#maybe its the mold i ate
mondaymelon · 6 months
help the way that i want to interact with you but i'm scared for my sanity if i do
why whould you be scared
im not scary
im just silly ok iimsiiiillyyy .
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poppyseed799 · 2 years
My vision / observation skills are so much better than others it scares me
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moonydustx · 5 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do Zoro, Luffy, Ace, Mihawk, and Lucci as well as Crocodile x Reader, what if the reader, one day tells them that they are pregnant, how would they react/ How would they be as parents? ( also maybe add some parenting shenanigans, knowing these guys.)
OMG! You have no idea how much I loved your request. I know, I know, it took me a looooong time to respond. But after a few migraines (and anxiety), I'm back. I was already thinking about doing something like that, but I was lacking some kind of inspiration so thanks <3 Maybe I got carried away with writing, I'm terrible at summaries and things like that , but I hope you like it.
The structure is kind of: them discovering the pregnancy, them dealing with the pregnancy and a small hint of how they deal with the children.
Warnings are placed individually in each story.
I'm dividing it into two parts so as not to be exhaustive. (I'm sorry, I reaaaally got carried away writing it).
PART 2 HERE - Lucci, Mihawk and Crocodile.
requests open | one piece masterlist
Warnings: Fluuuff, super fluff. F!Reader has a bad health at the beginning of this one. Sanji is Zoro's daughter's favorite person for food reasons.And of course, Zoro is protective and jealous (especially towards the little girl).
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It should have just been a momentary relief, you didn't expect the little escapades between you and Zoro to turn into a relationship. Much less did I expect to have seen the two blue lines on the small stick that you kept hidden in your small desk. How to raise a baby in Sunny? How to tell Zoro that the relationship between the two of you would now gain another part?
You wished you had more time to think about the solution, more time to even clear your doubts with Chopper, but the little being inside you insisted on demonstrating its existence. One of the days, you had almost passed out on top of Franky - who obviously freaked out. In the other, he had eaten twice as much as Luffy ate and had to come up with a lame excuse. This time, it was the third time in a row that you had put food in your mouth and it barely lasted minutes in your stomach.
"Hey…" you heard your name being called from outside the bathroom, but it was a female voice. "Do you need any help?"
"I'm fine, Robin."
"I believe that fine is not the term that best defines your situation." she laughed, still outside. Not knowing how to deal with the situation, you reached out and opened the door, giving her space to enter. "What's our plan?"
"What do you mean our plan?"
"Nausea, dizziness, food cravings, and all the noise you and Zoro make when you're alone." with every word that came out of her mouth, you could feel your skin turn pale. "The swordsman doesn't know yet, right?"
"Not yet." your face sank into your own hands, frustrated with the indecision that plagued your mind. "What do I do, Robin?"
"I suggest you talk to your boyfriend soon, I believe he might accept the idea better than you might expect." She smiled gently, brushing aside the strands of hair that stuck to your face. "However, right now he's trying to kill the cook because he thinks he gave you some spoiled food."
Robin's light laugh was left behind as you ran towards the screams, which had seemed imperceptible before now became increasingly audible.
"Stupid cook, he doesn't even know how to make an egg properly."
"You moldhead, shut your mouth."
"Mold is what you're putting in your food."
"You two stop." you stood between the two, shouting at the top of your lungs and interrupting their argument and the laughter of the others, who were entertained by Zoro and Sanji fighting. "I just… I just need…" the air seemed to disappear from your lungs and the scorching sun above you became just a black screen.
Minutes, hours, days, when your eyes opened, you felt so tired that you couldn't calculate how long you were gone. The first thing that crossed your field of vision was Chopper walking from side to side with a stethoscope in hand.
"Ah, you're awake!" he came happily by your side.
"What happened?" you knew very well what had happened, but first of all you needed to find out what the little doctor had already discovered.
"I'm sorry, but Robin told me some things." He placed the cold item to listen to your heartbeat, remaining silent for a few seconds.
"And is everything okay? I mean, with…" the word seemed to disappear from your lips, it was difficult to bring up the idea without knowing how the other party responsible for it would react.
"These days helping Franky, all this commotion from the fight, from my diagnosis, you're just exhausted. And a little dehydrated too, and that's not good for you or the baby." he explained, sweetly as usual. "By my reckoning, you must be two months pregnant. I'll talk to Luffy and Nami, so we can quickly find an island and secure supplies."
"Wait!" you held him, even though the reindeer hadn't moved. "Can I talk to Zoro first?"
"Of course, he doesn't know yet, right? But he's out there, very worried."
"Do you mind calling him for me?" you asked and saw him nod, leaving the small infirmary.
Your body still feeling heavy from fatigue, you sat down thinking about what words to use, how to bring up such an important subject. The door opened, but you lacked the courage to face the man who stopped in front of you. His silhouette on the ground began to become more real and closer, only then did you realize that he had bent down to be at your height.
"Ready to talk about this?" he whispered and adjusted his posture, remaining standing in front of you as your legs dangled off the bed.
"About what?" His eyes dropped from your face, went to your stomach and looked back at you. To his surprise, he found your orbs wide open in surprise. "How do you know?"
"I was looking for my material to clean my katanas, I missed the drawer and ended up opening yours. I found something strange there and asked Robin. As the drawer was yours, the test could only be yours." he listed with the most passable face in the world.
At the same time it lifted a burden from your conscience. You wanted to kill him for leaving you in agony and thinking of ways to bring up the subject.
"I understood." Your voice was calmer than you could have expected, but you could feel your eyes burning with pure anticipation - and hormones, which you would still discover how much they would affect you. "And what do we do now?"
"We continued sailing." Noticing your stress, one of his hands joined yours, on top of your belly. "And if it becomes too risky, beyond my ability to protect you both, we step aside for a while and then the three of us come back when it's safe."
You wanted to be grateful that he didn't freak out, you wanted to freak out yourself or even say "What do you mean we're step aside?", but the only things that came out of you were tears and sobs, as you clung to his torso.
"I-I thought you would hate me…" a lot more sobs, a lot more tears. "And you was going to leave me on some island."
"I would never do that."
"And I-I wanted to eat the salad Sanji makes."
"You can ask that idiot." Zoro gave his arm, he didn't understand much about pregnancies, but when he found out about the subject Robin explained some things about hormones and sensitivity, while Chopper, in the little time he had to call him, had warned him about the health conditions of the woman who he loved most in the world. Arguments with the cook could wait.
"Don't worry, sweetheart." He had to contain his own laughter hearing you say such nonsense. "I promise to take care of you both, here at Sunny or anywhere else."
Zoro couldn't define his promise about taking care of you better. The remaining months of pregnancy passed faster than you could imagine, despite you being left out of any and all activities. No fighting, no major exploration, no staying near stairs or high places. On the other hand, there was a type of exercise that your hormones craved - and consequently, disturbed the entire team.
After long hours of labor, you didn't know who was screaming more - you, in pain, Zoro desperately wanting Chopper to do something or Luffy thinking you were going to die, seeing the blood when he decided to peek into the room. When little Kuina was born, everyone, including you, discovered a new side of the swordsman. More careful, delicate, he held the little girl like the most precious thing in the entire universe. The three swords were no longer tied to him all the time, the insults directed at the cook became a little lighter when the little girl with green hair was nearby.
"Uncle Sanjiiiii" the girl, now five years old, ran and hummed towards the kitchen, clinging to the cook's leg. "Can you make 'rispy potatos for me?"
"Of course my dear, just give me a few minutes." you saw the cook laugh at her pronunciation, but he already knew the girl's favorite dish and no, they weren't the spicy ones.
"Why don't you ask me?" Zoro grumbled, crossing his arms and forcing you not to make fun of him and destroy the little authority he had - yes, little because the man had a soft heart towards his daughter. Not to mention the small jealousy he accumulated towards little Kuina.
"Uncle Sanji's are tastier." she stuck her tongue out at him, laughing with the cook afterwards.
"You know what? Let's see." Zoro marched to the edge of the sink and took the girl from the cook's legs. "You go with your mommy there while we go prepare something."
"Please don't kill yourselves." you murmured, picking the small girl up in your arms. "And you my love, what do you think about going to see Usopp fishing?"
Zoro practically growled at Sanji and began to dedicate himself to his tasks. Boiled and roasted potatoes, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside in small pieces, was his daughter's favorite dish, it wasn't that difficult, was it? The presentation wasn't the best, at least not compared to Sanji's, but he watched the girl try a little of each dish. After thinking for a brief moment, she pulled out the plate made by Zoro and began to eat happily.
"This one! The dad ones!" She offered you a small potato, which you accepted. "Daddy knows how to make it too! Now I can eat 'rispys every day."
The flavor was good, but you knew that cooking wasn't your now husband's strong point. You reached out and took a small piece of Sanji's and understood what it was, seeing the blonde blink quickly at you, unnoticeable to the other two. In this case, your husband was now holding your daughter on his lap and spinning her around while she was thrilled that he would now have a new potato supplier.
"Uncle Captain Luffy will like it. Dad, shall we take some for him?" she asked showing with her little fingers the small amount she wanted to share and as always, Zoro immediately answered her.
"You know he's going to eat it all, don't you my dear?" He took the plate with his free hand and left with the girl on his lap.
"Thanks." you turned to Sanji, who smiled.
"I may not be a fan of the mosshead, but I wouldn't accept seeing little Kuina disappointed." he replied, removing the dishes that had accumulated on the table and tasting some of the potato he had made. "I just didn't add any seasoning."
