#mastication concentration
tofixtheshadows · 5 months
I should've made this in the first place to go as a reference to my post about Kabru rarely being shown eating (and when he does it, it isn't pleasurable) and linked it somewhere. I didn't feel like I needed to go through every example and based on people's tags I do think everyone gets it ... but I'm compiling this anyway because I find it really interesting from an artistic/writerly standpoint.
Like, Kabru obviously is eating meals in the abstract sense. But as I said, Kui almost never actually draws him putting food in his mouth. At first I assumed that she was avoiding it to save on space because he needs to be shown talking instead, but as I've looked back, I've noted that she doesn't usually shy away from giving characters speech bubbles even when they're chewing or they have utensils in their mouths. Unless they're Kabru.
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This would realistically be the best time to actually show him eating, since it's a normal meal at a normal restaurant, but no. He doesn't actually put food in his mouth in this entire scene. They show him taking a bite in the anime, so I almost forgot, but honestly the manga just makes it look like he's picking at his food. Again: I'm sure he does eat this meal. My point is that I think it's a deliberate choice to keep that off-page, to contrast all the other characters who get to both visibly eat food and enjoy it.
As mentioned, Kabru is only shown drinking wine while his party eats the snacks in chapter 32. I think it's possible to infer that he doesn't actually eat any food here at all.
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The harpy egg omelette bit barely counts as eating lmao we all saw him struggling to even swallow a bite down. Let's move on.
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Are we all going insane over this panel or is it just me? Okay continue.
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Like with the omelette, it gets a checkmark for actually going into his mouth but no checkmark for enjoyment. He hates this. He's being spoon fed bad cake and patronized.
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Literally the worst meal in Dungeon Meshi lmao.
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He does actually eat this. Rare Kabru mastication panel, not clickbait. But it's kind of a sad moment when you remember that he was looking forward to a cultural dish of his mother's- literal comfort food from his childhood- and instead got the weird godless crab-meat-plant that is the barometz. This may be the only time Kabru goes looking for comfort, and he's pointedly denied it.
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Yeah he isn't drawn eating during this entire scene either. Only drawn holding the food and his utensil.
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As stated: still never shown eating. Deliberately shown getting Mithrun to eat instead. Kabru, the call is coming from inside the goddamn house.
Bavarois is next, and once again it gets a checkmark for actual on-page chewing but as we see, he still hates it and has to concentrate very hard and block out all thoughts of what he's doing in order to swallow it down without making a scene.
Okay. Faligon feast. Kabru does canonically spend days eating for the sake of Laios and Falin! Yay! Caloric fucking intake! Clean plate club!
And yet.
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Literally shown stopping himself before he can put the food in his mouth.
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Mickbell is so real for this. No one needed to hear a lecture from Senshi more than Kabru.
Anyway. Given how surgically precise Kui is with everything else in this story, I just feel the choice to constantly show Kabru focusing on his worries during mealtimes, instead of drawing him just enjoying food, was purposeful.
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[ffxivwrite2024] prompt 7: morsel
“You need to eat more.”
D’zinhla blinked heavily, pulling her thoughts out of wherever they had been, and focusing her attention on the girl sitting across from her. Ryne wore an expression of deepest concern, her hands clasped to her chest as she stared imploringly. Instantly D’zinhla was filled with guilt; how else could she respond to causing Ryne that level of worry? 
She glanced back down to the bowl in front of her. A dish of seasoned rice and seafood, with a smoky aroma that definitely appealed to her, and seafood was a sure way to make a meal she’d want to eat. Yet she’d only managed a few bites, and mostly seemed to have pushed the food around listlessly while her attention drifted away from the meal at hand.
She frowned, her ears flicking back. “You’re right, you’re right,” she murmured, lifting her spoon again. Rather than a hearty spoonful, she scooped up a small amount, mostly rice with a bit of clam meat, and drew it up to her mouth with a strange reluctance. The act of actually placing the food into her mouth took a level of concentration she was both startled and wearied by, and regardless of the fact that clam meat was chewy by default, she felt like it shouldn’t need this much effort to masticate. By the time she swallowed, she felt as if she had just finished a practice round with her greatsword–and that was just one half-spoonful.
Ryne drew in her breath, and with effort D’zinhla flickered her eyes back to her. “It’s hard to eat, isn’t it?” the girl asked.
Nodding was hard, but so was speaking, so she just moved her head a few times, looking back down at her plate. It shouldn’t be this hard.
“You’re not actively being poisoned by the light anymore,” Ryne said, and she twitched an ear toward her to indicate she was listening. “I can See it, your soul is holding steady, it’s even getting better than it was. So it has to be lingering effects of all the light you were carrying.”
“Loss of appetite was one of the first signs,” Alisaie offered quietly, from somewhere off to her right. “Loss of appetite, lethargy, leaden responses to stimuli… Honestly, one of the problems was how well those matched up with a lot of the ways the body reacts to the onset of illness. But we know she’s not ill, and it’s not poisoning her now.”
“So it’s the effects it left behind, as Ryne said.” That was Y’shtola’s voice, with that faraway sound when she was turning over a problem in her mind. “Rather unpleasant ones, if it’s this much effort to get food down.”
With a slight jerk, she realized she’d still only managed that half spoonful. With a frown of concentration, she focused hard, thinking through the steps needed to draw food back to her mouth and ingest it, and then thought it through again, when the first time her body seemed to accept just thinking about it as sufficient enough. There was a little more on the spoon this time, with a bit of shrimp. The rice was deeply flavorful, and the shrimp as good as any she’d had before, but after she’d swallowed, the thought of repeating the process made her feel deeply wearied.
“Keep at it,” Ryne said softly, encouragingly, from across the table. D’zinhla couldn’t risk sparing her a glance in acknowledgement, but she did smile thinly, her ears perked toward the girl.
“I suppose we’re lucky, in terms of side effects,” Alisaie was saying.
Y’shtola answered, sounding thoughtful. “On one hand, yes, I’d agree. Certainly better than what could have been. She’s intact and in command of her faculties, and whatever transformation began has been undone. Well, aside from the bleaching.”
D’zinhla made a face, and it wasn’t at the food. The bleaching still made her deeply uncomfortable. By the time she’d absorbed the aether of the final lightwarden, she had been growing steadily lighter in color, most markedly in her hair, and after that terrible moment when the light first threatened to break free, she had come to with her hair as white as alabaster, with her skin nearly a match (because her blood had turned to the white ichor of a sin-eater). Now, there was a healthy pink tone in her skin again (which was still lighter than she remembered), but her hair remained white, and her eyes were markedly paler as well, but at least still noticeably green. The transformation had been undone before its effects could be made more obvious than that, but she felt that it was unsettlingly obvious enough. Even now in the Crystarium she sensed the looks and lingering glances. No one seemed afraid of her, no one seemed to think her transformation was merely held in abeyance, but she felt their pity, and heard their whispered words about how the Warrior of Darkness had given up her own shadows to bring back the night.
Hardly. That makes it sound like a choice, came a soft response in her mind, feeling like the brush of dark velvet against her. 
