#maybe i should stop staying up late drawing this kinda stuff but eh
Warning once again: Suggestive
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Here. SQUIP ass for that one person asking for it (hi)
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
Prompt: ASL give Dadan a father's day card. (She threatens to kill them but she keeps the card)
hehehehe this is late BUT HERE WE GOOOOOO
bear hag tiger bandit dad mom
read on ao3 here
“Hey guys.” Ace started out of nowhere, as he and his brothers laid down, staring at the sky from their usual cliffside spot. “What even… is Dadan.”
A beat of quiet.
“A hag!” Luffy said delightedly, giggling as he rolled over to stare at Ace. “An ugly one! Or even a bear! Oh she’s a bear-hag! A bear-hag-tiger-bandit!” He then gasped dramatically, stars in his eyes. “DO YOU THINK SHE CAN HAVE CLAWS! AND FANGS!”
“No! Idiot!” Sabo thumped Luffy on the head without even moving from his position on his back. “Dadan isn’t a bear. Or a tiger. She is a hag though.” He nodded, as if he had made an excellent, proper point.
Ace groaned at his brothers. “No! I mean what even is she to like… us. Not anybody else.”
“What do you mean?” Sabo rolled over as well to look at Ace, who was staunchly refusing to look at anyone else and whose face was turning a brilliant shade of red.
“I mean… like she kinda watches over us right? Does that make her kinda like a parent?”
Sabo cocked his head to the side, thinking. “I mean… maybe? She does give us food and medicine sometimes.”
“NO! THAT’S NOT DADAN! THAT’S –“ Luffy was quickly cut off by a hit to the head from Sabo.
“The Mystery Doctor isn’t real, Luffy, its just Dadan in a shitty mustache.”
Luffy looked to the side disgruntled. “Hmph.”
“GUYS! Focus!” Ace finally rolled over to face his brothers, so now they were finally all looking at each other. “What is Dadan? A Parent? A Mom?”
“I never had a mom before! Or a dad! Is Dadan a dad? Or a mom?” Luffy chattered, jumping on the possibility.
“Neither have I. That’s why I’m wondering.” Ace ignored the latter half of Luffy’s comment. Sometimes it was better to allow him to ramble than to try to make sense of it all. “Sabo you had parents right? What were they like?”
“Well, duh. No shit. What else?” Ace prompted, Luffy finally having quieted about Dadan being a tiger-bear-dad-mom beside him, and both staring attentively at Sabo.
(Because, well. They were children who never really had a home beside each other. Dadan was the closest thing Ace ever got, Luffy never had more than spare moments when the bar wasn’t busy, and both never knew anyone that could have been called dad, or mom, or anything of the sort – no one who stayed that is.
Ace hated his dad, and loved his mom (and hated himself, for all that he did,) and Luffy simply didn’t think he had any parents to feel anything about.
Still, Ace wondered, and things that his brothers wondered about, Luffy wondered about.)
Sabo placed his hand on his chin as if to think better. “Well. If we’re figuring out what Dadan was closest to, my mom was kind of like… Eh. She just cared about appearances and looking pretty and shit like that.”
Luffy and Ace nodded as one. “That’s not Dadan.” Dadan might wear make-up and beads, but she was a mountain bandit who was never really seen by people other than her clan or her victims. She didn’t really care about stuff like that. Even if she did get pissed when they stole the lipstick she kept hidden in her back closet for war paint.
“And she cared about other kids more than me, and didn’t really bother me until I did something she or someone else didn’t like.”
“Definitely not Dadan.” Luffy and Ace nodded again. Dadan didn’t have any other kids and yelled at them all the time. (Though, that may be because they never did anything they were supposed to do. What did she expect? Chores were boring! )
“What about your dad? What was he like?” Ace prompted, tossing out the idea of ‘mom.’
“Shitty. He always yelled at me and called me names. He was mean about it though. Dadan just looks like she’s about to cry.” Sabo finished, still thinking hard. “I mean… my parents aren’t what everyone else says parents are like though? At least for the kids in Edge Town.”
“Yeah… dads are supposed to protect you right? And be big and strong? And leaders?” Ace questioned, bitterness tracing into his voice.
“And moms are suppose to like take care of you and bring you stuff! Like the Mystery Doc-“
“THAT’S JUST DADAN!” Both Ace and Sabo this time hit Luffy’s head, cutting him off.
“She just comes to check on us, then trips up all our traps! It’s not a Mystery Doctor! Just! Dadan!” Ace spit out.
Luffy whined as the three of them quieted, thinking over everything that they had just said.
Then, Sabo spoke the words that would seal Dadan’s fate.
“If Dadan is kind of like a dad…” She protected them, or tried to in her own way, and was the leader of the Dadan bandits. “And kind of like a mom…” She was the Mystery Doctor, as Luffy called it, and checked up on them while cursing them out in all sorts of nasty ways. “Then… is she a mom and a dad? Is that how that works?”
“Well. We only have one of her. She can be both.” Ace decided. Jungle life left no room for society to state who could or could not be what and… well…
Besides. Maybe mom’s were the protectors sometimes and the leaders, and maybe dads were the caretakers. Ace was pretty sure that could happen. Did happen. Roles were stupid anyway. Just do whatever the fuck you wanted. That’s how Ace and his brothers lived, anyway, how everyone should live.
“Why were you really asking Ace?”
Sabo knew him too well.
“Some of the kids in Edgetown were talking about how they were getting their dads’ shit for Father’s Day or something.”
And Ace wanted to know if he should be making something for anyone (or just wallow in the hatred he had for his dad.)
If he had anyone to make something for.
Luffy doesn’t even question why Ace was lurking around Edgetown kids without them, and sits up with stars in his eyes.
“SHUT UP!!”  Twin fist slammed into a rubber head as Ace and Sabo cut Luffy’s idea off.
Or maybe…
“Maybe he has a point.” Sabo hummed, thoughtfully, as they had all settled into the ground.
“Maybe we should make a card for Dadan.” Sabo rolled out of the way of Ace’s fist. “No! Think about it! We get to tell her thank you for all the shit she tries to do for us and maybe she’ll stop yelling at us so often!”
Luffy and Ace looked at him as if he were an idiot.
Sabo felt vaguely insulted.
“It’d be super funny to see her face when we give it to her too.”
Luffy and Ace looked at him as if he were a genius.
Now, there was only one question left.
“How the fuck do you make a card anyway?”
Dadan woke up peacefully that morning, which was an immediate cause for her to reach for her knife under the bed and spring into action.
She never woke up peacefully anymore. Not since those three brats had taken to crashing the hut in the morning. Either something was wrong, or those brats were playing with her.
She was going to get more gray hairs than Garp at this rate.
Quickly, she scanned her room for any oddities, any thing that would tip her off to whatever the fuck was going on this morning.
Dresser. Mirror. Weapons. Window. Card. Window. Wall. Wea- Wait.
Dadan stepped closer to the piece of folder thick paper, lying on her dresser, and peered at it closely.
Hapy Father’s Day! It read, in the misspelt handwriting of a child who had previously learned to write well then gave up. It was in black ink, fancy looking, with a smear along the exclamation point and drifting off into the side.
Around it was jungle trees in crayon and something that might have passed as Dadan, if not for the lack of face, and the only visual characteristics being orange curls and red beads and sharp teeth and a angry look.
She ignored the tears at the edge of her eyes and opened the card, knife set to the side.
Dear Dadan, the same handwriting as the front said, this time in dark blue, thickly pressed crayon. Hapy Father’s day. Thank you for taking care of us. Beside the note was a scribbled jolly roger, an S surrounded by crossbones as its signature. Besides that was another scribbly orange blob, this time marginally closer to looking like a person.
Beneath that, on the same page, was careful red print, again in crayon. The words were spaced out, as were the letters, as if the writer didn’t particularly know how many letters were in the word and was waiting for someone to tell them. It read Shitty Old Hag. Thank you for taking care of me. You are stupid but you are strong sometimes. Happy Fathers Day. – Ace
Besides that was some suspicious wet spots, hastily wiped away. ��Dadan dabbed her own eyes as to not add to them.
Ace’s artistry skills were slightly better than Sabo’s at least. His version of her was most definitely a person, apparently sitting atop of a bear. She laughed at that, a little.
Her eyes skimmed to the next page, where a monstrosity of black and orange was red was scribbled out. She was vaguely sure it was human. Vaguely. It might have been a bear.
The yellow crayon writing had been outlined in careful strokes by someone clearly not the original writer. DADAN, it seemed to screech, YOU ARE THE BEST BEAR HAG TIGER BANDIT MOM DAD. MOUNTAIN BANDITS SUCK BUT YOUR COOL. – FUTUR KING OF THE PIRATES
Then, on the opposite side of the drawing, in bright orange, LUFFY.
These stupid, stupid kids.
Dadan wasn’t crying. She wasn’t.
Oh how she loved these kids.
She turned the card around one last time, to the message on the back.
This handwriting, graceful and in black ink, was one she recognized. Makino.
Dear Dadan,
I hope this gift doesn’t insult you too bad, the boys were so excited to do it that I just had to help them with supplies! They really do love you, even if they don’t quite grasp the difference between mom and dad. They told me they just decided you could be both. Isn’t that great?
Thank you for being there for our boys Dadan! Happy Father’s Day.
Okay. Maybe Dadan was crying right now.
Oh, she hated the fact that she loved these boys.
“Luffy! Shut up!”
Oh, she was going to kill them.
Dadan turned to the window where a top hat, a straw hat, and a quite obvious head of black hair was peeking out over the window sill.
“BOYS!” She raged, setting the card down with care before running to the window.
“RUN!” Came the terrified call, followed by laughter and joy as three boys sprinted away into the woods.
Dadan debated following them, before deciding she would rather they not see her teary-eyed face.
She might not be the best parent, but she did alright at least. Enough to get a card on a holiday.
Dadan loved her boys.
She really did.
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withoneheadlight · 4 years
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Kinda want to make us happen (so stop smiling at me like that)
"Okay. What would you go for, then?"
"I don't know. Johansson, maybe? I like that one" says Steve, thoughtful, dropping down next to Billy, his back against the boiling side of the Camaro" Ooor-oh! Williamson! That one sounds good. Steve Williamson. What do you think?"
"Weird." Billy taps his cigarette butt with his thumb, blowing the ash, "I think it sounds weird. And I don't know why you want to change it, if all of those rhyme with the one you already have”
Steve rolls his eyes. The screams from the pool come gusty, like the wind that has risen from the east. The kids are already more than fifteen minutes late.
"Let's see. You try. I'm sure you'll have a knack for it"
Billy should get mad about his haughty tone, but what he feels instead is that tone describing a line that travels straight down from the hollow of his throat to just below his navel. The wind has extinguished his cigarette when he brings it to his lips. He throws it. Steals Steve's.
"I don't know" he hits a puff, pretends to ignore him "I like the one you have. Sounds good. Ha-rring-ton. HaaaarringTON ”
"You only like it because you use it to harass me"
Billy can't help but smile. Wide. Cheeky.
Billy shouldn't know about this last name thing. It's not like he and Steve have anything remotely close to that kind of familiarity. They are not friends or anything. Most of the time Billy only gets to see him like this, in passing. An almost daily coincidence. On days like today, waiting for the kids around a cigarette. On the days Steve stops by the gas station during Billy's shift to refuel the BMW. When he sees him in the distance, walking by, like those people you see only in the movies. Sunglasses on. White, pristine Nikes, a smile more expensive than all the money Billy will ever have in his hands. Million-dollar Steve Harrington, with his million-dollar smile. Completely unattainable for someone like Billy.
Because, that’s it, people like Steve Harrington happen to people like Billy Hargrove only in passing. And he knows, he knows, but he can't help but force those coincidences a little sometimes, push them into happening, like dropping by the Mall to fetch an ice cream on the Scoops –even if it really does have the best stuff in town–, accidentally catching a conversation ("Dingus. I vote for dingus. That’s your new last name" and "Thank you, Robin. I'm glad you're taking it so seriously" and "I take it seriously. Steve Dingus. Think about it"). And Billy is curious now. As he always is, inevitably, about all things regarding Steve Harrington.
"And why do you want to change it?"
 "I'm gonna-" Steve hesitates. Draws a long, curved line with his shoe, staining the tip with the dusty ocher dirt of the gravel "I'm gonna leave"
It's a curious thing. One moment it feels like there's plenty of air filling your lungs, and the next, you have nothing.
"From Hawkins?"
"Eh? No. No” Steve takes a deep breath, “Only from my parent’s house”
Billy doesn't know if when your heart skips a beat you can ever get it back, but if not, Steve Harrington owes him this one.
But he sounds cool, perfectly collected when he speaks again. A long, hard-learned ability.
"And the last name thing?" 
“My father– He's always saying this shit,” he sighs, makes his voice even more serious, rounds it in an exaggerated imitation of his father “This –You're not worthy to carry the Harrington name– shit. So."
Billy knows a lot about asshole fathers and never meeting impossible expectations. If he could, he would erase every trace of Neil off himself, even if he's not sure how much would be left after that.
He hands him the cigarette and Steve accepts it with a small smile.
 "It will cost me almost everything I have. But, you know, is worth it"
Billy frowns.
"Don't you have like, a shitload of money?" 
"Not if I leave" Steve shrugs, turns his head in the direction of the pool, throat working "If you leave casa Harrington, you leave casa Harrington for good. No car, no inheritance, no nothing. We’re not– in the best terms right now. My father and I" 
Billy wants to know about that too–he wants to know everything– but it seems like too much to ask. 
Steve's head lulls down. The wind picks up momentum over the curve of his back, ruffles his hair in a whirlpool. He puffs on the cigarette.
It's the closest Billy is ever going to get to his lips.
"Well, welcome then, to bottom of the bottom of the social scale.  I’m sure you’re gonna enjoy yourself down here, surrounded by the poor and the unprivileged “
He means it as a joke, but realizes he has screwed up the moment the words leave his lips. Steve’s face twists into something sad and ashamed and Billy is a fucking asshole that needs to stop and think before opening his big, stupid mouth.  
