#maybe asriel doesn't go missing maybe it's still dess
abandoned-quiche · 4 months
really cool swap au idea is formulating in my mind
so like. it's one of those swaps that's like
kris <--> noelle
susie <--> berdly
instead of susie living in hometown as a child, moving away, and then moving back as a teen only to find that nobody remembers her like in canon (source: the oracle told me)
berdly is the one that did that.
susie stayed in town, so she never grew to resent kris, only growing closer to them, so now kris and susie are an inseparable duo. they're like team rocket if team rocket didn't attack people. everyone thinks they're scary, but they haven't actually hurt anyone - they really just hang out with each other while everyone else avoids them.
meanwhile berdly, having not lived in hometown at the time, did not win that spelling bee, and never got branded as a gifted kid and became faux-egotistical. he's just the boy with no friends that nobody talks to. all that kept him company was video games and his neighbor, clamgirl. when he came back to hometown, he was excited to finally reunite with all the friends he made
he was just a forgettable little bluebird. nobody even remembered his name.
when he gets to the dark world and hears of the prophecy, he's overjoyed. finally, he has a chance to BE someone. he had a PURPOSE, something he could DO! (and it's just like his videogames!)
and then he becomes all high and mighty like he did in the game.
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lynxgriffin · 2 years
Do you have a theory about what happened to Dess? And what do think she looks/looked like?
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I had a different design for her in Paper Trail before we knew she was actually missing, but I decided to update it since I actually do like the common fanon that she's got dark hair like Rudy. And that she maybe looks more spunky!
And I've talked about this a little bit back on my longer theory post about Ralsei, but I'm basically still along the lines of the most common theories for her. I think she, Noelle, Kris and Asriel were all out exploring by the bunker one day, Kris and Dess decided to go deeper into the bunker where their siblings did not, something big happened where Dess basically fell into a crack in reality (not necessarily the Dark World itself, but perhaps an empty space between worlds) and Kris feels directly responsible, whether through a mistake on their part or inaction on their part. I do think that she's still alive and is trying to reach out to people but doesn't know how, particularly with those extra hidden lines in the code and the one line from Spamton. The Spamton Sweepstakes ARG brought up Dess a surprising number of times, so I think actually finding her and rescuing her will be an important subject that both resolves Kris and Noelle's backstories, and perhaps ties in with some bigger plot things!
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krispdreemurr · 9 months
All right, fic prompt: Kris overhears Dess and Asriel's last conversation.
Thanks btw :)
It's quiet this late, this time of year. The birds have gone silent and no insects sing. There's just the measured crunching of footsteps over snow, the sound of Kris' breath in their lungs, the faint beat of their heart.
And their brother and Dess, talking softly.
They have better hearing than people seem to realize. They're not sure if it's just piano practice or a human thing or a them thing, but it's true. They're sure that Asriel thinks they and Noelle are too far ahead to hear, but they've fallen back enough that they can listen.
"...just gotta make it through high school, right?" Dess says, and even if Kris can't see her face they can imagine that little smile she has, the one that never seems that happy. "A few more years, then I'm out of this shitty town."
"How's your mom going to take it?" Asriel asks. "I mean, when you never want to come back..."
"Not never. I'll visit and stuff. Nell deserves that." Her shadowed figure shrugs. "I'm just not living here again."
"I still don't get it, gotta be honest," Asriel says softly. "I know she's kind of controlling, but--"
Dess cuts him off. "It's not about her. Or dad. Or your mom or dad or--any of you. It's just--this place. It feels like it's shrinking every day?" She gives a tired laugh. "Everything is the same except all the buildings get a little older and a little shittier. Everyone repeats the same conversations, the same actions, the same lives. I want more. I want..." She trails off, and for a little bit there's just footsteps.
"You want...?" Asriel prompts.
"...Ever been to a proper city, Az?" she says quietly. Kris has to strain to hear. "Not like the ones near here, but... Mom took us on a business trip, once, back when she was doing that whole thing, and... The lights. The sounds. The people. I knew I could spend a hundred years there and see something new every day. And I want to be part of that. I want something new so bad it hurts."
