#marvel Trinity
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v1rtualv4mp · 3 months
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wixenburr · 5 months
Clark gets hit with a love spell and is cursed to be loved by everyone (more than usual). Except you can't effect what's already there. ...Oh, and love spells don't affect kids.
or, Billy Batson's Unwilling Observation of his Adult™️ Coworkers Love Lives
Bruce and Diana do not change at all, and they notice this of each other. You know who else isn't affected though? That's right. Billy Captain Marvel Batson himself.
See, Bruce and Diana are pretty smart, so they realize that the only reason they both aren't reacting is because they are both in love with Clark, obviously.... which means their coworker Captain Marvel must be in love with him too.
Bruce: I've gathered you all here today because I've noticed that all three of us are acting normal around Superman. Diana: It appears so. Billy: ?!?!?! Are we supposed to be acting weird? Diana: we will fight to the death for superman's affection Bruce: agreed Billy: WHAT IS GOING ON?! Diana: ???? He was hit with a love spell. Specifically, a spell that makes everyone else love him. Billy: HE WAS?!?!?!?! Diana: Bruce: [Bruce & Diana, exchanging looks] Bruce: You wouldn't happen to be... immune to some spells, would you? Billy, taking the out: YES. YES I AM. Diana: Oh Bruce: Oh Billy, vibrating with secondhand embarrassment: I'm. I'm just gonna leave. Diana: ...ok Bruce: (internally screaming)
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kamydrawstuffs · 6 months
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(Comic) Deadpool- "Divorce...?" When you've been a long-time Deadpool fan and just ships him with happiness at this point.
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
If you were to tell Billy that Batman is the world’s greatest detective, he would laugh at you. Honest to gods laugh in your face and call you stupid.
Then he’d tell you that the world’s greatest detective is obviously the Question. He won’t tell you why.
The Question is practically his son. He learns about what the Council of Eternity did to the Trinity of sin and is like: cool, but it’s been hundreds of years, so I’m gonna call for time. He likes to think that because the council(including Shazam) turned the Trinity into what they are, he is, somehow, in line to be their dad. Do not ask why he feels parental feelings for these grown adults. He will not have a good answer.
Does the Question know about this? Hell yes. He’s the Question. He and Phantom Stranger make sure to treat Marvel normally around others, and act like old friends when alone. Pandora, meanwhile, has no qualms with going up to Marvel and giving him a big hug when he’s surrounded by the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman.
Naturally, Billy is biased towards his 3 overgrown, mature, but still childish children.
“Question solved this one crime without ANY MONEY *wink wink batman*.”
“Stranger just sent another lord of chaos to hell! I’m so proud!”
“Pandora trapped all those monsters back inside her box—Yeah, I know she opened it in the first place— I’m so proud of her!”
The JL is confused. Bonus points if they know his identity and are worried as to why their tween-teen coworker is treating these people like his children.
Mary and Freddy are determined to be the best aunt and uncle. Nothing is stopping them.
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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The stories about the filming of Blade 3 are so crazy. More interesting than the film itself.
There really does need a Disaster Artist type movie about it.
Ryan Reynolds might be game enough to play himself.
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juhbebbie · 4 months
Little blue catholic priests you've done so much for me
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psychicpinenut · 8 months
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my favorite marvel shows + quotes
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An easy way to explain RDJ being Doctor Doom is if it’s established that some variants are actually doppelgängers of established characters. Like as part of the chaos of the multiverse, some people end up looking like a completely different character in another universe. To retroactively justify this:
1) MCU Kate Bishop’s doppelgänger is Gwen Stacy from Spider-Verse
2) Apocalypse’s doppelgänger is Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley
3) Deadpool’s doppelgänger is Hannibal King from Blade Trinity
With this explanation, we also justify why certain characters are played by different actors (ex: the 3 Spider-Mans).
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charmedslayer · 11 months
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BLADE: TRINITY (2004) dir. David S. Goyer
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buckyscap · 1 month
marvel's obsession with naming military men 'james' (but then not calling them james) and later associating them with metal needs to be studied
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oddrustyy · 5 months
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v1rtualv4mp · 2 months
I still find it so cute that in the original Blade 2 script, Scud only did all that shit because he was jealous of Blade paying more attention to Whistler than him
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lanasgirlfr · 2 months
i love this old man sm you guys don't understand
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devilfic · 4 months
Prob, wayyyy too damn specific but I saw posts of Matt and I just rewatched The Batman (2022) and like I had this prompt of:
Reader is pushed away by Matt and decides to not fall with more vigilantes but runs in with Bruce and marries him? Maybe and it becomes some love triangle plot or idk
Idk what you could do with this, pls feel free to ignore it or modify. It’s just a weird ass crossovers of my two husbands.
at first I meant to humor you a bit with my thoughts on bruce and matt as very similar lovers but then it just turned into a throuple. walk with me:
it’s funny because matt and bruce have very similar self-destructive behaviors when it comes to relationships, but I think bruce is a bit more indulgent (whether he’d admit to that or not is another story entirely).
