#maybe ill draw something for the girls instead for the 14th
sarcasticmothdraws · 8 months
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I'm realizing now that I could've saved these for like valentines day or something. Like bullshit these as valentine cards. Oh well.
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deans-baby-momma · 3 years
Wounded Hearts 2
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Summary: When John Winchester leaves his two high school-aged sons in a motel in Fairfax, IN while he goes off on a hunt, they both make friends. What happens after they have to suddenly leave when John comes to fetch them. Will those friendships endure? Does Dean leave a piece of his soul behind?
Word Count: 3,408
A/N: This is a sequel to Past Haunts, but it’s mostly what happened in the thirteen years between high school and when Sam and Dean return to take care of a haunting in their old stomping grounds of Truman High. The first couple of chapters will be mainly Dean’s POV and then after that, each chapter will switch from Dean’s POV to Rebecca’s POV. I will label them appropriately.
Rebecca’s POV
The walk home is kind of uncomfortable. My crotch is sensitive and tender and these jeans are not helping at all. I think over what just happened. I just gave my virginity to Dean Winchester. The boy who came out of nowhere and walked the school halls like he owned the place. I briefly thought about how just last week he was all about Amanda Heckling,  the popular girl, the head cheerleader. Had he fucked her too? They had seemed hot and heavy for a minute but then, just as quickly as he showed up, they were over and he was proclaiming to the halls that he was a hero. Had he taken Amanda's virginity too? 
I shake my head and huff a laugh. No way was Amanda Heckerling a virgin. Not since freshman year at least.  She had been caught with her pants down, literally, with Justin Scott in her bedroom. So, no Dean definitely hadn't taken Amanda's innocence. 
As soon as I get home I rush to the bedroom to change out of my- now damp from the remnants of what had transpired between me and Dean- panties. Thankfully it's just my cum filling my underwear; Dean had wrapped it up before he fucked me.
I change quickly, wadding my ruined panties into a ball and stuffing them to the bottom of the hamper. My mom yells that dinner is ready and I pause, taking a breath and praying that neither she nor dad can sense the change in me. I'm no longer their innocent little girl but a woman, an adult capable of safely fornicating.
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I can feel their stares,  hear their whispers as I walk to my locker. Does everyone know? Are all my classmates aware that I am no longer pure  and virginal Rebecca Quentin. Do they know that I oh so easily gave it up to Dean Winchester? Or am I just imagining it all?
I grab my books and sign in then take my regular seat in Mrs. Meadows' English Lit class. My heart is pounding in my ears,  knowing that shortly Dean would walk through the door.  Would he sit beside me, like he did Amanda? Would he ask me to be his girlfriend? I mean, we've already done the deed so that's the next step, right? Ok, so our steps are a little misconstrued but so what?
I hear him before I see him, his heavy army-style boots stomping down the hallway. As soon as he enters the room, my breath catches in my throat. I'd always thought Dean was good-looking but now? Damn is he sexy as hell! I can't help but turn away to hide the blush on my face as I remember his touch and how it felt to have him inside me. My heart drops as he passes by the empty desk beside me to take his seat at the back of the room. Dammit, maybe it wasn't as special to him as it had been to me. Maybe he was used to defiling girls and then acting as if they didn't exist.  As Mrs. Meadows calls for attention I vow to confront him at lunch. Hopefully we can have a quiet discussion and not cause a scene.
By the time the bell rings for lunch, I am a nervous wreck. The more I thought about it, the less I wanted to address the obvious elephant in the school. Dean Winchester conned his way into my pants; pretending to be a gentleman and noble when in all reality he was a fraud, a hustler. Watching him with his little brother yesterday, how he had made sure Sam was well-fed and taken care of had to have been a ruse! Just a way to get me to let my guard down and then he struck when that window of opportunity opened; like a snake,  a conniving devious snake. 
