leemarkiverse · 4 months
sorry for the random drabble my brain cant comprehend the 200 m/v. spider mark is like.. official now!?!??!?£2pqkrpqjrij
my brain is in overdrive so take this spiderman!mark drabble loves<3
"fuck-" mark curses loudly against the wind as he has a very near miss with the busy new york roads. he had been the "friendly neighborhood spiderman" for about 2 years now, yet he still hadn't gotten the jist of using his webs to swing narrowly through the tight streets and alleyways of the concrete jungle that was new york.
swinging swiftly into a dark alley, he planted his feet firmly on the damp ground. he dropped his backpack to the ground and started to grab his regular clothes out of it; pulling his mask over his head in one clean motion to reveal his messy hair slightly damp at the tips with sweat.
mark tucked his suit messily into his backpack, zipping it back up and throwing it over one shoulder. he walks back into the bustling sidewalk, blending in seamlessly. after all, mark lee was just a regular member of society, nothing more. spider-man was his alter ego, an outgoing gentleman with a thirst for helping those in need. he liked to keep these two lives separate, if they mixed it would make things so much harder.
the aroma of freshly grounded coffee beans attracted him to a cafe like a moth to a lamp. after a long morning of rescuing stray cats and helping frail elderly people cross the street, he was more exhausted than you'd think. grabbing the handle of the tall glass door firmly, mark walked into the building, immediately being serenaded with the sweet scent of pastries and various hot drinks.
at the counter he saw a woman. she was beaming a smile at the customer she was serving, nodding and agreeing with whatever nonsense the old customer was spouting at her. she looked glowing and stunning, her hair pulled back into a perfect ponytail. mark blinked himself out of his partial trance and queued up behind the old man.
"next please!" the young girl spoke at him sweetly.
"oh right, hey. can i get a uh.." a puzzled expression plastered his face, one of his eyebrows cocking up as he scrunched his nose reading the menu above the girl. his eyes joined hers momentarily as he decided what he wanted, a faint blush painting his cheeks at the glinting of her curious eyes.
"i'll just get a caramel macchiato please." mark responded, shooting her a quick, closed mouth smile before fumbling with his pockets for his wallet.
"$2.85 please." the lady said smiling. mark was still fumbling in his pockets with a few mutters.
"sorry just give me a sec.." he dropped his back off of his shoulder onto the floor before unzipping it quickly, making sure to keep his suit concealed. of course, that didn't stop her from catching a glimpse at the red fabric with the webbed overlay.
"ah here it is." he laughs nervously whilst handing her his $5 note. he noticed her eyes fixed on his bag as she mindlessly took the cash, responding with a monotone "thank you sir.".
seeing her fixed gaze on his bag prompted him to quickly fumble with the zip and throw it back on his shoulder.
"your.. change.." she said dumbfounded as she handed him $2.15 in change.
"yep, uh, thanks." mark took it, quickly stuffing it in his pockets as he walked to the other counter, head pointed at the ground in embarrassment.
as he grabbed his drink, he noticed an arrangement of numbers drawn in small handwriting at the base of the cup. no, it wasn't an arrangement of numbers it was someones phone number. mark flashed the girl that served him a quick glance, and was met with her eyes yet again. she smiled and winked as she turnt back to the customer she was serving as if nothing had happened.
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i99sleo · 1 year
synopsis : even the smallest mistake can have a big impact on you, and that's what happened with you and Mark Lee in highschool. Though you aren't sure which one of them all really happened.
pairing : mark x reader!  jaemin x reader
warning : mentions of drugs,drug consumption, use of profanities, acts of violence, mentions of kissing, and mentions of death if there are any more please let me know
if there are more please let me know feedback is very much appreciated. all of this is a work of fiction so please don't take anything seriously and please don't do drugs.
I wrote this in two hours at 3am and didn't look through it before posting it so please ignore any mistakes.
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High school wasn't the easiest thing ever,but Mark was lucky enough to have made it through those terrible four years. He barely remembered any of it.
It was probably because he was constantly sitting in the school's basement with his friends getting high,but that didn't stop him and his grades. He was always top of his class.
Y/n however was quite different.
She was quiet, or at least that's what Mark and his friends remember of her. She didn't have bad grades or anything, or behavioral problems she was just quiet.
