#max clearly loves his dad he’s not just gonna cut ties with him or start shit talking him all of a sudden just bc u think he should
girlsdads · 7 months
sooooo what we’re NOT gonna do is hold max responsible for his dad’s bs and we’re not gonna villainize him for the fact that his dad has influence over him we’re definitely not gonna do that right
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Maribat Secret Santa 2020
Happy Holidays everyone🎁
In my defense there was a minimum of 2000 words and there was no max so this ended up being 6112 words sorry, I think. There is some Adrien, class and Lila salt, Adrien gets some sugar later.
Without further ado @eve-v0lution I am your Secret Santa, enjoy.
Marinette has never been a normal girl. When she was born the goddess Tikki appeared claiming her as her chosen and the next Ladybug. She was born the granddaughter of Ra's Al Ghul, the head of the League of Assassins, the sister organization to the Order of the Miraculous. Her older brother, and twin, Damian was called to be the next Demon.
When they were five, she was taken to the Temple of the Order of Miraculous. she and her brother kept in contact, but it wasn't much more, than 'yes I am still alive, are you?' which was fine with them. As they were often trained together by both the League and the Order.
A week before they turned 10, she was named the Great Guardian and given the Miracle box. On their 10th birthdays he returned to the League to support her brother as he was officially named the heir of the Demon. However, things never went that smoothly. Slade Wilson led an attack on the League killing their grandfather. Damian rushed on to fight the Mercenary. She followed at his side the only thing she said before entering the fray was "Duusu fans" and combat fans dropped into her hands.
Between the two of them, they pushed Deathstroke back. However, he didn't retreat before throwing a sword at Damian. She called upon Wayzz's "Shell-ter" catching the sword in the shield’s dome. She took the hilt of the blade before dropping the dome. The two of them shared a look before running to find their Mother. Together they used Kaakli's portal to go to the Order.
However, they were met with an equally gruesome sight. Many of the monks laid dead, those that weren't were not in much better of a condition.
A single elder survived, speaking of the simultaneous attack on the Order and League. He told them that he will rebuild the order, but that Mari needed to keep the Miracle box safe. In the end Mother told them that she will be leaving them with their Father.
To say it was a surprise that their Father was Batman would be a stretch. Mother and Grandfather only allowed perfection, so not as surprising as one would think. Batman being Bruce Wayne, sure that wouldn't be her first guess but so what. What actually surprised her were her new brothers.
Damian hated them but she loved their antics. Where Damian became the next Robin, Mari stayed in the cave manning the comms as well as their numerous and often injuries.
However, when she did join everyone on the roof tops, Scarlet joins them. A red cropped hoodie that ended a little below her ribs. A long sleeve Kevlar shirt with a high neck. Black gloves and arm guards were holding the sleeves of the hoodie down. Her pants were the same Kevlar as the shirt and was just as formfitting, there were guards on her thighs that wouldn’t impede on her movement as well as knee pads connected to the shin guard. Short combat boots, a red sash tied to her waist hiding the utility belt and yo-yo, and a mechanical mask that conceals the bottom half of her face. And to top it off Tikki turns her eyes violet and her hair to white.
"Scarlet" Nightwing called to her. They were partnered and patrolling the west side of Gotham.
"Let’s race"
"What do I get when I win?"
He held his hand to his chest in mock hurt "Just so you know one week, anything the winner says is law for one week for the loser"
"Make it one favor redeemable whenever and you've got it" she challenged. He was torn but he agreed.
"Count me in" they heard Red Hood.
"Same" Red Robin also entered "Robin?"
"Tt. No"
"Fine. First back to the cave wins" Nightwing answered. "Go!"
She swung through Gotham and dropped into a pitch-black alley 'voyage' Mari whispered too low for the comms to pick up. Dropping through the portal and into the cave. Her transformation dropped and Tikki went to sit on her shoulder. Alfred was there waiting, Duusu perched on his shoulder as well, with a tray of cookies. She gave him a nod in silent thanks, as she still had a comm in her ear.
Ten minutes later Red Hood pulls in and was about to celebrate when both Red Robin and Nightwing crash into him. Creating a mess of limbs over the motor bike.
"Ha I win now you guys owe" Jason was about to rub in his victory from the bottom of the pile when Mari giggled, pulling the attention of her three brothers.
"Sorry Jay but you lost" she, Alfred, and the kwami were clearly in the middle of tea and cookies.
"She is correct Master Jason. Miss Marinette has been here for the past 10 minutes"
"Tt. Honestly don't race against some one who teleports." Damian grumbled as he walked away from the Bat-mobile.
"Don't worry. I'll wait until you forget you owe me to cash in" she smiled wickedly. "Good night."
And that was when they remembered 'Right Mari has the ability to use the powers of several pocket-sized gods' that was a lesson they wouldn't forget soon. Well Tim and Jason didn't forget; Dick would still bet against her though.
Jason found out she is the perfect prank partner. And no one in or out of the manor was safe. How they managed to swap all of Green Arrow's arrows, each being a different gag, was a mystery even Batman couldn't or wouldn't attempt to solve. The fact that the Justice League saw and heard Batman fall to the floor laughing, scared most of them from finding out. Those who didn't learned what happens when you don't leave well enough alone.
School was well boring; between the curriculum of the League and the Order she had already gotten 2 PHDs and 5 masters. School was nothing more than a pleasantry at this point. Father wouldn't let them out of school, something about needing to be normal kids. That only seemed to draw the twins into the spotlight more, because they were the only two blood children of Bruce Wayne. Damian became known quite fast as Gotham's Ice Prince, but Mari became known as Gotham's Sunshine just as fast.
But don’t let the name fool you, within the first year their classmates learned that yes Damian Wayne is scared of something, and that something was actually a someone who just happened to be his twin sister. Damian apparently was feeling petty about something, and for the life of her she can’t remember what, but he decided to write in big red letters ‘NO!!!’ across every page of her sketchbook. She found that out during lunch, and that was when the entire school learned that the little sunshine child was the only thing that can put the fear of God in the Ice Prince.
Freshman year Mari finally got her Dad to agree to letting her into the exchange program for the next four years.
So, she decided on Paris.
Why, why did this exchange have to be four years long. I’m not gonna survive this.
Admittedly it started off okay, okay not really but then things went downhill, fast, faster than you could imagine.
It started when she met her host family. They met her at the airport and that was an experience, I guess.
"Mlle Wayne? Correct" a tall slender woman in glasses asked her.
"Yes Madame" she replied with a polite smile.
"Natalie Sancoeur" the woman replied "And this is" she started but was cut off by a boy around her age, he had blonde hair and green eyes. But what stood out to her was his attributes reminded her of an overexcited and hyper puppy.
"Adrien Agreste" he smiled at her, so she did what was expected of her in polite society.
"Marinette Wayne" and she extended her hand to shake his. However, instead he pulled her into a hug. Once she realized what was happening, she pushed away from him and took a step back. She looked at him and her thought of him being a puppy was only reinforced with the look on his face. So, she looked at Sancoeur, while the woman looked at Agreste with indifference she looked at Mari as if she was in the wrong.
This is going to be great. Was the only thought as she endured the drive to the Agreste household.
Agreste would not shut up the entire way and seemed to be hurt that she didn't answer him. Agreste was also the one who was to give her the tour of the mansion. It wasn’t so bad it gave her the chance to gauge the defense systems, which was lacking, and the layout was simple compared to the Wayne Manor, the League's compound, and the Order's temple.
Unfortunately for her, Agreste ended the tour with her room and then proceeded to sit on the bed and continue to ramble about whatever was on his mind. She did try to get him to leave but that was a complete waste of time and effort. Kwami it was like he couldn't hear me or more likely didn’t even care about my opinion. So, she put in her headphones, hid them behind her hair, pressed play to of music and went to unpack.
As she was finishing setting up the bathroom she noticed, like every other door in this house, there was no lock.
Ugh I need to speak with Monsieur Agreste.
She went back out and saw him. Agreste was at the desk where she had set her laptop and was trying to open it.
"Excuse me but what are you doing?" she asked pointedly, having taken out her headphones and set them in the case.
"I was trying to see what you had on your laptop" he shrugged "can you tell me the password to get in?"
"No" she deadpanned; he had the gall to look shocked. That was when Mme Sancoeur entered the room, without even knocking.
"Lunch is" was all she said before Agreste cut her off.
"Natalie make her open her computer for me" Agreste whined.
She was about to speak but Marinette beat her to it. "Um No. What I have on my personal computer is none of your concern" his face fell while Mme. Sancoeur pursed her lips. "Furthermore, I am assuming since you are at the desk, the bed is askew, and the drawers are open and my clothes are in shambles you were going through my things" she was now glaring at the blonde invading her space. Now he had the decency of looking ashamed. "Am I to assume lunch will be held in the dinning room?" Mme. Sancoeur only nodded, and she left the room.
Lunch, if you can call it that, was also a disaster. Apparently, Americans eat chicken noodle soup, a hamburger, and a load of fries. Because that was what was set in front of her.
Ugh this is going to be a long four years.
"Mlle. Wayne, I hope everything has been to your liking" M. Agreste, Gabriel, as he introduced himself earlier spoke. “You have hardly eaten.”
"Would you prefer my honesty or would you rather me lie to you" Marinette responded swirling the water in her glass.
"Your honesty" he answered slightly unsure.
At this she scoffed "I am going to assume that you and no one else had bothered to read the file of my information that was sent to you" he as well as Mme. Sancoeur remained quiet "Because if you had you would know I am a vegetarian."
Mme. Sancoeur searched some thing on her tablet and there was a soft "oh" from her.
"Your son is also suffocating, to the point that when I asked him to leave the room so I could settle in peacefully, he remained as if I hadn’t asked him to leave" M. Agreste was going to say something but she continued "He also has no sense of privacy as he went through all of my belongings and was attempting to go through my laptop as well." Again, he was going to say something, but Mari continued. "On the topic of privacy neither the bedroom door nor the bathroom have a lock."
“Paris is completely safe, as the house is protected, it should not matter if there is a lock on the door” he replied in a monotone.
“I’m sorry doesn’t matter, in what universe is it alright for two teenagers of the opposite sex be in a house where one of said teenagers doesn’t respect the other enough to leave them alone” she almost started yelling, but kept her head and voice level.
M. Agreste didn’t respond right away, but he gave a small hum before stating that “I will take your request into consideration.”
“Alright, just know that I will guard myself and will not hesitate to use force if necessary” she knew they wouldn’t take her seriously but hey I am warning them, they only gave a nod that they heard. “Also M. Agreste I tend to have a strict morning regimen is it possible for me to continue it using the home gym while here?”
“Of course,” he waved dismissively.
“What does this regimen include?” Mme. Sancoeur asked politely.
Marinette had a wicked smirk as this was going to be the lightest of her routines, she could give but would still most likely shock them. “Oh it is nothing much just a 5 kilometer run as a warm up, then half an hour of boxing, a half an hour of sword forms and training, half an hour of holographic combat training, followed by half an hour of ballet, and half an hour of meditation.” She was smiling watching their reactions and it was priceless. “I usually start around 4 in the morning.”
All of them were shocked, and who would blame them, here I am in my 5’2” high glory with a sunshine disposition stating I can most likely drop kick them into next week. “Actually, if you don’t mind, I was unable to do it this morning on account of being on an airplane, this will be a good way to see the city” so she smiled leaving them gobsmacked.
Finally, she was able to breathe as she ran the streets of Paris listening to her music softly. Back at the mansion she had figured out she had an audience less than ten minutes into boxing, but she continued. As she was about to start the holographic training, that Tim, Barbara, and she had created, but by now the entire Agreste household was watching her. “If you’re only going to watch me leave or else have the decency to spar” she shot at them.
“I’ll do it” little Agreste spoke up “But if I beat you, you’re giving me your computer password.”
“Fine, but when I win, I get locks on both my bedroom door and the bathroom inside” she challenged.
Agreste senior nodded his head and replied bored “Only if you win.”
“First to be knocked down three times loses” she grinned. She went to grab her two training twin swords and handed one to little Agreste.
“These are real swords” he exclaims clearly off balance by the weight of the weapon.
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic, neither have an edge” they got into positions and it was easy to see who would be victorious. I got locks and some privacy oh the small victories are truly sweet.
Sunday was uneventful, but so long as she was in the mansion for meals unless she had checked in with Mme. Sancoeur, she was free to her own devices.
Monday she would come to regret that it had to end later, but not for a while at least.
Mari rode to school with little Agreste and that was her first mistake. Everyone in the entire school watched her exit the car added to the fact that she's starting in the middle of the semester and that kicks.
She was wearing a charcoal shirt splattered with metallic red paint, a faux caramel brown leather jacket with a hood, black jeans with burgundy all stars. Her hair was down, and a black messenger bag was over her shoulder.
She got out and simply walked in and towards the main office ignoring everyone, she got her schedule and a map of the school. The principal himself walked her to her homeroom and to her horror little Agreste was in the class.
"Mlle. Bustier" he spoke. "Meet your new student."
"Please introduce yourself" she spoke with a sweet smile.
"Bonjour my name is Marinette, and I will be a part of your class for the next four years."
Marinette moved to take the open seat in the back but of course Little Agreste had to speak. "Mari there is an open seat behind me."
It took all of herself control to not facepalm. "I prefer the back"
"I'll spar you for it"
Now she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes or the one playing on her lips "Okay Agreste, but what makes you think you'll win this time?
"Fencing uses lighter swords" he answered mumbling the end.
"Wait why are you challenging the new girl?" a boy in a red hoodie and two-toned hair asks.
"Probably to redeem his honor from our last bout" she was now smiling. Maybe this won't be all bad.
"Then I get the next challenge" the same boy answered confidently.
"Alright" she agreed "Name your sport, um..."
"Sorry Le Chien Kim" he supplied. "Swimming freestyle"
"You're on" a devilish smirk on her lips. Afterwards everyone introduced themselves and she sat down in the back.
