#matchmaker silky
gabessquishytum · 5 months
Hob always thought dream, his friend destruction’s older brother, was so gorgeous but he doubted dream ever noticed him. He was just destruction’s friend, and dream was so much older and more elegant. But he always had a smile and a kind word for hob, and sometimes he would talk to him about art and books and movies. Then dream goes off to college and disappears for a while.
Fast forward about ten years and destruction decides he is tired of his parents’ shit. He cuts himself off and moves in…with his big brother dream, who estranged himself years ago.
Suddenly hob finds himself going over to the brothers’ shared apartment all the time and there is dream, grown up and the loveliest man hob has ever seen. He’s so smart and even taller now, and he has such a sense of confidence and power now that he’s living on his own. And he is such a good big brother, encouraging destruction to be an art major and pursue his dreams.
Soon, dream and hob are close as well, and destruction encourages it, with a funny little smirk whenever he catches dream offering hob a ride, or whenever hob makes dinner for three.
When hob gets kicked out of his place, dream doesn’t hesitate to invite him to come live with them too.
Hob’s crush is back full force. And he feels so stupid—he’s a virgin and he knows dream dates beautiful, interesting and experienced people. He’d never go for someone like hob…
Until one day, hob forgets to lock the door when he’s showering and dream comes in and gets an eye full of hob, ass, thighs, dick and tits—everything. and his eyes go molten with want. He quickly recovers and apologizes and leaves but hob is suddenly full of hope.
Not two weeks later, destruction goes out of town for the weekend, leaving them alone. It’s so nice. Dream cooks. They watch a movie and split a bottle of wine, and Dream puts his arm around hob.
Then they’re kissing.
Dream asks him if he’s had sex before and hob admits he hasn’t. But he desperately wants to.
Dream just smiles at him, lays him down and fingers him until he’s crying into the couch cushions.
This is such a wonderful idea!!! I fully and completely adore the idea of Destruction matchmaking Hob and Dream. He thinks they'll be so cute together! They both deserve nice things, you know?
Hob is so nervous as his relationship with Dream finally begins. He's had a crush - well, maybe he's even been a little bit in love - on Dream for so long now. What if he fucks it all up now that he finally has what he wanted? What if he can't please Dream properly? He's a virgin, after all... but before he can spiral into a proper anxiety attack, Dream soothes him with sweet kisses and basically scrambles his brain. He's determined to make Hob’s first time good, and more than that he's determined to love him as he deserves to be loved.
When Destruction comes home from his little trip, he meets Hob in the kitchen. Hob is like... starry eyed. Standing by the fridge wearing what has to be one of Dream’s silky black pj shirts. There are definitely hickies all over his chest, and one of his nipples is red and has obviously been enthusiastically sucked. Hob is just like "dude. bro. i know you don't want to know. but holy shit."
And Destruction really doesn't want to know the details, but he's happy to slap Hob on the back. He's honestly thrilled to see two of his favourite people getting together. Just... don't tell him that Hob lost his virginity on the couch where they all hang out and watch movies, okay? 🤣 In his own bedroom later, Destruction also finds a gift from his big brother - a very fancy pair of noise cancelling headphones. It's a very nice "thank you for introducing me to Hob" gift. And when he's best man at their wedding in five or so years time, Destruction will fondly remember how he really fucking needed those headphones when Hob went from virgin to slut for Dream’s dick, but he couldn't even be mad about it <3
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pugetprincess · 26 days
reposting because i completely forgot i wrote this during covid for a wip chain game (those were fun).
bridgerton au ginny & draco:  
“No one,” Malfoy drawled, “And I mean no one, would believe you and I are courting.”  
Ginny smiled.  “No one our age maybe, no, but the older warlocks breathing down my neck?  The matchmaking mamas chasing you around the ballrooms and dinner halls?  They will believe it.”  
Malfoy looked down his nose at her, drumming his fingers along his crossed arms in consideration.  
“Not to mention my Aunt Muriel.  She keeps pushing me to dance with you at every opportunity, even after I told her what a total prat you are,” she muttered.    
Malfoy sneered down his nose.  “Weasley, you should be so lucky that I’d deign to show any interest whatsoever in you.”  He narrowed his eyes, “And just to be clear, my mother forced me to dance with you at the Patil Ball.  I certainly didn’t want to.”  
Ginny rolled her eyes.  “Whatever, Malfoy.  Look, I think this would be a great opportunity for us to solve both our problems.  Are you in or are you out?”  
His eyes drilled into her.  “We would pretend to court?”  He took in the state of her with apparent distaste, lingering on her hem.  
Ginny looked down at her ruined dress robes, sighing.  They’d been so beautiful, not to mention expensive.  She flicked her wand to vanish the mud, but the rips in the acromantula silk were another matter.  
“Do you know any good mending spells?”  
With an all-suffering sigh, Malfoy brandished his wand at her and drawled, “Sericum instaurabo.”
The fine fibers instantly re-threaded and before Ginny’s eyes her robes were restored to as good as new.
“Oh,” she lightly ran her hands along the silky material and raised an eyebrow at him, “Thank you, Malfoy.”  
“Any witch of title would be familiar with that spell.  I don’t know how you’re getting away with fooling the ton, Weasley.”    He had the audacity to smirk at her.
She scoffed, “I’m not trying to fool anyone, Malfoy, just – “
“Just fool everyone into thinking we’re courting?”  
“Y-yes,” she glared, “Exactly.  I’ll finish my quidditch tryouts, you’ll escape the matchmakers for a season. It's a fair trade.”
Malfoy considered her a moment in silence.
Ginny swallowed.  He was going to refuse, of course he was.  And then he’d tell everyone that she suggested this sham just to embarrass her family.  Oh Merlin, what would Bill say when he heard?  Was Lady Whistledown delivered in France?  
This was an idiotic idea. How stupid could she be?  
Just as Ginny was about to back away and mutter 'forget it', Malfoy spoke before she could.  
“Let’s say I agree. What exactly do you have in mind?”
Ginny froze with surprise that he might actually consider agreeing. "Isn't courting fairly straightforward?"    "I need specifics, Weasley."
“Well," Ginny shrugged, "We’d likely need to be seen talking and dancing at a few events to convince people right? And you should send flowers, of course.”
“A few events and flowers…?”  Malfoy narrowed his eyes at her again, “Do you even know how titled witches and wizards court, Weasley?  Especially someone of my pedigree?”  
He took a step closer to her, indignant and offended, though about what she had no idea.  She stared up at him in surprise.  
“… no.”  She jutted her chin up at him, refusing to be condescended to. “And I don’t know what pedigree you mean.  We’re both purebloods.”  
“If I were really courting you,” Malfoy drawled deeply and shifted closer to her, “You’d be so overcome by my attentions that you wouldn’t last a week.”      
Ginny stared up at him in disbelief, turning slightly pink.  
“Or maybe I'd just send a singing cupid over to your house?  I seem to remember you having a liking for those back at school.”  
Ginny turned bright red, remembering with embarrassment the singing valentine she’d sent Harry in her first year.  
His smirk widened.  
Ginny scowled, “Forget it, Malfoy.” She turned away, marching swiftly back towards the manor and muttering insults about slimey ferrets under her breath.   
Quite suddenly her feet locked to the ground and the rest of her momentum continued forward. Her upper half swayed and she fell, her hands landed on the muddy ground to brace the rest of her.  
“Not so fast, Weasley. We weren’t done talking.”  
Bloody hell.  She was going to kill him, strangle him with her bare hands if need be!  She pushed herself upright again and twisted her shoulders around with a snarl.  
Malfoy stood behind her smirking, holding his wand aloft, looking very pleased with himself and on the verge of laughing.  
Before he could blink, however, Ginny whipped out her wand. "Expelliarmos!"�� His wand tugged out of his grasp as he desperately tried to keep hold of it, but it yanked through his fingers and arched through the air in her direction.  
It didn’t come straight to her hand and when she tried to reach out for the catch, her feet still frozen to the ground, she toppled over again and landed sideways in the mud.  
Malfoy’s scowl morphed into a howl of laughter.  “Sweet Salazar, Weasley, are you sure it’s safe for you to be out in society?”  
The mud squelched around her hands and arms as she attempted to right herself again.  
“Keep laughing, Malfoy,” she snarled at him, “You won’t think it’s so funny once I’ve hexed you.  Do you also remember my preference for hexes?”
She cast the counter charm on her feet and rolled to her side, ready to cast the bat-bogey hex – only to find him quickly closing the distance between them.  She gasped as he dove at her.  
“Don’t you dare, Weasley,” he lunged, pink in the face and grabbing for her wand arm, “If you hex me, I swear to Salazar…”
She twisted away from him, tugging her arm out of his grip.  “What, afraid to fight me Malfoy?”  
He all but jumped on her wand, trying to hold her still, “Of course not.”  
With the weight of his chest pressing her to the ground, she tried casting a hex only to have him point her wand arm away, directing her spell in the opposite direction.  
They both watched as the yellow spell sparked across the garden lawn and hit a marble centaur statue.  The gleaming white rock was suddenly covered in angry green bogies, diving angrily at the eyes of the centaur, growing more frantic as they bounced away from the rock.  
Ginny snorted and leaned back against the mud, breathing heavily, gasping for air underneath Malfoy’s weight.  
At her snort, his angry gaze swung from the bogeys back to her face.  He looked royally pissed and Ginny couldn’t help the laughter that began bubbling out of her.  
“Don’t be a spoil sport Malfoy, you hexed me first.”
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nikethestatue · 10 months
A Match Baked in Heaven
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Part Vl
My Mind is Ramblin’
A pair of gorgeous deep green eyes looked back at Azriel. Sharp, perfect features so delicate and precise they might have been etched in marble or glass. Lustrous dark skin. Full lips. Silky black hair.
“Who the fook is this?” Azriel muttered under his breath, looking at the photo. 
“Nuala Raith,” Elain said, “your first match.”
“Wow!” was all he could manage. “For real?”
“I take it you find her attractive?” 
“You take it correctly. Freakin’ gorge she is!”
“Well, I am glad that you are pleased, Mr. Night,” Elain said, her voice a bit dry.
He took the photo, looking at it closely.
“Are all the birds that you match look like that? ‘Cause then I might be very interested in your matchmaking services,”
Elain folded her arms on her chest and looked at him, her face glum.
“Beauty is only skin deep,”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind getting deep into this beauty,” he mused.
Elain blushed as usual, and her expression soured, but she didn’t say anything.
“Can I see more?” he requested.
“More of what?”
“The gals you got!”
“Why not?”
“This, this,” she was panting, outraged, “Mr. Night, this is not you Boomble!”
He frowned, “what?”
“Brumble? Trumble?”
“Are you having a stroke?” he queried, somewhat concerned and reached for her hand. She pulled it away.
“No. I am perfectly fine! Those sites, where people go to find matches.”
“Like match.com?”
“No, the other ones, where it’s based on looks! Trimble?”
“If you mean Tinder and Bumble,”
“Yes, those! This is exactly the opposite of that, Mr. Night!”
“Okay, okay!” he raised his hands, trying to placate her.
“No, it seems that you still don't understand the nature of my services–I am not peddling pretty women to lonely men. My services are based on compatibility, mutual interests, chemistry and not just looks!”
“Okay, will you relax?”
“I am relaxed!” she half-shouted.
“Then why is there steam coming out of your ears?”
“I am fine. But I find you exasperating!”
“Hmmm,” he looked at the photo again. “Seems like you got real mad when I commented on how pretty she is,” he noted.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” she argued, indignant.
“I am just making an observation,”
“It’s incorrect, your so-called observation. Of course I want you to find her attractive and I am glad that you did.”
“Yeah, okay,” he concurred reluctantly. 
“This is Nuala’s profile,” Elain handed him a sheet of paper.
“Oh, a footie lover,” he smiled to himself, as he read through it. “A swimmer too…AND a model? Overachiever much.”
Elain didn’t respond, letting him read.
“If you are interested,” she told him at last, “I will arrange it with her and provide you with her number, so you could decide on a date.
“Now, normally, if the date goes well, you go on a few more and if there is a relationship, I would bow out of the arrangement,”
Azriel threw a sharp look at her and immediately said, “but,”
“But my arrangement with you, and the way that Cassian negotiated it, is that it must result in marriage. Therefore, I will be in the loop regarding how the relationship progresses. If things don’t work out between the two of you, then we’ll move on to the next match.”
“Hold on, how much am I paying you for this?” he chortled.
“Not cheap, are you,” 
“That’s just for the matches. If you get married, it’s £75,000.”
“Jesus fuck! And my accountant approved this shite? Highway robbery is what it is,” he complained dramatically. 
“You’ll be getting £230 million in return. I think you’ll be fine. Besides, I know how much you are worth,” she notified him with a dismissive shrug.
“Oh you do, don’t you?”
“You aren’t exactly poor.”
“I can get my own wife, for free and not blow 75,000 quid on you,” he grumbled.
“Ha! Right…you just admitted not never having been in a relationship. I am highly doubting that you can find yourself a wife in 4 months considering your record.”
“Anything else you know about me? My sperm count?”
“Not my concern,” she said dismissively. “You aren’t having children with me, so why would I care?”
“Maybe Nuala cares.”
“That’s between you and Nuala.”
“Fine. Set it up,” he told her.
Elain nodded and gave him the folder. Then she stuffed her IPad into her bag and said, 
“Baby boy, let’s go.”
“Okay,” Azriel nodded and called for the bill.
She looked up at him and grinned.
“Shit,” he hissed.
She dissolved in laughter.
“I am not the ‘baby boy’ am I?”
“If you’d like to be the ‘baby boy’, I suppose you could be…”
“How about ‘handsome’?” he proposed.
“No, Mr. Night. I am not calling you ‘handsome’ and we are not doing pet names.”
“Alright beautiful, as you wish,” he agreed calmly.
“Mr. Night,”
“Yes, gorgeous girl?”
“I am this close to firing you as a client,” she clicked her nails.
“Oh, you can do that?” he asked curiously. “Can I fire you?”
“If you wish to, then yes.”
“Something to keep in mind then. Alright, beautiful, get the pugster and we are outta here.”
Elain laughed softly, whispering, ‘the pugster’. Then she reached into her purse and took out a hundred pounds, laying on the table.
“What the fuck is this?” Azriel grunted.
“For the tea,”
“Put that away,” he ordered harshly.
“Why? I,”
“You’ll put your money away,” he interrupted her. “I am a man and I pay when you are with me.”
“Is this a man and a woman thing?”
“It’s my thing. And it’s not negotiable. I am a man and you will do as I say in this matter.”
Elain’s mouth popped open at his tone, but his glare forced her back into her chair and she took the money back nevertheless. She glimpsed the savage that was hiding behind Azriel’s handsome veneer. The creature that grew up on the streets, the creature whose knuckles were permanently scarred from fights, the one who used to resolve his issues with violence, the one who was unyielding and firm in his beliefs.