Deciding I can't civilly accost Dean, I make my way to the vending machines. I'll just go to the motel after school and talk to him then. I just hope he hasn't duped his next victim there. That's what I feel like; a victim, a casualty of the trickster that is Dean Winchester. I scan the lunchroom as I enter but see no sign of Dean or his brother Sam. I sigh in relief as I don't think I could handle being ignored again. I sit at a table in the corner and open my bags of chips. 
The rest of my classes were dull and lackluster. I just couldn't concentrate on anything any of my teachers were saying. The concept that Dean was ignoring and avoiding me was breaking me, was breaking my heart and soul. I wanted to know why. Why did he choose me? Why did he have to defile what could have been an incredible friendship? Maybe even a wonderful and dare I say loving relationship. Did getting the privilege of saying he slept with me mean more to him than that? The more I thought about it, the angrier I got until I had furiously scribbled a hole into the paper on my desk. I was going to that motel after school and finding out!
When the last bell sounds, I gather my books and head to my locker. I look morosely at locker #214, the one Dean had been assigned. It was only a few down from mine. I hadn't seen him all day; not since he so openly ignored me during first period. It is painfully obvious he was avoiding me. Well I am going to put a stop to that. I march out of the building and head down the same path we had walked yesterday, straight to the place it all went downhill,  room 7 at the Motel Monroe.
A few hours later
I knock on the door and wait. And the longer I wait, the more upset I get. How dare Dean ignore and avoid me and act like I don't exist in his world. Yesterday, he acted as if he made me believe he was interested in being my friend, if not more and today I'm nobody? 
I'm not a nobody. I get perfect grades and in less than a year I will be moving away, going to college and in a few short years graduate with a master's in psychology and on my way to becoming one of the best behavioral counselors in the country.  I have plans and dreams; I'm not just some girl to pass the time with. 
After a few minutes and another knock, there is still no answer. I step to the window to see inside but the curtain is closed tight. 'Oh no you don't, Dean Winchester,' I think silently. 'You are not hiding from me. We are going to hash this out like adults.' I walked toward the manager's office to find out if there is a way to get him to open the door. Instead I find devastating news when the manager tells me, "They cleared out about 3 hours ago."
I walk away from the motel,  the place I lost my virginity in with tears threatening to roll down my face. Will I ever see him again?
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Eight weeks later
Time is a fickle thing. Some days it seems to rush by while others it seems to just stand still and turn stagnant. 
After finding out that the Winchesters had left town, I turned my attention back to my studies. I only had a few more months until I'd be graduating high school and moving on to bigger, brighter things. 
Thanksgiving had come and gone and now we are all hurtling toward Christmas and the almost two weeks off from school. The whole school is abuzz with excitement and enthusiasm for the break. Me? I am just going through the motions. I had gotten ill a few days ago, puking my guts up and just feeling horrible. Whatever it is, I wish it would just run its course already. I am tired of feeling weak and feeble. 
Today is the school's last day before Christmas break and I was just looking forward to being able to lay around and let the flu or pneumonia or whatever gets its claws into me. Something grabs my attention and I look at the calendar hanging beside my desk. A big old red circle is around the 4th, the day I should've started my period. I grab the calendar and turn it back to November and see another big red circle. Two months. Two missed periods. And I know that they are missed because every time I start I always draw a line through the circle and these two circles have no lines.  What the hell? I try to remember having my period in November but I am coming up blank. The last period I remember was in October,  the first part of October.  I remember because it was right after my Mom's birthday. I turn the page and yep, October 5th has a circle with a line through it. So why didn't I mark through November's and December's? I scan through the month of October and my eyes land on the 14th. 
The day I spent with the Winchesters, the day I lost my virginity to Dean, the day that…..oh fuck. Oh god no!
At school, I can’t concentrate on anything. My calculus teacher calls on me and I don’t hear her. The words ‘I’m pregnant’ keep repeating over and over in my head. I can’t be pregnant. I only had sex once. But once is all it takes, I tell myself. 
