#marvel ennead
widderwise · 10 months
BuffyTVS/Marvel Fic Idea
Timeline: the Buffy show happens in the late 90’s/early aughts (?) and ends before the (Marvel) Invasion of New York happens and makes ‘superheroes’ and ‘gods’ more commonplace. I headcannon that SHIELD is very okay with the old Watchers Council way of handling (controlling/abusing/neglecting slayers) and are happy to leave them be. I imagine they’re less cool with Buffy and co taking over to run it after the old Council is blown is killed by minions of the First. Thankfully, they’ll be too buys with Stark and co by then. Timelines can be adjusted to make things work.
So remember when Willow, Xander, Anya, and Tara brought Buffy back to life by calling on Osiris (see Urn of Osiris)? Well, in my prompt Osiris (a cannon character in Marvel) exacts a price for the ritual to work. A few weeks after Buffy is successfully resurrected, they discover that Willow is pregnant and when the baby is born it has a symbol of Osiris on it somewhere. Could be an unknown father (demi-god?) or a mix of DNA from the four of them. A mix could have Xander’s magic unluck or a connection to the hyena, a touch of Anya’s past demon life, Willow and Tara’s magic.
The baby can be raised with the scoobies or not. Maybe sent away when Sunnydale evacuates for the last battle. Both Tara and Anya die by the end of the series, so maybe joint custody between Willow and Xander. Despite the mark the kids is as normal as a kid raised by witches, slayers, and watchers can be.
In the Moonknight series Arthur Harrow (former avatar of Khonshu and current devotee of Ammit) fights the Ennead (Egyptian gods that watch humanity and live in the Overvoid/Celestial Heliopolis), which is led by Osiris’ avatar, a man name Selim. Selim dies in the last fight to contain Ammit.
And when Selim dies… the child of the scoobies with the Osiris mark is empowered as Osiris’ avatar. Will the scoobies be accepting of that? Will they think their kid is evil/possessed?
Moonknight gets to meet the new avatar or Osiris, a slayer/witch/watcher raised possibly demigod. That surely can’t go badly.
I'll probably write at least a few scenes of this, but it would be OC heavy.
Demigod OC making friends in New Asguard? How do the Ennead and Asgardians get along? Does anyone know? Drop me a line! I'd love to read Moonknight comics but all I have atm is google and the mini-series.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 263
Once More, we return to Tiamat prompts. 
It was a wonderful idea, really! If one of them couldn’t break the barrier, then surely their combined might would do it! And it had! It had worked, even if their remaining humanity was sacrificed. They’d done it, they’d made it where everyone could escape, could leave!
… Except for them. Someone had to close the portal. And it all would have been fine, if not for the remnants of the GIW. One last hail mary from the imbeciles, they all supposed. Trapping them here within the Zone. 
Separated from their families, from the pair of children they had agreed to raise. At least their siblings would watch over Ellie and Jordan. Kyle could hide them, make sure they were safe. Jazz… Jazz was gone, the final straw in this plan. 
They screamed, they raged, they destroyed in grief for those that didn’t make it, and for those who had but had nowhere to go. No portals opened, even as they tore at the green around them. They fought, any that thought they were weak, that they were merely a beast, an abomination trapped in chains of science and gold. 
There was nothing that could be done, Frostbite had said, sympathy in his voice. No way to turn back the clock with how entwined they had become, Clockwork had explained. The only thing they could do was wait, Pandora had tried to sooth, despite it doing nothing. 
They wrenched open the coffin in a hazy fury, tearing apart armies like it was blades of grass. Their maws devoured dead who had lost themselves and become mere husks and thralls, lashing tails ripping through armour like it was nothing. 
And then as titans, they clashed with the one who had once stolen the city here. There was no desperation from them this time, no armor besides scales unbreakable as flames and storms and ice and thorns ripped islands apart. There was no desperation besides that of their opponent’s. 
There was a pleasure in their victory, before it was wrenched away. What use was a crown when their family wasn’t there? When their daughter, their son, their children were not there by their side? 
Paulina laughed, hysterical as ectoplasm dripped from her maw as Kwan howled. Their body was covered in it, their rampage that had no use, no reason leaving a trail of destruction behind them. Is this what they wanted? 
Danny raised his head from the dissolving corpses to look towards the obliterated roof of the Keep, once so terrifying now turning to dust like the crown. The crown reforming above their heads, heavy and almost choking. 
They would carry this weight together. Would restructure things, would do what they had wanted to do for Amity before the Barriers. They’d work together to rebuild the Realms, make it safer, make it safe for those newly dead. 
No matter how long it took, no matter how hard it would be to fix the destruction they had wrought in this meaningless battle. (“Danny, you’re the spokesperson,” Sam spoke up, thorn-like scales ruffling. “You’re most familiar with the realms thanks to the Infinimap.” Fair. “We’ll need allies, we’re only nine people.”)
(“Let me talk to the egyptian afterlife,” Tucker sounded exhausted, hood folding back. “I’m most familiar with them… Star, Paulina, you’re both Princess Dora’s favorites-”)
(“We can do it. Just give us time.” “Maybe a to-do list.” “Clockwork. We need to talk to Clockwork, he’d be most familiar with this.” “Rest first, nerds. We’re all… exhausted.”)
(Valerie laughed tiredly, blades melting to heal a broken horn. “Time isn’t linear here Dash. You know that. I know that. For once we’re the ones with time to spare.” It would take years to get things up to snuff. Make things Safe for when they could bring their families here.)