“Fine, if you want to be macho, go ahead.”
“Oh, you got that right–I want to be macho. Listen, Ms. Archeron–I find it cute when you are all bossy and demanding with me. I will never demean or diminish the work that you do, even if I find it bloody weird. I respect you. Your tenacity, your belief in love and happy endings, as ridiculous as it is, your intelligence–they are very admirable. 
“But for the record, you ought to always remember that I am a male beast that cannot be tamed. And I am a man, which means I will act like a man in all situations that require me to act according to my sex and my values.”
He got up and called out ‘Pinky, let’s go’ at which Piglet immediately stopped his modelling show and trotted after Azriel. Everyone groaned and snapped final photos of the dog, while Elain belted her coat. Azriel extended his hand to her, and while she didn’t know why, but she took it.
“Thank you for the tea,” she told him when they were in the lift.
“My pleasure. Let me message Dev so he could drive the car around.”
“We could walk for a bit,” she proposed quietly. “We need to walk off the pastries and the sandwiches.”
Azriel laughed and said, “How can I refuse my favourite matchmaker?”
It was dusk by the time they came out of the Shard. The crowds swell around pubs, especially because the evening was clear and crisp, and the darkening skies were almost cloudless. A breeze came off the river and autumnal browns, oranges and yellows were in full colourful swing. As they walked, Azriel’s huge warm hand wrapped around Elain’s, he kept looking at Halloween decorations around them, and criticised them, telling her that ‘theirs’ were better. Elain couldn’t help but smile at his critique, because he was so wholeheartedly aggressive about it.
The driver, Dev, was going to meet them a few streets down, by the river, and Elain wasn’t in a hurry. It was cute watching Azriel hold Piglet’s lead, as the dog acquainted himself with the new surroundings, eager to explore further.
“Have you thought about what you’d do with your 230 million?” Elain wondered. “It’s a big sum–you could do many different things,”
“Yeah, I’ve thought about it,” Azriel nodded. “I think I will…”
It all happened instantly. But also in slow motion.
Elain was shoved and almost spun around, thrown into Azriel’s chest.
Her bag was torn off her shoulder and a young lad in trainers and a hoodie sprinted ahead of them, clutching the bag to his chest.
He was young, probably a teen, fast and agile, running fast, pushing like an angry bull through the crowds of people. 
It was logical that Elain was a target–she was walking in her high-heeled booties, her skirt, with her large bag and her pug. She made a perfect victim…only the lad underestimated who she was with. 
“What the fuck!?” Azriel bellowed, bounding over Pinky and giving chase. Not to be outdone, the dog ripped his lead out of Azriel’s hand and dashed after Azriel, the lead dragging behind him. 
The mugger looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening, as he realised that he was being pursued by a huge man and a dog. It didn’t matter that the man was wearing leather shoes and a suit–his long legs ate up the road ahead of him with incredible speed. 
The kid was fucking fast.
He ran like Azriel used to run when he was a teen mugger himself. Azriel recognised the patterns, the parcour-like ability to skirt around pedestrians, jump over any obstacle, propel himself against walls, but Azriel was an athlete and a runner with over twenty years of experience. The kid was good, but Azriel was bigger and had longer legs and extreme stamina. He was a fast fucker.
“Pinky, what the fuck are you doing?!” Azriel gasped in shock, seeing how the three-legged pug was keeping up and was running alongside him.
The pug only glanced at him sideways and continued running.
People were yelping and crying out in alarm, falling by the wayside, and allowing the chase to continue, and that gave Azriel the opportunity to gain on the kid. 
“Oh ya little cunt, stop!” he shouted, seeing as the mugger was panting loudly now, his face dripping in sweat, the thick hoodie probably making him extra uncomfortable. “Just,” Azriel leapt ahead, “fucking,” and tackled the kid on the ground, “stop!”
His fist connected with the lad’s sweaty red face and he punched him hard. 
His knuckles sang back in pain, but he punched him again, making his man’s head snap to the side. The kid howled, and Azriel slapped him hard, though he no longer used his fist.
“Who the fuck do you think you are grabbing my girl’s purse, you arsehole?” he ripped the purse out of the mugger’s clutching arms, and slapped him again.
“Get off me!” 
“Get off you? I am gonna break your jaw, you bloody fool!”
“Awww, come on, mate! Stop it!” the kid cried out like a little bitch, crying and spitting. “Stop hitting me!”
“You don’t know what hitting is,”
At that moment, Pinky bounded forth, and landed on top of the unfortunate bloke, his sharp little teeth sinking into the sleeve, and then into the arm that stole Elain’s bag.
“AAAAAAAAAAAaahhh!” the guy screamed loudly, while the pug latched onto his arm, and wouldn’t let go.
“Is it rabid?!!” he screamed in terror.
“You are fucking rabid, you douchebag. Don’t call my dog rabid!”
“Get it off me!” He tried to shake Piglet off, but without success.
“Be grateful he isn’t biting your cock,” Azriel said calmly, rising to his feet.
“You got the bag back, fucking let me go!” the guy shouted.
“Oh, you think I shouldn’t call the cops?” Azriel taunted, as he wiped his brow.
Meanwhile, Piglet finally let go of the arm, but now he was going into a full body shake, jumping and bouncing, snarling and snapping his teeth, his whole demeanour definitely saying Oh, you want to fight me? Come on you punk ass bitch! Come on and fight me! Yolo!
“Alright, Rambo, let’s go,” Azriel picked the dog up, “let’s go to Ellie. She is worried about us. Let’s go get our girl.”
“Fuck, it’s you!” the kid suddenly exclaimed, his eyes wide. “I knew it! It’s you!”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s me,” Azriel muttered. “Seriously, mate, if you are about to make a scene, I will fucking break my leg on your arse,”
“But it’s you!!” smearing blood all over his face, the wannabe mugger kept pointing at Azriel, star struck at once. “I can’t believe it’s you! None of my mates will believe this!”
“Well, boo-freakin’-hoo. I don’t care,”
“Can I have an autograph?!” the guy asked excitedly.
“Are you serious  right now?” Azriel raised his brow at him. Pinky was still trying to escape his grip and go back to savaging the mugger, so Azriel held on tight, pressing the pug to his chest.
“I am telling you this dog is rabid!” the guy shook his finger at Pinky, which was greeted by more teeth snapping. 
“Don’t rile him up!” Azriel ordered. “My woman is gonna have my head if something happens to him.”
“Sign something for me,” the guy whined.
“Oh fuck off! I am not signing shit for you. Be grateful I am not calling the cops. Also, shouldn’t have stolen my girl’s purse,” he shrugged. 
“I didn’t know she was your girl!” the mugger cried defensively.
“Sucks to be you. Piss off. I think some of these people are definitely calling the cops on you.”
“Sure no chance of an autograph?”
“You have about three seconds before my fist reacquaints with your face,” Azriel warned.
In the distance, they heard the frantic slapping of feet and Elain’s fast running, as she cried mournfully ‘Piglet! Piglet! Mr. Night!’
Piglet surged in Azriel’s arms and Azriel released him at last, as the pug catapulted towards Elain. 
In the next minute or so, Azriel saw her turning the corner, Piglet under her arm, running wildly towards him, her shoes in her hand. 
“Hey beautiful,” Azriel opened his arms to her and she flew into him so hard, he stumbled back.
“Oh my god, oh my god,” she kept muttering, her hands exploring his body feverishly, her face pale and eyes terrified. “Are you okay? Tell me you are okay!”
“I am okay,” he assured her gently, stroking her head, “I am just fine. Here is your purse,”
He handed her the purse and she rolled her eyes, crying, “it’s not worth it! It’s just an IPad! Some money…I don’t care…I don’t care about any of this!”
“Well, no one steals your stuff on my watch,” smiled down at her, drawing his knuckles over her cheek.
“What if he had a knife!” she exclaimed.
“Well, then he is fucking dumber than he looked, because it’s pointless to bring a knife to a fist fight with me,” Azriel smiled.
“What are you talking about?! He could’ve hurt you!”
“Lassie, I was in a gang. I can handle myself and some lad who snatches purses isn’t exactly a threat.”
“You run really fast,” she murmured in admiration, her cheeks slightly pink, her hair wild and undone. She shifted on her bare feet and Azriel tsked, shaking his head.
“Are you out of your mind, beautiful? What are you doing?”
“I had to,” she mumbled, “I had to run…I didn’t know what happened to you…to Piglet. I…don’t know…” she added quietly. “I couldn’t…if something happened to you…”
“Nothing happened to me,” he wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground.
People started applauding. Some snapped photos. The fighting pug in a Burberry jacket also got a lot of attention. He didn’t mind it. He rubbed against Azriel’s ankles, whimpering and snorting softly, happy that his Elain was okay.
“You can put me down,” Elain whispered, blushing and squirming against Azriel’s broad chest and within the circle of his iron arms. Goodness gracious! He had a lot of muscles. He was so big…with so many muscles…so firm…so heavy…she loved his weight…how solid he was…
“Naw, pretty matchmaker, I am hauling your plump arse all the way to the car, so we don’t get into any more misadventures.”
“All the way to the car?!” 
“All the way–you are not walking barefoot here, and you were stupid enough to take your shoes off. Were you gonna beat him to death with your shoe?” he teased, adjusting her in his arms, and wrapping Pinky’s lead around his wrist. These two could not be trusted with their own safety. They had the same amount of common sense–and it wasn’t much.
“I couldn’t run in them!” she hissed. “But I can put them back on.”
“Those are nice expensive shoes and you aren’t putting your gross dirty feet in them.”
“Ohmygod, I don’t have gross, dirty feet!”
“You literally just ran barefoot for three-four blocks on the streets of London. You need to be hosed down.”
“You are so mean and nasty!”
“And yet, here I am carrying you in my arms to the car.”
People stared at them, at Elain’s shoeless feet, and her torn hose, and watched the two of them with surprise, while many probably recognised him, but Azriel walked quickly, before anyone could stop him.
Elain was lighter than he thought she would feel, but she was also soft and cuddly, like a stuffed animal. Compared to the women he usually dealt with, it was obvious that she’d never passed an apple crumble that she didn’t love, but he didn’t mind that at all. In fact, he pressed his face into her hair and inhaled. She shifted in his arms, feeling his lips on her head, but he didn’t say anything and just pressed her closer. 
Why did she attract him?
There was nothing in her that should’ve appealed to him whatsoever, and yet, here he was, drawn to her in some inexplicable way. He didn’t even like her. He wanted to make fun of her. She was irritating. She was snooty. Most of the time, she drove him crazy. She had a bad attitude. She wasn’t impressed by his fame and accomplishments. He was pretty sure that she didn’t even like him much. Yet, here he was, fighting the desire to message Dev and tell him to drive around for a bit, so he could continue carrying her in his arms.
“Mr. Night,” she said after a long stretch of silence, where she just burrowed herself into his chest.
“Yes, beautiful?”
She cleared her throat in warning, and he corrected himself, “Ms. Archeron?”
“Please promise me that you are not going to make stupid, impulsive decisions anymore. Especially not in my name,”
“What’s the fun in that then?” he chuckled.
“I am serious. You have a goal–you need to be married by March, and that’s what we’ll concentrate on. You cannot risk yourself or your well-being for silly things. You need to be in tiptop shape mentally and physically. So, promise!” she insisted.
“Naw, darlin’. I ain't promising nothing like that.”
“‘Cause things change and I don’t know what’s gonna happen. What if I fall for you? What if you fall for me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous!”
He shrugged and continued,
“Also, there is a matter of Pinky,”
“What about him?” Elain demanded, immediately alarmed.
“We need to figure out some type of joint custody agreement, because,”
“Excuse me?!!” she fumed. “He is mine! Why are you even interfering?!”
“Sorry, darlin’, but Pink likes me. I am the male figure in his life. We need each other,”
“He doesn’t need you!”
“Well, I beg to differ, but also, he needs me.”
“Forget it. After this is over, you can’t see him.”
“Pfff, right! Are you gonna stop me?” he challenged, pretending like he was about to drop her and she screamed and threw her arms around his neck, while he threw his head back and laughed.
“You bloody wanker! What the hell?!” Elain cried out, slapping his shoulder. 
“Can’t argue with facts. I am a wanker,”
“Eww I don’t want to know!” she even attempted to cover her ears, but he noticed her hot, flaming cheeks, which was his favourite way of hers to be. 
“Been going through a bit of a dry spell, if you know what I mean,” he grinned. “Where should I take Nuala?” he then pondered.
“I am not giving you dating advice!” she ground out. “Normal people go out for drinks.”
“And abnormal people?”
“You’d know more about that.”
Azriel slowed down and Elain turned her head and saw Dev standing next to the Bentley. The chauffeur opened the door and smirked,
“Rough tea?” he asked, seeing as Elain was being carried and missing her shoes.
“You could say that,” Azriel nodded, while Piglet made his way inside the car and settled by the window. “My lass here was mugged and then she murdered the mugger with her shoe.”
“Ahh,” Dev didn’t seem surprised.
“I did not!!!” Elain screeched.
Dev smiled cryptically and said, “it’s alright, miss, I get it. Plausible deniability and all.”
“Seriously, you are going to throw some legal jargon at me?” Elain asked incredulously.
Azriel deposited her inside the car and slapped Dev’s shoulder.
“It’s alright, love. Dev is an old mate of mine. We grew up in the same place. He knows a lot about the law. And how to avoid any trouble with it.”
“Good to know,” Elain muttered and moved in her seat closer to Piglet.
Azriel slid in beside her and Dev took his seat behind the wheel. The car took off towards the bridge and Elain looked out the window, gently stroking Piglet’s back. 
He was her good boy today. So brave. So fearless. Sometimes she wondered if anyone else loved her as much as Piglet loved her.
Azriel looked at Elain and her beautiful, dishevelled hair, her gloriously gorgeous face, and when his eyes dipped lower, the question that he'd been asking himself the whole day was answered.
Her skirt had ridden up on her soft thigh, and in the slit of the trench, he saw that she was indeed wearing stockings. The lacy top wrapped around the pale skin of her thigh and was held up by a garter belt. It was gorgeous. The whole thing was gorgeous–her skin, the soft fat of her thigh, the nude lace, the fishnet of the stocking, and Azriel couldn't tear his eyes away from her. For the first time since he met her, he found himself wanting to touch her. Like that. He wondered what she’d taste like: her lips, her skin, her nipples. What she’d look like naked. What she’d sound like when he entered her. How her lovely face would flush. What her moans would be like as she came all over his cock.
Absolutely not.
She was the matchmaker. And he wasn’t going there. Ever. Never.
So he smiled at her and then gently covered her exposed leg with her skirt and her coat.
Enough now.
