#maybe I’ll edit it or if I’m asked I’ll explain (most likely I’ll edit it in)
tectco · 5 months
I’ve got crazy and decided a Pokémon au would be silly and fun so I designed them :3
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Plus their reference sheet that I made for them and some doodle I thought was funny
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I ALSO DREW JOJO! Her design isn’t finished though since I never got to it but here she is if you really wanna see
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gghostwriter · 2 months
hi dear author! how are you?
I have a request for Spencer where reader has a head injury and passes out and Spencer's reaction to it and the aftermath. I found your fic around 15 mins ago and I'm in love with them<3
Thank you!!
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Trope: Established Relationship; Fluff! Just fluff Warning: Medical inaccuracies A/N: I’m sensing a pattern with the request writing I’m doing—most of them deal with a head injury of some sort but I am having fun trying to make it different the the earlier works. No further editing was done but I hope you enjoy it! Main masterlist
Bundle of Nerves. // Spencer Reid
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The bright and playful disposition of your kindergarten students was one of things you looked forward to every Monday. How each student would go up to you to chatter about how their weekend went—family went to the park or to the library or to the beach—and how in return, they’ll ask if you also enjoyed the weekend as much as they did. 
But something seemed off today, you really couldn’t specify where it all started. Maybe it was you falling back to sleep after your alarm went off, or maybe it was you missing breakfast, or maybe it was just all of the above. 
Either way, everything was going sideways and it was just about to get worse. The lights seemed darker, the children’s voices were distorted, and the room was starting to sway. Feeling the need to sit down, you were only able to take a couple of steps to your desk before promptly fainting—smacking your forehead on the floor and the children screaming for help.
Spencer wasn’t one to wish for a case to land on JJ’s desk but at 1:30pm on a Monday, he found himself twiddling his thumbs and calculating his rocket launches using his expansive brain capacity—all paper filings done and submitted early. He swiveled to face Morgan who was caught red handed about to throw a paper clip in his direction. 
“Hey Kid,” he cleared his throat, trying to act nonchalantly. “You done with your paperwork?”
“Yeah, now I’m thinking of how to improve my rocket magic. Hey do you think if I add more—” 
The vibration of his phone on the table interrupted his sentence. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in the unregistered number. Curious but definitely wary, he pressed ‘accept’.
“Hi, this is Dr. Spencer Reid. Who is this?”
A female voice answered. “Hi Dr. Spencer Reid, I’m calling from Virginia State Hospital. Y/N had you listed down as her emergency contact. She was admitted—”
The remaining information all sounded muffled. His breathing was spiking up and all he could hear now was the rapid staccato beating of his heart. He couldn’t think straight. Is this what unknowing family members of victims feel when they receive a distress call? Like the rug was pulled under their feet? He couldn’t comprehend what to do, how to—
“Dr. Reid, are you still there?”
He cleared his throat. “Yes—yes, I’ll be there soon.”
Before the voice could say another word, he ended the call, was out of his desk, and up the steps to his unit chief’s office, SSA Aaron Hotchner. 
“Reid, what is it?” the stern BAU leader clocking in the distress painted on the genius’ face.
“I-it’s Y/N. She was admitted at hospital and—”
He nodded. “Go, Reid. I’ll explain to the team and HR.”
With a quick ‘thank you’, he ducked out of the bullpen to the elevator, grateful that he opted to drive to Quantico today rather than take his usual train route.
Maybe he should have borrowed the government owned SUV instead, he thought to himself when he turned to the main road and saw the congestion. Hotch would have understood, he just wasn’t sure how to explain that in paperwork but this counted as an emergency, right? It felt like a life or death situation to him—for him and for you. 
When he exited the bottleneck traffic, Spencer wanted to floor the gas. His foot itched to stomp on the accelerator and worry about the fines later. But the idea of getting caught, being pulled over, and wasting more precious seconds away from your side was enough for him to second guess it—that and his tight white knuckle grip on the steering wheel. 
He should have asked for more information over the phone call but the second his mind registered the words, it went to overdrive and out of the window—his emotions were running high and clouding every logical thought possible. He had an IQ of 187 but all he could think of was you. You, the love of his life. You, his fiancee, lying down on a hospital bed, alone and unconscious. Any man, no matter how smart they are, would react the same way he did when it involves a loved one.
He parked his car at the first slot he could find in the hospital parking lot and ran straight to the reception.
“I’m looking for Y/N. She was admitted a while ago. I-I’m her fiancee.” Spencer hurriedly introduced himself.
The nurse nodded once, stating your floor and room number. Without so much as an acknowledgement, he ran to the nearest elevator and willed it to open any faster.
Spencer felt like he ran a marathon by the time he found your room and seeing you there, lying on your bed—conscious, thank god—took a little weight off his chest. He breathed out your name in relief. “What happened? Did you—did you hit your head?”
Your hand gingerly touched the bandage on your forehead. “I think so. I started to feel faint so I was walking back to my chair. I must have hit my head on my way down—”
He took your hands into his, kissing it. “You had me so worried. Did the doctor say anything? Diagnosis? Cause? Treatment?”
“No. When I came to, only a nurse was here. She left to page the doctor but it’s okay—I feel fine now.”
Spencer opened his mouth, no doubt to chide you about minimizing your pain and health, but then the doctor walked in with a clipboard on hand.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Smith. How are we feeling?”
“She said she was feeling faint before she hit her head. Does she have a concussion? Why did she feel faint—was it stress? Hypoglycemia? Labyrinthitis? Vertebrobasilar insufficiency?” Spencer rattled off.
 “Well, your husband sure knows medical terminology. Are you a Doctor too?” the physician asked.
Spencer’s brows met in between, finding the whole interaction off-putting. Here he was about to have a nervous breakdown and your doctor was as calm as a cucumber. “Fiancee, actually, and yes Doctor, 3 Phds not MD.”
“Impressive, and to answer your questions, Doc. None of the above.” 
His eyes widened. “Then it could be hypo—” 
Dr. Smith smiled and shook his head. “It’s not that either.” He reached into his clipboard, removing a prescription pad, and quickly jotting down medicine. “Here you go. She’ll need to take a capsule a day and I suggest a healthy balanced meal, exercise, and plenty of bed rest.”
Spencer’s eyes widened when he realized what the chicken scratch handwriting said. 
“What—what is it?” You asked in worry as Spencer seemed to have glitched.
The doctor grinned at you.“Congratulations, you’re pregnant.” 
“I-I’m what?!” 
The doctor chuckled. “You’re 3 weeks along so you’re still in the early stages. Your body is still adjusting—the fainting spell was caused by change in your hormones and low blood pressure. I suggest you schedule an appointment with your OB/GYN as soon as possible and get ample rest—” he looked at the couple once more before exiting the room. “—congratulations, again.”
The tears that started to gather in your eyes seemed to bring Spencer back to life. “Oh love, are those—are those happy tears or—?” 
You nodded. “Happy tears, Spence. I can’t believe it!” 
He reached out to hug you to his chest. “I love you, Y/N. You make me feel like the luckiest man in the world.” 
You giggled. “I guess we have to tell your team about the baby genius on board, huh?” 
He laughed, remembering how Emily once asked him if he ever planned on having one and here he was about to become a father. 
You gasp, causing him to lean back and look at you with worry—did he hug you too tight? Did you feel— 
“I’m not going to fit in my wedding dress by then! Penny will have a fit! She had this vision and—” 
He leaned down to interrupt your ramblings. 
“I’m sure she’ll forgive you, especially if you're turning her into an aunt.”
You smiled, peering through your eyelashes. “Y’know we might have to find a new apartment soon. Just imagining how much shopping Penny would do for our baby genius even before he or she is born is making me shudder.”
He laughed. “Me too, love. Me too.”
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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earthtooz · 8 months
in which: al haitham gives you something on his birthday.
fluff, gn!reader, quick drabble for this special scholar's birthday ^-^
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“As much as I appreciate these… heavy, complicated-sounding books, it’s your birthday, Al Haitham, I’m supposed to be giving you a gift.” You explain as you move all three books under one arm. Did he expect you to finish all of these any time soon? 
Sure you enjoyed reading, but you’re not sure you can classify yourself in the same category as your bookworm-boyfriend who burrows himself in words whenever he can, hence, the intimidation you felt when he placed all of these in your arms.
“Just because you’re ‘supposed’ to give me a gift doesn’t mean I cannot gift one in return.” He counters, rationally and level-headed as ever. “Besides, you accepting these makes me satisfied with myself, and wouldn’t you say that emotional compensation is a gift in of itself?”
“There is no winning against you.”
He looks content with himself, crossing his annoyingly muscular arms over his chest with a slight smirk. “Looks like I can say ‘no’ to you.”
You roll your eyes at his comment. “Whatever. By the time I’m through with these, my arms will start looking like yours with the weight of these beasts for books.” 
Wordlessly, he takes the pile from you, holding them comfortably with both hands and relieving the strain on you. “Shall I put these down somewhere for you?”
“Just on the coffee table will do.”
Your eyes linger a little longer on the way his muscles contract as he walks around your living room, and it’s as if he can feel your stare when he shouts at you from over his shoulder. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready to go to Lambad’s Tavern? Everyone else may be at Avidya Forest, but at this rate, we’ll be the last ones.” 
“I hear you, I hear you,” you murmur, retreating to your bedroom.
A week and a half later, you find yourself relaxing with Al Haitham in the comfort of your living room again, your legs on his lap whilst his arms cage you there, a book in his hands. The cover, however, is awfully familiar, and you realise it’s one of the books he gifted you on his birthday that you were at most seven chapters through. Why was he reading it? 
“I left my bookmark in there, did you take it out?” You ask, sitting up. 
The ashen-haired raises a brow at you. “This is my copy.”
“What? Didn’t you get me that on your birthday?”
“I did. I got us both a copy, of the same edition.”
“Remember when you suggested that we should find more hobbies to share? This should be one of them.”
Blinking at him once, twice, three times, you burst out into a fit of giggles, enamoured by the antics of your deceivingly stoic boyfriend. Throwing your arms around his neck, the (smaller) book in your hands hits his shoulder, and you grin up at him. “You can be so silly, Al Haitham.”
Though the hobbies you had in mind looked something more like new activities neither of you had tried before, you're flattered that he wants to include you in something that he loves to indulge himself in.
“Silly? I thought this was a rather reasonable solution.”
He lets you squish his cheeks with one hand, eyes never straying from the contents of his page. You thank your lucky stars that you’re the one who gets to hold him like this, and that you’re the one he wants to read together with- in the most practical manner. “It can be both- it is both.” 
“Are you enjoying it?”
“I am, but maybe you should slow down. You’re already half way through when I’m not even one-eighth of the way.” 
“I’ll wait. We can talk about it when you’re done.”
“Is this new ‘hobby’ a satisfactory gift, Haitham?”
A small smile pulls at the corner of his lips. “Most certainly.” 
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© EARTHTOOZ 2024, do not steal, translate, repost my fics and do not recommend my fics onto any other site.
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rivkae-winters · 5 months
Edit: the app launched and Is down- I have the initial apology video in a post here and I’m working on getting a full archive of their TikTok up ASAP. I’m letting the rest of this post remain since I do still stand by most of it and also don’t like altering things already in circulation.
Warning for criticism and what I’d consider some harsh to outright mean words:
So I’ve just been made aware of the project known of as ‘lore.fm’ and I’m not a fan for multiple reasons. For one this ‘accessibility’ tool complicates the process of essentially just using a screen reader (something native to all I phones specifically because this is a proposed IOS app) in utterly needless and inaccessible ways. From what I have been seeing on Reddit they have been shielding themselves (or fans of the project have been defending them) with this claim of being an accessibility tool as well to which is infuriating for so many reasons.
I plan to make a longer post explaining why this is a terrible idea later but I’ll keep it short for tonight with my main three criticisms and a few extras:
1. Your service requires people to copy a url for a fic then open your app then paste it into your app and click a button then wait for your audio to be prepared to use. This is needlessly complicating a process that exists on IOS already and can be done IN BROWSER using an overlay that you can fully control the placement of.
2. This is potentially killing your own fandom if it catches on with the proposed target market of xreader smut enjoyers because of only needing the link as mentioned above. You don’t have to open a fic to get a link this the author may potentially not even get any hits much less any other feedback. At least when you download a pdf you leave a hit: the download button is on the page with the fic for a reason. Fandom is a self sustaining eco system and many authors get discouraged and post less/even stop writing all together if they get low interaction.
3. Maybe we shouldn’t put something marketed as turning smut fanfic into audio books on the IOS App Store right now. Maybe with KOSA that’s a bad idea? Just maybe? Sarcasm aside we could see fan fiction be under even more legal threat if minors use this to listen to the content we know they all consume via sites like ao3 (even if we ask them not to) and are caught with it. Auditory content has historically been considered much more obscene/inappropriate than written content: this is a recipe for a disaster and more internet regulations we are trying to avoid.
I also have many issues with the fact that this is obviously redistributing fanfiction (thus violating the copyright we hold over our words and our plots) and removing control the author should have over their content and digital footprint. Then there is the fact that even though the creator on TikTok SAYS you can email to have your fic ‘excluded’ based on the way the demo works (pasting a link) I’m gonna assume that’s just to cover her ass/is utter bullshit. I know that’s harsh but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it’s probably a duck.
I am all for women in stem- I’ve BEEN a woman in Stem- but this is not a cool girl boss moment. This is someone naive enough to think this will go over well at best or many other things (security risks especially) at worst.
In conclusion for tonight: I hope this person is a troll but there is enough hype and enough paid for web domains that I don’t think that’s the case. There are a litany of reasons every fanfic reader and writer should be against something like this existing and I’ll outline them all in several other posts later.
Do not email their opt out email address there is no saying what is actually happening with that data and it is simply not worth the risks it could bring up. I hate treating seemingly well meaning people like potential cyber criminals but I’ve seen enough shit by now that it’s better to be safe than sorry. You’re much safer just locking all your fics to account only. I haven’t yet but I may in the future if that is the only option.
If anyone wants a screen reader tutorial and a walk through of my free favorites as well as the native IOS screen reader I can post that later as well. Sorry for the heavy content I know it’s not my normal fare.
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takenbypeter · 2 years
Hello it’s me again! Peter Maximoff x non-mutant reader. Peter is super excited about something and he’s running around the room like a ball in a pinball machine. The reader is trying to grab him so he can explain what it is. When they finally do catch him, Peter hugs them back EXTREMELY tight, trying to “stay still” (boy is probably vibrating). The rest is whatever you come up with. :)
His Excitement Running Strong
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Peter Maximoff x reader
Words: 729
Authors note: well hello again so lovely to see you again and thank you for the request as always, it is always welcome.
