marsipanic · 2 years
The God’s Mark
Chapter 1 part 2
It took little to convince the envoys to speak on their respective kingdoms, and the neutral Isle of Colde. After a weeks’ time of preparation, Claudia sent each of them back with an invitation to their kings, that they would introduce themselves to Her Imperial Majesty, and make their intentions clear. It heavily implied that if they refused the invitation, it would be seen as hostile.
“Ensure you tell them of our army and magic, if you would be so kind,” Claudia said as she saw them through the portal. When the last of them disappeared into the light, Cordelia turned to her sister with a somewhat grim expression.
“So, we play the waiting game, now,” she said. Claudia nodded.
“There’s much work to be done in the meantime. We won’t be seeing The Ivory for some time,” she said. Lia scoffed.
“I will find time, I assure you,” she linked arms with Claudia and together they led their cavalry back to the palace.
There were accommodations to be made for the 7 Kings, and their heirs. Each of their quarters were to be resplendent, a demonstration of Zaethis’s ability to meet the satisfaction of 7 kings, and their entourage, with ease. Food needed to be imported from each duchy, and proper payment needed to be made to each. The dragons needed to be readied. Gowns were to be ordered, gifts to be decided, and the Black Guard and the army needed to be briefed.
“Grandmother, are we sure we want to go through such great lengths? If they decide they want war after such expense…”
“My dear, if we want to foster peace the best way to do it is to make an offer they couldn’t possibly refuse. And friendship with our empire is a very valuable commodity. We shall see what they offer,” Hildegard said, and patted her gently on the hand. “Now, off you go, and see to it that Cordelia has finished the report on the infirmary supplies.”
Claudia said nothing in return, and curtsied as she left, although a frown etched her face. What good could a foreign band of men who argue amongst themselves for power bring to their door? She sought out her sister and prayed to the gods that there would not be a repeat of the war their father had started, years ago. He was gone now, and Claudia and Cordelia lived, marred by much more than a sword.
The day finally came, and everything was pristine. The statues and marble glimmered, and the entire court was present in their best finery.
Claudia sat in her throne, adjacent to Hildegarde’s, which was front and middle, of course, and Cordelia sat on the opposing side.
The sisters’ gowns were coordinated, and made of a draping, exquisite, white silk, and delicate lace, adorned with an ornate silver corset, which the barest amount of skin peeked through. Pale, green gems, hung like tear drops from the skirts, and a ribboned cape of silver garland and gold cascaded from their neck and fell to the ground. They both had circlets of pearls, and lilies woven into their braided hair. Their exposed shoulders pictured a blue, swirling tattoo; The Mark of Ciris and The Mark of Euna, the source of their abilities, and the declaration that they were descendants of the Creators. Hildegarde had the Mark of Omos, God of justice and redemption, as those who ruled before bared the marks of the pantheon.  
It was a far cry from their usual attire, and once again, a display. Hildegarde had the customary empress robes, an incandescent white and gold that took 15 servants to carry the train.
“Blighted thing only gets heavier with age,” Hildegarde said under her breath, as she took her place in the throne room. The sisters stifled a laugh.
As the trumpets sounded, everyone rose to their feet to greet the foreign kings.
“Look sharp, my dears,” Hildegarde whispered.
“Presenting: King Liam, of Akedia! Accompanied by; Queen Norah, and heir apparent, the Prince Lynt,” The herald bellowed.
A rather gentle looking couple came striding into the throne room, arm in arm, followed by a young man who looked as though he might sleep right where he was. The three of them had straw colored hair and green eyes.
“I daresay, is he fighting back a yawn?” Cordelia whispered.
They made their way to the platform, bowed and curtsied, before Liam stood by his assigned place at a long table, set at the front, right side. His wife and son took their place behind him, and this continued for each of the royal families who were announced.
“King Roc, of Avari! Accompanied by his heir apparent, Prince Guy!”
In strode a towering man, with long black hair, and only one crimson eye visible, as the other was covered with a patch. Beside him, was his son, sharing his father’s sharp features, and piercing expression.
“My, how they scowl,” Claudia said quietly. Cordelia put her hand delicately to her lips to stifle a giggle.
“Hush, you two,” Hildegard said, although the corner of her lips were slightly upturned.
The procession went on, until the last kingdom passed through the massive foyer.
“King Gilbert, of Qelsum! Accompanied by his heir, Prince Toa, and the Princess Idina!”
A man with an icy countenance strode in. His blue hair was twined neatly and coordinated well with his finery. The prince and princess were attractive, though, Idina had a scheming look about her.
Finally, the herald stood before them all, and introduced the hosts.
