#maybe i’ll make friends at this house?? omg imagine?? last place i smiled and waved bc everyone was kinda scary
mielgf · 1 year
got new neighbours upstairs and already they are so Young Adult Men, one of them came to introduce themselves, asked me for my number and just now called me to let them out of THEIR OWN UNIT ?? their door somehow locked from OUTSIDE and they were trapped in their own home, i had to go release them 😭
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calumance · 4 years
Omg so Calum going on a field trip with Aiden for school to like the pumpkin patch or something, being cute together, aiden being so excited over everything and wanting to get home to tell his mom, and calum taking so many pictures is something I’ve always imagined so I was wondering if you could write something based on that 🙈
Pumpkin patches are my favorite. Calum taking Aiden to a pumpkin patch would be the cutest thing in the WORLD. 😭😭
        Calum woke up much earlier than you had expected him to. When you finally rolled over and opened your eyes and looked out the window, the sun was just barely starting to come up. The space next to you was cold, proving that Calum had been up for a while. When you finally got up out of bed, you slid your feet into your favorite pair of fuzzy slippers and wrapped your robe around yourself. As you shuffled down the hallway, your slippers slid across the ground, making a scraping noise. You yawned as you rounded the corner, finding Calum sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a notebook. “Why are you up so early?” You asked through a yawn.
        Calum took a sip of his coffee as he turned and looked at you. The cup made a thunk as he set it on the wood table. You plopped yourself in the chair next to him and grabbed the cup he just sat down and took a drink. Calum chuckled and set his pen down, “Couldn’t sleep, today’s the day I’m going with Aiden to the pumpkin patch for his field trip.” He bounced his leg and picked his pen back up and twisted it around in his fingers.
        You swallowed the drink of coffee and set the cup down before sliding it back over to Calum, “You really are excited that I let you chaperone his field trip instead of me, aren’t you?” Calum nodded and looked up at you from his notebook. You chuckled and stood up and placed your hand on his shoulder before pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. “I’m going to go back to sleep, wake me up before you leave.” Calum nodded and smiled up at you before watching you go back to your bedroom.
        The weather was perfect fall weather, at least for Los Angeles. There was a slight chill in the air, and it was cool enough that wearing a long sleeve shirt was an acceptable choice. Aiden was more than excited that he was allowed to drive with Calum instead of riding on the school bus. At first, Calum had offered to ride the bus with Aiden, but being nearly six feet tall made a bus ride rather hard. Instead, he loaded Aiden into the car and followed behind the school bus to the pumpkin patch.
        Once Calum found a parking spot, Aiden popped open the door and started to jump out. Calum caught Aiden by the arm and Aiden looked back at Calum. “Don’t go running off, you wait until I get around the car and we’ll walk together.” Aiden nodded and cooled down as he closed the door and walked to the end of the car. Aiden was at the age that it was no longer cool to hold onto his dad’s hand, but it was still super exciting to go to a pumpkin patch. Calum pressed his hand to the back of Aiden’s head telling him it was okay to start walking.
        Aiden caught up to his friends and Calum stayed far enough back that taking a picture of Aiden hanging on his friends wasn’t obvious. Calum scrambled to put his phone down as Aiden turned to Calum, “Dad, come on!” Aiden held out his hand and Calum wasted little time to grab Aiden’s hand, more than aware that this might be the last time Aiden would ever hold his hand.
        As soon as the two boys walked through the entrance, Aiden’s face lit up. Calum smiled at his son, he had been wanting to take Aiden to a pumpkin patch for a while, but they never got a chance. “Look how big that pumpkin is!” Aiden said while looking up at Calum.
        Calum nodded at Aiden and smiled. “Do you want to take a picture next to it?” Aiden nodded and let go of Calum’s hand. The gravel crunched under Calum’s feet as he followed Aiden over to the giant pumpkin and snapped a few pictures of Aiden posing. After a few pictures, Aiden gasped and ran off to the next cool thing he saw. Calum chuckled and followed him everywhere he went.
        Once the field trip ended, Aiden waved at his friends and walked next to Calum as he wheeled the pumpkins they had picked out to the car. Aiden got himself in the car and buckled his seat belt before Calum sat in the driver’s seat and turned the car on. When Calum glanced in the rear view mirror, he could see Aiden’s eyes starting to close. “I can’t wait to go home and tell momma about the field trip.” Aiden mumbled before the sleep took over.
        You were in the kitchen cooking some dinner while sipping from your glass of wine when you heard the door open. As the door shut, you set your glass down and met Calum in the hallway. Aiden was limp in his arms and Calum struggled to put his keys down. Trying to help Calum, you reached out and took Aiden from him. “He was very excited to tell you about his day, but the excitement got the best of him.” Calum raised his eyebrows and shoved his hands into his pockets.
        Aiden’s cheek was pressed against your shoulder as you reached up and ran your fingers through his thick curls. “I can see that, I’ll let him nap and then have him tell me everything.” You looked at Calum who was taking his sunglasses off the top of his head. As he removed his sunglasses, his curls fell onto his forehead. His brown eyes looking tired as well. You placed your hand on Calum’s chest and stood on your toes to press a kiss to his perfectly plump lips. “Maybe you should take a nap too, honey.” Calum snickered and ducked his head while nodding. You pressed your palm to his cheek for a seconds before turning and taking Aiden to his room to finish his nap.
        Calum decided to take a nap after explaining to you that he had been running after Aiden almost the entire day. Wanting to let Calum sleep, you decided to finish preparing dinner and then watch a movie on the couch. Before Calum could wake up, Aiden padded his way through the house and found you sitting on the couch. Catching sight of him, you set your glass down and smiled at him. “Hey, baby, want to come sit with me?” You held out your arms as Aiden rubbed his eye and nodded.
        You lifted Aiden into your lap and wrapped your arms around him, “Daddy told me you had fun at the pumpkin patch today, want to tell me all about it?” You placed a gentle kiss to the side of Aiden’s head and he shifted to get comfortable.
        “The teachers let me ride with daddy since he’s too big to ride in the school bus.” You pulled your lips into your mouth to stifle your laugh. “And then there was this giant pumpkin when you walked in, and then there was a petting zoo that had goats. Daddy let me feed them corn, but it was gross because they slobbered all over my hand.” Aiden held up his hand and examined it, “But daddy cleaned it up for me. After the petting zoo we went to the corn maze and daddy and me were the first ones to finish. He said it’s because I’m so smart.” You tightened your grip on Aiden and pressed your cheek to the top of Aiden’s head. “Then we picked out pumpkins for everyone, including Logan.” Aiden looked up at you and smiled.
        You raised your eyebrows, “I take it you had a fun day, then?” Aiden nodded and snuggled back up against you, letting the sleep take over him again.
        Soon, Calum rounded the corner, he was running his hand through his hair and yawning. He looked more than adorable and all you wanted to do was pull him close to you and cuddle with him. Calum plopped himself next to you and kissed your cheek. “Did he tell you all about his day?” You nodded and looked down at Aiden sleeping. “Want to see all the pictures I took?” You looked at Calum who was already holding out his phone.
        You scrolled through all the photos, the tears welling in your eyes. “I’m so glad that you two had so much fun today.” The locking sound came from his phone as you handed it back to him and smiled.
        Calum shrugged as he took it from you and shoved it into his pocket. “I think next time we should both chaperone, I missed you today.” Calum rested his hand on your leg an electric feeling racing through your whole body. You missed him too, but in a completely different way.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Bra lover Boy
My second fic is a Lukanette fic too, of course! Includes fluff and teasing.
Warning: M rated (implied sex)
Thanks to @livrever for the proofread and corrections!
It was nighttime in Luka’s rented apartment. The young man and his girlfriend Marinette were in his bedroom, lying together on the bed, facing up and almost naked. Marinette was wearing her panties and was partially covered by a slim bed sheet, while Luka was wearing only his boxers underwear. They were 21 and 19 now, but had just recently started dating after years of missed changes for their love to fully bloom. The right time for them had arrived after she confessed to him, who had been in love with her since their eyes met for the first time.
Some rays of light filtered through the curtains of the window of the 5th floor of the building. There was something indescribable in the air, and aura that filled the room with love and absolute happiness, as if a starry sky was sparkling at the ceiling of the room or if they had just been transported to some kind of heaven. A whole magical sensation, completely new for the young couple, that was now panting and gasping for air at a continuous and matching rhythm, without letting go of their joined hands despite how hot, sweaty, and tired they were.
A few minutes passed until their breaths were back to normal. Their heads rolled to face each other, staring at each other's eyes, smiling softly together with a noticeable blush on their cheeks.
The staring lasted for two minutes until the young woman felt like her vocals had returned and her excited but low voice left through her lips. “Luka, that was amazing... Thank you for taking into consideration that it was my first time…” she said, shyly.
“Well, I’m glad… It was my first time too...” Luka smiled shyly too, her soft smile never leaving his lips as he replied to his girlfriend.
His answer surprised her. “What!? But- I thought… I mean- you knew exactly how to treat me kindly and…” Marinette’s usual rambles were about to start but were quickly shushed by her boyfriend.
“That’s because I love you and I’ve dreamed and imagined this so many times… like- for years, you know? I really wanted to make sure you were comfortable and not hurt you in any way, so I did my research. ” he squished her hand in a caring way.
The girl didn’t need a mirror to know her face had just turned redder. She noticed how her cheeks got hotter, even if she couldn’t see it. Her smile had grown uncontrollably wider too. She felt the closest ever to her boyfriend after their first intimate time together.
“Oh… thank you…” She said. But suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind. “But what about the bra hook? I heard it’s difficult to for boys to unhook it. But you undid it so easily! Even faster than I can! You can just learn that by researching it. You need practice to achieve that skill… Don’t tell me you’ve been practicing with Juleka’s bra? Eww!” Her smile had changed into a teasing one as she giggled. It surprised her that Luka’s reaction to the teasing wasn’t his usual, but an unexpected one, like he was… shocked…? And embarrassed too...? That was new and sparked curiosity on the blue-haired lady.
“No way! Stop, please! It’s… even more embarrassing than that…”  His voice volume lowered gradually for every syllable he let out his mouth.
“Oh…? Now I’m curious. Let me hear it”.
Marinette let go of Luka’s hand, and rolled her almost naked body over his, impeding him from moving freely, except for his arms, one of them being placed immediately on her lower back, as if his skin were attracted to hers like a magnet. She kissed his nose, softly, although her smile turned kind of evil in an instant, as she was enjoying his boyfriend’s embarrassed reaction to her teasing.
The musician knew Marinette hated liars, reason enough for him to decide not to lie to her, EVER. Instead of that, he decided to remain silent. But after a glance at his girlfriend’s curious eyes he knew he had to tell the truth- Marinette was extremely stubborn and persistent when she wanted something. And now she wanted to know his extremely embarrassing story.  
“Ok…” He finally agreed, defeated by her beautiful, curious, and begging eyes.
Out of the embarrassment, Luka avoided eye contact as he started to speak, covering his eyes with his hand and fingers. Even though he was shy and nervous, he began to tell his never-told-to-anyone before story to his lover.  
“Do you remember when you had that girls only sleepover at the Liberty, some months ago?” Marinette made a sound to confirm. “I stayed as my friend’s house that day and, you know that. And well... when I came back home…” he paused for a second before continuing talking, without daring to glance at his girlfriend’s eyes, but looking at her lips through his fingers instead, in order to track her reactions. ”There was a bra on my bed." He paused again. "Before I could tell or ask Juleka about it, I heard her on the phone talking to you about a missing bra designed and created by the one and only Marinette Dupain-Cheng, possibly forgotten somewhere in the ship after 'the girls' sleepover. After hanging up the phone, Juleka asked me if I had seen it, giving me a super detailed description of its design: blue/turquoise colored and music-themed with waves and music notes on it on one cup. She even mentioned a snake design used as an under band from start to its end, with its head with fangs used as hooks attached to it in the front. The description also included some lacey pink flowers on the other cup and some yellow see-through over the shoulders. I couldn’t tell her that was the EXACT same bra I had just found on my bed... Not after she teasingly accused me of hiding it for pervert purposes!” ‘Which is exactly what I did, I guess…’ he thought. “I was too embarrassed so I couldn’t tell her or you anything about it after that…”
Luka gulped, and Marinette said nothing, she just listened to him, kind of amused. He continued then.
“I just… hid it... And after knowing it belonged to you, and that you had worn it to show it to your friends that day… I was greedy... and I used it to fantasize about you wearing it, touching it, imagine how your hands had worked to make it, your possible inspiration for every detail…  And I practiced to unhook it many times too, in hope that, someday, if you let me, I’d be able to see it over your body… and maybe take it off of your body too… ” he paused again as Marinette still remained silent. Which made Luka awkward. And that led him to continue with his talk without thinking much, just to break their silence, while expectant for his lover’s reaction. “God… this is so embarrassing… Say something, please...”
Luka was blushing heavily at his confession, still avoiding eye contact. His lustful actions and desires had just been exposed to the girl he had loved for years and that was now his girlfriend. He was nervous knowing that it might disappoint her, as it probably was an unexpected and different side of the Luka she had not known all this time. He won’t be seen as a pure gentleman anymore, but a young man full of sexual needs.
“I can’t believe I even…” he added, with a sigh, leaving the sentence unfinished.
“Even what?” Marinette urged the boy to continue to his story, but the boy stayed silent, with his hand still covering his face. She could see he was biting his lips out of embarrassment. Then, out of nowhere, the girl shoved him an awkward question, giggling:
“Don’t tell me you tried it on?”
Luka’s reaction was all she need to know the answer.
“OMG you did!” Marinette’s laughter filled Luka’s apartment. “Hahaha! I can’t believe it!! That’s not the image I had of you! Oh God... so funny!” She wiped the tears from her eyes.
“That’s not I-…! Ugh… Don’t laugh, please. There’s no way I could… It doesn’t even fit me…” He was desperate to deny all evidence, too embarrassed to admit the truth.
“How do you know that? Oh-oh…” She could see his blush under his hands as she evilly grinned. “So it didn’t fit when you tried it on, huh…?”
He knew he had been found out after seeing his girlfriend’s victorious expression on her face. So he gave up trying to defend himself and, without even thinking, his true feelings were the first ones to leave his mouth.
“This is all because I’m crazy for you. Geez… Don’t judge me for my feelings”
Eye contact finally took place between the two lovebirds, making it a first since Luka’s confession started. His blue eyes were showing his embarrassment, but also an infinite love towards the girl lying on him. His love filled gaze was honest, and Marinette could feel his pure love piercing through her heart.
“Bu-u-u-ut…! Don’t attack me acting cute like that when I’m making fun of you! So unfair…!” she pouted.
It was her turn to blush now, as she pronounced her words in a cry. His not-on-purpose counterattack were very effective on her and saved the boy from deeper embarrassment. She grabbed a cushion to cover her face with it and moved to the side of the bed, her back facing towards his boyfriend’s body. With his freedom of movements recovered, the musician got partially up and looked at her from over his shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be laughing in first place! Geez… I wouldn’t have told you if I had known you would tease me this much…”
Then, as Marinette stayed silent, Luka’s hand stretched towards his drawer, placed just next to the bed. Passing his hand over Marinette’s body, he reached its handle and opened it. Marinette took a peek over the cushion, curious about her boyfriend’s intentions, wondering if he had any ‘adult toys’ hidden inside.
“Here…it’s been in this drawer all this time… I’ll take it to the laundry, and I’ll give it back to you once it’s properly washed” he said, grabbing a piece of clothing in his hand.
And there it was. The infamous bra her boyfriend had been fantasizing about all this time. The bra that had been in Luka’s hands since that day months ago. The one that had been touched multiple times as she had been that night, trails of magic left with every touch of his fingers on her skin. Ripples of sensations that still remained on her, capable of reaching not only his heart but also her soul. She already knew she loved him, but her body now knew she could never stay apart from him. Not after finally knowing the meaning of true love.
She caught the bra from his hands, throwing the cushion away, and stared at it. She remembered perfectly how it was designed and created, and every one of the details that decorated the piece of art in the form of the lingerie she was holding.
“You know…?” she started, and Luka centered his attention to her words “I was very disappointed when I lost this bra. Not only because I put a lot of effort into it, but also because I made it in order to surprise this particular boy… I worked on it for weeks! Alya too was excited about it too… And I was looking forward to wearing it during my first time with my boyfriend if he accepted my feelings and agreed to date me but… Couldn’t you tell? YOU were on my mind all the time I spent making this... and even earlier”.  Marinette’s gaze met Luka’s surprised eyes, smiled softly, and continued staring at bra just the second after “But… since I lost it, I had to work on plan B, and it all had to wait a few more weeks since I could properly confess and use another brand new hand-made one for tonight… and it’s a shame because this new one isn’t as pretty as the original one...”
“Marinette, you… You made this thinking of me…? Since months ago…!? You’ve been… I mean – You’ve liked me for so long? I… I thought… Ugh… I feel so stupid... I could have become your boyfriend way earlier if I hadn’t hidden your bra…”
Sitting on the bed and covering his face with his hands, Luka was in denial. Frustration, regret, and some sadness were the feelings that surfaced. Not a single sound could leave through his lips, pressed against each other. But Marinette smiled at his reaction.
“Ohh…” she started to say, “You wanted to see this that much, huh…?”
Luka’s hand left his face as his eyes looked now at his girlfriend, who was on her knees in front of him, wearing the bra he’s been dreaming to see on her for weeks – no, the accurate number would be 3 months and six days. None of the Marinettes from his dreams could compare to the original. For Luka, her beauty was out of this world and he was sure he wouldn't be able to restrain himself much longer when Marinette winked and bit her lips, provoking her boyfriend to go and get his long-awaited and desired fantasy. He was ALMOST speechless but managed to pronounce some words that almost couldn’t be heard because of his own heartbeat.
