#maybe Emmett will have a skull just for laughs
victorluvsalice · 5 years
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And ascend to SPELLCASTERS! EMMETT BROWN, TECHNO-WITCH IS REBORN! :D Aaand promptly spent his first hour as said techno-witch scouring the bookshelves for good tomes along with his wife. Came up with a familiar orb of the Skull (two, in fact -- they both got one), but no books, meh. So I figured I’d send him to Caster Alley instead to get some wands and stuff!
. . .Wand stall closed shortly after he got there. *grumbles* At least I was able to get him a broom. Namely because the astral projection of Caleb Vatore never sleeps. Because, you know, vampire. XD And I got another look at the cool scenery in this world -- seriously, those torn-apart houses are the best. Really add to the feel that this world was saved JUST from the brink of destruction. Lovely. :)
And after that, I just had them practice magic and experiment with the cauldron until they had to head home to grab some sleep. Of the two, Nikal’s the only one with a spell right now -- Repairio! Instantly repairs broken objects and upgrades the quality of crafted ones. . .unless it fails, in which case it will set things on fire. We’ll, uh, see what Nikal manages in the next episode. ^^; Maybe we shouldn’t muck around with that spell until we know Chillio. . .
Anyway! Tomorrow, back to wo -- oh, wait, no! Tomorrow’s Spookfest! I made that a holiday! Okay, yeah, next week -- early Halloween for my two freshly witchified Sims! This should be fun. :)
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Jasper Hale (3/10)
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Word count ; 3.9k
I growled under my breath, pouting as Bella was once again engrossed in her book. I’d succumbed to her morning routine of loitering outside while waiting for class to start, but it was growing old. Every day it was the same old, same old; be called over to our friends but regretfully stick with Bella, and then watch as the Cullens pulled up, and then ruefully long to walk over there and start up a conversation. 
Because, quite frankly, it wasn’t enough just to have classes and phone calls with Alice. She was a lovely person, and Jasper was even cuter.
The car pulled in. I hummed, causing Bella to glance at me. “What?”
“Your favorite Cullen’s back.”
She watched the Jeep pull in. Indeed, Edward was there, driving. Emmett had resumed the same position of standing up, while the other siblings were squished together. It was odd that they were siblings, even though there was a couple amongst them. But it wasn’t my right to judge.
“He’s not my favorite,” Bella retorted. “He’s just rude.”
“It might be a family thing. I already told you how Alice and Jasper were asking insistently about the perfume and deodorant I use. Maybe they all have hyper-sensitive noses or something.”
Bella returned her attention to her book, but my gaze was glued to the Cullens. Emmett hopped out before the doors were even open, and Rosalie and Edward were quick to follow. Alice and Jasper were talking amongst themselves. Alice seemed excited more so than usual. Jasper glanced our way, and I sent him a smile.
I huffed in dismay as he glanced away immediately. Usually, he returned the smile and wave, much to my classmates’ shock, but him and Alice must’ve been in a very deep conversation.
Bella sent me a playful glare. “How about you go talk to your friends instead of gawking at them? You’ll get dehydrated if you keep drooling over Jasper like that.”
I punched her arm. “I’m not drooling. I’m just spaced out, I swear.” But, as my eyes glazed over the family again, I saw that Jasper had been looking and then laughed. Curiosity was eating at my bones and I stood up. “But, as riveting as it is to watch you read every morning, I crave socialization. Can you walk yourself to class?”
“I’m sure I can manage.”
“Thanks, sis.”
I swung my bag over my shoulder and set off across the parking lot. Tyler threw a small pebble as I passed my friends’ van, but I didn’t spare him a glance. The entire Cullen family was staring me down as I approached. The weren’t the only ones staring, though; I could feel Jessica’s gaze thoroughly burrowed into the back of my skull.
I loved her, but she was incredibly jealous. Not because she liked the Cullens, no; simply because I had more games than her.
I stopped in front of Alice and Jasper, opening my arms up. The girl squealed and immediately gave me a hug. Her grip was incredible tight. I was always bugging her about how she was so strong, but she said it was au naturel. 
She shook me, but Jasper’s hand clasped on her shoulder, finally pulling her back. I was grinning ear to ear. “‘Morning, guys. Sleep well?”
“Like a baby,” Jasper answered.
Emmett rounded the car, approaching. Rosalie trailed behind him, tense and close-lipped. He held out his hand, to which I shook. “If it isn’t the new girl.”
“Y/n. I would ask who you all are, but my friends love to gossip. Hello.”
Edward was staring me down, but his mouth was stretched into a soft, awkward smile. Alice stole my attention from him, though, and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
“You seriously don’t wear any perfume?” Rosalie spoke up incredulously.
I blinked in confusion, glancing between the family members. “Uh… no? Bella doesn’t either, by the way. Is there something wrong with how she smells, Edward?”
Edward laughed awkwardly and Rosalie sank behind Emmett once more. “…No. It was just a bad day.”
“How mysterious,” I quipped. “I’ll make sure to report back to her, then. It’s been other mind… So, Alice, let me see your nails.” She held up her hands and I gasped. She’d painted them last night. She did a pink base with black dots over it. “Wow! God, first you’re a hair stylist, and now this. I can barely paint my nails one color without messing up.”
“Come over one of these days,”she invited. “Carlisle and Esme are dying to make use of the kitchen for once.”
“Can Bella come, too? She doesn’t get out enough.”
“No,” Rosalie, Edward, and Jasper all spoke up at once. 
I was caught off guard and utterly speechless. An awkward silence fell over, but I sent Jasper in particular a peculiar stare. “Um… Alright then…? Is it okay to ask why?”
Before any of them got the chance to explain, I heard my name called, and I peered over my shoulder. Mike was waving to me, Jessica saddled up beside him. I waved at them back, but Eric motioned for me to come over. Jessica was sending me a jealous glare while Tyler looked pretty damn crestfallen. 
“Hey, Arizona, get your butt over here!” Mike called.
Jessica punched his arm and grabbed him. I shook my head, watching as Jessica and co. finally entered the school building.
“Wow. You’re popular,”  Alice mused. I turned back to them, seeing that the girl had her hand on Jasper’s upper arm, squeezing, and Jasper seemed rather tense. Regardless, though, I smiled sweetly.
“I guess so. It’s unintentional, really,” I humbly replied. I intertwined my arms with both Alice and Jasper, separating them. “Shall we head to class?”
Alice giggled, waving to her siblings, before dragging us both off with her. Eyes were glued to us, but I didn’t mind. If anything, I was more than happy to show off my new friends. Jasper was a quiet fellow, but he didn’t voice any objections to the affectionate arm holding.
We stopped at my locker after I requested such. I did my daily routine of grabbing the necessary materials and otherwise abandoning my things. Jasper hovered behind me, similar to that of a guard dog, Alice leaned against the locker beside me, but as I shut my own, she stood abruptly. Jasper was looking at her suspiciously.
“I’m going to the bathroom!” she announced. “You two go on ahead.”
“Oh! Are you sure?” I asked.
Alice nodded and waved to me tantalizingly before rushing off. Something about the Cullens - they were a mysterious, more-questions-than-answers bunch.
“Just us, Jas,” I chuckled. 
“I don’t mind.” He lifted his arm up slightly, which I took as an invitation to hold it again. He was always stiff, but it’d become rather charming.
As we walked, I felt his eyes boring into mine, so I glanced up with a small smile. He usually looked away when caught, but he offered me an awkward smile in return. I noticed how pretty his golden eyes were. 
“You know, I love your eyes,”  I giggled. “They’re so pretty.”
He laughed, drawing the attention of passer-by’s. “Thank you. You’re prettier, though.”
My brain short-circuited and my face instantly flushed. However, we entered the classroom. We hovered by my desk, just making prolonged eye-contact. Jasper finally pulled away, but instead, I motioned to Alice’s seat. 
“Tradesies?” I pleaded playfully.
Jasper’s lips stretched into a vague smirk and he eyed me up and down. “I don’t see why not.”
“Alice wouldn’t mind, would she? I can’t help it if I’m dying to sit next to my crush,” I blurted out as I set my things down. I instantly covered my mouth, and my attention was drawn to Jessica, who was loosing her shit laughing from beside me.
Jasper laughed. “I’m sure she could make an exception for you.”
I sent a coy smile and finally sat. Jasper took Alice’s seat just as the said girl strolled in. However, she was ecstatic about something. Almost as if she could tell something had happened between me and Jasper. I assumed she was inferring from the change of seats.
She hugged Jasper before taking his seat without question. I finally willed myself to look away due to the insistent poking of my shoulder. Jessica was giving me such an exaggerated, dramatic face that I covered my mouth and laughed.
“How what?” I teasingly replied.
She slapped my arm. “You know what! You minx —!”
The teacher entered, and I pulled back to my seat. The teacher started droning on, but instead of paying attention, I propped my head in my ankle and tilted my head so that I could stare at Jasper ‘undetected.’ Obviously, it wasn’t subtle enough, because Jasper had the same thing in mind. He looked rather smug, in fact, but I would be too, if I’d managed to woo me. I swear, I’m not full of myself.
I suddenly felt something prod my arm. I quickly snatched the paper from Jessica, the teacher just barely turning back to us. I unfurled the note, scanning it with an amused grin.
‘So… are you two, like, a thing now?’
As I passed it back, Jessica scoffed. Loudly enough to grab the entire class’s attention, including the teacher himself. The teacher halted, staring at us with narrowed eyes. “What seems to be troubling you, Miss Stanley?”
I wanted to mess with her a little bit, but I also didn’t want any rumors spreading before we were officially a ‘thing.’ Which we would be, mind you. I was very determined. ‘Not yet. We’re exploring our options and taking it slow. ;)’
Jessica looked paralyzed on the spot, crumpling the note noticeably. “Um, nothing, Mister Bowing. Sorry.”
“Well, since passing notes is more interesting than my class, why don’t you share what’s on your mind?” He stalked forward, looming over her desk. He gave me a knowing look, and it sent shivers down my spine. He held out his hand.
Jessica caved, opening her palm, and plopping the paper in. She slumped in her seat, completely red in the face. She sent me a glare, which almost made me laugh.Mister Bowing scanned the paper before crumpling it up and sending us both a wry smile.
“How exciting for you, Miss Stanley. A new boyfriend, hm?” he lowly said. The class erupted in laughter, and I joined, although it was for another reason. “How about to get both of your minds off of boys and on your education, you - don’t think I didn’t see that, Miss Swan - both show up for detention after school until next Monday?”
“Wait, but I have cheerleading practice! That’s unfair!” Jessica piped up, red with anger. “Besides, it’s her boyfriend, not mine —“
“I don’t care about your silly gossip, girls. What I care about is you respecting my rules and my class. Understood?” Jessica fell silent, and I only shrugged. It wasn’t my first rodeo, after all. “Good. I will inform your parents after school. Now, where were we?”
‘I will inform your parents.’ Oh, no.
Jessica was glaring me down, but I was instantly lost in thought. Oh, no. That meant Charlie was going to know. And Bella. I mean, of course the teacher would tell them. But I was hoping he wouldn’t.
I’ve already disappointed my family enough. And to get in trouble for such a stupid thing…
I slumped in my seat, my insecurities already welling up inside me. I could already predict their reactions. Not to mention, dad would tell mom, and then mom would reprimand me about the importance of education. As if my grades weren’t just fine and this situation wasn’t stupid.
I could already tell Jessica wouldn’t want to see me at lunch. And I didn’t want to see Bella. So, maybe I’d skip…
A paper slid across my desk. I hadn’t noticed, but there was a layer of tears welled up in my eyes. I blinked them away furiously just as Jasper’s hand withdrew to his side. He was looking at me with furrowed brows, as though he was feeling the same things I was.