"I guess so," he says, lips pressed thin. And God, Billy is like a fucking elephant, stepping on every delicate thing. He should know better than making it worst.
Because is not as he can’t imagine the reason why Steve wants to get away from Robert Harrington. Why he needs to stop being someone so small under such a large shadow. Because Steve it’s not like that. It’s not some selfish and self-centered prick. Steve is caring and protective and so, so good.
And Billy is totally gone for him.
"You can have mine" he says, and immediately wants to smack himself in the head because though you were gonna start thinking before speaking, Hargrove. 
Steve looks at him, curious and a bit confused. Billy inhales. Deep.
"Can what?"
"My last name" he says, because Steve is looking at him intently, and there’s nothing he can do now "I hate it. You can have it if you want”
And Jesus, he feels so stupid right now. It’s like he can’t control his fucking mouth when he's around Steve, like he’s still seventeen and trying so hard to impress him.  Fishes inside his back pocket for the pack of cigarettes. He can see Steve’s smile growing in the corner of his eye.  And ok. That’s ok. Billy is a big-mouthed asshole. But Steve is smiling now, so ok.
At least he made it better.
"I don't think Steve Hargrove sounds very cool either, truth be told"
But it does. It does. And Billy is turning red, warmth spreading through his face, burning on the tips of his ears.
"It’s better than Johansson"
"That’s true" He does this thing he does sometimes, this thing of fixing his eyes on Billy and instantly looking away, elusive, and Billy's body tightens as if ready to hunt him down, thrumming with the blind impulse of reach after him. In this distance, he can see all the moles that dot his skin, delicate and beautiful, the long to touch them hurts at his fingertips.
"How are you going to do it?"
 “No fucking idea,” he shrugs. “I guess I can stay at Dustin's for a few days and try to come up with something from there. I don't really have anything planned. I just want–". He doesn't say it, like he’s not able to find the words. Like it’s less formed thought and more feeling.  But there’s no need because Billy knows them all. He has an interminable list of them. It starts with freedom, with independence, with never again.  He yelled them all at his father when he got away last year. Max is the only reason he hasn’t flown from Hawkins yet. 
Well, not the only reason. Just the only that’s not a fucking dream.
“No fucking idea” Steve repeats like an echo, huffs a laugh that comes out ragged. Nervous. Like he’s caught up in that thought. How are you gonna do it?.
And Billy is an adult now. Shouldn’t be losing his self-control around a boy like this anymore. Even if that boy is Steve Harrington. Should be able to stop his fucking mouth for fuck’s sake.
But he asks, anyway.
 "Wanna crash at my place?"
Steve’s brow furrows. Most days it ain’t easy to tell apart the color of his eyes, irises so dark they mix with the pupils, but the sun is sinking low now, golden light brightening them lighter, a soft shade of brown. Billy tries not to think about how impossible he is, how out of reach even like this, so close to him, side to side, their bodies brushing. 
"While you figure it out, I mean. Or, you know, I could use a roommate, share the rent, once you regain some money, I mean”
It's a stupid offer and he knows it, because people like Steve Harrington never really happen to people like Billy Hargrove, only like this, the luck to steal a few moments, a coincidence.
"Really?" Steve asks with something completely, disarmingly unexpected. Something like hope.
He gets up, looks at Billy like he’s trying to decipher something.
"No. Not really. Didn't you just hear me, Harrington?” He says, uses his best unrepentant asshole tone. Lights another cigarette “I'm wasn't by any means inviting you or something"
And Steve smiles smiles smiles. And Billy has never-ever wanted to kiss someone so much, and for so long, and be able to hold himself back.
"Jesus, Hargrove" Steve breathes out a laugh, and he's beaming, and Billy doesn't have the slightest idea how he managed to do that "Is there anything you are not willing to give me?"
And he’s kidding, of course he is, but the words hit like a blow, straight to his solar plexus and Billy is not fast enough, he wasn’t prepared. So when he lowers his head, he’s sure Steve has seen it all, right there in his eyes.
He lights the cigarette, fills his lungs till he feels them burning. 
"You take it or what?"
"I take it" he says. Low and soft like it is something intended only for Billy to hear "And, you’re right, by the way”
 “It sounds better the more I think about it"
   (This is how it goes:
Steve never gets to change it.
He moves in with Billy. Needs the money because (“No, no, no. You’re not gonna pay for all our food ¿You want me to die of embarrassment? Wait. Wait. Don’t answer that") so he postpones it because, there's no rush, really (“And you keep calling me HAAaarrrrington, so feels a bit like a waste”) it was one those in-the-heat-of-the-moment kind of decisions anyway so (“No. It was no childish. You’re an asshole. Ok, well. Yeah. That I can accept. It was not the most practical) it ends up on undefined hiatus.
And then they start joking about it. Billy calls him “Mr. Hargrove” (“Good morning, Mr. Hargrove” or “Wanna go to the movies tonight, Mr. Hargrove?” or “You forgot to do the dishes yesterday, Mr. Hargrove, that's five bucks to the forgotten-dishes jar, Mr. Hargrove”) and Steve uses his, when replies, in a fairly accurate impersonation (“You owe like, twenty dollars to that jar, Harrington. So you are not to speak”) and keeps on using it against him on a regular basis (“Gosh, Harrington, you're such softie. And think that you used to be such a hard-ass on High School” every time Max convinces him to take her shopping).
And, truth be told, Steve never hated it that much. Kind of loves it, now that his father hasn’t power over him anymore, now that it's Billy who uses it, rides the letters like a wave, HarrignTON, piling up the syllables like in a roller coaster. When he says,
“I’m glad you’re here with me, Harrington” falling asleep against his shoulder on the couch.
When he says,
“I miss you, Harrington. This is so boring without you” that time Steve took the kids on a camping trip for a whole week.
When he says,
“I can’t stop myself from kissing you anymore, Harrington. So this is your chance to step away”
They hyphenate, at the end.
There are a lot of Hs and Rs and Gs, that they share, and Steve wants them all.
They toss a coin in the air.
“Are you sure you haven’t cheated, pretty boy? You look too smug to not be lying”
“Why would I? But we can switch, if you want to”
“Nah, I think it sounds pretty good, actually” Billy says. Kisses him “Better the more I think about it”)
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 6th, Friday 00:54
„Well that was embaressing.“ Lucas mumbled into Jen’s neck flustered, finally having calmed down and stopped crying. The both couldn’t help but to giggle. Lucas sat up a little, as he got out of the hug, but grabbing Jens’s hands instead, while he looked at him through reddened puffy eyes. Still as pretty as always. Jens thought.
They had moved further onto the bed away from the edge, as Jens had nudged them towards the middle, in case they would sort of fall asleep like this. It left them sitting on his bed, only the lamp on the desk providing a warm glow, illuminating Lucas’s face in the most beautiful orange shades.
„How are you feeling?“ Jens asked, his thumb drawing small circles over the other boys wrist.
„So much, much better. I can’t believe I cried already two times infront of you this week.“ Lucas smiled lightly, never breaking their eye contact, as they studied each other. A comfortable tranquility fell over them. If only tomorrow would never come. 
Jens lifted his right hand, his fingers brushing strands of curls out of the boy’s face, tracing the outline down passed his ear and along his jaw, his eyes transfixed on his exploration, while Lucas stared at Jens in utter devotion.
This was all the same and yet so drifferent as he could feel the structure of bones in sharper angles and the skin being rougher under his fingers. His fingers stopped right as he reached the chin. His eyes searching for Lucas’s, who focused right back on Jens.
They stared at each other, the air heavy around them, as Jens couldn’t stop his eyes from glancing towards Lucas’s lips as he cupped the boy’s face and leaned in slightly, watching Lucas’s eyes widen by the realisation of Jen’s intention. They were so close, he could feel Lucas’s breath on his lips, when Jens hold himself back for a second, as he was aware that he felt scared. Scared of accidently using his vulnerability, as Lucas had just poured his heart out to Jens. A frail whisper escaped him.
„Can I kiss you?“ 
He felt 13 all over again, though back then Jens hadn’t asked the cute girl from french class whom he had shared his first kiss with. In fact he couldn’t really recall ever having asked specifically to kiss someone. But Jens was so fucking nervous and he didn’t wanted to ruin it by...by what really? Moving too fast?
Lucas swallowed heavy, with a nod faintly aware of the tension between them growing.
So when Jens closed the remaining distance between them, watching the boy’s eyes falling shut, feeling the soft lips of Lucas against his own, it send a shiver down his spine, and with it a desire to be closer. Apparently Lucas thought similarly as the boy’s hands found their way yet again taking hold of his shirt, pulling Jens towards him.
While his one hand remained grazing Lucas’s cheek, his other wandered down over the boys back, down til he reached the rim of his shirt, his fingers eager to get under the fabric to feel skin. It drew a moan from Lucas that made Jens deepen the kiss, his hand pushing under the shirt, quick to explore the bare back underneath in broad strokes, while dragging Lucas practically onto his lap. His tounge licked over the other boys lips, asking for more, and Lucas did follow suit. Jens could do this for hours. Just this. It was all he needed to be alive right now.
They broke the kiss, when Lucas gasped for air, earning him an amused smirk from Jens.
„We have to work on that, I guess. Takes an awfully long time of practise though.“ Jens teased, so he probably deserved the smack against his shoulder.
He wasn’t sure if he had expected a kiss with a boy to feel different from a girl, his mind had somehow assumed it to be. But he was proven wrong, at least in his opinion. To kiss Lucas felt outright amazing. It didn’t eliminate though his anxiety to go further than this. He was certain that that definitely would be something else. 
Besides Lucas seemed to tense up himself, now that they weren’t kissing any longer. So maybe it wasn’t the worst idea to postpone continuing this another night.
Jens leaned in one more time to peck a kiss on Lucas’s lips, he really couldn’t help himself, before nodding towards his backpack.
„You said something about having brought your own sleeping clothes this time?“ Lucas replied to his question with a silent smile, shaking his head. Perhaps Jens had remembered it incorrectly. „No?"
„Depends.“ Lucas now began to grin mischievously. „Do I get one of your shirts to sleep in? I always wanted to do that.“
Jens snorted, pushing Lucas playfully away, as he feighned an annoyed sigh and got up from his bed to walk over to his closet. How could he ever say no to this boy?
While he was at it, he also turned off the desk lamp and retrieved his phone from beneath some papers for school he had worked on until Lucas’s messages appeared on his insta.
Lucas meanwhile had gotten out of his clothes, and was just slipping into his dark blue sweats he had brought, when Jens cursed having now only the dim streetlamp, outside behind drawn curtains, throwing just enough light in to make out the hazy contour of Lucas’s bare chest.
„Hope this will do.“ Jens said, handing the shirt over to the boy eager to put it on. He was adorable, Jens found himself thinking, as he got into bed under the blanket. Last time they had two, his and one from his mothers room. He hadn’t considered it. Almost an apology on his lips, he was reminded that they had kissed not five minutes ago and that it probably was alright to assume they could share one blanket.
Thank god he hadn’t said anything.
Lucas slipped right next to him, unlocking his phone.
„I should probably set an alarm, so I won’t be late. I need to stop by my house to grab my stuff.“ 
„Don’t worry, my alarm is set to 6:30, should be early enough, right? You can secretly escape, when I’m waking Lotte for school.“ Jens explained, not thinking much of it. Lucas put his phone down, left it next to his pillow on the edge of the bed.
„Do you always wake your sister?“ Lucas asked into the dark. 
„Eh yes. Wake her up, get breakfast and her lunch box ready, get her ready and then drop her off at school. It is much easier when I’m actually going to school as well, as it is kinda on the way. Having online classes from home. I swear, I really have to fight my laziness to not just send her off and stay in bed instead.“
Lucas seemed to have recieved the answer he wanted, as he didn’t say anything else, instead he turned on his side towards Jens, shuffeling closer, kissing the shoulder of Jens that stuck out from under the blanket.
He turned as well, facing the boy in his bed. He kicked something off the bed with his foot.
„Shit I think that was the cake.“ 
The both of them laughing, Lucas almost pushed himself up to move towards the end of the bed, when Jens pulled him back down.
„Leave it, I’ll take care of it in the morning.“ He said and drew the blanket back over them again.
„Good night, Lu.“ Jens yawned. With them in bed in the dark, the weariness really weighted down on him.
„Good night.“ He heard Lucas whisper before being kissed again, feeling the boy pressing his body closer against Jens, as they settled into a comfortable position to sleep. Their legs tangled under the blanket, their foreheads leaning against each other.
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petertingle-yipyip · 6 years
Lotta Love - Fangs Fogarty
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//Requested by @slytherinqueenmer :  Can you do one with Fangs, where the reader is Archie's sister and they start to develop feelings for each other while Archie is in Canada and now that he is back they they are afraid to tell him?//
//Warnings: Language. I had a lot of fun writing this the first time. Pairings: Fangs x Andrews!Reader// 
//Part Two//
It felt like forever, not having Archie around. You knew he left to protect you. You knew he would’ve stayed if he could, but he saw no other way. He left you, your dad, Betty, and even Veronica behind. Even though Archie Andrews was a free man in Riverdale, he didn’t feel safe.
After you and your friends helped get Archie out of juvie, and after he was hiding out of the bunker, he came out different. You couldn’t blame him. Anyone would come out different if they had escaped a teenage fight club. But despite it all, you wanted to hate him for leaving even though you knew you couldn’t. His last words haunted you, everyday.
“I have to keep you safe, Y/N. You have to let me do this. I’m sorry I wasn’t better at this whole big brother thing. Guess I didn’t figure it out until now… I love you.”
But despite everything, being friends with Toni made things hurt less. Hanging out with her and her friends helped you feel less alone. You loved hanging out with Betty and Veronica but they just made you miss Archie even more. It wasn’t their fault and you all understood that fact, but seeing them made you remember your brother. So, until you could come to terms with what was happening, you had to keep your distance.