The corner of her mouth twitched. Her smile might be barely perceptible, but the recipient would feel it all the same. In truth, I held my shadows even closer. The other part of her, the shadow within her, had been instrumental in helping her make it when the transformation was threatening, a presence of darkness that resisted the light’s efforts to burn it away. 
There was a strange flicker in response, something like a small intake of breath, before her shadow responded. So you did. But enough of that. They’re trying to speak to you again.
Her shadow retreated, and she fought to draw her awareness outward once more. “-personal aether still so strained. It’s going to take more time than this to recover, I fear.” She flicked her ears. Y’shtola.
“All the more reason that you need to eat, D’zinhla!” and the imploring voice was Ryne again. She forced herself to look up this time, to make eye contact with the girl, and she halfway regretted it when she saw just how worried she was. “Is there something else we should get you instead?”
“Favorite foods were always better, when we could manage it,” Alisaie said softly. “And I’ve never known her to turn down seafood.”
“I just thought, maybe soup? Something easier to get down, maybe less chewing?”
“It’s okay,” D’zinhla forced herself to say. “I’ll… I’ll manage some more. Don’t trouble yourselves.”
She heard the swish of a tail. “As if it’s any trouble to fetch a bowl of soup. But if you insist–and, if you’re actually able to finish some more of your dish,” Y’shtola said, in the tones of a gently scolding parent.
She had to smile. “Alright. I’ll do my best.” And she returned to the most difficult challenge to face her since triumphing over the Ascian Emet-Selch: finishing her plate.
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full-loup · 6 months
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Content Warning: Story contains slob, gas, extreme weight gain and forcefeeding.
Another thick, chocolatey mouthful was swallowed, the wolfess hardly spending a moment to lick the greasy frosting from her lips before cramming another slice into her maw. A belch rumbled past her plump lips, wetting them as the gas spluttered from her gullet, crumbs and drool spilling over her flabby double chin. The expulsion broke the woman out of her daze momentarily, creating a gap in the cycle of endless gluttony that she knew would quickly be filled with more fattening cake.
How long had she been eating? It was hardly the first time she had wondered this, but it was a question she could never answer. Not until she was free. The only method Johanna had of measuring her time in this ceaseless purgatory of mastication was her slowly growing corpulence. She took stock of her bloated body, comparing how big she was now to her size the last time she had been able to concentrate on anything else beyond stuffing her face. She had completely outgrown her clothing, from her sturdy leather armor down to her simple undergarments, but that had been long ago. She felt sure that she hadn't had that extra belly roll before, but she couldn't remember for certain. She was still seated upon her massive, fleshy buttocks that spilled across the floor behind her, crushing the remains of the chair that had given up on her weight a few hundred pounds ago. Her footpaws could reach the floor still, but she wasn't sure she could still stand... She hadn't really tried. Just as the thought occurred to her, her preternatural hunger returned, and Johanna found her flabby paws once more reaching for the cake before her. Her ears drooped as the gluttonous curse took hold of her once more, its clawed grasp seizing her fate again and pulling it under a ruinous sea of sugar and lard. Johanna's despair was quashed again by the pure sweet taste of hedonistic indulgence and her worries melted like the frosting that coated her tongue... Johanna moaned loudly as she leaned against the surface of the table, the bare wood cold against her fat, naked breasts abd belly as her claws raked deep grooves into the grain. Gas once again erupted from the enormous woman's body, this time thundering from a rear so fat each cheek could outweigh an entire person. The wolfess panted as the last of the gas left her, mind suddenly clearing again at the unexpected sensation. She pressed her feet firmly down towards the ground, but found that they now could not touch... Had she already outgrown her last chance at freedom so quickly? "No, dammit!" The trenendously obese wolfess groaned, already drooling as she gazed at the fresh cake that had again appeared before her, another in an unending line that led straight down her gullet, "Have to... hnnngh...! Have to...! Eat..." Johanna Thunderpaw reached greedily for her next slice of cake. Her own desire to escape was once again washed away by the alien, yet inevitable desire to fill her endlessly expanding belly as much as she possibly could...
A quick sketch and short story with Johanna eating some totally normal cake!
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 639
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Austin, TX
“Babe,” Jensen softly says in a low voice to the person seated next to him in the waiting room, “Babe,” he tried again, still getting no response. Leaning closer, his breath puffing into his ear startled Jared, his what is muted by the finger he’s been chewing on.
“You can’t do that, can’t have you getting sick.” 
Taking his hand, Jensen pulls it away from pretty, pink lips, gently caressing the finger. Jared had finally stopped chewing on his hands when Covid-19 became widespread.
“Where’s your gum?” Jared bites his lip as Jensen retrieves his pack and hands a piece to him. “What’s got you masticating again?” He inquires as Jared pops the stick in his mouth.
Jared chews the gum nervously, weighing how to answer the question knowing Jensen won’t accept anything less than the whole truth. “What if something goes wrong again because of me.”
Jensen’s brow furrowed. He learned years ago that while their relationship was equal, there were times he had to be the lead Alpha due to Jared’s mental state overwhelming him, as it had the last few weeks.
After the public announcement in March of 2019 that would be Supernatural's last season, and when finished with pickups, they would take an extended break and concentrate on their marriage.
Jared intended to stop acting indefinitely, pursuing other interests while Jensen concentrated on his music.
Of course, things didn’t end up how they planned.
Jared entered negotiations to star in the Walker, Texas Ranger reboot with being an executive producer, and Jensen collaborated with Kripke to audition for the role of Soldier Boy in The Boys' third season.
But by March 2020, everything halts thanks to the Coronavirus.
The shutdowns left Supernaturals' final two episodes with no definitive filming date while other projects were on pause until finishing that seemingly never-ending last season.
For the first time in years, they had the luxury of leisurely schedules not on a timetable, could communicate with friends and family uninterrupted, and deal with their other businesses and charities, leaving most days free to enjoy being together without constraint.
But even the amazing, mind-blowing vigorous sex on every horizontal/vertical surface that could support the two big Alphas filled so many hours, and, like many couples, they started getting each other's nerves and looked for another way to stay occupied.
By late May, Jared wasn’t sleeping or eating much, and leaving the house had become a chore. When he hit his fourth day in bed, Jensen bodily dragged him into the bath for a shower, then drove to his doctor’s.
During check-in, they informed Jensen only patients were allowed in the facility. Jared started panicking, saying he had chest pains and couldn’t breathe. They rushed him in with Jensen hot on their heels after morphing into an overprotective Alpha mate; no one was stopping.
Jared’s doctor deduced that the lockdowns prohibiting him from his routine checkups and periodic adjustments needed to his medications triggered this episode.
The first step was to wean him off his current prescriptions and change to a newly approved, alternative regime. He was checked in a facility for ten days under observation while detoxing off his meds.
His therapist switched his twice weekly tele-counseling sessions to daily for the foreseeable future, and Koda's certification as his emotional support animal was approved. His progress was slow, but he was returning to his sweet-natured, big-hearted, exceptionally tactical, overgrown puppy self.