“My Goddess… You’re gorgeous… Don’t think you can avoid a second round after turning me on like this.. ” Without thinking, his hand had placed on her ribs, as he positioned his body to get ready to kiss the woman of his dreams.
“You know I’m all yours...” she sighed, in expectation.
The blue-eyed girl was already approaching to seal her lips with his, but was stopped before they could actually touch them, meeting the musicians finger in the way.
“Wait a second. Let me admire YOU for a moment before that. You can’t imagine how long I’ve been dreaming of this… You’re so beautiful… so perfect...”
“Ugh…! Just take it off already, you bra lover boy!” she giggled as she got impatient and jumped to hug and kiss her boyfriend, who was more than happy to receive her affections. Moments after the hook was already off without her even noticing. ”How the hell do you do that?” she asked, between kisses. “You should know my fingers are magical” he answered, and left a giggle at his girlfriend’s response “hell yeah, they are!”.
After 2nd round.
“Luka… Can I ask you something?”
“Yes?” Marinette kept her face down and seemed sad to Luka’s eyes “Marinette? Are you ok? Did I hurt you?” Luka was scared as he approached her lover’s face, hands on her shoulders, extremely worried for his girlfriend’s wellness.
Instead of an answer, another question was thrown at him.
“Should… Should I…” Luka was listening, giving her all his worrying attention. “Should I make a bra for you next time?”
And there she was. Teasing him, AGAIN. She enjoyed it and he fell for it EVERY DAMN TIME. His eyebrows were frowned and didn’t answer. Marinette couldn’t keep her laugh inside her anymore, transforming it into a hysterical laughter.
“Marinette! Stop it already, Geez...”
“I’m sorry Luka, but your embarrassed face is just too cute!” she said, hugging him while still laughing.
“You’re mean, Marinette. You continue to tease me even after knowing how embarrassed I am…”
“Ok, OK… I get it, I’ll stop” she paused “But you want one, right?”
Luka frowned at her question, but still gave her an answer “You know I could never say no to my dear girlfriend...”. And Marinette giggled at his words.
“You’re adorable! Thank you for telling me about the bra despite your embarrassment. You know I like honest people and I’m super grateful you never lie to me. I love you so much!” her smile was as bright as the full moon outside the window. Her hand moved then to rest on Luka’s cheek. He took the lady’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly before letting his voice out.
“I love you too, Marinette. Even if you are mean and tease me, I can’t resist your charms” he smiled.
“Then don’t resist and come here again. Or are you tired?” she asked.
“I could never get tired of you, My love.”
His body was already over hers while he pronounced his words, his lips meeting hers as soon as the sound of his voice became silent, tongues finding their way to savour each other, letting their burning passion take control.
The next morning
The next morning arrived with some chill breezes coming from the slightly open window. Being summer, the weather was hot and the sun rose  early, its shiny rays of vitamin entering through the slowly dancing curtains and meeting the sleepy faces of the happy couple sleeping on the bed in Luka's room. That was enough to wake them up, although they were still tired and avoiding getting up at all costs. Luka finally surrendered and got mentally prepared to get up. Not without turning his head to look at the young woman who owned his heart. Only then, he started opening his eyes, studying how Marinette was making faces, trying hard to ignore the light coming inside the room and continue to sleep, without much success. Her little disgusted sounds were amusing Luka, who was surely enjoying the view: he loved his girlfriend’s face, but also loved seeing his hickeys all over her neck and upper chest. He only spoke when he could tell she wouldn't fall asleep again.
“Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well? I’m gonna make some coffee. Want some?” he asked with a loving smile.
“Hm…?” Marinette mumbled something incomprehensible, but he knew she wanted him to repeat his question.
“Coffee?” he asked again, giggling at her sleepyhead.
“Hmm… yes please… with milk and sugar...” she finally managed to say. Finally trying to open her eyes.
“Of course.”
Luka loved having the girl he loved close and didn't want to leave her side, even if it was just to bring her some coffee. But he needed one and knew Marinette would be even more grateful than him for one too.
The musician stretched his neck and upper body to kiss his girlfriend's forehead. As he started moving, he noticed that something was impeding his movements, something pressed over his arms and chest. Before he could actually kiss his girl, he looked down just to find he was wearing Marinette's bra, backwards and untied.
“WTH-!?” he mumbled, frowning his eyebrows in annoyance.
“Pffff….” the blue-eyed girl couldn't restrain her laugh anymore despite her efforts, so a giggle escaped her. That was everything the blue-eyed young man needed to understand what happened.
“Marinette!! You little mischievous lady…! Stop bullying me over bras already!"
He raised his voice, taking the bra off carefully and tickling her in revenge. Marinette could only laugh louder in response, his laugh joining hers soon.
And just like that, their Sunday started: with love, kisses, coffee and a beautiful bra that would lead Marinette's teasing for a while and haunt and embarrass Luka forever.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
At Last Part 2 She’s My Girl
Part 1
6 Months Later:
Karen looked herself up and down in the mirror, smoothing down the dress and checking every last detail of her appearance even though the stylist had only just that minute left the room. Keanu came in then and stood behind her, putting his arms around her and looking at her reflection in the mirror
“You look beautiful … perfect” he said, kissing her cheek
 “You ready?”
 “As I’ll ever be!” she laughed nervously.
 “You know you can pull out if you want to, I’ll understand”
”We agreed, no more sneaking around. I’m your girl right?!
“Yes” he said emphatically, you’re my girl”. He smiled hugging her tight. “And I want to show you off”
They were on their way to the premiere of the “Street Kings”. They’d been dating 6 months now and managed to avoid all but one paparazzi photo. Since Keanu had often been photographed out and about with various women, this particular photo didn’t spark any big stories about Keanu’s “new girl”.  He’d wanted to protect her from all that so when they’d gone to the theatre or out to eat, they’d always arrived separately. The same went for parties with friends and when visiting each other’s homes, they’d tried to avoid daylight hours for their comings and goings.
The night that he had asked her to accompany him to the premiere was etched on her mind forever. They had enjoyed cooking a meal together at his house then made love in his big bed. As they lay together enjoying the afterglow, he’d softly traced patterns on her breasts and let out a contented sigh.
“You know, the sex is so much better ……….”
“Than what?!” Karen had asked somewhat indignantly wondering what he was going to compare their experience together with!
“Than when you’re not in love with a person”
Karen bit her lip and leaned towards him, tears welling up in her eyes.
“You know I love you too right? So very much.”
They fell to kissing again and as he pulled her onto him, she felt his arousal already growing again. Their love making had been so tender that night, she thought she might burst from the joy of it. And afterwards they’d talked about the future, of moving in together finally after months of camping out at each other’s places, about his next filming obligations and his commitments to promoting the new film, He’d said that while he’d understand if she wanted to try to carry on being secretive with the press, he couldn’t protect her forever and he felt ready to show her off to the world as he’d already done with friends and family.
His people could help with all the practical side of a premiere – a dress, jewellery, make up – all she needed was the courage to face the cameras popping and the attention that going public would bring, at least in the short term. She had felt scared and excited in equal measure and now here she was, ready to get into the limo.
 “No turning back now” she said firmly.
 “Well OK then” he answered, smiling, “Let’s go! The limo’s here now”
The premiere was being held at Mann’s Chinese theatre and as they rounded the last corner Karen could see the small crowd gathered there waiting.  Waiting just for him it occurred to her since he was the leading man in the film.
Her palms felt sweaty and she gripped his hand as the car slowed now to stop right outside.
He stepped out first and she could see the flash of the camera bulbs popping away, then he turned to help her out putting his arms around her waist immediately.
“Smile!” he said! ” Don’t look so worried!”
She laughed then, relaxing just a little.
“I’m smiling, I’m your girl” she whispered.
They walked up the red carpet slowly with him doing his signature wave to the people calling his name. They came to the first camera crew and Keanu talked about the film a little with the reporter. Karen tried to edge back a little as he talked, conscious that the news people only wanted to have his face in the picture but he held her close to him, arm around her shoulders, willing the crew to ask him who she was.
To Karen’s great relief, they didn’t but she was aware that another crew eagerly waited just a few yards ahead.
Keanu let go of her to shake hands with a few fans across the barrier and to accept a gift from one, then returned to her side to press ahead up the carpet.
Keanu greeted the next reporter, warmly. She was clearly one of his preferred media people. Again he politely answered questions about the film, reprising his role as a cop and so on.
“So Keanu, I see you haven’t come tonight with your usual family entourage”
“No that’s right” he smiled one of those beautiful mega-watt smiles and looked at Karen who was by now already blushing, praying her make-up might offer some cover.
“Tonight I decided to show off my girl Karen”
Karen giggled, still looking down but sharing in his obvious enjoyment of the situation.
“Pleased to meet you” the reporter said extending her hand and forcing Karen to look up and face the full glare of popping flash-bulbs.
“You too” she managed before to her relief the reporter turned back to camera.
“That’s one lucky lady, he’s usually so tight lipped, perhaps she’s ‘the one’
As they walked onwards, Keanu hugged Karen to him
“Yes she most certainly is!”
That day had been the start of a rollercoaster ride for them both. Having managed to lead quite a low key life with the press in the previous couple of years, Keanu was taken aback by the interest the ‘vultures’ as he liked to call them, showed in them.  It was easy enough for them personally to ignore what was written or said and Keanu’s family and friends were used it but it seemed like anyone Karen had ever known phoned her at some point to ask whether this or that was true.  Articles that dug deep into Keanu’s past and even hers, searching for some dirt, made them worry for her, doubting that he was as good for her as she claimed.
He half wished he’d waited, waited till the PR for the film had died down - this way he’d fanned the flames.  Every interview he did, they asked about her – but even though he wasn’t used to it and worried it would detract from the work, sometimes it was just wonderful to wax lyrical about being in love. On the Leno show, for once it wasn’t just talk of bikes that made him laugh and smile, he’d been able to just say:
“Ahh yes, right right, yup, I’m in love!”
“So, do we hear wedding bells for you at long last?”
Keanu had laughed that shy laugh, putting his hand over his mouth, closing his eyes.
“Don’t you think I‘d better ask her that first before I tell you!” he’d said.
He knew she’d be watching at home. The minute he got there, he rushed to her, kissing her full on the lips, feeling like every romantic hero he’d ever played all rolled into one.
“You will marry me won’t you ?” he’d practically shouted, giddy with the moment. Talking as if there’d been no gap between talking about it on the show and asking her now.
“Yes, yes of course I’ll marry you, you idiot! She laughed punching him in the chest “but you do know it’s going to be one hell of a job to do it in private now don’t you?”
“So you’d already been thinking about it had you” he smiled a sly smile now.
“Oh maybe Reeves, maybe!” she’d said, laughing before he’d whisked her off to bed.
Thanks to hard work by his people and the collaboration of friends and family, they had managed to have a wonderful wedding day. They’d taken a leaf out of Sandy Bullock’s book and hired a ranch way out of LA (to at least make it harder for the ‘paps’ to get to) and kept the identity of the happy couple secret from all the firms involved right up to the hour of the ceremony. It had worked and in return for being left alone, they’d released just a few snaps of the day to a magazine in return for a donation of the fee to the ‘Make a Wish Foundation’
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225@bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @donakamark @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles              
Part 3  Part 4
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 12
London: January 2014 
Word count: 1.7k
>Instagram posts
On the 2nd of January, Aurora once again made her way back to the Golden Stag. She offered a wave of greeting to Greg behind the bar when she walked through the front door and headed over to one of the booths along the wall to wait. Her best friend, Ella, walked through the door 15 minutes later.
“Sorry I’m late,” the blonde yelled as she barrelled into the pub, a hurricane of energy as always. Aurora laughed as Ella rushed toward her and she stood just in time to catch the other girl in a hug.
“I think I’d genuinely die of shock if you ever arrived anywhere on time,” Aurora replied when they both pulled apart and sat down at the table. Greg appeared a few moments later with a coke for Ella and a sprite for Rori, the two girls too predictable for him to need their drink orders. “Thanks Greg,” Rori cheered, taking a sip of her drink.
“You’re welcome,” the older man said. “Good to see you El. What can I get you girls?”
“I’ll have the fish and chips please,” Ella ordered, while Rori nodded and gestured that she would have the same. As Greg walked away from the table the girls dove into discussion. Despite having lived in separate countries for the last 2 and a half years, they had successfully maintained their friendship, rarely going more than a day or two without messaging or calling each other. As such there wasn’t as much to catch up on since they’d last seen each other on Rori’s last visit as one would expect. Rori explained in minute detail every aspect of the AMAs, only glossing over some of her interactions with Harry, keeping most of their conversations private, while giving Ella enough details to keep her friend satisfied and sufficiently excited.
They’d mostly finished their food when Ella’s head snapped up to meet Rori’s gaze. “Shit I totally forgot that Mum told me to invite you and your dads for dinner tonight.”
“Can I get a rain check?” Rori replied, “I’ve got plans tonight.”
“What kind of plans?”
“Dinner and a games night apparently.”
“With who?”
“No one you know.”
“Are they famous?” Ella asked, “because I know that I’m the only one you stayed in contact with after you moved to the states so it’s no one from school.”
“Yeah, they’re famous,” Rori replied, scrunching up her face in response to the word.
“Enough of that, spill. Who is it?”
“You’re not allowed to freak out, Ok?”
“Ok,” Ella agreed excitedly, causing Rori to shake her head with a chuckle.
“It’s at Louis Tomlinson’s house.” The other people in the bar turned to stare at the girls as Ella squealed. “I thought I said you couldn’t freak out,” Rori chided.
“Louis fucking Tomlinson?” Ella asked in shock. “How the fuck is Louis Tomlinson inviting you to his house?”
“Actually, Harry invited me,” Aurora explained.
“Harry Styles invited you to games night at Louis Tomlinson’s house?”
“Please stop saying their full names like that,” Rori begged. “It’s weird.”
“Well I’m sorry I’m not on a first name basis with Louis Tomlinson or Harry Styles,” Ella replied. “You better start talking right now because you have been holding out on me, I thought you said you’d just been talking with Harry a little since the AMAs but know he’s inviting you to Louis house so you’ve clearly skipped some pertinent details.”
“Ok, we’ve maybe spent a bit of time together since I flew in on Sunday,” Rori admitted.
“Oh My God!” Ella gasped. “You sneak. Tell me everything. Wait is Harry who you spent New Year’s Eve with? You said you had an industry party but were you really with him?”
“First of all, it was an industry party, but yes I did go to it with Harry, but we actually caught up the day before for lunch. I swear to god you better not shriek again but he asked me to be his girlfriend.” Aurora rolled her eyes as Ella clamped her hands over her mouth to muffle her excited response. “You can’t say a word to anyone El,” Aurora said. “Please, you know what the Directioners are like. We just want to keep it out of the media for now.”
“Of course, I’ll keep it secret,” El promised. “Can I tell mum though?” She breathed a sigh of relief when the brunette nodded. “ You have to admit that this is bizarre,” Ella continued. “Imagine going back in time and telling 15 year old Rori that she’d grow up to date Harry. Omg your kids are gonna be so adorable and the wedding! The wedding will be the event of the fucking season.”
“Easy El,” Rori laughed. “We’ve been dating for 3 days, let’s not go talking about weddings and kids ok.”
“Seriously though. We went to the X Factor finale and were crying when they didn’t win and now you know them and talk to them and you’re going to their game’s night! You better introduce me at some point or you’re a terrible best friend.”
“I promise I will introduce you,” Rori told her best friend. “Just give me a month or two to get used to the idea myself. Trust me I’m just as overwhelmed by the idea as you are. I mean I’m kind of freaking out about tonight.”
“Oh, babe don’t,” Ella said. “They’ll all love you.”
“I hope you’re right,” Rori replied nervously.
They stayed at the pub for another few hours, chatting and laughing before Aurora had to leave to go back to the hotel to get ready before dinner. As they were leaving Greg popped out from behind the bar to give both girls a hug goodbye and reminding Rori that he would see her on Saturday night for her birthday dinner with himself, Helen and Rori’s dads.
Aurora let out a nervous breath as the Addison Lee pulled up outside the white expanse of Louis’ north London house. Harry was waiting on the doorstep for her, stepping forward to open her door and offered her a hand as she exited the car. He pulled her in for a tight hug as the car drove away and then kissed her briefly before pulling back to look at her.
“Hi,” he greeted, smiling brightly down at her.
“Hi,” Rori echoed with a laugh.
“Shall we?” Harry asked, gesturing to the front door in front of them. Aurora nodded, placing her hand on his offered elbow as he ushered her into the high ceilinged foyer. “Everyone’s out back,” he said as they walked down the hallway.
“Who exactly is everyone?” Aurora asked.
“Louis and his girlfriend Eleanor, Liam and his girlfriend Sophia, Zayn and Niall,” Harry listed. “We always get together after we spend Christmas with our families,” Harry explained. “We have a games night with the girlfriends and just hang out as friends before all the craziness of touring kicks off again.”
“Sounds like fun,” Rori said as the pair finally reached the back of the large house to find the previously mentioned group sat around a fire pit on the patio.
“Aurora!” Louis cheered when they came into view. “So glad you came, Love. Harrold, the UberEats delivery should be here in a minute, be a lad and go grab it for us.” Harry looked to Rori hesitantly, not wanting to abandon her immediately after arriving. “Oh, just go,” Louis continued, “I’ll introduce your girl.”