Their eyes opened as the now flimsy chains shattered, a smile stretching across the shared face of their humanoid form. Soon. They could return to the mortal realm soon. Just a little more, and they could see their little ones.  They'd waited a thousand years, they could wait a few days more.
(also have sketch)
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@fairy-lights-and-blobs @radiance1 You both seem to enjoy my Tiamat prompts/Aus lol
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the-haunted-star · 9 months
Moon Knight Musings
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From the artbook: some cool concept designs for The Ennead council of Gods in their true forms. In the final production the Ennead do not appear in their true forms and are instead represented by their human avatars when they gather for an audience with Khonshu inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.
This is something I wish would have made it into the final show. Even upon first viewing I felt a bit of a letdown that the Gods simply appeared as their human avatars. I think the scene would have had a much bigger impact seeing all the God characters in their truly unique and exotic forms.
The book doesn't specify a reason as to why this concept was dropped. Considering that they already had Khonshu, Tawaret and Ammit appearing as completely CG or CG enhanced characters, It wouldn't surprise me if The Ennead had to be scrapped for budgetary reasons as some or all of these characters likely would have added to the CG character workload. Just my speculation. Statues of The Ennead's true forms do however adorn the council chamber in the finished scene.
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griffinfeathers · 2 months
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Please D23 give us what we all really want: Moon Knight news
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The First MoonKnight
Summary: We're familiar with Khonshu's well-known Avatars, such as Marc Spector and Arthur Harrow, but have you ever wondered why there are so many? While other gods typically have just one Avatar from the beginning or none at all, what happened to Khonshu's first Moon Knight? Who was that enigmatic figure?" Word count: 1.4K Chapter 1 A/N: English is not my first language and I really hope y'all like this because it is my first fanfic :) Also, this one is a bit shorter...
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Marwa's P.O.V.
Chapter 2
 As I watched the woman and child vanish into the safety of the village, a wave of relief washed over me, fleeting but welcome amidst the chaos that had just unfolded. Yet, as the adrenaline began to ebb away, I couldn't ignore the searing pain emanating from the wound in my side—a stark reminder of the danger I had faced.
Clutching the fabric of my robes, I felt the warmth of my own blood seeping through the pristine white linen, staining it crimson. Each heartbeat sent a jolt of agony coursing through me, but I refused to submit to the pain.
Turning my gaze back to the temple, I took a hesitant step forward, the world spinning around me as dizziness threatened to overwhelm my senses. But I steadied myself, drawing upon the inner reserves of strength that lay deep within my being. With each step, I made my way back to the temple.
Like early today, even before the midnight ceremony started, I could sense a pair of piercing eyes burning holes through me but whenever I tried to find the source of it I found nothing. There was no one in the temple with me nor anywhere around it.
And now there they are again. I can feel the heavy gaze on me as I walk -or at least try to walk- back into the temple. This time I don’t bother to look behind me since I know that most likely there would be no one.
As I reached the temple steps, the pain in my side intensified with every movement. But I gritted my teeth and continued.
With a final surge of determination, I pushed open the heavy wooden doors, their creaking protest echoing through the silent chamber. The interior was bathed in a light glow, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows upon the stone walls. This place always helped me relax even as a little girl but not this time.
The temple seemed eerily empty, yet I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Summoning every ounce of strength I possessed, I dragged myself across the threshold and into the sanctuary of the temple. Collapsing onto the cold stone floor, I took in some deep breaths trying to calm my nerves and pain.
A small whine of pain left my throat as I shifted my position on the cold floor in order to be on my knees. I slowly lifted my eyes toward the vaulted ceiling, feeling the weight of the moment pressing down upon me.
"Oh, Khonshu, guardian of the moon, I offer my humble gratitude unto thee," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the solemn stillness of the temple. "For it is by thy divine grace that I stand here today, battered and broken yet still alive."
"Thank you for granting upon me the strength to fend off the thief who sought to plunder that which was not his own," I continued, my words infused with reverence and awe. "Thank you for lending me the courage to face adversity head-on, to stand firm in the face of danger and uncertainty."
"As I lie here, wounded and weary, I beseech thee, oh Khonshu, to grant me the resilience to endure the trials that lie ahead," I prayed, my heart heavy. "Watch over me, oh mighty god, and guide my steps along the path of your righteousness."
"With every breath I take, with every beat of my heart, I pledge my devotion to thee, oh Khonshu." I vowed, my words, a solemn oath to honor the divine entity that I had devoted myself to.
I remained still, nestled against the chill of the marble floor, savoring the solemn hush that enveloped this sacred space. Each breath I drew caused a sharp ache to radiate from the wound in my side, a reminder of the violence that had unfolded. I briefly shut my eyes, seeking the strength to get up. I had to go back to the village, to check on that woman and that child, to take care of my wound…
Gods, I wish you could help me…
I gritted my teeth and slowly stood back up making my way back to the village across the oasis.
All the familiar faces that I was seeing every night and day in the temple during ceremonies, the faces that were living peacefully in this forgotten place, were all looking at me as I walked towards the physician’s house.
I could hear the small gasps as people noticed the blood on the side of my ceremonial robes. Some of them tried to help me get to my destination but I motioned them to step back.
I knew I needed help and those people were genuinely worried about me so they offered assistance and had no ill thoughts behind it. But I could not accept it. I am their priestess, the one that was supposed to be strong and guide them through their difficulties, I cannot be weak. I need to keep my head up and show no weakness.
As I was approaching our physician's Akil's house I felt a soft tug on my clothing. I turned to see the source of it and I saw a young girl, Heba.
