#max fewtrell drabble
smoooothoperator · 2 years
Blinding Light
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Since his best friend moved to Monaco, he always went there everytime he could. It was something quick, taking a plane and landing on Nice, then taking a train and going to Monaco, or Lando picking him up and going to him to his apartment.
He loved going there, feeling like if it was a small rest on his week, staying on a spare room and going to the golf club the next day. He even liked to play some video games with him on his gaming room that now has a simulator thanks to Lando's brother.
But lately, the reason he was going to Monaco wasn't to see his friend. It was to try to find that girl he saw once. The girl that drove him crazy a whole night and never saw again.
It was a hot day in Monaco, just as in England. Lando asked him and the rest of their friends to go to Monaco to spend some days with them, planning of going to the golf club, to the beach and even renting some cars and doing a trip around.
The day he landed on Nice, he was alone. Tom, Martin and Oliver were going to arrive the next day. When he walked out if the airport he sighed looking around with no sign of Lando's car around.
"Fucking muppet" he frowned looking at his phone, a text Lando sent minutes ago saying he couldn't make it to the airport in time and asking him to go on train there.
He walked where the trains were waiting, running to buy a ticket and then going to the train as fast as he could before it disappeared. He was holding his suitcase, not noticing how a girl that was passing by and crashing on her.
"Ow..." she groaned when she fell on the floor, rubbing her butt. "You have two eyes to use them, you know?"
He was surprised. The first thing he wanted to do was help her stand up, but she already was doing it before he offered her his hand.
"I'm sorry" he frowned, but she just walked away to the same train he was going to catch.
Max sighed, getting inside the train and sitting on the chair he had assigned after placing his suitcase on the shelves on top of the chairs. Then he saw that girl again, looking at her ticket and then around.
"Please don't sit with me, please don't sit with me" he begged internally, looking at his feet.
He heard how her steps stopped and sighed relieved, looking up again. But how unlucky he is, noticing that she was sitting next o him at the other side of the train.
"How nice" he thought, sarcastic, burying himself on the seat and deciding that the best he could do now was listen to music to distract his mind.
The journey to Monaco wasn't long, it was only some stops before he had to stood up and grab his suitcase if he didn't want to miss the stop. He had it planned, some minutes before the speaker announced the arrival to Monaco, he would stand up and take the suitcase calm, walking towards the door.
But the moment he saw her standing up too and putting her backpack on her shoulders, he swallowed thickly, paying attention to his movements and making sure he doesn't fuck up again. And because of that reason he nearly missed the stop.
When he walked out he saw her disappearing behind the corridor doors, walking away with that ponytail and that summer dress. After that moment, he never saw her again, something that made him really relieved.
But the rest of the day was like if something was stuck in his brain. Those words were repeating again and again in his head, making him feel more stupid as time went by. He couldn't even listen to Lando thanks to that woman that insulted him and a really intelligent way.
"Earth to Max, you here?" Lando smirked waving his hand in front of his eyes.
"Uh? Ah, yeah, yeah" he frowned shaking his head, the image of that woman disappearing from his mind. "A little tired, that's all"
A party. Yeah, maybe that's what he needs. Distract himself and drink, have fun with his friends.
The plan was perfect. They were going to the club on a cab, because they were planning to drink. Lando already reserved a VIP zone, a big menu of drinks and even asked the DJ to let him play something. It was a night to have fun.
But still, that summer dress was playing with his mind. Those words were disturbing him.
"Oi, blind man" he heard close to him, making him look around to find that smirk.
"You" he frowned.
"I couldn't imagine I could find you here" she said smirking. "I didn't knew blind people can come to clubs"
"I-" Max frowned looking at her surprised. "I'm not blind!"
"You are not? Then which finger am I showing you?" she smirked, showing her the middle finger of her right hand.
"Oi, that's rude" Max exclaimed laughing, making her laugh too. "I'm Max"
She smiled and held his hand, shaking it and stepping close to him to whisper her name on his ear, just pulling away fast and making him breathe her perfume with her movement: something fruity, then floral and then vanilla. All in one.
That scent got stuck on his nose the rest of the night. He tried to find her again, going to the dance floor and looking to the bar. He tried to get close to some girls that had the same hair as her, but she wasn't there.
"Max, are you okay?" Lando asked him patting his back, smiling a little drunk already.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine" he nodded, his eyes scanning the crowd again.
"Did you lose something?" he smirked.
"A girl that calls me blind" he thought.
Then he saw her again, and whatever Lado was telling him just got mute, everything he could focus on was her smile and how she was dancing with a group of girls and a man behind her, getting too close to her.
"Hold on" Max frowned, leaving his drink on the table and walking towards her, having a better view of how that man was rubbing himself against her while she tried to push him away. That made his blood boil. How can someone be that disgusting?
"Hey babe" he said quickly, maybe the alcohol helping him to talk confident. "Here you are, I have been searching you for a while already"
She looked up at him, shocked, but soon that gaze turned relieved after recognizing him. She leaned against him when Max wrapped an arm around her waist, looking at the man frowning.
"Can you explain me what were you doing with my girl?" He frowned, holding her closer and looking at that guy. If looks could kill, he would be already six feet under ground.
He didn't have an answer sicne the gross man walked away groaning. Max'hand didn't leave her waist, and she just smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"That definitely proofs that I'm not blind, hm?" he smirked looking at her.