When the surprise call from the clinic came a few days ago about an appointment opening, Jensen initially didn’t want it, still in his overly excessive protective Alpha mode. Jared’s outburst made him relent, fearing they were on a collision course for a significant setback if he didn’t.
And Jensen, being Jensen, went overboard to ensure the appointment was one hundred percent private.
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Part I
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest
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icariebzh · 6 months
"Des caps pris en beauté malgré les déferlantes, Larguée, un peu cramée, quarantaines rugissantes, Se laisser glisser pour ressurgir en grande orque, Une ode au punk à l’aube des cinquantièmes hurlantes.
Envie folle d’un bestiaire érotique et braque, D’alexandrins stylés qui déchirent et qui claquent. D’un poème utérin sur fond de ménopause, De plombs fondus, fantasmes, et de métamorphoses.
Loin des mines compassées, de la pondération, Des salons trop feutrés, de la mort des saisons. Le délire situé d’une nature ni douce, ni con.
Y fourrer l’illusion de complétude visuelle, Qui défait le réel et oxyde la raison. Un brin de rêves mystiques et de cauchemars séquelles, Raptus anxieux passé sous les démangeaisons.
Canines vulpines, cauchemars, corps de chiens mutilés, Avenir radieux fuyant à vives et grandes foulées.
L’hystérie née d’esprits tordus de mâles pétés, Imagine les fureurs viscérales d’un loir, Bestiole en quête de sang, s’agitant tard le soir De la tête à la vulve de la femme infertile, Fou de manque, vomissant l’aménorrhée, fébrile. Vives bouffées de chaleur, subite mélancolie, Bûchers, internements, vapeurs et insomnies.
Musculosité crasse et flambées d’urticaire, Herbacées maléfiques et vipérine vulgaire, Hermaphrodite velue, érigée, narcotique, Mucosités visqueuses et rêv(es) fous de mastic.
Là, des licornes en joie chient des paillettes dorées, De petites chattes bourgeoises suc(ent) des cadavr(es) rongés, Une foule de galériens accrochée à leurs pieds.
La glande supra-caudale de renardes violettes, La danse d’animalcules sur une peau offerte, Créatures de ténèbres, de chimères, de nuées - Noms féminins pluriel aux racines emmêlées.
Les flashs lubriques de mille lucioles dévergondées, Leur désir débridé, palpitant et veiné Luminescences fiévreuses pleines de luciférine Diaboliques femelles déguisées en ballerines.
La flamboyance de nos crises clastiques et cosmiques, L’endurance inouïe de la manie psychotique. Imperturbablement. « Le jour, le soir, la nuit ».
Orques ménopausées au mitan de leur vie, Lourdes globicéphales, bélugas aquatiques, Libérées des contraintes et rapports domestiques, Menant leur espèce en cheffes claniques respectées. Elles arborent au melon, comme un grand vit dressé, Une palanquée d’humaines pleurant leur puits séché.
Un troupeau de mille poulpes, cerveau tentaculaire, Et des pieuvres mourantes qui ne seront qu’une fois mères. Des castors résistant à la binarité, Munis d’un habile trou polyactivités, L’œuvre d’un dieu foutraque, nommée pseudo cloaque.
Le moine d’Alexandra David-Neel au Tibet, Enfanté de rêves zen et de méditation, Le Morel de Gary et sa Mademoiselle Repeuplant les bloks d’un camp de concentration. Les mésanges de Rosa, le lierre de Cyrano, Les mouches de Jack London et de son vagabond, Des tulpa, des chenils, des égrégores, des vifs, Notre insatiable besoin d’une consolation..."
Corrine Morel Darleux-Masto
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mayor-life · 1 year
The Ultimate Juicing Method for Weight Loss: 5 Recipes to Kick-Start Your Journey
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Juicing has emerged as a popular method for weight loss due to its numerous health benefits and simplicity. By extracting the natural goodness of fruits and vegetables, juicing offers a concentrated dose of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This article will guide you through an effective juicing method for weight loss, along with five delicious and nutritious juicing recipes to help you achieve your fitness goals.
The Juicing Method:
Choose Fresh Produce: Opt for organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to ensure they are free from pesticides and other harmful substances. Freshness is key, so select produce that is ripe, firm, and vibrant in color.
Wash and Prepare: Thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables before juicing to eliminate any dirt or residual chemicals. Remove peels, seeds, and pits as necessary, as some may contain bitter flavors or toxins.
Invest in a High-Quality Juicer: Investing in a good-quality juicer will ensure efficient extraction of juice from your chosen ingredients. Centrifugal and masticating juicers are popular options, each with its own benefits.
Experiment with Combinations: While individual fruits and vegetables offer their unique benefits, combining them can create flavor profiles that are both enjoyable and beneficial for weight loss. Be creative and try various combinations until you find your preferred flavors.
Portion Control: Juicing can be an effective way to reduce calorie intake, but it's essential to be mindful of portion sizes. Monitor your overall caloric intake throughout the day and balance it with other nutritious meals to maintain a healthy and sustainable weight loss plan.
Now, let's explore five juicing recipes that are not only delicious but also effective for weight loss:
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Recipe 1: Green Detoxifier Ingredients:
2 green apples 1 cucumber 3 stalks of celery Handful of spinach 1 lemon (peeled) Preparation:
Wash and chop all the ingredients into pieces. Pass them through your juicer, alternating between the different ingredients. Stir the juice well and serve over ice. >>>>>>> Get Free 100 weight loss juicing recipes<<<<<<<<<
Recipe 2: Citrus Sunrise Ingredients:
2 oranges 2 carrots 1 small piece of ginger (optional) Preparation:
Peel the oranges and chop the carrots into small pieces. If desired, add the ginger for an extra kick. Juice the oranges, carrots, and ginger together. Mix well and serve chilled.
Recipe 3: Tropical Bliss Ingredients:
1 cup pineapple chunks 1 large ripe mango 1 kiwi 1/2 cup coconut water Preparation:
Peel and chop the pineapple, mango, and kiwi. Combine all the ingredients in the juicer. Blend until smooth and frothy. Pour into a glass and enjoy. Recipe 4: Berry Boost Ingredients:
1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) 1 medium-sized beetroot Handful of mint leaves Preparation:
Wash the berries and remove any stems. Peel and chop the beetroot into small pieces. Add all the ingredients to the juicer. Juice thoroughly and garnish with mint leaves. Recipe 5: Energizing Carrot Zinger Ingredients:
4 large carrots 1 medium-sized apple 1 small piece of turmeric root (optional) Preparation:
Wash and peel the carrots and apple. Cut them into small chunks. Add the carrots, apple
............................ keepreading.........................,
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jvppeditor · 19 days
‌Feed is one of the main factors to improve animal production. The utilization of feed is depended on quality, quantity, type, breed, and rate of passage of feed. This study aimed to evaluate the performance, feeding behavior, and nutrient utilization of growing Etawah crossbred and Senduro goats fed different forms of starter concentrate of creep feed.
