#maybe even 10/2 and 10/3 if I’m feeling spicy
sherl-grey · 5 months
quick fic for the immortal rose girlies 🥰
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mirisss · 10 days
Chapter 11
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Stray Kids OT8 x hybrid! afab! reader
Warnings: some more spicy thoughts though nothing really explicit, descriptions of someone being shirtless, nightmares, anxiety, like on or two mentions of someone being tortured (not described how), lack of sleep, anxiety/panic attack, someone collapsing/falling unconcious, 
Wordcount ≈ 3.1k
Sorry for the long wait, life has been crazy during the last few months for me but here is the long-awaited eleventh chapter! I hope you all enjoy it! 
Please reblog! 
taglist, some tags aren't working and I don't know why 😭:
@ayoo-bangtan, @lose-lose07, @kingcarrot-thecarrotking, @starjane312, @reighlee-greaves, @hi-39024, @queenmea604, @septicrebel, @justayoungandwisefangirl, @imasimplol, @k-p0p-4ever, @detectivedoodle, @hehe-24-hehe, @jinnie-ret, @0325tiny, @borahae-reads, @shycreationdreamland, @kiaralynn3838, @blondechannie, @theydy-madamonsieur, @boi-bi-ahaha, @riri321, @3rachasninja, @kkamismom12, @yuki-sama6, @fun-fanfics, @turtledove824,
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10,
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Changbin fell back asleep almost instantly, (Y/n) stayed awake for a couple of minutes but eventually, thanks to the warmth and the safety of his strong embrace, the dream world welcomed her as she fell into a deep slumber.
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Third person POV
Once morning came, (Y/n) jolted from the bed as Changbin’s alarm set off, the bunny almost fell off the bed however Changbin’s strong arms held her up even in his tired state. “Morning, (Y/n),” (Y/n) looked up at the rapper, she had almost forgotten that she had fallen asleep with him in his bed, the hybrid thought she would feel ashamed at this but she didn’t. No, she actually felt happy and she yearned to fall asleep like this again.  
“Good morning,” “Did you sleep well?” (Y/n) hesitated for a second before she answered, “Very well,” Changbin smiled so widely that his cheeks began hurting, “I’m glad to hear that, now, how about some breakfast? We need to leave for the company soon,” “Can I have a smoothie? Like the one I got a while ago?” “Yeah, I’ll fix that for you, but you’re eating something more than just that, Minho-hyung won’t be happy otherwise,” “Maybe a sandwich as well then,” “That’s better, go get dressed, it’s a bit rainy today so dress a bit warmer,” 
(Y/n) got up from the bed and went over to Jeongin’s room only to find it empty so she headed over to Felix’s room instead but he too was nowhere to be found. Thanks to her hybrid senses she could hear Seungmin moving around in his room, so (Y/n) went to his door and gave it a tiny knock. “Come in,” Seungmin said from inside, (Y/n) carefully opened the door and peeked inside. “Hey, (Y/n)!” “Hey, um, I can’t find Jeongin or Felix, they usually help me with my outfits,” Seungmin looked a bit shocked, but then he nodded and smiled. “Innie had to leave earlier for a personal schedule so he left about 2-3 hours ago, he’ll meet us at the company after lunch, Felix is probably helping Minho-hyung with the breakfast. You have most of your clothes in Jeongin’s room right?” “Oh, he must be tired if he left that early, but, um, yeah, mostly with Innie and some in Felix’s room and a few things in Hyunjin’s,” 
Seungmin grabbed a hoodie from his wardrobe before he signaled to (Y/n) that they were leaving his room. They walked down to Jeongin’s room and went inside, over to the new wardrobe they had put up to keep (Y/n)’s clothes in. “Alright, let’s see, how about a hoodie and jeans? Or would you rather have yoga pants for the most comfortable outfit?” (Y/n) looked at Seungmin’s outfit, and then out the window, before returning her gaze to the wardrobe. She thought back to previous days at the company building, most people wore expensive and impressive-looking outfits, while she did want the yoga pants because they were comfortable, she didn’t want to make SKZ look bad because she didn’t dress up. “Wouldn’t jeans or something like it be the most presentable option?” 
Seungmin was a bit confused but then noticed how the bunny looked at his outfit and her wardrobe. “I mean, sure, if you were coming with us to schedules where you must appear on screen, then yes a more dressy outfit would be better but for a day like this, a hoodie and yoga pants, are perfectly fine to wear,” “But you look so much more dressed up than I would,” (Y/n) was pouting, which Seungmin thought was adorable. “I’m gonna stay behind after practice and go live for a little bit, hence, my outfit,” Seungmin thought that would be enough but then he thought about what the others would be wearing, “the others will be dressed more comfortably, well, I think so, we’re all so used to dancing in all different kinds of outfits so we sometimes wear jeans and stuff like that to practice as well,” (Y/n) admired how hard Seungmin tried to comfort her whilst also staying truthful to the fact that anyone of them could show up in a performance grade outfit. 
(Y/n) was thinking hard about this, should she choose her own comfort and risk making SKZ look bad or should she choose the presentable outfit and be uncomfortable all day? Some bad memories from the past began surfacing in her mind, choosing herself never ended well. But it’s different now, she tried to remind herself. Her family is not like the monsters from her past. (Y/n) took a deep breath, “I’ll take the yoga pants,” She was nervous to actually say it out loud, but once she had, it felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Seungmin smiled at her, “Then yoga pants it is!” Seungmin took a pair of black yoga pants out of the wardrobe and a light blue hoodie, along with a pair of socks. “Here ya go! Get changed and then come to the kitchen, breakfast should be about done,” Just before Seungmin turned to leave the room, he bent down and kissed (Y/n) on the crown of her head, and then he walked toward the kitchen. (Y/n) stood in shock for a second, her whole face was as red as a tomato. 
(Y/n) couldn’t understand the way she was feeling, kissing Hyunjin and Jeongin made her feel a little embarrassed and tingly but this, this kiss made her feel so weak in the knees from warmth that she thought she might pass out. After a minute, she managed to shake of the shock and she got changed before she walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. 
The kitchen was noisy, (Y/n) could barely make out the 30 different sounds coming from behind the kitchen door with her enhanced hearing. She gently pushed the door open and walked inside, Minho and Changbin were rushing around making sandwiches, smoothies, and whatnot for everyone. Felix was sitting at the table, eating a sandwich in big bites, (Y/n) noticed his lack of a shirt and that he was wearing pyjama pants so he was probably eating quickly to then change into his work clothes. The hybrid blushed as she saw his sculpted, muscular back, she couldn’t even imagine how his torso would look. Suddenly, she was very grateful to the fact that he wasn’t facing her. 
Hyunjin sat in front of Felix, drinking what looked, and smelled, like coffee, (Y/n) scrunched her nose at the scent, it wasn’t her favorite. Jisung sat beside Felix, resting his head on the other's shoulder. He must be tired. (Y/n) thought. Bang Chan sat across from Jisung, drinking a smoothie, it looked delicious, making (Y/n)’s mouth water. Seungmin stood in a corner, looking down at the coffee maker, waiting for it to finish filling his cup. (Y/n) searched for Jeongin, but then she reminded herself that he wasn’t home, it felt weird, it felt a bit empty not seeing them all together. 
Minho looked up from what he was doing and noticed (Y/n) standing by the door. “Good morning bunny, come on, grab some breakfast, we don’t have long until we must leave,” (Y/n) walked over and grabbed a sandwich from Minho before she turned and looked at Changbin, she smiled expectantly at him, her eyes so wide and bright one could only describe them as puppy-like. Binnie chuckled at the realization, their bunny hybrid giving him puppy eyes. “Here is your smoothie, as promised,” “Thank you,” (Y/n) said as she accepted the glass from Changbin. 
The bunny walked over to the table and sat down beside Jisung, doing her best not to steal any glances at Felix’s bare upper body. All the boys at the table mumbled somewhat of a “good morning”, some had their mouths filled with food or drinks, and some were just really tired. “Hi,” (Y/n) answered back before she took a big gulp of the smoothie Binnie had made for her. It was full of delicious fruits, she felt mango and strawberries the most, and maybe a hint of peaches? “Mmmm,” “Was it as good as the first one you got?” Changbin asked before he emptied out his own glass that was filled with a smoothie. “Well, the first one will always be the best because it was the first one I ever got, but this one is really tasty too!” 
All seven boys who were in the room with the hybrid felt their hearts swoon at the happy smile that rested so naturally on the bunny’s lips and the spark in her eyes as she enjoyed her second ever smoothie. To think that there were people out there who had harmed such a beautiful and kind soul. 
“If you ever want another smoothie, just ask for one, next time, I might be able to teach you how to make one even, so that you can do it for yourself if we can’t help you,” “Thank you,” Minho walked over and looked down at the table, noticing that (Y/n) hadn’t taken a single bite out of her sandwich yet and neither had Jisung who was as good as asleep on Felix’s shoulder. Lee Know lightly hit Han on the head to wake him up and then he gently put his hand on top of (Y/n)’s head, making the bunny look up at him. “Eat your sandwiches, you two, and Ji, no sleeping at the table, also-” Minho turned to Felix, “you, go get dressed,” Felix gulped down the last of his breakfast before he stood up and walked out of the kitchen. 
(Y/n) couldn’t help her wandering eyes as she watched the dancer stand up, the way his muscles flexed and stretched, she felt tingly all over and she suddenly felt very thirsty but she thought that was because of the sandwich she was eating and not because of Felix. 
Both Hyunjin and Chan noticed the way that (Y/n)’s turned red, the sudden big gulp, the wandering eyes. No one can deny that Felix has a good body, and apparently, their little bunny finally noticed it too. Hyunjin felt his lips tingle a little as he remembered how soft the bunny’s lips were, and how he wished he could kiss her again, for real this time. Chan looked down to (Y/n)’s lips, seeing her tongue run over them to catch a stray crum from the bread, he didn’t want to rush her but damn did he want to feel her lips against his, would they feel as soft as they seem? Would she taste as sweet as she looked? He knew it might take a few days, weeks, months or even years before she would be comfortable to do things with all of them, maybe she wouldn’t ever want to be with all of them in that way, and that’s okay. However, he couldn’t deny the yearning that he felt deep inside for her. Her soul was so beautiful, so pretty, so kind and warm, not to talk about her looks, Chan sometimes forgets that she isn’t even human because she looks more like a goddess in his eyes. 