“You are in the presence of Her Imperial Majesty Hildegarde Augustine, Fifth of Her Name, Queen Defender of the People, and Empress of the Great Empire of Zaethis. On her right; Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Claudia Rebecca, First of Her Name, Captain Commander of the Black Guard, and Crown Heir Apparent. On her left; Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Cordelia Odette, Second of Her Name, Lieutenant of the Black Guard, and Imperial Scholar. All Hail!”
The court responded with a resound “Hail!”
Hildegarde glanced around, and with a satisfied nod, sat upon her throne, which prompted everyone to take their seats, thereafter. The tension and excitement in the court could have been ignited, and curious whispers could be heard within the crowded room.
“My Lords and My Ladies, I bid you a sincere welcome. I trust you have found your accommodations befitting,” Hildegard said.
King Klaus of Invidia rose to speak first.
“We are honored to be guests in your Empire, Your Majesty. Might I be the first to say, it is magnificent,” he placed a hand over his chest in a gesture of sincerity. “And I must thank you for returning all of our people to us, in one piece, after our grievous trespass.”
Roc scoffed beside him.
“Hardly,” he said. “They reported several broken limps and fingers, if I recall.”
“An unfortunate occurrence, to be sure,” Klaus interjected, nervously. “However, Her Majesty was kind enough to heal them, magically, afterwards.”
 “Ah, yes,” Hildegarde mused. “You must pardon Princess Claudia for the broken limbs, as she was only doing her duty to protect her land from foreign threats, you see. And you can thank Princess Cordelia for the mending of said broken limbs. My granddaughters are dedicated to their duty and their country, I’m sure you understand.”
“Quite! And may I be the first to say, they are also exquisitely beautiful,” King Louis of Luxure, rose, tossing his lock lavender locks over his shoulder, and fluttered his long lashes. “May I inquire of each, are either of Your Highness’ betrothed?”
Claudia and Cordelia exchanged a knowing look, and covered half their faces with their handheld fans, masking the laughter that threatened to escape.
“You flatter us, My Lord,” Lia said.
“I’m afraid we have prioritized our work and devotion to the empire, in place of pursuing a spouse,” Claudia added, already tired of the conversation.
“Creating and establishing heirs is a royal priority,” Roc spoke again. “I have little patience for this flattery. We have come to offer an alliance with the Kingdom of Avari. I offer betrothal to my heir. One of your granddaughters would be Queen, and in exchange we would have use of your technology and army.”
“What the boorish fool is trying to say,” Gilbert rose from the adjacent table, and a sneer snapped over Roc’s face. “Is while we must take our time to establish ourselves as useful allies, it is expected that one of our kingdoms leave with the hand of one, or both, of your granddaughters. Might you consider?”
“I believe the princesses would enjoy Invidia, as it is a most charming place,” Klaus said, the anxiety in his expression growing by the second.
“I would be more than honored to show them the entirety of Luxure,” Louis offered.
“Oh, dear,” Liam, finally spoke, but only because Lynt had fallen asleep, and was leaning on his father for support. His valet stood behind him, looking as though he might faint, himself.
The court broke into a cacophony of whispers and murmuring, while the kings began arguing and fussing amongst themselves. Claudia looked to Cordelia, who was just as unimpressed by the whole ordeal, and then leaned forward. Marriage? To these fools?
“Grandmother, must we continue—” She started.
Hildegard all but raised one hand, and silence struck the room like lightening. The woman was still formidable, even in her old age, and her presence was unrivaled, even by the number of kings before her.
“My Lords, my granddaughters are not brainless pawns for me to give away as I wish,” she said, and the princesses’ shoulders relaxed. “They are my cherished kin, my heirs, and the most important asset of this empire. While I would value each of your kingdoms’ friendship, they have no need to be queen of your countries, as one is to be the empress of this one, and the other her Right Hand. They have power, magic, an army, and the loyalty of all who live here. You will have to offer something they do not currently have: Companionship. Romantic love.”
“What kind of foolishness is this?” Roc said, the scowl on his face deepening.
“Yes, Grandmother, do explain,” Claudia’s voice was urgent, and the panic was rising in her stomach again.
“I don’t know how you do things in your country, but in mine, it is important to find one’s life partner, at the very least, pleasant,” Hildegarde said. “I offer you all this; You and your sons may stay for a duration here in my court. You will be allowed passage back to your kingdoms, at any point, for you are guests. If, in that period, your heirs have gained the approval of either of mine, and myself, I will agree to an alliance. Our resources will also be yours.”
“Grand— Your Majesty, if we could just pause a moment—” Cordelia tried but fell on deaf ears.
“A reasonable request!” Klaus proclaimed, happily.
“A challenge, then?” Roc scoffed. “So be it.”
“Excellent,” Hildegard said. “Although, there is one matter I wish to discuss before everyone takes their leave to get ready for tonight’s festivities. Which of you summoned the portal? Our studies of it show that it was done from your world.”