Toni and her southside friends welcomed you with open arms. You weren’t sure if it was part of Jughead’s influence or maybe Cheryl’s. Or maybe they just liked you as a person. Either way, you appreciated their company. You had hoped they could fill the empty space you had in your heart for family that Archie took with him, but it didn’t quite do the job.
“I still can’t believe Jones left us.” Sweet Pea muttered as the small group sat around the empty fire pit.
“We all know you’d do the same thing for Fangs and vice versa. He’s protecting his best friend. We can’t be mad at him for that.” Toni reasoned. “Speaking of Archie, how are you holding up, Y/N?”
“Little better everyday, I guess. Walking past his room isn’t at upsetting, same with his locker at school. And hearing people talk about him doesn’t make me wanna cry to yeah, making progress.” You shrugged nonchalantly. “It just sucks.. When we were growing up, Archie was always around. I’ve never been this kind of apart from my brother and it’s just kinda empty.”
It was far worse at home. Archie’s room was completely untouched. Everything was the way he left it. Neither you nor your dad could stomach to go in so you simply shut the door, thinking it would make the pain go away. It didn’t.
“He’ll come back..” Cheryl said softly. “Trust me, I know it’s not the same as me and JJ, but I promise it gets better. You just need someone to help remind you what it’s like to be happy again.” She squeezed Toni’s hand affectionately.
“Yeah, why are you still single, Little Andrews?” Sweet Pea asked, suddenly interested in your life. Sure, you and Sweet Pea were friends but not enough to really talk about your personal lives. Let alone ask questions with intent of a conversation behind them. “The Bulldogs are on you every day and you just wave them off.” 
“Huh?” You asked as the questioned registered in your mind. “Oh, uh, I don’t know. I guess I just haven’t been asked by the right guy.” You shrugged with a small smile, sneaking a glance at Fangs, who was distracted by the ring on his hand. “But I mean, I’m not the only single one in circle.” You stared pointedly to the boys.
“That’s right. Fangs, buddy. Where’s your lady love, hmm?” Cheryl asked teasingly. “Sweet Pea has his rollercoaster with Josie but at least it’s something. You however, are so lonely in that little corner.”
“Ha ha, Cheryl.” He rolled his eyes.
“You’ve got to have your eye on someone.” Toni urged, trying to squeeze a confession from him.
“And what if I do?” He teased as an answer.
“Serpent?” Sweet Pea asked eagerly.
“Not even close.” Fangs laughed.
You had to admit that Fangs had caught your attention since the Southside kids transferred to Riverdale High. He wasn’t as brooding and angry as Sweet Pea, but he wasn’t the outgoing and talkative personality that Toni was. He was the perfect balance of a Serpent and a regular kid. Not to mention he was beautiful.
“Hey, what if Y/N doesn’t want a Bulldog?” Toni realized suddenly.
“Who would?” Sweet Pea scoffed. “They’re all mangy and covered in fleas... Well, save for your brother, Little Andrews.”
You simply rolled your eyes with a small chuckle. Sweet Pea took any shot at the Bulldogs that he could. Old habits died hard, you supposed.
“I’m serious, Y/N... What about a Serpent?” Toni asked slowly, her voice hinting that she was asking for someone specific. “Maybe about five foot nine, dark hair...” She trailed off.
“I’m open to the possibility, sure. I mean, if girl-next-door Betty Cooper can survive dating the Serpent King, I can handle dating a Serpent... Should the opportunity present itself, that is.” You played along as if you didn’t know who she was talking about. You had no proof, but part of you hoped she was hinting at Fangs. “So long as they can get over the fact that my brother is an idiot.”
“Yeah, your idiot brother pulled a gun on then clocked me in the face.” Sweet Pea commented. “He’s lucky I didn’t-”
“Clearly, Pea isn’t over it.” Toni laughed.
The conversation shifted from your love life to school, to Serpent business, to Jughead, and then came to an end when Toni had to leave for her shift at the Wyrm. At that point, you thought it best you leave too. You didn’t want to be home alone since your dad would be working late on some blue prints he was creating. But at least you had Vegas.
“You’re leaving?” Fangs asked suddenly when you stood to gather your stuff, drawing a small smile from you.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I have to pick up dinner for myself and then get some homework done. My dad’s gonna be late so I don’t want to still be up when he gets back, y’know?”
“Did you need a- a ride or anything?” He offered, nodding to his bike. “Or, do you want one even if you don’t need it? Not that you- that you have to. Only if uh... if you want.. to...”
“As much as I would love that,” You smiled. “I can walk. A little cardio would do me some good. Besides, I’ve locked myself away a lot lately. Maybe it’s better if I take my time in the fresh air.. Stretch my legs and fill my lungs, all that good stuff.”
“Want one of us to walk you home at least?” Cheryl offered. “It’s getting a little dark to be out on your own, don’t you think? Despite what Archie believed, the Andrews family is not the Bat Family. Plus, you’re as much of a walking time bomb these days as Archie was before he vanished. Maybe it’s best if you’re not alone?”
“I’m not going to do anything stupid. But if you feel so obliged, I can’t tell you where to walk.” You winked in their direction before turning on your heel and heading home.
You were only a few feet away when you heard someone jog up to you. You glanced over and saw Fangs next to you.
“Hi.” You smiled when he looked down at you after a moment of walking in silence.
“Hey.” He replied with the same smile.
“So what made you decide to walk me home?” You asked, pointing in the direction you were walking. 
“Eh.” He shrugged. “A little cardio would do me some good.”
“Clever.” You nodded slightly.
“Where you going for dinner?” He asked, trying to keep conversation.
“Probably just grabs Pop’s.” You replied casually.
“By yourself?” He asked before shaking his head. “No, that’s not right. Go with me.”
“Wouldn’t you be going with me since I was already headed that way?” You asked teasingly.
“Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean.” He rolled his eyes with a small smile. “C’mon. My treat.”
“Your treat, huh?” You contemplated.
“My treat.” He confirmed, side stepping and turning on a dime to stand in front of you. You had to quickly stop your own steps to not run into him.
You stared at him for a moment, mildly admiring his features. You had to tilt your head back to meet his eyes, which held just a bit of mischief behind the excitement that was mixed with worry. Maybe this was the opportunity to see if you were really compatible with a Serpent over a Bulldog. So far, all signs pointed to yes.
“So, what do you say, Y/N?” He asked, breaking you from you daze.
“If you insist, Fogarty.” You sighed with a small smile. “Vanilla shake, no cherry. Double dipper sliders with a side of fries.” You said as you and Fangs walked to Pop’s.
You two took the corner booth after being welcomed by Pop. Fangs ordered for you, getting it exactly right before ordering for himself. It was interesting, being alone with Fangs. Normally, you would hang out with him when you hung out with everyone else. It was nice to be alone with him. You didn’t feel so alone with Fangs. Life wasn’t as empty.
“How tall are you?” You asked suddenly, thinking about what Cheryl and Toni had said earlier that day. “Asking for a friend..”
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Five eight, maybe five nine.”
“Nice.” You mumbled happily. “So why did you want to come with me? And not just here, like taking me home too.”
“Is it a crime to want to spend time with you?” He laughed a little.
“A crime, no. But I suppose it wouldn’t be your first.” You winked.
“Oh, aren’t you clever?” He joked.
“A little bit, yes. I am.” You beamed.
“I don’t get you, Y/N.” He said honestly. “You’re just the opposite of your brother.”
“Yeah, not everyone sees that.” You laughed a little. “A lot of the kids at school would call me Little Andrews growing up,  just like Sweet Pea did earlier. Everyone saw me as Archie’s little sister, and not Y/N Andrews. No matter what I did, everyone compared me to Arch. So I didn’t do sports in high school. I started doing Kevin’s theater productions and writing for the Blue and Gold.”
“Never would’ve pinned you as the theater type.” He said, pointing at you with a fry.
“Well yeah, no one does. But that’s what happens when you’re friend with Kevin. He can be very convincing.” You said with a slight chuckle.
“Y/N, hey.” Veronica said, approaching the table with Betty. “Oh, and Fangs. Hi.”
“Oh, hey girls.” You said with a welcoming smile. “What’s up?”
“We just wanted to see how you were doing, and if maybe you’d want to join us.” Betty answered.
“I’m okay, actually.” You nodded and looked over at Fangs, who was already looking at you. “As far as joining you goes… I’m good here, matter of fact. How about you girls come over to my place tomorrow and we can catch up?”
“Uh, okay. Yes, of course.” Veronica answered before slowly walking away with Betty, both of them glancing back at you before sitting in their own booth.
“You sure you don’t wanna go?” Fangs asked.
“Positive.” You nodded happily. “You’re the one who wanted me to go with you so leaving would be kind of a dick move, don’t you think? Besides, this wasn’t their treat.” You winked.
Once you two had finished eating, Fangs had elected to keep walking you home. He used the fact that it was dark as his excuse, saying that Riverdale isn’t the same anymore and you had to be careful. You two got to know each other more on your walk and it was rather calming. You felt happy, not just distracted like you’ve been in your recent misery. When you reached your porch, you asked Fangs if he’d like to go to Pop’s again next week, your treat. He happily agreed and that was the start of something truly great, something that did a lot of good for you.
You and Fangs turned once a week at Pop’s to twice a week. Then to every other day. Then it turned to going to your house after school, or you going with him to the Wyrm. You hadn’t realized that you two had begun holding hands, sitting next to each other, or being rather affectionate towards one another. It made sense that you asked him to be official after a couple weeks of it, and he didn’t hesitate.
For the next few weeks, you two kept your uphill climb. Fangs began spending the night at your house a few nights a week, with your dad’s blessing. You were his support system and he was yours. Suddenly, everything didn’t seem so hopeless. Birds chirped again. The wind wasn’t so cold. The sun was a little bit brighter. Your smile was a little bit wider.
Jughead came back after you began to normalize your new life without Archie. It sparked that hope in your chest again, but when he told you Archie wasn’t coming home, you deflated. Your dad was able to see Archie one last time and tell him goodbye. He even gave Vegas to Archie to look out for him. But upon Jughead’s return came a new set of problems to endure. You were seated towards the back with your boyfriend, listening to Jughead’s latest announcement. He called Cheryl and Toni to the front and demanded their jackets for breaking the new Serpent code. Fangs covered his face when he heard Cheryl drag him into the fuss.
“And in case you were wondering how we know, Fangs told Sweet Pea who told me.” Toni said in her defense.
“Who told me!” Cheryl interjected. 
“God, you just can’t keep your mouth shut, can you Blossom?” You said low enough to where she couldn’t hear but Fangs could. He chuckled slightly, dropping his head onto your shoulder.
“I’m fucked.” He sighed. Gently, you hooked an arm through his and held his hand. You squeezed it slightly, to show that everything would be alright.
“You’re asking for our jackets, shouldn’t you be asking for his as well?” Cheryl said confidently.
“Jug...” Betty said softly.
“You can’t be serious...” You muttered as Jughead turned around to face where you two were. 
“You’re right... Fangs, give me your jacket.” Jughead said, making eye contact with Cheryl again.
“Hey, what the hell, man?” Sweet Pea defended.
“It’s okay, Sweet Pea.” Fangs said, crossing the distance to stand next to Jones.
“Like hell it is!” You said loudly, hurrying to stand between your boyfriend and Jughead. “You can’t take his jacket, Jones.”
“Yes, he can.” FP clarified from behind you. “Stay out of it, Y/N.”
“No.” You shook your head. “Fangs isn’t the one on trial here. He shouldn’t have to suffer cause Cheryl can’t keep her damn mouth shut.”
“Oh please.” She laughed. “You latched onto Fangs the second he gave you a second look and you didn’t have your brother to hide behind. You were desperate for someone in your pathetic little life. I feel bad for Fangs, actually, since he’s stuck with you.”
“Oh yeah, cause you’re such a blessing?” You scoffed. “Toni, Fangs is practically your brother. How could you do this to him?” Your attention shifted. Toni’s eyes dropped.
“I am, actually. Glad someone around here other than T.T. finally noticed it.” Cheryl said with a cocky smile.
“Yeah, my life sucked for a while. It still does. But at least I’m not trying to take away anyone else’s happiness. Fangs and Toni have been Serpents their whole lives. This is their family. And you’ve had that jacket for what, a few months, so you think you have some sort of crown on your head? That you can’t be held accountable? God, Cheryl. Wake up and see the consequences your actions have on everyone else.”
“I know what my actions do.” She shrugged. “But do you? You’re not even a Serpent and you’re out here, yelling like what you say is going to make a difference?”
“Cheryl, Toni.” Jughead said, cutting off your next statement.
“We’ll go but we’re keeping our jackets.” Cheryl said, staring daggers towards you.
“Fine. But I need that egg back.” Jughead replied.
“Come again?”
“You gotta give me that damn egg, or Veronica won’t give us the protection contract.”
“Why the hell would I care? I’m not a Serpent anymore.” Cheryl laughed.
“Can you even say you were a Serpent?” You scoffed.
“You really wanna do this, you miserable little muppet?” She said calmly.
“Oh yeah, I do.  I have time today, Blossom. Because honestly, if you were really a Serpent or had the slightest respect for what being a Serpent really means, you would’ve been looking out for these people, this family. If you would stop looking down on everyone for a minute, you’d see how people are struggling here. Not everyone gets to go home to their four-poster bed like you and Toni do. If I could do something about this, I would in a heartbeat. But I guess if it doesn’t affect you, it doesn’t matter, right?” You ranted.
“Hey Andrews. We get it, alright? You’ve made your point.” Sweet Pea said, carefully approaching you. He gently pushed you back to stand closer to Fangs, who took your hand and continued to pull you towards him.
“No, I don’t think I have, Pea.” You said angrily. “Not until that pretentious, spoiled bitch realizes she’s wrong!” You shouted so you knew she would hear.
“Alright, Y/N.” Jughead patted your shoulder before facing Cheryl and Toni. “She’s right.” He addressed the now antsy crowd.