They spoke with M D'Argencourt about it during lunch and he told them to wait until after school for the fencing club to set up. So, they did. Honestly, the class isn't so bad, just a little pushy, apparently a student isn't here today but should be back soon. When they all went back after school, that was when Marinette saw her.
"Gami" Marinette ran to the girl in a red fencing outfit and gave her a brief hug.
"Mari-hime what are you doing in Paris?" she asked.
"Exchange program" Mari waved it off.
"Your brother?"
"Not interested" Mari responded.
"So why at the fencing club?"
"Agreste challenged me."
She looked towards the blonde and gave him a pitying glance. "Then you should both change"
"Right" Mari called as she went to the locker rooms. Her uniform was a red bodice with black sleeves and pants, but the gloves, shoes, and socks were a shade of green so dark it appeared black, the stitches on the entire thing were in golden thread. Both her saber and helmet were a combination of black and gold.
They both got into positions when Marinette heard her.
"This is going to be a slaughter" and Gami was right.
Faster than anyone could blink Mari had scored a touch before little Agreste even moved.
"Huh and here I was hoping for a challenge. Agreste" she turned away from him and faced Kagami "Match?" was all she asked, and the girl stood and faced Mari.
Facing Kagami was like fencing Damian. Both are powerhouses and decisive, but Mari's strength was in speed and agility. They met each other strike for strike, she is probably one of the few civilians that may be a match for her and her brother. By the end of practice, she was offered a spot on the team which she accepted.
To little Agreste's dismay Kagami offered to show her around Paris, to which she had agreed.
One-month Mari had to settle into her new class. She made fast friends with Le Chien, after their swimming match where she also met a girl named Ondine, Alix Kubdel was next she is competitive with a need for speed, side note never let her meet Jason. Max Kante and Nathaniel Kertzberg were also added to our little group. She met Luka Couffaine while wandering Paris for inspiration, they became fast friends, and she designed the costumes for Kitty section as well as their Demo Album cover. The final and most shocking, apparently, addition to their group was Chloe Bourgeois. Along with Kagami her small group of friends were unshakeable and for the next four years will be thankful for them.
After that one month, a weasel entered the class. Her name was Lila Rossi and everything that came out of her mouth was a lie. Honestly, Mari wouldn't give her a second thought but then the strikes against her grew.
Lila's first mistake was lying about her best friend, Jon, or in reality about Superboy. Oh, she was in a relationship with him. Sorry but Jon is super bi, but leans towards men more, like a walking romantic mess that was a golden moment when he figured it out. The same can be said when it finally dawned on Damian when he figured out for himself. As the amazing sister that she is of course she would tease those two. But the teasing and cooing only escalated when the two started dating. So ya not buying that he took you out, much less as Superboy.
Lila's second mistake was threatening Mari in the bathroom. Please if your going to threaten someone make sure you aren't being recorded. And second don't threaten a Wayne, especially an Al Ghul turned Wayne. So, Marinette recorded every lie, every threat, and every reaction. If she were going down not even the Devil himself would think to help her.
Unfortunately, it had a rather annoying side effect. Little Agreste kept pulling her aside to try and make peace with the liar.
"Please Marinette, can you stop calling out Lila" he repeated for the up-tenth time . They were on their way to dinner about two months after Lila rejoined the class. "Just take the high road"
They were in the hallway outside of the dining room.
"No" Mari stated as calmly as she could. As they both walked in, Mme. Sancoeur and M. Agreste were already inside.
"Why? Her lies aren't hurting anyone"
"Not hurting anyone" she spoke finally turning towards the blonde "What unicorns and rainbows paradise do you live in?"
"Wait, what?"
"Nino almost didn't enter his script for a contest because Lila said she would get someone in Hollywood to help produce it" she answered "It took Max, Nathanial, and I almost an hour for him to submit it on the thought it couldn't hurt"
"Okay that's one"
"Alya's reputation as a reporter is plummeting. She doesn't fact check and believes Lila solely on the idea that 'Lila wouldn't lie to her'. Where Lila uses her blog to spread her lies."
"Yes but no one believes everything they hear or read.”
"Really" Mari arched her brow, Alfred would be proud "then explain how most of Paris believes you and Lila to be an item"
"Mlle. Wayne came to explain" M. Agreste finally spoke.
"Oh, most of Paris believes that your son is in a romantic relationship with Lila Rossi" Mari spoke calmly as she opened her phone and pulled up the post from Alya's blog to show the screen.
"What?" the confusion was clear on little Agreste's face as he also pulled up the blog. The meal for her was quite quick but M. Agreste held back little Agreste.
Mari was sketching in the quiet of her room latter that evening when she heard a soft knock at the door. She opened the door and there stood little Agreste fidgeting.
"I'm sorry I never liked how Lila hung off of me but that was harassment, then I realized that's what I've been doing to you I am so sorry. You probably hate me for how I acted, and I understand if you can't trust me or forgive me and I'm sorry." He spoke so fast and barely breathed as he turned about to leave, but he stopped when Mari spoke.
"Okay. Redo"
"What?" he asked tilting his head.
"Let’s start over" she smiled.
"So, you forgive me!"
"No, I am not forgiving you" he looked saddened "I will hold you accountable, but I am, willing to start a new chapter."
"Okay” he looked a bit relieved.
"Hello. I am Marinette Wayne." she extended her hand to shake his.
"Adrien Agreste" he smiled shaking hands. "I'Il get out of your hair then." he sent a small wave that she returned and left.
Okay so maybe I exaggerated a bit, but Lila did make these past three and a half years a living pain. Mlle. Bustier fought to keep their class for all four years. The only addition was Kagami in the second year of Mari’s exchange.
But here she was sitting in the back with her friends waiting for the last class of the day to start. Then it happened Principle Damocles and Mlle. Bustier walked in.
"Mlle. Wayne" Damocles called.
"Thank the gods" Mari stated packing up her things and she walked down. "I would say it was a pleasure but that would be a lie" Mari just finished speaking when Alya decided to open her mouth.
"Where are you going class hasn't even started." Alya smiled trying to get Mari in trouble, but neither adult did anything.
"If you really want to know because it seems you've forgotten. I am a foreign exchange student from America, where I will be finishing the final term." Her words must have made some sense to their one community brain cell because they nodded, and she left.
Marinette flew back to Gotham and oh was this going to be great.
Of course, when she landed Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman were making mischief in the airport. She recorded a video of the Bats stopping them, of course they were monitoring it because of her flight but I digress, and Nightwing lecturing them while Batman looked so done. Along with Jay-Jay or really Red Hood taking Mari's phone and taking a selfie with her, her hair was in braid tucked into a black beanie with a pair of red sunglasses. A halter top that had a golden rod yellow X on it. The top quadrant was red, and the rest was back. A black sweater lined and faded to red at the bottom. Comfortable black and red leggings with black flats. She posted the videos and picture captioned 'Back in Gotham. Home Sweet Home! Hood give me back my phone.' on her public account, before even exiting the terminal.
Her class will be here in about two weeks and stay as long, but right now she need a good stretch.
She found Alfred and loaded up her bags into the car and jumped in, told Alfred, transformed, and portaled out. As soon as the portal closed, she was in the middle of a huge hug from all her brothers. Patrol wasn't too bad, there was a run in with the Riddler and a separate incident with Killer Croc but that is a light day in Gotham.
After patrol was mostly filled with junk food, video games, and movies with her brothers.
Going back to Gotham Academy was like she never left. In a way she didn't, as every break she made sure to spend some time with her friends, dragging Damian with her. She would constantly text or video chat with them. To the extent that they knew about Lila and her class, almost as well as her family.
Two blissful weeks of quiet and patrols filled with teasing and bets was amazing. Yes, she will miss patrolling with Nightrunner. Yes, he is part of the extended Bat clan, but it is different with her brothers.
Three days granted that was longer than Marinette gave the class to avoid a villain attack. Of course, it had to happen when they were visiting, WE. Dick had volunteered to lead the tour, mainly to get more evidence, but Mari wasn't there. Since she was on break, she decided to take lunch for her brothers. The cafeteria food was good but still, and Tim would probably be holed up in his office.
She was in a blue collared button up tucked into a black skater skirt. A black and indigo letterman Jacket, black glasses frames and blue heels finished the outfit.
"Nettie?" Dick asked when she entered the cafeteria.
"Brought you lunch." Dick's face lit up.
"You are a god send"
She giggled as he took the food. "Not exactly but close."
"You going to force Timmy to eat"
"Yeah. Is he still in his office?"
"Should be"
"See ya at home Dicky Bird" she turned and found herself facing her class. Most of them registered she was there and glared at her seemingly guarding Lila from her sight, her friends noticed her so she sent a wave to Kagami, Chloe, Kim, Alix, Nathanial, and Max.
Getting Tim to eat usually proves a challenge. Mostly because he has one hand glued to a coffee mug and the other on his work. Yet when you make an entire meal into finger foods that are perfectly bite sized it is a breeze. She was going to leave when both Tim's and her phone shot an alarm. It was from Dick 'WE 2 Face' In a flash Mari transformed and waited for Tim, opened a portal, and fell into the lobby.
The two of them took out the goons and restrained them before turning towards Two Face.
"The word on the street is that you and the bird are dating, and you know the Bat." Two Face spoke out to everyone, "Let's hear what other secrets these lips will spill." A gun was held up, presumably to the teen's mouth, but neither Red Robin nor Scarlet could see.
He was clearly holding a teen hostage, and that was when they saw the two hanging sausages, Lila. For the first time since Mari had known her, she was quiet, or at least silently whimpering.
"So, who is she dating?" Scarlet asked yoyo in hand pointing at Lila.
"Robin" she gasps.
"What!?" Both of them yelled before Red Robin started again. "Crap when did I get a girlfriend. Scarlet please tell me this is just a hallucination! I swear if this is, I won’t drink a single drop of coffee for a month!”
Scarlet however was barely standing doubled over with laughter. "She’s a little young for you don't cha think."
"Not helping" Red Robin was in full out panic pacing back and forth trying to comprehend what was being said.
That was when Lila seemed to find her voice again "I'm dating Robin not you."
"Wait, What?" Both vigilantes snapped out of their laughter and panic respectfully. They shared a look and fell to the ground laughing. Two minutes later Batman and Robin showed up. Scarlet and Red Robin were now on their feet but still laughing. No one not even Two Face moved because as everyone knows, Robin is taken and no one will be getting between those two, much less a girl.
"Robin" Batman nodded and to the two laughing teens, Robin nodding in acknowledgement.
"No need B" Red Robin finally stopped laughing.
"Hey Birdie when did you get a girlfriend?" Scarlet asked fully knowing the answer already.
"Tt. Don't be idiotic Scarlet."
"Then why is she saying she is?" Two Face now had the bat fam's attention.
"Who are you?" Robin asked the girl pinned between Two Face’s arm and gun.
"Apparently the girlfriend you never knew existed before three seconds ago." Red Robin supplied, now fully enjoying the shock on his brother’s face.
"Is that why you two were laughing like idiots?"
"Well yes" Scarlet spoke up then whispered 'Voyage, Venom' and Two Face became frozen in place.
Lila was now glaring at Scarlet as she began to yell "What the hell. Why didn't you do that sooner!"
Scarlet snapped her fingers and pointed at Lila "Oh now I remember you" she semi shouted getting the attention of everyone in the lobby. "You’re the girl from Paris who said she was dating Superboy." Lila now seemed to significantly pale.
"Are you saying this girl has claimed to have dated both Superboy and I" At this point both Scarlet and Red Robin had moved and were physically holding back Robin.
"Scarlet" Batman called.
"On it" 'Voyage' "Hey Supes your boyfriend needs you" Superboy then took Robin in a hug from behind resting his chin on top of Robin's head. Her brother now willingly refraining from moving to stay in his boyfriend's arms, while Red Robin left to talk with Commissioner Gordon.
"Miss you are lucky no one was injured, and we were here to take action, your fantasies are just that. Let's go" Batman had lectured the girl who could have been switched with a statue at this point.
All the vigilantes left, and Mari sure as hell made certain Tim finished his food. In fact, he hadn't even changed out of his Red Robin uniform, so Mari guarded the door. She only left when he finished eating, knowing he could now fully react.
Mari was walking out of the elevator and into the lobby and you could practically see the change that occurred. Most of the class were huddled together, her friends were to the side along with Adrien, and Lila was practically glued to the teacher.
She spotted Alfred with Dick not far from her friends, so she decided to go over and speak with her friends.
Unfortunately, that just caused hell's gates to open as she approached, she heard. "You knew she was a liar didn't you" Alya yelled at her friends and Agreste, but Alya was specifically yelling at Agreste. That made her blood boil, so she stepped in.
"Yes, but you didn't believe me when I told you, you didn't believe them either" Mari was now standing between her friends and the blogger. "Agreste didn't want to rock the boat and how you were all treating me it is no wonder."
"Ya but she is a liar, and you are a bully" Alya retorted.
"Was I a bully. Or was that what you were told by the liar" Alya now went quiet. Of the almost four years she was in Paris there was never any proof she bullied Lila. No bruises, no destroyed items, just she said claims. "Yes, I called her out on her lies but that was all. You all were the ones who acted on her words that I bullied her with no proof and bullied me to ‘teach me a lesson'. I have more than enough evidence however, on most of this class and the liar, for cases of assault, slander, defamation of character, and destruction of property."
By now everyone in the lobby was watching this unfold. The class seemed to pale and attempted to shrink in on themselves. Lila and Mlle. Bustier seemed to try to become one with the floor. Her friends were to the side struggling to not laugh along with Dick and Chloe you traitor put down that phone.
"Miss Wayne" an employee came up to Mari seemingly afraid to get her undivided attention.
"Yes" She smiled, becoming Gotham's sunshine that everyone knew, allowing the employee and the other Gothamites to relax.
"The CEO has locked himself in his office and the Board meeting starts in three minutes" the employee fidgeted with the tablet in his hands. That snapped her into professional mode.
"Dick is the tour done?" she held out her hand to take the tablet, opened it and started going trough the documents.