It was Sunday morning. Piglet clawed at the bed, whining softly.
“It’s too early!” Elain moaned heavily, to which Piglet responded with a decisive bark.
“Aw, no barking!” she ordered, rubbing her temples. 
Damn Halloween party.
Damn dog, who knew no peace.
Piglet clawled at the bedsheets, demanding that she wake up, give him food, cuddles, put a bow on him, take him out and in general, devote as much of her as possible to him. 
“Piglet, not now,” she barked back at him.
He growled and butted the bed, and Elain threatened, “I swear, I will take you to the pound!”
At that, he gasped in shock and stepped back, before dramatically hanging his big round head and starting sniffing and crying pug tears. Then, he slowly turned around and just as slowly walked to the door, all the while throwing pensive looks over his shoulder, to make sure that she was watching him and that she was feeling bad. 
His bed was located at the top of the staircase, in an alcove, where he slept, keeping vigilant of any intruders, ready to attack, while having Elain nearby. She didn’t let him sleep in her bedroom, because…well, he was a pug, and he made a lot of pug noises. He snorted, he grunted, he panted. He farted. He liked to talk to himself in his yippy pug language. Sometimes he freaked out over nothing, and ran in circles just for the fun of it. In general though, he didn’t mind having his own space, and he liked his domain and his plush dog bed. But the mornings belonged to him and he needed attention.
How he knew what the ‘pound’ was, Elain had no idea, but that was the greatest threat that she could throw his way. Even the mere mention of it made him act like she actually took him there and left him. 
“Pig-let,” she called him.
He didn’t respond.
“I am sorry. Come back.”
She knew that he needed a good fifteen minutes to calm down and live down the insult.
Even though she didn’t want to, she finally got up and went to shower.
The party at Feyre’s last night was pretty wild. It was mostly the bohemian crowd that Feyre hung out with–artists, musicians, tattoo artists, performers, even people who performed in sex clubs. Feyre told Elain in no uncertain terms that she wasn’t permitted to wear pearls. Sometimes, her sister had the most bizarre notions about what and who Elain was. Kind of like Mr. Night.
And just like that, he popped into her head. 
Why? Because he did chivalrous things like fight a mugger, or hold doors for her, or carry her in his arms, or keep her freezing feet in his hands, while they were in the car? Or was it because he did oddly romantic things too, like taking her out for tea, and gently talking her through her sadness and staying on the phone with her? Or was it that checked in with her every night via text, to make sure that she was home and safe? 
He was a pest. A worm that burrowed his way into her brain: a song that she couldn’t turn off. No one else affected her like this! Never before. Certainly none of her clients. And that’s what he was–her client. Even thinking about him outside of their business arrangement was unprofessional. 
And yet, she loved the feeling of elation every time her phone dinged and a message came from him. She loved that he started following Piglet’s IG page, under the handle of FootieFreak–she just knew that it was him, because who else could it be? He sent her random, rambling messages. They were sincere, but she knew that writing wasn’t his forte. He made adorable grammatical mistakes and his writing style felt strained, as if he wasn’t good at expressing himself, let alone expressing himself in writing. But it also felt like he was making an effort, just for her. He also sent her long and pointless stats about football, and profanity-filled rants about training or players. Elain found it cute.
And therein lay the problem.
She was developing an attachment to this man.
His uncouth, brash, but fun and funny, uncontrolled manner was unusual, but also felt fresh and endearing, and he always kept her amused and entertained. He wasn’t exactly hard to look at either. The man was criminally good looking. Wild and untamed and savage. He had no finesse, wasn’t particularly well educated, or polished, but he also had charisma, peculiar confidence and a wild sort of attitude that could be considered elegantly feral. 
And Elain hated that she was attracted to him. Because she knew that it could never go anywhere. It frustrated her, just like he frustrated her, but what was she supposed to do? She couldn’t just put an end to her attraction to him, it wasn’t exactly like corking a bottle, but she supposed that she could not act on it. She was a professional, after all, and she’d just grin and bear it, just like she always did.
Elain, the peacemaker. Elain, the one who was soft and smiley and gentle. Elain, the matchmaker. Elain, the flower grower. Elain, the plump, old-fashioned, awkward beauty who never knew how to play all her assets up. 
Whatever. Life was for others. At least she had Piglet.
She wrapped herself in a terry robe and tied a towel around her hair. Grabbing her phone, she went to the landing, and saw Piglet burying his face in his bed, his ass turned towards her, still holding a grudge. He didn’t turn when she called him, and she had to grovel and ask her pug for forgiveness. He was still pouting when she simply went over and picked him up, and then went downstairs, while he attempted to snap at her. 
She let him out in the garden, and he did his business quickly, because it was cold and drizzling, and then he was ready for breakfast. To appease him, Elain cooked some ham especially for him, and sliced up an apple and a carrot–his favourites–and considered making his all time beloved meal of chicken and rice for dinner. She scrambled eggs for both of them, though Piglet’s didn’t have any salt or pepper or spices, but he was fine with that. ‘The pound’ was soon forgotten, because he was busy eating and having a good time.
She sat at the table that overlooked her pretty garden and sipped her coffee.
The thing was that she’s been agonising over this since yesterday. She fingered her phone, contemplating. It didn’t mean anything. It didn’t mean anything if she sent it to him. It was just a photo. It was just a fun photo of her in her costume. Why couldn’t she send it to him? Yeah, technically, she’d never send the photo to any of her other clients–obviously–but was Azriel Night one of her usual clients? No. She didn’t go to tea with her clients. And Piglet didn’t jump on them either. Piglet typically avoided her clients and preferred to sit in his lounge and nap or watch videos. But Piglet wouldn’t leave Azriel’s side.
And that gave Elain her first brilliant idea.
She pulled up a photo from last night and sent it to Azriel, forbidding herself from any further thinking or doubting. She was just going to do it.
Piglet was a Piglet last night, she wrote.
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And then she put the phone down, convincing herself that she didn’t care if Azriel responded.
The problem was that he responded very quickly and she grabbed the phone instantly, reading the response.
Beautiful, you have no imagination. You dressed a pug that you named Piglet as a pig.
Elain snorted. Of course he was going to critique her!
Well, I think it’s cute!!!!!
In a few moment he responded,
That’s a very aggressive usage of exclamation points. 
Tell me that he looks cute! She demanded.
He looks cute, Azriel conceded. He is the cutest dog in London. He looks good in any costume.
That made Elain smile. He wasn’t wrong about that.
Can you show me what my favourite matchmaker was wearing for Halloween?
The unexpected request was straightforward. Bold.
Come on, beautiful. You can do it. I know you want to.
Stop calling me that!!! And I don’t want to.
Yes you do. I bet you are proud of your costume.
She was. It was very daring, her costume.
Biting her lip, Elain gnawed on her thumb, as she looked through her photos. They looked good. Her costume was that of a sexy Little Red Riding Hood–she wore a very short pleated red skirt, black tights, kneehigh black boots and a bustier. She draped herself in a bright red cape and put on dramatic makeup with bright red lipstick and dark, smokey eyes. When she stepped into Feyre’s loft, Feyre barely recognised her. It was Piglet who was the giveaway. He bounded in in his pink piggy suit and Feyre almost smothered him to death with hugs. He actually began growling at her, and she had to give him a banana to placate him. He spent the rest of the evening dodging aggressive huggers and playing ‘the Pleading Pug’ card, when he saw someone holding cheese or sausages, before finally falling asleep under the table.
Elain sorted through the photos. Some were silly and taken out of context they would look odd, though she didn’t think that Azriel would care. You’d think she was a massive boozer, considering how she held some kind of drink in every shot. She did get a bit rowdy last night, but it was a good mix of people, and she was pretty relaxed. But she wondered throughout the evening what it would be like to have Azriel there. As her date. 
Her business phone dinged and she frowned. It was Sunday. Who the heck was ringing her on a Sunday morning?
*Nuala Wraith* 
Elain frowned, debating whether she should pick up, but eventually she did, though she was frowning. 
“Good morning, Nuala. Is everything okay?”
Nuala wasn’t the type to ring on weekends.
“Yes, yes. I am sorry I am bothering you on a Sunday.”
“It’s alright,” Elain lied. “How can I help?”
Nuala’s voice sounded excited. It was like she was panting. 
“Azriel Night…” Nuala said breathlessly. 
“Yes…oh god, what did he do?” Elain winced to herself. Jesus. She didn’t even know where to begin thinking about what might have happened.
“This man,” Nuala continued. “Is perfect!!!” the last part came out as a snorty sort of squeal.
“I am sorry?” Elain winced again, this time in confusion.
“You’ve met him, right?” Nuala demanded.
“Well, yes, of course.”
“So did you not notice that this man looks like a god? He is brilliantly funny. I was laughing all night through!”
“Oh, you went on the date?”
“Yes! Two in fact.”
“Two dates?”
“We went on Friday–just drinks, but we stayed talking until closing time and then he drove me home and,”
A wave of heat suddenly flushed over the entirety of Elain’s body.
Hot, sweaty wave of embarrassment and dread.
What was Nuala about to tell her?! What if she was going to start talking about the incredible sex that she and Azriel had after their first date. What if she was going to go into gruesome details? Was she going to describe his…appendage?
“And he is just such a gent, you know. Dropped me off right at my doorstep,” Nuala kept going without taking a breath, “and…I was surprised, you know,”
“About what?”
“Well,” she laughed softly, somewhat shyly. “It’s…embarrassing, really…but I was definitely putting out signals, you know?”
“Yeah. If he was keen, I was keen too. Is that bad?”
“No. You are adults,” Elain assured her feebly. “But…he, didn’t,”
“No, he didn’t pick up what I was putting down, if you catch my drift.”
“Yeah, I understand,” Elain confirmed through slightly gritted teeth. Why was she so irritated? Wasn’t this what she wanted? For Azriel and Nuala to find their matches and live happily ever after.
“I mean, from all the stories that I’d read about him in the Daily Mail back from 5-10 years ago, it seemed that he was Mr. Orgy,”
Elain blushed to herself.
He did have a reputation. She considered discussing it with him when they were at the Shard, but then she didn’t find it in herself to broach the subject. However, Nuala was correct–Azriel had a reputation for someone who had a chequered and questionable sexual history. Involved in an orgy was a fairly common comment to read in relation to him.
“But you went on a second date?” Elain confirmed.
“Yeah!” Nuala, normally composed and quiet, seemed very unlike herself. Giddy and jolly and hyper. 
“And the conversation was good?” Elain pressed.
“Oh yeah! It was so easy. We didn’t talk about anything serious, but it was lovely,”
Elain chuckled, “what, no talks about baby names and how many children he wants?”
Nuala paused, and even though Elain couldn't see her it seemed like she was perplexed by the comment.
“What do you mean? No, we haven't talked about children! He doesn’t strike me as someone who’s ever thought of baby names!” she laughed at the ludicrousness of the suggestions.
Elain laughed nervously, and quickly agreed, “No, no. I just thought that since it went so well…”
“No, no! We didn’t get that far. We talked about footie and stuff,”
“Haha,” Elain huffed, “were you subjected to one of his Chelsea related rants?! How horrid their defence is and how,”
“Oh, he talks about that?” Nuala seemed amused. “He was very complimentary of everything and everyone…”
Hmmm. Well, that was interesting. Was he just playing Mr. Nice Guy with Nuala? Or was he just dumping all his aggravation and hopes and dreams into Elain’s lap for some reason?
Excitedly, Nuala announced, “we are going on our third date on Tuesday!”
“You are? Moving quickly!”
“He is amazing. We went to this nice intimate Spanish tapas place in Maida Vale–the neighbourhood was kind of dodgy and I didn’t even know why he was taking me there, but then, the place was absolutely incredible. The owner cooked all our food to order!! Just him. No one else in the kitchen. The most adorable and cosy place. I have no idea how Azriel even knew about it, but I’ve never been on a date like that.”
“I am almost jealous,” Elain laughed a totally fake laugh. “It does sound incredible!”
“It was…we had fried sardines and chorizo stuffed dates, and two pitchers of Sangria!” she paused and then said, almost shyly,
“Honestly Elain, when you told me ‘Azriel Night’ I was doubtful. My first thought was–what is Elain thinking with this? But you…god, you know what you are doing, don’t you? That’s why you are the Rolls Roys of matchmakers and it’s so difficult to even get an appointment with you. You just…know. I am sorry I doubted you.”
The words warmed Elain’s heart. Regardless of her personal feelings on the matter, she was proud of what she did. Of the 80+ couples who found their happiness with each other because of her. In fact, she did know what she was doing. She knew how to match people, and what made them tick. How they fit. She’s had this gift since she was a little girl, and she was lucky to put it in motion when she was in Uni, and then, actually carve a career for herself doing what she loved. A lucrative career, where she was able to make quite a comfortable living for herself, while bringing joy to others. 
But now, she had an almost pathological need to know. So she asked,
“So the Spanish restaurant went well, since you two are already almost on date three. Anything else?”
Nuala laughed.
“Did we do it?”
“Oh my, Nuala, I would never pry like that!” Elain gasped. She was definitely prying though.
“No, I know, Elain! Sorry. I am just joking. We didn’t though. Not so much as a kiss,” Nuala sighed. “I mean, he took me home and then he kissed me on the cheek. Who even kisses on the cheek nowadays?”
Elain smiled.
Azriel Night apparently.
“He kissed you on the cheek?”
“He did,” Nuala laughed. “He is very respectful. I think he is cautious, because he is a public figure. Maybe he doesn't want to rock the boat and make assumptions? You know how footballers are often accused of things. Perhaps it takes time to cross that line,”
“Yeah, you might be right. Now that I think about it, that could be the reason,” Elain nodded to herself.
“Anyways! I don’t want to take up any more of your time. I am sorry for ringing on a Sunday, but I just wanted to share how things were progressing.”
“Thank you. Keep me posted. Good luck.”
It seemed that her time with Mr. Night would be shorter than expected.
Elain wouldn’t have been surprised if Nuala was scrolling through Pinterest, looking at wedding dresses and ideas.
“Have a nice day, Elain!”
“You as well.”
Elain put aside the phone and looked out into her garden. 
The rain was coming hard now, beating down the glass like tears.
She picked up her personal phone and saw a message.
Where is my photo, beautiful?
3 minutes later.
Still waiting…
2 minutes later.
What did I do? You don’t need to send it to me if you are shy. Though I’d like to see it.
She sighed and said loudly,
“Piglet, we are going out.”
Piglet raised his head and gave her a doubtful look, after he glanced out the window and saw all that rain.
“Come on,” she slapped her thighs and got up. “You are a dog, you are fine.”
She looked back at her phone and then turned it off completely.