“I am?” You asked, taken by surprise. “I mean, of course I am.” You tried to recover.
“The Serpents are a family. And in unity there is strength... Cheryl, Toni. Bring me that egg and we’ll see about redemption.” Jones said before turning to you and Fangs. “Y/N, Fangs... You and I had a deal, right? No more dealing. And since you haven’t... Last chance. Use it wisely.” Jones turned to leave before adding one more comment over his shoulder. “And Y/N... Go home. There’s something you’re gonna wanna see for yourself waiting.”
“Thank you.” Fangs whispered to you, squeezing your hand slightly as he led you to his bike.
“Did you really think I was gonna let Blossom and Jones cheat you out of what’s yours?” You said quietly before he took off. “Not a chance in hell, Lover Boy.”
Once you got home, your house had a different aura. It seemed more like a home than it had before you left. Cautiously, you waked up the steps and through the front door. As you dropped your keys on the table and just before you could call out for your dad, you heard something clattering towards you.
“Vegas!” You exclaimed as your dog jumped on you. “Hi, boy! Hi! Who’s a good boy?! Vegas, where’s dad?”
Vegas barked once before leading you into the living room. Your dad sat on the couch with a surprise guest next to him.
“Oh my God. Archie?” You asked carefully, not sure if you were really seeing your brother. “Is this real?”
“Hey, Y/N/N.” He said with a smile, standing and opening his arms.
“Your hair, oh my god.” You laughed and you hugged him tightly. “Don’t ever leave me like that again, dumbass.” You mumbled against him.
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere.” He replied happily.
After Archie got back to school, him and Veronica picked up where they left off. You and Betty helped get him caught up and prepared for the SATs. You had made amends with Cheryl and Toni after your stand off about the jackets. They returned the egg and Jughead gave them the same last chance he gave Fangs. You and Fangs were better than ever. The only problem was that you hadn’t told Archie that you two were together. Well, it may not have been the only problem.
Helping your brother readjust was hard enough. School was pressuring him, threatening to hold him back a year. He bailed on his SATs, despite all his cramming. He hadn’t been able to face Mr. Lodge since he returned, even when he went to check on Veronica after he was shot.
You blamed Hiram for your brother leaving. You blamed Hiram for the grizzly attack. You knew he didn’t have bears that worked for him, but you blamed him for putting Archie in that situation. But just as Archie did, you separated Mr. Lodge’s vendetta and actions from his daughter, who was one of your closest friends.
Archie had stripped his room to the bare necessities and a punching bag. You imagined his cell in juvie must’ve had more than what he left in there. Your brother wasn’t the same, but it made sense that what he went through had changed him. You didn’t blame him. You knew he felt strange, maybe even out of place. His home was the same, but totally different all at once. Despite it, he was home. He was socializing. Maybe he would be okay after all.
“So, now that the worst part is over and I feel like I can finally breathe again, what I miss?” He asked everyone as you were huddled around a table at La Bonne Nuit. “Y/N, anything new?”
“Nothing much.” You shrugged. “Gargoyle king still running around. FP is the sheriff. Oh, attorney McCoy and Mr. Keller got married. Did I miss anything crucial?”
“Serpents work protection for Veronica and La Bonne Nuit.” Jughead answered as Sweet Pea gave you a knowing look.
It was obvious that he was hinting about you telling your brother about your new relationship. But you weren’t sure Fangs wanted to tell him either. Neither of you had talked about it, assuming you were both on the same page. So neither of you mentioned in front of Archie. And you tried not to show it either.
“Oh, and Y/N nearly started a war with Cheryl.” Toni laughed.
“I didn’t think it was fair!” You defended with a smile. “Okay Archie, tell me if I was right or wrong.”
“Oh, cause we’re going to trust his judgement.” Pea joked.
“Hey, it worked out for me so she was on to something.” Fangs replied with a smile on his face as he winked at you.
“Don’t get too worked up over there, Fogarty.” You laughed, pushing him slightly.
“You sure I didn’t miss anything?” Archie teased, raising his eyebrows expectantly at you.
“So what had happened was that Jughead put new rules in place. Toni, Cheryl, and Fangs had broken those rules, but they broke two different rules. He granted clemency to Fangs because they had discussed it and figured out their own thing. Sounds fine, right? Well when he went to punish Cheryl and Toni, they automatically threw him under the bus. I jumped in, saying you can’t drag the whole world down with you. And then her and I got into it and I may or may not have called her a pretentious, spoiled bitch...” You trailed off.
“And I called her a miserable little muppet, so all’s well that ends well.” Cheryl added.
“You’ve never been able to keep quiet when you feel cheated, Y/N.” Archie commented.
“You’re definitely not wrong.” You laughed.
You left La Bonne Nuit before Archie did, wanting to spend a little extra time with his girlfriend. Fangs offered to take you home, saying that it was too dark for you to walk. While you knew he was right, you also knew that wasn’t his sole motive. He pulled up to your house and parked, allowing you to hop off and return his helmet. He propped his bike on the kickstand so he could get off and lean against it instead.
“Should we tell him?” You asked as Fangs pulled you close to him. You stood between his legs, your arm hanging around him lazily and his hands on your hips. “I mean, he’s doing alright so maybe it’s a good time.”
Moments like this made you feel so lucky. You admired your boyfriend, his eyes shining in the moonlight. His cheeks were pink from the cold wind, his hair blown wild.
“Whatever you wanna do, Babe.” He said calmly. “But what if he doesn’t like me?”
“Is that a serious concern or are you just being an ass?” You smiled.
“I’m serious! What if he starts a fight?” Fangs asked, a smile tugging his lips. “I could take him, but that’s your brother.”
“Alright, Pretty Boy. Cool it.” You laughed. “I’m seriously worried about telling him.”
“There’s no reason to be, Beautiful.” He shrugged. “Archie’s a dumbass but he’s not stupid. He probably knows something’s up by now anyways.”
“Cause you want to be obvious!” You laughed. 
“Oh, I was the obvious one tonight?” He accused.
“Yes, you were!” You agreed. “Come inside?” You asked.
“And if Red comes home?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Then we’ll deal with that when it comes.” You shrugged, taking his hands in yours and pulling him as you walked backwards towards your front door, carefully maneuvering the steps. “I mean, he’s going to have to find out eventually. Especially if you plan on sticking around.”
“Oh, I’m in it for the long haul, Andrews.” He winked, opening the door for you as you turned to face the right way.
As you stepped inside, you were bombarded by Vegas. Casually, your dog greeted you before excitedly jumping on Fangs.
“Dad!” You called, laughing at your boyfriend playing with Vegas. “I’m home! Archie stayed a little later with Ronnie. He’ll probably be home soon.”
“Sounds good, Y/N/N! Hey, did you want any of this- Fangs, hey! I didn’t know you were coming by.” Your dad said, coming from the kitchen to greet your favorite Serpent.
“Yeah, just thought I’d make sure Y/N/N got in alright.” Fangs said with a shy smile as he used your childhood nickname that your dad always used.
“We had a deal!” You exclaimed in embarrassment as you smacked his chest lightly. “You’re not allowed you call me that.”
“Alright, I’m sorry!” He laughed, dodging your hand. “Babe, I’m sorry.” He kissed your forehead and slung an arm over your shoulders.
“You’re lucky you’re cute or else I’d kick your ass.” You smiled as you leaned into him.
“You could try, but I think I have the upper hand.” Fangs teased.
“Were you staying over, Fangs, or just dropping in?” You dad asked once your laughter had faded.
“No, just popped in for a minute.” Fangs nodded.
“Yeah, I’m still trying to figure out how I’m gonna tell Arch.” You explained. “Cause I want him to know, of course. I just don’t want to overload him.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that anymore.” You dad said and nodded to you. “Looks like you didn’t have to say anything..” You turned your head and saw your brother standing in the doorway with his jaw on the floor. Veronica was next to him, keeping a hand on his arm and maybe even holding him back. You couldn’t read the emotions in your brother’s eyes, and it made you think that all your worrying was justified.
“Oh jeez.” You sighed. “Arch, just chill out, yeah? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just kinda didn’t know how.”
“He’s gonna kill me, isn’t he?” Fangs said.
“He might try, yeah.” You answered with a small nod.
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Selftober Prompt 20
Accidental Kiss
The end gets a little mature just fyi.
It was a complete and utter accident.
It wasn’t even a good kiss, more of a clash of teeth than a real kiss. You’d been laughing at a joke he made, and turned to look at him just as he leaned past you to grab the bottle of mustard that Grillby had placed in front of you.
It had kind of hurt in fact, your lip felt pinched a bit.
That was all it was.
An accident.
A freak of an accident that would never occur again.
So then…why did you keep thinking about it? Even as accidental it was, the feeling of teeth against your lips still ghosted across your flesh. The blush on your cheeks kept returning over and over again whenever you thought about it, and your fingers kept brushing lightly over your lips as if that would bring the sensation back full force.
It had happened over a week ago, as well. Any lingering sensation should’ve faded and you should’ve been able to return back to the bar without feeling anxious about it. Yet, every time you thought about perhaps going there for dinner before the crowds flooded in…your chest would pound and you talked yourself out of it.
It wasn’t as if you went there that often anyways, Sans totally wouldn’t notice that you hadn’t shown up in a while. He wasn’t even that close of a friend, so he wouldn’t care either.
All lies you told yourself to make it easier for you to not go back to Grillby’s.
Then came the text from Sans.
Sans 9:38 PM: what’re ya up to? haven’t seen ya ‘round lately.
Your heart beat in your throat, and a blush darkened your cheeks as you instantly thought back to the accidental kiss. Shaking your head you insisted that he didn’t care nor would he even remember the tiny mishap. It was Sans you were talking about. You didn’t know how he did it, but every night you were at Grillby’s he’d always pick out a woman in the bar and as you were leaving he’d always switch over and practically have the woman swooning into his arms before you’d even gotten to the door.
Accidentally smooching you in the most awkward kiss of his lifetime probably didn’t even register in his mind anymore.
You exhaled and typed back. Joking it off so that he wouldn’t realize that you weren’t in the habit of forgetting stupid little smooches.
It was…not as much of an accident as you had thought.
Sans had purposefully indicated to Grillby to put the mustard in front of you, but he had originally wanted to just whisper in your ear some saucy words that would make you blush. He adored your blush, and the shy, flustered smile that always came with it as you struggled to find a way to respond  before you’d laugh it off and change the subject.
However, when you started to turn your head? Maybe Sans had shifted his head as well, not exactly to go for a kiss, but maybe to get close enough that he could say a cheeky one-liner and get you to blush again. Something stupid, cus he wasn’t the kind of guy that wanted to make the women he was attracted to feel uncomfortable. You liked the low-hanging fruit jokes, and he had plenty of them to make you smile and laugh.
The feeling of your soft lips against his teeth, though? Damn. It was like a drug that he craved. You’d gotten all flustered and apologized profusely which…isn’t what he wanted you to do at all. He felt bad about it, and apologized as well, cus you seemed actually upset by it.
So…fuck maybe you didn’t want to kiss him or do anything like that with him.
Was it because he was a monster? Was it because of his appearance? Cus he thought he was hot shit…but you didn’t seem the kinda gal that let her gaze linger on anyone long. Hell! He didn’t even know if you were into guys, let alone monsters! He could be barking up the wrong tree for all he knew. That anxiety started to creep in as he preened himself in front of the mirror for longer before going to Grillby’s.
Each day you weren’t there made his non-existant gut twist.
Sure, you weren’t the typical type of chick who would show up daily, hell he hardly saw you once a week, and that was if he was lucky. Still, after a week of not seeing your cute little blushing face, Sans pulled out his phone, placed it on the bar top, all while grumbling.
An hour passed before he finally texted you. When you didn’t respond back right away, Sans was grumbling to himself when Grillby lounged against the bar in front of him.
“Sad that your little kitten hasn’t come around to play, Sans?” Grillby taunted him, swirling some amber liquid in his cup and looking over at his long term friend patron over his glasses.  Sans huffed.
“tch, ya sure yer not projecting there, pal? she’s normally the one between the two of us who pays,” Sans pointed out, pointing his mustard toward Grillby with a smirk. Grillby’s own smirk didn’t fade, he shifted so he was leaning closer to Sans.
“Take some advice, Red, monster up. We both know you’re a coward when it comes to anything besides fighting or fucking,” Grillby tapped the bar and gave Sans a bigger smirk, “or I might try my hand at…’wooing’ your little friend.”
Sans’ smirk turned into a scowl, “fuck off. since when do you give a shit?”
Grillby straightened and shrugged his shoulders, “it’s not like it fucking matters in the long run. Either way you’re not a paying customer, get rejected or not and you’ll still come crawling in here day after day after day.”
“You really know how to boost a guys spirits,” Sans tapped his mustard bottle against the glass Grillby had left sitting on the bar top. Grillby gave a lopsided smirk before picking up the drink and saluting it towards Sans before downing it. His fire gave a whoosh as it brightened momentarily from the alcohol, before he pivoted and walked away to attend to other matters.
Sans sighed and rubbed at his temple before picking his phone back up.
You: 9:43 PM: eh nothing much
You: 9:43 PM: Why? Miss me that much already :P
If his SOUL lurched at seeing your text, he would never admit that. Instead, he gave the tiniest of smirks and responded.
Sans 9:59 PM: grillbz doesn’t appreciate my jokes like you do
Sans 10:00 PM: and what if I fuckin do?
You 10:03 PM: You have the lowest form of humor of course I find you hilarious
You 10:03 PM: Awww you misssssssssssssssssssssss me
You 10:04 PM: Are you drunk?
Sans 10:06 PM: nah, grillbz doesn’t let me hit the hard stuff till 10:30
You 10:06 PM: that’s what she said
Sans 10:10 PM: and you say my form of humor is the lowest
You 10:11 PM: I learn from the best
Sans 10:15 PM: you should come to grillbz
You 10:16 PM: Nah, gotta draw out our meetings so you miss me more
You 10:17 PM: Uh…plus it’s late and the club aspect is probably in full swing
Sans 10:43 PM: can I come over to yours then?