"Oh yeah, definitely" she laughed standing close to him.
The rest of the night he was with her. He didn't though about Lando at the other side of the club, who maybe was searching for him or that already went home after having too much drink for himself. But Max didn't care to be left behind, he was with her, dancing and having fun, standing close and never daring to kiss each other even if their eyes were begging the other to do that.
It was the moment he walked with her to the door of her hotel when he took the first step, cupping her cheeks and connecting their lips on a kiss. He could smell her scent, that sweet scent he couldn't stop thinking about during the night.
"Come with me" she whispered on his lips, not wanting to pull away.
And he went with her. Of course he went, it was like if she put a spell on him, maki g him follow her lime a lost puppy needing protection.
She was so beautiful, so absurdly beautiful on top of him, moving slowly while he ran his hands on every inch of her skin, wanting to memorize every mark, every curve, how her skin shines with the sweat, how her breasts fit perfectly on his palm. How the hell someone as her can fit him so perfect?
"Max" she moaned in his ear, and the way she said it got stuck forever on his mind.
The next morning she wasn't there in the bed. He woke up alone, with the memory of his missing half and the scent of her perfume on his skin and clothes.
It was a nice day. He went with Lando to the golf club with Alex and Charles and after that they just went to a restaurant to have lunch all together.
Max felt like that day was different, special. Something inside of him was telling him that something good will happen that day, and that kept him anxious, awake, in alert. Maybe he will have a call telling him that he will drive again? Or that one of his kittens peed on his bed. Maybe it's something insignificant and he's anxious for nothing.
"Mate, are you okay?" Lando frowned. "I swear, every time you come here is like you are at the edge of a panic attack"
He laughed nervous, brushing away what his friend said, and focused on his lunch.
And then he heard it. That voice, that laugh. He looked up and was immediately blinded by the sun.
"Hey, blind man" she said looking at her side, finding the man she bumped into months ago.
"This time I'm blinded" he laughed. "By your light"
"How cute" she smiled looking at him, biting her lip.
"What the fuck?" Lando gasped confused. "Who are you and what you did with my best friend?"
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f1-birb · 4 months
"Don't leave me"
Lando/Max F ? 👀
so this got a lot longer than I planned for it to, so the full version will be on Ao3 once I can edit but I hope you're okay with some F1 driver Max au
It's a radio message that's going to stay with all of them for a very long time. For Max, he's sure it might just haunt him until he retires, and perhaps even beyond that.
Red flag, red flag, slow down. Norris and Sainz had a collision.
The first words out of his mouth are to ask if both drivers are okay, his heart rate picking up the speed his car is losing.
Sainz is out on his own.
"And Lando?" The answer doesn't come quick enough and he feels no remorse when he snaps, "What about Lando?"
"Tell me!" His heart is bruising the inside of his sternum, beating rapidly and the blood rushing in his ears almost drowns out the next radio message.
He hasn't moved yet.
Time stands still even as Max pulls into the pit lane and rolls to a stop on his marks. He doesn't notice as he's helped out of his car, his mechanics gentle with him as they lead him back into the garage and deposit him next to Alex. He's numb to the arm that wraps around his shoulders, doesn't feel the fingers that grip at the seam of his race suit.
The TV has been muted, the garage is silent as everyone holds their breaths as medics approach the car. Peripherally Max can see Carlos wiping at his eyes, expression a clear display of guilt, distress and terror as he's escorted to another car. Max finds himself frozen, chest tight, muscles taut, fists clenched as finally Lando's carefully pulled out of the car and laid on a backboard.
It takes Alex shaking him slightly to realise he needs to breathe.
"I'm not getting back in the car."
send a ship + au + prompt
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lxndonorris · 2 years
Blowy - Nortrell
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Lando Norris x Max Fewtrell Theme: Smut (you've been warned) Lando and Max making an exchange, clothes for oral encouragement x word count: 1790+ thanks to @thetwelfthcrow and @donaidk for being awesome beta readers!
Singing under his breath, Lando walks through the hallway of his apartment. He just came out of the shower, his hair is wet, yet styled. Wearing nothing but a bathrobe and boxers underneath, he walks towards the bedroom, to get some fresh clothes. Lando opens his closet, looking through some hoodies, shirts, anything really, but nothing really satisfies him. In particular, he's looking for one of his Quadrant hoodies, his favorite, but it's nowhere to be found. Frowning, he walks through the room, ruffling through the small pile of clothes spread across his bed, yet, it's not there either. "Where are you?".
Lando tries to remember where he'd put it, but after a few seconds, he shrugs. Maybe Max, his boyfriend, knows where it is. Now, making his way to his gaming room, Lando runs a hand through his hair, and licks his lips, subconsciously trying to look even better. The door is closed, but he can hear Max talking to himself through it. Flattening his bathrobe, Lando runs both of his hands across his chest, making sure to show some cleavage. Putting on a sly grin, he opens the door and takes a step inside. "Babé, have you seen…" He stops dead in his tracks when he sees his favorite hoodie, worn by his favorite human.
"Huh?" Max turns around, eyebrows raised. "There it is!" Lando smirks, pointing at his man sitting on a huge, comfortable gaming chair. "Here, I am?" His boyfriend replies, kind of confused, and turns back to his game as Lando walks over to him, approaching him from behind. "Not you," Lando smirks. "Well, yeah you. But I was looking for my hoodie. That hoodie." He says, putting a hand on Max's shoulder, and leans in to place a gentle kiss right behind his ear. "Lando." Max giggles, being a little ticklish, before turning his head to me Lando's lips with his own, kissing him.