A long pause.
"Golly," Asriel says, and his tone is bright. "Sounds better than anything here. You won't miss this little place, huh, pal?"
She turns to him, frustration coming through in her tone. "Okay, don't play the passive aggressive bullshit on me, Az--I just said it's not you! Hell, I want to get Nell out of here too, and if you wanted to come, you could in a heartbeat."
"I can't," he says, quieter still. There's something hoarse and tired in his voice. "Maybe I would want to, but. You know that Kris--"
But Kris doesn't hear what follows, because they're already running, running across the snow, and all they hear is the crunching of their boots in the ice.
"Kris!" Dess calls, somewhere behind them. "C'mon, don't run off! The creepy bunker isn't going anywhere!" Her laugh cuts through the cold air, and Asriel's joins in a minute later.
Noelle turns to look at them as they pass, and maybe her hearing is better than they thought, too, because the way she looks--
They keep running.
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angelp-official · 2 months
New Detlarun + PJSK crack theory alert!! (SPOILERS FOR JPSEKAI I THINK)
Paperus Deltaballs MIGHT be connected to tbis new unit
(Note: In case if you didn't know at this point, this is not supposed to be serious at all, so please don't come after me, I'm just joking and having fun around here-)
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Here we habe 3 poeple here!! HOEVER!! Only 3 people her e? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE 4TH PERSOM and no I'm not counting the person in the mirror cuz if so I'll count the 5th person as well
HOWEVER, THESE PEOPLE HERE LOOK AWFULLY LIKE FRICK AND CHARA!! So these persons MIGHT be them!!! (Source: Trust me bro)
Frisk and 3rd person side by side
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Chara and 2nd person side by side
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Idfk who the guy is but you could say it's Asriel?? Idk not the point
The point is that it's fucking weird that there's no 4th person!!
These 2 people might be Frisk and Charmander from Undertall
SO LETS GO BACK TO THE WEIRD EGG CARD I mean the Luka card where she discovers abandoned Sekai
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"It would be safe to assume that each egg represents something they were trying to make..." HMMMMMMM "...Petrified one, I wonder what you were supposed to become?" HHMMMMMMMMMM THE KNIGHT PAPYRUS AND EGGMAN PAPYRUS THEORIES ARE LOOKING GOOD AS HELL RN
What ARE the eggs supposed to represent? Well, I say that these eggs are supposed to represent the dark worlds the knight, in this case, Papyrus, has made!!
(PS: Tumblr hates the number 11 so I'll post the YT link here)
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So she looks emo as fuck
But you notice that her outfit is more suitible for winter? And WHO'S THE UTDR CHARACTER THAG'S ASSOCIATED WITH WINTER?
"Noelle?" ❌️
"Dess?" ❌️
"Sans?" ❌️
"Papyrus?" ✅️
HELL YEAH IT FUCKING IS, AND SHE LOOKS LKKE SHE HAS A TAG AND WHO HAS A TAG LOOKING THING ON HIS ARMOR? PAPYRUS UNDERTLE!!! Maybe she has a jacket looking dress because Papyrus is familliar with a person who has a jacket (his brother)?? Idfk
HOWEVER, She has black crosses all on her, so what is that supposed to mean??
I say: MAYBE THOSE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE SNOWFLAKES BUt they distorted to X marks overtime bexause Papyrus abandonded his SEKAI and possibly the other s too!!
But why is she emo??
I say: Because Papyrus Deltarune is emo himself!! Maybe because of the same reason Mafuyu is emo? Because Sans Undertale threw away his stuf?? Or is it his and the others' emotioms combinded??? Idk
"I did as I was told, and followed him into the alley. Right at that moment, I closed my eyes without thinking. The sun was setting. Its blazing hue painted the alley in vermillion..."
And there's an unfinished animal illustration and a manga there too??
So uh idk wtaf these are so lets put these aside for now
(PS: These are all actually multiple people's stuff! So maybe the novel thing was Chara's stuff and the drawings are Asriel or Fisk's?)
And the music sheets. Maybe the reason why they sound so painful is because it represents the problems the 4 members face through?