"The shitty cook doesn't know how to cook." you both heard him cheering outside and Kuina right behind. "Shitty cook, shiiiity, shit."
"I think I already regret helping." the blonde grumbled, watching you follow the two and give him a good scolding.
warnings: Fluff, angst with a happy ending. Luffy is a lot more mature than usual in this one, mention of F!Reader being hurt (nothing serious). Gear 5 Luffy (yes, I'm still excited about his latest appearance). The child's name is Ravi, which means sun.
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The floor of the small room that the two of you shared seemed to be about to sink with all the turns you had already taken and you were amazed that the test in your hands hadn't yet broken from so many times that it bumped against your fingers in pure anxiety.
"Hey, did you call me?" Luffy appeared at the door noticing that you were alone. "Finally, just the two of us!" he vibrated, about to grab you.
Since the two of you had left Foosha Village, you hadn't let go of each other. You started as rivals when you were children in Dadan's house and it took you a few months after entering the sea to understand the true feelings you had for each other. It didn't take long for him to call you his own pirate queen and introduce you as his girlfriend.
"Hi! Are you around?" he waved in front of you, taking you away from the memories of a past that was already distant and so different from what you would face.
"Luffy, we need to talk." you tried to take a firmer stance.
"As your captain or as your boyfriend?" He remembered the little agreement the two of you had made, to separate matters to maintain order - more precisely so you wouldn't kill your boyfriend when he stole food from your plate and, consequently, be left without a captain too.
"I think both, I don't know." a frustrated sigh left you, shoulders carrying the immense burden of fear. "I was feeling strange a few days ago, I was late…"
"Late for what?"
"I'm pregnant!" you spat out the words quickly. If the man hadn't been paying attention, he would barely have caught it. "I'm pregnant, Luffy."
"This is…" he sat down on the bed, lowering his head. You had never touched on such a subject, it barely crossed your mind what his attitude would be.
"I understand it's a lot, I'm scared too…Luffy?"
His laughter took over the room as soon as your feet left the floor and he turned you around, pressing your body tightly against his arms.
"A baby! A mini me or a mini you!" he vibrated and noticed your expression close. "Don't you want a mini me?"
"Not that. Just don't…" your hand went to your mouth, containing the nausea. "No spins, for a while."
"Ah, sorry." he placed you on the ground, more carefully. "How do you feel?"
"A little scared, I guess." You laughed lightly when you saw him bend down to analyze your belly. He promptly put his ear to it, trying to hear something. "Babe, the baby is the size of a grape now, it's a little hard to hear."
"But I know he knows I'm here. A boy!" He placed a quick kiss on your skin. You wouldn't question the fact that he's sure the baby is a boy.
"I think this is the best treasure I could find." you murmured, hugging your boyfriend and allowing yourself to stay there for a few seconds.
"Love?" his voice called to you quietly. "Can I tell everyone?"
"For sure!"
"Guys!!!" He barely waited for you to respond and pulled you out the door, shouting for his friends. "Let's have another crewmate."
"What idea is this Luffy?" Nami cut off her own scolding when she saw him pointing at her belly.
"We're going to have a baby!" your fear ceased for a while when you saw everyone vibrate with the news.
The time you had to find your balance, you lost when you felt Nami and Robin hug you together, happy for the news. It didn't take long for your other companions to congratulate you on the new life that had emerged there.
"Luffy, we need to stop at an island soon so I can get some materials." Chopper warned and the captain immediately agreed.
"Sanji, can we have a feast to celebrate, please." Luffy asked for cook, being interrupted by you who joined him.
"Meat…" the word alone brought the flavor to your mouth. "I need to eat meat and a pie, please Sanji. It could even be meat pie." you asked, clinging to the cook, in the best Luffy style. Noticing the attitude, you soon resumed your posture. "I think I have a little craving… for meat."
It was undeniable that Luffy's genes were strong in the little child who was growing month by month. Restless, the unborn baby was always making you incessantly hungry and seemed to think your belly was made of elastic. Anyone who looked at you would find you with a small package of snacks in hand or grumbling to Luffy about why he had to insist on poking your belly when the baby was quiet, making the child start kicking again. Luffy still didn't seem to have much of an idea of ​​what having a pregnant girlfriend was like. Occasionally he would steal your snacks or make plans that involved you, getting slapped by other companions.
"She's strong and I'm sure our son will be too." was his common response every time.
The contour of the bulge of your belly was already noticeable at six months of pregnancy and even so, you liked to follow Luffy and the others on each new island they stepped on. This time, you didn't expect that a little shopping break would turn into a horror so quickly. An enemy of Luffy had found you along with Nami and Sanji and even though the cook was capable of fighting, he couldn't hold off the man and his henchmen for so long.
Your head was small compared to the man's hand that held it. The instinct taking over your body made you bring your arms to your belly, protecting the being that was developing there, while he dragged you to where Luffy was. As you approached, for the first time in a while you saw terror in your beloved's eyes.
"I see there have been interesting changes." The man's slurred voice irritated you more than usual. He lifted you off the ground and gave your stomach a little poke. "As far as I know, I bet it's a little straw hat."
"Let. Her. Go." the threat implied in Luffy's voice was different than most times. You remembered seeing him like this when a tenryuubito decided to hit Hatchan, but still, he seemed to have more hate in him than you had ever witnessed. "I told you, keep your hands off her."
"As you wish."
Disdain was present in the man's every attitude and in the same way that he had barely used his strength to lift you, he did the same to throw you meters away. With the wind against your body and the screams of your friends like blurs passing by you, you cringed and waited for the impact that didn't come. Instead, you felt something wrap around you and your body land against something soft.
When you opened your eyes, you found Luffy holding you, putting you on your feet even though he didn't let go.
"You're okay, you're alive, you're okay…" the words came out of his mouth like a mantra. It was like seeing relief and fear walking side by side.
As soon as his hands released you, you felt yourself staggering, being supported by someone behind you. Luffy's hands held your face delicately as if a breath could take you away. He took off his straw hat and placed it on you and one of his hands rested on your belly, feeling the agitation under your skin, which seemed to bring the lucidity he needed.
"Jinbe, take her back to the ship." Luffy didn't bother to look at his companion who had just approached, his eyes roamed your face in search of any discomfort. The hand that remained on your face wiped away a small tear that insisted on falling. "Take Chopper with you, get all the tests possible."
"I am fine." you tried to reassure him, seeing that your words had been in vain. "Baby, we're both fine."
"Zoro, protect them." Luffy asked and only then did you realize it was the swordsman supporting you. "Don't let anyone get close to them. Don't let anyone lay a hand on my girl and my son."
"Okay. Jinbe, you carry her. Chopper, stay alert too, but your priority is to get to the ship with the two of them." the mate gave the orders and before your feet left the ground, you felt Luffy place a quick kiss on the small gap between your forehead and the straw hat.
"Those who are left, don't let any of his idiots get out of here. I'm going to finish that bastard off." the last glimpse you saw of Luffy was of his hair turning white.
Something changed that day. The baby was fine, you were fine - enough for Zoro to restrain you and prevent you from returning to the battlefield. Lying on your bed, you curled up again, this time wracked with worries about your captain and boyfriend. Using the straw hat as your companion, you allowed yourself to close your eyes and wait. The sun was already gone when you woke up from your brief nap to feel arms squeeze you tightly.
"Lu?" you turned around and found him smiling, even if a little lighter than usual. Some scratches on the face, but apparently fine.
He took your lips voraciously, capturing them and holding them to his. Your hands soon tangled in the dark strands of his hair and gave him space to fit around your legs, but Luffy moved away.
"Chopper said you're okay, just scared, but you need to rest so our son can be okay too." the captain slid on the bed, until his face was aligned with your belly.
Luffy lifted the cloth that hid your skin and covered your belly with kisses, in silence. Your hands, which previously sought to get tangled in his hair, opted for a light caress.
"I promised to protect you two and today…"
"Today you protected us, love." you interrupted before he even considered finishing the thought. Taking one of his hands, you led him to where the child was kicking. "And someone agrees with me."
From that day on, you saw Luffy change and consequently, you did too. He no longer teased you about your strange diet and didn't even make jokes about the snoring you started to have every night or because you looked like a cuddly ball - except when he, with the help of Usopp and Chopper - tied a watermelon to his belly. and pretended to be you at the end of the pregnancy. Now the words you had said to him "I think this is the best treasure I could find" made more sense to him.
It was early morning when little Ravi was born. The sea water was more crystal clear than usual and your body was sweating cold even though the night was hot when the first contractions hit and lasted throughout the morning. Chopper had chosen Robin and Nami as assistants while Luffy remained there by your side, using the power of the fruit to avoid feeling the strong grip of your hand against him.
Along with the first rays of the morning sun, Ravi came into the world and illuminated Luffy's face. As soon as the boy stopped crying in his father's lap, it was like watching two long-lost friends reunite after so much waiting, Luffy didn't know that he had been waiting for this his whole life and now he knew that he would never be able to stay away from the boy. In a way, it reminded you of the way little Luffy looked at Ace with admiration when they were still children.
He took the feeling seriously since little Ravi became his father's shadow and Luffy didn't make much of a point of preventing the boy from doing something wrong.
"Luffy!" you screamed as you saw him about to throw the two year old into the air.
"But he likes it."
"Sun…Ravi." the little one mumbled a few things.
"See? He wants to reach the sun." Luffy laughed, throwing the child at a much lower height than he intended at the beginning, eliciting a laugh from the baby. "Who wants to go again?"