"Go dig Tim from his office. I'll deal with the board."
"On it"
She quickly looked up to her friends "Sorry guys we should catch up later." She walked away the employee on her heels giving her more information.
A whistle was heard next to the group. "Damn I feel bad for the Board members, Mars is on a warpath and not her usual professional warpath" Dick said to Alfred.
"Reminiscent of Master Bruce even" was Alfred's response.
"She really is a Wayne"
"Master Richard"
"Yes Alfred"
"I believe it is in your best interest to retrieve Master Timothy as Miss Marinette is on a 'Warpath' as you say" Alfred barely finished as Dick began to sprint to the elevator. Alfred only sighed as he followed the eldest Wayne child, leaving very bewildered and mortified Parisians in their wake.
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fillingthescrapbook · 3 years
On Series Finales, Shenanigans, and Sabotage
In this post, I talk about the end of Superstore and WandaVision, the finale of Call Me Kat, the shenanigans of RuPaul's Drag Race, and what feels like sabotage to Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist.
Let's start with the good;
WandaVision delivered a great opening for Marvel's "Phase 4." While it was an amazing exploration of what it means to grieve, the series was also a great essay on what the medium of television means for so many of us who watch: an escape, and a way to process our real-life problems through characters who can have happy endings.
Of course, the show wasn't perfect. While the first half of the series took its time to set the milieu, the characters and their goals, and the tension of things not being what they seem--an impressive juggling act up until the fifth episode--the second half felt a little rushed with no room to let the supporting characters react and breathe. Which, sure, I get that the show called WandaVision would focus on characters named Wanda and Vision, but I felt like they could've given the others more to do?
Like when Wanda was fighting [redacted] and Vision tried to help out, [redacted] was just standing there. Watching. Like, [redacted] had powers too. And they didn't even attempt to do something? Really?
And that's not to mention set-ups for plots that were eventually dropped.
Although, according to interviews, the blame for some of this this falls on the pandemic. In their original timeline, the show would've finished filming and would have been editing the finale before the show premiered. In reality, by the time they started cutting the finale episode, they had already aired four episodes. Which meant they've already planted and aired a few scenes for a certain character to pay off in later episodes. Pay-off that they then decided to cut out because it ultimately felt like filler. Had the pandemic not happened, they might have had time to cut out the foreshadowing from the earlier episodes too.
But even with the faults, and the lack of accountability for certain actions done, WandaVision was ultimately a good show. One that was clearly made with love.
And speaking of shows made with love, let's talk about Superstore and its final act.
I've seen a lot of online feedback that Superstore wasn't as good with Amy gone. I don't agree. Amy (and actress America Ferrera) was the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae--or the sprinkles. She's a great part of a whole, but the product was still great without her. But I have to say: seeing her back in the last two episodes? It made the ending all the more bittersweet.
I will miss this show. I will miss its laughs, its hi-jinx, its resilience...and most of all, its heart. I've said before that if a show could survive without a proper wrap-up it would be Superstore; because it's such a perfect snapshot of real life for many of us. But I'm glad that the people behind the camera, the current show runners Jonathan Green and Gabe Miller, show creator Justin Spitzer, and returning director Ruben Fleischer, came together and gave the shows' fans a bow-tied finale that was full of hope and happiness.
I loved every single thing about the finale except the part that it was the last episode. Because even though I was satisfied with what they gave us? I still wanted more time with the staff of Cloud 9.
Now, let's move on to Call Me Kat.
I was a little iffy about the show when it started. It had some good bits, but it was also peppered with so many not-so-great ones. The pros: Mayim Bialik really made the character her own even in scenes lifted from the show it was based on; Kyla Pratt became a more and more engaging presence as the show went on; episodes that were original to Call Me Kat were both very fun and heartwarming; and it was a show that was unapologetically camp.
As the season went on, I started forgiving the show for things I didn't like (the closing goodbyes, and the imagined Brigitte) and even looked forward to new episodes. But then the season finale happened. And the show brought back one of the things I really didn't like in the first few episodes: the Kat-Max romance.
I do not have a problem with Cheyenne Jackson's acting nor his character. I think Max is great. But only as a friend. Because I just do not see any romantic chemistry between him and Mayim Bialik's Kat. I was happy that the show introduced a new love interest for Kat because I really didn't want her pining for Max the whole series. Sadly, the show switched gears and made Max pine for Kat instead.
It's still not working for me. And I really hate how it came back. Because the first time Max started to see Kat in a different way was when she started dating the new love interest, Oscar. It came off like he was threatened that his back-up plan is now desirable to someone else. And then he doubled down on his "love" for ex-girlfriend Brigitte. Which was initially played earnestly and then became a cover for Max fighting his feelings for Kat. And then the obvious deus-ex-machina in the finale where Kat had no choice but to entertain her crush on Max again.
If Call Me Kat gets a second season--which I hope it does--I hope the show runners realize that Kat and Max don't have to end up together. That they can remain friends and still have that fun dynamic with each other. Because not every friendship need to evolve into romance. (That goes for Kyla Pratt's Randi and Julian Gant's Carter too.)
Now, since we're already on the topic of plot lines being forced into being, let's talk about RuPaul's Drag Race. I started watching this show in its 8th season. It was a reality competition that was fun, funny, colorful, entertaining, and revolves around art. I got hooked. I then watched the two seasons that came after, lost interest in Season 11, and then came back for the twelfth season because of the pandemic and found it a little fun again. And then Season 13 happened. And I can't believe the show I started watching because I enjoyed the laughs became a show I now hate-watch.
I don't know what happened behind the scenes after Season 9, but there is something terribly off with how RuPaul's Drag Race has been produced since then. There's more emphasis on drama that isn't really dealt with properly, there's obvious favoritism, and there's a great disconnect between what the judges are seeing and what is being presented to television viewers. And yet I continue to watch.
Let's just say: I'm hoping either Symone or Rosé wins. But let's be honest: the producers of RuPaul's Drag Race is setting Gottmik up for the win as the first transman to compete. Which I feel is unfair. Because while Gottmik is great, Rosé has more nerve and talent while Symone has the charisma and uniqueness.
And finally: Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist and the sabotage, self-inflicted and otherwise, that's ringing the death knell for the show.
The first season was lightning in a bottle. While it was by no means perfect, it had so much heart that it didn't matter. We wanted to root for Zoey even when we knew that she couldn't realistically have it all. The core of the show was that Zoey cared. Too much as some characters would say. But because she cared, we cared. In comparison, Season two Zoey feels like a completely different person when her plot line has nothing to do with her father.
I can't help but feel that the show sabotaged itself by splitting the show into two: the one that's about Zoey, and the other one that's about Mo and Max's business venture. Zoey's plot lines, while not all stellar, still felt like it had the DNA of the first season. Mo and Max's feels like a completely different show that's airing simultaneously with Zoey's--with the occasional crossover when Zoey needs to talk with either one of them.
It didn't feel that way when it started though. But episode by episode, the business venture just started to separate more and more. And instead of drawing Mo and Max back to Zoey's show, the writers just kept pushing Zoey to visit their world instead.
The recent episode, where Zoey wanted to recapture the feeling she had when watching a celestial event with her dad, was the first time the show felt anything remotely like the one I watched last year. We see Zoey caring about other people, we see her struggling to balance her own needs with others--and we see her actually trying to process her emotions again. And it just had to happen in the first episode on a new time slot that's barely been promoted.
So after Zoey’s self-sabotaged, now it's their network's turn to sabotage the show by putting it in a time slot with stronger competition--while not bothering to promote the heck out of the move. This feels like the network has already made a decision not to renew the show for a third season, and the episodes left to air are the last ones we're getting. And that Zoey's not gonna get a second chance to go back to the show that it once was.
I can't even feel sad though. Because I feel like I already saw the show I loved last year slowly die right in front of my eyes.
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captainsassmanes · 5 years
Trissshhhhh I have a dialogue prompt for you from that list, and bc you know I freaking love angst. “Take me instead” for Malex
Warnings: This one is heavy. Tw: violence, descriptions of injuries, torture, cursing, Jesse Fucking Manes.
Alex’s vision blurred and he realized, slower than he would have liked, that he could see nothing out of his left eye. He sent out a quick prayer that it was just swelling, nothing permanent. 
What that meant, either way, was that he couldn’t clearly see the blows before they came anymore. Maybe a small blessing. Maybe really shitty luck.
“Did Max Evans heal Elizabeth Ortecho from a bullet wound?”
The voice of who he’d learned was Staff Sargent Mitchell menaced in his ear. 
Alex was in agony. He’d barely eaten in what he figured was weeks, his stomach twisting in a hunger so severe it ached. He’d been beaten everyday, his injuries never having the chance to begin healing. There was a cut on his arm he was sure had become infected and it sat in the perfect spot to send shooting pains straight up his dominant arm every few seconds.
The first few days, maybe a little longer, of his captivity, he’d fought back: pulled against his restraints, spit in Mitchell’s face, laughed in his father’s. He could still remember reasons to be free again and to keep his mouth shut. 
Michael. Kyle. Isobel. Michael. Max. Liz. Michael. Arturo. Mimi. Maria. Michael.
He’d repeat their names when he was alone in his cell, pitch black with the smell of dampness and mold filling his nostrils. He’d pull up memories of them, his brain filtering through them all to feature only the best ones.
Getting high with Maria and laughing for hours. Study sessions with Liz that were more milkshakes and gossip than anything else. Sparing with Isobel, watching confidence radiate off her. Waking up next to Michael, watching the sun light up his tan skin, watching his chest rise and fall, the feel of his chest hair, wiry and thick. The little snores he let out when he slept on his back. The way Michael’s hands felt on his own skin, callused and so full of love.
He never cried from the pain, from the fear, from the threats.
But he’d cried when he thought of Michael.
Eventually, unable to deny it, the reality of the situation set in. Alex figured he’d been held for about two weeks. The meetings with his father, demented, psychological warfare, evolved to insure Alex knew no one was looking for him. No one gave a shit. No one missed him.
Kyle continued to go to work, date his precious, new co-worker. Liz and Max were rekindling their romance while Rosa, who they’d discovered almost instantly, continued to dance in the shadows. Isobel was event planning during the day and, according to sources, blowing up bigger and bigger things in the middle of the night.
And then there were Michael and Maria.
Jesse never hesitated to keep Alex well informed with that relationship. The dates they went on. The visits to see Mimi. The hand holding. The love making. The laughter and the smiles.
It had been just a couple of evenings ago, Alex lying on his back, arm on fire and bleeding from his head, when the tears finally stopped. He pictured Michael and Maria, arms wrapped around one another, eyes locked with wide smiles painted across their beautiful faces. He imagined ease and comfort and simplicity. Kindness and consideration, dedication and loyalty.
“Keep them safe...happy,” Alex whispered to no one.
From that moment on, he tucked it all away; his emotions, his pain, his reactions. He had nothing to give them and refused to yield even an inch.
His eyes met Mitchell’s and Alex made no effort to move. He didn’t shrug or smirk or blink an eye. He would give them nothing.
“What exactly can Isobel Evans do?”
Alex was unmoved. He took the next hit, breathing in through his nose, out through his mouth.
“Can Michael Guerin move objects with his mind?”
Alex felt a small wave of pride as he remained stoic at the mention of Michael’s name.
The next hit knocked him to the ground, the chair he was tied to coming right down with him. The military issues boots hurt like a son of a bitch, Alex feeling his insides bruising with each kick, until he couldn’t help but let out the vomit he’d been trying to hold back.
“Enough, Mitchell. Stand down.”
The kicking stopped as Mitchell took a few steps back and stood at attention. Jesse came to stand before him, feet still and silence filling the room.
“Pick him up.”
When they came face to face, Alex searched. He searched his father’s features for any indication that Jesse felt something, anything.
It was fruitless.
“This is all you’re gonna give us, son?”
Alex raised an eyebrow, not at the question but at the term of endearment.
With a shallow breath, ribs screaming in protest, he mumbled, “you’ve already taken everything. I’m not giving you shit. Dad.”
Jesse nodded, a familiar look of disappointment in his eyes. “Very well.”
The walk down the long hall felt surprisingly freeing. Alex knew this was it, the end of his journey. Jesse and whoever else was working for him had done what they could to get any information out of him. They must have realized he wouldn’t speak and no one cared enough to try to save him.
So it was time.
He wondered briefly if the stories his mom used to tell him as a boy were true. A great warrior may be able to rest in a peaceful, safe afterlife, or maybe reincarnate as human again to try once more, to live another noble life. Or, perhaps, his sins were too great. He’d end up falling into an abyss for eternity or come back but as a roach or something.
Truthfully, he’d never given much thought to death. Losing his leg had changed that a bit but he still did what he could to focus on the present, moment to moment. Maybe that helped him now. He still felt more curious than afraid.
Alex just hoped for peace.
As the small group turned the final corner, he was pushed back as the sound of guns cocking echoed through the space.
He craned his neck, trying to see what had happened, but couldn’t see past the mammoth solider in front of him.
“Stand down. Now. Hands up.”
“Aw, c’mon now, boys. No way to greet a visitor, is it?”
Alex stumbled a bit, head spinning and heart racing. It wasn’t possible. Not now when he was ready.
If he was being honest, there were nights, bitter, lonely, angry nights when he hated his friends, hated Michael for leaving him, abandoning him completely when he needed them most. He wasn’t the best friend but he did what they needed, helped where he could, took the blows he was dealt. And it got him what? Kidnapped. Left to be tortured and die. Alone.
But once he’d rested, once the blood stopped pulsing so loudly in his ears, he knew it was best. It was what he truly wanted. He’d never want Michael or the Evans’ to risk their safety, their secret, for him. And his other friends, they wouldn’t stand a chance against these fucking sadists.
It was best for all of this to end with him.
But now, as Michael stood in the space that was meant for Alex’s last moments, he couldn’t think.
“You’re nothing in here, Mr. Guerin.” His father’s voice was laced with condescension and excitement.
“Take me instead.”
