#martial arts icons
chernobog13 · 10 months
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Shintaro Katsu and Bruce Lee
This could be a doctored photo, but these two icons did meet in Tokyo in the early 1970s. Katsushin was at the height of his popularity as Zatoichi, and Lee was a great admirer of his.
Lee went to Japan to arrange for Katsushin to be his co-star in Fist of Fury (1972), aka The Chinese Connection. The movie is the story of Chen Zen, a fictionalized version of real-life Chinese hero Liu Zhensheng, who fought against the Japanese occupation in early 20th Century Shanghai. Presumably, Katsushin would have been cast as Lee's Japanese nemesis.
Unfortunately, Katsushin was unable to join the cast of Fist of Fury due to his numerous obligations both in front of and behind the camera (his company, Katsu Productions, was going gangbusters at the time with both the Zatoichi and Lone Wolf and Cub film series, as well as several other projects). As a consolation prize, he was able to loan two actors from his stable to Lee - Chikara "Riki" Hashimoto (most famous as the suit actor in the Daimajin trilogy), and Jun Katsumura - to play some of the Japanese villains.
Katsushin really wanted to work with Lee as well, as Lee was fast becoming an international superstar. Unfortunately, Lee passed away in 1973 at the age of 32, and the world never got to see these two titans in action together.
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vintage-tigre · 1 year
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Bruce Lee teaching his son, Brandon, martial arts at an early age in the 1960s.
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projectbatman193 · 1 year
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Batman and the Full Moon
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maulfucker · 1 year
Yeah yeah jedi Maul au we've all seen him. But what about senator Maul au. Representing Dathomir, a neutral world like Mandalore that is still somewhat hostile to outsiders. Wearing fancy clothes that show a bit too much skin for the cold climate of Coruscant. Falling in hate at first sight with Padmé, the only other senator who brings a gun to the senate floor "just in case". The two of them having a weird rivalry because Maul doesn't trust the Jedi and is neutral in a lot of subjects that Padmé is a vocal defender of.
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lesbianbadbitch · 1 year
What I’m supposed to read now that Teppu is done, it was like the ultimate lesbian martial arts manga but the author is too sick to make any more for now.
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an-teng · 5 months
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Skill Icons for Dreaming Pearl Courtesan Style 🐟🦒
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ongawdclub · 1 year
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J a c k i e C h a n
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Artist's Blog - Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon (1973)
If you consider yourself a fan of martial arts movies and you haven’t seen Enter the Dragon, every time you say you are a fan, you insult yourself. It’s like dissing Dr. Dre. Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon may be the biggest title in the genre. So, fans that haven’t seen this one need to be beaten with many stripes with a ratan pole by a Sholin master. Lee is the martial artist of martial artist and is the reason that we have martial arts movies in the West that we do today – thank you Bruce! Bela Lugosi was a creepy guy so, Dracula came naturally. Red Foxx was a grumpy, funny old drunk so, Fred Sanford came naturally. Look at the life of Bruce Lee – he lived the life he portrayed. He showed up, that’s all he had to do to make his films cinematic greatness.
Bruce Lee is known for his speed, dedication, blah blah blah, but there are some other iconic things he brought to the martial arts cinema. What does Bruce Lee like to drink? Wa-taa, of course. The iconic “wa-taa” and cat like scream noises as his attack collided with an opponent are other Bruce Lee staples. Facial expressions he would make and the way he would positions his hands in the surfer “hanging loose” posture are also well-known moves. Perhaps the best most inclusive of all of these is Enter the Dragon. I assure you that they are all used. No better scene shows the face though than when we double stomps on Ohara’s chest killing him. Lee then ends with another signature grimace face. You can watch this scene, if you’d like, here to get an idea of what I’m talking about.
As a young man I heard of Bruce Lee’s incredible speed. His dedication, discipline, and speed are the factors that gave him his edge in the martial arts world. There are many stories about him. For instance, he got angry because Robin was supposed to beat Kato in the 60s Batman television series. The fight ends in a stalemate at the insistence of Lee. You can read more here. Another was that he was so fast, cameras couldn’t capture him. Watch a video demonstrating this here. As kids, we would watch the fight with Ohara in Enter the Dragon on VHS in slow motion. You can see that Lee takes his rear hand, pulls Ohara’s front hand down, and strikes him in the face with his front hand. The thing is, in regular speed, you never see Lee’s rear hand move.
