#matthew goose bagwell says that's my WIFE
newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hi! I loveee your B&S Universe and really have fallen for your Matthew/Edwina HCs....I was wondering if I could request some more? Maybe the two of them running into Edwina's unworthy exes?
I am very pleasantly surprised by how much everyone seems to love Edwina and Matthew Goose Bagwell. I just think Edwina is such a sweetheart and even though she has such a high profile career she is at heart a very down to earth, quiet person, and so she needs a humble little bean like Matthew to just hang out with at the end of the day, go to pottery classes with. You know, wholesome adorable things. It’s no less than she deserves.
Play the theme song! ‘Eddie and Goose, Eddie and Goose, Two little sunshine kiiiiids.”
“Eddie Sheffield? Oh my god, It’s been ages!” A man’s voice called out, and Matthew thought nothing of it. People recognising his fiancée happened semi regularly, and Edwina was always in her element with people, it warmed Matthew’s heart to see, but apparently This Man, she most certainly did not want to see. Se had stilled immediately, her fingers, intertwined with his where they sat tucked against her waist clenched tightly, her engagement ring cutting into his hand for a brief second as she muttered  “Ugh, For Fuck’s sake.” as she turned towards him. 
And Matthew didn’t like the way he was eyeing her appreciatively, no predatorily, for one second. Matthew liked to think he wasn’t a jealous man, Edwina was a beautiful woman, it was undeniable that wherever they went people’s eyes seemed to follow her, and it truly didn’t bother him. He knew they were in a committed relationship and she loved him. She told him every day, multiple times a day, like a relentless little shower of affection. Then there was the way she made him lunch, tucked neatly away in his lunch box, had done from the very first day she’d stayed at his flat. He’d been on the way out of the door and she’d called out Don’t forget your lunch, Matt! He’d paused, turning around confusedly, because he hadn’t packed anything only to have her stand on her tiptoes, kiss his cheek and push a lunchbox with Indiana Jones on into his hands. He’d opened it, a little curiously at lunch and found a note tucked inside Stay away from any rolling boulders today ❤️ Eddie. He’d seen her that night and said Lunch was beautiful but you don’t have to do these things,  She’d sighed, shrugged her shoulders and said It makes me happy, to look after you, so Can I? She loved him, he was sure. So no one else really mattered, but this Man was leering at her, and something about it made Matthew want to punch him. 
“David, It has been a while.” Edwina said, her voice monotone, bored almost. David appeared not to notice. “We should catch up. You know, for ahh Old time’s sake.” David said moving his eyebrows suggestively in time with the words, His eyes never leaving Edwina, Matthew felt his fist clench. Eddie sighed. “I don’t think so.” She tugged on Matthew’s arm, wrapping it even more tightly around herself. David hummed, “Yeah I heard a funny rumour about you. Said you were getting married.”  “Not really a rumour if my Mum put an engagement announcement in the paper is it?” Edwina said bemusedly, shooting. Can you believe this dick? Look at Matthew who felt his chest puff a little with pride, a smirk coming to his face.  “This is Matthew, with his arm around me, he’s my fiancé.” Edwina said dryly. And for the first time David seemed to notice him. His eyes widened a little, and then, this absolute tool of a man, had the audacity to smirk. 
“This guy? Wow. Eddie. Your sister’s married to Anthony Bridgerton and you’re gonna marry this guy?” David said, chuckling to himself, and Edwina frowned, her mouth open to an angry retort but Matthew beat her to it. “Mate, I’m gonna have to ask you to be more respectful.” He said, as pleasantly as he could manage, David’s eyes flicked to him, crossing his arms in front of him, trying to make himself look bigger, it was all Matt could do not to roll his eyes at the ridiculous display.  “You think I should respect you?” Matthew could feel Edwina’s eyes on him. He scoffed. “I don’t care what you say about me, but I’m not going to let you stand here and disrespect my wife. She used to be your girlfriend, and she’s a human being, show some bloody respect.” Matthew said firmly, trying to tamp dow the anger rising in his chest. David was clearly ready to start something, and Matthew readied himself to push Edwina out of the way when she laughed, very brightly and said.  “Oh, don’t worry about that, David and I were just friends weren’t we?” And then she tugged on his arm and left David standing there, open mouthed in indignation. 
“So that’s the kind of guy you dated hey?” Matthew said gently, when they were alone again, “That walking advertisement for toxic masculinity.” Edwina’s brow furrowed, her lip caught between her teeth. “I don’t even know why I did. I wanted to see the best in him, and I don’t know, I think I convinced myself that if everyone expected me to just be a pretty face, then that’s all I was.” She said, refusing to look at him, her eyes trained down on her shoes, and Matthew’s heart clenched. Edwina’s sister had pulled him into a tight hug, not so very long ago and whispered in his ear how desperately glad she was that he was in Edwina’s life, and he hadn’t quite believed her. 
Matthew reached out, tilting her chin up so their eyes locked together, forcing her to feel the truth in his words. “Eddie you are absolutely, stunning. So beautiful that every time I look at you I can’t even believe you looked at me twice when I ran into you and Edmund, but more importantly you are kind and smart, and strong, and funny and those are the things I love about you okay?” Her eyes were shining with tears as she stood on her toes and sealed their lips together, her body finally relaxing against his. She was smiling when they pulled apart, that same beautiful smile that had made his breath catch the first time he’d ever seen her.  “I love you too. And don’t think I didn’t clock you calling me your wife before. I really loved that.” And it was all Matthew could do not to whoop for joy and spin her around in his arms right there on the street corner when he said “you better get used to it then.”
And yeah, maybe he spun her around a little just for good measure.  
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newtonsheffield · 2 years
So in Bruises, does there come a time when Matthew “Goose” Bagwell eventually heads back to Somerset after visiting Anthony and Kate in Kent with his wife in the carriage and one of the footmen minding a goose in a wicker cage for his hobby farm?
Edwina absolutely begging Kate not to let Anthony give Matthew anymore farm animals when they arrive.
"Kate, my house is overrun with them. I've already got a sheep living inside, and a goat, and he wants a donkey this time I can feel it."
And Kate just sighs, "Anthony, Darling, Edwina would see it as a personal favour if you wouldn't give her husband a donkey."
"Alright, Love!" Anthony smiles, kissing her cheek.
And Edwina was sure, this time, she was coming back from Kent unencumbered by a symbol of Matthew's fascination with how her sister and her husband live. Other than the tweed cap he had made to match Anthony's. And it absolutely was very sweet the way Matthew took to everything.
"Edwina! I'm herding sheep!"
"Edwina! Today Anthony let me hold the plough!"
"Edwina! Look! Eggs!"
Edwina just finds it all a little baffling.
And bloody somehow he ends up sitting in the carriage back to Bridgwater with a pair of goslings in a wicker basket between them.