Jisung didn’t notice what everyone else saw, he was way too tired to even keep his eyes open. That night he had dreamt nightmare of (Y/n)’s past. He hadn’t even been there, experienced what she had gone through, but whenever he had closed his eyes, all he saw was dark shadows chasing (Y/n), they held weapons in their hands, eventually, she couldn’t run any longer, and the torture began, Jisung would jolt awake as he heard her scream. After the fifth or sixth time it happened, he gave up on sleeping. He wished he could have checked in on (Y/n), to see if she was sleeping, but he didn’t dare disturbe her or Changbin if they were asleep so he waited and waited until morning came to see if (Y/n) was alive and well. Deep inside he knew she was okay with them, but the anxiety from the nightmares clouded his mind with doubt of her safety. 
After a few bites of his sandwich, Jisung’s head once again felt heavy with exhaustion, he couldn’t hold it up anymore and eventually, he let it fall and it landed on (Y/n)’s shoulder. He fell asleep almost instantly as he inhaled her sweet scent, seeing her awake and smiling, hearing her talk and be so lively, so different from when they just met, he felt relieved, part of his anxiety slowly washed away as he rested on her shoulder. 
(Y/n) was surprised when Jisung’s head landed on her shoulder, but she welcomed the closeness, until she felt unease rush through her veins. His breathes were shallow, stressed, his body felt like it was burning up, her sensitive nose picking up something that smelled awful, she couldn’t even describe it, all she knew was that the scent came from Jisung, from inside him. (Y/n) gasped, catching the attention of everyone in the room. “What’s wrong, (Y/n)?” Seungmin asked as he walked over. “Jisung,” (Y/n) couldn’t form a coherent sentence, she was stressing, anxiety filling her own body. She didn’t understand what was wrong with Han, what if it’s something serious? 
Chan looked between (Y/n) and Jisung, only now noticing how exhausted and stressed Jisung looked, he looked sick. “What’s wrong with him? Can you feel something?” Chan asked. “I… I don’t…. know… um, scent, warm,” “Shhh, it’s okay, calm down, everything will be okay,” Minho immediately walked over to (Y/n) and enveloped her into his arms as Seungmin gently moved Jisung’s head away from the hybrid. “He’s burning up, hyung,” “This seems like a reaction to an anxiety attack, remember, he used to get like this often back when we just debuted?” Chan said as he too walked over to the younger rapper. Jisung was unconscious yet he seemed like he was in the midst of a panic attack, his breathing hurried, sweat forming on his forehead, body shaking and feverish. (Y/n) was shaking, her eyes couldn’t focus on anything, her temperature rising from the panic, tears silently falling down her cheeks. 
“Minho, and Jinnie, can you two take care of (Y/n) whilst Seungmin and Changbin take Jisung back to his room? I’ll go call the company and say that we might not come in today because of this, I’ll ask Felix to message Jeongin so that he knows what’s going on,” Everyone just nodded before getting to work. 
(Y/n) was shaking in Lee Know’s arms, so worried for Jisung that she internalized his own sickness onto herself. “This is similar to how she was when I found her, shaking, scared, confused,” Minho said as Hyunjin came over and gently scratched (Y/n)’s head, right by her long and soft bunny ears. Something she once mentioned calmed her down. “Yeah, it’s kind of how she got in the elevator too,” Hyunjin stopped his sentence to wipe away some of the tears from (Y/n)’s face, “it must be stressful to see someone in her newfound family collapse like this,” “(Y/n)? Should we at least move to the living room? So that you can sit down comfortably on the couch?” 
(Y/n) could barely hear what the two dancers were saying, it sounded like she was under water and they were above the surface talking. All she could do was just grip onto Minho’s shoulders just a little harder and hope that was enough of an answer to whatever question he had asked her. Minho tried to stand up as gently as he could with (Y/n) clutching on to him, Hyunjin helped with stabilizing the bunny and holding the door open for his hyung. They sat down on the couch, (Y/n) half in Minho’s lap and half on the couch, Hyunjin leaned over so that the hybrid was sandwiched between them and he once again began gently scratching her head. 
This had been one shaky morning, it started out so good but it quickly turned bad. Maybe a free day would do them all so good. The company wasn’t happy with them but they approved the sudden day off once Chan promised to work on some songs at home. Once Felix managed to reach I.N, the maknae hurriedly finished his personal schedule so that he could rush home as fast as he could. They all wanted to be there to comfort their family. When Jeongin got home, he found Minho, Hyunjin, and (Y/n) asleep on the couch with some low music playing in the background, Chan, Felix, and Changbin were sitting on the floor of Jisung’s room, half asleep as they watched over their brother, and finally, Seungmin was in the kitchen, cleaning up from the breakfast and prepping to make tea for everyone once they woke up again. Jeongin joined Seungmin in the kitchen, helping with the final pieces of the clean up, before he went to the living room, joining the hug-pile on the couch and letting himself fall asleep as well. Perhaps, the afternoon, will be kinder on all of them. 
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And that was this chapter, I hope everyone enjoys it, what do you think will happen next? Will Chan get his moment to kiss our dear (Y/n)? Or will someone else perhaps steal her next kiss before him? Will Jisung be okay? I guess we will see, next time! 
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luffyvace · 2 months
Late!! Dazai B Day hcs!! 😊
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Yes IK I’m like literally almost 2 months late but I’m doing it ✨fashionably late✨
Dazai would become such a big baby 🤦‍♀️
he wants to sleep in late and wants breakfast in bed
the whole shabang 🙄
basically demands everything cuz he’s “the birthday boy☝️🤓”
and if you don’t get it for him your a bad s/o 😤✋
also demands cuddles all day long, which- I guess isn’t so bad 🤷‍♀️
I hope you didn’t plan anything, cuz he pretty lazy and doesn’t wanna work or even go out really
i mean maybe, only if you promise you have something super fun planned 🤩 and he’s gotta be interested in it too! ☝️😤
or your going to jail! For ruining his birthday D:
wouldn’t mind if you invited the Ada members over, actually asks you to do it at some point because his b day is too lonely without lots of friends and a party!! :D
all the sudden he has all this energy and wants to turn up LOL
so you guys put on some music, pour some drinks and have an unplanned party on the spot!!
although I’m sure Atsushi was planning one for him anyway <3
you’d best have brought him the most top tier gifts too!! >:( only the greatest stuff for the birthday king! 👑 (yes he deems “boy” too belittling now and wants to be called the birthday king now 😭⁉️)
gives you lots of kisses, back hugs and overall pda, - AND NO COMPLAINING!- cuz he’s the birthday king~ 😊
so if you don’t like it suck it up for a day butter cup!- Cuz he loves it! 💋
undoubtedly bothers Kunkida and asks him to do obnoxious, stupid things he knows he wouldn’t wanna do
and there’s no getting mad cuz he the birthday king!~ 😉
kunikida gets mad anyway and Dazai whines that he’s not supposed to get mad at him on his big dayyyy! D;
goes to you to tattle tale and you switch the topic by suggesting limbo! 🤩🤷‍♀️
To which Dazai immediately falls in love with this idea and demands everyone to play
in this order, is how everyone wins:
0 Dazai (he’s the birthday boy king ! )
1 Fukuzawa (the real winner)
2 Atsushi (tiger flexiblity)
3 Kyoka (super tiny)
4 Kenji (Second tiniest)
5 Tanizaki (would’ve done better but Mii-Chan aka the cat jump on him- LOL 😅😂)
6 Yosano (woman flexiblity)
7 Dazai’s ACTUAL placement-
7 Ranpo (would’ve done better but when he got “no” as an answer to “is the reward snacks” he gave up before even trying)
8 Kunikida (Dazai tickled him 🗿)
9 Naomi (has girl flexibility but wanted Tanizaki to win over her)
10 Kirako [office lady] (has girl flexibility but didn’t really try)
yippieeee Fukuzawa Dazai wins 😁🏅
for dinner you had spicy curry (either Kunikida or you made it)
And his cake was marble, I feel like he’d really like it
⚠️Suicide/death mention⚠️ (ofc it’s Dazai..)
at some point he asked you to commit double suicide with him, you can’t say no! It’s for his b day!! 😖😫 imagine dying on the day you came into the world!! With your lover! Isn’t that just romantic!~ 😍 hurry! Pick a painless way to die from this book of his before the day is over!! 😄 no? WHYYY?! 😩 *cue Dazai melting and turning into a hot mess on the floor*
by the end of the night your apartment is pretty messy and you and Dazai are cuddling up in bed, your head on his chest (or vise versa whatever you prefer <3) in solidarity silence
he demands you give the birthday king a goodnight kiss, and you do 💗
Short n sweet, but sometimes that’s how we prefer it, right?
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My name is Jelli! my image color is strawberry pink and my zodiac is Taurus ♡ I was born in Japan and moved to southern california during primary school. I was always into idols when I was in middle school but didn't really understand what they were outside of "JPop" I just liked the music and costumes and even sang idol covers online back in the early 2010's. I joined the group because I wanted to perform with my friends and create music and art that was true to ourselves. I do feel like sometimes I can be the "frosting?" to the cake that is Aqu♡rius. I do a lot of the design and brand work. My specialty is marketing so I want to make sure our group story is communicated well. I LOVE light and simple desserts like strawberry cake, shortbread cookies, and strawberry chocolates. I also love Siopao which is a filipino steamed meat bun... so comforting, everything you need in one package. My favorite part about being in the group is performing together! I love being able to perform on stage with my friends, I can't describe the feeling better... we work so hard and being able to come together on a stage is exhilarating. I enjoy laughing and brainstorming together when working with Aqu♡rius. We all are so unique and have so many different ideas for the group and having it all come together is like one huge melting pot of gold! My dreams for the future are to perform overseas with Aqu♡rius. Ideally I would love if we all are able to go to Japan together and perform. For myself I want to also create more solo music and show everyone what Jelli can do!
Hello~ I am Lily! My image color is princess pink and my symbol is a princess crown. My sun and moon is a scorpio and my rising is a sagittarius. I was born in one of the more diverse cities in Southern California. Growing up Filipino, we love our karaoke! I would sing all the time at the parties when I was little. I remember wanting to become a popstar, like Hannah Montana. When Aqu♡rius was still an Aqours cosplay dance group, I was, actually, a part of their very first cover, Koi ni Naritai Aquarium in 2016. However, I was just subbing in at the time. In 2018, I temporarily joined Aqu♡rius again to be their Ruby for their Awaken the Power music video. When I did my last performance with them, I remember crying because I had such an amazing time hanging out, practicing and performing with them. It felt like I fit right in, and it saddened me that it was only for a short time. Later in 2019, they officially recruited me as a member to play Ruby. Of course, I said yes and joined! I feel like I am the organizer of the group. I help a lot with setting dates, making schedules, and help keep the group on track! I also love making the lyrics distribution and formation. Especially when we have to adjust a 10-person choreo to 7. It feels like I’m solving a puzzle and I love solving puzzles!! I am such a foodie! I have my holy trinity of food that makes me happy: Shabu Hot Pot, Sushi, and Seafood boil. I also love anything spicy. I think I have the highest spice tolerance amongst my members. My favorite part about being in Aqu♡rius is performing with a great group of friends. I’ve always wanted to perform, ever since I was a kid. I thought that life was impossible until I met them. I feel the most at-home when I am on stage doing what I love. I love how we are consistently trying to improve ourselves and each other. We get to see each other grow. It’s such a rewarding feeling. My dream for the future is to perform overseas with Aqu♡rius! Maybe..Japan…at Tokyo IdolFest…? Haha! My personal goals for myself is to make more original songs and content!