Watching Donghyuck walk down the stairs with a boy following behind him made you sit up in your seat.
Looking over at Jaemin he gave you a smile before getting up from his spot with Jeno to sit next to you.
"Sorry I'm late we almost got caught...this is Mark he helped me hide it and as a reward he's staying today" Donghyuck said with a grin.
Mark stood awkwardly hands in his pockets clueless of what Donghyuck was talking about.
"Oh come on Mark take it out!"
"Oh right!" Mark quickly reached into his front pocket taking out a small plastic bag.
Donghyuck opened the plastic bag and handed everyone a pill.
Watching Mark sitting across from you, hands shaking, sweating and knee bouncing anxiously made a small laugh slip out of you.
Having caught Mark's attention he looked up at you and inhaled a deep breath in.
"What is it? What's it gonna do to me?" Mark asked looking at Donghyuck who was now sitting in the corner.
Donghyuck groaned "just take it Mark"
"Don't let them influence you. Make your own choices" You spoke up offering him a smile.
Mark closed his eyes and swallowed the pill and before he knew it he was passed out on the floor sweating cold.
But with you by his side.
"Late aren't we again?" Sooyoung asked with a smile causing Mark to sit up on the bed. 
"Yeah" Mark sighed before heading into the bathroom.
"It's her again isn't it?" Sooyoung asked while leaning against the door frame.
"Let's not talk about this again" Mark pleaded hoping Sooyoung wouldn't want to discuss the topic again.
"It's been seven years Mark why can't you get over her? no one seems to remember her but you. If you don't fix this we can't keep doing this." Sooyoung shook her head with disappointment.
Sooyoung met Mark in college and they started dating,but she knew he had something hidden from her.
He'd never tell her or even wanted her to find out how even after years he was still in love with a girl he met in highschool.
But Sooyoung wasn't clueless. She had found many of Mark's drawings,most of them were Y/n. Bracelets,notes Y/n had written for him, letters he wrote to her Sooyoung had found it all. At times she swore she couldn't keep up with it anymore but she loved Mark.
Mark couldn't believe what he was doing walking back into his old high school.
Since the last day of school five years ago, he hadn't been able to get a hold of you. Somehow he hoped the school kept some information on you that could possibly lead him to you.
"Y/n? Mark son are you sure there was someone under that name?" Mark nodded and followed Principal Lee into his office.
"As far as I'm aware we had no one under that name" Principal Lee apologized before Mark spoke up again .
"What about Lee Donghyuck? Is there any adress or phone number you may have for me to able to reach him?"
It took a few tries before someone actually picked up the phone.
"Is this Donghyuck?" Mark asked biting down on his bottom lip anxiously.
"Yeah who's this?"
"Mark" Hearing Donghyuck's laugh on the other side of line made Mark break out into a smile.
"Are you going to be home for dinner tonight?" Sooyoung asked handing Mark his cup of coffee.
"I can't I'm staying in the office to finish up the presentation for tomorrow's meeting" Mark apologized to Sooyoung before heading to the bar him and his friends used to hang out.
The truth was Donghyuck offered they should meet up to which Mark agreed.
"Yeah i remember that!"  Donghyuck laughed taking another sip of his drink.
"Wasn't y/n there that time?" Donghyuck asked making Mark's smile drop.
"Yeah she was.. talking about her do you remember her? Like do you know what happened to her after graduation?"
Donghyuck shrugged " I don't know since that night at that one motel party i don't remember seeing her but maybe Jaemin knows"
Mark smiled thinking of Jaemin and Jeno.
"You still talk to them?"
Donghyuck replied with yes before taking his phone out.
"Are you free on Tuesday?"
Mark walked through the halls head down and hands shaking. He couldn't comprehend what had last night
He felt his chest tighten as his breathing quickened again, taking a deep breath in and stopping at his classroom door he turned and saw Donghyuck walking down the hall.
Standing in front of Donghyuck, Mark grabbed him by his arm leading him to the bathroom.
"What happened last night?" Mark asked Donghyuck who shook his head and shrugged.
"You expect me to remember what happened?"Donghyuck raised his brows at Mark who leaned against the cold bathroom tiles.