"That's enough, you two." You stretched your arms to catch the baby, who promptly reached towards you. "It's time for someone to eat!"
"Yay! Let's eat some good food, kid." Luffy ignored you and headed to the kitchen. Before he reached the door, you took little Ravi from him.
"Just little Ravi." you corrected him and saw him mumble.
With each passing year, he became even more like his own father, which meant double work for you. At least at 8 years old, Ravi still had a little more calm than Luffy.
"Zoro!" he walked across the deck to the swordsman "My father said he was going fishing."
"That's good, it means fresh fish for lunch."
"The problem is that the fish caught him. He hasn't come back to the surface for a few minutes." Ravi said without much concern. "Can I go get him? I know how to swim, I don't think my daddy can."
"What the fuck Luffy!" Zoro dropped his swords and threw himself into the sea, attracting his other companions.
"Do not even think about it." Nami warned the boy who was about to reach for one of Zoro's swords.
"But Nami…" he mumbled, lacking the patience to argue. In the same way that she imputed fear to the father, it worked on the son.
"They're too big for your age." you saw him mumble just like Luffy and you had to hold back your laughter.
"Ravi!" Luffy's voice attracted the two of you to the end of the ship where he was, soaked and being scolded immensely by Zoro.
"Wow dad, what a big fish. All this for us?" the boy poked the little monster lying in the deck.
"That's right." Luffy laughed alongside the boy. You thought it was adorable that their laugh was identical.
"Hey Sanji, I'm hungry." they both shouted. Apparently, the appetite was also similar.
Warnings: fluff, a little angst until Ace finds out, Marco and F!Reader are best friends. Ace just wants to be loved by his baby. And for the record, I know Whitebeard would be a badass grandfather.
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"Wait…" Marco began, analyzing your figure standing there biting his nails in front of him. "I thought you heard me when I explained it to you. You know, condoms, medicine, yoi."
"I heard, but maybe I forgot one…" his critical look made you change your tone. "Okay, I forgot to use protection a few times."
"Sit there already." he gave up and waited for you to curl up on the stretcher. Once you did, you watched him prepare a small kit.
"Why do you keep a pregnancy test kit?" You tried to take the object from his hand, but the doctor quickly dodged it.
"I don't keep it." Your eyes watched him concentrate and insert the needle into your arm, drawing a small amount of blood. "You've only been vomiting for two weeks and you've also been refusing to drink with alcohol. I'm a good doctor, yoi."
"And now?"
"Now…" he dripped the blood onto a small white spatula and placed it next to you on the stretcher. "We waited, for five minutes."
"All of this?"
"I've been waiting for you to bring this up for two weeks, don't complain." he replied.
"I needed Ace to be busy or out of here." you simply responded, turning your attention to the clock hanging next to one of the cabinets.
For the remaining minutes you stood there, legs shaking from side to side and watching a Marco as anxious as you. As soon as the hand reached the long-awaited minute, the two of you turned to the test together.
“Two risks…” you started.
"Positive. Looks like I've been promoted to uncle!" the man smiled, containing the feeling when he saw your face.
"I'm pregnant." the phrase still sounded strange to your ears, so sudden and unexpected. "I'm pregnant." you tested again, trying to improve your expression.
"You're pregnant! Now we need to do some more tests to make sure everything is ok. Dad will be happy when he hears about this." Marco placed the test results on a table away from the two of you. "I suggest an ultrasound, it would also be good to see some blood tests."
"My God, Marco, I'm pregnant!" A certain happiness crossed your expression, eliciting a laugh from your closest friend and brother.
"Now you're ready to jump…"
"You are pregnant?" you both turned as you heard a third voice join the room.
Ace looked at the two of you, waiting for some kind of justification, but at the same time it felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. You were still there, the same girl he had left to follow to a nearby island a few days ago, but now it seemed different. There was almost a glow emanating from you to his eyes.
"Ace, can we talk?" your voice reached his ears, but his mind was in a distant place.
Ace took a few steps back, moving away from the small infirmary and disappearing from your field of vision. You and the doctor looked at each other, surely this was the last reaction either of you would have thought of having.
"Are you feeling good?" Marco's voice pulled you back to reality. "Hey, look at me, yoi."
"I need to talk to him." You ignored your friend's question and went in search of your boyfriend.
From his reaction, you knew you had two options and to solve the first of them, you leaned over and saw that the Striker was still docked and with no one around, you immediately ran towards your room, finding the door closed.
Two knocks weren't enough to get his attention, so ignoring any possible chaotic scene you were going to encounter, you entered the room unceremoniously. The idea of ​​finding the room on fire crossed your mind, but was soon dismissed when you found Ace sitting on the bed, his face buried in his hands.
"Babe, please." You asked, trying to keep your tone calmer - despite the internal desperation in him hating you. "Please talk to me."
"Y-You…" his dark irises met yours and only then did you realize that your beloved's eyes were full of water. "I'm going to be a father?"
"My love, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." Urgently, you moved closer, holding his face in your hands. "I know it's kind of scary, but I promise we'll figure it out."
"No, no. That's not the problem." he sniffled, not allowing any of the tears to flow. His hand threatened to touch your belly and withdrew. "What if I'm not a good father? What if this child doesn't love me."
"Think about how much I love you Ace, how much you love me." you stated almost obviously, gaining his attention. "What can come out of here, besides love?" your hands found your belly for the first time after the discovery.
Your body was enveloped in a tight hug, his face was almost buried in your belly, while you caressed his dark locks.
"I love you so much." He turned to you, noticing the slight discomfort, he moved his chin away from your stomach. "Oops, I'm sorry."
"It's okay…Ace!!" you screamed as you felt your body hit the bed, now with him fitting between your legs.
When it came to loving you, Ace could be as hot as the fire that emanated from him, strong as the waves that insisted on crashing against Moby Dick. Except that day. His lips touched yours gently, his body didn't press against yours, just covered it lightly. The delicate kisses went down to your belly, being placed as if they always belonged there. His lips found your face again, his smile hovered over yours.
"We need to talk to Marco." he began, interrupting himself to allow his kisses to cover your face again. "I need to know everything that's going on."
"Well, you know now."
"Not this." he grumbled. "We need exams, to know if everything is ok with you two, we also need to know what a baby needs. My god, are you going to give birth here at Moby Dick? We barely have room for the two of us…"
"Calm down, stay calm." you asked as you watched him spiral. With his support, you got back on your feet, holding out your hand for him to get up. "I have a better idea of ​​what we can do."
You expected some commotion, of course. Maybe even a few tears. You didn't expect to see Ace crying like a baby when telling Whitebeard that he was going to be a grandfather and consequently, bringing some tears from your old man and several other colleagues also shedding tears. It was good to know that your little baby would arrive surrounded by love.
The months that followed the discovery were more peaceful than you imagined and even though for a long time you had insisted to your father that there were too many men on that ship, you couldn't complain about being so spoiled.
Want to eat something different? Thatch had it ready within minutes of you ordering. Marco walked like a shadow behind you and Ace - this by his own choice and by Whitebeard's direct order, since on one of the days you were sick, you had almost killed the three men of the heart. It was adorable to see how Ace worried about the mission that was getting closer every month. More than once, you found him in Whitebeard's room, asking for tips on what to do with the baby, how to help you at this time and how he could be a good father. The idea of ​​not being loved by his own son haunted him more than you might expect. Everything seemed great, except one detail: the two of you couldn't agree on the name.
The little baby decided to arrive a few weeks ahead of schedule, which caused widespread chaos on the boat. Ace was having dinner with the other commanders when your scream reached his ears, along with Whitebeard's scream that echoed louder than any earthquake he had ever created, prompting them to speed up the preparations for the birth. Apparently, immense pain arose when you and your father were talking, which led you to stay in the ship's medical wing for hours. Your screams were heard throughout the ship while Ace served as your support point. The little boy was born and if you hadn't been feeling so weak, you would have laughed at the screams of joy coming from outside the room as they heard his cries.
"Ace?" you called to him, who held you even tighter in his arms. "I think I have an idea for the name. Can you see if we can use it?"
You whispered in his ear, making Marco curious. Ace delicately left behind you, who was holding the little baby and ignoring the blood that still stained his hands, he left the ship in search of a specific person. A few minutes later, you saw your beloved enter the room again, accompanied by your dad.
"Can I take that as a yes?" you saw Whitebeard bend down to get closer to the baby. "Meet your grandson, Alev Edward Newgate."
If you were spoiled during your pregnancy by Ace, you couldn't imagine what it would be like with little Alev. The child was never alone - or at least walking on two feet. There was always one of his uncles who could pick him up and carry him around the ship. Marco, who called himself the child's uncle and godfather even though he had not been baptized, had already lost count of how many times he had to redo the serums and medicines he applied to Whitebeard, since Alev - with his grandfather's permission, used the height difference to make it like a little personal slide.
And Ace, who was completely in love with the little piece of love you two had brought to the world, even when he messed up.
"Papa!" you and Ace, who were playing cards with other friends, heard the child scream and a laugh soon after. You already lowered your deck knowing that it anticipated some new prank.
"What is it Alev?" Ace spoke loudly so the boy could hear him and know where he was.
You don't know how your blood pressure didn't drop or how Ace didn't have a heart attack when he saw the child in your not-so-calm and serene days coming twirling a burning cloth in one hand and in the other a lighter that only God should know where he found.
"Look papa, I can control fire just like you!" the boy rolled the cloth and you prepared to move forward and take it from him, but you were anticipated by Ace, who placed his hand exactly where the cloth would hit Alev's freckled face.