Oh my, I thought the kids would have been asleep by now.
“Are you feeling well, my priestess?” The girl asked politely but with worry and concern in her eyes as her eyes were glancing from mine to the blood on the fabric.
I managed to smile softly at her.
“Yes, my sweet child. It is nothing that you should worry about.” I spoke slowly in an attempt to keep my voice steady. I placed my clean hand on her head reassuringly as I offered her another smile.
Her worry lessened at my words and I was somewhat relieved, the last thing I wanted was to scare the children. As I looked at her eyes again I could see that something more was troubling her.
“Will you be healed till the morning? For the morning offering?” She asked me as the minor anxiety was still visible in her slightly frowned brows.
I wish I was, my child…. I wish I was...
“Of course I will, my dear Heba. The offering will be done as always. There is no reason to keep you little mind troubled. Now, go to your mother and get ready to sleep, it’s late.” I spoke softly and as steadily as I could with my side still throbbing from the pain.
She nodded at my words and gave me a small sympathetic smile as she walked away back to her home.
The rest of the people had witnessed the whole conversation and I could see the doubt they had about my words in their eyes. They knew that it would not be healed till the morning, that it would be best for me to not do the ceremony. Gods, I knew that too. But also I knew that there was no one else to take my place and seeing the distress in Heba’s eyes about not doing the offering and probably enraging the gods. I can’t let that happen. I cannot let down the people nor the divine entities from above.
I am responsible for ensuring the earth and heavens remain as the gods created them.
I cannot let anyone down.
I have no room for weakness nor mistakes.
I took a deep breath in and continued my way to find Akil. Once I reached his door and knocked he opened after some moments. Upon seeing me he smiled, oblivious of everything that had happened. But when he saw the signs of pain painted in my features his smile dropped and as his mouth opened to say something his eyes landed on the crimson color that my white robes were stained.
Without saying a single word he rushed me in and closed the door behind him. He also considered covering the windows so no one could see me like this before turning to face me.
“What happened?” He asked as he started to prepare every needed to treat my wound.
Tag List: @alittlechaotics-blog
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Marc explaining to the Ennead that Harrow is trying to commit genocide (colorized)
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little-cereal-draws · 2 years
y'know what would be interesting in moon knight season two (bc it will happen!!!)? If the system met Hathor and Sekhmet.
There's an Egyptian myth were Hathor (goddess of love, beauty, mothers) turned into Sekhmet (goddess of war, violence, plagues) and slaughtered thousands of humans. Ra had to trick her into drinking 7,000 jugs of beer until she was drunk enough to become peaceful Hathor again. These are two separate goddesses but have been referred to as "two sides of the same nature" and especially in modern depictions seemed to be able to take each other's place relatively easily.
Now I'm not saying that this was some ancient depiction of DID or anything else, but I think it would be really interesting for Marc to interact with them, especially if he's still learning about/coming to terms with Jake. Seeing that even gods go through experiences like his and that he's not the only person on Earth like this. Learning that even though Jake might be deadly and violent, it doesn't mean he's a bad person; it's coming from a place of love and protection. Sometimes those two things are inseparable. Maybe get some advice from someone who's been doing this for thousands of years too lol
Idk I just think that they should talk a little bit
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Eye of Horus
In episode 4 of Moon Knight, the tomb containing Ammit’s ushabti is shaped like the Eye of Horus. The Eye of Horus is a protection symbol used widely throughout history, from ancient Egypt to the present day. And the story of its origin, in some versions, is tied to the moon.
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In this myth, Osiris was the king of Egypt, and his brother Set (a god of chaos) wanted the throne. Set killed his brother to usurp him, cut his body into pieces, and scattered them across Egypt.
Later, Horus (a god of war and the sky) sought to avenge his father, Osiris. In the ensuing battles, Horus defeated Set and gained the throne of Egypt, but he lost an eye in the process. Some versions of the story say Set gouged out Horus' eye, and others say Horus removed it himself as a sacrifice to resurrect Osiris as the god of the underworld. Horus' eye was magically restored, either by Hathor (a goddess of love and often depicted as Horus’ consort) or Thoth (a god of wisdom who is also associated with the moon). In certain versions, it's said that Thoth crafted a new eye for Horus out of moonlight.
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aslostaszoro · 2 years
Yk how when khonshu moved the sky/moon the other gods ‘warned’ him to follow the rules?
All I’m thinking abt now is that early on in khonshus life they realised he’s literally the embodiment of chaos and had to make up some rules so he wouldn’t go accidentally blowing up the earth
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actiwitch · 9 months
pop-culture tags to block as a pagan
(not that anything is inherently wrong with these fandoms!!!! this is just to avoid seeing these fandom's content under searches and tags about your gods if you so choose)
#lore olympus / #rachel smyth / #lo / #lo hades / #lo persephone / #lo apollo / #lo artemis / #lo demeter / #hadestown / #hadestown fanart / #hadestown the musical / #the sandman / #the sandman netflix / #dc / #morpheus x reader / #stray gods / #percy jackson / #pjo
#mcu / #marvel / #marvel cinematic universe / #marvel studios / #mcu loki / #loki mcu / #mcu thor / #thor mcu / #loki x reader / #thor x reader / #loki x thor / #thorki / #lokius / #loki series / #tom hiddleston / #god of war / #gow
#ennead manhwa / #seth ennead / #ennead seth / #ennead fanart / #seven seas entertainment
#record of ragnarok / #ror / #snv / #shuumatsu no valkyrie / #yaoi / #bl / #boy love
let me know any additions below! this is certainly not comprehensive.