Matthew had proudly shown them to her last night and she'd looked incredulously at her brother in law. "Anthony!"
"You said he couldn't have a donkey, these are much smaller." Anthony says barely paying attention as he rushed over to Kate to take Edmund out of her arms and fuss over her with his hand pressed to the swell of her stomach, murmuring so softly in Kate's ear making her smile so beautifully that Edwina can hardly be mad at him.
"And we'll have eggs!" Matthew added helpfully. "Big ones!"
"Are you very cross with me?" Matthew hummed as the carriage trundled forward shifting nervously.
And still Edwina can only sigh. "No. It's a good thing you're so handsome."
"I thought I'd name them Archibald and Jemima!"
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Goose and Anthony always crack me up - any chance you have something up your sleeve that involves Anthony admitting that he does like Goose? :D
Oh, boy. A Clown and his goose tbh. They have on common goal: and That is
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Anthony Bridgerton didn't hate Matthew Bagwell. He didn't think that was fair, He just didn't have anything in common with the man. And yes, maybe he thought the way that Kate looked at Goose was a little ridiculous, cooing that he did this and that for Edwina, unable to stop the hot feeling of jealousy that rose in his chest whenever it happened. And Yes maybe he felt a little a little less than pleased that his mother in law was so delighted by the man and his homemade jam. But Anthony had given her a, he felt, rather incredible and adorable grandson which he felt great delight in handing to Mary whenever Matthew was in the vicinity watching with savage pride how Mary's eyes lit up as she cooed Isn't my grandson such a handsome boy?! Let's see Matthew Bagwell do that!
And Anthony wasn't blind. His sister in law had always been prone to joy, even when Anthony had met her as a teenager she'd always been so ready to laugh. So ready to be happy for other people, her smile was blinding. And her previous boyfriends had made her so much less than that. Anthony had watched for years while she'd made herself smaller for other men. Men who forced their way to the centre of attention, wielding her like a trophy they'd won, her face impassive. And Anthony had hated it. Edwina was everything that was sweet and kind, and she deserved to be so happy. As happy as she'd made sure Kate was. And then he'd seen her with Matthew, who stood quietly by her side, her posture tall and proud, her smile bright her eyes shining, her laugh echoing across the room. Anthony could see the difference, and he was happy for her. He was. Even if he couldn't bring himself to show it. I know you think it's too soon, Anthony Edwina had sighed when she'd sidled up to him after announcing her engagement, a nervous sort of smile on her face. Anthony had sighed Eddie are you happy? She'd stilled, her eyes wide as she nodded desperately and Anthony couldn't help but smile Then I'm happy for you. And she'd looked so blindingly happy that Anthony almost hadn't said And besides, you can always call it off! That's very celebrity! Which had earned him a swift swat from his wife who was rolling her eyes. Though he had to say, he definitely didn't hate how thankful Kate and Mary were when he agreed to walk Edwina down the aisle. And while he hadn't done it from the praise, the way Kate thanked him privately afterwards did leave him feeling a little less resentful towards Matthew.
When Edwina had announced she was pregnant with her first child, Anthony had hardly been surprised. He saw how Edwina doted on his own children, the way she looked at them with a little longing, he and Kate had both said Edwina will be a beautiful mother. And it was true, she was warm and nurturing and so good with children. And though Anthony hated to give the man any credit, his sons did seem to love Uncle Goose. And the Sheffield women were so excited, Kate was so happy to be an Aunt again, and Mary a grandmother Again Anthony added, Beano why don't you show Grandma Mary your new glasses?! Nudging his small son in her direction who giggled as he sprinted towards his grandmother delightedly. Only for Matthew to high five his son as well Super cool glasses Milo, welcome to the club! Anthony snatched his son back soon after. But when we nudged his way through the hospital door, with his children, and he saw Edwina laying in bed, smiling brightly at her husband who was cradling a tiny baby in his arms his breath caught anyway. Matthew grinned brightly at Anthony, his eyes shining with love and Pride and excitement at the prospect of fatherhood. Anthony! You're just in time to meet your goddaughter, Sarah! And as Anthony stared down at the beautiful baby in his arms her tiny brow furrowing as she yawned up at him, Anthony burned with love and affection himself for his tiny niece and Goddaughter. And he had to admit, she was pretty perfect. Maybe if he made her he's not so bad Anthony admitted to Kate on the way home, proudly sending pictures of his new goddaughter to his family chat. Kate snorted Ladies and Gentlemen please note the day. Anthony Bridgerton admitting to liking Matthew Bagwell! Anthony scowled. I said he wasn't so bad! I still think he's a maniac, I merely think the superior Sheffield genes may have won out in this case. And he could swear Kate muttered And I pray daily that they won out with our children as well.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
I'm doing something I haven't done in ages (Like 4 weeks or so) and post a follow up to Yesterday's fic!
I know! Truly shocking!
Anyway @hella-sirius has an excellent idea that Anthony Bridgerton has an odd one sided rivalry with Matthew Bagwell so. Yeah. I'm gonna steal that. My bad G! Hope you enjoy your latest update to the BSCU.
There was nothing in particular that Anthony Bridgerton didn't like about Matthew Bagwell, it was simply just that Edwina Sheffield was his wife's sister and therefore as a member of his family, no man would ever be good enough for her. There was also the small matter that Edwina was a very kind hearted person, and saw the best in every person she'd ever come across which meant she had had more than her fair share of terrible boyfriends. There had been Donald, who had been kind but quite possibly the most boring Man Anthony had ever met. Trevor, who had been a high school english teacher whose instagram had been full of pictures of Edwina and it had been a little too obvious what he was after. Joseph was an actor who had been very promising, he smiled at Mary and Kate charming them happily, but Anthony had known who Joseph really was. He hadn't enjoyed being right when the pictures of him with another actress on a yacht had been published. And then there had been David who Kate had hated just as much as he had. Who had strung Edwina along for a year with a we're just friends attitude and then he'd decided That they were only ever friends. And So his hopes had not been high when he'd gone to the restaurant to meet Matthew Bagwell. Even though his mother in law had told him that he was lovely, he would be the judge of that. And he'd immediately charmed Kate by commenting on how beautiful their son was Masterful Anthony had to admit. And to be fair, he did seem like a perfectly fine Man wearing a sweater with a little goose embroidered on it that he'd very awkwardly said My mum made it for me. She calls me Goose. But there had to be something wrong with Goose. And Anthony would find it.