Then, however, he pulls away just enough so their faces are mere inches apart. "Why were you looking for that hoodie?" He asks. "I wanted to wear it today." Lando pouts, caressing his boyfriend's cheek. Max's eyes wander from his hands, down to have a look at the bathrobe. "Is that so?" A tiny smirk escapes his lips before he hides it behind a tight smile. "Why don't we make a deal?" He smirks, using one of his hands to pull at the robe just enough to expose Lando's toned chest.
Lando bites his lower lip, before looking down as well, enjoying the feeling of being admired, and the sensation of fingers dancing across his skin, making his muscles react slightly. "What do you have in mind?" He breathes, again, leaning into Max, simply brushing over his lips with his own. Max responds by leaning his head back, his eyes fixed on those soft lips before he meets Lando's burning gaze. "I'm feeling a little, blowy." He makes sure to tease him already, by stroking his hardening nipples with the tip of his finger. "You know what I mean?"
Lando mirrors him perfectly, this time, however, he looks down to see Max starting to touch himself through the black shorts. "Naughty, aren't we." He licks his lips again, steadying himself against his man's firm chest. Being as smug as usual, Max lifts his chin slightly. "You're one to talk." He hisses, his eyes shifting from the hair to the face, down to his exposed cleavage. Both of them giggling to themselves, Lando puts a hand on Max's crotch, cupping his hand. "I know you like me that way." He smirks, running his other hand across his boyfriend's chest, feeling his body tensing even through the thick hoodie.
Max smiles, knowing very well that if he keeps that up, he will be hard in no time. Seeing his boyfriend like that, slightly wet, hot, and those beautiful, soft lips, makes him already fantasize about a blowjob. Of course, Lando is fully aware how much Max likes that feeling, and to be fair, it's mutual. Without much further talking, he leans into Max, kissing him, again and again. More passionate, longing with every touch of their lips. "Lando." Max moans right into his mouth, sending shivers down his spine, but he won't rush things just now. "Liked that?" While kissing him, Lando begins to rub his hand across the tangible bulge forming in the shorts, and he feels himself getting more and more into it as well.
"Yeah." Max moans softly. Returning the favor, somehow, Max manages to open the bathrobe completely, placing a hand right beneath the navel, following the treasure trail with the tip of his fingers. "Mhmm." Lando purrs contently, as he starts to pull at the hoodie, trying his best to signal to Max that he wants, he needs it gone as soon as possible. Together, they get it off, and at first, Lando is stunned by Max's form. He has seen him, touched him, and kissed him a million times, but he enjoys that sight every single time.
Swiftly, he slides out of his robe, lets it drop to the floor, and strokes his own chest firmly. "This feels good." He smirks and catches Max enjoying his body just as much. "You look so good," Max smirks, one hand reaching for Lando's chest, the other firmly stroking his own. The two of them embrace each other's bodies. They exchange kisses, firm touches and keep teasing the other by stroking their chests, waists, and even further down, between their legs, and thighs. Max flexes his arms, with his biceps bulging intensely, piquing Lando's interest as he moves to touch them, feeling them getting tenser with every second. He admires the size of them, how they bulge so hard, yet his skin is so soft. Max watches him closely, biting his lip, desperately trying to hold back another, deep moan. Lando moves to place a kiss on them, worshipping his boyfriend's well-formed physique.
While he does that, Max keeps on touching himself, before he grabs Lando's bulge, encouraging him to keep going. "Fuck." Lando blushes heavily, his whole body heating up so fast. "That's right." Max smiles. Enjoying himself, he even grabs him firmly, causing him to whimper quickly. Max knows how to push those buttons, and he makes sure to take advantage of them every time. "Don't stop." Lando breathes, placing a longing kiss on Max's muscles.
Tenderly, though, Max raises a hand to grab Lando's chin, forcing his eyes to meet his own. "Like that?" He exhales deeply, trying his best to not groan already. Lando nods, craving even more. Then, he leans in again, kissing him firmly. Merely a second later, he begins to make his way down Max's body. He kisses him, his lips, his neck, enjoying the light stubble tickling his skin. Simultaneously, Max strokes Lando's entire body as he goes down until he can only run his fingers through the wet hair.
Lando, now, losing himself in the heat of the moment, admires Max's chest even more. He places loving, longing kisses all over the pecs, the erect nipples, further down across the abs, the navel, before reaching the treasure trail. With his hands, he touches the tent already formed in those tight black shorts. Teasingly, he looks up, getting even harder at the sight of Max reacting to every little touch. "You like blowjobs?" Lando smirks, grabbing him firmly. "Yeah." A horny smile spreads across Max's whole face, and he runs a hand through his hair, already sweating in anticipation.
"Then, you'll love this." Lando leans in, brushing his lips barely over the bulging dick, making Max moan instantly. He's been holding back this entire time, but that mere touch alone sends waves of pleasure through every fiber of his body. Excitedly, he watches Lando's fingers slip inside the shorts, playing with the waistband. Both of them smile exhaustedly, their bodies stiff and rigid, waiting for the final advance. Easily, Max bends his waist forward, pressing his crotch against his face. "Max." Lando chuckles, but he got the message. Enough teasing.