"Mark i don't know what happened no one remembers what happened,not even Jaemin and Jeno. All i know is you almost died last night, I don't know what you took i don't know what they gave us but you almost died be glad you're still here"
Mark sighed and brought his hands up to his hair, running his fingers through it in distress.
"What about Y/n? Have you seen her?" Donghyuck shaking his head chuckled.
"It's always Y/n isn't it? You were passed out cold on the floor shaking and all you care about is Y/n?"
Grabbing his bag Donghyuck swinged it over his shoulder before heading for the door.
Mark stopped him grabbing him by his shoulder, Donghyuck's back slamming against the door.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Donghyuck raised his voice at Mark who kept his eyes fixed on the boy in front of him.
"I'm sorry just wanna know where Y/n is did she leave with us?" Mark rambled bending down to pick up Donghyuck's things that fell out of his bag.
Throwing his head back against the door Donghyuck groaned.
"Do you know where she lives? Where i can find her?" Mark handed the things back watching as his friend took them, shoving them carelessly into his bag.
"Why do you care so much?" Donghyuck asked one last time before he reached for the door and walked into his classroom to take his final exam.
Mark's fingers ran through your hair as your head rested on his chest.
You loved everything about Mark,but you loved the looks he gave you the most. Every single look he gave you was filled with a different emotion whether it was,anger, sadnesses or even disappointed sometimes.
"I got you something today" Mark reached into his pocket and took out a gold bracelet with a small locket,a flower to be exact.
"It's beautiful"
Feeling his hands shake Mark dropped the bracelet on the ground,causing the glass locket to shatter into small pieces.
Feeling guilty he quickly sat up and looked down at the mess he had made.
You put your hand on his shoulder comfortingly.
"It's okay we'll find something else"
Sooyoung had gotten home from work to an empty house.
She knew Mark was still in the office most likely. So she didn't care to give him a call not wanting to interrupt him.
Tired she sat down on the sofa and reached for the tv remote sitting on the coffee table. Next to it was a folder. Curious, she opened it to find many drawings of Y/n.
Setting them all up on the coffee table and leaving a key next to them she walked out of the house, she had kept up with this for too long.
A small tear rolled down her cheek.
Mark sat in Donghyuck's living room with him watching a football game.
That was until the door opened revealing Jeno and Jaemin. Mark laughed and got up from his seat to greet them.
"How long has it been?" Jeno asked whilst patting Mark's back.
"Six years? Seven years?" Jaemin laughed and hugged Mark.
"Mark wants to know about Y/n" Donghyuck spoke up causing Everyone to look up from their food.
"Y/n? We should be the one's asking about her" Jeno said wiping his hands.
"What do you mean?" Mark asked picking up his drink.
"I mean no one saw her since that night. Apparently she didn't even show up for finals or graduation." Jaemin reached into the pizza box grabbing another slice.
"You were with her that night"  Jeno commented heading to the fridge.
"Yeah but i can't remember anything " Mark said before taking another bite of his pizza.
"What if we go back to that motel? maybe we can find her or find something on her?" Jeno handed everyone another beer before taking his seat.
"I'm not going back there" Donghyuck quietly replied opening the can filled with alcohol.
"We have to. We could've died that night from those pills if she wasn't there" Jeno stated making Jaemin nod.
"You know you loved her too, don't act that way." Jaemin replied looking into Donghyuck's direction leaving Mark confused.
"You always come here by yourself?" Mark asked you as you sat on the school's rooftop.
"Sometimes" you replied patting the space next to you.
Mark couldn't help but smile as he sat down next to you. For a minutes you sat in comfortable silence.
"You know it's weird" He said breaking the silence, looking back at him your brows knitted together in confusion.
"What's weird?"
"Having a proper conversation with you when we're not high you know it's different, but i like it more this way" Mark softly spoke as he reached for your hand holding onto it.
"Mark now?" Jaemin's voice broke Mark out from his thoughts.
"Yeah sorry" Mark opened the car door and followed Jaemin,Jeno and Donghyuck into the old motel.
"That room is actually closed down. They are working on it but the room next to it is open if you are interested" The oldder lady explained as she pushed up her glasses.
About to complain, Jaemin nodded and gave the lady a smile.
"We'll take it"
Jaemin was opening the door to the room they'd be staying in,but they all knew they weren't gonna stay.