Each of the kings looked at one another, expectantly, but no one came forward.
“It appears we are not sure,” Liam said, still being used as a stool for his son.
“Interesting… I suppose we shall learn, then, won’t we?”
Hildegarde rose, and dismissed the court, and all of the valets and servants began their busy work.  Claudia and Lia followed the empress from the throne room, eyes wide in disbelief.
“Grandmother, you’ll forgive my insolence, but you can’t be completely serious?” Claudia asked, incredulously.
“Did you see that boy? He was asleep on his father in court.”
“And that Qelsum and Avari… I’ve seen frozen over lakes with more warmth,” Claudia added.
“My dear girls, you needn’t marry any of them if you do not wish to! Take this opportunity to build rapport with these kingdoms and learn something. If by chance, after some time, you find you’re still repulsed by the idea of marriage, we will still have gained. However, if you find that you are fond of one—”
“Grandmother, the likelihood of that happening—” Cordelia pleaded.
“—then all the more reason to have them as our guests. Now, go on, and get ready for the Welcoming Ball tonight. You will have many guests to attend to.”
Hildegarde and her valet’s left the girls standing quite stricken side by side. A fat silence lay between them, until a grim realization occurred to Claudia.
“Gods, they’re going to try and win us like a trophy, aren’t they?”
They both sighed in disgust, and marched off to their chambers, determined to get the night over with, as painlessly as possible.
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 7 months
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soonielo · 4 months
Least bloody Drukhari romance be like
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I love being commissioned by authors
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
🕯️ for the fic ask! and the arrow through heat. im on desktop and lazy
Hi Mars🫶
I thought you meant an arrow in heat and I got horrible flash back to Leo’s slick. Anyways
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
Well, yes but I don’t want people to think I’m psychotic but it’s probably the following fic in the next answer which I answered before this one. Basically I wrote it through writers block and then when nobody said anything after about 12ish hours, I panicked and had a whole ‘woe is me’ moment. Anyways apparently this block is gone now but still there for neymessi so all my fic plans for them have come to a skidding halt
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
Yeah 2 fics actually. A lichantony fic which I want to rewrite to kunessi for obvious reasons. And also this one tiny fic I fought against the grain of writers block to write. It’s 4k long and still posted but it’s so cringe and the sadness is so ‘my grandma died and my cat got hit by a bus and then I broke my leg, be sad for me’ instead of smoothness persistent sadness that leaves you contemplating things about yourself. Anyways, once I get there, I will make it as angsty as possible. Also chap 1 of my Neymessi cowboy fic was done but then I decided to rewrite some of it and add stuff yesterday and now I’ve felt anxious for the last 8 hours :)!
Ask me fic questions
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matmamma · 9 months
Marsipanens dag den 12 januari
Marsipan förknippar man kanske mest med julens godsaker, men det är i morgon, den 12 januari, den fått en egen dag i matalmanackan. Varför inte passa på att baka en härlig marsipantårta? Här hittar du receptet! Själv gör jag ibland något som brukar kallas “fattigmansmarsipan”, efter min mammas och mormors recept, som formas till figurer och avnjutes som god konfekt. FATTIGMANSMARSIPAN 2 1/2 dl…
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
(Because I’m extremely bored I’m gonna start a reblog chain game. I’m gonna regret this ✌️)
Use one sentence to describe the person who @ you
@l1ttleclouds @vtoriacore @rayisalive @bobasis @ithseem @bitchkay @atomsminecraft @jaysquid @sallylovessweets @marsipanic @ihavesinn3d4lot @fempire-kitty and anyone who wants to join 💀
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marsipain · 5 months
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Hi! Welcome to my blog!!
My name is Marek, I’m a multifandom (but mostly Ninjago) fanartist! I enjoy a lot of art medias but I mostly post digital art :)
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@mr-ipain - Reblog only blog! I reblog stuff I like and sometimes put my silly thoughts in the tags!
@wyldfiyaah - Wyldfyre fan/appreciation blog! Mostly reblogs of Wyldfyre posts!
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#marsipain asks
#ninjago cyberpunk au
For art please go to @marsiart-archive, it has it’s own tagging system in the pinned post!
Failure to comply will lead to instant block.
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That’s about it! Thank you for readin!
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buradeeznuts · 2 months
metamelon d paintbox: i pretendedvto be human for pussy
kosho mimi: im bald
digamma marsipan:
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ithseem · 1 year
List of Moots 😊
Since all the cool kids are doing it. Also, love y'all 🥺
@amberheavendremurr @amberrskiies
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marsipanic · 2 years
The Gods’ Mark
AKA The Great Partition
I recently realized the Great Partition was a name for an important event in South Asian history and so I changed the title of my fic because I don’t want that tag to be filled with my smutty fic lol. So from here on out it will be called The God’s Mark.