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deinemuddalutscht · 2 months
Why Marvel spelled it "Khonshu"
First of all, there is not one correct spelling of this name as Egyptian hieroglyphics cannot be directly translated into the alphabet, and the pronunciation and spelling of the name have changed over the millennia.
To understand where this spelling comes from, one must first look at the history of the name: The spelling in the Old and Middle Kingdoms suggests that the name was pronounced something like χansVw. The V stands for a short unknown vowel that could not be recreated because ancient Egyptian script has no vowels. That's why direct transcriptions of hieroglyphics just write the name as "hnsw". The spellings Khonsu, Chensu, Chonsu, Khonsou, Chonsou, Khesnu, and Khensou are all derived from hnsw/χansVw, .
However, "Khonsu" is not the "authenthic" pronunciation of the name, because a) the English Khonsu is pronounced xɛnsu and not χansVw, and b) the original name for Khonsu contains the unknown vowel. It is even quite possible that Egyptians of the Old Kingdom used a different vowel for the name than the ones of the Middle Kingdom. In the Amarna period, the name was pronounced ˈχansə, and around 800 BCA, it was χans. Interestingly, the pronunciation ˈχansə seems to have survived in the Meroitic language in words like uṣiḫaanša. From χans, the spellings Chons, Khens, Khons, Hons, etc., are derived. In Coptic, χans became Ϣⲟⲛⲥ, from which the spellings Shons and Schons are derived. Additionally, there is a Hellenized version of the name: Chespisichis/Khespisíkhis, from which, for example, the Portuguese name for Khonsu, Quespisiquis, is derived. The Greek version did not become the dominant form however, unlike for other gods such as Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, Horus and Anubis (Ausar, Aset, Sutekh Nebet-het, Heru and Anpu are the actual Egyptian versions of their names)
For reasons that will be important later, I first need to explain Khonsus role in the Theban pantheon. Every ancient Egyptian city had its own hierarchy and local versions of gods and myths. Different attributes and tasks were assigned to different gods in different citys. Amun, Khonsu, and Mut were the patron gods of Thebes, though they were relatively unknown until Thebes became the capital city of Egypt. This led to the cults of these gods becoming extremely popular. It is hard to comprehend just how incredibly powerful the priesthood of Amun was.: the priests of Amun were rulers in their own rights during the 21st Dynasty, and in the Greco-Roman period people used the Temple of Khonsu in Karnak to make temple oaths that governed civil matters like debts, compensations, inheritance, and divorce. Thus, the priesthoods in Karnak held significant power within Ancient Egyptian society.
I believe Marvel had difficulty understanding that Egyptian mythology did not have THE ONE pantheon that stood above the rest of the gods, like the 12 Olympians or the gods of Asgard. The Ennead of Heliopolis, was very important in the city of Heliopolis as it had two primary functions: 1) It served as a divine council for resolving disputes among the gods, and 2) as a generation of creation gods. Cosmogonies (creation myths) were different in every city, with each city placing its local gods at the top of the creation chain. In Thebes, the Ennead also existed, but it played a significantly smaller role in the Theban pantheon since they were not considered to be the gods who actually created the world. Additionally, it partially consisted of different gods than the "classic" Ennead. Thus, the Theban Ennead primarily served as the court and council of the god-king Amun-Ra. While Osiris and Horus were still considered to be quite important compared to the rest of the Ennead, they were very much merged with the Theban versions of Amun and Khonsu. Tasks that were typically attributed to Isis in other cities, for example, were assigned to "Hathor chief of Thebes" (a local Theban version of Hathor, not to be confused with "Hathor within the Benenet": another local Theban version of Hathor who was revered as the consort of Khonsu-Neferhotep).
There are several Theban cosmogonies, but they generally follow this pattern: At the beginning, there was a creator god who was a form of Amun. This creator god had a son(s) who were sometimes deities like Khonsu and Tatennen, but also could be other aspects of Amun (for example, in some inscriptions, the creator god Amun Kematef creates his "son" Amun Irita, but Amun Irita is just another version of Amun. This differentiation is sometimes made in Theban inscriptions to distinguish Amun as the dead creator god from Amun the king of the gods and Amun as part of the Ogdoad). The creator god then creates the eight gods of the Ogdoad with this son. The ogdoad is a group of four male-female twin pairs that in other cities is the very first generation of gods. The Ogdoad then together creates some form of the sun god, who then creates the Ennead.
The new Kingdom period made Khonsu into A creator god and sometimes even THE creator god The depiction of Khonsu as THE creator god is much rarer and is due to a fusion with Amun-Ra. He was known as “Khonsu, the great one, who comes forth from the primordial water” (as seen on the statue of Harwa from the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty in the Egyptian Museum, the magical healing statue of Hor in the Turin Museum from the Thirtieth Dynasty, the healing statue of a priest of the goddess Bastet in the Louvre Museum from the Thirtieth Dynasty, the healing statue of Psammetikseneb in the Florence Museum from the Thirtieth Dynasty, and in the inscription of Mentuemhat in the temple of the goddess Mut at Karnak from the end of the Twenty-Fifth Dynasty and the beginning of the Twenty-Sixth Dynasty respectively). In his form as the creator god who emerged from the primordial water, he was sometimes represented as a double hawk-headed man with four wings standing on two crocodiles as a symbol of his triumph over chaos. Alternatively, he was rarely represented as a creator god in the form of a crocodile with the head of a hawk, lying on a pedestal. According to the historian Armour, the two heads of the hawk represent the sun and moon. They also probably symbolize Khonsu as a divine lunar equivalent of the creator sun god. In this form, he combines the sun and the moon in a single creature, thus, he could be conceived as a mythical complex personification of death and rebirth simultaneously.