He manages to pull the shorts down, including the underwear, with one single pull, exposing Max's full length towering before him. Gasping quickly, they both exchange a short glance, before Lando goes for it. He lets him slide inside his mouth, barely able to take it all. The two of them moan at the same time, as they linger at this moment. They look into each other's eyes, as they start to move together. Being doing this for ages, they immediately find their rhythm, starting off slowly, not rushing it at all. Max enjoys himself so much, he leans back against the chair, letting out several soft moans, while Lando needs to steady himself. He wraps an arm around Max's thighs, stroking him as well as holding him tight.
"Lando. You're so good." He growls, running his hand through the hair, grabbing the back of his head, and securely holding him in place. Lando doesn't mind, he loves getting praised, however, and Max knows that. "So good, such a good boy." He groans, stimulating all of Lando, who lets out a muffled, yet satisfied groan. Together, they move as one, both of them getting closer and closer to the edge. Now, Lando grabs himself firmly as well, as he gets harder and harder, his boxers barely able to contain him.
With Max's soft thrusts and Lando's skilled mouth work, it doesn't take long for them to go straight over the edge. They moan and groan, as their bodies get even stiffer and more rigid before they shudder. He takes the load, the familiar taste spreading all over his mouth, sends even more shivers down his spine. Carefully, he removes himself, still kneeling, he gets dizzy. "Fuck." He runs a hand through his messed up hair, the other still on his own dick, touching himself lovingly. "That felt good," Max says proudly, bends down, and starts to place kisses all over Lando's forehead, hair, cheeks, nose, and finally his wet lips.
They kiss each other, more and more before he helps Lando get up. Hugging him, he feels their lengths rubbing against their thighs. "Thank you." Max smiles weakly, meeting Lando's gaze once more, who tilts his head exhaustedly. "My pleasure." He says, and they kiss again. Now, he picks up the hoodie from the floor, as Max sits back down, slowly pulling his pants up, covering his dick. "I will be taking that." Lando smirks and starts getting dressed. For one last time, Max takes in the sight of Lando's bare chest, touching his own. "You earned it." With another smug grin, he runs his hand further down his body, letting it rest on his crotch.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Hickey - Max Fewtrell drabble
i was bored at rehearsal and this idea has been in my head forever. 247 words // max pov with gender neutral partner
It was a bustling garage: just the way Max liked it. He was itching to get back into the car after having such a long time away; even just being in his race gear was making his heart race faster.
“Alright, Max, it’s nearly time to get in,” Harry, one of the mechanics said.
“You don’t need to tell me twice,” he replied with a smile.
With a little jump Max pulled his race suit up and onto his shoulders.
“Harry, can you make sure my balaclava is tucked in?” He asked, pulling the mask on.
The mechanic kindly came over and was about to do what was asked when he stopped.
“Max, is that a hickey?”
The young man froze in place, hands still half way to pulling the balaclava down.
“You know what, none of my business,” Harry got on with the job. “What you do in your spare time, totally up to you.”
Max’s brain finally caught up to the situation.
“It’s my partner,” he started, fumbling for the right words. “They were wishing me luck for today…I guess they got carried away, you know…”
Harry simply put a hand on Max’s shoulder before nodding and then walking away.
The driver felt his face flush hot and he grabbed for his helmet, hoping it’d help cool him before he got into his car.
But Max’s mind was elsewhere as he thought of the night before, being in bed with the person he loved.
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racinggirl · 2 years
Hey everyone! I’m almost done with my exams, finally!!!! I can’t wait to get started with my life lol. How sad does that sound?
Anyways, almost done with my exams, meaning I will most certainly get back to writing again!! I know you wanted to see a longer Charles fic, so I will do that for sure! I got some ideas so stay tuned…
In the mean time, you can send my friend @smoooothoperator some req’s as SHE HIT 1K FOLLOWERS!!! Spoil her with requests, because she’s an amazing writer 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Her inbox is here ❤️
She writes for Charles, Arthur, Lando, Max Fewtrell, Pierre, Mick, George, Carlos & Daniel. 🏎️
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mish-tique · 3 years
Deserters au / drabble I
ships: past Max Fewtrell/Lando Norris, past Max Verstappen/?, Lando Norris & Max verstappen friendship
the au? Max Verstappen and Lando Norris both have won their championships. They lost a lot more.
tags? just go with angst for now.
Might write this one day - for now I'll just share thoughts and drabbles on tumblr. Feel free to talk about them in my ask box!
"We have a lot of wishes. Only a few of them come true."
“Stop. Looking.”
The furious voice shakes Lando out of the anxiety he’s putting himself through. He flinches, can’t stop it but relaxes when Max’s anger isn’t directed at him but at the stuff he’s putting himself through.
“Lando,” there is despair in Max’s voice, a kind of anger and sadness mixed that brings the most raw pain. “Fewtrell isn’t going to suddenly appear in your messages, he’s not suddenly going to call you anymore. It hurts and I know you hate it and I hate to see it happen to you too but they all fucking leave and we can’t do anything about it.”
Max is tearing up and Lando can feel a lump in his throat. He can’t even find it in himself to laugh at how horribly Max spits out the Fewtrell, as if he doesn’t want to hear his own name in such a context.
