anastpaul · 7 months
Quote/s of the Day – 19 February – “For I was hungry and you gave me to eat ...”
Quote/s of the Day – 19 February – Monday of the First Week in Lent – Ferial Day –Ezechiel 34:11-16; Matthew 25:31-46 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “For I was hungryand you gave me to eat” Matthew 25:35 “If there are people who refuse to workthat is for the governor and the police to deal with.My duty is to assistand relieve thosewho come to my door.” St Thomas of Villanova…
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talmidimblogging · 4 years
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Christ the King Sunday – 22 Nov 2020: Ezekiel 34:11-20, Matthew25:31-46 ~ “as you did to the least among you” ‘‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and not help you?’ Christ the King Sunday – 22 Nov 2020: Ezekiel 34:11-20, Matthew25:31-46 ~ “as you did to the least among you”
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God and neighbor
God and neighbor ③ Of course, with the care of the liturgy, people will be saved if they receive sacraments. But this too should not be misunderstood. In other words, sacraments and liturgy cannot be limited to just inside the church hall. ④ In other words, as it is said in the sacramental liturgy of baptism, you must protect "Okite" in order to obtain eternal life. This Okite is Christ's new the rule of customs. "My commandment is this. Love each other as I loved you" (John 15; 12). ⑤ This new Okite is not just about people's hearts, thoughts, convictions and feelings. All of people. It's not enough. It eats up all of people. "Give up your life for your friends, there is no greater love than this" (John 15; 13) ⑥ The usual way of feeling is that the neighbor is rather a stranger, an extra person, but a person who still has great respect. If you know clearly for the sake of God or for God, you may still be happy and willing to give up your life, but it's so easy to throw everything out for someone else, a boring lowly person. But the Gospel says that if you don't, you won't be saved. "I made one of these smallest of my brothers, that is, I. I didn't make one of the smallest. That's what I didn't do "(Matthew25; 31-46). The question here goes completely beyond how effective and useful it is. . The smallest person means the person who is the least valuable to be kindly taken care of. No matter how you look at it, there are only people who have no specifications and who are not impressed. Can not be removes. I would like to say, "Lord, if I knew you, I would have done anything" (Matthew25; 44).
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anastpaul · 7 months
One Minute Reflection – 19 February – 'Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary?'
One Minute Reflection – 19 February – Monday of the First Week in Lent – Ferial Day –Ezechiel 34:11-16; Matthew 25:31-46 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “Amen I say to you, as long as you did not do it for one of these least ones, you did not do it for Me.” – Matthew 25:45 REFLECTION – “Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary? That it is not a law but…
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anastpaul · 3 years
One Minute Reflection – 7 March – Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary?
One Minute Reflection – 7 March – Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary?
One Minute Reflection – 7 March – Monday of the First Week of Lent – Ezech 34:11-16, Matt hew 25:31-46 and the Memorial of St Thomas Aquinas OP (1225-1274) Doctor Angelicus and Doctor Communis “Amen I say to you, as long as you did not do it for one of these least ones, you did not do it for Me.” – Matthew 25:45 REFLECTION – “Do you suppose that charity is not an obligation but voluntary? That…
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anastpaul · 6 years
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Lenten Reflection – 11 March – Monday of the First Week of Lent, Gospel: Matthew 25:31–46
“Come, you who are blessed by my Father” Homily attributed to Saint Hippolytus of Rome (c 170-c 235) Priest and Martyr
“Come, my Father’s blessed ones, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.”   Come, you lovers of poor people and strangers.   Come, you who fostered My love, for I am love… Look, My kingdom is ready, paradise stands open, My immortality is displayed in all its beauty.   Come now, all of you, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
Then, astounded at so great a wonder – at being addressed as friends by Him whom the angelic hosts are unable clearly to behold – the righteous will reply, exclaiming:  “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you?   Master, when did we see You thirsty and give You a drink?   When did we see You, whom we hold in awe, naked and clothe You? When did we see You, the immortal One, a stranger and welcome You?   When did we see You, lover of our race, sick or in prison and come to visit You?   You are the Eternal, without beginning like the Father, and co-eternal with the Spirit.   You are the One who created all things from nothing, You are the King of angels, You make the depths tremble, You are clothed in light as in a robe (Ps 104[103]:2), You are our maker who fashioned us from the earth (Gn 2:7), You are the creator of the world invisible.   The whole earth flies from Your presence (Rv 20:11).   How could we possibly have received Your lordship, Your royal majesty, as our guest?”
