#masanori fukushima
lasseling · 22 days
Japan Links Covid Shots to 201 Dangerous Diseases
Researchers in Japan have issued a red alert after making a “shocking” discovery, warning the public that Covid mRNA shots are now “affecting every possible aspect of human pathology.”
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thunderboltage · 2 years
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Well look here, it seems we have 
  a fool,
     a bigger fool,
        and a fool beyond all help
masanori: hey!! ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )
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annicaax · 1 year
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Such a small snippet but I loved it... he and kanbei I love how MC reaches out to everyone who needs help even though it's a lot selfless of her...
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incorrect-joseimuke · 10 months
Saniwa: You are very good with people. Almost as if you could immediately sense their emotions whenever they're in the room.
Fuku: Thank you, it's the trauma.
Saniwa: What?
Fuku: What?
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nothing brings me more happiness than seeing child mitsunari, masanori, and kiyomasa in hideyoshi's sw5 official art
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so small,,, peace and love on planet earth
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wolfofcelestia · 1 year
So I was looking around for info on Fukushima's original master, Fukushima Masanori, and in "The Battle of Sekigahara: The Greatest, Bloodiest, Most Decisive Samurai Battle Ever" by Chris Glenn, there's this interesting line: "Masanori had [before the battle] muttered something about wanting to eat [Ishida] Mitsunari's flesh, 'Mitsunari no niku o tabetai'; the phrase was used with such regularity that it became a slogan Fukushima would often use to express his desire to bring about Mitsunari's demise."
With the caveat that I'm having trouble finding another source for this phrase (and it's likely not meant to be taken literally)...maybe Fukushima would be more accepting of HFL Citadel's secret than expected after all?
Yeah, I poked around a bit on both the eng and jp sides of the internet to find a more reputable source but I've only been able to find a handful of casual jp blogs and one eng facebook post talking about it.
From the fb post: " At a meeting held to determine tactics some weeks earlier, the alcoholic Fukushima had repeatedly mentioned wanting to "Eat the flesh of Mitsunari", eliciting cheers and exciting the other daimyo, and pleasing Ieyasu enough to offer the Fukushima forces the first taste of blood."
If it’s something he said a lot, I figured that it would be easy to find in jp but I didn’t come across anything from a legit source. But I also found it odd that the eng samurai site threw in that line in very textbook japanese because it would sound really weird coming from a drunk warlord lol
Even in the jp blogs, there are small differences in the words they use for the quote, but the meaning is the same. So it makes me lean towards it being a legend and not an actual quote if people can't decide on the exact words he used
Still, it's an interesting story tied to masanori and since toudans take form from legends, it's still fair game in my eyes. Thanks for pointing this out to me!
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aitogi · 2 years
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[戦国無双] ~四国遠征の章~ [Sengoku Musou] ~Shikoku Ensei no Shou~
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chawsl · 1 year
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darkmaga-retard · 16 days
Japanese researchers are warning the public that the Covid mRNA shots are now “affecting every possible aspect of human pathology.”
Leading scientists in the country have raised the alarm after linking Covid mRNA injections to surges in 201 dangerous and deadly diseases.
Exposing The Darkness reports: The findings were laid out in a 93-minute press conference, during which, some of Japan’s leading researchers revealed that Covid “vaccines” have now been linked to thousands of side effects.
During the press briefing, the Vaccine Issues Study Group, a panel of esteemed medical experts, detailed the findings from a “shocking” systematic review of research papers.
The findings followed six months of investigations into the side effects of the Covid mRNA shots that were pushed onto the public to supposedly tackle COVID-19.
Professor Emeritus Masanori Fukushima of Kyoto University warns that the breadth of the harms is “unprecedented” for medical treatments.
“A systematic review of the literature has unveiled some shocking information,” Fukushima told reporters.
“Thousands of papers have reported side effects after vaccination, affecting every possible aspect of human pathology, from ophthalmology to psychiatry,” he said.
“For example, the age-adjusted mortality rate for leukemia has increased.
“And there are significant findings for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and so on.”
Prof. Fukushima said there were so many brain-related adverse events among the Covid-vaxxed that researchers probably hadn’t found all of them yet.
“Mental disorders, psychiatric symptoms, depression, mania, anxiety, came up in abundance, but it’s endless,” he said.
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kyndaris · 5 months
The Price of Peace
Before the war, Hiroshima was a sizable city known for its castle town were on par with Himeji or Osaka Castle. During the war, it became a focal point of military activity with large depots of military supplies. Not too far away was the location for where the Akatsuki Corps, a special cadet system set up by the Army as the war situation grew more severe. These young men were trained daily in preparation for suicide attacks against the Allied Forces.
Everything changed, however, on 6th August 1945 when the United States of America dropped the 'Little Boy' atomic bomb and killed approximately a hundred thousand people in the blast, and upending thousands more in the intervening years.
With this one mighty blow, the death knell of World War II was rung with the Allied Forces anointed the winners.
But what was the price for this victory?
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As the film Oppenheimer opined, perhaps the creation of the atomic bomb had ignited the world into a downward spiral to destruction. Humanity was so beholden with the idea of if they 'could' create such a bomb there was too little consideration on whether we 'should.' War is tribalism at its best, where we paint those like us as the 'good guys' and demonise the opposing side.
