#married bokuaka in the background
solitesse · 2 years
sometimes i deliberately choose to read fics from other fandoms besides haikyuu and i still manage to act shocked when the characters' lives don't revolve around volleyball
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notsuchasecret · 2 years
Pride Goeth Before (I fell for you long ago)
So @oloreandil freaking dropped the bomb on me at 11pm my time that it's their freaking birthday today, so here! 1.8k of BokuAka schmoop! Happy birthday my friend!
The card came on an otherwise ordinary Thursday. Keiji noticed its shape when he picked up his mail, the squareness of the envelope standing out from the rest of the bills and advertisements. Still, he flicked through all the others first, making sure he knew what he needed to pay and know and handle before turning his attention to the odd little thing that had slipped in with the rest.
The envelope was nice. Not quite as nice as the wedding invitation to Bokuto’s sister’s wedding, but close. He smiled to himself, remembering that night a few years before, the first time either of them had been to a family function as each other’s partners. Sure, they’d been on dates, and sure they’d been to each other’s family’s houses before, but that had been a level of serious that they had yet to really have with each other. Keiji had met Bokuto’s grandmother before then, but that was when she had smiled at him and asked when the two of them were having their own wedding. Bokuto had flushed and sputtered about plans and not wanting to rush Keiji into anything. Keiji scoffed, smiling back across the years. He would have married Bokuto that night, and every night since, distance and plans be damned.
Turning the envelope over in his hands, he noted the return address. It had come from Higashiosaka. Idly, Keiji wondered if it had something to do with MSBY, though he couldn’t recall Bokuto mentioning anything about the team partnering with a local university. He slid his thumb under the flap, ripping open the seal and pulling out the card inside. He read it over twice, the frown on his face deepening as his confusion mounted. He picked up his phone.
“Keiji!” shouted Bokuto as soon as he answered.
“Good afternoon,” Keiji said, not even bothering to hide the smile creeping across his face.
“It’s only, like, four! Why are you calling me?” Bokuto’s voice had quieted from his booming greeting, and Keiji could hear a door opening and closing and the background noise cutting off, presumably as Bokuto left the common room and stepped into his dorm.
“Were you busy?” Keiji asked.
“No, but that’s not an answer to my question.” Keiji could hear the smile in Bokuto’s voice, too. He was glad Bokuto had retreated to his room; he didn’t want to listen to Miya’s complaints about how obnoxiously in love Bokuto was. Not then, anyway: they would have distracted him from the task at hand.
“Koutarou,” Keiji said, then bit his lip. “Why did I get a commencement announcement with your name on it?”
“Oh! It got there! Good, I was worried when you didn’t mention it last week,” Bokuto said.
“So I know it’s a busy time for you, so don’t even worry if you can’t make it,” Bokuto babbled over him. “Like, I mean it, Keiji. I don’t want you stressing yourself out for this. Especially since I know Udai-sensei is still giving you a hard time!”
“Koutarou, you’re avoiding,” Keiji said, and he could all but hear Bokuto deflating, just slightly.
“You’re mad,” Bokuto sighed.
“Of course I’m not mad!” Keiji cried. “I’m just confused! Koutarou, have you been working on a degree?”
“Yeah,” Bokuto said. His voice was nervous, small, like he was waiting to be scolded. Keiji worried his lip between his fingers for a moment, then shook his head.
“I’m starting a video call,” he announced, and pulled his phone away from his ear. He could hear Bokuto protesting, the words too far away to be intelligible, but the tone familiar. He hit the button to turn on the video and waited until Bokuto accepted. There was no helping the smile as Bokuto’s pouting face appeared on his screen. His hair was down, dry, but clearly left unstyled after his post-practice shower. “Hi,” Keiji breathed, and a bit of wonder spread across Bokuto’s face.
“Hi,” he replied. Keiji watched him for a moment, shaking his head.
“You’re a marvel,” he breathed.
“What is your degree in?” he asked, rather than answer directly.
“Ah, it’s kind of dumb…” Bokuto muttered.
“Koutarou,” Keiji scolded, watching the flush spread across Bokuto’s cheeks.
“It’s just a general applied mathematics degree,” he mumbled at last. “It was supposed to be a four-year track, but with the league and the national team, it took me six years…”
“Koutarou,” Keiji said. “You’re so incredible, do you know that?”
“You are an inspiration to me, every day,” Keiji insisted. He looked at the commencement announcement, frowning, and dug his agenda out of his bag. “March twenty-fourth, right?” he asked, not really needing the answer. He flipped to the page he needed and glared at the things written there.
“Keiji, no, I know you’re—“
“Shut up.” He glanced at the screen, smiling softly to let Bokuto know he wasn’t upset. “I need to concentrate for a minute, and you trying to downplay yourself is distracting.”
Bokuto looked just the right amount of chastised, so Keiji turned back to his agenda. He didn’t pay much attention to his phone, only half-listening as Bokuto bumbled around his room. When he had managed to rearrange everything and type out an email to Udai and to his boss, he turned back to his video chat and smiled.
“I’ll be there on the evening of the twenty-third, and I’ll be coming back up here the evening of the twenty-sixth,” he said. “I’m sure your team will want to do something to celebrate with you, so I’m taking an extra night out there, to have you to myself.”
“Like, hotel room to yourself, or…” Bokuto asked, waggling his eyebrows. Keiji laughed.
“Well, I know Sakusa-san didn’t particularly appreciate our last reunion, so that’s probably for the best,” he said. Bokuto snorted, muttering something about nosey teammates and how if Sakusa didn’t want to hear it he should put his bed against the other wall, feng shui be damned. Keiji hummed, watching Bokuto and not even trying to keep down the overwhelm of fondness in his chest. He moved to his couch, settling in. A thought which had been tugging at him like a stuck thorn slipped from his lips before he could stop it.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were attending classes?” he asked.