Harry turned on his heel and walked back into the house, leaving Rori to approach the circle of friends sitting around the fire pit, taking one of the two empty seats. “So everyone, this is Aurora,” Louis announced, before pointing to each person and providing Rori with their names.
“It’s so nice to meet you all,” Rori offered, “Thanks for inviting me.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Eleanor replied, “and of course you got an invite. It’s a right of passage for anyone dating one of this idiots.”
Harry returned shortly after, his arms loaded up with pizza boxes, chicken wings and rolls of garlic bread. “Grubs up!” he announced cheerfully as he dumped everything onto the table beside the fire and then collapsed into the seat next to Rori. “They’re not given you a hard time, are they?” he asked his girlfriend.
“Not at all,” Rori said, smiling as he reached out for her hand, threading their fingers together.
The night was spent chatting, eating and drinking, as well as playing Uno, a disastrous attempt at monopoly, snap and go fish. Rori had been surprised to find the boys very easy to talk to and it took very little time for her to shake off her nerves. By the time she had been halfway through her second slice of pizza she had almost forgotten that the young men surrounding her where the same boys she had screamed at in concert years ago. Hours later, when the fire had burned down to a few embers and everyone but Rori was 4 or 5 drinks in, they sat in the near darkness talking quietly. Rori found herself talking football with Louis given that her team, AFC Wimbledon, had recently played his Doncaster Rovers in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy the previous month. The pair found themselves deep in conversation about the league tables, completely unaware of the soft look Harry was throwing their way, so happy to see his girlfriend and one of his brothers getting along so quickly and easily.
Eventually everyone started to yawn, and the night wound its way to its conclusion with cars called and everyone hugging each other goodbye. Harry walked with Aurora to the front door, waiting with her until her car arrived to take her back into the city. He held open the door for her as she climbed in and then surprised her by joining her on the backseat.
“And where do you think you’re going?” she chuckled as he leaned his head against her shoulder, his lips pressing gently against her neck.
“Not ready to call it a night,” he mumbled, his hand coming to rest on her waist. “Can I kiss you?” he asked, ever the gentleman, even if a little tipsy. Aurora nodded slightly as he mouthed his way up along her jaw, finally reaching her lips and the pair continued to make out for the entire ride to Rori’s hotel.
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qvestchen · 6 years
Juice Cartons // Jaeyong NCT : Chapter Three
Summary: Taeyong has never been jealous of anyone but lately, he can’t seem to get rid of the nagging spike of jealousy he feels whenever Jaehyun spends time with someone else. And as he often reminds himself, it’s not even as if they are dating. But maybe, just maybe, Taeyong could change that.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
Juice Cartons // Jaeyong NCT
Chapter 3: Jaeyong videos are no joke
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Jaehyun was folding clothes out of the drier while listening to Winwin telling him about his mother worrying about him.
“I told her I have two overly obsessive roommates who care about me too much and she laughed!? But I think it calms her down to remember that there are people here who care about me. It must be tough for her.”
Jaehyun hummed in response.
“Oi.” Winwin waved in front of him. “You’re supposed to show me some sympathy here? Maybe offer me some ramen? Hey, hey, those aren’t even your clothes, right?”
Jaehyun looked at the clothes in hands and nodded slowly. “Taeyong’s so busy and I was doing my laundry anyway.”
“You guys are so domestic,” Winwin teased. “It’s really cheesy.”
Jaehyun looked around wildly before whispering, “Winwin-ah, you’re too loud. Someone will hear you.”
“Nah, quit being so paranoid. We’re the only ones here. Taeil hyung already left to look after the Dreamies today.” He laughed. “I would pay some good money to see that. They are exceptionally hyper around him.”
But Jaehyun wasn’t even listening. “He looked so good this morning,” he murmured almost absent-mindedly. He looked at their TV which was playing the Music Core live stream. “I can’t believe we have to wait so much for the performance.”
“You know all of us would be spared the crackling sexual tension between you two if you guys actually talked. Don’t you think it’s been really long?”
“You just say that because you’ve watched too many of those videos our fans make.”
“Jaeyong videos are no joke, man. If it wasn’t for that one czennie at the fansign last year, I wouldn’t have known. You guys are really subtle but once one sees it, it becomes so obvious.”
Jaehyun groaned. “We can’t just believe whatever we want about Taeyong, right? After all, I have no idea what he feels about me or even the idea of us. He hasn’t said anything, ever, and I am not going to say anything until he says. It would be so uncomfortable. Besides, I’m really bad at expressing my feelings. I’d probably end up saying something wrong. What if—”
“Jae, Jae, you worry too much. I keep telling you to just allow Ten to weed it out of Johnny. I’m pretty sure Johnny knows what Taeyong feels or could potentially feel.” Winwin wiggled his eyebrows.
“If I had to get it out of Johnny, I would have asked him myself. No, I’m just going to wait. If it’s meant to be, it will.”
“Things don’t happen on their own. See, Ten and I have this plan. It’s a foolproof plan,” Winwin started.
“Is it like the one you guys planned where you pushed me onto him last week? Because I nearly kissed him there while he froze. No, seriously, you two make horrible plans. He’ll end up bro-zoning me like this.” He added wistfully after a few seconds, “Maybe I should have kissed him there.” He looked at Winwin with a sudden brightness. “Maybe I should kiss him. No words involved!”
“Dude, life isn’t like the movies. You can’t just kiss him. There won’t be a background choir and rain. You need to plan these things. It needs to be special.”
“It works in the movies!” Jaehyun complained.
Winwin made a face. “Will you listen to Ten and my plan?”  
When Jaehyun didn’t reply, Winwin sighed. “Okay, let’s go.” He grabbed his friend’s hands.
“Woah, where are we going?” Jae said, following him.
“I hate it when you mope around the house. Let’s just go see them. I really wanted to see Yuta dance live too.”
“Speaking of Yuta,” Jaehyun began.
“We are discussing your love life, not mine.” He rolled his eyes.
“Till when will you ignore your own feelings?”
“We’ll get late if you gossip like this,” Winwin said dismissively but he was smiling.
“Let me grab a jacket, at least.”
They reached the venue, sneaking in with their manager’s help.
“You guys could have just come with us in the morning,” their manager said.
Winwin smiled cutely. “We wanted to surprise them.”
“Oh that’s why you were all hush-hush. Okay, kids, just see that you are on the low. And don’t get lost!”
There were still a couple of performances which they watched from the side-lines, doing their best to stay out of their members’ way.
“Oh, there they are,” Winwin whispered. “Do we look that cool? This is so exciting.”
Jaehyun nodded, with a proud smile on his face, his eyes focusing on Taeyong’s serious expression. He was breathtakingly beautiful and the way he moved was flawless. He was ashamed to realize that he hardly paid attention to the song. His attention was arrested by Taeyong and his personality. He knew Taeyong was his happiest on stage, performing his heart out with a confidence that was so unique to him and to see him perform made him happy.
As the song was ending, someone tripped over one of the lighting wires and crashed into him and Winwin.
The lights blinked on and off once before lighting up again.
As he got up, he recognized the person. “Ten?”
“What are you two doing here?” He grinned, cradling his camera, looking it over for any damages.
Jaehyun quirked an eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”
“I told Johnny I’d take lots of pictures of him. I’m being a supportive friend here.” Ten patted himself on his back. “He’s really sexy today.”
There it was. Jaehyun wished he had half of Ten’s confidence but then Johnny was just as vocal while here he had to pick up hints from Taeyong which he wasn’t even sure were right in the first place.
He lifted his head when he heard the crowd clapping and he realized they had ended up missing the end of the performance and suddenly they were surrounded by their members.
“Who tripped over the wires? I thought I’d burst out laughing when the lights began to twinkle,” Haechan was asking.
Yuta made a bee-line for Winwin. “You came.”
“I was getting bored at home,” he replied nonchalantly.
“Guys, guys, Celeb 5 are performing. Shush,” Doyoung whispered as their manager made a sign to them.
Jaehyun looked sideways. Taeyong was pressed against him, still breathing heavily from the performance.
Taeyong caught his stare and smiled at him. “Did you like the performance?”
The way his hair flowed down his forehead, the angle of his nose, his lips. Jaehyun realized he was staring and gulped, looking away as he answered, “You were really good. You all were. Yeah.”
“When did you all plan to come?” Taeyong leaned even closer to whisper. Jaehyun could feel his breath on his neck and it was doing weird things to his mind.
He replied, his throat dry, “Uh, it was kind of last minute.”
Taeyong smiled again. “Well, I’m glad you came.” He bumped shoulders with him. “I just realized how beautiful this place is.”
Jaehyun never took his eyes off him. You, you are beautiful. “Yes, it is.”
Later when they were all talking over lunch, he was sitting opposite Taeyong, smiling at some joke someone had made and his phone pinged. He looked at the screen—
“You’re drooling over Taeyong hyung again.”
He nearly choked over his pizza, looking at the message and then at the contact name, Donghyuck. He looked over to the edge of the booth where Haechan and Mark were giggling at him. He felt heat rise up his face and looked away quickly, running a hand through his hair.
Haechan had a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Jaehyun hyung?”
“Uh yeah?”
“Don’t you think Taeyong hyung danced really well today?”
Jaehyun was aware that suddenly everybody at the table was listening to their conversation. Awkward, he thought, mentally praying everyone to just go on with their respective conversations. He cleared his throat, pretty sure his face was the colour of a tomato. “He always dances well.”
Taeyong laughed a short, nervous laugh. “Haechanie, you beat everyone today. You are something else.”
“Really, you were so cute! You should have heard the audience cheering for you,” Mark agreed, excitedly.
The conversation veered towards Haechan’s expressive dancing style and when Jaehyun finally found the courage to look up, Taeyong caught his gaze and smiled warmly.
“You okay?” he mouthed.
No, I am crazy in love with you. Jaehyun nodded but before he could say anything, Ten was shaking his arm, asking him about the name of the restaurant they had gone to.
“It’s such a cosy one, John. We should definitely go sometime. What’s it called, Jae?”
He told him the name. It was his favourite restaurant too. He had a lot of memories there. Back in their trainee days, Taeyong and he had chanced upon it and it had become one of those calming places they would frequent.
Opposite him, Taeyong heard the exchange and his smile dropped. He pushed back the slice of pizza in his hand. Suddenly, he wasn’t hungry. So, Jaehyun had taken Ten there.
He wished he didn’t feel so wretched about it but it was their place. The only place he could call theirs and now, even that felt like it was just something he had imagined. He got up. “I’ll head back early. I have some lyrics I have to finish.”
Jaehyun was staring at him. “Wait, I’ll come too.”
“No.” It came out sharper than he had expected. “You stay here and uh, I’ll see you at the dorm. I’ll pay the bill. You all eat well, okay? Good job today.”
It was Doyoung who caught up with him outside the restaurant. “Is everything okay? Want me to accompany you?”
He shrugged. “If you want.”
Next chapter: Coming soon! + OMG guys we never know if anyone’s reading and enjoying this story so please comment you fav parts or anything you’d like to see in particular for this story and don’t forget to give a follow so that you don’t miss an update! Lots of love and happy jaeyong vibes ~~
Juice Cartons: Home, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
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midnightrellik · 6 years
Rin Matsuoka x reader
This was my first request in a long time, so I hope it's okay.
Climbing out of the pool, you let out a small sigh, stretching your arms above your head. You had just spent the last half hour swimming around with the school's swim club, and despite it only being a short time, all the racing and messing around had you exhausted. "Hurry up (Y/N), we need to go," Gou called out to you as you grabbed your towel. Adding onto your fun day, you were going to be sleeping over at your best friend's place for the whole weekend. "Alright, I'll be there in a minute!" You called back, beginning to dry off until you were no longer dripping, and then put on your skirt and swim club jacket. "See you later guys," you chimed, waving to the boys as you grabbed your bag and ran off after your friend.
"Oh, I forgot to mention (Y/N), Rin is coming home for the weekend as well. Something about an infestation in the dorms," Gou suddenly blurted out from beside me.
"Rin, as in your brother?" I asked, just to make sure. I hadn't met the male yet, considering we go to different schools. "Alright, I don't mind, from what you've told me, he seems like I'll get along with him well enough," I added with a smile. It couldn't be that bad could it?
Getting to the house, Gou and I put our thing upstairs and sat down on the floor, talking about what we usually did. Hot guys with sexy muscles. We giggled, sometimes squealed and eventually, fell silent as we heard the front door shut. "Gou, I'm home!" a masculine voice called, making Gou jump up and open her door to call back to who must have been her brother.
"We're upstairs, Rin," she claimed, before a noise of confusion was heard. Moments later, I could here the male coming to the room. "'We're'? Who are you with?" he asked, stepping into the room and somewhat glaring down at me.
Okay, he was a lot more intimidating than I first imagined he would be. He was attractive of course, but he didn't look all too kind... "Hi, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," I practically squeaked out, sitting up since I had been laying on my stomach. Rin didn't respond, looking down at me before beginning to leave. "Don't be too loud okay? I have homework to do," he claimed as he left, shutting the door behind him and most probably heading to his bedroom.
"Does he usually act that cold around new people?" I asked my friend who actually seemed to be a little confused.
"No, not really. It might be because you're part of the swim team... I don't know for sure though. He'll warm up to you soon enough," she smiled, but that didn't calm my nerves. He really didn't seem all too happy to see me. Not happy at all.
The weekend was a little awkward with Rin around, and I tried to talk to him several times afterwards but he didn't seem interested in anything I had to say. What was his problem? He sounded so nice when Gou was talking about him, so surely he wasn't normally like this. Even Gou seemed a little concerned.
From then onwards, I seemed to bump into Rin a lot more often. He would typically stare at me before looking away, and would occasionally say high, and eventually, one day, he was the one that came to talk to me.
I had been walking home on my own and was just about to cross the road when I felt a large hand wrap itself around my arm and pull me back. Dropping my phone that I had been staring at intensely, trying to find a good song to listen to, my eyes widened as a car sped right past me. Gasping, I fell back into the person's arms and looked up to see Rin, looking at me with concern in his red eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked, helping me back onto my feet. Nodding my head quickly, I crouched and grabbed my slightly cracked phone. This gave me a quick moment to get over the fact that my heard was racing more at the sight of the male, than almost getting hit by a car.
"OMG (Y/N) are you okay?!" I heard Gou's voice cry out. Looking past my savior, was Gou, running quickly over to us and quickly throwing her arms around me. Still so shocked, I could only blindly hold onto her as my gaze shifted back to Rin. "Yeah... Yeah I am, thanks to Rin," I murmured with a smile and much to my surprise, he returned it.
"Come on, lets get you home," Rin claimed, beginning to lead the way onwards. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
((I hope this was okay. I haven't done any writing in a while so I'm not on my A game))
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endorstoiii · 6 years
todas as asks que não foram feitas
1:Full name.I don’t like to share my full name online so I just go with Marina Sakai (that’s enough).
2:Zodiac sign.Taurus
3:3 fears.cockroaches, drowning and burning to death.
4:3 things I love.Music, drawing, movies.
5:4 turn on’s.Music, people who are similar to me, trips and playing The Sims (how random is this?).
6:4 turn off’s.Stupid people, soccer, math and being obliged to do something I don’t want to.
7:My best friend?I don’t think I have one best friend only, I have a few close friends… you are one
8:Sexual orientation?Straight.
9:My best first date?hahaha lol
10:How tall am I?1,62cm I guess.
11:What do I miss?A very good friend I made on tumblr. For some reason she is gone :(
12:What time was I born?At 6:40 am or something.
13:Favorite color?Well I have a holy trinity of colors, but I’d say purple.
14:Do I have a crush?As long as band members exist, I will have a crush LMAO.15:Favorite quote?“My world is turning pages while I am just sitting here” - Kevin Parker, Apocalypse Dreams.
16:Favorite place?Paraty (beach).
18:Do I use sarcasm?Me? No, never.
20:First thing I notice in new person?
21:Shoe size?35 in Brazil too lazy to search it for other locations :p
23:Hair color?Black.
24: Favorite style of clothing?I don’t know, I like to mixture things.
25:Ever done a prank call?Not that I remember.
26:What color of underwear I’m wearing now?Yellow with lilac stripes
27:Meaning behind my URL?It’s a song by Tame Impala. Me + the lyrics = accuracy.
28:Favorite movie?Too hard… but let’s say it’s The Babadook.
29:Favorite song?TOO HARD, but hum… at the moment it is Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down by Interpol (which I’m listening to right now!!!) ((but also Leif Erikson and Tidal Wave and ughhhhh)).
30:Favorite band?Sorry, I cannot choose only one so here it goes my Holy Trinity: Tame Impala, Arctic Monkeys and Arcade Fire. But I am extremely obsessed with Interpol, so yeah.
31:How I feel right now?Shitty for having a week off and doing nothing.
33:My current relationship status.The same as always: single.
34:My relationship with my parents.It’s good with my mother, and ok with my father.
35:Favorite holiday.Festa junina because food.
36:Tattoos and piercing I have.None, yet.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other?who?
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night” texts?Sometimes good night from my mother and my ex sister-in-law.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?No.
42:When did I last hold hands?God… when I was a child, maybe, with my parents, to cross the streets lmao seriously I have no idea.
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?The whole morning lol an hour at least.
44:Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?No. Call me disgusting.
45: Where am I right now?Dining room.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?This could only happen if I go out with my friends, none of them would go out to get drunk though hah but they would help me, I’m sure.47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?Mostly reasonable level, but you know sometimes you gotta turn it louder for that one part… other times, the whole song lol48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Yes.