There's also an MP3 player where a boy was practicing. Maybe that was Papyrus? "I bet this boy is a hard worker." "I can hear his frustration and impatience from the way he sings..." Hm? Maybe Papyrus was really putting his emotions into this recording, but it doesn't seem enough. Despite the hard work, he always messes up, and he always has to try again, and again, and again. But still, somehow, he never gives up. Until he finally did.
And the wooden box, oh boy. Maybe it was the 4 members' emotions put into one? Papyrus's shallow hopefulness, Asriel's sad nostalgia, Frisk's unsure creativity, and Chara's pure paranoia, all in one box?
All these feelings hidden away because they all feel too stressed of choosing their own future?
"It's so hard to find a place that makes you feel needed or welcomes you to try in a way that works best for you..." Okay now that's definitely Papyruscore
"Was it because you didn't want anyone to know? Was it because you couldn't tell anyone about it? Or... Was it so painful that you couldn't take it anymore and had to give up?" Maybe it meant Papyrus either didn't want Sans or the others to know, he couldn't tell anyone about it, or he had to give up at that point (And that could explain the others too)... Or was it because he was weighed down by someone? Who knows
And at that point, the SEKAI is now erased. Maybe Papyrus and the others... Really didn't want to remember those terrible memories that they built together. Maybe they finally let go of their... "Mistake", or as they would call it.
Maybe that was in the past? Maybe... All of that was resonated into the Empty SEKAI, the one that belongs to Mafuyu?
Maybe that explains why the SEKAI has one to no emotion put to it at all!! Maybe because Asriel misses his place at home, Frisk and Chara wanted to do their own things on their own, and maybe Papyrus is the only one who truly cared about the SEKAI, but is too weighed down to admit it?
So in conclusion:
The abandonded SEKAI MIGHT'VE belonged to Papyrus Detlarunn
So thank you for coming to my ted talk, cyaaaa 🤩🤩
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octo-in-the-mainframe · 8 months
Deltarune Stuff I Think Might Happen Before the Next Chapters Come Out (so I can say I was right)
Papyrus is the Knight. (I have a whole essay on this I just haven't edited it yet).
Gaster won't be evil, but he will be an antagonist at some point.
Gaster will probably make an appearance in Chapter 6, maybe in the Bunker.
Noelle is the angel.
Every Undertale main character will go to a Dark World, except maybe Alphys and probably Mettaton (Unless the whole town turns into a Dark World).
My reasoning is that Toriel, Asgore and Asirel are so obviously important, Toriel is already in a Dark World, Undyne is most likely coming along for the ride, and Sans and Papyrus are connected to Gaster and also Noelle and Dess through Snowdin and the weird bonus content for the Xbox version of Undertale.
Sans will die in the Weird Route, giving us an actual "No Mercy" Papyrus battle.
(I know this sounds edgy but like...Sans is the ONLY main character who doesn't die unless it's a No Mercy Route, mad sus).
Nightmare Knight will be used in some way for the Knight's theme.
Megalo Strike Back will make an appearance, possibly in whatever potential Gaster battle track we get.
Dess has more to do with the secret bosses than we think.
Dess is trapped in a NEO Dark World and/or the Depths.
The Secret Boss Soul Modes are based off the colors behind Sweet Capn' Cakes in the room where you can make them play their Jingle Bells remix.
Asriel is to Dess as Kris is to Noelle.
Gaster is 666, Chara is 999, Papyrus is 333. (I don't remember what the 3's stand for but there was a reason, or if this even matters in context to Deltarune).
Spade King will have an arc dependent on if you manage to recruit everyone, though I don't know if it will mean redemption. I've seen people get really mad at this idea and honestly? As long as it's a sensitive portrayal and has him apologize to Lancer and do better going forwards I'll be fine with it. I only really think this might be true because of how he is in Chapter 2, and that it would be weird to have the only guy actually criticizing you for your actions to be just straight up an evil guy you can ignore. Also, abusers are people too, and fandom spaces have a really hard time accepting that forgiving and growing is just as realistic as cutting the abusive person off. (shout out to @nukedimplosion for putting this into way better words than I could).
