#maybe it's just wishful thinking to assume i'll have the time. but i'd like this
2189114reads · 4 months
really got to take notes on here so i stop forgetting things i want to read. i'd like to read these things the rest of this month:
exit note (it's just come out, been waiting for it for months and it's my little priority right now)
song stories (am currently reading it and i've got just 4-5 or so chapters left but i've limited myself to only 1 chapter a day so i can think properly about them)
mysterious skin (would be rereading it but i feel that i've got to in the context of we disappear and with that book fresh in my head)
fun home by alison bechdel which i've had forever but never read. the time has come...
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mamawasatesttube · 9 months
ok i put a longer post abt tim's Emotional State in drafts for when my brain is less melted but re: tim and going to college im just gonna get a lil silly with it. hear me out.
i have this whole vague story in my mind for tim's college days moonlighting as red robin as he tries and figures out what he wants out of life. (it's a while after rr leaves off and all because he's like. Super Depressed for a hot minute and then has to drag himself through actually bothering to get his GED and applying to college, etc., but eventually lucius is like hey. you're great with gadgets, and you clearly love tinkering. i'd hire you for r&d in a heartbeat but you need at the least a bachelor's of engineering. i know you have a lot of the technical skills, but you need a degree. so tim goes ugh fine i'll get a goddamn engineering degree how hard can it possibly be.)
anyways. i think it's a universal experience that if you go to college and you hang with the STEM crowd, you will unfortunately get to know at least one Fucking Guy. it's like brentwood arc; tim does make friends, but there is just this One Fucking Guy he cannot stand and will never stand. this Fucking Guy is in the common room playing his guitar at midnight. he's drunk and yelling and laughing really loud when people have exams coming up. he's convinced everyone adores him. there's also a detective/supernatural plot going on. the subplot is just that tim hates This Fucking Guy.
at some point, there's a story beat where he as red robin has to rescue That Fucking Guy from a real dicey situation, and That Fucking Guy is really shaken and grateful to him, and he's like okay. maybe. maybe we are making progress. but then the next time he encounters This Fucking Guy as tim drake, the guy is just like. "ohhhh hey drake you missed it last night, it was AWESOME!!! i had to save red robin from a KILLER ROBOT. he's pretty cool though i guess. i bet you wish you could be more like him huh??" and tim is just. I Will Not Grind My Teeth About This. I Will Not. his life is a fucking joke. he dismantles the toaster oven in the common room kitchen to cope. it's definitely to cope and not just so that That Fucking Guy won't be able to heat up his pop tarts in the morning.
at another point, This Fucking Guy looks at street mode, lowkey, unremarkable Normal Car-looking redbird and goes, aw, dude, i thought your dad is loaded?? he only got you a generic-ass sedan?? that sucks lol, if you want we can take my car down to the game instead. and tim is just Say One More Fucking Word About My Baby I Dare You I Fucking Dare You One More Fucking Word.
(also i like to toy with the idea of this being a university in metropolis - he's out of gotham, but not too far. keeps him from getting antsy about what if he's needed because he can get right back over there. and in the meantime, he can hang out with kon and kara a lot, and occasionally enable and be enabled by lois lane and her snooping habits. there's another subplot in which tim and lois get up to shenanigans. at least once.)
it's sort of an introspective thing of him trying to come to terms with the way he no longer wants a fully normal life the way he always used to assume he would - he has the option to walk away from the cape now, like he always thought he would one day, but he just can't give it up anymore. he's fallen into the same black hole he watched dick and bruce dive headlong into. it's also about him finding joy in tinkering and working with his hands and getting to spend more time as tim drake first and foremost. and it's about him venting to kon about That Fucking Guy while they have a lil picnic on the green while kon loses his absolute shit laughing. all against the backdrop of a little mystery or something. <3
OH and also, most importantly. zoanne wilkins is there and laughing at him for assuming college would be easy. and kon gets her into wendy the werewolf stalker. My City Now.
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cosmerelists · 5 months
Cosmere Characters React to Finding Fanfic/Fanart of Themselves: A Collab with Cosmereplay
As requested by anon :)
I asked @cosmereplay to collab with me on this anon's request, and happily, she agreed! Basically, I've written the fanart parts of this, and Cosmereplay has taken care of the fanfic parts since I, ah, don't read fanfic and wouldn't know the really good jokes.
1. Shallan, Adolin, & Kaladin Read Fanfic
Shallan (reading tags): Hmmm...ace Kaladin, aromantic Kaladin, bisexual Kaladin, bottom Kaladin (I'll have to look into that one later...), demisexual Kaladin, demiromantic Kaladin, dom Kaladin... Adolin: What are the relationship tags like? Shallan: Let's see... blushes thoroughly OH LOOK KALADIN/SLEEP! THAT'S SO SWEET! Oooh...Kaladin/Happiness! Kaladin: Everybody's a critic. Adolin: They just want you to be happy, Kal! Kaladin: I-I'm fine most of the time!
2. Elend & Vin Look at Fanart
Elend: Wow! Stunning! Magnificent! Vin (peering over his shoulder): Uh, Elend, I think you're supposed to be looking at art of yourself. Those are all pictures of me. Elend: Can you blame me?? I mean look at you here! Vin: I suppose I look...somewhat cool there. Elend: Ascendent, I'd say!
3. Ellista and Pai Read "Covenant" by liesmyth
Ardent Ellista: Oh you HAVE to read this one, it's the most popular Cosmere fic by kudos! Kaladin Stormblessed and Highprince Adolin are soulmates, it's so sad yet hopeful! Ardent Pai: I bet it doesn't even mention their class differences. Ardent Ellista: No it totally does! And it really gets in the way of them kissing!! Ardent Pai: Well maybe I'll take a look then.
4. The Kholin Family Look at Fanart: Part 1 (Dalinar & Navani)
Jasnah (slamming a large tome onto the table): All right, everyone. I've finished my extensive research into the fanart of our family. Jasnah: Dalinar, according to my findings, people on the internet find you (a) extremely sexy and (b) wish you to be shirtless on the beach. Jasnah: There is also extensive interest in you being strong but vulnerable in the face of Odium, which I believe goes back to point (a), your assumed sexiness. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: I see. Jasnah: Navani, the residents of the internet desperately wish to see you explore women as romantic/sexual options. Navani: ...In general, or specific women? Jasnah: Mostly Ialai and Raboniel, from what I have seen. You can see here, and here. Navani: Sure, makes sense. Dalinar: (Does it??)
5. Sigzil & Lopen Read Fanfic
Sigzil: Bridge Fourgy? Ohhh... oh no... Lopen: Well now you GOTTA read it, gancho! Sigzil: I will burn it is what I will do.
6. Hoid & Design Look at Fanart
Hoid: (huffing and harumphing) Design: Well, I think the art is nice! Hoid: (harumphing and huffing) Design: The colors are spot-on, there's some symmetry... Hoid: (muttering) I've been involved in practically every Cosmere-significant event...I tell stories with colors and magic imagery...I beat up Kelsier that one time... Hoid: But nooooo they only want to draw me in the Mare shirt with mismatching socks and sandals!!! AND TINY RED SHORTS Design: Wow, look at my boobs in this one! They're so round and shiny! Hoid: ...I feel like you are not sympathizing with me here.
7. Rushu & Jasnah read "The Princess and the Captain" by ailvara
Rushu: Your Majesty I looked into the most popular fanfic by hits and discovered it's an ongoing slowburn romance between you and, uh... well... Jasnah: Out with it, Rushu. Rushu: You and Kaladin Stormblessed. Jasnah: Me? And Kaladin?? But he's half my age! And we've done nothing but argue! Rushu (blushing): I think that's part of the appeal, Your Majesty. Jasnah: Give me that. (reading) Well if he said THAT then maybe I wouldn't have... hm... Rushu, cancel my appointments for the next hour, I need to finish this. Rushu: Of course, Your Majesty! (sotto voice) Thank goodness she still doesn't know about the Hoid foot fics...
8. The Kholin Family: Part 2 (Adolin & Renarin)
Jasnah (continuing to leaf through her large book of findings): Adolin, according to my research, the internet thinks that you are a handsome, sweet man who wishes to be with his friends. For example, here. Jasnah: It is mostly you, Shallan, and Kaladin, however you want to read that. Adolin: As...reality? Jasnah: Renarin, if you are not suffering emotionally alongside a stained glass motif, or suffering emotionally as a child alongside Dalinar, then you are with Rlain. Renarin: With him as in...? Jasnah: Yes. Renarin: ... Renarin: I thought we were being fairly subtle! Jasnah: You were not.
9. Moash & Leshwi Read Fanfic
Moash: What are the fics about me like? Leshwi: Well, you either die a violent, horrible death or you make tender love to... Leshwi: ... Leshwi: ...Kaladin Stormblessed? You know him? Moash: Ok so here's the thing
10. Moash & Kaladin Look at Fanart
Moash: Okay...I should definitely get my ears pierced, right? Moash: I mean...look at me. Look at me, Kal! Hot, right? Moash: ...Kal? Kaladin: ... Kaladin: [silently pushing this art toward Moash] Kaladin: There are a lot like this. Moash: What, of you standing? Kaladin: Smiling. Kaladin: People want me to smile, I guess. Moash: ... Moash: Well, I bet you'd smile more if I was always looking hot in earrings, huh? Kaladin: Heh, yeah, probably.