Bokuto was quiet for a long time, refusing to make eye contact with his camera. Finally, he sat on his bed and blew out a sigh. “I didn’t know if I could do it,” he said at last. “I didn’t want to disappoint you if I couldn’t. You always believe in me, and I didn’t wanna ruin that.”
“Koutarou, can you look at me?” Keiji asked. Bokuto shook his head. “Okay. Then just listen, okay? I had no idea you were doing this. You’re so busy as it is with the V league alone, not to mention the national team or your sponsorship deals. The fact that you’re doing all that, traveling to away games, going on training trips and tournaments overseas, keeping up with your outside contracts and your social life and team bonding, all of it? That alone makes me so proud, Koutarou. So proud. To hear that you’ve gotten a degree while doing all of that blows me away. And.” Bokuto glanced up, his eyes skittering away as soon as he peeked, though Keiji hoped he at least caught a bit of Keiji’s smile. “And, if you hadn’t managed it, I would still be proud. If everything went wrong in your life, if you had to stop playing, stop modeling or doing commercial spots, stop everything, I would still be proud to call you mine. Obnoxiously so. You could fall apart completely in every conventional sense, and I would still brag about you to everyone who will stop and listen.”
“Keiji, you shouldn’t—“
“What have I told you about telling me what to do?” Keiji asked. A smile flickered at Bokuto’s face, a small victory that Keiji was determined to expand on. “Did you know the old woman who lives below me knows your name, and I don’t think she would know a volleyball from a baseball if her life depended on it?”
“Keiji,” Bokuto groaned, falling back against his pillows.
“It’s true. She asked me on Tuesday when she was going to meet that handsome boyfriend of mine. She knows you’re handsome, too, because I’m constantly showing people pictures of you. She promised when she does meet you to stuff you so full of yakiniku that you’ll have to waddle to your next game.”
“I think the team nutritionists will have something to say about that,” Bokuto grumbled.
“You think I’m scared of the nutritionists?” Keiji scoffed. “What’s the worst they can throw at me? Iwaizumi-san? Please.” He thumbed open a browser on his phone, trying to keep his movements subtle so Bokuto didn’t think he was being ignored.
“You’re like the only person I’ve ever met who isn’t at least a little intimidated by him,” Bokuto commented.
“He’s not that intimidating,” Keiji said with a shrug.
“Sure,” Bokuto snorted.
“He’s not. He and I have lunch every now and then and all he does is gush about his cats and his husband. And frankly, of the two of them, Koushi-kun is much more frightening.”
“Fair enough,” Bokuto said. There came the muffled sounds of a commotion, and Keiji smiled.
“Do you need to go see what that is?” Keiji asked.
“Are you going to?”
Keiji snorted. “You know I love you, right?” he murmured.
“I do,” Koutarou replied. “You know I love you, right?”
Keiji’s smile was starting to hurt his cheeks. Instead of answering immediately, he sent off a screenshot of his ticket confirmation to Bokuto. He waited until Bokuto’s brow furrowed and he opened the text, waited until his eyes went wide with understanding, waited until Bokuto opened his mouth to protest, before he murmured, soft and sincere, “I do know that, my love.”
Bokuto bit his lip, glaring at Keiji through the screen while Keiji grinned unrepentantly back. Finally, Bokuto rolled his eyes.
���I’m paying for the hotel room this time, at least,” he grumbled.
“Fine,” Keiji relented. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay.” The crashing and shouting of Bokuto’s teammates grew louder and, full of the promise that Keiji was only a few hours away from his arms, Bokuto relented to his curiosity. They said their goodbyes and Keiji just sat for a moment, his phone in one hand and the thick, creamy paper of the announcement in the other and his ribs aching with all the love they contained. He shook his head, huffing a quiet little laugh, and stood to pack a bag. The train left first thing in the morning, and his star was waiting for him.
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Okay. So. I’ve read this week’s chapters and here are my first thoughts! In bullet points because that’s the only way my brain seems to function these days.
Chapter 293
It's so nice how the rivalry between nekoma and karasuno lives on and gets a different meaning now that there's a new generation of players, all with their own histories and motivations!
Let's not forget how Karasuno has hardly ever won from Nekoma in the practice matches, and now they’re expected to win 2/3 or else they’re out!
Chapter 294
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The girls talking about how hot Kuroo and Lev are, meanwhile they're talking about poop sdkfjsklfj
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Bokuaka married. That’s it that’s the tweet
Chapter 295
Kenma talking about how Hinata has 'evolved'!! I love the way Kenma talks about volleybal in the same way that he talks about videogames. Yes go level up and idk grind for EXP and learn new attack or w/e I’m loving it
Any and every time furudate calls karasuno 'omnivorous crows' i get the shivers like it's so fucking good. And then we get an image of like a dark alley like okay shit Karasuno really are intimidating huh?
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Yaku scary
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Man I love the way these two don’t shy away from showing their appreciation and admiration for each other! And them calling each other by their personal names!!!!!!! yeeee
Chapter 296
Can we please talk about the way furudate gives weight to certain panels? Like sometimes there's not even dialogue, but the background is black and you feel this sense of foreboding, you just know something big is coming and ugh it's just?? so good???? I recommend everyone to go read the whole manga if you ever have time because like even the parts you already know are just so Good and hit different in the manga format
"Kenma is unusually fired up" OH GEE I WONDER WHY
Can we appreciate Akaashi's masterful interpretation and analysis of the game? Describing Nekoma not as an engine that warms up later but an engine that's just too quiet to hear, showstopping, never done before, amazing, etc. etc.
Chapter 297
Tsuki and his smug little 'one touch' every time ugh i love him
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I also love suga and tsuki's relationship like suga is such a good senpai
Show me your favourite panels!!! Show me what your favourite character did this week even if it's the smallest fucking thing. Show me what made you crack up. Show me what made you cry (i won't judge) 
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pearlsephoni · 2 years
The Pull of the Sun
Can also be read on AO3 and shared on Twitter!
Rating: G
Fandom: Haikyuu!! 