Khonsu-Re was known since the late New Kingdom, but he lost significance during the Greco-Roman period. We often imagine the triad consisting of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu as a father, mother, and child dynamik, but like everything in Egyptian Mythology, the family tree is more of a cycle: Mut could be the mother, daughter, and wife of Amun(-Ra), Amun was the father of Khonsu, but at the same time, Khonsu was also seen as a form that Amun takes at night or at the beginning of the new day, and Mut was the mother of Khonsu, but she was occasionally also referred to as his daughter. ("Khonsu who arrives as an infant after old age, made by his daughter, fashioned by his J-serpent, through her [Mut], he is greatest of gods and goddesses. That she gave birth to him in Thebes was in the form of an august child, the rn/i-scarab, in his manifestation of Khepri"). The reason for this is that the births of the sun and moon were not understood as one-time events but as events that repeated every day, month, or year (daily birth of the moon symbolizing the rising of the moon, monthly births symbolized the beginning of a new moon cycle, and yearly birth symbolized the beginning of a new year and the start of spring). As the sun and moon, Amun and Khonsu are children who grow old, die, and are then reborn in an ever-renewing cycle.
Khonsu as A creator god is the more commonly attributed role to him in Thebes and is more associated with his role as the son of Amun rather than as a moon and sun god. The khonsu cosmogony makes him into the second god to emerge from the primodial water after Amun-Ra Kematef. Basically Amun ejaculates the into the waters, Khonsu then swallows the seed, becomes pregnant by it and travels to earth to give birth to the Ogdoad on the so called island of flames. In a way all gods can be considered the sons of Amun(-Ra) but Khonsu fills the role of THE son of Amun: the firstborn, the heir, the most important, and the most revered. This position naturally aligns him with Shu, who in the Heliopolitan cosmogony is the firstborn son of Re. In fact, Khonsu adopts many aspects of Shu: like how he is regarded as a wind god and the holder of the sky. Early Egyptologists even thought that Shu and Khonsu were the same deity. I still have an annotated version of Herodotus' work from the 18th century, where the footnotes claim that Shu in Thebes was called "Khonsu Neferhotep." The confusion arose from some Ancient Egyptian inscriptions that used "Shu" as an epithet after the Khonsus name, which literally gives the name Khons-shu or Khonshu (as I have already explained, Khons/Chons was the spelling usally used during the late New Kingdom). But the Shu in Khonshu was not just an epithet but this merged form also had its own cult.
God splitting happens when an epithet becomes so interwoven with a particular epithet that it forms its own subaspect of the "main" deity. Like how "Hathor in Benenet", "Hathor, chief of Thebes" and "Hathor, chief of Dendra" are all aspects of Hathor with the epitheth stating which role they take on in the pantheon. Distinguishing between different forms of the same god can be quite important since there can be significant differences when it comes to their priesthood, temple attributes and their place in the Egyptian family tree. God splitting was very common fo Khonsu in Thebes: "Khonsu-Neferhotep," "Khonsu-pa-ir-sekher," "Khonsu-pa-chered," "Khonsu-wen-nekhu," "Khonsu-Shu," and "Khonsu-Thoth" all had their own small priesthoods in the Karnak Temple Complex. The priesthood of Khonshu did not have its own temple, unlike "Khonsu-pa-chered" or "Khonsu-pa-ir-sekher," but was housed in the main temple of Khonsu in Thebes, the so-called Benenet.
Essentially, all offshoots of Khonsu are differnet aspects for Khonsu-Neferhotep, who had by far the largest and most important priesthood. And Khonsu-Neferhotep is the aspect of Khonsu that gained the most importance. Therefore Khonshu is a part of Khonsu-Neferhotep and Khonsu-Neferhotep is a part of Khonsu. That is why Khonsu during the Old Kingdom was so different from the Khonsu of the New Kingdom period: The theban version of him eclipsed basically all of the bloodthirsty, cannibal versions of him that might have existed in other city during the Middle Kingdom Other Khonsus in other cities. That is essentially why it is so difficult to understand Khonsus's original role in the Old and Milde kingdoms aside from the bloodthirsty underworld deity. It even debatable to which extent the Khonsu in the pyramid texts and coffin texts was a moon god to begin with and when he first became associated with the falcon. It is difficult to say who Khonsu was before became Khonsu-Neferhotep, the patron god of Thebes. Therefore it might be more accurate to say that Khonsu-Neferhotep isn't just a partial aspect of Khonsu, he straight up became THE Khonsu. We do not even know what the cult of Theban Khonsu was like before Ramesses III built the Benenet and Hatshepsut grouped him together with Amun and Mut to triad, because nothing of the Pre-Benenet temple survived, just the knowledge that there existed one.
In any case, Khonshu primarily embodied Khonsu's aspect as a sun and creator god, which is why I have focused so much on these aspects. Therefore, he is referred to in inscriptions in various ways, such as: "He who sails to Western Thebes daily, who leaves offerings for the Great Ba of Kematef, who is there as Amun, in the Underworld chamber with the Bas of the Ogdoad." or "He who enters Manu bearing offerings for the Father of fathers of the Ogdoad, so that his face lights up and his heart rejoices upon seeing him, as the august child when he enters the Eye-of-Re (Thebes)." Or "He who returns pregnant from the Grotto of Nun with the prestige of his father in his body." Basically some priests of Khonsu-Neferhotep thought that the myth in which Khonsu becomes pregnant by drinking his fathers semen, and then fucks the universe into existence with Hathor is a linguistic masterpiece that deserved its own cult.