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universal-imagines · 2 years
Hi! I wanted to request a headcanon with Akashi, Murasakibara and Aomine (and another character if you want) about them having a female s/o who is not their original type? (Aka: elegant girls with dignity, Mura: tall girls, Ao: big breasts) Their s/o isn't really elegant lol, or has an average height etc. But they love and treasure her. They reasure their s/o, when she finds out their original type and she's insecure about it
❥ ﹝ insecurities ﹞
i. akashi seijuro
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it'd been a couple of months since you'd started dating akashi, but you had yet to make it public
not that he or you were actively hiding it, the occasion just hadn't presented itself, but as time continued to pass by you began to wonder if he was ashamed of you
you'd been friends for a while and people knew the both of you were close, even when everyone else was terrified of him you were always there and he treated you like an equal so you didn't think people would be surprised if you ended up together
however, you didn't fit his type, the type everyone assumed he would eventually end up with, someone sophisticated and well-mannered, someone who oozed elegance and power...
you were just you, maybe a little loud and outspoken or maybe a little clumsy
but your insecurities were immediately dealt with when he took you by the hand and walked down the hall
it was a particularly busy day, you don't quite remember why because your mind was too preoccupied with his hand in yours, but it was probably due to festival preparations
"why did you do that?" you asked when you finally found your voice
"because i could tell something was troubling and i hadn't done anything wrong, so i figure it had to do with our relationship status"
you smiled, of course he could read you like a book
ii. murasakibara atsushi
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to be honest you had expected a little more than "you're the perfect size" when you voiced your concerns about your height difference
before you guys started dating you had asked him about his type and he said he wanted someone tall so he didn't have to worry about bending down and stuff, so it had been weighing on you this whole time
you wanted some kind of reassurance that he didn't absolutely hate it, but he just shrugged and continued to eat his snacks
"well can you tell me how exactly i'm the perfect height?"
after taking a bite of a chip he titled his head, studying you for a few seconds
"when i'm tired i can rest my chin on your head and it fits perfectly, doesn't matter if i'm sitting or standing and when we're sitting down you fit perfectly against me. i can practically swallow you up with a hug and i think it's nice"
he ate a few more chips before smiling
"oh and i like the way my sweaters look on you"
iii. aomine daiki
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you found the magazines he used to get bribed with by his teammates and felt your stomach drop
in all honesty, you weren't snooping or anything your foot just accidentally knocked into something under his bed and you pulled it out to make sure it wasn't damaged, you actually wished you hadn't stumbled upon his hidden stash of magazines
"what do you have there?" was his nonchalant reaction when he walked into the room
he could tell you were uncomfortable with what you'd found but he thought it was nothing more than shame or disgust that he'd keep something like that
it wasn't until a couple of days later when you brought the subject up that he realized why exactly you looked upset
"are you disappointed that i don't have a big chest like those girls... in the magazines?" you were trying to sound as casual as possible, but your body language told a whole different story
"what?" he frowned, but only got a shrug from you
"i'll admit that's the first thing i see in a girl. i'm a tits guy through and through but that's not all i care about. besides, yours are just the right size. if you had big tits i'd have to watch out for other guys..." he stopped, thinking about how that might have sounded "but that doesn't mean that's the only reason i'm dating you either. without you i wouldn't be able to function. i used to rely on momoi for everything, but now you're the person i look for, so get those stupid thoughts out of your head"
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sixosix · 4 months
hiii i fear tumblr may have ate my ask so i'll say it again just in case--if not im so sorry please ignore this i don't mean to rush you or anything :')
wanderer, candy(does that count?), fluff!! :D
(oh oh also can i be 🪐anon/saturn anon? if not thats fine! i just thought i'd ask since i think i've been sending asks consistently enough to identify myself ^^)
notes wc 800; HII your ask wasnt eaten, i was just taking a long time writing the requests LMFAO. of course u can be saturn anon!!! welcome welcome to the blog (this ask was sent a month ago and i am very much late. idek if anon is still active here…) tbh i wrote this and just went with the flow HAHA
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You unceremoniously dump the pile of imported goods on the table, causing quite a scene in the silence of the House of Daena. They scattered about, and some even clattered onto the floor. You grinned proudly at your friends’ dumbfounded stares.
Tighnari was the first to speak. “I’m assuming you had fun on your vacation in Inazuma?”
“Do you even have money left?” Alhaitham asked, quite incredulously. The most emotion you’ve seen from this month.
It took you a moment to respond, and you felt momentarily distracted by the strange sensation of being watched. “Well, no,” you said eventually. “But I bought all this for you guys! Be more grateful, will you?”
Kaveh clapped his hands. “This is incredible! I haven’t gotten the chance to try any of these local delicacies from Inazuma!”
You nodded approvingly. See? Was that so hard? “Yes, I know. Aren’t I such a good friend? You’re welcome, all of you.”
Belatedly, they mutter their thanks.
You went on a tangent, reciting the food sales pitch you memorized from the sellers, feeling remarkably intelligent. They didn’t have to know that, half the time, you were the personification of a lost tourist/foreigner/idiot in Inazuma and just decided to play it safe and keep most of the souvenirs as food.
They segregated their wanted share and thanked you again. They left you some of the candy, which you had no qualms about eating for yourself. As you all fell into the lull of a conversation, the feeling worsened, and you’ve had enough.
You turned to your friends. “He’s been staring at me for about 30 minutes now…”
They each cast their discreet glances.
“Are you scared?” Kaveh asked worriedly.
“Look at that look in his eye!” you said. “I’ve seen that same look in Rishboland Tigers!”
“He’s not going to eat you,” Tighnari sighed. Well, he wouldn’t know that. Only Alhaitham has met Hat Guy, and he seemed to be amused instead.
“Violence is not permitted in the Akademiya grounds,” Cyno said seriously.
“Maybe it’s not you he’s looking at…?” Tighnari tried.
“Cyno, switch with me,” you ordered.
Wordlessly, he obeyed. The group watched in disbelief as Hat Guy’s gaze simply moved to where you sat next. He wasn’t even trying to hide it.
“Maybe he’s interested because it’s a candy imported from Inazuma,” Cyno supplied thoughtfully.
“That’s a good point. I’m surprised you didn’t make a p—”
“Don’t you mean—” Cyno held up the box that displayed the Inazuman Electro symbol on the front, “shocked?”
You hung your head. You spoke too soon. “OK.”
Tighnari watched your face for a long moment, but it didn’t feel as charged as the guy sitting a few tables away. “You don’t seem to hate the attention,” he concluded at the sight your giddy smile.
“No, I really don’t,” you admitted sheepishly. “He’s smart, and he’s handsome. Of course I’m interested. I just wish he would be a bit more normal about his flirting—if he’s even flirting. Should I give him some?”
You didn’t wait for an answer as your chair scraped backward and you faced Hat Guy directly.
“Make sure it’s just the candy you’re giving!” Kaveh called out.
“I see that Sparks are flying,” Cyno said.
Walking over while you held his gaze was excessively awkward, but it was worthwhile seeing Hat Guy’s little smirk grow like he was pleased you were taking his challenge. It was a bit of a problem, however, that he was undeniably attractive. If he was cute from afar, he was drop-dead gorgeous up close.
“Y/N,” you said, in place of a greeting.
“They call me Hat Guy,” he mused. “Those from Inazuma?”
“Yes.” Suddenly embarrassed that the bullshit you were spewing was picked up on by the guy who everyone was pretty sure was born in Inazuma. “Did you hear me?”
Hat Guy shrugged, plucking one candy from the pile on your hands. “You did pretty well. But I only have one criticism, and I can tell you bought most of them from the same place.”
Ah, you did do that. He tore off the plastic and popped it into his mouth, expression turning sour. “The best ones come from the locals. You should’ve asked the kids,” he advised.
Mouth dry, you said, “Yeah, I should’ve.”
Everyone told you that the mysterious new student—Hat Guy, you now learned—was prickly and slips off when someone approaches him. His birthday was apparently a very thrilling event—in the case that everyone had to hunt him down to give him his cake.
“Want a tip?” he asked, head tilted and looking entirely pretty. His tongue rolled around as he ate his—your candy.
“You seem to know best.”
“Take me with you next time.”
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notmorbid · 1 month
yellowjackets, season 1 [pt. 2].
dialogue prompts from the first season of showtime's yellowjackets.
we're going through one of our little divorces right now.
you know i don't like when you yell at me.
scared of what other people think?
they are gonna find out eventually. you know that, right?
i never should have told you about that.
promise me you won't do anything stupid.
it's not a real birthday without presents.
i just got so caught up in making everything perfect.
i don't want to go back yet. do you?
how could you do that without telling me?
i don't even know who the hell you are right now.
we were kids. and it was awful.
you left me all alone.
are you a genius? did you ever take one of those tests?
i don't wish things were different.
i have no regrets. i want you to know that.
we're still together. that's got to count for something.
it means something to me. especially with you.
what if you're wrong? what if it's just nothing?
i know i don't have to. i need to.
i don't want you to go, okay?
what part of 'hurry up' did you not understand?
you're obviously hiding something from me, and it's making me feel crazy.
what did i do? when did you stop wanting me to be your best friend?
don't worry. we're gonna get through this together.
i have a life outside of you, you know?
you seem surprisingly calm, by the way.
it's not the first time i've been held hostage.
you're not supposed to go through people's private stuff, you know.
you're just as fucked up as i am. you're just better at lying to yourself.
you're living on the brink, just like me.
what happened to 'go with the flow'? 'see where life takes me'?
you're not in control, and you're not used to it.
every single cell in your body wants to blow things up and see what happens. that's who you are.
i promise this will all be over soon.
i've never been in a french farce before.
i'm not sure i believe you. i'm not sure it even matters.
let's not act like [name] is an innocent victim.
i've seen the way [name] looks at you.
you just wasted $300 worth of blow.
were you spying on me, you little pervert?
i'm pretty much the best friend you have right now.
i'm afraid to go to sleep.
i'll stay with you.
do you ever think about what our lives would've been like, if it didn't happen?
i must have been sleepwalking or something.
i don't know what's happening to me.
i realized i don't know anything about you.
what are you gonna do to stop me?
it's not really the time to be keeping secrets.
i'm afraid i'm going to hurt you.
you have two seconds to tell me the truth.
i can't believe that i fell for it. that i fell for you.
we can still fix this.
what do you mean, you killed someone? like, you murdered someone?
you deserve to be with somebody who really wants to be with you.
when did we become these people?
you don't know anything about me.
do you ever feel like your humility holds you back?
you could have talked to me, you know.
all this time, you knew everything?
it doesn't matter. we're just shells with nothing inside.
where are we? am i even here?
you took something that doesn't belong to you.
don't you understand? you don't matter anymore.
please. i need to see you.
can you try to be a little less judgmental?
you were just trying to survive.
you never say you're sorry.
i just need to know that you're okay.
i said i was fine, didn't i?
do you want any help?
it's just like riding a really gross, fucked up bike.
sometimes i look at the world around me, and it's like all the light has just gone out of it.
maybe you need to start trying to forgive ____.
let's get a picture.
i wish i could say i remember [name] better.
i hope you find whatever it is you really need.
you were my best friend.
you just assumed i'd go wherever you wanted.
i'm not jealous of you. i feel sorry for you.
i don't even know who you are anymore.
you want to make a break for it?
the less you know about it, the better.
i think we're gonna be alright.
i didn't know commercials still existed.
it's not as bad as you thought, is it?