Pairing: Kagehina (Kageyama/Hinata), background Bokuaka (Bokuto/Akaashi), background Tsukkiyama (Tsukishima/Yamaguchi)
Characters: Tobio Kageyama, Shoyo Hinata, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Kei Tsukishima, Hitoka Yachi, Wakatoshi Ushijima, cameos from Toru Oikawa and Tetsuro Kuroo
Word Count: 2,829
Summary: Love, pride, and victory come to a head in the aftermath of the All-Star Match.
A/N: Author’s notes can be read on AO3.
Team A wins.
The instant the final whistle blows, Hinata is being swept up by his team, lifted onto Romero’s shoulders as they all cheer for him in a mix of Japanese and Portuguese and English. Disappointment weighs heavy on Tobio’s side of the court, but even so, he doesn’t feel the grief that he was expecting. Maybe it’s because it’s an all-star match, a one-time event, instead of an international tournament, but all he can feel is awe, and pride, and love, so much love that he feels breathless from it.
Hinata has come so far. They were dumb teenagers, just 16 years old, when they promised to stand on the world stage together, but here they are now. They’d made it. And the crazy part is, Tobio is hungry for more. They had stood on the world stage, and it still isn’t enough for him. Staring at Hinata now, he wonders if he’ll ever get enough of this, of him.
He feels like he’s moving through a fog as the teams line up along the net to shake hands. He barely processes the line of calloused hands that he shakes, not until he’s shaking a hand that he knows as well as his own, and staring into amber eyes that shine with victory and pride.
“I told you I’d win again! Now my count is— Kageyama?”
He doesn’t realize he’s moving until he’s already lifted the net and ducked under it. Some tiny part of his mind is amused at the way Hinata’s face creases with confusion. “Tobi—?”
Maybe Hinata was trying to say his full name. Maybe he was only going to say his nickname. Tobio doesn’t know or care. He’s too focused on taking Hinata’s face in his hands and pressing their lips together. For a split second, he can feel Hinata stiffen with surprise, before immediately melting into the kiss.
Somewhere in his exhausted haze, Tobio remembers the phone call from a few nights ago, the sound of Hinata’s sleepy, jet-lagged morning voice from Miyagi slowly lulling Tobio to sleep in Rome.
“Hey, Tobi?”
“When I win the match…can I announce our relationship? If the reporters ask about it? About us?”
Maybe he should feel bad about stealing Hinata’s thunder, but whatever. Hinata has won the game. Tobio deserves a win somewhere else.
And besides, who can feel bad when the love of their life is smiling against their lips? He doesn’t know how long they stand there, kissing each other breathless, but he can hear both of their teams cheering as though they had both won, and see flashes of light through his eyelids from the cameras going off, and when he pulls away, Hinata’s cheeks are red and his eyes are dazed from the kiss.
That was supposed to be it. That was all Tobio had wanted to do when he ducked under the net. But then Hinata smiles, and Tobio’s heart clenches, and the next thing he knows, he’s whispering, “Marry me.”
All the drowsy desire in Hinata’s eyes is sapped in an instant, replaced by pure surprise. “…What?”
“Marry me, Sho. I dunno how or where or when, but marry me. Give me forever with you.”
One moment, he’s staring into wide eyes, and the next, he’s being pulled into another kiss. He can feel as much as hear Hinata chanting, “Yes, yes, yes,” against his lips, and Tobio feels like he can fly.
“Um, excuse me? May we have my spiker back, please?”
They pull apart just enough to look over at Oikawa, who is pouting with his arms crossed and his eyes glinting with amusement. Tobio can feel a smug grin curve his lips as he says, “He’s mine now, Oikawa-san.”
“As long as he’s on my team, he’s—”
“We’re engaged!!” Hinata suddenly bursts out, smile so wide his cheeks must ache from it. “He just proposed! And I said yes!!” When he turns back to Tobio, his smile is a little smaller, but only because some awe has settled over his features, a sweet contrast to the way he’s bouncing on his toes. “We’re engaged,” he repeats softly, just for the two of them. “You’re my fiancé. You’re gonna be my husband!”
“That’s what being engaged means, dumbass.” But there’s no heat behind the taunt. Tobio can’t seem to feel anything but endless joy, his defeat a mere drop in the depths of his happiness.
They’re so focused on each other, they don’t notice the stunned hush that has settled over the court until it’s being broken by an onslaught of voices.
“Holy shit, Shoyo! Congrats!!”
“Where’s the ring?!”
“Kageyama wouldn’t bring a ring onto the court, Miya.”
“Can’t lay off fer two seconds, huh, Omi-kun?”
“Chibi-chan, are you sure you want a lifetime with this asshole?”
“You’re one to talk, Shittykawa.”
Suddenly Hinata is being ripped out of Tobio’s arms, and he can only watch as Bokuto hoists his fiancé into a back-breaking hug. “Wow, you’re gonna be married, you’re gonna love it, being married’s the best, me and Keiji have tons of advice on figuring everything out, the paperwork’s gonna suck but it’s gonna be so worth it, wow, Hinata, wow!”
“Thanks, Bokuto-san!”
“Congratulations, Kageyama.”
Tobio jumps and whips his head around to see Ushijima suddenly standing at his side. It’s only then that he realizes all of Team B has come to the other side of the court to celebrate and carry out some form of good sportsmanship after it became clear that the traditional handshaking wasn’t going to finish. “Ah, thank you, Ushijima-san.”
Ushijima simply hums in response. Despite the sweat plastering his brown hair to his face, he looks as composed as ever, his olive eyes alert as they watch Bokuto continue to carry Hinata in a hug. “I know you have been dating for some years now,” he eventually muses, “but I am still surprised that you want to get married. Particularly with what an ordeal it will be, as a same-sex couple.”
Tobio knows, he knows, that Ushijima doesn’t really mean anything by his comment. But that doesn’t stop a spike of defensive anger from stabbing him. “I love him. I wouldn’t have dealt with long-distance and everything else for so long if I didn’t.”
