spazioliberoblog · 1 year
Viaggio nella memoria
di MARINA MARUCCI ♦ “Viaggio nella memoria, luoghi perduti e ritrovati della storia delle donne di Civitavecchia” a cura di Marina Marucci e Gabriella Ramoni (Prospettiva editrice) è  un testo   che ricorda l’esperienza del laboratorio teatrale  svolto nel 1980 con Dacia Maraini e le donne del consultorio famigliare.    E’ stato determinante per ricostruire il clima, le speranze e le aspettative…
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ipautalatinolat · 1 year
Marucci, R.K.M. - Como Yo Quisiera
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itsmyfriendisaac · 3 months
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♊ June 10th: Thrill Seeker, Robert Marucci.
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teenagedirtstache · 4 months
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magauda · 2 months
La Banda Koch era molto ricca
La famigerata Banda Koch finì per mano di altri fascisti, alla fine del 1944. La Banda venne smantellata dalla Legione Muti, sia perché vi erano degli attriti personali tra i componenti delle due bande, sia perché la figura di Koch iniziò a diventare scomoda anche all’interno della Repubblica Sociale Italiana. Pietro Koch divenne una figura ostile anche a Renzo Montagna, divenuto capo della…
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condamina · 2 months
La Banda Koch era molto ricca
La famigerata Banda Koch finì per mano di altri fascisti, alla fine del 1944. La Banda venne smantellata dalla Legione Muti, sia perché vi erano degli attriti personali tra i componenti delle due bande, sia perché la figura di Koch iniziò a diventare scomoda anche all’interno della Repubblica Sociale Italiana. Pietro Koch divenne una figura ostile anche a Renzo Montagna, divenuto capo della…
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collasgarba · 2 months
La Banda Koch era molto ricca
La famigerata Banda Koch finì per mano di altri fascisti, alla fine del 1944. La Banda venne smantellata dalla Legione Muti, sia perché vi erano degli attriti personali tra i componenti delle due bande, sia perché la figura di Koch iniziò a diventare scomoda anche all’interno della Repubblica Sociale Italiana. Pietro Koch divenne una figura ostile anche a Renzo Montagna, divenuto capo della…
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adrianomaini · 2 months
La Banda Koch era molto ricca
La famigerata Banda Koch finì per mano di altri fascisti, alla fine del 1944. La Banda venne smantellata dalla Legione Muti, sia perché vi erano degli attriti personali tra i componenti delle due bande, sia perché la figura di Koch iniziò a diventare scomoda anche all’interno della Repubblica Sociale Italiana. Pietro Koch divenne una figura ostile anche a Renzo Montagna, divenuto capo della…
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bagnabraghe · 2 months
La Banda Koch era molto ricca
La famigerata Banda Koch finì per mano di altri fascisti, alla fine del 1944. La Banda venne smantellata dalla Legione Muti, sia perché vi erano degli attriti personali tra i componenti delle due bande, sia perché la figura di Koch iniziò a diventare scomoda anche all’interno della Repubblica Sociale Italiana. Pietro Koch divenne una figura ostile anche a Renzo Montagna, divenuto capo della…
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ugonooztorresi · 10 months
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we are rude but with golden hearts
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spazioliberoblog · 1 year
di MARINA MARUCCI ♦ “La indiscutibile minore intelligenza della donna ha impedito di comprendere che la maggiore soddisfazione può essere da essa provata solo nella famiglia (…) Grazie all’opera del Governo Nazionale  l’ora volge energicamente propizia, questo richiamare la donna alla santità e alla bellezza del focolare, profondamente purificatore e risanatore sarà sempre l’opera migliore e la…
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queerographies · 1 year
]Il naufragio del Deutschland e altre poesie][Gerard Manley Hopkins]
Uscite postume nel 1918, le liriche di Gerard Manley Hopkins sono tra le composizioni più originali e audaci della letteratura in lingua inglese
Uscite postume nel 1918, le liriche di Gerard Manley Hopkins sono tra le composizioni più originali e audaci della letteratura in lingua inglese: un corpus di poco più di settanta composizioni finite, la cui ricezione fu inizialmente lenta e controversa, per conoscere un crescente entusiasmo dopo le esperienze di poeti come Pound ed Eliot. La voce di Hopkins, tuttavia, non è interamente…
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Raora Panthera by Maruccy
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teenagedirtstache · 4 months
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megiddo-ichi · 6 months
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Spring Time with Chief Bathead
Gift from @mikonopants, commission by Maruccy on twitter.
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scolbert22 · 2 years
Slobby bear being controlled
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Watch Fob Slob
Alek had meant well enough when it all started.
There was a sidewalk sale going on in the antique store below his apartment, and he was always looking for a new piece of furniture to brighten up his sad little studio, so he popped down. He had only just gotten to the bottom of the outdoor staircase connecting his door to the pavement below when he saw it glinting in a cardboard box marked "FREE". He reached into the box, curious.
When he withdrew his hand he saw he was holding a tiny medallion with a miniature painting of a lapdog on it. On the back, there was an inscription in a sturdy, archaic font:
"That's a very unique piece," said a voice behind him.
Alek turned around to see Mrs. Lexington, the fiery little woman who ran the antique store.
"It is very beautiful, I love the little portrait!" Mrs. Lexington smiled, but there was a glint in her eyes he didn't recognize.
"Something tiny like that in a big old place like this is something special, only reveals itself to the person who ought to own it!"
"Do you know what it's purpose was?"
"It's a watch fob, kiddo! you attach it to a watch chain. And one like that is very unique indeed, the dog represents loyalty and obedience."