Then will the King of Kings say to them in reply:  “Inasmuch as you did this to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.   Inasmuch as you received, clothed, fed and gave a drink to those members of mine (1Cor 12:12) about whom I have just spoken to you, that is, to the poor, you did it to me.   So come, enter the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, enjoy forever the gifts of my heavenly Father and of the most holy and life-giving Spirit.”   What tongue can describe those blessings?   “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1Cor 2:9).
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Daily Meditation: Bring us back to you. We repeat our desire that God bring us home from our wandering. We know that in the confusion that surrounds us and can fill us, we need the gift of Wisdom.
It is fitting that our very first “lesson” in our faith, is the last judgement scene that Jesus paints for us. We will be judged on whether we: fed the hungry welcomed the stranger clothed the naked comforted the sick visited the imprisoned. It is powerful to re-learn this wisdom – Jesus identifies with each of these “least” cared for.
Who might we feed, welcome, clothe, comfort or visit this week? As my heart might “resist” this mission, I might beg to be brought back, with all my heart.
Praise to Jesus, our Saviour, by his death He has opened for us the way of salvation. Let us ask Him: Lord, guide Your people to walk in Your ways.
God of mercy, You gave us new life through baptism, – make us grow day by day in Your likeness. May our generosity today bring joy to those in need, – in helping them may we find You. Help us to do what is good, right and true in Your sight, – and to seek You always with undivided hearts. Forgive our sins against the unity of Your family, – make us one in heart and spirit.
Closing Prayer: Loving God, You call us back to You with all of our hearts. I feel Your call for me deep in my heart and I know You want me back as much as I want to return. Please, Lord, give me the wisdom to know how to return. Make my journey back to You this Lent one of grace, forgiveness and gentle love.
May the Lord bless us, protect us from all evil and bring us to everlasting life. Amen.
(via Lenten Reflection - 11 March - "Come, you who are blessed by my Father")
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anastpaul · 6 years
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One Minute Reflection – 2 November – Today’s Gospel: Matthew 25:31–46- The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
‘Come, O blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world…’…Matthew 25:34
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REFLECTION – “Yesterday and today, many have been visiting cemeteries, which, as the word itself implies, is the “place of rest”, as we wait for the final awakening.   It is lovely to think, that it will be Jesus Himself to awaken us.   Jesus Himself revealed, that the death of the body is like a sleep from which He awakens us.   But today we are called to remember everyone, even those who no one remembers.   We remember the victims of war and violence, the many “little ones” of the world, crushed by hunger and poverty, we remember the anonymous who rest in the communal ossuary.   We remember our brothers and sisters killed because they were Christian and those who sacrificed their lives to serve others.
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PRAYER – Let us raise this prayer to God:   “God of infinite mercy, we entrust to Your immense goodness all those who have left this world for eternity, where You wait for all humanity, redeemed by the precious blood of Christ Your Son, who died as a ransom for our sins.   Look not, O Lord, on our poverty, our suffering, our human weakness, when we appear before You to be judged for joy or for condemnation.   Look upon us with mercy, born of the tenderness of Your heart and help us to walk in the ways of complete purification.”…Pope Francis – Angelus, 2 November 2014
(via One Minute Reflection - 2 November - Today's Gospel: Matthew 25:31–46- The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls))
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anastpaul · 3 years
Monday of the First Week of Lent – 7 March – Our Lenten Journey with the Great Fathers – '... Let us not labour to heap up and hoard riches, while others remain in need. ...'
Monday of the First Week of Lent – 7 March – Our Lenten Journey with the Great Fathers – ‘… Let us not labour to heap up and hoard riches, while others remain in need. …’
Monday of the First Week of Lent – 7 March – Our Lenten Journey with the Great Fathers “O Lord, deal with us,not according to our sins,nor requite us,according to our crimes..”Psalm 102:10 “Amen I say to you,as long as you did not do itfor one of these least ones,you did not do it for Me.” Matthew 25:45 “RECOGNISE TO WHOM you owe the fact, that you exist, that you breathe, that you…
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