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“Peter!” You shouted, poking your head down to peek into his basement before your legs followed. He called you on the phone excitedly, very excitedly, mentioning to come over, because he had big news.
The last time he had “big news” it was nothing more than his favorite game having a new edition. That got him excited but nothing like this. When you called for him down the stairs all you heard was, “you’re here!” Before a gust of wind started traveling around the room.
“Woah,” you exclaimed, breeze immediately passing by you. Peter’s all over the place, practically bouncing off every corner and you can’t even keep up. You try to grab him but of course you’re basically miles off because he’s already moved on by then.
It was at that moment that you wondered if having powers yourself would make this a whole lot easier. Although you didn’t have any powers and couldn’t really catch him, there was still something you could try.
Collecting some nearby shoes and basically whatever you could find, you made a little barrier on the ground. The pla was simple, you were going to make him trip. It was a long shot and no doubt he could just avoid the obstruction but hopefully he’d be too distracted by his big news that he’d just fall right into your trap.
And to your genuine surprise, it worked…maybe a little too well. You watch in shock as he hits the ground harder than you expected.
Dropping onto your knees you turn him over onto his back, “are you okay?” His expression still remained quite happy as he sprung up into a seated position, but before he could make any movement, you wrapped your arms around him, tight. You figured this way if he goes haywire you’ll just go with him.
“Wow, you’re practically vibrating,” you mutter while he imitates your earlier movement, wrapping you into a tighter hug, “don’t let go. If you let go I might not be able to stop.”
“Okay I won’t let go, but what’s got you so excited?” You ask peering up at him. His grin widens revealing most of his teeth and you smile back still confused due to lack of any more information. But luckily you don’t have it wait much longer to get it.
“Charles said you can come see the mansion.”
Your smile dropped, not quite expecting that. “I can come to the mansion?” You repeated, processing his words.
“Yeah, I asked Charles and he was iffy at first but he came up to me later and told me it was alright.”
Your arms loosen around him but he still holds onto you tight, “isn’t that kind of serious? I mean I’m not a mutant or anything.”
“It’s rare, but few non-mutants have seen the place,” his previous expression falls slightly into a forced one as he picks up the expression of concern written on your face, “aren’t you excited?”
Your eyes met his, noticing that your own mood was causing his to falter, “no I am! I mean this is awesome! I’ll get to see a new part of you, the teacher part,” you added rainsing your eyebrows and leaning into him a little, before leaning back again.
“I just…feel a little nervous that’s all. I’ll be the only one there without powers or anything…cool. Won’t it be…awkward?”
“Maybe.” Peter leans back a little to get a better view of you, while you look up, “but I’ll be right there with you, giving you the whole tour, I’ll never leave your side. It’ll be great, I absolutely promise you.” He gave you another squeeze, “I’m so excited for you to see everything.”
You couldn’t fight off the happiness that was spreading off from him again and honestly you were surprised by how enthusiastic he was about the situation especially considering how nonchalant he always acts about the whole being a part of the x-men thing.
But still, his words did reassure you that everything would be fine, and like you said it was a whole new part of him that you’ve never seen before. “I can't wait Peter.”
Sure it may be awkward and you were still anxious, but it was still exciting having him be able to share this part of his life with you and you couldn’t wait to see it.
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artist-issues · 4 months
every now and then I play with the exercise of "what if we're wrong" because sometimes I get bored and also as an actual exercise. I usually apply this to Christianity/religion, matters of the after life, or about other people.
So sometimes I poke at the big question, if Christianity isn't real, what does that mean? And I don't usually go the route of atheism or bad sci fi, just that the religion is proven to be fundamentally inaccurate to reality, so what does that mean?
Anyway it wasn't until I was reading a really good sci fi story, where this one dude explains to some aliens the concept of "Love your enemies, do good to those that hurt you" and of course the aliens are like what? (Because in the sci fi narrative the universe is functioning under a Dark Forest Theory) And the dude explains its from one of earth's greatest teachers. And the aliens are like, if the inhabitants of the universe could believe that, this universe would be a different place entirely.
And it was at that point where I realized bro... even if it's not accurate, practicing Christianity is still worth it, for a human being. Loving your enemies means loving them like humans. The Poor, the Meek, and those who mourn, those are promises and comforts that we shouldn't toss aside even if heaven isn't real.
I don't know, this is just a terribly simplistic because I'm not the best at putting my English thoughts into english out loud, but that crack gave me a touch of useful coping. I asked my dad, if aliens are proven to exist it doesn't automatically mean christians stop practicing and believing, right? And he said obviously not.
I don't know but have you ever engaged in such a question " what if we're wrong?" And if you ever have what answer had you arrived at?
EDIT: As @atwas-meme-ing correctly pointed out in the comments section of this post, who cares whether or not I’ve played this game: God answered the question through Paul in his letter to the Corinthians: “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” 1 Corinthians 5:19.
There’s no “good moral teaching” to be found in Christianity if Christ wasn’t God, or if God didn’t exist, or if eternity weren’t real. My rambling logic is below the cut.
I mean, I play that “game” all the time about other things, and sometimes I do it for work. I’ll take two established characters and a setting me and my friends have agreed on, and I’ll “run a scenario.”
But the thing is, once my brain picks out something that doesn’t make sense, or that wouldn’t be in-character for the characters to do, the whole scenario grinds to a halt and I have to start over. I can’t suspend my own disbelief once I notice that something doesn’t line up. Even if I really liked “where the scene was going” before I noticed that thing. Whatever I’m getting stuck on because of it’s out-of-character nature unravels the parts I like, too.
All that to say I can’t even run a scenario in my head where “what if all this isn’t true? What if it fundamentally doesn’t line up with reality?”
I can’t. Once or twice I have tried. But I hit snags immediately. I’ll go, “pretend all of this Christian religion really is just a centuries-old conspiracy humanity’s been patching up the holes in.”
But then that little simulation-checker in my brain goes, “then how do you explain people dying for it? That many martyrs aren’t likely to have allowed themselves to be tortured and murdered for something they knew was a conspiracy.”
And I go, “well, pretend they died because they didn’t know it was a conspiracy, they believed it.”
And the sim-checker goes, “but the original disciples of Jesus, ground-zero of the faith, were all martyred. Not just people who learned from them and came after them and could’ve been hoodwinked: the starting points, themselves. They would’ve had to know it was a conspiracy, if it was a conspiracy, and they still willingly died for it.”
Maybe I’ll pivot and go, “pretend there isn’t objective truth.”
And the sim-checker goes, “there isn’t truth…objectively?”
Maybe I’ll pivot again and try, “pretend that everyone really does just measure morality based on what they’re used to, what their individual society’s trained them to associate with pleasant feelings and reactions.”
And the sim-checker goes, “Okay, where did those societies get the training manual? Where did it come from? Why do so many different societies’ and people groups’ ‘association with pleasant feelings and reactions’ around the world have so many things in common?”
And the answers to all that leads me back to Christianity. Even if I go the longest way round I can think of.
And eventually I quit running those scenarios. Because guess what?
Where’d the ability to run scenarios come from?
How did I get that? How did you?
See, the thing is, we go, “what if all of this isn’t true?” But it’s right there in the question. “Where did you get that desire? The desire for “truth?”” Is it to keep yourself safe, like the natural animals have an instinct toward, or is it to keep yourself sane, because you need some sense in this life to make it through? Sure. Maybe. But why? What’s “sane?” What’s “safe?” Sanity presupposes order. Why do you, and all humans, naturally lean toward wanting things to be “the way they’re supposed to be?” Where’d that come from, that idea of “supposed to be?” And Safety presupposes good being found in avoiding pain and damage and fear. “Good?” Where’d you get that idea?”
The further you dig, even into your own psyche, the less you can run any scenario that has God absent entirely. And no wonder. He designed it.
One more thing.
“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.” - C.S. Lewis
I used to lean into the idea you’re saying here. “Even if it’s not true, I’m going to live like it is and believe it just in case. Besides, it makes me better, and makes the world better.” That’s not belief at all. That’s ends-justify-the-means thinking. The teachings that Jesus gave which “make the world a better place” are utterly worthless if they’re coming out of the mouth of a liar. Because why should anyone believe Him? Why should anyone “turn the other cheek,” or “do unto others?” Because it makes us “better?” Who gets to define “better?”
The answer, of course, is Jesus does. The One who taught those sayings. But only if He’s God. Only if He was telling the truth. If He wasn’t God, what right has He, to tell us to give away our possessions to others and let them abuse us and give our lives up? If He was a liar, all of those “good teachings” would be tainted and untrustworthy. Besides, like I just said, they’re all only able to be called “good” teachings if you accept that there is one objective, universal “good.” And we’re right back to “where did Good come from?”
All roads lead back there, to Him. But we humans like to do this thing with God where we pretend there could be any reality outside of Him. It sort of makes sense, how we got that way. After all, when was the last time you noticed oxygen? How often during the day do you consciously inhale and exhale? As often as it happens automatically? How often during the day do you notice oxygen touching your skin or moving your hair or drying your eyeballs? As often as those things happen automatically? No. But it’s ever-present. Without it, you couldn’t live, let alone notice anything. But oxygen has always been around and everything in our lives interacts with or can only exist WITH it. God is much more than that, but that’s as close as I can get to communicating: He’s so good, and He’s so constantly there, everything, all the time, that it’s easy for us to take Him for granted, forget Him entirely, then use our two-pound brain matter to say, “He might not exist.” You might as well say, “imagine a world with no matter.” 🙄 “Ohhhh kay. Then it wouldn’t be a world.”
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coral-melon · 10 months
Heya!! CM! (Get it your user!)
Its 🍓 again :3
Would you be able to write imagine/hc thingys how they would react to seeing your human form for the first time when you go to the human world with them! Im thinking along the flustered fluff/ possibility suggestive thoughts about mc =^=
Any of the brothers/dateables u want! But if your looking for specific just mammon & levi as personal preference :3
(AFAB preferred but No description of gender js cool too :3 )
Aghhh sorry this is worded so weird I’m not the best leaving suggestions i feel too askyy ;^;
Your writing is lovely and i can’t wait to see more!!
- 🍓
Hello again -🍓! Love the ‘CM’ nickname! And by all means, ask whatever you want and however much you want! I’ll always make the time to write any requests~
Also sorry for taking so long; I really wasn’t too sure how to write this, and I’m sorry but I kinda tweaked it and lil bit.. ^^’ I was going to make everyone but I ended up only doing Mammon cuz I thought it would’ve been a very long post. BUT! I can most definitely make separate posts for each of the brothers if that’s something you and others want!
A and as always, if it sucks just lemme know! Constructive criticism is always welcome >;)
Cotton Surprise
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Obey me! Mammon x Sheep!MC
Genre: Fluff, crack/shenanigans, slightly suggestive
What’s it about?: Seeing your human form for the first time!
Not that many but They/them pronounce; mainly AFAB
A throwback to Lesson 19 from the original game but tweaked it as well
Edit: ((There were minor changes cuz someone made a comment that pointed out to me how maybe some people didn’t understand what I was telling. Totally my fault ^^’🙏))
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None of them ever understood why you turned into a sheep. It happened as soon as you first arrived to Devildom. But the more time they spent with you, they got used to it — some even forgetting you’re a human all together.
One day, most of the Brothers were sitting together in the living room. It was mostly quiet until Asmo brought the question: “Hey, What do you guys think MC looks like if they weren’t a sheep?”
It left them a bit dumbfounded that they hadn’t even thought about it. They got so used to you being a sheep so it kinda just slipped their mind. It also got them to start bickering a ton of what they thought you’d look like.
— “What’s with all the commotion?” A voice interrupts their conversation. Lucifer walks in with you in his hand, talk about perfect timing!
— “We were just talking about what MC looks like if they were in their human form.” Beel explains.
— “Oh right.. none of you have seen them.” Lucifer remarked, chuckling softly under his breath.
— “What does that mean?” Satan says with already irritation in his voice.
— “Well, it’s only right that I know what MC looks like. I was the one who picked them, after all.”
This got many of them heated! Jealous that Lucifer was pretty much the only one that knows. Mammon, Levi and Asmo were whining about how that’s not fair, Satan was gritting his teeth, and Beel along with Belphie just sat quietly watching the scene. They quieted down once you said, “I could just describe what I look like, y’know.”
All of them gathered around like a bunch of kindergartners getting ready to listen to a story book. They payed such close attention to every detail you said and tried to visualize it in their head to the best of their ability. It only made them even more eager to see you for themselves.
And it didn’t happen until the very last moments before you had to go back to the human realm..
… With a true loves kiss! >;D
Cliché, I know. - -’
After dipping the House of Lamentation, he ends up in who knows where but more importantly, away from Levi. After he was done huffing for air, both of you start laughing from the absolute fun of stupidity you guys had. You couldn’t help but think about how odd it must’ve look from someone else’s perspective.
You two eventually eased off and took the time to catch your breaths. And then realize the beautiful view you guys have of Devildom. He sits you down gently on the thick stone fences while he rests his body on it. There was a short, soothing silence between the both of you — a soft, cool breeze blowing while you watching the city lights together. Mammon eventually brakes the silence and says,
“Y’know what? It’s always fun whenever you’re around.. I’m always smilin’ and laughin’ when we’re together. There’s never a dull moment..” he says softly; when you look up at him, he’s not looking at you but can tell he has a blush decorating his cheeks.
You smile at him warmly, before looking down at your tiny trotters. You were a sheep till the very end.. you had fun, but you can’t help but get a little sad thinking about it. Like just now, you would’ve been able to run away with him instead of being carried like a pillow.
“W-Who needs the human world, eh? You don’t gotta go back! I want you right here in Devildom, I want you here with me, all the time..!” Mammon looked straight at you, you perked up at him once he said that. He looked at you as if you were the greatest treasure he’s ever had. He wasn’t kidding around, such an unusually serious and determined face…, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
There was a silence again, you looked at him with in awe eyes. He slowly leans in, you leaning slightly forward.. letting whatever was going to happen, happen. Until finally, his lips reached you.
☁︎ —Poof— ☁︎
Light clouds suddenly surrounds you, Mammon was completely taken aback; and then he just freezes. When the clouds disperse, it revealed you.