Bruce Lee’s films are standalone so, it’s hard to compare them to others. It’s like comparing Jimi Hendrix to other guitarists or Van Gogh to other artists. I think it’s always apples to oranges because Lee was so unique. His style was unique, his skill was unmatched, and his timing in history was perfect. There are many great guitarists, but none like Hendrix. Many artists are amazing, but there will never be another Van Gogh. In the world of Kung Fu movies, there are classics and many other great actors like Jet Li, Gordon Liu, and Jackie Chan to name a few. No matter how great these actors are or how skilled in real life, there will never be another Bruce Lee. So, when I talk about his films, I may compare them to others but, there really isn’t any comparison in my opinion.
The final boss in Enter the Dragon is a former Shaolin kung fu practitioner who runs a drug operation. You don’t realize it until the final fight but, he has a fake hand. As Bruce goes to face him, he begins to change his hand out with others. The final hand, three blades, gives Lee the iconic cuts that you typically see on film art. The ending fight includes 2 things that stood out. One is the only thing that I don’t really like about Enter the Dragon. This climactic fight scene is in a room full of mirrors but, it seems more like a room with mirror walls. I’ve been in a mirror maze, and this wasn’t the feel I got. This could have been improved in my opinion. Secondly, it has one of my most favorite lines of any film that I’ve ever seen.
I heard a story once and I think it’s the best “oh crap” moment story I’ve ever heard. A story that really makes someone think, “my life is about to be over” or “this is it.” Say it however you’d like but, we all know the idea – something just happened, and you know that you know something bad is about to happen. The story goes like this. Brad Pitt, who pretends to be a fighter, is sleeping with Robin Givens. Robin is the wife of Mike Tyson, yes, “Iron” Mike Tyson. Iron Mike is a heavyweight world champion boxer who’s mentally unstable and has been to prison. He’s from the street and there’s no pretending. Well, Mike catches Brad with his wife. I imagine that Brad had to change his underwear. I would have. You can read the tale yourself here.
Now, for the second thing that stood out in the final fight, wrap you dome around this. The only time I think I could imagine a worse “oh crap” moment, if movies were real, would be in Enter the Dragon. You’re waiting on Bruce Lee to walk in, and he does. You can tell, even though he always has the same temperament, that he’s super pissed. You’ve done a lot of evil, and he knows about it all. He doesn’t slowly remove nunchakus from his pants, take a wide stance and do some surfer symbols, no. Instead, he stops, looks you in your eyes, and calmly says, “You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple.” At this point, you know you are about to take one of the worst beatings in history…before you die.
To my knowledge, Bruce Lee did not study at Shaolin but, anyone with his heritage and appreciation of the martial arts has a respect for the temple. I do and have never studied any Chinese arts in any official capacity. There have been a few backyard lessons with folks who knew a little but, nothing serious. Enter the Dragon has a scene that takes place at a temple where Bruce Lee’s character is recruited for the mission on which the story is based. We see Bruce instructing a young man about kicking in a temple courtyard. To a serious martial artist, respect is one of the biggest lessons you learn. One that is often more important than any kicking or punching. To disrespect the Shaolin temple would be to disrespect the mother of all fighting arts, all instructors, all knowledge, and thus a very big deal.
Personally, I heil Bruce Lee as the greatest martial artists of recorded history. By recorded, I mean on film. Out of fairness, I must admit that MMA has diluted my opinion. Let me explain. The Gracie family showed the martial arts world a truth about fighting. It can be incredibly hard to stay on your feet in a fight. Most martial arts prior to the UFC, including Wing Chun and Jeet Keen Do, are stand up striking arts with very little ground fighting. Had Bruce Lee lived and gotten into the UFC, I’m not sure how well he would have done. If, and it’s a big if, someone with modern MMA training were to have taken him down, I think he would have been at a loss. I imagine, like most other martial artists, Bruce would have incorporated Brazilian Jiu Jitsu into his style early on.