Matthew Bagwell had been terrified to meet Kate Bridgerton and her husband. He could tell from the way Edwina spoke of her family that she loved them very much and he desperately wanted them to approve of him because he was terrified to admit that he was falling ridiculously more in love with Edwina Sheffield every day and he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. He'd met her mother who was possibly the loveliest person he'd ever met. And now it was time to meet Kate and Anthony. He'd met their son, Edmund who was adorable, and yes, he'd read on and off about them in the paper and he couldn't imagine anyone more intimidating. And as they'd walked through the door he'd known he was right to be terrified. Kate had stood proudly though smiled very warmly especially when he'd mentioned Edmund and Edwina’s hand had been warm and encouraging in his but God. Anthony Bridgerton was a truly intimidating man. He was taller than Matthew by several inches, his shoulders broad and his eyes seemed to be warning him Keep your hands off her you urchin. His hand had nearly crushed Matthew's and he'd glowered at him through dinner. Edwina and her sister had disappeared to the bathroom leaving them sitting alone in stony silence and Matthew had sighed Mr Bridgerton, I very much like Edwina I think she's incredible and I just want to make her happy...sir. He finished awkwardly. And Anthony had sighed and said You had better. And call me Anthony. And Matthew had finally relaxed.
Anthony had grown to have a sort of begrudging respect for Matthew it was true. But it did bother him that Kate had seemed so willing to like him from the very beginning. And perhaps the most infuriating part of all was that Matthew Bagwell truly seemed to be a very nice man. His soft smile when he looked at Edwina was one that Anthony recognised from his own face in nearly every photograph of him and Kate. And he brought home made scones to brunch which damnit were amazing and the way he would sit with Edmund for hours reading to him. God, Look at him Kate. He'd scoffed the first time Matthew had arrived with a soft I actually brought a book for Edmund I hope that's okay I got it at the museum so it's pretty factual and Kate had cooed happily at Matthew and scoffed at Anthony raising her eyebrow her voice dry Educating our son? The nerve. Even so, god help him when his sister in law, who he's known since she was 18 years old, his wife's favourite person in the entire world, comes to see him one morning when Kate's out and she says I'm actually here to see you. And she'd settled at his breakfast bar next to Edmund her eyes trained on her hands taken a deep breath and said Anthony, You like Matthew right? He'd smiled and said Yes, Eddie, I like Matthew.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
ok i saw your tags and now i HAVE to ask- anthony and bagwell headcanons? either in the bridgerton & sons universe or canon TVWLM universe!!
Oh... name a more iconic one sided rivalry than Anthony Bridgerton and Matthew Bagwell. I feel that in canon Anthony was pettily resentful of Bagwell after the whole carriage incident, despite Kate brushing it off as Newton’s fault. Was Probably absolutely SEETHING the entire time he was marching Edwina down the aisle towards that man (Anthony 100% gave Edwina away this is canon to my mind) and very irritatedly gave Kate and Mary his handkerchiefs as they cried. Absolutely furious that this man who tried to kill his wife is going to marry his sister-in-law. Ugh he just cannot abide a man not in control of his horses. 
In my little stories Anthony feels that Edwina Sheffield is his sister damnit, and she’s his wife’s favourite person, and he’s not going to sit around and let another guy make her unhappy, thank you very much. Unfortunately, this has led to much chest puffing, and Kate rolling her eyes, while Edwina, Mary and Matthew look on a little startled.
Mathew Bagwell had been more than a little stressed to meet Edwina’s sister and brother in law. She spoke of her family with such affection, and he’d seen when he’d done a quick google, pictures of her and her sister on her instagram smiling brightly, love shining from their eyes and he desperately wanted to make a good impression. He’d known Anthony Bridgerton by his imposingly large reputation, even as it had softened into a man who desperately loved his wife and child and he couldn’t help but sweat under Anthony’s stern gaze the entire dinner. I don’t think your brother in law likes me very much he’d mumbled to Edwina on the way home from the restaurant, her fingers intertwined with his, and to his surprise Edwina laughed Oh Anthony never thinks he likes anyone at first. Not even Kate. They could barely be in the same room together And Matthew had felt his eyebrows shoot upwards at the unlikelihood of that, given the two people he’d just met, the man who’d let his wife switch desserts with him when she’d eyed her own order regretfully. He’ll come around, you’ll see. And she smiled at him so beautifully that he didn’t even have the heart to say what his mind was thinking which was I doubt it. 
Perhaps it was unflattering, but Anthony got a savage sort of smug pride from being so well liked by his mother in law. he liked way she would smile at him and say Goodness aren’t you sweet Anthony when he would bring her flowers and say Ugh Katie’s a lucky girl  had him brimming with pride that the woman who had raised his brilliant wife thought he deserved her. And perhaps he’d gotten a little used to Mary’s quiet disapproval of Edwina’s boyfriends. Used to the fact that he got to greet Mary Sheffield with a warm Mary, good to see you! while she kissed his cheek affectionately while Edwina’s partner heard Mrs Sheffield, if you don’t mind. And so perhaps it was a little ridiculous but when Matthew Bagwell shuffled nervously into Mary’s kitchen, his hand clasped tightly in Edwina’s he was a little taken aback by Mary’s delighted Oh Matthew! Lovely to see you again! then she kissed his cheek, just like she had Anthony’s minutes before. And even more so when Matthew smiled and said Mary, Good to see you, I made some scones for you. A ridiculous stab of something akin to jealousy when he caught Mary and Kate huddled together saying how lovely Matthew was, how good he was for Edwina, What a nice man he was. And Anthony snapped Mary, would you like to hold your grandson?! Anthony said, thrusting his tiny son towards his delighted mother in law as his wife gave him a bemused look as Mary cooed happily at Edmund Oh he’s so handsome Katie. Let’s see Matthew Bagwell do that, Anthony thought savagely. 
Kate found it perfectly ridiculous, and perhaps a little endearing, that Anthony had taken such a dislike to her sister’s new boyfriend. Matthew who was very sweet, and kind, and his Mum called him Goose for goodness sake, and he looked at her sister like she was the most incredible person in the world. And he listened to her to what she had to say, not just what she looked like. Edwina Sheffield was beautiful inside and out and Matthew Bagwell saw it, and for that, Kate couldn’t help but love him for it. Unfortunately Anthony seemed to have gotten it into his head that Matthew must have some sort of nefarious purpose against her sister. And he was apparently going to enact his plan by giving their mother scones. Who brings scones to a brunch?! They’re a morning tea food! He had said irritatedly on the way home and Kate had wondered if perhaps she should have struggled more against getting in the car. And this week Anthony had spent hours in the kitchen for brunch. Anthony, Mary likes both of you equally, you know. She tutted her heart skipping a little that even after so long he desperately wanted approval from her family. Anthony scoffed Well that’s what we say about my mum Kate, and It’s certainly not true! He said, flitting around the kitchen. And damnit, he’d drawn her in Just... out of curiosity who do you think is Violet’s-? Anthony sighed We really don’t have time for this, Kate! I need to get this pie done for Mary, the Meringue is very delicate. When Mary arrived 25 minutes later a very surprised look on her face as she took in the table overflowing with pastries, Anthony grinning proudly Edmund in his baby carrier strapped to his chest and Kate hated that her traitorous heart leapt at this stupid man. Well this is quite the- Mary started, But Kate cut her off with a groan Mary please don’t encourage him, I’m the one that has to live with him.           