You 11:00 PM: Sure, I’ll send you my address.
You didn’t know what made you say yes, but a few minutes of waiting later and there was a knock on your door. Thankfully, Sans wasn’t drunk when you opened the door. If he was, you probably would’ve a) gotten his brother to come pick him up, b) closed the door on his face, or more likely c) gotten him onto your couch and made him drink a full glass of water and then went into your room for the night.
Instead, you shyly let him in. You had put your bra back on, but honestly? You hadn’t put too much thought into your clothing. You were wearing your pajama’s and had been playing your favourite video game when he had asked and you hadn’t really wanted to stop playing. So, a bra was all the effort you gave him.
His eye lights quickly checked you out before snorting, “ya dressed up for me, sweetcheeks?”
You blushed, but proudly grabbed the hem of your tank top and stretched it a bit so the nerdy reference could be viewed in it’s full glory. “I chose my favourite pajama tank just for you, you should be in awe.”
A chuckle, “yer a fucking nerd.”
“Takes one to know one, mister. Grillby told me one day that you watched Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with Papyrus before, so don’t you tell me that you’re not a nerd either,” you shot back and stuck your tongue out at him.
It was…so strange. Having him in your apartment. Yet, you weren’t tense and uncomfortable as you were when anyone else visited for the first time. You didn’t feel the need to apologize for the slight clutter, nor did you feel like he would judge you for anything in your apartment. He’d confessed that his room had a trash tornado in the corner, and you were not nearly that messy.
You invited him further into the apartment and got him some water, but also pulled out your mustard bottle. You didn’t know how much was in it but you held it out to him, and he accepted it with a thanks before squirting an unhealthy swig straight into his slightly parted teeth in which it disappeared into the void behind.
Without hesitation the two of you began to catch each other up on the last week, throw jokes, and overall just converse without feeling the pressure of needing to do anything a certain way. You ended up sitting on the couch with your feet on his lap, a blanket strewn over both of your legs, and watching him play a game on your console. It was getting close to twelve and your eyes were starting to droop.
You found yourself tearing your gaze away from the game to watch his face. The way his golden tooth shone even though the only light now was coming from the television. His eyes were fully focused on the game and there was a slight furrow to his face in concentration. He’d grumble swears when he wasn’t doing so hot, and then swear louder when he finally beat whatever he was working on getting through.
Why had you ever thought that a simple kiss would make things weird between the two of you?
His eye lights flickered over to you, and then he glanced at his phone sitting on the arm of the couch. “shit, sorry, dollface, didn’t mean ta keep ya up so late,” he said, patting your leg and placing the controller down. “i’ll get out of yer hair.”
You hummed sleepily, “you’re not bothering me, you can stay if you want.”
Sans hesitated, staring at you for a long time before slowly easing himself back into the couch. For a moment it looked like he wanted to say something, but then he simply grinned, patted your leg again and returned to his game. A while later, you yawned again and shifted trying to get even more comfortable on the couch. His eye lights shifted over to you.
“why dontcha cuddle up ta me? might be better than the arm rest thing,” he said gruffily, and looked back over to the television. You debated before shaking your head.
“Don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” you murmured, “already got my legs on you.”
A pause and then he smirked, “y’know, i’d like it if all of ya was on me, but i’ll take what i can get.”
A wink.
You snorted, “you big flirt. Bet you say that to all the ladies. Speaking of, why are you here with me instead of…you know, a real lady?”
Sans gave you a bemused look, “’real lady’?”
“You know, someone not wearing the same pajama’s she wore last night because she forgot to do laundry,” you gestured lazily at your shirt. “Those girls at Grillby’s you normally flirt it up with when I leave.”
“dollface, i’d prefer you in two day old pajama’s over a random lady at the bar anyday,” he said with an eye roll.
Your heart gave a little skip which you instantly shushed. All internally of course. Outwardly you just huffed out a laugh, “thanks for the pity-“
“ain’t pity, sweetheart,” Sans cut you off, giving you a very serious look. “i’m dead serious. do ya even realize how hot you look right now?”
Your face blushed, chuckled and looked away. “My hair is damp from a shower, and I’m wearing gross pajama’s. This isn’t ‘hot’, but thanks?”
Sans snorted, “yknow what i see? my fav girl relaxed as all hell, not giving a damn about how she looks with chips on her tits.”
You glanced down, and blushed more as you brushed off your chest from chip crumbs. Then you paused, “Fav girl?”
“fuckin’ duh,” he grumbled placing the controller to the side. “yer hot as fuck, got the cutest fucking blush, yer funny, smart, and when ya talk ‘boutcha favourite shit? ya get this cute ass smile on your face and you get so animated.”
You laughed lightly and sat up, bringing your legs from his lap. “Thanks, Sans.”
“and, yer lips have been on my mind for the past week,” he added, and you blushed even worse.
“I’m sorry!” you blurted out, covering your face, “It was an accident.”
Sans shifted closer and place a hand on your knee, you cracked your fingers slightly to look over at him. His eye lights were a bit bigger which surprised you. He looked like a cat that just got excited at seeing it’s favourite thing.
“if yer uncomfortable, lemme know, dollface and i’ll either leave or just back off,” he said, voice softer than normal but no less deep. You slowly lowered your hands and swallowed thickly.
“I’m…not uncomfortable, flustered yeah…but, not uncomfortable,” you mumbled, rubbing your hands up and down your calves quickly as if to disperse the nervous energy flowing through you. Was he going to kiss you? Or where was this going? Oh, you hadn’t been in a relationship in forever, you hadn’t been flirted with by anyone besides Sans in the longest time either.
“wanna redo on that kiss?” Sans asked, and your heart launched into your throat.
Holy shit.
Holy shit!
You nodded eagerly, and he chuckled. A deep rich sound that made you swoon a bit. He shifted his hand from your knee to the back of the couch as he shifted closer to you. His other hand reached over to carress your cheek for a moment before curling around to the base of your skull. You could hardly breathe as he leaned closer and pressed his teeth against your lips.
Your eyes fluttered closed and for a moment the two of you just…stayed like that.
Then your hands moved up to grip his jacket and pull him closer. It was like a dam broke. You felt the brush of his magical tongue against your lips, and then it was expertly exploring your mouth. A sense of desperation from both of you, like you both had been starved for years, exploded forth.
You quickly found yourself on your back, out of breath, with a jacketless Sans hovering over you. One of your legs was hooked around his hips, his hand was up your shirt and under your bra, and you both were panting heavily.
“Well,” you squeaked out, “That was…a hell of a second kiss.”
He chuckled awkwardly and withdrew his hand, “sorry for coping a feel.”
You shook your head, “s’okay…I didn’t mind.”
A pause.
Then your lips were back on his teeth, and his hands were back exploring your body.
Thank god for accidentally kisses.
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leviathan-says-hi · 5 years
Ask 21 / Tag 21
Answer 21 questions then tag 21 people you’d like to know a little better. Tagged by @fahrenflame Hope you're doing well! 😊
× Nickname ×
Levi, I guess? Not too many nicknames, most people think my actual name's bizarre enough and just go with that 😅
× Real name ×
× Zodiac ×
Pieces 🐳
× Height ×
Uhhhh...like 5.7"-5.8" ish??? Maybe???
× What time is it? ×
× Favorite musician ×
Marilyn Manson, Ghost, My Chemical Romance...idk honestly. I don't really listen to whole artists anymore, I just find random songs I like by all different people and throw them in a huge playlist, so most of my 'favourites' I literally know like 1 song by ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops. Individual songs I've been enjoying lately though are:
° Nightmares - Easy Life (hence the recent animation lol)
° The Bidding - Tally Hall
° Boys Will Be Bugs - Cavetown
° Carnal Carnival - Here Come The Mummies
× Favorite sports team ×
Ngh...not so much a sports person ngl, but my dad gave me his Oakland Raiders baseball jacket he had as a kid and I wear that a bunch so er...go Raiders?
× Other blogs ×
Oh god I have a whole bunch. I have the really bad habit of making a new one everytime I get wrapped up in something then kinda abandoning it...I'm probably most active on my Ghost one @cardinal-cornucopia
× Do I get asks? ×
Nah, not so much
× How many blogs do I follow? ×
Christ, like...4,000 I think. I've been here a while, what can I say 😅
× Any tumblr crushes? ×
Eh, more so admiration than crushes, but there's a few people who are pretty rad, yeah
× Lucky number ×
13! 6 is pretty chill too
× What am I wearing right now? ×
Having a slouchy day revising for uni stuff, so grey sweatpants and my Unus Annus shirt 👍 Comf
(Quick side note, imma be pretty busy until the start of February when the new semester kicks in / spring exams are over, so hopefully I can start back up drawing/animating then!)
× Dream vacation ×
Maybe a road trip? I'm not really one for travel but a long, chilled-out drive to nowhere sounds really good rn
× Dream car ×
Welp, my sucky health means I would be considered the biggest of liabilities on the road so was basically told it's not even worth getting my licence 😅 BUT teenage me was really into motorbikes and was actually saving for a Suzuki GN125 👌
× Favorite food ×
Probably mac n cheese? Any form of instant noodle/pasta that can be microwaved at 3am between assignments. University broke me, what can I say
× Drink of choice ×
Blue raspberry jolly rancher soda / Pink grapefruit Fanta / Vanilla coke are my sugary weaknesses, but I also really love weird tea flavours like strawberry cupcake green tea and pineapple with grapefruit!
× Languages ×
English...barely 😅 Tried learning Russian but got sick so had to stop. Brain don't work so good ✌️ Think I still rember the alphabet/1-10 though!
× Instruments ×
Okay, okay so like, hear me out...I play banjolele. Well? No. Enthusiastically? Very! For anyone who doesn't know it's like the ungodly amalgamation of a banjo and ukulele and I love it to death. I also have a full sized banjo and ukulele not smushed together too so I guess they count separately too? But yeah, banjolele's my main squeeze 🖤
× Celebrity crushes ×
× Random fact ×
I've got a few months of neuroscience left before I should get my psychology degree, and I've been (unofficially, shh!) invited to stay on and complete a masters degree in research methods! Whoo 🎉🎊✨ Sounds boring, I know, but my academic dream would be a PhD in evolutionary psychology/neuroscience soooo...Slowly, slowly doing the thing 👍
× Tagging ×
Been out of the loop for a while so no idea who's done this already or not, sorry!
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sandyferal · 5 years
The Vacation part 7
Not much but eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“What is this stuff?”
Bushroot looked up at Liquidator’s question.
It was late, and the two were now the only ones awake. A few hours after they had arrived back Quackerjack had finally pulled Megavolt to bed, leaving the two mutants awake on their own.
Liquidator was looking at himself curiously. One of his arms had been severely tinted green.
“It’s been this color ever since we visited the fountain,” Liquidator said.
“You mean ever since we robbed it.”
“Reggie, when it comes to us, there’s seldom a difference.” Bud let the green tinted arm drip off his body, then sprouted another limb in its place.
“Y’know, you might not want to let that stuff go,” Bushroot said. “It’s actually kind of valuable.”
Bud’s ears perked up. “It is?”
“Yeah,” Bushroot said. “I mean I was going to mention it at the fountain but I got interrupted! It said on one of the signs that there’s a rare breed of algae in that fountain that turns it that color. People used to think it had healing powers, part of the reason no one is supposed to touch the fountain.”
Bushroot could almost see the thoughts forming in the canine’s mind.
“Oh geez,” Bushroot said.
“Reggie, I think I have an idea!”
“I can see that.”
Bud grabbed the trench coat and hat that Bushroot had left on the floor earlier. “I’m going to head out for a bit, but I’ll be back before you know it!”
“Do you have to?”
Bud frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Y’know, we kinda got a good thing going here. No one knows we’re here, no one is looking for us, there’s no Negaduck,” Bushroot said. “Maybe we should just try to enjoy ourselves for a bit?”
“This is how I enjoy myself Reggie,” Bud said. “Do you just miss having a normal life Reginald?”
Bushroot sighed. “I wasn’t really trying to say that but I guess? It’s just, it’s our first day here and we already started doing all these little things. Can we just go a little while without doing some sort of petty crime or scheme?”
“I think when you’ve been a criminal for so long breaking the law just becomes a bit of a habit,” Bud said.
“Not for me.”
“Yes,” Bud said with a smirk. “You don’t have a habit of breaking the law, you just have a habit of breaking the laws of nature for your own personal gain. That’s completely different.”
“It is!” Bushroot said. “My experiments don’t hurt anyone… intentionally… I mean at least not people who don’t deserve-but that’s besides the point!”
“I get it Reggie,” Bud said. “But hey I promise that I won’t let this get too out of hand. Just one little scheme and then I guarantee that the Liquidator will be on his best behavior for a while!”
“Why do I somehow not believe you?” Bushroot sighed. “But go ahead, it’s not like I can stop you.”
“Listen I’ll be in disguise, no one will recognize me.” Liquidator planted a quick kiss on Bushroot’s cheek. “This won’t get in the way of you relaxing or my name isn’t Bud Flood!!”
With that, he left through the window.
Megavolt grumbled and rolled over.
“Hey Sparky!”
He felt himself being gently shaken for a few moments. Then he heard the creaking of springs. Suddenly the bed beneath him began to shake and before he knew what was happening he’d fallen onto the floor.
“Quackerjaaack!” Megavolt groaned, peeling himself off the floor. “You could’ve just turned on a light or something.”
“The lights are on plughead,” Quackerjack said. “You still wouldn’t wake up!”
Mumbling to himself, Megavolt opened his eyes to see Quackerjack was right. He couldn’t make anything out, but it was very bright. With his hands he began searching for the bedside drawer, only to have his eyewear slipped into his fingers by Quackerjack.
“Thanks,” he said absentmindedly as he placed them on his face.