“I would never question your love for each other. I suppose it’s just odd to see you making a lifetime commitment to anyone or anything outside of volleyball.”
“…Oh.” Well. Tobio can’t really argue with that. “I think…I think I always knew that I would love him for my whole life. Marriage will just…be a more official way of showing that, I guess.”
“Indeed.” They watch as Hinata is lowered to the ground by Bokuto, only to get swept up again by Miya while Sakusa briefly ruffles that bright ginger hair with a minuscule smile. “I’m happy for you.” Tobio looks over at Ushijima, and is surprised to see a minuscule smile on his face. “You are good for each other, and I remember how happy he made you when you were both playing in Japan. I wish you both that same happiness in your life together.”
Tobio is dumbstruck. It’s startling, hearing such heartfelt words delivered in a stoic voice from a stoic man, and the only thing he can think to say is, “I…thank you, Ushijima-san.”
“You’re welcome. Might I suggest you rescue your fiancé from his teammates?”
That surprises a soft laugh from Tobio, but he still follows the advice, approaching the gaggle of cheering men surrounding Hinata. His fiancé isn’t quite so small anymore — between his minor growth spurt since high school and his hard-earned muscles, he’s now every inch as intimidating an athlete to look at when his face isn’t being lit up by a bright smile — but he certainly appears small in the middle of everyone. It’s only thanks to his bright hair that Tobio is able to pick him out, and thankfully, the rest of the players let Tobio through easily, though he has to ignore their almost-teasing smiles as they wander away. It’s like they’re back in grade school. “Sho.”
Hinata looks startled, though Tobio’s not sure if it’s from hearing his nickname in public, or just the way Tobio had appeared. But his surprise quickly melts into happiness, and Tobio wonders, yet again, what he did to deserve being the cause of such bright joy. “You said Sho!”
“Yeah, well…everyone knows now. So.”
“They all know because you propoooosed to meeeee,” Hinata sings as he takes Tobio’s hands. “And now we’re engaaaaaged!”
“How many times are you gonna say that?”
“Until it stops exciting me!” Hinata leans up to brush a kiss to Tobio’s jaw. “So…I’m gonna say it forever! Or until we get married!”
After so many years of discretion, it feels strange to be able to kiss Hinata on the volleyball court, especially now that his haze of exhaustion and pride has cleared just a bit from his mind. But Tobio can’t resist Hinata’s raised chin and glittering eyes, and he feels like he could float as he presses their lips together.
“This is sweet and all, but need I remind you that you have fans to thank and press to talk to?”
Tobio pulls away just enough to frown at Kuroo. “We just got engaged, Kuroo-san.”
“And we’re all thrilled for you. But that doesn’t change the fact that it happened right after a game, and you are world-famous athletes. Publicity calls, especially after a stunt like this.”
His lips twist, but he can’t think of any rebuttal, and the sight of a catlike smirk tells him that Kuroo knows he’s right. “Fine.” He turns back to Hinata (ignoring the amused smile he’s trying and failing to bite back), and sighs, “Let’s do this.”
A laugh finally escapes Hinata as he presses a comforting kiss to Tobio’s lips. “We’ve been doing this for years, Tobi. Quit sulking.”
“I’m not sulking.” Despite his words, Tobio can feel a frown starting to form on his face as he reluctantly lets Hinata return to his team and walks back towards his own. The only thing that keeps the frown from fully forming is the feeling of Hinata’s fingertips lingering on his for as long as possible before they have no choice but to part.
Kuroo’s right, of course. Only the initial questions that Tobio receives are about the match. Each reporter lasts maybe two questions before they immediately cave and start asking about his relationship with Hinata, and how long have they been together, and is their relationship the secret behind their freak quick both today and back in high school, and was the proposal planned, and and and—
Tobio tries to answer as truthfully as he can without sharing more than what he and Shoyo had agreed on — yes, they dated in high school, but they took a break while Shoyo was in Brazil; no, it’s not the secret behind the freak quick, that came way before they started dating; they’d already promised to commit to each other for the rest of their lives, though the proposal itself was unplanned — but it’s still a huge relief when Bokuto redirects the attention to himself, just long enough for Tobio to slip away and catch up with his old friends.
He’s not surprised to see Yachi blowing her nose and Yamaguchi holding a small packet of tissues in one hand and his phone in the other. Yachi just manages to slow her sobs to small hiccups, only to immediately melt back into tears when she sees Tobio approach. “Kageyamaaaaa,” she weeps, grabbing another tissue and pressing it to her face, “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you two!”
“…Yachi-san, you’re sobbing,” Tobio says.
“From happiness!”
Tobio doesn’t know what to do except hold his arms open for her, and soon his jersey is getting damp from tears as much as sweat.
“Congrats, Kageyama!” Yamaguchi says, beaming at Tobio over Yachi’s head. “I mean, we kinda always knew you’d be with each other forever, but wow! Marriage!”
“Disgusting,” someone suddenly drawls from Yamaguchi’s phone. Tobio immediately recognizes Tsukishima’s voice, right down to the barest note of laughter hidden in his deadpan tones. “You two are lucky I wasn’t there to see it, or I would’ve vomited in the stands.”
“Fuck you, too, Tsukishima.”
“Tsukishima’s here?” Hinata gasps as he runs up to the group. “Oh, on the phone. Hey, Tsukishima!”
“Hello, shrimp. I guess congratulations are in order. I heard your team won.”
“‘Heard’.” Yamaguchi rolls his eyes with a good-natured smile. “He was watching the whole thing over livestream while answering emails.”
“I did no such thing, and you’ve got no proof.”
Hinata’s laugh is as bright and warm as the sun. “Thanks, Tsukishima! I got to beat Tobio and get engaged to him. Two wins in a row!” He rocks gently into Tobio, mindful of Yachi still crying into his jersey.
Tobio can only frown down at him. “I’m the one who proposed first. I won that one.”
“Whatever you say, Kageyama-kun!”
