#maurice reminded me of my dad even more than he usually does
cerealbishh · 2 years
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just some of my favorite cast of photos/bts photos of the 30th special cast
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Decryption_Error: “Undecided”
Summary: Now that the incident in the server room is becoming a distant memory for everyone at CIStech, indecision plagues Y/N as she tries to figure out just what she wants from Elliot. The real question, of course, is what does Elliot want?
Story Summary,  “The Server Room, Part I”,  “The Server Room, Part II”  “The Long Weekend, Part I”,  “The Long Weekend, Part II”,  “The Aftermath”
Word Count: 5000
Tags: @sherlollydramoine  @rami-malek-trash  @teamwolf2411  @limabein  @txmel  @hopplessdreamer  @ouatlovr  @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @alottanothing  @moon-stars-soul  @free-rami  @ramimedley
If you want added, let me know.
Warning: Tiny mention of something R-rated toward the end
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By Thursday, the office felt normal, and I was once again left to marvel at how quickly things could snap back into place. People just . . . moved on. They continued to run their daily programs and despite a hiccup in the system, they hit reboot and it was back to normal runtime.
I was no different.
Yesterday was spent looking through the applicant pool, and I had found a few good candidates. I wanted to compile a final list by the end of the day and set interviews for next week. In another two or three weeks, it would be like Julia, Aaron, and Maurice had never even existed in the world of CIStech.
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Elliot was just as intrigued by people’s willingness to forget a traumatic event. While Tuesday night’s text conversation lasted a long time, the subject matter stayed pretty light. But on Wednesday, we ended up texting a lot about people’s reactions to what went down.
I hadn’t been sure if Tuesday night’s texts were an anomaly until my phone buzzed at exactly 7:00 pm, the same time I had texted Elliot the night before. I actually laughed out loud a little, figuring Elliot was playing it safe by repeating a previously rewarding behavior pattern.
On Wednesday, I had again left work much earlier than usual so I could head uptown to meet my father. He had asked me weeks ago to attend a benefit with him, and I had almost forgotten about it until he called to remind me in the morning. I used my lunch hour to run home and grab a dress and a pair of shoes. I was really looking forward to seeing Dad because I wanted to decompress—if there was anyone in the world I could vent my feelings to, it was him.
When he caught me smiling at my phone and trying to sneak a text without appearing rude, he told me to have Edwin, his driver, take me home and come back for him later.
“I love you, Dad,” I said as he hugged me tight.
“I want to meet the young man who makes you smile like that, sweetheart.”
I rolled my eyes but smiled at my dad’s good intention.
“If only it were that simple,” I said as the elevator doors opened.
He put his hands in his pockets and gave me a long look as the doors closed. I knew he worried I worked too much and abandoning my entire family over Memorial Day weekend did not alleviate his concern one bit. Nor did it help when I finally explained the work emergency that pulled me away.
But for the second night in a row, I found myself texting until my eyes blurred. When Elliot and I said good night, I set my alarm and immediately fell asleep, something that rarely ever happened. I felt like I could breathe freely again. Elliot didn’t seem to be harboring any ill feelings about being reprimanded, so when he and I ended up running into each other in the lobby on Thursday morning, I smiled brightly when I saw him.
We said our bland good mornings as we got on the elevator, then I asked if he had any plans for after work. When he said no, I pulled out my phone and texted him to ask if he wanted to come over.
He glanced at the other people in the elevator who were staring sleepily at the buttons of the passing floors and gave me a tiny smile before nodding yes.
I smiled back and as the elevator doors opened on our floor, he stood back to let me exit before he hurried out and grabbed the door to the office. I thanked him and we went our separate ways for the workday.
Around quitting time, there was a light tap on my door frame, and I looked up to see Elliot, his eyes alert, scanning over the room and not quite willing to focus on me yet.
“Hey—come in,” I said, unable to stop the smile that spread across my face at the sight of him.
He shuffled in, his hands thrust in his pockets.
“I need to run an errand. Will you be here . . . or should I . . .” Elliot trailed off as his eyes desperately searched mine, his own mind clearly wondering if he had imagined our conversation in the elevator.
“I’m planning on working until around 7. Do you just want to meet at that deli on Platt around 7:15? We can get a bite to eat there, then head back to my place?”
“Sure,” Elliot said in his trademark monotone, immediately turning on his heel and exiting my office.
I just shook my head and chuckled, thinking, Sure, Dad. Meet my painfully awkward boyfriend, Elliot.
My mouth went dry as indecision began to beat its ugly staccato within my mind.  
What did I really want?
Even more difficult to answer, what did Elliot really want?