“Y’know Sparky, it’s not fun for me either when I have to be the one to keep dragging you in and out of bed,” Quackerjack said.
“Then don’t,” Megavolt said.
“Well if I didn’t you’d be asleep all day!”
Megavolt yawned and stood. He made his way out of the room, Quackerjack following him closely.
“Well there’s other people here,” Megavolt said. “Why don’t you go bother Liqui or plant...head… ugh I can’t make good insults right now.”
“Well they’re both gone. Besides I always prefer bothering you.”
Megavolt smiled to himself. “I’m sure you do.” As he said this he walked over to the kitchen where there was a single fork lying on the empty counter. Taking it, he made his way over to a electrical socket, and stuck the fork in.
Immediately a surge of electricity shot through him. When it was over he stretched and shook himself out.
“Oh yeah!” Megavolt grinned. “That’s the good stuff!”
“Maybe I should get a taser and shock you every morning. I bet that’d be an easier way to wake you up,” Quackerjack said.
“Did we not get one?” Megavolt asked. “I thought we had something that one time?”
“We had a cattle prod and a joy buzzer,” Quackerjack said. He giggled. “But those weren’t exactly used for waking you up.”
“Oh yeah.” Megavolt looked around. Then something clicked in his brain. “Hey where are the others?”
“I just told you Sparky, they’re not here!” Quackerjack said. “They’ve both been outside for a while.”
“What are they doing?”
Bushroot watched the crowd of people surrounding the small stand from the shade of a nearby tree. If there was one thing he admired about his partner, it was his uncanny ability to draw people in.
“Only a thousand dollars a piece!” Liquidator’s voice rang out from across the street. “Quite a bargain for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”
“Wow, he really does love scamming people doesn’t he?”
Bushroot looked around and saw Megavolt approaching, with Quackerjack trailing alongside him.
“That’s an understatement,” Bushroot said. “He’s been at this for hours.”
“And you’ve just been watching him this whole time?” Megavolt asked.
“Yeah,” Bushroot said, not taking his eyes off the crowded stand. “He’s kinda fascinating. D-did you know, it only took him ten minutes to get a crowd of over forty people? It’s been three hours and the crowd has only gotten bigger. I don’t know how he does it.”
“Yeesh, you’re talking like it’s magic,” Quackerjack said, his face darker than usual. “I’ve seen it before. Guys who talk big draw in the crowds to buy their bullshit, while everyone starts to ignore the actually interesting ideas. It’s nothing special.”
“Yeah…” Megavolt looked at Quackerjack quizzically. “Well I wouldn’t have gone that much into it. But yeah, he’s just selling… what is he selling again?”
“The water from the fountain,” Bushroot said. “It’s worth a lot of money.”
“It is?” Quackerjack asked. “And you didn’t tell us?!”
“Oh I tried to, but you interrupted me!” Bushroot said.
“Hey, let's not point any fingers,” Quackerjack said. “But I can’t believe all those saps are paying a thousand dollars for water from a crummy old fountain.”
“Well it does contain Chlariaphyta, a very rare species of algae that’s known for being used in some forms of medicine. That’s probably why people thought the water had healing properties back in… in the…” Bushroot trailed off, realizing that he was overexplaining again. “Anyway, my point is that it’s-it’s actually kinda valuable for a good reason.”
“Right, well unless I was an aquatic plant enthusiast, I still wouldn’t think it’s worth that much for fountain water, algae or no algae,” Megavolt said.
“You wanna go somewhere else until waterboy gets done with his little sale, or are you going to keep staring at him for a few more hours?” Quackerjack asked.
“I think I’ll stay here for a bit. Just to make sure nothing goes wrong since it’s technically illegal to even touch the fountain, which makes it definitely illegal to sell the water,” Bushroot said. “Besides, I have to keep all these layers on to make sure no one recognizes me and the only thing keeping me from sweating to death is the shade of this tree.”
“Suit yourself!” Quackerjack said. Then he grabbed Magavolt’s arm and dragged him away.
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azariel888 · 6 years
A new year, new ambitions and new habits to learn...
2018 has been kind of a scary year for me and my family. Mom with her heart issues, Dad with his diabetes. Then of Course to end the year on a high note my Mom has a heart attack on Christmas!!! And then I’ve been struggling with my own issues....I have been officially diagnosed with PTSD and I’ll start seeing a therapist hopefully soon. And then my EDS has hit me recently hard and strong as it attacks my left ankle and now my hip.
I’ll put the rest under a cut!
So last night as I was waiting for the clock to hit midnight and welcome in the New Year I was thinking over what I wanted to be my resolution for 2019. What is something I want to improve about me?
Well the answer became rather simple and will encompass a lot of things! I want to learn to love and care for me. Sounds silly but it’s far from it.
Honestly for decades I’ve grown to dislike myself. High school on I just grew to dislike myself more and more. It got better for a time when I thought I’d found the love of my life....yeah that didn’t work out and after the divorce I sorta developed in my head a core thought that “Others don’t like me. Others don’t want me. No one cares....so why should I?” And I just sorta stopped caring. I didn’t not take care of myself, proper hygiene and all that but I didn’t do anything but the minimum.
I’m hungry so I’ll eat....doesn’t really matter what. Eh I feel off...ignore it or just take advil. And so on and so forth. Everything was minimal...I was surviving but not living and certainly not with a goal of living well.
So my New Year’s resolution is to learn to love and care for me. I’m going to learn what I need to make me healthy. I want to learn about good eating. Not dieting, fasting with a purpose to loose weight. Loosing weight would be nice but what does my body need in order to function well. What things should a eat more, what things should I avoid (aside from the stuff I’m allergic to) and what times are best for eating so I don’t eat too late and ultimately get sick...which is counter productive.
I want to become more physically active. I’m 37, only three years from 40 and I know my body has changed since I was a teen/young adult. I’m not as active and I work a job where I sit all day. I know I need to get more physically active to avoid my body growing weak and well rotting! So everyday for at least 30 minutes I’m going to DO SOMETHING. Today I went for a 45 minute walk and managed to walk a little over 5k. My hip and ankle really began to hurt so I had to stop sooner then I wanted but it is a start and I didn’t let the EDS or asthma stop me!
I want to do little things for me that makes me feel good about myself. At least once I week I’m doing something for me that makes me feel good. It may be giving a facial, buying a silly bath bomb and enjoying a soak. It may be just sitting down and drawing or going out for a drive up to the gorge and reveling in the beauty of nature.
I want to take time for me to make myself feel pretty....it sounds silly but seriously back in the day I’d get up two hours early just to clean up, do make up and dress cute....it made me feel good. Most days now I just brush my teeth, put on foundation and make sure clothes are clean before heading out or worse staying in and hiding. No I don’t need to doll up to feel good...but putting just a little more effort into me just might help me feel a little better about myself. I’m never going to be cute or beautiful....too old and scarred up for that but maybe when I look at my own reflection it won’t be instant “Wow I look like I’ve seen shit, lived through shit and just stopped giving a hoot”.
I am not a me, my, I person....but perhaps that is part of the problem. I kinda stopped caring about my self all together and in doing so kinda become more unhealthy then I need to be lol. I mean come on I’ve got not one but TWO auto immune diseases, severe allergies and a few other not so great health cards under my belt....maybe if I start taking care of me now I can start really living a better, healthier life.
Seeing my Mom with all her heart issues and finding out she is pre-diabetic and then then my Dad being diabetic and seeing the HUGE 180 he had to take in his life to manage it....well it’s an eye opener. And I’ll be prone to both on top of the stuff I already have. So maybe it I learn to take care of me or as my Mom put it “Learn to Love myself” I can avoid the heart issues and diabetes. Or should fate decide to throw such challenges my way perhaps be healthy enough to survive them and still live a good and full filling life with whatever time I have!
So that’s what is up! I’ll apologize now if I have stuff in my feed about stretches, exercise, nutrition and what not along with the more dorky kinds of things I normally post.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S1 Ep 40 PART 1/2: So Much Random Stuff Happens That It Requires Two Parts
Most of the time, Yugioh’s plot is delivered in nice, bizarre, bite-sized segments, offset by duels that I skip. But then, in this episode they decided “Hey, we should drop some plot. Like a lot of REALLY WACKY plot.”
And thus we have an episode with over 80 caps. So, this’ll be a two-parter! The other part will show up later. Like...when we finish it.
Also, despite the fact that this is probably one of the more important episodes of the season, it has quite some damage on the recording on Netflix. You’ll see that it isn’t really cropped right on the sides, and in some parts it’s got motion blur I couldn’t avoid. One day, Yugioh will get it’s Sailor Moon remaster, but this is not the day. Also, if they redubbed Yugioh, it would be an absolute tragedy, but that’s a different story.
TL;DR Forgive the massive amount of text in the upcoming recaps. There’s just so much they did and I uh...didn’t want this to end up being over 100 caps this episode alone.
So, lets get into it: The Yugi crew is looking for Pegasus.
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For some reason, Tea suddenly remembers what went down the night before and decides “I bet Pegasus is hiding in that spooky tower we don’t actually know how to get into because we climbed it with a grappling hook.”
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(Sometimes I get used to Yugi’s eyeliner and then they throw a shot like this at me and it’s like DAMN, Yugi, when did you have time to apply that stiletto heel to your face? Like most of the time I’m just put off by the awful hair and then the rest of the time I’m just really jealous of this emo boy’s wings.)
With that they suddenly remembered...the other stuff.
(read more under the cut)
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I like how Joey is just so incredibly fed up with magic at this point. Out of all of them, he seems to hate magic the very most although his best friend is a walking dark magic portal. Joey is just completely done, but unfortunately for Joey it turns out all the magic up to this point hasn’t even remotely been the amount of magic that this show is going to throw at us, because this entire episode is a bunch of wizards just screwing with each other.
I’ve mentioned before that it feels like the power players of Yugioh are kinda like Greek Gods where they just really can’t be bothered about 95% of the time--but when they are FINALLY bothered enough to move their own ass, they just kinda sweep the floor clean and leave me utterly baffled.
Anyways, Pegasus actually is in the spooky tower, to my disbelief, at this non-euclidean desk that doesn’t seem to exist in time and space.
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And then Kaiba wakes up in a cabbage-patch lookin jail cell. I would love to see more of his reaction to that but alas, this episode is not about Seto Kaiba.
Pegasus decided to make good on his word, mostly because Yugi is a cursed Pharaoh and he doesn’t want to see what happens if he doesn’t make his end of the bargain. To be quite honest, getting your mind scrambled would have probably been better than what did eventually happen to him in this episode.
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Seriously, did this guy ever sell a painting that wasn’t a card? His portfolio would just be one person. And they do say that you shouldn’t make your portfolio too many styles but, damn, you can’t just do one person, unless your going to work for one specific type of video game, in which case sure just draw that one space punk chick over and over it seems to work for you.
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Bakura decides to show up, and he’s very Bakura about it, introducing a new Bakura mechanic that I didn’t at all predict would ever be a thing.
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Bless this storyboarder.
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After showing off his weird tarot ability for no other good reason than to mess with Pegasus for a little bit, he decides to make me regret ever saying this necklace looked like it has five dicks.
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I am so sorry, I had no idea! I had no idea it would be shooting lasers! What the hell, show?? What genre am I even watching anymore??
Also this whole concept that at any point these items can just shoot anime lasers and start a...whatever this trope is called, is so bizarre to me. They CAN do this...but they prefer to use cards.
They CAN do this, at any point, but they prefer to trap the souls of you and your friends in a card so you must play even more cards.
Or they can shoot you with a laser and solve their problems that way.
But why would they? They can like...play cards and do tarot and read minds and make card monsters real so who would ever want to shoot freakin lasers!
I do appreciate that Pegasus’ laser is pink like the salmon I chose for his font.
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My bro argues that Pegasus probably sees just fine with the golden eyeball, but I feel like it can’t be the same, like a Spike Spiegal situation. It’s not like they ever tell us, anyway.
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Him being alive for centuries is just never brought up for the rest of the episode. It comes up here and then Bakura’s like “Woopsie! Change the subject!”
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Kid’s show!
As a kid an episode of the Rugrats freaked me the hell out--you know the one where Reptar becomes alive? I couldn’t take that one, it was terrifying. So maybe I’m not one to judge, because I was not a normal kid when it came to anxiety (in fact a legit phobia of dogs gave me pretty severe panic attacks on a weekly basis) but, it seems like Yugioh is a lot like brother’s Grimm because they are SO READY to cut off body parts, revive corpses, and overall gross me out, just to make a point.
Is it necessary? Eh.
But is it bizarre body horror we can stuff in this kid’s story? YES LETS DO IT.
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With the way they set this up it looked as if they were just going to have them show up in the nick of time or something, but instead the show was like “lol, these kids? You’re kidding, right?”
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He’s literally missing an eye and Croquet’s exact line was something like “he’s fallen ill.”
Also, I’m glad we got a cameo from Double-Spike Mohawk Mullet Man in this episode, giving Pegasus a fireman carry like a trooper.
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So, because they can’t not, and because Pegasus’ security is only effective at random times of the day (they must have a lot of smoke breaks or something) the four decide to raid Pegasus’ bedroom. Why would you ever want to do this to the guy who was ritually sacrificing people the night before!?
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Joey’s weird crushes on blondes that are...not in High School. Joey. Stop this. You are a child.
Anyways, Tea goes straight for the juicy stuff, because if there’s anything in this world that I would never ever want to read is a grown man’s journal filled with all his unfiltered thoughts.
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Then we’re welcomed into a Pegasus Flashback, because why not make a tragic past even more tragic? Anyways, it’s OK because anime food lives here.
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Bro called them gravity melons. I want to point out the party cups drawn from the side sitting on the round table we see from the top. Love it. Also realllllly love that guy with the mustache and glasses in the bottom right corner. There’s some good stuff here in this vaguely 80′s flashback.
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Anyway, she totally dies. The flashback goes through things we’ve been over before--they get married, she gets sick, she turns into a rose and then becomes a grave in a really poorly kept graveyard.