You felt.. different. Blinked a couple of times before you looked down again. And to you completely surprise, the troopers you looked at but merely a few seconds ago were replaced with hands! You touched your face, your hair, your legs.. they were all back! You give a yell for joy, your curse has been broken! But then you also realize how you didn’t have any clothes on… you looked at mammon — who had his face completely red and eyes glued on you, completely frozen in place. Which made you freeze for a moment.
(Him)→ ╭( ⸝⸝๐_๐)╮ (○□○) ←(you)
You tried to cover yourself to the best of your ability; but first of all, you can’t really cover much. Second, he already saw everything! Both of you were very flustered, embarrassed, and still shocked by what just happened. You weren’t a sheep anymore! What’s up with that?!
Thankfully, Mammon at some point finally snaps out of it and covers you with his uniform’s blazer. You grip onto it tightly and covering yourself to the best of you ability. You mutter him a ‘Thank you’ under your breath. But both of you were still quite frantic, looking at each other with wide eyes while huffing to calm you nerves.
“Aha! …Found you!” A voice suddenly says from a short distance. It was Levi!
“Oh shit..”
“Mammon, Give me back my moneeey!!”
“Yikes! Time to go!” He says, lifting you up into his arms and making a run for it. And man did he run! He probably ran faster than when he was being chased by Lucifer. Levi didn’t see it coming’.
You were in a daze, you’ve been carried by him countless times.. but today you felt like a princess that’s been swooped by Prince Charming — a very peculiar one, but still charming.
He — at some point — stops running and hid in whatever corner he thought was good enough so that Levi wouldn’t find you two. With his back to the wall, he collapses to the ground. With you still in his arms but making sure you didn’t fall. You can’t help but laugh and pull him into a tight hug.
Mammon felt like his face was going to explode any second now, he just couldn’t believe that he was holding the actual you — and naked at that! But whatever was going through his head completely perished once he heard your lovely laugh. You were so happy.. embracing him with all your new found excitement. It felt like it was only the two of you in the whole word, so nothing else mattered.
“You broke my curse, Mammon!” You say. When I say this guy’s ego got inflated, I mean it. He felt like nothing could stop him now. That’s right! The great Mammon just did that! No one else!
He takes a closer look at you face; he always kept in mind all of the details you said that day, but you looked way better than what he had imagined. He couldn’t believe his eyes…
You suddenly pull him in and give him a passionate kiss; and oof, was he over the moon! After that one, he starts feeling greedy. Just one kiss isn’t enough..!
Later on, he bought you a few clothes since, of course, you didn’t have any. And decide to go back home.
When he went back to the House of Lamentation, he wanted nothing more than to just sneak in without his brothers knowing. But much to his dismay, Levi was already waiting for him at the gates. And when he realizes that the person he’s holding is you, he goes hysterical and now the rest of his brothers know..
“Oi, that’s enough! Step aside! Can’t ya see MC needs to get to their room??”
He’s always looked out for you.. from beginning to end. You felt like you were falling in love with him all over again. It was hard to believe that life here was coming to an end.. You want to make the most of it before having to go back home. But at the moment, you just wanted time to stay still, just for a moment..
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I had a lot of fun writing this! So tysm for requesting it -🍓. Tho again, I’m sorry for not really completing what you asked for.. I still hope I was able to put a smile on your face! Take care~
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dearweirdme · 2 months
“Company content” “Mediaplay” “fan service” if these words do not leave your mouth or a taekookers you’ll have a stroke. Like clockwork your cult is having a stroke after jimin and jungkook videos are being released. Jimin being caught in the fire and constant shading of jungkook. Calling him a liar, an actor and spineless al just to explain why jimin and jungkook are close. Do you never get tired? Taehyung and jungkook made sure to tell you tae-kook was never real and would never be. What more do you want.
Actually I challenge you, in simple words explain why taehyung said get out of your imagination in a hostile tone to that taekooker because not only did koreans not into kpop and army translators tell you what he meant and who it was directed to but also Korean taekookers . So please explain and don’t use the words mediaplay, fanservice and company content.
Also explain why jungkook said he only saw jimin and jhope on his break and not anyone else, ofcourse don’t use the words fan service, company content and mediaplay.
My favourite explain why the ITS conversation isn’t real, don’t say mediaplay, company content and fanservice because those words only benefit your narrative and have no semblance in real life. Taehyungs mental health was messed up & he admitted to it, jungkook pointed it out and so did 90% of the fandom. Jungkook said “speak to someone” and not himself because they couldn’t even sit down and have a heart to heart. And taehyung literally declined to have a drink with him. You’ve turned these boys lives into a lie so that you could force a reality that isn’t true onto them. For all you know jennie was probably the reason he became a little bit happier.
Also explain why taehyung never visited jungkook on his birthday in 2022, remember don’t use those words.
I’m asking this because everyone knows that taekookers are the only ones to ever use that narrative. In the real world that’s not the case and you know it. Hence why jennie and taehyungs friends are so intertwined and why taehyung took those photos outside her house and was with her at those two concerts. because taehyung and jungkook have never been in a relationship. You’re actions are deplorable and embarrassing at best.
Hi anon!
Alright, I’ll give you one win… and it’s that of having successfully baited me with ignorance and stupidity. Here.. have a medal 🥇.
Company content, fanservice, mediaplay: Why is talking about company content, fanservice and mediaplay such a big deal to you? I mean.. I know why... you want to be able to think that whatever you have made yourself believe about Jm and Jk is their actual love story and it being part of a company content will taint that. See, the very obvious mistake you are making (maybe it’s ignorance, maybe it’s naivety.. I don’t actually care) is not understanding what we are looking at. We are looking at company content for the most part. BTS is part of a company, they make money of us, because they are part of a company. Do you really think you are watching their normal everyday lives without intervening or guidance from managers, public relations, stylists… all sorts of creative teams. Like, who do you think edits their videos? Who do you think come up with ideas for Run and BV? Have you not watched their reaction videos? It is actually insane and very uneducated to say there is no company content anon…. or, does that only apply when it comes to Jkk? The same goes for fanservice. Everyone who’s a bit invested in K-pop knows that thats a thing that is widely discussed and actually pretty common. I think it’s been used in conversation wrongly for the most part, but it’s certainly a thing. Every member does it, a lot of members engage in it together. So why can’t I mention it? Or again… is this only a problem when it comes to Jkk? Mediaplay.. again… very common! I suppose this is only an issue for you because it’s got to do with Tae and Jennie.. but mediaplay does happen anon… I think we can all say that mediaplay has been strong during the recent Hybe/Ador issues. So, why can’t I talk about those things when they are all pretty common in fandoms worldwide. Maybe, you aren’t familiar with them.. I don’t really care about that, but you are doing yourself a disservice by not looking into it more. You can’t actually understand BTS and the members if you don’t factor in company content, fanservice, and mediaplay. Also, fanservice, company content, and mediaplay aren’t Tkk or BTS specific terms.. they belong in the greater realm of music industry terminology.
Now BTS is more than the combination of those things. Their friendships are real, the reactions they have when interacting are real (though perhaps sometimes enlarged… for entertainment value yes). Their lives fall in a gray area for me, because it is mostly real, but at the same time it’s very much intended for fandom and all members will have in mind that there’s limits to what they can do and say. When I talk about company content and fanservice I don’t mean that their reactions or relationships are fake (I am actually a very strong believer in BTS being real brother-friends-bro types), what I mean is that the company is very much the one who decides what we get to see (by editing choices). You are an idiot if you do not understand that. Mediaplay is done to get across a certain narrative. Sure it’s not great, because it’s manipulation.. but it’s a thing.. deal with it.
You will not have caught me talking badly about either Jm or Jk once. I simply haven’t. I can’t help if it doesn’t fit your idea of Tkkrs. But I am a hundred percent sure that you won’t be able to find a bad word about them on my blog. I've constantly talked about how I feel Jk and Jm's friendship is real and deep. That does not exclude them from being in company content and from doing fanservice though.
"Get out of your imagination": It’s clear you are stuck in Jkk think (what else is new these days). If you had actually taken time to go to neutral spaces to understand the ‘get out of your imagination’ comment, you would know that there is actually a lot of debate on what he meant. I’m sure you will have found some k-army say he meant to debunk Tkk, but K army aren’t unbiased. There’s also been plenty of k army who said the comment was meant to say the commenter shouldn’t look at Jk’s pics before she went to sleep… very much in line with Tae kicking out someone with the handle of ‘jungkook’s wife’ (was it that?… something similar… I’m tired) during a game. Very much in line with Tae friendzoning army. Ofcourse you go along with what your side has been spreading. This suits your narrative best. People hate Tkkrs. Ofcourse a huge portion of non-tkk army will tag along and say Tae debunked Tkk. IT'S WHAT THEY WANT it to be, but it is not what it actually was. You can see the total disregard for reality even this day anon... the many MANY people who actually think there's two people on that bed in the teaser for the travel show is insane! Reality is actually right in front of us, but all of you don't care and parrot after each other without having an inch of rational thought in your minds. But you are wrong in your understanding.. not that you’re gonna believe me now.. all of us know you don’t actually want to understand.
Jk saying he only saw Jm and Hobi: Why did Jk say he only saw Jm and Hobi? Well, probably because that’s the truth? Not sure what the issue is here. Considering your side is hung up on Jm having been too busy with his album to hang out with Jk.. I doubt this is a great hill to die on.
The ITS Talk: So the whole ITS conversation can’t be talked about while leaving out company involvement.. you can’t either if you were to go indepth. The very obvious thing being that Jk was asked about this during an interview they mixed throughout their actual talk. That is the company involvement as well as the choice to make this conversation and the way it’s been edited public content. When you look at the conversation Tae and Jk actually had (without the Jk interview), they talk about having been busy, the way they were as trainees, Tae’s issues a bit.. and that’s it. At no point do they hash out the ‘awkward part of their friendship’. I have talked about this plenty… and it’s elaborate so maybe just look it up in my blog. But also.. yes, it’s orchestrated. The combination of Jk talking and Tae and Jk's moment, the decision to air this, but mostly... the way it was portrayed does not add up to what Jk and Tae's interactions were actualy like. See, you have no reason to look further than what you are seeing. In fact, Tae and Jk having been awkward better suits your thoughts than the opposite would. You haven't actually looked at the way Tae and Jk were interacting all those years.. you just hear 'awkward' from every Jkkr you see and so you believe that's wat it was.. because you want to. Taekookers however have seen that things don't add up. We are not delusional about that, you too will be able to see it if you were to look further.
Jk and birthdays: Jk doesn't care about his birthday... the man has told you so.. move on. Jm is the person to be very active when it comes to visit his members on important days. He does not actually only do this for Jk. Jk didn't celebrate his birthday, the man was in pyjamas on his live for crying out loud. If Tae had something else that day while knowing Jk doesn't care to celebrate his birthday (and maybe they did.. but just on another day... who knows) then they would have used something called "communicaton" and probably Jk had no problem with him not being there. All of you have decided what dates and holidays matter to them... it's not as if you actually know.
Taennie: Holy crap anon... you think Tae and Jennie attending the same concert but sitting way apart is them going there together? Poor you! You know who lives in the same area as Jennie and who actually left at the same time as Tae? Yoongi!
You are an uninformed idiot anon. Thanks for sharing some stupidity. Now don't all of you lurking Jkkrs go and bombard me with more idiocy.. I only give away a couple of medals a year.
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ghostboybrainrot · 2 years
Out of Touch Part 2
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, AO3
Edit: I'm starting the process of transferring these to AO3. Click the link above to subscribe and get updates more reliably! (But don't worry I'll keep posting on Tumblr, too)
It’s odd being invisible to the living world. Danny doesn’t have to put on a performance. He doesn’t have to awkwardly smile at strangers. He doesn’t have to monitor his facial expressions to make other people feel more comfortable. In a way it's nice. Freeing, even.
He didn't have to worry about people misconstruing his actions or his words. Assuming he had ulterior motives. Looking at him like he was weird for asking clarifying questions.
He wasn't judged for asking someone to explain a joke. He wasn't called rude and self-centered for sharing a similar experience when a friend was venting about their problems. He wanted to understand. He wanted to connect. But it felt like the way he did it was always wrong.
He'd been lucky to find friends who understood him. Who shared in his idiosyncrasies. 
He didn't have that anymore, but at least he didn't have to pretend either. It was a small victory, but he still counted it
Of course, his invisibility didn't affect the dead. They could see him just fine. And many do not like what they see. His ghost form had been shifting. He hadn’t made change consciously.
When he looked at himself he saw something sharper, something darker than he used to be. He wasn't happy about it but he didn't feel the need to dwell. This was who he was now. He didn't have any control over it.
If the other spirits he came across flinched away from him, he tried not to let it bother him. Spirits were just people. And he could deal with people.
Fortunately, most ghosts were too distracted by their own problems to pay him much mind. The shades floated around usually tethered to a specific location, sometimes a specific person. They interacted with things that were not there. They carried on conversations with themselves. If Danny attempted to talk to them, they would respond. He’d even held a decent conversation with a couple. But he couldn’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t seeing the same things he was. That their reality was much different than his. Once he’d finished talking, they’d continue about their business as though he wasn’t ever there. 
Danny had settled in an abandoned apartment near Park Row, or Crime Alley, as the locals called it. The building was only 3 stories. It had been condemned but had never gotten around to being torn down. It's not property investors were going to want to build something in it's place. Not in Crime Alley.
The bottom floor had been boarded up at one point but the boards on the back entrance had long since been pried off. Several squatters had made the bottom floor their temporary home. If they heard odd noises coming from the upper floor they ignored it.
Once, a man had come to the top floor to look around. He stepped carefully, testing his weight on the unstable floor. He checked the empty apartments. They’d long since been picked clean. When he neared the door at the end of the hall a chill shot up his spine. This door was closed, unlike the other three which had been swinging ajar before he’d arrived. Was someone already squatting in there? No one had mentioned it to him. He’d stayed here a few times now. Surely, if someone had already claimed the room, he’d have heard about it. He continued to approach the door. The cold sensation was worse the closer he got. He started shivering slightly and he could see his breath misting in front of him.
Weird. He swore it hadn’t been this cold outside earlier. How could it be so cold INSIDE. Maybe a window had been left open? That would explain why this door was closed. The wind had probably blown it shut. It had to be empty. No one would be able to stay in these freezing temperatures. 
If nothing else he should go and close the window. Wouldn’t want a draft to follow him downstairs. They needed to conserve the heat the best they could. 
He grasped the door knob. For a moment he worried his hand would stick to it. It was like holding a ball of ice. He attempted to turn it. Locked. 