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maristarfish · 7 months
Happy birthday, dear
Neuvillette x f!reader - Established relationship - Neuvillette takes care of reader after a long day of work - It's readers birthday - Fluff - Mentions of wearing heels - NO use of y/n
FOR THE LOVELY NIKA ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ It's her birthday today (her timezone) Everybody wish her a happy birthday
Of course everyone can enjoy this, the birthday setting is for today's purpose :)
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The day before your birthday, of all the days your boss could pick, you're stuck with work all day. Around 11pm, you finally make it back home. You expect Neuvillette to be at work, like usual. The house is quiet, it's a comforting quiet compared to the noisey day at your job.
After locking the door, you hang your bag on a nearby hook and walk to your shared bedroom. You're surprised as you open the door and see the light on, your husband sitting on the edge of the bed reading a book. He hears you come in, looking up to meet your eyes.
"You're back. How was work?" He closes his book and sets it aside.
You walk over to the bed and plop yourself down next to him. "Exhausting."
He chuckles, standing up before kneeling on the floor in front of you. He takes the tiny strap of one of your shoes and unbuckles it. Neuvillette never understood heels like this. Why make it so hard to come off? He does the same to the other one, letting the heels drop to the floor. He kisses your knee before looking back up at you.
"At least you are here now... Any longer, I would've had to come get you early."
"Really? I'd love to see that. Maybe I'll ask him to stay just a little longer next time, see what happens."
"Oh really?" he laughs and the room goes silent for a brief moment. Your eyes never leaving each other.
"For now, how about a bath?" Others would maybe think he's insulting you, but you understood.
"Now?" you grimace. "I guess it is necessary."
You pat his head before standing up, making your way to the bathroom. As you suspected, the bathtub is already full. The water is still hot and steaming, as if he timed it just right. There are foaming bubbles in the tub, you assume they are to relax you. After looking on a nearby counter, there's already a fresh towel for you to dry off with. On top of that, there's a silk pajama set placed neatly next to it. A color he likes to see you in often, blue.
You're in awe of his efforts when the very man who did all of this comes into the bathroom with you.
"Neuvi, you did all this?"
"It was not much. I simply wanted to make sure my lady was relaxed today."
You hug him tightly, his warmth soothing you even more. He rubbed your back, before kissing the top of your head.
You let go, smiling widely at him. "I'll go in now, then. Hopefully I don't fall asleep."
Neuvillette stiffens, suddenly worried that you may actually fall asleep in there.
I will stay in here with you, if you'd like?"
You nod. "I'll take you up on that offer!" Before undressing, and dipping yourself in the water. The temperature is comforting. It doesn't make you cold even for a second. You hum, satisfied with the bath.
Neuvillette puts his hair into a high ponytail, knowing it would get in his way later. He learned how to manage his hair a little more after your endless teachings of how to simply get it in a ponytail. But it was worth the effort, because he looked absolutely beautiful in that hairstyle.
He walked over to the bathtub and sat down next to it, leaning his weight on the tub.
"What would you have done if I came home late?" you grab a peice of his long hair and start playing with it, twirling it in your hands.
"What do you mean, exactly?" He asked in return.
"The temperature is still warm, it's very comforting. Like you just did this minutes ago. Yet, you were calmly sat with a book in your hand when I arrived."
He smiled slightly. "I cannot reveal my secrets."
"Really? How sneaky of you." You grinned.
An hour passed and you were ready to get out from your bath.It had been spent chatting with Neuvillette as you soak in the warmth of his love and the temperature of the water.
Steam hit your face just right you nearly actually fell asleep while he ran out of things to say. You hop out and dry off your body with the towel he prepared for you.
Neuvillette offered to dry your hair which you glady took him up on.
Putting on the blue silk pajamas he picked out and heading to bed, happily. Neuvillette wraps you into an embrace underneath the sheets of your shared bedroom. You can feel yourself start to drift off immediately. A mix of a long day, with the relaxing night.
Or maybe because it was past midnight. "Happy birthday, dear." Neuvillette plants a chaste kiss on your forehead. You hear him, before letting out a simple thank you.
Word count: 812
Yayy I finished! Ty Nika for being such an amazing person ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
I hope you enjoy this as a little treat for all your hard work recently loll
Extra note: If you like resident evil - specifically aeon (Ada x Leon), please consider checking out my side blog @marisaeon where I'll upload stories on them. Posted works over there:
Aeon Valentines
Only for her ears
What if ada handwrote the note to Leon in re6?
I slowly am growing out of genshin, I hope you understand!
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sssilverstoned · 8 months
while you can still smell them ꩜ ln4
type: full length fic
word count: 3.9k
title from: i wish you roses by kali uchis
warnings: some fluff, angst, but like it's a happy ending. cursing bc i'm me, italics are memories
lily said: you know me i can never leave well enough alone. i thought this little snapshot of the break that was never really a break would be cute! for context, i'd suggest looking at the ig au linked below! this would be taking place in between part 2 and 3.
part 1
part 2
part 3
You've only seen Lando cry on occasions that called for it. When family members died, when racing got too much for his mental, in some awful, awful moments. Maybe that's why it hurts so bad to see him cry now.
"A break feels a lot like you should add 'up' to that statement," he had said, turning away from you, looking out at the stars. You were sat on his balcony, feeling suffocated by the apartment. But the AC was on and working fine, and windows were open. Your emotions were suffocating you, that was more fitting.
"We can't keep on like this, Lan," you say in a broken voice, the lump in your throat thick and threatening. "It's not fair to either of us."
He doesn't realize he's crying until the drop hits his nose, making it quirk up in surprise. He swipes at his face, a pawlike move to get rid of the teardrops.
"Do you not love me anymore?"
His question makes you sob. Full body, head dropping to chest, your hands writing in your lap. The sound of you breaking down turns him back to you, rushing to the chair you've melted into. He lifts your face in his hands, and you take a breath when you see his face, discolored with tears.
"I'll always love you," he makes out of your words, just barely. "I, I just, it's not the same,"
"We can fix this, us. We can work on it together," Lando's brain is whirring at hyper speed, damage controlling the last 8 months of your lives together.
The cracks began to become schisms when he committed your largest pet peeve, which was ignoring things out of ease. Blissful ignorance, if you will.
It was small things, like forgetting about date nights in lieu of longer trainings or prolonging trips. Sometimes he forgot to water the plants, or didn't move laundry over, and that was manageable. That's what every couple encounters. What every couple does not encounter, was the intense pressure of racing a car for a living.
He was frustrated, with Zak, with anything papaya colored, and with his own self-doubts. He carried that frustration in his chest, and it came out in some of the words he spoke to you, and actions he took. You eventually stopped offering to come over and cook, because dinners were becoming continuously tense, and you were uncomfortable. Felt like a nuisance.
But at the same time, you were both so codependent. Without anything being said, you two began to avoid things you assumed the other wouldn't like, and asked for permission to do the smallest of things. You first noticed it when your sister pointed had asked you to come go with her out of town for the weekend, and you hesitated. "I'll have to ask Lando," you had told her. She bit her tongue.
Lando was just as bad, he had quite literally lost the ability to sleep when you weren't around. It made Grand Prix weekends an actual nightmare when you weren't there, calling you at any times in the day or night.
"Are you alright, it's 4am,"
"Sorry, can't sleep again. The melatonin does nothing,"
"Did you try the tea my mum got you?"
"Baby I just," he scrubs a hand down his exhausted face. "I just need you here."
"I can't just get up and go to Australia."
"I'll get you a flight, or maybe we can-"
"Lando," you say in a sterner voice. "I can't."
He's quiet for a moment, and you wonder what's going through his head. You hardly raised your voice or got intense, certainly never at him. But then again, recently, you seemed to never know what was going through his head.
It was silly to think that Lando was the same man that you began dating. You were 19, you would pray that he had changed somehow over the span of 5 years. But there was something missing that once was. The relationship was becoming more of a task, and that wasn't right. Which is what brought you to this moment, brought you to telling him you needed to talk.
"Lan," you whimper, bringing a hand up where his hold your face on either side. You don't even have to say anything more, he knows you better than you know yourself. And he begins to cry harder.
"I've never loved anyone but you, baby."
"I know."
"I can't, I really don't want to live without you," he shakes his head, standing back up to his full height. His hands stay busy, though, ripping through his hair.
"I'm not going to go away," you explain, agonized that you're calmer than he at this point. You stand from the wicker chair, but don't edge closer to him. "But my career is unpredictable right now, 6 months in Marbella is a long time. And you're, well, everywhere. And you need to focus on that."
"I've multitasked for 5 years," he says bitterly, making you sigh. His eyes are back on the stars, and his back to you makes your eyes blurry again.
"I'm not happy." You finally blurt, making his body stiffen. "I'm really not."
When he looks at you again, his expression reads clearly with fatigue, with anguish. "Please, baby, don't,"
It's your turn to clutch his face, bringing his forehead to touch with yours. Through your contact, you feel the heaves of his body, the breaths he's trying to control. "It's not forever," you whisper, mustering courage. "But we need to stop acting like everything's fine."
"I don't see myself without you."
"You're not," your hold tightens, he leans further into your palm, "but we've grown up together. The flower pot's too small now," you try to joke, he barely can fake amusement.
"I'll buy a thousand new pots."
"We need to clean up the broken one, first." His jaw clenches, you soothe it with your thumb. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He says back, almost silently. "Still wear that Mclaren shirt on race days, I need the luck."
You finally crack a smile. "I'll wear the hat too if my hairstyle permits."
He kisses you, almost convincing himself this if is the last fix he can get for a while, he needed it now. Not that either of you know it, but you both have the same thought. You both notice that your cheeks have each other's tears on them now, not sure which ones came from whom. You were on the same page in that regard, at least.
"You should ask y/n out," your best friend says to Lando in the middle of a party. He chokes on his drink, not expecting her to come up to him like she did, and not expecting the words out her mouth.