I picked up the paper carefully. Surprisingly, there was a phone number. His phone number.
For a moment, I forgot about my stresses and my heart skipped a beat. I sent him a sly grin, tucking the paper into my pocket. He smiled back, clasping his hands together on his desk.
And then he winked.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. But you need to learn to be more, uh, responsible. You should know better than to pass notes in class. So, uh, for a few days, I’m taking your phone away. That seems fair.”
I replayed the scene in my head, frustratingly banging my hand on my desk. Instantly regretted it, though, letting out a cry of pain and cradling my hand to my chest. Discontented tears spilled over, and I furiously wiped with my uninjured hand. 
I knew it was silly to get so stressed and worked up over something so unproblematic. So many other people had worse lives, and yet here I was, crying over not having my phone for a few days.
I rose to my feet, kicking off my jeans so that I was just in my pajamas - also known as underwear. I glanced at my door. The hallway was dark and the house was silent, minus for my musings. I was tired, but I knew if I tried to sleep now, I’d just be kept awake from the sheer stress. 
So, I went over to my dresser, pulling out my extra ‘throw-away’ brush. I went back over to the window, peering outside. It was currently open for the sake of allowing the cold autumn air in, but I closed the curtains. I flicked off the light before retreating to my bed.
I set the scene I my head and went at it. I shut my eyes and became immersed, although I made sure to keep quiet.
I suddenly arched my back, letting out a gasp. My eyes shot open and my vision went white with pleasure. I rode out the orgasm before slipping into the bed. I let out a few pants, sitting up on my elbows.
I almost let out a scream as I saw a looming - yet familiar - figure by my window, his body accentuated by the moonlight dancing in. I kicked my legs and sat up, reaching for my lamp. My gaze was glued to him the entire time, drinking in the figure. 
But, the moment I flicked on the lamp, and light flooded the room, he was gone. In fact, nothing had ever indicated his presence. A gust of wind caused the curtains to flutter open. 
I sat there, basking in my confusion. I shakily rose to my feet, going over to the window. I opened the curtains and peered out.
Nothing. I’d seen but a hallucination.
Just to be safe, though, I shut the window and closed the curtains. I then reached over into my jean’s pockets, pulling out the crumpled paper. My heart was still erratic, but as I stared at the scribbled phone number, I figured that what I’d hallucinated was a sign.
I cleaned up in the bathroom, but as I exited, I was as quiet as I could be. I began to tiptoe down the corridor, passing Bella’s room, which was silent. I then went up to Charlie’s door, which was also shut tight. I grabbed the knob, turning it slowly.
I took a step in, the floor boards creaking. But I knew that Charlie was a heavy sleeper, despite his job as a police officer. I went over to his dresser. Just as I’d predicted, sitting by a framed photo, was my cell phone and charger.
I snatched both of them up, mentally reminding myself that I’d return them after a possibly successful phone call. And with my goal achieved, I slunk back to my room.
The moment I shut the door, I let out a sigh of relief. I quickly jumped onto my bed, leaning over to plug in the charger. My heart, pumping with adrenaline from the fright I’d given myself and the super spy tactics I’d pulled, couldn’t handle it as I typed in Jasper’s number.
I typed in a quick message and my thumb hovered over the enter button. I was mustering my courage. It’d been a while since I’d been so interested in a guy. I’d never felt this way about anyone else, either. Sure, flirting and casual dating was fun, and I often engaged in such activities, but… Jasper was different.
‘Hey. U up? This is Y/n.’
I pressed enter, sending the message off into the world. I bit my lip in anticipation, rolling onto my side. I clutched a teddy bear to my chest, heart thumping loudly. I kept watching my screen, mentally debating whether to give up. However, not even a few seconds later, I got a reply.
‘I am. What’s up?’
I wasn’t sure how to reply. I expected a ‘yes’ and polite greeting, not an immediate question. I kept thinking back to how I saw him. But I wouldn’t dare confess that to him. 
‘Nothing much. I was just thinking about u. <3’
It was like I could see Jasper laughing in his bed like I was as he typed out a response. 
‘:). Want to call?’
I didn’t waste no time, pressing the call button. A permanent blush remained on my cheeks as Jasper instantly picked up. A small, ecstatic giggle escaped my lips as I held the pone to my ear and rolled onto my back.
“Hey-y-y,” I drawled flirtatiously, trying to keep my voice down.
“For the record, I was waiting to hear from you.”
“Aw. I’m sorry,” I pouted. “My dad took my phone away. I decided to steal it just to shoot you a message.”
“Why’d he take your phone away?”
“Because I got detention.  Total crap because - well, you know why. You were there.”
I turned on my side again, nuzzling my head into my pillow. Jasper sighed. “Yeah. I understand… So, you have a boyfriend?”
I could already hear his smirk from the other side of the phone. I stuttered before composing myself. “The teacher was exaggerating… Jessica was just assuming that we were a thing.”
“Aren’t we?”
“I mean, like, yeah. But not an official thing. Yet,” I managed. “ At least take me on a date first, cowboy. You may be cute, but you haven’t won me over completely. Alice is the talkative one, after all. Like, I don’t even know what your favorite color is, or when you wake up in the morning, or who the favorite sibling is.”
“Red. Seven. Alice,” he quipped. 
I pouted. “You know what I mean. Plus, I adore your voice, so you better talk way-y-y more when we go out on a date.”
“How about this weekend?”
I let out a sigh. “Sadly, I made plans with Jacob and with my school pals already. Not to mention, Alice is coming over for a sleepover tomorrow! Can’t wait for that. I love her so much!”
Silence came from the other line. I was worried I’d upset him, but he spoke up just the same,” …And the following weekends after that?”
“One of those would work perfectly, actually! The girls are talking about going down to Port Angeles for dress shopping. They’re going crazy about winter formal, even though it’s months away,” I explained, yawning. Sleepiness was starting to consume me, so I let my eyes shut.
“Perfect. Let me take you to dinner while you’re there,” he offered.
I yawned again. “Thank you, kind gentleman. I can’t wait… Tell… tell me about your day.”
“Are you sure? You sound like you’re falling asleep.”
“I swear, I’m very much… awake.”
I pawed at my face in confusion, feeling something plastic and metal against my ear. It slid off my cheek and to the comforter. I let my hand fall down alongside it, feeling what it was. I had yet to open my eyes, despite feeling the sun gently caressing my body through the window. I squeezed it, quickly realizing it was my phone.
I let out a gasp of realization and picked up the phone. I stared, expecting that it would have gone dark from no usage, but it was very much alive, showing that I’d been on the call for over seven hours. A blush rose to my cheeks and I checked the time.
It was almost time for Bella to barge in and get me to go to school. Which meant that dad would already be up and ready for work. But… he must not have noticed the phone’s disappearance.
With trembling lips and a bashful expression, I held the hone closer to my face. “…Hello? Jasper?”
I jumped at Jasper’s immediate reply. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”
“…Oh! I didn’t think you’d still be on the line,” I admitted. “I’m sorry for falling asleep on you. I thought you’d hang up.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he smoothly remarked. “You looked cute.”
My brows furrowed and I tilted my head. “…Thank you? Huh?”
Jasper immediately coughed. “Sounded. Sorry. I meant sounded.”
I brushed it off, even though my mind thought back to last night. “Of course. I assumed so.”
Silence fell over the line while I attempted to forget about the seeming hallucination from last night. Just as Jasper started speaking again, though, my bedroom door swung open and Bella peered inside. She eyed my phone with a ‘really?’ Expression, but I just stuck my tongue at her and sat up.
“Up and at ‘em,” Bella announced. “Who are you talking to? I won’t, uh, tell if you don’t.”
“Is that Bella?” Jasper asked, and Bella heard, due to the phone being on speaker.
Bella covered her mouth, but it didn’t do much to mask her howling laughter. I grabbed my pillow and furiously threw it at her. However, she dodged and made a run for it, shutting my bedroom door again. I huffed in embarrassment. 
“God, she’s going to be teasing me about this for at least a week,” I groaned, collapsing on my back. “Listen, I have to get ready for school. Will I be seeing you?”
“Of course. See you later, Y/n.”
“Later, cowboy.”
With that, I hung up. Jasper had completely contaminated my brain, and for once, I was actually extra excited to go to school just so I could stare at him during my classes. Dad didn’t even notice my missing phone, and Bella was kind enough not to mention it. So, just like that, life wasn’t going half-bad.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Comes for me: Jasper Hale x My OC Fleur Swan, Chapter 4
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Warnings: Moments of violence, cussing
AUTHORS NOTES: None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
 Sorry if you find anything misspelled or out of place. I proof read these chapters 3 times I still find things wrong with it.
“I'm alone, look at the sky, my dear. I am not every falling star make a wish every time I leave so we can love until infinity.” I'm Waiting Here by Lykke Li and David Lynch
One minute I was I sleeping with Jasper in my room and the next it seemed I was in a unfamiliar location. My movements were not at will, my feet pounded against the steel floor. It was as if I was chasing someone, I soon caught a glimpse of who it was. It looked like a security guard as I was running I noticed a sign on the wall “Grimsham.” Grimsham, that’s in Mason County. What am I doing in Mason County? Two men had ran ahead of me eager to catch the man. The two men looked unfamiliar to me, I was sure I had never seen them before. The security guard had made it outside just about to get out of the area when the man with long blonde hair caught him taking him down to the ground. They then began to feed on him, They were vampires that explained the speed. But why was I moving so fast though? My uncontrolled movements moved toward the man about to start feeding on him. It was then that I noticed that I was not in my body. My “hands” looked far to pale to be my own. Before I could see who the woman was I jumped up, gasping for air. I looked around the room, Jasper was gone. 
For once I was thankful about him not being there. I didn’t need him stressing out about something that I was a dream. I stretched and got up quickly getting ready for school as I slept in a bit too long. I went for a white lace long sleeved shirt and black jeans with the same ankle boots that I've owned for 4 years. I grabbed an apple since I didn’t have much time to eat. Just as I had closed the door I saw Bella slips on a big patch of ice. I held in a laugh wanting to be a little nicer today. I saw dad pull up in her truck and quickly help her up.
“Geez are you okay Bells?” He asked.
“Yeah, ice doesn’t exactly help the uncoordinated.” She replied.
“Well I put new tires on your truck since the old ones were getting pretty bald.” 
“Oh thanks dad.”
“I’ll put the chains on your tires tomorrow okay Petal?” 
“That’s fine dad, thank you.”
“I’m gonna be late for dinner today. I’ll be working overtime.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, a security guard  that works at Grimsham Mills down in Mason county got attacked by some animal.” He explained.
“Oh.” Was all I could say. My heart dropped down into my stomach I didn’t know what else to say. This couldn’t have been a coincidence, no way it couldn’t of been. But, I wasn’t a vampire how could I have predicted this. My mind was racing. Dad seemed to have noticed my distant look on my face.
“Are you okay Petal? You’re looking kinda pale there.” He asked
“Oh yeah I’m fine sorry my mind wandered. Be careful down there dad.” I replied.
“Yeah be careful dad.” Bella said.
“I always am. love you guys.”
“Love you too.”
These past few days have been pretty tense. Bella was of course on even more edge than usual as Edward hadn’t been showing up to school. Every time I pulled into the back of the lot and joined the rest of the Cullens I could feel Bella’s eyes burn at the back of my skull. I didn’t dare to look back, thinking I might combust into flames if I even glanced at her for a second. 