Ya’ll. I hate Idina so much. She’s the worst. She’s the sneaky, underhanded kind of villain and it would make sense that she would do whatever she could to make the Zaethis Empire fall under the Qelsan control. 
But my poor babes. They’re tough but have PTSD, and Claudia doesn’t know how to accept help, especially when it’s Guy offering. 
So this is Chapter 3
Part 2/2? I forget
The dinner started fairly boring, with each of the kings giving their unsolicited opinions on Zaethis’s foreign policy and digging for even a morsel of information on its innovations. Claudia mostly kept her eyes fixed at her plate, or otherwise locking them with Cordelia’s, as one of the monarchs said something rather stupid, or unwelcomed. She had made it a point, when they were all to be seated, to nod in acknowledgement at Sherry, and absolutely no one else.
The conversation turned to the military and Hildegarde, of course, directed all questions to Claudia, the commander of Zaethis’s army.
“I was told that you are quite the accomplished fighter,” Roc said, his crimson eye peering at her. Claudia was sure he would be intimidating to most people. She wasn’t most people, though, and she found his demeanor rather tiresome and realized that was where his son had inherited it.
“I have seen my share of battle, yes,” she said.
“How old are Her Highnesses, if you don’t mind me asking so?” Liam asked, his eyes wide, in surprise.
There was an awkward silence before Claudia answered, as she knew there was going to be a barrage of questions after she did.
“I am twenty-two. Cordelia is twenty-one,” she said.
“How can that be, then, that you are experienced in battle?” Klaus asked.
Claudia scanned the table and saw the assortment of expressions. Some were eager, curious, and others looked on with cold analysis, particularly Princess Idina, and her unreadable father, King Gilbert.  
“There was something of a civil war, as some kingdoms wished to take some of our empire for their own. We ensured that they did not succeed,” Claudia said as her hand began to tremble. She moved them under the table and clenched into fists to steady them.
“How old were you when you first fought?” Sherry asked, her pretty face strained with curiosity and concern.
Beside her, she felt Lia still, completely.
“I was fifteen, at the time,” Claudia answered and there were multiple gasps of surprise around the table.
“Which would mean, Princess Cordelia would only be—”
“I had just turned fourteen, yes,” Lia said, with a brilliant, deceptive smile, eager to quell the dimming mood that had suddenly fell heavy around the table. “We have since grown much, haven’t we, Grandmother?”
Hildegarde nodded slowly, a sad smile on her face, despite the dreadful underlying tone of the conversation.
“Oh, yes,” she said. “Innumerable are my granddaughters’ talents.  And not just with their responsibilities as heirs of the empire.”
It was obvious that the empress was trying to steer the conversation away from the matter. This didn’t deter Princess Idina at all from digging deeper into the matter.
“If I may,” she began. Her mouth was curved into a friendly smile, but her eyes betrayed an eerie sense of coldness. “I am curious about the marks of Euna and Cidis. I have been doing some research on your people’s customs, and, forgive me if I am incorrect, they are part of your pantheon, are they not?”
“That is correct, My Lady,” Hildegarde said. “What is it that you wish to know?”
“Your Imperial Majesty has the mark of Omos, the god of justice. Her Highness Princess Cordelia has Cidis, the goddess of dawn,” her eyes found Claudia’s. They exchanged a knowing look, and Claudia decided right then that she hated the Qelsum princess. “Her Highness Princess Claudia has the mark of Euna, which is the god of…”
“The goddess of death,” Claudia said, briskly, her heart hammering in her chest.
“Why, yes,” Idina said. “And with each of the gods marks, a power is bestowed. That must be quite the sight to behold. Might we receive a demonstration?”
“I’m afraid that we only use our powers during times of crisis….”
Hildegards voice faded to a slight murmur and Claudia’s vision was swarmed with images of magical glass flooding with vile green liquid, restraints cutting into her skin as the syringe drew nearer and nearer to her veins, her blood burning, opening her mouth to scream…
Glass shattered when she reached for her chalice with trembling fingers and it slipped through, falling to the ground. She gripped tightly to her sisters arm to keep her from vortexing to black, and Lia held her steady as multiple people stood in alarm.
“Your Highness? Are you alright?”
“She looks rather pale…”
“Someone fetch the healer—”
Claudia lifted her colorless face to meet Lia’s. The two shared a glance before Claudia spoke among the calamity.
“Forgive me,” she said, and rose to her feet, steadying herself against the back of her chair. “I haven’t had more than a moments rest for some time. I believe it has caught up with me. If you will excuse me, I shall return  to my chambers, and allow you to finish dining, in peace.”