You all were freshly 19, still congregating in someone's living room to try to have a good time. He knew your friends better than he knew you, the newest of the group in town, only having moved to the area with your family when you were 16.
"Should I, now?" He says, recovering from his fright.
"Yeah," she replies, ignoring the sarcasm. "She goes on about you, it's cute. She'd hurt me if she knew I told you, though. Not sure what she sees in you," his eyes narrow at the girl, which she ignores once again. "You'd be lucky to have a girl like her in your life."
That much, he knew. You were fiercely loyal to your friends and family, and treated him with a kindness that made him melt every time. You were funny, and genuine, and not to mention, the most beautiful person he's sure he knows.
When he bumps into you later at the party, he asks you what you're doing the following evening.
That was the story he'd tell people with a proud grin when they ask how you two got together. All you recount is how he nearly ruined your cute top with a shitty guinness.
He's struck with the memory when he sees the guinness logo in the ads on the walls of a restaurant. "Mate," Max all but snaps his fingers. Lando locks back in, humming for what he missed.
"Was just curious if you wanted to go out tonight. They've been texting in the chat about it, I saw you never responded."
Clubbing wasn't as fun as it used to be, not when you weren't dancing your heart out beside him, or waiting in bed with your nose in a book when he came home because you weren't feeling like going out. It felt like a waste of his time, and like he was sucking the fun out of other people's nights.
"'M alright," he says with a tight mouthed grin. "Gonna sit this one out."
Max looks at his friend, seeing through his response. "When's the last time you went out?"
If he had to take an educated guess, you last graced his apartment that night on the balcony, 4 weeks ago. So, 4 weeks ago. Perhaps longer, judging by the schisms. "A while. Not up to it."
"You're torturing yourself."
"I'm not interested in getting shitfaced, Max."
Max looks away for a second, quickly weighing the pros and cons of asking what he's been wanting to for the last, well, 4 weeks. "Do you think Y/n is wallowing too?"
The sound of your name makes his fingers twitch inadvertently, almost like a flinch. "That's not fair."
"I'm serious, Lando. You said she needed a break because she felt like you two were co-dependent and not actually working through problems, and look at you. You're not functioning without her. I mean, it's your fucking birthday next week, and you haven't brought it up once, you realize that, right?"
He knows he's right. Nothing he said was out of line, or wrong, and that's why Lando has nothing to say back. He wants to argue, to prove him wrong, but he can't. He's seen your ads and campaigns, the beautiful shots of you promoting luxury brands and names that your fans only dreamed of owning. Despite the distance, he was so proud of you still. You worked hard, were disciplined and humble through your success. He had texted you when the Dior campaign had launched, and the message of your thanks, with a smiley face, made him, for just a second, think that things were back to normal.
When they left the restaurant, and ran directly into fans, Lando tried to put on his best face for them, smiling for selfies and signing what was gestured toward him. When a sweet looking girl with glasses shyly spoke up, telling her favorite driver where she was visiting from, his tired eyes light up. "You're from there?" He confirms, and she smiles with an eager nod.
"Y/n is too," he almost mumbles, but every fan in earshot heard it. The typical squeals followed, the hushed whispers amonst themselves on if they'd push the questions they were itching to ask or not. And heard it they did, as the encounter made its way onto social media and gossip pages. But Max was right, his mourning period needed to be over, if anything was going to change for the better.
You call him on his birthday. It was nerve wracking, which made you bitterly laugh, because never did you think you'd be nervous to talk to Lando Norris of all people. One of the few people in the world you wholeheartedly trusted.
It had only been about a month since you requested time apart, and he had honored that. The texts were sparse, the calls nonexistent. Although, that was sort of what had brought you to this point anyway. But you were working on yourself, and your career at the same time, and things were looking better. Change never happened overnight, but the journal your therapist recommended, and the disappearance from social media besides professional posts were great starts.
You bite at your cuticle as the phone rings. You take your cell away from your ear, chest panging at the contact name "Lan <3" at the top of the screen. Was he really going to screen your call? Is that what you deserved, possibly?
"Y/n," he finally answers, and you quickly bring your phone back to your ear.
"Hi," you say awkwardly. "Happy birthday, Lando."
"Thank you," he says stiffly. "I'm happy to hear from you."
"Yeah I um, haven't really been on my phone here," you bite harder on your finger. "I think it's nice here, you'd love Marbella."
"I'm sure I would," he says with what you can hear is a smile. "I miss you, you know?"
"I miss you too," you concede, "how have you been?"
"Not great, I won't lie. Much rather would hear about you."
"'s not my birthday," and he smiles a bit at that.
"Well, racing's fine. But Max is sick of my shit, says I've been wallowing."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
You don't really know what to say, you've rarely been the perpetrator of his negative feelings. No relationship was perfect, but you all hadn't really hit a communication wall until now. It was uncharted, scary territory. "Well, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, that was all. Have a good day, really. 24 is a big one. Kobe year, that's what someone said to me. I hope this year is great for you."
"Y/n, wait," he halts your beginnings to hang up. "I'd like to come to see you soon, I've got some time before Abu Dhabi and maybe I could swing by Spain on the way."
"Lando," he absolutely hates that you're calling him by his whole name. Lan, that's what would you called him almost exclusively. Lando feels so formal from you.
He needs to hear it, you know he does. He needs to hear that you want to see him, that you need to see him just as much as he yearns to put eyes on you once more. But you were constantly afraid of accidental manipulation, holding him by some invisbile garotte. But this was his first birthday you hadn't celebrated together since you were 19, that meant something.
"Please focus on racing," you implore, and squeeze your eyes shut before adding, "but you if you'd like to come and it won't be an issue in your plans, you're more than welcome."
You saw the posts, it wasn't very hard. Fans utterly disappointed that you and Lando hadn't been seen together in ages, putting pieces together quickly after you didn't post for his birthday. It didn't make you feel worse, to be truthful, and to your surprise. You were sure there'd be a barrage of insults hurled your way, maybe a cheating rumor or two. But really, all there was to see were requiems for your relationship, nostalgia for what once was. What did cause you to delete instagram from your phone, was the response to the podcast.
You were single for the time being, that's what you and Lando had agreed on when he visited you. It wasn't an invitation to go out and find the next man to lay in your bed, but you both had agreed that it wasn't healthy to hold out in anticipation of your rekindling.
"You're the only girl I've, you know," he awkwardly trailed off, scratching the back of his neck. He sits up in bed, linens pooling around his hips. Hooking up with your now ex-boyfriend, might've not been your brightest idea, sure, but you were both human, at the end of the day.
"Fucked?" you tease, remaining comfortable against your plush pillow. "I know. First few times kinda showed that."
He looks back at you pointedly. "You cried the first time."
"It hurt!"
He rolls his eyes, shaking his head in fake annoyance. You grin. "I'm sure the girlies are gonna have a field day with you being single now,"
He rolls his eyes again, laying, or rathing slumping, back into the pillow next to you. His arm instinctively comes around the top of your head, you try not to lean into it. "I think I really will finally listen to you and focus on racing."
You turn on your side, admiring his profile as he stares up at the ceiling, probably tangled in his thoughts. His nose sloped perfectly, the little freckles dotting his skin like constellations. Your boy.
"I told my mum."
He snorts. "She hates me now, I'm sure."
"Mm, no, her first ask was what I did," your mom was Lando's biggest fan, through and through. Of course, you were her daughter, but she was convinced he was cosmically made perfectly for you.
He looks at you then, realizing your eyes have been on him the whole time. He copies your position, turning to you so your bodies lay parallel, nowhere to look but each other's eyes.
"Do you regret that I'm the only boyfriend you've ever had?"
You immediately shake your head in denial of the question. "No, not at all," you were lucky, if anything. "You?"
"Well, I've had other girlfriends,"
"You knew that," he chuckles, and yeah, you did. "But I don't regret that you're the only one I've been serious about. I still am."
"I know. I am too."
"An ex-boyfriend doesn't lay in bed with you, you know."
"And an ex-girlfriend doesn't still remind your team when your doctor's appointments are,"
"Fair enough, guess we're just weird."
You share a matching grin. "So weird."
So once Alex uploaded the Call Her Daddy episode you were a guest on, and it was official to the masses that you had been single for now almost 4 months, the articles came in. The timelines of you and Lando's relationship, the rumors of him leaving clubs with random girls. You'd be lying if you said you didn't zoom in on some of their faces, relaxing when you recongized most of them as friends or even family members. He wasn't yours to be worried about, you suppose, but you also knew that any girl he decided to share his time with would be a lucky one.
Your friends had tried to get you on dates, that wasn't a lie when you said that on the podcast. But you weren't ever excited to get to know someone new, small talk was painful and you didn't feel comfortable going home with them.
But then, a few weeks later into February, you get a phone call from Lando. "Hi," You answer, pleasently surprised.
"Hey there," he says, sounding slightly out of breath. "How are you?"
"I'm good, great even. Finished up everything down here, leaving Marbella next week to head back home." Home was London to you, not Monaco. You constantly visited, had a family flat there and everything, but couldn't leave officially becuause of your career.
"Congratulations, everything looked stunning," he compliments, and your stomach flutters.
"But um, how are you? I'd ask if you were relaxing, but I'm sure training's well underway."
"Meh, more or less. I'm heading to Surrey next week, actually. Got some stuff to do at HQ."
"Oh," Surrey was only about an hour and a half from where you were in London. "Would you, well, not assuming anything, but if you'd have time to spare, it would be great to catch up?"
This isn't why Lando called you, you fully know this. Who knows what he picked up the phone for, he could be calling to let you know he's eloped with someone he's met in the 6 months you've been apart.
"I'd love to," you hear his grin in his voice. "You haven't moved, have you?"
Not only had you not moved, but you haven't changed much about your flat either. Same bedding, same color schemes, same photos decorating your tables and walls of your friends, family, and Lando. He never took the photos of you down either, and that photo from your 21st birthday was still stuffed in his wallet.
You order takeout, sitting across the kitchen island from each other acting like it didn't feel like your first date again. He acts like he doesn't want to reach out for your hands as you animatedly use them to share stories of Spain, and you act like you don't want to push the curls back that threathen to land over his eyebrows.