Materials and methods: Twelve local growing goats were used in this study, consist of six Etawah crossbred and six Senduro goats with average body weight 20 ± 1.57 kg from both sex, fed different forms of creep feed for three month. This study was designed by factorial randomized completely block design 2x2. The first factor was type of creep feed form (mash and pellet), and the second factor was the type of goat breeds (Etawah crossbred and Senduro). The complete ration consisted of 70% creep feed containing black soldier fly (BSF) meal and BSF oil plus 30% elephant grass. The variables observed were feeding behavior nutrient consumption, digestibility, blood metabolites, and performance.
Results: The results showed that there was no interaction between the creep feed forms and the goat breeds in all variables. The form of creep feed had a significant effect on prehension and mastication and the pellet form had higher prehension and mastication compare to mash from but it had no significant effect on nutrient consumption and digestibility. Performance and blood metabolites were same in all treatments, except for the feed efficiency of Senduro goats had higher than Etawah crossbred goats.
Conclusion: In conclusion, giving creep feed containing BSF larvae meal and oil in starter concentrate as pellet forms resulted a lower prehension and higher mastication, but has higher prehension and lower mastication for mash type. The performance and blood metabolites were are not different in all treatment groups.
#veterinarymedicine #veterinary #medecine #science #Research #jvpp #veterinaryscience #health #JournalofVeterinaryPhysiologyandPath
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s--lag · 23 days
Tips for acne-free skin from North America's top dermatologist Sticking with acid is the fastest way to treat acne skin
Beginners remember not to start with a high concentration of acid, a lot of people don't even understand what acid is 10% salicylic acid or 30% fruit acid In fact, the persistence of low concentration of hydroxy acid (5-7%) or salicylic acid (1-2%) has A better effect on acne skin, especially salicylic acid is a clinical-grade acne ingredient with anti-inflammatory + metabolic promotion + oil control, and the side effects are not half that of acid A, and 2% concentration of salicylic acid is enough for most people. For thicker skin, try purid salicylic acid which is the fastest working product of its kind I've ever used and it's very effective right on the face Long-term oil control is the best way to stabilize acne skin through the outbreak Most of the acne skin is because of too much oil resulting in the multiplication of acne bacilli and then blocking the pores leading to acne, in fact, oil control is the most front-end work of acne, oil can try the NIOD Mastic Must cleaning mask, 99% of skincare bloggers won't be able to decipher the formula for this mask, but it's a killer. It features a high concentration of clinically-grade oil control 5alpha-AvocUTA ® T and frankincense gum, which directly breaks down lipase activity to squeeze oil out of pores. For those on a budget, try Loafer's oil control lotion, Also featured 5αAvocuta but less than 20 after the dive For those with large pores and breakouts, I suggest you try the Super Shrink of Skaweting, which is equipped with Expanscience's PIXALIA. This active substance that can inhibit bacillus acnes and control oil is very effective for breakouts of oil pores. Coupled with Lucas' MINIPORYL™ to inhibit 5alpha reductase, it can be said that the root cause of the oil breakouts Acne skin do not touch a few types of skin care products The cleansing power of most acne skin is excessive, and the inflammation on the face is very serious. In addition, soap-based cleansing and crystalline amino acid cleansing with strong cleaning power make it easier to break out acne when the face washing is rough and the skin is rubbed and rubbed for a long time to cause small skin lesions. The amino acid and soap-based skin are the same anionic surface active and have strong lipid removing ability, which is easy to wash the skin to complete degreasing. Compared to the APG/ Amphoterifacial cleanser, it is more suitable for acne and fat skin Many acne skin is still silly paste a bunch of repair lotion cream, and even obsessed with high oleic acid vegetable oil, a large amount of oleic acid accumulation is not good for acne skin, the oleic acid in vegetable oil is the favorite food of propionibacterium acnes after mass reproduction, resulting in acne not only can not put vegetable oil on the face but also need to control oil
In addition, the oleic acid in many products is impossible to prevent, not to mention the emulsifier in the emulsion dosage form, many transparent water itself is also a pox demon king, such as essence water, original liquid and some so-called essence water moisturizing thick skin feeling is mainly by polyol polyether, which is water-soluble oil regulation, which is rich in a lot of oil plus may lead to skin irritation is also one of the causes of acne
For oral administration In fact, many dermatologists do not recommend eating all kinds of vitamins, especially vitamin b6, vitamin B6 and B12 intake too much can cause an increase in propionibacterium acnes, but lead to acne
In fact, if oil is the cause of acne, try vitamin D3+ fish oil (EPA) and zinc, combined with Sensoril® Ashwagandha to reduce cortisol, reduce inflammation in the body and reduce acne recurrence
Zinc supplements and complex vb may be the cheapest acne treatment, pharmacies buy alone are a few dollars and the strength of evidence online, vitamin D3 is clinical acne patients are most likely to lack one of the vitamins 600iu per day is basically enough, omega3 is very important because Chinese people eat too much vegetable oil (mainly omega6), which will aggravate cell inflammation and make acne more likely. Fish oil omega3 is added to balance inflammation in the body and maintain stability of acne muscles
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bramblewax · 4 months
Rendre Votre Maison Exempte De Cafards: La Méthode Parisienne
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Vous n'êtes pas seul si la pensée de cafards rampant sur vos plans de travail de cuisine vous empêche de dormir la nuit. La bonne nouvelle est que vous pouvez reprendre le contrôle de votre maison avec la méthode parisienne, une approche holistique pour bannir ces parasites indésirables pour de bon. En comprenant les intricacies du comportement des cafards et en mettant en œuvre quelques stratégies simples mais efficaces, vous pouvez transformer votre maison en un oasis exempt de cafards. Mais où commencez-vous, et quels secrets les Parisiens connaissent-ils que vous ne connaissez pas?
Comprendre Le Comportement Des Cafards
Pour éliminer efficacement les cafards de votre maison, vous devez comprendre ce qui les motive - leur comportement, leurs habitudes et leurs habitats. Les cafards sont des créatures nocturnes qui prospèrent dans les zones sombres, humides avec beaucoup de nourriture et d'eau. Ils sont attirés par les substances sucrées, amidonnées et fermentées, ce qui fait des cuisines et des garde-manger leurs endroits préférés.
Où les infestations de cafards sont courantes, un traitement cafard efficace Paris nécessite une compréhension approfondie de ces parasites. Pour un traitement réussi, visitez traitement-cafard-efficace.fr pour en savoir plus sur les meilleures approches.
Éliminer Les Sources De Nourriture
Les cafards prospèrent sur les miettes, les éclaboussures et les aliments non scellés, il est donc crucial de nettoyer votre maison de ces débris alimentaires pour les affamer. Vous serez étonné de voir combien rapidement les miettes et les éclaboussures s'accumulent, offrant un festin à ces invités indésirables.
Prenez le temps de nettoyer soigneusement votre cuisine, y compris les comptoirs, les égouts et les sols. Stockez les aliments dans des contenants scellés et nettoyez les dégâts immédiatement. N'abandonnez pas les plats sales pendant la nuit et sortez les ordures régulièrement. En éliminant leurs sources de nourriture, vous rendrez votre maison moins attrayante pour les cafards. Vous ne faites pas que nettoyer - vous leur retirez leur moyen de subsistance. Faites de cette habitude une priorité pour tenir les cafards à distance pour toujours.