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
excuse me? you can't just say you want to write Greg & Goose as best friends and then not expect me to request this? also all four of them going on double dates (with Kate & Anthony not really knowing how they feel about it) or them babysitting some of the kids? [and btw now I'm also imagining Katie, Charlotte & Sarah forming a band when they're teens, but they're just really really.. not good, but they're having so much fun, so everyone just suffers through it] 💖
Oh Man, Gregory and Lucy and Eddie and Goose are the Sunshine Kids of this AU. And I just can’t help myself where these guys are concerned. I just... love them. Matthew and Greg have Nerdy Guy oh my god, How is my wife this hot Solidarity and Edwina and Lucy have looks like a cinnamon roll, but secretly a badass solidarity. These guys would be friends. And you just Know Anthony is in the corner like “Kate, He’s taking my Greg now too!” 
And Katie, Charlotte, and Sarah are a power girl trio. You just know Charlotte is out there being chaotic as heck, Katie is the quiet mastermind and Sarah is trying to be the voice of reason like “Can we think about this for just a second please?! No? Okay well I’m at least going to make sure we’re sensible about this!” 
Without further ado: Goose and Greg: Bros for life!
Pssssst: @aspoonfuloffiction Gregory being a cutie
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when Edwina had tugged him along to his first Bridgerton family dinner. She’d kept a firm grip on his hand while she introduced him to everyone, trying to ignore how Violet Bridgerton had turned to Edwina’s mother and said Oh Mary. What a sweet boy. I see what you mean.  He’d met Hyacinth who looked at him and laughed brightly, Sophie and Benedict, who Matthew knew worked closely with Edwina. Eloise and her husband Phillip, Eloise looking at him sharply for a moment and then Edwina had settled on a man, wearing glasses, grinning happily, a tiny woman tucked under his arm And this is Gregory, Anthony’s youngest Brother and his Fiancée Lucy they’re getting married in September! Edwina had said tucking her arm around his waist. Matthew had smiled, as Gregory adjusted his glasses jostling his fiancée just slightly showing the front of his Tshirt and the words had been out of Matthew’s mouth before he could stop himself. Super cool Doctor Who shirt Man. I love Amy Pond hands down the best companion. Gregory had stilled for a second glancing down at his shirt, a Tardis sketched on it a speech bubble popping out of it with the words Come Along Pond!  written in it. And then a broad smiled stretched over his face, Matt! Are you a whovian?!  Matt had felt himself relax a little Should we not all be? He’d said smiling at Gregorys infectious smile and before Matt knew what had happened Gregory had leapt forward and spun Edwina around hooting Edwina Sheffield I think I love you! You’ve finally found a cool guy to date and I am ecstatic for you. Nay for us both! And by the end of the evening Matthew had the oddest feeling that he’d just made a new best friend. 
Hey Ummm la la la Lucy? Gregory had loitered nervously in the kitchen for several minutes already, his eyebrows frowning adorably, making him look a little like a lost puppy. Lucy clicked her tongue ignoring how her heart fluttered. Yes, honey? Why do you look like you’re about to tell me Gerald just ate a lego stormtrooper again? Gregory shook his head quickly. No um the cat’s fine. You know how I just got the new Zelda game? Do you think it would be weird if I asked Matt if he wanted to play with me? And Lucy’s heart fluttered with the adorableness of her Fiancé standing in their kitchen asking if she thought someone wanted to be his friend. Gregory hadn’t stopped talking about Matthew Bagwell since he’d met him too weeks ago and they’d discussed everything from Classic Nintendo to Jurassic Park. And it was adorable. No Honey, I don’t think that would be weird. Do you want me to ask Eddie for his phone number? Gregory nodded enthusiastically kissing her cheek happily as he skipped from the room Love You Luce! tossed over his shoulder. Lucy heart doing a ridiculous stutter as she typed out Hey Eddie, Can I grab Matt’s number from you? Greg wants to ask him to play Nintendo I think.  The response came back 3 minutes later Edwina Sheffield: Here it is. I already mentioned it to him though and he’s very excited. He’s going to make Hummus. 
Edwina sighed happily as she looked at her fiancé across the room, smiling happily in his eleventh doctor costume at Gregory in his Link costume. Ugh, Christ, Why is Gregory so fucking Cute?! Lucy said a little disgustedly as she took a drink from her glass. Watching as her husband’s arms moved around excitedly. Edwina hummed It’s a bit of a trap isn’t it? One minute you’re going about your life and the next a very cute boy wants to make jam for you and tell you about his feminist ideals. Lucy gasped Yes! So disarming! They can’t just pop out of nowhere like that with their stupid glasses! Edwina heard her sister cackle a little madly beside her You two are ridiculous! Thank god I was never like this with Anthony.  Edwina scoffed, Kate 25 minutes ago you told me you shagged Anthony in the laundry room because he was wearing one of Edmund’s socks as a bracelet, You’re in no position to judge. Kate for her part looked barely ruffled I stand by that. It is awfully adorable when they love their children. You’ll see! And Honestly, Edwina couldn’t wait too.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hello again!!!! I'm the Spanish girl back in here!
Firstly, I'd like to send you my best wishes for this tough week of work, and I bet we're going to miss you around here this week. But duty calls! And, look, how many people can say they've got a whole week for relaxing after a week of work? 😌 (Perhaps I've misunderstood the whole thing; I've read your posts quite quick and I've understood sth different to what you wanted to say lol)
Well, what can I say with one of the last prompts you have gifted to us...? Kate, Anthony (and his Spanish!!!!!!) and Spain; you got me there. 😂 I even cried the famous "Ole!" when I read all of it (curious note: not all Spaniards use the expression "ole" in daily contexts; it is more like a regional expression that became worldwide famous bc of several reasons that are too long to post here, lol) and I think it's needless to say I loved it... isn't it?
And, I LOVED a lot Edwina's POV and story (well, I've loved everything you have posted and gifted to us, but Eddie has a special place in my heart)! I don't know, but sometimes I get the impression that, in romantic literature, relationships between sisters are not addressed at all and kinda force them to be friends (if they're not rivals... which I find stupid, tbh), not really deepening in the bond between them. Like, they're sisters and they behave more like "my next door neighbour and friend to whom sometimes I'm distant bc life happens" instead of "this person and I share much more than many people can imagine that's beyond friendship and she's more important than anybody else" -idk if this makes sense anymore... I rewrote it a couple of times bc I got the impression I can't express my idea very well 😂-. And that's something I think both of you, JQ and yourself, have achieved and gifted to all of us! We see Edwina and Kate as sisters: they fight, they tease the other, they can't stand each other sometimes, but always, ALWAYS, they care for and love the other just as sisters do. Because of this, I think TVWLM is one of my favourite books in this genre: they give us a two fantastic love stories, not only between a -heterosexual- couple but also between sisters; which is as important as any other kind of relationship.