A kiss in a heated moment was a lot less demanding of someone than asking them to be with you. And it was Elliot—did he even date? Despite all of our after-work conversations, we never really talked about romantic interests. It just wasn’t something that came up.
I continued to plug away at my analytics, hoping to drown out my thoughts about Elliot. I was about to see him outside of work again, and I would just have to test the waters, which was a scary prospect. If I pushed and Elliot wasn’t ready, I could knock over the foundation we had been so carefully building.
* * * * *
Elliot was waiting for me at the deli, so we grabbed a quiet, quick bite. By the time we reached my apartment and Elliot was standing in my entryway, shucking off his backpack, it was about 8:15 pm.
After he slid off his backpack, he bent to rummage around, and he pulled out my Columbia t-shirt.
I shook my head no.
“Keep it. I like knowing you have something of mine and that maybe, just maybe, you’re wearing it,” I said with a flirty grin.
“Okay,” Elliot said with a shrug as he stuffed the shirt back into his bag.
“Besides. You look good in white,” I said, knowing I couldn’t be deterred by one ignored comment. Elliot was wicked smart and could read people, but that ability seemed to diminish as he got closer to someone. I wondered if maybe that was why he kept his distance from most people—it made him feel too vulnerable.
Elliot looked at me, clearly determining whether or not I was joking.
“And you say I can’t take a compliment,” I huffed.
“You can’t,” Elliot said, seizing the shift in the conversation that would allow him to have the upper hand. “Your legs look good in that skirt,” he said as his eyes looked at me from top to bottom.
I narrowed my own eyes and replied, “Now see. I don’t know if you mean that or if you said it just to get me to say I don’t think it’s genuine, thus proving your point.”
Elliot chuckled. “Point proven. You can’t take a compliment.”
“Such an ass,” I said, smiling. “I should take back my meticulously planned evening.”
“Planned? So, this wasn’t just a random invitation?”
“God no. I have to mentally prepare for all my interactions with you,” I blurted out before realizing how terrible that sounded.
Sometimes it really was a blessing Elliot thought so much before he spoke so I could retract my foot-in-mouth statement, but unfortunately, his face was an open book. I could see the beginnings of hurt twist his features, so I rushed an explanation.  
“I don’t mean it in a bad way. Just in an ‘I think about you a lot’ way. I don’t want to say the wrong thing and have you look at me kinda like you’re looking at me now. Okay?”
Elliot’s brows contracted before he visibly turned his face back into an unreadable mask. It was remarkable to watch—like he just flipped a switch and turned off his emotion.
He nodded, but I could tell he already assigned a negative meaning to my words. I hadn’t meant it that way, but it was exhausting interacting with him at times. I still felt like I was taking one step forward, creeping along nicely, and then boom. I scared him and he bolted and we were ten steps behind where we started.
At least my indecision about pursuing a relationship with him was pretty damn warranted.
“I’m going to change,” I said. “It’s hot as fuck outside, so you may want to put on my t-shirt if you’re not wearing one under your dress shirt.”
“We’re going outside?”
“Yup!” I said, shooting him a grin.
Elliot looked at me with suspicion, but I shook my head and took off down the hall toward my bedroom. I dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, and I slid into some flip-flops. I pulled my hair up, knowing it wouldn’t survive any more time than it already had outdoors.
I walked back out to the living room, but Elliot was nowhere to be seen. I had just enough time to wonder if I really had scared him off before he emerged from the bathroom wearing tight black jeans and my white Columbia t-shirt.
“After last Friday, I decided to keep a change of clothes in my backpack.”
“Smart,” I said, eyeing the way his jeans clung to his thighs before sliding my eyes up to his face to appreciate how the tan tone of his skin was emphasized next to the white cotton of my t-shirt.
“Can I have another clue? I don’t really like surprises.”
“Mmmmm, no,” I said, enjoying my facetiousness. “Although, I did give you a clue earlier this week.”
Elliot’s eyes moved around my apartment as he thought back, and then, his face lit up.
“S’mores,” he said with a tiny timbre of excitement in his tone as his eyes connected with mine.
“Clever kitten,” I said as I started pulling out the supplies we had bought over the weekend.
“They won’t be as good as they’d be over a real bonfire, but a charcoal grill will serve the purpose.”
We headed up to the rooftop, which was delightfully empty given there was no special occasion and the work week was still droning on. I used my key to get out the charcoal grill’s supplies from the storage on the roof.
Despite telling Elliot to sit on the couch and relax, he hovered, watching everything I did.
“And now we wait,” I said as I prodded the coals with my tongs, encouraging them to catch. “The more they burn down, the better the taste.”
