#may write the PoV for Gem/Fwhip
deityoftherain · 7 months
I have just finished writing the rough draft (and editing usually makes it longer) of my Empires S1 canon divergent AU for those who keep up with it with it sitting at 88 pages and 45k+ words. I will be editing that and you will be getting it in about two weeks! In the meantime, under the cut with be the other fics links, summaries, etc if you want to read those in preparation! They will not be **needed** (I explain it enough in the fic with their thoughts and such) but they are recommended/fun backstories. I am just super excited to show y'all and proud of myself and sdhfdkhfdsjhfdsjfhdskj!!!
^ ~39k words; 13/13 Chapters; Completed
They were nine when their lives split into different directions. Gem would become a wizard and Fwhip was now the next in line to Grimland's throne. She is enthusiastic about her new life and he just wishes she wasn't going so far away. Their lives develop apart but they work to make their paths cross time and time again until they can walk alongside one another once more.
bonus oneshot (12yo non-champion Xornoth and gang as children with slight focus on Xornoth&Scott and Xornoth&Pearl)
^ ~23k words; 9/9 Chapters; Completed
At age thirteen, both Sausage and Scott had decided to sneak away from their empires to the neighboring empire of Gilded Helianthia. They took on new identities when they spent time there, J and Sage respectively, and ended up finding each other. They became quick friends and boyfriends not too long later. Our story takes place four years after they first meet, switching povs between the two as they navigate their lives and their relationship. They have glamour and blood magic on their side so nothing can go wrong, yeah?
^ currently ~32k words; 10/12 Chapters; Posting Weekly (prologue for the next fic should go up when this one ends if all goes right)
A lot can happen in a year. Problems can arise, battles can be fought, arguments can be had, people can be hurt… even with the pain a year may bring, there is also joy and love that can be found. Love for what you do, love for your empire, love for those you hold most dear… these are the reasons we continue on living. Alt Summary: Xornoth has to deal with troublemakers in his empire, the count of Grimland being a pain in the ass, and his twin being reckless. Scott gets to be moral support and fall in love. Tag yourself, I’m Xornoth (author woes /silly)
You can also look at my oneshots/other fics by going to my pinned post and looking under the cut OR clicking on the #deity writes tag!!
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I may have gotten an idea this morning…
How would you all feel about an Empires S1 Phantom Of The Opera AU? I would be changing the plot quite a bit, but I think it sounds so fun! So far I’ve got Scott as Raoul, Jimmy as Christine, Xornoth as the Phantom, Joel as Christine’s Best Friend (I forget her name), Lizzie as the head of the opera house, Fwhip as Carlotta, Carlotta’s assistants as Gem and someone else, and the new owners as Sausage and Pearl! Any suggestions you wanna make for cast are welcome! I’m only gonna write this if people want it because if I do, I have to watch every person’s POV that’s in the cast, do more deep dives into Phantom, and write the thing which will probably be long. But I’m committed if y’all want it! I have so many ideas! So please, if you want it, sound off!!!
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aurabird · 3 years
What does one do when your own memories are your weakness?
You forget even if it costs you everything you know.
Sausage has no other options left.
Not gonna lie, this one hurt me emotionally to write.
Tw: Mentions of cruelty and memory wiping (consensual). As usual though its not super graphic
Link to Ao3
Sausage ran through dense foliage of the jungle in a panic, not caring about anything else other than just getting far, far, away from Mythland at all costs and sticking to the treeline so that he didn’t risk getting too close to the Lost Empire.
His lungs burned, his legs ached, his body was screaming at him to stop and rest. But he couldn’t rest, not now, not after finally managing to get control of his own mind. He...he didn’t know how long he’d be lucid like this, he didn’t know how long it’d be before he was imprisoned within his own consciousness and forced to watch as it used him to do horrible things to his friends...his family.
He was there when Xornoth tortured Fwhip, watched as the demon inflicted pain on the man he had come to call a brother in attempts to corrupt. Veins of crimson pulsating under the Count's skin in branching webs.
He was there when Xornoth played mind games with Gem, trying to break her spirit, trying to get into her head and control her to.
And he was there when Kathrine begged for mercy as the iron shackles burned her wrists and ankles due to her fae blood while the demon laughed at her misery and suffering, trying to crush her will so she’d surrender and join him willingly.
The amethyst roofs of crystal cliffs came into view, a ray of hope in the darkness giving him the adrenaline he needed.
He dodged the magic fired at him by the guards, he should have known that she’d put out the command to attack him on sight. He didn’t care when a warning beacon was lit, he didn’t care that he was currently the most wanted person in the empire.
Sausage ducked and wove between trees and buildings, hid in hollows and overhangs as he scaled the mountain leading up to the Head Wizard’s tower. He couldn’t get caught, they’d kill him if he was.
The mountain peaks were cold and sent a shiver through him, his warlock attire not designed for the freezing temperatures. Still, he pressed on.
By the time he reached the giant door he collapsed on his knees in exhaustion and knocked weakly.
Please...please let her have heard it...
Warmth hit him as the door opened and he was met with Gem standing in the frame. Her face was a mix of different emotions; confusion, shock, fear...hatred.
“G-Gem...h-help me...please...I don’t know...how long I have...before...it...”