Today seemed to be one of those days. Jasper and I began to walk up the stairs toward the school. He suddenly stopped and turned around glaring back at her. Bella faltered and turned around quickly, seemingly intimidated by his harsh glare.
“You didn’t have to do that you know that right? I can handle my bony twin sister.”
“I felt like I had to darlin, her emotions were starting to give me a migraine.” 
“Aww, I’m sorry love.” I said I then pecked his lips.
“Edwards suppose to be back to though right?”
“Yes, he is he’s just running late.”
“Oh okay. Maybe him being back will calm her down.”
“Hopefully, now come on, we have a history test to take.”
“Ugh, why would you remind me about that now I got a migraine.” I said.
He chuckled before dragging me to class. As much as I wanted to focus on my test I just couldn’t. That dream kept filling my head after every questions I read. 
“Who was America named after?”
“Where is the Hudson River located at?”
“Name differences between federalist and anti-federalist.”
I just couldn’t formulate a full answer without drifting back to the dream. The three people ravaged that poor security guard and I was in one of those monsters bodies. Am I connected to them in someway or was this really just a dream? For my sanity and racing heart I just came to the conclusion it was. I just barely finished that history test before the time had run out. I finally lifted my head to see Jasper looking at me, worry etched all over his chiseled face. I couldn’t be helping his migraine at all. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the classroom. English and Calculus went by quickly and I was soon back at lunch. Bella hadn’t been glaring at me from across the room today. Jasper must’ve of scared her a bit. It was nice to get a break from the constant looks of pure hatred. I was working on an essay about the Scarlet Letter for English and Jasper had left to take a quick walk. As soon as he left Rosalie had tapped my shoulder.
“Hey are you okay? You’ve seemed kinda off this morning, Jasper’s starting to notice it too. She asked.
“No, I’m not.”
Alice and Dean’s interest had peaked and listened in on our conversation.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?”
“No, not exactly. I just had a really bad nightmare. It was like I was in on the attack, It wasn’t me me though I was in someone elses body. I helped with the attack I was chasing that poor man with two other men.” 
“That’s strange, no wonder you’ve been out of it all morning.” Rosalie said.
“But it gets even worse, dad told me today he had to go down to Mason county because a security guard got attack by an animal. It was the same place in my dream.”
Rosalie, Emmett, Dean, and Alice looked shocked not exactly knowing what to say.
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You’ll drive yourself crazy.” Rosalie said.
“Yeah don’t worry about it short-stack.”
“Yeah, you guys are right I need to stop worrying. I just can’t help it. It felt so real to me.”
“We’ll check out the area if that makes you feel better.” Alice suggested.
“I couldn’t ask you guys to do that but, thank you for the offer.”
“It wouldn’t be much trouble.” Dean said.
“No really I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Rosalie asked.
“Yeah it’s okay, can we just keep this between us for now.
“Don’t worry, We won’t tell anyone else.” Rosalie said.
“Thank you.”
Jasper had returned to the table putting his arm around my should and kissing my head. I noticed he had someone else with him, that person being Edward. 
“Been a while Edward, are you feeling better?”
“Yes, I feel a lot better.”
I then took Jasper’s hand feeling more content. It felt nice to tell somebody else about my dream. It was like a weight fell off my shoulders and my heart had returned to it’s normal pace. After Art and Calculus I made my way out of the building ready to head back home. Hopefully Bella would be in a better mood I didn’t want to fight today. I felt my arm being tugged on to turn me around... I of course knew who it was I guess him being back didn’t help he much. 
“Yes, Bella?” I asked in a calm tone.
“Look I know you’re around the Cullens all the time what’s going on with Edward!? She demanded.
“I don’t know.” I lied.
“Don’t lie to me! How stupid do you think I am? Everything was going fine in Biology and then when I asked about his eyes he freaked out again.” 
I held in a comment I didn’t want this to escalate.
“I am not lying Bella I don’t what is going on we never talk much.”
“Oh don’t give me that load of crap! Tell that freak of a boyfriend of yours to stop glaring at.”
“He can look where ever he wants to and he is not a freak. Don’t start something you can’t finished Bella. It won’t end well for you.” I said and started to walk away. 
“Oh no your not, you’re not going to walk away from me again!.”
Before I could say anything else I heard the screeching of a van. It was heading right towards us. I pushed Bella out of harms ways as much as I wanted to rip her head off I wouldn’t let her get crushed by a van. But I didn’t have enough time to move myself. I put my hands up knowing that it would help the impact but, my instincts just told me to do that. I was suddenly knocked down hitting my head on the pavement. I looked up with blurry eyes to see Jasper holding me and stopping the van. My breath was stuttering I didn’t know what to do.
“Are you okay darlin? I feel pain.” He asked he amber eyes filled with worry.
“I’m fine. You need to go though you can get caught. We don’t need anyone getting suspicious about you guys.” I said.
He nodded, kissed my head then left. I was suddenly surrounded by students all of them shouting to call 911.
“Oh my gosh Fleur!”
“Are you okay?!”
“I’m calling 911 now.”
“I’m sorry Fleur I tried to stop!” I heard Tyler say, he had a cut on the side of his head
My head started spinning so I laid down before I closed my eyes though I saw Bella's face for once she didn’t look at me with hatred but, shock and worry.
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ginwhitlock · 3 years
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summary: human!JASPER/ human!BELLA. Bella is called to deliver day supplies to a very tired and mostly lost 1st Regiment Calvary, headed by no other than Major Jasper Whitlock. What will the two do once left alone to go over maps of the Tennessee hills?
fic type: oneshot, SMUT 18+
warnings: is set in the civil war, which means Jasper is a soldier in the confederacy literally only because he’s from Texas I promise, it would’ve been weird to make him union and apart of the Texas Calvary as that wasnt a union regiment, I do not support the confederacy or any of its beliefs, its just part of his backstory and this fic is centered directly in his human life (the confederacy itself is not mentioned in detail, it is just alluded to the fact). This is a smut fic but not hardcore in anyway so be warned. Oh also I made Bella and Emmett siblings. Of course. 
She almost broke his nose kissing him.
She almost shattered bone and cartilage clicking their teeth together, enamel scraping enamel.
She almost caved in the center of his face so she could lick the insides of his molars, separate his jaws to find the pit of his throat, dangle her self righteousness by his uvula.
And to think she almost didn’t go out that morning.
Isabella Marie was the kind of pretty you didn’t see right away. The layers of fine muscle and fragile skin hiding the richness of her blood-red cheeks, crisp even in the horrible heat of August. And with that heat came hot headed Calvary men with unlined coat pockets and a hunger for pretty little girls.
She met Major Whitlock three miles outside of town, the local preacher sending her out to their camp with as many baskets as her daddy’s two mules could hold on their hips. She was flushed, the slot of her breastbone slick with afternoon sweat— her riding boots did nothing but slosh around with her pale feet inside, leather no match for Tennessee mountain hidin weather.
Maybe she should’ve dropped ice down her shift. Maybe she should’ve played dead and waited for God to put her on her ass.
The thin brunette was graced with the presence of an even skinner red head the moment Stubborn Ass’s (as she affectionally called her steed in private) hooves entered the temporary camp. The mans hair fell limply in front of his eyes which were slightly sunken, the blue of his irises molting into a starved shade of dust. His lips were worse. Once pink and slightly plump, now skinny and cracked with the less than dusty air.
“Is this the 1st Regiment Calvary? From Texas?” Her voice was strained and feverish, salt dripping off her Cupid’s bow.
The man nodded and offered a hand, “Names Sargent Henry Arquette. Nice to see you Miss, the boys haven’t been able to get any supplies up here for days,” Bella grasped his hand tightly, afraid her unskilled balance would come into play, and forced her weight down to the ground ungracefully, “you’re the sheriffs daughter, right miss?” His smile seemed correct handing off his skinny face, his teeth crooked and off centered, but sweet. She quirked her lip in return.
“Yes Sargent, I seem to be your supply wagon today. There’s more back in town but I was told you wouldn’t be in for a day or so.” Flushed and overdressed, that’s how she felt. Every second.
Henry took in the view of the well fed half breeds and gestured off handedly, something she would come to learn was an action he didn’t even notice he performed. “Day. Days. Who knows until we ration it. These trails are less trails and more raccoon paths. I’m just waiting to see why the hell we’ve been sent so far east to begin with.” He had no recognition what was proper to say in front of the young lady at his side, the year had been sucked dry of any feminine… life, to say lightly. A piece of his brain nudged him for speaking so plainly, but Bella never once looked offended and twitched her head in both sympathy and understanding. She had been raised in these hills. She knew their damnation like the back of her hand. Maybe even the back of her skull.
“I’ve heard about raids up in McMinnville. Bases and such lining up and down the mountain. My brother’s part of the 16th Regiment Calvary up there actually, you know. Things are heating up in our little slice of the world.” The little thing spoke like a sparrow, her nose pointed and soft, the bottom of her front teeth pillowing into her bottom lip. At the age of seventeen she seemed somehow both grounded and unsure.
The south was ripping itself apart. And she— and the Sargent, knew it.
Bella could see the redhead start to comment on her brothers hand me down gossip when a giant of a man— boy? Man? Definitely man, by the looks of his muscled shoulders and high jaw, the darkened cast shifting just under the skin of his cheeks, the low dip of a scar just below his brow— a brow which furrowed, twisted, and arched back up into his tanned forehead when he noticed the mules waiting restlessly, tails swinging behind a girl in a kinder man's idea of a dress and interrupted the lower soldiers train of thought.
“You must be Miss Isabella McCarty. I spoke to your father when we arrived last night.” Clipped and forward were his words, his hand outstretched in front of him, decorated in mis-matched freckles and calluses she could feel pressing into the column of her throat as she placed her small palm in his. “Major Jasper Whitlock, at your assistance.”
No smile graced his face but by God she would witness his lips stretch over his teeth if it was the last thing she ever did.
Still with her hand in his she whispered “You can call me Bella. Or Bella Marie. Or Isabella Marie oh or my mother calls me Belle or sometimes when my father is upset with me he calls me Marie McCarty like my grandmother used to and um..” her tongue had to have swelled to the size of a watermelon in the three seconds it took to look him in the eyes— the swamp green eyes in fact. Eyes the color of duckweed and marigold stems and whatever leaves would stick to the blackberries in the spring.
He laughed. And it sounded like a white flag waving in her insides. Back and forth. Back and forth.
Maybe the preacher was a righteous man after all.
“I like Isabella Marie. Miss Isabella Marie.” Like rain drops on a tin ceiling.
The Arquette boy looked between the two before edging towards the black mules “Any orders where to put these, Major?” Skinny lips. Skinny spine.
Jasper had finally looked up from the strawberry cheeked girl in front of him, released their hands, and knocked his head backwards, towards the other soldiers checking tents and cleaning their own horses.
“Just take em back to the storage tent. Not like it’ll be competing for space.” The Major looked back at his men “Calhoun, Jennings, help Arquette move these rations will you? Make yourself useful for once.” His voice didn’t have to boom and condense like a rung out air horn, the cool of his vocal cords carried and personally plucked the not yet men from their activities and dragged them towards the group of three. Like some sort of magic act.
Bella was far from resigned. “So Major Whitlock, what would you like me to do?” Hopeful eyes, always searching to please. Or to piss off— as Emmett always scorned.
An upturn of lips flashed through Jaspers face and he looked to the sky for a mere moment “Mind helping me sort out some of my maps back in camp? My backwoods knowledge ain’t as sharp as my Houston kind and you seem like an expert in this area, getting yourself up to us all alone.” Bella’s feet started to move on instinct towards the felted wool tent covering a hundred or so feet behind the large man, but his hand stopped her at the shoulder, “And, if you don’t mind, would you be my guide back to town this evening? I’ve got to scout the path for the boys to pull through by the end of this week.”