The food gets cold as you two catch up, a few glasses of wine becoming a whole bottle gone. You actually can't remember the last time the two of you had done this, and perhaps, absence had truly made your hearts grow fonder.
"Bahrain is on leap day," Lando says, making you gasp.
"That's got to be good luck, no?"
"It's just the first practice,"
"But still, you're starting your first weekend of the year on a special day like that," you muse, "so exciting. I'm excited for you,"
His chest warms at endearment in your voice. You truly and honestly rooted for him through everything, that was one of the things he was most grateful for about you. He knows you don't truly care about all of this, if he won or lost, but that you care about him and his development, how he sees himself and his profession. He fell in love with that about you.
"Would you come?"
You hesitate, daring to look at him from where you had begun to clean the countertop. "To the race? "
He nods, and turn back to the counter. "I don't know, Lan. Is that where we are?"
He hopes so. He's missed you something horrible, prays you missed him just as bad.
Lando takes the cloth from your hand, replacing it with his own. "I know it's only been about 6 months, and that's not enough time to say everything's well and dandy," you fight a smile. "But I want to work through things, with you. I've had nothing but time to consider what was off with us, and I want to be better. For you, more than anything. Yeah, I learned how to be just Lando. But I know I prefer being Lando and Y/n."
You bite your lip, finally meeting his eyes. "I want to take it slow."
"We can do that,"
"So, I don't know if I'm ready for the race. But, my birthday's coming up,"
"It is,"
"And we'll be in Dubai. My sister did it up, got this crazy plan going since it'll be my 25th."
"Quite the old woman you're becoming,"
"Oh get off that," you scoff, pushing his chest. He chuckles and pulls you back into him, where you go willingly. "But, if you can, I'd love for you to come to the dinner."
He raises an eyebrow with a smirk. "You want me to fly to Dubai just for your birthday dinner?"
"You'll be in Saudi Arabia then anyway,"
The smirk gets bigger. "You know my schedule already, love?"
"You're so fucking cheeky, can't stand it," you feign annoyance, but never move from his arms.
He holds you, as your arms delicately find themselves behind his neck, not daring to kiss just yet. To really be honest, you're not sure if you're ready to take that whole plunge.
"I'm happy to be back, even if things are slow. They can be molasses for all I care."
"Thank you for being patient with me," you lean your forehead against his. However, this time, neither of you are crying. Nice, for a change.
"I'd wait decades for you, my love."
After a beat of sweet silence. You speak up once more. "One thing though," he hums to prompt your continuance. "I'm pretty sure, when it's said, it's Y/n and Lando, just so you know."
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nqmonarch · 8 months
Yandere Blade Part2
Don't know why but I feel like Blade would call the reader "fool" (affectionate) like as a petname? Like not degradingly but just Blade is kinda shit at expressing himself (aside from expressing pain) so a lot of the time reader doesn't pick up hints and he's like 'tsk fool...'
But like you're his fool so it's okay. Around anyone else you're not allowed to do such foolish things, what if they take advantage of you? Assuming you're around anyone else alone which is near impossible.
Also reader being like "I want you to die, I'll find a way to kill you." as if it's romantic and Blade being like half flustered half frustrated cause like he wants to die but no way in hell is he leaving you on your own or killing you. And bro's just like "You fool >:(" and reader is like ??? how tf do I read your mind.
Part 1 you don't have to read it if you don't want to but you can :)
TW: Yandere, Violence, Kidnapping
After you left he appeared in your dreams. It was strange, if anything you'd expect it to be a welcoming presence, memories of the past gone by. Yet instead all you could see where hate fueled eyes and his arm twitching struggling to resist the urge to raise his blade. If you were him you'd hate yourself too.
You'd been gone for a while, you were sure the medicine must've run out. You'd spent your time researching the Borisin, another creature "blessed" by Yaoshi. They had incredible healing ability yet could still die, and you didn't see any effects of mara. You'd managed to get aboard one of their ships and while you would've loved the opportunity to research them further and learn about the Abundance's effect on them, you couldn't.
The Borisin weren't well known for being kind, they valued strength above all and preyed on the weak. You were lucky for still being alive on their ship. Although, you were prison you'd learned a bit from observation and your cellmate, curiously enough another person interested in mara. They knew more about it than you.
You couldn't tell their gender, a ragged brown cloak covered them near completely aside from their porcelain pale legs and long blonde hair. They spoke of research projects you'd never heard of, of how livers were where mara gathered in both Foxian and Borisins, and how death of these long life species would come suddenly. When their cells suddenly stopped multiplying.
If you took out Blade's liver would he die? He would be in pain, agonizing pain if it didn't work. Would it even grow back? At this point you were too scared to try anything, in case of another failure. But you had to kill Blade. Maybe you didn't have it in you but you had to for his sake.
"I must wonder..." The voice drawled, a rather raspy quality to it, "Do you hate the Abundance?"
You looked over at the hooded figure, your back pressed against the cool wall of your cell, "Can't hate someone I don't know," You replied, a slight frown on their face, "But I do hate the number of lives they've ruined, even if they meant to save those people, you think by now they would've learned they hurt more than they help."
You'd seen it time and time again, a person lost to mara, set to forget everything in their life and turn on those they love lost in a sea of pain and hate. Getting to know Blade just made you hate it more.
"Didn't they save those lives first? Do you not need to continue helping just to find a way to help without hurting? Surely, in the end all the pain will be worth it." The person spoke slowly, leaning closer to you but not close enough you could see beneath their hood.
"I'd rather die young than lose myself completely," It was personal preference, "Maybe they did, but even if their immortality came without the cost of sanity, it has a cost of its own." You heard footsteps growing louder in between your words, "Sometimes we're too short sighted for our own good." You wished you'd stayed on the Xianzhou Luofu.
You could've told Blade that you couldn't do it, you could've begged him to stay by you anyway. You could've found a way that didn't involve death. But you would be a fool to think there was a cure for mara where the mara struck didn't die. You weren't that dumb. It would've all been empty promises, you would've wasted your life looking for a cure knowing you would never find one. On the other hand there had to be a way to kill Blade.
The stranger let out a sigh, and the footsteps stopped, a shadow hanging over you. One of the guards had come, you weren't sure for what. Perhaps, now that they knew they could kill you without any repercussions they'd come to do that. Yet as you strode out of the cell calmly, following the wolfish person, death never came. You were left to wonder what would have happened if their head hadn't been sliced messily off their body.
It took a moment for you to register it, the warm blood splattered on your clothes, staining them. The scent laid thick in the air and yet you were unaware of who the assailant was. You'd seen a brisk dark figure in the shadows only a moment before it'd happened.
Arms wrapped around your body, holding it uncomfortably tight. Normally, you would've fought back and called the person a creep but you knew who this was. Beneath all the blood was the faint scent of spider lilies. His arms remained still around you, refusing to budge in the slightest. You reached up and went to pull one of his arms down by his forearm but his other hand caught yours and held it tight against his blood soaked sleeve.
"At least let me go so I can see you," Your voice was gentle, and a small smile rested on your lips. Was it bad to say you were happy to see him again? He was wanted, for good reason too. But since when did emotions listen to ethics?
"No..." Blade's voice was a weird mix of pain and relief, both strained yet as he approached the end of the words he spoke he sounded more euphoric, arms quivering as they held you, "You would just leave again."
You chuckled, you weren't sure if it was out of sorrow or amusement, "You came." You didn't expect him to. "Do you really think I can kill you?"
You didn't get an answer at first instead feeling your cloak brushed to the side, your neck being left exposed. It wasn't pretty, you'd been in a prison cell for how long now? They didn't treat you well either. Not much food or water much less the opportunity to bathe. You'd offered your food to your cellmate but they declined, claiming their kind didn't need to eat as often. Instead you often received the rations for both of you, guilt settled in your gut at the thought.
You weren't sure what was going to happen now. If Blade killed you, would your cellmate at least be able to live or would he get overtaken by mara and go on a murderous rampage? Mara tended to become more unstable when emotions became more unstable.
Teeth pierced your skin and you let out a yelp, tightening your hand around Blade's forearm, and clenching the other one in a fist. "What are you? A dog?" You barked out, you had thought he'd resembled one before... but biting you like this? Wasn't that too much? It wasn't as painful as you'd expect it to be.
Once he'd managed to get his teeth into your skin, he stilled as if satisfied. His arms and mouth latched onto you like a terrified child scared to leave their parent. He wasn't planning to murder you, that was a plus. But for some reason it only made you feel more guilty. Guilty for leaving him, you should've told him. If you did then you would've wanted to stay.
This was for his own benefit, right? You could find a way to relieve him from this pain, right? But even if you did would you be able to kill him? "You shouldn't bite me," You chided him, moving your free hand uncomfortably over your shoulder to nudge at his head, hair brushing up against your hand. It felt rougher than usual.
At him remaining still you spoke again, "Seriously, for your own good, I'm dirty right now." You let out a sigh, pushing your hand against his head right now. He let go, moving his head back slowly and then rested it on your other shoulder, tilting his head toward you.
There was a dull ache where he'd bitten, slowly disappearing as heat took its place. You were probably bleeding.
"I don't know," Blade suddenly spoke voice scratchy and your eyes furrowed at his words. "Stay... you should stay. If you can't kill me. Stay."
"You're upset at me leaving..." You mused, he had mentioned it earlier but you'd just assumed it was because he thought you'd given up on killing him and ran.
You heard footsteps in the distance and jolted up a bit. The Borisins could smell blood, couldn't they? One of their canine characteristics. "I suppose we should be heading out then," You chuckled, yet couldn't help but be on edge your shoulders tensed even as you remained in Blade's arms. "Wouldn't want unwelcomed company to interrupt our welcome."
You felt him sigh, hot breath hitting your neck. Yet he didn't move at all, "...Blade?" Was he just going to wait for them to come and slaughter you both? Well, you suppose he'd live. But the pain of having his body ripped apart would last in his mind. How had he ever managed to stay sane?
Right, he wasn't sane. "Are you going to run away again?" Blade's voice echoed against your ear, and your smile twitched in response.
"If I die then I'll be leaving too, from a place I can never return from," You replied mock cheer in your voice. He stiffened for a moment before instantly relaxing despite the footsteps getting louder.