49:Am I excited for anything?Some of my fave bands will release new stuff this year, so yeah. Also, MGMT are coming to play here and I hope to go!!!50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?No.51:How often do I wear a fake smile?70% of the time maybe.52:When was the last time I hugged someone?I hugged someone? I think it was 14 days ago because it was my friend’s birthday and I went to her house for a surprise party.
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?I would feel nothing.
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?I don’t think so.
55:What is something I disliked about today?The whole day, I spent it doing chores and I am dead now.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Kevin Parker, love of my life. And many other band members.
57:What do I think about most?Music lol hum, I try to focus on my life, my future… but I can’t seem to succeed.
58:What’s my strangest talent?If I had one I can make 3 waves with my tongue, just like Daniel Radcliffe.
59:Do I have any strange phobias?I don’t know if they are strange, but I am afraid of dolls (automatonophobia) and trypophobia.
71:Do I spend money or save it?Save it… to spend it HAH (taurine with ascendant in Taurus).
72:Can I touch my nose with a tongue?Nope.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?Yes, there is a rose quartz, a pink tsuru (origami), a bed sheet, a sculpture of Our Lady of Aparecida, a small fake flower that my ex sister-in-law gifted my mom for Women’s Day.
74:Favorite animal?I also have a holy trinity for this lol: cats, elephants and deers (any kind).
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Massaging my mom’s feet cause I’m a good daughter.
76:What do I think Satan’s last name is?Devicari LMAO ok this is an internal joke with my friends
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Signs of Life by Arcade Fire78:How can you win my heart? Buy me concert tickets and food.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?Embrace disgrace. I have just decided this haha I like the word embrace and I always say disgrace, in English, to my sister. And these two words rhyme lol80:What is my favorite word?In Portuguese, it probably is saudade because of the feeling, but there are some others that I like the pronounce, not necessarily the meaning (like resiliência, recíproco, melancolia), and I chose it by the meaning. There’s also eita, which is a perfect word, omg, I don’t know what I would do without this word. In English, one of them is embrace as I said above. But by the pronounce, it is vortex in British accent. Good af. 81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr?OH MAN, I don’t have fav blogs, I have fav people! So this is the criterion to choose. This is not in order. I AM SO SORRY1. @warpaint-impala2. @14thandeuclid3. @sastrugie4. @roger-sultrey5. @streetofthoughtinallyourbones (this one is inactive, unfortunately, but there’s so much gold in there!!!) ((she is @ourblogtoadmire))
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?hahah… hum… I would say @ all the band members who destroyed my life how much I love them.  As everybody in the world is listening to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
83:Do I have any relatives in jail?Not that I know.
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Mental power, just like Professor Xavier, but with telekinesis too. Oh, and being able to fly.
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Hum, I can only think of “y/n” type of question, which would be very obvious… so I guess the question would be “what would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?” LOL
86:What is my current desktop picture?The best gig of my life, aka Tame Impala. For some reason I can’t add the picture here :/ so I’ll post it later separately.
87:Had sex?what is it?
88:Bought condoms?lol
89:Gotten pregnant?When seeing some certain pictures? Oh hell yes!
90:Failed a class?Yep, Chemistry classes mostly. I may have missed some classes, but my shitty teacher could never be patient and a good professional so I could never really learn a thing.
91:Kissed a boy?Unfortunately yes (not because he’s a boy, but because it was bad as fuck).
92:Kissed a girl?Nope.
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?No. 
94:Had job?Yes, I’ve already been an English teacher for kids (imagine how dumb these kids became when they had classes with me lmao I’m sorry girls)
95:Left the house without my wallet?No, never.
96:Bullied someone on the Internet?No.
97:Had sex in public?lmao what does sex mean?
98:Played on a sports team?Yes, I used to play handball at school.
99:Smoked weed?No.
100:Did drugs?No.
102:Drank alcohol?Yes, today. But I never went out to drink, neither had a single alcoholic drink only for me.
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Nope. 
104:Been overweight?No. I mean, never been in an unhealthy way.
105:Been underweight?Possibly when I was a child and had anemia.
106:Been to a wedding?Yes, the last one was on April 2017. It was my friend’s sister wedding.
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?I think so, playing The Sims lol I love this game.
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Probably… I’m not sure.
109:Been outside my home country?No :( (not yet!)
110:Gotten my heart broken?Yes because my fave band members havE GIRLFRIENDS!!! Ok, hum, I have had my heart broken by a “real person” once (and only time). But this person is one of the best people I have ever met and my heart was broken because we could never fit; he is not a bad person at all, we just are from different realities.
111:Been to a professional sports game?No.
112:Broken a bone?No.
113:Cut myself?Yes, once.
114:Been to prom?No.
115:Been in airplane?Yes, a long time ago, and I don’t remember how many times. Maybe 2 or 3. 
116: Fly by helicopter?No, but I want to!
117:What concerts have I been to?I have a list of it here! I have seen some native bands too, which were pretty cool.118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Not a crush properly, but a little attraction. 
119:Learned another language?Yes, English. But I want to learn others, like Japanese and Russian! 
120:Wore make up?For weddings, graduation and this kind of event. And sometimes to go out, but very, very simple.
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18?LMAO
122:Had oral sex?why so many questions about sex? I still don’t know what this mean!!!
123:Dyed my hair?Never, but I’d like to.
124:Voted in a presidential election?My first time will be this year, in October. And I have no idea in who to vote!!! :)
125:Rode in an ambulance?No.
126:Had a surgery?No.
127:Met someone famous?I didn’t meet him, but I once went to an event and Beakman (from Beakman’s World) was there… but this is just like seeing a band live: you only see them, you don’t meet them.128:Stalked someone on a social network?Hahahahah hell yes
129:Peed outside?Outside what? In public, like, in the street? In a bush? No, never!
130:Been fishing?Yes, twice.
131:Helped with charity?Yes. 
132:Been rejected by a crush?I had only one crush and he didn’t reject me, neither accepted.
133:Broken a mirror?Yes.
134:What do I want for birthday?My birthday was exactly 14 days ago I wanted a new pair of sneakers, and also money for gigs.
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names?If I have a good financial condition, I want two. If not, only one. I don’t think too much about names, but can you believe I thought of it earlier today? Yes! Male names I like are Julian and Edwin. And female, Elizabeth/Elise, Amélia/Amelie (just like I said here) and also Helena. 
136:Was I named after anyone?No, my grandfather suggested this name for me and my mom liked it.
 137:Do I like my handwriting?Not anymore. It is really ugly now, it used to be better.
138:What was my favorite toy as a child?Barbie dolls, always.
139:Favorite TV Show?Decora. It’s a Brazilian tv show about renovating and decorating rooms.
140:Where do I want to live when older?Perth, Australia (thanks Tame Impala for destroying my life).
141:Play any musical instrument?Unfortunately not, and I hate this!!! I really, reaaaally want to play some! Hopefully I will in the future.
142:One of my scars, how did I get it?I have two scars on my right arm. My sister really wanted the tv control I was holding… yeah, she tried to get it from my hands and scratched my arm.
143:Favorite pizza topping?K E T C H U P! LMAO SO PAULISTAN
144:Am I afraid of the dark?No.
145:Am I afraid of heights?Yes.
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Yeah, I remember once when I left the laundry room (I was alone there) and I didn’t hold the door, so it shut and it was loud, and I said it was my brother’s fault, though he wasn’t even there. My mom was getting in the laundry room and she saw it all. LOL.147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Always? lol hum, yes, it happens a lot.
148:What I’m really bad at.Everything. Ok, hum, I would say that I am really bad at being positive.
149:What my greatest achievements are.Seeing my Holy Trinity live; saving the life of some pets (my last dog and the three current cats I have) and I don’t know what else.
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me.basically everything my father says to me hum my father used to call me useless a lot of times.
151:What I’d do if I won in a lottery.Help my family, move to Perth and try my life in there.
152:What do I like about myself?Nothing…………….-my music taste, and the fact that I am an open minded person.
153:My closest Tumblr friend.you (@warpaint-impala).
154:Something I fantasies about.LMAOOOOOOOOOO sorry but nope hah
155:Any question you’d like - would you read my text?Yes, I will read it.
Glenda, muito obrigada, mas nunca mais faça eu responder todas as perguntas. Por favor. Te amo
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever been to Australia?  Nope. Not really on top of my travel lists when it comes down to it, but it would be lovely to visit nonetheless. I'd be most excited to try their local food.
Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Kate, our HR officer.
Are you wearing a necklace? If so, describe it.  I am not.
Do you know anyone who is left-handed? Aya. But we’re not really friends anymore.
Ever wear out a CD? What was it?  I don’t think so. I’ve broken CDs before but it was always because I had been a kid then and I constantly mishandled them.
What’s your favorite card game? I’m not into card games.
What’s your favorite fast food meal?  I usually flock to burgers and fries. Fast food rice is blechhh so I never get any meals with them, which are usually paired with fried chicken.
Where is the best restaurant you’ve ever eaten in at?  Torch. Prices are no joke either, so I don’t get to order from there a lot.
Lamb chops or pork chops?  I have pork chops more frequently and I love them, but I’d go with lamb chops. More expensive so I get them less often, but I do like the taste of lamb more.
If you HAD to pick ONE song to listen to for the rest of your life, and that would be the only song you ever heard, what would it be?  I imagine this would be so inconvenient after just a few hours...but idk. Based on my mood now, maybe Still With You by Jungkook.
Ever heard of Shinedown?  I have. I used to have a mutual who was obsessed with them. Never listened to their music, though.
What size is your bed?  Just a twin-size.
What is the first meal you remember eating?  I no longer remember that.
What was the first movie you ever saw?  Stuart Little 2.
What percentile of your class were you in?  I’m not sure about percentile, but I was just above average. Never topped the class but wasn’t behind academically, either. In our batch of around 165, I remember my ranking peaking at like 26. I don’t know what the equivalent percentile for that is.
Can you name every place you’ve ever had sex?  Yeah, I didn’t like being too adventurous anyway.
What forms of birth control have you used?  Same-sex relationship.
Do you use sponges or dishcloths when doing the dishes?  Sponge. OMG I hate touching wet cloths/fabric.
What’s your favorite song on the top twenty right now?  Butter.
Ever punched a wall?  Nope.
What was the last bug you killed and what did you use?  An ant. My finger.
Ever get pulled over by the cops and get away without a ticket?  Yes, because he noticed I was in uniform, as were my orgmates then. And I’m guessing it was also because he could tell we were all young, so he let us go.
What was your first legal alcoholic drink? A margarita, I think? < Hey, same!
What’s the most expensive things your parents ever bought you?  My education.
What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?  I’ve spent the most on my merch collection so far; but as for an individual item, I’ve spent close to 5k on a photobook set. I haven’t really ventured out to start spending on more adulting stuff yet, lol.
What is your favorite cover song?  Paramore’s cover of Passionfruit by Drake, or Hayley Williams’ cover of Teardrop by Massive Attack.
Did you ever drop out of school?  Nope, I did everything in one go.
Ever raise a child that wasn’t your own for more than 3 months?  I have not.
Strangest medical procedure ever performed on you?  I’ve only had basics done on me. 
Does the place you work have music playing? What sort?  The extremely few times I had to go to the physical office, my co-workers put on some music, yeah. It had been a very chill atmosphere and they simply turned on YouTube on the TV and put on a playlist of BTS and Taylor Swift songs.
Do you use Windows, Mac, Linux, or something else entirely?  Mac.
Do you cut tags out of clothing so they don’t itch and bother you?  Yes, I hate how the tags feel for the most part. The only time I don’t cut them off is if the brand is on the pricey side.
How many times a year do you go on vacation?  Under normal circumstances, around 3-5 with my family.
What is your favorite time period in history to learn about?  It’s easier for me to say what periods I find a little boring: medieval/dark ages and anything about wars. Every other period I’d happily soak up like a sponge.
What’s the saddest report you have ever seen on the news?  Mmmh, probably kids dying from freak accidents and seeing the parents get interviewed. Just last night I had to hear about a 4 year old who ran towards a car while playing outside. Hearing the dad cry and plead was gut-wrenching.
In your honest opinion, what is the scariest sea creature you know?  Idk, maybe those that live in the super deep sea and look nothing like what we would usually perceive as normal sea creatures.
What superpower do you think would be the most handy in times of trouble?  I guess it would have to depend on the issue you find yourself stuck in. But I think being able to control time would be convenient, since you can just easily undo mistakes.
Do you believe there is just one love for everyone, or…?  No. That would invalidate experiences for a lot of people. :/
Why are you best friends with your best friend?  She’s always been supportive and stuck by my side no matter what I’ve been through. We also have great chemistry and have always shared the same sense of goofy humor.
Do you world peace is truly a possibility in the future?  No.
Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make?  I’d just make sashimi everyday.
What do you think of when you look at the stars?  I tend to reminisce when I do so. Think about what’s happened in the past, people who’ve left, what I’ve lost...and that there’s probably good reason why things are the way they are now.
If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Dead? Their shells are part of their actual skeletal structure. < Well there we go.
What’s one thing you feel you must do in your life before it ends?  Travel the world.
What Disney princess are you most like? Personality-wise, I mean.  Ariel. Pretty fucking clumsy, prioritizes the wrong things out of love.
What do you think is the most important thing in this life is?  Happiness.
Do you use any acne medication?  Nah, I just splash my face with water every morning.
Have you ever tried to learn another language? How did it go?  [This survey seems to be a mix of a few surveys, so some of the questions - like this, I’ve already answered. I’ll be striking out the ones I’ve already delved on but if you’ll take this survey as well, feel free to remove the strike!]
Do you still have a landline phone in your home?
Throughout a typical week, which places are you likely to go?  LOL just home. I work from home, and I’m usually exhausted during the weekend to want to go out.
How often do you use your webcam, if you even have one that is?  A few times a week for work. Most of the time we communicate just through audio, but there are a few meetings or clients that prefer video.
Do you have a lock number or pattern for your phone?  It’s a number combination, but I seldom get to use it. I usually rely on thumb ID.
What was the last thing you bought from a liquor store?  Not a liquor store but I just got a few bottles of beer from 7-Eleven.
Is there any cereal in your house? What kind?  We don’t. We’re not really a big cereal-eating family.
What's the most number of people you've ever lived with?  11. That’s a set of grandparents (2), my family (4), my mom’s older brother’s family (4), and my mom’s younger brother (1).
Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day? 
Do you have any pets? How long have you had them?  I have two. 13 years with Kimi, a year with Cooper.
What's your favourite kind of cheese?  Feta and mozzarella.
Have you danced in the rain?  Once or twice, when I was a lot younger.
Who is your favorite person to text?  I don’t text anymore, but I frequently communicate with Angela on Messenger.
What’s your favorite brand of jeans?  My favorite pair is from Zara, but I don’t have a go-to brand for jeans per se.
Do you enjoy Mario games?  Not all of them, but sure.
What’s your favorite online game? I don’t play games.
Have you ever been hit with a ball in gym class?  Possibly. Not remarkable enough for me to remember though.
Who was last to cook for you?  Dad.
Would you ever wish to explore a cave?  I would love to. I had the chance to explore one during our trip to Sagada, but the tour guide decided against it since I had the wrong footwear and it wasn’t going to be safe if I tried. :( I did get to go to the underground cave in Palawan though, and that was a really fun experience.
You see the person you fell hardest for. What do you do?  I’d give her a small, polite/curt smile and maybe wave, then go on with whatever it was I’ve been doing. Of course, I doubt it would actually go that way because I believe she’d run for the hills if she ever spotted me.
Have you ever ridden in a car with someone who was high?  No. I would refuse to, especially if they were the one driving.
Did you ever date the last person you kissed?  Yeah, for too long.
Have you ever held a snake?  I have! A few times.
How often do you have friends over to your house?  Almost never. Angela and Hans coming over for Sowoozoo two weeks ago was just an exception.
Have you ever had a boss who acted unprofessionally?  No, I wouldn’t say that.
Who was the last person who cried around you? Why did they start crying? Was it unexpected? 
Do you have any exercises you do everyday?
Are you more of a dog or cat person? 
Have you ever had a dream of stabbing someone? 
Would you ever have a bird as a pet? 
Have you ever had to speak at a funeral? 
Do you know someone who’s been cremated? 
What is your favorite animated movie? 
Did your grandparents teach you anything?  Just some religion stuff and how to be a nice Catholic and all. Doesn’t apply to me, obvs, but I still outwardly listen out of respect.
Do you want/have a Bachelor's degree?  Yes.
Are you into superheroes? Who's your favourite?  I am most definitely not. 
Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity? Did you like it?  Sure, a few times. Yes, it was fun and hilarious.
Have you ever played a drinking game? Which ones?  Just the basic ones like truth or dare and never have I ever.
Did you ever play Neopets when you were younger?
Have you ever been to Mexico?  No, but would be nice to travel there.
Have your parents ever worked in medicine? No, not their field.
Is there anything unusual about your house?  We don’t have a gate, which has always bugged me.
How many serious relationships have you been in?  One.
Do you listen to Rise Against?  Much more when I was in high school. I haven’t revisited their music in years.
When was the last time you congratulated someone?  Reggy since she posted her graduation portrait the other day.
Have you ever taken care of a newborn baby?  Nah.
How old were you when you got your ears pierced?  Like a month old, I believe.
Do you snore when you sleep?  Rarely. A snore or two would usually come out only if I’m extremely exhausted.
What was the last type of burger you ate?  A Baconator from Wendy’s.
0 notes
its-me-im-coraline · 7 years
Jughead Jones | Right were she belongs.