I get through the rest of the day, barely, and by the time the last bell rings I am a nervous wreck. I know what I need to do. I have to go to the pharmacy and buy a test. But everyone knows everyone in this town and I know old Mrs. Wilson will tell my parents that she sold me a pregnancy test. 
Walking into the drugstore I am praying and hoping that Mrs. Wilson possibly has the day off and someone else is working her shift but no such luck. As soon as I walk in she sees me and smiles. I return the smile and walk down the farthest aisle from the one I need.  As I trek slowly through the store, pretending that I am looking at different things, I come up with a plan. I’ll just take one off the shelves and ask to use the bathroom. 
When I get to the correct aisle I feel overwhelmed. There are so many! Different brands, different processes. I find one that looks easy enough; what is more easier than just peeing on a stick? Stuffing the box in my bag, I head toward the front of the store, grabbing a package of maxi pads on my way.
“Hello Rebecca,” Mrs. Wilson greets me. “How are you today?”
“Hi Mrs. Wilson. I’m good. Listen, is there anyway I can, uh...use the facilities here?” I ask as I show her the maxi pads. She nods in understanding and points me toward the bathroom.
I quickly shut and lock the door and lean against it, taking a breath. ‘Come on Rebecca. You can do this.’ I think to myself. ‘It might even be negative. Could be something completely different wrong with me.’
I pull the box out of my bag and step toward the toilet. I know I don’t have that much time before Mrs. Wilson comes to check on me. Pulling the test out of the box, I quickly read the directions. 
1. Pee on stick
2. Wait 5 minutes.
3. Two lines means pregnant; one line means not pregnant.
Ok simple enough. I do as instructed and place the stick on the sink. This is going to be the longest five minutes in history!
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How can something so inconsequential as a piece of plastic change your whole life? Plastic is nothing but synthetic polymers that can be molded into whatever is needed. In this instance, this piece of plastic was sculpted into a thin white stick with a window on the end. And in that window was life-altering news. Two pink lines. 
I stare at the test for what seemed like forever. I’m pregnant. I am only a few months away from turning 18, graduating high school and going off to college. Yet, here I am carrying Dean Winchester’s illegitimate child. I place my hand on my still flat stomach and look in the mirror. “I’m pregnant,” I whisper to my reflection. I didn’t even realize I am crying until I see the tears streaming down my face.
Hearing Mrs. Wilson heading my way, I hurry and wipe my face clean and pick up the positive test, sticking it in my pocket. I open the package of pads and take one out and cram the unused one into the bottom of the trash can. At least, that way it will look like I used one and not raise any suspicions with the old busybody.
After paying for the one item I won’t be needing for a while, I leave the store and head home. How am I going to tell my parents that I’m pregnant? Of course they're going to want to know everything. Well, maybe not everything. They know how babies are made, they have me after all. But they are going to ask a million questions. Who’s the father? Where is he now? Does he know? Is he going to be a man and step up? I only know the answer to one of those. Dean Winchester is the father. That’s all I know. He used me and then up and disappeared the very next day.
I get home and am relieved that both my parents aren’t home yet. I have a few more minutes to come to terms with the fact of my situation myself. I run upstairs to my room and fall onto my bed, burying my face in the pillow. While I am alone, I decide to go ahead and get it out. The anger, the frustration, the heartache. 
I am 17 years old, a senior in high school and pregnant by a boy who split in no time afterwards. The tears come instantaneously. How am I going to be able to fulfill my dream of going to college and becoming a psychologist? I can’t be raising a kid while going through years of study at Harvard to get my bachelor’s plus an internship. By the time I’d be done with all that my child is going to be at least 10 years old.
Damn him! Damn him and his boyish charms and his mesmerizing green eyes and his sexy as hell body. 
“Damn you Dean Winchester! I hate you. I wish I’d never met you,” I scream into the fluffy cushion. “I hope wherever you are that your dick falls off and you can’t do this to some other poor girl!”
Fuck, is all I can think. How many girls had he done this to? How many illegitimate babies did he have? He had said his family traveled a lot so there were probably girls all over who were pregnant or had bared his offspring. 