Hello everyone! My name is Haley and I am the berry purple member of Aquarius. My birthday is on November 24th and my zodiac sign is Sagittarius. I was born and raised in Southern California where it has always has been hot and anytime it rained it was like the streets are drowning. I grew up pretty much my whole life in a small town kind of in the middle of nowhere. I do like my little town life and I really prefer that over the big cities.Through out my childhood I have always been active and I tried several different sports and activities such as softball, volleyball, etc. and then in high school I did cheer. In terms of hobbies, I was introduced to anime and cosplay by my best friend Ko in middle school and that is how I ended up meeting Aquarius later on after I graduated high school. Speaking of Aquarius, I joined the group after being introduced to the other members of Aquarius through Ko and I have been a part of the group since. I joined the group because I was interested in continuing to perform since in high school I did cheer and I loved performing and doing something in that realm. I thought this would be a great opportunity to do something new, fun and exciting with a group of wonderful individuals who have the same interests. I also wanted to make new friends and meet new people. My role in Aquarius is pretty much I offer to do whatever is needing to be done. As in if anyone needs help doing anything I try to offer up. My favorite foods honestly include a lot of desserts or sweets. I just love making and eating sweets. I got more into baking recently and for the first time I made my mom’s recipe for lemon bars and they turned out amazing even if they were not perfect. In terms of savory foods, I love sushi and pasta/noodle dishes.
My favorite part about being in the group is just being with such amazing, talented, lovely people and just making something amazing together. It was honestly so cool and amazing to make Racketball together and just seeing how everything came together in the end. I cannot wait to make more music and create more with Aquarius! What I enjoy most about working with Aquarius is that sometimes things can be stressful, but we still know how to have fun together because in the end we are a group of friends that found each other and now we are one big family. My dream for the future is to make more music with Aquarius and I think it would be cool to travel more together as a group and perform.
Hey! It’s Shooting Star Idol, J! ✨✌🏽 My image color is Golden Yellow and my pronouns are they/he/siya (siya is a gender-neutral pronoun in the Tagalog that can used to refer to anyone)! I was born in SoCal and raised by my Filipino migrant family. The culture I was raised in influenced me to care a lot about music, dance, food, and history! I was exposed to anime and manga at a young age (lol), and through my own internet rummaging, I ended up hyper-fixating on Vocaloid, K-On!, and idols from all over the world!
Joining Aqu♡rius at the end of 2017 was a surprise! I had only gotten to know Aqours in October of that year and my baby gay dream of joining a full Love Live cosplay group came true soon after. I was eager to incorporate singing to our covers since then so I’m not surprised that Aqu♡rius has shifted to the direction it has gone now! I think I am the music guy a lot of the time for the group, but I also lead in teaching and cleaning the singing and dancing lessons. Some of my favorite foods right now are stone fruits like mangoes, peaches, nectarines, and plums!
My favorite part about working in a group is actually flourishing and developing each other’s creativity! Working on things collectively makes the results of our hard work more valuable and special since we all contributed to its development :) It’s also cool that we all have many talents and a huge majority of our work is self-produced! One goal for me is that I want to get to know all of you more! I’ve met so many people through idol activities who have shared with me their passions and optimisms and I want to be able to help uplift those who want to build community with others. As for Aqu♡rius specifically, it would be really exciting to eventually have a setlist full of only our original music!
Helloo! I am Eggy (she/they), the cherry red member of Aqu♡rius. My birthday is on April 4th, which I think its quite fitting that my sun sign is Aries (the red imagery is burned into my soul ♥). I am also a socal native, and growing up I was always an artsy kid- loved doing any arts and crafts and creation that I could get my hands on. That artistry eventually led me to anime (I was obsessed with the art style of course), then to cosplay, and that slippery slope led me to where I am now. The Love Live to Idol pipeline is real, and I'd like to personally thank my girls Umi and Yohane for helping me along the way. Originally, I was kind of the one who started what would become Aqu♡rius, through a Love Live cosplay group that eventually evolved and led to us becoming what we are today. Because I had never had any formal training in dancing, and especially singing before, it took a little while for me to sort of ruminate on the idea of being kaigai idols when Jelli suggested we switch over from Love Live cosplay dance covers to doing what we do today, but I couldn't see myself doing this with any other group of people, and am so thankful I took the plunge. It was rather stifling being contained in a character's box, so being able to deviate from that by doing whatever we want, and ultimately just being more creative with the whole process has been amazing. As for my role in the group,,,, I have a hard time putting an exact word to it. Honestly, I feel like my strengths are in the ideas I have. I get smacked on the head with inspiration when I'm with everyone and just want to design and create faster than I can realistically keep up with. I love making art for our concepts and visuals, as well as designing when I can. I cannot lie to you guys, ice cream cannot be beat for me, I love it so much. My top tier flavor is rose, but that's hard to get so other favs are pistachio, and strawberry. Besides ice cream, I absolutely love börek, and highly recommend trying it if you haven't yet. The best thing about being a part of Aqu♡rius is just being able to be with everyone. I genuinely love and care about everyone so much and it's actually so insane to me that we have been able to create this and come so far from where we started. It's an honor to surround myself with such wonderful and inspiring people that choose to dedicate their time and energy into this project of ours. My dream for us is to continue creating- new songs, dances, events, ideas- whatever it may be. I hope one day we can host our own event with multiple original tracks (coughs I think everyone having a solo song would be so incredibly cool) and create a space for other idols in the community to do what they love to do. As for myself, I just want to continue improving, so I can be proud of every performance I do.
Hallooo everyone!! It’s Tuna! My image color is sage green and my zodiac sign is Gemini sun, Aquarius moon and Virgo rising. I grew up in a small suburban town in Socal. I was the token weird anime kid growing up. I started cosplaying in 2011, a passion that led me to finding Eggy in 2013 at a local cosplay meetup. As my passion for anime grew, it sparked an interest in Japanese music. I found Vocaloid and quickly became a devout fan to producers and then utaites. Joining aqu♡rius was really something that basically was just a long term manifestation... I was always longing for a cosplay group. Even more, I wanted friends to sing with, a secret passion I had after finding out what a nico nico chorus was. I would have never imagined to find both in the same wonderful group. I would probably consider myself the glue of aqu♡rius. Which is to say, I am the goof that keeps us together and laughing. In reality, my range of contributions is wide, I love being a multi disciplinary artist and my contributions are eclectic and a result of random inspiration. My main focus is writing lyrics and costume construction and misc design. My favorite meal lately has been eggs in a basket toast, and favorite fruits are donut peaches and cherries! My favorite part about being in Aqu♡rius is the simple ability to create together. Aqu♡rius has inspired so much growth and change within myself and has taught me so much about how to manage my time and resources. I am so grateful for our shared experience and promise to do my best in the future too! My dream for us as a group is to travel internationally together… As for myself, I want to make more friends in this community! I also desire to keep growing my musical practice, I want to learn to play an instrument!
Hi! I’m Eden, the shiny knife idol of AQU♡RIUS! So knife to meet you all!! You might recognize me as the pearl gray member (that’s white on your penlights!) I’m a Sagittarius sun with a Scorpio moon :) I’ve been into vocaloid since I was a wee little butter knife, I’m pretty sure when I was still in elementary school.. Then it evolved into Love Live!! And that’s where I started my idol journey! I already loved dancing since the Luka★Luka Night Fever flash mobs were popularized, and baby Eden just loved watching little dances from then on out. (I still bop to Mascara Blue Jeans often hehe)
I initially joined for a Love Live!! Cosplay group, and we just started performing.. Then added singing.. And wow here we are! Popped out like a fresh egg. I love my friends so it was really easy to get the ball rolling with everyone’s reassurance. My role? I really contribute what I can without stepping on anyone’s toes! My specialty is doodling for merch, and sometimes being the comedic relief when needed. It’s really cool seeing my drawings be made into little charms and keychains!!
My favorite food is cheesecake… I LOVE cheesecake.. I could eat a whole cheesecake by myself in an hour if I could.. Any type of pasta is also a comfort food, so is sinigang (filipino sour soup). Any rice is good.. I just love my carbs..
My favorite part about being here is the fact that it’s really just a group of my best friends performing together! They’re all such wonderful people that It makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have met all 6 of them at the time that I did. They all know how to make me laugh or reassure me of something that I need clarification on. I don’t think I could really achieve that with just a group that didn’t start as friends first. I don’t really have any specific dreams at the moment..! I just follow where the waters take us. Performing with AQU♡RIUS is already a dream in itself.. As for me, I’m always improving little by little, it’s not always linear, but that just makes me want to work harder. One day I’ll be completely proud of myself! I’ll get there with everyone!!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
♥️ Eddie Munson Masterlist ♥️
This is a masterlist dedicated to things I've written about Eddie Munson.
Check out my Prompt List and my Character List in my Masterpost which is pinned for more info on who I write for and some inspiration for requests.
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Waiting on You: 
Big Deal:
 Summary/Request: “Eddie Munson using toys on the reader or vice versa pleaseeee I’m a feen for him 😶”
Summary/Request: “16. 'I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.’ With Eddie ♥️”
Summary/Request: “We saw the handcuffs in Eddie’s room….make it happen. Doesn’t even need to be super smutty 😈”
Summary/Request: “Please Eddie Munson and reader fluff, fluff and more fluff!!!”
Obsessed With It All: 
Summary/Request: “Hi, something spicy with Eddie and the prompt : 15. 'How does that feel?’ 😝”
Jeckel and Hyde: 
Summary/Request: “eddie and Dustin’s sister with a jackie and hyde kind of vibes? maybe dustin finds out and is shocked?”
Summary/Request: "Hi! Could i request prompt 2, 3 and 15 with trope 15 for Eddie Munson (stranger things)?"
Make Me Melt:
Summary/Request: "Hey, i was wondering if you could make a Eddie Munson & a plus-size girl or reader ? Write everything you want, with smut or not :)"
Piss Off Your Parents:
Summary/Request: "Fic about Eddie with inspo from the song 18 by Anarbor 😉"
Summary/Request: "eddie and henderson!reader absolutely tormenting dustin with their relationship, maybe throw steve in just perplexed by the relationship?"
S&M Freakshow:
Summary/Request: "Prompts 13 and 24 with Eddie."