Scellement Des Points D'entrée
En privant les cafards de nourriture, vous avez fait le premier pas pour rendre votre maison inhospitalière, mais maintenant, il est temps de boucher les trous qui les ont laissés entrer en premier lieu. Jetez un coup d'œil attentif à l'extérieur de votre maison et identifiez tous les fissures, les crevasses ou les interstices autour des fenêtres, des portes, des ventilations et des tuyaux. Ce sont les points d'entrée que les cafards utilisent pour s'infiltrer.
Obtenez ces ouvertures avec du mastic, de la laine d'acier ou du mousse expansible. Accordez une attention particulière aux zones autour des tuyaux sous les éviers et derrière les appareils, car ce sont des points d'entrée courants. N'oubliez pas de vérifier les trous autour des prises électriques et des plaques de commutation, également.
Utiliser Des Dérivatifs Naturels
Maintenant que vous avez scellé les points d'entrée, il est temps de vous concentrer sur l'aménagement de votre maison pour la rendre inhospitalière aux cafards en utilisant des répulsifs naturels qui les éloigneront. Certaines odeurs peuvent repousser les cafards, et vous pouvez utiliser cela à votre avantage. Les feuilles de laurier, par exemple, sont connues pour déterrer les cafards. Placez-en quelques-unes dans les zones où les cafards sont fréquents, comme près des éviers ou des fours.
Vous pouvez également utiliser des huiles essentielles comme la menthe poivrée, le citronnelle ou l'huile de théier pour repousser les cafards. Mélangez quelques gouttes de l'huile avec de l'eau et vaporisez-la autour de la périphérie de votre maison. En outre, gardez votre maison propre et sèche, car les cafards prospèrent dans les environnements humides. En utilisant ces répulsifs naturels, vous serez bientôt sur la voie d'une maison sans cafards.
Employer Des Pièges De Manière Stratégique
Vous devrez être stratégique pour piéger ces parasites indésirables, car placer des pièges au hasard autour de votre maison ne suffira pas. Pour employer des pièges de manière efficace, identifiez les zones où les cafards sont les plus actifs. Cherchez des signes tels que des excréments, des coquilles d'œufs ou des cafards vivants.
Placez des pièges collants ou des stations d'appât près de ces points chauds. Pour les pièges collants, positionnez-les le long des murs, près des sources de nourriture et dans les coins sombres. Les stations d'appât doivent être placées près des sources d'eau et des zones de stockage de nourriture. Faites pivoter les pièges tous les quelques jours pour vous assurer de couvrir toutes les zones. N'oubliez pas d'éliminer régulièrement les cafards piégés pour éviter la ré-infestation.
Maintenir Une Maison Libre De Cafards
Après avoir piégé l'infestation initiale, concentrez-vous sur le maintien d'un domicile propre et organisé pour prévenir la ré-infestation. Vous avez travaillé dur pour vous débarrasser de ces parasites indésirables, et maintenant, il est temps de les tenir à distance pour de bon. Commencez par établir une routine de nettoyage régulière, en portant une attention particulière aux zones où les cafards aiment se cacher, telles que les comptoirs de cuisine et les égouts de sink. Sortez les ordures régulièrement, et stockez les aliments dans des contenants scellés.
Gardez votre maison exempte d'encombrement, car les cafards aiment se cacher dans les piles de papier et les boîtes. En maintenant la propreté et l'organisation, vous créerez un environnement qui est hostile aux cafards. Avec un effort constant, vous jouirez d'une maison libre de cafards pour les années à venir.
Vous avez réussi jusque-là, et votre maison est bien partie pour être débarrassée des cafards. En comprenant le comportement des cafards, en éliminant les sources de nourriture, en scellant les points d'entrée, en utilisant des répulsifs naturels et en employant des pièges de manière stratégique, vous avez pris les bonnes mesures.
Maintenant, maintenez votre travail acharné en gardant votre maison propre, en stockant les aliments correctement et en vidant les poubelles régulièrement. Avec persévérance et vigilance, vous tiendrez ces indésirables à distance et jouirez d'un espace de vie débarrassé des cafards.
Traitement Cafard Efficace
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homeserviceworks · 5 months
Les  Meilleures Pratiques Pour La Désinfestation Dans Le 95 Val-D'oise
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Alors que vous abordez le problème de la désinfestation dans le 95 Val-d'Oise, vous êtes probablement conscient que c'est un problème complexe nécessitant une approche multifacette. Vous avez probablement essayé diverses méthodes, mais les parasites continuent de revenir.
Il est temps de faire un pas en arrière et de réévaluer votre stratégie. En suivant quelques bonnes pratiques clés, vous pouvez enfin résoudre le problème à la racine et récupérer votre espace. Mais où commencez-vous ? Résumons les étapes essentielles pour une désinfestation efficace, et vous serez sur la voie d'un environnement exempt de parasites.
Identifier La Source D'infestation
Pour lutter efficacement contre une infestation dans le 95 Val-d'Oise, vous devez d'abord identifier la source exacte du problème, car cette étape cruciale pose les fondements d'un processus de désinsectisation réussi. Ne supposez pas que vous savez où se trouve le problème - prenez le temps d'enquêter. Recherchez les signes de pests, tels que des excréments, des nids ou des marques de rongement. Vérifiez si vous avez des dégâts d'humidité, des odeurs de moisi ou des bruits étranges.
Identifiez les zones avec une ventilation insuffisante ou une gestion des déchets inadéquate. Les experts en désinsectisation 95 Val-d'Oise recommandent une inspection approfondie de votre propriété pour déterminer la cause racine. En faisant cela, vous serez en mesure de développer un plan efficace pour éliminer l'infestation. Visitez desinsectisation-95.fr pour obtenir plus d'informations sur les services de désinsectisation dans la région.
Choisissez Le Désinfectant Approprié
Maintenant que vous avez identifié la source de l'infestation, vous devez sélectionner un désinfectant adapté à votre problème spécifique, en tenant compte du type de pest, de la surface ou de la zone à traiter, et de tout problème environnemental ou sanitaire. Considérez le type de pest que vous rencontrez - différents désinfectants sont efficaces contre différents pests. Par exemple, si vous gérez des rongeurs, vous voulez un désinfectant qui soit efficace contre le virus de Hantavirus.
Assurez-vous de choisir un désinfectant qui soit sécurisé pour la surface ou la zone à traiter, et tenez compte de tout problème environnemental ou sanitaire, comme la sécurité des animaux de compagnie ou des enfants. Suivez toujours les instructions sur l'étiquette et prenez les précautions nécessaires pour vous assurer votre sécurité lors de l'utilisation du désinfectant.