I plopped on the white couch and looked toward the setting sun. Elliot joined me and we slowly built up to a steady conversation. Away from people and when he was comfortable, Elliot talked a lot. It was almost comical to think of the juxtaposition housed within his lithe little body—it was like two people lived inside of him, one of them plagued by insecurities, and the other, just a normal guy, or rather, a guy who could just about pass for normal if it weren’t for his intellect.
Elliot wasn’t just knowledgeable about computers. He kept up with the news. He had keen insights about society. And he even liked to read the classics, or really just about any book he got his hands on.  
But work was the easiest and safest topic for both of us since that was the baseline for our friendship. I finally asked Elliot how he was doing as the dust began to settle, eager to hear his thoughts in person instead of from behind the safety of a screen.
“It’s weird,” Elliot began before he broke eye contact to gather his thoughts. “People are nicer to me, or at least they seem to be going out of their way to talk to me.”
“Colin is treating you alright?” I asked, curious if he was going to be an asshole about the whole thing.
“It was him, wasn’t it? He insisted on the letter,” Elliot finished with a statement, not a question.
I was quiet for a moment, warring with myself about whether I should say anything or not. It was an HR issue, and those could be tricky, but who would Elliot tell? What damage could come from talking to the one guy who was never going to tell anyone anything?
“I know you would never say anything, but I have to say this to make myself feel better—you can’t repeat anything I say about the . . . incident.”
Elliot raised his eyebrows at me and nodded.
“Yes, it was Colin. He’s kind of a “bro,” I explained, my hands rising to make quote marks in the air. “And since you’re totally not that kind of guy, he has no even ground with you—you’re smarter than him and he can’t deal with that.”
“What makes you describe him as a “bro?” Elliot said, imitating my earlier air-quotes.
“Mmm . . . he loves every sport, plays basketball with some of the guys in the company on Saturdays. He has that arrogance about him, that unwarranted arrogance that a guy who enjoys showing off just how much of a guy he is has. He used to run every day before work and he’d come upstairs all sweaty—and I mean sweaty as in looking like he’d just gone swimming sweaty—and he’d just go “freshen up” in his office. It grossed me out so much I flat-out offered to comp him if he took time to shower at the gym and was late for work. After that, he didn’t come to work sweaty anymore. Don’t get me wrong—woo! Fitness! But gross,” I said, wrinkling my nose just remembering what he looked like and smelled like.
“Every sport?”
“As far as I know—I do think he has season tickets to the Knicks, though. When he first started working for us, he asked me to a game,” I said, volunteering the information to see what Elliot would do with it.
Nothing, of course.
“I did notice he has a Mets pennant in his office,” Elliot said, more to himself than to me.
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Like I said, he’s a dude. Or he at least wants everyone to know he’s a dude.”
“Does he have a girlfriend?”
“No. And I think that’s why he’s been extra Colin-y lately. He has a son with his ex.”
“What’s his name?” Elliot asked, quickly.
“You’re asking a lot from me because I don’t typically store information that has no relevance to myself. It’s something like Chris or Chuck or Chad?”
Elliot nodded.
“Would you want him to go—I mean, if you had a choice? Would you want Colin to leave CIStech?”
I chewed at my bottom lip a little, really considering Elliot’s question.
“I don’t know. That’s a hard question to answer. What I can tell you is that I wish I could clone JaLeah. She’s just a superfreak of an awesome person. I’ve never really met anyone as smart and dynamic as she is—she just makes everyone feel so welcome.”
“I think she’s funny,” Elliot said.
“Really?” I said smiling and arching my brow. “That’s interesting.”
“Why is that interesting?”
“I just wouldn’t have thought you would think about something like that.”
“That’s kind of insulting,” Elliot said, his voice flat and unreadable. “I do enjoy humor now and then.”
I shook my head and chuckled.
“See? I keep learning new things about you?”
“You told me I intrigued you, and that you have to figure out people who intrigue you.”
I reached out and poked at Elliot’s thigh, gently prodding.
“Is there a recording device you’re using to play back every conversation we’ve ever had?”
“I listen,” Elliot said, smiling. “Especially when people intrigue me.”
I looked at Elliot and there was a smile in his eyes even though there wasn’t one on his lips. I felt like I could drown in his grey, stormy eyes when they sparkled, housing the mischief he never really let anyone see.
Our eyes locked, intensely focused on one another for a long enough time that it made me look away, almost embarrassed. I felt sure he could see my interest, naked and wanting before him, but he just didn’t make a move—either to look away or to move closer. Just . . . nothing.