Lucky Guy:
Summary/Request: "Taking bestfriend!eddie shopping and you end up fucking in a dressing room"
Smoke Sesh:
Summary/Request: "Eddie having a smoke sesh (preferably weed) with the reader when they are supposed to be “studying” ?"
Separation Anxiety:
Summary/Request: "Eddie getting super attached and clingy with reader during and following everything that happened with vecna?"
Fighting For Your Hand: Part 2
Summary/Request: "Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson fighting for the readers attention and love, possibly with two different endings for each?"
Let It Slip:
Summary/Request: "steve and dustin accidentally letting it slip that reader is into eddie? reader maybe also wanting to kill the two of them?"
Summary/Request: "eddie munson comforting the reader when they’re having a bad day?"
Summary/Request: "Can you do 10 from the tropes with a 19 from the qoutes for Eddie please ❣️"
Summary/Request: "Hiya bestie, hope your doing well and staying hydrated! My current daydream is a lovely mix of 17. Miscommunication and reader telling Daryl D or Eddie M they are pregnant (angst/comfort vibe) Totally understand of you don't wanna."
Summary/Request: "Eddie getting his hair cut short like Josephs hair in Make Up,"
More Than That: Part 2
Summary/Request: "Eddie cumming too quick?"
Summary/Request: "shower s3x with eddie please! :)"
Just Friends:
Summary/Request: "eddie munson blurb with prompt 20, and trope 6?"
Storyteller Part 2
Summary/Request: "Hiii, how are u? Hope you are doing well! I was wondering if you would like to write an imagine where Eddie is doing a dirty talk with the reader. Thank u <3"
Off Limits:
Summary/Request: "steve walking in on sister!reader and eddie doing the nasty👀"
Drunk In Love:
Summary/Request: "heyy, how are you? can i ask a fic with eddie where yn goes to a party without him, cause its not really his scene (his words) and when its over yn just misses him sm and cant wait to be wrapped around his arms🥰"
Summary/Request: "So this is an odd request, but could you do Eddie where the reader picks at the skin, or bites their nails, and Eddie goes on a rant about DnD to distract them? It's just an idea I've had and your writing is amazing, so I was wondering how it would turn out!"
Case In Point:
Summary/Request: "reader finds out that eddie sells drugs and he gets scared cause he thinks that they’re gonna dump him"
Summary/Request: "5’0 y/n next to 5’11 Eddie- like the height difference 😫"
Summary/Request: "can you do a Eddie Munson x Reader where the reader gets a sprained wrist and he helps her."
Summary/Request: "eddie calming down the reader when they’re having a panic attack? or just calming them down when they get frustrated of some sort."
Faithful Follower:
Summary/Request: "Second, can I request a story where Eddie says “sweetheart, In my mind we’ve already fucked”?"
Summary/Request: "reader and eddie where one if them yells "because I'm in love with you!" possibly while fighting or someone is going to do something dangerous?"
Pause The Campaign:
Summary/Request: "eddie munson x reader , both stay after school for their club (you can pick the reader’s club🤭) reader has a panic attack during their club so they go to the room the hellfire club is having their campaign and eddie pauses everything immediately to make sure reader is okay"
Summary/Request: "Please you’re my only hope 😂😂 I’ve seen like ZERO sub Eddie fics and I have a deep need for some sub Eddie smut ❤️❤️"
Bad Guy:
Summary/Request: "Can I request Eddie Munson with the prompt 'Just cuz I'm the bad guy doesn't mean I'm a bad guy.' also I love ur work sm!!"
Summary/Request: "Could you maybe do an Eddie fic where he takes care of the reader when they are feeling horrible? No specifics needed if you’re not up for that!❤️"
Dirty Mind:
Summary/Request: "could you do a eddie x reader fic where the hellfire club make a lot of dirty jokes abt their relationship, but the reader is more book smart than social, therefore having to ask eddie what certain terms mean? ik this is probably weird, but this literally happens to me on a daily 💀😭"
Little Alien:
Summary/Request: "Teen dad eddie??"
Summary/Request: "Something soft w Eddie but like he survives the upside down! Like just almost comforting reader that he’s not going anywhere."
Business and Pleasure:
Summary/Request: "can you do eddie munson x reader with prompt 21?"
Silly Idiot:
Summary/Request: "I was wondering if you could write something fluff for Eddie Munson where he says that he loves you for the first time? I just think it would be adorable 🥺"
Best Bed-and-Breakfast:
Summary/Request: "can i request reader having family problems and her mom does something that makes her very upset so she goes to eddie for comfort?"
Teenagers Scare The Living Shit Out Of Me:
Summary/Request: "eddie being a dad with a teenage girl? I wanna see how you would portray his reactions LMAOO"
Chivalry Isn’t Dead:
Summary/Request: "Can I please get prompt #25 and trope #1 with Eddie"
Doped Up and Sore:
Summary/Request: "Hi lovie :,) was wondering if you could write eddie helping reader after knee surgery as I’m preparing for mine next week. If not that’s okay! Love you 🫶🏽🦋"
Summary/Request: "eddie fic where reader is like eleven (they escaped together, are close like sisters, but reader stayed in hawkins.) And something happens where reader uses her telekinesis to save eddie"
Secret guy:
Summary/Request: "Hi! How are you? I hope you are doing well <3. So I was thinking about a story where Gareth has a crush on y/n who is secretly dating Eddie. And when eddie discovers this crush on y/n he is suuuper jealous.
Type 1:
Summary/Request: "can you write headcanons about a type 1 diabetic reader and eddie munson?
Dirty Mind:
Summary/Request: "So, I was thinking about an Eddie x reader story where Eddie admits that he had a dirty dream about the reader and she says “I'm gonna do the type of things that happen in your dreams.“
 Tipsy Giggles:
Summary/Request: "Eddie x reader coming home after their wedding reception, he is trying to carry her in but they are both too tipsy and laughing too hard
Summary/Request: "Rockstar!Eddie x reader. Either we are already dating him or we catch his eye at a show. I just think he deserves to be a famous, successful rockstar and we deserve to date a famous, successful rockstar 🎸"
Summary/Request: "could you write something about eddie x reader who has thick thighs?? love ur writing sm i hope you’re doing well!<3"
Summary/Request: "Can I please please please have a very fluffy Eddie like something about reader birthday, bc tomorrow is mine and I hate it so I'm just want some comfort, if not is totally okay no worries. 💕"
A Breather:
Summary/Request: "write a fic where eddie helps the reader during a panic attack?"
Back With The Bats:
Summary/Request: "prompt: "Good girl, that's it." and "Eyes on me.'"
Summary/Request: "Can u do a smut with Eddie? And for the prompts can u do “Did I stutter” and “why are you such a tease” and for the situation can u do friends with benefits? "
Summary/Request: "eddie giving you silent treatment as punishment?"
Summary/Request: "Eddie being the metalhead he is, was being very critical of your pop music at first, but gets slowly charmed by it as he sees you singing along to it & it makes his heart melt :)"
Misery Business:
Summary/Request: "So say Eddie and Chrissy were together and the reader was just Eddie's friend and then chrissy cheated on him with Jason? And Eddie finally saw the reader and felt all the feels!"
Messing Around:
Summary/Request: "Hey! Could you write something with prompts 17. “How could you let them say that about me?” and 15.“I guess I didn’t realize I was such a nuisance.” with Eddie. Maybe hellfire club members were being mean to reader and she gets upset. Thank you!"
In One Piece:
Summary/Request: "Could you do prompts 8."hey if you cry, ill cry and that won't be fun for anyone" and 10." Hey I'm not going anywhere" with Eddie please."
My Knight:
Summary/Request: "Can you pretty please write an Eddie Munson Fluff Princess/Knight (Protector) AU with the quote: "I'll always keep you safe." ???"
Family Dynamic:
Summary/Request: "How about this: Eddie and Reader have been dating for a while now, and he is really apprehensive about meeting the parents."
Summary/Request: "“Did I just say that out loud?” some fluffy Eddie please 🥺"
Summary/Request: "Rockstar!Eddie x reader?"
Little Old Me:
Summary/Request: "hello my love!! can i submit a request please? numbers 16 and 21 for jimmy darling please (and if you aren’t feeling jimmy, could you write it for eddie or negan?)"
Bad Guy:
Summary/Request: "Eddie Munson and 'Just cuz I’m the bad guy doesn’t mean I’m a bad guy.’"
Summary/Request: "Maybe a cute simple request would be coming home to Eddie after a long day and kinda just collapsing on the couch and he's sweet to you and babies you a little."
NSFW Alphabet
SFW Alphabet
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jordanandegypt · 16 days
Zürich, Switzerland
Tuesday, Sept 10, 2024
Greetings All.  We are in Zurich trying to change our body clocks by 6 hours.  Easier said than done.  We flew yesterday from Detroit to Amsterdam and the idea is to sleep the night away as we transverse the Atlantic - but both Mark and I got maybe 2 - 2.5 hours of sleep during our 7 hour flight.  We left Detroit at 6:30 PM and arrived 7 hours later in Amsterdam at 8:30 AM their time. - but at 1:30 AM our time.  We had a short layover (1 hr and 25 minutes) but in Amsterdam this is JUST enough time to get to your next flight - so we got to the gate and boarded.  The flight from Amsterdam to Zürich is only an hour and while I may have slept on that flight it was not more than 20 minutes.
We got a pretty pricey cab from the airport to our hotel - but we could not face figuring out public transportation as tired as we were.  Sadly - our hotel room was not ready.  We opted for a leisurely lunch in which Mark had cold spicy melon soup and I have garam marsala butter chicken - both delicious - but really all we wanted was a bed to stretch out on.  (Don’t worry I will not tell you everything we eat!!) After lunch we got the news that our room still wasn’t ready and I did something I have NEVER done - feel asleep in a chair in the lobby of the hotel.  But by 3:30 we were in our hotel and we opted for naps - until 5:00.  Hopefully bedtime will come easily...
Enough about us…. Let’s get to our adventure...
The theme for this trip is “OLD STUFF.”  We will start with "real old" and work our way to "OMG WAY WAY OLD."  We, in the US, get so excited when we see a structure from the late 1600s  or early 1700s - but that is a joke in this part of the world - kinda a “baby building.”  
So let’s start with Zürich Switzerland - our current “home."
From what we have seen, Zürich is a beautiful city surrounded by the foothills of the Alps mountains located at the northern end of Lake Zürich and built on Limmat River (pronounced “Limit” that flows from Lake Zürich.  This city has a history going back centuries. 
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The town was founded by the Romans a bit over 2,000 years ago. Recent excavations show evidence of settlement even before that -  over 6,400 years ago. 