He wasn’t sure why but he let go of the handle and raised his hand to knock on the door. Three short raps echoed in the empty hall. For a moment there was silence.
Then. Three short raps answered from the other side of the door.
He jumped back. Okay, someone was in there after all. Weirdo. Who the hell locked themselves in an abandoned freezing apartment. Before he could decide whether to tell this person off or just mind his business, he heard it again.
Three more knocks. These were much louder.
Suddenly there was a steady pounding on the door. It rattled from the impacts. The man’s heart leapt in his throat. He’d had enough. He started making his way back to the stairs. The pounding hadn’t stopped. If anything, it had gotten even louder. And closer! It was following him! It was coming from the walls in the hallway now. He could hear it coming from the other empty apartments. Everything was pounding. The whole building seemed to be shaking. He didn’t remember bolting but next thing he knew he was running down the stairs. Not paying attention to the cracks in the floor, as he had on the way up. He took 2 steps at a time. By the time he reached the bottom, the onslaught of sound had stopped. 
At first he didn't notice. He could still feel the pounding. It felt like the banging was coming from inside his head. It took him a moment to notice it was his own heartbeat hammering in his ears.
He spent several minutes at the bottom of the stairs, hands on his knees gasping for breath. After his heart finally slowed and his breath came easier, he went back to the room where he'd placed his sleeping bag.
He thought about packing it up. This place no longer felt safe. What if whatever it was followed him? 
He glanced at the door that led to the stairwell. If it were going to follow him it already would have. It was already late and this wasn't the first time he'd crashed here. And something told him, whatever it was, hadn't just arrived. He swallowed nervously. It had probably been above him this whole time.
He looked back down at his sleeping bag. He'd paused partway through rolling it up. Lost in thought. Finally, he decided to stay. At least for the night. He rolled it back out and got ready to get some rest. He was exhausted. The adrenaline from only 10 minutes prior had fled his system. Leaving his muscles weak and his brain foggy.
He wasn't going to be able to find a safer place this late. There were worse things than ghosts haunting the streets of Gotham at night.
If his upstairs neighbor didn’t want to be bothered. He just wouldn’t bother them.
Danny felt a little guilty for scaring the guy. In the moment it had been exhilarating. Like playing a prank. After all, he had no intention of ACTUALLY harming him. He wasn't in danger. He just didn't want the guy poking his nose around his stuff.
But of course the man had no way of knowing Danny wasn't a threat. It wasn’t like Danny was going to jump out and yell 'Gotcha!' In fact, that probably would just scare the guy even more. 
Danny looked down at his hands. They were clouds of black smoke. The edges were fuzzy and undefined. His fingers were long and came to sharp points. 
Scary, he thought.
Before he could linger too long on that uncomfortable thought, Danny decided to make it up to the guy.
It took a while for the man to fall asleep, unsurprisingly. But Danny waited patiently.
When the man woke up the next day he found a few cans of soup, some clean socks, and a small pack of baby wipes. It had been stacked neatly next to his backpack. Clearly, it had been left for him. He looked around but no one else had come to join him in the night and the door to the room was still locked.
He didn’t mention the interaction to anyone. And none of the other squatters mentioned it either. He knew they had to have heard it. The pounding that shook the building. He knew he hadn’t imagined it. Even if he had, it didn’t explain the food left in a locked room in the middle of the night. 
He decided whatever this entity was. It wasn’t kicking him out. Just expressing a boundary. He could handle that. As long as he left the apartment upstairs alone, he should be fine.
Danny hoped the guy would see the gifts as an olive branch. He thought about leaving a note, but decided against it. It was one thing to insinuate that the building was haunted. It was another thing, entirely, to come right out and say it. 
Hey I'm the ghost that haunts the upper floors! Sorry to give you a fright. Here's some food as an apology just stay out of my area, okay? 
He smiled at the thought. It'd be funny but l would just bring more attention to him. The last thing he needed was other people finding his haunt. A note was tangible. The guy could show others. More people would want to investigate. Without any concrete proof, people were less likely to believe him.
Danny did not want to have to move, especially when he had just gotten settled.
He’d just gotten running water. It had taken a lot of time and effort but he'd finally figured out how to turn the water back on.. He'd had to phase through a lot of walls holding a flashlight in his teeth. It had taken a week of following pipes around and messing with valves, but he’d done it! Granted, when he first got it, it still went out randomly and it wasn't hot or even warm. But it was a start.
Now getting electricity, that had been much harder. He wasn't an electrical engineer. He felt uncomfortable with the idea of trying to mess with high voltage wires. Getting electrocuted again, scared him more than he'd ever admit, even to himself.
Eventually, he settled for a small generator. He'd pilfered it from a big chain farming supply shop several miles outside of Gotham. It was a pain lugging it all the way back. It wasn’t that he was too weak to carry it, but it had been very awkward to hold.
He set it up on the roof above his apartment. Feeding the wire down into the apartments poking holes through walls. It didn’t look professional but it worked. 
The best part was that he’d gotten a model powerful enough to run the old hot water heater.
Danny hadn't taken a hot bath in months. The closest he got was taking quick showers in the 24 hour gym down the street. He'd go in the middle of the night after patrol when no one was around. But he tried not to linger in case someone decided to do an early morning workout. Those showers were more functional than relaxing. 
He didn't need to bathe that often, anyway. He spent more time in his ghost form than his living form and he didn't sweat when he was dead. He'd been getting by on baby wipes and paper towel baths at the sink in public restrooms.
So, when he finally had an opportunity to have a real bath. He decided to treat himself.
He lit a couple tealight candles and set them on the counter. He turned out the lights. The bath/shower combo wasn't very deep but fortunately Danny wasn't a very tall teenager. For the first time he counted himself lucky that dying had stunted his growth.
He had swiped a bath bomb from a dollar store a few blocks away. He'd never used one before but he figured he should at least try one to get the full relaxing bath experience. He drew himself a warm bath and dropped the lavender-scented bomb into it.
As soon as he sunk into  the water he immediately felt himself start to drift. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this relaxed. He closed his eyes and was asleep within minutes. 
Danny was having a bad night. 
Nights? He wasn’t sure. 
He’d gotten carried away again. He felt that familiar tug at his stomach. He wasn’t sure for how long. He knew he needed to stop. To take a break. At least grab a drink or something to eat. But he knew if he stopped, if he switched forms, he'd be too exhausted to switch back. 
He just kept telling himself one more. Just one more person to save. Just one more person to stop. And then he would rest.
As he neared his apartment he felt his form stutter. 
Oh no.
Just a little bit farther. He could still make it! The form continued to stutter. He felt gravity pulling on him. He couldn't keep flying like this.
He looked for a place he could land. There was an empty alley below him. Only 50 feet or so ahead. He angled his descent. But he was falling too fast. His ghost form continued to flicker, petering out 20 feet above the ground. He plummeted, reaching out trying to find purchase on the side of the building. Only managing to scrape his palm. He hit the ground on his side, with a soft thud.
He groaned. He had definitely broken something. His earlier exhaustion had been replaced with sheer terror as he'd fallen. This was the only thing allowing him the energy to push up off the pavement. He sat in the alley wincing with every movement. He took inventory. His shoulder was bruised as hell. He'd, also, bruised his ribs, breaking at least one. He was lucky he was so resilient. Falling from that height would have been much worse if he wasn't already half-dead.
He tried to pull himself to his feet. His leg buckled under the weight and he fell back on his backside. He'd definitely messed up his knee. He reached down to palpate around the joint. It was tender and he could already tell it was starting to swell.
He pulled himself up again favoring the side that hadn't impacted the ground. He braced himself against the wall of the building. His vision swam. He realized it probably had more to do with the fact that his blood sugar was dangerously low than his injuries. 
After a couple minutes, his vision began to clear and he could take in his surroundings. 
Good news, he knew where he was. He was close to his apartment. Bad news, his apartment was in crime alley. And he had a couple blocks and two flights of stairs before he could get to it.
Danny did not like his chances of getting there unscathed. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem. He could just switch to ghost form and fly straight there. But seeing as how he'd already been doing that, and he'd fallen from the sky. He didn't think this was going to be an option.
He tried anyway. Focusing hard on fading into his phantasmal form. He felt the barest hint of a flicker but no transformation came. 
The adrenaline from the fall had worn off, at this point. He was feeling woozy again. His exhaustion and hunger hitting him full force. 
The ground next to a nearby dumpster started to look very enticing. His eyes were drooping. He had enough awareness left to know if he was going to pass out he needed to hide.
It wasn't the first time he'd had to take an impromptu nap in an alley. Usually, he found a cozy dumpster to crawl in to sleep it off. Bit his leg was too injured and he was too weak to pull himself up. 
Behind the dumpster would have to do.
He kept his hand against the wall as he stumbled forward, ignoring the pain in his palm from the scrape, he'd suffered during the fall. He wondered, dully, if it was a bad idea to be rubbing an open wound on a grimey building. Probably not, but he'd have to worry about that later.
He felt like he was moving through molasses. As he rounded the side of the dumpster he looked back, making sure no one was watching. Satisfied he was alone, he tucked himself into the corner behind it. He was already pretty small. It didn't take much to pull his hood over his head and pull his knees to his chest. He pulled a few loose pieces of plastic and cardboard over him. With that and his grimey clothes he was pretty sure it would be hard to spot him. At least, in the dark.
Certain this was as good as it was going to get, he closed his eyes and fell immediately into a dreamless sleep.
He hadn't noticed the figure in the dark when he'd fallen. He hadn't noticed its eyes watching him as he pulled himself up and limped toward the dumpster. And, he didn't notice as the figure approached the sleeping boy.
Sorry to anyone who was waiting for me to update my Ghost Zone Amity fic! This one was making my brain itch so this is the one you get.
I love getting comments! Keep them coming. Who do you think found Danny? Is it one of the bats? Is it a rogue? Let me know what you think so far!
@alinmenttreasure @quirky-gardener @mnemovoid @amercurio @may-rbi
@allmune @i-havenothingelsetopost @kittenline @alienzil
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oharamwah · 1 year
going to build a bear workshop with miggy !
♡ — day out : taking miguel out to spoil him quickly turns into miguel spoiling you. → 0.9k
boyfriend!miguel x gn!reader
contents : just fluffy boyfriend miguel not knowing how to enjoy himself
posted july 28th - to be edited !
© oharamwah, please do not steal my work.
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“ooh ooh, let’s go here!” you exclaim, dragging your boyfriend by the hand towards your favourite store — the build-a-bear workshop.
miguel knows very well that he could stop you from leashing him around the mall like you have the entire day, but he doesn’t. the excitement on your face prevents him from resisting.
“another toy store?” he groans, “i just bought you 5 plushy cats.”
“i won’t be too long, i’ll just look.” you say glancing over your shoulder.
he looks at you with a sweet smile. he really does enjoy being out with you, it’s such a contrast to being cooped up in his office all day.
“besides, this store’s special.”
the two of you prance in (though it’s mainly you doing the prancing) and you immediately let go of his hand, too excited to even think. you feel like a child in those commercial candy stores — all the bright colours and joyful music makes your heart beat out of your chest. you’re elated to be here, gasping every time you turn your head.
miguel recognizes this, and any underlying annoyance in his heart is replaced with pure love. the sight of you and your inner child heals a certain part of his heart, and all he can think is ‘how could anyone not love this?’
“look!” you squeal, holding up a black cat toy, squeezing it right in front of his face.
miguel caresses the back of your head, his hand leading down to your waist. “another cat?”
“but loooook,” you whine, “it has your teeth!”
miguel was too busy looking at you to process the toy you were holding. the teeth really did resemble his fangs.
miguel rolls his eyes, “very funny, babe.”
“i want this one.”
he sighs, “you’re serious?”
you nod enthusiastically.
“but you barely looked at the other options.”
“but this one reminds me of you!”
miguel chuckles, “i guess i can’t argue with that.”
you spend an entire half hour wandering the store and picking out accessories, miguel trailing behind you with a basket full of baby sized clothes.
miguel starts to think that maybe this isn’t so bad — he’s grown fond of this shop, mainly because it’s almost like a window into your future together, having your own children and all. he feels so fond of the moments you’re spending in a kid’s store.
by the time you reach the stuffing stage, miguel’s hands are full. you’ve picked out a multitude of cute clothing, hats, and silly glasses for the cat. ‘this can’t be that expensive can it?’ he thinks.
“hi there,” the worker greets you with a smile.
“hello!” you cheer, and miguel just smiles.
“i’d like to stuff this one, please.” you hand her the cat toy.
“sure thing, hun.”
the two of you watch as the lady stuffs the cat with the stuffing machine. you’re hand is firmly squeezing miguel’s forearm, smiling as if watching your actual child being made. miguel laughs.
“did they have to use the most phallic machine to stuff these things..” he mutters and you slap his arm. “miggy.” you scold, laughing with him.
the lady finishes up and gestures you to come closer.
“here, sweetie, now pick out a heart.”
you let go of miguel’s arm and look at the small basket full of red and pink stuffed hearts, a small gasp escaping your mouth.
“can i pick two?” you ask. the lady glances at you, then at miguel, and then grins.
“of course, go ahead.”
you step toward miguel and grab his hand, bringing him over to the heart basket. “here miggy, pick one.” you say. he follows your orders with a small smile on his face.
miguel takes a second before picking up a small red heart and handing it to you.
“no no, you have to kiss it first.” you explain.
“kiss it?”
“uh huh,” you say, kissing the heart you picked out, “like that.”
miguel scoffs, ‘i can’t believe i’m doing this.’ he thinks. but does he do it? of course he does.
he presses the heart to his lips, his eyes locked on yours, then he smiles at you. “like that?”
you nod. miguel hands you the heart and you place both hearts inside the cat. the lady begins to seal it.
miguel can’t take his eyes off of you. he’s got this terribly smitten look on his face; his gaze is so soft and his cheeks are starting to ache from smiling at you all day.
the worker finishes up the cat and hands it to you, guiding you to the birth certificate station.
you find a seat on the child-sized chairs and begin typing out the certificate, and miguel who is too big for the chairs is kneeling right beside you.
“what are you gonna name it, angel?” he asks, his chin rested on his hand, that same lovely look in his eyes.
you think, then you realize,
“awww, angel would be perfect. or princess miguel?”
he looks unimpressed, “your options are angel and princess miguel?”
“mhm, but i like princess miguel better.” you nod, already halfway through typing it out. all miguel can do is sigh and shake his head.
now all that’s left for you to do is pay.
you already had your wallet out and ready to sacrifice a fraction of your recent pay check, but miguel refuses.