After my TED Talk (sorry if it's been too much... 😅), I cannot help but imagine an escapade between Anthony and Kate (sans children) and Matthew and Edwina (oh, Matthew... I love you) to Spain just for Anthony, in his stupid one-side battle against Matthew (I love this, tbh; it's sooooo fun 😂), demonstrate Matthew he can speak fluently another language... Just for Matthew be oblivious to this and enjoy a little escapade to Spain with his girlfriend and her family. 😂
Anyways; I hope you're alright and, again, I wish you all the best for this week.
Besos!!! 🥰 (Spanish equivalent for the "Love!" farewell expression; it means "kisses")
Hola! You’re back again! And I’m so glad! 
I do have a week off once I finish work tomorrow (Saturday)!! Very Exciting! I have a scarf to knit, and lots of writing to do so that’s very exciting. 
Oh Anthony on a Spanish beach in tiny little flamingo shorts? Ole! indeed! That is a curious note, I literally love learning things about other cultures and languages so if anyone wants to share a curious note about their culture, hit me up! I will in turn tell you about the curious culture of The Land Down under, and our propensity to butcher the English language!
I agree, Sister relationships are a very curious thing in media. I’m not a huge fan of very contentious relationships between sisters, I’m not saying they don’t exist in real life, they definitely do, I just think having them as constant rivals is exhausting. And Yes! I Love the relationship between Edwina and Kate very much because I see it as a mirror of my relationship with my own sister. My sister drives me more insane than any other person on this planet. We fight, we bicker, I get absolutely enraged when she steals the last property I need for a set in Monopoly, and yet, She is my favourite person. She can say whatever she wants about me, but were anyone else to? It’s fight on sight. I’ll be honest, that all I’m doing is basing their relationship in these fics  on my own with my sister. Nothing special! 
Okay! Here we go! Anthony and Kate + Goose and Edwina +Spain
Kate Bridgerton was many, many things, but she liked to think an idiot, was not one of them. And so, when Anthony had said, in a tone she was sure he thought was casual. “I think we deserve a holiday, you’ve been working very hard to grow the little broad bean after all and your sister and her little gander should celebrate their engagement.” She had known exactly what he was up to. And she wasn’t really sure why she played along along with it. Perhaps something in her thrived on the chaos she knew Anthony would would create, perhaps part of her just really wanted a decent paella. Surely it didn’t matter, the result was the same: Kate fixed an innocent expression on her face and said  “Where did you have in mind?” 
 And so, surprise, surprise, here she was: back on a beach in Spain. She had to admit, eyeing Anthony appreciatively as he paddled demonstratively in the shallow water, his plan had its merits. though thus far his attempts had been... unsuccessful at best. Matthew Bagwell seemed absolutely thrilled to be in Spain, on holiday with his fiancée, giving them helpful facts he knew about the architecture as they walked through the city, a wide smile on his face, Anthony practically purple when he corrected a fact Anthony himself had said.   “Do you speak Spanish, Goose?” Anthony had said dryly in the hotel lobby shortly after they’d arrived. And Kate had rolled her eyes at Anthony, though Matthew was not paying attention. He had his arms wrapped tightly around Edwina’s waist, whispering something in her ear that made her nose crinkle in delight, the sapphire of her engagement ring glinting in the sunlight. And the beautiful picture they made gave Kate’s heart a little stutter. Anthony tutted. “Matt!” He said sharply, getting the man’s attention, Matthew’s glasses slipping down his nose as his head shot upwards in surprise.  “Do you speak Spanish?” Edwina was rolling her eyes now. And Matthew, for his part was completely unbothered  “oh, no. Sorry Mate, might have to lean on your pretty heavily this week.” He said, and Kate caught the smug smile on Anthony’s face and bit back a groan Damnit Matthew.  “I’m pretty fluent in French, German and Mandarin though!” Matthew said smiling happily, turning back towards Edwina, completely oblivious to the scowl Anthony tossing his way. “Of course you fucking are.” He muttered, fixing Kate with an irritated glare as a laugh escaped her!   
The water surely must be a little cool in early October but Anthony showed no signs of it, Beckoning Kate into the water. She groaned and made her way towards him, laughing happily as he tugged her in, his hand resting on her stomach, still no sign of her pregnancy. “Is he watching?” Anthony whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist, spinning her through the water So she had a brief image of her sister smiling brightly at her fiancée who appeared to be... bless him building a sandcastle. 
“No. He’s not.” Kate said batting her husband’s hands away irritatedly as he scowled.  “Are you really trying to look more in love than they are?” Kate scoffed, disbelief at her husband’s idiocy rising with in her. Anthony looked indignant. “No! A man can’t take an interest in his wife now? Very poor show Mrs. Bridgerton.” He said, but his eyes, darted towards the shore at the last second.  “Oh I cannot believe you! You’re absolutely manic!” She replied as Anthony attempted to pull her back towards him, Kate putting up very little fight as she tumbled against. him, his voice hot in her ear. “Insufferable I hear.” Kate scoffed. “Ugh! If Anyone’s insufferable it’s him!” 
Kate turned to follow Anthony’s gaze to find Matthew waving at them, grinning broadly, completely unbothered. And Kate couldn’t keep from laughing as Anthony went on another muttered tirade.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hellooooo hope you’re doing good! Basically I went to London today and I really wanted to go to the Natural History Museum so I could find myself a Goose- alas I didn’t end up going to the museum, thus not finding a Goose on my travels. Sigh. So I was wondering if instead I could request some Eddie & Goose content? Thank youuuu ✨
Ohhhhh Man! I tell you what, I need to start walking quickly round corners in Museums and see what shakes out! If anyone tries this method of securing a husband, please let me know. Enquiring minds and all that! Aaaaand I hope you had fun in London even without getting to meet a handsome Gander. Man, I miss going to big cities. I live in a small town (Pop.5000) which is probably an hour and a half from a regional city (Cairns, QLD if anyone is curious, Right off the Great Barrier Reef) but the next like... Capital (Big) city is a two day drive from me or a 3 hour plane ride so... Australia is a behemoth country and there's nothing there!
ANYWAY! Eddie and Goose, Beautiful little beans. Do you wanna see Goose's birthday?
Play the theme song 🎶 Eddie and Goose, Eddie and Goose, two little sunshine kiiiids 🎶
As embarrassing as it was to say, none of Edwina's ex boyfriends had ever celebrated her birthday, she honestly hadn't even wanted them too which certainly should have been a sign that they'd had so many red flags they were practically wearing a red poncho, which meant, in turn, she'd actually never celebrated a boyfriend's birthday. So maybe it was stupid but when her fiancé had smiled happily and said "I don't usually do anything for birthdays, I just buy a cupcake and call it a day if I can't get out to my mum's." She'd been a little disappointed. She knew he didn't mean it as a rejection, but even so it stung a little.