Alex stopped breathing. Michael’s voice sounded calm and even, bordering on arrogant if that was possible with at least six guns pointed at him. Alex tried to speak but Mitchell beat him.
“If you haven’t noticed, asshole, you’re already taken.”
The sound of Michael’s laugh hit Alex’s ears and, beyond all reason, he smiled. That sound was so rare Alex couldn’t help but treasure it every time, even in the most dire of circumstances.
“Am I?” He felt the soldiers in front of him shift, a sudden change in the air. “Tell me, Master Sargent, why are you under the impression that I’m nothing?”
Alex grit his teeth and grimaced with the pain as he stretched as tall as he could. His eyes locked with Michael’s and Alex knew. There had been a plan. Thank fuck Michael had a plan.
The urge to sob and be held against Michael’s chest, wrapped in his strong arms was overwhelming.
“This place is so loaded with powder you won’t be able to shift a paper clip you fucking freak.”
Alex watched as Michael’s curls danced, moving with the nodding of his head.
“Yikes. I guess I didn’t realize. But I do have one more question.” He pointed to himself as he added, “curious by nature.”
He watched the hands of the soldier in front of him begin to shake, fingers gripping his weapon a bit too tightly. Alex smirked. Maybe they were starting to put it together.
With a voice suddenly full of anger and vitrol, Michael asked the room, “how the fuck do you think I got in here?”
In the blink of an eye, a force Alex couldn’t see pushed him against the wall, air leaving him with the strength of it. He gazed in wonderment, as if watching a movie or a perfect moment of a play, as the soldiers firearms all turned to white doves, flying confused and frightened around the space.
Each soldier died without Michael needing to move a muscle, his face unchanged, although his eyes had shifted from a stunning hazel to completely black. Alex thought he’d never looked better.
When the final man fell to the floor in a bloody pile, Michael turned that black, empty gaze to Alex. Jesse floated out of the room, chin lifted and struggling for air, and into the hall, toes barely touching the now stained linoleum.
Alex understood Michael’s silent question.
With difficulty, Alex stood, discovering his restraints had literally vanished. He met his father’s glare, searching one, last time for some semblance of shame, regret, sadness. He found nothing but disgust and hatred.
Cradling his core, Alex stood straight, the Manes man his father had always wanted him to be. He didn’t remove his eyes from his fathers and his voice didn’t waiver as he said, “lock him in and blow it up.”
Jesse’s body flew backward and into the room with his ever-obedient team. He landed on the floor, on his hands and knees, coughing and gasping for air.
Michael had moved to stand beside Alex, eyes now the stunning gold he normally wore, and took Alex’s bloody, broken hand in his.
“Don’t worry, Jesse.” Michael brought Alex’s hand up to his mouth and placed a delicate, gentle kiss to the back of it, mouth coming away scarlet with blood. “I’ll take good care of him.”
Jesse snarled and moved to stand before the door slammed shut and locked, Jesse’s screams slipping under the space of the door.
Alex stood, stunned, that it was finally over, that Michael was here, that Jesse would be gone, that he would live.
“We’ve gotta go.”
Alex nodded but didn’t move.
“Will you, Michael?”
“Will I what, Alex?”
He was too exhausted to keep the break from his voice. “Take care of me.”
Michael smiled as Alex felt his body become immeasurably lighter, moving without making any effort at all. Michael wrapped an arm around Alex and pulled him into his side.
“Forever if you’ll let me.”
Alex never imagined his happy ending would begin with an explosion.
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lovelylogans · 4 years
,,,,can I get some opinions on lorelai, specifically Lorelai's Love Interests?
*cracks knuckles*
i just answered an ask about rory’s main love interests but now i’m gonna go into lorelai’s
quick disclaimer: i have seen s1-s5, read scripts of key episodes of s6/s7. so. let’s get into it.
jason is literally trash lmao and i Dislike Him. least favorite of lorelai’s love interests. garbage man. if men have one thing it’s the Audacity.
okay first of all his whole introduction to canon was that he wanted to leave the business his dad groomed him for..... to piss off his dad. like. that’s his reasoning. that’s why he wants to go into business with richard. literally just to piss off his dad. Sir You Are Nearly Forty.
and then. and THEN. like his FIRST scene!!!! with lorelai!!!!! is when lorelai is like “hey you shouldn’t have gone behind my mom’s back and planned this business trip when she was planning a party! that’s kinda shitty of you!” and his response was to REMINISCE about their time at summer camp and he’s like “you still hold a grudge” because. BE. CAUSE. he stood up and tipped over the canoe when lorelai was fully clothed, and when lorelai pointed this out, this man. has the AUDACITY. to say. “i remember. green t-shirt, no bra. trust me, i was the hero of cabin five for the rest of the summer.”
GROSS. GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS. FUCK MEN. as if THAT isn’t gross enough he came up with the nickname “umlauts” because her nipples were showing through her shirt!!! diSGUSTIN!! men! are! nasty! and literally less than TEN one-sentence lines later he ASKS HER OUT.  
and then literally the rest of his character is basically just “business.” like. that’s it. when he takes the day off to come to stars hollow literally almost the Entire Time he’s focused on business calls and not on lorelai, his girlfriend who he came to spend time with. and then when richard, being a Shady Bitch, double-crossed him and went back into business with his dad, jason wanted to SUE HIM??? BRO???????? YOU STILL EXPECTED LORELAI TO STICK WITH YOU WHEN YOU ARE SUING HER FATHER?????????
this doesn’t even go INTO all the other stuff about hidden relationship and they’re literally dating just bc it pisses off their parents, it’s just. jason sucks. dude sucks. don’t like him. not one bit.
i have..... complicated feelings toward christopher. to steal a quote i saw from twitter when someone was like “he knows lorelai so deeply!” they said “he knows her past, it doesn’t mean he knows her.”
so, like, on one level. i think that christopher was a bad dad to rory. right. like, he isn’t a good dad. i come from a home with split up parents, so, like, i understand the complexities there, but. he wasn’t a good dad. he just wasn’t.
that episode in season one? it’s the first time he comes to stars hollow. the. first. time. in sixteen years he has never gone to see where his daughter (and friend/romantic interest) lived, which follows: he hasn’t been to any of her parent/teacher nights, he’s never gone to any of the performances she was in as a child, he’s never participated with her when it comes to town events that she’s so passionate about (being a pilgrim, all the things taylor lists when she turns down being ice cream queen, etc) he wasn’t there. he wasn’t there for all the small moments that make up being a dad. no helping with homework, no sitting with her and listening after a long day, no actual parenting—no being there when she’s sick, no disciplining her if she does something wrong, no being there to celebrate her victories. he isn’t a good dad to rory. he has his occasional moments (he starts calling her more often post that visit, but it drops off again post-sherry) but all in all? not a good dad. i would go far as to say “deadbeat dad” as the first significant financial help he offers, that we see in canon, is him paying for yale. not helping with chilton, or any other childcare costs.
that’s an important factor when it comes to evaluating him and lorelai. because, quite honestly? i think that if rory didn’t exist, christopher and lorelai would have been firmly in the realm of “we dated in high school.” maybe a former flame that gets a fling when there’s a high school reunion. but since rory exists, they’re tied together forever, and therefore those feelings keep cropping up and flourishing (esp in situations when they shouldn’t) and they’re so stuck in the past.
i think that teenage christopher and teenage lorelai are well suited. i don’t think adult christopher and adult lorelai are well suited. lorelai had to grow up very quickly when she had rory, so she got a job, settled down in stars hollow, and put in the work of being a responsible parent who provides for her child. christopher doesn’t start keeping a job until s2/s3, he’s still very much stuck in the past. his pursuit of her is almost entirely rooted in nostalgia, as is her returning interest. they keep coming back to each other because it’s comfortable, it’s what they know. but once they look past that lens of nostalgia, their compatibility kind of falls apart. christopher is still immature in general (getting angry over the character reference she writes for luke, getting drunk at emily and richard’s vow renewal and basically shoving himself in the middle of their relationship like “but THE OOOOOLD DAAAAYYYS” and that WHOLE storyline of where he turned off his phone and ignored lorelai’s calls when richard had a heart attack, do NOT get me started) and lorelai is very independent and she likes her life where it is and how it is.
so to sum up: christopher and lorelai’s relationship is almost entirely doomed to fail because they can’t remove their rose-colored glasses when it comes to their (mutually romanticized) past together, and when the glasses are knocked off, they aren’t compatible. they just aren’t. what ties them together is that nostalgia, where they’re most natural is when they’re joking and being friendly (like the old times!) and when it turns into a romantic relationship, reality is too much for that tenuous connection to handle.
OBVIOUSLY i am team luke. this is the ship i’m most dedicated to within the gilmore girls fandom. he’s there for her, they push each other to become better (lorelai keeping his father’s boat, for example, and him encouraging her throughout the opening of the dragonfly) they have that Longing and Yearning. they have amazing chemistry, they’ve been crushing on each other since SEASON! ONE! and honestly they are fantastic when they work together.
i will say that they have their issues, and it almost entirely boils down to lack of communication.
if lorelai had communicated the occasions in which she had seen chris, luke wouldn’t have been so caught off-guard at the vow renewal and cut off their relationship. if luke had communicated about april’s existence with the full honesty that he didn’t know about her existence, lorelai, as a mother, as someone whose child’s default father figure is luke, would probably take some time but ultimately understand the importance of a child. they should have communicated about the wedding being too soon, and all their other issues. that bickering that makes their flirting and crushing so great also gets in their way sometimes; it’s hard for them to have a serious conversation without lorelai deflecting or luke shutting down. honestly i think it would have been great if they’d gone to couples therapy (okay, look, almost everyone in gilmore girls needs therapy, including emily and lorelai, so i’m glad that at least that one got tackled somewhere in canon) and it would have really helped fix that main problem.
frankly, i think a lot of their problems are bc ASP and the other writers wanted “drama.” which fair, it’s a tv show, but frankly leave the drama to rory and there are other ways to manufacture drama other than breaking up your main couple: dragonfly drama, for instance, or liz and tj and jess, or dealing with rory’s dramas, or something like the emily and richard and luke drama but sustained to a point where it causes a similar family fight that might have even paralleled lorelai leaving the gilmore household for someone she loves, and seeing that relationship knit up. like i get this show was in the 2000s but honestly let the couples actually Be Together!!! let them explore those dynamics!!! the whole “break them up, put them back together, break them up, put them back together” thing is tired and it seems unrealistic. like!!!! luke says “i’m all in” to lorelai and less than like TEN episodes later he’s like “it’s too much. this relationship is too much.” LET THEM WORK THROUGH THEIR STRUGGLES AS A COUPLE AND LET THEM C O M M U N I C A T E. LET THEM!!!!!
otherwise? iconique. the Flavor. the taste. the vibes are immaculate. chef’s kiss. luke/lorelai is So Good. their chemistry is unparalleled. their support of each other unmatched. 
i can’t really remember any other love interests lmao OH SHOOT
max medina:
lol forgettable uh, i think that he and lorelai had an interesting partnership, but it clearly wouldn’t have worked out to the point of a wedding, which i feel like lorelai knew because she kept holding back on actually answering him for the proposal after the s1 finale. i think that his dynamic could have also really been utilized to play with the dynamic of lorelai re-entering her parents’ world and the different expectations that that maintains; i don’t think it should have gone so far to, like, proposal, i think it could have been maintained then max wanted to get serious and lorelai hesitates and pulls something similar to the show. anyway, interesting first love interest for lorelai, also helps ground the world of chilton, so nice little twofold purpose for max there
i will say his proposal was super cute tho the thousand yellow daisies thing was Excellent
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Sam and Dean as they were. Season 1. Part 2.
it’s so interesting to watch how the brothers were changing over the seasons. So, part 2.
Rout 666.
This episode is not exactly stellar in regards of the character development, but it reveals that Dean tried to establish long-term relationships which go beyond his “parents’ family”, the relationships where he is the head of the family with responsibilities, trying to be not just a “good son” , but wasn’t able to do so. And the episode also shows a certain degree of overconfidence in Sam. Sam is extremely smart, successful, professional, easily shows his superiority in investigations over his more experienced brother, his fighting skills are no worse than Dean’s and Sam never failed. All these naturally leads to the overconfidence, and he even doesn’t think that he may make a mistake – he is right in this case, he has an excellent intuition, but this only strengthens his overconfidence, which fails him so much in season 4.
It’s Sam’s episode. He stopped Dean from killing a man – this time it’s Max: We don’t kill people. And this episode reveals a very subtle moment – he meets a special child for the first time and he is put in extreme conditions – his brother’s life is threatened and an uncontrolled outburst of psychic powers… and Sam is terrified – he doesn’t control himself for the first time in his life, and we remember that he is a control freak. Can it be so that this power can take better of him and it will start control him? It’s a terrifying question for a person who hates evil in all its respects, because one of the possible answers on such a question will be the possibility to turn into an evil oneself. In this episode it’s the first time Sam has faced this question and this question will haunt him the whole season 2. One more important thing. In this episode Sam begins to blame himself for his mother’s death. On the more optimistic note Sam in this episode makes a huge step on the way with reconciliation with his father. The first step was in Bugs, when he understood that he also was wrong in his relationships with his father, and in this episode he looked at the world from his father’s position.
Dean is extremely worried about what’s happening to Sam, but can’t help with anything. And here we are given the first glimpses that Dean doesn’t trust Sam, doesn’t trust him in such a way, that he doesn’t see an adult person in him, strong enough to cope with his powers. Dean  intends to keep Sam under control. Not the brightest decision taking into consideration Sam’s independent and rebellious nature and stubborness. Sam will start to run from Dean’s chaperoning and that will lead him to Ruby.
Benders. It’s Dean’s episode. For the first time Dean is shown on a full mode of the older and protective brother, he turns the town upside down and even risks to show up in the police. One subtle moment though, when he is captured and offered him to choose between the woman the sheriff and Sam who will be a prey Dean chooses Sam, he is not ready to sacrifice a civilian for his brother, which is a very strong decision. Later this will change.