“Alright—let’s get our smores prepped,” I said, getting up to reach for the bag of groceries on the table.
As the sun set and the lights on the rooftop flickered on, Elliot and I made our smores. We laughed, well I laughed, especially when he caught his marshmallow on fire and waved the toaster fork causing the marshmallow to propel into one of the rooftop trees. He looked like a dark-haired version of Denis the Menace, and I had tears in my eyes at the expression of horror on Elliot’s face as his marshmallow went sailing.
I positioned his fork over the coals for the next round and he attentively turned the marshmallow, refusing to even take his eyes off of it until it was perfectly browned on all sides.
“Your hands are healing quickly,” I commented.
“Thanks to you,” Elliot said sheepishly, shooting me a quick smile before returning his gaze to his marshmallow.
After we ate our fill of s’mores, we got comfy on the couch as we waited for the charcoal to burn down until it was safe to leave for the night.
We didn’t talk as much, but relaxed, enjoying each other’s presence, and I sat in the middle instead of on the end so I could test the waters, occasionally brushing a light touch to Elliot’s jeans or his bare arm, and he even reciprocated some of those furtive touches as he poked fun at me, teasing me for my inability to keep the plots of all three of the Back to the Future movies straight.
Eventually I sighed, knowing it was getting late and I didn’t want Elliot getting back to his neighborhood too late. We gathered up the left-over groceries and I shouldered my tote bag.
We said goodbye in my doorway, and Elliot moved in to hug me tight. We lingered for a moment, but he moved away and quickly pressed the elevator button. I watched him get on and we waved goodnight, a small smile ghosting across his lips as the doors closed.
I shut the door to my apartment and leaned back, thunking my head against it.
Purgatory. I was stuck in indecision-purgatory. Elliot was never, ever going to make the first move. If I wanted our relationship to shift, I’d have to do it, but it felt wrong. I was the one in the position of power. It would make more sense if Elliot made the first move so I wouldn’t feel like I was taking advantage of him.
Why did this have to be so fucking complicated?
* * * * *
The next two weeks proceeded much in the same fashion. Elliot and I texted nightly, and once or twice a week, I’d invite him over. We’d come dangerously close to kissing, but then he’d just leave.
I dropped as many hints as I could, especially about workplace romances. I talked about how Miles (my boss) and Jayne (my secretary) had gotten together, hoping Elliot would pick up on the comparison.
If he did, he never said a word.
So, my fear of losing him as a friend left me to continue writhing in indecision. I loved how close Elliot and I were getting, and if I scared him by moving too quickly, I’d lose the first good friend I’d made in a long time.
And what was really funny was that I was certain if I talked to Elliot about this, he’d get it. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Little did I know, fate was about to lend a hand; it was just too bad that fate was such a fucking bitch.
* * * * *
“You can’t be serious!” I laughed, finishing the last of my drink.
JaLeah nodded with emphasis, and we all burst into a fresh round of laughter.
Friday happy hours were always a fun way to wind down from the work week. We had a nice mix of people who went regularly and it was well known I always bought the first two rounds. People like Miles, singularly focused climbers, always underestimated the power of building relationships. That was one of the reasons why what happened with Elliot had stuck with me—I thought I had a better team than that.
People did seem to be closer now, more inclusive. There were several new faces at tonight’s gathering, and as I listened to the chatter around me, my thoughts drifted to one particularly attractive face that was not here. People’s voices became background noise as I thought about Elliot and I felt myself wishing he were here. I knew he’d hate every second of it, but he really was, albeit inadvertently, the reason for tonight’s greater sense of comradery.  
Sometimes, I truly did believe the universe revolved around me, but only so it could fuck me over for one hell of a laugh. Just as I was a million thoughts deep into Elliot, he walked in through the door, close on the heels of Sarah, his hands shoved in his pockets. When he got inside, his big eyes found mine almost immediately and as I coughed, choking a little on my drink, JaLeah looked to see what distracted me.
Her grin was wolfish.
“Don’t say it,” I warned, my voice low so as not to draw the attention of the others at our high-top table.
“I cannot believe he came,” JaLeah said, drawing attention because even when she believed she was whispering, she never was.
“Holy shit—Elliot’s here,” someone said from a few seats down.
“Don’t make a big deal,” I said in their direction as I watched Sarah and Elliot make their way across the bar to our tables.
Elliot ran a hand through his hair as his eyes glanced around as if he were checking for exits. More than a few eyes gave him a once over as he approached and I felt a pull of jealousy. Logically, I knew people were looking at him more out of curiosity than anything else, but logic wasn’t my forte when it came to Elliot Alderson.  