She should’ve thought longer about it, linger over his words, the way his tongue flicked over his canines and brushed noticeably at the edge of his front teeth. But she didn’t. Not now. Not when the time it would’ve taken could pick at the carefully constructed wall built specifically for boys with serpent tongues. And lion hands. And bear teeth and… he still waiting for her response.
A shake to her head “Of course Major. If you’ll help me bring the mules back home, you’d be more help to me than I think I’d ever be to you.”
He could taste her self doubt. And he didn’t like it.
A jut of his brow led them through the ragged campsite, broken down cinders coating the bottom of her unusually worn boots, the lace of her dress clashing horribly with the scent of charred flesh and resting wounds. If only she knew a doctor. If only the town still had one.
His tent was one of the stronger ones, every inch placated with the spine of a book or a map binder or a drape of letters. He needed a desk and a real bed and maybe someone to make sure he stayed warm during the mountain nights.
Jaspers hands found a tiny stack of drawn maps and laid them over his now folded lap on the ground. Bella swiftly found her place at his bended knee and ran a finger over the torn edge. “These look older than my father. It doesn’t even mark the trail you follow to town.” The squishy flesh of her thumb traced an invisible oil line through the mountain and deposited itself in a town with seemingly no name, according to the parchment. “That’s home. If you’re following these maps I don’t quite understand how you ever got here.” Her eyes were full, engorged on road markers and faded city names.
Jasper softly nodded, their heads just inches from each other as she leaned in to scour the map. He had barely gotten to the camp they were in, his right hand Henry doing nearly all of the sight work. He’d be a hell of a tracker if he was a bloodhound. The blond almost chucked at the thought of Henry with big floppy mutt ears, yelping at the pretty girl almost in Jasper’s lap.
Her hair was like a chocolate waterfall. The good chocolate that mama got sent to her from her sister up north, the kind that was broken off continuously, piece after piece fed to him and his sisters until nothing was left.
Part of him wanted to see if she tasted as sweet.
He’d blame it on how damn long it’s been since he’s smelled anything other than soured sores and gunpowder. Even if Miss Isabella Marie smelled good enough to eat. Good enough to take like a man starved. And God— Jasper hungered like no other.
“There’s a river through the valley here, if you can find yourself through the woods.” Bella had found a piece of graphite and drawn in the harsh line of a hidden waterway just a mile or so from camp. She looked up at him as she spoke, her eyes warmly whiskey colored through her lashes.
His mouth clenched. “How old are you Miss McCarty?”
She blinked rapidly, like coming out of a daze. “Seventeen.”
Her hand dropped the instrument to the paper and draw up to his knee, the covered bone sharp under her knuckles.
“Do you have a boy at home waiting for you, Miss McCarty?” Hot air blew from his mouth to hers like a heatwave. Like a curse.
Bella’s lips formed a small “No” as she slid her small hand up the Major’s thigh, her singular ring gliding like margarine inch my inch as the seconds ticked by, each breath marking the two closer.
“Do you have a wife, Major?” Only whisper escaped her rosebud mouth, his face turning downwards, noses only separated by spirit.
“I was too busy waiting for you, it seems, Miss Bella.”
Her heart thumped her chest hard enough to make her ears ring.
Bella’s fist jumped from Jasper’s thigh to his army issued button up and crushed his chest to her own, her lips finding purchase slotted against his, the force clinking their front teeth together without care. His hands were gripping the roots of her soft waves, their skulls as close as their skin would let them. She wanted more, more, the heat suffocating the tent from more than the August sun. Her thin fingers slipped easily through the button gaps as his tongue invaded the privacy of her mouth. A horrible demented part of her brain screamed ‘Take, Take, Take. Mark me down and climb into the spaces that were meant to fit just us.’ Her brother had always called her too much of a dreamer. Too much of a poet and a believer and an artist. But God. This man was in her hands and she felt like a masterpiece.
A man she hardly knew.
But somehow, the scrape of his knuckles against her soon to be bare thighs felt like they had known each other at birth. Like Texas and Tennessee were just minutes from each other. As if they were the only bodies in the whole entire war.
Jasper’s hands were of no gentleman’s when he unfastened the ribbons holding her skirt to her waist, the under coat used for riding coming off like silk in his calloused palms. She was moaning into his mouth, the world outside the tent becoming buttery soft and not to be worried about. All there was was Jasper and his fucking mouth moving to her neck and his teeth toying around her jaw.
“Jesus, Major” He chuckled at her swear and rid her completely of every layer but her shift and the wool of her stockings, the small corset she wore becoming just cannon fodder for the mouth and hands of the Cavalryman.
“I love when you call me that, darlin. Wanna hear you scream it.” She had barely gotten open a single button on his shirt before he brushed the maps out of the way and flipped her on her back underneath him, the sway of his curled mane teasing her, the golden wheat just barely out of the reach of her teeth or fingers.
She wanted to use it like reins.
She’d especially like calling him by his rank then.
“You know I—“ her breathing caught the better of her as he lifted her by her thighs and dragged her ass to his kneeled position, his fingers running up her stockings with particular care, each inch another layer to her growing wetness. She didn’t let go of her breath until he had reached the skirting of her underdress, the white cotton nearly see through with the sweat sticking to every inch of her skin. His watery eyes devoured the sight with an indescribable hunger. Like a wolf hanging over a bleeding lamb.
What a happy sacrifice she’d be.
“Are you a good little southern girl, Isabella?” His fingertips brushed just under the fabric, his intent not easily hidden behind his hardened brow.
She came out trembling, she couldn’t tell over excitement or fear. “Yes Sir. No ones ever…” even her mother would blush saying those words.
Jasper finally smiled, sharp and soul quenching, like a mist of rain before a hurricane.
“I’m going to ruin you.” He couldn’t tell her about the wedding playing out behind his eyes or the static electric resonance he felt thinking about how another man would never get to lay a hand on his pretty Isabella.
His fingers slipped over her cunt, the soft curling hair tickling his fingertips. The moist warmth wet his fingers before skirting over her lips. He almost groaned. She was soaked. He had to see what his little Belle looked like in the light.
Jasper’s eyes met Bella’s giant blown out doe ones, her elbows holding up her upper body, trying to anticipate his very next move.
If they were playing chess, he was going to win. And she had always been a sore loser.
The skirt of the shift creased with the heat of his palms against her stomach, the slightly cooler air blowing across her pussy, making Bella suck in a breath through her teeth, her bottom lip becoming stuck under them with practiced strength.
Her knees knocked against Jasper’s hips as he watched the pink of her pussy clench around nothing, her wet little hole puckering and buzzing with the want of something under his trousers. He licked his lips as he had a gathered two fingers at her slit and traced upwards, her breath coming out in pants as he reached her clit, the engorged nub nearly ringing in her ears. A small circle over it make her moan from her throat. Bella had never felt someone else’s touch, she had never realized how much she wanted for it. She never knew how much she wanted Jasper to touch her.
The solider took his time as he brought the pads of his fingers back down to her achingly small hole and gathered some of her slick, the smell of sweat and Bella nearly driving him half insane as he brought a finger to his mouth, his tongue licking her clean off.
If Bella could speak to God directly and have him reply, she’d thank him for the creation of Major Jasper Whitlock.
But all she could do was cry out for more. And more he silently promised to give.
Maybe too much.
He had to stretch her out, the head of his cock wouldn’t fit into her without an orgasm in her, not now at least. Jasper slowly brought his hand back a third time and entered a single finger, her hips nearly bucking against his wrist as he slowly sat himself. A bead of sweat ran off his brow. A second finger partnered with the first after a few pumps, in and out, in and out. The near wetness coated on those fingers alone could bring him to release in his cot. He couldn’t wait any longer.
“Isabella I have to—“ “Please Major I need—“
The two looked at each other, their mouths in sync as they sat, their souls intertwining and bundling up into a bramble of wonderful thorns, coy smiles gracing both their faces.
Bella sat up slowly and draped a hand over Jasper’s belt buckle. “May I, Major?” The shorty craftsmanship of the iron buckle became putty under her unskilled hands as he nodded, now without words for the angel in front of him. The belt was off before the two noticed and Jasper brought his issued pants down to his ankles and off with his shoes to rest with the scraps of her dress he had taken off so quickly.
“Do you… always go bare?” The squeak of Bella’s voice made Jasper snicker like the teenage boy he technically still was, the nineteen year old clicking his teeth together and grinning. “Miss McCarty, sometimes underpinnings only get in the way of an army man.” A deep blush settled into her cheeks as she slapped at his chest, his shirt hanging open just slightly as he pushed her back to the floor.
“Shush, Whitlock.”
His smile turned feral as the head of his cock graced the hood of her clit, bouncing just slightly with the breath of their bodies. Jasper marked in his head that this should be a sight to see on their wedding night, not their first night together, but by God was it a beautiful one.
He looked at her as he grasped one of her hips with his right hand and the base of his cock with his left. “Breathe, Belle. Breathe with me, alright?” She nodded her head slowly and brought her own hand to the tent floor, grasping tightly.
Jasper’s hand guided the head carefully over her lips and to her quivering entrance. One buck and he’d tear her to badly to bear. No matter how long it had been… he’d never rush with his Isabella. Not now.
He slowly pushed in, the stretch a burn like no other, Bella’s voice turning from a quick steal of breath to a long sigh, the air being pushed out as he took her in. Inch by inch she devoured him, the heat marking his cock in emotional third degree burns. The sky burned brighter, the colors in his eyes turned clearer. Her hips and her fragile skin and the slip of her cunt was the end of the world and the birth of something entirely new. She grasped his shoulders as he mumbled a slew of impressive praise as he allowed her to adjust and seated himself at the very base of her cervix. Her throat screamed out to him as her nails dug in his back.
A wonderful, wonderful burn.
Bella slipped a hand to Jasper’s hip to push him back, to set any and all pace so that the fire would keep burning. He quickly slotted his face in the clench of her neck and began to move his pale hips, beginning to push and pull within her very tight walls.
The tent was full of grunts and moans and breathy screams he was sure the entirely camp heard. But Jesus Christ he didn’t give a single damn at that very moment. His boys knew to stay out of his shit and they be proven that every second until his angel’s orgasm.
God he wanted to fill her up. Wanted to take all of his cum and bury it deep where the lord intended, leave her leaking and exhausted and full of everything he had. He’d empty his balls in her again and again if it meant the Tennessee flower in his arms would keep him forever.
He wanted her forever.
“Major, deeper, please God please yes YES.” Jasper’s hips were snapping at a rapid pace, his balls slapping against her ass as he drove her into the hard ground. He could feel her tighten up the way he felt the air change around him before a fight broke out, the way a horse steps on a snake without jumping. There was an electricity in the air and the moment Bella tore his head out from her and pulled him into a jaw crushing kiss, he was crumbling at her feet, her pussy clenching and spasming around his cock with enough force to take out a grizzly bear.
She locked her legs around his hips as he all but collapsed into her, his hair sweaty between her fingers as she combed through it as his dick twitched it’s last time inside her belly. Jasper’s own hands found repentance under her ass and stayed there, too tired to remove himself from her heat.
“That ride home is gonna be sweaty, isn’t it?” Her whisper made her snort and bite into the side of her neck as she giggled.
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Whumpmas in July (Day 9): "Look at Me"
A full 3 days late, I'm rolling up with this drabble, @whumpmasinjuly . I did my best. This lovely drabble has betrayal, as well as a little stabby stab.