Sam doesn’t lose his calmness and clarity of thinking, he is collected, smart, and cold-blooded he plans his actions, doesn’t forget to console his “inmates”, and when he gets free, takes the Benders captive without killing them without violation of his principle “We don’t kill people”, saving his saver on the way.
 Shadow. It’s Sam episode. We are shown that he has the brilliant intuition, outstanding investigative skills, his ability to think quickly and clearly under pressure in a critical situation and his manipulative side… He was playing Meg when was tied up. In this episode he manages to save himself and Dean twice, the second time including John. In this episode a very indicative dialogue takes place:
DEAN: Yes, that, but it’s more than that, man. (He returns to the dresser and is silent again, then once more turns to Sam.) You and me and Dad—I mean, I want us….I want us to be together again. I want us to be a family again.
SAM: Dean, we are a family. I’d do anything for you. But things will never be the way they were before. (DEAN looks heartbroken.)
DEAN: (sadly) Could be.
SAM: I don’t want them to be. I'm not gonna live this life forever. Dean, when this is all over, you’re gonna have to let me go my own way. (He and DEAN share a look.)
This dialogue is outstanding and full of subtle overtones. It clearly shows that Sam loves his family, but this is “the parents family”, Sam is ready to live an independent life and may be, have a family of his own, but the same is unimaginable for Dean, he fights to preserve “the parents family” with habitual functions where the father figure is John and Sam and him are children, who hunt together. This episode reveals that underneath Dean’s superficial maturity lies inner need to keep the parent family together and be a son to be led and cared for. In certain ways Dean still has  kid’s and immature psychology. This characteristics will have the further development in the future and will be exacerbated under the influence of unfortunate and tragic circumstances and in many ways will determine his character from now on. Sam will face his father in this episode – they always butt their heads but they love each other and when they meet their conflicts are forgotten for a while. For a while because conflicts are inavoidable with two dominant kinds of personality. I assert and keep to it, that contrary to the wide spread belief it’s Sam (who takes after John) has a dominant personality. People with dominant personalities are not stereotypically uncompromising and bossy. They take control in a critical situation, are very task oriented, and focused on achieving goals. Yep, sounds like Sam.
Hell House
Boys will be boys, enough said. Oh, and yes, Sam has encyclopedic knowledge of the lore.
Something wicked. It’s unequivocally Dean’s episode. This episode reveals the reasons why he is so obedient to his father – once, when a child he violated his Dad’s order and that risked Sam’s life. For the first time Dean felt that his Dad disappointed in him, he felt that he let him down, let Sam down and these events laid the foundation of his prevailing sense of duty to the family. One of his deepest fears is letting people down, letting Dad down, letting Sam down (sounds like his speech in season 2 finale, right?). When Dean understands that this shtirga is the same he goes far to finish his unfinished business (and to finish the unfinished business is an underlying principle of both brothers John planted in them) and talks the 12 year old kid into being the bait. Predictably Sam is indignant but Dean insists. Luckily, everything ends well. This episode is another little step of the brothers towards each other: Sam learns the reason of that blind obedience Dean demonstrated to his father and apologizes for all his jibes and Dean… Dean is touched... Brothers bond is strengthening, they are gradually coming to the mutual understanding and they are learning to trust to each other.
Provenance. Sam’s episode. This episode reveals one of the very important Sam’s characteristics – his inner strive not to hurt other people. He really likes Sarah, he even can fall in love with her, but he is afraid for her, Jessica was killed and he is afraid that it happened because of him. Don’t hurt anybody by his life is his underlying characteristics and it is revealed in this episode. And one more. Sam is beginning to cope with his grief because of Jessica. He is still grieving and as we will see he will be grieving even in season 5, but the grief doesn’t’ destroy him anymore. His grief doesn’t dictate his actions like it was in the beginning of Wendigo, when he couldn’t think about anything else but about his loss and the revenge for Jessica’s death. Or like in Scarecrow, where under the influence of his emotions he quits his brother as well as people who may be in danger, which generally is so uncharacteristic for Sam and goes after that thing that killed Jessica and returns only after he understood that his brother is in danger.
Dean. He is in the mode of the older protective brother. He is considerate and caring. And genuinely happy, when he sees that Sam is starting to overcome his grief.
Dead Man Blood The very important episode from the point of view of brothers’ character development and it has very significant dialogues. The first dialogue takes place between Sam and John – Sam hears that his father loves him, something he needs to know, and he learns the reasons of the decisions John took and Sam rebelled against. Sam starts to develop the deeper understanding of his father, which at the end of the day will lead him to the understanding of his father and the reconciliation with him, albeit after his death. Sam starts to understand his father and he starts to understand how similar they are. In this episode the fact which was hinted at in Home, that is Sam is a copy of his father reiterated stronger. During this conversation one more detail is accentuated that is Sam’s worry and care about his brother. It’s not the first time, Sam has already been in the protective brother’s mode, it happened in Scarecrow and Faith, but in both cases Dean was already in trouble, here the accentuation is on Sam’s desire to protect, have a wardship of Dean, and looks like it’s the first time. At least I didn’t notice anything like that in the previous episodes as well as in flashback episodes later. Before that we were shown Dean’s protectiveness of his brother.
In this episode there is another very important conversation between Sam, John and Dean: Sam cuts in front of John’s car and starts a showdown, and seemingly there is a contrast between Dean’s blind obedience and Sam’s rebellious nature, his strive to understand what he is doing and why. But this conversation has a very important undercurrent: for the first time in his life Dean after talking Sam into cooling down addresses his father in a very shy manner
DEAN(Looking at JOHN) That means you too.
To say John is stunned is understatement and he will express it later.
Dean has started to learn from Sam to stand up to his father. My personal opinion is that, if Sam hadn’t taught Dean that, Dean would have never doubted John’s death order, and when faced Michael he would have said Yes.
But it’s only the beginning:
DEAN: Dad, all due respect but, uh, that's a bunch of crap.
SAM and JOHN both look at DEAN, shocked.
 Dean stands up to his father. Both John and Sam are flabbergasted as if a piece of furniture started to talk.
Later John will confirm that this is the first time it has happened, saying that he doesn’t like Dean’s new tone. Judging by that stubborn jaw it was Sam’s idea to violate the order not to follow John. But in fact it doesn’t matter. What matters Dean goes against John’s order and that is a breakthrough in Dean’s character development. Dean started to show the character which will allow him to act like his heart tells him, not how his sense of duty tells him, and will refuse from saying Yes to Michael  which will play his role in undermining angels’ plans.
Salvation. In this episode Sam’s last doubts that Jess and Mom were killed because of him dissipate. And he thinks that it’s his problem. Sam always acts on the same premise – if it’s my fault it’s on me to correct it, or he always takes the responsibility for what happened be it his fault or not. And Sam uses his psychic abilities again, this time to save the family the Yellow Eyed Demon is going to visit
JOHN: All right. When were you going to tell me about this?
SAM and DEAN stop and turn to look at JOHN
DEAN: We didn't know what it meant.
JOHN: All right, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone and you call me.
DEAN dumps the coffee jug and cup back on the counter and strides toward JOHN.
DEAN: Call you? Are you kidding me? Dad I called you from Lawrence all right? Sam called you when I was dying. I mean, getting you on the phone? I got a better chance of winning the lottery.
JOHN: You're right. Although I'm not too crazy about this new tone of yours, you're right. I'm sorry.
SAM: Look guys, visions or no visions, fact is, we know the demon is coming tonight. And this family's gonna go through the same hell we went through.
He is afraid of his visions, but he puts aside his issues and focuses on the more important thing – saving this family, saving these people he doesn’t even know. But this episode also shows Sam’s inability to control his anger. Full of anger on Yellow Eyes Demon, the main reason of the grievances of all his family he fails to control his emotions and ready to run into the burning house in a suicidal attempt to revenge that demon at any cost. He is stopped by Dean. In this episode Dean is shown as a backbone of the family, he is affected more than anybody, he lost his father and was on the verge of losing his brother, everybody he cares about, but somehow he manages not to lose his head, bring Sam to his senses and convince him to leave the town. It’s not surprising that he loses it in the next episode. What is surprising is that Sam collects himself. It’s the first hint of what was another constant of the show. In extreme conditions under unbelievable pressure Dean, at the first sight the tougher one breaks, and a more sensitive Sam endures and takes the role of the rock everybody can rely on.
(And did you see how Dean stands up to his Dad this time? Priceless. The obedient soldier is in the past.)
Devil’s trap.
The both brothers are confused and experiencing a complicated tangle of emotions, but Dean clearly puts his priorities and his top one is to find Dad and this allows him to keep his head clear. But Sam can’t cope with his emotions, his worry and his wish to find Dad is mixed with his wish to revenge the Yellow Eyed Demon and at first it’s even unclear which he wants more.. In the beginning…In the process however something begins to change: Sam calms down and allures Meg into the trap, acting the fear, finds the way to hide the Colt, doesn’t lose his head when they find Dad and checks if he is possessed. Shoots a possessed John in the leg to save both Dean and his father’s lives. And he refuses to put killing the demon above everything else:
John: I’m surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn’t you kill it? I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this? Killing this demon comes first – before me, before everything.
 Sam looks in the rear view mirror at Dean.
 Sam: No, sir. Not before everything.
 And the next episode he is ready to spend the last bullet from the Colt on the D-rate demon to save his family. This episode for the first time states what will be a law of nature in the SPN world: Sam’s strength is directly proportional to the pressure he feels: the more the pressure the more strength he shows.
And when a confused and lost Dean begs him to believe him that his father is possessed, Sam takes Dean’s side without missing a beat. The last year bonded them together more, than all their previous lives.
Sam learns his strength in this episode, but he also learns something else, which seriously frightens him: the Yellow Eyed Demon has some plans for him in the future war. The prospect of fighting the war on the side of the evil terrifies a person who hates all the evil with the passion of thousands sons.
Dean. At first he demonstrates the better control than Sam. At first. And then he breaks. At first he lashes out at Meg and orders Sam to finish exorcism knowing that the girl who is still there will die. Bobby reminds him that it will kill the girl, but Dean doesn’t care. He is interested only in the answer for the question where  Dad is and he isn’t interested in the fate of the girl he doesn’t know. Then he kills that possessed who was beating Sam. He doesn’t really have any other choice in this case and what he did was justified, but he understands something about himself: he will do anything and will kill anybody to save his family. And from that moment on he always puts his family over the lives of everybody else’s.
Sam: You didn’t have a choice, Dean.
Dean: Yeah, I know, that’s not what bothers me.
Sam: Then what does?
Dean: Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh .... it scares me sometimes.
Sam just looks at him, not knowing what to say.
 And the Yellow Eyed Demon finds Dean’s weak spot, that is, his inner fear to be left alone. “Everybody leaves me.” And even the fact that for Dean’s sake “unloving Dean” John took control over the demon doesn’t convince him. Further his fear to be left alone will control his actions more and more.
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monkey-network · 6 years
Good Stuff ~ Seven of the Season: Tangled the Series
WARNING: Be warned that I’ve never done this, but hey, trying something new everyday never hurts. Thank you, take care out there, and enjoy.
I remember last December when 2017 Me put Tangled the Series on my “Best of” list, and now I want to prove its worth. I love this show, even when the love started to fall apart in my mind per the look back. Ups and downs, it was nice to see Rapunzel given a cartoon of her own, showcasing what a Disney princess worth their skill can be outside their respective feature. So here be the Top 7 BEST Episodes of Tangled. Seven, because it’s lucky, baby. Here we go...
7. Under Raps
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I despise myself for shipping Cassandra and Rapunzel sometimes. It feels reasonable but Rapunzel already has Eugene and Disney isn’t making room for polyamorous relationships just yet so the thought feels baseless. But I’ll just stick to the dynamics between the three as this gives the three excellent moments of what makes them the best in show, especially the third act where they fight the predictable bad guy that was pretending to be Cassandra’s pretend infatuation. Eugene’s sensible yet reckless side shines, Rapunzel’s compassionate yet overtly ambitious side shines, and Cassandra’s “I’m done” attitude especially shines through and they are what makes this episode great from start to finish. Only downside is, again, Cassandra’s love interest, who was so predictable even she could see through his shit. “Which makes Cass awesome and makes her and Rapunzel meant to be evermore!” Silence, inner voice, that’s what the next entry’s for.
6. Challenge of the Brave
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I can say that this episode certainly solidified my love for both Cass and Rapunzel as characters. Initially, first impressions me was disgruntled at both Cass for her dishonesty and Rapunzel for failing to read the room. But now I realized that heck, why be disheveled at their weaknesses when their weaknesses build their strengths. With Cass being a force to be reckoned with and Punzie as the purest cinnamon you wouldn’t dare touch, I can’t help but love every minute of them together from this episode and beyond. Now you can say it. “Punzie and Cassy, medieval lesbian adventurers for life, baby! WOOP WOOP IN THE SOUP!!!” Furthermore, this frame of Rapunzel below made the episode so worth it, first hand and looking back.
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this frame radiates so much good energy, the best energy
5. Max’s Enemy
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Now, if there’s one thing the crew behind this show gets right 100%, it’s their animal characters, especially when their animal characters get one off episodes. Out of the two, Max’s Enemy gives the horse, the HORSE, a conflict that not only feels genuine but doesn’t come across as annoying as I’ve seen from other cartoons. You have Axel, who’s essentially the same as Max only more of a show-boater and is better than him at physical feats, but that doesn’t stop Max from outshining Axel in the end because one should never stop doing their best regardless of who claims otherwise. Also, Lady Caine returned, and I think she’s a great recurring antagonist in this series notably because A) she’s basically Eugene with her motives standing to be reasonably justified from before and B) she is one that plans so smoothly yet fails so hard, it’s tragically comedic. I hope they can bring her back another time. Also, this episode gets points for not annoying me with horse noises.