“i got it, sweetheart.” he says, slightly egotistical. but all colour washes from his face the cash register reads $104.
“you still got it?” you ask, and miguel looks at you, then closes his eyes before tapping his card.
miguel spends the rest of your trip at the mall a little poutier than usual, but the delighted smile on your face as you cuddled “princess miguel” close to your chest was all he needed to know that any price is worth paying for his favourite person.
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a/n : thank u anon for this absolutely adorable request, i rly enjoyed writing it !!! ♡ and once again, if there are any issues with the gendering or racial descriptions (though i try to avoid those) pls let me know ! hope u guys likeeee
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Daemon Targaryen*Dessert
Sugar Baby Series Part 4.5 smut edition
Part one - Part two - Part Three
Pairings: Daemon x f!reader
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Summary: Daemon and the reader finally decide to add a new level to their relationship
Warnings: teasing, p in v sex, fingering, f!receiving oral, smut 18+
This can be read with or without reading the rest of the series and if you voted to not have smut you can completely skip this part without affecting the plot. The rest of part four is linked at the bottom
Word count: 1886
Masterlist Here
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“I’m sorry I know this isn’t what you were expecting- “you tried to tell Daemon as you sat across the dining table from him.
“I love it,” Daemon cut you off, smiling as he took another bite of the spaghetti you had made together. Cooking hadn’t gone dreadful however you knew it was far below the standards of his regular food. “I liked cooking with you, it was fun,” he said.
You couldn’t help but laugh a little. He had tried his best, but this man had never even boiled his own water before today. He tried to use a large broth pot to fit the spaghetti until you explained that it went soft in the boiling water. It was cute to watch his amazement when he learned canned tomatoes don’t spoil and that you put a little sugar into the sauce. “We should do it again then,” you smiled at him from across the table.
It was the first house you’d been in that had a whole separate room for eating. Being in daemons house for the first time shouldn’t have shocked you as much as it had but every inch of the place screamed luxury. The windows went from floor to ceiling and the ceilings would be too high for even Cregan to touch if he had a running jump. The kitchen was impeccable, white, and sleek and half of the dining room was made out of glass. Daemon found your awestruck expression adorable when he had let you inside.
Once the food was finished you stood up to carry the plates to the kitchen, daemon just behind you. “Sorry we don’t have any dessert,” you said as you started running the tap.
“You’re my guest, I’ll get this,” Daemon said as he took the plates out your hand to clean, “and you apologise too much darling,” Daemon said as he let the water run over the plate. You watched his movements, wondering if he even knew what he was doing, “I know how to wash a dish doll,” Daemon said as he rolled his eyes and looked down at the dish, “Well I think at least,” he said squinted at the still sauce stained plate.
You leaned over the counter, grabbing the dish liquid and squirting a little onto the plate. “Ahh,” Daemon said as he took the sponge you passed him and started to actually clean the dish, “See told you I got this,”
“Well done love,” you laughed, moving to stand behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. “It’s a good thing you’re pretty,” you joked. 
“Careful now,” Daemon said as he sat the plate to the side to wash the next, “you’re starting to sound like me,”
“Would that be so bad?” you asked as you moved to dry the dish he had sat on the counter. You took the opportunity to sit on the counter and sneak a glance at his face which somehow looked even more handsome in this light.
Daemon chuckled as he continued his newfound skill with ease, though he used more dish soap than most, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me doll,” he said, his eyes flickering over to you if only for a moment.
You paused for a moment, placing the dish down in the drying rack, “Maybe I am,” you said, eyes locked on daemons face.
Daemon looked up from the dishes for a moment before moving to stand in front of you, taking the cloth from your hands to dry his as he stood between your legs, “I thought you said we didn’t have any desert?” he asked, his voice low as his hands moved to your thighs, squeezing the flesh softly over your new satin dress that did little to hide your figure, not that daemon minded.
Your arms moved to rest over his shoulders, hands dangling down his strong back. You tilted your head and pursed your lips before giving a teasing smirk, “I lied,” you said, your hands moving to rest on his neck, “And what are you gonna do about it?” you said, desperate to provoke him into closing the gap.
Daemon stepped in closer, his eyes darkening as they met yours. “You really are a little minx aren’t you doll?” he said but before you could answer his lips crashed down onto yours. his hands snaked behind your waist, pulling you forward and flush against his chest.
You weren’t sure what was coming over you as your fingers searched for the buttons of his shirt, frantically unbuttoning them. Daemons hands slid down your waist to your ass, grabbing at its flesh over your dress. When you finally got the last button down your hands were finally able to slide up his abs, feeling the toned muscle properly for the first time.
“Here?” Daemon mumbled against your lips. “Are you sure?”
“Fuck yes,” you muttered, your hands reaching to undo his belt as your lips crashed onto his again. Daemon meanwhile pushed the fabric of your dress up, pulling at it till he was able to get it over your hips. His hands slid under the fabric, finally able to grab your ass properly.
You managed to undo the belt and it didn’t take long for you to undo his button and zip. You could see his bulge through his black boxers. Daemon gripped your hip, sliding you forward on the counter till his bulge was pressing into you, grinding it into your still clothed cunt. your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
“I’ve dreamt of this,” Daemon said, his hands pawing at your skin. “Fucking you in every room in this house,”
“Why stop there?” You smirked.
“You’re killing me doll,” Daemon groaned as he pulled out of your grip. He laughed at your whine as he quickly crossed the room the grab his jacket, he’d left on the kitchen island. “Patience love,”
“I’ve already been patient,” you pouted, leaning forward to watch what he was doing. You chuckled when you saw him pulling a condom out his jacket pocket, “Someone was hopeful,” you joked.
Daemon quickly crossed the room, “Someone needs to shut their pretty mouth,” he growled, pulling you in for a brief and needy kiss that left you whining when he pulled away, “Now who’s desperate,” daemon chucked as he pulled out his cock, handing you the condom to put on him. you opened the condom before grabbing the base of his cock, stroking it gently a couple times making daemon groan, before you quickly slid it on. “Sure, about this doll face?” Daemon asked, grabbing your hip with one hand and his cock in the other.
“Just fuck me already,” you said, your legs wrapping around his waist to try pull him in as your hands moved to hold his shoulders.
“I’m not just going to fuck you doll,” he said with a light chuckled, resting his forehead against yours as he lined his tip up with your entrance. Your breath caught when you felt him start to push in, his cock stretching you out slowly at first as he eased in. “I’m going to fucking ruin you,” he said, his fingers digging into your hips as his cock sunk all the way in. You almost whimpered at the feeling, but it was cut off by gasps as Daemon started to set a relentless steady pace.
His head fell down, hanging in the crook of your shoulder, mumbling obscenities. your hands slipped down his back, almost clawing at the soft skin but the scratches only seemed to spur daemon on. he started sucking harsh marks into your soft skin, kissing over them once satisfied, “Mine,” he mumbled against your skin, “All mine,”
“All yours,” you moaned in agreement, a knot bubbling in your stomach.
you whined when daemon pulled out of you but didn’t have time to argue as he pulled you off the counter. his hands grabbed your hips tightly, spinning you around. one strong hand on your back pushed you down, your face against the cold counter. “You want my cock?” he asked, his voice dark and husky.
“Please,” you whined, practically begging already.
daemon chuckled as he grabbed your hips, spanking your ass, before you felt the tip of his cock sink back into your aching cunt. His pace was messier than before but just as desperate, “You take me so well doll,” Daemon groaned, hand hands going between squeezing and spanking your ass. “So good for me,” you felt one of his hands move down your hip, moving to your front and finding your clit within moments. daemon rubbed fast circles on the sensitive bud.
you could feel your stomach tightening and you did not to stop the shameless moans falling from your lips. you could feel his cock start to twitch inside, your cunt squeezing around it, making daemon groan. with two last, deep thrusts, you felt daemon stiff behind you. for a moment you were disappointed when you felt him pulling out, your orgasm so close had now almost washed away, when you felt his fingers start to run up your slit.
“What are you doing?” you stuttered out, trying to turn to see him but daemon pressed you back down.
“Just let me take care of you love,” Daemon said, his fingers teasing your entrance, “relax,” he told you but you whined when you felt his fingers slip in, “So wet for me,” he praised, his fingers beginning to curl inside of you, his thumb rubbing slow circles onto your clit.
you heard him moving before you felt his hot breath fanning your wet cunt. “Please,” you whimpered, the knot from before quickly reappearing.
daemon shushed you gently before moving his thumb, placing a soft kiss over your clit. you moaned when you felt him begin to press wet kisses to the sensitive bud, his fingers curling inside you. “Such pretty noises,” Daemon whispered, just loud enough for you to here, before he started to gently suck on your clit.
you could feel your body practically light on fire, shivers going down your spine, as his tongue worked wonders, his fingers never stopping. your orgasm was quickly approaching but when daemon lightly grazed your clit with his teeth it crashed over your body in a wave, loud moans leaving your mouth which only encouraged daemon to keep going. he made you right out your orgasm on his tongue till you were a panting mess on the counter.
finally, daemon pulled away, standing behind you to catch his breath. his hands gently took your shoulders, helping you to stand. when you did your legs felt like jelly, your stance swaying. daemon wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to lean your back into his chest. “Take it easy princess,” he said, kissing the top of your head, “you were so good,” he mumbled, “Let’s go sit down yeah?” daemon said but it wasn’t a question as he helped lead you to his living room, leading you to the plush sofa.
Daemon guided you to lay on the sofa with him, his arms wrapping around your frame. “You okay doll?” he asked as he played with your hair gently.
“Better than okay,” you mumbled making him chuckle lightly.
Part Four non smut edition to be read after this one
Part Five - Finale Part
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @delicious-xx @pet1t3 @skyesayshi @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dark-night-sky-99 @lantsovheiress@themotherofblood @avalyaaa
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universellie · 1 year
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Platonic Rose Quartz x G/N Reader
[[Request by the lovely @insertuserhere88 !!
— There was no specific requests so I’ll employ some creative liberty in what I’m about to write :) It’s set before Greg’s gig on the beach, the night he met Rose.
((A/N: Y/N only used a few times xoxo Sorry for any typos, it’s late when I wrote this and I’m too tired to edit. I’ll do it tomorrow, maybe. :,)
>>𝘔𝘺 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 ♥︎
It was 1990, Mr. Universe had a gig on the beach tonight and you were most certainly going to attend. You were ecstatic to get to see him live, you’d been a fan for a while now to say the least. You knew Rose would love his music too, but you had to find her first to see if she’d attend the concert.
You walked along the beach, kicking pebbles out of your way. You could see the cave and warp pad from where you were, already dreading the dastardly climb up to the cliff face. You always loved the carving of Obsidian in the cliff, a symbol of the Crystal Gems unity and their friendship. A quite literal representation, not only as a sculpture but when they fused. You had had the privilege of seeing and meeting her once, a gigantic gem with flaming eyes. Unnerving and most likely terrifying to anyone, yet you knew she was a culmination of your dearest friends. And your best friend, Rose Quartz.
You stepped up in front of the warp pad, looking at the door that led to each of the gems respective rooms. “Rose!” You called out, looking at the ground and idly kicking a rock. It flew to the wall directly beside the door as it opened, bouncing and flying directly across Rose’s face. “Woah!” she exclaimed, taking a step back. You grimaced, raising your hands in surrender. “Sorry Rose-“ She waved a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about it Y/N, these things happen.” Her dress whispered along the ground as her bare feet padded towards you. “What brings you here?” She peered down at you, her giant mass of pink curls surrounding her. “I wanted to see if you’d like to join me at the concert tonight. It’s the musician I like, Mr. Universe?” You put your hands in your pockets, your head almost completely laid back to look up at her. “Of course! Id love to! In the meantime, want to do something else? The gems and I have nothing to do for the rest of the day so Garnet has gone to explore the deeper parts of the temple, Amethyst is in her room and Pearl is in the training grounds. I’m on my own I’m afraid.”
“Rose you don’t have to ask to hang out with me. C’mon, let’s go to the beach. Maybe we can watch them set up for the concert tonight.” She clapped her hands in joy, hurrying to the open cliff exit. She held out a hand to you, you took it, holding tightly as she catapulted the pair of you into the sky and floated gently to the centre of the beach. You landed gracefully, thanks to her expert floating knowledge. She sat on the sand, her feet and ends of her dress in reach of tiny waves. They lapped lazily while you settled in beside her, the pair of you gazing out at the horizon.
“Rose, if you don’t mind me asking. Why did you start the rebellion?” She had never fully explained how it had begun, only that one day they were fighting for their very freedom. She sighed, looking up at you quickly and back towards the sea. “They wouldn’t listen to me.”
“The Diamonds?”
“Mhm.” Her eyes were hidden behind the shadows of her curly bangs, you could see her lips pressed in a thing line as she rested on one elbow, idly drawing gem shapes in the sand. “I tried to explain the beauty of Earth. How their mission for galactic domination was destroying worlds and life.” You noticed her swipe at the sand after she drew what seemed to be a diamond shape. “They ignored me, threw me out and told me to get back to carving the kindergartens.” She sighed, avoiding eye contact. “I chose to ignore them. I reformed into this dress, I chose to make a stand. I refuse to allow the Diamond Authority to destroy this beautiful planet.” You looked at her, admiration and pity in your gaze. How one gem could defeat an entire world, you had no idea. But if there was anyone who could do it, it would be Rose.
“What do you think Pink is doing right now?” You picked up a seashell, pulling your feet back into you. You twirled the shell around in your hands, investigating its colours and ridges. Rose let loose a dark chuckle. “Probably sitting on her Pink throne on her royal behind doing nothing except destruction. Except following orders.” She seemed so lost in thought, continuing to watch the waves. “She’s useless you know. Heartless, even. She couldn’t make a stand to her sisters, she didn’t even try to change the direction of this mass destruction.” Rose sat up, curling her legs towards her and wrapping her arms around her knees. “She’s weak, Y/N. Pink Diamond is so disgustingly weak.” You sighed, reaching a hand up and patting Rose on her arm through her curls.
“Can she help it? She’s been raised in a castle surrounded by Diamonds who know nothing but conquest. She’s the youngest and the smallest. Of course she’s weaker! She’s the bullied little sister, from what I can see.” Rose sniffled, rubbing a hand over her face and hiding behind her curls. Was she crying?
“I just wish they could see the world like me.” Rose whispered, the words seemed so heavy, like they meant something entirely different. You stood, patting her on the head, her curls bouncing like cotton candy. “They will, someday.” You reassured her, stretching your arms above your head as you did. You looked behind you to see the stage being set up, the sun was setting, almost completely below the horizon.