"I wish you would wield me as the blade I am," He muttered voice gruff and you vaguely remembered when you'd had him kill mara struck for you. It hadn't been pleasant. But if you'd found a way to kill him it would've all been worth it.
You felt your anxiety begin to rise as the footsteps only came closer and closer, you decided this misunderstanding had gone on long enough, "Look, I left because I wanted to help you," You explained, cringing at the weakness in your voice, "I am going to find a way to kill you Blade," you promised despite the sinking feeling in your heart.
You knew at this point you were just lying. Even if you found out how to kill him you wouldn't be able to. You felt his body to begin to shake before you heard it, the sudden laughter. As if all in life was futile. It chilled you to the bone, it sounded like a mad man losing his last bit of sanity becoming hysterical. At the sound of Blade's laugh the footsteps began to speed up having a clear source of the intruder.
...Was he going to kill you? You really thought he wouldn't, given that he'd bothered to keep you alive this long. He stopped in his laughter stilling, and in a strangely affectionate tone said, "Fool."
His hand reached up to the side of your jaw and--
You supposed being knocked out was better than being killed. It really could be worse. The bed you were on was also surprisingly comfortable, would it be more comfortable if you weren't being clutched against a nice firm chest that was probably Blade's? Well, the hug was pretty comfortable so you were going to say no.
"You're awake." Blade's voice sounded rather hoarse. Had he not slept at all? Now that you were thinking of it, you'd never seen Blade asleep aside from when your medications made him do so.
You attempted to turn around to face him but the second you began to move your body his grip tightened, "Good morning," You laughed nervously at his actions. You were both happy and perturbed to find that you'd been bathed and your clothes had been changed.
It sounded like a command yet you could feel the desperation from the way he gripped your arms in the hug.
"You... fell in love with me at first sight," He still remembers that bullshit you made up to get him to stay?! "So stay..." His voice broke a bit at the last word, cracking.
You felt him dive his head into your neck. Pressing his forehead against your skin as if he was performing worshipping. Then relishing in the feeling of his skin against yours as if any crumb of physical affection gave him held the same meaning as giving a starving man food.
You did love him, and you wouldn't be surprised if you continued to do so for the rest of your life. Blade may be-- Blade definitely is a terrible person in some capacity but you couldn't help who you loved right? Plus, it wasn't like you were a saint either. You cared for life and you wanted it to thrive, yes. But, if a few individuals suffered for the greater good you wouldn't complain. If some had to die for the whole Xianzhou Luofu to overcome mara, wouldn't it be worth the price?
[A quick note, in actual research please be ethical. This reader is and should in no way be a role model for real life. If you consider doing unethical research please reach out to someone.]
When it came to people you loved, you'd be willing to bend your morals. You knew it wasn't right but, love is a very dangerous beast. "I'm doing this because I love you," You stated and you felt his hair brush against your neck, his nose met your jaw, his face continuing further until the two of your faces were side by side.
"Fool." His breath was warm against your cheek and you felt your face warm.
"Didn't you want to die?" You retorted, feeling grievance come into your voice. You were doing this for him.
Blade's lips pressed chastely against your cheek, the corners of his lips slightly uplifted. Then he bit, much more gentle than he did before, it was akin to how he bit you the night before you left. When he'd been struggling with his mara, and looked at you with those panicked eyes. All you did was turn and walk away.
Still... "What are you, a dog?" You teased him, not bothering in moving. It didn't really hurt.
You weren't sure if you'd be able to move anyway. One of his arms had moved in front of you, gripping down on the bedsheet, allowing him to shift the majority of his body weight over you. He moved his head up from your cheek and stared down at you, your eyes meeting his eyes. Their colors were similar to that of a fire's but they'd never been calmer, a look of devotion in them.
"Do you want me to be?" Blade shifted his weight, sitting more upright, keeping your legs in between his. He grabbed your hand and began to lay gentle kisses on your hand moving upward to your wrist and then forearm as you stared at him dumb struck.
You took the opportunity of his weight being off you to grab his jaw and tilt it toward you, "Of course not." You glared at him and pulled his face close enough so you could kiss him.
It was like water breaking through a dam, his reaction was immediate. He responded desperately, kissing back with rushed fervor albeit clumsily. His lips pressed against yours, yet his tongue was trying to get in on the action, flicking against your lips and leaving them wet. It was as if he'd die if you left.
It didn't move much further as Blade moved away for a moment to speak, he stared into your eyes something that could be considered deeply romantic if not for his next words, "Don't run away or I'll kill everyone."
"...You're ruining the mood," You muttered, feeling bristly hair against your palm as you pulled his head closer to yours lest he ruin the mood with another comment. You'd talk to him about finding a way to kill him later, but if you brought it up now you were pretty sure a massacre would happen.
"Fool..." Affection laced Blade's voice as you pulled him in for another kiss. You suppose you didn't mind being called a fool, so long as you were his fool.
AND THAT'S A WRAP for this little story, if you want idk spin offs or like little snippets of life (like an epilogue on cuddling or jealousy or whatever) send in an ask or something i'm always happy to write!
Anyway GUYS DOES BLADE SLEEP? genuine question.
Also you know how in like some yandere fics they restrain the reader with restraints? Yeah Blade is the restraints. He's also the weapon. Bro is everything in one. and like ugh writing kiss scenes i feel so awkward, my end goal for this year in writing is to write like a nsfw scene (not on this account will prob make a separate one) to like really challenge myself but i dont think itll be possible
Anyway on a bit of a more serious note, I love yandere as much as the next person IN FICTION. Please be sure not to romanticize these troupes in real life because your life can get fucked over very easily by people who resemble yanderes.
Let's enjoy ourselves IN FICTION please :) so I can keep writing this without having made someone romanticize a troupe that is dangerous in real life.
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lumea-art · 4 months
Hey, guys! I'd like to address a personal issue which actually concerns everyone in this fandom. Please, read and react somehow🙏 For those on the bojere fanbook server, that's going to be pretty much the same as what you read yesterday. If I'm too direct or accidentally overshare, sorry, keep in mind that I'm autistic
So for quite a long time I felt secretly disliked in the fandom. I am a very anxious person, I hang on every piece of feedback that I get so it bothered me a lot. I wasn't allowed to participate in the Käärijä zine and they never explained why and I almost didn't get in the bojere fanbook as well but at least the mods were kind enough to communicate the issue
So the mods told me yesterday that people felt uncomfortable about me taking part in this and having me on the server. I felt very down the whole day and didn't understand shit until Moko and Due gave me the explanation. The issue was "radfem" in my bio on Twitter. They explained to me how my associating with radfem made them think I was potentially threatening to other people on the server, especially the queer folk. But the thing is I turned out to be quite different. I consider myself to be radfem cause I've had a lot of traumatic experience with men (SA, abusive relationship), I don't want any other women to go through something like I had to experience, I am with women, I'm fighting for our comfort and against the patriarchy. Also I am from Kazakhstan and we have big issues with women's rights here including all kinds of abuse and femicide for which men tend to not get in jail. You might have heard how our ex minister of Economics abused and k*lled his wife and didn't get in jail until the case reached the news. That's all, that's what it means TO ME to be radfem. So I guess this radfem is different to the one you're used to. I am not transphobic and I have never thought my views had anything to do with queer people. I have always been nothing but respectful towards queer people, online or irl. I have nonbinary friends who are comfortable with communicating with me. As a cis person, I may not understand something, but we tend to talk anything through in order to understand each other better, not waiting for any of us get hurt accidentally. So I suggest the same - if you need further clarification, you can ask me questions in reblog or dms and I'll answer. Also I'm open to literature suggestions to get to understand you guys better💕
Also regarding Russian-Ukranian issue in case anyone has a problem with it
Since I'm openly Russian speaking (though being from Kazakhstan and half Ukrainian myself), Ukrainians might have an issue with me and I perfectly understand why so I try not to bother them. However, some of them didn't want to leave me and my friends alone. You might have seen this big Russian-Ukranian fight on twitter in April, mostly taking place in JO fandom. The thing is that (again) people don't dig deep and assume I am pro Russian since I speak Russian and happen to not be able to speak Ukrainian or Kazakh (in Kazakhstan we mostly speak Russian). Me and my Russian speaking friends were bullied, our personal info was leaked without our permission and one of us got threatened to be physically hurt once she arrives to a JO gig we are all going to. Of course I protected my friends and myself, maybe not in the best way possible. Luckily, we were able to talk everything through with the guys and no one means to hurt anyone anymore. I suggested doing commissions for donations and I still do that if you're interested. I am pro Ukrainian and pro Palestinian and genocides suck
If someone doesn't want to communicate with me for whatever reason, just don't, what's the problem. But don't limit a person before clarifying things, I beg you. Please, I really want to be on good terms with everyone. I wish peace to everyone 🙏
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eulogium-red · 16 days
i'd like to see more of the theme of "family" in overwatch. we see it a lot with ana & fareeha, ram & zen, brig/torb/rein/bastion, genji & hanzo. but those are the obvious ones between playable characters. the ones that are much more clearly written on the wall, even once-in-a-blue-moon players could pick up on. much else is hardly focused on despite how much family (or a lack thereof) has shaped many of the character's lives & identities for better or for worse
i don't like how martina & the unnamed reyes kid are only mentioned in passing, despite gabriel himself visiting often unannounced. clearly they were an important part of his life. clearly, family is an important part of his life — i'm very willing to wager that small passage about the death of his parents in declassified was written very intentionally. his complicated relationship with death, and how it was further affected by his own "death," & how he's now in some warped reversed position with his new family. but we don't get much more than a few voice lines about martina (is she even mentioned by name in-game orrr am i not remembering?)
i want to see how ashe manages the gang throughout the second omnic crisis. or perhaps we could see her mannerisms slightly change with bob. maybe instead of standing side-by-side with him as she is in the reunion cinematic, she puts herself more between him & potential unrealised threats. or maybe she subtly tries to nudge him under awnings whenever she spots ufos, weary they're housing subjugators — little things that are very intentional. maybe her demeanor tilts ever so slightly from confident but guarded, to guarded but confident.