4. Fitzherbert P.I.
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Honestly, this is one of the two episodes I put on this list solely because it focuses on Eugene being awesome. I say this because it is a pretty simple episode: Eugene proving his worth and girth of change to Cassandra and her dad while Rapunzel becomes artistically frantic over what her painting should consist of. Pretty cut clean story, but what made this pretty high on the list are particular scenes. One where, after seeing Eugene getting unjustly trampled during training by her father, Cassandra throws him some advice and support after all the smirking she done at the thought of him failing. Gave me a solid notion that while Eugene and Cass are happily at each other’s throats, they share a sibling type bond where they can be honest and will put a squabble aside to help each other out. Another scene is where Queen Ariana shows Raps the kooky portrait she had and that made her....an incredible supportive character in my eyes from then on. She can do no wrong, less so than the King and that clearly shows over the season. Honestly this episode is one where, on the look back, I can’t help but advocate it.
3. The Wrath of Ruthless Ruth
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Putting my bias out here now: Danielle “Taystee” Brooks sold me this episode, ten fold. Her voice, and her singing, was the honey to the tea of this spoopy charming episode. The haunting mystery not only allowed for Rapunzel’s tender, optimistic nature, the Captain’s insipid stubbornness, and the pub thug’s slapstickiness to be at their most best, but the musical that culminates from it is to be one of the show’s greatest. One with purpose, flare, and a memorable melodic mood to boot. Shit, I shed a tear when I “listened up” for the fourth time it was that beautiful. I will say the very ending put a bittersweet taste in my mouth, but bittersweet is better than terrible so my love for this wasn’t spoiled in the least. And again, the sister had pipes; can never stop respecting that.
2. Big Brothers of Corona
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OYE, this was a tough one. Between this and the real number one, these are the best of the best episodes in the season. *GROANS* I’m gonna put a pin on that last statement, you’ll understand later. But for now, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUck yes do I love this episode. Haven’t been able to say this, but Lance Strongbow is the best new character in this show, tied with Cassandra, and him and Eugene make for as great duo as the latter and Rapunzel. That being said, him and Eugene taking care of two young mischievous thieves made me smile throughout most of the time. This being the second episode where it’s nothing but Eugene proving himself to be awesome, not only do the kids prove themselves to be most purest cinnamon rolls, but it feels all the more crushing when they have to leave with a hug goodbye. I’ll let inner thoughts express this further:  “Why couldn’t Eugene and Lance adopt these kids, MAN?! Why didn’t Lance? He and Red were like peas in a pod, man. They deserve the world! *sobs* Bring ‘em back, writers, I swear to me...... I’m sorry...*sniff* it feels crushing remembering this. Wholesome little young ones.” Only downside to this episode overall is the sideplot with Cass and Rapunzel, not that it’s bad, but it felt too conventional and inferior to the main story at hand. But, it’s that main story that just hits so many good notes. This episode’s a keeper, and I hope, I WISH, Angry and Red come back for season two.
Honorable Mentions: One Angry Princess, Not in the Mood, Return of Strongbow, and Great Expotations in said order
1. Pascal’s Story
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Remember when I said this and Big Bros of Corona were the best of the best? Well pulling the pin, I can strongly say that this, objectively, is the best episode of the season, of the series so far, hell of cartoon history. Not only is this a great backstory episode, not only does this pull the heart strings ever so passionately, but it’s one that makes every scene count. I could be like Mr. Enter and go on about how the Pascal’s backstory plays well into his present situation/dilemma, how Rapunzel’s 0 to 100 mood feels so moving & natural, how Rapunzel’s tower from the movie plays an integral part in all this, and so forth. All this from an episode about a princess’s animal sidekick, with the ending to put it all on its own pedestal? Talk about pulverizing my soul. From start to finish, Pascal’s Story is one that admirably hits all the right notes and does so in a way that appeals to anyone and everyone logically and emotionally.
So yeah, this series has most definitely proven itself, and I bet and hope it does provide again when season two comes around this fall. Apologies for Varian not making the cut, but.......eh, I don’t want to make a worst list. All that said, I’m Roy Macintosh, and that’s all I got.
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 6
Part 1      Part 2      Part 3     Part 4     Part 5 
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Tw: Accidental misgendering here and there, some light torture
Words: 3611
Remus woke up in a cold sweat. His body ached and his head seemed to be banging in rhytm with his heart. He was staring into a grey concrete wall but it was weird because the ceiling looked like the floor and the floor looked like the-
Oh. Oh he was hanging upside down. He strained himself to look upwards and there was indeed rope all around his limbs that tied him to the ceiling. He could barely even move his fingers, much less his head.
"009?" He called out. He tried not to sound too worried but failed miserably.
"008!" Remy exclaimed back. To both of their's relief it didn't sound like they were far apart.
"I'm right here. Are you okay?"
"It doesn't matter but yes I'm tots 100% good"
"It matters to me!"
Remus swung a bit back and forth in the air and to his surprise his head struck something else. "009 are you-"
"That's me alright" Remy leaned their head back so they felt each other's warmth.
For a few moments they stayed like that without saying anything. As long as they could touch each other, as long as they knew the other were there, everything felt safe.
"You're okay right? Nothing happened after I blacked out?" Remy asked.
"Nothing too bad...but...I....I think I might have been hit by Jaws. Didn't see his face though"
Remy let out a quiet gasp "Jesus fuck. The bitchy brat got Jaws and everything on his side huh"
"I'm not a brat!" Virgil's voice came from somewhere Remus couldn't see.
The agent felt hands grab his shoulders and force him around. He saw Virgil with his back turned to him, he was turning Remy around the same way so the agents were looking at each other. The enby was tied to a steel chair. There even was a rope around their neck so they could barely turn their head.
"You gonna torture us? Gonna torture us with your lil baby hands?" Remy asked with a shit eating grin. In response they got a back handed slap to the face.
Remus tried to glance around. They were in what looked like a garage that had been turned into an improptu torture chamber. Tools (knifes, hammers, guns) laid on a table and next to it stood Theo, the bodyguard.
His eyes stagnated on Virgil. His hands began to shake.
"Where you hiding your lil Jawsie now tho? Aint so scary without him" Remy continued to tease.
"Do you seriously think the two of you pose enough of a threat to need Jaws here" Virgil rolled his eyes "I'm sure he's in his box or something-"
"You- You're-"
Remus' voice was shaky as he stuttered it out. He was staring at Virgil as if he was looking at a ghost.
"I know you"
Virgil glanced at him before looking over to Theo. He let out a few dry chuckles and the bodyguard laughed along.
"You're- Virgil- You're the kid- you were there when Ro- my brother died"
A sick smile spread over his lips "Of course I was. And you're Remus. And Roman is dead"
He expected the agent to lash out. To scream and shout and try to claw his way out of the ropes just to hurt him. Virgil knew he was the reason the previous 009 got killed. It was the only logical reaction.
"I'm sorry" The genuine, nearly tearfilled, tone on Remus' voice caught him off guard "You were just a kid. I'm sorry we weren't able to help you. We- I saw how your dad treated you. Me and my brother wanted to get you out of there I promise"
The teenager took a step back. He closed his hands into fists. His nails pierced into his skin until blood dripped out.
Remus lowered his voice and tried to keep eyecontact with him "We can help you now though. If you unbound us we can knock out that big stupid bodyguard and take you somewhere safe. No one will hurt you again. I'll make sure of it"
Virgil stared at him with rage in his eyes. He grabbed onto the agent's jaw and forced his head closer. "Your brother dying was a good thing"
Remus tried to say something back but it was as if his mouth had stopped listening to his brain.
"Y'know when I was younger I would always cry like a baby whenever I saw my dad kill someone" Virgil continued in a low voice "But your brother looked so Pathetic when he died that I never cried over another death again. That was the only thing he was ever good for. Just a maggot to look disgustingly pathetic before being crushed to death"
"Shut up" Remus growled out.
"And wow! Running away like a coward was a truly amazing move! The moment you left your brother started to sob. That bastard begged my dad to let him live and everything! He just kept going until-"
"Shut up!"
"-Until his voice was so hoarse and he was so close to death all he could do was keep crying out for you. I don't even think he was aware of it! It was all just sobs about hugging you and your mom until he died! Just as he deserved!"
"Darling. Darling look at me" Remy said calmly.
Remus stopped and glanced over at them. Tears were welling up in his eyes. "I deserve to die more than he did-"
"Babe that doesn't matter right now. Virgil is just trying to get you emotional so you'll be more likely to say what he wants you to say. Just follow my breathing okay? In for 4. Hold for 7-"
"Out for 8. I know. I know" Remus forced out between short breaths.
"It's okay babe just-"
"You shut the fuck up!" Virgil shouted "Theo make him shut up!"
The bodyguard promptly went up behind Remy and forced their mouth open. They tried to bit his hand but was stopped when a piece of barbed wire was pulled around their head so the largest part of it laid dangerously in their mouth.
"Thanks" Virgil took a deep breathe to try and not explode with annoyance "So Remus. 008. Whatever. You got the privilege of hanging upside down because you were such a heartless Bitch and killed 3 of my spiders! That's like killing 3 baby puppies you monster!!"
He went over to the table filled with tools and picked up a crowbar. It looked a bit too heavy in his hands. He rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie and took a firm grip on the weapon, clearly ready to swing it at the agent.
"Your brother's life was worth less than my spiders, you realize that right. So you'll pay for it" He lifted the crowbar above his head "This is for-"
"Sir!" Theo interrupted "You're holding it wrong. You'll easily hurt your wrists unless you shift your right wrist and move your left hand a bit up. It'll hurt the cretin more as well"
Virgil sent him a small smile and shifted how he held the crowbar "Thanks"
He slammed it into Remus' ribcage.  "This is for Max!" The next hit landed on the side of his hip "This is for Dante!" The last one landed on his arm "And this is for Charlotte!"
He lowered the crowbar while letting out heavy breathes. His black hair had fallen in front of his eyes and his mouth was twitching upwards into a smile. Remus didn't even seem bothered by the hits. It really had felt like being hit by a kid. If anything the reminder of his brother's death hurt more than Virgil beating him ever could.
"So now when we all agree that your brother deserved to die and all 00 agent's lives are worthless we can continue onto the interrogation! Theo please let the maggot speak again so I can beat the answers out of both of them"
Theo made sure the barbedwire dragged into Remy's skin as he dragged it out of their mouth. Their teeth were colored red from blood. They immediately tried to spit the blood into Theo's face and let out a fake moan when he slapped them in return.
Virgil dropped the weapon on the ground and instead pulled out two rings from his hoodie pocket "So I found these matching rings on your fingers and with my deducting skills I've come to the conclusion that they are rings made for 00 agenst and therefore super impor-"
"Ehm sir I believe those are wedding rings" Theo interrupted.
"But- but they're guys" He pointed at the agents as if Theo had missed it somehow. Virgil slumped his shoulders forward and grumbled something under his breathe "Anyhow! They're still important! So if you two don't tell me the info I want I will smash them with a hammer!!"
"You want info on how to deal with acne or something?? 'Cause girl it looks like you need it" Remy replied.
Virgil's cheeks went bright red "Shut up! What I want is M's real name! And Where MI6 keeps all their documents and files because I know you have info about me and my dad there and I want to destroy it!"
"M's real name is Gilbert Dickface!" Remus loudly announced. He forced a fake smile on.
"That's not a real name you...you....idiot!"
He held out his hands while an angry grimace played on his face. Theo happily handed him a large hammer. The teenager laid out the rings on the table and made sure the agents were looking at them before smashing them to bits.
Neither of them even winced. Remus' mom was literally a jewel smuggler. This just meant they got to have yet another romantic ring choosing date.
"Want to try some malachite stones this time 009?"
"I would love to 008"
Virgil pouted and dropped the hammer on the floor. He picked up a knife instead. He grabbed onto Remy's jaw and pulled their head close.
"Alright you're going to tell me or I will cut up your stupid Remus"
Remy had a smug smile on their face "Sure Jan"
"Can I request a cooler torture scene?" Remus asked "Maybe a shark pool....red laser table.....giant hotel slowly being put on fire....Being strapped to a rocket and launched into space without a space suit if I don't say the info sounds cool! Just some suggestion! Totally brainstorming here!"
Virgil hit him over the face with the back of the knife. "Maggots like the people at MI6 don't deserve to have info about me or my dad. I want it gone as soon as possible so tell me!"
"Your bitch of a dad can go shove a cactus so far up his ass it comes out of his nose!" It'd hadn't been that hard for Remus to put together that if Virgil was the kid who'd been there when Roman died then his dad had to be the leader of Enfuel...Aka the man who'd murdered his brother.
"Shut up!!"
"Girl Isn't that like the opposite of what you want us to do. Real bad interrogation you got going on otherwise. Can't even call this torture"
"I'll hurt Remus if you don't stop saying such stupid things you maggot!"
"Maybe your daddio should have sent out someone better to interrogate us. I mean like no offense girl but you aint exactly threatening. You're as short as like a 12 year old and your voice is cracking like supa intensly"
Virgil didn't even bother to reply. He sent them an angry look while cutting the knife deep into Remus' shoulder. The agent tried to focus on the sight of Remy to ignore the pain.
"Sorry babe" 009 said.
"It's okay dear. I've had worse. I'll just get another sick scar!"
Remy looked over to the teen "What I'm wondering more is how the hell you know 008's name but you don't know mine"
Virgil stagnated and glanced over to Theo. His smile grew a bit, showing off his sharp yellow teeth. Theo broke out into a laugh. A cold and controlled one. The kind you could imagine hearing before being shot to death.
"Oh you can't be serious" Theo exclaimed between chuckles "How can you expect your husband to be a 00 agent and not be known among the underworld when he's the son of James Bond!"
Remus froze "Exscuse you I don't acknowledge that cunt as my parent! I've never even met the guy! I was raised by 1 mother and her many many girlfriends and wifes! If anything you should know my name 'cause of my link to the Octopussy conglomerate!"