“Hey, everyone!” Sarah said, her smile bright and a bit nervous. “Look who I dragged out.”
Elliot gave the table a small smile as people said hello and a few who were a few drinks in gave a little whoop, which seemed to startle the small smile off of Elliot’s face.
JaLeah almost knocked me off my stool as she pushed me to stand.
“Elliot’s new, so he doesn’t know to cash in on Y/N’s generosity yet. Sarah—you can take my seat. What are you drinking?
“Gin and tonic, please!”
“You got it,” JaLeah said as she pushed Elliot and I toward the bar.
“Hey,” I said, once we were standing at the bar, our bodies pressed together thanks to the crowd.
“Hey,” Elliot said, his voice barely audible as he rested his hands on the edge of the bar, his fingers pressing into the hard surface.
“What can I get you to drink? I always buy the first two rounds for anyone at CIStech who shows up.”
“What are you drinking?”
“Vodka, cran. You want that?”
“Sure,” Elliot said, his eyes still refusing to settle on any one thing.
I reached over and rested my hand on his forearm.
“Are you sure you’re okay with being here?”
“Guess you can’t hold my hand all night this time,” Elliot said as his eyes flicked to mine.
I laughed.
“No, I suppose not. But, if you sit next to me, I’ll see what I can do,” I said as I winked at him.
Elliot smiled softly.
I put our drinks on my tab, along with Sarah’s. JaLeah had already dropped off Sarah’s drink and came back to say she was pirating the corner booth because our table was full and a few more people just showed up.
We followed JaLeah and I let Elliot scoot in before me. We crammed in and I shot Elliot a smirk as our bodies were forced to press nearer to each other. Elliot’s hand was fiddling with his drink until I reached down to pinch lightly at his outer thigh. His hand shot under the table and I gave it a squeeze before shooting him another look. He genuinely smiled as he realized we could hold hands without alerting anyone to our activities, except maybe JaLeah, but I wasn’t worried about her since she knew how I felt about Elliot without me ever having said a word.
As it turned out, the folks who joined us in our booth were good company. JaLeah kept the conversation light and fun, like always, and I could even feel the vibrations of Elliot’s chuckles on occasion.
“You know, JaLeah,” I began. “Elliot thinks you’re quite funny.”
JaLeah raised an eyebrow and said, “It’s about time people truly appreciated my wit, so thank you, baby.”
Elliot grinned at her, either because he’d had a few drinks or because he genuinely liked JaLeah, and said, “You could be a character in an Oscar Wilde play.”
The table laughed and one of the tech’s jumped on the reference to talk about the new play based on Wilde’s life that had just opened.
I leaned over, my lips dangerously close to Elliot’s ear, and said, “See? This isn’t so bad.”
Elliot’s pinky wrapped around my own and squeezed, and I gave him a sweet smile before turning back to the others.
It was one of those nights when people just seemed to be having a great time. We ordered appetizers. The waitress kept our drinks filled. The conversation never lulled, and bursts of laughter kept peppering the air. Before any of us knew it, it was 9:00 and a few people at our table started checking their phones with more frequency.
“Shit—I forgot my wife’s parents were in town. She’s gonna kill me,” Travis, one of JaLeah’s techs said.
“I told my boyfriend I’d be home an hour ago,” another tech said, giggling.
“It’s been a minute since we’ve had such a good night out,” JaLeah said. “See, Elliot? You should come more often.”
“It was cool to hang out,” Travis said. “You’re usually so intense at work—kinda like the big boss,” Travis finished with a chuckle.
I could feel Elliot’s fingers brush against mine. We had been playing this touching, not really, sometimes definitely, game all night and I was wet. I was appalled at myself for being so turned on just by proximity, but I couldn’t stop thinking what if this were normal? What if Elliot were mine? What if we went home together at the end of the night?
“There’s nothing wrong with taking work seriously,” I said, smiling. “That’s why I am the big boss.”
Travis and the others laughed.
We settled our bills and said our goodnights, but I noticed Sarah lingering at the door, clearly waiting for Elliot.
“I think we take the same line home,” she said smiling up at him as we reached her.
Elliot’s hands found their way into his pockets, the material of his dress shirt bunching a bit as he shoved them in.
“I take the 6,” Elliot stated, tension creeping into his voice.
JaLeah was giving out hugs like candy on Halloween, and I laughed to myself. She was such an extrovert, and I appreciated her energy on nights like this. The others slowly went in their separate directions as Elliot stayed close by, Sarah still talking.
“Great! We can ride together. It’s nice to have someone to talk to on the train at night. I forgot my earbuds this morning,” she said, chattering happily.