"Well, I don't own a watch with a chain, but..." Alek reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He plucked off a phone charm, some anime character his nephew had given him, and with some effort he attached the fob. "There!" He exclaimed cheerfully.
"You be careful with that, it's more responsibility than you know..." Mrs. Lexington said, her face deadly serious.
"Of course, Mrs. L. I would never lose something I got from your shop, how would I live it down?" Alek laughed. "Oh shoot, you know I forgot my wallet! Let me run back upstairs and I'll be right back down. You know I've had my eyes on that chaise lounge!" He was marching back up the wood stairs when he felt a sudden softness below his left foot and then a terrible snapping sound as his leg plunged through the rotten plank.
"AAAAHHH" Alek cried as he stumbled. Thankfully he was only on the third step, and pulled out his leg with a bit of effort. "This stupid staircase should have been repaired years ago, I could have been hurt!" he fumed. He took a photo with his phone and headed toward his landlord's house, a block away.
Tony Marucci was sitting back in his easy chair watching March Madness when he heard the aggressive pounding on his door. He got up and waddled over to the door, pulling his basketball shorts up over the three inches of exposed, fur-lined ass crack. The giant man had been a college athlete himself once, 10 years ago. However, the multiple properties he inherited from his dad coupled with his natural laziness had slowly but surely the Italian Stallion into a lumbering bear. He opened the door and looked down at the angry little otter who lived in his property stood there with fire in his eyes.
"What can I do you for, Alex?" Tony asked easily leaning against the doorway on one arm. He flashed a hairy, unwashed pit and his wifebeater rode up. He scratched his fuzzy midriff and watched the poor little guy's resolve falter. Tony wasn't queer or nothin', but he always loved attention, especially if he could use it to shut up whiny tenants.
The yappy little dude ran a hand down his bearded face quickly and his anger had returned. "I just stepped through one of the rotten planks on my staircase, which I told you needed to be replaced! You need to get someone to fix those immediately or-"
"Listen Adam," The giant man bowled over the irritating little tirade. "All complaints must be put in writing and submitted via email, we've talked about this."
"I did that! Two months ago! And you ignored me! Now I have come in person to tell you if you don't get someone on it immediately I will withhold my rent, which I think you will find is within my rights in this city!" Tony didn't know if he wanted to punch the little dork or give him a noogie like he was an annoying little brother. He took in a deep breath and sighed.
"Do you have photographic evidence of the damage?"
The little dweeb practically jumped out of his skin getting his phone. "Yes indeed I do, I'd like you to take a look at these! I could have been killed! And Mrs. Lexington is my witness, these stairs need to..."
The yapping continued incessantly as tony looked down at the photo of the hole in the step. He rolled his eyes at the minor damage when something glinted just outside of his vision. What is that? He thought absently, his eyes following the dangling charm on his tenant's phone. So prettyyyy.... The charm twirled around and a word flashed across his eyes and burned deep into his brain:
The slob's scruffy jaw went slack, falling open. A string of drool slowly spooled as the little man in front of him continued to emphatically prattle in his direction.
"I bet I could get some of your other tenants together and start a strike, I'm sure you treat them just as neglectfully as you treat me, is that what you want Mr. Maru- ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME MISTER MARUCCI?" Alek was red in the face from his one-sided argument. when he finally looked at up at the landlord, the man was staring at nothing with his face and arms slack.
"listeninggggg" groaned the entranced bear.
"Wha- what are you doing?" Alek said, suddenly worried the handsome slob was having a stroke.
"Obeeedieeent" he crooned in reply, giggling dumbly.
Alek was confused for a second, and then remembered the word on the watch fob. "Are you...no, that's insane..." He regarded his landlord suspiciously. "Stand up straight."
The entranced goon in front of him immediately complied, his arms at his sides and his feet together. His jaw snapped shut, and he looked like a chubby toy soldier. Alek didn't know how to react, and he laughed frantically. He ushered his unwitting victim into his own house. I wonder what I can get away with, he thought to himself.
"Take off your shirt" He commanded imperiously. The bear complied, peeling off his sweaty wifebeater and revealing his hair peppered belly, chest, shoulders, and back. Alek reached out gingerly. He was scared of breaking the spell, but as he felt the warm, pliant flesh of his landlord's belly, the man simply leaned into his touch and hummed a single, needy note in the back of his throat.
"Do fifteen jumping jacks." The man instantly followed instructions, bouncing in time in a way that waws nearly hypnotic to Alek. His silky basketball shorts slowly migrated down his hips as he jumped, revealing that he was going commando, and that he had never heard of manscaping. Finally, with most of his pubes and half his ass hanging out, he stopped and stood up straight. "Behave normally."
Tony seemed to snap out of it with a snort, but he was still clearly fully absorbed by Alek. "Hey Alek! Don't worry about that staircase, I'll someone out there as soon as possible, I promise."
"In the meantime, I can stay here with you." Alek suggested.
"In the meantime, you can stay here with me!" Tony smiled, as if he'd come up with it.
"It could take a month for someone to get out there so I'll make myself at home." Alek smirked
"It could take a month for someone to get out there so please make yourself at home." Tony parroted hanging off his tenant's every word so much that they felt more like his true thoughts than his actual internal monologue.
"I can take your bed obviously, rent-free, and I can use your body however I see fit. You'll love whatever I do to you."
"You can take my bed obviously, rent-free, and you can use my body however you see fit. I'll love whatever you do to me" The mindfucked landlord grinned stupidly back.
"I'm so glad to hear it, Mr. Marucci, or should I say Tony" Alek grinned. Now why don't you show me to the bedroom, and you can show me just how sorry you are for breaching our contract?" In a flash, the giant bear was leading his new owner to his bed to start the beginning of his new life.
A life of Obedience
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