"Are you sure it's gonna work?" Jeno asked Donghyuck who was trying to open the closed door.
"It worked back then it should work now" A few more pulls and the door opened.
"I'm not going in there" Donghyuck wiped his knees looking up at Jeno and Jaemin.
"Yeah sorry but i can't go in there" Jeno hesitated before looking at Mark.
"It's fine you did enough by coming with me"
"just call me if you see something and we'll come in and help" Mark nodded taking his phone out and turning the flashlight on.
"Hey mark hurry"
"Mark! Calm down it's okay" You exclaimed as Mark was dripping in sweat his whole body shaking.
The music was still loud and people's voices only got louder in the room. Your head felt heavy, everything around you was blurry but you still help onto Mark.
"What the fuck did you give us?" Donghyuck yelled at the older man in front of him.
People around lowered their voices looking at Donghyuck.
"What do we do? You gave him too much" You cried looking at the older man.
"We should call the cops" Jeno said reaching into his pocket for his phone,still holding onto the wall for support.
You continued to cry into Mark's chest as you wiped the tears and sweat from his face.
The man pushed Donghyuck against the wall and whispered something to him before pushing him down onto the ground and walking out  the door.
Frustrated Donghyuck hit the wall, all you heard was glass breaking and Donghyuck falling down onto thr ground sobbing.
Jaemin walking over to Jeno to help, no one else around you could help they were all passed out consumed by the strong drug.
The grip on Mark's phone tightened as he walked around the big room before stopping in the corner.
He saw you.
He saw you standing there with a smile.
"Y/n?" Mark asked his voice slightly shaking as you made your way to him.
"You're still here" You put your hand on his shoulder and he brought his hand up to your face to caress it.
"Why haven't i been able to reach you? It's like you never even existed" Tears pooled in Mark's eyes as you stayed quiet and looked at him.
"It's like you only existed when i was high on those pills"
"It's like you only exist when I'm high" Mark confessed as his hand landed on top of yours.
"Is it?" You asked trying hold yourself back from smiling.
"Yeah" Mark whispered leaning in closer.
His lips  pressed against yours and you felt a rush of euphoria as he pulled you in closer, his body pressing against yours.
Your fingers reaching up to his hair as they tangled in it.
"is it?" You asked eyes looking into his.
butterfly effect.
"Mark!" Jaemin called as he walked into the room stopping himself when he saw Mark standing in the corner.
Jaemin quietly came up behind Mark placing his hand on his shoulder.
"Who are you talking to?" Jaemin asked in a soft tone.
Mark whispered your name.
"Mark look at me"
Turning around to face Jaemin, he expected for Jaemin to say something to you.
However, Jaemin had worse to say.
"Mark I'm sorry but Y/n she's gone there's nothing on her" Jaemin gulped before continuing.
Knowing the truth would break Mark.
"She disappeared after that night no one's seen her since, Donghyuck called down at the police station and there's no record of her."
"there's no record of a Mark Lee"
Walking down the hall for the last time Mark saw you standing near the exit door.
You gave him a smile,but he didn't do anything.
He stayed still and looked at you one more time before walking away.
butterfly effect.
Mark walked down the hall on his last day, but he stopped once he saw you standing near the exit door.
He walked over to you.
"I didn't see you since the other night" Mark said his grip tightening on the backpack strap.
"i know, I'm sorry about that" You apologized and reached for his hand taking it into yours.
"Where are we going?" Mark asked following you out the door.
"Everywhere" You replied witha smile.
Since the incident at the motel, Jaemin became worried for Mark.
When he walked in he couldn't see anyone but Mark.
He was worried your disappearance had severely affected Mark in many ways he couldn't figure out.
It hadn't only affected Mark but Jeno and Donghyuck as well.
They all became worried for Mark.
But Mark asked Jaemin to go with him back to the motel for one last time.
You were destroying everything in Mark.
His relationship,his sleep,his ability to focus, his ability to be able to difference his reality and the fantasies with you, but overall you were destroying him.
You hadn't been able to sleep, constantly waking up in a cold sweat or dazed even sometimes.
But then you realized today marked the seventh year.
"I'll wait here alright?" Jaemin said as Mark nodded and went back into the dark room.
closing the door behind him he walked around the room calling your name quietly.