The words cut sharp, right into the open wound that was already bleeding so much. “I know,” Lando manages to admit, “I know. But I can’t help it. With everything I do I want to message him. Every thought I have I want to share with him. I want to make him laugh, want to make him cry. I want to see him. I want him.”
Lando is rambling, he knows. He might not make much sense, can’t believe he’s putting himself through this again, can’t help but wish Max didn’t have to deal with another breakdown of his.
“I know,” Max’s voice is reassuring, grounding and the way he holds Lando’s shoulder makes breathing easier again. “Believe me, I know. But you’ve become a champion and I wish I didn’t have to say it, god I want to tell you otherwise so badly but the moment you become a champion, people leave. And I wish Fewtrell had been different, want to tell you that he’s better than that. Maybe he is, but not right now.”
They stay like that for a few more seconds.
“I wish I could’ve prevented you going through the same thing,” Max mutters and Lando knows Max hates talking about his own experience, his own hurt so even though he’s suffering, he takes it all in because these are the only times he can get Max to talk.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t,” Max says instead of sharing anything more. Lando feels himself being completely enveloped by the strongest hug he has in ages, but the warmth only makes him cry more.
“I wish I could turn back time.”
Max strokes through his hair, not saying anything.
“We have a lot of wishes,” Max says in the end, “Only a few of them come true.”
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whitewolfcraft · 3 years
AO3 year in review - 2021
Tagged by @meova101 Thank you :catblush:
Stories posted: 41 (of which 22 are drabbles)
Word count: 86.262
Most kudos: In Plain Sight (And Fancy Attire) Max Fewtrell/Lando
Longest story: The Mountains We Climbed Alex/Lily/George (33.333 baby)
Shortest story: Any of my 22 drabbles. Those are either 100 or 200 words.
Personal favourite(s): The Mountains We Climbed, my magnum opus as @soyouwinagain calls it. there’s a time and a place to die (and this ain’t it) My Space AU featuring Daniil, Rib Stitch Daniil takes up knitting during lockdown, Dawn of the Dead Zombie apocalypse with Callum & Mick and and start to run (into the trees) Red Bull science AU. Besides The Mountains we Climbed, all of these kind of flew under the radar, but I think these are my best works and I had so much fun writing these.
I also really adore a couple of my drabbles and short ficlets, like Sacrificium, Permanence and Ruby. And my collection of horror ficlets, Tell Me It’s a Nightmare. The horror ones are very different from what I usually write and I really liked challenging myself.
Tagging: @shoeydaniel and @juncosracing (if you haven’t done it yet). And anyone else who wants to!
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bwoahtastic · 4 years
Love that Michael is Daniel’s second-in-command in their little pack-in-pack 🥺 Just imagining him looking after Lando while Dan takes care of Max in Heat makes me very soft
Jsjjss okay this had to be a drabble of course
Michael had pulled the sofa closer to the door to Max and Dan's room, sitting in front of it and guarding it just in case one of the younger Alphas got triggered by Max's scent. The Dutch Omega was in Heat, but naturally had Dan to take care of him. With the Aussie driver being preoccupied, Michael had very little else to do than to sit around and wait, so he figured his time was best spend making sure his best friend and his best friend's Mate were safe.
The instinct to protect Dan had always been prominent. They were both Alphas, and if anything Dan was the one in charge, but that didn't mean Michael didn't think Dan was a dumb bitch 99% of the time.
So yes, Michael did feel responsible for the other Alpha. Especially when Max was in Heat and the pair was vulnerable, Michael would always protect them. It was basically his job anyway.
So that's why he had been seated on the sofa in front of the door for the past hour or so, trying to ignore Max's sweet scent while aimlessly scrolling through his social media.
He looked up at the sound of a soft cooe to see Lando walking over with Sacha.
"Is Max okay?" Lando asked, sitting down next to Michael and easily slotting himself into Michael's side. Michael smiled and wrapped an arm around his waist, also humming at Sacha who sat down on Lando's other side a bit more hesitantly.
"It's just his heat. He will be fine." Michael promised. Lando nodded, resting his head on the Alpha's shoulder and pulling Sacha closer too.
'Is okay. This is nice too." Lando muttered, rubbing at his eyes. Michael rumbled fondly at the younger man, who he had gotten quite close to now that the little Omega was Dan's teammate.
"Good." He muttered, ruffling Lando's hair a little. He hummed as some of the Renault Academy boys ventured closer too, Max Fewtrell instantly pressing up in his free side and purring loudly until his Mate called him away again. Oscar took his place more calmly, Christian and Caio somehow squeezing into the tight space too while Guanyu opted to sit on the floor resting back into the trainer's legs.
Michael rumbled happily, making sure to nuzzle all of the pups.
When Dan finally ventured out of the room hours later, a tired, but thankfully already showered Max clinging on to his chest, Michael was still seated in the same spot, most pups asleep around him. Daniel offered his friend a rumble, baring his neck briefly.
"Thank you for taking care of them." Daniel muttered, sitting down on the nearby chair with Max still cuddled into him. Michael nodded.
"No problem, mate." He smiled, gently scratching the back of Lando's neck a little as the Omega stirred. "Is Max okay?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice. Daniel smiled tenderly.
"Yeah, we took care of it. He is always exhausted afterwards though." Dan hummed, pressing a loving kiss to his Mate's temple. Max whined a little but was happy enough to press his face in the crook of Dan's neck, quickly falling asleep. Michael gave the two a fond smile, rumbling softly. Dan rumbled back.