And now, for how I think the message of the game will present itself...
The game likes to tell you your choices don't matter right off the bat. I have a hard time believing the "No one can choose who they are in this world" person to be the same guy who was so nice about our "WONDERFUL CREATION," so I'm going to assume there are two different people talking to us.
I think this other person could be Dess.
Gaster, who has survived despite being shattered across space and time, Gaster, who has managed to connect with us, the real world, is ultimately someone who wants to change fate. Pushing and pushing until he gets the result he wants. I think Gaster believes that our choices mean everything. Why else would he gives us a character creator of all things?
But the other voice...
They do not believe in choices. They've been stuck in this pit of nothing, forced to keep going knowing everyone they love is living on without them. They most likely know about the secrets of this world now, having spent so long in its depths. Dess takes away the character creator, forcing you into Kris's body because she didn't get to choose. But some part of her, deep, deep down, wants to believe she still has a choice. So, she put us in someone who has even a slight chance to Find Her.
Someone who remembers the day she disappeared.
Someone who remembers the Bunker. Noelle isn't any help, no matter how much she misses her. Noelle blocks everything out. Asriel is out of town.
It has to be Kris.
It has to be.
And on the other hand, Gaster is optimistic, but some part of him realizes that this could all be for nought too. I think it would be really cool if we have an optimist desperate for freedom, and a pessimist who won't let herself believe in a way out.
(To clarify, I realize this has little to no evidence to back it up, it's just using what we DO have and filling in the blanks with the vibes I get from the characters. Like, I do genuinely believe Gaster likes us and the world of Deltarune. I don't think he's evil or anything. With the tiny bit of info we have on Dess, she seemed like a protective but fun older sister. I think she would feel ashamed for not being able to take care of Noelle while she's stuck, and after having been a very assertive person in her life, feeling hopeless when faced with the seemingly impossible to escape depths for years. Of course, I could be wrong, and she actually has some sick plans for the future or something, and Gaster could be more malicious than he seems. But who knows?)
Oh, and before I get someone asking why Papyrus would overthrow the three kings, every Knight candidate needs a reason to do this, and none of them make sense until we get more context. Another thing: all of the Knight candidates that seem possible either haven't been seen yet or are side content. (Or are Kris. And. I have so many reasons why I don't think they're the Knight. At least, not THE Knight). It's very likely that any of them could be built up in the next couple chapters.
Heck, I think we might see them in Chapter 3, curious as to why a new Dark Fountain has been opened. It would be a neat way to introduce them to the group, being in someone else's Dark World, where they're not fully in control. We would also get to see how they'd act towards the Darkeners of Kris's Dark World. We would be able to get some of their personality, without them being the main focus. At the very least, I think we'll get more hints so they will actually be a satisfying reveal with what we're given. Though, this might result in too many characters...hmm...
Anyway, I think that's it.
I might come back to this if I have more, and depending on how the 14th goes, we might have some new stuff to theorize over.
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deltaswap2442 · 11 months
Pride History Deltaswap/Underswap
I wanted to post this on pride month but I was on vacation and took a break from Tumblr to spend time with my family
And instead of waiting til next June I'll just post this now
Here are all the DeltaSwap and UnderSwap characters sexualities (some might change and everyone's entitled to their own headcannons)
Noelle: Gender Fluid and Sapphic (Still likes Susie)
Berdley: Omnisexual
Temmie: Trans Fem and Demisexual
Clubboy: He's 6 he hasn't figured himself out yet and doesn't know what any of this means so let him be
Nubert: It/It's pronouns and Aromantic
Sweet: Straight
Capn: Bisexual
Kakes: Gay
Swoetche: Gay (and maybe a closeted drag queen)
Addisons: All use They/Them. Pink is attracted to men. Blue is bisexual (and had a former secret relationship with Spamton). Yellow is Aroace. Orange is Asexual.