But even so she'd spent weeks trying to decide on the perfect gift for Matthew. She'd asked Kate's advice, nervously hovering in her kitchen as Anthony flitted around his pregnant wife, in full mother hen mode once more. "I got Anthony engraved cufflinks the first Valentines we were together." Kate said, humming happily, kissing her husband's cheek when he placed a muffin in front of her. Edwina scoffed. "Cufflinks?! Jesus Kate, you two are so boring!" She said a little irritatedly "Hey!" Kate said indignantly, "He needed them, his broke!" Anthony nodded, a little indignantly at her. Edwina rolled her eyes, "Sorry, you didn't tell me they were a practical gift. How romantic." "I wear them every day, and I like looking at them knowing Kate picked them for me." Anthony said pointedly, rolling his own eyes in response before scooping a wriggling Edmund up. "Here's an idea Eddie, why don't you give Goose back your engagement ring for his birthday?" Anthony chuckled to himself as Kate rolled her eyes, and Edwina swept from the room with a "You two are useless!" and a rude hand gesture.
Even so, something about what Anthony had said had stuck in her mind, and now she was left hovering nervously in the doorway of her bedroom, The sandwich cake she'd made from Anthony's recipe balanced on a plate, the wrapped box burning against her hand. He was just stirring when she entered the room, his eyelids flickering open slowly, scanning the room for her, the soft crooked smile that had first made her heart skip slowly dawning on his face as his hand groped around for his glasses.
"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Matty, Happy birthday to you." Edwina sung lightly as she made her way through the bedroom, crouching slightly as she held the cake out to him, his sleepy smile causing the butterflies in her stomach to beat more furiously. "Make a wish." she whispered softly as he blew out the candles leaving a soft kiss on her cheek. "You really didn't have to go to all the trouble." he said, leaving the cake on the bedside table in favour of tugging her down to sit across his legs. "That's a bake off winning cake thank you very much Matthew Bagwell. Paul Hollywood gave me a handshake for that cake. Many a man would think themself very lucky to have me back that cake for them." she said teasingly, unable to stop the smile on her face. "I don't doubt that at all." Silence echoing softly through the room as their eyes caught softly.
And then, "I got you this as well." Edwina said awkwardly, forcing the box into his hand before she could lose her nerve. He stared curiously down at it "Eddie I said you didn't have to get me anything." He said softly, something like disbelief in his voice. Edwina scoffed, "Can you just open it and tell me if you want me to return it before I lose my nerve entirely?" Matthew stared curiously at her for a second before he tugged lightly on the bow unwrapping it painfully slowly, his hand smoothing over the box before he finally opened it. He stared down at the watch silently, his finger tracing the engraving on the bezel From Edwina to Matthew Forever and Always. Edwina could feel her her teeth cutting into her bottom lip as the silence stretched on.
"It's okay if you don't like it." She said softly, nerves clawing at her chest, "I can take it back and get another one, or maybe something else? I just... I know you don't wear a watch and I thought maybe it's because you didn't have one, but if it's because you don't like them them-" Matthew cut off her rambling with a soft kiss, and she felt herself relax instantly against him. His voice shook slightly when he pulled back. "How could I not love this?" His eyes were shining behind his glasses, "I was just a little taken aback because honestly... I think this watch probably cost more than I make in six months." Edwina started to protest but he shook his head softly. "I'm not rejecting it, Honey I love it. And I'm going to wear this so much you'll be sick of the sight of it."
But honestly every time she saw it clasped firmly on his wrist she got a little thrill. Even more so when Anthony begrudgingly said the next week. "That's a nice watch, Goose." and Matthew grinned brightly, his arm around her waist. "Thanks! Eddie got it for my birthday!" Kate's head shot up. "Oh? A practical gift, Edwina. How romantic!" She said laughing at Matthew's perplexed expression, as Edwina shot her sister a rude hand gesture.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
i would like to request more episodes in the goose and eddie the tv show.
cause i just love our academically inclined model and her soft archeologist floppy haired dinosaur boy.
I have exams, what have you done to me !!!! (i’m eternally grateful tho)
“Eddie and Goose, Eddie and Goose two little sunshine kiiiids” Yes, that is their theme song now. Somebody needs to sedate me at this point tbh. 
Now I hope you don’t mind but I have made this as a follow up to yesterday’s post ! Umm So... everyone, may I  Introduce Sarah Katharine Bagwell?
“Are you ready to see how amazing your Mummy is Sare Bear?” Matthew said as he scooped his tiny daughter from the car seat tucking her carefully into the carrier strapped to his front. His heart swelling with pride as he looked down at her legs swinging happily. So beautiful he thought, so much like Edwina already, her intelligent eyes flicking around taking things in her hair already the exact shade of her Mother’s. Edwina’s sister had sighed when she’d been handed Sarah, a little tear in her eye as she said  “She looks just like you did, Eddie.” Their Mother’s hum of approval through tears and Matthew had burned with pride, with love and affection for the woman whose chin was resting on his shoulder smiling tiredly. Everyone said it, Sarah Bagwell looked nothing like her father, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
“Mummy is the absolute prettiest woman in the whole wide world, Sarah, but more importantly she is kind and smart and strong, and those things are just as special. Okay.” He said, chattering mindlessly as he rounded the corner into the small cordoned off section of the park smiling as his wife came into focus in the distance, smiling at something Benedict was saying, The music she always requested playing loudly.  “Oh my goodness, Matthew Bagwell, is that your little girl?!” a voice called out, and Matthew spun towards Crystal, the stylist Edwina had been working with since ever he’d known her, already cooing over Sarah. Matthew smiled happily waving Sarah’s arm in greeting.
“Say hello to Crystal, Sarah.” He said, grinning as Crystal gasped “Aaand we’ve brought some pastries that we made this morning to introduce ourselves to everyone.” Sarah let out a little gaggle as if in agreement and Matthew’s heart leapt again.  “Well you are a very sweet man.” She said smiling and then turning back to Sarah. “Oh look at her. The pictures Eddie showed us doesn’t do her justice.” Matthew hummed in agreement.  “There’s my little Gosling.” Edwina’s voice sing songed leaving a kiss on Matthew’s cheek before pressing her lips to the top of their daughter’s head. And Matthew’s heartbeat stuttered just like always when he looked at his wife smiling up at him, her eyes shining with love, and not for the first time he wondered what it was about him that had made this woman want to spend her entire life with him, to live with him and try not to lose his tortoise, and have a baby with him. It was still a little incredible to him even after three years. 
“I won’t be long, Ben just wants to get a few more shots.” Eddie said “And then we can go and see Grandma Mary!” She cooed excitedly. Matthew couldn’t keep the smile off her face. “Take your time, Honey. We’re very excited to watch you work. Aren’t we Sare Bare.” he said happily, as Sarah babbled happily. Edwina stood on her tip toes leaving a kiss against his nose.  “Love you!” She called out as she walked back towards Benedict who waved in greeting. 