We explored the old city from about 5:30 to 9:00 - or 17:30 to 21:00 - as any citizen of the world would say - with a a few exceptions - like us.
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Surprises:  There are no “walk/don’t walk” signs - pedestrians just have the right of way - PERIOD!
There is graffiti everywhere - I was shocked!
EVERYONE smokes!  Or it seems that way.  DISGUSTING!
I went to buy our 24 hour pass for public transportation and was told to just keep in with us.  If asked we would have to show it - but there is no check in - check out system.  Trust, my friends.
Things we expected:  Public transportation options would be numerous and easy to use and very clean.
People would be helpful and kind
Things would be EXPENSIVE.
We took the tram to old town and at one point saw this:
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While we were listening to  this:  
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Kind of eye and ear candy.
I think I forgot to say what the Swiss flag looked like - so here you go…
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We ate dinner at an outdoor cafe - late - (when in Rome, so they say) and it was outstanding.  Mark had cold roast beef with horseradish sauce and I had “Rösti” with smoked salmon, onions, capers and a dill sauce.  OMG!!!
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Rösti is shredded potatoes fried in butter and made into a mound.  You can get lots of different kinds of “Rösti’ and I highly recommend it.  Split with someone  - it is huge.  (It will be breakfast for us tomorrow.)
Tomorrow - we will explore more than the transportation system.  I’m going to bed. It is 22:00 here and I'm hoping to wake up for the first - and maybe only - presidential debate - which would be 3:00 AM here. If I do - I'll watch it live. If I don't - I will be more rested when I watch it later Either way - we are in Zürich rooting for Kamala!!
CIAO!  (Yes - they say that here too)
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kitchenhermit · 1 month
Neapolitan Green Peppers 
Peperoncini Verdi Alla Napoletana / Friggitelli 
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This is my absolute favourite side dish in Naples. When these little green peppers come into season over the summer, I use them weekly as a side to meat, mixed into a pasta salad, or even as a pizza topping. Despite the name, they’re not spicy at all (unless you want them to be!) and this local side dish has a great balance of sweetness, spice and a slight bitterness that is addictive! 
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These small peppers grow in the province of Naples, so I’m not sure how available they are outside of Italy. If you can’t find these green peppers (peperoncini verdi) in your local Italian grocer, then you could definitely try and swap them out with another type of mild pepper. 
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My recipe is a spin on the traditional method of preparing these green peppers and I fully encourage everyone to play around with the flavours and find the seasoning that you like the best! The conventional version just has garlic, salt, pepper, and basil - but I really love my more robust version and I’m sure you will too!
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250 grams green peppers (stems and seeds removed) 
200 grams plum tomatoes (halved) 
4tbsp olive oil 
3 garlic cloves
1 tsp dried chilli pepper flakes 
2tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
3 tsp paprika 
1/2 tbsp hot sauce (like sriracha) 
1 tsp sugar 
Fresh basil leaves
First, you have to prepare the peppers. This is the most time-consuming part of the process, so get comfortable and maybe pop on some music!  With a small paring knife, cut off the stems and carefully insert the knife into the pepper removing as many of the seeds as you can (you won’t be able to get rid of all of them). Then place the prepared pepper into a big bowl of water. The reason why we are removing the seeds is to try and reduce some of the natural bitterness that these peppers have. 
This next step is optional, but I think it results in much more fragrant and sweet peppers. When the peppers are ready put a pot of water on to boil. Strain the peppers (the water should be full of excess seeds) and when the water is boiling put all the peppers in. Boil for about 5 minutes until the peppers are slightly softened and the water is an acidic yellow colour (this is a good sign that you've extracted the bitter compounds*). Carefully strain the peppers.
Now, heat a large frying pan over medium heat with 2 tbsp of olive oil and one peeled garlic clove. When it’s hot, add in the peppers. With a heat-proof utensil, mix them around in the pan until they are all coated in oil. Cover the pan with a lid. For about 10 minutes cook like this, removing the lid every couple of minutes to mix everything together. When the peppers are looking soft and some are starting to brown a little, remove them from the pan. 
In the same pan, add another 2 tbsp of olive oil, the remaining 2 peeled garlic cloves, and dried chilli pepper flakes. Mix in the halved plum tomatoes and a few basil leaves. At this point, it’s time for the seasoning, so add in the salt, pepper, paprika, hot sauce, and sugar. Let this all cook for about 15 minutes without the lid, stirring regularly. When the tomatoes have softened and it’s getting saucy, add the green peppers back in and cook all together for another 5 minutes. Before taking it off the heat, make sure to try the peppers and adjust the seasoning if needed. Finally, add a few more basil leaves and remove the garlic cloves (although I always like to leave them in and eat them!)
Put everything in a heat-proof container and let it cool to room temperature before putting it in the fridge. These peppers are best served the following day. Serve with some more basil leaves for decoration.
Did you try this recipe? Let me know on Instagram! 
Feel free to play around with the seasoning - I always taste the dish a few minutes before turning off the pan to make adjustments.
This dish can seem a bit time-consuming, but I always make a big batch and keep it in the fridge (it lasts for up to four days refrigerated).
The reason I boil the peppers is to reduce some of the natural bitterness and remove more seeds. This is an optional step and most people don't do it. However, if you do skip you may need to fry your peppers for a bit longer.
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chiconisroc · 1 year
Was Not the Hero/Not What You Expected Questions Round 4
Was it the palisman or glyph tattoos that caused Philip Curse?
Answer: It's a bit complicated, well, not so much, but I will be bringing it up into the story later. Well, Philip will explain it to someone in phase 3 : )
2. I feel if Philas was canon Philip will become a gay icon and many people with religious trauma or internalized homophobia will adore him.
Answer: I believe so too. I was legit expecting the show to go that route cause we don't really get to see such things before in shows. And it sucks cause there are many people in his situation still stuck in this self destructive hate that is also hurting other innocent peeps and would be nice to show those peeps they don't have to stay in such a dreadful path.
More Questions and Answers:
3. Wait chico don't tell them if you're religious they'll shoot you/joke
Answer: hahaha, idk if i can say i'm religious, but oh well, hahaha
4. What would Philip think of spicy food? If he can taste it?
Answer: If he could ever be able to taste food again, he probably would be so confused and not like it cause he isn't used to such feeling in his mouth burning, hahaha.
5. Have you seen a reverse of mud and feathers by Jess the vampire?
Answer: I have not o.o. I think, Idk, hahaha x.x, not sure what that is. I don't really look at other stuff much since I get fixated with my own writing. Writing thousands of words a week takes a lot of time from me v.v and if i'm not writing i'm like fixated on other random stuff cause gah, my brain. Or I'm just daydreaming constantly on future scenes for my fanfics. Even my ps5 is just collecting dust cause I ignore it, hahaha
6. Does Philip know some Puritan swear words?
Answer: He does, but he rather not swear if he can help it : )
7. Have Philip and Silas rode a horse together?
Answer: Yep, a few times honestly, without anyone noticing
8. I wonder How Luz would react to Philip being bi as her?
Answer: Oh, you will see in phase 3 : )
9. If Silas was a woman would she and Philip tried to conceive a child together?
Answer: For sure
10. How would Canon Philip feel about Silas?
Answer: Very conflicted honestly. He probably would avoid Silas but at the same time make sure Silas doesn't get corrupted by witches
11. Does Philip like cats and does he act like a cat?
Answer: Philip has no opinion on cats. And hahaha, idk, does he act like a cat? o.o
12. In “ Not What you expected” can Belos possess people that would further claim that he just a demon and would make him a major target for the witch Hunter than the actual witch?
Answer: Yah, Belos has the ability to possess people in that storyand would for sure further push the belief to others that he is a demon and would just cause him more problems later
The following questions are ones I cannot answer due to spoilers. Sorry peeps. I can't really answer specific future story stuff v.v
I’m Not what you expected would Philip help the boiling isles in the future and became an actual hero?
In “Not What you Expected”would Philip outlive Caleb and serve to protect his children till the president day to make up for his sins?
In “Not What You Expected” would Philip become a local legend in Gravesfield after centuries past and would Luz become a fan of him and maybe stumble upon the boiling isles?
In “ Not What you expected” would we get a scene paralleling Castlevania particular the Bishop and Blue fang demon inside of the church where the demon tears down the bishop lies about his work and how their work disgust God you can watch this scene on YouTube.
would Silas appear in “Not What you expected”?
”In Not What you expected” would Philip save that woman who is accused of being a witch?
”In Not What you Expected” would Philip try to awkwardly bond with Caleb, like climbing in his bed and trying to snuggle him while Caleb is praying and sweating that he won’t kill him in his sleep or try to do chores around the house but failing cause he drips and stinks.
would Philip and Evelyn become buddies in “ Not What you expected”?
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writing patterns tag game!
Thanks @commander-krios for tagging me! I’m not sure who else to tag, especially as one of these is a bit spicy… but please feel free to take this prompt and run with it! (Or message me if we’re mutuals and you’d like to be tagged in tag games <3)
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
NB one of these is explicit, lol. Consider yourself warned.
1. Laced Close (Rolan x f!Tav)
‘The Sundries have been quite profitable of late.’
2. Planar Tears (Rolan x OFC)
Another day, as dull as ditchwater, in the Grove that Rolan already hates.
3. Sharess’s Sundries (Rolan x f!Tav)
Three blissful days of cuddling and fucking; having your cunt eaten out over and over by Rolan’s expert tongue.
4. Tail and Tongue (Rolan x f!Tav)
Rolan follows you up the ladder, into the cool night air.
5. Sharp Teeth (Rolan x f!Tav)
Rolan’s siblings are laughing, but you genuinely smile and clap.
6. Britches (Yvette/Ludovico, Ambition: A Minuet in Power)
You are mid-way through a glass of wine, all the way through a revolutionary pamphlet, and still only a little way into the evening.
7. Blasphemy (Yvette/Ludovico, Yvette/Honorade, Ambition: A Minuet in Power)
Honorade Gazel closes the door behind you, a glass of water as always in her other hand.
8. Ribbons (Yvette/Ludovico, Ambition: A Minuet in Power)
‘Good morning, Father Sidotti!’
9. Family Gatherings (Hades Gen Fic. Zagreus & Artemis)
‘Hey Zagreus?’
10. Sweetheart (Camille x Jakov, Ambition: A Minuet in Power)
A sunny day in Paris, May 1789.
I’m not sure I see many… beyond my tendency to write second-person fics (generally because the games they’re based on are written in second person, though I also like it for its immediacy!). I definitely like to get directly into the action (or dialogue - I think my fics started very dialogue-heavy, especially my WWDITS fics that were too long ago to make this list, and have gradually become more descriptive and action-based.) Most of the time, the important love interest or MC is putting in an appearance in the first line, which is interesting I guess - maybe something I could play around with in future?