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allzelemonz · 1 year
Fiction Mirrors Reality: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
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Pronouns: None Mentioned, implied similarities to a man in a book Physical Sex: None mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Matchmaker Mary-Beth, mutual pining, fluff, bookworms Summary: Mary-Beth gave you a book hoping you’d make some real world connections.
Finding time to read with Mary-Beth has been a priority ever since you joined the gang. She always has recommendations that make you want to avoid even the excitement of Dutch’s jobs. She also happens to be good company, quiet until something exciting happens and very willing to talk about the books you’re reading.
“What’s that face for?” She asks.
She gave you this book a few days ago. It’s good, but two characters you were hoping would get together have had another frustrating close call.
“They’re idiots.” You sigh, closing the book and tossing it on the ground in front of you where you sit. “They’ve almost kissed six times.”
Mary-Beth picks up your book and reads the title to remind herself. “Oh, those two.”
“It’s like they’re clueless, like they can’t feel it.”
“Wonder what that’s like.” Mary-Beth says in a tone that makes you look at her in confusion.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She blushes, looking down at the fabric covering the dirt you both sit on. “Nothing, nothing at all.”
“You’re not getting away with the shy girl routine, Miss Gaskill.” You lean forward, interested now. “What’s so interesting.”
She looks up at you. “I… I may have given ya the book because they remind me of some people in camp.”
You knit your eyebrows in confusion. “Who?”
There’s no one in camp that comes to mind. Most of the feelings in camp are out in the air and have been long dealt with or avoided at all costs.
She waves her hand dismissively. “It’s nothin’ ya gotta worry about-”
“Yes it is.” You urge. “You gave me the book and put me through all of their annoying pining, so who in camp-”
“You and Sean!” She blurts, covering her mouth right after she says it.
You have to process for a minute before you laugh in disbelief. “Me and Sean?”
She nods, hand still covering her mouth.
“Are we talking about the same Sean?” You ask, raising a finger to point at her. “Words this time, Miss Gaskill.”
She sheepishly lowers her hand and places it with the other in her lap. “I’m sorry! I just read the book and they reminded me of how you to are always runnin’ around actin’ like ya don’t wanna fall in love-”
“Us?” You stifle a laugh. “I’ve always thought you were a funny girl, Mary-Beth, but that has to be the funniest thing you’ve ever said.”
“Ya don’t see it, just like Edward.” She sighs. “And Sean keeps playin’ around, pretendin’ it ain’t real, just like Elizabeth.”
You shake your head. “I think you’ve finally lost your mind.”
“I have not!” She tosses the book back to you. “You keep readin’, you’ll see.”
You scoff. “The day I see anything like that about Sean is the day you can put me out of my misery.”
“Just read, you!”
You open the book again and continue with the story. Now that Mary-Beth has brought it up, you can’t stop imagining yourself and Sean in place of the characters. Sean is just as annoying, loud-mouthed, and stubborn as the girl and you happen to fall very much in line with the man. All of it makes you think back and you do see it. All the times you’ve come shockingly close to kissing Sean, every stupid smile that you recall having a flutter reaction to that you wrote off as sickness, that annoying bounce Sean has in his step and the silky look of his hair.
“Damn it.” You mutter.
Mary-Beth is smirking when you look at her, hardly paying attention to her book. She can see Sean over by the fire as he occasionally glances up from his whittling to look at you. Straight out of her romance books.
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mayajadewrites · 9 months
suguru geto x fem reader – lucky
roommates to lovers–friends to lovers–slow burn
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synopsis: Suguru Geto is your best friend and roommate. After a year of living together, there have been more than one opportunity to throw away your friendship. The question is, would you get lucky as fall in love for the rest of your days?
Your entire closet is on your floor as you go through every one of your date night outfits to find the perfect one to meet Choso. You settle on a pair of ripped jeans that hug your curves just right, and a white off-the-shoulder blouse. You topped it off with a pair of chunky heels and gold toned accessories.
You hear Suguru putting away dishes, making sure all the pots and pans are organized. You grab your purse and walk out of your room, wary of the reaction you'll receive from Suguru.
He stopped what he was doing when he heard you close your door, his eyes trailing down your curvy figure. Some of your mid-drift was showing, just a sliver, but it left Suguru with a lump in his throat.
"How do I look?" You spun your body, giggling at yourself. "Come on Sugu. Don't tell me it's hideous." You look down at your outfit, double checking that everything looks okay.
"You look beautiful. Per usual." Suguru looked away, back at the dishes. He put the last of the bowls away before leaning his back on the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. "What time will you be home?"
"Do I have a curfew?" You raise your eyebrow. "I don't recall us setting one when we made the house rules."
"No, but I don't know this guy. You don't know this guy."
"I'll be back by 11. You have my location." You grab your keys from the entryway table. "If anything happens or goes wrong, I'll text you." You take one last look at Suguru. His hair is all the way down, his silky black hair almost illuminating him.
"Be safe." Suguru sighed and looked down. You saw his eyes peer up at you as you closed the door, leaving you feeling like you're doing something wrong. Maybe this isn't the right decision.
He's not your boyfriend.
He's your best friend. Your roommate.
Just breathe.
You arrive at the restaurant and see a man with two buns and tired eyes standing at the doorway on his phone. His physique is muscular, you can even see it through his dark gray sweater. He had a tattoo across his nose, which you thought was cute.
"Choso?" You walk over to him, his head shooting up from his screen. He smiled at you before taking your hand and kissing it.
"Yes. You're even more gorgeous than Shoko described." Choso shoved his phone in his pocket, opening the door to the restaurant. "Thank you for coming, I know blind dates are weird. But Shoko wouldn't shut up about you."
"Funny, she was talking my ear off about you, too." You enter the building, taking in the smells of the delectable dishes.
Choso is very easy to talk to. You notice his nails are painted, which you find very adorable. A man who is in touch with his femininity turns you on, especially if he's as muscular as Choso.
He tells you about his family, more specifically his little brother Itadori, who is his world. He basically takes care of him like a father.
Another point in the cute column for Choso.
"So, what about you? Do you have siblings?"
"No, I'm an only child." You dip a chip in the salsa on the table in front of you. "My friends are my chosen family."
"Thats beautiful." You both reach your hands for a chip, your fingertips grazing each other. Choso blushed at the contact, waiting for you to pull your hand away, but you didn't. Choso grabbed your hand lightly and rubbed his thumb on your knuckles.
"Thank you for meeting me here tonight." Choso gave his card to the waitress. "I'm really glad Shoko wanted to play matchmaker."
"Honestly, me too. This was the highlight of my week." You smile as you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear.
You look at the time on your phone, 9:45 PM.
"Is Itadori expecting you home yet?" You stand up with the help of Choso. His hand stayed on yours as he lead you out of the restaurant.
"No, I told him I'll be home by 11:30." Choso messed with one of his buns. "What did you want to do?"
"Lets..." You look around at the parking lot, seeing if theres any place to get dessert. "Lets just talk in your car."
Choso brings you to his car where he turns on some music and leans his chair back, drumming a beat on his legs. You smile as you watch his quirks – one of them was music. He loved listening and vibing out to music. It was like his own little world.
He laughed when he opened his eyes and saw you staring at him. "I'm sorry, I get lost in music."
"Don't be. It's cute." You turn your knees toward him, your arms slighting pressing your tits together. Choso couldn't help but glance down at them, a shade of red gracing his cheeks,
"Choso?" You tilt your head, locking your eyes with his.
"You can kiss me, you know." Your eyes move to his lips as his mouth curves into a smile. Next thing you know, his lips are on yours, moving gently with your pace. You press your hand on the side of his face, the firy touch of your skin making him flinch. Choso laid his hand on yours, leaning his cheek into your palm.
"You taste sweet." You pull away gently, licking your bottom lip.
Choso laughed and pressed his head to his headrest. "You're absolutely adorable."
"I'm gonna head home, thank you so much for the date." You kiss Choso's cheek, opening the door to get out of your car.
"Text me when you get home." Choso's arm extended to the chair you were just sitting in.
"Will do." You lean down in the window and smile, closing his door gently.
When you get home, Suguru is in the living room. The only light is from the TV, playing some movie that he's not even paying attention to. He's so buried in his phone he almost doesn't notice you come in.
"I'm home, you can go to sleep now." You slide your shoes off.
"How was it? How was he?"
"It was great, actually. He's really sweet. That Mexican spot we went to is great, me and you should go sometime."
"Mm." Suguru nodded, locking his phone. His eyes look tired, more than usual. He leaned his head back on the couch, fighting to stay awake. "Wanna finish this movie with me?"
You didn't have the heart to say no. At the end of the day, he's your best friend.
"Sure, let me change quick." You go to your room and change into a big tshirt and shorts. Suguru was still awake when you walk back out, his arms extended along the back of the couch. His head was leaing back and to the side with his hair down. His eyes flickered to you, lighting up a bit seeing your figure in the doorway.
You sit next to him on the couch, but still a bit far away.
"Come here." Suguru said with his eyes closed, his arms still wide.
"Suguru, I-"
"Stop talking. I'm tired, I've been worried about you all night, just please come here."
You didn't protest. You snuggled your body into his, leaning your head on his shoulder. You instantly felt safe as you closed your eyes. Suguru leaned his cheek on the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you.
You wake up and hear faint snoring, along with a jet black mop of hair in front of your eyes. Suguru's body was entangled with yours. It's impossible to get out without waking him up. You panic, but at the same time, you don't want to leave this spot. You look up at Suguru's face – he looked so peaceful. His snores were light as his chest moved up and down with his breathing.
You decide to deal with this in the morning. You pull the blanket over the both of you, snuggling deeper into his chest.
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alectoperdita · 1 year
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A Striking Match
Rated: M Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Pairing: Jounouchi Katsuya/Kaiba Seto Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Aged-Up Character(s), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Background Relationships, Enemies to Lovers, Matchmaking, Crossdressing, Mixed-Race Character, Bigotry & Prejudice, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Class Differences, Tokyo (City), 5+1 Things, Romance, Getting Together, Awkward Dates, Sexual Tension, Eventual Smut, Mild Sexual Content
Or the five times Katsuya crossdressed on a date with Kaiba Seto and the one time he didn't.
As soon as he shaved the first patch of leg hair, he knew he was committed to finishing. He couldn't just do the lower half exposed by the shorter skirt. He needed to shave the entire limb. No chickening out. It took a while, but running a hand from an ankle to his knee, then up to his thigh, he was pleased with the result. He didn't even cut himself once! After applying moisturizer, the skin felt as silky smooth as any of his ex-girlfriends. And they looked even more fabulous the next day, encased in flesh-colored pantyhose with the black skirt swishing above his knees. "Eat your heart out," he said smugly, spinning in front of the mirror. "Take that, Miho. I so have the legs to rock this."  The effort continued to pay off when Kaiba picked him up. The other man did a visible double-take when Katsuya answered the door, his startled blue eyes flying to the nameplate beside the entrance to confirm. Katsuya straightened and jutted his chin forward, daring Kaiba to say something.
Read Chapter 5/7: Date #4
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iceman-kazansky · 2 years
Luckiest man, luckiest Woman
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Pairings: Daniel Jackson (SPR) x F!reader
Requested by: @first-husband-lipton
Request: Okay because I really love Private Jackson (SPR) and he is Catholic AF... can I request a one-shot with him in a garden wedding seeing his bride for the first time as she walks down the aisle...and kiss her for the first time?
Settings/Au's: Wedding, relatively Modern
Warnings: f!reader, mentions of Christianity, two lovestruck fools, I've never written for a wedding or been to one so probably inaccurate depiction of a wedding, pure Fluff :)
Summary: You love Daniel and Daniel loves you, and you've decided to tie the knot in your relationship. Although, Walking down the Aisle, he realizes just how lucky he is to even be graced by a woman like you.
Sorry I also kinda tweaked the request a little 😅 And, after writing this, I realized just how inexperienced I am in WEDDINGS. I've realized now I've never been to one and never had one myself :0
So uh, Google helped me write this quite a bit.
The day he had been waiting for was finally here. The day he; Daniel Jackson could claim you as his legally wedded wife. Daniel had picked a few best buds from his hometown to be his groomsmen, each had played an important role in his life to be deemed with such honor.
One by one, family members and close friends filed in and Daniel watched as his friends who served in the military alongside him were seated close to the front rows.
As the audience waited, the small chatter filling the air like the pleasant hum of insects on a hot summer night, Daniel couldn’t help but remember the first time he’d seen you. He’d gawked at you from across the street, where he had seen you laughing with your friends. His friends noticed —the same friends that stood behind him now —and had played a game of matchmaker. They had arranged for you two to meet again and officially talk. As embarrassing as it was, Daniel had been glad that his friends had gone out of their ways to tie you two together. Without it, He wouldn't be standing underneath the green foliage framed with ivory wood beams and the warm sunlight basking his back as he waited for the love of his life to arrive.
Finally, as the last car pulled into the parking lot, the wedding was ready to begin. Daniel watched as you moved forwards towards the aisle, and he could feel his jaw drop. The elegant white dress you wore was stunning, the silky fabric with a long train that flowed along the stone pathway that Daniel could only imagine to be the most refined fashion for women there could be, hugged you tightly and highlighted your curves in every right way. Daniel could feel his heart race at the sight of you, still as pretty as the first time you met, walking down the aisle. He could only imagine how God had somehow poured a little more love over you when he was creating the beauty walking towards him, and he thanked God for blessing him with such an amazing woman he would be sure to treasure if she said yes one more time.
Daniel was so entranced that he hardly recognized the priest had begun talking beside him, holding a large book open in one palm while reading out intricate verses. The priest finished and moved onto the vows,
"Do you, Daniel Jackson, take Y/n Y/l/n to be your wife?"
Without hesitation Daniel replied, "Yes"
"And do you, Y/n Y/l/n take Daniel Jackson to be your husband?"
"Yes." You answered.
Daniel felt your hands slip into his and he squeezed them lightly. He was Really doing this. He was settling down hopefully forever with you. He was 'tying the knot.' And all Daniel wanted to do right now was kiss you, in thanks, in love, in appreciation, in confession, and the priests "You may kiss the bride." Was all he needed to capture your perfect lips in his in an endearing kiss.
And as he reminisced over the first time he had kissed you, atop the ferris wheel at the carnival a few years ago, how your lips had been so soft and had treated beyond what Daniel could've interpreted back then, he couldn't help but compare today's kiss and the first kiss all those years ago.
"I love you." He heard you whisper, just above the cheering of the crowd below.
"I love you, too."
Daniel Jackson was the luckiest man alive, he got to have you, a woman he believed was beautiful enough to be considered a God. And You? You were the luckiest Woman to be alive because you had just tied the knot with the most handsome, and kind man you had ever met that you had totally fallen for the moment you saw him, walking with his friends on the opposite side of the road.