And so Pegasus turns to religion. Yes, you read that right, He decides, he wants to find a religion that will explain afterlife to him, and he’s like I might as well start with the oldest and work up, so he goes to Egypt.
Uh...OK. I mean if you’re just looking for a religion with an afterlife you could have chosen...almost any of them. You could have stayed in America and like gone to...anywhere but, the guy was like “Mummies, youknow?” and went to Egypt although Cecelia is already dead and buried so it’s not like he can do the mummy trick to her now. It’s a little LATE?
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My brother and I were so entranced by this bizarre hat, that we wanted to see if it’s ever been made real. AND IT HAS.
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We checked Amazon for cheaper listings, but only found trucker hats with the Square Mason symbol on it, and Illuminati trucker hats like this one.
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My brother wrote this note to them. I hope they read it and take it to heart.
Anyways, our newly found joy, held aloft by the discovery of perfect square brimmed hats was quickly sullied.
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His hat is a transformer. But a round to square kind.
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So in walks this guy. His name is Shadi. I’m telling you that right now because I want you to pay attention to how long it takes before we find out his name is Shadi. He is going to tell us his name at some point, and it’s very weird when it happens.
Pegasus doesn’t seem to realize it is not at all normal for a guy in modern Egypt to be walking around with this massive ankh on his chest (eh...you can’t see it in these pictures, but there’s a HUGE ankh just hanging around his neck) with earrings and pharaoh makeup. Pegasus is just that type of sheltered American. He’s like...well you look like someone from a movie so it must be legit. And that is how Pegasus decides to follow a guy who is clearly an ancient spooky wizard into an ancient death dungeon crypt.
I feel like Pegasus could have easily avoided this whole situation he got himself into.
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Shadi has a whole speech about how the eyeball has a lot of power, and that he’s got to protect it all yada yada--but at the same time Shadi is like “BUT I gotta make sure some people use it so a lot of terrible things happen. You’d think I’d just...leave this stuff in this crypt so it’ll never be a problem and the world will never be cursed with terrible dark magic that was sealed away for thousands of years, but...I’m gonna make it happen anyway...and it’s not my fault...”
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How many times has Shadi done this? It’s suggested that Pegasus is not the first.
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It’s pretty gross, and while it’s done in shadow (which was a nice visual allusion to Shadow Magic), it’s still pretty gruesome for a kids show. To happen twice in one episode of this kid’s show, haha.
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She calls him by his full name “Maxamillion” which made me realize he’s probably never shortened his name to “Max” in his entire life.
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I’m glad Pegasus making out with a ghost happened on screen. This is now the most romance we’ve seen in all of Yugioh. Good.
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So did Pegasus actually write the part where he made out with a vision, though?
I’m curious about how that process works. But, I don’t think we’ll ever find out.
Anyways, next time, on this very same episode of Yugioh:
Will Bakura stick this eyeball in he own eye or will he back out last minute and just hang it from his necklace and pretend it was there the whole time? Will Tea next read Pegasus’ food diary only to discover, in horror, that he drank upwards 60 liters of grape juice and far exceeded his daily calorie intake? Will security even realize these children have been snooping in all of Pegasus’ personal stuff for the past 30 minutes?
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Prompt from bullet anon(?): “ Prompt 152 for your favorite Hamilton ship? ”-          “ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. “
( what a relatable prompt )
A/N: I wouldn’t say this is my absolute favorite ( that title belongs to Marliza! ), but is my guilty pleasure ship. Heh.( BWAHAHA I IS A REBEL ) Maria’s texting name is Angelica’s contact name for Maria and vice versa, to show how much those suckers are in love.
Maria: 19, freelance artist who quit college, basically what you’d expect a full time artist to do on Tumblr
Angelica: 22, majoring in PoliSci and Journalism, interns under George Washington
3rd POV omniscient 
Warnings: nothing, at least this time, except for poor editing ( I'm too cheap for a beta :P)
Ping! Ping!
Angelica stared at her phone, watching text notifications blink across her screen in a rapid succession. She was waiting for a makeup tutorial on YouTube to load already, so she tapped on the notifications to see what Maria Lewis was sending her.
Maria <3: so ive been working on some art commissions
Maria <3: and this weird thing came to me
Maria <3: if mammals have hair and create milk
Maria <3: therefore
Maria <3: that means that the coconut in my kitchen
Maria <3: is a mammal
Maria <3: u get it right?
Even without any presence nearby to react to such a thing, Angelica let out an exasperated sigh and glared at her dimly-lit screen. Of course Maria was sending her weird shit at 1 am in the morning, because what sane person would? Although, she was heads-over-heels for the artistic girl, so she only half-joked about being irritated by the texting.
Angel the Angelic: y the heck r u sending me this
Angel the Angelic: also that’s not how it works
Angel the Angelic: besides, its super l8
Angel the Angelic: get to sleep so u can wake up 4 ur job
Maria <3: nah I don't have work today
Angel the Angelic: ugh can’t ur commissions wait 4 morning
Maria <3: it is an unspoken rule to never interrupt a writer or artist at work ;)
Angel the Angelic: k fine, but I'm sleeping now
Maria <3: gn then, or good morning actually
Angel the Angelic: please go to sleep
Angelica Schuyler barged into the living room of Maria Lewis’s apartment, with the latter wearing only underwear and an oversized hoodie. It hardly affected the taller woman much, since she was commonly seen in her apartment. After all, Angelica did have the spare keys.
However usual it was to have her in Maria’s place, Maria herself was becoming redder by the second as she was being caught wearing, well, not much. By her undying crush, Angelica Schuyler.
“ Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night, “ she said, plopping down on the couch after a day of working at her journalism/political science internship.
“ Eh, benefits of being a decent artist and not having to go through college. “
“ I don’t really get how you don’t stress out about not having a major. Lucky you, I suppose. “
“ College isn’t for everyone Angelica. “ Maria brought out some chai tea and granola bars that the older woman apparently was addicted to. Angelica studied Maria, making a show of flashing her eyes up and down. Feeling very numb inside from running around doing errands for the higher-ups all day, she spaced out and glared at the ceiling, attempting to count the amount of times the fan was spinning to distract herself from the fatigue and Maria’s body leaning on her side.
“ Hello? Ang? You want a bar or not? I’m gonna eat it if you don't want one...” Maria chuckled. Registering her words, she became a little crimson at the cute nickname and her teasing voice.
“ Oh no, you wouldn’t dare do that.”
“ Oh yes I would, just to spite you.” Growling, Angelica pounced on Maria, struggling to steal the beloved granola bar from her hand. She snickered, throwing the snack across the living room. During the process, Lewis had been pinned to the couch and was blushing furiously, although Angelica mistakened it for raucous laughter.
The normally serious woman sitting on Maria’s knees had crossed her arms, looking perpetually annoyed.
“ Ugh, now I have to get it. Thanks a lot Maria Lewis. “
“ You are very welcome my lady. “
Huffing, Angelica awkwardly scrambled off the younger girl to snatch the granola bar. She gazed at Maria’s face, which was red as a tomato. It was easy for her to read most people, but she was always confused by Maria
Maria was a fairly good actress, able to mask her emotions if needed, but never did around Angelica. Perhaps there was a chance that they mutually loved each other after all.
“ Well, while you enjoy your snack, I'll go back to working on my stuff. And tell me when you leave, ‘kay?” Angelica merely nodded, chewing through the granola bar while flipping through all the assignments from class. There was also a minor article from her internship, but it wasn't much. She contemplated staying over at Maria’s, since she was feeling too lazy to go to her shared apartment with her siblings.
After finishing her bar ( and went to the kitchen for more ), she was curious about what Maria was creating this time around. Angelica always loved looking at people's hard work, especially Maria’s. She was always quite amazed by the younger girl’s art.
“ Hey Maria! Uh, may I see what you are doing?” Angelica hollered, somewhat politely.
“ Actually, I'm just putting on some pants. Kind of indecent to not be wearing some when there's someone in your home, ya know?” Huh, that's pretty strange. She's been acting weirder and weirder, why would she refer to me as a stranger in the apartment?
“ Well, I would like to see what you’re drawing or painting or whatever. “
“ Eh, I’m the lineart pieces right now. And, you can come in now.”
Angelica stepped inside the only bedroom in the apartment, smiling to herself as she viewed the minimalist room, with the exception of the art desk that contained  an organized clutter of cabinets labeled with the specific kinds of supplies. There were two watercolors drying on the wall, and the desk itself contained some sketched papers and few of what Maria was currently working on.
The drawing tablet and laptop were sitting on her bed because of the little space on her work area. Angelica wanted to aid her artistic friend more, maybe upgrade the apartment or endorse her art so she could have better luxuries. Angelica knew better than to ask so; Maria Lewis was a proud girl and was used to striking it out on her own.
She placed her arms gently on Maria’s shoulders, loosely hugging her neck as Angelica perched her chin on her head. Her hair was oh-so-soft. She twirled a strand with her fingers, absentmindedly playing the curly hair as she peered at Maria’s hand sketching out a majestic griffin. 
Angelica sniffed her hair, taking in the intoxicating scent. She didn't notice how Maria had stopped drawing and stared deeply into the paper.
“ Hey Angelica? You're kinda distracting me a little, uh, are you sniffing my hair?” No response, solely because Angelica had leaned her body weight against Maria and was slowly drifting out of consciousness. 
Angelica mumbled something, most likely about the younger girl to continue drawing, but Maria was having none of that. If the Angelica Schuyler was tired from staying up real late and doing her college stuff, she would push her into the closest bed. Okay maybe that sounded weird.
The Schuyler observed Maria as the artist sighed, swept her papers and pencils aside and considerately made sure Angelica didn’t stumble onto the floor as Lewis stood up from her swivel chair. Maria gently dragged her over to her mess of blankets and pillows.
“ Honestly, you should take a nap. Or stay over for the night, you can't go anywhere if you’re gonna fall asleep standing up. Actually, whether you like it or not you’re sleeping over for the night. I’ll text your sisters. You’re probably asleep by now, I should stop rambling to myself.” Angelica was truly unconscious by now, surely. Maria half-ran to her living room to snag her phone.
During that time, Angelica had internally realized where her body was laying and  the simple smell of someone she recognized and loved dearly. She snapped her eyes open, mildly confused that she wasn't gazing over Maria’s shoulders.
She was actually relaxing in bed, Maria’s bed for the matter. A thin blanket covering most of her body. Its scent consisted of lavender and ink, an odd combination but nonetheless pleasing to Angelica’s nose.
Angelica squawked a little as Maria strolled back into the room and they stared each other awkwardly as she inched towards Angelica. The silence was practically sexual tension to any outsider had there been one there.
“ Would you want to sleep with me?” Angelica blurted out before cringing to herself. Way to creep out one of your best friends, Angelica.
The other looked just as surprised. Maria looked down at the floor as she slowly slipped into bed. In another impulsive movement, Angelica grabbed her arm and swiftly pulled her down, instinctively shifting around so Maria was comfortably settled on her side while facing her.
Both of them were glowing crimson, mere inches apart. Angelica was quite perplexed as to why she was feeling so ruffled by this. It wasn’t as if they had never made contact before. But those has been innocent hugs and cuddles during group sleepovers, perhaps watching sappy or horror movies.
Maria flipped over, desperate to not stare into those curious brown eyes. Her thoughts glazed over how it was impossible that the wonderful and confident Angelica Schuyler could possibly love her back. She nearly dismissed this situation as a thing that Angelica did when she was fatigued when a pair of arms warmly hugged her sides.
Holy shit is she actually cuddling me in my bed? What the hell is happening? Maria’’s face grew even redder, and had not gone unnoticed by Angelica who had very keen senses. Angelica used one hand to turn Maria’s head over.
“ Goodnight, and I love you too.” Coming to a decision that Maria indeed liked her back, based on her reactions, prompted Angelica to duck her head under Maria’s chin and lightly kissed her neck, her tongue poking through her teeth.
She smiled at Maria’s shock and sudden gasp before cuddling her even tighter, limbs wrapping Maria like a pillow. Angelica felt the tension on her fall before Maria calmed down, even pressing herself against Angelica a bit. Eventually, they peacefully slept fro the rest of the day and night.
For once, neither of them regretted staying up past one.
Hey there! This, as usual, got out of hand and I did not expect myself tone writing so much for this one. Hope you enjoyed this, leave a note or two, and send me requests! Rules on are on my bio. 
( you can find my fanfics under the crimson-writer tag )
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drawn-to-space · 7 years
It’s Raining Awkwardness
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G has been kicked out of his apartment, a couple of days before, due to the combination of him not being able to pay his bills, to get a good-paying job and the fact that humans were still pretty pissy about monsters. If you were in his shoes, you would probably consider this G's downfall. However, to him, it really wasn't that big of a deal. At first, he thought he'd just wander off random places and wait until he saved up enough money to actually be able to pay his next bills in his next apartment, basically live as a hobo for the time being. But, unfortunately, it started raining today, A LOT. So, he decided to take shelter in a random person's house by knocking on doors, maybe he could even stay there for a little bit until he manages to settle himself. Unfortunately, no luck so far, it was kind of inevitable, the city inhabited much more humans than monsters. Yumi on her end was watching the rain fall, relaxing by doodling random things on paper, as she usually does on rainy days. Suddenly, she hears the buzzing sound of her door. Who could this be at this hour? The buzzing is persistent, maybe even annoying.
"Alright, sheesh!" she shouts while descending the stairs.
"Yes, hel--! Holy--!" She didn't expect to meet a monster at this hour and this soaking wet. Let alone a skeleton, they're rare, after all. “Are you okay??” she asked the other. *... “N-nevermind... that was a stupid question.” she replied to herself, nervously. He had a cold stare the entire time, she could guess that he wasn't particularly happy about his situation, whatever that was. However, she didn't know that the cold stare was due to him stumbling upon a human... again... he was sure, he would be rejected again, however, he took a moment before deciding to take a chance again, making it quick this time. *...Look, I need a place to stay for a bit. he finally answered. “W-wait wha--? *I can cook, clean, watch your kids... whatever... for free, other than shelter. he continued, cutting her off. “H-hold on--!” she pleaded. *I don't need to stay for long if you don't want me to. he didn't stop talking. “H-hey!” she desperately wanted to say something. *I do have small jobs, so I can get out and give you some space if you don't want me arrou--. "I SAID, HOLD ON!!” she shouted as loud as she could to make him stop talking.