i want to get a better picture of the role sam english played in fareeha's life just from playing the game, especially after ana's presumed death. i want to know more about their relationship other than the christmas dinner they had. i wonder how many players just assume fareeha's father died young, or assume the writers didn't care to write one at all? for a long time, i thought the former. i wonder what sam thinks of some of fareeha's closest friends — has he met cole & angela? what does he think of helix? we hardly even see fareeha's native heritage expressed other than the two skins off the top of my head
what about cassidy & echo? i know this is a more implied one, but cassidy was the first one to nurture her "childlike intelligence." even today, he guides her — he encouraged her to help winston&co at paris when he was still on the fence. one of the cutest things for me is her enthusiastically shouting "hello winston!" mid-battle, presumably not long after cassidy told her to say hi. she probably would've either way, but i also don't want to discredit the role cassidy has had on her development & i really do want to see more of them
or, speak of the devil, how winston views everyone at overwatch as family. how in watchpoint: gibraltar's 1st defense spawn, you can see the little beds he set up for lena and mei, how you can read an email as proof he got the blankets from a small kids blanket business. the way he keeps photos of the gang, years later. how vehemently protective he was of all their locations. i wish we could see it reciprocated a little more, i wish we could see individual sleeping areas for other heroes as the story progresses, or more items on his desk. & that's not even getting into hammond
& i don't think i can have a family post without mentioning dad 76 or how i desperately want to see benicio being the best supportive dad for lúcio more but honestly i'm getting pretty sleepy so either i'll add more later or someone can add more.
depending how you stretch the definition of family here, it can include other dynamics too. baptiste finding a new sense of belonging in the new overwatch, or mei braving the antarctic to not let her team's death go in vain & to help people who can still be helped — from jiayi and her team still on mars, to the people who now need her help on earth. i'd also argue hana's squad in korea. what are niran's siblings up to? are we gonna see more of efi & orisa? moreover, how are all these non-playable side character characters handling the invasion? i guess we got some texts between lena and emily
family is such a powerful motivator, but can also be really complicated, as seen with the amaris and shimadas + kiriko, i wish we got a similar amount of investment some other places too
a major theme of overwatch is moving towards the future, progressing in some way. & that looks different for everyone depending on their emotional readiness to do that, and what they view "progression" as. so it makes sense a lot of characters don't look back on those they lost along the way so much, at least not too openly (zarya comes to mind), but that's what can make their present relationships with others that much more worth preserving & seeing
probably an impossible ask of a game feeling the effects of layoffs that's primarily focused on pvp/bp/shop items but ykn
thank u for coming to my tedtalk
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Dear James,
I know I shouldn't be writing to you again. Every letter I've sent is, what I imagine, tossed away or burnt to ashes. You bought a hawk last month to deter my letters. My owl is lucky to have made it back with the damages she had. I'm promising her extra treats and love to send this one. And that this will be the last.
Harry is almost old enough to go to Beauxbatons. I don't know how I feel about it, he'll have more freedom, but I'll also be alone. I don't think I've been truly alone since you left me. And that only lasted a short time as I had Harry.
Speaking of Harry, he's stopped asking about you. I get the feeling he no longer wants to know of the man who hurt me, the man who shares his face. I've explained, many a times, that our fall out was my fault, that I had made the mistake. Harry says that I've fixed that mistake now that Voldemort was strung up and burned in front of the Ministry of Magic building. However, I don't know how to explain that I do not wish to walk back into your life like nothing has happened. That I will wait until you give me the word.
I think that time has already passed however. You've always fallen in love easily, I'm sure you have a wife and maybe more children now than just Harry. I would be surprised if you haven't. As for me, as one can tell from the letters that I used to send you once a week, now once a month, I have not. Black blood runs through my body and soul, and it sings for you, like it always will. It is the way of The Ancient and Noble House of Black, we fall in love once and never again.
I hope Harry doesn't feel that way when he's older. It hurts, falling in love does, I'd hate to see my son hurt.
I think about how you look now that you're older, I would assume you have smile lines and crows feet by now, and maybe your wife has made your hair a little more manageable unlike how I always made it my goal to make it the worst it can be. I have changed through the passage of time as well, obviously. I no longer see my ribs through my skin, you always worried about that so maybe that would be nice to hear. My hair is much shorter, I finally understand why Sirius is so protective of his own, if I had to go back to hair so long It touched my thighs I think I would grow crazy. I believe I finally got the scared look out of my eyes along with the weight off my chest. I'm the man I was meant to be now.
As always, I hope Sirius and Lupin have finally gotten their act together. I never received a wedding invitation but it's also been over ten years, so I will never know. As always , attached is a current picture of Harry, he's so big now, I still remember carrying him, and waking up at three am to his cries, but now he's almost getting his letter. As always you just have to reply with three words that you would whisper to me every time we met and every time we left one another for the time being. Different however, is the one word needed for me to stop sending these letters. I won't breathe another breath in your direction anymore. You won't need to say a peep for me to stop now.
Regulus Arcturus Black
| part 2 part 3
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the-thursday · 7 months
Hello everyone, this post was long overdue, and finally, prompted by our beloved Howls also leaving, it's time for me to rip off the bandaid as well.
I would also like to announce a sort of departure from Ranger's apprentice fandom.
I do not know how many from RA fandom era from few years back are still here but I assume mostly newer blogs keep up with this account.
Take a lil history walk with me, if you will. I joined this fandom around 2017-18. I was very active around here, posting all kinds of stuff, fics, takes, incorrect quotes, art and whatnot. I made many friends with whom I had a great time and I am happy and honoured that I am friends with some of them till this day. Fandom became the second home to me as things hadn't been exactly easy irl and maybe I fixated on it too much, but gods know I loved this place so much. And I wish for everyone to experience this happiness and just as I made friends who became a significant part of my life, I wish that for you as well. Being surrounded by amazing and wonderful people and sharing similar interests is one of the most pure joyous feelings in this world.
As 2020-2021 rolled around, some of you know that things in my life picked up a harsh pace and I started to drift away. In 2021 I left the fandom because of that and unpleasant things with one of the people here. It was one of the most gut wrenching decisions I had made.
In 2022, I started gradually getting worse, but also had the courage to come back at the end of the year. I felt happy and welcomed and I am so grateful to everyone who made it happen, who supported me and gave me another breath. My mental health kept getting worse but I wasn't alone and that has been everything to me.
Now it's about a little more than a year since I've been back and again, I've met wonderful amazing people who I am happy and honoured to call friends. I don't regret coming back and I am happy I did, however I think it's time for me to go again. And below, I hope to explain why.
Like I said, I've been getting worse. Last autumn and this winter have been very difficult for me and I had to rethink some priorities, as life is going on the time left for me to invest in fandoms is getting thinner and thinner. Unfortunately, among them, isn't keeping up with this fandom. With my next words I hope not to insult anyone. The truth is, I don't find enjoyment in the fandom and content itself anymore, or more like, as much as I used to. I don't exactly vibe with posts for roughly the past half a year and I don't mean this in negative way, I just think it's for me to move on. All of the new people that I've seen have wonderful content and while I don't exactly vibe like I used to, I can see that you're having fun and that's important! People come and go and I do wish all the newcomers and seniors who are still here to have a great time, but I don't think I have energy, capacity and vibes to be part of it anymore. As you know, my blog has been very much inactive for a long time, aside from dumping my dumb sketches or reblogging something here and there. And rather than letting it rot, I'd like to cleanly move on. Anyhow, on self deprecating note, since really it's not like I've been someone prominent I don't think this is a loss to the fandom and this makes it easier for me.
So to summarise, my leaving is about personal things, my life moving and the fact I don't have the mental capacity or motivation to actively keep up.
So what does this mean? I won't be posting RA related stuff on this blog anymore. This blog will turn into a neutral main blog and I'll create one side blog for art that I hope to continue to make and maybe one blog dedicated to the work of Brandon Sanderson.
However, it doesn't mean that I am not up to goof around about RA anymore, however this will be done in DMs. If I sometimes get to draw and post RA related art, it shall be posted on my new art blog with RA tag. However, I don't think there's a high probability of public RA art from me anymore, because 1) need to move on and 2) I have a very strong and maybe confrontational opinion about art in this fandom that has given me a bad taste and discouraged me from enjoying making it and posting it. I won't go into details because I don't want to sour this post for myself and for y'all with it.
I want to thank this fandom for everything it has been for me and for everyone and I wish y'all some happy fandoming!
Yours only,
The Ranger Thursday 11
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fazfacts · 1 year
quotes from "groundhog day" and "happy death day;" feel free to change as needed!