"you came back" Your soft voice tunred Mark around and he quickly walked over to you wrapping his arms around your body, holding you close to him scared you'd go away again.
"I think i figured everything out" Mark said against your hair.
"I think i figured everything out" Mark said against your hair.
"All this time i thought you were the one i was supposed to save,but you were really saving me" Mark explained as he pulled away from the hug.
Taking your face into his hands as he looked into your eyes, his fingers coming uo to caress your hair as he saw you smile.
You leaned in and for the last time pressed your lips against his.
"thank you" he said as he gave you one last smile, his hand letting go of yours.
"Ready to go?" Jaemin asked as Mark nodded.
Jaemin put his arm around Mark's shoulder as they walked out of the motel.
You felt another tear roll down your cheek as Jaemin put his arm around you.
"ready to go?" He whispered
You nodded and gave Jaemin a smile.
"its okay, we'll come see him next year too" Jaemin comforted you as he held your hand.
The engagement ring shining brighter out in the sunlight.
He helped you up as you set another flower on the grave for the seventh year now.
Next year you'd also bring another flower for Mark. As you did every year since he had passed away.
Something small like waking up every morning and walking down the hallway to see the person you anticipated to see the most can have a bigger impact.
The bigger impact it can have the more it can alter your reality or your career in any way.
The butterfly effect rests on the sense that the world you think you live in is truly unconnected .
The change made in the mistake or the small detail you changed that day  could grave your reality upon returning back into it. A small mistake, a small piece of information can be sent backwards in time therefore that small detail is forever changed leaving you to wonder what you are really living.
the butterfly effect is what you experienced.
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exoczn · 5 years
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Pairings: Mark Lee x reader
Warnings, genre: Fluff, angst, mentions of cheating, mental abuse, trauma
Plot: what happens when you feel like a failure yet again like always and you’re not enough in a new city and accidentally meet a stranger who is broken himself but changes your life along with his own by a short encounter near the Vancouver river
AUTHORS NOTE: I’m sorry if you spot any mistakes in grammar or in my writing in general, also I’m trying to make it detailed but it’s based on a city i had visited 6 years ago, so please excuse me and you can always text me personally if you wanna enquire or be friends with me :) I’ll try my hard to keep y’all updated
 Standing in an empty space from where you can see an unknown river of this foreign city, still unable to process what the fuck is going on and how the fuck did you get here and why the fuck are you here in the first place. You realise warm salty droplets falling from your eyes and running nose in a very windy fall night. The city lights can be seen from far away and you’re sobbing, trying to let all the emotions you are feeling out; pity, guilt, regret, feeling of not ever being enough. Here you are standing alone in a city you recklessly came to just to escape your past and all the pain and memories of your previous life but you didn’t expect everything to come down crashing like this on you. Still unable to process and think straight, you feel a stranger’s presence next to you, you try to ignore his presence and not look at your side when he comes and stands next to you not uttering a word, too afraid that you’ll shatter like a glass if he does. You try to steady your breathe and calm yourself down feeling a pang of embarrassment as you feel his eyes on you while you just stare at the sky. You finally collect yourself and look at him, you can see a slight tint or worry along with sadness in his eyes. He’s wearing a grey hoodie along with a light washed jeans and silver rimmed round glasses, his eyes reflect innocence and faint glint of city lights visible on his glasses. 
 You can see he’s trying hard to come up with something to say that won’t offend you or make you feel even more in pain than you already are, while you just stand there still unsure of what to do. 
“Rough Day?” He finally summons courage and says
You just let out a sarcastic chuckle and reply “the worst maybe”
“Wanna talk?” He says trying to ease the heavy air
- “And what makes you think I’ll just talk to a random stranger about the things that don’t make sense to me at all?”
- “Sometimes you gotta let it all out instead of taking all of it alone and well you asked why would you vent to a stranger? Simple: because I don’t know shit about you and you don’t know shit about me either and Id listen to it without judging and be on your side after listening to it because well again I dont know anything about you” he shrugs
- “uhm…. you got a point but now I don’t feel like talking about it” you flash a sarcastic smile
- “Aye come on, don’t do this I don’t know why but I’m curious now and I can still see that you’re sad about some things”
- “Well first tell me what are you doing here at midnight alone?”