Ah yes, G was ready for this, humans are prone to get a bit aggressive, it probably didn't help that he was cutting her off. Having a less cold stare, he lifted his hands apologetically before actually apologizing. Unfortunately, his monotonous tone wouldn't convince anyone.
*I am so sorry, lady, to have angered you... I will leave no--.
Suddenly, he was yanked inside from his coat's collar by Yumi. She was very frustrated by this skeletal monster not listening to her for even a second. She let out a weird noise, signifying her annoyance and lack of patience for this strange man. She was going to accept, dammit! Why couldn't he just shut the hell up for more than one second so she could respond? Fucking hell. G, on the other hand, was shocked by this sudden action. I mean, who wouldn't?
After hearing the screeching of the water boiler, Yumi proceeds to take two mugs, pour the boiling water in them and some tea leaves she had dried a while ago. 
The entire time that the water was boiling, G has stayed awkwardly silent. Yumi was clearly uncomfortable, I mean, who wouldn’t he didn’t even say a word when she told him that she had no problem with him staying for a while. Well, he did show surprise when she didn’t need a reason wy he needed a place to stay. His immediate thought was that this woman was crazy. Sure, he was a trustworthy guy, but he didn’t look trustworthy and he didn’t even have the time to seem trustworthy to her. Or, at least, he doesn’t think so. 
“Here you go.” she says, giving him a mug and a warm smile. *Oh. Thanks. he replies, almost startled.
The mug was labeled “Best Sis”, it was given by her twin brother, Yoru.
“So... what’s your name?” she finally asks. *... “G”. But, you can call me whatever you like. he answers coldly. “Well... I’m Yumi Kizui. And I’m gonna call you ‘Gilbert’.” she giggles.
He quickly changed his emotionless expression to a mix of confusion and cringe. She was about to laugh it off but his face was so off-putting that she regretted making a joke like that. I mean, he did say “whatever you want”.
*Why...? “It was a joke!” she shouts awkwardly.
Geez, she tried to make the atmosphere less awkward but it seems like, not only was it more difficult than she thought but, it made things worse.
“A-anyway... the bathroom is in the corridor, first door on your right if you want to wash the rain off. You might catch a--”
She cut herself. Hold on, this is a monster, Yumi.
“Wait, can monsters even catch a cold?? Do skeletons even use human soap!?” she asks loudly, thinking out loud, a bit in a panic. *Sort of...? And... yes? he answers, clearly confused. “O-oh um... okay. Sorry for the sudden outburst.” she chuckles awkwardly. *It’s... fine?? he gave a confused smile
She really didn’t mean to say that out loud, she has the tendency to do that due to her being used to being alone. Of course, she could sense how much G was weirded out by her, this made her even more embarrassed. However, G didn’t actually mind too much, despite his discomfort, she did seem like a genuinely kind person, at least.
After another session of awkward silence, G finishes his tea and immediately heads towards the bathroom. After a few minutes of trying to figure out Yumi’s strange shower’s function, G gives up and decides to ask for help.
*Yumi! How the hell do you turn on the shower!? “Alright, I’m coming.” she says, getting up from the sofa.
She heads towards the bathroom and opens the door to instruct him that it was really easy to use. I mean, all you had to do was pull the lever upwards.
“You just need to--” *Uh--
Immediately after opening it, she closes it within a fraction of a second, as soon as she realized that G was not clothed... like, at all. 
“S-s-sorry! I-I forgot to ask!” she shouts, hiding behind the shut door and completely red. *I-it’s fine...
Sure it was still a bit embarrassing to have someone walk in while you are naked but when you’re not that type of skeleton, you don’t have that kinda stuff to hide. 
After that entire shenanigan happened and G was showered, Yumi had just finished preparing some dinner for the both of them. She was still a bit embarrassed about earlier, but she tried to hide it the most she could. G, on the other hand, has gotten over it pretty quickly.
“U-um, hey, I made some mac ‘n’ cheese. Sorry if it tastes a bit... weird. I’m not very good at cooking.” she chuckles slightly awkwardly. *No, that’s-- wait... You know I can’t eat human food, right? “Oh, that’s not a problem. I-I’m a... a wizard?”  *You mean...? “Yeah! I can use magic. I mean... I-I’m not very good at it but... I can cook.” she smiles unconfidently.
*Huh... interesting. “I mean... I guess? Since they’re rare and all.” she chuckles a bit.
Well, that’s convenient for him, things will be a lot less complicated. How the hell was this man so lucky when things are going pretty badly for him, right now? Well, nonsensical or not, it was pretty ironic.
“A-anyway, we should eat. It’s getting kinda late, now.” *Oh. Right. he snaps out of his thoughts.
They both sit down and start eating silently. As the atmosphere dense, G cuts it off by seemingly having more questions about Yumi’s “wizardry. Not that he didn’t believe her.
*So... what magic do you use, anyway? he asks, taking a bite. “Oh! Um... I kinda just... draw things? With my hand? And they sort of turn real? Sorry, it’s kinda... hard to explain.” she smiles nervously. *... Do you mind showing me instead? he tilts his head curiously, pointing his fork at her. “I mean, I would but... I-I can’t... control it very well.” she taps her fork on her plate. *Oh? I could train you if you want. “Seriously??”
Suddenly, her unconfident attitude was replaced by this very enthusiastic and an almost child-like excited expression. It was almost too sudden as it caught him off guard. He almost found it cute, but he blocked off the thought almost immediately. He didn’t really want to get close to her, he wasn’t planning on staying long, after all. However, he couldn’t even hold in a light chuckle.
*Sure. It’s the least I can do... I guess. he smiles, shrugging. “Ah, but... I dunno. I don’t really use my magic that often.” she thinks, putting her index on her chin. *Whatever, you feel like. he shrugs a bit more coldly. “I’ll... think about it.” she smiles awkwardly. *That’s fine by me.
She doesn’t know why, but the cold way G was acting bothered Yumi. I mean, she knows that it’s normal, so why make it even more uneasy to yourself? She has no idea but, it was so weird that one second he seemed like a cool guy and the other he a cold ass-ish guy. Either way, they continue the rest of their meal in silence. Well... until G abruptly restarts another conversation.
*By the way--
Yumi jolts and almost let’s out a curse because of how mortified she was by his sudden dialogue continuation. Noticing this, G feels a bit awkward, he didn’t mean to scare her that much. Or at all, actually.
*U-uh... sorry. I just wanted to know where I was sleeping. he smiles awkwardly. “O-oh! U-u-ummm... oh, right. I have a sofa-bed that you can sleep in the living room with. S-sorry. she smiles nervously. *Eh... It’s good enough. he smiles, shrugging. “Do you, um... want me to install it now?” she asks nervously. *Yeah. Sure. he replies nonchalantly. “... O-okay.”
Jesus Christ, why is this so fucking awkward??
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reliquiaenfr · 6 years
slam DUNKS questions at ur lore like uhhhhh.,, 1, 10, 11, 15, 22, 31, 38?
and the crowd goes WILD! thanks man! ♥ questions here. under a read more bc there’s a lot
Write from the perspective of an outsider ofyour lair, what is their first impression? How have they discovered this group?How are they greeted?
i have actually written a short story from the perspective of an outsider to the clan! you can read it here. i actually love writing from the pov of a guest bc there’s so much creepy stuff that goes on in the lair that the residents are like ‘eh w/e that’s just another tuesday’ about lol. just for you epher:
Something had guided his wings around to the west. Despite being sure he could see a canyon snaking through the red rock below, he circled around the grassy plainlands and thickly treed flats towards the strait in the north. He couldn’t explain why to himself even as he did so, and he won’t be able to explain why to anyone who ever asks him (not even the lair’s residents), but a tingle runs down his spine when he descends towards the treetops so he skims them rather than trying to find a place to land.
And he finds a cove. The canyon spits sand and rivers out from beneath the trees and into the ocean and here there are docks bustling with activity. The tingling eases and he drops lower before tucking his wings to his sides and landing on the loose sand with a puff.
At first he is met only by the wary stares of beastfolk as they trot along the docks and pack crates onto their slender skiffs. Then a dragon spots him. The Imperial is huge and blue and almost impossible to look at, shimmering in the sunlight as if she can’t properly be perceived by regular sight.
She is polite and cheerful and touches her heart with her hand when she greets him, a smiling dragon (he assumes, anyway, he can hear the smile in her voice but it’s hard to see when she’s so luminescent). She shows him along the beachfront, pointing out clan members and explaining their purpose. A guard is always along the docks - to keep fights from happening between guests, she tells him, but the look in her eye suggests something else. There are merchants to trade with, should he feel so inclined; her son among them. But when the little Nocturne speaks it’s with a lilt and a smile and a turn of phrase that make his hackles rise without even looking at the wares. She points out the Assembly, in case he has something he wants to take up with the clan’s leadership. And eventually they make it to the Lodge, a place for guests to stay - for a small fee - and run by a bright little light spirit the Imperial introduces as Passage.
As she turns to leave him to settle in, however, she imparts one last piece of information - advice, even - and the gravity in her voice sends his stomach plunging to his feet.
“Do not leave the docks.” Those are all her words, no explanation is given. But he shivers all the same.
And when the sun begins to set a faint mist rises around the Lodge, a soft song can be heard over the waves in the cove, a strange tug pulls at his ribs to draw him into the woods. Resisting the whispers is the hardest thing he has ever done. But he thinks, perhaps, to give in is to surrender one’s life to this place.
Are there any customs aroundhatching? Who is present? Is their any members who specialize in the care ofeggs or hatchlings? Are eggs ever hatched too early?
one parent is almost always present, but if not that’s okay too! the eggs are kept in an open sided series of rooms carved into the sides of one of the great big spires of rock that grow out of the canyon’s floor. it’s within the bounds of the lair’s magic so most outsiders will never see it. the lair is tended predominantly by inerri, but with help from select others including a collection of beastfolk who also use the spire to lay eggs/give birth when necessary. the nesting spire also doubles as the place where youngsters get their first education (dispensed by inerri, pencil, helix and anthelion).
there aren’t really that many eggs in the clan very often so when there are great care is taken to ensure they are tended properly. this often means making sure they are incubated to proper term. but yeah ofc sometimes an egg hatches early, some hatch late too.
Are there any gestures present? Similar to ourwaves, nods, etc 
i assume this means gestures specific to the clan? bc i haven’t really thought about that much haha. there is a gesture used to signal respect where the first two fingers of a hand are touched to head or heart. it can be used when greeting dignitaries too, crossfire and seven do it a lot as representatives.
there’s also a little tail swish like okay. i use it a lot in my writing anyway where a dragon might use their tail to gently brush the tail of someone important to them - usually a mate - so i guess there’s that too. it’s a soft little thing like a real personal sorta pda, kinda intimate when done in public like an acknowledgement that this dragon is real special to them. idk if it counts tho.
How do religious beliefs play arole in everyday life? Is there an organised clergy?
lmao they have fen and shiana so naw not really a clergy. religion is very individualised. there is what everyone calls the temple tree which has shrines built into the branches and around the trunk (it’s a huge tree) and it’s sorta just accepted that if you wanna do the worship thing you can go there and do that but if you don’t wanna then that’s cool too. there are no public services or anything. fen looks after the tree and shiana is referred to as a priestess but no one seems to care whether that means anything religious or not.
What, if any, foods are considered a delicacy?How is food prepared? Is there any forbidden or taboo foods? 
taboo? nah not really. cannibalism is a big no no though. and look. fiend ate her own children. so like. yeah big no to eating other dragons. no to eating beastfolk also. there are seasonal restrictions sometimes, piper, ravelin and osprey are always really careful and vocal about not overtaxing populations of any sort of animal so if the like... deer herds are small one year they won’t eat too many of them and all that. they’re p careful about it.
but they’re a clan that’s like super bound to the natural world and are big on their fruits n vegies n fishing n stuff like that. real classic hunter/gatherer type clan. so processed foods like sweets are hard to find in the canyon and osprey ships them in so they’re kinda like a delicacy haha. there’s no communal kitchen either, food is prepared by the individual in whatever way they prefer so sometimes that can be influenced by the flight they came from. the lair is real chill about that kinda shit tbh. ain’t no shits given. do what you like.
Are there any restrictions onmagic or spells? What and why? If not, does this cause any issues?
lmao no the clan is BUILT on magic. yeah this can be a problem tho like anthelion was all ‘yes guys i’m putting my magical alarm spell around this new lair so we don’t get surprised okay yes i’m doin this as we speak’ and they were all well MAYBE do smth different this time bc it didn’t stop fiend from killing HEAPS OF US LAST TIME and anth was all ‘fine then i guess i’ll do smth different’ and so she did some weird shit with the magic and now the lair is filled with magic that eats visitors????? like yeah that’s a bit of a problem.
sometimes the lack of restrictions means someone goes ‘oh fuck tarryn’s at it again’ and you look up and all the hatchling have grown like spines or weird purple blotches or dragons with fur are now all entirely BALD bc she put some shit in the water and now we all hairless great. or w/e like problems happen. it’s chill tho they live with it.
Are symbols a significant aspect of life? Ifthey are, what are symbols, what do they mean? Are certain symbols worn? 
mmmm not really. the clan is SUPER relaxed about stuff so eh. they do have charms they give to any dragon marked for exaltation. you can read about pilgrims here. but other than that nah not so much.
maybe one day i’ll think of smth and go OH SHIT YEA that’d be a cool symbol to have !! but today is not that day so all my dragons are like lazy bums and they just hang out n chill all day lmao.
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