“Actually, Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to, uh, come back to my place...” Elliot said, his eyes focused intensely on mine.
I could feel JaLeah and Sarah, damn near open-mouthed and watching this exchange. I felt like I might throw up on my shoes for a minute and I was thankful the street was dark because I knew there was a blush coloring my cheeks. I thought quickly, and shook my head, my words tumbling out of my mouth.
“Oh! That bug—that bug you told me about. You wanted me to run the analytics on it. I’ll send you the pin for Team Viewer and we can do it this weekend—I gotta get home. Taking care of my neighbor’s cat. Probably out of food. Have a good night!” I said, grinning like a madwoman and telling myself that Elliot did not look like I just kicked him in the face.  
I waved to the three of them and took off for my train, thankful it was in the opposite direction. I turned around to see Elliot and Sarah headed in the same direction. I almost tripped over my own foot as JaLeah jumped up and down and mouthed “What the fuck, Y/N?! What the fuck?!”
I shook my head, turned around, and doubled my steps. I felt sick to my stomach. Fate had just laid an opportunity bare, spread eagle on the floor, and I walked away.
By the time I jumped onto my train and collapsed into a seat, I was fighting back tears. The look on Elliot’s face haunted me. I really, really hurt him—and I wasn’t sure I could fix it this time.
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polygamyff · 5 years
30. Part 7
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I am so obsessed with Robyn, like I don’t think this is normal at all with how I just want her to be with me all day every day “you feel good though? How do you feel that you have bought in the New Year, with Robyn, with a daughter and then this new hotel” Shawn asked, Shawn has not left my side, I think he feels as if I will do something because people are annoying me, and I would honestly like to beat their asses, I need to be calm though for everybody because then I am just going to upset my dad and the night will end terrible. Robyn has done nothing but dance and be happy, I like it. I am retiring slowly and want to go bed, but I am sat here just watching her “it feels good to be me for once, you remember how I always told you it sucks to be me, how lonely I felt and I had nothing. I am happy” Shawn raised a glass to me “to new beginnings my brother” raising my glass and our glasses clinked together “I agree” downing the contents “you boys having fun” looking up at Kellen “you had fun videoing Robyn?” I retorted “it wasn’t like that, I was videoing the scenery and she was in it. I think you have made your point, but I have my own new start. I am going to be a father” I sniggered “thought y’all hated each other, does she know you fucked my wife too? I get it she is here for the money, she would never leave” placing my glass on the table “and Robyn ain’t?” sitting back while folding my arms “if I cheated on Robyn I know she would leave me and never look back, Tiffany came back to you. That is a gold digger bro!” I spat getting up from the chair “now what huh? Huh! Come on!” I spat getting in his face “I won’t touch you but I got something coming for that ass, release pictures of Robyn and you will see” hitting his shoulder as I walked by him, I won’t fight him again. Not at another party, I won’t do it because then it will be reminded that my hotel opening ended up in a brawl, not happening on my watch.
Wrapping my arm around Robyn’ neck and pressing a kiss to her cheek “baby” Robyn reached her hand behind and touched my face “let’s go, I have been here long enough now” I said in her ear “but everyone is still here Maurice” she has been drinking, I know she has been “but I want to have sex with you, it’s been so long” Robyn rested her hand back on my chest, I love that her hair is up in a bun so I can easily attack her neck. Licking her ear lobe “imagine my fingers-” I stopped and moved back ever so quickly, my mom is still here “ain’t it your bedtime?” I said in annoyance, Robyn stepped back in shock “I want to meet her, please. Introduce us” oh shit, my dad is here too “it’s been a long day, maybe another day” my dad gave me a look and I knew what that meant, get on with it. My mom must have really drove my dad crazy with this “uh, yeah ok” turning to Robyn “so Robyn, this is my beautiful mother Joy. And mom this is Robyn and erm that is my dad Marquis” I felt like I shyed away from that “he is such a daddys boy my son, I finally get to meet you. Properly, I am Joy” my dad walked over to me “daddys boy?” he repeated to me “I don’t believe that” waving him off, my mother hugged Robyn “you are so beautiful, thank you for making my son happy. Coming into our lives” she is so emotional “stop being so emotional mom” I chuckled, Robyn looks a little out of her depth “you know me son” my dad just stepped forward and got his hand out to Robyn “you are very much like Maurice” Robyn said to him “he loves a good handshake” Robyn actually shook his head, it’s made me a little emotional to see “Joy, let’s leave them now. You met her” my dad is wanting to leave “please, we meet soon” my dad is escorting her away, it’s funny to see “your mom is so young, I do find it weird” Robyn said “she is, what can I say, my dad liked them young” I shrugged.