Count of words: 1686
Warnings: super long, maybe kind of sad, also fluff, may contain spoilers if you haven’t seen till episode 11-12
A/N: Ok this is wayyyyyyyy longer than intended and is defenitely the longest imagine I’ve writen in a long time.. I HAVEN’T HAD THIS KIND OF INSPIRATION TO WRITE SO MUCH IN SO LONG OMG !!! I’M SHOOK!! I swear I feel so proud of myself for this. I hope you like it love ♥ 
@tayrae515​ asked: Could you do one where your Archie's year younger sister and you happen to see Jason's death and the killer is chasing you trying to catch you and somehow you fall into sweet water river and Jughead hears you and helps. Very intense and fluff. All four of them there with Jughead like when they saved Cheryl but Jughead is being very sweet and comforting you. Betty is dating Archie. Kinda detailed, thank you :) p.s. Bughead till the day I die but I thought this would be cool. 💕💕
Even when dark times like this take over a small town like Riverdale, it seems like some lights never stop to shine and show us the way to make these miserable lives of ours better. After the death of Jason Blossom a wave of bad events started happening. The whole town was slowly driven into chaos but no one seemed to acknowledge that. But even in this up coming chaos there was always some hope. For me, it was her.
It is this girl at the back of the classroom, a notebook and pen in hand as well as a passion hidden behind her (eye color) colored orbs. Her beautiful (hair color) hair falling over her face as she was writing/drawing making her look ten times more beautiful. It is something about this girl that appealed to me but I still couldn’t explain it. It was this fire in her eyes, this passion about the things she loved, this obliviosity to all the darkness sourounding her restricted bubble of light. But she was Archie’s sister. 
Specificly after the death of the Blossom’s golden son, she seemed off. She was distant, scared even. She wasn’t drawing like before and she wasn’t doing anything with the same passion as before. On the contrary, she was wary of everyone’s steps and movements. Even the slightest sudden move would make her flinch in fear but no one noticed, no one thought much of the poor scared girl.
When school started again she loosened up a little bit. She would always hung out with us and she would either be under her brother’s arm, hugging him as close as possible, or in my arms clutching onto me almost as if she let go something would take her away. Whenever we were not around she would still grip on someone’s arm, even if that was Betty, Veronica, sometimes even Reggie would be embrassing her firmly. It was still a mystery for me where that dread came from.
It was already winter, snow falling heavily from the sky and covering every inch of Riverdale. Worst thing was that the school’s prom was coming and all of my friends were ushering me to go and ask her to be my date while I’m at it. It took me some time to proccess but eventually I resolved in doing that. Maybe eventually I would learn what set her in such a paniced mode. 
And finally, the night of the prom. She had agreed to go with me the other night and I was beyond excited, only that for some reason I knew the night would not end well. But for now I was walking to her house to pick her up. After knocking the door, mr Andrews, opened the door and warmly welcomed me inside the household, after calling his only daughter’s name. As soon as I sat down on their couch she peaked through the staircase and slowly made her way towards the small and cozy living room. When I saw her my breath hitched in my throat and I was unable to form the words to tell her how gorgeous she looked. Instead my eyes did the job for me cause I just couldn’t take them off her. “If I knew you were to stare at me like that I could have sent you a picture,” she joked and walked towards me. “You look... Breathtaking,” I managed to utter, then took her hand and made it to the school.
A while ago I mentioned that I got a feeling the night wouldn’t end well and I was right. After about half an hour into the dance I had lost Y/N in the crowd and I couldn’t find her. I was walking from hallway to hallway until I reached the last one. I heard voices coming from there and I hid behind the corner. “You did what?” A voice I recognized as Y/N’s said. “Before you get mad let me explain,” pleaded Veronica. “Explain what? That you’re working with my mum behind my back?” Betty fired at her. “I’m sorry B but you know FP had some kind of arrangement with my dad. I had to make sure it wasn’t about Jason Blossom,” Veronica tried to reason. “And what’s your excuse?” Y/N butted in, seemingly talking to someone else that was with Veronica. “I was looking out for Jughead in case FP was doing shady stuff. To protect him.” Archie said. To protect me? By trying to find things to prove my dad was guilty. Oh I’ll t- “Blame me girls. I asked Archie to help me.” “For God’s sake Veronica!” Y/N muttered and Betty stepped in. “Help you do what? What would you two do?” That’s when I had enough and I walked round the corner as if I didn’t here anything.
After that there was a little argument between the five of us. I said things to Y/N I shouldn’t and I hurt her but what was coming was even worse. “Betty thank God,” mrs Cooper said walking round the corner with Kevin, mr Andrews,Archie’s and V’s mums. And then the thing I didn’t want to hear was thrown at me. “He was arrested. For the murder of Jason Blossom.” Fred said. All I could do in that moment was run outside and hurry at my dad’s house and so I did. Y/N was hurrying behind me grabbing my arm as I shook it off. But she didn’t stop until we were both in my dad’s house. She saw me smash things, throw them at the wall. She saw me break down. “You’re father didn’t do this,” she tried reassuring me but I just got angrier. “Then why was he arrested, with the murder weapon?!” I yelled at her. She looked scared but she kept a strong facede up as she always did. “Cause... I just know it. He didn’t do it.”
It had been days since my dad’s arrest. Y/N had gotten even more distand then and I don’t know why. But I was feeling empty with out her here to help us. The killer was yet to be found but I started losing hope. I began to believe that my dad was indeed Jason’s killer. Nevertheless, that night I was to talk to her about everything. I wanted to apologise thinking that her sudden distance was because of my behavior towards her the other night.
While making my way to Pop’s with Archie, Betty and Veronica, we all heard a familiar scream coming from deep into the woods, probably running towards the Sweetwater river. “Y/N,” Archie came to the realisation that the voice was his sister’s and we all runned towards the scream, rushing to get to the scared or hurt girl. 
“Please don’t,” she pleaded as whoever it was that was chasing her made her walk closer the end of the big stones and the a loud flop was heard as she fell into the freezing water and the man disappeared into thin air. She was screaming for help, while the cold water was making it hard for her to breath and that’s when we finally made it to the water. With out a second thought I jumped into the water even if Betty pleaded me and Archie not to. Archie stayed back, while I dived in to save the drowning girl, and tried to comfort his crying mess of a girlfriend. It’s no secret Betty loved Y/N. She was family to her. Like the little sister she never had, but she was scared of whatever would happen to me, another one of her best friends, or Archie, her loving boyfriend. 
After finally saving the poor girl Archie took her into his arms to carry her home. We managed to get all the wated out of her lungs and replace it with air but she was still not awake. She had blacked out when I found her. The only clothing covering her body was a pair of thin pjs and a pair of fuzzy socks. Didn’t do much cold to keep her from backing out within seconds into the icy water. Her wet hair were leaving a trail of water behind us when making our way out of the forest. Betty was clinging onto Archie’s arm, almost as if she was care of what was to come, and Veronica was stroking Y/N’s hair as if it would help her warm up, as if it would ease the pain from the gelidity.
It had been a couple of hours already and mrs Lodge agreed to have us in front of her fire place utill Y/N was awake and utill I was wormed up. Archie brought clothes for both of us and made me get his sister in those. Ever since I have been sitting right in front of the flame of the fire place with her in my arms. She looked so peaceful and for a moment it was as if nothing happened but the silent sniffle of Betty behind us reminded me of how I almost lost her. “It’s ok. Shh.” Archie whispered to Betty. “It’s alright. She is alright. It’s over now.” He muttered to her and I smiled a bit at how comforting and sweet he can be sometimes. I moved my eyes down, back to the girl resting in my arms comfortably, embracing the unintended closeness and affectivenessI was getting from her. She slowly started to tremble, but not from the cold, and the she shot up with a scream of pain or fear. Tears steamed down her cheecks as everyone rushed to her aid. Her sobs got stronger every second and I just pulled her into my chest. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and I started stroking her hair and back. “It’s ok. It’s gonna be alright. I’m here. We all are here. You are alright now.” I said soothingly trying to tame her crying. “Shhhh,” I kept on repeating. Everyone was uttering reassuring things to her while silence was starting to form from her. She stopped crying but she didn’t move. She stayed right were she was. Right where she belonged.
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stillgeekingout · 7 years
apologies friends I am a day late (as if you guys keep track). I’m a lil embarrassed about this chapter lol (there’s.... a lot of kissing....)
anyway here it is, CHAPTER TEN of the ultimate aaron milverton crossover fic! we’ve come so far lol.
I hope I didn’t accidentally plagiarize rainbow rowell (aka my Inspiration), also if yanki or demitri ever somehow find this I’ll die. ok enjoy!
previous:  1 here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, 5 here, 6 here, 7 here, 8 here, 9 here
Chad was kissing a boy. It was a pleasant development that he hadn’t expected out of his Thanksgiving vacation.
He should have told Aaron his feelings sooner. He couldn’t believe he had let months go by. He should have known Blair was benevolent enough to accept a broken oath for a worthy cause. He should have just asked her what she thought when they were at the convention. He should have--
He shook the thoughts from his head. It doesn’t matter, because he’s here now, he thought. He needed to enjoy the moment while it lasted. After months of nothing but emails and fantasies, touching Aaron at all was incredible. Let alone kissing him. He couldn’t settle on a place for his hands-- he kept moving them from Aaron’s face, to his neck, to his shoulders.  
Aaron had one hand on the back of Chad’s neck and the other in his hair. I should grow my hair longer in the back, Chad thought. Then he would have something to hold onto. Aaron’s hair was longer than his; he moved his hands up to run his fingers through it.
“I have to say,” Chad whispered between kisses, “I think driving halfway across the state-- is the most-- romantic thing-- anyone’s ever done for me.” He felt Aaron smile against his lips.
“Worth it,” Aaron whispered back. “But I can’t take all the credit, it was Zoe’s id-- wait, Zoe!” He pulled away suddenly. “They’re all still in the car!” Aaron said, as if it had just occurred to him. He turned towards the door, but Chad grabbed his hands. He had sort of hoped they could ignore that fact for a few more minutes.
“You guys aren’t driving back tonight, are you? It’s so late.” He wasn’t ready for Aaron to leave. He wove his fingers through Aaron’s, swinging their hands back and forth a little.
“I’m not totally sure,” Aaron said. “We didn’t really think that far ahead.”
“Too consumed by your need to see me?” Chad grinned, leaning in for another quick kiss.
“I know you’re joking, but yeah, pretty much,” Aaron said, smiling. He had a great smile. “I was kind of dying without you.” Chad tried not to look too pleased, but his heart was glowing.
“Well, we’re together now,” he said, unclasping one hand to brush Aaron’s cheek again. “That’s what matters.”
“Yeah.” They were both still grinning. They didn’t break eye contact for a long moment, but then Aaron looked down. “I really should go check on my friends,” he said. “Come with me?”
“Of course.” And they walked outside, still holding hands.
Kate Whitney stared at her phone. Aaron’s last text was from twenty minutes earlier.
omg ok we’re here. at his house. blair and i are gonna go talk to him
She had texted him exactly 11 times since:
!!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck, ily whatever happens!
how’s it going? any luck?
are you making out with him
oh my GOD you are aren’t you
there’s no way you’re not making out with chad right now
aaron omggggggg
She stood up, pacing the room. For all she knew, her best friend was uniting with the love of his life, and she was stuck waiting for text updates on the opposite corner of the country. It was absolutely killing her.
Her phone whistled. She jumped up to grab it. There was a single text from Aaron:
There were very few things Zoe Lasnammer loved more than impromptu adventures and road trips with friends. So between combining both of those things and getting to spend more time with the cute girl she was trying very hard not to develop a crush on, she was having a pretty stellar night. Hera telling them her real name was Rachel was a little odd, but she didn’t question it too much. Maybe her middle name was Hera and that was what she normally went by. It did make it more convenient not to have to deal with Blair about it. (Seriously, did no two gods share a name? She’d have to get used to it sooner or later. There were about a million humans named Alex.)
“They’re coming out!” Alex said suddenly, pointing at Chad’s front door.
“Nice choice of words,” Zoe said, and Rachel laughed. She looked out the window to see that indeed, Aaron and Chad had emerged from the house-- and they were holding hands. Everyone in the car cheered (except for Blair, but even she cracked a smile).
“I’m happy for him that it worked out,” said Zoe.  Aaron looked over at the car, and Zoe saw Rachel give him a thumbs up through the window (a cute gesture, even though it was dark outside and the window was tinted so there was no way he could see it).
“Let me talk to them really quickly,” Zoe said, getting out of the car. As soon as she was sure Aaron could see her, she raised an eyebrow at him. To which he WINKED. What a dork.
“So, um. This is Chad,” he said, holding up their joined hands. “Chad, Zoe. She works for Blair.”
“Sort of,” Zoe corrected, reaching out to shake Chad’s free hand. Gods, it was like he and Aaron were glued together at the hands or something.
“So nice to officially meet you, Zoe,” Chad said. “And thanks for bringing this one to me.” He jerked his head sideways at Aaron, who seemed flustered. Zoe noticed that his hair was ruffled.
“Likewise,” she said. “And you’re welcome.”
“So, I’m not sure what your plans are--”
“Well, it’s definitely too late to drive back tonight,” she said. “I think we’ll get a hotel.” With magic god money. If Rachel weren’t with them, they’d probably teleport back or whatever, but Zoe was fine with forcing her friends to spend more time in the car with her.
Aaron kept looking between Chad and Zoe, as if unsure what the next step was.
“We can come back in the morning before we leave,” Zoe said pointedly. Was she really going to have to do all the work here?
“Oh!” said Aaron. “I didn’t-- I mean I don’t know if--” He faltered, looking at Chad.
“Of course you should stay over, babe,” said Chad. Aaron’s facial reaction to being called “babe” was hilariously adorable.
“Will your parents--”
“They’d love to meet you. You can have breakfast with us.” He leaned sideways, nudging Aaron’s shoulder with his own. “They might be a little surprised, since they think I’ve sworn off romance and before that I hadn’t figured out I was gay... but they’re chill. It’ll be fine.”
Aaron still looked indecisive, so Zoe took action. “Great, see you in the morning!” she said brightly, turning back towards the car and waving over her shoulder. Behind her, she heard Chad laugh.
One drive to a hotel and check-in later, Zoe found herself in a predicament. The last time they had stayed in a hotel, Blair and Alex had shared a bed. This time, though, they had a new addition to the group-- and Zoe didn’t exactly see suggesting to Rachel that they sleep together, even in the most innocent sense of the phrase.
As soon as Rachel went in the bathroom, she knew she had to act quickly.
“Move over,” she said to Blair, who was already lounging on one of the beds. Blair grunted in protest but scooted over to make room anyway. Zoe kicked off her shoes and climbed under the covers. (None of them had brought a change of clothes or toothbrushes or really anything except Alex’s St. Augustine souvenirs.) It had been a long drive and she was exhausted. She turned towards the wall and closed her eyes immediately, figuring she’d let Rachel and Alex work out sleeping arrangements.
Aaron had given up trying to decide if he was stuck in a really vivid dream. He didn’t want to risk waking himself up. After Zoe left, Chad had insisted that they could both sleep in his bed. “I only get you until the morning,” he’d said. “I’m not losing that time to the couch.” Aaron had agreed, of course, because he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather do than fall asleep cuddled up next to the boy he was in love with. A little while later, he realized he had been wrong. He couldn’t fall asleep, because then the night (or dream, or whatever) would end. He fought to keep his eyes open as Chad lay behind him, idly playing with his hair.
“You know,” Chad said into the back of his neck, “you could stay longer tomorrow if you wanted. What’s one more last minute plane ticket?”
Aaron rolled over to face him. “I’m not letting you buy me a-- wait, what do you mean one more?”
Chad winced. “Yeah so… I have a confession.”
“About this afternoon...” Aaron still couldn’t believe it was the same day-- possibly the best day he’d ever had. (Definitely the best dream he’d ever had, if that was the case. And he’d had plenty of dreams about Chad.) “My flight wasn’t actually delayed,” Chad said. “I missed the connection on purpose because I wanted to see you.”
Aaron laughed. “Calm down, dude. Kinda seems like you’re obsessed with me.”
“Hey, I’m not the one who drove all the way down here--”
“Yeah, yeah.” Chad’s face was close enough that Aaron could reach forward and kiss him on the nose with very little effort. I’m allowed to do that now, he reminded himself, so he did. He had imagined stuff like that for so long that it was unreal to actually be able to act on it.
“Ok but seriously though,” he said. “I’m not letting you buy me a plane ticket. I’ll ride back with Zoe. She has to take me to my car anyway. And plus, if I stay any longer my sister will kill me. I was supposed to be back to finish Moana.”
“It’s not fair,” Chad said. “I just got you, and now I’m gonna lose you again.”
“We’ll have skype,” Aaron said, though he was thinking the same thing. “And we can still email.”
“I think we’re a little past email now, babe,” said Chad. It was the second time Chad had called him “babe”, and he was a little embarrassed by how much he loved it.
“I like the emails,” he protested. “They’re romantic. Like writing letters.”
“In that case I’ll email you three times a day.”
“Good.” Aaron could feel his eyes drooping. He tried to fight it. “I’m gonna miss you too much.”
“We survived it before,” Chad said, tracing his fingers down the side of Aaron’s face. Aaron gave in and closed his eyes.
“It was different before,” he said sleepily.
“I know,” said Chad. It was the last thing Aaron heard before he fell asleep.
Rachel woke up in a sweat. She looked around at the dark hotel room where her new friends were sleeping, reminding herself that it was just a nightmare. It had been a while since she’d had one that vivid. She took a few deep breaths, then got up to splash some water on her face.