"You can't do that, ever again." Ace raised his voice, taking the cloth that was half ash and the lighter from the boy. "You are crazy?"
"But daddy, I want to be like you."
"That doesn't mean setting everything on fire, my little flame." you warned and saw the child threaten to cry. Ace noticed immediately, regretting the little scream.
"I can't believe you're such a crybaby." Ace said in a teasing tone, throwing the boy over his shoulder. "Does your grandfather know about this? He won't like having a crybaby pirate at all."
"No daddy, I already stopped, I already stopped." you heard your son mumble in the distance, drying his tears. "I just wanted to be cool like you."
"My son, you are the coolest kid ever." Ace let Alev slip out of his arms and hugged him, stopping him from reaching the ground. "You know I love you very much, don't you?"
"I love you sooooo much more daddy."
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ratsinyourskin0 · 7 months
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beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
God he’s so fine I can’t get over it 😮‍💨
So, This is my first post on tumblr, any advice or constructive criticism is greatly appreciated! Sorry for bad grammar and punctuation, I kinda made this randomly.
Gyutaro smut, Fem bodied reader, semi public sex, light bdsm (hair pulling, mild teasing), 2.1k words, I genuinely don’t know what else to add.
You work as a courtesan in the red light district, you’ve been here.. so long, it feels like it’s been a century.
You’ve noticed life has slowly lost its taste- the exciting adrenaline that comes with the feeling of being in the red light district now tastes bland and flavourless; everything just molds together, the faces of the men you’ve lain with look the same, the same actions, the same sizes, the same warm skin.. death would be more interesting than your current life is. Everyday like clockwork you awake, tend to the house, and prepare to service clients. you put on your layered kimono and begin applying your makeup, a thick layer of white makeup to cover your skin, you darken your eyebrows and then apply some red eyeshadow, and finally the red lip-tint.
That’s the theme.. red, your kimono is red, your eye makeup and lips.. red seems to haunt everything in your life, the colour red almost makes you feel sick.
The day went by so fast you barely even registered night came, it felt like someone was just possessing your body. before you even notice what your doing you’ve left the walls of the Ogimoto House. you stroll through the streets before the eyes of various men became far too much for you, you turn into an alleyway-- not a smart action, luckily, the men don’t follow you.
You walked for what felt like hours, but in reality it was probably just a few minutes. You eventually stopped in an alleyway.. not by choice, but when you step into a puddle and it’s soaked your shoes, when you look down, you see that sickening red. For a moment, your eyes barely registered what it is; it’s a puddle of blood! When you finally did realize, it’s not because you came to your senses; it’s because you heard a scratchy voice in the shadows.
“Ohh? Hold on, Did a courtesan stray from her house? It’s my lucky day..”
Your head whipped up to look up at the voice—it’s not like anything you’ve ever heard. It sounds like he’s never drunken water in his entire lifetime, or even touched a liquid for that matter. Your eyes can’t help but widen as you see the man or thing that stands before you. His posture reminds you of a shrimp! a large man with pale grey skin, black polka dots and mist shaped marks scattered all over his body. He has short wavy hair which starts out black then fades to green.. you’ve never thought much of green but he makes it so.. beautiful. His sclera are an unnatural colour of yellow and his irises are dark green with the kanji for Upper Moon Six written on, you can see his hip bones.. he’s so skinny he’d look like bone If not for the muscle he has! he wears no shirt and only has on a pair of baggy blue pants as well as a long red cloth wrapped loosely around his arms and neck… he holds two sickles that resemble bone? It clicks he’s a demon.
“Aren’t you pretty? I bet you already know that huh? Well? What are you staring at, never seen a demon before? Or have you never seen someone so unfortunate looking?”
He said “unfortunate looking” with a big smile.. almost like he took pride in his lack of attractiveness, your eyes trailed along his teeth for a second.. so sharp, he could bite a piece out of your flesh effortlessly! your eyes fell back to the blood- you don’t see a body? Maybe he ate it?.. he does have those shark teeth!
“Well? SPIT IT OUT! What are you deaf?”
He began scratching his face so hard it broke skin, his expression contorted into one of annoyance. You felt your hands tremble and your heart race. that’s all you could hear for a moment, the pounding of your heart.
“You little brat are you—“
You finally found the courage to speak and yet nothing came out.
“Y-you.. y—y-you’re..”
you watched his annoyance turn into an amused grin- showing his razor sharp teeth Off almost like a taunt, he walked over and stood face to face, your eyes widened and you covered your mouth almost instinctively.
“What? Was I right? Never seen someone like me? Are you terrified? Or maybe disgusted?”
He laughed and slapped the top of your head, he’s very heavy handed. You feel your body jolt with shock before he does it again and again, it stings more and more each time he does it.
“Poor girl, having to see someone as hideous as me! You must be terrified, but I bet your like all those other pretty women.. you must have me for being in your very sight! So petrified you can’t even speak!”
He gripped your hair so tightly you felt a few strands break off from your scalp, he forced you to look up at him- he has a sadistic grin on his face, his eyes pierce into yours and you feel your heart beat so hard it feels like someone’s drumming in your chest!
“You’re so handsome!”
You finally squeaked out, you aren’t scared.. you’ve never been more attracted to someone if you’re honest! He’s so— different! You’ve NEVER seen anyone like him! You feel your inner thighs begin to heat up as you stare into his eyes- you must look like a lovesick fool! He looks shocked at your words, his grin fell and he stared at you with furrowed eyebrows- he looked almost offended before he gripped your hair even tighter- somehow he looked even more confused for a moment before releasing your hair- that gave you the chance to quickly slink away! He didn’t even follow you, just stared at your back perplexed.
That night when you finally returned to the Ogimoto House, you rushed to your room and quickly changed into new clothes- you’re drenched in sweat! You’ve never felt so giddy in your entire life.. it feels like you’ve just been blessed by the gods! You want to thank whatever god molded that handsome man and allowed your eyes to be worthy of his gaze personally! You pant as your hands tremble, you stared out the window for almost an hour, hoping to see him again! You finally came to your senses and sat on your bed. you almost died! Well.. having your hair pulled isn’t anything new working as a courtesan, neither is the slapping.. you manage to relax just enough to fall asleep at midnight.
That night your dreams are filled with that demon, it’s so real you can almost feel his heavy hands on you.. trailing down from your neck until they meet your breasts, he’d squeeze and flick your sensitive nipples- making you squeak and gasp before he slid his hands down your nude body, all the way down to you’re soaked pussy.. his fingers flick your sensitive clit before he began to pump his fingers into you, he thrusted them in and out at a painfully slow pace, your tongues meet in a passionate dance- he pulled your face away with a grin before pulling his fingers out of you and began to take off his pants, before his cock could be released from the cruel prison that are blocking the pleasure you crave, you wake up with a frustrated groan.
That day goes by like every other day, you get dressed, clean, tend to clients.. but the entire day you thought of the shark toothed demon, a heat in your loins every time you thought of how his hands felt in your hair. That night you go back to that alley in hopes of seeing him again- dressed in the prettiest kimono you own and the most you’ve ever tried on your makeup- you look gorgeous.
“You trying to mock me, Brat? Show off how beautiful you are and how ugly I am? I bet you’d never give a man like me a second glance huh?”
There he was again.. you felt your heart throb- you don’t think you’ve ever been so infatuated and aroused for someone! You have to stop yourself from reaching out to try and touch him.
“No, No! I’m not trying to mock you I promise! And— did you want me to give you a second glance?”
You teased him, maybe that’s smart? He does look quite shocked.. his face goes back to a frown, you can’t figure out what type of woman he wants- all the men you know just like pretty faces!
“What’s your name?”
“Y/N! And you are..?”
That’s such a unique name! You’ve never gushed so hard for a man, you’ve also never tried so hard.. you can’t believe how much you’ve grown attracted to him in just one night.
“Y/N.. You know I could eat you, right?”
“I do! But it’d be the most interesting thing to happen to me in years.. and I don’t think you will, maybe you can— but you won’t.”
“Cocky, I hate that.”
“Well, the only eating on me you’ll do won’t be the type you’re thinking.”
He looked confused for a moment before a deep grey blush flashed across his face before he grabbed you by the hair once more and pulled you face to face, a deep frown plastered on his face.
“You’re real bold Yknow? or maybe stupid- probably both! I really hate that.”
You sighed and your eyes trailed down to his pants, you see the unmistakable print of his erection.. he’s so hard his cock is throbbing! He must not have many women crazy enough to start flirting with him, you take a small step closer to him and slide his pants down- Gyutaro eyes widened but he didn’t do anything to stop you, You dropped to your knees as his cock sprung out! Demon cocks are certainly bigger than humans. His cock springs out against your cheek, cum beading at the tip of his cock. He has beautiful black birthmarks along his cock as well. You began kissing each mark before you finally wrapped your lips around his cock, looking up to see his face- it’s almost like that set him off, like his mind registered it as you mocking him.. that’s all he needed to slam his cock down your throat, making you gag and grip his thighs as he started pounding your mouth like a cock sleeve.
“Dirty slut.. how dare yo— mhm..!”
He’s practically drooling, his hands knotted in your hair- forcing you to look up at his face with a hard pull as he pumped his cock down your throat, his eyes rolling up into the back of his head from pleasure. Tears begin to pool in your eyes; you feel his cock forced its way in and out of your throat; your vision begins to blur; although if you could see clearly, you’d see his sadistic grin as he watches you cry in discomfort. He feels his cock throb, and he pushes down as far as he possibly can to release his cum; he basically forced you to swallow as he fell back against a wall, panting and gasping while he released his grip on your hair.