where matt is clearly insecure about if he can protect you—certainly he will fight until his last dying breath to do so but would rather you never be in danger to begin with—bruce is (and I'm especially thinking of an older, more experienced bruce), I think, unwilling to let you know that he’s just as insecure. mainly because failure cannot be an option. bruce also has much more at his disposal to protect you (cough cough money cough) and has backup plans for days. at this point in time, bruce would be more willing to let others in and have a healthier (?) way of maintaining relationships.
matt is, to the best of his ability, an ordinary man who strikes suddenly, sometimes recklessly, and thinks better within the throes of action. matt strikes me as someone who carries too many burdens to ever think a relationship with a civillian would work. he is a martyr like bruce, but I think where matt is in daredevil and where bruce is in my mind (years later, a little less cynical) are different enough to make them stand out.
that being said, I think matt would be hella suspicious of bruce because let’s be honest…. everything about him is a red flag LMAO. I can imagine matt playing mind games with bruce if they ever met, perhaps matt is representing a client who is suing wayne enterprises and oh, look, there’s you and bruce all cuddled up in the courtroom. matt listens for bruce’s heartbeat whenever he asks a particularly pointed question about his life but bruce has trained his heartbeat to be steady, his reactions natural. he gets one past matt.
and you think this man has some NERVE interrogating your new boyfriend when he’s the one who put you out. you almost let him have a piece of your mind but think better of it.
matt wonders if you like being bruce wayne’s. are you even able to still be you? the you that he truly knows?
needless to say, if they cross each other in cowls, matt will know it’s him instantly. I think it would sting matt to know that not only had you moved on to a man of much higher class, you’d also moved onto another nocturnal vigilante. one who, apparently, had no hangups about having you.
bruce also isn’t stupid. he’d done his research into the masked vigilante running around the neighboring borough of hell’s kitchen. it wasn’t apparent to him when he’d first met matt, but a little stalking research down the line and he’d put it together. they don’t reveal this to each other at first.
but later that night, bruce is holding you and wondering… is that your type? if it was by the simple hilarity of the universe that you ended up falling for him, right after leaving a man not too different from himself.
anon, I have a feeling that when you said love triangle, you really meant a love v as in bruce likes reader, matt likes reader, and reader likes both. but if I may talk my shit, I think these two might have a lot to like about each other. two vigilantes who operate by night and shadow, who have similar dedications to justice (matt’s being the idea of righteous and fair law, bruce’s being protecting the weak and innocent and rehabilitating or stopping the corrupt), two men leading double lives, two men as equally charming, and two men in love with you. bruce and matt find it hard not to see what you like in the other.
bruce befriends him. it’s kind of an accident the way he finds a kindred spirit in him, and at first it’s purely to keep an eye on this guy, perhaps to put together a contingency plan just in case. he starts sending nelson, murdock, and page cases in gotham that could use their legal advice, sending business partners and citizens alike to their door for referrals. matt isn’t sure what to do when they start getting a wave of new clients, all suspiciously right up their alley, but foggy and karen don’t mind the extra cash flow and matt struggles to find a way to not be okay with helping those in need.
matt returns the favor and starts training bruce on how to hone his other senses in combat. the two of them will spar for hours, only stopping if alfred were to come yank them apart or, god forbid, you come home early to find your boyfriend pinning your ex to the mat.
and you’re both horrified and fascinated to find that they get along really well. but you can’t just let matt back into your life after he’d all but slammed the door in your face. he’d given up on you. now he was weaseling his way back into your life with bruce—a happy life, might I add, although no less stressful—hanging around you like a dark shadow.
bruce isn’t sure how to feel about it either. he knows how much you loved matt, how much you still love matt, and he can tell matt is not over you no matter how much he waxes poetic about the greater good and why you two couldn’t really work out. bruce gets it, worries that maybe he should get it more and cut you loose too before something happens to you. it had always been their worry: that while they were off protecting the city, there’d be no one there to watch over you. and there was no one there to watch over you. once upon a time.
there is no organized discussion about it. bruce is less hung up about it than matt. it does feel odd, imagining him around you and it being… normal. inviting matt over for dinner with your permission, and sharing wine and heavy goodbyes as bruce pays a taxi to see him home safe. he considers the way you squirm at the table, trying to keep it friendly between you and matt but there is that ache in your chest that remembers this man differently. it feels disrespectful and rude to be friends with him now, having him around gotham. eventually bruce asks you as you wind down for the night, his rings clattering onto the dresser tray as you pull back the sheets, “you love him still.” well, he doesn’t ask.
you freeze, halfway into the sheets, unsure if you’d even heard him right, “I’m sorry?”
“matthew,” he casts a glance over his shoulder, “it didn’t really end between you. not on your end.”
“if you’re trying to accuse me of something-“
“I’m not. I can see it on you.” but bruce’s voice isn’t angry or mocking or blaming. it’s… oddly resolute. thoughtful, even. “I like him.”
“I… what are you saying, bruce?”
he crawls under the sheets, nonchalant, but he finds himself just a little (just a little) unsure. “I’m saying that… maybe the reason why he pushed you away isn’t a problem anymore,” he stares ahead, focused on the fireplace that burns low, “if you wanted him still. I wouldn’t mind it. I wouldn’t mind him.”
you almost can’t believe your ears. “and you like him.”
bruce takes a minute to shrug, as if he needed to roll it around in his mind one more time.