And as Matthew settled into his usual seat near the stage lighting and watched his wife get to work, elegance and poise radiating from her for most probably the hundredth time, he was just as in awe as the very first time. When she turned and winked just like she always did, the light glinting off her sapphire engagement ring and mouthed Love you just like she always did he felt like his heart was going to burst from his chest just like always when he mouthed back Love You too. Her answering smile blinding. 
And when Ben said “We’ve got it, get out of here, Eddie.” This time when he stood and clapped, he did it with their daughter’s hands between his own.   
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
hello!! thank you for all your work and I really hope your next week it better than the last!! excited for next weeks update already!! i was wondering... whether we could maybe potentially see the episode on the edwina and goose show where they get engaged?? I never expected to love them so much, or care so much, but here I am!!
TBH I also hope this coming week is better than the last. It wouldn’t wanna be much worse that’s for sure. But you know what, it’s totally fine I’m gonna get a new tattoo in a few weeks and it’s gonna be FINE! (🌷🌷)
Can we see the Episode of the Eddie and Goose show where they get engaged? Are you sure you wanna? It’s preeetty cute? Honestly, I just love them, your honour.
Play the theme song: 🎶Eddie and Goose. Eddie and Goose! Two little sunshine kiiiiids🎶
Matthew Bagwell was nervous and reasonably, why should he not be? This was, arguably going to be the most important day of his life, so far if this went well, he told himself. He had been planning it for weeks now, hiding the box from Edwina had proved a little more difficult than he’d anticipated. She’d looked a little affronted when he’d said, rather panickedly Honey what are you doing?! You shouldn’t be doing my laundry!  When she’d gone to put his neatly folded socks away, her eyes wide But I always do your socks. He’d gotten her mother’s blessing, gotten her sister’s blessing, even squared up to her terrifying brother in law Anthony who had eyed him irritatedly and said IF she says yes, you can marry her. But she might not. This had, of course, earned him a swift slap to the back of the head from Kate. And Matthew was sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Edwina, She was smart, and strong, and the kindest person he knew and every time she smiled at him his heart threatened to pound out of his chest, and even though they’d only been together seven months he was sure. He was ready for this, and all he had to do was forget his lunch. 
“Matt, Babe, Don’t forget your lunch!” Edwina had called out for the third time as he’d tried to sneak out, leaving a kiss on his cheek, pushing his hair back from his eyes, the ring box burning hot against his leg, sweat beading on his forehead. “You look so handsome today.” She said lightly as she walked back towards the bathroom. And Matthew thought his heart was going to beat out of his chest, and he couldn’t help himself.  “Edwina!” He said catching her attention, she turned back to him her eyebrows raised, still in her pyjamas, “I love you!” And her smile was so beautiful when she said  “I love you too, Babe. Now get to work!”And she’d continued on her path, leaving him smiling after her ridiculousy.
“Matt, I reminded you three times! How did you forget your lunch?” Edwina’s voice laughed through the phone. And Matthew forced himself to stay calm, as though his plan wasn’t working perfectly. “Ugh, sorry babe, guess I’m a little hopeless.” He said lightly, his heart pounding, waiting for her next comment. “You, are very lucky I love you, I’m bringing it over, we can eat together.” Edwina said, clicking her tongue and Matthew could see her so clearly in his mind’s eye, smiling happily he eyes shining as she got into her car.  “I am pretty lucky to have you, Yeah.” Matt said softly and Edwina laughed, the noise sending his heartbeat thundering again.  “You really are trying to butter me up today aren’t you? It’s working beautifully by the way, if you play your cards right you’re in for a very lucky night. I’ll be there in about 30. I love you!” 
And of course, Matthew had sprinted downstairs, getting himself in position, pacing a little to keep himself calm. Dawn at the front desk giving him a little thumbs up every now and then. It’s going to be fine. Matthew told himself You’re just going to ask her a question. You love her, She loves you. She does, She tells you all the time and she wears the sweaters your Mum makes and she paints mugs with you and she smiles like the sun. You’re just going to ask her a question What’s the worst that could happen?! Ignoring the voice in his head as he jumped out from around the corner startling the wrong woman She could break your heart.  
And then, he could hear a familiar voice humming tunelessly, hear familiar footsteps around the corner and he sunk down on one knee. Waiting. He saw her walk round the corner, light from the windows streaming in, reflecting off her beautiful face as she tapped away on her phone, the Indiana Jones tin lunchbox she’d bought him in her hand. And she didn’t notice him, jostling right into him. His lunchbox hitting him square in the face. Edwina startled her eyes wide. “Oh my god, I’m so- Matt?” She said bemusedly, her eyes wide. “Babe, what are you doing on the floor?” She took a step back and her eyes widened even further as she took in his posture, on one knee, holding tightly to a ring box that might as well be his heart outstretched towards her. “Oh my god.” She gasped, her hands covering her mouth her eyes shining, shock written all over her face.
And Matthew felt himself panic, this wasn’t exactly the reaction he’d been hoping for. Had he misread everything? Oh god, had her sighing happily at Gregory Bridgerton’s Wedding last week not been a sign that she wanted to get married? Should he stand up? What a disaster! People were watching them now, including several of his coworkers! Jesus Christ What-
“Matt, Babe, are you...? Do you... maybe have something you want to ask me?” Edwina said gently and his eyes snapped to hers, there were tears shining there now, her bottom lip caught between her teeth, her eyebrows raised in a gently Go on  expression and God he’d never wanted anything more in his life than to be this woman’s husband. 
He forced himself to take a deep breath, opening the ring box finally, the Sapphire glinting in the bright light, and he heard Edwina gasp slightly. “Edwina, Seven months ago today, I was having the worst day and then I walked around this corner right here and there you were and I couldn’t breathe. Because you were so beautiful, and funny and smart, and by the end of the day I was pretty sure you were just... taking pity on a nerdy guy who couldn’t stop staring at you.” Edwina let out a watery chuckle, her fingers raking through his hair. And Matthew had to clear his throat so dislodge the lump there  “But you stood just outside a week later and yelled at me for not calling you and I’m pretty sure that’s the moment I fell in love with you. And I know we haven’t been together very long but Eddie, I promise if you say yes I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me every day. So, Edwina Sarah Sheffield, Will you marry me?” The question hung between them in the air, Edwina tears rolling down her cheeks, and Matthew could feel something rolling down his own face as well. 
“Matthew, I would be so proud to call myself your wife.” Matthew could feel his heart beating out of his chest, and he barely had time to blink before his fiancée had grabbed him by the sweater tugging him firmly up until their lips met. And it tasted like forever.
This was a really long episode and I’m sorry!  