Before you could even try to compose yourself you felt his hands wrap around your hips and your cheek press against a wall. his strong hand grip your hip while his other rips the kimono off your body, leaving you in absolutely nothing. His hand kneaded the soft skin of your ass before he gave it a hard slap, making you gasp while he laughed once more.
“Filthy little whore..”
He whispered that over and over again before he finally began fucking you, his cock almost instantly hit your cervix- not a soft brush against but hard enough to leave a bruise! That made you yelp, he laughed and began thrusting into you at inhuman speeds- the stretch make you feel dizzy with pleasure, your legs begin trembling- your brain was so foggy you barely noticed when he lifted you up so you’d stay still.
“It’s g— never mind..”
He mumbled as he pounded into you, his strong arms wrapped around your body like a coat - Your head fell back against his shoulder, and your tongue lulled out. You went slack-jawed from pleasure. His heavy pants and low moans pressed against your ear as he rearranged your insides. This went on for what felt like hours before he finally released inside you, his hot cum squirting into your ready womb. You cried out in surprise and opened your eyes in shock. That shock turned into a pleasure gasp when his fingers began circling your aching clit, feeling around it before he began rubbing and teasing it. It didn’t take much effort for your orgasm to follow after his—your body went limp in his arms.
He stayed silent before he dropped you onto the alleyways floor. he pulled his pants back on and stared at your trembling form.
“Maybe you aren’t as bitchy as all the other pretty skanks, Y/N”
He stroked your hair like one would a dog with a long coat, although insulted at first at the “maybe”, but the way he said your name made your stomach flutter. he turned his back to you and left the alleyway, leaving you naked to think back on this entire endeavour, you’ve never cum so hard from just one round.. is it because you like him? Or just because he’s something new? Either way this isn’t an experience you’ll forget anytime soon.
Something tells you this won’t be the last time you meet Gyutaro.
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daisies-daydreams · 1 year
Uhhhhhhh, doggy style with Price? (reader is fem) 🫠
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Pairing: John Price x F!Reader Category: Smut (18+) Warnings: Oral Sex (F!Receiving), Doggy Style, Cervix Fucking, Penis in Vagina Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex (You Know the Drill), Creampie, Praise/Dirty Talk, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Dom!Price Word Count: 1k+
Author’s Note: Hello! Thank you for your request! I can definitely see Price as someone who’d take his girl from behind. 🤭 I hope you enjoy!
You moaned as John licked a long, languid stripe over your slit. Your ass was raised in the air, John’s large hands spreading your cheeks as he eagerly ate your juicy, aching cunt.
“Fuck, you taste so good, sweetheart,” John groaned. You squealed when he laid a sudden smack on your ass. Not enough to sting, but enough to grab your attention. You wagged your hips as he pressed open mouth kisses to your folds.
“P-Please, John. I need you now,” you whined as you arched your back. His hearty chuckle reverberated deep into your core, sending sparks flying through your cunt. John gently tugged on your labia with his teeth before giving them a gentle peck.
“I’m here, doll. I’ve got you,” he reassured. It drove you up the wall to not see his rugged face, how his stormy blue eyes would grow with hunger for you when he’d fuck you like he usually would. How you'd grip onto his taut forearms, your legs spread wide open as he drilled his thick cock into you. But tonight was different. John came home frustrated...pissed, even. You, already pent up yourself, not so subtly offered to help him let off some steam. Thus, here you were: ass up, face down, and ready to be fucked senseless from behind.
John adjusted his hips, the tip of his cock kissing at your soaked entrance. You breathed through your nose as you heard him pump his cock a few times in his fist. Your mouth shaped into a wide “O” as his head breached your entrance. John groaned as he pressed into you, your walls greedily sucking him in. Both of you moaned as he bottomed out inside of you, his balls bouncing against your puffy clit.
“How are you feelin’, love?” your husband asked. You swallowed a lump in your throat, the fullness in your lower abdomen sending shivers down your spine.
“G-Good. So good,” you keened as his dick twitched inside of you. John grunted, his hands kneading the flesh of your hips.
“Good. You know…you look amazing like this: stuffed full of my cock from behind,” he murmured, his fingers tracing over the globes of your asscheeks. You shuddered and bit your bottom lip. “Maybe I’ll fuck a baby into you this way,” he said offhandedly. The comment made a whine bubble from your throat. He chuckled and rubbed your hips. “Would you like that? Like for me to make you a mommy?” John muttered with a sudden jolt of his hips. Your hands squeezed at the pillow, your breasts pressed flush against the crumpled, white sheets.
“Please, John,” you gasped. You weren’t sure if you were answering his question or just begging him to fuck you. Your mind was too drunk on the feeling of his cock molding your gummy walls to its shape.
“Can't leave my lady waiting,” John hummed. You whimpered as he pulled out, leaving his head snug inside. Chills ran down your spine as John slowly drove himself back into you, spreading you out deliciously. You clawed and gripped at the pillow as he rocked into you at a steady pace.
“God-you're so beautiful, you know that?” he murmured with a tender thrust. You moaned as his tip rubbed against your g-spot, making your vision blurry and toes curl. You shoved your face into the pillow to hide your loud moaning. His hand wrapped around your hair, tugging on it suddenly and making you hiss.
“Don’t you dare hide those sounds from me,” he snarled with a snap of his hips. You cried out, the succulent pleasure shooting into the deepest parts of you.
“Y-Yes,” you slurred. John grunted in approval, though he still kept your hair wound around his hand.
“I want to hear every little peep that spills from those pretty lips of yours,” he huffed. You gurgled beneath him, pussy clenching and uncleaning around his length. “Understand?” he said with another sharp tug. You nodded, your movements restrained with how tightly he held your locks.
“Yes!” you wailed when his cock drove into the right spot. He hummed.
“Good girl. Such a good girl,” he praised. You didn’t stop the cries and moans that erupted from your mouth as he picked up his pace. His heavy balls slapped against your clit, sending bolts of arousal straight into your womb.
“Love how your perfect pussy swallows my cock,” Price growled. "Fuck, you take me so well," he hissed through gritted teeth. You lurched forward as he slid his cock back into you, stretching your hole in all the right ways. You slurred out incoherently as you felt him release your hair to grab your waist, pushing your ass back to meet his hips. You quickly turned your head to the side. John's eyes were blown wide with lust, watching the way your ass would jiggle each time he thrusted into your plush, tight cunt. Wet slapping sounds filled the room as you pushed your ass back into his hips.
“You feel so good-fuck-gripping me like this,” he moaned loudly. Your walls squeezed and rubbed against his cock as he pressed himself deep inside you with each delicious thrust. Your mouth was agape as you rested the side of your head on your pillow, drool slipping down onto the white fabric.
“J-John,” you keened when the head of his dick pounded into your cervix. Your back arched as he leaned forward, his sweat-soaked chest pressed flush against your upper back. Just when you thought you were catching a break, he started to piston into you. Your throat felt torn up with how loudly you were moaning, hot tears of pleasure streaking down your cheeks. Your pussy was absolutely gushing, creating a ring of cream around his thick girth. Each slap of his heavy balls against your clit sent you closer to the edge.
“Gonna cum for me, (Y/N)? You gonna cum on my cock like a good girl?” John mused. You shook wildly beneath him, your body feeling like a freight train careening off the tracks. You clawed at the pillow and sheets as your clit throbbed, your walls tightening painfully.
“Yes, p-please don’t stop!” you begged. He groaned before snaking a hand below, pinching your clit. Your whole body tensed as you released a reverberant wail, the room growing dim to your bliss.
“Fuck,” John cursed as he felt your pussy clamp down around his pulsing length. You felt him still inside you, keening as ropes of his hot cum lathered your juicy walls. You panted below him, feeling every contraction of your walls milk him dry. You shuddered as you felt his cum leak from where he was plugged into your cunt. Your mind was warm and dizzy as you drifted down from your orgasm. John licked his lips before pulling out of you, which earned him a defiant whine.
“Shh. It’s alright, love,” he cooed as his softening cock fell from between your lips. He watched hungrily as his cum began to drip from your stretched hole. You squeaked as he massaged the red marks on your plush ass. "Oh, love. I'm sorry. Didn't realize how rough I was bein' with you," John apologized, genuine concern heavy in his voice. You shook your head and turned to him.
"N-No. I actually...liked it," you admitted, a dark shade of red crossing your cheeks. He raised his dark brows before a small, sly smirk stretched across his face.
"Yeah?" he hummed before shoving his loose cum back into your pussy with a loud squelch. You moaned at the feeling of his fingers reaching into your sensitive walls. "Well then, I guess we'll both have something to look forward to the next time I come home cross," John chuckled. You nodded and gave an airy laugh. Your eyelids began to feel heavy as he slid his fingers out. You flipped yourself onto your back, carefully to not let any more of his seed spill out of you. He smoothed some hair out of your face and kissed you deeply on the lips. His blue eyes were gentle now, watching as you smiled while he pulled away.
“I'll be right back. Gonna get something to clean you up,” John said softly. You could only nod, mind still reeling and drunk from your high. He pecked your lips before slipping through the door. When he stepped back into your room, you were already fast asleep. He smiled before sliding beneath the covers and softly kissing your temple, letting his own deep slumber overtake him.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
hello hello!!! here's the first 2 chapters of my next big fic as a little teaser for what's to come! the entire fic will be posted on the 24th on ao3, but for now-- enjoy this!
men and minors dni
You’re fucking starving. You haven’t eaten in a day and a half. It’s not the longest you’ve gone without food, but that doesn’t make the growling in your stomach any more comfortable. You’ve been collecting glass bottles all day, slowly filling up the potato sack hanging over your shoulder. Each bottle is worth a copper piece at the recycling plant-- but a full sack is worth ten gold. With that kind of money you could rent a room for the night, sleep in a fucking bed for once. 