❝ Didn't we do this yesterday? ❞
❝ Don't mess with me. What day is this? ❞
❝ Sorry. I'm having a bad day. ❞
❝ I'm feeling a little strange. ❞
❝ Have you ever had déjà vu? ❞
❝ I've got to talk to you. I think I'm losing my mind. ❞
❝ Can I be serious with you for a minute? ❞
❝ I'm being serious. ❞
❝ I'm having a problem -- no, I may be having a problem. ❞
❝ I'm trying to say that if I was having a problem, just hypothetically, I'd like to know that you're someone I could count on in a crisis. ❞
❝ Just trust me. ❞
❝ I've done it before. ❞
❝ I'm talking about today. I lived it before. ❞
❝ I know it's nuts, but I keep reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ This is the third time. ❞
❝ I'm not making it up. I'm asking for your help. ❞
❝ I'd like you to spend the next 24 hours with me. Don't leave my side for a second. ❞
❝ You're saying this thing is not really happening to me? ❞
❝ Are you saying I'm crazy? ❞
❝ What would you do if there was no tomorrow? ❞
❝ I don't worry about anything anymore. ❞
❝ I have a life wish. I'm just trying to enjoy it. ❞
❝ I know you won't believe me, but we could do anything we want today and it wouldn't matter one bit. ❞
❝ I've already been here for 211 days. ❞
❝ There's got to be more to it than this. ❞
❝ If you only had one day to live, what would you do with it? ❞
❝ I've been planning this day for weeks. ❞
❝ But there is no tomorrow for me! ❞
❝ I can't stand this place anymore! ❞
❝ Just remember, we had a wonderful day together once. ❞
❝ I'm a God. ❞
❝ It's the only explanation. I'm a supernatural human being. ❞
❝ I always wake up the next day without a scratch, without even a headache. I'm telling you, I'm immortal. ❞
❝ I want you to believe in me. ❞
❝ I told you the truth. ❞
❝ In five seconds, there's going to be a grease fire in the kitchen. ❞
❝ Please believe me. You've got to believe me. ❞
❝ It's not that bad. You get used to it. ❞
❝ The worst part is waking up every day. Tomorrow, you won't remember any of this. ❞
❝ It doesn't matter. Really, it doesn't. ❞
❝ It's not true. It's not. It can't be true. ❞
❝ You're here! My god! I can't believe you're here! ❞
❝ It's happened! Don't you get it? It's tomorrow! ❞
❝ Did I just dream it? ❞
❝ What day is it? ❞
❝ I'm totally having déjà vu right now. ❞
❝ I'm having a weird day. ❞
❝ This can't be happening...this can't be real! ❞
❝ This is a nightmare. ❞
❝ I feel like I'm losing my mind. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm so confused. ❞
❝ This isn't going to make any sense, but I've already lived through this day. Twice. ❞
❝ I know! It's not possible, but it's happening! I swear to God! ❞
❝ Nobody told me! Don't you see? I know what's going to happen before it happens! ❞
❝ I'm reliving the same day over and over. ❞
❝ Oh my God...make it stop. Please, make it stop. ❞
❝ Nobody believes me. ❞
❝ I'm sorry. I'm just...going through a lot right now. ❞
❝ I'll explain everything tomorrow...assuming there is one. ❞
❝ No...this can't be happening. This can't be happening! ❞
❝ I don't get what you mean. ❞
❝ I know you're losing it. ❞
❝ What is this? ❞
❝ Are you drunk? ❞
❝ What are you trying to say? ❞
❝ Yesterday? What are you talking about? ❞
❝ You're having déjà vu? ❞
❝ Uh-huh. I'm waiting for the punchline. ❞
❝ I'm racking my brain, but I can't even begin to imagine why you'd make up something like this. ❞
❝ Okay, I'll bite. What do you want me to do? ❞
❝ Have you considered psychiatric help? ❞
❝ I'd say that maybe you're, I don't know, a little delusional. ❞
❝ What makes you so special? ❞
❝ You really do have a death wish, don't you? ❞
❝ That's quite a long time, isn't it? ❞
❝ Is this real, or are you just going to make me look like a fool? ❞
❝ It's sort of like the way I feel about UFOs. I'd have to see it to believe it. ❞
❝ There's something so familiar about this. Do you ever have déjà vu? ❞
❝ Do you really expect me to trust you? ❞
❝ Are you alright? You look terrible. ❞
❝ What are you doing? What are you thinking? ❞
❝ For a minute there, I thought you might be crazy. ❞
❝ Why are you telling me this? ❞
❝ It's not possible. ❞
❝ This is nuts. ❞
❝ Okay, enough. Let's just sit down and think for a second. ❞
❝ How are you doing this? ❞
❝ How did this start? ❞
❝ It sounds so...lonely. ❞
❝ Is this what you do with eternity? ❞
❝ Have we done this before? ❞
❝ Maybe it's not a curse. It all just depends on how you look at it. ❞
❝ Hold it right there. I want to know what's going on and I want to know right now. ❞
❝ This is too much. I must be dreaming. ❞
❝ There's something going on with you. ❞
❝ You must've had some dream. ❞
❝ Wow. Have you been here before? ❞
❝ You were acting really weird this morning. ❞
❝ Just calm down and start from the beginning. ❞
❝ Okay, I get it. Who put you up to this? ❞
❝ You're starting to freak me out. ❞
❝ What's wrong? Are you sick? ❞
❝ Maybe I can help. ❞
❝ You literally think you're reliving the same day? ❞
❝ Come on. You're just messing with me, right? ❞
❝ I'm just trying to work this whole thing out. ❞
❝ I guess it's kinda like that movie, "Groundhog Day," only you're not Bill Murray. ❞
❝ If I were you, I would stop trying to figure out how it's happening and start figuring out why. ❞
❝ There has to be a reason you're stuck in this day. ❞
❝ You probably just had a bad dream. It happens to me whenever I drink too much. ❞
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endlessnightlock · 8 months
From the 150 Random Writing Prompts, what about #32 - text me when you’re home. Giving me modern au vibes of the her phone call / "Katniss, I live three houses away from you."
"Wait a second. I'll walk you out," Katniss says, stopping Peeta at the front door.
Gale is already glowering at her from his spot at the kitchen counter. She's not sure why he cares: he spent the entire night talking fantasy football with some guys from his work. So she ignores him. He needs to chill out, the insecure baby. Gale pisses her off sometimes. He's never liked her to have friends who haven't received the Hawthorne stamp of approval. It wasn't this big of an issue until she moved in with him. She's starting to think cohabiting with him is the worst mistake of her life so far. His issues are getting worse. Cripes.
Peeta waits for her by the door, zipping up his blue fleece coat while she slips on her shoes to follow him outside. Silently the two of them head out the front door. It's cold out on the front step, that damp, chilly weather that soaks through your skin, chilling you to the bone.
"Thanks for coming over," Katniss says, hugging herself for warmth. "I wasn't sure whether you'd make it."
Peeta laughs. "I wouldn't dream of it. The house is nice," he says.
"Yeah. Gale spends most of his spare time working on it."
"That must be nice. Saves you money that way."
Katniss shrugs. It's no concern of hers what Gale does with his money. It's not her house.
"So Gale. He seems nice," Peeta says.
She gives him an incredulous look. "Not really."
"He's not so bad."
"He can be a pretty big dick," Katniss says, stamping her feet on the ground to get the blood moving through her legs. "Like tonight. He gets jealous sometimes."
"Hmm. Well. Can't say I blame him."
"It's stupid."
Peeta fidgets with his keyring, swinging the set around on his ring finger. "Well, as much fun as debating your boyfriend's virtues are, it's freaking freezing out here. I'd better head home. Got an early start tomorrow."
"Yeah. of course. But Peeta---Gale's not my boyfriend," she says.
"Oh. I just assumed."
"No---god, no," she says. "I'm like his little sister or something, crossed with his mom? I don't know how to describe our relationship. It's weird. He's over-protective."
Peeta looks away from her, scratching behind his ear.
"Will you text me when you get home?" she asks on a whim, wishing she could ask him to stay instead. A way to extend the night with him, at least by a few texts.
"Now, who's being over-protective," he says. His voice is soft like he doesn't want anyone to hear like they're sharing a secret.
His smile is warm. Pleasant heat, like the slow path of whiskey making its way into her belly. That's what it stirs in her. "Shut up," she says, smacking his arm lightly with the back of her hand.
"Katniss. I only live about a block away. Three streets. It takes me maybe fifteen minutes on foot."
She knows that. Still. "It's dark and cold, and I want to know when you're there. Humor me. It'll mean I'll sleep better tonight."
"Alright," he gives in.
Katniss steps closer to him. Before she loses her nerve, she stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek. "Thank you," she murmurs, lowering herself to the ground and stepping away, already embarrassed by her actions. "Talk to you soon."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Jason actually getting secret reader to go out with him (even if it’s just a walk around the block or a five minute rip to the store) and they run into Bruce by complete accident?
It was depressingly wet, even for Gotham. The rain and the clouds hadn't let up all day. It was one of those days where even the most hardened Gothamites had taken shelter and the street was mostly empty.
In other words, it was a perfect day to coax you into leaving the house. You didn't have to worry about being seen- or worse, recognized by someone who knew someone who knew your family. You know. Since you were supposed to be dead. Or rather "Missing and presumed dead". They still had some time before they could just kill you off since there wasn't a body.
Or so Jason thought anyway.
You saw someone approaching before he did. Jason was too busy watching you- Even with him next to you, playing muscle, you made yourself as small as possible. And when he felt you tense it took all his self-control not to groan.
Of course Bruce was out. And of course he was here. If he didn't KNOW where to find him, he'd have been surprised. But then, Bruce looked genuinely confused to see him so- maybe not.
"Hey," Jason answered, trying not to feel awkward, tightening his grip on you just slightly to keep you from bolting all the way home and hiding under the bed.
"Who's your-" Bruce hesitated just slightly, not sure what to say. Or if he should say anything. You look like you'd probably rather jump in front of a train than be spoken to.
"This is Y/N," Jason said, wishing now that he'd let you grab your scarf and your gloves as you shove your hands into your pockets. He'd been trying to get you to a place where you didn't feel like you had to hide. And he knows you're thinking Bruce is staring at the burn scars that are visible instead of doing whatever Batman shit he's doing in his head. "Y/N this is Bruce."
"Pleased to meet you," you answer. Your voice is barely audible over the hiss of the rain and Jason winces slightly. He'd never really heard what you sounded like before. And he knows you've been trying to sound 'better'. To soften the shock when you did speak but- he hated it. To him, you sounded fine as it was.
"This weather," Bruce said, gesturing vaguely to the sky, tutting. "I won't keep you. I'll let Jason get you back inside before you both catch a cold."
"We'll be fine," Jason snorted.
"Go home," Bruce scolded, "You don't even have a coat. At least Y/N had the sense to bundle up."
Jason pulled you a little closer and kissed the top of your head, "You're out here-"
"I have a meeting," Bruce said, "And unfortunately it's already been rescheduled twice." He rolled his eyes, "You'd know if you ever came home-"
"Bold of you to assume I don't just come when you're not there," Jason said, smirking.
"Take your young lady home so she can teach you manners," Bruce said primly. "And how to dress." And before Jason can say anything else, Bruce winks at you and walks into the building he'd been about to enter. And Jason lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. That could have gone worse. Much worse.
"I'd rather you teach me how to undress," Jason said, letting you turn towards home and adjusting to keep you away from the street.
"Just saying," he teased.
"Half my body just feels like leather-"
"Hardly," he said. "Y/N it's not as bad as you think it is-"
"Last time I went to the store a kid cried when they saw me."
You shake your head and walk faster, forcing him to lengthen his stride to keep up with you and Jason felt his heart twist. You'd been tortured. Burned and beaten. All because they thought you knew things you didn't. Because they thought they had your twin- the one who'd done all the shady shit to start with. And then your own family had just added insult to injury. Because you wouldn't look good on a Christmas card. And not for the first time, he was thankful you weren't with them. Because even if he couldn't protect you from everything, he knew the rest of his family wouldn't think twice about what you looked like. Not once they knew you the way he did.
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