- “Well I couldn’t sleep and was missing someone who doesn’t give a shit about me anymore”
- “Girl problem?”
- “Well actually my ex, a very messy break up, she cheated on me and I found out about it by a friend so yeah came here for some air because my apartment has too much of her essence in there.”
- “Oh” is all that you can manage to say then suddenly you both fall quiet and he breaks it by introducing himself “Anyway I’m Mark and you are?”
- “Y/n, I’m new here. Moved a week ago to escape a very idk weird past? And well had a breakdown in front of an unknown guy thinking of the uncertainty of future and the regrets of past”
- “Well you need new friends”
- “No I need a more stable mental health lol” you caught him off-gaurd by saying that
- “Damn” he said awkwardly not knowing how to react
- “Anyway its getting colder, I should head back, ’twas nice meeting you and I really feel less like a shit thanks to you” with that you start walking away from him
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mskimkaty · 4 years
love song
wc: 2.8k
Mark lee hated the rain, but not today.
Mark lee hated the rain— though it was originally his fault that he would always leave his folding umbrella at home. It's too heavy, that's what he taught. His hair was already a little wet, same as the black jacket that he bought last week together with Jungwoo.
He was supposed to meet up with his cousin before their first subject started. Lee Donghyuck transferred universities and he was supposed to tour him a little bit on their first day— but here he was, a mess on his first day of the sophomore year near the university. He pulled out his phone and instantly Hyuck’s name lit on his phone's screen.
"Yo, I'm like— stuck in here at the bus stop. It's pouring mad in here." He says cutting the greeting part. "Hyung, you were supposed to tour me around." Haechan's voice boomed in his right ear, Lee Donghyuck was that brat— smart and cute but still a brat, nonetheless. He almost failed half of his subjects back at his old university, he's the kid who doesn't like sleep and just play his games all day long, even skipping classes because of his game tournaments— that his mom had enough of his bullshit and made him transfer to Mark's school. Which, what his cousin really wanted. Despite that, Donghyuck is smart and know his way around things, he can be annoying at times but nevertheless Mark considers him his best friend.
"Hey, I know. I'll make it up to you. I promise! but I don't think I can make it, I'll probably arrive on second period." Mark looked at his wristwatch, 15 minuter till their first-class start. He knew that if he ran he would make it on time, though, wet and sweaty— but he won't have any of that on his first day, the first day of classes tend to be introductions and explaining of syllabus and grading system, anyways.
He decided to walk a little bit ahead, taking shelter with his hoodie, he entered the coffee shop he frequented with Johnny and Jaehyun. He ordered his first cup of coffee for the day and settled down at their usual spot near the window— he would sometimes lose his self-thinking while looking at the ceiling where the shadow of the branches of the trees outside hovers above the ceiling, also it provides shadow especially when summer comes and rays of the sunlight were too hot and blinding for him. He specifically liked the spot.
the rain started pouring heavily, he put his backpack beside him and stares outside. He actually has another reason why he specifically liked this spot. He waited patiently, across the street he can visually see the blinking of the orange light on the stoplight with a person walking sign on it— blinking rapidly as if asking people to start crossing the street.
people started walking to cross the street and that's when his eyes started searching for that one particular person crossing the street every Monday morning, specifically when the clock strikes ten in the morning. Worry started to cross his face when he finally laid his eyes on you, running across the street. 10 seconds and the light would turn green, your jeans were already a little bit soaked as well, Mark started to panic when you ran to get inside the cafe.
His eyes always followed you, when you walked to the counter and ordered a hot latte for yourself.
"Mark?" was what you blurted when you saw him.
"oh y/n?” Mark asked back, obviously pretending that he didn't actually wait for you and saw you cross the street. Playing it cool that he didn't watch you walked inside the cafe.
"What? are you also late?" you asked as you settled down in front of him, you are Taeyong's younger sister, having the same age as Mark and the others in his brother's circle of friends made you go along well with him. "Yeah, the rain's a pain in the ass," he answered and you just giggled while shaking your head lightly, "tell me about it."
you started to gather your hair in your hands and put it in a messy bun, it was slightly wet and you were uncomfortable with it, the sleeves of your coat was a little bit damp due to the rain so you took it off and hang it on the chair beside you, your cheeks were slightly pink form all the work you’ve had done and Mark watched you silently despite you knowing. "We actually had the first subject together." you blurted as a matter of fact.
