurprisingly: Royai, Jaime x Brienne, Farawyn
Rec someone else's fic:
the story's just beginning (time we did some living) by starsinherblood aka @jedidragonwarriorqueen, marked "Royai fluff for dark times" in my bookmarks, and rereading it, I still agree with that note!
Pick one!
Fluff or Angst: Hard choice! I think I'm better at writing fluff
Oneshots or longfics: One-shots, whether they're long or not, even though I'm writing more multi-chaptered fics lately. But I can't consider them as longfics (the threshold is around 50k words for me)
Canon compliance or canon divergence: it depends on the fandom, though. I'll write more canon compliance for FMA, and more AUs or canon divergence for ASOIAF
AO3 or FF.net: As I was saying earlier, ffnet is sometimes annoying, and it's not the place where my fics have the most success. I only publish in French there now
Tagging @jedidragonwarriorqueen, @torchwood-99 @writergirl2011 @writing-royza if you want to!
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