“Claudia, do you need assistance getting to bed, my dear?” Hildegarde said.
“That isn’t necessary. My apologies for disturb you all—”
“Allow me.”
Everyone’s head turned to Guy, who slowly stood beside his seated father and pointed his gaze directly at Claudia, who promptly refused.
“As I’ve said, it isn’t necessary. I am perfectly capable of going on my own—”
“Nonsense, child,” Hildegarde said, and nodded approvingly at the red-eyed prince. “Thank you, My Lord. Your kindness is appreciated.”
Kindness? More opportunistic, Claudia thought, as she looked to her grandmother back to Guy, formulating a way to convince everyone she was in well enough health to leave on her own. However, as she glanced around, everyone seemed perturbed by her sudden episode, and her grandmother looked at her firmly, sending the clear message she was not to object. Even Lia watched, apologetically, as she had no choice but to concede.
“Very well,” she said. “Once again, please accept my apologies. I bid you goodnight.”
Guy met her at the dining room exit, the crook of his elbow extended for her to take, which she blatantly ignored. She walked with all the dignity she could muster, even as her pulse continued to rattle the inside of her chest, out of the grand doors  and took a fast turn toward her quarters, the sound of her heels clicking loudly against the walls of the grand palace. Guy followed behind her, remaining silent, and only but a few arm’s length away.
“Well, then,” Claudia said, stopping some ways away from the grand dining room. “Taking the opportunity to corner me alone? A bit tasteless, even for you.”
Guy let out an audible “tsk” of disdain.
“You looked like a frail, frightened lamb,” he said, taking a few steps forward. “What a nuisance you would be if you fainted alone in the halls, and someone came upon you.”
Claudia scoffed and turned her back to him, continuing her stride toward the chambers, quickly. Much too quickly. The surging of her blood, and the shallowness of her breath combined to send her toppling. Her vision spun once more, and her body hurtled toward the fine marble.
She shut her eyes tightly as the same images of hard fists connecting with her body, and indescribable pain rippling through her limbs and abdomen like tidal waves engulfed her and everything swirled together. She expected to feel the cold, hard ground. She expected the impact of the marble against her unguarded skull, and, as was always certain, she expected pain.
But she felt arms, strong, and warm, and unwavering catch her around her waist and knees, lifting and then cradling her. Claudia’s head fell against Guy’s chest, and as she blinked to regain composure, she breathed in the mixture of spice and floral tones in his cologne, and it sent bizarre waves of comfort through her body. Placing a hand against his broad chest to steady herself, she felt the thrum of his heartbeat, and counted each one silently, to match her own, until she was finally lucid once more.
She blinked, profusely, again, and looked up at his solemn face, staring straight ahead, with no hint of any emotion. His jawline was sharp, and his lashes were long, she thought, in a slight daze. That was when his eyes slid down to look upon her.
“Refrain from looking at me with such lust,” he said.
Claudia snapped back, and, face flushed, squirmed in his grasp.
“I think the word you’re looking for is contempt,” she hissed. “Put me down. Now.”
“You fainted and nearly injured yourself,” Guy said. “Had I not been here, you would have caused further trouble. Stay still.”
“No. This is a strange ploy, and it is the same with you as it is with that Qelsum girl and—”
“So, the Qelsan woman’s questions’ did bother you,” he said. “I thought so.”
“What? No,” Claudia shook her head. She was talking too much. She wasn’t herself and it wasn’t the time to argue with foreigners. “Put me down. I can make it myself from here.”
“No,” Guy said, flatly.
“I’ll burn you again,” Claudia threatened, although, only half-heartedly.
“I won’t be ill prepared for that again,” he replied. “If you faint here, and injure yourself, it will reflect poorly on me, who volunteered to escort you. Stay still.”
Claudia huffed, folding her arms within his hold, knowing she hadn’t much of the gusto to argue, anymore.
“Fine,” she said. “But you must know, as soon as we find a solution, you Saligian’s are going back, and we are closing this portal. I have no intention of marrying you. Any of you.”
Guy approached her quarter doors, and as soon as she saw them, Claudia went to leap from his arms, eager to be rid of the whole humiliating ordeal. He held fast, however, clutching her tightly to him for a brief moment as he spoke.
“Think carefully on your alliances,” he said, slowly. “Your best match, out of anyone, will always be me.”
Claudia wrangled herself from his hands and gripped her skirts, before looking him up and down. He looked back, his brow furrowed, and a slight frown curving his mouth.
“I thank you for your assistance, My Lord,” she said, and dipped in a mocking curtsy. “I should hope I never need it, again.”
The doormen bowed, and opened her quarter doors promptly, as she hurried inside, Guy watching her, until they once against closed.
