ofenigmas · 1 year
when: day of the flower festival where: flower festival who: @wanderinglcst (matt)
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It's mostly the mead that has Talon interacting with strangers, but he is yet again glancing in the direction of someone beside him. It's been a long enough that perhaps he knew all of these people once and he simply doesn't recognize them; an odd thought. "Is there any adequate food at this event ? Something other than..." he pauses, expression discombulant as he looks down at the little cursive sign, "'scrumptious maple bacon cupcakes' ? What's next ? Beef muffins ? "
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salemcampbell · 1 year
starter for: @matthew-kingston
location: community center Nobody could say that Salem didn't know how to party. He did, but with the alochol involved, he found himself entirely unable to relax. Of course, everyone here who could drink was experienced enough to know their limits, but still Salem found himself eyeing the room, bascially waiting for something to happen. So far, it hadn't, and he was able to chat and enjoy himself a little, even when his red cup was filled with water rather than alcohol. As he was mingling, eyes scanning the room, he noticed someone. A figure he hadn't had the time to see in quite a bit. Grinning, he walked up to Matt, clapping him on the back. "Well if it isn't my favorite raider. We haven't seen each other in quite a bit, have we?" Well, with both of them probably being busy, that was hard sometimes. He was a council member, and as a raider, Matt was occupied enough. Even though Salem made it a point to visit people as often as he could, his time of day was limited. "How are you doing? How's Jordan? Haven't seen your kid in a while, too."
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carringtonblackwood · 5 years
Pity’s Fool || Carrington & Matt
It had taken weeks of careful surveillance, hand to hand transactions, private information exchanges, in-depth research, and a few subtle instances of compulsion for Carrington to finally find the person he was looking for. He’d been tracking potential Hunters since coming to town, and while he had several leads and even more suspicions, nothing had panned out into anything concrete. 
Until now. 
Not only did Carrington possess enough hard evidence to expose the man for what he was to the supernatural community, but he also had enough evidence to turn him over to the human authorities if he wished. For murder in the first degree.
But the humans didn’t have the skills or the facilities to capture or contain the man Carrington was after. A man who’s body count grew by the day. Who would miss another addict, after all? Who would miss another drunk passed out in an alley? Another down-trodden soul living on the street? No one. Carrington probably wouldn’t have missed them either, truth be told, not because he didn’t see them, but because they simply weren’t his concern. But that didn’t mean they deserved to be murdered. 
So Carrington had waited. Tracked the man’s movements, learned his habits, his preferences. Watched him make sloppy mistakes that a more seasoned Hunter would never make. That would explain why he chose his victims as he did: weak, mostly helpless, desperate for a drink or a hit or something as simple as a warm meal. Carrington idly thought that Nicodemus would probably shoot the man himself, just because he was a half-assed disgrace to Hunters everywhere. So truly, Carrington was doing both sides of the coin a favor. Ridding the supernatural world of a threat, and ridding the Hunter world of a weak link that was going to expose them eventually. 
He followed the man down a side-street, lighting another cigarette as he watched for any sign that he’d been made. It didn’t come, so Carrington walked a bit faster, but not by much. The Hunter seemed to have a destination in mind, as he turned into a side-alley, and Carrington smiled to himself before flicking his smoke into a dumpster. Like fish in a barrel. Boring really, but someone had to do it. 
Carrington turned the corner, eyes already looking for the figure of the Hunter up ahead, when something slammed into his shoulder. Something vaguely person-sized but moving a bit too fast to be human. It stumbled, trying to get around him, but there was another surge of movement in the darkness ahead, followed by the glint of a steel, and the sound of a gunshot. 
Carrington shoved the scrambling figure aside before he was gone, dematerializing with a ‘bamf’ sound into a thick, white mist that swirled forwards into the darkness. The mist surrounded the Hunter whose weapon had just sent bullets through the space where Carrington had been standing a moment earlier when he’d been nearly run down by something else.
But before the Hunter could reload, the mist was gone, and Carrington was there behind him, one hand on the man’s throat, the other holding a long, curved sword, the blade of which protruded from the Hunter’s chest, through his heart. There was a terrible gurgling sound, and the sound of something thick and wet being crushed, before the Hunter fell still. 
When it was done, Carrington pulled the katana free of the body, and wiped the blood off the blade as he let the body fall to the alley floor. He then reached in his pocket and pulled out two small pouches. He squatted down, pushed the dead man’s mouth open, and used a small pair of pliers to wrench out the man’s canine teeth, which he dropped into one satchel. They rattled against what sounded like more teeth. 
Carrington then stood and opened the second pouch. He poured what looked like fine white sand onto the body, which within moments started to crumble to ash. He could still feel another presence somewhere behind him, but there was no threat. No threat whatsoever. But still, a loose end that needed mending. “I know you’re there. Might as well do us both a favor and come out now. You won’t like it if I have to come find you.”  
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flameontmarchive · 3 years
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“Look, I don’t mind paying the fine, but it’s the charge that doesn’t seem fair to me. You gotta get me out of this one, Matt.” Johnny had invited himself into the offices of Nelson, Murdock and Page, steam rolling off his hair as he tried to explain himself, eyes wild. “You gotta hear the whole story to get it. I was out on this date, right, just a tinder thing, nothing serious, but it’s going pretty well, I start to think maybe I’m getting lucky tonight, that sort of thing. But then...” he trailed off, his head shaking slowly, regret etched all over his features. 
“You know our uniforms are treated with this special unstable molecules stuff? Sue’s uniform goes invisible with her, Reed’s goes all stretchy, blah blah, don’t ask me to explain the science. And yeah, we put it on some of our other clothes, but do you know how many outfits I have? Like, I wasn’t expecting trouble, I just wanted a night out, but then the Doombots attacked. What am I gonna do? Just sit back and watch? That’s not the kind of guy I am. So I flame on, I take them out, single-handedly I could add, but that takes it out of me. I might make it look easy for a dude with a desk job like you, but I burn up a lot of energy in a fight. Eventually, I gotta flame off. And my clothes, well, they didn’t survive. I loved that jacket.” Johnny finally took a breath, finishing off with a mournful air. 
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“Like, is that really public indecency? I saved lives, Matt. If anything, it was public decency.” 
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