Emmett’s skull seared with pain as he clawed his way back to consciousness. He raised his hand to clutch at his head, but it never found his forehead. He tried his other hand, and that one wasn’t cooperating either. He grunted quietly and kept his eyes clothes, not willing to face the burning light surely waiting for him. His whole body ached. He searched his brain for a moment, and then he remembered why.
Driving to interview someone… the light was green… then a car slamming head-on into the passenger side… Charlie! They were driving. Where was Charlie?!
Emmett’s eyes flew open. He gasped in pain at the sudden light and blinked rapidly, trying to clear them. He managed to get some sort of image in his vision, and that’s when he realized when he didn’t have his hands. They were tied behind his back, and he sat in a chair in an empty room. It looked like a normal room in a normal house, based on the plaster walls, but plastic drop cloth covered the floor. That meant they planned to kill him or at least make him bleed somehow, and they intended not to leave evidence. They were professionals.
A man sat in a foldable chair in the corner, and now that Emmett was clearly awake, he watched him boredly. Then, he tucked his phone in his pocket and left the room. He took the chair with him. They put a guard over him to make sure he didn’t escape, so he was probably just grabbing someone else.
If Emmett was clever enough, maybe he could get them to reveal if Charlie was here. Hopefully they were less injured, since the car hit Emmett’s side and whoever this was wanted him alive, so they probably kept them alive too.
The doorknob turned again soon after, but he’d had enough time to brainstorm tricks to gather information. Every single one flew out of his mind when Charlie stepped through the door.
They weren’t bound. They weren’t being held at gun point. They weren’t upset, or even hurt, save for a few cuts on their face. Emmett’s confusion squashed his initial wave of relief. He barely registered the two men flanking them.
“Your eyes look like they’re going to pop out of your head,” Charlie commented calmly. Emmett untangled his tongue and got his mouth to move.
“Are you okay? What’s going on?” Emmett asked. Charlie’s lip twitched.
“I’m fine, now. I thought that car crash would kill you, but alas, here you are,” Charlie crossed their arms. Emmett’s brain stirred his groggy thoughts around, searching for explanations.
“You don’t seem happy to see me,” Emmett noted. Where was the sense of happiness that always accompanied his partner? Charlie waved their hand.
“Yeah. I thought you’d be dead, and I’d catch a break, but you were determined… as usual,” Charlie said. Emmett’s frown grew deeper. They seemed to be working just fine, so Charlie shouldn’t need a break from him. The investigation was making progress, and they’d just recently broken through some tough roadblocks. Did he miss a mistake he made?
“I’m here, Charlie. I’m okay. Get me out of these, and we can get out of here,” Emmett said. His head hurt and he wanted to go home. Maybe he could think clearly there. Although, he probably needed to stop by medical for his obvious concussion.
Charlie snorted. “What? No. No… you’re here for life, Em. At least for what’s left of it.”
Emmett watched them, still trying to understand. Mind control wasn’t a real thing, and if someone blackmailed his partner, they’d find a way to tell him, so he racked his brain for other explanations. Charlie waited a few moments for them to figure it out but quickly grew impatient. They had always been the impatient one…
“I’m with them, dumbass,” Charlie snapped. A ball lodged in Emmett’s throat. ‘Them’ could technically be any number of criminal groups, but based on their investigative focus and how long they’d been around…
“You’re a Finelli. You have been this whole time,” Emmett breathed. He was so stupid. He let them into his house— his home. They were partners. They lived and breathed and fought together for the last three years. “So none of it was real?”
“Nope,” Charlie said, popping the ‘p’. Emmett shook his head. He knew his emotions needed to wait until later, so he’d try to push them down, but they forced their way to the surface. Appealing to Charlie’s emotions would be his best hope.
“What about all the times we saved each other? All the times we watched each other’s backs? That was real connection, Charlie. We’re partners,” Emmett insisted.
“You’re a nuisance,” Charlie said, and they might as well have smacked Emmett. “I hated every moment of this dumb mission.”
“Even the carpool karaoke? The- the stakeouts?” Emmett asked. It was a dumb habit to single out, but it was all that he could bring to mind. Those were his favorite moments with them. Charlie strode toward him, producing a knife as they walked. The blade rested against his throat.
“Especially the karaoke. In fact, I think I’ll cut out your voice box… keep it as a souvenir of this miserable mission. A little prize for all the torture I had to endure.”
Emmett tried to lean his head away. After all they’d been through… all the late nights going through evidence and the drunken ubers home… he blinked rapidly.
“He’s crying already?” A voice cut in— one of the men who had entered with them.
“He cries really easily. I’ve spent at least $200 on dry cleaning just because he kept getting snot on my suit jackets.”
“But you- you cried on my shoulder too…”
“I didn’t want you to get suspicious. The one time I did it.. I wasn’t upset about Brian’s death. I was the one who killed him.”
“They were getting too close, so the boss called it,” Charlie shrugged. The coroner declared Brian’s death as natural— a heart attack. Charlie must’ve somehow induced it. Emmett wondered what else Charlie had done— what else had they destroyed? Had other incidents been their making?
“Do you regret it? Surely you must feel something… for me at least?”
They stared at Emmett, and there seemed to be a hesitation there— a glimmer. Emmett kept going. ”I care about you. I know my family does, too. Is this really what you want, Charlie?” Charlie’s knife came away from their neck a little, and Emmett watched them hopefully. “There’s still a chance to change this. I’ll help you.” Charlie’s hand fell away from Emmett’s neck, and he straightened back up. Charlie adjusted their grip on the knife, and Emmett glanced at the guards near them.
Emmett carefully considered his next words and opened his mouth. Then, the knife plunged into his shoulder. Emmett screamed. The moment he could think again, he realized he heard laughter. Charlie was laughing.
“Ah, man. I got you. Whoo!” They hunched over and then checked that the other two guards also found this funny. They forced laughter. “You really thought you were what… appealing to my humanity?”
Emmett tucked this chin in and stared intently at the room’s corner. There were a few cracks in the trimming, and they quickly became interesting.
“No, Em. As much as I hate the term, I’m a full-on psychopath. I don’t get petty feelings like that.” A short paise, and then a hand grabbed his chin.
“Look at me.” Emmett ignored the command. The grip tightened, and Charlie dragged his chin upward. Emmett closed their eyes.
“Look. At. Me.” Charlie’s other hand grabbed the knife, and they drove it in deeper. Emmett whimpered, but he kept his eyes closed.
“Why?” He managed.
“Because Boss wants to make an example of you— discourage other cops from taking up the case after us. You’re going to die slowly, and painfully, and you might as well do it with dignity.”
Emmett huffed in pain. “Ah, so you do care.”
“No,” Charlie corrected. “I just don’t want it to be boring. Are you so cowardly that you can’t even face me?” Emmett shook their head. It wasn’t that they couldn’t face death, or even pain. They knew a terrible death might come from this investigation, and they were surprised they’d made it nearly four years without that. But this person— this person that they let into their life and their home and their trust. They wouldn’t forgive themselves for being so blind. Charlie dug their nails into his chin. It stung his soul as much as his skin.
“Open your eyes, or your daughter dies next.” Emmett couldn’t risk it. Even if it hurt, he needed to keep Mylie safe. He owed her that, after letting this monster take her to school and attend her dance recitals. His eyes cracked open. Charlie grinned.
“Perfect. Let’s begin.”
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figonas · 3 years
Twilight Re-watch Notes Pt. 1 - A Contest for the Worst Movie Quote in History
I'd like to think I'm funny so please enjoy my scene-by-scene notes from a recent Twilight Saga re-watch.
Hey Catherine Hardwicke, opening with the death of an animal was probably not the best choice but go off I guess??
There is a lot of general Bella awkwardness that I'm skipping over here but the scene in gym class is so horrifically, painfully uncomfortable that I almost passed out from the second-hand embarrassment.
Jessica trying her best to be fake nice to the human embodiment of a crumpled soda can: "Aren't people from Arizona like....really tan"
Bella with all the cadence of a child who just found out Santa isn't real: "yeah..I guess that's why they kicked me out"
Mike clearly just trying to get his dick wet: "HAHAH you are funny"
no mike she is not.
I'm not gonna go into the biology class scene because god knows tumblr has beaten that particular horse to death. BUT the scene in the administration office immediately after that is a TRIP. Edward has one of his most dramatic lines here when they won't let him switch classes: “I’ll just have to endure it” ?!?!?!?!?!?! This is INSANITY, he sounds like he's going to burst into tears like Edward please chill you aren't even being a little subtle.
I will never get over Bella trying to put Ketchup on her burger and then just???? giving up???? when it doesn't come out after she limply shakes it approximately once.
“HOW YOU LIKIN DA RAIN GIRL” Is our first contender for the worst and most unnatural line in movie history, and trust me there are plenty more.
Bella accusatorily saying “you were gone” to Edward as if this dude who she met for approximately 30 minutes 2 weeks ago owes her even a PALTRTY SCRAP of an explanation about anything???????
Actually, this whole scene is a horrific nightmare of awkward intrusive conversation:
“hey did you get contacts” WHO JUST ASKS THAT?!?
and of course; “it’s the fluorescents” [RUNS AWAY]
Charlie and Bella have the only organic-sounding dialogue in the entire movie. Any awkwardness they have is BELIEVABLE father-daughter awkwardness and not like "I'm being forced to film this against my will" awkwardness like every other exchange in this film series.
Bella asks Edward ALL OF ONCE about him saving her from the truck and Edward gets so haughty and smug thinking that Bella won't figure it out
“you’re not gonna let this go are you?” “no” “then I hope you enjoy disappointment” [storms off] MY DUDE LITERALLY 2 SCENES LATER SHE FIGURES IT OUT IN 3 GOOGLE CLICKS
“I had an adrenaline rush, it’s very common you can google it” contender number two for the terrible dialogue award.
Edward saying “if you were smart you would stay away from me” AFTER HE APPROACHED HER LIKE FUCK OFF [skeleton throwing its own skull gif]
Kstew got a lot of flack for her performance in this movie but when she has a good partner to exchange lines with she SHINES. The scene with Angela and her at the beach where she tells her to ask Eric to prom is GOOD. EVERY scene with Charlie in THIS ENTIRE FRANCHISE is GOOD. It is nothing but pure misogyny that Rpatz didn’t catch any flack for his truly, horrifically awkward performance
I cannot believe Stephanie thought it would be a good idea to have Edward save Bella from potentially getting gang r*ped like I get it girl is about the drama but still this is just a TOOOUCH too far
The “you’re impossibly fast & strong” monologue is so bad I want to barf
“I’ve killed people before” “doesn’t matter” BITCH YES IT DOES WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
“MY OWN PERSONAL BRAND OF HEROIN” IS SO BAD. Like we all recognize how bad this is right? Especially when one considered the target demographic for these films, i.e. teenage girls, have NO FUCKING FRAME OF REFERENCE FOR THIS WHAT.SO.EVER.
Who thought this meadow scene was a good idea, they need to be sent straight to hell. WHY ARE THEY LAYING DOWN LIKE, SIT MAYBE?????? IT’S SO WEIRD AND UNNATURAL THEY LOOK LIKE DOLLS I HATE IT
The scene where they get out of the car and Edward puts his arm around Bella while Spotlight by Mutemath plays in the background is TOP TIER teen drama bs and I love it. Far and away the best shot in the movie apart from The Baseball Scene(TM).
I will never get over the fact that Edward's bitch ass rats Bella out for already eating when she comes over to meet his family. BE FUCKING COOL EDWARD FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, GOD!!!