I am so damn happy to be leaving the event, I want to spend some time with Robyn alone. Just Robyn and I “I am so glad to be leaving this thing, I mean it was nice but I prefer to be alone with you. Let them party” turning to Robyn “I still can’t believe you look like this, like you look amazing. I do not deserve you at all. And your make up is still so perfect, it hasn’t moved an inch” Robyn giggled looking away from me “I love you so much Bonita” pressing a kiss to the top of her forehead “I love you too, do you have the keycard” she winked at me “I have a keycard to every fucking room” letting her hand go as I dug into the inside pocket of my suit, grabbing the card “this can go to any flooring of the place. Any access, I just need to key in the floor number” Robyn walked into me as she hugged me, pressing a kiss to her lips “I can’t wait to fuck you” Robyn snatched the card from me “I deserve it, I mean it is Reign’ hotel” Robyn walked off towards the elevator “you dropped something, just there” I pointed at the marble flooring, Robyn looked to the side of her and giggled as she dropped the keycard “I think I did” I tilted my head a little as she slowly leaned forward to pick up the card “Quiero comer tu coño y quiero tus piernas alrededor de mi cuello” Robyn moaned out, making my way towards her as I gripped her hips and humped her “stop! Stop it” pulling her into me “let’s go now” my arms still wrapped around her body as we both walked towards the elevator, navigating my hand towards the gap I can see in the Tuxedo jack she is wearing “oohhh Mr Davenport, what will the people think” biting my bottom lip as I placed my hand over her breast “who the hell cares, this elevator seems so damn far away” Robyn laughed “did you drink a lot?” she seems tipsy “I am going to ride your husbands dick, you know him!” Robyn pointed at me, looking over to where Robyn is looking. I swear I am looking like a deer caught in headlights, Noami is stood staring at us while my hand is on my Robyn’ breast “I am going to ride his dick, and get pregnant again. Right in my daughter’ hotel, you see what you can have” placing my hand over Robyn’ mouth with my free hand, let me remove my hand from her breast “stop it” Robyn near fell forward but I caught her “we here” pressing the elevator button “just stand here” turning her around and let her rest against the wall “I don’t want nobody seeing this” pulling her Tuxedo jacket closed “you ruined my tit tape” Robyn giggled “ is that why it won’t close?” it keeps popping open a little more than usual “you right” Robyn poked her lips out touching my shirt “are you tipsy?” she nodded her head “a little” she said in a whisper “oh look at that, my ex best fucking friend. The bitches assemble don’t they, you was supposed to be my friend” looking behind me “you’re a mess, fuck off” Tiffany said “Maurice, I don’t want her in this hotel. Get rid of her, I don’t want her to sleep in this hotel” I am glad that elevator doors open “I will, come on” helping her walk into the elevator.
Patting my suit jacket “oh you got-” turning to Robyn “keycard” I finished off seeing Robyn with the card between lips “what are you doing?” I laughed, reaching over and taking the card from Robyn’ lips “lipstick” looking down at it, she is real kinky right now “are you going to carry me?” placing the keycard in the slot “would you like me to carry you?” tapping in the floor number “mhmmm, I want to strip naked” resting back against the wall of the elevator “and we are nearly there are we not, me and you can spend some time together” holding my hand out to her “but you are getting rid of her right? She is trash” Robyn placed her hand in mine as I pulled her into me “I will sort it out for you” I will sat say yes just to make her not speak on it “I have missed you so much in my bed, now you won’t leave again” I had to laugh “I never left, you ditched me” removing the keycard before I forget it “I am sorry” she apologised resting her hand against my chest “it’s ok, we both fell out with each other, we both did wrong. I love you” we both did bad “we nearly here now” moving away from the wall “come” picking her up “what a view!” I spat laughing, I can see her boob from this position “you suck on them if you can reach” I chuckled, the elevator doors opened “you like the room? All for you” walking out of the elevator “all for me, just like your dick is” Robyn is something else drunk “is my daughter drunk?” I stopped abruptly seeing Terry on the couch, she turned to face us “uh, yeah” why is she even awake.