He didn’t have the strength to finish his plea, collapsing forward into the snow from exhaustion. His instincts were telling him to go to sleep and rest, but he knew that the moment he closed his eyes that he’d next wake up not himself.
Time moved slowly for him as he struggled to stay conscious. One moment he was on freezing snow, the next he was on a couch before a fire.
Something was pressed to his lips and Sausage drank what was offered to him; the burning, bitter-sweet taste of a strength potion going down his throat before beginning to take effect.
“Sausage? Sausage can you hear me?” Gem asked, worry yet caution in her voice.
"I’m sorry...I’m sorry...I’m sorry!” he recited, his voice cracking, “I didn’t want to free it! I never wanted to free it! I just...I just wanted...I just wanted to have SOMETHING, some kind of power to call my own! It...it promised me I would if I helped make it stronger and...and by the time I realized it was lying to me...it already could take control of my body like a puppet!”
“Sausage...it’s alright, calm down. Deep breaths, in and out.”
He followed the instructions given to him and slowly, his panic died down, he could think clearly...he could think for himself.
That is when he noticed that it wasn’t just Gem in the room with him, Fwhip stood at her side, his expression a mix of different emotions.
“Better?” Gem asked, he gave a nod in reply. “Ok, good. Care to explain what exactly is going on?”
Sausage told them everything. How Xornoth took advantage of his nativity when it came to magic and his desire to have power of his own. How sometimes he had control over his body, and that other times it was all the demon’s influence. Sometimes he just wasn’t in control at all and under possession.
“...what do you want me to do, Sausage?”
He sighed, “It uses your memories and emotions against you through manipulation, that’s how it takes control.” his gaze met hers, desperation burning in them, “Gem, it can’t take control...if I have nothing for it to exploit.”
Horror and realization filled the duo’s eyes, “Sausage...” Gem breathed, “You...you realize what you’re asking me to do?”
He nodded, “I do, and the very thought of it terrifies me. But if it means keeping you all safe...I’m willing to make the sacrifice.”
“One Hell of a sacrifice, Sausage.” Fwhip stated bluntly.
“Gem, Fwhip, I’m tired and I want to sleep; but the second I close my eyes it will take control again and next time, it won’t give me a window to escape from. Please, do it for me.”
He saw Gem was on the verge of tears, “You know there’s no other option.”
“What...do you want us to tell you when you wake up?”
“Anything that cannot be traced back to Mythland. Keep me from going there at all costs.”
“We promise, Sausage.”
“Thank you, Gem, Fwhip; for everything in this life, even if I may never remember it...and everyone else too. Tell anyone you know you can trust that I’m sorry”
That is when the wizard launched herself at him, embracing him in a hug, Fwhip so following suit. One final hug as family.
“I’m ready. You can do it.”
Gem backed away from him and grabbed her spellbook off the small desk near the couch. Her eyes and the amethyst on her staff glowing brightly as she began to speak.
ᒲᒷᒲ𝙹∷╎ᒷᓭ !¡∷ᒷᓵ╎𝙹⚍ᓭ, ᒲᒷᒲ𝙹∷╎ᒷᓭ ↸ᒷᔑ∷ ℸ ̣ ᔑꖌᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷᒲ ᔑ∴ᔑ||, ᔑꖎ𝙹リ⊣ ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑ ᔑꖎꖎ ⎓ᒷᔑ∷
A beam of purple light shot from the focus of the staff like a beacon, the beam phasing harmlessly through Sausage’s forehead.
Like the sensation one would experience as they died, he watched with a sad smile as his life played before him in fast forward, going through every memory he had up until now...
...then, darkness. Blissful, welcoming, darkness.
Translation for the Galactic:
“memories precious, memories dear take them away, along with all fear”
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theghostofmezalea · 2 years
You can call me Calendula or any shortening of it! Get creative with it!
I will be writing for:
3rd/Last/Double Life (the Life Series), Empires 1 & 2, and Hermitcraft. I may also do small series like 100 Hours in Hardcore.
I am not informed of everyone in Hermitcraft! I only know events and the like from seasons 6-9 (funny number) currently, as I mainly watch Grian's pov (don't gatekeep, you aren't cool). I will try to do research on an event/member of Hermitcraft if requested, though.
I will write for these people (favourites to write for (from the specific series) are in bold):
Bdubs, Doc, Etho, Gem, Scar, Grian, Impulse, Iskall, Mumbo, Pearl, Ren, Tango, Xisuma, Cleo
The Life Series:
Bdubs, BigB, Etho, Scar, Grian, Impulse, Martyn, Lizzie, Mumbo, Pearl, Ren, Skizz, Scott, Joel, Jimmy, Tango, Cleo
Scott, Fwhip, Gem, Lizzie, Pearl, Pixl, Shubble, Joel, Jimmy
I will do ships! Only in respectful manners, no sexualising included. We only do romance here. Favourite ships:
Grian & Scar
Scott & Jimmy
Joel & Lizzie
Bdubs & Etho (only the life series)
I will do x-readers as well, but just as ships, no sexual content.
Profile creds: (I highly recommend you watch the linked videos, they're awesome!)
profile picture from Melloz Heist on YouTube
banner from Kiseki on Youtube
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