Esme is too pure for this world I can’t deal with her, & Emmet waving the knife is my favorite thing in all 5 of these movies
Why tf are Alice and Jasper fucking off doing god knows what in a tree and not helping with dinner like everyone else? Y'all ain't special even Rosalie is helping
Esme talking to Rosalie “Clean this up..now” I LOVE YOU BE MY MOM
Earlier they talk about the fact that vampires don’t sleep BUT the first thing Bella says when she walks into Edward's room is “no bed” girl we know what you after you ain't slick.....
WHAT IS THIS DANCING SCENE IN HIS BEDROOM IT’S HORRIBLE TO WATCH and I want to find whoever thought “well I could always make you” was a good line for Edward to say and slap them directly in the mouth.
“hold on tight spider monkey” excuse me while I VOMIT
Mike offering his opinion on Bella dating Edward HOWEVER justified is automatically invalidated by A. his own romantic interest in Bella and B. the fact that he has also know Bella for all of 10 minutes & has no bearing on her personal life whatsoever
The whole scene when Bella is telling her dad about her date with Edward is absolutely god tier. Charlie snapping the barrel of the shotgun closed, him motioning that he has a halo on, asking her if she still has her pepper spray. BILLY BURKE LIFTED THIS MOVIE UP AND TRIED SO HARD TO CARRY IT ON HIS BROAD, MUSTACHIOED DAD SHOULDERS, WE STAN
Supermassive Black Hole in the background, Alice going AWF with her pitching, Rosalie getting all pissed when Bella says she's out and Emmett yells "c'mon babe it's just a game" like the puppy dog of a person (vampire?) he is, CARLISLE WEARING A SCARF WHILE PLAYING BASEBALL, I WILL NEVER EMOTIONALLY RECOVER FROM JASPERS BAT TRICKS, EMMET AND EDWARDS LAUGH AFTER CRASHING INTO ONE ANOTHER.
A TRULY IMMACULATE MOVIE SCENE. This scene isn’t long enough
“My monkey man” might be the worst line in this movie, I’m so torn between which one is the worst. Also, I'm just now realizing that this is the second time someone has compared a loved one to some type of monkey and I really don't like it.
Bella's defeated “I can’t hurt him” breaks my heart every time. AND FUCKING BILLY BURKE pulling out his acting chops with Charlie’s poor little broken sounding “I know I’m not that much fun to be around we can do more stuff together” & “I just gotcha back” LIKE LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SCENE HURTS ME ON A PHYSICAL LEVEL AND I AM ENTITLED TO FINANCIAL COMPENSATION
I know I've skipped over a lot but it's just a lot of like star wipe level montage of nonsense, so we are mOVING ON to what is possibly the biggest plot hole I've never recognized before now: How in the hell was James planning on luring Bella out if he didn’t find that videotape of Bella's mom looking for her????? Or was he just going to bust up in the holiday inn, metaphorical guns blazing & toss Bella out a window???
This fight scene between James & Edward is VERY poorly choreographed and you can practically see the stunt wires pulling on their clothes but no one is surprised..this is Twilight after all.
Who the fuck starts the fire in the ballet studio if Carlisle & Edward are with Bella, Jasper and Emmet are holding James's arms and Alice is ripping his head off???? Esme and Rosalie aren't there so the only explanation is that Emmett's power Stephanie never told us about is his ability to start small, controlled, indoor bonfires with his mind.
If Bella was losing blood from her femoral artery it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that she would have been cognizant enough to tell them her hand was burning + THERE’S A BIG ASS BITE HOW DID THEY MISS IT???
Let Me Sign is such a good fucking song. Actually, while we're on music every song on every Twilight Saga soundtrack SLAPS. At least 1 department at Summit Entertainment was staffed with competent people. (side note, why the fuck do I know the studio by name that made this movie. I need to go lie down)
Bella acting a damn fool in the hospital bed like clingy much
The Edward/Jacob beef is so dramatic at prom can you both chill for 5 minutes we haven't even gotten to y'alls bullshit yet that's not until New Moon.
Bella really thought this mfer was gonna turn her at prom in the middle of the dancefloor??????????
Flightless Bird American Mouth. That's it, that's the bullet point
Victoria coming to prom, like we stan a dramatic bitch.
I will almost CERTAINLY post my New Moon (Extended Edition) notes in a few days. & yes I do have notes on the entire franchise.
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whenitcounts33 · 4 years
Join Me
Bella knew something was wrong the minute she woke herself up screaming; her bedroom was cold, but that was normal - she left it open with the thought that maybe he would come back.  She squinted, brain working double time as her senses told her something is not right. Then it hit her, and hope flared up like a wildfire; all-consuming and ruinous. There was someone in her room, in the corner near her prehistoric computer, just standing here, blending in with the shadows. Bella’s mouth went dry, her heart beating faster as fear, the only emotion besides emptiness that she’s felt for a long time, settled in her veins like icy water. 
She went still as the shadow person peeled off the wall and stalked towards her, as smooth and graceful as any feline. The memory came unbidden, bringing with it a sharp pain that stole her breath away. The baseball game last March, the Hunter, searing pain in her hand, cracked glass and blood all around her. The name of the shadow left her mouth in no more than a gasp of strangled air.
“Victoria.” The shadow stopped, red curls swinging around her shoulders. “Hello,” she said, her voice surprising Bella. It was high pitched, soft and girly, like a little girls. “You look awful,” she added, her comment not meant to hurt, merely an observation. Bella knew she looked awful; brown hair stringy and lack luster; all skin and bones; an empty look in her eyes at all times. She looked like a walking corpse, the irony wasn’t lost on her. Wasn’t she begging to become one of the walking dead just half a year ago?
The sound of Charlies snores came pouring into her room and Victoria’s head turned towards the sound, curious, like she’d forgotten someone else lived in this house. “Don’t hurt my dad,” Bella gasped, sitting up so suddenly it shocked both girls. Victoria’s head tilted, reminding Bella of a house cat before it pounced. “I was going to kill you,” Victoria tells her, and for some reason this does not scare Bella. She only hopes Victoria will stop with her and leave Forks for good, that Charlie will survive this even if she doesn’t.
“He left you, did he not?” She then asked, lips pursed, and the truth of the question, the fact that it wasn’t even a question because it was obvious, left Bella gasping in pain, clutching her sides like she could hold herself together. Victoria watched the action, watched the pain flare in Bella’s eyes, and felt sympathy. They had both been broken beyond repair by men, in some way, it seemed. Bella simply nodded and felt the burn of tears in her eyes, the lump forming in her throat, and nodded again.
Victoria made a small noise in the back of her throat, like the cooing sound Bella had heard Charlie make the first night she woke up screaming. The bed dipped suddenly, and Victoria was right there, red eyes bright around the black of her pupil. Bella was reminded of another vampire that was often in her bed in the middle of the night and a sob got stuck in her throat, making her breath hitch. “James was mean,” Victoria says, her little girl voice a soft whisper, as she leans forward slowly, like she didn’t want to scare Bella, and brushed a strand of hair from her wet cheek.
Her touch was ice cold and so achingly familiar Bella couldn’t help but lean into it, still crying and gasping for air, her lungs too stubborn to let her breath properly. “He hunted me for years,” the vampire continued, “I’m good at running away and he could never catch me, much to his chagrin. It became a game to him, while I just made sure that I survived the game.
After 3 years, I let him catch me once I realized I had a better chance of survival with him. He made me dependent on him, I was never good at hunting, never had a knack for it. He caught my food for me, so I ate when he decided I should. He bit me all the time,” her voice went softer, a soft hiss hidden in it. She pulled up the sleeve of her flannel and showed Bella her bone white skin. Bella could see the bite marks on her arm, the same as the one on her hand. “Oh,” Bella gasped, horror making her voice soundless.
Victoria nodded once, “Yes,” she murmurs, “Oh. Every time I disobeyed or spoke out of turn, he bit me. Vampire venom is the only thing that scars us, it was like he was marking his territory.” Victoria shuddered at the memory and Bella caught sight of a bite on her throat, right over he jugular. “I was mad when Edward killed him,” Victoria continued and Bella frowned, shaking her head, the name sending a burning pain through her body. “He didn’t,” she got out through clenched teeth.
Victoria froze, eyed widening, “I’m sorry?” she asked, polite and confused. “Edward,” she ground out the name, “isn’t the one who killed James. Emmett and Jasper did,” she said, her voice getting stronger with each word uttered. Victoria frowned, looking into Bella’s eyes, searching for something. She must have found it because the frowned turned into a scowl and Bella wondered if she would still kill her because she couldn’t get to Alice and Rosalie. Victoria seemed to understand the worry in Bella’s eyes because she snorted, the sound so unexpected and normal, that Bella laughed. The sound was raspy and sounded weak and half deranged but it was a laugh and Bella clapped a hand over her mouth in surprise. Victoria raised her eyebrows and tilted her head again, “You’re strange for a human.” She said it indifferently, like she knew Bella might take it as a compliment but wanted her to know she hadn’t meant it with any certain meaning.
“Thanks,” Bella muttered, voice sarcastic, face scrunched up. Victoria touched Bella’s face lightly and the human girl held perfectly still, remembering the meadow with him and how he told her he could crush her skull if he wasn’t careful enough. Was Victoria planning on killing her this way? If yes, she was being kind, talking to Bella, reminding her so much of the lost family that she had wanted so badly to be a part of. Having her skull crushed was a much better way to die than having Victoria suck her dry, her venom burning Bella from the inside-out.
Victoria surprised her by just wiping the tears from her wet cheeks, smiling softly when Bella just stared up at her in shocked silence. She was very beautiful, Bella realized, nothing like Rosalie, but beautiful in the way large, wild cats were beautiful. “I am not going to kill you,” Victoria tells her, slowly and carefully, making sure Bella understood her. Bella frowned, taking in a deep breath, confusion clouding her thoughts, but the worst of the fear left her, making her dizzy. “Why not?” She demanded, surprising both of them. What the hell? The logical part of Bella demanded. Do you want to die? The nonsensical part of her, the Edward-voice-junkie that led her to those drunk guys in Port Angeles, went silent because no, we don’t want to die.
Victoria waited patiently, silent as she watched Bella screw her eyes shut, lips moving to form silent words. “Because” she said slowly, when Bella opened her eyes again. “You do not deserve to die for a crime you did not commit nor had any part of. Your Edward hurt you the same as my James hurt me. We are both stronger without them.” She said them simply, with no fanfare, like she had been thinking this over and knew she was right without any doubts.
Bella knew she was right, saw now how unhealthy her relationship with Edward had been. That didn’t make it any less painful, but it was better that she knew she was better off than spending the rest of her life depressed and waiting for someone that no longer wanted her. It amused her that this feral, feline like vampire was the one to get Bella to realize all of this.
“I came here” Victoria continued, “because, at first, I wanted you to suffer. Then you woke up screaming, and I heard your father wake up and then fall back asleep when the screaming stopped. I realized that this must happen frequently for him to not run in here and take care of you and it made me wonder if it was your Edward that made you wake up screaming. You no longer smell like him, you know, the way you did in the field last year. He left you here, him and his family who so gallantly protected you. You do not hate them though, do you?” Victoria studied her with red eyes that probed into Bella and the sympathy there, the concern that touched her in a way not even her mothers had been able to, broke something in Bella. The words poured out of her in a rush, like water from a broken dam.