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nspdr-neo · 7 months
Local girl kisser Eden is last on the list for the bimbo pranks, but just as Arei and Whit get ready to watch the results, a bimbofied, and very angry Hu catches them. While Whit manages to escape Arei is not so lucky, and Hu decides the best punishment is a taste of her own medicine.
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
This was it...the finale of their greatest prank ever!!
It's been a fun ride - watching their entirety of their female classmates turn into such slutty bimbos, and even great seeing the guys (and Nico) get swept up in the prank as well.
But now it was time for things to end...in the hottest of ways. Once Eden finished eating that bimbo-tonic laced cake, both were eager to see how much 'cake' Eden was bound to have in those shorts of hers.
However, since there focus was so on Eden, they didn't realize who was walking right behind them. Least, up until Hu had grabbed Arei from behind. Sending her head right back into those jiggly mounds of her that weren't even constrained by her dress given how big they were now.
"Got youuuuuuuuu!! Like, listen her little girl and boy!! It hit me while giving Nico their good morning smooch sesh!! You did...something to me!! I think? Anyways, time to punish this bad, bad, bad girl~"
"Lemme go you whore!!!! Whit!! Help meee!!" Upon seeing his partner in crime captured, he turned on his heel and bolted from the scene!!!
"!!!! Whit!! You pussy ass motherfuck-!!!!" Before Arei could finish her cuss out of the matchmaker, Hu had shifted her to have her face buried in those soft, silky, mounds of her.
"No swearing young lady!!" Arei groaned in Hu's bust. How could this get any worse?
Clap, clap, clap, clap~
"Huuuh, like, what's 'sup~ What's all the noise out here? Ooooh~ Nice rack going on there, Hu and Arei too!!! Look at those yummy thighs!!" Before Arei knew it she felt a hand grope her bare leg from behind and squeeze it. Earning a mortified, yet a bit turned on, squeal from Arei.
"Cute~ Say, do you got any good that totes tasted sweeter than last time you ate it?"
"Totally, girl~ Though why you wanna know?"
"...Cause I think little Rei-Rei needs something to eat~" Scooping up Arei bridal style, the bowler was forced to her fate as Hu's grip was too strong to resist!!!
...Okay, well that and she ended getting a good look at Eden's new state. While her height hadn't really changed or much of her upper body, she did have a new hyper doughy butt that pretty much reduced her shorts to being glorified thongs, with her ass hanging out and clapping as the newly energetic bimbo raced back into the cafeteria.
To make the final bimbo~
(Later on)
"GHHH!!! S-soooooooooooooooorryyyyyyyyy!!! I sh-shouldn't have ran awaaaaaaaay!!! Sorrr-!!!!"
"Gawwwwwwwd!! Keep you lying shit lips shut already and take your fucking punishment!!!!"
"Y-yeaaaah~ Take it aaaaalll~"
It didn't take much effort to find Whit, not with Arei being so pissed at the twink she was running all over the area to find him. Catching him in the playground area, the bimbofied Arei - who didn't even bother with a shirt to cover up her new F-cups and whose legs became 10x plumper - was currently smushing Whit's head with her new thighs. All while Eden was providing support by twerking all over his very erect dick at the moment.
"Awww, that's my girls!! Make him pay~"
"H-hu-! Fucking Helllllllllllll!!!" David moaned out. The motivational speaker had been caught by happenstance onto the lewd scene, and ended up being snagged by Hu. Wanting to 'celebrate' herself, it was a quick matter in pinning David down by her own heavy jugs and giving his slick dick a real good titjob~
Such ends the tales of the Despair Time Bimbos~
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minawritesfanfic · 1 year
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David Rosen x Gn!Reader
A Better Version
Word Count: 2,544
Summary: You attend your cousins wedding and find yourself in the presence of David Rosen. Despite the wedding being over and having no cases that coincide, you and David continue to meet under the guise of ‘getting along as in-laws’.
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I stood at the open bar, drowning out the festive cheers and music. Weddings were lovely and all but when you’re single and the cousin of a wannabe matchmaker and bride, wedding festivities are just the beginning of what you’ll experience that day.
My cousin Mackenzie had even given me a plus one just so I’d bring a date despite her limiting the guest list to long-term partners only, but she knew me well enough that even if she paid someone to be my plus one I’d wriggle my way out of it and show up alone. Speaking of the devil, I took a gentle sip of my drink to avoid her gaze. I could feel her eyes drilling holes into the back of my head, I certainly knew better than to meet her gaze right now. Thankfully all this wedding hoopla had her plenty distracted and I could down as much free alcohol as I pleased. Though I was surprised to hear my name, for a moment I thought it was Kenzie but when they called my name again I could more distinctly hear the familiar and silky voice call me.
“Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here,” I turned glancing over my shoulder, setting my martini glass down on the counter. To my surprise, I found the one and only United States Attorney General, David Rosen. I grinned, raising my eyebrow slightly in confusion.
“Yet here I am, but why are you?” I quipped back facing him more directly as I leaned back against the bar.
“Well considering this is my brother’s wedding, it would be odd if i wasn’t here. Hell, I wouldn’t miss this for the world, why are you here?” He asked, waving the bartender over for a drink of his own.
“Guess that makes us in-laws, somehow? The bride is my cousin. Anyways this is really fucking weird, so I’m going to continue getting drunk before Kenzie comes over here to set me up with one of your brothers’ friends or something.” I sighed into my drink, swishing the rich blue liquid in my glass, and took a slow long sip, enjoying the sweet flavour and slight tang with a satisfied sigh.
“What a small world we live in huh, this is definitely going to complicate my home and work life.” He joked taking a brief sip from the old-fashioned he ordered, I let out a laugh and set my glass down.
“It most certainly will, imagine explaining to your sister-in-law that you had to arrest and prosecute their favourite cousin. Fast track path to never meeting your future nieces and nephews,” I jeered with a snort.
“Hopefully that won’t have to be the case if that band of delinquents you work with stay in line with the law so I won't have to.” I scoffed as a lopsided grin grew on his face as he stared down at me, I noticed that his eyes no longer held that glazed-over and slightly irritated gaze. Rather now he looked at me with a gentle aloof yet still unreadable gaze.
His entire aura had changed honestly, normally he radiated tenacity, poise, and complete utter fucking arrogance. He’s also always had a clean, rigid, but impeccable sense of style too. A style that was especially evident now, his appearance remained clean but more gentle and calm. He wore pale green pants that matched his jacket, a white collared shirt, and a lavender tie that matched my outfit oddly enough. We both turned around upon hearing a chipper voice from behind, that called out my name.
“I see you did all the hard work for me, hi Davy, we’re both really glad you came,” Kenzie said with a bright smile on her face as she hugged David, her reception dress moving fluidly as she did so.
“Kenzie you did not, I practically work with him.” I hissed, folding my arms and glaring at her which she ignored as she rolled her eyes.
“Great so you already know each other, that’s why I picked him. Isn’t it cute, two lawyers defending the law side by side? It’s like a fairy tale romance, plus…” She leaned into me whispering in my ear, “I see how you’re checking him out and that dopey grin on your face, you can’t tell me you at least don’t think he’s charming.” I scoffed rolling my eyes and looking over at David who leaned against the counter with an amused and slightly confused grin on his face.
“Kenzie can’t we just celebrate your wedding and not play matchmaker? I quite enjoy the single life and don’t need you to keep setting me up. Especially when we conflict with each other at work.”
“Not so sorry to intrude but what is this about?” David butted in still looking quite amused.
“Davy, I told you that I had someone I wanted to introduce to you. I knew there was a possibility of you knowing each other, hadn’t expected you to so this is great. You two have fun chatting on this blind date, I have a reception to host.” She finished with a squeal and practically skipped away, I turned back around and signaled the bartender for another drink since mine now sat empty.
“I’m sorry about that, she’s been trying to set me up for years now. ‘Are you never going to have kids?' she asks, ‘We’ll never get to go on double dates!’ she whines. I’ll make sure she leaves you alone about this, I’m sorry for bringing you her nonsense.” I rambled on as I grabbed the freshly served drink I picked it up and ate the mint it came with.
“I don’t quite mind the idea of a blind date though, already blurring the lines between work and home. What's one step further?” I looked away from my drink at him, frankly startled by his words, seeing how flustered I was he continued, “I’m saying I want to continue this blind date set up with you. You aren’t half bad and I dare say I’m not either.”
“I... okay Woah woah woah, can we take a step back? I don’t even, what?”
“It’s a simple yes or no, is this a date or no?”
“No? Wait, yes, I mean yes. I’m just wow, speechless to say the least. This day just got way more interesting, okay so how do we go about this date then? I doubt you're much of a dancer,” I stammered slowly, regaining my composure as I gestured to the lively dance floor bustling with people.
“I may not like it but that doesn't mean I’m not good at it. What about you, are you out dancing in the rain during your free time?”
“Don’t knock it until you try it, but since you’re not averse to dancing mind joining me on the dance floor then, Davy?” I teased setting down my drink and walking away backward from the bar towards the ballroom floor.
He smiled and set down his drink to follow me, a Frank Sinatra song played on the speakers. I fully embraced the upbeat tune, my shoes clicking on the floor as I danced loosely switching my weight from foot to foot. He joined me following my pace, despite the earlier flirting we were both still unsure of what the hell was going on. Maybe it was the almost three martini’s I’d had but I felt daring as I grabbed his hand and linked fingers with him. We stared into each other's eyes for a beat just swaying back and forth, and slowly we snaked our arms around each other.
“So do you really dance out in the rain? I could tell you were a fascinating character, what other things do you do?”
“I do, it helps clear my mind and ease my tension. I also enjoy puzzles, and especially hand-making things. Whether it be food, crafts, or renovating my kitchen all on my own. Though I can’t bake much, my pies are superb. What about you?” He looked up with his lips slightly parted as he thought of an answer, the outer edges of his eyes crinkling as he did.
“I read quite a bit mostly sociology and theorize about it, I also do the occasional crossword puzzle with my morning cup of coffee.” I bit back a laugh as he raised a curious eyebrow at me.
“That’s exactly what I would’ve expected you to say, let me guess your go-to coffee choice is a red eye?” He rolled his eyes as a cheeky grin played on my face.
“Close but wrong, it’s an Americano.”
“How bland, I’m more of a Cappuccino person. I’ll never know how you all drink something so unsweetened and lifeless.”
“That’s what creamer and caramel drizzle are for, besides I’d prefer not to have an upset stomach from the gallons of milk you likely have poured in with a teaspoon of coffee.”
“Oh! I see how it is, that creamy texture and sweet taste is worth it though, sorry to hear your delicate stomach can’t handle a wee bit of milk.” We both laughed and a comfortable silence fell over us as we still danced entangled in each other.
Eventually, we moved away from the dance floor and sat at an unoccupied table drinking, eating, and chatting away. David was surprisingly quite fun to talk to and good at carrying conversations and was overall a lot more interesting than I’d first thought. He had a German Shepard named Lorelai, he was a homebody, and he wholly preferred chance meetings way more than he did using the up-and-coming online dating websites. It felt like mere minutes had passed when the wedding had come to an end and it was time to head home, though I wasn’t quite ready to end our date just yet.
We stood side by side outside the castle Kenzie chose as a venue's gates waiting for our rides, I leaned against him with my head resting on his shoulder. The Virginian breeze rustled my clothes and my hair, and the chatter of the other guests waiting for their rides floated around us. I tuned most of it out as all of the guests mindlessly rambled about whatever boring drama was going on in their lives, something about who slept with whose wife this time. Considering such a topic was an annoyingly large portion of what I deal with at work, I felt exhausted from only partially listening. I sat my head up and looked over at David, a dreamy look cast over his sunken face.
“Hey David, what do you say we do something fun? Wedding food is nice, but I’d kill for a burger right now.”
“With some curly fries and a shake, now you’ve got me hungry. I can’t imagine there’s anywhere open this late,” he said checking his watch.
“You’d be surprised, there’s this place close to my hotel that is open 24 hours. I didn’t get to try their burgers but the shakes are spectacular, so are you in?” I asked turning to face him fully as a taxi pulled up in front of us, he looked from me to the taxi as he thought.
“I’m in as long, just don’t you steal any of my fries.” He said opening the taxi door, then turned back to me.
“How gentlemanly of you Davy,” I teased again with a smile before getting in.
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“So after seeing her in that aquarium I made it my dream to become a mermaid, I even took swim lessons, practiced breath control, and learned different tricks with a tail on for years! If I didn’t fall in love with the law, we’d be meeting behind the glass wall of an aquarium.” I babbled on occasionally pausing due to my fits of giggles, David laughed along with me as I reminisced.
"Well, I must say, I'm relieved you didn't become a mermaid. Regardless of how funny it would have been to see you frolicking through the water with seashells and a tail, I much prefer seeing you in a courtroom advocating for your client. I do find it pretty admirable that you put so much passion into pursuing your dream, who knows though, maybe one day you could incorporate your love of the ocean into your legal career, somehow?"
“I wish, can’t even begin to think of how I would do that. What about you though, what's your wildest dream?” I rolled my head to face him, we both sat on the floor resting our heads on the base of the bed, an empty bottle of wine and a takeaway box of fries squished between us.
“Hmm, I don’t know. I was never really sure what I wanted to do or be, it’s honestly still crazy that I even have the job I do now. Law came out of nowhere and it just worked, I was this close to being a real estate agent.” He said with a soft but hearty laugh, his eyes were droopy as he stared up at the ceiling he yawned into his hand before looking over at me.
“Oh wow, Mr. Rosen the real estate agent, I’d let you sell me an overpriced house any time.” I laughed weakly, it was already three in the morning and it was obvious we were both exhausted. “David, would you like to sleep over?”
“Hmm, oh wow I hadn’t realized it was so late. If you would have me, I’d love to. Though I do wish I had something better to sleep in.” He sighed as he rose to his feet and extended a hand to help me up. I accepted his hand and rose.
“I doubt I have any for you to wear, just sleep naked,” I said with a yawn as I stumbled to the closet found my suitcase, and grabbed the pajamas that sat unworn, I just heard him hum in response behind me.
My pajamas weren’t anything special, just my favourite oversized shirt and biker shorts. I carefully took off my clothes and hung them in the closet, then I put on my pajamas. As I stepped away from the closet I found Rosen on the couch with the pathetic blanket they decorate the end of the bed with.
“I was assuming you’d join me on the bed, but who knows maybe this ‘comfortable’ couch and ‘warm’ blanket make for the best sleep,” I said as I stood over him with a hand on my hip.
“Well, I wouldn’t assume since this isn’t my hotel and with how drunk we are this seemed like the best option to avoid awkwardness at work.”
“I’m assuming you’d join me because we’re drunk, which is mostly my fault so the least I could do is offer you a nice bed to sleep in. Besides, if you don’t make it awkward, I won’t make it awkward. Now come on.” I grabbed a hold of his hands and pulled him up, dragging him to the bed with me.