“Come on Rose, for tonight, let’s just enjoy some good music.” She looked up at you, smiling. “You are what I love most about humans Y/N. Always so kind and understanding.” She stood, grabbing you by the shoulders and crushing you in a hug. “Thank you.” She whispered gently. You rubbed her back, returning a ‘you’re welcome’ before breaking away.
“On the bright side Rose, maybe Mr. Universe will like you just as much as I do.”
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jjkamochoso · 7 months
My Boy’s Got His Own Ringtone
Nanami x gn!reader
Angst, hurt/no comfort
Based on 100 gecs’ song “Ringtone”
Warnings: Shibuya Arc spoilers!
[My boy’s got his own ringtone, it’s the only one I know, it’s the only one I answer]
You glanced at the clock, seeing the hour and minutes hands being precisely where you didn’t want them. You still had about 3 hours left in the workday and you were drowning in mission reports that had to be looked over, edited for clarity, submitted to the higher ups, then filed correctly. With the influx of high grade curses roaming around, paperwork from sorcerers for office people like you was bound to increase as well and you were getting the brunt of it. You were exhausted, to say the least. Not to mention, your cellphone wouldn’t stop ringing with people asking you the stupidest questions, leading you to almost throw the damn thing in the dumpster. Instead of costing yourself the extra money that you don’t have by ruining the (unfortunately necessary) piece of technology, you had put the annoying rectangle on do not disturb and shoved it in one of your desk drawers.
“30 minutes of peace and quiet, that’s all I can afford,” you had muttered to yourself, but now that time had passed and you found yourself grasping the phone once more. Taking a deep breath, you glanced at the lit up screen—27 missed calls and 45 group texts. Scrolling through the texts, you were thankful that none of them were urgent matters. The phone calls, on the other hand, were ones you had to attend to and make sure all questions were answered. You were about to press the “call back” button for the first sorcerer who needed your assistance, but your phone rang with a call from someone else. Before you smashed the phone into little tiny pieces, you registered the ringtone and quickly answered, a smile forming on your face for the first time today.
“Nanami! How can I help you today?” you asked, any trace of previous annoyance immediately dissolved.
“L/n, hello. I have a question to ask you, and I’m sure you’ve been busy. Is this an alright time to talk?”
You practically swooned. You couldn’t believe how respectful of your time and work Nanami was and it made him even more attractive, if that was possible.
“I’ll always make time for you,” you answered sweetly.
“And I, for you,” he replied, and then dove into his question. It was a fairly simple one and you were honestly surprised he needed clarification. Maybe he was teaching Yuji how to write reports and wanted to hear it being explained from the source? Whatever it was, you were just happy to hear his voice, no matter the situation.
“Does that make sense?” you asked after explaining.
“Yes, thank you very much. I appreciate your help today and whenever I may need assistance in the future.”
“Don’t ever hesitate to call, text, or seek me out. You know where my office is!”
It was true, Nanami did. He had spent many hours there with you, in comfortable silence, typing away reports and filling out various paperwork. He would try to convince himself that the reason he sought out refuge with you was because no one would find him there to bother him while he was working, not because he desperately wanted to watch the way you would crinkle your nose when you caught a horrendously bad typo in a report, or be enthralled in the way your nimble fingers made quick use of the computer keyboard, or anxiously awaited your invitation to a coffee shop during lunch breaks where everything would feel like a perfect date instead of an outing with a close friend if he just admitted his feelings to you. No, he chose the office he did most of his work in because he was helplessly, selfishly in love with the person whose nameplate graced the door.
You, of course, returned Nanami’s undisclosed affection, but you knew it could never work. He was a Grade 1 sorcerer while you were a lowly office clerk, a glorified secretary, no better than the salaryman position he had left behind. Status and money were of no matter to either of you, but you felt, deep in your heart, that your lack of status and achievements could never win over the 7:3 sorcerer. He was so handsome and accomplished that he could have anyone in the world and certainly deserved better than someone like you.
Anyway, back to the phone call.
“That I do, I’ve spent many days in there. Thank you for sharing your space with me. Speaking of, do you mind if I drop by at the end of the day?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. You hadn’t seen Nanami in a fair amount of time since he had been dispatched on all sorts of missions lately.
“Of course! What’s mine is yours. You’re welcome here anytime,” you said, hoping he understood that you truly meant it with every fiber of your being.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon,” he said, and hung up. As you went back to your work, you noticed you had a new jolt of energy. You didn’t even realize you were supposed to be off 5 minutes ago until there was a knock at your door.
“Come in!” you said, shuffling the rest of your papers away to deal with them tomorrow. In your haste, you didn’t notice your phone flying into the pile and landing somewhere unseen.
“It’s just me,” Nanami said, slipping past the doorframe.
“Just you, huh?” you teased, earning a small smile from him.
“I’m here to staple a few things, if that’s alright,” he explained, and you gestured to the stapler on your desk. In reality, he wanted to come by and see you since he’d been gone for so long. You had become a source of comfort to him, something he knew he could depend on to be there when he came back from a mission. In a world where his existence could be easily taken from him, he liked the idea of loving someone who lived a more peaceful life. Sure, you thought your job was boring, and it was, but Nanami wanted that for someone as precious to him as you were. You, on the other hand, were thinking about how blessed you were for being able to see his muscular forearm on full display as he leaned over to staple papers, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow. You didn’t want to look away, but certainly wouldn’t be caught staring. You grabbed your bag before trying to head home, but you absolutely couldn’t find your phone anywhere.
“That stupid thing causes me more and more trouble,” you mumbled, furiously digging through drawers. Nanami had never seen you so flustered before, and he had to admit, it was pretty cute. However, he knew he needed to help with whatever it was you were talking about.
“Trying to find something?” he asked, gaining your attention. You huffed, moving a stray piece of hair out of your face.
“I lost my phone when I was going through piles of papers,” you explained, “but of course nobody needs me anymore or else I’d hear it ring and could find where it went.”
“Want me to call it?”
“Please,” you said, exasperated. With a slight chuckle, he clicked on your contact and it started to ring. All of a sudden, you heard Nanami’s custom ringtone coming from your trash can.
[It’s my way of trying to let you know, I’ve got a little thing for you, I’ve got a little crush or something]
“Found it!” you exclaimed, pulling the phone out as it continued to blare his very own theme song.
“That’s a ringtone I’ve never heard before,” Nanami commented, “did you choose a new one while I’ve been gone?”
Damn him for being so observant! You weren’t sure if you wanted to tell him the truth but the words spilled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“Nope, this is your own special one,” you said sheepishly. You figured you should explain yourself further since he gave you a look that implied he wanted to hear more. “You’re the only person I actually like to talk to, so it’s my way of filtering out the calls I don’t care to answer.”
“I see,” he said, his warm brown eyes staring into your own. His expression was unreadable as always and you hoped you hadn’t made him uncomfortable.
“Is that weird? I can change it if you think that’s weird, I—”
“No!” he said, hurriedly, “please don’t. I find it… endearing. I feel the same, your company is the only one I can stand most days.” With his confession coupled with yours, it was hard for both of you to make eye contact out of embarrassment.
“Okay well, I guess I should head home,” you said, trying to make a beeline for the door, but you felt Nanami’s large hand gently grab hold of your arm so you didn’t leave.
“Wait, l/n, I need to ask you something else.” These words that left his mouth were quieter than usual.
“I’m off the clock, Nanami, you can call me y/n if you want,” you told him, and you could’ve sworn you saw a hint of a blush on his face.
“Okay then, y/n, you’re well versed in the rules of jujutsu workplaces and colleague relations, right?”
You nodded and he continued.
“I know we don’t technically work together but please tell me before I get my hopes up. Would it be wrong of me to ask you on a date?”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Was Nanami being serious? He was never a man of jokes like Gojo so he must be for real. You gulped.
“There’s no rules regarding that subject that I know of,” you replied and Nanami looked relieved.
“Oh. Then, allow me to ask you properly this time. Y/n, would you grant me the privilege of taking you on a date?”
“I would love nothing more, Nanami,” you said, smiling.
“Please,” he said, his eyes shining, “call me Kento.”
You felt like the luckiest person in the world.
It was a brisk fall day and you were enjoying your time out of the office for the weekend. The market you were at was pleasantly busy, enough people to observe for a bit but not too many where it was overwhelming. It was nice to get out and walk around for a while. Taking in the smells of the pastries, you followed your nose to a vendor selling the cutest little loaves of bread.
Nanami would love these, you thought to yourself, and bought a few of them for breakfast. As you strolled away, bag in hand, you heard a phone ring. It was that same ringtone that lived in your mind since the day you set it for the man you loved. You hurriedly dug your hand into your purse, excited for once to find your phone, but you were greeted with a dark screen. All of a sudden, you felt a sensation like someone grabbing your heart and twisting it out of your chest.
[Used to love that ringtone when you called me, now it makes me sick]
No. It wasn’t Nanami calling you. He couldn’t.
Kento Nanami was dead.
A/n: it was my first time writing some evil like this, I hope you enjoyed the heart shattering moment😈 also I can’t remember if there’s report writing and paperwork in the JJK universe but I’m sure there is so take this with a grain of salt okay love you byeeee <3
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rosyjuly · 11 months
approximately one million years ago you wrote a little 3 sentence fic about office workers George and Alex and I’m wondering how things are going for them IF you had any divine musings
Wolff finally takes mercy on them; hires three people for social media management. It’s only taken George half a year and two ppt-s to convince him that being under 30 doesn’t automatically qualify you as competent, and anyway his age is a depreciating asset. But they’re here now, and it’s great – they love to feature him, still, but at least it’s not him who has to edit the godforsaken TikTok videos to perfectly match the audio. 
The only downside is that with the new colleagues, they desks no longer fit into the corner of the second floor where George has been withering away for the past two years. It wouldn’t make sense to separate the comms team, so Claire makes them move up to the third. It makes more sense to be with the marketing team, anyway, she says. But now they have got the sales department on the other side, and in the open-plan office there’s just a lot more calls George has to listen to while he drafts the copies for the latest campaign. It makes him miss the data analysts. 
For the first few weeks, it’s not that bad. He either gets lunch with the new coworkers, trying to get to know the boys and girls in the marketing team, or has half a pack of crisps while trying to finish a press release, wiping his hand after every bite to avoid staining his laptop. Then the onboarding finally finishes and he doesn’t need to spend two hours each day to explain the ropes to Frederik. 
All of a sudden, he looks around, watches everyone else type away or nod at their screens with their most faux-genuine face, and he feels deeply, excruciatingly alone. He picks up his phone, opening the WhatsApp thread with Alex. Instead of the steady flow of texts, he can see the date annotated after every message or two. 
He’s told himself that the distance might do them good; that it’ll be healthy to stop looking over at Alex after every joke he cracks, that he shouldn’t be so attuned with Alex’s tea refills. A pint or two on Fridays would still be fine – hunched over a barrel in lieu of a table on the pavement, shoulders pressed together and complaining about the bloody ridiculous prices. But he didn’t expect this. The hollow, tender part in his ribcage that feels half-filled with regret as he thumbs through Alex’s texts about how he didn’t know Quality Assurance could be so bad, and maybe George should still be doing that much overtime if it meant that Alex didn’t have to listen to one more overzealous phone apology. 
You think Sales is much better? he sends back. It’s just past noon. Wanna grab an early lunch? 
YES. You won’t believe the bs Marko pulled this morning, Alex sends back almost immediately. 
George shuts his laptop, doesn’t announce that he’s getting food for once, lest someone tries to join him. Walking back into data analysis should not make anyone feel fond, yet here he is; the philodendron on Patrick’s desk has a new leaf. 
“Here to pick Alex up?” Patrick asks, pushing his headphones back. It makes George’s stomach warm, both with embarrassment and, mortifyingly, with pride. 
“You know how he is,” he tells Patrick, “gets lost in those Excel sheets and I’ll starve to death.” 
“I’m ready, shut up,” Alex says, saving his work with a few efficient motions. “First person to complain about me in the sheets, I’ll tell you that–” 
“And how would I know?” George asks, trying to ignore the hot shiver that runs up his spine. Alex whips around and George almost walks into his chest; when he raises his eyes, Alex is looking at him with his head tilted, like he’s a pattern Alex needs to find in a set of corrupted data.
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bayfuzzball7050 · 8 months
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(Edit— 23/09/2024) I kinda got excited writing this ☠️
There’s like a worrying amount of text. I’m not sure everyone can gut how much I wrote 😭😭
But here are like the basics of my blog:
The name’s Andrés or Diego. Call me whatever ya want, idc
I’m a Trans Guy, he / him and if you don’t know me a they / them it’s ok I don’t mind that much. NO SHE HER IMMA BEAT UR ASS
☆ I got that dawg in me (asd) actually pls be patient im a little slow on some things
☆ Artist — I mostly make jjba fanart (currently insane about it)
☆ Art requests are currently closed!!
(for when I open them: I draw anything but nsfw/kinks and proship stuff)
☆ Writer (no fanfic here tho)
☆ don’t ask for pics you ain’t getting em
☆ if I use emojis, be aware that most of the time it’s ironic
☆ I make a lot of kys/kms jokes, if you’re not ok with this, please don’t follow
☆ i LOVE spammers, spam likes, reblogs, whatever as much as you like :3 (if ya want to like no pressure)
☆ if ya wanna be mutuals just ask I don’t mind I’ll just check yo vibe and that’s it
Art tag: #my art
Post tag/reblogs where I add something: #momazos dieg
☆ I usually don’t add tw (tho I dont post stuff with heavy themes often if I’m honest like I rarely do it) But if anything, be wary
☆ I also always have my notifications off so please don’t feel bad if I don’t answer a dm or anything of the sort
☆ please excuse me if I reblog/like artists who are proshippers, I don’t tend to check blogs before interacting🧍🏽(I’ve gotten myself blocked many times because of this)
☆ also like if they problematic in general like idk if maybe someone I reblogged has been in a big ahh controversy or summ so uhhh forgive me
☆ more info abt me and my blog under the cut :P ☆
So, I think imma make(try) a dni list but ik it’s ultimately useless cuz like I can’t force ya and im not your dad plus I’m too lazy to look through every blog that reblogs or likes but uh blocklist ig???
It’s just basic dni criteria, but like if ya wanna read ig?