Hacker (Checkwalker): Omnigender and Omnisexual and Omni-being
Queen: Straight (likely homophobic as well. I know people won't like that, but that's how people be and I'm trying to be realistic)
Susie: Lesbian
Kris: Non-binary and Pansexual (has a huge crush on Berdley)
Clover: Omnisexual
Jevil: Gender Fluid and Pansexual
Seam: Gender Fluid/Non Binary (debating whether they use they/them exclusively since they technically are multiple entities and therefore also would use We/We're or would switch pronouns depending on their form)
Rouxls Kaard: Gay (and definitely a drag queen. SLAY) has a crush on King but King doesn't have the same feelings
King: Bisexual (has 7 ex wives and 2 ex husbands. Poor guy :()
C. Round: Omnigender; Omnisexual
Asgore: Bisexual
Toriel: Straight
Undyne: Lesbian
Alphys: Bisexual
Mettacrit: Gender Fluid; Gay
Napstablook: Non Binary; Aroace
Papyrus: Gay; Asexual
Rudolph Holiday: Straight
Carol Holiday: Dead (Formerly Bisexual)
Dess: Trans Fem; Omnisexual
Asriel: Omnisexual
Geeson: Straight
Alvin: Straight
Mrs. Boom: Lesbian
Monster Kid: Non Binary; Asexual
Snow Drake: Trans Masc; Bisexual
Catti: Straight
Jockington: Aroace
Ralsei: Demisexual; Gay
I think that's all the characters if I missed one ask in the comments
UnderSwap (most are similar to above):
Chara: Non Binary; Aroace
Temmie: Gender Fluid (I believe I either have a post or am working on one explaining the confusingness of Temmie's identity but just know they don't care what they're referred to but uses She/Her mostly to try and differentiate from MK. She is not trans and wishes to go back to being MK but also wants to alienate this form from MK); Aroace (Has no feelings)
Asgore: Bisexual
Papyrus: Gay
Sans: Bisexual
Alphys: Bisexual
Undyne: Lesbian
Toriel: Straight
Napstabot: Trans Masc; Pansexual; Asexual
Mettacrit: Gender Fluid; Gay
Asriel: Demisexual; Omnisexual
Muffet: Bisexual
Grillby: Aroace
Mad Okie Dokie (So Sorry): Trans Masc; Omnisexual
Dogamy: Straight
Doggo: Gay
Lesser Dog: Demisexual
Doggeressa: Straight; Asexual
Muttler (Endogeny): Aroace
Ice Cream Pants (Burgerpants): Gay
Burger Guy (Nice Cream Guy): Bisexual
Gerald (Elder Puzzle Master): Straight
Rabeca (Bunny Girl): Pansexual
Flowey: ???????????
Bratty: Lesbian
Catty: Sapphic
Rg 1 & 2: Gay but not dating
Annoying Dog: ??????????????????????????
MK: Non Binary; Aroace
Frisk: Gender Fluid; Asexual
I believe that's all the characters
Again if I'm missing any ill be happy to but Them in the comments or maybe update this post
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mymarifae · 3 years
people are theorizing about Dess being still around and trapped in the game files or otherwise just missing but... tbh I kinda wonder what we're gonna do if it turns out all of that was just a red herring and she really, truly IS dead :S
i won't say it's not possible at all, because... to be honest there's no real indication of what's going on in canon just yet. but a couple things:
- straight up i don't think boiling her down to a red herring would be fitting at all. of course, this isn't my story, but i think this would be a pretty poor direction to take it. i don't foresee any application of this that i would be happy with, and overall, i have faith in toby's writing, so.
- we don't know dess. but her absence is very palpable all the same. it takes skill and a lot effort to create a noticeable absence with a character that your readers/viewers/players/literally whatever have never met. which is why i strongly suspect there is something deeper to her disappearance. it feels more like there was a hiccup, a mistake - she was meant to be around, but she ended up somewhere the universe didn't intend for her to be. like, stumbling out of bounds and ending up in the script for the whole experiment, split across time and space like a certain doctor...
and to just kinda discuss the topic further:
it's a pretty damn safe bet that her disappearance has something to do with the bunker, and kris was with her. annnnd we're already in Millie's Insane Conclusions territory, because lately i've been wondering if dess is the one opening the fountain in that video that queen was obsessed with. i've always immediately thrown out the idea of it being kris, because i feel like that video is also the source of their fountain-opening knowledge. but what if they were the one behind the camera, recording?