We might all be humans struggling to live on this planet we call home but should someone come to disrupt the equilibrium we live in, humans are very quick to lash out and attack those they feel are too 'different.' In societies of old, blame was laid on 'outsiders' for all manners of ills. The witch hunts are one such example.
In any case, the creation of the atomic bomb led to several more weapons of mass destruction being constructed as a means to threaten and deter others despite attempts from the survivors to prevent their proliferation. A macrocosm of a race to have the bigger weapon or to 'protect' one's interest because you see the neighbour across the street has bought a gun.
As an aside, America's gun laws are a mess and if the world ever needs to see what stocking weapons of mass destruction could lead to, look no further than the mass shootings in America that happen almost every day.
It only takes one imbecile (or, in the case of nuclear weapons, a nation of imbeciles) to plunge the world into disrepair.
Anyways, what I wanted to say was that listening to the testimonies and reading the stories of those who lived through the endless days of Hell after the atomic bomb, it became very hard for me to reconcile why anyone would want to keep nuclear weapons on hand. The pain and death it caused. The aftereffects due to radiation. And the shattering effect it had on families as they grappled with their loss.
No dispute, be it over bruised pride or resources, should ever need the use of nuclear weapons for the victory attained would be Pyrrhic at best. Even the Akatsuki Corps members, boys who were trained to give up their lives in service to their nation, could not equate the destruction of HIroshima with 'glorious' war.
This was all laid bare to me at the Atomic Bomb Museum and the Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims.
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Now, I'm not sure how telling it is but while Hiroshima had a large number of peace tourists visiting the cenotaph and the Atomic Bomb museum, there hadn't been as many visitors to Nagasaki. Rather, Nagasaki had more local tourists flocking to the region wishing to try out specialty dishes such as champon noodles and castella.
After appreciating the gravity of the events that shaped modern Japan, including the Atomic Bomb Dome, bleachpanda and I enjoyed a very noodle-heavy okonomiyaki at a nearby restaurant before we headed to Hiroshima Castle.
Hiroshima Castle was established by Mori Terumoto in 1589 at the delta of the Otagawa River. In 1600, following the battle of Sekigahara, Terumoto was forced to retreat and Fukushima Masanori from Kiyosu took control of the castle. However, after restoring the castle following the flood of 1619 without permission from the Tokugawa shogunate, Masanori was dismissed. Asano Nagaakira then became lord of Aki and the Asano family continued to hold this position up until the Meiji restoration.
Inside Hiroshima Castle, we climbed, reading about its history from the exhibits until we managed to reach the top and looked out on the city. After seeing the tragedy of the atomic bomb, it was nice to learn some of Hiroshima's early history as a bustling city and its ties to the Tokugawa Shogunate before its abolition.
Despite the cloudy day, Hiroshima glimmered before us int he afternoon light.
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Our key tourist sites finished, bleachpanda dragged me to Animate - a weeb store filled with gacha capsules on the ground floor with figurines (including Ichiban Kuji prizes), mang, doujinshi and other merchandise from popular anime available for purchase.
While I picked out some tasteful Detective Conan acrylic stands, bleachpanda ended up buying a Demonslayer shirt that cost more than half of my purchase! Truly, she is a fiend who cannot be stopped. And will then turn around the next moment to blame an innocent, such as myself, for her extravagant spending!
As the day drew to a close, bleachpanda and I ended the day at Sensui, a restaurant at the Hilton. The two of us got the Onomichi set (a place I would have liked to visit because Yakuza 6: The Song of Life had its early story beat set here. And it is where we get the mascot Ono Michio! With his charming hassaku face, steamy Onomichi ramen hat, cute fish pouch and cool boots, vital for any fisherman, and his cool and trendy Ono shirt!) and which cost us approximately 100,000 yen each!
Given half our holiday was over anyways, i thought it a nice touch to splurge a little and treat ourselves. Tomorrow, after all, was another day of transit as we headed further east to Osaka. And while I wouldn't be able to see the sights of Miyajima or Onomichi, I did have one thing I was excited for.
Universal Studios Japan, here we come!
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starseedpatriot · 2 years
🇯🇵 Japanese Dr Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University, calls for an immediate investigation into the harms of the quacckine disaster.
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thunderboltage · 2 years
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annicaax · 10 months
he's so underrated... I love him sm
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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robertbcoach · 1 year
🇯🇵Dr. Masanori Fukushima, Profesor de Farmacoepidemiología y Director del Centro de Investigación Médica más importante de Japón (TRI) Autor de cientos de Estudios Científicos…
Deja el que es posiblemente el VIDEO del AÑO sobre los ataques Cardíacos de las vacunas 😱💀
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jloisse · 2 years
🇯🇵 Japon: Masanori Fukushima, professeur émérite à l'université de Kyoto dit ses 4 vérités au Ministère de la Santé
"La moitié des décès suite à la vaccination sont dus à des lésions cardiovasculaires et cardiaques"
"Vous ignorez la science, la médecine et laissez les soins s'effondrer! C'est un désastre..."
"Vous dépensez des milliards pour le vaccin et forcez les gens à se l'injecter"
"(Vos scientifiques) ne sont pas des scientifiques, mais des fossoyeurs de la science qui s'arrangent avec la vérité, avec un mépris total pour la science et la médecine!"
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