Presumably, the cult around Khonshu had something to do with ancestor worship, as it describes how Khonshu leaves offerings for Amun Kematef and the Ogdoad. In the Theban tradition, the first creator god and the Ogdoad are often described as being dead gods, which contrasts sharply with the idea that Amun should be the king of the gods. This is why there is a differentiation between Amun Kematef, the dead first creator god, and Amun Irita, the living creator god and king of the gods. Simultaneously, the epithet "Father of the Fathers of the Ogdoad" is used to distinguish Kematef and Irita from Amun of the Ogdoad. Some cosmogonies, like the Khonsu cosmogony, avoid this confusion altogether by simply replacing the last pair of the Ogdoad (Amun and Amunet) with the twin pair Nia and Niat. Technically, there is also a fourth generation of Amun, because the sun god that the Ogdoad collectively conceives (don't ask me how they managed that. The gene pool of the Ancient Egyptian Gods is just a puddle at this point) is often another aspect of Amun, like Amenope.
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blvckentropy · 4 months
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Hey lovies, my name is Bee. Respectfully I don't share my real name unless I'm really cool with you. Close friends do call me by my gamer tag name Mask/Masquerade 🤗 YT: Masquerade
Age: Adult (take that however, don't believe it, that's your problem) | She/her | Introvert | Writer | Black Simmer | Gamer | 18+ (Mature Content)
Minors, Weird faceless/p*rn accounts will be blocked accordingly
OC Page (coming soon) | Pillowfort (18+)🥵
My challenges🏆
| *Double Shots of Love (finished) | Ciara's World Tour (coming soon)
Main Stories📖
Fictional: Pilot/Chp1 (YouTube only) | FilMorgue | Locked Up (stay tune)
Miniseries🎬 (stay tune)
Love & Tattoos | M.D.P.D (My Date W/ The Presidents Daughter) | Rhythm of Souls | Bottom Line | The Muses
Visual Memos🎭
IlLustrations (+18) | Champion
#Recreations (Anime/Shows/Games/Couples) 📺
Blackpink (celebthesims)
J.I.D (celebthesims)
Monster High
Black Butler
Kids Next Door
The Road to El Dorado: Chel |
Ennead *TW*
Webtoon: Julia (Marionette) |
Wednesday Addam
DC Characters: Harley Quinn
Jujutsu Kaisen: Geto Suguru | Gojo Satoru | Shoko Leiri
Attack on Titans: Levi Ackerman
Fire Force: Benimaru Shinmon|
Goofy Movie
Helluva Boss: Loona
Hazbin Hotel: Angel Dust | Husk |
Minnie Mouse
Martian Queen
Silent Hill: Nurse+ Pyrmaid Head
Kim Possible: Monique |
Yarichin B*tch Club: Yuri Ayato |
Bungo Stray Dogs:
Dragon Ball Z: Majin Buu
Teen Titans: Starfire | Blackfire | Bumblebee
Marvel Storm
Cult of the Lamb
Lord Dominator (Wander over Yonder)
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ffeelann · 7 months
🍓 I'm Ann, 18, eng/esp, she/her, love strawberries, currently taking free requests!!!, 2$commissions and ko-fi tips!!
🍓do's: stablished relationship, angst, fluff, pregnant reader. Write as quickly as I can (ily guys thanks for your support), nsfw, suggestive, loUD READERS I LOVE THOSE OH MY
🍓maybe??: violence(a bit), manipulation, mommy/daddy kink, fem/gn/male readers/characters. (I actually do some of these topics very often, like violence or suggestives. The thing is that I don't do that ALWAYS u know)
🍓 don't: non-con, extreme stuff, weird fetish content😭, NOTHING WITHOUT CONSENT THAT'S NOT COOL MAN, pedo, etc.
Hazbin Hotel, COD, Soul Eater, Fullmetal Alchemist, Slashers, DC, Marvel, Sherlock, Lupin III, Twisted Wonderland, Shaman King, tmnt(?) love those guys, Spy x family, one piece, kuroshitsuji, NANA, paradise kiss, snk, Harry Potter, Tokyo revengers, Inazuma eleven bc why not, haikyuu, paswg, moon knight, daredevil, teen titans, stranger things, good omens, the ennead (mojito set me free I don't wanna suffer anymore), kuroshitsuji, masters of sex bc no one knows it APPARENTLY, criminal minds yay, osomatsu san, Hunter x Hunter, detective conan, Magic kaito, tokyo mew mew, sakura card captor, saint tail, resident evil.
If you're in doubt, you can ask anyway!
and way, way more...
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inflatuati0ons · 8 months
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Fandom list (WiP)
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Anything crossed out can't be requested for at the moment but can be requested for in the future.
If you want to request for a character/Fandom that isn't there please ask if it is alright with me first. Not every Fandom I will do.
-> Anime/Manga:
One piece -> Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Usopp, Vivi, Law, Kidd, Killer, Ace, Whitebeard, Roger, Rayleigh, Shanks, Oden, Yamato, Kiku, Izou, Katakuri, Jimbei, Kuzan, Sengoku, Garp, Kizaru, Akainu, Mihawk, Perona, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Corazon, Eneru/Enel, Lucci, Kaku, Hancock, Hawkins, Bartolomeo, Beckman, Cavendish, Pudding, Koby, Smoker, Dragon, Paulie, Fujitora, ...