Somehow, those words are enough to make Yachi hiccup with another sob, much to Tobio’s affectionate bemusement. “I’m s-so happy for you two!” she sniffles with a watery smile, finally pulling away from Tobio. “I just know you’re going to have the happiest wedding and marriage in the world! I…I don’t know much about wedding planning, but…if you’d like, I could maybe offer some tips on the color scheme and theming of it?”
“Maybe?” Hinata repeats incredulously. “Yachi-san, who else would we want to ask? Of course we’d love your help!”
Yachi stares wide-eyed at Hinata for a moment, before— “Is she crying again?” Tsukishima asks, his bit-back laughter much easier to hear this time.
“Yes! I don’t know why I can’t stop! It’s just…it’s so wonderful, I’m so happy!”
“Yachchaaaaaan,” Hinata coos, wrapping her up in a hug and letting her cry into his sweaty jersey.
“Oi, Tsukishima,” Tobio starts, making Yamaguchi hold his phone out to him, “how would you like to be a groomsman?”
“I don’t even know if I’ll have time to make it.”
“Or maybe my best man?”
“I would rather die, thanks.”
“Tsukki!” Yamaguchi admonishes with a laugh. “You have to come! There’s no way your coach will make you come to practice when you have an Olympic wedding to go to!”
“You’re forgetting I have a whole other job.”
A certain look settles across Yamaguchi’s features, one Tobio recognizes with a jolt of nostalgia: it’s the same look of quiet, determined focus he used to get right before serving. “If your boss won’t let you take a day or two off for your best friends’ wedding—”
“My what?”
“—then I’ll personally come to the museum and fight her!”
“…Shut up, Yamaguchi. Fine, I’ll come. Of course I’m coming.”
Just like that, Yamaguchi’s face relaxes into a smile. “Thanks, Tsukki!”
“Damn,” Tobio sighs, “and here I thought I could scare you out of coming.”
“Fuck you, too, Your Highness. Watch yourself, or I’ll organize the world’s worst bachelor’s party for you.”
Tobio snorts, just a beat before Tsukishima’s words sink in. “Wait, so…you’ll do it?”
“Very conditionally, but…yes.” The smile is really clear in his voice now, in a way that Tobio knows wouldn’t have happened if Tsukishima were there in person.
The sound makes a corner of Tobio’s mouth tick up against his will, and a glance at Yamaguchi tells him that he’s been caught. “Good. Thank you.”
His eyes wander to Hinata as Yamaguchi takes over the call, and he watches as his fiancé — his fiancé, he can’t imagine ever getting used to that — gently pushes Yachi away, just enough for him to look over her face with a small smile. It makes a matching smile curve over her teary face, before she gives Hinata a reassuring nod and turns away to ask Yamaguchi for another tissue.
Only after seeing Yachi smile does Hinata look at Tobio, his eyes widening and cheeks flushing a pretty pink when he realizes he’s being watched. Tobio doesn’t know what his own face looks like, but whatever Hinata sees makes him step closer and take Tobio’s hand. “What?”
“Why’re you staring at me?”
Tobio lifts a shoulder, his fingers weaving between Hinata’s and squeezing. “Just thinking…you’re my fiancé. And everyone knows.”
There’s a bemused crinkle to Hinata’s eyes, though it doesn’t take away at all from the beaming smile that pushes at his cheeks. “That’s what happens when you propose to me in front of a huge crowd of fans and press. But that’s what we wanted, right, Tobi?”
Tobio nods once. And then, to drive home his point (and maybe just because he can now), he ducks down to brush a gentle kiss to Hinata’s lips.
It’s not just something he wanted. It’s the best thing that Tobio has done in a long time.
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mistermrbee · 4 years
So for BokuAka day, let us review the times when Akaashi smiled because of Bokuto both in anime and manga so BEWARE OF SPOILERS
So first, let’s talk about when Akaashi smiles when Bokuto isn’t looking.
Exhibit A: When Kenma asks about Bokuto during their match.
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Exhibit B: When Bokuto scores a point, there he is in the background just looking at Bokuto, smiling.
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Exhibit C: And of course, we can’t miss Akaashi’s declaration of love for Bokuto.
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Exhibit D: When he was benched and realized his (feelings) role in the court about “controlling” Bokuto
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Exhibit E: When Bokuto was encouraging the audience to cheer for him, Akaashi just laughs, not only smile - HE LAUGHED.
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Exhibit F: When Bokuto did the Bump™ to his chest
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Now we move onto when Bokuto himself made Akaashi smile.
Exhibit A: No words. Do you see that unbridled joy on his face? See the difference?
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Exhibit B: No laugh or a smile, but you know Akaashi was internally malfunctioning, but who could blame him?
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Exhibit C: When Akaashi made it back to the court.
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Exhibit D: This is by far the most precious smile Akaashi did yet, wow look at this soft boi
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Exhibit E: Not exactly a smile but this is when Bokuto comforted him after the match and honestly, Akaashi unabashedly showing tears only to Bokuto when the others left them alone but watched in a distance - COULD YOU NOT SHIP THEM HARDER??! THIS IS BY FAR THE MOST EXPRESSIVE AKAASHI HAS BEEN WITH HIS FEELINGS AND I JAKSJFAL
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Also, this telepathy that only married couples do. BokuAka is canon, Your Honor
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CONCLUSION: The only times Akaashi smiled was 90% because of Bokuto, the other 10% was because of their children (Hinata and Tsukishima) — so there are no complaints whatsoever that BOKUAKA IS CANON!!