And finally, I’d already forgotten how outrageous the Sharess’s Sundries opening line was. Listen. I know what I like, and I’m going to say it. A lot 😅
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simgerale · 1 year
Any tips on sticking with a legacy? It's amazing to me you have Sims from 2016!
ooh!! i know many people struggle with sticking to their sim families, but i will try to give my most relevant advice!
✨ miranda’s tips and tricks ✨
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for me, I can only stick with sims that i am connected to. this means creating a backstory (or actively playing through a story i’ve made for them), giving them real personalities outside of sim traits, and figuring out what their favorite hobbies and interests are! it’s important to me that i don’t limit my creativity to in-game things, even if that means i can only imagine that a sim does a certain activity (or pose them doing it)! you’ll get bored real fast if you decide that they have to fit a mold.
with each generation, i’m trying to do something different and new. The easiest way to get lost in the motions is to do something repetitive! sure, there can be a lot of similarities from one gen to the next, but variation is key! [Ex #1: gen 1 had two kids, gen 2 had three kids, and now gen 3 has one kid] [Ex #2: vibes have been quite different. Gen 1 was more gameplay, gen 2 was full of spicy drama, gen 3 has been about finding oneself amidst relationships + enjoying the little things]
On that same note, I want romance in each generation. And as a hopeless romantic, i have used a different trope every time! It keeps things interesting while also playing to cheesy cliches that everyone can’t help but enjoy. you could also have the ‘no romance but sleeps around’ generation to shake things up [gen 1: forbidden love except not forbidden, just frowned upon at the time] [gen 2: best friends become lovers but with a SLOW burn] [gen 3: fake lovers to real lovers]
using gameplay outcomes to help further your legacy helps. i know the game is lacking…. Take it from me as someone who owns only 10% of the packs lol. but I try my best to let the game decide on some things while guiding it in other areas! your sim is actually bad at something you thought they’d be good at? cool that could change their career! your sim suddenly wants to have another baby and it isn’t planned? up to you, but it could open up lots of opportunities! your game killed off a parent too soon? rip but maybe you can use that for your heir’s personality development lol
if you’re intimidated by following certain guidelines, you don’t have to! I’ve set my own (can’t age up the heirs to see what they’ll look like, can’t travel to worlds that would realistically be too far away for every day activities, try your best to have family events/holidays)
my final tips go hand in hand: take your time and only play when it’s enjoyable. if the fact that i still have a sim from late 2016 isn’t hint enough, i can tell you that I’ve only played my legacy when I absolutely wanted to. if i wasn’t feeling it, i didn’t bother because i wouldn’t have enjoyed myself! this meant that i would go periods without playing (and posting), but i can speak from experience when I say that it has been for the best!!!
all of this is to say… everybody is different! what works for me may not work for you. overall, do what makes you have fun. as long as it is isn’t hurting other people, you’re doing great 😌
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twigg96 · 1 year
Tag Game: Ten True Facts About Me
Rules: Share 10 facts about yourself and tag other blogs! I want to get to know my mutuals, and the people I follow a little bit :) The facts can be about anything!
Tagged by: the lovely @ir0n-moon thank you so much my dear 💕💕
1. I used to be big into cosplay. I used to hand make cosplay costumes, props, and once even attempted to make a wig. I have only ever been to a few conventions but I miss the community I used to share with fellow cosplayers pre-Covid.
2. I had an Anime Amino if anyone remembers that app. This was back during an age before discord. Back during the time I took a break from Tumblr (2015-17? Maybe) I started on Amino to look for community and friendship during a time I felt like I had none. Amino was literally just a mix of Tumblr with random blogs and discord with its chat rooms option. People mostly used it for RPs and other community events. It was a great time honestly kinda sad they killed the site.
3. I love weird ass music. I’m not talking like “oh that new album by famous artist with a weird name” no! I’m talking music that will make normal people run screaming into the next room. Give me remixed pirate/Viking songs all day long. You don’t even have to remix them. I’ll take them as is if you’re feeling spicy. Heavy metal versions of songs that have no right being metal (Disney songs, pop songs, country). 🤤. Those artists are doing gods work. Random 80’s songs. The sluttiest dirtiest music you can think of. Jazz. All of it man I love all of it as long as it’s weird.
4. My very first fan fiction was written on fan fiction.net. I used to have two accounts it was because I forgot my password for the first one but then I used the second account more than the first so it all worked out. I kinda want to archive the stuff from those accounts onto AO3 even though I’m not in those fandoms anymore. Just so I have the content.
5. My first ever crushes were on Shego and Kim Possible from said show. I didn’t know how to verbalize this as a kid so I told everyone I loved Justin Timberlake from *NSYNC.
6. I’ve been thinking about publishing a few books. I have some ideas for a few novels, series, and kids books. I just don’t know where to start or even if they’re worth while.
7. I have two dogs and two cats! My puppies names are Maizy and Chihiro. They are both Labs and are just the cutest angel babies! My cats are Eevee and Oreo. Eevee is chunk rescue baby. Oreo is our prissy princess who needs to be held at all times.
8. I have never once reset one of my animal crossing villages. I’ve had three on three different games. Game Cube, DS, and Switch. I always do my best to name the village perfectly , I would do anything in my power to have the perfect neighborhood/ villagers, I would even piss off Mr. resetti back when he was a thing just to get a second chance to try an interaction again.
9. I’m thinking about starting to stream on Twitch. Nothing too serious. Just something fun that I can try to do!
10. I am a huge collector. I collect many things lol old books, (first editions, cool instructional books, books published earlier than 1955, All the Stephen King novels), ART! I love art. All of it. Prints from artists I buy from. Hand made pieces I randomly find at art fairs and craft shows, paintings, those mystery boxes that hold figurines in them I fucking love them so god damned much.
I think I’ll tag @nsfwitchy, @normanblowup, @morbid-pigeon, @el-michoacano, @gointothevvater, @gogomeaty,
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elizabethmulder · 2 years
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I posted 15,947 times in 2022
That's 2,357 more posts than 2021!
11 posts created (0%)
15,936 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15,944 of my posts in 2022
#the rookie - 949 posts
#nancy drew - 881 posts
#stranger things - 730 posts
#nancy and ace - 503 posts
#pretty - 371 posts
#artwork - 311 posts
#succession - 297 posts
#buffy the vampire slayer - 294 posts
#the wilds - 271 posts
#dair - 263 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i mean i'm constantly reading that i'm not enough xyz for being abc and yeah it sucks even if i have dealt with since being a child *shrug*
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi there 👋 is the wilds a good show?
Hey there to you! I really enjoyed it, especially the first season, I still enjoyed the second season it just kinda veered off a bit. It can get darker in tone for some episodes. But I really enjoyed the growth of the characters and seeing how people react to being stuck on an island. It only has two seasons and it definitely ends like there should be a third but unfortunately there won't be. Feel free to ask if there's something more specific you wanted to know.
1 note - Posted August 16, 2022
I’m finally caught up with my dash which I haven’t been in MONTHS or maybe its a year...I don’t know about anyone else my last two years were not chill and slow paced. With the exception of my anxiety which unfortunately does take up my time, I’m hoping to have more time to do more than just keep up with daily tasks. Maybe finally paint my room, write or start on some craft projects. I’m really  trying to work on myself, mentally and physically healing. Just trying to find a better version of my old self. 
1 note - Posted January 11, 2022
Tagged by @hawksnat thank you Nat!
Rules: Tag 9 people you’re interested in getting to know better. 
Favourite Color: Mustard 
Currently Reading: I’m listening to the audiobook of ‘When No One Is Watching’ by Alyssa Cole and on my Kindle ‘Ruin and Rising’ by Leigh Bardugo. 
Last Song: Block Me Out by Gracie Abrams on Spotify and Zombie by Schuyler Fisk on Youtube Music
Last Series: Stranger Things, First Kill and Love, Victor are the only things I’ve watched on my own in awhile. I watched The Staircase and Who Do You Believe? with my mom. 
Last Movie: The Secret Garden, Hustle, Father of the Bride and The 355 are the only movies I’ve watched this month.  
Sweet/spicy/savoury: I do love sweets, that aren’t too sweet, but savory. 
Currently Working On: Trying to motivate myself in starting to redecorate my room. But also declutter in general, need more of a clean space all over the house. 
I’m tagging. @diagnosiskasparaitis @intostarlight @killsandthrills @bisummers
@mkmusicmaniac @my-shields-are-down @kteague  @spaceball @thesedarkcafedays picked a few from my activity, hi! none of you have to but if you want to. <3
9 notes - Posted June 20, 2022
It really wouldn’t be a Taylor album release day if you didn’t sit and think which songs were gonna be the new Dair songs. So far it’s Maroon, Labyrinth and Sweet Nothings. I really need to give more listens though. 
10 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Oh, these two have the same birthday…
29 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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racingliners · 1 year
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 4 - Bahrain
We plough on with the great 2013 season watch through of 2023 (trying saying that three times fast) with a race I know literally nothing about other than the fact Seb won 😅
So, let’s just jump in!
I say the only thing I know of this race is Seb winning, but I feel like there was some McLaren on McLaren violence at some point in 2013??? but idk which race it was
Also fun fact that was the last year Bahrain was a day race, as it was made a night race for 2014 onwards
Which does make you wonder who at F1 thought having a race in the desert during the day was a good idea... but alas FOM is always a circus no matter who is in charge
Anyway: starting grid!
Rosberg pole?????? alrighty then.
Seb P2 (🥰), Lewis P9 (5 place gridbox pen 🙃), Jenson P10, Dan P13, and Jev P16. The starting grid giveth and the starting grid taketh away.
[Formation Lap]: Medium and Hard tyres for this race, which makes sense bc we’re racing in a desert in the middle of the day
It really does feel wired seeing the track during the day bc that only really happens at testing and first practice now
Oh damn Seb was only 3 points ahead of Raikkonen in the drivers standings at this point??? spicy
It’s funny bc I’m sure when a lot of people think of 2013, they immediately go to Seb winning all the races in the second half of the season, but the first half was somewhat competitive, which imho makes Seb’s 9 consecutive race wins more impressive tbh
(but we all know I’m quite biased 😅)
oh not to be a carfucker on main but the sound of the V8′s as the cars roll up on the grid 😍
[Start/Lap 1]: asdfghjkl not Rosberg trying to instigate fisticuffs by forcing Seb to the side of the track at the start, causing him to lose a place to Fernando
Oh my god Di Resta’s up to 4th
aaaaand Seb take’s back P2 🥰
[Lap 2]: That was a bit of a messy first lap, I didn’t even take note of the Ferrari/Force India violence 
...or maybe not he went wide and is back into P2
v spicy though. I miss bastard brat Seb.
nooo Jev with a puncture 😭
[Lap 3]: Fernando watching Seb and Rosberg fight for the lead with some popcorn
SEB’S IN THE LEEEEAD!!! For real this time, a v pretty move through 5 and 6
I did not notice the McLaren’s up to 7th and 8th. noice.