Bleach -> Ichigo, Rukia, Sado, Orihime, Rangaiku, Kenpachi, Unohana, Yoruichi, Aizen, Urahara, Shunsui, Toshiro, Byakuya, Jugram, Gin, Ishida, Stark, Grimmjow, Shinji, Renji, Ukitake, Isane, Yumichika, ...
Naruto -> Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Obito, Madera, Hasirama, Minato, Kushina, Garaa, Neji, Shikamaru, Guy, Yamato, Tsunade, Itachi, Shisui, Sasori, ...
Demon slayer -> Rengoku, Uzui, Obani, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Tomioka, Genya, Sanemi, Muzan, Kokushibo, Gyomei, Akaza, Douma, Haganezuka, Shinjuro, Hinazuru, Kagaya, Sabito, Makio, Yoriichi, ...
Vagabond -> Musashi, Sasaki, Otsu, Yoshioka, Kohei, Rindo, Gennosuke, ittosai, Honiden, ...
Berserk -> Guts, Griffith, Casca, Serpico, Fernese, ...
Baki -> Baki, Yujirou, Orochi, Katsumi, Hanayama, Retsu, Musashi, Pickle, Alai, Kureha, ...
Attack on titans -> Eren, Mikasa, Armin. Levi, Erwin, Hange, Zeke, Reiner, ...
Jujutsu kaisen -> Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo, Getou, Shoko, Nanami, Sukuna, Choso, Maki, Inumaki, Yuta, Kamo, Naoya, Kashimo, Hiromi, Kong, Toji, ...
Black butler -> Undertaker, Sebastián, Vincent, Charles, Lau, Williams, ...
JoJo's bizarre adventures -> Jonathan, Joseph, Ceaser, Dio, Jotaro, Josuke, Johnny, Gyro, Jolyne, Kira, Rohan, Bruno, Diavolo, Avdol, Fugo, Mista, Trish, Anasui, Giorno, ...
Blue lock -> Oliver, Sae, Chigiri, Nagi, Rin, Michael, ...
Castlevania -> Alucard, Trevor, Sypha, Dracula, Lisa, ...
One punch man -> Saitama. Genos, Garou, Sweet mask, ...
Black clover -> Yuno, Yami, Julius, William, Fuegoleon, Nacht, ...
Mob Psycho 100 -> Reigen, Shigeo, Katsuya, Sho, Ritsu, ...
HunterxHunter -> Chrollo, illumi, Meruem, Feitan, Kite, Shizuku, Machi, Killua, Gon ...
Avatar the last air bender -> Sokka, Zuko, Azula, Hakoda, ...
Death note -> Light, L, Misa, ...
Howl's moving castle -> Howl, ...
Neon Genesis evanglion -> Kaji, Nagise, ...
Vinland saga -> Thorfinn,
Record of Ragnarök -> Thor, Loki, Adam, Eve, Aphrodite, Shiva, Buddha, ...
Veil -> Aleksander, Emma
-> Manhwa/Manhua/Webtoons:
Windbreaker -> Jay, Owen, Vinny, Dom, Joker, ...
Ennead -> Seth, Horus, ...
Solo Leveling -> Jinwoo, Thomas, Il-hwan, Jongin, Baruka, ...
Heeran love song -> Yato, Soru, Ja hyun, ...
Villains are destained to die -> Penelope, Callisto, Winter, Reynold, ...
Trash of the count's family -> Cale, Choi han, Rok soo, ...
Omniscient reader's Veiwpoint -> Dokja, Joonghyuk, ...
Operration true love -> Eunhyeok, Dohwa, ...
Heavens' official blessing ->
Under the oak tree -> Riftain, ...
The beginning after the end -> Arthur, kathyln, ...
19 days -> Jian Yi, Zhan Zheng Xi, He Tian, Mo Guan Shan, She li, He cheng, Brother Qiu, ...
The boxer -> Injae, Manuel, Yuto, Ryu, Yu, J, ...
-> Comics(+ any adaptations):
DC comics -> Batman, Superman, Nightwing, Red hood, Wonder woman, Aquaman, Joker, Deadshot, ...
Marvel comics -> Ironman, Thor, Captain America, Deadpool, Wolverine, ...
-> Games:
Call of duty -> Price, Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Konig, Roach, Nikolai, Alejandro, ...
Arcana -> Asra, Nadia, Julian, Muriel, Portia, Lucio, Valerius, Namar, Nazali, Navra, Nahara, Aisha, Morga, Salim, ...
Five nights at freddy's -> William, Micheal, ...
God of War -> Kratos, Freya, Heimdall, Thor, Týr, ...
Love and Deepspace -> Zayne, Raphael, Xavier, Tara, ...
-> TV Shows/Movies:
The walking dead -> Rick, Daryl, Shane, Glenn, Negan, Maggie, Michonne, Tyreese, Ezekiel, Jesus, Dwight, Gabriel, Rosita, ...
The rookie -> Tim, ...
Grey's anatomy -> Derek, Mark, Christina, Owen, DeLuca, Burke, Denny, Nico, Lincoln, Alex, Arizona, Meredith, George, Izzie, Lexi, Jo, Jackson, April, Amelia, Denny, Bailey, Maggie, Addison, ...
Bridgerton/Queen Charlotte -> (king)George, Charlotte, Daphne, Simon, Eloise, Will, Anthony, ...
Game of thrones -> Jon snow, Daenerys, Jaime, Oberyn, Tryion, Robb, Sansa, Ned, ...