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lucindarobinsonvevo · 2 months
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if you come from where you come, then you were born tough
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hanna-kin · 8 months
Hiii I’m going to Stockholm on Friday and wondered if you have any tips for the trip? Tack!!
How nice!
I don't live in Stockholm so I'm not an expert but I always think Gamla Stan is a nice visit and if you want the Royal Palace. I would honestly just walk around there in the narrow streets and alleyways. Especially if the weather is nice.
The Royal palace also have some exhibitions if you are interested. You can find more information here
There's also Fotografiska museet if you like photography. It's a photography museeum and they usually have a few photographers featured at once. I love to visit l. Here's some more information There’s an entry fee though.
If you like shopping there are alot of options. I would check out drottninggatan. Åhlens city and NK but once again just walking around is very nice.
There is also Mall of Scandinavia if you only want to go shopping but it's not something I recommend really. It's a mall, it's big by Swedish standards but that's it.
I think you can get around with walking alot but of course that does take some time and effort but it's definitely possible depending on where you live. Last time I was there I walked to gamla Stan and the royal palace and back again with no problems.
I would make sure to make time for a traditional Swedish fika at a Café. That's an absolute must and you are right in time for our "Semmel" season
Semla is a traditional Swedish pastry that was traditionally eaten before the long fasting but now we eat them just for fun.
The traditional one is a wheat bun flavoured with cardamom filled with almond paste and whipped cream.
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Every café will have them, traditional versions and more new conceptual versions like vanilla semla (no almond paste) chocolate, licorice, croissant, semmel wrap etc.
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Or you can always go for a cinnamon bun or a danish pastry or anything really.
There's also a the classic princess cake which is a sponge cake with jam, vanilla custard and cream with a lid of marsipan.
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I cannont recommend dammsugare though, which is a small pastry that tastes like arrack with marsipan on top. I can't get behind it but is popular and if you like arrack you might like it.
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I would avoid chains for this so stay out of espresso house.
As for food that are many many options, everything from McDonald's and other fast food chains like Max (Swedish version of McDonald's basically) to fancier options. It all depends on what you are in the mood for. Some placed demands reservations fsr in advance but these places are usually quite hyped and expensive so not something I would look for on a trip.
If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask. I'm always happy to help! And any swede is welcome to put in their own recommendations.
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hawkeshep · 1 year
I was tagged by @fenharel to create myself in this picrew, thank you! 🪻
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Tagging @lark-of-mirkwood @moxxihodunk @moss-flesh @viiisenyas @elvhendis @elvhendreamer @biowareruinedmylife @thefathersbride @wanderingaldecaldo @varricscrossbowbianca @theelibugs @marsipanic @lilllithdraagon @solev and anyone else who would like to! 🩵
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chirp-a-chirp · 1 year
Court of Darkness Character Analysis - Lance Ira
Lance: The Prince of Ember and Flame
Sin: Wrath
Story Tropes Represented: Bad boy with a good heart; lone wolf; misunderstood loner; parent loss
Folks who might be interested? @aide-falls @abugwritesstuff @shinonometrash @sallylovessweets @jaysquid @voltagefandomproject @marsipanic
Book one Lance spoilers below. Also, this is just my interpretation/analysis for Lance. It may differ from yours—let me know your thoughts!
Any direct quotes from Lance’s book one or events are in italics. 
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Analysis: Lance is hot. Really hot.
Analysis complete. 
OK, jokes aside…who is Lance—a lone wolf, a resentful prince, a truant who scares most people away? 
At his core, Lance is man defined by loss—his mother, his best friend Lutz, the freedom to live the life he wants—and the accompanying anger that comes with it. Lance does not exhibit the classic physical signs of anger—flailing fists, face turning red, punching walls. He will not turn wild with rage in most circumstances. Lance would not want to give his father the pleasure of his anger manifesting like this. These overt signs of wrath are a reminder of Ira’s ancient magic that Lance despises so much. Instead, Lance’s wrath is internal, directed at himself. 
When we first meet Lance in his book one, loss and grief consume him—he blames himself for not noticing his mother’s illness, for Lutz taking the fatal blow from the automata meant for him. This grief keeps him stuck, idling in frustration and resentment. The deaths of his mother and best friend burn like embers within the ashes of hate he has for Ira. Those embers smolder, burning just as bright as the fire that created them. When Lance encounters Lutz’s brother on Colde, he is confronted by the past he runs from. He says to himself: What have I done these many years? Why have I burned with such loathing and frustration? And for what? To what end?  