You sigh as you haul yourself out of the dumpster you were scouring, hitching your half-full potato sack further up on your shoulder. Your stomach growls loudly as you amble your way out of the dingy alleyway and onto the main road. It’s a shockingly pleasant day in the Undercity, a warm breeze tickling your face as you navigate the busy streets. 
People give you a wide berth nowadays-- at least wider than it used to be. You’re not an unusual site in Zaun, though it is strange for a street dweller like yourself to have clear eyes. You haven’t given into the shimmer craze… at least not yet. You aren’t sure if your resolve will hold come winter. Shimmer keeps the body warm. Warm and dazed.
You shake your head to clear the thoughts of the neon substance, determined to ignore its existence until absolutely necessary. You’ve seen too many people get hooked on it. You’ve seen too many people die from it. You won’t let yourself become one of them, things aren’t that bad… yet. 
You turn down an alleyway, trudging toward an overflowing dumpster. Shrouded in shadows, you can barely make out the figure of an old woman slumped against the wall beside the dumpster. She mumbles incoherently at you, her hand littered with purple blisters and scars.
“Evening ma’am,” you say as you launch yourself over the lip of the dumpster. She mumbles back. “I won’t bother you for long. Just looking for glass. You seen any? You know they give you ten gold for a full sack?” You ask as you slice through garbage bags with your pocket knife. The woman slumps to sleep with a grunt. You sigh. “I guess it’s not that interesting is it?” You whisper to yourself as you inspect the contents of the garbage bags. Nothing. Shit. Your stomach growls and you eye a loaf of moldy bread in the corner of the dumpster. 
You really shouldn’t. Last time you ate moldy food you were vomiting and shitting yourself for three days, which is unpleasant to begin with, but even more so when you don’t have access to a bathroom. But you’re fucking starving. 
Your mouth salivates as you pick up the loaf, inspecting it closely. The mold’s grown its own fuzz, little green hairs waving at you as the wind blows. You really shouldn’t. 
You tear the loaf in half. The inside isn’t moldy… yet. Maybe you could pick out the good stuff. You start to rip through the loaf, looking for a salvageable bite. The woman outside the dumpster lets out a snore. Your stomach lets out another growl. You sigh, bringing the bread to your mouth.
“Here goes nothing.” You whisper. 
“Shit!” A high pitched voice rings out. You jump, the bread flying out of your hands as you whip around in the dumpster. Crouching down near the mouth of the alleyway is a little kid with a choppy haircut. She smacks her head repeatedly. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” She mutters. You climb out of the dumpster, slowly approaching the kid. 
“Uh.” You say. The girl’s eyes snap up to yours, and she cowers against the wall. “You okay?” You ask. Her eyes are sparkling with tears, snot trailing out of her nose. 
“I fucked up.” She whispers to you. You blink. You don’t think you’ve ever heard a kid this small curse like that. 
“Watch your language?” You say uncertainty. She blinks at you, a tear slowly falling down her cheek. “C’mon it can’t be that bad.” You say. “What’d you do, shoplift?” You ask. You remember being a kid her age and getting chased out of convenience stores with your friends, pockets stuffed with candy, laughing all the way home. The little girl blinks again. “It’s cool, you can just give the shit back. Play up the misguided kid act, give ‘em puppy eyes, they’ll let you off the hook.” You say. She sniffs up at you. 
“I didn’t shoplift. I--”
Across the street, a corner store bursts into flames. You pull the kid in your arms as the shockwave from the explosion knocks you both on your asses. You groan, pulling away from the girl as alarms begin to blare and people begin to panic.
“I did that.” She finishes. You chuckle as you stand up and dust yourself off. 
“Come on, where’re your parents? They’re probably worried about you now.” You offer the kid a hand, and she takes it, shakily standing. 
“You don’t believe me?” She asks, wiping her snotty face with the back of her hand. 
“That you didn’t steal? Nah, I believe you. You just gotta make sure the owner believes you.” You say. “Shit, was that Elijah’s?” You ask, peeking around the wall of the alley to watch as patrons come running out of the front door, smoke billowing out after them. The front window’s been blown out, flames growing inside the tavern. “Always hated that fucker. Serves him right. Wonder who he pissed off this time.” You mumble. 
“Me.” The girl says. You chuckle. 
“Well, he wouldn’t give me any fizzy juice and I know he had some. Then he called me a rat and told me to scram. So I snuck in and rigged the joint to blow. Only problem is… I set the timer on the bomb to a minute instead of an hour.” She says with a shrug, scratching her blue hair. You blink. “Plus, the old man I’m living with was talking about Elijah a few weeks ago. Said he was competition or something. So yaknow. Two birds, one bomb.” She rambles. You blink again. Across the street, a man screams as his shirt catches on fire. People swarm him, trying to pat out the flames. You blink for a third time. 
“How old are you?” You choke out, eyes snapping back to the kid in front of you. 
“Nine and three quarters! Almost double digits.” She says with a proud smile. 
“Uhm.” You say, trying to figure out how to handle the situation. God, you haven’t talked to a kid in years. “Aren’t you a little young to be… blowing shit up?” You ask. The girl huffs a put upon sigh. 
“That’s what everyone says.”
“Hey!” An angry voice rings out. Both of your heads snap to the street where Elijah stands, silhouetted by the flames consuming his bar. 
“Shit.” The kid whispers. You gulp. 
“Hey you! Grab that fuckin’ kid!” Elijah says, pointing at you. You freeze. The kid beside you freezes as well. “I’m gonna kill you, you little shit!” He says as he tears across the street toward the two of you. Fuck.
“Fuck!” The girl shrieks, tugging on your hand, trying to get you to run. You blink. Elijah is suddenly towering over you, nostrils flared, brow dirtied with soot. The kid cowers behind you. 
“I recognize you, you filthy bitch. You’re the one always crawling through my dumpsters. Step aside and I won’t kill you too.” He growls. 
“Get fucked.” You say. You try not to laugh at the way his face jumps in surprise. “What, you think a little kid blew up your place?” You ask, pushing the girl behind you. “She can’t even fuckin’ read!” 
“Yes I can.” The girl mumbles under her breath.
“She’s been terrorizing my establishment for months!”
“She’s nine and a half!” You shout, puffing out your chest and standing up straight.
“Nine and three quarters.” She huffs behind you. You elbow her.
“You’re a grown man Elijah, and you wanna beat up a little girl? Go fuck yourself.” You say. Behind your back, you start shooing the kid away with your hand. She tugs on yours but you shake her off, pushing her further down the alley. Elijah’s staring you down, cracking his knuckles and settling into a fighting stance. You gulp. “Matter of fact, what makes you so sure it was her? Half of Zaun hates your guts. It coulda been anyone!” You hear the little footsteps of the kid as she scurries away, and luckily Elijah’s too focused on you to notice. “Coulda been me.” Elijah raises an eyebrow. 
“You?” He scoffs. 
“Yeah, jackass. You really pissed me off when you threw water on me last week. I’m not a fuckin’ animal, you know.” He laughs at this. “Matter of fact, it was me!” You say. You must be hysterical from the starvation, because you can’t seem to keep your mouth shut. “That’s right asshole, bet you didn’t think I knew anything about explosives, did ya?” You taunt. 
“That’s enough outta you. Move.” He says, shoving you. You don’t budge.
“No.” You say. He growls. 
“One more warning, whore.”
“Get. Fucked.”  
The next thing you know, you’re flat on your back in the alleyway, murky water slowly seeping in your clothes as Elijah pummels into you. You take half a dozen punches to your face, your nose crunching, one of your teeth cracking. Then he moves onto stomping your ribs, hard enough for you to lose your breath, your ribs cracking under his boot. You fade in and out of consciousness a few times, but before he can well and truly kill you, he stops. 
“Where the fuck did she go?!” He spits at you. You blink up at him, dazed. “Fuck.” He lands one more solid kick into your ribs before he tears down the alleyway in pursuit of the kid. 
You turn on your side, trying to catch your breath, watching your blood slowly trickle into the puddle below you. You hope the girl got away. Your eyes catch on the woman sleeping beside the dumpster. She’s either dead, or she slept through the explosion and fight. You hope she’s just sleeping. Somewhere in the distance, the fire brigade arrives. The pain in your body flares dramatically and you groan, tears starting to roll down your cheeks. You curl in on yourself as the pain wracks through your body, and you cry yourself to sleep.
“Over here!” 
You blink awake. For a fleeting moment, the only thing you feel is the heaviness of your eyelids and the cool wet concrete beneath you. Your eyes focus on the woman by the dumpster, in the same position she was before you passed out, her skin pale and ghostly. You suck a breath in. She’s dead. You sigh an exhale, and suddenly, the pain in your body comes rushing in. You feel like you’ve been run over by a stampede. 
“Fuck!” You moan, curling in on yourself. You hitch your breath and cry out in pain at the stabbing sensation that flares up in your sides. There’s a pounding in your head, your vision goes blurry and you close your eyes, crying. 
Footsteps approach you. You blink your eyes open, but your vision fuzzes before you can make out more than a pair of boots in front of you. Fuck. You’re gonna throw up. 