"You mister should be happy I don't know you because you're an octopus pussy or whatever" Theo replied "Literally every professional henchman I've met at least knows someone who's been fucked over by the Bond bitch before he disppeared. I know at leats 2 guys! One of which is dead because of him!"
"Exactly!" Virgil added "Honeslty when Theo told me about this Bond guy I thought you would be harder to catch. But nope! Easy as murdering a baby!"
"I'm glad I'm nothing like my 'dad'!" Remus spat back "For one I'm gay so I won't go around and imprenate women I don't give a shit about! And secondly I'm ace so I won't be impregnating anyone!"
"I literally do not give a flying fuck!" Virgil replied "All I care about is getting you two to talk"
Virgil's eyes darted around the room before stopping on Remy. He stared at them as if his eyes would pierce through their skull.
"You know what-"
His stare was cold as he stabbed the knife deep down into Remus' thigh.
It was enough to make Remus let out a whine. He bit his tounge and gritted his teeth to keep himself silent. Blood was already running down from the wound. He could hear it dripping down onto the floor.
"Since you clearly don't care if I hurt him-"
Virgil left the knife in the agent's thigh. He moved his hand into his hoodie's inner pocket and took out a pistol. He held it up against Remus' forhead. The metal was cold against his skin.
"I'll just kill him if you don't tell me the adress of where all of MI6's info is"
Remy glanced at Remus. He was starting to look lightheaded from hanging upside down and the slow blood loss. They bit back bile that had formed in their throat from seeing their love in pain.
"You'll just kill him anyway" They replied coldly "And I doubt your bitchass could even-"
Theo hit them at the back of their head so hard it left them dizzy. He pushed past them and grabbed onto the barrel of the gun. With a twist of his wrist he'd forced it out of Virgil's hand.
"I do the killing"
"I can do it!! I'm not some wimp! They're just things in our way anyway! Their deaths mean nothing!"
Theo hunched down slightly so they were eye to eye "Kid. Go. To. Jaws. I'll come get you in 20 minutes. You can choose what's for dinner afterwards okay?"
"Even waffles?"
"Even waffles yes"
Virgil rolled his eyes "Fine. But if you don't come back with their maggot blood on your hands I'll let Jawsie chew them up!"
"Sure kid" Theo moved to ruffle his hair but Virgil had already turned to storm out of the room.
Theo waited until the sound of footsteps were further away while slowly rolling up his sleeves. Normally Remy would have made some crude joke but the numb look in the man's eyes as he checked the gun made them bite their tounge. It wasn't that he'd killed before, they all had, it was that he saw it as just another day of work.
"The address please" He said coldly. The gun was pressed to Remus' temple.
"It's up your ass!" Remus chuckled out. His eyes were blood shot from hanging upside down.
Without hesitating Theo picked up the crowbar and slammed it into Remus' ribs. He hit hard enough so even Remy could hear a bone break in two. The agent bit into his cheek to keep himself quiet but pained whimpers still slipped out.
"For every thing either of you say that isn't the answer I want I will break another one of his ribs. And once I'm done with the ribs I'll move onto the fingers. You get the deal" Theo warned.
Remy gripped onto the wooden arm of the chair so hard their knuckles turned pure white. Their legs were desperatly straining against the ropes.
"You're favoriting him! You're getting your rocks off to hurting the 'son of Bond' or whatevs. Just- just don't just- You can hurt me instead!"
Theo shook his head "Didn't I just tell you what would happen-" He hit the crowbar into the agent's side once more. Remus couldn't stop a hoarse yell from leaving his mouth. "If I didn't get my answer!"
The bodyguard playfully poked at the agent's broken ribs. Remus did a feeble attempt at biting his hand which only resulted in Theo punching him so hard he got a nosebleed.
Remy glanced between Theo's stone cold expression and Remus' bloddy face and vacant eyes. They gritted their teeth together in thought.
Remus let out shallow breaths as his bones ached. With each gust of wind that rocked him back and forth in the air his ribs cracked and hurt. When he closed his eyes all he could see was Roman.
"Okay okay gal I-I-" Remy began.
Theo gripped onto the crowbar.
"WAIT NO STOP!" Remy's voice was shrill and desperate "I'll say just- just- I know once either of us says somethang you're probs gonna kill one of us and keep the other to try and I dunno torture more info out of? keep as inscurance-"
"Get to the point. I don't have all day. I have a traumatized teenager to look after"
"008 has been an agent longer than I have. He knows more. So- please- just- if you're gonna shoot someone just shoot me instead. Please" Remy begged.
Remus' eyes widened. He tried to fight himself free from the restraints "No! No! Don't hurt them!"
Theo looked between and seemed to think for a moment before turning towards Remy. He grabbed a handful of their hair and forced their head back. The barrel of the gun got pressed against their neck, his hand laid dangerously on the trigger.
Remus kept screaming for him to stop. To not hurt his lover. To please just kill him instead. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.
"Say the address" Theo said with a cold tone "Don't worry. I won't hurt your husband more than I have to. Even if he's the son of Bond, I can't imagine how I would feel if someone hurt my wife"
Remy shone up into a sly smile "Oh trust me, you won't have to apologize"
They thrust their entire body back making the chair jolt back too. Theo let go of them out of surprise. Remy took the chance and used the momentum to move themself forward. They put all their power on their toes and lunged forward.
Their forehead crashed into Theo's head. The bodyguard stumbled back as Remy, along with the chair, fell down on the ground.
Remus took his chance. Adrenaline was spearing him on as he swung forward in the air and bit onto Theo's right ear.
He didn't let go even as Theo fumbled his handss around. Remus forced his teeth down and ripped his ear straight off.
Theo let out a pained scream. Remy pushed their hands against the ground to make themself and the chair move to slam right into the back of Theo's knees. He fell down on the ground.
Remy didn't even give him a chance to get up. They landed the chair over his head. A whimper was all that got out before Theo passed out. Blood was running from where his ear used to be.
The agents looked at each other and smiled. Remus spit out the ear and it morbidly landed on the ground.
Remy managed to crawl over to the nearest knife. Their wrist nearly popped out of it's socket with the way they had to bend it to cut the ropes but it was worth it. They quickly cut the rest of the ropes and got up.
"I'm so glad you're okay honey. I love you" Remus beamed.
"Love you too. With all my heart"
They held onto his shoulders as they cut the ropes so when he fell down they lightened his fall. He tried to stand up but his knees buckled umder him. The knife was still stuck in his thigh and it felt like needles were being pressed into his ribs. Choked back whimpers left his throat.
the couple held onto each other in silence for a few seconds. Remus cupped their cheeks and kissed thier forehead while crying. Remy tried to send him a warm smile but couldn't help but worry about his injuries
"Should we kill him?" Remy whispered while glancing over at Theo.
"He has a family. We can't. We should-"
Remus never got time to finish the sentence. Loud footsteps came from the other side of the door.
0 notes
hawkinshighbookclub · 7 years
Summary: You work at the diner in town and Billy is hungry
Warnings: cursing, Billy ;)
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Fem!reader
Word count: 1,372
A/N: Hey Guys! so... I am a big fan of Stranger Things and can't help have a slight crush on Billy (Dacre Montgomery with a mullet really bc lord knows Billy is a complex character.) Anyway I haven't written anything for a long time and I gotta kinda show some kinda love to him because he's helped me out of a writing block (I’v found myself daydreaming about him to much. Don’t judge.) Sorry if its rusty I hope it is as good as some of the ones I have read and added to the rather small collection of Billy fics.   -G Requests are: open 
     Walking into the diner you sigh as you see Alvin, your manager standing already talking to Carrie your best friend explaining todays specials. “Oh y/n your finally here I was worried I'd have to come looking for you.” You fought the urge to roll your eyes. Alvin was the perfect mix of hovering, overzealous, and being a complete creep. He was an...okay manager. Being the owners son he like to think he was in charge when Tyler, his father, wasn't there.      “I’m sorry I had to barrow my dads car mine is in the shop and-” you tried to explain as you put your bag on the hook by the back door in the kitchen. You try to tie your apron as you walked back up to the counter, to no avail. Carrie reached out to you tying it tightly. He cut you off “Look just be on time you almost didn't hear the specials, I added some new ones.”      “Oh god your really are gonna make them say that sh-.” Tommy, the cook, rolled his eye looking through the window out of the kitchen. Tommy was in your class and liked to tease Alvin, mostly because it was so easy to get a reaction from him. “No this is a big deal, kids come in here after school to get food and dad hasn't done anything to add some fun to the menu.” He said his eyes actually lighting up waving the new menus around. “I added two new specials and a dessert. So make sure you are telling them about the Fresh n’ Fruity pancake meal and Hawkins Tiger t-bone special. And smile don't forget to smile girls. Y/n put your hat on two.”      Tommy laughed “Okay one, no one comes to a small town diner for a steak, two these hats have got to go dude and three your not really gonna make the girls say that. Fresh and Fruity?” He laughed cowering back into the kitchen when Carrie through her pen at him.      You sigh leaning against the counter it had been five hours out of an eight hour shift and only about twelve customers had come in. Two old couples for dinner and some kids from school. Your feet hurt and your stupid uniform only made it worse. Your socks kept sliding down your ankles and saddle shoes where really not all that comfortable.      The uniform wasn't all that bad it was a dress, the bottom was light blue and the top was a darker blue made to look like a button up with a nice white crisp collar. And in all honesty you liked the apron, if you tied it tight enough it gave you shape. But you absolutely hated the stupid light blue pill box hat you had to wear tilled to one side. You felt like you belonged on a Happy Day’s re run.      The bell chimed but you didn't bother looking up as the people didn't pass by you which meant they where in Carries section. You feel Carrie nudge you as she counted her tips. “Hey I’ll let you take this one almost everyone has been sitting in my section.” You smirk glancing over and seeing two people and pick up two menus. “You just don't want to say Fresh n’ Fruity again.” You laughed and you walk to the table and feel your heart sink when you see him, Billy fucking Hargrove was smirking right at you.     You turn pleading for help but Carrie just counts her tips not noticing you. You bite your lip setting the menu down “can I get you anything to drink?” “We know what we want.” We both want water too, Billy glares out the window. You can see Alvin standing hopefully behind the counter willing you to remember to embrace yourself and tell them the specials. You can see Max doesn't know what she wants and Billy’s getting mad. So you take a deep breath, smile wide and saving her the only way you could think of. “Well todays specials include the Fresh and Fruity pancake meal. Or maybe or Hawkins Tigers T-bone steak.” You feel the blood rush to your face as Billy looks you up and down before chuckling deeply.       “I’ll just have a slice of your cherry pie babes.” You couldn't help but giggle, you felt so stupid, and you felt so awkward after just embarrassing yourself. You were being like all the other girls he liked to toy with if you kept this up. You turned to Max “And what can I get for you.” You smile at her. “I want the pancakes. Don't make me say the name though.” She looks up with you with a rather stern face but she smiles. “Don't worry honey I wouldn't make you say it.” You laugh saying it just loud enough so Alvin would get the hint, going to clip the ticket for Tommy.      You pick up two clean glasses and fill them with water. Carrie leans into you “Don't look now but Billy is eye fucking you.” Tommy laughs to himself as the drink station is right under the window to the kitchen. You smirk “And to think I call myself a virgin” You pick up the glasses taking them back to Max and Billy setting them down.      “Your food should be out soon” you go to turn but her grabs your wrist. “Let me take you out cherry” He smirks up at you. “I have a name you know-.” You frown “which I see so clearly written on the pretty little name tag right there, y/n. And there was that wink again. I’ll get your slice of pie then. He leaned back in his seat pulling the little mint green ash tray closer tapping the ash off the end of his cigarette squinting his eyes as he leaned forward to look at you. “Still waiting for a yes cherry.” You simply turned and walked to cut him a slice though you made sure to sway your hips a little more than normal.      You set their check on the table when they had finished. “You can just take this to the register when your ready...stud” with that you turned a little shocked with yourself. It was what you had been thinking not what you wanted to say and now you were looking down at a smirking Billy. You turned and quickly left out the front door to take your break.      You sit with carrie outside sharing a cigarette as Max jumped down the stairs and Billy came out looking down at you. “There you are.” He smirks leaning down slipping a 10 in your hand. “For being so good at your job. And hey if you do ever say yes to a date you should wear the hat.” He smirks standing up walking to his car.      “y/n go out on a date with him. Whats the worse that could happen really if he wants to play a game so could you and who knows he could really like you. If anything you could get your dad worked up when he comes to pick you up.” She's laughs crushing the cigarette.      You stand up calling to him “Hey Hargrove.” He smirk looking at you pushing his shades down his nose as a response. “Pick me up at eight and maybe I’ll wear the hat for you if you come to the door.” He just smirks gunning the engine and turning up the radio as the chorus of Rock you like a Hurricane starts.    
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kujo1597 · 8 years
Actually, That Was a Good Thing
Peridot’s first real world interaction with Amethyst after talking at a club was a success! Amethyst’s funny and beautiful, and really nice and- wow, Peridot has it bad for her.
Problem is, Peridot’s never dated before and she’s not really sure how to start. Dealing with people has never been her strong suit...
Chapter 2
Peridot’s thumb hovered over the send button.
Thoughts stirred in her mind.
What if she doesn’t like me how I like her?
Was that hug a friendly one? Or did it means she really likes me?
She said I’m cute but is it cute like a puppy or like a girl she’d date?
Lapis says I have a chance with Amethyst.
We did have fun when we spent time together.
No, I can’t.
Peridot sighed and deleted the message.
Maybe some other time...
“Have you talked to Amethyst lately?”
Lapis’ question came during breakfast.
Peridot hesitated before answering. “We have, not as much as before but we are talking.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Something is clearly bugging you,” Lapis was as good at reading Peridot as ever.
As usual it took a bit for Peridot to respond. “I want to date Amethyst but I can’t work up the courage to ask her out. I type the message and then I get really anxious and delete it.
I’m pathetic.”
“Only a little.” Peridot gave Lapis a dirty look. “Okay okay, serious time. Look, we’ve been over this, Amethyst will go out with you. Just do it.”