“do you… want us to be together? all of us?” you watch the reflection of the fire in his eyes, waiting with bated breath.
he turns his head to you, “if we can get the usher boy to agree.”
you have to have a long, long talk with matt. there’s tears and a little anger and a whole lot of uncertainty as you talk out your tumultuous parting but then, as matt’s guilt starts slipping in and he says he’ll stay out of gotham so that he doesn’t cause you more pain, you blurt it out. matt isn’t sure he’s heard you right. you have to repeat yourself, a bit more eloquently, “I said… do you want to be with me and bruce?”
he doesn’t immediately say yes. in fact, he takes a day or two to himself to think about it. he’s staunchly sure in the beginning that he will turn you down but the words do not form, the hesitance keeps him from calling. when he gets advice from foggy (who is twice as bewildered but all too excited by the prospect) about how to say he’s not interested, he writes it down and it just. doesn’t feel right. he finds himself rearranging the words in his mind to be softer, more… flexible. less “hard and fast no” and more “I just don’t know”. the more he thinks about it the less inclined he is to even SAY the word no. is it because it’d really, finally cut you out of his life? would he only be saying yes to have you again?
bruce would be there too, that’s the key thing. maybe it could start out as just him being with you and bruce being with you at the same time, but maybe that was too weird for him to think about. sharing you with someone else. he wouldn’t want to. but what would the alternative be?
he calls bruce to meet in hell’s kitchen where he feels safer. bruce is calm, not imposing in the least. he lets matt rant it all out and get his feelings in check. when he’s blown off all the steam, bruce just says, “if it comes down to it, there’ll be no hard feelings if it ends.”
“this is crazy.”
“you can say no.”
“yeah. I know.”
some time passes. bruce comes to stand beside matt sitting on the ledge of the rooftop, keeping his heavy gaze fixed on him. “they still love you.”
“I know.”
the two of them say nothing for a while. matt tries to focus on the city, as loud as it always is, but keeps zeroing in on the steady earnest thumping of the man’s heart right next to him. he is being honest with what remains unsaid, what you’d told matt days ago that he still struggled to believe. he tilts his head so, and bruce has known him long enough now to know that he’s thinking hard about what to say next, “I suppose you’ll have to take me on a date first. just so we’re all even.”
“is pinning you to the mat not courting enough for you?”
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
Can I just vent for a minute guys? Like, I REALLY need to get this off my chest. Stay with me, okay? I know this sounds kinda bitchy, I just have to get this out.
I absolutely despise—DESPIZZZZE. DC putting Cap/Shazam related things in other comics and having him be a side/background character. It just…Yall, it GRINDS. My. Gears.
Like—the Trinity of Sin standalone issue. That one. Guys. It literally shows the entire council of wizards. It has the SEVEN. DEADLY. SINS. Say what you want about current canon, but the sins have been one of the only recurring points about Billy, Shazam, and the rock. Hell, half the issue happens in KHANDAQ.
Oh and ALSO, it’s literally Billy and his siblings’ job to capture and contain the sins. Main point of current lore. Smack dab in the movies and the comics and one of the consistencies for the rock that has stayed through TIME.
I get Diana. She’s a daughter of Zeus. But Pandora going to the rest of the JL? Who, yes, are importent heroes to us. But to magic as a whole they are inconsequential. Random people in random outfits with random powers who fight crime. The only person who would have an any sort of responsibility would be Fate, and wouldn’t ya know it, HES 👏 NOT 👏 THERE 👏 EITHER.
Again. It is Billy’s. Job. Why are you going to a RANDOM SUPERHERO TEAM—
And you’re telling me the Shazam kids had no idea the sins were out in the world? None at all?
And then there’s….Yall, why is it Superman who is almost always the one fighting Black Adam. Why? What do you GAIIIIN DC? What goes through your mind that says “hey, Cap and Adam have a longstanding rivalry that dates back pre dc. That has a millennia long reason for existing. Both have gone through trials with and against each other. Both are ultimate enemies/friends/frenemies. Both understand each other in some way.
So you know what WERE gonna do? You know what great idea we have? LETS. HAVE ADAM FIGHT THE RANDOM ALIEN HE HAD NO IDEA EXISTED UNTIL NOW AND JUST PUSH CAP ASIDE. Because, it really would look sooooo weird if Superman didn’t win the big, final battle, wouldn’t it? It would totally make more sense than, you know, two mythical beings empowered with godly power duking it out on a truly equal level. Two people, who have suffered similar heartache.”
At this point, let’s disregard all the champion duties Billy canonically has, because that is what DC just loves to do. You wanna take away that? Let’s take away the champion title! Let’s do it! Let’s ERASE CAPTAIN MARVEL FROM EXISTENCE LIKE DC JUST LOVES TO DO—
Sorry. Didn’t mean to get so heated. My bad. I’m gonna go and uh, read all the issues with scraps of Cap/Shazam content like the bottom feeder I am.
This is the reality of a Captain Marvel fan. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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