"Fuck," I sigh. "If I get an STD because of him I'll hunt him down and kill him," I growled. I begin punching the pillow, pretending it is Dean’s face. I can’t believe him. How dare he take advantage of me like that!
But then I realize, he didn’t take advantage; I clearly gave him exactly what he wanted. ‘Dumbass! I am such a dumbass. I walked right into his trap and didn’t even understand what I was getting into. I was so dumbfounded and surprised that he wanted to talk to and hang out with me that I just followed him along like a lost puppy. And then I gave him the one thing that I could never get back. All because of a few words and some attention. How much of an idiot am I?’
Shaking my head at my stupidity I head to the bathroom to clean off my face and get prepared to confess to my parents. They are going to be so disappointed in me. It’s going to break their hearts. I’ve been talking about going to Harvard and becoming a psychologist since I was in middle school and now that is just a pipe dream. It won’t ever come true now. 
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I don’t have much of an appetite so I just push my food around on my plate. I feel bad about it because Mom had rushed home from work and went straight to cooking and now my stomach is all twisted up and I can’t eat.  It looks like they are about to be finished with their dinner so I decided no better time than the present.
“Mom? Dad?” I begin. “We need to talk.”
“What is it sweetie?” My dad says as he gets up to put his plate in the sink. “Did you get a C in class or something?” he turns back to the table with a jesting grin on his face. “You know you don’t have to be completely perfect in everything.”
Mom and Dad have been telling me for years that I was pushing myself too hard. That it doesn't matter to them if I get straight A’s or not as long as I don’t fail. But I wanted to prove to them, and myself, that I could. And so far I had; I am only a few credits shy of graduating high school with honors. 
“Oh, I’m not perfect,” I tell him, looking down at my hands in my lap. “Far from it actually. I-uh-I have some not so good news. You might even call it upsetting news.” 
My parents both look at me, perplexed. Mom speaks up first, “What is it Rebecca? Are you dying? Do you have cancer or something?” 
Leave it up to Mom to think about a worse-case scenerio. Of course in her mind, the most distressing would be that I only had a few months to live. Which, in this case, it’s kinda true. A few more months and life as I know it is over.
I pull the positive pregnancy test out of my hoodie pocket and lay it in the middle of the table. Clear as day, anyone can see what it is. My dad suddenly sits down and puts his head in his hands and Mom…well, Mom stands up, looks at me with pity and walks out of the dining room. A few minutes later, I hear their bedroom door slam shut. 
The commotion brings Dad out of his stupor and he looks up at me. “How did this happen, Rebecca?” I quirk an eyebrow at him at the absurdity of his question. “I mean, I know how it happened. When?”
“Back in October. I hung out with this guy and his little brother and we watched a movie and ate pizza and popcorn. After the movie was over, his brother wanted to go to the arcade and it left me and Dean in the room, alone. One thing just led to another.” I finish with a shrug of my shoulders.
And just like I assumed, Dad begins badgering me with questions. “Who is he? Does he know about the baby yet? Is he going to step up and take care of it and you?”
I sigh before I answer. “His name is Dean. Dean Winchester. No, he doesn’t know and probably never will. He and his brother were staying in the motel across town while their dad was working. He’s gone now. Left the day after. I don’t know how to get in touch with him.”
Dad and I sat there in silence after I told him about Dean and how he was no longer around. I can see the steps of processing Dad is going through on his face. At first he is angry, livid even. Then he is just mad. But what breaks my heart is when my dad looks at me and all I can see is disappointment. 
I feel like such a failure. I failed my parents and myself the moment I allowed Dean to come into my life. The moment I had sex with him. 