We climbed into the bed and found comfort on our respective sides, I laid on my stomach and rested my head inwards. David had his back to me, I could see that his back was freckled lightly in the same way his face was. I just smiled and closed my eyes, finally getting my long-deserved beauty rest.
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xichengyi · 2 years
Bound (Jiang Cheng's POV)
"I can find you your soul mate tonight Jiang Cheng"
Jiang Cheng took the bet from his adopted brother Wei Wuxian, an event organizer who organized this matchmaking event to be exact.
He just sighed and gave up on his brother's stubbornness and then he insisted on returning the favor. After all he's a commitment- phobic bachelor( you know already).
"Red String"?.
He read out loud what kind of crappy name is that on this kind of event? He just sighed and went inside of the pub and there he scans a lot of people talking to each other already different kinds of gender getting to know each other and some are going home with their own partners.
What am I doing here? I should go home he thought
Jiang Cheng was about to leave the pub when a juice suddenly was in front of him, and there he saw the owner of the hand. A guy wearing nude polo shirt and pants, he has long ass raven silky hair that reaches its hip.
He raised his eyebrow at the guy and the guy just flashed him a broad smile as if he was not caught checking him out.
"Juice for a handsome man" he wink at him and Jiang Cheng got goosebumps that guy is creepily handsome he can't deny that, he just took the juice and drank it and he was not aware that he's being guided by the guy to their table.
Jiang Cheng cleared his voice "uhmm so what's your name and what'so ever about yourself?"
" I'm Lan Huan and I'm 32 years old, and I've been on 2 divorces already" Huan said and tucked his fallen hair behind his ear, like an embarrassed maiden he is.
There he met Lan Xichen, a divorced man who wants the wedding ring and white picket fence.
"Im Jiang Cheng, I have been in relationships only and have never been married" Jiang Cheng said as he shrugs his shoulders.
"Maybe we can work on that unless we try" Huan said as he picked up Jiang Cheng's hand and kiss and licked it a little while looking at Jiang Cheng directly at his eyes.
So why don't they test it out if they are each other's Mr. Right?.
Hope you like it💙💜
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downtoearthmarkets · 4 months
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The mild spring weather of June ushers in prime wedding season here in the northeast, as countless beaming couples prepare to walk down the aisle. In fact, June is one of the most popular months in which to tie the knot, thanks to its forgiving temperatures, lush green backdrops and longer daylight hours that all make for great wedding photos.
Happy unions are always a cause for celebration, and that holds true when it comes to perfect food pairings as well. After all, some things are just meant to be together and certain foods taste better when they’re aligned with their best mate. So, in the spirit of successful gastronomic matchmaking, here are some iconic food duos whose partnership you can elevate by sourcing fresh, seasonal ingredients from the farmers market this weekend.
Bacon & Eggs Our love affair with bacon and eggs began in Medieval Great Britain and Ireland where they became a common breakfast spread consumed by workers who needed a substantial meal to fuel their physically demanding labor. However, it wasn’t until the 1920’s that this famous couple caught on as a breakfast staple in the United States.
Bacon and eggs go so well together because the crisp saltiness of bacon complements the silky creaminess of cooked eggs. Goode and Local By Don Rodrigo’s premium thick-cut, hickory-smoked Pennsylvania bacon is nitrate and nitrite-free for a healthier alternative without compromising on taste or quality. Lightly flavored with maple syrup and cinnamon, their Mangalitsa bacon comes from rare, heritage breed pigs native to the Iberian Peninsula of Southwestern Europe and pasture-raised locally on their farms with the utmost care. Pair some rashers of this special bacon with SOVA Farms eggs that come from happy hens who roam and forage freely and can stretch their wings outside to their hearts content.
Surf & Turf Surf and turf, sometimes called reef and beef, is any meal that pairs seafood and red meat together in a match made in heaven. While lobster and filet mignon are considered the original combination, variations often include shrimp, scallops and squid. This timeless dish packs a powerful punch of protein and is guaranteed to leave you feeling well-nourished. Although there is some debate among food historians as to whether surf and turf originated on the East or West Coast of the United States, there is consensus that this classic American delicacy first gained popularity in fine dining establishments during the 1960s.
There’s no need to swelter in the kitchen over a hot stove, as surf and turf is super easy to sizzle up on the barbecue! Simply pick up a succulent piece of Great Joy Family Farm's grass-fed, locally pastured steak, plus whatever American Pride Seafood fresh shellfish catches your fancy and follow this recipe. To offset the richness of your main course, a crisp salad made with fresh spring greens, peppery radishes, crunchy carrots and other seasonal bounty from the farmstalls will pair beautifully with a platter of dock to dish, farm to fork surf and turf. Throw in some Newgate Farms baked potatoes and you’ve got yourself a full spread.
Peas & Carrots Peas and carrots are one of history’s greatest pairings as they go together like two peas in a pod, one might say. Peas are cool weather-loving plants, which means that June is a prime month for these exploratory climbers before they become sapped by the arrival of hotter temps. Snow, snap, and garden peas are all members of the legume family. Though they may look similar, each one has a different texture and level of sweetness.
Peas and carrots have been part of the human diet since the Bronze Age. The two plants are native to Western Asia in the region that is now known as Afghanistan. The duo makes for good companion plantings as both crops thrive in cool, moist conditions while low-growing carrots won’t compete with peas for sunlight. It is thought that because they grew so well together that they were eventually cooked and eaten together. The pair has stuck together ever since through thick and thin.
Celebrate the freshness of the season with this bright and colorful green pea and young carrot salad or throw the two into this spring veggie vegan pot pie featuring a medley of vibrant farmers market produce.
Strawberries & Rhubarb Strawberries and rhubarb are considered as fine a culinary pairing as there is. This iconic combination is a classic case of opposites attract, with the sweetness of strawberries counterbalancing the complex sourness of rhubarb. You can find this longtime twosome showcased in goodies such as Peck's of Maine's Strawberry Rhubarb fruit spread and tasty tarts from the farmstalls. To make your own strawberry rhubarb compote with fresh ingredients from the farmers market, follow this simple recipe and don’t forget to top it with a big dollop of Willow Pond Sheep Farm's creamy sheep milk yogurt or Goodness Dairy's vanilla ice cream.
2-3 tablespoons Newgate Farms honey or Maplebrook Farm maple syrup
2 tablespoons water
3 large stalks of rhubarb from the farmstalls, cut into 1/2-inch-wide pieces
1 pint Great Joy Family Farm strawberries, stemmed and halved if small, quartered if large
Of course there will be many more delicious alliances to celebrate as the season progresses, from cherries and chocolate to tomatoes and basil to peaches and cream. In the meantime, let us know what unexpected flavor fusions you’ve discovered in the farmers market, as we always love to read a great romance story that is poised to live happily ever after.
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yiminsuu · 2 years
Anaxiphilia (2/3)
(n.) an act of falling in love with the wrong person.
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Pairing: Dream/Morpheus x Endless!Reader
Warnings: Implied smut (+16) Lots of fluff, overprotective Dream, cat!Dream, incest, reader is the personification of beauty (Dazzling), I’ll still use (Y/N).
Author’s Note: Like the previous part, I’m posting this on ao3. If you’re worried about incest then don’t read.
↳ Part 1 | Part 3
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No matter what I did, I couldn't stop thinking about Dream. Flowers thrive on my energy as I pass by, diamonds look even prettier than before, and humans look joyful. I wondered if this is a passing feeling, but with how strongly I think of our love I ignored the thought, perhaps the idea of finally having him by my side again makes me too happy to care about Destiny and Death. I suddenly felt bad for lying to them, but if Morpheus and I want to spend eternity together... They have to understand, right?
I sighed softly and walked to my bedroom, where I completely disregarded the black cat following my movements until I turned to the animal on my bed. Raising a brow, I looked around and didn't see my cat anywhere, her beautiful, white and fluffy hair is nowhere to be seen. "Hello, cutie. What are you doing here alone?" I don't recognize it from any realm, probably lost. 
I don't think any of my siblings have animals unless they haven't told us, of course. "You're so cute..." I muttered as I pet the cat, to my delight, he let me touch him. I couldn't believe how meek he is, it made my heart flutter. "Wanna come with me? I'm buying some food, in the way we might find your owner."
The feline followed me to the markets, everyone loved him, but he would turn away when someone wanted to caress his fur. As always, I would get compliments on how beautiful I am, nothing new, and by now I don't think anything about it unless it's a child, a child's words bring me happiness. I glanced at the cat as he looked at me, there is something familiar about him, and I felt uneasy for what remained of the day.
I sat on a bench and he rested closely next to me, this feline was kind of hard to take care of, and where I couldn't step in with a cat he would wait outside or sneak in. This beautiful creature didn't go on without me.
He began purring very silently as my fingers touched his small body, black and silky hair...
Wait... This cat is--
"H-Hello...!" I turned around to find a young woman. She looks shy, that's exciting and so cute. The cat, however, didn't look very appreciative that a human interrupted the silent moment. "I'm sorry to bother you, but you are just... So gorgeous, I wanted to say it..."
"Oh, thank you!" I smiled brightly, trying to sound genuine. I took a magnolia from my basket and gave it to her. "Now, go give this to that girl you like, she'll be thrilled. Because she is the prettiest, most adorable girl you've ever seen, isn't she?" I smiled when the young one did, and she ran away to the girl of her dreams, I hope they get to be a fantastic couple. "You won't stop playing those games." I turned to the cat, and I grinned. How didn't I know it was Morpheus all this time?
"Matchmaking? And, can you blame me? When a human is in love, I... The feeling is exquisite." The lord of dreams transformed back into his human-looking appearance and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Why didn't you just visit me like this? Not that I'm complaining."
"I wanted to see you, no matter in what form you or I are." Dream paused for a moment. "I didn't remember how many humans stare at you... With non-deserving love."
"Morpheus, my brother. You are too protective of me." I giggled at his unamused expression, but once I kissed the tip of his nose, all bad tensions were gone, and we decided to take another walk. "I thought you were busy with your realm, are you sure you can be here?"
"Unless you do not want me here, then I will go back." I rolled my eyes and I took his hand in mine, his skin is soft against mine, a sensation that forces me to feel butterflies in me. "I always want you here." Dream's little smile shined through my chest and into my heart, destroying me completely.
We visited the many places around this town, and I couldn't get my eyes off a book so I just had to buy it. One thing that bothers me more than people always staring at me, is how they immediately refuse for me to pay anything in their stores or cafes. I'm a client so I will leave money, it's how it works. "You look saddened." I glanced at Morpheus and smiled a little. "Sometimes I wonder if... All I'm being capable of being this... A beauty... Years ago, a couple that had been married for 20 years separated in the middle of the park because he had seen me. Once, just once. And it was enough for them to divorce..."
Dream and I sat on a rock as we watched the sunset on the beach, the smell of the sea invading my nostrils deliciously. "You are not only beauty, (Y/N)." He said, staring into my eyes. "You are love and care, don't forget that."
"I won't, thank you. How is it possible that you are the only one that can make me feel like this...?"
"Like what, my flower?"  
"Cherished, you are nothing like I remember. You are... Calmer and less cold." Morpheus rested a hand on my cheek, making me feel at ease. "I realized... I might have not been fair with my past actions with you." I couldn't help but sigh quite frustratedly at him. "We spoke about this, I'm not mad nor I have ever been." 
"Listen, I won't let a soul take you away, I won't let Destiny and Desire touch you. I won't let anyone hurt you, my lovely sister. You will tell me if you need my aid, I will be there." A few tears escaped my eyes and I nodded, embracing him before placing a kiss on his lips, which he reciprocated quickly. Dream slowly pushed me to the sand, and I whimpered as he softly massaged my breast. "M-Morpheus, here...? People might see us...!"
"The world will know you are mine. You are my queen, (Y/N)."
"Brother, I-I..."
"Sing for me..."
My lord Morpheus is so difficult to deal with, but I love him, no matter what happens.
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silkylious · 4 years
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Time to play cupid!
Welcome to my matchup event for my 400 followers milestone!! Matchup requests will be open until November 22nd 12:00 pm EST. Any matchup sent after won't be answered.
So here are the rules if you wanna get hit by cupid's silky's bow:
I'm only doing matchups for BNHA characters
Please send in a detailed description of your personality (your hobbies, personality traits, musical taste, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) be as descriptive as you need! The more I know, the better the matchup! If you mention your looks in the ask I'll definitely include them in the headcanons but otherwise they don't affect who I choose for the matchup and are not obligatory at all
This is optional but is highly preferred, to give me a better idea of who you are, send me your mbti type, enneagram type, tritype, instinctual variants... Anything that can help me better understand who you are! Again this optional but it will help a lot during writing >.< (except for horoscopes/zodiac signs cus im a noob at those)
If you're on anon, end your ask(s) with a particular emoji, so you can find your matchup easily since I'll be tagging them by #x anon
You'll receive a set of headcanons based on your personality, hobbies and preferences!
If you don't want to see matchup posts please block the tag #matchmaker silky
That's all for the event! Now let's get matchmaking!! <3
Matchup inbox: 8
Emojis taken for anonymous requests:
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animatedarchives · 3 years
Can I get an appearance matchup for bnha or hq, please?
Remove the pictures pretty please!! <33 ahh soph I missed seeing you on my dash 💔
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HI BABY GORL you look sTUNNING OMG your eyes are absolutely gorgeous i could stare into them forever 😭😭 i’ll give you both because you didn’t get one last time and i’ve missed you too 🥺 it’s so great to see you again darling HEHE ❤️
i match you up with sero and mattsun!
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thank you for participating in soph’s match up event!
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tinkertea · 2 years
Princess's match
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synopsis: your daughter decides to play matchmaker
pairing: ejp suna x single mom reader
warnings: none
category: fluff, crack
word count: 526
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You loved your daughter, you truly did — unconditionally, from the bottom of your heart.
Ever since her father had left, she had been the apple of your eye and you’d tried to shield her from any disappointments. She was your princess and treated as such. She was curious and smart, steadily trying to grasp the concept of the world as a four-years old. She was outgoing, a ray of sunshine that hadn’t been dimmed down by the world and you hoped it would stay that way for as long as possible. But right now, you wished she would keep quiet for once or at the very least not blurt out every thought that entered her head.
“Right, mommy, he is a very pretty man,” your daughter exclaimed loud enough for the whole gymnasium to hear. Or at the very least loud enough for Suna Rintarou to hear – or impossibly overhear – who was currently signing a kids jersey for her. You felt your face heat up as his emerald eyes looked up at you, twinkling. Hopeful that a diplomatic answer would suffice, you replied, “I suppose so, darling.” Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case as your child turned to you with a seriousness written in her eyes that all children seem to get when stupid adults don't understand the importance of their statements. "No, mommy," your daughter said while grabbing your hand,"Look! He is pretty, like a prince!" 