(some of these are oddly specific)
☆ zionists, racists, homophobes, ace exclusionists/phobes, antisemits (guess that’s how you say it???), conservatives, mofos who discriminate/hate minorities in general
☆ Proshippers, Comshippers, anti-anti’s and profiction mfs
Why, you may ask? Horrible past experiences with these mofos and *other* bad experiences that ain’t really related to ‘em but remind me of so like if ur a proshipper just block me and move on I don’t want y’all around. Not rlly into the discourse and prolly never gonna post abt it but yeah
no Patrick, im not against the portrayal of fucked up things, im against the portrayal of those things as a type of pornography.
☆ ON ANOTHER SIMILAR NOTE! even if I do hate proshippers, autoshippers/selfshippers are cool like hell yeah you go marry your blorbo 🔥🔥🔥
☆ Transphobes / TERFS
I think the whole ‘Im trans’ shit explains it well enough 💀
☆ SWERFS can also go fuck themselves
☆ Misandrists and radfems too like why you here 💀 when I first hear the term i thought it was about the most radical females 🤙 but dude…these girl be saying some bogus about other chicks! Plus your gender essentialism pisses me the hell off
☆ Transmeds/Truscums/anti-MOGAI mfs get the hell out of here I hate you like Imagine gatekeeping gender cuz someone doesn’t fit your idea of what a trans person is thats stupid af 😭😭
☆ Transid, “Transabled”, "transracial" are not welcome. I support trans people, MOGAI in. You support racist, ableist and ageist views and stuff of the sort, kindly fuck off and educate yourself.
☆ Radqueers in general actually
☆ NSFW agere blogs (SFW agere it’s cool I don’t mind)
☆ pedos/MAPS I want you hanging on the STREET
☆ Paraphilics in general
☆ Misgendering kink blogs cuz WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME¿ AND IM TRANS WTH¿¿
☆ kink blogs in general actually ☠️
☆ Pro-ANA or Pro-MIA mofos y’all please seek therapy
☆ swifties.
To be honest I don’t check the blogs of most people who reblog or like but- Ricky…Ricky when I catch you Ricky-
(I mostly notice when I get followed but- anyway 😻)
☆ Giomis shippers
Why? Cuz not all of them are proshippers but a vast majority is and giomis kinda weirds me out💀ik the age gap small but still it’s kinda….
☆ dsmp fans
As much as I enjoy the Fanart and maybe the roleplay was interesting I have like personal beef with the fanbase and creators
☆ Hannibal Fans
The franchise is fire but I also have beef with Hannibal fans cuz for some reason most of them proshippers
☆ MHA fans for the same reason as Hannibal fans
☆ Same with South Park
☆ Same goes for Homestuck fans
☆ Same goes for Steven Universe fans. It’s mid btw
☆ ONE PIECE fans, y’all didn’t do anything wrong it’s just that I haven’t caught up with the show 😭😭
☆ NSFW blogs (as in porn/smut)
Languages I speak:
☆ Spanish (mother language)
☆ English
☆ A tiny bit of Italian
FANDOMS IM IN (but I forget sometimes 😿)
☆ JJBA (what I post about mostly (going insane over this))
☆ Yakuza (I haven’t finished 0 yet)
☆ LOST MEDIA. (Believe it or not, im also going insane over this.)
☆ Berserk
☆ Madoka Magica
☆ ikigusare (best virtual girl band ever fr fr)
☆ Gorillaz
☆ Good Omens
☆ Moral Orel
☆ Dorohedoro
☆ My Little Pony
☆ Sonic fandom
☆ Undertale / Deltarune
☆ Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul
☆ El Cuarteto De Nos
☆ Azumanga Dioh!
☆ Vocaloid
☆ Project Sekai
☆ D4DJ
☆ Food Fantasy
☆ FNAF (grrrr I love fnaf,,)
☆ Emo / Scene / Scemo (I just don’t have money for clothes nor the patience to make a blog only for that 😭😭)
☆ actually like another shit ton more but I can’t remember 😔
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball7050 (old account, permanently banned)
☆ Reddit u/BayFuzzball404 (Current Account)
☆ ofc Tumblr
☆ Wattpad and AO3 but we ain’t talking about that 🤫🧏‍♂️
☆ @bayfuzzball7050-art is my art blog (reblogs from here)
☆ …
☆ also I might or might not have a questionable side art blog (collect my shitposts)
☆ ALSO! recently opened a Pixiv :3
☆ And NOW I HAVE AN ARTFIGHT! (sea foam)
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Dis me btw
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skelswritingcorner · 8 months
A Question, A Scar-Covered Body, A Sister?
Part 2 of A Stranger, A Vessel, An Experiment! Read the first part here.
Synopsis: After the incident on the Lost Light, First Aid brings Ailith (canon name of reader characters) to her original destination of the clinic.. However, there was a gift waiting for her when they arrived. Angst galore.
She/Her pronouns are now used when referring to the reader character.
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: SFW, Mentions of blood, mentioned kidnapping, mentions of unethical experimentation, probably some other stuff
(Edit: I forgot to turn some layers back on when I originally saved the image oop- It's fixed now)
Before the story…
It was a broadcast from Earth, of an interview with a black-haired woman. “Miss Makayla MacArthur,” the interviewer asked, “what motivated you to join the Intergalactic Negotiations Program?”
Makayla sighed, “Twenty something years ago, my twin got abducted. They were alien creatures, and they took her. I strongly believe that she’s still alive out there. This is the best opportunity I have to find her.”
The interviewer’s face softened, “I’m sorry that happened to you, Makayla. What will you do when you find her?”
“It depends. Will we realize that we’re sisters when we meet? I’ll try to bring her back to Earth, even if it’s for a brief moment. She doesn’t know about our niece! A family reunion would be in order. We’ll have so much to catch up on.” She put her hands in a steeple.
“Do you have something you plan on giving her?”
“Well…” Makayla sighed, “I plan on giving her a box and a letter. I won’t refer to her by name though.”
“And why is that?”
“Well, it’s been twenty years! I don’t think my sister remembers it, so I don’t want to call her something she won’t recognize.”
The interviewer leaned forward, “What else will be in the box?”
Makayla started counting on her fingers, “A few photos, and clothes. We’re identical twins, so what fits me is probably gonna fit her.”
The interview went on for another twenty minutes, and eventually concluded. The blue-visored Cybertronian finished recording the interview. He had a feeling that this could be relevant.
“So,” Ultra Magnus looked at Rodimus, “the small object was in fact, a ship. Is that correct?”
Rodimus nodded, “And it had a human inside it, who is currently in the medbay recovering from her injuries.”
“Along with that,” he scrolled through the datapad, “there were documents about experiments, most likely performed on her. Ratchet did a scan that confirmed this as well, along with other various injuries.”
Rodimus gave the datapad to Magnus, who looked at the report. He tilted his helm. “What’s with this thing slightly above the pelvis?” He pointed a digit at a white shape around the pelvic area, overlapped by a crescent-shaped trauma area.
“Beats me. I’m pretty confident that it’s deep inside her.” Rodimus shrugged.
“Maybe there’s another document we haven’t gotten yet explaining it. Hidden in a more obscure place.”
“That’s probably the case. Anyway,” Rodimus stood up, “I’m gonna go ask Ratchet about Y/N’s condition. If Megatron is confused, explain the situation if he hasn’t gotten one yet. Also, inform the others on Cybertron.” He didn’t wait for an answer, simply leaving the office and walking to the medbay.
The doors to the medbay opened, and Rodimus saw a familiar gray figure.
When you woke up, the helms of several people were looking down at you. One you recognized as Perceptor, another being Drift, but there were a few unfamiliar faces. One had an orange face with yellow eyes with a mask covering his mouth, another that was white and purple and had horns coming from their forehead, a blue one with a single yellow optic, and a gray one with red optics.
“So this is the human you all have been speaking of?” The gray one asked.
“How in Primus are they so small?!” The blue one asked. Loudly. Making you get up and give them a stink eye, even if it caused you a bit of pain.
A chuckle to your left distracts you, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to crowd around someone that’s injured.”
The blue one rolled his eye, “Whatever you say, eyebrows.”
The doors opened, and someone entered the medbay.
“Megatron?!” Rodimus yelled.
Oh. You know that name. Other mercenaries have warned you about a giant robot with that name. If you caught his eye, you were doomed. After all, the group he led destroyed the homelands of several mercenaries you knew.
“Perceptor explained everything to me,” Megatron said, “I just had to see for myself. Humans usually aren’t present in this solar system.”
“Well,” you cracked your knuckles, “I haven’t seen any humans other than myself during my travels. Also, most of the people who hire me don’t know either. I like to keep my identity… well-hidden from the masses. I barely know who I am anyway, so it’s easy to do that.”
“You don’t even know yourself?” Ah, the purple one is speaking now.
“It’s hyperbole, but technically true,” you rolled up the sleeve of your left arm, “I don’t know my family, my ancestry, or any way to return to my birth planet. All I know is that I was experimented on to be sold as a smuggler. That, and the skills I acquired after years of being a mercenary.”
The purple one put a clawed servo on his chin. “Tailgate told me as such.”
Rodimus walked up to you. “How did you even end up like that, anyway? The injuries, not the… subspace thingies.”
You sighed. Might as well explain it now. “It was when I was doing a job,” you explained, “I got myself hurt pretty badly, but my client didn’t get a scratch. They tried to have me go to a clinic nearby after the job was done, but I told them that I’d be alright.”
“Why did you do that, though?” Drift’s optical ridge furrowed, “Your client knew you got hurt, why didn’t you heed their advice?”
“The moment I receive my payments in full, the contract ends. They are no longer my client, and therefore no longer obligated to show concern about my wellbeing.” you growled out the last part.
“You should’ve listened to them, though.” You sighed at that comment.
“As I said earlier, I was experimented on,” you justified yourself, “if I went to another clinic, they’d essentially keep me captive and do a bunch of tests on me. That, and I don’t know if any of them are connected to the experiments and will try to bring me back to that wretched place. And I’d rather not have to deal with them again.”
“Why do you go to one specific clinic, then?” The purple one asked.
“Cyclonus, I think that might be too-” you cut off Drift from saying anything more.
“It’s because the sister of the mercenary who took me in works there. The people there were the first to treat me with empathy, despite me being so difficult to them the first time. All the other clinics I’ve been to, they’ve been too scared of me and think I’ll mangle them.”
They’re all looking at you.
The blue one laughed, “You, scary? You’re not scary at all!”
“I think that’s when she’s wearing her mask and cloak, Whirl.” Drift said. You nodded, confirming his guess.
“Anyway,” Rodimus ordered, “let’s give the human some privacy. Perceptor, Brainstorm, you both plan on asking her about the documents that have been translated, right?”
“I’ll leave you two to it then.” Rodimus left the medbay, followed by most of the others. Perceptor and the one with the yellow eyes stayed. That must be Brainstorm.
Perceptor took out a datapad, looking over at some data. “I’ve looked through all of the documents, along with Ratchet’s scans of you. I’d like you to confirm some things.”
“Go ahead.” You gestured.
“According to these documents, you’re from Earth. Do you have any memories of that planet?”
You shook your head. No shit you didn’t remember anything, you were a year old! “Some species don’t have memories until they’re a few years old. I was taken at roughly eighteen months old, way too young to form memories.”
“That’s strange. We Cybertronians remember everything from when we were first created, excluding amnesia.”
Perceptor wrote something on the datapad before asking another question, “Were your eyes originally golden?”
“Nope. I’ve read those documents multiple times, my eyes were originally brown.”
“Isn’t gold also the color of the subspace openings on your body?”
Well, damn. “Yes? It was also the case for the other experiments.”
“Now, a third question. Do you know what this thing is?” Perceptor pointed to the intrusion shown on the datapad.
Right. That. The documents explaining it are in the subspace on your left arm as far as you recall. As it was inside your uterus, however, it’s something very few know about. And you’d rather not explain to a bunch of mechanical beings something you only know the basics of.
“I think that’s none of your business, Perceptor.” you crossed your arms. They likely don’t have ultrasounds on the Lost Light anyway, so it’ll be hard for them to find out.
The mech grumbled. “You’re making this difficult for yourself, Y/N.”
“Explain why you want to know what it is so bad then.” You stared directly into his optics, “Because it’s pretty fuckin personal. And don’t just say ‘I need to know for scientific reasons’ either. You better have a good justification.”
“Because it might be a dangerous object that could kill you, and may need to be removed.” Perceptor justified.
You scoffed. Based on the documents you stole, it just prevents fertility and menstruation until removed. Prevents uterine lining from building up. All the uterus-having subjects (or an organ with similar functions), including yourself, had it implanted once puberty was entered. So far, there’s been no complications.
“I’ve had it for twelve years and it hasn’t killed me yet.”
“How has it not-”
Laughter. You and Perceptor looked at the source: Brainstorm laughing his ass off.
He composed himself, “Sorry, sorry. It’s just the way you two are bickering. I’m confident that the object is medical in nature. It’s meant to prevent pregnancies, correct?”
Right on the money. “Surprised to hear you figured it out without cutting me open to check, but you are indeed correct.” you put your hands on your hips.
“So I am right!” Brainstorm smiled with his eyes. “Also, can you show us how the subspace works? Are you able to pull something out?”
Say no more. You put a hand in the subspace on your left arm, pulling out a mechanical object. Something you won after a bet.
“That’s… an optic. An actual optic. How did you get this?” Perceptor asked.
“I got it after winning a bet.” you replied.
“What kind of bet would lead you to owning a Cybertronian optic?”
“Drinking contest. I don’t know why they even placed the bet in the first place, it’s common knowledge that no matter how much I drink I physically can’t get drunk. I’ve tried several times.”
Brainstorm chuckled, “If you could even consume highgrade, Swerve would love you as a customer. It would be a good experiment if you could.”
“That would be one of the few experiments I’d consent to,” you chuckled, “once my injuries have finished recovering, that is.”
Oh. You just remembered. “I just realized that I should probably go to that clinic. I lost a good amount of blood, I might need a blood transfusion.” you grimaced.
“That makes sense. I believe Ratchet and First Aid were communicating with someone at the clinic you mentioned. You had the coordinates set on your ship’s navigator, correct?” You nodded at Perceptor’s question.
“It’s possible that holoforms may need to be used to get you there,” he commented, “I don’t know how large the facility is.”
“It’s pretty big, actually.” you replied, “I’m probably their smallest regular patient, which makes some things a bit difficult to do. Most rooms are about four times my height. I’m sure at least one of y’all can fit without feeling cramped.”
Well, at least the smaller ones. Probably First Aid.
“I’ll inform Ratchet, then.” Perceptor nodded, then left the medbay. Brainstorm quickly followed.