When she came back to slide back into bed, Alex was sitting up. It startled her, but she tried not to show it. “Are you ok?” they whispered.
“Yeah,” she whispered back, but she suspected they could tell she was lying. She stood at the corner of the bed. “I’m just having trouble sleeping, I guess,” she said finally.
“Nightmares?” They sounded genuinely concerned.
“Was it that obvious?” She still hadn’t moved.
“No! Sorry! I just… I heard you talking a little in your sleep and I got worried.”
“Oh,” she said, blinking. So she talked in her sleep. Just great. Way to not scare off the first people she’d felt comfortable talking to in a year and a half. “Sorry for waking you up. I’ll be ok.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
The question surprised her. She didn’t know how to respond, so she decided not to. “Can you tell me what you heard?” she asked. “Like, what did I say?”
“Something about ‘they’re all gone’,” Alex said hesitantly, as if they regretted telling her they had heard anything.
“Sounds about right,” Rachel said, sitting on the edge of the bed and looking down at her lap. They’re all gone. They’re all-- She took another deep breath, trying to clear her head.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, I understand,” said Alex quietly from behind her. They sat in silence for a few long moments. “But you’re ok now. It was just a dream.” If only, she thought.
“Yeah,” she said, unsure what else to say.
“I know what it’s like to feel alone,” Alex said. “It’s really really hard.” Rachel turned around slowly, sitting criss-cross on the corner of the bed. She met Alex’s eyes. Through the dark, it was hard to read their expression, but their voice was sincere.
“Yeah,” she said again.
“But you’re strong,” Alex went on. “And you’re not alone now. You have us.” They gestured to Blair and Zoe asleep in the other bed. Rachel couldn’t tell if they were still just talking her down from the dream or if they could somehow sense that there was some deeper truth to her distressed mutterings. Either way, it made her feel a little better.
“Thanks, Alex,” she said. They seemed satisfied and laid back down, closing their eyes. She finally crawled back up to the top of the bed and slid under the covers. She hadn’t talked to Alex much on the trip thus far, so she hadn’t been sure what to expect out of that exchange. She certainly hadn’t expected a gently whispered pep talk, but Alex’s words were strangely comforting. And when she fell back asleep, she didn’t have any more dreams for the rest of the night.
They drove to pick Aaron up in the morning, as promised. When they pulled up to the house, Aaron and Chad were already having a big goodbye scene on the front porch. It seemed a little excessive to Rachel, but who was she to judge? It did give her a twinge of jealousy, though. Aaron’s unrequited crush had clearly become requited-- a luxury she hadn’t been afforded.
She glanced up at Zoe in the front seat (Blair had once again claimed shotgun). She still wasn’t sure where she stood on that whole thing. Did she like Zoe? Or was it just that she was pretty and funny and conveniently unavailable due to distance, so the whole thing felt safer? She felt like her gauge was broken after Hamlet. Would she ever be able to like someone that much again?
“Ugh, can they wrap it up?” said Blair. Rachel looked back out the window. The two boys were still making out on the porch.
“I think it’s sweet,” said Alex.
“Sweet but gross,” Zoe amended. She hit a button to roll down the passenger side window. “Take it away, Blair, they’ll listen to you.”
“Humans!” Blair called, and the boys jolted. Rachel doubted they had even noticed the car. “It’s time for us to go!”
“Of course, Blair!” Chad called. “Right away!” He said something else to Aaron that Rachel couldn’t hear, gave him one final kiss, then Aaron rushed over to the car. Rachel thought it was funny how much the two of them listened to Blair, and also that she called them “humans”, but maybe it was all just part of the code of their charity religion thing, whatever it was.
When Aaron was inside with the door closed, Rachel and Alex applauded. He seemed embarrassed as he climbed into the back seat next to Rachel. “Guess it worked out pretty well,” she said, laughing.
“Yeah,” he said, turning to wave at Chad through the window as they drove away. “Yeah, I guess it did.”
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pandabearlikes · 9 years
Temporary Affairs
Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17  
Chapter o9.  Chicken Feet  
  “When you said you were going to make a scene, I didn’t know you were actually going to faint,” Jongin laughed through the phone. 
  “You made me faint, Oppa!  Man up and take responsibility,” you replied, thrashing your legs around in bed. 
  “That was hilarious,” he continued to laugh.
  “It was mortifying!  It’s going to be all over the newspapers in the morning!” you whined, only making him laugh louder. 
  “Oppaaaaaaaa,” you wailed. 
  “Go to bed,” he said and you could still hear hints of chuckling. 
  “I am in bed,” you spoke, pouting. 
  “Then go to sleep.  I’ll pick you up in the morning,” Jongin said.
  “By morning you really mean afternoon, right?” you asked and he succumbed to another fit of laughter.  Were you really that funny?
  “I’ll see you tomorrow.  Good night,” he said.
  “Good night,” you replied and hung up. 
  You rolled around bed, in your pjs, trying so very hard to fall asleep but insomnia was taking you captive.  Why did he kiss you?  He probably didn’t hear me tell him to kiss me on the cheek.  I mean, the crowd was pretty loud.  But the thumping of your heart told you otherwise.  Pabo.  Jongin, Pabo!  But his lips were so soft and sexy and sweet and…NO ________ah, staph.  Staph.    
  Despite not getting an ounce of sleep, you got up from bed completely energized.  Giddily, you dug through your wardrobe to pick the prettiest and cutest dress of the bunch.  You slipped on the mint green flowy dress and braided your hair so it looked like a cascading waterfall.  As you bid your mother farewell, you threw on some tall stilettos.  You know…just in case you wanted to kiss him, you didn’t have to tiptoe.
  The moment you walked out of the house, Jongin was already there, leaning against his car with crossed arms.  Oh you, stop looking so handsome. #^$T##%^%^ 
  As always, he opened the passenger door for you and you got in. 
“So, what’s the occasion?  Why are you so dressed up?” he asked, amused. 
  Oh, just a date with the world’s most handsome man a.k.a. my fiancé.  Biotches, step aside.
  “Oh, nothing.  I just felt like it,” you half-lied, “Where are we going?”
  “You’ll see…” he teased and you pouted. 
  Now that you finally observed, Jongin was quite dressed down today compared to his regular suit and tie.  He had on a gray sweater and his hair appeared soft, his bangs covering his forehead.  I still want to run my fingers through it. 
  While you were busy gawking at him, he had already parked the car.
  “_______ah, we’re here.  You can stop staring at me now,” Jongin said, turning off the engine of the car. 
  Omg.  You hid your face behind your hair.  Laughing, he got out of the car and opened the door for you to get out.  With a face of puzzlement, you looked around to guess where your destination was.  The area was populated with street stalls and small cafés.  You turned to him questionably.  He slipped his hand into yours and pulled you to follow him.  And even though your stilettos allowed you to see Jongin from a new height, they were starting to hurt like crazy.  You hid your grimace from your fiancé. 
  He stopped in front of a fried chicken stall. 
  “Here?” you asked.
  “Yep,” he replied, pulling out a seat for you to sit on. 
  The waiters were very friendly and generous.  They laughed and talked with the two of you, even offering to gift you guys extra wings.  Your gaze fell on Jongin as he smiled genuinely at the waiter’s words.  Unknowingly, you found yourself grinning as well. 
  “Does your girlfriend not like you eating fried chicken?” you asked him while gobbling down a wing.
  “I don’t know.  Do you not like me eating fried chicken?” he replied also digging into his meal. 
  “No.  I love fried chicken,” you responded, confused.
  “Then why did you ask me?” he spoke with food in his mouth. 
“Because I thought she must not like it so that’s why you brought me here.  You know, since I apparently have a diet of a child,” you answered. 
  He laughed, “I’m glad you’re actually admitting it”. 
  You pouted and pointed at your attire, “But I’m starting to regret wearing this”.  
  “Nah, you look beautiful as always,” he casually complimented.  Argh.  You flirt, you don’t understand the feels I get when you say things like this. 
  Staring at him, you sighed and placed your unfinished chicken back onto the plate.  He probably doesn’t even see you as a girl because he’s treating you like some guy friend, eating fried chicken with him while watching a football game.  Jongin would never do that in front of his little girlfriend. 
  “Are you full already?” he asked.
  You nodded and pushed your plate over to him.
  “I’m going to go to the bathroom,” you mumbled. 
  At the bathroom, you immediately took your shoes off.  A streak of red lined your Achilles heel.  You touched it and instantly winced in pain.  What a great way to add salt to my wound. 
  “What’s the point?  We’re not real anyway,” you said to your reflection in the mirror. 
  Cinderella will have to wake up one day and give back her Prince Charming to another girl. 
  Sluggishly, you walked back out to reunite with your fiancé.  You discovered him with two plates of bones as he rubbed his stomach in satisfaction.
  “Let’s go, I’m done,” he said.
  You waited patiently as he went into the bathroom to wash his oily hands.  A teenage girl walked passed and stopped in front of you.
  “Hey, are you _______ _______?” she asked. 
  “Mmhm…” you replied.
  “Omgosh, your fiancé is so hot,” she confessed. 
  You clenched your fist under the table. 
  Faking a smile, you replied, “Thanks, I’ll tell him you said that”. 
  “You guys don’t match at all.  He should marry someone prettier,” she quipped. 
Omg, what did this little biotch just say?  You clawed at the bottom of the table to prevent yourself from clawing at her face. 
  “That’s good to know,” you tried to calmly reply. 
  Just as you were about to explode, Jongin returned from his bathroom break.  You watched helplessly as the fangirl rubbed her hands all over your fiancé.  Dammit, biotch.  I haven’t even touched those places before, how dare you.  You narrowed your eyes as Jongin semi-flirted with her. 
  Angry, you grabbed your purse and headed out.  You threw on a pair of sunglasses and stalked off, ignoring the painful sensation of your heels getting sliced more and more with every step you took.  Warm liquid dripped down your shaded eyes and you roughly wiped them away with your hands.  You don’t even understand why you were so upset.  It’s not like she said anything but the truth. 
  “_________ah!” Jongin called, chasing after you. 
  As soon as he caught up, he grabbed you by the arm.  You flung him off angrily. 
  “Hey, hey.  Why are you so angry?” he asked. 
  You don’t respond.   
  “Why do you have sunglasses on?  It’s winter,” he questioned, laughing at your fashion sense. 
  You ignored him again, running over to the street corner to hail a taxi. 
  “Hey.  What’s wrong?” Jongin asked, his tone desperate. 
  He slammed the taxi door shut and waved for the driver to leave.  Still, you ignored him, walking over to another street corner.  Suddenly, he scooped you off your feet and threw you over his shoulder.  You thrashed around childishly but he doesn’t let you down until he was at his car.  Gently, he placed you down onto the passenger seat. 
  “Wait for me right here,” he said and ran off. 
  You crossed your arms and cried in the car.  Why were you crying?  You had no idea why you were crying but you were.  Angrily, you kicked the car seat and buried your face into your inner elbow. 
  Jongin returned with a plastic bag in his hand.  He took the contents out and threw the rest into the backseat.  You stubbornly continued to ignore him, until he lifted your leg onto his lap.  Gently, he took off your heels.  You hissed and finally looked up.  In his hands was a box of bandages.  Leaning down to your feet, he blew on your cut a few times before sealing it with a band-aid.  He patted his lap and you obediently lifted your other leg for him to examine. 
  “Don’t ever wear those shoes ever again.  I’m going to bring them home and burn them,” he said angrily as he wrapped up the other cut. 
  You let out a soft giggle.  Jongin looked up at you, relieved that you were happier. 
  “Then how am I supposed to walk?” you asked, sniffling back your tears. 
  “I’ll carry you,” he immediately responded.
  Butterflies flutter in your stomach and you burst out in a fit of laughter, already forgetting why you were mad in the first place.    
            a/n: I can imagine you guys narrowing your eyes at the screen and thinking, “The longer she writes about them being fluffy and lovey-dovey that means the obstacle is going to be super angsty”.  (╯ಊ╰) MUHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA maybe…maybe not  #trollchenpossessed
  Soo glad you guys liked the last chapter :D It’s my favorite along with a few of the later ones hehe. 
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jungblue · 8 years
I just wanted to let you know how much I adore Loving Him, Loving Her. It's beautifully written and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat throughout each sentence. You're very talented!
omg this was so sweet!! thank you! god, i really need to work more on pt.2 some more… and i feel bad that it’s been months since pt.1, so if you or anyone is interested i’ll post a couple k of pt.2 under the cut!! honestly it’s been months so who knows if anyone’s still interested in the story but if you are here’s a very rough draft of about 2k 
It was the shrill ring of your alarm that woke you up. You groaned in annoyance at the incessant noise, completely confused as to why it was going off in the first place. It was summer right? With your eyes still sealed tightly shut, you tried to reach forward so you could begin blindly searching for the whereabouts of your phone, but your movements were halted by something grappling to your waist.
“What the hell?” You said in a scratchy and sleep-deprived whisper.
You opened your eyes, rubbing at them to try and get rid of the puffiness so you could see what was going on, but when you looked down to see what the constraint against your waist was, you froze.
Hands so big, with fingers so long, that they could only belong to one person; Taehyung. They were clasped around your body, and after a couple seconds of wild bewilderment running through your mind, you finally remembered why.
You had sex with your fuckboy of a best friend that you just so happened to really like — great.
A continuous mantra of idiot, idiot, idiot, ran through your head as you reached for your still ringing phone on the nightstand. You dismissed the alarm, but not before you read the memo that you had at some point set last night to go off at seven a.m. — well at least you made one smart decision last night.
The memo read ‘get home’, and you quickly remembered how you weren’t supposed to be here in the first place, and that your parents were going kill you if you didn’t get home in time… But that somehow wasn’t what was weighing most heavily on your mind.
You could feel the press of Taehyung’s forehead against the center of your back, and you wished more than anything that the two of you could just stay like this. You tried to remain still, fearing that any tiny movement would wake him, but you decided after about a minute or so that you just wanted to look at him before you shattered this small dream that you and Taehyung had created — or at least you had.
Your heart hammered inside of your chest as you slowly turned over in his arms. He buried his face into your chest at the change in position, and you hate the slight twinge that it made flutter through your heart. Dammit, how can someone be so cute when all they’re doing is sleeping?
You hesitantly lowered yourself down the bed until the two of you were finally face to face. His mouth was parted slightly, and it pushes the tiniest of smiles to your lips. His hair was messy, and you can’t help yourself from reaching out and caressing the darkly-colored strands.
“Why’d you let me do it, jerk?” You whispered into his chin, regret seeping from your voice.
But then you reminded yourself that it was probably because he didn’t know how you felt, since you’ve never actually told him, idiot. And that was of course one possibility, but there were also several others. Maybe he did actually know how you felt, and decided to go along with it just for his own selfish agenda. That was definitely another route this entire situation could take, but you can’t help but think that Taehyung wouldn’t do something like that. After all, he was already holding himself back for the sake of your friendship together, so it’s hard to believe that he would still go through with sleeping with you if he knew your true feelings for him.
But regardless you didn’t blame Taehyung for any of this. You were the one who insinuated that you wanted to come up here with him last night, you were the one who agreed to follow him up those stairs, and you were the one that gave into your feelings. You knew exactly what you were doing… and now here you were, dealing with the consequences.
You wondered how he was going to act once you woke him up. Was he going to be the same old Taehyung, or maybe for once he wouldn’t know how to handle the situation either. And in all honesty, even though it was the more difficult road, you would rather have the latter, because the idea of having him act as if nothing had changed between the two of you at all, that would most definitely hurt worse.
You took in a shallow and ragged breath, the anxiety of what was about to happen almost paralyzing. Please, please, please feel something… anything, you thought inside of your head as you placed your hand on his bare shoulder. Your nails curled into his skin as you tried to work up the courage to wake him up, but it was like you just couldn’t bring yourself to move. Maybe you would just give it a few more minutes so you could try and calm your nerves —  or at least that’s what you would’ve liked to do if not for the second wave of shrill rings that suddenly started to flow from your phone.
“Fucking snooze.” You cursed yourself for pressing the wrong button before quickly turning back to the nightstand to silence the alarm.
Great, now you were even more on edge than before.
Once the room returned to its previously quiet state, you let out a frustrated sigh — but then you suddenly felt something.
Every bone and breath in your entire body instantly halted when you felt the untangling of Taehyung’s arms from around your waist, and the groan-mixed yawn that signaled he was no longer asleep.
“Shit, shit, shit,” You whispered to yourself in a complete panic as you turned to face him. He was rubbing his face, and he still hadn’t opened his eyes yet. Should you say something before he looked at you, or maybe you should just —
Your eyes cautiously slithered upwards until they locked with his. His expression seemed calm, the complete opposite of your frazzled state, and that worried you.
“Hey…” You whispered back, and you could feel the hesitation in your voice, so there was no doubt that Taehyung would pick up on it.
“What’s wrong?” He quickly asked as expected, bringing one hand down onto the side of your hip, making you stiffen.
“N-nothing, I just…” You stuttered, “I-I need to get home before my parents find out I left, remember?”
That wasn’t what was wrong at all, but what else were you going to say? I like you a lot, and even though we’re really good friends, and I know you don’t date, I want to be with you? … Well in all honesty that was probably exactly what you should say, just to get everything out on the table, but you just weren’t ready for that yet.
“Oh shit, you’re right.” He said quickly, jumping up from his position on the bed to immediately start pulling his clothes back on.