You thought your head might just burst from all the blood rushing into your face. Though you'd never been a firm believer, you decided now might just be the time to begin praying. For a hole in the ground to swallow you whole, for example. There had to be God taking pity on you somewhere. 
"Yes, baby, he is quite handsome," you eventually agreed. Your child nodded, satisfied by your reply. "Handsome," she repeated. Suna was still looking at you, an amused smile was adorning his lips. While he handed your daughter her jersey, she spoke up again,"You are handsome, mister!" 
Your heart melted at the sincerity in her voice and the look he gave her, like every word she spoke was of high importance.
"And my mommy thinks you're pretty, too!" 
Your hand touched your cheek. Maybe you could regain your composure a little if you cooled your face down? Suna's gaze flickered at you again. It was unfair for a professional volleyball player to look this good. Especially with that grin on his face as he replied,"I think your mom is quite pretty, too."
He seemed to be better at choosing the answers your daughter demands, as she just replied with a toothy grin before clutching the jersey in one hand and grabbing your hand in the other. You quickly thanked him for the signature before heading off with your princess. "Mommy," she whisper-yelled after mere 2 steps,"The pretty man thinks you're pretty, too!"
You nodded along before taking the jersey from her hand so she wouldn't lose it before noticing 11 digits neatly written on the hem of the shirt along with the words "if the pretty mom wants to talk :)"
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"Don't you think we should tell her?", his voice was low, almost a murmur, muffled against the sensitive skin of your neck where his face was buried. He smelled good, freshly out of the shower. Suna smelled like home.
"What," you replied, "So she'll stop gushing about – and I quote – the prettiest prince?"
"Shut up" 
You could peak his cheeks that were tinted red as he glanced up at you. Your fingers were softly playing with his silky hair. "Besides, she wouldn't believe the pretty prince has fallen in love with her mom out of all people."
"Well," Rin whispered against your skin, his warm breath tickling you slightly, "I've certainly found my princess in you, love."
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hyuukais · 2 years
Y/n was once heavenly. A divine guardian of heaven and earth, created to protect and serve humanity until a it’s dying breathe. Yet, when tragedy strikes, they find themselves condemned to a life of fire and emptiness. And all they wished they could do was go back and save him.
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➤ Word count: 5.6k
➤ Genre: Angel! Jeongin x Demon! Reader, angel and demon au, slight fluff, whole lotta angst
➤ Warnings: depictions of death, trauma, self-hatred, memory loss, hell, and intense guilt. allusions to sort of imposter syndrome. incredibly loose interpretations of christian theology.
➤ Author: So, as the week wraps up and my matchmaker event comes to end, I want to thank everyone. All of the people who’ve liked my work enough to follow or reblog or even like, thank you. To everyone who sent in a match submission, thank you and i hope they're at least a little good. 300 followers feels so far from where I once started. To commemorate this, i guess, i’m finally sharing this fic that i’ve wanted to post for a while. Thank you so so so much @seung-scrittore for beta reading !!! leo, your little notes and suggestions made me so happy to see, thank you for all your help. With that, please enjoy the longest fic i’ve written !
➤ Playlist: here
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As a Guardian Angel, one of the best things is to finally be assigned a charge, a human to protect and serve till their final breath. It is the ultimate honor and the ultimate responsibility. 
Y/n had still been a fairly new soul themself when assigned to Yang Jeongin. From the time his soul was first in creation, they learned to look after and protect him. Slowly, Y/n had found different ways to do so. Coming down to earth disguised as various creatures and people to look over his day-to-day life, the two grew together.
Every day they tried their hardest to keep him from hurt and pain and every day they kept to that oath. Though, there comes a time one has to realize there are some things even an angel can’t stop. 
He was still young, barely even 20. A growing man with a bright future. But everything seemed to happen so fast. The flash of blinding lights and screeching wheels. Pavement drinking in the blood of an innocent.
Why weren’t you there? Why didn’t you save him?!
As news spread that the one person on earth Y/n was meant to keep safe had faced a premature death, they were shunned; Cast out of the heavens to walk among the fires of hell. Darkness filled their mind and soul. It ate through the emptiness, leaving a feeling even worse. Hollowness. A shell of a creature, once bright and alive. 
An eternity of damnation and pain for their negligence and all they wished they could do was go back and save him.
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If they were to be caught right now chances are the consequences would be grave. To be found in the overworld amongst humans was forbidden for those cast down, but Y/n couldn’t help themself. Being stuck in the sweltering hot sulfur was driving them mad. Fresh air and sunshine were things they had desperately begun to crave.
Walking through the streets, people simply passed by. Y/n was nonexistent to them, though that was probably for the better. Being stripped of their wings had been gruesome enough but the time spent in the humid underworld had sunken their eyes, drained the life force from their limbs, and covered the once silky, glowing, white robes they wore into torn, ash-covered, rags. Just being in the breeze seemed to breathe new life into Y/n’s soul. 
The bustling crowds shifted and varied through the places they walked. Some were lighter than others. Some were more fast-paced. Each face carried so much depth and emotion under the surface. How they wish they could openly live among them once again. To walk the crowds, greet the people, and have them greet Y/n back. To see their smiles and nods and waves. And the children, children who had much more imagination than faith. Children who truly saw. To see their wide eyes and dropped jaws as they were let in on a special secret between them and a stranger. They wished for their humanity back, or what little of it they’d had.
Y/n’s people watching continued, seeing new and old faces run through the crowds. Something caught their eyes in the middle of it all. A gathering of feathers raised above the bunch. Far too many to be a simple bird and far too large to be something of this earth. 
Oh heavens above, it was an angel.
They were screwed. They were caught in the act about to face a fate of horror with nowhere to run.
Soon a head of hair connected to the wings joined their vision. Blonde and fluffy, shaking in the wind. A face followed that caused them to freeze. 
There, Yang  Jeongin stood before Y/n in heavenly glory.  Pristine white coating his skin, still a glowing tan. Two otherworldly bright, large wings protruding from his back. 
He was just as shocked to see them there. A fallen angel in the overworld was forbidden, so how the hell did they make it this far.
A breathless whisper escaped Y/n’s lips, “Jeongin.” 
“How did you get here?” His voice commanded a feeling of authority. It told Y/n to listen but they sat there in shock.
“What are you doing here, demon?” The word stung. Y/n had never wished to be seen as a demon, always preferring the term ‘fallen-angel’. To hear it slip from his mouth broke their heart. The care they held for the young man hadn’t dissipated, in fact, it had grown stronger every day Y/n spent tortured by their thoughts.
“I-I came to...to get some fresh air.”
“You aren’t meant to be up here.”
“Yes… I-I know...that. I just...had to get out.” Y/n’s eyes never moved from Jeongin’s face. Taking in his every new movement, every new feature of what the boy had become.
“You’ve already had to have caused enough pain in this world to be what you are. It’s time for you to go back.” He roughly pulled on their arm, forcing Y/n to their feet. Thus began a forceful drag down the sidewalk. Dodging and twisting around the commuters, who remained undisturbed in their travels.
“Ow! Angels...aren’t meant to hurt people.”
“I have no remorse for a demon. You know nothing of what I’m meant to do.”
“Would you...please...stop calling me that.”
“That is what you are, isn’t it? You have caused humans anguish to be where you are. You are evil.”
Desperation and despair filled Y/n, spilling in their shaky words. “I’m already tormented...by the harsh words you have to say to me... every day. I do not need them to come true.” Tears breached their eyes as the angel focused his attention downward. 
“No...wait.” Cracks formed along the ground beneath their feet. Heat fizzled through the air and Y/n slowly lost their footing on the shaky floor. “I’m sorry...Jeongin.”
The grass fell through. Their body plummeted. Y/n caught a small glimpse of Jeongin’s bewildered face before the light faded above them.
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Condensation stuck to every crevice and crack of the surrounding rocks. Screams echoed all over the cavern wall, each one imbued with its own sense of agony and suffering. Everything reeked of sulfur.
Here, Y/n once again found themselves trekking through hellfire and ash, along the rocky pathways carved out in stone. Around them rang the tortured howls of those sentenced to damnation. Every scream weighs in their heart, urging an action to stop the pain, but they know they can’t do anything. Instead, Y/n focused ahead. Climbing through the haze of smoke. Slicing their hands on the cavernous walls. Determined to see the sunlight once more. A foolish idea but one they can’t give up on, for it is this idea that keeps them going. So they push on, remembering the events of last time, but hoping to make amends with the earth and the angels.
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Jeongin enjoyed his time in the overworld. Waving to little puppies he saw on the street, listening to the chattering of songbirds, basking in the sun's warmth with a breeze to cool him. He almost felt human again and maybe that’s why he liked it so much. Don’t get him wrong, being an angel wasn’t bad, he simply died too young to be content with his death. The sensation of it all was so excruciating and ultimately wrong. So, so wrong. And every day it played through his head like a broken record. The memory, the pain, the trauma, all of it. Again and again and again. It bruised deeper every time, getting worse as the nightmares continued. His only solace is the crowds; walking amongst them as he did a million times before. That’s where he was again today. Within crowds of people simply living their lives. People aware of others but so unconscious to their own living. People with humanity, humility, life, love, death, everything ahead of them. His pleasure of life was only second-hand, but satisfying all the same. Masses shuffled past Jeongin. He took it all in. Let the world wrap him in its cluttered arms and hug him close. Embrace him in the comforting chaos of what he used to know.  Colors shifted in and out of Jeongin’s peripherals with the swift pace of the herds. Out of all of them, a piece of black cloth slows to his side. 
“I-it’s nice seeing you smile.” A wistful voice by his side scared Jeongin, causing him to jump back. Standing there was a familiar body. His brain catches up realizing it was the demon he had found wandering above. The one who’d shouted his name before plunging downward.
Shock settled in his voice. “You-you’re, I-”
“I’m not s-supposed to be here? I know, you’ve told me before.”
“What are you doing here!?”
“I-I missed the sun.”
“Wh-why would you stop by me?”
They didn’t answer right away, gazing forwards. “Do you remember your life?”
“Excuse me?”
“Were you happy?”
“I-I...What are you trying to do, demon!?”
Suddenly they turned to him, staring down his eyes with their own misty pair, “Were you happy? N-no matter what happened in the end, were you happy in your life?” Tears now freely fell creating tracks in the pecks of soot.
Jeongin could barely process what was happening. This demon broke down asking if he remembered life before death and if he was happy with it. This person who apologized to him when he returned them underground, who just happened to know his name.
“Who are you?” the question slipped out before he could stop it. Probably not a good thing to ask someone crying.
The demon blubbered, still sniveling, letting out choked apologies. “I-I...you...I-” A hand gripped onto theirs suddenly causing a bout of whipping air past their ears.
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The sight of vibrant green grass peeked through Y/n’s tear-distorted eyes. A clear blue sky filled with nothing but the soft sounds of songbirds. Rapidly wiping their eyes, shock fell across their face. This wasn’t the city they had been in a moment ago but a vast field full of flowers and greenery. Looking around showed a seemingly very concerned Jeongin.
“Are you...are you okay?”
“H-huh? Where are we?”
“You were freaking out and I wanted to get you away from the crowds. Sorry.”
“N-no. Um...Thank you…” An odd silence settled. Y/n was still curled into themselves while Jeongin stared off, a bit dazed.
“Who are you?”
They turned their head at the repeated question. “What?”
Jeongin carried himself to their side, sitting down but leaving a good amount of space in between. “You…I-I don’t get it. You keep apologizing, I sent you to hell and you told me you were sorry. On top of that, you knew my name. And there was just now, you crying over I don’t know what...I just…Who are you?”
“Ah,” Y/n wiped their face again preparing to speak. “I’m the reason you died.”
The statement rightfully took him by surprise. “Excuse me!?”
“I wasn’t always…” Solemnly, they gestured towards themselves. “This. I-I was a guardian angel, one meant to protect you until the end. Though I was still young, naive, and a bit overzealous. I tried my best for you, always. What happened that day…wasn’t right. I was supposed to protect you with my life. In the end, I was banished, and rightfully so. Every day I’ve been plagued by guilt, wishing I could go back and save you like I should have the first time. Sacrifice myself, say sorry, just see you one last time. That day in the crowd, my heart stopped when I saw you. All I could get out, in the end, was ‘I’m sorry.’”
They turned to look at the now stunned angel. “W-what?”
“T-that was probably-probably a lot. I’m sorry.”
“You...You were an angel?”
His eyes trailed them up and down, seemingly astonished that the gaunt, fragile, wingless figure in front of him had once been a divine being of heaven and earth. Someone so frail and pitiful was never made to be that way. 
“And my…my protector?”
They responded with nothing but a soft nod and cowardly gaze. Jeongin’s head reeled, looking off into the horizon surrounding the two. The world felt fuzzy, filling his head, leaving static across his skin.
“You asked if I was happy. I…don’t remember.” Jeongin couldn’t look away from the pristine white in the sky. For the sake of himself, he could not look into the hollow, hopeless eyes following him.
“My life, I don’t remember it. Well, most of it. I remember my parents, their faces. My brothers are fuzzier, but they’re there. I know nothing of my friends or day-to-day life. The clearest memory I have…” His voice tapered off, soft and breaking. The words were right there, right atop his tongue ready to fly free. But would they come? To say it was to realize it in himself, to taste the sour, bitterness of his torture.
“W-what-what is it?”
“The clearest memory I have is of the day I died.” Finally, they met. Eye to eye, the dim and darkness of down below to the blue and bright of the sky above. Each swimming with the torment of a tortured soul.
“Oh.” It’s tiny. Almost inaudible to the untrained ear. Deep red regret flares through Y/n’s head; they lower their gaze under the weight of it all.
“Most of the day is as blurry as everything else, but the moments leading up to it. Every breath and movement a-and sound until the pain. It’s all I know of my life.”
“I can’t recall the feeling of true happiness. I still feel, I still walk about the earth with emotions, but they are not real. All I have are fickle feelings melted in the molds of what fragmented emotions remain with my soul. The only thing that remains true is my pain.”
Words spilled from his throat in a waterfall. These words that had lived so long, trapped in the confines of his heart, free and reckless. He had not noticed the streams upon his cheeks or the shaky hand cradling his. Not until the sun swam across his skin; not until the wind lifted Y/n’s hand to his hair, petting down the shimmering strands; not until the last of the venom has left his tongue. For, after that, Jeongin allowed himself to feel it all. For the first time since that day, he sunk into the ink in his heart and reveled in the sincereness of his pain. The humanity it brought with fell heavy in his bones. It sunk through his body, traveling every crack and crevice downwards. And,  as the storm within him settled, the world weighed nothing but dust on his shoulder. Even coming to realize his confession to a total stranger, a stranger supposedly responsible for his death, Jeongin felt nothing but the breeze against his wings. He does not move from the hand atop his head, reeling in the unfounded comfort of their shaking fingers.