And Fernando takes P2 off Rosberg
[Lap 4]: ...or does he? They swap round just before turn 1
Ouch, Lewis is down in 11th
Meanwhile Seb is just driving off into the distance, moisturised and unbothered
[Lap 5]: And Alonso makes a better shot of overtaking Rosberg with DRS and takes P2
[Lap 6]: Oh my god Di Resta got past Rosberg... IN A FORCE INDIA
Team Silverstone is Team Silvertoneing
Pit lane updates with Ted: Jev not only had a puncture but also had floor damage, and van der Garde pitted with no nose, unsure if the two are linked. Truly taking midfield spice to a new level.
[Lap 7]: Seb watch: he has a 3 second lead bc #JustSebThings
aaaand Alonso has a DRS issue and it’s stuck open 😬
oh it’s not just stuck open, the flap is open at the completely wrong angle... Scuderia Ferrari, clowning since 2008
[Lap 8]: Presidential alert the McLaren’s are FIGHTING
...Alonso’s DRS is still broken. 
[Lap 9]: Webber and Grosjean pit
and Massa passes Rosberg into turn 1
somehow, Paul di Resta is in P2.
Oh Team Silverstone just love the Bahrain circuit huh?
[Lap 10]: Rosberg and Jenson
with a bit of debris almost flung into Jenson’s path for good measure
Seb’s lead now 5.8 seconds. we love to see it.
[Lap 11]: And he pits!
Oh my, di Resta is now leading the race. Opinions on him as a pundit aside we love to see the midfield winning.
...I could swear that was GP (Verstappen’s current race engineer) on Di Resta’a team radio. If true I will add that to my F1 fun facts list.
[Lap 12]: Anyway, Jenson passes Rosberg for P7!!!
Oh the replay of Seb’s lap 1 pass on Alonso 😍😍😍
[Lap 13]: Speaking of the midfield winning, Bottas in his Williams is in P5, though he’s yet to stop
Oh man, this Jenson, Massa, Grosjean and Perez battle is GREAT
I mean it is a small DRS chain but there are some moves of attempts at moves going on inside it
[Lap 15]: Seb passes Raikkonen for P1 as Di Resta pitted, turn 1 is become the place to be for overtakes
DRS intensifies
[Lap 16]: So despite dropping somewhat like a stone in the early laps, Rosberg is in P4 after the first round of stops (will become P3 once Raikkonen eventually pits) and Jenson is in P5 (!!!)
The 2013 McLaren was a dog of a car so P5 is an absolute win
[Lap 17]: And Raikkonen finally makes his first stop, the top 3 is Seb, Webber & Rosberg
Jenson now up to P4 you love to see it
[Lap 18]: Ferrari’s woes continue, Massa has a right rear puncture, as well as damage on his front wing with the incident with Sutil at the start.
Also pit lane updates with Ted, Jev had to retire bc his car was so damaged 😭
“Can we make sure Nico [Rosberg] stops moving under breaking” adfjvbhdfuka Jenson the snitch
also a rare team radio where Jenson didn’t sound like static
[Lap 19]: Jenson’s actually holding pace with Rosberg??? I know for sure that McLaren did not have any podiums in 2013... and yet I’m getting my hopes up
[Lap 20]: JENSON’S INTO P3!!!!!
jvbfajdsvhe the camera cut to the Merc pitwall
[Lap 21]: Seb’s lead over P2 (Webber) is now 14 seconds... bc #JustSebThings
Despite my earlier point, Seb driving off into the distance while the rest of the field squabbles behind him is a very good summary of the 2013 season tbh 😅
Lewis: “The rears have gone off, the balance is so poor” ah, the precursor to “Bono my tyres are gone” 
[Lap 22]: aaaand everyone do the pitstop shuffle *disco music plays over the circuit speakers*
I’m assuming this will be a 3 stop race for most people
Perez and Rosberg having some mild fisticuffs
and speaking of... Livery watch: McLaren’s chrome silver livery >>>> while I am a Black Merc apologist I would give an awful lot to see a chrome silver Merc livery, it would be so sexy
[Lap 24]: oh boy the McLaren’s are fighting again and Rosberg’s also getting involved
vadfjvbjd oh dear, Perez was trying to pass Rosberg with DRS down the main straight and Jenson decided to try and fit himself in-between them... FELLAS
Yes my beloved Jenson is a world champion but there is also not a single thought in his pretty little head
[Lap 26]: Seb makes his second stop, switches the mediums for the hards
Also going to make a point of how much I miss the Pirelli tyre rainbow and the different named compounds having different colours instead of the c1, c2 nonsense we have now
[Lap 27]: Di Resta and Grosjean squabbling over P2, which is a very wild sentence to type
and Jenson passes Perez for P6!
[Lap 28]: and Grosjean pits for mediums so he’ll likely be stopping again
Jenson and Perez are still squabbling
and a replay of Lewis getting into P10, he is not having a fun time
Pit lane updates from Ted: Metallica just wondered into the McLaren garage, much to Crofty’s delight
[Lap 29]: Jenson and Perez are still squabbling
[Lap 30]: Cut to Seb just to remind everyone he’s still there 😂
ahhhhh Jenson and Perez go side by side into turns 2 and 3
...and Perez lost a tiny bit of front wing as he touched the back of Jenson’s car
and all of this is over P5
Meanwhile Rosberg is watching off this unfold with some popcorn
On the one hand, it’s so good to see team mates be allowed to properly battle it out... on the other it’s stressful to watch
[Lap 32]: Man I didn’t even realise we were a way passed half-distance
sdvbsdv Jenson and Perez are still squabbling
oh dear lord they went side by side with Perez almost being forced off the track
Bahrain 2013 🤝 Bahrain 2014 teammates in silver cars with Mercedes engines having proper fisticuffs
[Lap 34]: Somehow, Raikkonen and Di Resta are still 2nd and 3rd
and Grosjean who passed Perez a few corners ago passes Jenson as well
oh and there’s Metallica in the McLaren garage
[Lap 35]: And Raikkonen pits, for what might be his second stop
as does Jenson for this third (?)
[Lap 36]: Lewis passes Perez for 6th, he’s yet to stop again
cut to happy Merc mechanics
[Lap 37]: Oh jeez Massa with another right rear puncture.
Ferrari’s not good, very bad, awful race
wow according to Ted the tyre failed in a completely different part to the first puncture, so that’s a fun fact
[Lap 38]: Meanwhile, Webber and Rosberg had their own little bit of fisticuffs
[Lap 39]: and Lewis pits for what I assume is his final stop
and Seb’s gap over Grosjean (P2) is almost 30 seconds... man
[Lap 40]: Perez and Alonso make their final stops
[Lap 41]: It’s very wild that despite all the feisty battles and trye failures and Jev is still the only DNF of this race and there hasn’t been a safety car
[Lap 43]: And Seb pits for his final stop, another set of hards
He comes out still in the lead bc he had such a massive gap over P2, and as Grosjean pitted right after
I... Di Resta is back into P3??? on merit???
Team Silverstone really are Team Silverstoneing
I could swear that Bahrain is one of their most successful tracks too like damn
[Lap 44]: Grosjean passes Webber, Rosberg passes Jenson, and Perez passes Alonso, all in sequence around turns 1-3
Lewis has managed to pull himself into the points after all the stops have played out, he’s in 8th behind Jenson
[Lap 45]: Rosberg makes his final stop, and Lewis glides pass Jenson for P6
oh that was Rosberg’s 4th stop apparently. Ouch.
Was James Vowles head of Merc strategy at this point? or were the 2013 Pirelli’s just a bit shit
[Lap 46]: I have also convinced myself that it is GP on Di Resta’s team radio dfvghabg
Jenson and Perez are once again squabbling. This must have been groundhog day for the Mclaren pit wall
Perez did get passed Jenson though, but in their squabble Alonso got past Jenson so he dropped places in about three corners
[Lap 47]: ...Jenson also makes a 4th stop.
Pirelli you can and will meet my fists
And Alonso, without DRS, passes Perez for P7
meanwhile Grosjean is catching Di Resta hand over fist on his new tyres
I didn’t meanting it in the starting grid summary but the Force India’s started from 5th and 6th so the position is legit on merit
[Lap 49]: The gap between Di Resta and Grosjean is just over 3 seconds with less than 10 laps left
Oh Pastor Maldonado, the grid is certainly a less chaotic place without you
Anyway, Lewis has been having a new lease of life in the second part of the race and is chasing down Webber for 5th
[Lap 50]: oof the gap between Di Resta and Grosjean is now 1.4 seconds.
[Lap 51]: and as they start the next lap make that 1.2
aaaand Lewis takes P5 at Turn 4 🥳
the Di Resta Grosjean gap is now 0.4 seconds
[Lap 52]: aaaand Grosjean takes P3 going into turn 1
Team Enstone also be Team Enstoneing
[Lap 53]: 5 Laps Remaining Klaxon
oh damn Webber got past Lewis and is back into 5th
[Lap 54]: Perez on Alonso squabbling 👀🍿
see now the spicy battle is fun bc Jenson isn’t involved
oof Perez did kind of push Alonso wide off the track though
[Lap 55]: and more spicy battles with Lewis and Webber for 5th, Lewis juuuust got past only for Webber to take P5 back
Meanwhile Seb set the fastest lap, unbothered, in his lane, flourishing
[Lap 56]: Webber and Lewis continue to scuffle
and Lewis takes P5!!!!
[Lap 57/Finish]: And Seb had such of a colossal gap that he’s already on the back straight
Raikkonen P2, Grosjean P3, Di Resta P4, Lewis P5, Perez P6, Webber P7, Alonso P8, Rosberg P9 (after starting on pole, ouch) and Jenson P10
WHEW! That was actually a pretty great race! Loads of on-track action despite Seb doing a Seb and just shooting off into the distance (domination is only sexy when Schumi, Seb and Lewis do it fyi). There was a sense that you didn’t have a concrete idea about who would round out the podium until the closing stages, which is always fun. Also seeing Lewis storm through the field in the second part was very fun, while the constant McLaren on McLaren violence was STRESSFUL and I never want to relive it again. 
Would def recommed watching though, next up - Spain!
0 notes
starcchild · 2 years
all for that sinday ask?
Not-as-spicy sinday asks.
What is your muse’s sexuality?
Is your muse sexually active?
in her main verse, yes, but outside of that verse it depends fkgjds
Where does your muse’s libido fall on the scale? 10 being hyper-sexual, 1 being the opposite.