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk™
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pelvic-mochi · 7 years
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I will never get over these jackets 
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atzuums · 3 years
Ngl I've just found your smau and I just...wow
Okay so??? Y/n babe, reo babe I'm so sorry god what the fuck 😭😭😭 but I love how they totally will become besties if they aren't already , love the development from "they fight a lot but are friends" to "fuck men, honestly bestie" 😩
Rational Part of my brain: kuroo is a fucking asshole and deserves no redemption nor second chance, he's lucky that his dick is still attached to him, /if/ he's the father he better learns from his mistakes and better become fucking amazing dad and raise his child to not be a pathetic cheater or be strong to never accept things like that
Haikyuu men simping brain: *longing gaze* but kuroo......🥺
Also *looking at iwa an the miyas* shitty friends but if they grovel hard (like really fucking hard) they can get their approval document of a second chance trial from the office of "you're on thin ice, if you fuck up its on sight" from me
SuNA...babe...you know that you can actually /use/ that thinning organ between your ears inside your skull right??? Like tf that ugly as catacomb rat surely wasn't as much of a good f*ck for you to throw out all your morals and all of your years of friendship w y/n, I'm sure someone hit him w a bat so hard pre-story and he got severe brain damage from that; this allowed him to abandon and hurt y/n like that and trust yui
Ok now,
KAAASHI PRETTY GOOD BOY, you'd treat reo right like ngl (I hope I didn't miss some family relations bc then obviously not like that) but kaashi....so nice and in the background and good and supporting, NOT A WHORE, not stupid or dick controlled, smart....reo babe, look at him, he'll treat you right 🙏 go and have a coffee together and then you can go on double dates w bo and y/n and laugh about the other losers which leads me to the next part
AND BO MY BABE MOTHERFUCKING MVP Y/N'S BIGGEST SUPPORTER I ROOT FOR YA yOU BEST OF THE BESTES BOYS ON EARTH GOD HES JUST SO AMAZING AND HE CARES SO MUCH anD THEM HE WAS SO GRRR WHEN KUROO WAS ON REO'S DOOR AND I SCREAMED "WIHOOO BO BABY YOU GO" AND HOW HE SAID "I'll wait for you" GOD I CLUTCHED MY CHEST AND W TEAR EYES I WHISPERED TO MYSELF "y/n you scored the motherfucking jackpot w this one, marry him, he'll literally give you everything and more" AND HES SO UNDERSTANDING I...I just know he has been drinking respect women juice every morning ever since he was born, I just /know/ it 🙏😭🥰
Resume: KUROO can fucking suck it, yui will look amazing in her orange overall I hope she's ready to be there for a long time, suNA and friends: dumbass-ery off the charts you're lucky that y/n hasn't lost all her faith in you and your friendship, reo & y/n best girls, bokuaka best boys, they deserve an award and a happy ending, I'll manifest a happy ever after for them they have been through enough of shit
Ok, ig I'm done w rambling I'm just a tad (heavily) drunk and had a lot of feelings from binge reading your story, thank you so much for writing and sharing it 🙏😩💕
pls this was the best ask ive ever gotten 😭 i loved everything you said !!
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abqrai · 5 years
for the character ask thing, renji, nelliel, dazai, and bokuto
favorite thing about them: is it shallow to say his hair he’s one of my very very favs !! i love his ferocity & his air of confidence despite being insecure and a little stupid it’s ok i love him anyway
least favorite thing about them: he’s convinced he’s a piece of garbage and id fight him tooth and nail on it. it humbles his character somewhat but STILL
favorite line: “what? don’t you know? villains are cowardly after all.”
this scene is just *chef’s kiss*
brOTP: renichi for sure. they’re actually brothers
OTP: renruki ~
nOTP: byaren i guess
random headcanon: he adds tattoos at certain milestones in his life (ie when he first joins soul society, when he becomes a lieutenant, when he marries rukia, etc.) he started them on his arms and the most recent are his face/neck
unpopular opinion: apparently ppl hated his first appearance but i liked it?? it was a good base for his development
song i associate with them: straydog lovesong by shahmen
favorite picture of them:
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peak renji lewk idc about ANYTHING Else
favorite thing about them: she’s super loyal to her friends and beliefs, even after knowing ichigo for a little while she trusted him so much bc he helped her and i just think that’s neat
least favorite thing about them: there’s not enough content about her tbh, we just learned about her and noittra and that was No Fun
favorite line: “one who possesses reason should require a reason to fight.”
brOTP: nel and her fracción they are so good to each other :’)
OTP: nel x leadership, she has a level head and she fits so well as a leader
nOTP: nel and noittra/grimmjow
random headcanon: she loves to hang out with orihime, especially after she protected her during ichi’s fight with grimmjow. idk i want them to be pals and orihime telling her about human things is cute
unpopular opinion: i love baby nel sm, when they revealed her actual form i was kinda eh :/ . it would have been interesting if they just let a kid be one of the most powerful arrancar
song i associate with them: riot rhythm by sleigh bells
favorite picture of them:
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she is just a liddle creacher,,.. she cannot change thise
favorite thing about them: he’s just bananas. an absolute mad lad.
least favorite thing about them: he’s manipulative in the “im smarter and more aware of the situation than you” kind of way
favorite line: “man fears death and yet, at the same time, man is drawn to death.”