"Thanks for protecting us. And keeping the pups safe." He said. Michael smiled, chuckling a little as Oscar crawled further onto his chest.
"My pleasure."
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loving-ricciardo · 4 years
Max/Connor from the fluff list and I hope my fish brain cell remembered right but I’m saying 12
fyi: i mean Max Fewtrell  
12 - “Welcome home.”
Max dreaded coming home. Another fucked up race weekend and he wanted nothing more than to distract himself so he could stop thinking about how he decided to leave the F3 season and how he was practically jobless at the moment.
So yeah, a distraction sounded very nice.
But he was currently on his way to his empty apartment as his boyfriend and all of his friends were busy having the time of their life in Monaco, so he knew that his evening was about to get worse.  
Max was feeling sad and angry at the whole world. All he wanted was to curl up in his boyfriend’s arms as they eat nasty pizza and tons of ice cream while watching Netflix, but as a good boyfriend he let Connor have his fun while he suffered alone.
Heck, Max didn’t even tell him he was dropping out.
He finally arrived at his apartment building, dragging his suitcase up angrily as he didn’t care about hitting everything with it. He finally got to his apartment and he didn’t even care about how the front door banged against the wall when he opened it.
He was just tired, without a single care about anything.
“Welcome home,” Max heard as he was toeing off his shoes. His head snapped up and he looked at his boyfriend standing in the hall looking comfortable and ready for cuddles.
Max didn’t waste a second as he felt the tears well up in his eyes, he jumped into Connor’s awaiting arms. Max’s sobs came right away, his tears falling down his face as he shook in his boyfriend’s arms. Connor somehow got them on the sofa before he cuddled Max harder, hugging him close as he tried to calm him down.
“Shh baby, it is okay. I’ve got you. You are home now. Everything is going to be alright,” he whispered into Max’s hair in between kisses. Max’s sobs continued loudly, the boy breaking down in his arms. “I am so proud of you my love. You put yourself first and that is all that matters,” Connor continued with his words of affirmation.
He waited. He waited and held Max close as the other let all of his emotions out.
Connor knew he needed it.
“I don’t want to stop racing,” Max whispered quietly after he calmed down. They were currently laying on the sofa as Connor put Suits on Netflix, Max cuddling into himself as the other boy spooned him and played with his hair.
“You won’t stop racing. This is not the end. You have a long career ahead of you,” Connor mumbled as he watched him. “I have no plan,” Max whispered, his voice cracking.
“We will worry about that later okay? We need to get you in a good mental state first. Once you feel like you again then we can start looking around, I promise. Now, just let me take you out on expensive dinners after we play golf the whole day. Let me treat you,” Connor said and Max just turned around and kissed him deeply.
“I love you, so much,” he said and Connor booped his nose in return.
“I love you too, princess,” he answered. “Pizza and CoD tonight?” Connor then asked.
“You know me so well,” Max said lovingly and Connor just chuckled.
“How did you find out by the way?” Max asked later as they were cuddling in bed, ready to sleep.
“Lando called me and when I heard the news I just ordered a jet to take me home,” Connor whispered against Max’s shoulder.
“God your rich ass is so annoying,” Max rolled his eyes before gasping as Connor bit into him.
“You love being spoiled so shut up,” Connor laughed.
“That’s true. That is all you are good for anyway,” Max said and laughed as Connor started wrestling him on the bed. They play-fought until they ended up face to face, both of them giggling at each other.
“It is good to hear you laugh,” Connor whispered and Max just looked at him softly before bringing him down for a kiss.
Drabble list
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dando-lovebot · 4 years
My Drabble Masterlist
Michael Italiano / Lando Norris 
Max Fewtrell / Connor Hughes
Max Verstappen / Lando Norris
Daniel Ricciardo / Lando Norris
Daniel Ricciardo / Max Verstappen
Daniel Ricciardo / Lando Norris
Daniel Ricciardo / Max Verstappen 
Lewis Hamilton / Sebastian Vettel
Pierre Gasly / Esteban Ocon
Nico Hulkenberg / Kevin Magnussen
Daniel Ricciardo / Charlie (McLaren)
Daniel Ricciardo / Max Verstappen 
Daniel Ricciardo / Charlie (McLaren) p2
Lewis Hamilton / Valtteri Bottas
Max Verstappen & Lando Norris
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Could you write something about wedding with Max please?
Hi Anon ❤️ I really hope you don’t mind that this is a drabble, if you’d like a full fic please let me know and I’ll do my best
So Max at your wedding. He thinks he’s tough, he thinks that he won’t cry when he sees you for the first time but dammit if the moment you step into the light and he sees you looking like an angel the tears don’t start forming. He tries to contain himself but his best man whispers in his ear “you’re one lucky guy” and he losses it because he is.
The ceremony itself is short and sweet, just what the two of you want. The reception is a little bit of a different story. Max had convinced you that “you only get married once, most of the time” so might as well make it a night to remember. It’s like walking into a fairytale with all the people you love are there.
Both you and Max are nervous about the first dance so you had strategically picked a cheesy, fun love (something along the lines of What I Like About You by The Romantics) and everyone thinks it’s very cute. Max kisses you right at the end and there’s a chorus of whistles and cheers. But that’s not important in the moment; you’re married to the man you love and that’s what matters.