Mark actually knew about it. He had to buy your brother a new pair of sneakers just to get his hands on your schedule. So, you both practically have all your classes together this semester. Taeyong knew about his little crush on his sister, he would always tell Mark to man up and just confess, but Mark was always awkward around girls. He was a mess, a little bit shy but chaotic most of the times, he practically grew up with you together, as he always hangs out with your brother, or when Taeyong would bring you around because he can't really leave you alone in your own house. The boys don't really mind as they like having you around anyways.
He would sometimes send signals to you, but all efforts would go to vain. You are that dense. Almost all of your friends knew about it, and they take humor on Mark's sufferings but you are a woman who stood hard on your own grounds and Taeyong can't be bothered about it.
"Don't you have an umbrella?" Mark awkwardly asked to dodge your previous statement, his cheeks slightly turning another shade of red from remembering how his hyung and the others teased him— especially Johnny. Just to get his hands on your schedule. "What the? are you her stalker?" he remembered how Taeyong teased him slightly "man up, just confess! it's been a year already." the sound of Taeyong's voice while cracking up ranged inside his head till today, and he remembered how he almost grab Donghyuck's neck for saying his whipped for you.
"I actually do." you answered after taking a sip on your drink. "It's just a few steps from here to the bus stop, I got lazy taking it out, that's why I ran." you said explaining.
all he could do was shook his head in disagreement, mark pulled his handkerchief out and pass it to you,
and willingly took it.
"Do you want to walk with me to the school?" you asked. He nodded his head and gathered his belongs. You finally bought your umbrella out and handed it to Mark. "you hold this. I'm to lazy to do it." you said handling the folded umbrella to the later who took it without further a do.
You were always comfortable around Mark, and he doesn't know what to think of it, is it a good thing or a bad thing? being to comfortable to one another means that the other party could view you as someone who's close enough to be involve romantically or worse, as a sibling— and Mark Lee definitely don't want anything to the with the later part. No, he doesn't even think of you as a sister, he doesn't even want to be just friends with you.
maybe Donghyuck was right, he was indeed whipped for you.
He waited until you were was in the comforts of your coat, he glance down at you and open the umbrella putting it above your heads, he took a risky step closer at you and you instantly rapped your hands around his arms that was holding the umbrella. His breath hitched a little but he made no move and just stay still as your shoulders brush past each other.
Mark was thinking a lot of things and he's having mixed feelings inside, something about you seems to change. You suddenly lost the baby fats in your face and body, even just wearing jeans made your legs looked long with your honey thighs, the young girl he knew completely vanished towards his eyes.
He continued walking— ignoring what was running into his head, he could feel you strongly beside him, you both started the journey towards your campus gates and the rain suddenly started pouring heavily. He grab your shoulder and press your body towards his, bringing the umbrella more towards you so that you won’t be drenched.
"Ya, Lee Min-hyung." you looked back at him your face completely serious, suddenly scared that you might be mad for touching you without permission— Mark uttered a small and quick sorry. You pushed back his hands that was holding the umbrella back to its original place between you so that you both take shelter inside.
"What are you doing, your going to get drench." you said.
"Oh." he said, As you move closer to him while holding on to his waist so that both side of your bodies where pressed together.
Mark couldn't take it anymore, he doesn't like being touch by anyone, but you were an exception. The only person who could touch him was you, he'd let you do anything you wanted with him, and he would always let you.
his hands started to get sweaty, his heart was a mess that he could practically hear it beat all the way, the scent of sweet vanilla that radiates from you wasn't helping either.
you looked back at him again as you both go through the sidewalk, you study his face and saw how Mark came off looking annoyed to you. So, you give him a little space, removing your hands from his waist and taking a step away from him. Her right sleeves starts to get wet already and Mark notice the lack of contact.
"Ya, y/n. your getting wet. do you want to get sick?" he said, imitating what you said earlier.
"I thought you're annoyed with me."
"Where did that came from?" he asked, silence fall between the two of you, you both could hear the sound of rain falling from your umbrella, students walked fast past you as to avoid the rain and from getting drench as well but you both took their time from walking.