There are two things to consider here. First, the infamous fight between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris which takes place in Return of the Dragon is rumored to have been a real sparring match and not a choreographed fight scene. You can watch the scene for yourself here on YouTube. Now, there is footage of Chuck Norris, another martial arts legend, sparring with Rickson Gracie which you can see here. Rickson makes quick work of Chuck once the fight goes to the mat. In defense of Chuck Norris, I don’t know how seriously he was attacking Rickson in this sparring match but, it’s interesting to see regardless. These videos help to illustrate the point I’m making – Bruce Lee was amazing but martial arts have well advanced beyond only kicking and punching.
Wisdom and Kung Fu seem to go hand-in-hand. Kwai Chang Kaine in Kung Fu: The Legend Continues is likely to blame for most of this but, Bruce Lee is another known for saying philosophical, wise, and almost cryptic things. His most famous line was “Be like water”, which you can watch here. Right behind this, would have to be, “The art of fighting without fighting” which is taken from Enter the Dragon. Very simply put, this just means to outsmart your opponent. In the movie, he convinces an aggressive fellow to meet him on an island to fight. The challenger gets in the small boat which Lee allows to drift behind the main boat leaving him at the mercy of the rope connecting the boat. This is a famous scene and a great demonstration of Lee’s philosophy.  
I compare late Bruce Lee to the late Prince. Allow me to elaborate on this point. Both men were great at what they did. In fact, I would put both as the best or in the top 3 best in their respective fields. With greatness comes a certain level of necessity for control over your craft, I think. Prince is well known for having been a control freak over his music. Watch a video of a young Prince talking about this here. He wanted his music to be as great on record as it was in his mind. He was a perfectionist. Bruce Lee’s guitar was the nunchuck and his pen was his fist. In this way, he was no different than Prince. Here’s my point with this, Bruce Lee choreographed his own fight sequences in his films and, to my knowledge, wrote them all too.
Of course, there is kung fu and great action in Enter the Dragon but, there’s so much more. There are old helicopters, ancient ruins, Chinese mansions, and extravagant Asian parties too. Bruce Lee alone would have been fine in this movie but, having other good actors never hurts. Enter the Dragon features 3 other notable names. First, Jim Kelly, who in this film, is an afro sporting karate champion and all-around cool cat. The second is a fellow named John Saxon. John, in real life, is a black belt in karate and plays one in Enter the Dragon. The most notable supporting actor though is Bolo Yeung. We all know Bolo who has played the character Bolo in many martial arts films. Bloodsport would be his most popular film. You can read my blog on this Van Damme classic here.
Nothing bad can be said for anything Bruce Lee did. Weighing everything is awesome against everything is awesome is tricky. Mathematically it’s easy but, it’s not. I don’t think that Enter the Dragon was Bruce Lee’s best movie but, many do. It was the centerpiece for him but, not his best work. I intend to watch all his movies again then make a comparison but, I like Game of Death best. Read a fan ranking here. Most, it seems, tend to disagree with me. Regardless, no one can argue that Enter the Dragon is not a classic martial arts movie and perhaps the greatest ever made. What do you think? Leave a comment with your favorite Bruce Lee movie below. I'd love for you to read more blogs, check out my art, buy some and link up with me on social media. You can find all these links here. Peace.
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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anhdodes · 1 year
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dyavol · 1 year
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doktorphil · 2 years
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"Where is he?! And don't say you don't know, Kiragi already gave me the deets."
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"Ugggh. He went to the bathroom. But when he comes out, you'd better take that OUTSIDE. I'm not getting yelled at again!"
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"No problem!" Shiro began stretching, doing push-ups, the whole nine yards. "Alright. Ready to go!" Then he ran out to the backyard, took a deep breath, and screamed, "YUSUKEEEEE I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE. COME OUT AND GET YOUR ASS KICKED LIKE A MAN!!!"
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Happy 62nd Birthday to Academy Award Winning actress Michelle Yeoh! ^__^
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ocandrew1 · 7 months
Hard to believe it was 60 years ago this month my father started his first martial arts school in the U.S. I will always be very proud of what he accomplished and the countless lives he helped change. I miss you, Dad.
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