Reaching over and pulling Robyn jacket closed “sorry Terry, I didn’t really see how much she drank. She was honestly having so much fun with Ariana Grande and then I didn’t notice, but has Reign been playing up?” Robyn is a mess “let’s go to bed” Robyn placing her leg on my lap “she just woke up for a feed, and I was about to go to sleep but I heard you both come in. I just wanted to say how beautiful the hotel is, to see my granddaughter and daughter’ initials on the flooring, I must say it shows how much you love my daughter” she sighed out “I just see the look in your eye when you see her, you love her so damn much Maurice. I am sorry about my husband too, he is really temperamental about his only daughter” shaking my head lightly “Terry I can’t have this, my life is in the public. With Thomas saying these words, it hurts me. And for him to speak on my illness, I am very angry with him and I don’t know what you would like to do but I don’t want him on my jet” Terry nodded her head “I understand Maurice” Robyn held my hand “you two both go to sleep, you have both had a long night. I will put Reign with me” Robyn ain’t going to leave it, she want to go “thank you Terry, thank you for taking care of Reign” moving Robyn’ leg from my lap “be good the both of you” Terry said, I laughed as I grabbed Robyn to get up “mom, your talk is so boring!” Robyn whined “yeah, yeah. Leave her alone” picking Robyn up and placing her over my shoulder “so rough, mhmmmm I like” poor Terry having to hear this.
My fingers tracing back and forth against her clit “No he visto tu coño en mucho tiempo, la sensación” Robyn bit her bottom lip “the Spanish gets me so wet!” she said so loudly, her juces dripping down my hand. She leans back into me and I grab her breast with my free hand and squeeze it before pulling her nipple into my mouth. Robyn bucked her hips forward and I placed two fingers at her entrance. I am teasing her, I love to tease her but Robyn is not in the mood to be teased, she threw her hips forward and slid down on my fingers, slowly riding them at first. I slipped a third finger inside of her and moved away from her breast to capture her lips with a wet kiss. I nibbled and sucked down on her tongue, the fresh taste of alcohol still lingering there. I removed my sticky fingers from between her legs and laid Robyn on her back. She gripped my dick and glided her finger across my sensitive skin. My favourite position with Robyn is definitely hitting it from the back. I love the way she arches her back and opens up her pussy up to me. I could stroke in as deep as I want to and receive the utmost pleasure, especially when I pin her down and thrust in as hard as I can. I have total control from behind and it is divine, but tonight I want to look into her eyes. I wanted to see all of the emotions and desirable looks painted on her face when I first enter her.
I grabbed my dick from Robyn’ hand and stroked my length. She's laying in front of me with her legs open wide, smiling seductively. Her hands move down to her centre and she plays with her clit. Putting on a show for me. I stroked my length a little harder and watched as she pushed her finger inside of her, she adds another finger then another and soon she's rocking her hips, crying out soft moans of pleasure. Her fingers moving back and forth, pulling out then disappearing deep inside of her sex which is a sweet reminder of what's to come. Robyn removes her hand and drags her fingers up her body leaving a trail of her sweetness along the length of her stomach, popping her fingers into her mouth, she uses her other hand to grab my wrist and pull me towards her. I stick out my tongue and lick up the trail she left behind until I reach her collarbone “Mi Amor, Bonita” I whispered and took the tip of my length, aligning it at her opening. Her warmth is calling me and my dick is getting harder by the second.
Robyn wraps her hands around my neck, her fingertips massaging at the back of my head. Her breath hitches when I slide in, her muscles clenching around me while a shiver runs down her spine. She so tight around me, I froze, afraid to move at first, it feels entirely too good. My hands mould around her skin and I finally plunged into her, I start off slow but quickly sped things up with one hard stroke after another “Fuccckkk me!” She's grinding her hips and moving almost as fast as I am. I pull back and slam down into her, Robyn arches her back and digs her nails into my skin, biting my neck as she did so. I lift her leg up and pushed it further back, slamming into her once more. I growled loudly and steadied my movements, slowing down. This position was no longer cutting it for me, my leg was beginning to cramp up.
Robyn pushed me onto my back and climbed on top of me, I grabbed her hips and guided her up and down on my length. Her hands felt griping my shoulders. Her body is shaking and she's whining her hips fast and hard, Robyn’ head falls back “oh fuck!” Robyn spat, just to see Robyn naked and on top of me is the best thing to end this night. She leans in for a kiss, I grab her face and hold her tightly to my chest. Grabbing her ass and thrusting up into her, Robyn’ grunts and moans filled my ear. She bites my shoulder when one of my hands fall between her thighs from behind. Catching her by surprise, I flip us over and pushes her down into the mattress. My legs together and straight and is sitting up on my arms, swiftly hammering into her at a rapid pace “oohh!” Robyn moans out loudly “ah! Fuck, I love….” she couldn’t finish off her words which only urged me on more, Robyn is so damn loud but I feel my body spasm “oh fuck” I said to myself, slowing my speed down as I emptied myself into Robyn. I have waited on this for so long, to be inside Robyn and I just want it to last forever “I fucking love you so much” I breathed out.
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