"You looked annoyed, I thought you're uncomfortable that I'm touching you." you answered truthfully, you both stopped from walking, your body automatically facing each other— Mark spotted a drop of water that trails down from your cheeks, unknowingly to him, he reached out and wiped his finger on it, his hands gliding to the smooth surface of your skin. you were taken aback by the gesture, you looked at him, questions filled your mind and is starting to build one by one.
You were never the type to beat around the bush, you were always frank and straight forward, but you know your limitations, you kept to yourself the opinions you knew that will be stepping boundaries towards the other person, and you’re matured despite your age. But without thinking through it— you blurted out "Do you like me?"
that was the only thing that you hates the most to your self, you sometimes can't control your mouth, and this was the perfect example of it. Moments come when you just want to suddenly transport from different places, when you want the ground to eat you, or when you where so embarrassed by your own self you just want to disappear.
Mark was indeed taken aback, he can't believe what was happing. He put his hands down, sliding it inside his pants pocket, his head hangs down—bitting on his lower lip from embarrassment, how can he touch you? suddenly? how can he lost his focus so much when it comes to you?
his chest where practically banging inside him, begging to be freed, he took a deep breath. fuck it.
"Yeah. I do."
Surprised was an understatement. You did not see that coming, specially from the Mark Lee, himself. You started doubting him, maybe he was pulling pranks on you, and so you studied him. you waited until he laughs and tells you that he was just messing around, but it never came.
There's no way that he would like you, Mark was quite famous in their University, and you were only known because you are the younger sister of Lee Taeyong, there's nothing really special when it comes to you— you were even down the lane of those whose considered average. Not even one attempted to flirt with you during your first year of college, you are that girl who live as her brother's shadow.
"Why?" you asked when Mark didn't say anything.
"Why not?" Mark asked back. You laughed at the situation and Mark felt slightly offended.
"That was quite offending, why are you laughing?" Mark asked back.
"I mean, why me? haven't you heard of the rumors in the campus?" you asked, his heart started to beat faster. "What rumors?" for a second, Mark's mood turned sour just thinking that the rumors might be you dating someone. Maybe he still hasn't made his self clear around those who wanted you for themselves. It was no secret that Lee Taeyong is a protective brother, but even his squad joined from being protective towards you, you don’t really mind— but Mark Lee was different. He actually put dibs on you, of course, you were dense, you don’t even think of it like that. A lot of students already knew of that fact.
"Kang Ji-eun? the pretty girl from the Architecture Department? she was all over the place about you."
Mark actually heard of her, Taeil teased him the other day about that Kang Ji-eun and the others followed suit taking turns on teasing him, saying that if things doesn't work out with you, he could always turn around and hit on the chick. He dismissed the idea before it even formed on his head.
"Yah, I just told you that I liked you, and you’re practically selling me off to some girl that I don't even give a single damn." He can't help but retort. You can't stop your self from smiling. "You're turning me down, at the same time you're practically offending me. Wow. Just how dense are you?" Mark can't help but joke around as he started to walk, leaving you behind.
You put your arms up to shield your face from the rain and catch up to him. "It's just doesn't make sense! ya! Lee Min-hyung, let's go together!" you shouted jogging to him again. Mark waited for you, they both looked at each other and laugh.
"You're so awkward from confessing, you know, not romantic at all." you joked. "I just can't bring myself from believing you, you always joke around with the others, pulling pranks on me, how can I believe it? you know?" you started to talk fast, mumbling to your self.
With the new found confidence, Mark pulled you back to him, crashing your body towards him— with a swift move, he circled his free hand around your waist and crashed his lips towards yours. He took his sweet time, didn't move until he felt you relax towards his touch. You lean towards him, your palms hovers in his chest as he pulls you more towards his body, leaving no space between you and as close as possible.
you tasted heavenly and Mark couldn't get enough of it, but he stopped anyway, he looked at your reaction— his chest felt full and suffocated at the same time, just by looking at your face, you started to feel mixed feelings again that you buried along time ago, your brows where furrowed as you opened your eyes. It was gleaming with so much joy.
"All this time?" you asked him.
"All this time." He answered as he looked lovingly at you. You both laughed at each other as you both start walking again.
"You can't be serious. Did you also liked me, all this time?" You laughed out loud as if to confirm his question. Mark couldn't believed it, for the first time in his life he loved the rain more that anything.
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