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Running with the Goose and Edwina theme here...
Ben and Edwina obvs spend a lot of time with each other as photographer and model and then friends...
And from Edwina totally putting the biatch that is Rosanund down... she’s clearly a huge Sophie fan (and the fact Ben’s stopping moping about his mystery Sophie though probably annoys her just as much with stories of Sophie...)
How does Goose react meeting Ben and then Sophie as well...
And how to Goose and Sophie get on seen as they’re both in total awe of how someone like Edwina/Ben loves them and wants to spend their lives with them... as I can totally see them being super cute and being all “that’s my wife/that’s my husband” together 🥰
Any Ben/Soph and Eddie/Goose friendship stuff would be amazing 🥰🥰
Edwina and Ben knew one another professionally before Kate was dating Anthony, and then of course, Edwin and Eloise have been friends for years, so Eddie had met most of the Bridgertons before Kate had actually. 
And yes Ben drove Edwina almost as insane as his siblings mooning over Sophie. Ben and Eddie work together quite a lot and he became very fussy with his shots while he was looking for Sophie because he was focussing on what he could control: work. This of course all culminated in Edwina storming off a shoot one day with a snappish Don’t tell me how to do my job, Ben. And Yes! Edwina loves Sophie! I mean... How could someone not ??? I mean, there also both very lovely, kind hearted people and I think they would get along very well.
Sophie Beckett had been ridiculously nervous when she’d walked into Kate Bridgerton’s living room and saw Edwina Sheffield slumped on the sofa. Sophie had been nervous enough to have been invited for morning tea with Kate, her stomach churning the entire way over, and then she’d seen Kate’s sister, sitting there, fresh off her second election as England’s most beautiful woman, and Sophie had had to fight the urge to run out the door. Kate had tutted, nudging her sister’s legs to make room for herself on the sofa, Sorry Sophie, my sister is like a parasite when Cake is on offer, I couldn’t get rid of her. Kate said dryly, as Sophie took a seat, perched on the edge of the armchair smiling nervously as Edwina tossed her sister a sarcastic look before turning towards her, a startlingly beautiful smile on her face. Sophie! I hope you don’t mind but when I heard you were coming I had to stay to meet you! Ben has told me just so much about you! And Sophie could barely force herself to keep smiling. She knew Benedict and Edwina were close, they worked together often, and given their siblings were married they’d become friends. Benedict had even said just the other week You’d like Eddie, You’re a lot alike. And Sophie had balked at the idea of having anything in common with this woman. It’s nice to meet you,Edwina  Benedict has the loveliest things to say about you. Sophie had forced herself to say, a little unnerved by the way Edwina raised her eyebrow sceptically a laugh in her voice. He had better. Honestly Sophie, the shit I put up with when that man was looking for you. Sophie felt her mouth drop open in surprise as Edwina continued unperturbed Now I was at your work the other day and let me tell you: The salmon was beautiful! And as Sophie settled in the the Sheffield girls she couldn’t help but feel as though perhaps she’d just made a friend as well.
Matthew Bagwell had been very nervous when his girlfriend had mentioned that he’d been invited to Violet Bridgerton’s house for dinner one Sunday night. His brow had furrowed and he’d found himself saying But I’m... not related to her? Edwina had tilted her head curiously and said That doesn’t really matter to Violet Mum and I are always invited, we’re kind of family I suppose. I just want to show you off. leaving a little kiss against his cheek that seemed to burn afterwards and he’d found himself agreeing. Edwina had chattered the entire way there. Gregory is getting married to Lucy Abernathy in September, and There’s Colin and Penelope who are very sweet, and Hyacinth is 17 but honestly terrifying, oh! Francesca is here at the moment! And Matthew had choked trying to remain casual Francesca will be there?! Edwina had chuckled teasing him with a kiss on his cheek as they stood at the door I forgot about your little crush on Frankie, I’ll be sure to introduce you don’t worry. And swung open the door leaving Matthew spluttering on the doorstop. He’d been immediately drawn into a warm hug by Edwina’s sister, greeted with a terse Goose by Anthony and fixed with the kind of glare that made Matthew squirm. He was just about to open his mouth to try and have a conversation with Anthony when a taller man appeared next to him, slapping Matthew on the shoulder. Don’t worry about Anthony! He likes disapproving of people! Eddie! I’ve been waiting for someone fun to get here!  He said Smiling Charmingly as he wrapped his arms tightly around Edwina leaving a kiss on her cheek. And Matthew felt a ridiculous surge of jealousy shoot through him for a split second until the man stepped back, plucking a small blonde woman seemingly from thin air This is my beautiful fiancée Sophie! and Sophie sighed, shaking Matthew’s hand lightly And he’s Benedict, though he probably forgot to mention that between teasing his brother and Eddie. And Matthew felt instantly more relieved. Until Edwina gave him a wicked smirk when they sat down at dinner, and forced him into a seat next to Francesca Bridgerton.
Matthew was still a little uncomfortable attending functions with Edwina, even now as her fiancé, even when she kept her arms wrapped tightly around his waist smiling happily as she met people. introducing him with a little hint of pride in her voice Have you met my fiancé Matthew? He could see her now, giving a quick interview with Benedict over their recent Burberry campaign, her smile bright, her hands moving like a little whirlwind as she explained something and Matthew felt a soft smile coming to his face, a surge of pride that this incredible woman wanted to marry him. A soft hum came from beside him They’re pretty incredible aren’t they? Sophie said, drinking from her champagne glass. Matthew nodded I was just thinking that. I think all the time how glad I am that she bumped into me in the museum. Sophie smiled. You’re telling me. I left Benedict’s dinner in front of him and he got it into his head that he wanted to marry me. She said still in disbelief, her engagement ring glinting on her finger. And when Edwina stand up to accept her award with Benedict later, No one is cheering louder than Matthew who lets out a wolf whistle, Edwina shooting him a slightly embarrassed look, Benedict Grinning proudly at his own fiancée hooting happily beside him.    
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hey, there - just popping by to say that Matthew saying “Then let’s have a baby, honey.” made me almost barf up my ovaries (in a good way). And I swear I'm not even broody!
Oh Heyyyyyy!
Oh Matthew Goose Bagwell, setting hearts a flutter since 2021. I’ll tell you what, you don’t even want to KNOW how sweet he is with little Sarah when she comes along, and then their son Jeremy? ADORABLE
When he takes them to visit their Mum at work and stands by smiling proudly while the hair and make up women coo over their beautiful children and he says
“Well look at my wife!”
When his mum makes them all matching sweaters and Edwina accidentally started a fashion trend of homemade knitwear one winter by wearing hers in Sainsbury?
Anyway: Matthew Goose Bagwell is a sweetheart who has heart eyes for Edwina Sheffield which is absolutely no less than she deserves!
If you haven’t seen the post where Edwina tells Goose she wants to have a baby it’s here
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