Max’s speech takes five times as long as it should because he keeps getting heckled by the boys (which honestly you don’t mind too much, you can always read his speech later anyways). And dammit if he isn’t teary eyed again! Which of course leads to more heckling.
The whole evening is so special. Max dances with your mom and when she comes off the dance floor, she tells you yet again how proud she is of you and that Max is a wonderful man to be married to. When the intense party songs start playing (I’m talking Cha Cha Slide levels of intense) it’s almost chaos but it’s worth it because of the fun everyone has, the laughter.
The photographer takes so many pictures you wonder how you’ll ever chose the best ones and right before you and Max call it a night, the photographer pulls you two aside for one last photo outside under the night sky. Max whispers how grateful he feels that you agreed to marry him and you remind him that it goes both ways. You could swear he almost got embarrassed but got distracted as he kissed you for the umpteenth time today.
When you guys are finally in your now shared hotel room, you almost collapse on the bed as is, the excitement wearing off quickly. “Come on, love, you need to get out of those clothes.” You can’t resist his sweet voice and do as he says. When you both climb into bed; clean of any make-up, hair brushed out; you hold his face in your hands and tell him that today was perfect. But even if it wasn’t, it wouldn’t have mattered: this was the beginning of forever with Max and you can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Hey bestie! I know your most likely asleep right now but I wanted to say I hope your doing well and I also wanted to request something for max f! -
Max proposes to reader!
Tinfoilhat my beloved ❤️ sorry this took so long to get to you. Things have been a bit crazy 😬 please enjoy my madness
You and Max had been talking about marriage and the future for awhile but you hadn’t thought anything of it really. Max, with the help of some of your close friends (the ones who are good at keeping secrets) he sets up a special surprise.
“Come on, babe, let’s go for a drive.” He randomly says one afternoon. It takes some convincing but eventually you say yes. It’s always relaxing to drive with Max, or rather have Max just drive. You know you’re in good hands. He keeps asking you questions and he seems a bit nervous but you can’t figure out why - there’s nothing stressful coming up on the calendar so your mind jumps to the worst. “Max has something happened?”
“What? No… sorry, love.” He realises what this looks like. “Nothing bad is going on. There’s just something important happening that I can’t tell you about right now.”
That settled you a bit because it wasn’t an uncommon thing to happen between you.
Eventually you arrive home and the first thing you notice is the lights all off even though you swear you left at least some of them on. But as you follow Max inside, you notice the lit candles, and a bouquet of your favourite flowers already in a vase. Before you can say anything Max is there with a plate of your favourite sweet food and a plate of his own. “Max, this is too much,” you tell him but he tells you it isn’t enough. After you’ve eaten, the two of you settle in the lounge. Max still seems on edge and then he tells you that he has something to say, which sets all your senses going.
“I never used to believe in true love, or soulmates, or anything like that. But when we first started dating something changed. I knew then that if I didn’t stay with you, my life would be missing something forever. And that nothing would fill that space but you. And I want the whole world to know it. I want everyone to see you and see my other half. To see the piece of me that makes me better. I want them to see my wife.”
He opens the ring box he’s had hidden in his pocket for a month now and shows it to you. It’s beautiful, even through your teary eyes. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
You tell your friends and family the next day. The friends who helped Max are very smug about having been involved but it doesn’t bother you too much.
A week later, Max posts a picture of the ring on your hand on instagram and the comments blow up. Other drivers, fans, commentators - everyone is ecstatic for you two.
And every time you see the ring, you get giddy thinking about what’s to come and making a life with your soon to be husband.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Imagine celebrating Quadrants 1 mil. with Max
Oh I can imagine. I’m gonna do a drabble for this because am lazy. If you’d like a full fic let me know ✨
It’s like a Thursday evening and you’re chilling on the couch because work was work and you’re just willing Friday to come already. Then from somewhere in the house you hear your name being called. “What!?” You reply but there’s no immediate response. And it happens again. And then finally Max is barreling into the lounge, phone screen out towards you. “Look look look! We just hit one million.”
It takes a second for you to register what the hell he’s on about but once it clicks, you can’t help yourself: you scream out of excitement. Off the couch, in his arms, give him a little smooch smooch. “We need to celebrate!” You tell him. Max doesn’t really care what you guys do, he just wants you to be there. You run around the house: you find two old party hats, one string of party banners and a candle for the cake that you don’t have.
Max is already setting up a stream, so you just quickly work behind him getting the makeshift party ready. Once everything is ready you sneak to the kitchen and come back with two bowls of ice-cream, one baring the single candle. Max laughs but he really does appreciate the trouble you’ve gone through to make this special.
He’s tells everyone what’s going on and that, yes, there will be a Quadrant mega stream with everyone when they get the chance. He says that’s obviously you’re invited to join, after you joke about how much fun it’ll be without you. It’s a fun evening and you enjoy the nonsense that happens with chat, as it always does.
That night when you’re getting ready for bed, Max hug ambushes you while you’re brushing your teeth. “Thank you.” He says, quite quietly. Obviously you can’t say much with a toothbrush in your mouth so you just reach up and pay his cheek, hoping that will get the message across. You think it does when he smiles and simply says “I love you too”
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smoooothoperator · 3 years
It's Party Time
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Requested by @jamieeboulos ❤ hope you like it
Living with your boyfriend and your twin brother was never easy.
