#maybe I’m just a gatekeeper and a hater LMAO
nyctoheart · 10 months
ppl who say “lrt” on tumblr…..
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salt-volk · 2 years
Kudos to you anon for worrying about staff, because I’m just angry lmao
How can you “passionately” develop a game that is just wrong decision after wrong decision. It’s not the user base that is running this site into the ground, it’s staff. We all keep hoping for the best for it but?? When is it coming?? When will they learn from what Users are saying?? Best Time would have been during the Alpha & Beta but quis just … didn’t?? Sure, you can run a game/site with a minimal amount of user base, but if you don’t retain or actually gain new users, then the whole thing is fucked. Idk man, I miss the early days of DV, and idk how we’re ever going to get back to that. Quis made a game for grinders and gatekeepers imo - you either grind to collect, or miraculously strike it lucky and get a custom, and are welcomed into the club of the few who then basically only trade between themselves. Honestly, besides all the neo nazi shit (which is 😬), she just seems like a shitty person even without the antisemitism. The way she behaved on Aywas?? Idk idk
Maybe at my core I really am just a hater /jk
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prokaryotics · 3 years
What did Pedro pascal's fandom do?
hi! i made the post in reference to this one (x), which would be generally awful by itself if this had been the first time something like this has happened but it isn’t. the fandom has a long history of sexualizing not only pedro, but other latinos as well (oscar isaac and diego luna come to mind). it’s wildly inappropriate, not to mention very racist and plays into harmful stereotypes that have been perpetuated by movies/television/other media for literally decades.
the use of the ‘latine lover trope’ in many javier fics is also super cringe. at the risk of being reductive, it isn’t only just that he says random spanish words after only speaking the majority of his sentences in english, it’s the weird hyper masculine/predatory aggression that some of y’all seem to give him - in general AND in sexual situations. also, please don’t get me started on writing weird ass cult/serial killer/murder/pornstar AUs and RPF. it’s strange and disturbing and you can call me a hater infringing on your first amendment rights but whatever i literally do not care. go outside and stare at a cloud and maybe think about what you’re doing.
aside from all of this, some (not all!) have a tendency to be just straight up mean - like just not nice lmao. there’s constantly something happening about certain fics that they believe are better than others (i know you know which one i’m talking about), people are gatekeep-y, send anonymous threats, compare content creators to each other, pedro twitter is a fucking nightmare, and his most extreme seem to forget that he’s a real life human being ! with eyes and the ability to read !
and you think they’d have learned their lesson the last time shit hits the fan but you’d be wrong ! it keeps happening !
anyway that’s only a basic rundown. i’m sure it’s much worse 🤪✌️
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harrytheehottie · 2 years
yes omg tiktok is crazy because I go on there and find out suki Waterhouse of all people has STANS like ten toes down stans who are like “we need to gatekeep her music she’s getting too popular” and I’m just like omg…people are trying to gatekeep?? suki waterhouse? Maybe I’m just a hater (I am lmao) but she’s like one of the white girls where I just don’t get the appeal because she’s just so regular like there’s white girls where I get the appeal because they have something to them, I may not be a fan, but I get it, and with her? I don’t get it. I feel like had she not been dating Robert Pattinson (I do think a bulk of her fans are just anti fka twigs racists sadly) and wasn’t kinda known famous person amongst like the below 28 year old crowd, then she wouldn’t have all these fans popping out of the woodworks for her because her music is forgettable/generic indie but in the way that it sounds like it should have come out in 2010 tweed era.
All i know about her is face claim for boys dont cry and she had a handbag company with her sister called pop & suki
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disclosthure · 5 years
i think i may be bi.
It seems weird to type it out like that. It’s the first time I’ve let the idea out of my head I guess. 
So why make not only a whole blog about it, but also a whole separate account?
I’ve been on tumblr for years. I’m part of a community. I have friends. Many of them are some letter in the alphabet soup. It’s not like they wouldn’t be accepting, Not only my followers but my mutuals and my friends.
But I’ve always been the “straight friend” I think. Everyone else is so... casually gay that it just seems like I would be faking. After all why has it taken literally years in a relationship with these people for me to say something?
Well, I don’t know. It’s a process, I guess. 
I wouldn’t have considered myself homophobic coming on this site a few years ago. I still don’t think I was. Maybe a little ignorant, I guess. I needed to be immersed in the queer community for a while to see where my prejudices really were, to adjust my language, etc. But I always approached people with empathy, so I think that even when I made mistakes, it wasn’t out of hatred or malice. 
Maybe that’s the problem. Why I needed a new space to question myself. I don’t even know if it’s just an overabundance of empathy, or a need to fit in, or what? Maybe I am faking? 
I can hear them now, the people I’ve had so many disagreements with in the past. “Why do you want to be oppressed so bad, straightie?”
That’s a thing too. For all it’s openness towards queerness, the tumblr community sure has a lot of spite to it. Not just the antis and the terfs and the gatekeepers, but just the whole “ew het” attitude sometimes. 
I mean, maybe I’ve internalized that message to an extent as well. I’ve been openly mocked for being cis/het, and well, I guess the straights deserve it. But then I wonder if I did decide I was bi, and came out, and I still got hate from the same people, then I would know it was me, not just my percieved identity that was a problem. 
Wow, I sound whiny. 
Anyway, I wouldn’t get that from my friends, and I shouldn’t care what the haters think. 
I guess I never really understood why people wouldn’t just come out, supposing they had supportive people to come out to. But it’s hard, isn’t it?
I guess I will end this here but I’ll talk through my “how do I know I’m bi?” questioning in another post. Meanwhile, I think I left anon on, so please ask questions or send in confessions if you have any. 
(I have no followers lmao, that’s a cocky way to end, don’t you think?”
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