“Move.” You warn. It’s the only thing you manage to spit out before you’re spewing bile. The person connected to the boots groans. 
“You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.” A woman’s voice growls out above you.
“Told you to move.” You groan. More footsteps. You try opening your eyes again. Several pairs of feet surround you now. Shit. “I don’t have any money.” You croak. 
“You’re certain this is her?” A man’s voice asks. 
“I’m nobody.” You insist, trying to sit up. The world spins beneath you and you collapse back on the pavement. You whimper. A hand grabs your shoulder. You flinch. “I said I don’t have any money!” You cry out. 
“Shit, calm down.” The woman’s voice speaks again.
“Lemme see her face.” A squeaky voice sounds up. Your eyes snap open in shock. You know that voice. A boot covered in your vomit nudges you, and you flop on your back. Five people peer down at you. “It’s her!” The girl who blew up Elijah’s exclaims. 
“What the fuck?” You say. Above you, a pale person with dramatic slanted bangs chuckles. 
“That’s what I’m saying.” They mutter. The cloaked woman and tattooed wall of a muscular man beside them laugh. 
“That’s enough.” The slender man looming over you snaps. They quiet immediately. He studies you intently. Half of his face is scarred, and his prosthetic black and orange eye bores into you. Beside him, the little girl is holding his hand. “Jinx here tells me you took a beating for her. Is that true?” He asks. Your eyes flick to the little girl. She nods at you, grinning. 
“Um. Yes?” You say. It’s silent for a moment as the skinny man eyes you, then he snaps his fingers. 
“Sevika.” He says, his eyes flickering over to the woman. “Get her.” He commands, turning on his heel, dragging the girl along with him. You blink. The giant tattooed man laughs and pats the woman’s shoulder as she scowls down at you. He and the pale person turn to follow behind the little girl and the skinny scarred man. The only person remaining in your visual field is the woman. She rolls her eyes. 
Suddenly, you’re being lifted into her arms. You groan in pain as the woman jostles you. “Quit squirming.” She grunts as she begins walking behind her entourage. You gasp, her stomping footsteps sending flashes of pain throughout your abdomen. 
“Where-- ow fuck!-- where are y-you taking me?” You ask. The woman glances down at you, but doesn’t say anything. She jostles you in her arms. You cry out, burying your face in her shoulder to muffle your cries.
Somewhere ahead of you, the skinny man’s voice rings out, “Be kind to our guest, Sevika.” The woman carrying you huffs. 
“Fucking barfed on my boots.” She grumbles under her breath. You can only hear it because you’re tucked under her chin. You groan. 
“S-sorry.” You stutter out through the tears. She doesn’t respond. 
You don’t try to fight it. What could you do? You just let the little procession march you through the streets. The woman holding you is warm. You fall in and out of sleep against her. 
One moment you’re outside and in the next you’re blinking awake on a doctor’s table. 
The skinny scarred man is studying you. Beside him is another skinny man, the beginnings of shimmer scars decorating his skin. 
“Put her back to sleep.” The one with the black and orange eye commands. You black out. 
You wake up again in a bed, groggy and warm. You blink up at the ceiling. When was the last time you were this comfortable? You don’t remember. You fall back asleep trying to recall.
The next time you wake up, it’s to someone poking your face repeatedly. You flinch awake. The little girl from the alley is standing beside your bed. “You’re awake!” She says, excited. You blink again.
“I wonder why.” You grumble, smacking her hand away from your face. She giggles guiltily. “Where are we?” You ask her, trying to sit up in bed. One of her little hands shoots out to push your shoulder. 
“Don’t get up.” She says. “‘Parently you broke your ribs.” 
“Fuck.” You huff. She giggles again. You relax against the bed. “Am I on drugs?” You ask. You feel… no pain. And floaty in a nice way. 
“Shimmer.” The little girl says. “And some other stuff.”
“Shit.” You say. There goes your goal to stay off the stuff. You huff out a defeated laugh, but it quickly turns into a happy little giggle. Shit, you really are high. “Shit!” You say again, laughing. The girl laughs with you. 
“You say a lot of bad words.” She says, grinning. You raise a finger up to your lips in a ‘shh’ motion. 
“You didn’t hear ‘em from me.” You say, threateningly. She laughs again. You smile. She’s a cute kid. “Did you really blow up that building?” You ask her. She nods proudly. You snort. “How?!” Her eyes get wide, a grin spreading on her lips as she scrambles to sit on the edge of the bed beside you. With flailing hand gestures, the little girl enthusiastically recounts her process, walking you through the various trials and errors she ran into trying to get inside Elijah’s, the type of explosives she used and how she charged them, and how the stupid kitchen timer betrayed her by the loose time switch downshifting from hours to minutes at the last moment. 
“...and so then I had to run for cover, and you found me.” She finishes. You giggle. 
“Where did you get explosives from?” You ask. She shrugs. 
“Silco keeps ‘em locked up downstairs, just had to snag the key and let myself in.” 
“Who’s Silco?” You ask. 
“That guy I was with when we found you in the alley. He’s like my foster dad or something.” She says, shrugging. 
“You live in a house with explosives in the basement?” 
“No, silly, I live here.” 
“Right…” You say. “And where are we… exactly?” You ask for the second time that night. 
“Silco’s.” She says, squinting at you like you’re stupid. 
“...Right.” You say, nodding like you understand. 
“Wanna see a cool knife trick?” The girl asks, jumping off the bed and reaching in her back pocket. You shrug. 
“Sure.” You say. 
The door suddenly opens, the skinny scarred man standing on the other side. Silco, you guess.
“Jinx. What did I tell you about knives.” He says tiredly, walking in the room and snatching the knife out of her hands. She pouts and stomps her foot. “Go draw. I need to talk to our guest in private.” 
“What? No fair! She’s the coolest person in this stinking place and I’m the one who found her! I should get to play with her all I want!” She demands. You blink, unsure if you should be flattered or worried that the strange kid’s taken a liking to you. 
“She’s not a pet Jinx.” The man says, guiding the girl out of the room. “Go finish your mural in the east hall. I want to see what you end up doing with the green.” 
The girl grumbles, stomping away. The man sighs and clicks the door shut, turning to face you. Suddenly, you’re nervous. You lift your hand. “Uh. Hi.” You say. 
“Hello.” He says. He pulls a chair up to your bedside and sits, crossing one of his legs over the other. He studies you intently. “I’m sure you have plenty of questions, all of which I’ll be happy to answer. But first I have a question for you, if you don’t mind.” 
“Don’t think I got a choice, do I?” You ask with a chuckle. He smiles. 
“No, I suppose you don’t.”
“Shoot.” You say, shrugging. He clears his throat, eyeing your neck. You gulp. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be the niece of Ms. Bonnie May, would you?” He asks. You spring up in bed, the pain that suddenly swells in your sides is nothing compared to the chill of fear that shoots down your spine. 
“How the fuck do you know that name?” You ask Silco rises, reaching out to steady you and help you lie back down.
“Relax. I was friends with Bonnie.” He says as he eases you back onto the pillows. You blink. 
“Work friends?” You ask. He nods, sitting back down. You blink again, understanding slowly dawning upon you. You shake your head and laugh. “What’d she do for you?” You ask. Silco sighs, a reminiscent smile tugging on his lips. 
“Smuggling mostly. She really was the best there was, as I’m sure you know. She saved my life several times in that damn basement of hers.” You snort a laugh. “And of course the odd counterfeited document.” 
“You weren’t a fan of her home brew then?” You ask with a smile. Silco chuckles. 
“Did she really have customers for that shit?” He asks. You giggle. 
“Half a dozen regulars.” You say. Silco shivers. 
“She’d drink it like water! I was always impressed by that.” He says. You laugh. 
“She was a tough old broad.”
“She was.” He says, solemnly. For a moment, it’s silent. You try to swallow back the sudden lump in your throat. “She talked about you all the time.” He says. You scoff.
“How I was eating her out of a house and home?” You guess. Silco smiles. 
“That, and the teenage mood swings.” You grin. 
“She was always talking shit.” 
“She loved you dearly.” He says. The sudden seriousness in his voice catches you off guard. The tears in your eyes quickly begin to well up again. 
“How’d you know I was hers?”
“Your scar.” He says, nodding to the side of your neck. You reach up, gently tracing raised skin beneath your ear. Your aunt was a talented woman with a flair for the dramatic-- her products always had a hidden calling card: a cockroach. Whether printed microscopically in the seal of her counterfeit Piltover cash, etched into the bottom of her bottles, or branded into the skin of her patients, your aunt signed all her work with the indestructible bugs. The message was clear. If it was signed with a roach, Bonnie May did it. “I have one of my own, here.” He says pointing to his stomach. “I was disemboweled. She shoved my guts back in and sewed me up.” He says. “It was a miracle I lived.” You laugh. 
“You know she only ever lost five people?” 
“She was incredible.”
You and Silco are silent for a moment, memories of your aunt flashing though your minds. Finally, you speak. “Uh, if you don’t mind me asking… where are we, exactly?” You ask. Silco perks up in his seat. 
“Oh, yes! Well, you see, Jinx has recently come into my care.” He begins. You nod. “And while we’ve made great progress in these past two years together, she still has a tendency to sneak away and get herself in trouble.” He scratches the back of his head. “She’s a troubled girl…”
“She’s smart.” You say. He grins with pride. 