brOTP: odazai ;-;
OTP/nOTP: i don’t really have one for him tbh, i don’t mind the ships as long as it’s not shoved into my face all the time
random headcanon: basically canon that he keeps a lupin memento with him, so i like to think that he visits oda on the anniversary of his d*ath, keeps the stone clean etc etc. he brings a bottle of whiskey to raise a glass in his memory
unpopular opinion: if u say he should’ve been the main character of bsd instead of atsushi ill break ur toes
song i associate with them: pink matter by frank ocean
favorite picture of them:
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least favorite thing about them: nothing like an actual owl they look like they’d murder u and he’s just here to play volleyball
favorite line: “HEY HEY HEYYYYY” *reluctant response in the background*
brOTP: “pushy uncle” squad (aka kuroo, daichi, and boku)
OTP: i like bokuaka a lot!! mostly bc of my friends
nOTP: bokuto & hinata ahaha
random headcanon: absolutely has adhd
unpopular opinion: unsettling that his knee brace things weren’t actually compression pants, why would knee braces go that high
song i associate with them: never wanted to dance by mindless self indulgence
favorite picture of them:
i can hear his laugh from this image
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ao3feed-daisuga · 3 years
A Cat's Purrrfect Day
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30fjLfQ
by BellaWolfe
kuroken getting married
 thats it
oh also this is a timeskip from the other fic, heads up they are 24 and 23 respectively thank you good night
Words: 4074, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Kuroken (Royalty+Omegaverse+Shifter) AU
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Haikyuu!! Ensemble, Kuroo Tetsurou, Kozume Kenma, Akaashi Keiji, Bokuto Koutarou, Hinata Shouyou, Yamaka Mika, Daishou Suguru, Kageyama Tobio, Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime
Relationships: Kozume Kenma/Kuroo Tetsurou, Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma, Akaashi Keiji & Kozume Kenma, Bokuto Koutarou & Kuroo Tetsurou & Oikawa Tooru, Minor or Background Relationship(s), BokuAka, daisuga, kagehina, IwaOi, daimika - Relationship
Additional Tags: Fluff, Weddings, Wedding Fluff, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Royalty, Medieval Royalty, Heavy Fluff, the author is dead tired it is almost 3 AM and here she is
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30fjLfQ
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quinnlocke · 7 years
Tagged by @foxyena
answer 30 questions + tag 20 people you’d like to know better
- nicknames: Quinn, Jaims, Jameson, June Bug and recently Coach by the Stream Team
- star sign: Pisces with a whole bunch of rising and other stuff that I never remember
- gender: female
- MBTI type: ENFP
- height: 5′2′’ and maybe 3/4 if my hair decides to not be flat. (Noya isn’t the onlt one who uses their hair to add to their height)
- time: 4:46pm
- birthday: March 5th
- favorite bands: Linkin Park, Panic at the Disco, And One, Iris, Covenant, Three Days Grace, my musical tastes are all over the place
- favorite solo artists: David Bowie, Lady Gaga, I’m sure there are others that I will remember after the fact
- song stuck in my head: The Great Beyond - REM, For Your Entertainment - Adam Lambert, Visiting Statue - Grimes, Attention - Charlie Puth
- last movie i watched: Doctor Strange
- last show i watched: Boku No Hero Academia
- other blogs: I have a NSFW blog and I have a food blog which is woefully    behind on content
- when i created my blog: December of... 2013? On a whim cause my friend had one and then I never ised it cause i didn’t understand how it worked.
- what i post about: Haikyuu!! Bokuto, Akaashi, Bokuaka... and usually a once daily picture of my video game husband Fenris
- last thing i googled: Nobuhiko Okamoto
- following: 348
- followers: 352
- favorite color: Purple, purple, purple!!!
- average hours of sleep: 6-7 depending on when I fall asleep. I wake up between 7 and 9am now on the dot without fail
- lucky number: 3. I was born in March, 3 minutes past midnight. My sisters and I make a trio. I started dating my husband on 03/06/09 and we got married 09/12/15. So yeah, I really like 3.
- instruments: used to play flute and cello, nowadays the only instrument at my disposal is my voice and nearly 14 years of smoking kinda messed that up
- what i’m wearing: black bra and my favorite little black sundress. I am a firm believer that everyone should own at least one ridiculously comfortable little black dress. I got mine at Target for 20 bucks and it’s the best thing ever
- how many blankets i sleep with: usually just a sheet and a comforter, in the dead of winter we break out the electric blanket and slip that in between the sheet and the comforter. If it’s not too cold we won’t turn it on, just have it as an extra layer.
- dream jobs: I wanted to be an actress when I was younger. I still want to be Alton Brown’s protege and host a whole new version of Good Eats. But my reasonable dream is to teach culinary to high school students.
- dream trip:  European tour, I want to see every country and sample their foods
- favorite food: Asian fare is my go to favorite, all of it feed me all of the Asian foods
- nationality: American, but if you wanted to know my background its Czechoslovakian, Russian, Polish, German and Austrian. The Czech is up for a little bit of debate because sometime in the 40′s my maternal great-great grandma changed the family census information from Austrian to Czech. We aren’t sure if its a result of where we were from being Czechoslovakia or in order to hide that we were Austrian because at the time there was a lot of anti German and Austrian sentiments because of WW1.
tagging: @risquetendencies, @livecement, @adrischirping, @beanwaitingforya and anyone else who wants to bare themselves out for me :P
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thyandrawrites · 7 years
(are u still doing those?) 001 for the haikyuu fandom
Sure, why not. These are fun :) I can do another round if anyone wants to send them
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
This is a difficult question because I love a lot of characters equally, but I guess that Oikawa is the absolute fave since I can relate to him the most. Also, other mentions (because they’re all my babies): Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Yamaguchi and honestly a ton more but I’ll stop it there
How can you not love the entire cast
Least Favorite character:
You’re all going to hate me for this but alas, it’s Hinata
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Just five?????? ahhhhh this is an impossible choice. I’ll list more than five and you’re going to have to deal with it: iwaoi, kuroken, bokuaka, kyouhaba, matsuhana, oikuro, bokuakakuroken, daisuga. There are other minor ships that I enjoy reading about from time to time tho
Character I find most attractive:
Honestly? Semi Eita :’D 
Character I would marry:
Or Oikawa
Or Kuroo
idk man, they’re all good husband material
Character I would be best friends with:
Kuroo, totally. I’d love to be up for mischief with him (and Bokuto). Hanamaki and Matsukawa also seem pretty chill friends to have around (let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to be friends with the meme team?)