Of the seven Saligian princes, Lance is the most resentful of his royal status. He describes that status, of [being] bound by the kingdom of your birth… [as] a heap of unicorn dung…shackled to a specific path. He was born a commoner, grew up in humble circumstances, unaware of his royal blood for years. His father, King Addis, is not in his life until his mother passes and Lance is old enough to be a useful tool. Lance has no patience for governmental intrigues, being a political pawn, or becoming a symbol of his country; he makes these thoughts painfully transparent to those around him. It is perhaps why Lance has the most modern sensibilities of all the princes. His value of individualism (for himself and others that seek it) is at odds with monarchy at large.  
Lance is a fierce protector of freedom. Every prince but Lance has a familiar—an animal with a dependent bond with that prince, bound to him by servile magic. Lance has a wolf companion—Grushia—whom he is close with through a natural bond, one without magic. They are free to leave when they choose, but both remain close to the other. It is that freedom of choice that makes their bond strong.
In Lance’s book one, when he brings food and supplies to the boy Christop (instead of going to class), he remarks to himself:
There are more important things in this world than learning how to be a king. For now, I’d rather focus on protecting those bound by their circumstances in life. 
Lance himself appears listless and reckless but is purposeful with his intentions for those he cares for. When watching over Christoph in his book one, Lance thinks—There’s no such thing as too careful when it comes to Chris; I don’t wish for him to become as I have. He ought to live as he likes, not be imprisoned because of how he came to be. He is someone who will defend those with limited choices who cannot defend themselves (Christop being pursued by Irithium), or those who do not have an advocate in their corner (Iran people living in the countryside). Academy lessons with Lou and political showboating with King Addis have little purpose to Lance—practical experience, meaningful connections with people, will show Lance the value of being a future king.  
There are Saligian princes like Guy that are princes for their kingdom—for Guy, what is best for Avari is best for everyone; individuals can be sacrificed for the good of the country. Lance is a prince of the people—further, he is of the people. While princes like Roy and Rio make a conscious effort to listen to and understand their subjects, Lance has directly experienced the life of a commoner, having lived their everyday plight. 
Lance will not be a king for the kingdom and the nobility running it. He scorns Iran politics for prioritizing military might over advancements in healing and helping Iran’s rural communities, resulting in the deaths of his loved ones. This hatred is so strong that it burns beyond recognition. In the Unbreakable event story, Lance describes his feelings towards Ira, and the entire military megalomaniac foundation upon which the country is built on, as so consuming that he’d burned himself to cinders out of concern for his country—all that is left is sympathy for the people that remain in Ira and the memories of those that he has lost. In his book one, Lance’s anger at Ira is equally powerful—One by one this kingdom called Ira has stolen everything important to me. What else must it take from me before it’s satisfied.   
But, just as fire can burn and overwhelm, it can also provide warmth and light the way. The individuals who have been closest to Lance in his life—his mother, Lutz, Christop, MC, Zenu—he describes as sources of optimism and warmth. Lots of light imagery is used to describe these people within Lance’s book one and various event stories. The MC reminds Lance of his mother—a woman who’s smile is comforting like a nap taken beneath the dappled sunlight of a forest; in Lance’s Magic ending, he describes MC as ethereally beautiful and so, so bright; while alive, Lutz was like the sun in miniature.
Lance turned away from sources of light after his mother’s and Lutz’s deaths—to invite light was to invite heartbreak and darkness if that light were taken away. But, his relationship with the MC changes that perspective.
The MC is relentless in her spirit and optimism—tragedy, difficulties, failures do not stop her; they fuel her drive to succeed. This approach is fundamentally different to how Lance has, up until meeting her, approached life for many years. And given their shared background—the loss of a parent, being forced to remain on Colde—it gives Lance pause. Lance cannot easily dismiss the MC given their shared experiences.   
When Lance is with the MC, his memories of his mother and Lutz become more positive. He describes their memories, in one event, as points of light, carrying hope that there is good left in his kingdom. While their memories still provoke anger, they also serve as fuel steeling Lance’s resolve, lighting his path, carrying him to conviction to change Ira for their sake.   
The MC provides a balm to Lance’s soul, an energy that nurtures, encourages, and empowers. She guides Lance forward, a steady bright presence that urges him to think beyond his past and into the future. The MC and Lance have among the most egalitarian relationships in the game—they describe each other as accomplices, partners, compatriots. They seek one another’s company equally, being open and transparent about their feelings, whether good or bad. This equality happens, in part, because Lance gets to know MC as a person before he knows of her powers. More than any other consort path, Lance allows for MC to truly grieve for the loss of her parents—Lance understands that the death of a beloved parent is not something easily forgotten or dismissed; it lingers, festers, unless that grief is expressed. 