Scellez Tous Les Points D'entrée
Vous devrez identifier et sceller tous les points d'entrée pour prévenir la ré-infestation, car même les ouvertures les plus minuscules peuvent servir d'entrées pour les parasites. Jetez un coup d'œil approfondi à l'extérieur de votre maison, en vous concentrant sur les fissures et les crévices autour des fenêtres, des portes, des ventilations et des tuyaux.
Utilisez du mastic ou de la laine d'acier pour sceller les interstices, en vous assurant de vous faufiler dans les espaces étroits. N'oubliez pas d'inspecter la fondation de votre maison, car les parasites peuvent se faufiler à travers de petites ouvertures. Scellez tous les trous ou interstices autour des lignes de service, des tuyaux et des prises électriques.
Éliminer Les Sources De Nourriture Et D'eau
Les parasites prospèrent dans les aliments et l'eau facilement accessibles, il est donc crucial d'éliminer ces attractifs pour prévenir la ré-infestation. Vous devriez porter attention à vos zones de cuisine et de repas, car les miettes, les éclaboussures et les aliments non scellés peuvent attirer les parasites. Nettoyez et déclarez régulièrement ces espaces, et stockez les aliments dans des contenants scellés.
N'oubliez pas de vérifier votre garde-manger et vos armoires pour les aliments périmés ou rassis, qui peuvent également attirer les parasites. Vous devriez également réparer toutes les fuites d'eau et vous assurer que vos tuyaux sont en bon état. Tenez vos évacuations de cuisine et de salle de bain propres, et réparez tous les problèmes de condensation.
La surveillance régulière de la situation des parasites dans votre maison aide à identifier les problèmes potentiels avant qu'ils ne deviennent des infestations à grande échelle. Vous pourrez détecter les premiers signes de parasites, tels que des déjections, des marques de rongement ou des odeurs inhabituelles.
En inspectant régulièrement votre maison, vous serez plus susceptible de détecter l'activité des parasites et de prendre des mesures promptes pour prévenir les infestations. Planifiez des vérifications régulières des zones à haut risque telles que les cuisines, les salles de bain et les chambres de stockage. Surveillez les signes d'activité des parasites et n'hésitez pas à agir si vous soupçonnez un problème. Rappelez-vous, la prévention est la clé, et la surveillance régulière de votre maison vous aidera à rester à un pas d'avance sur les parasites.
Vous avez un plan solide en place pour lutter contre la désinfestation dans le 95 Val-d'Oise bogue. En identifiant la source du problème, vous pourrez comprendre d'où viennent les parasites et comment prévenir les infestations futures. Sélectionner le désinfectant approprié est crucial, car différents produits sont conçus pour cibler des parasites spécifiques et des surfaces.
Sceller les points d'entrée est essentiel pour prévenir la ré-infestation. Éliminer les sources de nourriture et d'eau aidera à affamer les parasites et à les empêcher de se multiplier. Surveiller les progrès vous aidera à ajuster votre stratégie au besoin et à vous assurer que vous êtes sur la bonne voie. N'oubliez pas, la cohérence et la persévérance sont clés - tenez-vous à votre stratégie et vous jouirez d'un espace plus propre et plus sain en peu de temps.
Desinsectisation 95
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whatifbutnot · 7 months
Undated diary entry, Villa Diotari, Switzerland
I am at my last, I can do no more. We must leave, weather or not. My only hope is that there remains a sanatorium in Europe which news of us has not reached, that we might be taken in. Not only are my nerves most hotly strained, but the infamy of this place has grown to a degree which must surely end any hopes of returning to polite society. We will be forever pariahs, the subject of knowing looks and outrageous gossip. I truly believe we will never be able to return to our lives. Once the immediate scandal has died down, we must assume new identities in a place where we will not be discovered by our old acquaintances, maybe Patagonia, or the Dutch trading colonies.
The final extremity was the appearance of Augusta Mary, Byron's older half-sister. I had known her, lightly, during my earlier acquaintance with Byron, and recall finding her somewhat over-awing in her worldliness. It seems she had a corresponding sense of me, as something of an ingénue. While time has changed my feelings - if nothing else Byron's correspondence has rendered me knowledgable in the ways of the world - it appears she still sees me in the manner of a nut to be cracked from its husk and gravely masticated.
It started with her very greeting, which was much more physical than the moment called for. She took the opportunity to whisper a remembrance into my ear which was not in any way appropriate for one of my now married status. There followed a series of implications which betrayed her lineage, being the sort of suggestions that only a Byron would make. I warm even thinking of them. Thank God that Sophia truly is an ingénue, in her condition she could ill bear the anger that full understanding would have granted her.
No word would discourage her. If anything, resistance made her more outrageous in her behaviour, progressing from mere speech to physicality, the caressing of a hand, the touching of a knee. And then, during dinner, the placement of her stockinged foot in a place where only a wife's foot should be placed.
This cannot go on. Though I know I am strong enough to resist her brave physicality with its threat of robust and degenerate carnality, I fear that her determined assault may give me no choice in the matter. Even as I sit here writing this, Augusta Maria may be slowly removing her stockings, the concentration needed necessary leading her to bite her lower lip, in preparation of a further assault on my dignity. Even thinking about this makes my manhood warm with anger. No, no, I cannot place myself in a position where I might be unable to resist, perhaps tied down, being disciplined for my resistance, maybe being roughly penetrated in a way that only a wife should roughly penetrate a man. One's dignity and reputation could not bear it.
Tomorrow we will leave. Tonight, when Sophia has taken the draught I have made her and is securely asleep, I shall go to Augusta Maria to tell her of my escape and the failure of her plans.
I fear my masterpiece will not be completed. I shall leave it here with the memories of this place. On balance, I do not think I shall be too sorry to end the enterprise, I do not think the world is yet ready for the sort of work I was creating. It is too adventurous, pushes too many boundaries. I will leave Theodoric where he stands, having killed the villain but turning to find the body it not where he had slain it.
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farzanatradingcompany · 10 months
Juicing for Health: A Comprehensive Guide on Nutrient Extraction from Fruits and Vegetables 
In a world where health-conscious choices are becoming increasingly important, juicing has become a popular trend for people looking for a convenient and delicious way to increase their nutritional intake. Juicing involves extracting liquid from fruits and vegetables and provides a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Farzana Fresh Fruits Suppliers Dubai, your dependable supplier in Dubai, is committed to providing the freshest and highest-quality fruits, ensuring a blast of flavour and nutrients in every bite." In this comprehensive guide, you'll learn about the benefits of juicing, different juicing methods, and tips for maximizing the nutritional value of your homemade juices.  
Benefits of juice: 
Nutrient intake:  
Juicing allows your digestive system to absorb the nutrients quickly because it doesn't have to break down the fiber. This allows your body to quickly absorb important vitamins and minerals, giving you a quick boost of energy.  
Increased water intake:  
Many fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, which contributes to your daily water needs. Juices provide a delicious alternative to plain water and are an easy way to stay well hydrated.  
 Improved antioxidant power:  
Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants that help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. Regular consumption of fresh juices improves immune function and improves overall health.  
Juicing is often associated with detoxifying the body. Your body has natural detoxification mechanisms, and certain fruits and vegetables, such as lemons and beets, can support these processes. 
