#maybe it’s fine for things to go uncounted so long as they don’t go unloved
aloeverawrites · 10 months
“Most things go unnoticed Jack.” Wild said and Jack sat up and looked at him.
“How do you mean?”
“Well, most things go uncounted and if they are counted they’re forgotten. Do you know how many strands of hair you lost today?” He asked and Jack ran a hand through his hair, thinking.
“I don’t.”
“Or how many times today your cat jumped into your lap for a cuddle?” He asked and Jack thought for a second before responding,
Wild laughed and Jack grinned at him.
“Well perhaps that wasn’t the best example. But do you know how many times she’s done it in total?” He asked and Jack felt slightly sad.
“No I don’t. I don’t even remember the first time she did it. But that’s a point too, if you spend these moments recording them you’re taking at least some of your attention from the moment.
Maybe that’s just not how we were meant to live.” Jack said and Wild looked thoughtful.
“Perhaps you’re right. Maybe that’s why we call it paying attention, you have to be careful how you spend it, you only have so much of it.
Still, I think we should pay attention to more things. I know that’s hypocritical of me, but still. So many things slip unnoticed from our lives, that’s why it’s easy as a detective to disguise yourself and sneak around using moments such as this.
You probably don’t remember all the people you’ve seen today, and one of those could be me.” He said and Jack looked at him fondly.
“I’d always recognise you.”
Wild looked shy and yet, “my disguises are rather elaborate.”
“Even if I didn’t know, I’d know. I feel lighter every time you’re in the room.” He replied and suspected that with any more of this talk Wild’s dark skin would take on an embarrassed red tint.
He proved his theory by kissing him on the cheek and sitting back to admire his handy work.
“Anyway,” said a very embarrassed detective, shuffling closer to Jack’s side, “I think your additions have taught me that’s it’s important to pay attention to a wide variety of things, but to not pay attention so deeply as to miss what’s important.”
He declared and Jack petted his shoulder and hummed in agreement. “I think you’re right. My life it’s… better now. I want to remember more of it. I want to remember how happy I should be.” He said and Wild placed a kiss in return.
“Could be, I prefer. Sometimes there are good reasons for being sad but it’s still nice to remember the opportunities of joy in a life.”
“Like you.” Jack said simply and Wild squeezed his waist.
“Like us.”
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