“Easy for you to say.”
“Maybe you’d have better luck if you asked her out her face.”
Peridot looked at Lapis incredulously. “I’d get terribly tongue-tied if I tried that.”
Lapis smirked. “That’s probably especially easy ‘cause you’ve got two.”
“Lapis, serious time. And I only have one, it’s just cut down the middle.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. You did fine at the restaurant, why would this be any different?”
“Because we hugged and held hands and she’s been on my mind ever since,” Peridot groaned and buried her head in her hands. “This is why I’ve never dated. I suck at dealing with people.”
“Won’t lie to you, it can be hard. But isn’t constantly stressing out about it also really hard?”
“That’s true,” Peridot lifted her head. “I’ll try calling her tonight.”
Peridot had her thumb over Amethyst’s name in her address book.
Calling Amethyst is as simple as lowering a thumb.
But Peridot couldn’t.
Thoughts similar to the ones from the previous night swam in her mind.
“Well, I did tell Lapis that I’d try, not that I’d succeed.”
Sensing Peridot’s anxieties, Max nudged her with his nose then wriggled onto her lap.
"You know, I've never been good at reaching out to people," Peridot spoke as she pet her companion. "Sure, I get frustrated and rant at people and I'm a good listener but that's different from trying to connect with them or ask for help."
Max looked up at Peridot as she continued.
"It's a real problem and it hasn't been getting much better with time. This would be so much easier if Amethyst just called me."
A thought crossed Peridot's mind.
"Do you think Amethyst is having a similar struggle right now?"
Of course Max didn't answer, he's a dog. But talking to him helps sometimes.
"She's a lot more of an extrovert than I am but I think Amethyst has anxieties and insecurities too."
The moment when Peridot called Amethyst gorgeous immediately brought itself back into Peridot's mind.
"Yeah, she definitely does."
Courage swelled up in Peridot's chest.
She grabbed her phone, pulled up Amethyst's name again and
Peridot sighed. "'Just do it' huh? Easy for Lapis to say."
"But she was right about one thing, the constant stressing over this is really hard on me."
Peridot's thumb shook as it was lowered.
She lifted the phone up to her ear and listened to the dial tone.
Her gut twisted in knots.
This was a bad idea.
But Amethyst would see the missed call.
It's too late to back out now.
Amethyst sounded tired.
"Hey Amethyst, it's Peridot," she spoke with the flat even tone of voice she uses when speaking to important professionals, a nervous habit.
"You feeling alright? You don't really sound like yourself."
"I'm fine," Peridot's voice cracked, she cleared her throat then continued using her professional voice. "There is just something I want to ask you."
Peridot screamed internally to abort  the mission, to ask about games, or movies, anything but asking for a date!
But instead she took a deep breath to steel her nerves.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Another one so soon?"
Another one?
"Yeah, of course! I thought you'd wanna wait a bit before our next date." Peridot could hear Amethyst's smile.
But something needed to be said first.
"Sorry, Amethyst. I'm a bit confused. We've been on a date before?"
"I thought it was a date," Amethyst's voice was oddly quiet.
"To be honest, I have no idea if it was or not. I don't know how dating even works. I've never done it before."
"You've never dated before?"
Peridot blushed. "No, I haven't."
"That's cool, good to know," Amethyst softly laughed. "We won't count last time then, one of us was clueless."
"Oh good. Sooooo... when are you free?"
"Is Saturday cool with you? I have the whole day off."
"Yeah, Saturday's great," Peridot replied too loudly, volume control has never been her her forte. "Would you like to meet up for lunch around noon? But I have no idea what we could do afterwards."
"Well, it doesn't have to be a date date. We could just hang out at my place or yours. Whichever."
Oh that's much simpler.
Amethyst’s snicker told Peridot that she said that last thought out loud.
“Like I said, I’m very new to this,” Peridot giggled as she spoke. “Why don’t you come over here? I can make us a delicious lunch then we can play games or watch movie or TV.”
“You know, I never pegged you as a chef.”
Peridot shrugged. “I grew up cooking, my dad taught me when I was little. I enjoy it.”
“I can’t wait for you to wow me with your cooking skills.”
“Heh,” Peridot started to blush. “So, do you have any food allergies?”
“Nope, I can and will eat anything.”
“Good to know, so then, see you on Saturday.”
“Yep, see ya Saturday.”
As soon as Peridot hung up she realized that she completely forgot to ask if if she needs to dress up. It’d be terribly embarrassing if Amethyst dressed up and she didn’t, or vise-versa.
So Peridot sent a text and quickly got a reply.
That wasn’t so hard after all...
Oh who was she kidding?
That was really freaking hard!
But it should be easier next time.
The next day Peridot heard a knock at the door. She quickly made sure that her clothes weren’t riding up anywhere, then she briefly wondered if she should’ve worn something nicer than an open bright green hoodie, geeky t-shirt, and dark blue jeans. But it was too late to change.
Peridot opened the door and saw Amethyst wearing a very pale pink tanktop with tears on the bottom and on her love handles.
Who would’ve thought that excess fat just above the hips could be so aesthetically pleasing? 
Peridot’s eyes drifted farther down to Amethyst’s low-rise jeans. Some suppressed chuckles alerted Peridot to the fact that her eyes lingered too long and of her blush.
“Oh sorry I-uh-I ummmm,” words failed Peridot for an awkward moment. “Oh darn, uh, come in.”
Amethyst noticed Peridot’s one sock-foot and its prosthetic counterpart, she bent down to take her shoes off.
“Oh,” Peridot was quick to speak. “You can leave your shoes on if you want. I just take mine off out of habit.”
“I don’t mind,” Amethyst finished removing her shoes then Peridot led her to the living room where Max was on the couch warily looking at Amethyst.
Periot walked over to Max and picked him up. “It’s alright, that’s Amethyst.”
After being put on the floor Max ran up to Amethyst wagging his tail.
Amethyst chuckled. “Aw, he’s so cute! He barely even looks like a real dog; he looks like a toy.”
“Yeah, it’s one of the reasons why I wanted a havanese,” Peridot said with a grin. “I should show you the rest of the house.
So Peridot took Amethyst on a tour with Max happily trotting next to her.
The two ended with the kitchen. Amethyst sat down at the table as Peridot gathered up the ingredients for crépes which she prepared earlier. Mise en place is important.
And it’s a good way to keep nervous hands busy while waiting for your gorgeous crush to show up.
“So what are you making?” Amethyst gave up on trying to guess based off of the ingredients. 
“Crépes,” Peridot replied. “My mother’s French and a Quebecois so they were a big part of growing up.”
“A kay-what?”
Peridot stifled a giggle. “A Quebecois, somebody from Quebec. The way I pronounced it is the way francophones do. My mother’s very picky about that. I remember it driving her nuts that nobody pronounces my name with a silent ‘t.’ But I’m used to it and actually kind of prefer the other pronunciation.”
“So I’m dating a French girl?” Amethyst wiggled her eyebrows. “You gonna seduce me in French?”
Peridot snorted. “I grew up in Alberta and I’m only French on my mother’s side. Besides, I’m sure the only reason people find French romantic is because they don’t speak it. I mean, I do, but-”
“Aw, boo,” Amethyst playfully said with a pout
“Alright, I like big butts and I cannot lie.”
“So what’d you say?”
Peridot burst out laughing. “You’ll have to figure that out on your own. I just blurted out the first dumb thing I thought of.”
“Not even a little hint?”
“Nope,” Peridot stuck her tongue out.
“You butt.”
The pair giggled as Peridot turned around to tend to lunch. “Hey, you should pick out what you want in your crépe.”
Amethyst looked in the fridge. "So what all can you put in a crepe? They're like, really thin pancakes, right?"
"You can put pretty much anything in them. I'd stick to light foods. We should have some ham if you need meat in your lunch."
"Ham's great," Amethyst dug in the fridge some more. "Hey, can I have cheese and mushrooms?"
"Sure," Peridot replied as she slid crépe out of the pan. She started another.
Amethyst slid next to Peridot. "Can I try making one?"
"Alright," Peridot finished the one she had on the go then stepped aside.
Peridot watched as Amethyst ladled batter into the pan as if she was making pancakes. "That might be a bit too much. It's best if you put a small amount in the pan then slowly move it around to spread it evenly and thinly."
"Like this?" Amethyst asked as she tried a second time.
"Yeah, perfect. While you do that I'm gonna give Max his lunch."
Peridot grabbed Max’s bowl and scooped some of his kibble into it. The pooch excitedly licked his lips and stood on his hind legs. Peridot gave him a pat on the head then checked on Amethyst.
“That looks good,” Peridot said as she peaked over Amethyst’s shoulder. She then pulled some dark jam out of the fridge.
Amethyst noticed the jar. “What kinda jam is that?”
“Blueberry,” Peridot replied.
“Can I put some in my crepe too?”
This really puzzled Peridot. “You can, I wouldn’t recommend it, but you could.”
“Peri, half the fun of cooking’s trying weird shit,” Amethyst said with a smirk.
“Yeah, I’ll take your word for it.”
Under Peridot’s guidance Amethyst made another couple crépes for herself. They turned out fairly well. Before sitting down Peridot made a couple plain ones and put them to the side saying that they’re for Lapis to have as a snack.
“Is Max allowed table scraps?” Amethyst asked, looking into his pleading brown eyes. “I’d feel kinda bad if he could have some and I ate it all right in front of him.”
“Generally no,” Peridot replied. “But I will give him some meat or carrots on occasion. But no ham, pork makes him sick,” Peridot added the pork comment as soon as she saw Amethyst about to give ham to Max. “It’s really hard to resist those eyes of his.”
Amethyst took a bite of her lunch. “ This is really good,” she then cut off another piece, “you try it.”
Peridot was not sold on eating a ham, cheese, mushroom, blueberry jam, and stars knows what else crépe. And it showed.
“Aw, c’mon Peri, you won’t know you don’t like it until you try it,” Amethyst put on her sweetest smile.
With some hesitation Peridot gave in. Amethyst held a piece out on her fork and leaned over the table.
“You’re feeding it to me?” Peridot felt a bit silly.
“Of course,” Amethyst replied suppressing laughter.
Peridot shook her head and opened her mouth allowing Amethyst to put the creation into it. She chewed and tried her best to not show that she really did not like the flavour combination.
Unfortunately Peridot’s poker face needed some work. Amethyst finally burst out laughing. “Your face! That’s priceless! I take it you didn’t like my crepe.”
"No! It was awful!" Peridot made a decision, she cut a piece off of her crépe and held it out to Amethyst. "I want you to try mine."
Amethyst bit down on Peridot's fork with a sly look and no hesitation. She happily chewed it. "That is pretty good."
Peridot's pride swelled.
"You know what it needs though?" Amethyst's playful expression was back.
"Gyah," Peridot groaned.
After a shared laugh they ate the rest of their lunch while talking about what they should do with the rest of the day.
They decided to watch movies together. Amethyst plopped down on the couch as Peridot knelt in front of her DVD collection. A particular partially melted case caught her eye. With a small grunt she opened it and popped the DVD into her PS3.
Peridot sat on the opposite side of the couch a bit miffed that Amethyst chose the side she did. Sitting on Lapis' side was weird. And on top of that, the position Amethyst was in was so inviting. Peridot briefly thought that she would fit so perfectly on Amethyst's lap.
She suppressed the rising urge and snuggled Max instead.
It was way too early in the relationship to curl up together.
Wasn't it?
While the pre-movie previews played Peridot found herself staring at Amethyst and her inviting arms again.
"Wanna cuddle?" Amethyst asked as if she could read Peridot's mind.
Or maybe she just felt Peridot's gaze.
Peridot automatically nodded but didn't budge. "Are you sure it's not too early in our relationship for something so... intimate?"
"Dude, it's cuddling, it's not super intimate, it's actually a nice way to bond," Amethyst sprawled out even more to make room for Peridot. "Besides, relationships don't have a schedule, there is no 'too early' or 'too late' when it comes to this. You gotta go with the flow."
"Okay, I'll do my best to 'flow' with you," Peridot said then crawled onto Amethyst's lap.
Amethyst wrapped her arms around Peridot after she got settled in.
Peridot let out a contented sigh.
She's never felt safer or more at ease.
"Comfy?" Amethyst asked and Peridot nodded. "Good."
Halfway through the movie Max perked up. When Peridot glanced at the hallway she saw Lapis.
"Hey," Lapis greeted the pair.
"Hi Lapis," Peridot returned the greeting while Amethyst waved. "We had crépes for lunch. I put a couple in the fridge for you."
"Okay, thanks," Lapis called while walking to her room.
Peridot redirected her attention to Amethyst. "So what do you think of the movie so far?"
"It's really good."
"I know," Peridot's face lit up. "It's always been a favourite of mine! I'm so glad it survived."
"Yeah, the fire. Who would have thought a cheap glass case would be so good at keeping flames at bay?"
"They wouldn't make cookwear out of glass if it caught on fire easily," Amethyst pointed out trying to figure out how to keep things from getting awkward like last time.
"You know, that never even crossed my mind."
Amethyst was successful.
"Oh!" Peridot exclaimed. "This is the best part!"
They started to pay attention to the movie again and finished it while cuddling.
The time came for Amethyst to leave. She wanted to stay for longer but Pearl needed her at home.
"Thanks for coming over, I really enjoyed myself today," Peridot said as she held out her arms for a hug.
"Thanks for having me," Amethyst gave Peridot a strong hug, then gave Max a pat on the head. "Bye little buddy."
Max wiggled his whole body.
Peridot giggled. "He really likes you." She wrapped her arm around Amethyst's waist and gave her a peck on the cheek. "And so do I."
She felt soooo smooth in that moment, especially when Amethyst started to blush.
"Nerd," Amethyst kissed Peridot's left cheek.
The two separated and waved as Amethyst walked out the door.
Peridot touched where Amethyst had kissed her and felt the uneven texture.
Amethyst chose that cheek.
That small detail meant a lot to Peridot.
What a wonderful end to a great day.
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