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @spnbaby-67 @tftumblin @sea040561 @delightfullykrispypeach @larajadeschmidt13 @atc74 @vicariouslythruspn @squirrelnotsam  @sandlee44 @blacktithe7 @hoboal87 @mogaruke @deanwanddamons @supraveng @deandreamernp @akshi8278 @lyarr24 @markofdean79 @travelingriversideblues-x @akshi8278 @keymology  @natura1phenomenon​ @drakelover78​ 
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tierra-angelica · 8 years
Chocolate & Doubt
Summary: One-shot. While living in the past Kagome forgets it's Valentine's Day in her era! It's the perfect time to surprise her mate Sesshomaru in more ways than one.
"It's February 14th?!" Kagome exclaimed with wide eyes.
The servant girl who had spoken nodded meekly. "Yes Milady."
"I can't believe I forgot..." She drummed her fingers on the dining table.
It was Valentine's Day back in her time but the holiday wasn't really known in this era yet. Which meant it wasn't necessary to celebrate but Kagome felt like she needed to. Sesshomaru would be certainly surprised, although Kagome had a suspicion he would think it a silly holiday. But it was one of those rare moments she could amaze him, instead of the other way around.
"Hina can I ask you to run some errands for me?" Kagome asked.
"Certainly Milady," the girl, Hina, answered.
Kagome had constantly told her to call her Kagome but she never seemed to listen. She stood up and walked to a nearby desk opening the draw to reveal some paper, brush, and ink. Taking all of it in hand she went back to the table and started making a list of what she thought was available in this time. When Kagome was done she handed it to Hina.
"Please get what you can as quickly as possible. Don't do anything extreme ok?"
Hina nodded. "Yes Milady."
Kagome sighed as the girl left. Being called Milady made her feel extremely old. She was 22 for heaven sakes! Hina was only 2 years younger than she. Just because Kagome was mated to Sesshomaru she had a title and a status.
As Kagome waited for Hina to return she started to plan out what she would do. Later she was so immersed in her plans that she hadn't noticed that Hina had returned and was standing beside her.
"Everything bought is in the kitchen Lady Kagome."
Kagome jumped a little hearing the voice so close to her. "Oh Hina, you scared me. Thank you though. May I ask where Lord Sesshomaru is?"
"In his study. He seems to be very busy today."
"Perfect!" Kagome smiled and stood from her seat. "Let's head to the kitchen and get cooking then!"
"Um, Lady Kagome you don't need to do anything. The cook will-"
"No, no, no." Kagome wagged her finger and kept walking. "This is a gift for Lord Sesshomaru and I must make it myself. I've done it plenty of times before. The recipe is committed to memory."
"As you wish Milady."
"You're never going to call me my regular name are you?"
Hina smiled slightly. "No Milday."
Kagome rolled her eyes at the girl and shook her head.
Sesshomaru rubbed his temples as the small pain grew into a full blown headache. The Lord of the East was acting like a complete imbecile and had even dared threaten Sesshomaru with the idea of war.
He needed a break. Sesshomaru hadn't been able to see his mate since morning and her presence, oddly enough, helped to calm him. So he stood to seek her out. Usually she would be with him in the study but today she had not tried to stop in so he was curious as to what she was up to.
Kagome's personal servant walked out of a nearby room and Sesshomaru took notice of her.
"Do you know where I may find Lady Kagome?" he asked.
"She is in your bed chamber."
"Does she feel ill?"
"No my Lord. She did tell me to seek you out though, that you should come right away."
He nodded and the girl bowed before taking her leave first. He took long strides to get to the room Kagome and he shared without looking too eager. Arriving at his destination he opened the door and closed it behind him. Dressed in a purple yukata with patterns of pink flowers, Kagome sat on the ledge of the window and turned her head in his direction. Her lips curved into a smile. He suppressed the urge to kiss her and hold her close to him.
"I was informed that I should come pay you a visit," he said coolly looking her over. "Are you feeling ill?" he asked again, not wanting to take any chances.
Kagome's smile faltered only for a moment before becoming larger showing off her teeth. "Were you worried about me?"
"One should always concern himself with his mate's well-being and health," he stated.
Kagome rolled her eyes. "Of course," she replied with a hint of sarcasm. "I am feeling fine but I wanted to give you something."