i often see the idea that we're eventually going to have a fountain and a dark world inside the bunker. and like, yeah. but what if also there's already one in there? one that dess opened, and subsequently disappeared into? (where did she learn how to open fountains? listen. idk. inherent cool older sister knowledge or something) what if that's why the balance between light and dark is at jeopardy? two dark fountains is fine, especially if one is sealed within ~24 hours. but if there's a third, inaccessible one that's been left to fester and grow for years...
alternatively, throw my video idea out the fucking window. dess didn't open the bunker fountain, but maybe it's like. the oldest fountain. the Original. the one that connects all the dark worlds or something. and she just kinda stumbled across it somehow. maybe the bunker wasn't always locked. of course the first thing she's gonna do is rush to show it noelle and kris and asriel
and like - i'm stubborn. i'm very dead set on that possible parallel between dess and berdly in the snowgrave route. they both go Missing after a terrible, terrible snowstorm (but someone knows where they really are). so i've strung these two concepts together in a sort of mess of like.
one winter night, dess and her three bestie siblings sneak out. because she has something cool to show them. it's snowing. the closer they get to the bunker, the harder it starts to come down. but dess isn't concerned at all; they can just wait it out in the dark world. asriel is apprehensive, but he doesn't want to turn around and leave dess out in the snow alone. so he tugs little noelle and kris along and follows her. at the same time, one of their parents notices all four of them are missing, and a haphazard search party is sent out into what is now a blizzard
dess sprints ahead to the bunker, and asriel loses sight of her due to the snow. he yells at her to come back, and she yells no, it's just right here. noelle tears herself from asriel's grip and rushes in the direction of dess's voice. kris follows their best friend. asriel is screaming. again, low visibility because of how much snow there is. and the howling wind makes it sound like dess is calling from every direction. little noelle and kris also separate, but kris finds themself stumbling face first near the big doors of the bunker. they look up, they see dess's big fearless grin, and they watch her fall backwards through the open doors into an all-consuming darkness
they're cold and stiff, and shocked, and confused. they lay there in the snow for a long time, looking into the darkness, before finally, slowly, getting up. their feet are numb, but they take a few tentative steps towards the bunker, and before they can fall through, asgore's big warm paws scoop them up. he's yelling a lot. they feel too fuzzy to really understand what he's saying. it's all a blur - rudy appears, his nose glowing like a beacon and an equally frozen stiff noelle cradled in his arms, his voice hoarse from screaming dess's name; asriel is somewhere nearby, crying; they're teleported to the soft warmth of their home and wrapped up in so many blankets and frantic kisses and hugs from their mother; they're sleepy.
but they can distinctly remember dess falling into the ether, confident and excited.
of course asgore and rudy can't find her in the woods. asgore has to Pick Up rudy and forcibly drag him home and then block him from going back out there. freezing to death himself won't do her any good.
kris tries to explain. they try to tell the adults what they saw. it's written off as the confused frostbite dream of a young child. no matter how much they insist, no one takes them seriously. but they know what they saw, and their determination to make sense of it is what leads them down the path of occult studying and fountain-opening and time god possession. and later, someone goes by the bunker, briefly peers inside, and then locks the doors tight. yeah, it was a little dark in there, but it's a bunker. it's supposed to be dark, probably. but now dess can't leave.
so, if the bunker fountain works as a sort of connecting point to all the other dark worlds, she’s spent the last few years wandering through them, (and leaving behind small traces of herself...) looking for another way out. but you gotta have that rip in the fabric of reality in order to be able to freely travel between light and dark, and dark worlds exist in a very strange limbo state until a fountain is formed. they exist as we know and love them, but they’re also still just an abandoned classroom or an unused computer lab. so dess also has to contend with being in that same state of existence and nonexistence.
until recently, there just wasn’t any way out. but now fountains are being opened again. it’s just unfortunate that someone keeps closing them back up before she can make it through
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