You slid out of the bed as well, pulling the length of Taehyung’s shirt down as far as you could past your thighs so you could bend over and pick up your clothes. You were about to make your way to the bathroom that was in his room so you could change, but then he suddenly spoke.
“You’re gonna get shy on me now, babe?” He asked, and you don’t even have to turn to see the smirk lining his lips.
Same old Taehyung, you thought to yourself somberly as you tried to push away the sting pricking at the back of your eyes. You didn’t reply, and instead continued to make your way to the bathroom, but he was quick to catch up to you before you could shut the door.   
“Hey, hey, hey,” He said as he jogged towards you, and then suddenly one of his hands was cupping the side of your face and the other was on the door. He was standing right in front of you, and finally you got something glinting off of his eyes other than neutrality; concern. “I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to make you feel weird with that… I just — It’s just that I can see how uncomfortable you are, and I hate that I’m the one that’s making you feel that way. That’s seriously the last thing I ever wanna make anyone feel, but especially you. I’m sorry. I just wanted to like lighten the mood to make you feel better, because clearly I fucked up.”
You could see just how guilty he felt, and that wasn’t what you wanted at all. Taehyung was just trying to help you in the only way that he knows how, by being himself, by trying to make you laugh, by just… Being Taehyung. So how could you possibly be upset with him for trying to make you feel comfortable when you looked like you were anything but?
“N-no, Tae, that’s not what’s wrong,” You said quickly to reassure him. “It’s just that I’ve obviously never woken up to you in this… context, so I guess I don’t really know how to act, and I didn’t know how you were going to act, so it just made me really nervous.”
That was the simple version of how you felt, but for right now it was good enough just to make sure that Taehyung knew you were okay.
“That’s good. I just really wanted to make sure that you were okay. I didn’t know if I did anything wrong last night when we were…” He trailed off, sparing the details that were now playing on a loop inside of your mind.
“No, I promise you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m fine,” You said with a hint of a forced smile, but if Taehyung noticed he didn’t say anything. “Now if you’ll excuse me, so I can get dressed and not be grounded for my entire last year of high school.”
“You really aren’t gonna change in front of me?” He said with a look of disbelief, and it actually makes you laugh. “Was I not good enough? Because let me just say that you were everything I imagined and more—” You didn’t even hear the rest of what he had to say because you were practically burning up on the inside while also dying of laughter as you shut the door on him.
The drive back to your house was relatively quiet, but not exactly uncomfortable. You both made small talk about the things that had happened at the party before the two of you had gone upstairs together. It actually felt kind of nice, just listening to the low hum of the radio as the landscape changed from open lakes and trees, to suburban neighborhoods, little dialogue being exchanged as it happened.
Eventually the car came to a stop. Taehyung parked one street over from your house. You were feeling really nervous about going back. You hadn’t gotten any texts from your parents but maybe that was just so they could ambush you at the house with lectures once you finally came home.
“Uhm, thanks for the ride, Tae. I guess I’ll head back now.” You already had your fingers locked around the door handle when something suddenly caught your wrist.
“Wait, Y/N,” Taehyung loosened his grip, letting his hand fall onto the middle console once he knew you were going to stay. “I really don’t wanna seem annoying or pushy, but… Are you sure you’re okay? You’re just being really quiet and you seem so… distant.”
You bit your lip at the accusation, mind fighting with wanting to tell him how you felt, or just flat out ignoring the situation completely. Both were going to end in damages, but only one of them required immediate conflict, and that just wasn’t something you wanted to deal right now.
“Taehyung, I said—”
“You’re fine, sure. Y/N, look if you want—” He cuts himself off, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration before continuing in a much softer tone. “All I’m saying is that if you want to talk about what happened with us last night, then please just tell me. I get that I seem like that fuck n’ leave type of guy, but you know me better than that. You know that if you want to talk, I will sit here and have this talk with you, but I can’t if you keep saying you’re fine when I know you’re not.”
You were actually at a loss of words after that. You’d never seen Taehyung act like that before, and it wasn’t that he was being mean or anything, but he just sincerely wanted the truth when you clearly weren’t giving it to him. And sure, you definitely weren’t ready to give him the full truth of why you were acting the way you were, but maybe talking it through with him could actually help.
It was pure silence for a couple of agonizing seconds before you finally responded, head tilted down, voice quiet. “So… You’ll talk about last night with me? Like, no joking around, you being a hundred percent serious?”
“Hey, look at me,” Taehyung whispered, gently grabbing your chin so that you’d face him. “Of course I’ll be serious. I hate seeing you this way. It’s like you’re scared to talk to me or something and I honestly can’t stand that. I need to know what’s wrong so I can try and fix it. You’re my best friend. How could I not be serious when you’re this upset?”
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Big Family Minimalism
This is a guest post from my friend Jillian. It dawned on me, recently, that I don’t think I’ve ever had a guest post about family. Jillian is changing that in a BIG and meaningful way.
I never searched out minimalism. Rather, I stumbled upon it first as a type of survival tool. Our story is a bit of a winding and twisting journey. But our minimalism story starts 3.5 years ago, while I was sitting in a job interview and honestly killing it. The interviewers were over the moon happy to hire me on the spot, but I was distracted. I was trying to hold focus on the interview, but my phone was exploding with text messages and missed calls.
See, while I was interviewing my heart out, a 5-year-old boy with big hazel eyes had just been dropped off at our house by a social worker. He had been in foster care for a while and had disrupted from the last 5 homes. (This happens when foster parents or the birth family aren’t able to meet the child’s needs and a new family has to be found.) The social worker was rather confident we couldn’t handle him either. I have soft eyes and a sweet smile that hides the depth of my love, tenacity, and gumption. She mentioned, almost offhandedly, he also had two little sisters. No other family had been able to keep them together and the “state” didn’t want to attempt to place them together again. I just smiled my sweet smile and said, “Well, we aren’t every other family. When you are ready, we are ready for anything.”
It was lie. No one is ever fully ready. His little sisters moved in a few months later. I quit my job. I lived at the end of my rope for the next year.
Having four little kids at home is a lot (6, 5, 2 and 1). Just that alone. But it wasn’t just that. There were 12 appointments a week of various meetings, therapies, and with professionals. There were difficult visits with birth parents. There were court dates and a rotating door of overworked social workers. There were lawyers, judges, and court-appointed advocates. There was the uncertainty of not knowing what the future held for these kids I loved so much.
Plus, there were these sweet kids. They had seen so much trauma and neglect in their short lives that every behaviour was broken. I had the skill, knowledge, tools, and love that was needed. But I was exhausted. Like lay on the floor at night after I tucked them in and cry silent, hot tears exhausted. Until their nightmares started. Every one-to-two hours during the night for 3 years.
It’s all too much. A life at the end of our rope.
We were all at the ends of our rope. While it was challenging to be the ringleader of this circus, it wasn’t any easier for my kids. The two-year-old had lived with 5 different families before us. She called me and her birth mom, mama. They had to be dragged to appointments and meeting after meeting. They had their own trauma and no skills or words to express what they were feeling.
Just getting them ready for the twice-weekly visits with birth parents would nearly break us. They were excited, terrified, overwhelmed, full of dread, happy, conflicted: all at the same time. So they hit each other, melted down, took off their clothes, bit each other, screamed, hid and lost their coats. It was like dressing a whole litter of pissed off kittens into costumes and taking their picture. I would arrive to drop the kids off at the visit only to be criticized, belittled or ignored by the birth family. I would smile my sweet smile then go cry alone in my mini-van.
The foster care process isn’t easy or fun for anyone—not foster parents, not kids and not birth families. They lived in a constant state of anxiety not knowing if they would be with us for the next birthday, or at Christmas, or when school starts. No one knew.
So minimalism found us.
I imagine most people start with minimalism with their stuff. Decluttering and all. Maybe they read an awesome blog, or hear a podcast, and think “I SHOULD get rid of some of this stuff!”
I needed it in every area of my life, all at once. I dubbed 2015 the year of “Easier, not harder”. That was my only litmus test. Is this easier or harder?
I stopped wearing color because I didn’t have the time or skill to coordinate outfits.
I said no, and opted out of most of my commitments that were, in fact, optional.
I pulled my kids from sports.
I ate the same breakfast every single day.
I told all my kids teachers we weren’t doing any homework. ANY. No signing reading charts, no math worksheets, no flashcards. We aren’t doing it. I’m not signing it. Honestly, I’m not even going to look at it. I was so thankful for what the teachers were doing at school, but I couldn’t add “teacher” to my list of things to squeeze into our evenings.
I had to set boundaries with professionals. “No, I can’t change our appointment time every single week. Either keep our set time, or we skip it.” With 12 appointments on the calendar, having them all shift by 30 minutes or 2 hours IS a big deal.
I had to learn minimalism in my relationships. Most people were incredibly supportive, encouraging, and really understood the importance of what we were doing. And some people . . . didn’t. I didn’t have any leftover emotional energy to hear, “Why are you doing this? Why don’t you just give them back? The system is so broken, you shouldn’t have to put up with this. It’s fine if you want those kids in your family, but even if you adopt them, it doesn’t mean they are part of our family.”
I started owning the fact that I live in a real human body that needs food, water, exercise, and sleep. I started to accommodate those seemingly unreasonable demands of my non-robot body.
Bit by bit, we were doing better. Not just surviving with our nose barely above the waves, but almost flourishing.
Then in the same week in June 2015: We were officially asked to adopt our kids, and we found out we were pregnant.
Enter minimalism, level ninja.
I’ll admit, I had a bit of a mommy meltdown when I found out we were pregnant. Sure, we had spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on fertility treatments over the years. Sure, we had tried for 7 years. But now? Adding a baby definitely didn’t fall into my “easier, not harder” motto.
We had been shopping for a bigger house. We were a family of 6 in 1,650 cozy square feet. A bigger house seemed to make sense. Every single person who came to our house echoed the words, “So when are you moving to a bigger place?” like it was the chorus line in a Disney movie.
But the saying “a baby changes everything” is true.
Turns out, we didn’t want more and bigger. Our entire life already felt “more and bigger”. We wanted less. Actually, we all needed less.
Less clutter. Less cleaning. Less overwhelm. Less hectic.  Less appointments.
We needed margin for the right kind of more. More engagement. More quiet. More stories and cuddles. More adventure. More travel. More time in the garden. More focused time. More creativity.
More stuff and more space weren’t going to give us any of that.
We donated 50% of the kid’s toys, and decided to only keep 3 out at a time to play with. And I saw the kids settle in. Instead of the anxiety, overwhelm, fighting, and frustration they felt when confronted with a massive heap of toys, they just played. Slowly, carefully, thoughtfully with one toy. There was no cleaning up, correcting, and prompting at the end of the night. Each child set one toy on a shelf and it was over. That one simple change freed up a mountain of emotional and relational energy.
I made it a mission to touch every item in our house. I would ask a few questions. Is this a “hard-working” item, or is it “lazy”? Because we didn’t have space for lazy items. Our home couldn’t be a storage unit for barely used items. I would ask, “If I didn’t already own this and saw it at a yard sale for $5 would I buy it instantly, and with joy?” Because if it doesn’t add $5 of value, it doesn’t deserve a place in our home.
Minimalism is an act of faith at first. We paired our life down—appointments, relationships, classes, sports, commitments, stuff—with no guarantee of a better outcome. There was no promise in writing that what we would gain would be better than what we were letting go of.
You pull your kid from a sport and just hope. Hope that the extra two hours a week somehow adds as much value as the sport was adding. It takes a bit a faith to hold space. To create margin and not rush to fill it up again.
We got rid of “perfectly good” toys. (Ok, and a crap ton of McDonald’s happy meal toys.) It’s an act of faith to say, “We are going to donate all these ‘perfectly good’ toys that at one point we actually spent money on,” and just hope that “less is more”.
To the parents.
I kind of just want to give you a hug, at this point. I’ve raised six kids (my oldest passed away). I have to say that motherhood, in the thick of it, is the hardest and most beautiful part of my life. It has been my defining work.
So, if you feel like your kids will kick, scream, and cry themselves into a puddle, if there were less toys, less classes, less sports, less commitments. Remember this: If you are maxed out, they are maxed out.
My very normal kids hate picking up toys. Actually, I think they hated it even more than I did. They hated being corralled into the van. They hated the rush and my grumpy “Where in the world are your shoes!? Why are they in the bathtub? Can anyone answer me this!?! WAIT!?! Why are you covered in purple paint? OMG, I don’t even care. Come on. We are SO late. Please, please, please just put your shoes on.”
Despite what it seems, minimalism is a perfect fit for families. Here is how we started this journey with the toys. (Because no one likes living in a house that looks like a daycare crossed paths with a tornado!) I had this conversation with my four kids who at the time were 3-8:
“I think I haven’t been doing a good job. I think maybe I’ve made it too hard for you guys to pick up your room. The job is simply too hard. And that’s my fault. So here’s what we will do. You pick up as many toys as you can handle. Then I will come clean up the rest. I’ll put them away on this special toy shelf. Anything you can take care of, just pick up and you can keep that in your room. The only rule is, only keep as much as you can handle. If it gets to be too much for you to take care of on your own, I’ll come put it away.”
They managed to clean/organize about 5 toys. All the rest I took out of their room and put on a “toy shelf” that they could swap toys (if their room was clean).
It also made it simple to see what toys we could sneak away in the dark of night. If they hadn’t picked the toy off toy shelf in a few months, obviously it wasn’t a high-value toy. (If your 4-year-old willingly parts with toys, I salute you, dear Jedi Master! We are SO not there yet!)
For parents who are terrified to start, this is about an easy of a sell as you can get. And my kids loved it. No shame, no blame. Just me making their life easier. No more cleaning, no more tears over not being able to organize their room.
Big family minimalism.
When you walk into our home, “minimalism” might not be your first thought. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is white (even stuff that was white when we bought it!). There is a pile of shoes and coats and winter boots by the door. It’s loud with laughing, playing, and often someone is crying. I’m probably making chocolate chips pancakes. I’ll make you a cup of tea, but a toddler will interrupt our conversation every 90 seconds.
But if you look closely, you’ll see a family flourishing with less. Happy, healthy and whole. Our days are full of reading, writing, folding laundry, hiking, gardening, and travel. We eat real food, at a table. We have adventures on the weekend and a game night each Friday. We get enough sleep and have real conversations.
Sometimes I let myself wonder what our alternate life would look like. What path our three adopted kids might have taken if they didn’t end up together with us? But I don’t stay there long. Because my 90 seconds is up and a 4-year-old is peppering me with questions again (that I have already answered 12 times today).
Jillian drinks tea daily and writes about intentional lifestyle design, mini-retirements and creating financial freedom over at Montana Money Adventures. She lives in Montana, right by Glacier National Park, with her husband, 5 kids, and dog: cheesy taco. 
Big Family Minimalism posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Big Family Minimalism
This is a guest post from my friend Jillian. It dawned on me, recently, that I don’t think I’ve ever had a guest post about family. Jillian is changing that in a BIG and meaningful way.
I never searched out minimalism. Rather, I stumbled upon it first as a type of survival tool. Our story is a bit of a winding and twisting journey. But our minimalism story starts 3.5 years ago, while I was sitting in a job interview and honestly killing it. The interviewers were over the moon happy to hire me on the spot, but I was distracted. I was trying to hold focus on the interview, but my phone was exploding with text messages and missed calls.
See, while I was interviewing my heart out, a 5-year-old boy with big hazel eyes had just been dropped off at our house by a social worker. He had been in foster care for a while and had disrupted from the last 5 homes. (This happens when foster parents or the birth family aren’t able to meet the child’s needs and a new family has to be found.) The social worker was rather confident we couldn’t handle him either. I have soft eyes and a sweet smile that hides the depth of my love, tenacity, and gumption. She mentioned, almost offhandedly, he also had two little sisters. No other family had been able to keep them together and the “state” didn’t want to attempt to place them together again. I just smiled my sweet smile and said, “Well, we aren’t every other family. When you are ready, we are ready for anything.”
It was lie. No one is ever fully ready. His little sisters moved in a few months later. I quit my job. I lived at the end of my rope for the next year.
Having four little kids at home is a lot (6, 5, 2 and 1). Just that alone. But it wasn’t just that. There were 12 appointments a week of various meetings, therapies, and with professionals. There were difficult visits with birth parents. There were court dates and a rotating door of overworked social workers. There were lawyers, judges, and court-appointed advocates. There was the uncertainty of not knowing what the future held for these kids I loved so much.
Plus, there were these sweet kids. They had seen so much trauma and neglect in their short lives that every behaviour was broken. I had the skill, knowledge, tools, and love that was needed. But I was exhausted. Like lay on the floor at night after I tucked them in and cry silent, hot tears exhausted. Until their nightmares started. Every one-to-two hours during the night for 3 years.
It’s all too much. A life at the end of our rope.
We were all at the ends of our rope. While it was challenging to be the ringleader of this circus, it wasn’t any easier for my kids. The two-year-old had lived with 5 different families before us. She called me and her birth mom, mama. They had to be dragged to appointments and meeting after meeting. They had their own trauma and no skills or words to express what they were feeling.
Just getting them ready for the twice-weekly visits with birth parents would nearly break us. They were excited, terrified, overwhelmed, full of dread, happy, conflicted: all at the same time. So they hit each other, melted down, took off their clothes, bit each other, screamed, hid and lost their coats. It was like dressing a whole litter of pissed off kittens into costumes and taking their picture. I would arrive to drop the kids off at the visit only to be criticized, belittled or ignored by the birth family. I would smile my sweet smile then go cry alone in my mini-van.