“Jasper attacked me at my birthday party that I didn’t even want to have, but Alice made me have one and Edward made me go. They all got me presents, but none of them were actual good ones, you know? Except for Edward’s and Alice’s. Esme and Carlisle’s were pretty good, actually, but not practical at all. I got a papercut from opening their present and, I don’t know why, Jasper went ballistic. Edward threw me into the table and piano and the papercut turned into this huge gash on my arm and all the Cullens had to leave and Carlisle sewed me up and after that for the rest of the week Edward was distant, like he was already gone. He said some really hurtful things, I was catatonic for maybe 3 months after that. It was awful, I really scared my mom and dad,” she finished with a deep breath, face flushed and fingers trembling.
Victoria watched her, just waiting for a panic attack, something she knew humans had when they were running high on bad emotions. After a few moments, her heart slowed down, and Bella chewed on her lower lip. “I am very sorry that happened to you,” Victoria says, giving Bella a tiny smile that she reciprocated before running both hands through her hair, tugging slightly at the roots as she left out a huff of air, lips pursed. “Me too,” Bella mumbles, knowing that even though Victoria was being nice and friendly that she should be still be scared. She just couldn’t bring herself to be afraid. She knew, on some subconscious level that she didn’t understand, that Victoria would not hurt her.
The two girls stared at each other for a few seconds before Victoria seemed to come to some understanding with herself. “Let me change you,” she said in a quiet voice that let Bella know she was scared of asking this. “It’ll just be me and you,” she promises, the words coming from her mouth quickly, “we can help girls that have been hurt by men they believed loved them. It’ll be good for both of us, therapeutic. We’ll show them that we are something without them in our lives, without their conditional love. Please, Bella,” she finished, eyes and voice pleading and then turned to stone as she waited for the other girl to say something. Anything. Bella stared at her, eyes wide and heart beating faster.
Turn her. Into a vampire. Victoria wanted to change Bella into a vampire. She wanted Bella with her, she wanted to help young girls who didn’t know better than to believe what a boy told them.
Bella swallowed hard, leaning forward to take Victoria’s ice-cold hand in hers and nodded once, smiling.
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cryptidqueerr · 4 years
hey what’s up I’m writing fanfiction now I guess
y’all said “I used to be team jacob in 2006 but now I’m a giant lesbian” and I said “what about.....lesbian jacob black? and what about no imprinting? and also pepper in some more involved parents and more queer folks?” and you said “sure sounds good”
(x-posted to ao3 which is also where more chapters will be posted)
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This story begins with an ending.
For six months, I followed the deepest drive of my human heart and loved Edward Cullen. For six months, he bent his nature to love me in return. But that which bends will inevitably break, and the stories warning young girls to stay away from the glittering eyes of vampires exist for a reason.
He abandoned me in the woods. He had thrown open the gates of heaven and then declared me too sinful to stand in its light. He told me that he loved me for my humanity and then told me that in my humanity, I was a liability.  He left me to crash onto the ground alone. I couldn't think without him. I couldn't breathe without him. He had so fully inhabited my soul that my body did not remember how it moved before him. For hours, I curled up, the dark outside pressing against my skin to meet the darkness inside. Sam Uley carried me out of the woods, my father carried me into the house, and I carried me through the unending agony that came after.
Weeks pass. My thin body, growing thinner by the day, feels as though it will crack under the weight of my sorrow. I don't sleep at all - then I do nothing but sleep. I barely eat. Offering smiles to soothe my father's worry feels like carving gashes into my face. I fumble for the right answers to give to the therapist my parents insist I see. She prescribes me a handful of pills that I flush down the drain.
I send texts that return undeliverable. I don't dare try his number - just the thought of the confirmation that his number is dead, that my last connection to him could be severed, drives me into an hours-long breakdown. Instead I text Alice: losing her friendship is an added pain, but a bearable one. Dozens a day, then less. Then more again. Then just one, every night.
I'm waiting. I'll always be waiting. I love him.
I think this must be what praying feels like.
I am ruins
covered in vines
my temple long lost to age.
the darkness here is deep
shadowed corners whispering ancient
but still
but still
the air here is holy.
"Julie Black's coming by later."
I lift my head from my bowl of cereal. Charlie stands at the sink, in front of the coffee pot from 1997. Frost covers the kitchen window, the late November chill pressing its face against the glass. "What?" I say, seconds before my brain processes the words.
"Julie Black. She's swinging by to pick up some of her dad's stuff that he left here a while ago," Charlie says, his hands methodically adding nine sugars to his coffee. He doesn't look up.
He doesn't look directly at me very often anymore. I catch him watching me when he thinks I don't notice, his worried eyes following me from the couch to the fridge to the kitchen table and back again. He likes that I stay downstairs, I think. I don't bother to tell him that my bedroom is filled with Edward, that sleeping on my bed is like sleeping on his grave. My promise to stop saying things like that was my ticket out of weekly therapy appointments and back into my sophomore year of classes at Peninsula College, the community college in Forks. When I'd moved in with Charlie last August, I'd hoped to be moved to Seattle for a four-year college by the fall. Now, I barely manage to pass the few classes I had remembered to sign up for.
I search the blankness in my head for a response. I come up with nothing, save a vague sense of a tall, smiling girl. What does this have to do with me?
"I thought..." Charlie hesitates, then tries again. "I thought maybe you girls could catch up. Billy says she gets pretty lonely down there on the rez, with her sisters gone. She'd wanted to start taking classes over at Peninsula this semester, but it didn't work out. I bet she'd appreciate a friend."
Ah. I nod, returning my attention to the mush of Frosted Flakes. "Okay."
I sense Charlie's stillness: he hadn't expected me to agree. He doesn't answer, just mutters a wordless affirmation. But he finally shuffles into the living room, carrying his coffee and a little less tension.
I bump a cluster of soggy cornflakes, watching as it sets on a spinning path through the off-white milk. I push through the gray fog that fills my skull to idly thumb through my memories, carefully avoiding the ones I don't want to see, like navigating a dark room without barking your shins on furniture. The memory from before (before what? before Ed...no, before, before just before) comes to mind: Julie Black, Billy Black's youngest daughter, had come with him to drop off the truck Charlie had gotten from his old friend for me, right after I'd moved to Forks. I hadn't even started classes when I met her. She had shown me the trick to the clutch. I remember her height - towering over my 5' 4", probably even with Charlie's 5' 10" - and her broad shoulders, built more for soccer than basketball. I remember a bright smile, crinkling her dark eyes, so much like Emmett-
My brain throws the emergency brake before the thought reaches my heart. My head clears out completely: I think of nothing but Frosted Flakes.
I join Charlie on the couch after breakfast. There's a game on TV. I stare at it for a full half-hour before I realize that it's football and not baseball, though that doesn't really help me understand it any better. Charlie alternatively groans in annoyance and punches the arm of his recliner in celebration. I give him another half hour of pretending to join in before I give up and grab the battered paperback I left on the coffee table the night before. It's one of the 80's-era high fantasy novels that I loved when I was thirteen, filled with knights and princesses and sexism. It's engaging enough, even though I've read it before.
My stomach has just started to rumble into hunger when there's a knock on the door. Charlie glances at me, then makes to get out of his chair.
"I'll get it," I offer. I try not to be offended by the look of surprise and excitement on Charlie's face. I'm depressed, not an invalid, I want to snap. But sniping at Charlie doesn't make me feel any better: I already tried.
When I open the door, my brain immediately scrambles to update my memories. The Julie I remember as tall-for-a-girl is now whoa-did-you-see-how-tall-that-girl-is, grinning down at me from at least six feet. Her long black hair hangs damp over her shoulders, trailing down her bare arms. There's ice pelting down with the fine rain, but she's only wearing a black tank top and jeans stuffed into muddy motorcycle boots, a dark red flannel shirt tied around her hips. Her eyes, dark as sweet coffee, are the same. They crinkle at the corners with her wide smile.
"Hey!" she says brightly. "Long time no see."
"Hi," I say.
"Hey there, Julie. Come on in, you must be freezing." Charlie appears at my shoulder, just in time for us to move out of the way for Julie and shut the door against the cold.
"It's not so bad." She stomps the mud from her feet onto the doormat, carefully shaking the rain from her hair. She's telling the truth: she doesn't even have goosebumps on her leanly muscled arms. I, on the other hand, have to cross my arms over my chest to block out the rush of chill, burrowing myself deeper into my sweater. "How've you been, Charlie?" she asks politely, sliding her hands into her pockets.
"Can't complain," he answers, but he's glancing at me. Julie, seemingly unaware of the simmering awkwardness, looks down at me again.
"Did you shrink, Swan? Weren't you at least five foot the last time I saw you?" she teases.
I feel Charlie tense slightly behind me, but for a moment my old instincts return and I roll my eyes. "I haven't changed. You're the one who looks like she's been putting Miracle-Gro on her Wheaties."
Julie grins again, running one hand through her damp hair. "I blend it into protein shakes, actually," she retorts.
Something that feels like a smile tugs at my mouth. I'm surprised by how little it hurts.
"Let me, uh, go grab that stuff for you." The words have barely left Charlie's mouth before he vanishes upstairs.
For a moment, I panic - I can't sustain small talk with my mom on the phone anymore, much less a girl I barely know. I shift from one foot to the other. The fog in my head won't clear. I can't think of anything to ask her.
If Julie notices my empty nervousness, she doesn't seem affected by it. She leans her shoulder against the doorframe, looking down at me with a crooked smile.
"So what do you pale-faces do for fun up here?" she says, a teasing roughness to her voice.
I lift one shoulder in a shrug. I hadn't done anything fun since -
My brain slammed the door shut before I could count the days.
"That's fair," she says, as though I answered. "There's not much to do around here, if you don't go in for some variety on going out in the woods to bring a bunch of dead animals back with you."
"I heard that!" Charlie yells from upstairs. Something bangs on the floor: I spare a small prayer that he doesn't break anything in his charade.
Julie's smile widens easily to a full grin. I've never seen anyone like her: when she smiles, her entire body lifts, like she's seconds from bursting into light. She runs one hand through her long hair. "Can't get mad if it's true," she calls back at him. "Not that the rez is much better. Oh, you don't want to hear the tribe's histories again? You don't want to go to the same stretch of beach and stare at the ocean? How about drinking a bunch of cheap beer in the woods? No? Guess you're out of luck."
My old instincts take over again and I snort out a laugh. "I thought the Forks kids invented standing around drinking Natty Light in silence."
"Nah. That's an old Quileute tradition." Julie rolls her shoulders, wincing slightly as she flexes her muscles. The rain is starting to evaporate off her skin already. The only moisture left clings to the hollow at the base of her neck, the dip in her collarbones, the curve of her elbow. I wonder briefly how she manages to dry off so quickly. My hands are still damp with melting flecks of ice.
"We really do steal everything." The words come out of my mouth automatically; I'm not really paying attention. The part of my brain that keeps me alive is nearly smoking at the effort of keeping the thought of cold hands and icy lips from crashing to the forefront of my mind.
"Which is why they send me up here to steal away the hearts of your women," Julie says with a wink. She isn't acknowledging the monumental effort it's taking me to stay functional. But the quick sweep of her eyes across my face, the practiced ease of her smile, are all a little too careful - she's noticed, but she isn't commenting. From anyone else it would seem like discomfort: from her, it's a kindness.
"From what I hear, you don't have any problems with that on the rez, either." Charlie reappears with a few fishing poles and a jacket that I'm sure is his. I was there when Mom bought it for him one Christmas.
Julie lifts one shoulder in an acquiescing shrug. "It's in the Black genes. We're a long, proud line of very attractive people."
"Just what every father wants to hear." Charlie grins and hands over the poles and jacket. "You, uh, heading back to the rez?"
"Yeah, I've got some work to do on the Rabbit. I'm not saying I heard Dad on the phone trying to talk Hawkins into finding me a new transmission, but I am saying Christmas is coming up and she is nowhere near close to transmission transplant ready." That broad, easy smile softens Julie's face again.