Various juicing methods:  
 Cold pressed juice: 
A method of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables using a hydraulic press. Cold-pressed juices minimize heat and oxidation, ensuring more nutrients and enzymes are retained in the final product.  
 Centrifugal juice extraction:  
Centrifugal juicing, common in many home juicers, spins the juice at high speed to separate the pulp. Although this is an easy method, there is a possibility that some nutrients will be lost due to the heat generated.  
 Chewing juice:  
Masticating juicers use slow grinding motions to extract juice. This method efficiently preserves nutrients and minimizes heat, making it the preferred option for those looking to maximize the nutritional value of their juices. 
Tips for maximizing nutritional value:  
 Various ingredients:  
Add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your juices to ensure a wide range of nutrients. Different colors often indicate different nutrients, so look for colorful assortments.  
Conscious pairing: 
Ingredients are carefully combined to balance taste and nutritional value. For example, combining sweet fruits and leafy vegetables creates a delicious and nutritious juice.  
Use organic products:  
Choose organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to reduce exposure to pesticides and chemicals. This is especially important if you consume concentrated forms of these ingredients in juice form.  
Enjoy now: 
 Freshly squeezed juice is most nutritious when consumed immediately. If you must store it, put it in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator as soon as possible. 
Juicing for health is more than a fad; it's a practical and tasty approach to boost your vitamin intake. You may prepare nutrient-rich juices that contribute to your general well-being by studying different juicing processes, integrating diverse ingredients, and following these suggestions. So gather your favourite fruits and veggies, crank up the juicer, and set out on a path to greater health via the magic of juicing. Cheers to a healthy and active lifestyle! 
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garybrower · 1 year
Unveiling the Best Juicers of 2023 for Weight Loss
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Are you looking to shed those extra pounds and achieve a healthier lifestyle? If so, juicing might be the perfect solution for you! Juicing has gained immense popularity in recent years, and for a good reason. Not only does it provide a convenient and delicious way to consume essential nutrients, but it can also aid in weight loss. In this article, we will unveil the best juicers of 2023 specifically designed to help you with your weight loss journey. So, let’s dive in and discover the power of juicing!
The Benefits of Juicing for Weight Loss
Before we delve into the best juicers of 2023, let’s explore the incredible benefits of juicing for weight loss. Juicing offers numerous advantages that can contribute to your overall well-being and promote healthy weight loss. Here are some of the key benefits:
High nutrient content: Juicing allows you to consume a concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables. These essential nutrients help nourish your body, support your metabolism, and enhance weight loss.
Quick and easy absorption: When you juice fruits and vegetables, you are extracting their liquid and separating it from the insoluble fiber. This makes it easier for your body to absorb the nutrients, providing you with an instant boost of energy.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight. Juices are a fantastic way to increase your daily water intake while enjoying a refreshing and flavorful drink.
Natural detoxification: Juicing can support your body’s natural detoxification process by providing it with essential enzymes and antioxidants. This can help eliminate toxins and promote weight loss.
Reduced calorie intake: Juicing allows you to consume a higher volume of fruits and vegetables in liquid form, which ultimately leads to a lower calorie intake compared to eating whole foods. This can be beneficial for weight loss as it creates a calorie deficit.
Choosing the Right Juicer
Now that we understand the incredible benefits of juicing for weight loss, let’s explore the best juicers of 2023. When it comes to juicers, there are various options available in the market. However, it’s essential to choose a juicer that suits your specific needs and provides optimal results. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting a juicer:
Type of juicer: There are different types of juicers available, including centrifugal juicers, masticating juicers, and triturating juicers. Each type has its own unique features and benefits. Consider your preferences, budget, and desired outcomes before making a decision.
Ease of use and cleaning: Juicing should be a convenient process. Look for a juicer that is easy to assemble, disassemble, and clean. This will encourage you to incorporate juicing into your daily routine without any hassle.
Efficiency and yield: Choose a juicer that efficiently extracts juice from fruits and vegetables, resulting in a higher yield. This will ensure that you get the most out of your produce and obtain maximum nutrition.
Noise level: If noise is a concern for you, opt for a juicer that operates quietly. Some juicers have noise-reducing features, making them perfect for early morning or late-night juicing sessions.
Additional features: Some juicers come with extra features such as multiple speed settings, pulp control options, and recipe books. Consider which features are important to you and choose accordingly.
Top Juicers of 2023 for Weight Loss
Now that you have a clear idea of what to look for in a juicer, let’s explore the top juicers of 2023 specifically designed to aid in weight loss:
Read about 15 best juicers in 2023 to lose weight.
Juicing can be a game-changer when it comes to weight loss and overall well-being. By incorporating nutrient-rich juices into your daily routine, you can enjoy a wide range of health benefits while shedding those extra pounds. Remember to choose a juicer that suits your needs, preferences, and budget, so you can embark on your weight loss journey with ease. Whether you opt for a centrifugal, masticating, or triturating juicer, the possibilities are endless. So grab your favorite fruits and vegetables, and start juicing your way to a healthier you!
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parfummm · 1 year
Best-selling Women Perfume in Canada
The top selling women’s perfumes in Canada are from the big brands as well as the affordable small but great brands as well. Some of the trustworthy brands for high-quality perfumes for women are Ralph Lauren, Kody, Celine, Dior, Prada and more. The most sensational and a mix of woody and feminine EDTs are Dune by Dior, Samsara, Jasmin Noir. Most popular choices include floral and fresh scents with hints of musk and woody notes.
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Which Women’s Perfumes Last the Longest?
Longevity of a perfume depends on the concentration of fragrance oils, and while purchasing read the category of fragrance you are buying. Extrait de parfum, and eau de parfum lasts longer than EDTs and perfume oils. If you are buying extrait de parfum or EDP it will last you around 6 to 8 hours easily.But most commonly brands like Gucci, Prada comes out with EDTs which last about 4 to 5 hours. Here are some recommendations of colognes and perfumes that will last you long: sex appeal by Jovan, L’ Interdit EDP by Givenchy, and Insolence EDP.
Women Perfume for Fall & Winter
Infusion d'Iris Eau de Parfum Absolue:
This is an all-year-around perfume but it smells amazing during fall to spring and stays on longer. The perfume opens with African orange flower & neroli, followed by middle notes of mastic, lentisque on the base of vanilla, musk, tonka, and benzoin. There are two versions of this fragrance, one is EDP and another one is EDT. The DT version is more affordable but lasts up to 4 hours only. It’s a deeper muskier perfume with brightening top notes making perfect for an earthy yet floral fragrance.
Le De Lolota Lempika EDP:
A warm spicy woody perfume for the WInter nights and days which was launched in 2005 and the packaging and the smell is quite unique with musky sillage. The top notes of the perfume are bitter orange and bergamot, and the heart of the perfume are cinnamon, immortel, musk sitting on the base of sandalwood ,vanilla and tonka bean.