The foster care process isn’t easy or fun for anyone—not foster parents, not kids and not birth families. They lived in a constant state of anxiety not knowing if they would be with us for the next birthday, or at Christmas, or when school starts. No one knew.
So minimalism found us.
I imagine most people start with minimalism with their stuff. Decluttering and all. Maybe they need an awesome blog, or hear a podcast, and think “I SHOULD get rid of some of this stuff!”
I needed it in every area of my life, all at once. I dubbed 2015 the year of “Easier, not harder”. That was my only litmus test. Is this easier or harder?
I stopped wearing color because I didn’t have the time or skill to coordinate outfits.
I said no, and opted out of most of my commitments that were, in fact, optional.
I pulled my kids from sports.
I ate the same breakfast every single day.
I told all my kids teachers we weren’t doing any homework. ANY. No signing reading charts, no math worksheets, no flashcards. We aren’t doing it. I’m not signing it. Honestly, I’m not even going to look at it. I was so thankful for what the teachers were doing at school, but I couldn’t add “teacher” to my list of things to squeeze into our evenings.
I had to set boundaries with professionals. “No, I can’t change our appointment time every single week. Either keep our set time, or we skip it.” With 12 appointments on the calendar, having them all shift by 30 minutes or 2 hours IS a big deal.
I had to learn minimalism in my relationships. Most people were incredibly supportive, encouraging, and really understood the importance of what we were doing. And some people . . . didn’t. I didn’t have any leftover emotional energy to hear, “Why are you doing this? Why don’t you just give them back? The system is so broken, you shouldn’t have to put up with this. It’s fine if you want those kids in your family, but even if you adopt them, it doesn’t mean they are part of our family.”
I started owning the fact that I live in a real human body that needs food, water, exercise, and sleep. I started to accommodate those seemingly unreasonable demands of my non-robot body.
Bit by bit, we were doing better. Not just surviving with our nose barely above the waves, but almost flourishing.
Then in the same week in June 2015: We were officially asked to adopt our kids, and we found out we were pregnant.
Enter minimalism, level ninja.
I’ll admit, I had a bit of a mommy meltdown when I found out we were pregnant. Sure, we had spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on fertility treatments over the years. Sure, we had tried for 7 years. But now? Adding a baby definitely didn’t fall into my “easier, not harder” motto.
We had been shopping for a bigger house. We were a family of 6 in 1,650 cozy square feet. A bigger house seemed to make sense. Every single person who came to our house echoed the words, “So when are you moving to a bigger place?” like it was the chorus line in a Disney movie.
But the saying “a baby changes everything” is true.
Turns out, we didn’t want more and bigger. Our entire life already felt “more and bigger”. We wanted less. Actually, we all needed less.
Less clutter. Less cleaning. Less overwhelm. Less hectic.  Less appointments.
We needed margin for the right kind of more. More engagement. More quiet. More stories and cuddles. More adventure. More travel. More time in the garden. More focused time. More creativity.
More stuff and more space weren’t going to give us any of that.
We donated 50% of the kid’s toys, and decided to only keep 3 out at a time to play with. And I saw the kids settle in. Instead of the anxiety, overwhelm, fighting, and frustration they felt when confronted with a massive heap of toys, they just played. Slowly, carefully, thoughtfully with one toy. There was no cleaning up, correcting, and promoting at the end of the night. Each child set one toy on a shelf and it was over. That one simple change freed up a mountain of emotional and relational energy.
I made it a mission to touch every item in our house. I would ask a few questions. Is this a “hard-working” item, or is it “lazy”? Because we didn’t have space for lazy items. Our home couldn’t be a storage unit for barely used items. I would ask, “If I didn’t already own this and saw it at a yard sale for $5 would I buy it instantly, and with joy?” Because if it doesn’t add $5 of value, it doesn’t deserve a place in our home.
Minimalism is an act of faith at first. We paired our life down—appointments, relationships, classes, sports, commitments, stuff—with no guarantee of a better outcome. There was no promise in writing that what we would gain would be better than what we were letting go of.
You pull your kid from a sport and just hope. Hope that the extra two hours a week somehow adds as much value as the sport was adding. It takes a bit a faith to hold space. To create margin and not rush to fill it up again.
We got rid of “perfectly good” toys. (Ok, and a crap ton of McDonald’s happy meal toys.) It’s an act of faith to say, “We are going to donate all these ‘perfectly good’ toys that at one point we actually spent money on,” and just hope that “less is more”.
To the parents.
I kind of just want to give you a hug, at this point. I’ve raised six kids (my oldest passed away). I have to say that motherhood, in the thick of it, is the hardest and most beautiful part of my life. It has been my defining work.
So, if you feel like your kids will kick, scream, and cry themselves into a puddle, if there were less toys, less classes, less sports, less commitments. Remember this: If you are maxed out, they are maxed out.
My very normal kids hate picking up toys. Actually, I think they hated it even more than I did. They hated being corralled into the van. They hated the rush and my grumpy “Where in the world are your shoes!? Why are they in the bathtub? Can anyone answer me this!?! WAIT!?! Why are you covered in purple paint? OMG, I don’t even care. Come on. We are SO late. Please, please, please just put your shoes on.”
Despite what it seems, minimalism is a perfect fit for families. Here is how we started this journey with the toys. (Because no one likes living in a house that looks like a daycare crossed paths with a tornado!) I had this conversation with my four kids who at the time were 3-8:
“I think I haven’t been doing a good job. I think maybe I’ve made it too hard for you guys to pick up your room. The job is simply too hard. And that’s my fault. So here’s what we will do. You pick up as many toys as you can handle. Then I will come clean up the rest. I’ll put them away on this special toy shelf. Anything you can take care of, just pick up and you can keep that in your room. The only rule is, only keep as much as you can handle. If it gets to be too much for you to take care of on your own, I’ll come put it away.”
They managed to clean/organize about 5 toys. All the rest I took out of their room and put on a “toy shelf” that they could swap toys (if their room was clean).
It also made it simple to see what toys we could sneak away in the dark of night. If they hadn’t picked the toy off toy shelf in a few months, obviously it wasn’t a high-value toy. (If your 4-year-old willingly parts with toys, I salute you, dear Jedi Master! We are SO not there yet!)
For parents who are terrified to start, this is about an easy of a sell as you can get. And my kids loved it. No shame, no blame. Just me making their life easier. No more cleaning, no more tears over not being able to organize their room.
Big family minimalism.
When you walk into our home, “minimalism” might not be your first thought. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is white (even stuff that was white when we bought it!). There is a pile of shoes and coats and winter boots by the door. It’s loud with laughing, playing, and often someone is crying. I’m probably making chocolate chips pancakes. I’ll make you a cup of tea, but a toddler will interrupt our conversation every 90 seconds.
But if you look closely, you’ll see a family flourishing with less. Happy, healthy and whole. Our days are full of reading, writing, folding laundry, hiking, gardening, and travel. We eat real food, at a table. We have adventures on the weekend and a game night each Friday. We get enough sleep and have real conversations.
Sometimes I let myself wonder what our alternate life would look like. What path our three adopted kids might have taken if they didn’t end up together with us? But I don’t stay there long. Because my 90 seconds is up and a 4-year-old is peppering me with questions again (that I have already answered 12 times today).
Jillian drinks tea daily and writes about intentional lifestyle design, mini-retirements and creating financial freedom over at Montana Money Adventures. She lives in Montana, right by Glacier National Park, with her husband, 5 kids, and dog: cheesy taco. 
Big Family Minimalism posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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fesahaawit · 7 years
Big Family Minimalism
This is a guest post from my friend Jillian. It dawned on me, recently, that I don’t think I’ve ever had a guest post about family. Jillian is changing that in a BIG and meaningful way.
I never searched out minimalism. Rather, I stumbled upon it first as a type of survival tool. Our story is a bit of a winding and twisting journey. But our minimalism story starts 3.5 years ago, while I was sitting in a job interview and honestly killing it. The interviewers were over the moon happy to hire me on the spot, but I was distracted. I was trying to hold focus on the interview, but my phone was exploding with text messages and missed calls.
See, while I was interviewing my heart out, a 5-year-old boy with big hazel eyes had just been dropped off at our house by a social worker. He had been in foster care for a while and had disrupted from the last 5 homes. (This happens when foster parents or the birth family aren’t able to meet the child’s needs and a new family has to be found.) The social worker was rather confident we couldn’t handle him either. I have soft eyes and a sweet smile that hides the depth of my love, tenacity, and gumption. She mentioned, almost offhandedly, he also had two little sisters. No other family had been able to keep them together and the “state” didn’t want to attempt to place them together again. I just smiled my sweet smile and said, “Well, we aren’t every other family. When you are ready, we are ready for anything.”
It was lie. No one is ever fully ready. His little sisters moved in a few months later. I quit my job. I lived at the end of my rope for the next year.
Having four little kids at home is a lot (6, 5, 2 and 1). Just that alone. But it wasn’t just that. There were 12 appointments a week of various meetings, therapies, and with professionals. There were difficult visits with birth parents. There were court dates and a rotating door of overworked social workers. There were lawyers, judges, and court-appointed advocates. There was the uncertainty of not knowing what the future held for these kids I loved so much.
Plus, there were these sweet kids. They had seen so much trauma and neglect in their short lives that every behaviour was broken. I had the skill, knowledge, tools, and love that was needed. But I was exhausted. Like lay on the floor at night after I tucked them in and cry silent, hot tears exhausted. Until their nightmares started. Every one-to-two hours during the night for 3 years.
It’s all too much. A life at the end of our rope.
We were all at the ends of our rope. While it was challenging to be the ringleader of this circus, it wasn’t any easier for my kids. The two-year-old had lived with 5 different families before us. She called me and her birth mom, mama. They had to be dragged to appointments and meeting after meeting. They had their own trauma and no skills or words to express what they were feeling.
Just getting them ready for the twice-weekly visits with birth parents would nearly break us. They were excited, terrified, overwhelmed, full of dread, happy, conflicted: all at the same time. So they hit each other, melted down, took off their clothes, bit each other, screamed, hid and lost their coats. It was like dressing a whole litter of pissed off kittens into costumes and taking their picture. I would arrive to drop the kids off at the visit only to be criticized, belittled or ignored by the birth family. I would smile my sweet smile then go cry alone in my mini-van.
The foster care process isn’t easy or fun for anyone—not foster parents, not kids and not birth families. They lived in a constant state of anxiety not knowing if they would be with us for the next birthday, or at Christmas, or when school starts. No one knew.
So minimalism found us.
I imagine most people start with minimalism with their stuff. Decluttering and all. Maybe they need an awesome blog, or hear a podcast, and think “I SHOULD get rid of some of this stuff!”
I needed it in every area of my life, all at once. I dubbed 2015 the year of “Easier, not harder”. That was my only litmus test. Is this easier or harder?
I stopped wearing color because I didn’t have the time or skill to coordinate outfits.
I said no, and opted out of most of my commitments that were, in fact, optional.
I pulled my kids from sports.
I ate the same breakfast every single day.
I told all my kids teachers we weren’t doing any homework. ANY. No signing reading charts, no math worksheets, no flashcards. We aren’t doing it. I’m not signing it. Honestly, I’m not even going to look at it. I was so thankful for what the teachers were doing at school, but I couldn’t add “teacher” to my list of things to squeeze into our evenings.
I had to set boundaries with professionals. “No, I can’t change our appointment time every single week. Either keep our set time, or we skip it.” With 12 appointments on the calendar, having them all shift by 30 minutes or 2 hours IS a big deal.
I had to learn minimalism in my relationships. Most people were incredibly supportive, encouraging, and really understood the importance of what we were doing. And some people . . . didn’t. I didn’t have any leftover emotional energy to hear, “Why are you doing this? Why don’t you just give them back? The system is so broken, you shouldn’t have to put up with this. It’s fine if you want those kids in your family, but even if you adopt them, it doesn’t mean they are part of our family.”
I started owning the fact that I live in a real human body that needs food, water, exercise, and sleep. I started to accommodate those seemingly unreasonable demands of my non-robot body.
Bit by bit, we were doing better. Not just surviving with our nose barely above the waves, but almost flourishing.
Then in the same week in June 2015: We were officially asked to adopt our kids, and we found out we were pregnant.
Enter minimalism, level ninja.
I’ll admit, I had a bit of a mommy meltdown when I found out we were pregnant. Sure, we had spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on fertility treatments over the years. Sure, we had tried for 7 years. But now? Adding a baby definitely didn’t fall into my “easier, not harder” motto.
We had been shopping for a bigger house. We were a family of 6 in 1,650 cozy square feet. A bigger house seemed to make sense. Every single person who came to our house echoed the words, “So when are you moving to a bigger place?” like it was the chorus line in a Disney movie.
But the saying “a baby changes everything” is true.
Turns out, we didn’t want more and bigger. Our entire life already felt “more and bigger”. We wanted less. Actually, we all needed less.
Less clutter. Less cleaning. Less overwhelm. Less hectic.  Less appointments.
We needed margin for the right kind of more. More engagement. More quiet. More stories and cuddles. More adventure. More travel. More time in the garden. More focused time. More creativity.
More stuff and more space weren’t going to give us any of that.
We donated 50% of the kid’s toys, and decided to only keep 3 out at a time to play with. And I saw the kids settle in. Instead of the anxiety, overwhelm, fighting, and frustration they felt when confronted with a massive heap of toys, they just played. Slowly, carefully, thoughtfully with one toy. There was no cleaning up, correcting, and promoting at the end of the night. Each child set one toy on a shelf and it was over. That one simple change freed up a mountain of emotional and relational energy.
I made it a mission to touch every item in our house. I would ask a few questions. Is this a “hard-working” item, or is it “lazy”? Because we didn’t have space for lazy items. Our home couldn’t be a storage unit for barely used items. I would ask, “If I didn’t already own this and saw it at a yard sale for $5 would I buy it instantly, and with joy?” Because if it doesn’t add $5 of value, it doesn’t deserve a place in our home.
Minimalism is an act of faith at first. We paired our life down—appointments, relationships, classes, sports, commitments, stuff—with no guarantee of a better outcome. There was no promise in writing that what we would gain would be better than what we were letting go of.
You pull your kid from a sport and just hope. Hope that the extra two hours a week somehow adds as much value as the sport was adding. It takes a bit a faith to hold space. To create margin and not rush to fill it up again.
We got rid of “perfectly good” toys. (Ok, and a crap ton of McDonald’s happy meal toys.) It’s an act of faith to say, “We are going to donate all these ‘perfectly good’ toys that at one point we actually spent money on,” and just hope that “less is more”.
To the parents.
I kind of just want to give you a hug, at this point. I’ve raised six kids (my oldest passed away). I have to say that motherhood, in the thick of it, is the hardest and most beautiful part of my life. It has been my defining work.
So, if you feel like your kids will kick, scream, and cry themselves into a puddle, if there were less toys, less classes, less sports, less commitments. Remember this: If you are maxed out, they are maxed out.
My very normal kids hate picking up toys. Actually, I think they hated it even more than I did. They hated being corralled into the van. They hated the rush and my grumpy “Where in the world are your shoes!? Why are they in the bathtub? Can anyone answer me this!?! WAIT!?! Why are you covered in purple paint? OMG, I don’t even care. Come on. We are SO late. Please, please, please just put your shoes on.”
Despite what it seems, minimalism is a perfect fit for families. Here is how we started this journey with the toys. (Because no one likes living in a house that looks like a daycare crossed paths with a tornado!) I had this conversation with my four kids who at the time were 3-8:
“I think I haven’t been doing a good job. I think maybe I’ve made it too hard for you guys to pick up your room. The job is simply too hard. And that’s my fault. So here’s what we will do. You pick up as many toys as you can handle. Then I will come clean up the rest. I’ll put them away on this special toy shelf. Anything you can take care of, just pick up and you can keep that in your room. The only rule is, only keep as much as you can handle. If it gets to be too much for you to take care of on your own, I’ll come put it away.”
They managed to clean/organize about 5 toys. All the rest I took out of their room and put on a “toy shelf” that they could swap toys (if their room was clean).
It also made it simple to see what toys we could sneak away in the dark of night. If they hadn’t picked the toy off toy shelf in a few months, obviously it wasn’t a high-value toy. (If your 4-year-old willingly parts with toys, I salute you, dear Jedi Master! We are SO not there yet!)
For parents who are terrified to start, this is about an easy of a sell as you can get. And my kids loved it. No shame, no blame. Just me making their life easier. No more cleaning, no more tears over not being able to organize their room.
Big family minimalism.
When you walk into our home, “minimalism” might not be your first thought. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is white (even stuff that was white when we bought it!). There is a pile of shoes and coats and winter boots by the door. It’s loud with laughing, playing, and often someone is crying. I’m probably making chocolate chips pancakes. I’ll make you a cup of tea, but a toddler will interrupt our conversation every 90 seconds.
But if you look closely, you’ll see a family flourishing with less. Happy, healthy and whole. Our days are full of reading, writing, folding laundry, hiking, gardening, and travel. We eat real food, at a table. We have adventures on the weekend and a game night each Friday. We get enough sleep and have real conversations.
Sometimes I let myself wonder what our alternate life would look like. What path our three adopted kids might have taken if they didn’t end up together with us? But I don’t stay there long. Because my 90 seconds is up and a 4-year-old is peppering me with questions again (that I have already answered 12 times today).
Jillian drinks tea daily and writes about intentional lifestyle design, mini-retirements and creating financial freedom over at Montana Money Adventures. She lives in Montana, right by Glacier National Park, with her husband, 5 kids, and dog: cheesy taco. 
Big Family Minimalism posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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