"Don't suppose you'd feel like trying to teach Bella here a thing or two about engines, would you? Every time she has to call me to change a tire I feel like I've failed as a dad." Charlie's casual almost-joke doesn't fool either of us, by the look on Julie's face. I feel Charlie's eyes dart over to me, but I stare out the window past Julie's arm. I feel myself sliding - out of the conversation, out of the kitchen, out of the entire morning. I don't make plans anymore. I don't go places anymore. What the hell is Charlie doing?
"Thinking about taking shop as an elective next semester?" Julie tosses the question back to me. I don't look at her, but I shake my head. Like before, she takes my silence as a response, letting it slip into the flow of conversation as easily as if I'd spoken. "I didn't really take you for a mechanic type."
"I don't really know what type I am," I say. I see Charlie's face fall slightly, and my stomach with it. He thought he was doing good. He thought I was getting better. He tried so hard. "But I could give mechanic-type a shot."  An uncharacteristically broad smile lifts Charlie's face before I even register the words that came out of my mouth.
What the fuck, Swan.
Julie laughs and stretches her arms over her head. It feels like she takes up the entire kitchen, though I can't decide if it's her physical size or just her energy, if she'd fill up a room the same way if she was the same size as Al-
"I can probably teach her how to at least change a tire," Julie interrupts the dangerous thought before my self-preservation can get to it, like she saw the pain coming.
"Great!" Charlie's almost beaming now. My face flushes slightly: I didn't think I had the capacity to be embarrassed anymore, but when your dad is practically wriggling like a puppy over the thought of you leaving the house, embarrassment manages to find its way back in. "You girls have fun. Just bring her home before midnight, huh?"
"I always do," Julie says and tosses her hair over her shoulder. I feel the flush on my face warm a little more. I don't bother trying to understand why.
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ginwhitlock · 3 years
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Southbound : Chapter 6
After the Cullens leave her behind, Bella is left to pick up the pieces by herself. A year after her eighteenth birthday, a split second decision lands her in her truck, running far away from everything she has ever known. She decides to go south. What will she find in San Angelo, Texas?
After Peter left, the air between us felt stagnant, cold, like a pond left uncovered in the first freeze of winter. The man in front of me didn’t smile, didn’t even fake a breath for my own comfort. I know he could feel the shard of glass slowly sinking into the pit of my stomach; the fact of its direction changing, resigning, surpassing my throat to lodge itself in my skull as a sharp ache not lost on me. 
And I’m sure, not on him. 
I knew Jasper. I had sat feet from him not even years before. What had changed in those aching months? What kind of lust seeped into his unbreakable bones since? This man was toothier, slumping shoulders spread wide against the settee. Who was this brother of his and why did he have Jasper now? I mean— he had explained just moments ago the short extent of Alice and his separation, but the questions were tar in my brainstem: unmoving, guilty, painful. The faint imprint memory of his hand on my knee softened the creases under my eyes. His eyes were nothing if not full of memories.
He scared the shit out of me. The worst part of me liked it. 
The keys in my hand were jangling as I wrung my hands against the metal. They were ice cold from Peter’s grip and yet I never shied away from them, I rested into their cut, their steel mill scent. It’s all the comfort I had left in this unfamiliar sandy home. 
“You never told me where you meant to end up, Isabella.” 
The look on his face hadn’t changed from its hawk-like gaze, his mouth upturned in what was made to be sincere questioning.
My teeth seemed to buzz in my jaw as they clenched. I was stuck between trying to find the answer that made the most sense— but this far away haunted house was nowhere close to where I was headed. To be honest, I hadn’t even made a plan for my drive, the road had been a black licorice rope pulling me deeper and deeper south, its vines unswervable. 
Those damn carmine irises were still on my face. My hand settled on the silver scar.  “Somewhere without you— your kind.” There's a horrible dread that sinks deep into the pit of my lowest bones, down past the acid lining of my stomach. It wasn’t mine in the first place…
He smiled again. That fangy lip twitch he implemented earlier in his bedroom, his searing white canines glinting in the southern sun. Jasper did some twist of his knuckles as they rested on his denim knee, the bareness of the marble flesh punctuated. 
“Do you truly think your life will not continue to be… supernatural?” He paused something big and let his lashes point away from me, his gaze settling right behind my head, “The world has never been that kind. Especially to you, Miss Swan.” The way his tongue curled around my name made something twist in my gut. Something that felt like finally breaching the top of a rollercoaster after clunking around in the seat for several minutes. 
I took a breath, “No hope for me then, Mr. Cullen?” 
“Whitlock, darlin. Mr. Whitlock.” 
His correction was daring and quick, like a dare. The scared shitlessness was starting to turn. 
“Oh?” I’m sure my eyes were the size of dinner plates served on the damn moon. 
His quirk faltered as he refocused on the skin of my neck. “The Cullens aren’t the biggest fans of the ousted members keeping their name, I’m sure. Whitlock was my human name.”
My lip twitched, “Like Peter?” He did say they were brothers, it would make sense the tanner man kept it while Jasper stayed up north. 
“He adopted it when I changed him in the twenties. He didn’t need to remember his own.” 
The paint covering the living room walls was starting to feel warmer and warmer. There was a sort of mysticism in the air, the kind of feeling Phil said he got standing on the pitcher’s mound. This charge of electricity. And if I felt it— did the man in front of me do too?
“You changed Peter?” 
A hum came from his Adam's apple. I quickly stopped staring at its vibration, focusing on my still hands. “Is that where you got that name? The ‘Major’?” My legs felt like salt blocks sat out for the new fawns. 
Jasper kicked his foot out, inches from my own. “All in time, Isabella.” 
Why the hell was that the question he kept dodging?
I nodded against my own snooping judgement and sat up straight, gripping the cut key again. “Peter said something about seeing my truck?” As if on cue the sound of a backfire sounding across at least an acre of dirt, the laugh of the man in question following in direct response. 
He reminded me of a wilder, leaner, Emmett. 
I didn't know if that was a good thing. 
The blond rolled his eyes, something I would’ve passed out seeing months ago, which now just made him more and more intriguing. His hand raised without fantastical speed and made an ushering motion, inviting me silently to stand and follow him to the front door, not even twenty feet to our backs. I did as I… wasn't… told and raised to my shuffling feet, watching with barely suppressed intensity as he did the same, his shirt unbunching as his long legs swept past me. His strides were unhurried yet strong, quickly reaching the exit without me. Jasper’s slim fingers turned the knob gently and allowed the now open door to rest against his shoulder. 
“I’m sure my brother will find you the moment you start walkin’. I have to get to some business caused by my early departure earlier.” My shoes scuffed the hardwood as I passed by him, the scent of firewood and malt whiskey light in the air of the threshold. I nodded again as I looked back at the giant southerner. 
“So I’ll be making it back?” Half joking, half fearful the words slipped past my lips. 
He smiled truly that time, his teeth hidden behind his smile. “Of course Isabella. No one plans to kill you… for as long as I can see.” 
The door closed slowly as I turned away from him in only slight ease, the sound of his footsteps behind it unrecognizable. Texas dry wind called to me from the bare porch, wooden planks creaking ever so slightly underneath my weight. The world was quiet— in only a way nature could be quiet. Silence without loneliness. 
Another diesel racket sounded over the slight hill in the property, some of the only patches clustered with shruby, overgrown trees.  
There was a smile hiding under the surface of my skin, not the least undetectable. My stride started up again as I half jogged through the crab grass and rusty dirt. It had to be almost two or three o’clock now, the sun high and bright in the cloudless sky. 
Had the day gone by so fast— or so slow?
I couldn’t decide which it was. Not yet. Not now.
The baked exterior of my cab was just in sight over the small hill, somehow further away from the bare dirt trail than it had been this morning. Had the black eyed man… moved it? It didn’t run, at least not by my hand, he would’ve had to have pushed it… or picked it up. 
God, Peter was starting to turn out more and more like the biggest Cullen boy by the second. 
My shoes were caked in dead weeds and clay dust by the time I reached the freckled vampire— an attribute I still hadn’t made sense of. His cowboy hat was a stark black against his darkened porcelain skin. He smelt rough like a redwood forest, something private. Secluded. Peter’s hands were covered in the ink black of motor oil and grease, the solutions clinging to his perfect fingernails. 
He had to be related to Jasper somehow, there's no way he wasn’t. I was sure of it. 
Or maybe I was just hoping.
Silly girl. 
His eyes could’ve mirrored his brother’s and I wouldn’t have noticed anything past the sight just behind him: my truck was pulled at the seams. 
“Sorry bun, I think your baby might need some extra attention before it gets anywhere near a highway.” My breath was loose in my throat, air whistling behind my eyes. The transmission was the only thing complete under the hood. The engine block was propped up by a chain tied to a lone pecan tree, the rest of the assembly laid out on a blanket on the pitted ground. The well of tears hit the back of my eyes before he started to speak. 
“I had to take the engine apart to diagnose the problem— something to do with some coils. It ain’t as bad as it looks, I promise, Bell.” I nodded for the fiftieth time that day, my words fleeting in the paralysing tunnel that had become my voice box. The only thing I had kept when I left was now in pieces at my feet, the soil unforgiving and rough against the cotton blanket they sat on. The downpour of fear came down my sinuses and filtered out through my spine, the tips of my fingers pulsing with thunder. Peter stood, apathetic to the storm raging through my body, his stance curling around my own slightly, as if in defense to the world around us, to the truth in front of me. 
“How long will it take to fix?” My voice was weak and pitiful, stripped of its playful kick Peter initially instilled. 
He twitched his shoulders in a shrug. “Could be a week or more. Maybe two.” His own speech didn’t reflect his burdening appearance. It was almost airy, a light glee hidden subtly behind the consonants. 
My brain stored the small inflection for a much later time. 
“You know,” he started, his massive wiped hand drawing to my shoulder, “me and the Major don’t mind some company around the house. The old thing could use some life in it while your truck gets some beauty work done.” His suggestion wouldn’t have sounded like such a question if anyone else had uttered it, but the draw of the Whitlock boys held a certain power over my otherwise powerless existence, at the moment. I wanted answers, stories, the in and outs of the clan I had called family as a younger girl. 
I wouldn’t admit to anyone else my other wants. 
Hell, I couldn’t even admit them to myself yet. 
I made a sound in the back of my throat that made up for another nod and pursed my lips in false thought, the field stretching before me in an unwavering sea of curiosity. 
“Only until she's fixed. I’ve served my time living with vampires for two lifetimes.” 
There was an explosion of a laugh from Peter’s tan lips and I smiled in turn. The truck was a cesspool of terrifying possibilities, insecurities. But for right now, the horrible itch in my brain led me further into the immortal light. 
The cold digits of the human drinker felt featherlight against my back as he sputtered to an airy stop. “You are truly something Bell.” My teeth poked through my lips as I looked into his face and found simple lineless skin and sandy curls. My eyes rested back on the rusted out birthday present and sighed. “Do you want any help?” It sounded almost like a plea, the time splitting me farther and farther. 
He shook his head with vigor. “Baby doll, I’m not sure you’d make it go any faster.”
I had half a mind to slap him on the chest, no matter the bruising I’d sustain. 
“I’m not that dimwitted.”
He sucked unneeded air through his teeth and let me go, stepping towards the hull. “Just believe me.” 
I shook my head like a dumped dog and looked back towards the house, just barely noticeable at this distance. The question bounced around my stomach before it left my mouth, “What is Jasper up to?” 
Peter raised a brow and picked up an impact wrench.
“I’m not sure you’d want to know.”
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