Prada Candy:
Prada Candy is a winter perfume that you can use all day long in Winter season. It’s a sweet spicy and musky perfume. The perfume smells like caramel with powdery notes. The Prada Candy’s opening notes are caramel, and the heart is made of powder and musk, sitting on the top of the vanilla base.
Women Perfume to Smell Divine in Spring & Summer
Ralph Lauen Blue:
If you are looking for subtle yet fresh Spring perfume nothing gets better than the Ralph Lauren Blue. The perfume launched in 2005 as a daytime Spring perfume. The main accords of this EDT are Jasmine, Lily of the Valley, Tuberose, Melon , basil, and orange blossom sitting on the base of oaks moss, musk, vetiver, and sandalwood. It’s a complex sweet, fresh and floral perfume perfect for Summer days.
Bvlgari Pour Femme by Bvlgari:
Bvalgari pour femme is a spring summer perfume with floral and fruity notes. The Bvalgari pour femme is a sensual romantic and soft perfume. It’s the most romantic date night perfume for date nights in Spring and Summer. The prominent top notes are violet, carnation, violet followed by the middle notes of  Iris, Bulgarian Rose, Heliotrope, Orris Root, Egyptian Jasmine and Lily-of-the-Valley. At the finishing, the base leaves notes of musk, sandalwood, vanilla, green tea.
At Parfummm you will get a wide array of women’s perfume for sale at manufacturing price. You can get perfumes of the most popular brands as well as of great variety of brands. The women’s perfume selection is available for reselling as well at manufacturing price. Smell heavenly, sensual every hour of the day with Parfummm.com
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Masque Milano Sleight of Fern
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Masque Milano Sleight of Fern
Nose: Stephanie Bakouche
notes: mastic, thyme, lavender, fig sap, bergamot; geranium, narcissus, tuberose; birch, oakmoss, patchouli, tonka, sandalwood
Sleight of Fern has a sheer, almost invisible opening, nothing but a bit of transparent sparkle;
then there’s a pleasant, subdued dusty-gold crackle of herbs and woods, a style of earthy-dry lavender I’ve always enjoyed.
an hour or so in there’s also a cool dewy green halo around it; that might be the promised fig (leaf) and mastic.
I don’t really get the true, distinctively “cooling” anise-like smell of mastic; just a juicy pale-green aura over the herbal-woody core.
and then the green phase fades & Sleight of Fern dries down to a bone-dry, classy, bitter-herb-and-wood base.
It’s very faint and subtle throughout. a nice classic lavender fougere, golden brown and pale green, theoretically masculine but works fine on me. Nothing too far out of the ordinary; just a stylish, relaxed guy.
like a lot of recent Masque Milano scents, though, it’s quite low in concentration, which is a bit frustrating at the price point. At €145 for 35 mL (that would be $465.51 for a normal-sized 100 mL bottle) you expect to actually be able to smell your perfume. Sleight of Fern is nice, but in a way that most masculine scents from the 80s or earlier are, and you can do better for yourself on eBay.
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myntramiller · 1 year
Juice, Diet, and Healthy Living: The Role of Juicers in a Vegan Lifestyle for Better Health
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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a priority for many individuals seeking to enhance their overall well-being. Diet plays a crucial role in achieving optimal health, and the inclusion of fresh juices can significantly contribute to a balanced and nutritious diet.
In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of incorporating juicing into a vegan lifestyle, focusing on how juicers can support better health and overall wellness.
Divided into sections, this article will cover the importance of a vegan diet, the health benefits of fresh juices, the role of juicers in obtaining nutrient-rich blends, tips for adopting a vegan lifestyle, and practical advice for selecting the right juicer.
By embracing juicing and a vegan diet, individuals can embark on a journey towards improved health, vitality, and longevity.
The Importance of a Vegan Diet
1.1 Understanding Veganism:
Defining a vegan lifestyle and its principles.
Veganism is a lifestyle that excludes the consumption of animal products and extends beyond dietary choices to include avoiding any form of animal exploitation or cruelty. It is based on the belief that animals have the right to live free from human exploitation. Vegans choose plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, and seeds, as the foundation of their diet. They also abstain from using animal-derived products like dairy, eggs, honey, and leather.
1.2 Health Benefits of a Vegan Diet: Exploring the research-backed advantages of a plant-based diet for overall health, disease prevention, and weight management.
Exploring the research-backed advantages of a plant-based diet for overall health, disease prevention, and weight management. Scientific research has demonstrated numerous health benefits associated with a vegan diet. Studies have shown that vegans tend to have lower body mass index (BMI), reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A vegan diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides ample fiber, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, which contribute to better digestion, improved cardiovascular health, and enhanced immune function.
1.3 Environmental Impact: Highlighting the positive environmental implications of adopting a vegan lifestyle, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions, land use, and water consumption.
Animal agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By choosing a vegan lifestyle, individuals can significantly reduce their ecological footprint. Plant-based diets require fewer natural resources, such as land and water, and contribute to mitigating climate change. Embracing veganism can help protect the environment, conserve biodiversity, and promote sustainable food production systems.
Health Benefits of Fresh Juices
2.1 Nutrient Density: Discussing the concentration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants found in fresh juices and their potential health-promoting effects.
2.2 Improved Digestion: Exploring how the enzymes and fiber in fresh juices can support a healthy digestive system and enhance nutrient absorption.
2.3 Hydration and Detoxification: Emphasizing the hydrating properties of fresh juices and their role in assisting the body's natural detoxification processes.
2.4 Boosted Immunity: Discussing the immune-supportive properties of certain fruits and vegetables commonly used in fresh juices.
2.5 Reduced Inflammation: Exploring how fresh juices, particularly those containing anti-inflammatory ingredients, can contribute to a reduced risk of chronic inflammation and associated diseases.
The Role of Juicers in Obtaining Nutrient-Rich Blends
3.1 Types of Juicers: Introducing different types of juicers, including centrifugal, masticating, and triturating juicers, and highlighting their features and benefits.
3.2 Juicer Selection Guide: Providing practical tips for selecting the right juicer based on individual needs, budget, and juicing preferences.
3.3 Preserving Nutrients: Discussing the importance of juicer selection and juicing techniques to maximize nutrient retention in fresh juices.
3.4 Recipes and Variations: Offering a variety of delicious and nutritious juice recipes to inspire creativity and cater to different taste preferences.
3.5 Juicing for Specific Health Goals: Exploring how different combinations of fruits, vegetables, and superfoods in juices can target specific health concerns and goals.
Tips for Adopting a Vegan Lifestyle
4.1 Transitioning to a Vegan Diet: Providing practical advice for gradually adopting a vegan lifestyle, including incorporating more plant-based foods and exploring meat and dairy alternatives.
4.2 Meal Planning and Preparation: Offering tips on meal planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation to ensure a balanced and satisfying vegan diet.
4.3 Essential Nutrients: Discussing key nutrients that may require special attention in a vegan diet, such as protein, iron, calcium, and vitamin B12, and providing guidance on meeting these nutritional needs.
4.4 Mindful Eating and Mind-Body Connection: Exploring the benefits of mindful eating, listening to the body's cues, and fostering a positive relationship with
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