“I…I am sorry for your suffering. Your memories should not be as such.”
Jeongin finally arose from his slumped form, meeting eyes with the sun slowly moving towards the horizon. “What do you mean?”
“I may be wrong, of course, but those that pass are not meant to leave their memories behind as well. Especially not those of friends and family, so you may watch over them.”
“Then…something’s wrong with me?”
“Not with you, you did nothing to cause this discrepancy.” Word after word swirled around Y/n’s head. This tornado of thought danced about every answer they could think of until the words no longer made sense, “I don’t know…what it is that allowed this to happen, but it’s not your fault.”
“Could it be something with how I died?”
They swallowed sharply at the question but managed to choke out a response, “I-uh, maybe.”
Stillness permeated the air between them. A suffocating silence of unease worming itself into the previously comfortable atmosphere. Finally, Jeongin pushed away from the grass.
“Then, perhaps, it is not something meant to be fixed. I must live on as I am. As should you.”
“Jeongin, you can’t.” Their hands met his arm suddenly, shaking with tremors of thousands of unreadable feelings, “You are hurting, in pain over something never meant to happen. I-I know I can never go back and fix that day. Believe me, I’ve tried. But if I can help you heal, in any way possible, I want to. Please.”
He looked down upon Y/n’s shaking form, their teary eyes filled with millennia of knowledge and pain and fear. Jeongin looked at this poor creature and hated the sense of comfort he’d gained from their touch just moments before; he hated how his heart filled with hope that there was someone who’d cared for him all this time. He hated how easily he felt he could forgive them, but most of all, he hated how much truly wanted to accept their help and presence and embrace them for the rest of eternity.
Instead, he could only sneer, “You are a selfish creature. I will never want your help.”
The sob that left their lips at his words could only be described as excruciating. Cries and panicked breaths breached the floodgates of their throat. They huffed out his name in pained whimpers. Jeongin forced himself to turn from them, feeling anguish rip its way through his heartstrings. He scrunched his face up, fighting every urge in his blood to go back. With his back turned he did not see Y/n stumbling after him, crying in pain before reaching out for him once again.
“Jeongin, I’m sorry! Please, just don’t leave m-”
The moment Y/n’s hand wrapped around his arm everything was gone. Blinding white filled the void of their eyes, like millions of suns were blasting directly into Y/n and Jeongin’s coronas. Yet the feeling that whisked the two away was like standing among the cascading water of a steaming shower. When the warmth faded and the light dimmed, the two found themselves standing amongst hazy crowds. The people around them stood frozen. Not a soul breathed nor moved in this space, except the two wretched spirits in its midst. It was as if the two had been transported into an old movie right as it was paused. Like a film roll that had long since been abandoned and faded with the years gone by. This was not a regular human city, nor a time or place that truly existed.
Jeongin whipped around, “What did you do?! Where are we?!”
Y/n only responded in shock, looking across the motion blur surrounding them, “I…don’t know. Any powers I may have had were stripped from me along with my wings. Although…there…is something familiar here.”
They reach out, feeling the space that fills the clouded figures. Their hand falls through the misty bodies and swirls around the ghostly features. Pushing further, they only reach past the few figures near them before they can move no further. The wall they stopped at felt like gelatin, gooey and soft, yet it snapped back like elastic.
“What…are you doing?”
“Searching. There's something here we’re meant to see or find.” Y/n retreated from the rubbery wall, “I…I can feel it.” 
Returning to the area they’d arrived in, Y/n surveyed every bit of surrounding space. From the warped skies to the crunchy streets, everything was just the slightest bit off. Even now they found their voice warbled in the air without their doing. Only when they stepped into the middle of the open air, did something seem to happen.
 A gasp fell from Y/n and Jeongin watched their body become stiff. All facades of anger flew from his skin as he flashed to their side; his worried quips come out in seconds. Y/n doesn’t respond or shift from their spot. Seconds pass like minutes before Jeongin notices the white veil covering their eyes and the gentle movement of the ghosts around him. All sounds are muffled through the cotton air and he can only stare as the scene plays out.
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A tiny stray cat weaved beneath the faceless crowd. Burning white fur glistening in the sun, yet unnoticed by most. No pedestrians paused to greet the kitten nor did street vendors toss it food. Its paws hit the concrete in silence and moved on just the same. The kittens’ path remained undisturbed until it slowly came to a stop atop the stairs of a rundown apartment building.  Time passed as it sat there looking to the door in wait before the metal slab swung open. A young man stepped out, face unfuzzy and sporting a small smile when he noticed the kitten. Jeongin’s hand reached down to brush its soft fur.
“Back again, little buddy?”
The cat didn’t respond, only leaning into the lean fingers stroking across its head.
Jeongin hummed, removing his hand, “I have to go to class, but I went out and got you some fancy cat treats last night.” He produced a bright yellow bag from his backpack, opening it to lay some food pellets on the ground. Ignoring the treats, the cat only blinked up at Jeongin, sitting patiently at his feet. 
The man in turn rose to his feet and sighed. “Not hungry, huh? Well, bud, I have to go. Stay safe, kitty.”
He pet the kitten once again before leaving his doorstep for the sidewalk. A minute passed as Jeongin’s body slowly faded into the faceless crowds and the cat jumped from the stairway to follow in his stead.
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Black swallowed the world and Jeongin’s vision. His mind reeled and tripped through the memory of what he’d just witnessed. He had seen a moment from his human life, the familiarity of the scene tingling a resurgence in his conscience. Looking at Y/n’s still frozen form an idea clicked in his head. 
Had he just seen a memory of Y/n’s? Had that cat been them or a pet of theirs?
Before he could finish the thought, the black disappeared. The scenery shifted. Filling the once void was an empty restaurant. The world surrounded Jeongin as the few bodies in the memory began to move.
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 Eight young boys all gathered around a stretched-out table. They laughed and spoke freely as the lone patrons in the diner. Each of their faces clear and smiling brightly, all eyes turned to Jeongin. He was younger than before, cheeks rounded and soft with age. A bashful look spread across his cheeks and braces poked from his lips when he spoke. Jeongin giggled along with his friends as a small cake was placed in front of him. Slowly, the sounds of singing faded into the world. 
“Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Jeongin! Happy birthday to you!”
His laugh rang out as he extinguished the candles. It shook the world into brightness and light, emerging from the crevice between the booth seats. Y/n hovered above the colored cushions, looking upon Jeongin’s smile in reverie. Two elephantine wings sat tucked against their back. Feathers of a dove coating the white draped across their body. Their eyes so full of youth and pride, wisdom beyond the years of their face, it was a completely different being than the demon they’d become. No one looked towards the beaming creature or even noticed that they were there. Jeongin’s friends were busy doting on the boy and cutting up his cake. As the group chatted and ate and handed out presents, Y/n simply watched from afar. They dare not interfere with mortal events, but the look in their eyes spoke of a desperate longing. With a sigh lost to the wind, Y/n reached for the table. Their hand pulled back to reveal a small golden box housing a shiny, silver bracelet. A single heart charm, almost split down the middle in a fissure. Leaving the birthday gift in their wake, Y/n faded from the restaurant taking the scene with them.
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The world changed far quicker this time as if the memories were coming on faster and faster. Jeongin could only glance down at the limp, silvery, chain hanging from his wrist; His head soon swarming with the familiarity of the memories Y/n shared.
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The bathroom mirror blinked back at him; this warped twin following every movement the teen made. Swishing with the strokes of his toothbrush and staring down the hollow lines traced beneath his eyelids. Another sunrise had pushed him from the comforts of his mattress. Maybe for the best, as the sun beat away the last remaining bits of the sweat-inducing terrors that played across his mind's cinema. The flashing white and eyes and wings and tears. Everything on the precipice of familiarity yet pushed just out of reach of his memory. Jeongin shook the nightmares back as they resurfaced and leaned down to spit out the toothpaste filling his cheeks. Standing back up, their eyes finally met. Through the tricks of his mirror, they stood there whole and grown, just as him. The ghost from his past, as old as him and smiling in his bathroom mirror. A heart still hanging from their wrist. Yet, turning around, proved there was only the bathroom wall for company. It was simply a figment of his dreams carted in the bags swelled below his eyes.
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A young child sat upon his bed. Curled amongst the mess of sheets came his whimpers, his sobs. No matter the comfort his poor mother tried to provide the tears wouldn’t stop. Nor would his sobs.
“They’re gone!”
“Who, sweetie?” A mother trying her best.
“My friend! I-I called for them but…they didn’t come to our special spot! They’re gone!”
The woman could only sigh at the words, she knew what she must say. The things she’d been avoiding at all costs. “Sweetheart, this ’friend’ of yours didn’t go anywhere. They’re just imaginary, sweetie. You can bring them back whenever you want.”
Then came the screams, “No they’re not! They’re not imaginary! They’re real and my best friend, mom! And…and they’ve left me! I’ve lost my friend!”
Jeongin cried to the skies that day. How he wished, hoped, prayed to the stars in the night to bring back his childhood friend. But that Y/n would never return.
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Thin, sun rays danced in the oak leaves. Littering the bark, the tiny stars they left behind; stars decorating the two pairs of legs dangling above the ground. Sitting amongst the sky, the 9-year-old looked off into the setting sun. A hand planted on the trunk to stay steady and the other rested gently atop theirs. Y/n sat quietly beside Jeongin, watching the boy’s brown eyes in the dying light. 
“Jeonginnie,” The child spoke up, “Are you happy?”
His face turned to catch them looking; dimples sinking into his cheeks with a smile, “With you here? Always!”
Y/n’s young eyes cast down to their wrist and the heart hanging upon it, “I mean, like, just by yourself. Are you happy then?”
Jeongin nodded almost vigorously, perhaps trying to impress his friend, “I make myself happy! Especially when I answer questions right in school! Oo, or when mommy trusts me to help her make cookies because I’m a big boy!”
“That makes me happy.” Y/n looked back up, smiling just as bright. “That you’ll be happy, even if I‘m gone.”
The change in Jeongin’s face was immediate; dimples falling away, “Why would you be gone? Are-are you leaving?”
“No, no…I don’t think I could ever leave you, Jeongin.” Y/n’s hand fell atop the boy’s to hold it tight, “Not in a million, bajillion years! You’re like the little charm on my bracelet, my heart! No one can live without a heart!”
The two children joined in a rhythm of laughter. Giggling within the cavern of nature in pure happiness. A valued slice of a childhood now dead and forgotten; preserved only by the eyes of two, young hearts.
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The void around Jeongin popped. Vast fields he had teleported to filled the world again. In a chain reaction, Y/n gasp sounded once again. Looking towards them, Jeongin saw Y/n stumble until their knees hit the dirt and a thousand memories swarmed his thoughts. He rushed to their side, kneeling, grabbing tight to their hand like he once did. The fallen angel looked up to his eyes, seeing the disappearance of any anger previously in them.
“Why…why did you leave?” His words were soft, scared.
“I had to.” Their brow tightened, “The others weren’t very happy about my influence. You were growing up, almost 10, deemed too old to know of my existence. I tried to stay around for as long as I could, but…eventually I could quell their anger no more. It was better for the both of us if I left as if I never existed to you in the first place. I tried my best to make you forget; to make it all the imaginary friend everyone thought I was. Yet, you never forget. No matter what I did or how I did it, your memories of me stayed still.”
Jeongin’s hand fell to their other one. “I don’t think I could ever forget about you.” He let out a soft chuckle, heavenly and warm, “Except, of course, if I lost every memory I ever had.” Y/n couldn’t help but join the laughter, gravely and hard.
“Even then, I guess I could never truly get away from how I felt for you. I’m…I’m still a bit weary of all the things coming back to me, but every memory of you, it’s-they’re all so…happy.” His eyes fell and hands tightened, “You asked me if I was happy, content with the life I lived, and now I see that…my truest happiness came from you. It broke me when you left. Eventually, I grew around the pain until I could forget it in those freeing moments, but I could never stop myself from wishing  you were there for my birthday or graduation or-or even my funeral; just to see you…before I forgot about you forever.”
His words made them pause, looking for his down-cast eyes to meet. He didn’t return Y/n’s gaze. “Did…did you know you would forget?”
“Listen-I…Y/n when I died, all I wanted was to forget. I was in pain; my heart, my head, my hands, my legs, everything felt like it wasn’t mine anymore. Like everything I ever did was no longer mine to attest to. I was just the soul of some dead kid. The friends he made, the family he loved, the life he had, they weren’t mine. Yang Jeongin was dead and I couldn’t pretend to be him anymore.” A shaky sigh broke through his lips, “So, I wandered. For weeks, months maybe? I was nothing but a broken ghost upon the earth. Then, one day, I was approached by a man. This man…he-he wasn’t alive but he wasn’t dead. I don’t even know who he was or how he knew me, but he made an offer. He said…he said that he would make me an angel, free me from my wandering and pain but in exchange I had to give up my memories. It wasn’t just the memories though, it was every emotion they accompanied, it was every person that meant anything to me.”
“I was hurting, broken, not thinking. So…I accepted. I wasn’t lying to you earlier Y/n. After accepting, I forgot I made the deal. Looking back, I regret it. I thought not remembering would set me free. I realize now, I was wrong. Because along with all the anger and sadness and pain I let go of, I also gave up the happiness and love and freedom I needed. I gave up you. Even though I still loved you.”
In that moment, the world released Yang Jeongin. As he was pulled into the grass and the warmth of the sun, weight no longer existed. His heart was soaring with his skin in the arms pulling him down. Sweet smoke filling his lungs like candy on his tongue. Pushing into the warm rushing through him, Jeongin buried himself further into the embrace. Y/n’s arms curled around him, tighter by the second. Pulling closer and closer to his chest, taking in every breath of fresh flowers held in Jeongin’s heart. Holding onto every smile and laugh he’d been returned. Huddled together in renewed happiness, the two breathed in every sense of the other; refreshed the feelings once lost forever. Heavenly feelings that came in the rush, and pulsed in the air; broke the dirt away from Y/n’s soul and brightened Jeongin’s eyes. 
“I will never leave you again. I promise. On all the heavens and earth to the deepest pits I have walked, I promise you, Jeongin. And every time you call out, I will help. I will not let you get hurt anymore, despite my punishment-”
“Y/n, Y/n,” His fingers danced across their cheeks, “You saved me from the worst mistake I ever made. I believe in you more than the divine sky above and the rains which it holds. You are the most heavenly creature I have ever met, and I trust you with all my heart.”
They pulled on each other once again. Tucking in the crevices of necks and living in the joy pumping with each breath. Two creatures, divine and rotten, find each other time and again; running back to their shared heartbeat and swimming in their joined soul. Breathing in the cascade of that heavenly feeling of love once more.
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