When Lance is with the MC, a different fire consumes him. He describes his love her for as an ever growing thing, one where he melts at her smile, his heart burning for her, every part of him feeling as if on fire. In his magic ending, he says to love is to risk suffering; but to be loved is the great happiness there is. It is also one of the few consort book one endings (maybe the only one) where the MC is given something tangible to represent his love for her—a promise ring—perhaps an unconscious callback to the Iran quartz talisman his mother gave him as a child. Pretty words are not enough to show his love to those he cares for. He is someone who comes off as callous and cold, but probe deeper and you’ll find a man with layers of hidden kindness, a person dedicated to helping others, someone who, ultimately, becomes motivated by the memory of those he has lost. 
He is Lance—the man of ember and flame. 
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bitchkay · 1 year
Me: lemme hit??🙏🏽
Hawke: ...😐
Me: what
Me: and?
Hawke: you literally just got done "hitting"😑
Me: back getting tired there gramps?🤨
Hawke: i stg
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onedayimgonnasnap · 2 years
Court of darkness fandom tumblr survival guide.(read this with an Australian accent)
As a new fan you might be wondering, ��WHERE ARE ALL THE FANFICTIONS?! THE FANART?! THE CRACK?! THE ANGST?! SMUT?!” And yes good sir that was me when I first got here.
Because of that I will be showing up at least 10 Content Creators that you shall follow in this barren community. And give you a list of reasons why.
So come along on this safari tour ride;
No 1. @atomsminecraft Now this person may seem like your average crazy Lou psycho fan. But you’re wrong- ⁉️
This person actually makes really good fluff of Lou. They’re like a Lou encyclopedia. But be careful you may or may not accidentally offend them depending on your take on Lou.
Their content and head cannons can range between Wholesome to crack to angst so be careful where you step on their page. It’s dangerous mate.
No. 2 @jaysquid Now come along to see this amazing artist. Now now don’t take pictures they can be aggressive if you mess up their work, so we must observe from afar,
They are extremely chill most of the time, if you have an Court of Darkness suggestion child; they’re the ones to go too-
They also have extremely great random topics about anything related to court of darkness, and they’re able to bring up excellent points in Head Cannons.
No 3. @bitchkay Now with this one, over all extremely thirsty and bisexual for everyone of them ⁉️
Don’t be afraid as the angel said unto Marry, don’t worry this one doesn’t bite but it does bark.
They’re also the No 1. Smut creator to go to if you’re over 18. If not you’ll be sacrificed to the wolves if you’re suggesting nsfw😧
Also you’ll learn things about characters you’ve never thought about that, and you may not turn dirty minded😔
Let’s sneak by from this one aye?
No 4. @toasnearlynakedghost
Do they create fanfictions? Maybe (I haven’t seen some)
Do they create fanart? Yes.
How ever this person is like the Gorden Ramsey of the fandom, especially if you’re like me. When they respond to your comment or post with “😂” it feels like you’re dad came back with the milk.
You feel like you’ve gained approval that you have not got from your parents/srs.
It’s a strange feeling in your soul yes.
However it feels goddamn good.
No 5. @abugwritesstuff You see this person you have options the possibilities are endless.
It’s infinity to beyond.
They’re also extremely chill, and when requesting something they have the characters accurate and it feels like something you’d see from the game no matter what the topic is lol.
I once requested that ended up traumatizing Knight.
Now then take pictures and souvenirs and let’s move on >:)
No 6. @chirp-a-chirp Now here we have the bird, yes I order to get them to come closer to you is to preform the bird ritual, yes you may chirp.
If you do that ritual legend has it that they’ll grant your wish/request.
First you gotta start it by saying “I have no bitches 3 times” then start chirping aggressively. >:)
Depending on your wish/request it may be granted. If the ancient bird doesn’t see it fit then you’ll die of Minecraft fall damage.
Their content is extremely rangeful to both COD to obey me, so you got options.
No 7. @marsipanic Now with this ancient being they have made the hottest female MC OCs be careful though they might take it a sign of aggression if you bark to much.
It makes you jealous of Guy- Yes Guy out of all people.
This content creator believes they can change him- well leave it at that.
They also have a creative/ smut OC series. It’s pretty bad ass. So go check it out.
No 8. @dotster001 Now with this one doesn’t have that many fanfictions, however it doesn’t make it any less great than the others.
They also have a bunch of twisted wonderland and other games fanfictions you may wanna check out, because they’re super good.
However do not take any pictures, you may not reach your hand out at them. Do not feed them-
No 9. @bobasis Now kids, this is the only one who has ever made history with creating the first MC X reader fanfiction.
It’s amazing; consorts who?
They also have amazing art so you better go check it out.
Also keep ur hands to yourself when you see their MC *sprays with spray bottle* DOWN BOY- DOWN-!
No 10. @ithseem Now this son of a bitch will roast you accurately whether you like it or not, so be careful kiddo. They’re venomous.
They also have really cute fanart from what I’ve seen after stalking their tumblr, like I do with anyone 😘 It’s just a way of life kid.
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