Vikings -> Harald, Bjorn, Ragnar, Lagartha, Ubbe, Athelstan, Ivar, Rollo, Heahmund, Harbard, Hvitserk, Sigurd, Ecbert, ...
Vikings: Valhalla -> Harald, Leif, Freydis, ...
Big mouth -> Leah, Judd, Val, ...
House of dragons -> Aemond, Aegon, Daemon, Rhaenyra, ...
Avatar/ Avatar: The way of the water -> Jake, Neytiri, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Aonung, Tonowari, Tsireya, Miles, ...
It's Okay not to be Okay -> Moon-young, Gang-tae, Sang in, ...
Strangers from hell -> Moonjo, Jong-woo, ...
Hannibal -> Will Graham, Anthony, ...
-> Celebrities:
Snowfall -> Franklin, Andre, Teddy, Leon, Melody, Gustavo, Alejandro, ...
Supernatural -> Dean, Sam, Castiel, ...
Formula 1 -> Max Verstappen, Charles Leclerc, Daniel Riccardo, Lewis Hamilton, Carlos Sainz, ...
If I have watched/read/played it (or know the celeb), I'm writing about it because there is at least one breedable character.
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2D & 3D
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Banana Fish
Ash Lynx
Yue-Lung Lee
Byakuya Kuchiki
Ichigo Kurosaki
Renji Abarai
Ulquiorra Cifer
Uryū Ishida
Bungō Stray Dogs
Chūya Nakahara
Chainsaw Man
Aki Hayakawa
Cobra Kai
Robby Keene
Code Geass
Lelouch vi Britannia
Suzaku Kururugi
Cowboy Bebop
Spike Spiegel
Alllen Walker
Yū Kanda
DC Comics
Albert Rothstein
Barry Allen
Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Dick Grayson
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Detroit: Become Human
Devilman Crybaby
Ryo Asuka
Devil May Cry
Diabolik Lovers
Shū Sakamaki
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
Kirill Vrubel
Dr. Stone
Gen Asagiri
Ukyo Saionji
Dragon Ball
Androide 17
DRAMAtical Murder
Aoba Seragaki
Izaya Orihara
Nate Jacobs
Fairy Tail
Cú Chulainn
Fujimaru Ritsuka
Final Fantasy
Cloud Strife
Haruka Nanase
Ikuya Kirishima
Rin Matsuoka
Fullmetal Alchemist
Edward Elric
Roy Mustang
Game of Thrones/House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Grey's Anatomy
Derek Shepherd
Jackson Avery
Mark Sloan
Atsumu Miya
Shōyō Hinata
Tobio Kageyama
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco Malfoy
Gellert Grindelwald
Harry Potter
Tom Riddle
Heaven Official's Blessing
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
Howl's Moving Castle
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucilfer
Hisoka Morow
Illumi Zoldyck
Killua Zoldyck
Jujutsu Kaisen
Megumi Fushiguro
Satoru Gojō
Yūji Itadori
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Giyū Tomioka
League of Legends
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Billy Russo
Loki Laufeyson
Miles Morales
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Metal Gear Solid
Big Boss
Solid Snake
Venom Snake
Mo Dao Zu Shi
Jiang Cheng
Jin GuangYao
Jin ZiXuan
Lan WangJi
Wei WuXian
Xue Yang
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugō
Shōto Todoroki
Tōya Todoroki
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED/Destiny
Athrun Zala
Shinn Asuka
Boruto Uzumaki
Naruto Uzumaki
Neji Hyūga
Sasuke Uchiha
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Shinji Ikari
Kaworu Nagisa
One Piece
Trafalgar D. Law
Zoro Roronoa
One Punch-Man
Speed-o'-Sound Sonic
Owari no Seraph
Mikaela Hyakuya
Ranma ½
Ranma Saotome
Ryōga Hibiki
Resident Evil
Albert Wesker
Chris Redfield
Jake Muller
Leon S. Kennedy
Rurouni Kenshin
Enishi Yukishiro
Kenshin Himura
Shinomori Aoshi
Sōjirō Seta
Shaman King
Hao Asakura
Shingeki no Kyojin
Eren Jaeger
Levi Ackerman
Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
Kylo Ren
Tenjō Tenge
Shin Natsume
Mitsuomi Takayanagi
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Liu Qingge
Luo Binghe
Shen Qingqiu
The King of Fighters
Kyo Kusanagi
Iori Yagami
Terry Bogard
Rock Howard
The Legend of Zelda
The Lord of the Rings
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia
Tokyo Ghoul
Ken Kaneki
Kuki Urie
Tokyo Revengers
Hajime Kokonoi
Izana Kurokawa
Kakuchou Hitto
Kazutora Hanemiya
Keisuke Baji
Ken Ryūguji
Ryusei Satō
Taijū Shiba
Wolfs Rain
Yū Yū Hakusho
Yōko Kurama
Yūsuke Urameshi
Yuri on Ice
Yuri Plisetsky
Viktor Nikiforov
Faceclaims asiáticos para diversas tramas
Jackson Wang
Kim JongIn
Song Kang
Tae Min Lee
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xenonmoon · 1 year
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Osiris wants to know you location
If I remember well, Osiris and Set's great-grandfather Atum was Amun and Ra's brother. And Khonsu is Amun and Mut's son, so they're technically uhhhhhhh ok I'm not great with family relationship terms but you got it. Also Amun-Mut-Khonsu trio was part of the Theban gods that are separate from the Ennead
But I think in the Marvel version of the pantheon they merged Atum with Amun and Ra? But still have Seth and Osiris as grandsons
whatev, Marvel mythology being Marvel mythology we all know about that
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