The main reason is that in that house the silence never existed. They were all day playing videogames or playing loud music on the speakers that were in all the rooms. Trying to study was something impossible because you could hear Lando's weird laugh at the background or hear him screaming because another bug came into his gaming room, hearing after that a 'Shut the fuck up and man up!' from Max.
"For the last time! I have an important exam tomorrow. I want to study and if none of you shut up I will kill you." I screamed in my bedroom, but that didn't made then shut up. They were on the gaming room, doing God knows what, screaming and making weird noises.
I sighed, standing up from the chair and walked down the stairs with the little vein of my forehead bigger than normaly. The screams were getting louder as I walked into the corridor, and my fist started to get tigher. I placed my hand on the handle of the door, opening the door slowly making the screams shut down the moment I opened the door.
"Plaease, give me just one reason of why I shouldn't kill both of you right now" I sighed looking at them. "Because there's a lot of people who will witness it" Lando whispered and Max immediately punched his side making him cry of pain. "There's a giant bug on the keyboard" Max answered, and I sighed rolling my eyes.I walked to his desk board and looked at the bug. A big mosquito.
"This mosquito is the giant bug?" I asked looking at Lando. "Is a titan!" He screamed with a high pitched voice. "Man... just, just shut up". I sighed and took a paper, taking the bug on it and folding it in the middle, smashing the bug and giving the paper to Lando. "And this is how you show to the world that the man of the house has a vagina instead of a dick, chat. Please, make sure none of this clowns shout again".
The second reason is that they are the worst cookers that ever lived on the earth. Even reading the recipie a thousand times they figure a way of how to burn the food. Last time Lando tried to toast two slices of bread for a sandwich he broke the toaster. And when Max tried to cook me dinner I ended kicking him out of the kitchen because he poured sugar instead of salt on the soup.
"Love, what do you want for dinner?" Max asked me, massaging my feet and looking at me with a smile. "Nothing that is made by you". "That's rude!". "No Max, I want to live, you know? Remeber last time you cooked? The three of us went to the hospital for food poisoning". "Okay, whatever. "Oi! Love birds! I'm going to do a chicken shaw... shawa-". "Shawarma" Max and I finished for him. "Whatever". "Are you going to cook?" I asked him and his eyes opened wide. "Yeah...?. "Are you sure?". "Yeah...?". "Really?". "No. Please help me". He begged and I laughed, standing up from the couch and walked next to him, helping him make the dinner.
The third reason is that in that house the kissed are banned. Whenever I try to kiss Max, Lando is immediately making weird sounds or throwing us his shoe. And of course sleeping together was impossible. The only moment we could be alone was when he was out of home doing races.
"No kissing!" Lando shouted and throwed me a box of napkins. "Lando stop! It was just a good night one!" I groaned and threw him the box back. "Just get a girlfriend already!" Max shouted and kissed me again. "EW!". "Then you should stop sitting on the couch" Max said with a mischievous grin on his lips that made me laugh. "OI GUYS! THAT IS DISGUSTING!"
But there's fun with them too. Being part from Quadrant, as the co-creator of the team, was one of the best experiences I could ever had. When the COVID obligated us to lock ourselves inside our home. My classes were cancelled cancelled Lando's season of Formula 1 were on a hiatus. In that moment, he taught me how to play at the F1 game and we streamed together. That's how Quadrant was born.
"Guys, so... tomorrow is the birthday of our bosses and we wanted to gift them some special things" Steve talked to the camera. "And that's why we did two teams. Ria is going to be with her Arav and I am going to be with Niran". "We have to give a present to each other and... yeah, that's it" Niran laughed to the camera.
The next day, someone knocked on the front door of the house and after screaming for some seconds to know who was going to open the door, Lando stood up from the living room couch and walked there, coming back with four big boxes. In that moment we stood up and walked to the gaming room.
"Okay, fellas. It is time to open some presents!". Ria and Arav gifted me a blanket with a lot of Tm Hiddleston faces. "No way! Now I can say that Tom Hiddleston hugs me every night!". "Wait until Max sees that". "Actually it was his idea" Ria interrupted him. "Best boyfriend ever and best friends for doing what he said". The next gof was from Steve and Niran, a big box. "I think I know what it is..." Lando whispered looking at me. A Loki costume. "NO WAY! OH MY GOD! I'm sorry Ria, but this is the best!"
When the classes started again and the races continued, there were times where I had to drop Max and Lando to the airport because they went to the races. And they always fight to see who will sit in the frontseat with me.
"Guys you are going to be late!" I screamed inside the car, with the motor of it already on. "I am in the front one!" Max screamed running out of the house, Lando following him. "No you don't!" He pushed Max to the ground, falling both of them. "Oh my god guys! Not again!". "She's my girlfriend!" Max screamed to him trying to take Lando's hands out of him. "I knew her first!". "But you can't kiss her!". "I shared the uterus with her! That's the most intimate thing ever!". "I HAVE BEEN INSIDE OF HER!". "MAX!" I screamed trying to not die from the laugh. "AND I DIDN'T NEED THAT INFORMATION!". With that, Max jumped up into the car and closed the door right in front of him. "Hi babe". "Don't. Just don't!".
And that's how living with them is. Weird screams, food poisoning, a lot of fights. But I could never change that.
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