She stood and went to a drawer where she kept combs, brushes, make-up, and other female things. Sesshomaru eyed the white box she pulled out curiously before noticing her smirk and returning to his cool expression.
"Today is a holiday in my time called Valentine's Day. It's a day where people give gifts to their loved ones or express their love in some way. Traditionally chocolates is the sweet to give," Kagome explained and Sesshomaru listened intently.
He liked to listen about her era and how different it was from the one they were in now.
"I know it sounds silly but it's just something us humans do," she continued and then tapped the box a few times. "I put a sort of charm on it so you couldn't smell the scent right away."
As she spoke the scent of the box infiltrated his sensitive nose. Very sweet and candy like with a hint of something else he couldn't name.
"Then your training has been coming along then?" he asked.
Kagome had been practicing strengthening her miko powers . Sesshomaru had thought it a brilliant idea when she had mentioned it and immediately found teachers of religious power willing to work with her. This way she could better ensure her protection in the case he was not around or unable to get to her quickly enough.
"Yes!" Kagome exclaimed excitedly. "I'm doing really well. Now," she opened the lid to the box revealing oval shaped chocolates, "won't you try what I personally made for you?"
It was a fact that sweet things repulsed him but to deny a gift from his mate would not be a wise decision. So he diligently picked one of the chocolates up and took a bite surprised by the crunch.
His female only smiled and stared at him with happiness. "Surprised? Give me a little more credit Sesshomaru, I know you don't like sweet things. It's dark chocolate with salted almonds inside."
He didn't answer but chewed what was in his mouth.
Kagome's face fell. "You don't like it? I thought they tasted good…," she looked down at the chocolates. "Maybe I should have-"
She was interrupted by Sesshomaru's lips connecting with hers so he could silence the doubts.
"They are more than acceptable mate," he finally answered when the kiss finished.
Kagome knew that was the best she would get from Sesshomaru and didn't mind. It was enough that he had actually accepted and eaten the chocolate. She put the box down on the nearby desk and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"There's more," she added. "This is a three part gift. If everything goes well that is."
He raised an eyebrow and settled his hands on her hips. "Then what comes next?"
She smiled and moved when of his hands to her stomach. Closing her eyes she made the spell she had put on herself disappear. There was a sharp intake of air from Sesshomaru and she looked up into a pair of golden eyes that belonged to the man she loved.
"I'm pregnant," she whispered, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.
"When?" he asked.
"The three weeks you left to go to investigate the series of attacks on the towns lying on the eastern borders of your territory," she replied smoothly.
"That was well over a week ago," Sesshomaru grinded out through clenched teeth. Anger crept into his voice. "Why did you choose to hide this from me for so long? Do you not think I am adequate enough to be a father to my own pups? "
"No!" Kagome exclaimed. "I never doubted you Sesshomaru," she clarified putting his hand to her cheek. "I doubted myself though. When I first found out I was so happy I wanted to scream the news to the world. But as I waited for you to come back home I became skeptical of so many things." The tears started to run down her cheeks.
"Would you be happy? Am I good enough to be a mother? Am I good enough to have Sesshomau's children? That doctor said any children we had would be pure bred Inu's. So would my own children even like me; a human mother?" Kagome closed her eyes as she opened up her heart to him.
Sesshomaru understood now and took Kagome into his embrace. He nuzzled her neck and ran his hand through her hair until she stopped shaking and the tears subsided.
"You would not be my mate if I did not believe in your abilities. The pups will love you as I do."
Kagome's eye's widened. Only on rare occasions did she hear those words from him.
None the less her grip tightened on the cloth draped over his chest. "You don't know that," she whispered.
He tilted her head up. "You said you do not doubt me, so do not start now."
She nodded best she could. "Ok. I love you Sesshomaru." "
They shared a kiss before Sesshomaru spoke again.
"What is the third part to my gift?" he asked wanting to distract her.