I’d say maybe around 2 or 3? Carter normally has a low libido, but it actually tends to match her partner’s when she’s in a relationship! So since Silence’s Pietro has a high libido, Carter’s is pretty high as well sdfgjsdf
Do they like to listen to any music or are they more of a fan of silence during the act?
nah, she prefers silence! She’d rather hear her partner than any background noises
Is your muse a top, bottom, or a switch? Why?
mmm probably more of a bottom? But maybe switch on occasion, though really if her partner encourages her, ahah
Are they dominant or submissive?
oh, definitely submissive fsdgjhds - Carter could be encouraged to take control, but even then, she’d definitely lean more on her partner’s cues than taking full charge
What kind of underwear do they wear on the day-to-day?
eh, maybe hipster style? Nothing fancy or exciting, but something comfortable and something that can last for a while
Are they polite or do they have a dirty mouth?
definitely more polite fdsgjhsdgf - Carter doesn’t exactly have the personality to talk dirty lol, although she might be turned on by it? Though it’d. really depend on what’s being said since it’s a fine line for her
Do they get embarrassed easily when it comes to nsfw things? Or are they shameless?
oh she definitely gets embarrassed easily! But not because she’s immature about it, but just because she’s a very private person, and is easily flustered in general - it’s easier for her to talk about it when with her partner, though!
What kind of things are they into?
um... I’m not sure? She’s pretty vanilla tbh, and I feel like it’d be easier for me to list the things she’s not into versus the things she is dfjkghdf
Are they a virgin? When did they lose their virginity? If they haven’t, do you think they ever will? Are they waiting for someone special, or do they just not care?
she is not a virgin, and it was... idk, maybe ‘bout a year after she got with Pietro in her main verse? x’D Silence and I haven’t worked that out sfdjhgsdf, but it definitely took time for Carter to feel comfortable going that far in their relationship
though, I will say Carter finds the whole virginity thing to be ridiculous! It’s a concept she feels is nonsensical and more a societal belief versus an actual concept, and doesn’t really care about it in general, and is more focused on her own comfort, as well as the comfort of her partner
Would you consider them kinky or tame?
like I said, she’s pretty vanilla sdfgjhdsf - the kinkiest thing I can think of with her is her praise kink DFSJHGSD
Are they loud in bed or quiet? Talkative or more of a noise maker?
Carter can get loud sfdgjhgdsf - she tends to make noises instead of talking, though when she does speak, it’s usually saying her partner’s name, swearing, or encouraging them to continue whatever it is they’re doing. She can be quiet if necessary, but may need a reminder, ahah
Give us a random sinday headcanon or fact about your muse!
uhhhhh???? Neck kisses and calling her a good girl will always turn her on if her partner is looking to get her riled up, ahah, though I’ve probably mentioned that a few times before dsfhjgdfs
She does enjoy being in her partner’s lap! I don’t think I’ve said that? but if I have, my bad fsghdfs - I honestly don’t know what else to share x’D
0 notes
solitarelee · 3 years
Hey everyone! My final project for my English class requires me to ~remix~ and ~reformat~ my final paper, and since my final paper was on Tumblr, I’m fuckin’ making it a Tumblr post. You can tell it’s a Tumblr post bc I swore in the introduction. 
So, the gist of my paper was that Tumblr has a comparatively large disabled and chronically ill/chronic pain community, and because of that, it’s changed a lot of the ways people talk about these things both online and off. I used examples like spoonie culture, pain scales, image descriptions and subtitles, and trigger/content warnings. You guys already know all of this, because you’re on Tumblr, so I thought you’d maybe be more interested in something I found while researching FOR the paper. 
Did you know there’s a massive collection of academic papers about Tumblr? It’s called a tumblr book and it came out last year and it’s a massive 400-page collection of academic studies and papers about Tumblr. It’s really the ONLY sort of thing of its type and it’s a game changer IMO. You can read it online for free here. 
Tumblr media
[Image ID: a picture of the front page of a tumblr book: platform and cultures by Allison McCracken, Alexander Cho, Louisa Stein, and Indira Neill Hoch. End ID]
This thing is crazy, I can’t emphasize enough how great it is to see stuff I’ve personally seen happen over the last 12 years (yes I’ve been on Tumblr that long don’t @ me) discussed in academic journals. Published essays! Things I can cite in my papers and research!!! It’s hard to emphasize how great this. And check out some of the articles! 
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[Image ID: a page from a tumblr book’s table of contents. It reads:  Section 2. #Privacy and Ethics Chapter 9. Screaming into the Void: Reconceptualizing Privacy, the Personal, and the Public through the Perspectives of Young Tumblr Users by Julian Burton Chapter 10. The Challenges of Doing Qualitative Research on Tumblr: Experience and Advice from Three Scholars of Young People’s Tumblr Use by Akane Kanai, Crystal Abidin, and Matthew Hart Chapter 11. We Are More Than Footnotes: Black Women and Intellectual Theft by Aisha Mahmud Section 3. #NSFW Chapter 12. Walled Gardens, NSFW Niches, and Horizontality: A Conversation about Tumblr Porn with Susanna Paasonen and Noah Tsika Chapter 13. NSFW as an Intervention: The Case of Sexy Selfies on Tumblr by Katrin Tiidenberg Chapter 14. Fandom Surgery by Morgan Fisher Chapter 15. TumPorn Is Dead, Long Live TumPorn! by Shaka McGlotten Section 4. #Fandom Chapter 16. A Roundtable Discussion about the Cultures of Fandom on Tumblr with Flourish Klink, Rukmini Pande, Zina Hutton, and Lori Morimoto Chapter 17. Kitten Thinks of Nothing but Murder All Day: Tumblr Text Post Memes as Fandom Détournement by J. S. A. Lowe Chapter 18. Lesbian One Direction Fans Take Over Tumblr by Jessica Pruett Chapter 19. Ships, Fans, and #beatingthedistance: Queer Intimacy and the New Genre of Interactive Memoir on Tumblr by Annie Galvin. End ID] 
Seriously! Just LOOK at those titles. Given that it can be obtained for free (or bought if you’re feeling spicy), I think it’s definitely worth a romp, even if you only read a few papers that interest you. 
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mrs-barnes-library · 3 years
My Favorite Celebrities Fanfictions 🤵
Fluff : 🌺    Smut : 🔥    Angst : 😭    None : 🌲
If you like these characters don't hesitate to check the new arrivals, I update every day according to my readings.
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Chris Evans :
Husband 🌺
Kitchen Sex 🔥
Come On Over Baby 🔥
Are You Jealous 🔥
Your Mouth Down South 🔥
Pizza Rolls 🔥
Lingering Stares 🔥
Our Chance 🔥🌺
Sexting 🔥
Superman Vs. Captain America ( sister!reader ) 🌺
Sebastian Stan :
Just Him 🌺
Accidents Happen 🌺
Visitor 🌺
Baby Fever 🌺🔥
No Script 🌺🔥
The Interview 🌺
Dreadful Energy 🌺
Spending The Quarantin With Him Would Include 🌺🔥
Marry Me - Fisrt Day Jitters 🌺
Truth Be Told 🌺🔥
Spidey ( Holland!reader ) ( 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 ) 🌺
Husband 🌺🔥
Bagels And Bites 🌺
Team Work 🌺
Inappropriate Questions 🌺🔥
No Time To Die ( 1 ) 🌺
Brother’s Co-Star 🌺
The Way You Make Me Feel 🌺
Kiss 🌺
Dating Him Would Include 🌺
Let’s Get This Party Started 🌺
Distraction 🔥
Say It Back 🔥
Shameless 🔥
Just A Little While Longer Sweetheart 🔥
Jealousy Jealousy 🔥
Wanna Get back Together ? 🔥
Making Out 🔥 
C’mere 🔥
No Sex Allowed 🔥
What Did He Say ? 🔥
Flower & Sex 🔥
Trigger Words 🌲
Tom Hiddleston :
An Eventful Night 🌺
Night Walk 🌺
Husband 🌺
Make It Hard For Me 🔥
Dark Delights 🔥
Dressed As Loki 🔥
Unique Babysitter 🔥
On The Balcony 🔥
Tom Holland :
Welcome Home 🌺
Take My Hand 🌺
Being Mad At Him On Set 🌺😭
Evens 🔥
Behind The Door 🔥
Smut 🔥
You’re Different 🔥😭
Too Close 🔥🌺😭
Something New 🔥
Can’t Wait 🔥
Jealous 😭
Early Flights 🌲
A Great Father 🌲
Thomas Brodie Sangster :
Golden Rings 🌺
Blissfully Shocked 🌺
So Good 🔥
Pictures 🔥
Dylan O’Brien :
Jealous 🌺
Red Carpet 🌺
PDA 🌺🔥
Kissing In The Kitchen 🌺
I’ve Been Flirting With You For The Last Six Months, Thanks For Noticing 🌺
Happiest Place On Earth 🌺🔥
Sickness And Health 🌺
Another Round 🌺
Lounging 🌺
Maybe I Am 🌺
Sunburn Aftercare 🌺
Do You Know Who I Am ? 🌺🔥 ( 1 - 2 )
You Look Amazing  ( 1 - 2 ) 🌺
The Bathtub 🔥
I Always Want More 🔥
Blooper 🔥
Make Out Session 🔥
Misunderstood Smiles 🔥
Cuddles Can Wait 🔥
Night Of Loving You 🔥
It Been A While 🔥
Being Woken Up In A Spicy Way 🔥
Stop It 🔥
What Are You Doing ? 🔥
Dirty Text 🔥
Clubbing 🔥
Kayaking 🔥
Happy Anniversary 🔥
I Hate When You Turn Me On 🔥
I Need To Make Love To You Tonight 🔥
In The Middle Of The Night 🔥
I Know I'm Balls Deep Inside Of You Right Now... But Fuck, You Have No Idea How Bad I Want To Propose 🔥
Take Off Your Clothes 🔥
Behave 🔥
Stronger Than Wine 🔥
Say You Want Me And I’m Yours 🔥
The Jeep 🔥
Steamy Stary Night 🔥
Lady In... Orange 🔥
Role Play 🔥
Lap Dance 🔥
Joe Keery :
Good 🌺
Are You Flirting With Me ? 🌺
Andrew Garfield :
Rumors 🌺
Tastes So Good 🔥
The Sex Scene 🔥
Y/n’s here 🔥
We Were Not Eye F*cking - I Really Want To Kiss You 🔥
Opening Night 🔥
Only Need 10 🔥
Cute Parents 🔥
Inexperienced 🔥
Shawn Mendes :
Did You Hear That ? 🌲
Henry Cavill :
Superman Vs. Captain America 🌺
Robert Pattinson :
Let’s Go Vengeance 🌺
Temporary Annoyance 🌺
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