A random thought:
Kyotani totally wears eyeliner
An unpopular opinion:
I don’t much like this fanon trope of “Sugamama” or of the “team mom” in general, tbh. Sure, Suga is observant and he’s a loving senpai, but he doesn’t have any of the qualities that a mother should have. Daichi always mentions how bad of an influence he is and how unreliable he is because he encourages mischief rather than admonish it. Suga is not a mom, he’s the vodka uncle :’D 
Also, this whole fanon idea that each team has a mom and a dad (usually the main ship of the team) is SO GENDERED because the mom is always the less muscly, less broad-shouldered, and “prettier” of the two because the mom should look “more feminine” (see Suga, Oikawa, Akaashi…). Maybe you’re doing this subconsciously, but it feels a lot like hetero girls are making a M/M ship fit the (biased and flawed) standards of hetero relationship. If anyone has mothering tendencies in Karasuno, that’s Daichi. Or Iwaizumi for Seijoh and Kuroo for Nekoma, but you don’t see the fandom calling them “mom”(s) because they just don’t fit the stereotypical features of femininity. 
Another thing that irks me a bit is how - still for the same reason as above - it’s only the (again, sorry for the terminology) “more feminine looking” characters that are headcanoned to have the habit of wearing skirts, or being agender, genderfluid or even trans (with very rare exceptions). Like, I’ve lost count of how many fics there are out there with Kenma wearing skirts, but I never, NEVER saw one with Kuroo. Imho if such fics were aimed at something other than fetishizing purposes (”they’d look hot in a skirt”), like actual representation, we’d see a wider range of characters fitting these headcanons. 
My canon OTP:
There’s no such thing as a canon ship in haikyuu, but I consider mostly canon the ship that get introduced in pairs, so: iwaoi, kuroken, bokuaka, daisuga, asanoya, kinkuni, kyohaba… you get the drill
Non-canon OTP:
I consider non-canon all those crack ships that I only ship because someone before me did and convinced me to read their story, so: tensuga, shirasemi, oikuro (lol they don’t even know each other), bokuroo, and there probably are others
Most badass character:
The Great King, obviously
Pairing I am not a fan of:
I have nothing against any of these and I sometimes even find them as background pairings, but I can’t say that I actively search any content related to: ushioi (this one honestly makes me laugh), kagehina, kiyoyachi
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
I agree with this post by silvercistern about a recent panel featuring Akaashi that was used as comedic relief. Please don’t message Essie about it though because she’s made it clear that she doesn’t want to talk about it since it basically made the whole bokuaka dynamic toxic. 
Favourite friendship: 
kenhina, kuroken, iwaoi, the whole seijoh third years dynamic, tanaka and noya, and this one is a guilty pleasure because it’s not canon, but I think that if Oikawa and Kuroo met they’d be unstoppable :’D
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junjunkii · 7 years
tagged by @fxvixen to share some things about my WIP fics so uhhh here we go I guess
Cosmonaut- IwaOi, sci-fi
— Iwaizumi is one of the best pilots from Earth, and he can push a spacecraft to its very limits like no one else before him ever has. I haven’t actually got most of the middle part worked out but the basic idea is that he finds his way to an alien planet and discovers the last remaining life form- Oikawa, who clearly used to be human but has somehow been adapted to more closely resemble the alien life forms that used to inhabit this planet. The fic centers around Iwaizumi and his team trying to figure out what exactly Oikawa is, and where he came from- and what the hell happened to his abandoned planet?
Also there will be angst bc Oikawa wants to wander off to find his people but Iwaizumi can’t follow him that far, even though he is the ace pilot. So ye.
[untitled]- BokuAka, canon universe and timeline
—I unabashedly project onto Akaashi to explore my debilitating touch starvation. Basically Bokuto is the only person Akaashi feels comfortable with asking for things like hugs and cuddling, and eventually he starts needing to be even closer… somehow… idk where this fic will end up it’s kind of just writing itself lol
Blackberry Promenade- initially planned as a BokuAka, now a BokuAkaKuroKen, modern magic
—Akaashi runs a flower shop across the tattoo parlor where Bokuto has just started working. Akaashi has housed extremely powerful plant magics since he was young, but because of an accident involving one of his moms that *SEMI TRUCK DRIVING BY* and years of repression he has managed to gain control over them. They manifest only in blackberry brambles that grow camouflaged in his hair, and sometimes bloom when his emotions get strong. Bokuto has owl familiars and a penchant for making potions. Kenma has telekinesis. And Kuroo is also housing powerful magics, but his are more *HELICOPTER FLYING OVERHEAD* so that’s going to get interesting.
I’m still not really sure about the actual plot like I want it to focus on the relationships between the characters and have the magic as a poignant background but to be honest. I’m considering making Akaashi have like… roots growing towards his heart or some shit and when everyone finds out that he’s literally dying they throw all their energy into trying to find a way to prevent it. But like I said. Who knows what I’ll actually end up writing lmao
[untitled but informally referred to as “the food fic”]- BokuAka, canon universe, aged up
—So Hope this is the one you wanted to know about I guess also congratulations you’ve introduced me to a new kink and I’m never fucking forgiving you for this do you hear me god damn it
Kuroo is annoyed that Akaashi is paying more attention to his food than to him when he’s on a double date with Kenma and Akaashi+Bokuto bc they haven’t seen each other in a while so he’s like! Talk to me! But no Akaashi loves his curry soooo much and Kuroo basically pulls the “lolololol well if you like it so much whY DoN’t yoU MarRy iT” line that first graders do only he turns it up to like level 5000000 and says something along the lines of “well if you like food so much why don’t you eat it off of bokuto and then fuck him” and everyone’s just like “what the fuck Kuroo put your kink away we’re at the dinner table”
but then later when they’re doing laundry or something Akaashi’s like (serious face) “bokuto. it’s killing me I can’t stop thinking about it” and bokuto’s like “lol I guess you could say it’s eATING YOU ALIVE” and Akaashi stuffs a sock in his face
and then they lick chocolate sauce and frosting off each other I don’t fucking know maybe bokuto has fucking… maraschino cherries on his nipples or some shit and then they make (literally) sweet sweet love. Oh my god that’s the name of the fic. “sweet love.” No nevermind that’s fucking stupid.
Writing this has been… interesting. I have no further comment on anything about this particular piece of fiction.
idk who to tag???? I’m always super up for hearing about ppl’s plans for writing so I can hype them up and stuff so feel free to say you saw me do it and decided to do it too
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