"Well since everything went well…"she began wiping at her eyes. "Chocolate is supposed to be a bit of an aphrodisiac, ya know. That is if you're up to having sex with a red eyed pregnant woman," she giggled.
He smirked. "I do not need an aphrodisiac to be able to enjoy being in bed with you. Even when you are in such a state, you are quite attractive."
"Such a smooth talker," she commented.
Lifting her up quickly, he gently placed her on their bed. He discarded his armor and swords first before laying over Kagome.
"This human holiday of yours might not be as ridiculous as I had thought," he whispered into her ear enjoying the way she shuddered.
"This is by far the best one I've ever had," she replied back, rubbing her leg against his.
"And you've yet to receive my present."
She raised an eyebrow. "What would that be?"
"I'll give you a hint."
Sesshomaru kissed her neck and brushed lightly over her breast through the yukata. His hand slipped under her lower back to lift her hips up to meet his own.
"Best Valentine's Day present ever," she mumbled breathlessly before kissing him.
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mdhsnews · 7 years
MD’s Voice Box Q+A
Week of: November 14th, 2017 
With your friendly student consultants, Iman Qaiser and the MDHS News Team!
Hey there! Ever wanted to ask something you didn’t want to do so out loud, or wanted to share with the community instead? Advice columns are great for that. At MDHS News, we can answer your questions that others in the community can also have! Submit some questions to the Student Voice Box in the library. Here are this week’s featured questions!
Please make the students have school spirit!
This seems to be a common issue throughout the school; students don’t seem to be interested or want to get involved with school events. So students! This one’s for you:
We get that you come to school to learn, to get through the tasks of daily life, and to get into your university or college of choice only because you’re legally required to. In the long run, however, this constant, unchanging cycle will cause a common illness in students of all ages called burn-out. You’re stuck in a rut, you’ve got no inspiration, you’ve got Wednesday night free, and you hear there’s a basketball game happening at your school. Grab some friends, buy some popcorn and participate! It’s much easier to stay at home and binge-watch Riverdale, but a study by the University of Georgia shows that students aged 11 to 18- Hey! That’s us, guys!- who have better relationships with family, friends, and their school community often have better grades, academic performance, and even lower rates of depression. So do your noggin- and your bio report- a favour, and join in on the activities. Seriously, anyone who didn’t go to DECA’s Comedy Night really missed out.
I think Ms. Burton should be more energetic. I draw my energy from her.... I need more :)
What a compliment for Ms. Burton! The fact that people feel energized and motivated by her must really shock her!
Get it? Because energy flows… and electricity is a form of energy and… it shocks you?
I’ll leave. Sorry.
Why is there a sports recognition but not an arts recognition assembly?
Woooo, did someone add some extra salt to this tea we’re about to spill?
Well, short answer: Blame the patriarchy. Long answer: Throughout the course of history, sports have been a predominantly male area of interest, while the arts, such as music; artistry; theatre; and writing are considered to be feminine areas of expertise. And heck, even with this conception, you’ll probably study more male authors, artists, and musicians in English, Art, and Music class than females; male influence extends even to traditionally feminine subjects!
It’s not a big secret that history is sexist, so you can imagine why it’d be more likely that sports would be celebrated more than the arts, even though we do celebrate our female teams and their achievements as well. Because of this, most school budgets are directed mainly to support their sports programs; art programs are often left in the dust in terms of development and modernization. You can name about six different sports that you can participate in at MD, but how many art programs can you think of?
This is not to say that MD is discriminatory towards the genders and their ‘roles’, guys! MD is a great place, with equal opportunities for everyone, no matter what gender they are or what subject area they wish to pursue; we’ve just happened to fall prey to a ‘normalized’ way of thinking. In this society, it should be and it is okay for a girl to like painting and soccer, and for a boy to like poetry and hockey. So yes, even though the sports and the arts department now have a mix of all genders participating within them, it doesn’t mean we should only recognize one of them because it’s a tradition that has been supported for a long time.
Maybe it’s time for a change at MD.
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