You’re gonna need a plan. Your main grappling hook was taken from you while you were asleep, and those two likely have it. You have spares, yes, but you’d rather have all of them in case one breaks. You also need to find where your ship is, as most of your supplies are still inside along with your spare clothes. What you’re wearing right now is bloody, and you’d like to wear something that is not covered in your own blood. The magnet boots should help when dealing with the Cybertronians and navigating the vessel.
Along with that, you need to figure out how to deal with them if any try to kill you. The blasters in the subspaces should work at least a little, but do you have any weapons that can give you an advantage? You have cable cutters, but that will only work if their cables are exposed. Can any of your blades cut through their armor? If you’re able to, you might need to see if any weapon dealers around these parts have anything that can give you the ability to fight them. Trying to sneak away for long enough to get them is another story entirely, though.
The door opened. Ratchet and First Aid walked in, with First Aid beelining to you. “We established a connection to the clinic!” he exclaimed, “When we told them about you and your injuries, they told us to bring you there as soon as we can. Also, apparently there’s something for you there? They said it’s best if they tell you about it when you arrive.”
“As long as you can get me to my ship so I can change out of these blood-covered clothes.” you said. It’s likely the best way for you to figure out where your ship went if they can bring you to it.
“The ship’s probably with Nautica, she wanted to check it out. I’ll escort you there.” First Aid picked you up with a delicate grip, likely to prevent accidentally hurting you. Given the strange condition of your body, however, you’re probably gonna end up dislocating a joint before he harms you.
Entering the room, you saw a purple and yellow Cybertronian. Most likely Nautica.
“Hey there! That must be the owner of this ship, right?” She reached a servo to you, “I’m Nautica. Nice to finally meet you!”
You couldn’t do a proper handshake with Nautica, so you just held her pointer finger and shook it.
“I’d like to enter my ship to get something. Is that alright with you?” you asked.
“Of course! I made sure to clean the blood where I could. Had to use my holoform to do that, though. Here, I’ll carry you to it.” she picked you up gently, transferring you to the entrance of your ship.
“Thank yo- ack!” you stumbled, quickly being caught by Nautica.
“Be careful!” she exclaimed.
First Aid grabbed you. You didn’t know how he got up to where you were so quickly, but before you knew it he was holding you up. “I’ll help Y/N. It’s probably a bad idea to let her be alone for a long period of time with her blood loss anyway.”
Oh, this might get uncomfortable fast. You were fine with First Aid seeing you all battered up and bloody, but the concept of him watching as you got changed made your stomach flip. And you’d rather not show your tits and bits to someone you’ve only known for a single solar cycle.
Before you could protest, though, he carried you to your ship. While he did put you down on your feet, he waited a bit before letting go. He even followed you to your quarters, where you hastily grabbed a crop top and a pair of pants. You’d grab a jacket after changing. When he tried to follow you into the bathroom, you put a hand over his chassis. “You’re not going in here. I don’t know how y’all view nudity, but for us we usually don’t do that around people we’ve only met for a day.”
“Oh!” First Aid backed up, “Sorry about that. Nurse instincts, I guess.”
You walked in, closing the door behind you. There’s no windows in the bathroom, so he couldn’t peek even if he tried. You knew he had innocent intentions, nothing perverted or anything, but you needed some time to yourself.
Quickly removing your blood-stained clothes, you ran some water and used a cloth to clean some dried blood off your body. After cleaning what you could, you put on the clean clothes. You’d usually not wear a crop top, but at this point you didn’t care. You had a jacket anyway.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, holding a hand over the stitches. Despite Ratchet being significantly bigger, the stitches were done expertly. You looked at all your old scars, and at the subspace entrances on your body. Never were a fan of looking at ‘em, it always reminded you of the fact that you’ve been mutilated. Not enough to be unrecognizable as a living being, but enough that people would stare if they knew. It’s why you covered yourself entirely. Strangers have no right to know what’s going on with your body after all, why should they look at it? Of course, you couldn’t do that with the ones on this vessel; they all know. Might as well not hide it.
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Walking out the bathroom, First Aid was just standing there. At least he didn’t try anything, that was reassuring. You went back to where your jacket was, back turned to him.
“What’s that purple and blue thing on your back?” he asked. An innocent question.
You always knew that you bruised easily, most likely a consequence of a condition you have but don’t know the actual name of, but you didn’t expect that the fall from yesterday would bruise you.
“It’s a bruise. I don’t know why, but it’s pretty easy for me to get bruised. It’s an organic thing, it takes a few days to heal. Don’t worry though, as long as I’m careful it won’t hurt.” you explained, putting on your jacket. “I’m ready now, let’s go to the clinic.”
First Aid picked you up, being mindful of your back. Nautica helped the both of you down, but not without making a comment about the fact that he was holding you.
“That worried? You’re holding her like she’s made of glass.” Nautica commented.
“Y/N’s still my patient, and is still recovering!” he countered, “Also, humans are way more fragile than Cybertronians! It makes sense to be careful!”
Oh, if he knew about how roughly you’ve been tossed around in fights. Or how roughly you’re often treated in general. In fact, being treated so softly was unfamiliar to you, but a welcome unfamiliarity. How they’re gonna freak out if they pop a limb out its socket if that happens will be priceless when it happens.
The both of you walked, well, technically just First Aid since he was carrying you, to a smaller ship docked in the vessel.
Why is Rodimus there?
“Hey, Captain!” First Aid greeted the orange mech, who was waiting by the smaller vessel.
“Yo! I wanted to get here before you two left. How’s Y/N’s condition?”
“The usual. I did experience some blood loss, so I might be at the clinic for a solar cycle or two. That, and I’d like this injury to be documented with them.” you replied.
“Also, there’s a nasty blue and purple spot on her back that she says is fine but I’m not sure if it is.” First Aid added. If you could, you would’ve covered his mouth. You couldn’t though, so you gave him a stink eye. Fucking snitch.
Rodimus took a bit to reply, “Oh. I’m neither a medic nor an expert on humans, so I’m not going to try reassuring you.”
“Aaaaanyway,” Rodimus started walking away, “Mags needs me for a meeting since Y/N is probably going to have not much choice in staying on the Lost Light with those injuries. Something something ‘We need to inform the officials on Cybertron about the organic on the ship.’ See you two later!”
You looked up at First Aid, “Who’s Mags?”
“Ultra Magnus. He was the one who noticed your ship and the blood coming out of it, surprisingly. Best not to call him Mags though, something about shortening a senior officer’s name being an offense.”
You understood that. A lot of people in important positions don’t like having nicknames, likely because it makes them appear less threatening if they accept a nickname. It’s something you’ve weaponized when doing non-bodyguard work, but the people here don’t need to know that.
When you and First Aid entered the ship, the coordinates were already set. First Aid placed you near the navigator, making sure that you wouldn’t fall.
Luckily, the ride was rather smooth and quiet. Neither of you said anything until the vessel docked.
“We’re here, I’ll carry you to the entrance.” First Aid picked you up, and carried you there.
“Welcome! What’s the purpose of your- Y/N?!” the receptionist jumped up from her seat, walking up to the both of you.
“What happened? Why are you being held by a Cybertronian?!”
“Y/N was injured badly, a spike impaled her, a cut on her back, and what I think is a bullet hole in her right cadulen.” First Aid explained. “We didn’t know that her ship was the one sending an emergency signal at first. We patched her up as best we could, but she mentioned needing a blood transfusion since she lost a good amount of blood.”
The explanation eased the receptionist. “That’s good. I’m glad that she’s alright. I’ll inform the doctors right away.”
Using her communicator, she informed the doctors on call. After a minute, an all familiar face walked up.
She was a being with four yellow eyes and light red skin, with tendrils coming from her skull neatly tied behind her. Relatively human, but still noticeably not. This is the one person who you consider family right now; Doctor Daule. You call her Aunt Daule, however.
One set of arms held a datapad, with the other set crossed in front of her. She had to look up to see you.
“Eirii told me. Are you able to walk?” she asked.
“Oh! Sorry,” First Aid set you down, making sure that you could stand before letting you go, “She stumbled some time ago, so I thought it was best if I carried her. I’m also a little uneasy about transferring my patient.”
“Don’t worry,” Daule smiled, “I’ve known Y/N for years. You can trust her with me. Besides, a group of humans just came by last solar cycle. I took a DNA sample from one that looks a lot like her, and she gave me something to give to Y/N.”
Wait, someone that looks a lot like you? You’ll have to ask later. Aunt Daule supported you with her right arms. “You’re also a medical professional, correct? You can come with me, I have some questions for you.”
First Aid followed the both of you. Aunt Daule walked you into a room where the IV was just finished being prepared, setting you down on the bed. As a nurse prepared your arm for the IV, you asked a few questions.
“You said someone that looked like me was here, right? Do you know their name?” you asked.
“She said her name’s Makayla.” Daule answered.
“Is she still here?”
Daule shook her head, “No, she left the same day she came. Makes sense though, she had to bring her injured colleague to us. She wanted to stay in case you came by, but her Captain needed her somewhere else.”
Oh. Guess reuniting with family needs to wait.
“You mentioned getting her DNA, is there a match? Do you need another saliva sample? I haven’t eaten anything in the past solar cycle, so I should be fine on that.”
“It matched pretty quickly, said there was almost no genetic deviations between either of you too. Anyway,” she walked over to pat you on the head, “I’m going to talk with him for a bit,” she gestured to First Aid, “the nurses will check you out. I’ll be back soon.”
They both left, leaving you with the whir of machines and the feeling of lightheadedness slowly leaving your body as the blood dripped into you.
The two walked into an office. Daule sat down in the chair. “We should introduce ourselves. I’m Dr. Daule, I mostly take care of the smaller species at this facility. I was also Y/N’s caretaker for some time.”
First Aid nodded, “I’m First Aid. Currently stationed on the Lost Light as the Chief Medical Officer-in-training.”
“You’re a medic, that’s good. That means some of these concepts should be somewhat familiar to you. But first,” she put her top hands in a steeple, “how did you end up finding her? From my knowledge, Cybertronians are not only rare around these parts, but also one of the largest species in the universe.”
“We noticed an emergency signal coming from a vessel, and one of the people captured what turned out to be her ship and put it somewhere. Eventually, the second in command noticed that the entrance was open and that there was a blood trail leading out. I was with the CMO preparing the medbay. We were able to take care of her, but as I’m not that familiar with organic biology, I had a feeling that it would be best to bring her to people who can actually treat her.” First Aid answered.
“I’m glad that you found her and did all you could. In fact, I think it might be best if she stays with you until she’s fully healed.”
The mech stalled, “Why do you say that? It’s likely best if she stays here, right?”
“Well,” Dr. Daule grimaced, “there’s been a recent incident that’s making our clinic a little bit packed. Y/N doesn’t need to be here for too long, probably just a cycle or two then have her return to get the stitches out in fourteen cycles. Besides, she needs to socialize more.”
“Oh! That makes sense. Just give me the care instructions, I’ll inform everyone once I get back on the ship. It’s best if we all know so we can prevent Y/N from being reckless.” First Aid nodded.
“Once the nurses come back and tell me what’s going on, I’ll write a care plan. Make sure she doesn’t do anything strenuous, the stitches might break." She said, “Also, there was no dressing on the stitches, so we’re going to add some. I’d rather not have the stitches redone if possible, they’ve been done rather well.”
“Anyway,” Dr. Daule got up and walked to the door after grabbing a box, “I’m going to check on her. This is what her sister asked me to give her. Follow me.”
The nurses did plenty of checks on you, along with putting dressing on the stitches. After some time, Aunt Daule and First Aid returned. There was a blue box held in her lower arms.
“What’s with the box?” you asked.
Aunt Daule brought the box to you. “Your sister brought this to us. Said this was for you, in case you were alive. I know it feels weird to get something from someone you haven’t known since infancy, but try not to think about it too much, Y/N.”
You opened the box, opening the letter. It was in the language the planet you were raised on spoke.
My dear sister,
How long has it been since you were taken from home? Twenty years? We couldn’t even hold our heads up back then, and now it’s possible for us to meet again at a bar and drink together. I miss you so much and I’ve known you for so little. It’s ironic in a way; identical twins who won’t even recognize each other. You’ve shaped my life in so many ways. Even as you were declared dead, I never stopped searching for you. I’d look up at the night sky and wave, imagining you waving back at me. I went into astronomy, learned all I could about the world beyond Earth, with the thought of meeting you again.
I joined a space exploration program for the possibility of seeing you again. I knew you were somewhere out there. If you’re reading this, then I was right all along.
I know the possibility of you being alive is slim, but if you are, I’d like you to have these. The clothes you have might look weird on Earth, right? I bought some and washed them for you. I don’t know what style you like, so I mostly went with simple solid-colored stuff. Mostly black. I feel like you’d like black.
On the back of this letter are some coordinates and addresses. These are the places mom, dad, and I live. And our big sister too! I can’t wait for you to meet our niece. When we meet again, tell me your name, okay? I want to address you properly.
Your long-lost twin,
Makayla MacArthur
P.S. We have a weird gene that makes it so we can’t get drunk no matter how much alcohol we drink. You might’ve figured that out already, though.
Opening the box, the first thing you saw was a picture of a little girl next to two swaddled-up infants. The girl had black hair and brown eyes. Two pieces of paper had names, and the one on the right simply said ‘When you tell us your name again.’
It was you. You and your sisters. Another photo, far more recent, was of an older woman holding a child. The note on that said, ‘It’s our niece! Hope you don’t mind Chloe using your old name for her middle name.’
There was a third picture, with who you believe is Makayla, in a night blue uniform. She looks almost exactly like you, without all the experiments and scars. Brown eyes instead of your golden colored irises.
You thought you were a lost cause. That nobody would be looking for you on Earth. Oh, Makayla, how she proved you so, so wrong.
MacArthur. MacArthur. Y/N MacArthur. It’s going to take getting used to having a family name. An identity beyond being an experiment.
“Also, apparently the elasticity of your skin and flexibility isn’t normal for humans. According to your sister, it’s because of a condition called Ehler-Danlos Syndrome. I’ll explain some of the other things she explained once your scars are healed.” Daule added. “I’ll write up a care plan for you. You’ll be staying on the vessel that found you until you’re fully recovered.”
Honestly? You’re fine with that. The people on the Lost Light have all been kind to you so far, especially First Aid. Kinder than most people from the planet you’ve lived on for your whole life, despite knowing nothing about you.
“That’s fine with me.”
“Well then. Rest up, you’re gonna need it Y/N.”
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