“She’s a genius. But she doesn’t think things through. I have no doubt in my mind Elijah would’ve killed her if you hadn’t stepped in. I had no idea who you were before we found you, I simply wanted to repay the debt to whoever protected Jinx. But then I saw your neck, and your condition, and well. Your aunt wouldn’t want you on the streets. With all she did for me in her life, and with what you did for Jinx, I thought it best I bring you back here.”
“And… where is ‘here’ exactly?”
“The Last Drop. My headquarters.” 
“That bar downtown?” You ask. 
“The one and only.” 
“What are you… headquartering?” You ask. Silco examines you, then leans forward. 
“Your aunt was a strong soldier in the rebellion. I take it you share the same… political sentiments?” He asks. You snort. 
“I’m not a bootlickin’ narc, if that’s what you’re asking. Bonnie raised me with proper values.” Silco smiles. 
“I figured. I’m the head of a particularly lucrative business operation.” You tick an eyebrow up. 
“Drugs or sex?” 
“Shimmer.” He says. 
“You’re the one who’s been putting that shit on the streets?” You ask. He nods. You grunt. “And what does that have to do with the rebellion?” 
“The money I make goes towards the independence of Zaun.” He says. You laugh. 
“Yeah? Who died and put you in charge?” You ask. Silco scowls at you. “Shit, okay.” You say, raising your hands. “Sorry.” 
“You’ve certainly got your aunt’s mouth.” Silco says. You huff a laugh. That’s true. Bonnie was always getting into trouble for running her mouth. 
“So… why did you bring me to the headquarters of the rebellion?” You ask. Silco hums. 
“I’m hoping maybe your mouth isn’t the only thing you inherited from Bonnie. You could be of great help to us here. I owe you a debt-- I owe your aunt several. I figured I could start my pay back with an offer.” 
“An offer?” You ask. 
“You clearly aren’t in the best situation right now.” Silco says bluntly. “I can give you a room. Here. And a paycheck every week.” He says. You snort. 
“That’s kind of you, sir, but Bonnie never let me near her work. I’d  be useless here.” 
“If I asked you to make me a bottle of moonshine the way Bonnie used to, you’d be able to, yes?” 
“Well, yes, but you just said you didn’t like--”
“And if I asked you what to do if you’re ever being questioned by enforcers?” He asks, cutting you off. 
“Say nothing, request your Undercity-relation representative--”
“You know basic first aid?” He asks. “CPR?”
“Well, yes, but--”
“How about Bonnie’s old mineshaft, with that elevator up top-- you remember where that is? Could you get me there?” 
“Yeah, it’s just north of the--” You’re cut off again.
“And Jinx. You’re good with her.”
“I mean… I’ve spoken to her twi--”
“You were on the streets for how long? More than half a year now? And you’ve avoided shimmer this long. You’re resilient.” He says. 
“I haven’t had to get through winter yet.”
“You took a beating for a girl you’ve never met.” 
“She’s a kid, any decent person would’ve--”
“Your aunt taught you self defense? Basic knife skills?” 
“Sure, but everyone down here--”
“You’re hired.” Silco says. You snap your mouth shut. Tears well in your eyes. 
“You can’t be serious.” You say. 
“Why not?” Silco asks. “You don’t want it?” 
“Of course I want it but--”
“Then you’re hired.”
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666
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cr33py-crawli3 · 2 months
Ticci Toby’s (or any other creepypasta’s) opinion on Mac’n’cheese. Do they like it? Dislike it? With seasoning?
Personally I like mac and cheese with shell noodles and salt, pepper, garlic powder and lemon pepper. Maybe some paprika or curry powder for some extra spice.
Have a good day/afternoon/night!!!
i hope u know this ask made me so hungryyyy i need a fried chicken sandwich with a side of mac n cheese so bad … im in the trenches…
anywayyy here’s some of he creeps opinions on mac n cheese (;3;)
before Toby got his gash he definitely had a phase where he ate Mac n Cheese for every meal of the day, untill he got sick of it, now he cant stand the sight of it. Though i think just in general, with his gash, toby would avoid eating softer foods, it would probably get pretty messy and he thinks its just a hassle overall.
Jeff is a certified melted cheese hater!!! its probably a texture thing for him. on another note, because mouth is split ear to ear its difficult for him to not be a messy eater, unlike toby tho he just dosent gaf, he probably thinks its hilarious when people get grossed out with the way he eats.
BEN is a cheese FEIN!!! but bc its a ghost i dont think BEN need to eat, but i do think it does like to on occasion. definitely likes box kraft mac n cheese, and it has been caught gnawing on blocks of cheese before… scary
Nina is the master of instant and microwaveable food, she can make insta ramen taste gourmet, and same goes for mac n cheese! nobody knows how she does it.. and she will never tell.
poor Masky/Tim is lactose intolerant, he has lactose free milk in the fridge and gets so mad when people drink it (hoodie/brian)
Clockwork is also lactose intolerant but shes in denial, she swears the stomach ache she gets after eating mac n cheese is just a coincidence! she loves dairy too much to let it go..
EJ does NOT fw human food esp not cheese… ur telling me humans eat curdled milk that’s pressed into a mold and left to ferment for years??? he is such a hypocrite, mf will eat raw human KIDNEYS but not cheese?
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my pookie wookie 💕💕💕
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mandowifey · 1 year
Headcanon request for either Albert Shaw or Arthur Harrow as a dad. But honestly, I would accept such a Headcanon for any villianeous character you write about. So surprise me.
This has been sitting in my head for awhile, so I'm excited to get to work on it.
I'm gonna do both these handsome fellas!
° ° °
Albert Shaw & Arthur Harrow x Reader HCs
Warnings: Hints of Dubcon, definitely Noncon, implications of above mentions, crazy boys around kids, reader is not referred to by specific gender terms but is able to get pregnant.
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Arthur Harrow, first and foremost, wanted a child.
A child to him is a means of keeping you beside him. The bond would tie you two together forever. He likes the sense of control it brings him, especially over you. When you first met him, you were on the pill and mentioned never wanting kids of your own. But Arthur, as he does, convinces you otherwise. Perhaps even it was an 'accident'. He is certainly the kind of man who would swap your birth control with sugar pills. But he'd smile anyways and assure you it was fate.
While pregnant, you would be doted over. Every need met, whether it be from him or his followers. You would be given luxury and love and treasured like a little goddess. This is Arthur's child, after all, and that baby would be considered a herald. He would enjoy sitting with you, head on your stomach as you two talked. He would additionally make sure you ate well and took all the things you need for a healthy child. Arthur enjoys touching your belly while he reads or falls asleep. You have never looked more stunning.
When the child arrives, Arthur is in love immediately. While most wish for a boy, he always wanted a girl. Regardless, he was happy with whichever. He would sit beside you and help you cradle the crying newborn, imagining all the great things your baby would grow to accomplish. You, as the carrier, get to name the baby. Arthur would suggest names of course but leave the choice to you.
Fatherhood suits him. The man is extremely patient and controlled. He is great with teaching your child and helping them along. You've never heard him laugh so much before. There is considerable joy in his life now, and it shows. That baby would be raised with love and expectations. However, he is stern and unrelenting. The child never gets away with anything, and punishment is taken very seriously. It will learn that for actions, there are consequences.
I think Arthur would be a natural with parenting and fatherhood. He'd enjoy the molding of such a young life. He would eventually ask you for another, and maybe one more, once the first is a little older.
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Albert Shaw has never wanted children. As a child, he was violently abused and mistreated. He can not mentally grasp the responsibility of a child (even if he can raise and train a dog, it's different).
That being said, in this instance, you are a victim/obsession that he's grown fond of and wants to keep. Pregnancy at its core appeals to him. The idea of his seed stuck inside of you, the fact that you are forced to grow and bear something that is equal parts his own excites him. He enjoys the thought of you being stuck with a piece of him inside of you and for life. But that is just about where it ends for him.
When you start showing signs of pregnancy, he'd simply watch. Maybe, depending on if he really enjoys you, he'll give you water and use his softer tone to reassure you that all was well. He does find it arousing that your skin clears and breasts swell - he'd be very interested in those. When your tummy grows, he'd touch it and talk to you about it, generally wanting to make you uncomfortable.
"How does it feel? Being stuck with a piece of me inside of you."
When it came time for birth, you were most likely alone. Stuck in the basement and forced to go through the entire process alone. In this instance, if you survived, he would return home surprised to see and hear a baby.
There is a long pause, and he is gripping and loosening his hands. You can't really tell what he's thinking. You would be filthy, tired, barely awake if not for that need to protect your newborn. He would come across the room and shake his head, scolding you about the mess you made. You are afraid when he sits beside you and looks at the child. Part of you wants to believe he cares, but you see no semblance of love in those eyes of his.
He'd sit in silence for a while, wincing if the baby cried. Eventually, when you got too tired to keep awake, he'd take the child out of your arms and leave the basement.
And you would never see the baby again.
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purupurple · 8 months
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ah yes, again with the many-tanjerins-one-cerise doodle compilation. this time we see tanjerin interacting with various npcs that aren't team snakemouth (shockingly) such as crisbee, venus, fry, and aria. some fun facts (that are not confirmed canon by the devs, like most things pines and i do because we're honestly just goofing around):
fruity bugs are almost entirely herbivorous. for some reason, i've drawn tanj eating burgers before. impossible burgers, maybe...?
i did in fact make a tanjerin cookie once. it was just a plain spritz cookie recipe and he was cut out and carved, but my mother ate him thinking he was a failed attempt at a bell
when fruity bugs get sick, its referred to as "the common mold". they turn greenish like an unripe fruit. it typically goes away in a few days with rest and plenty of water, just like a regular cold.
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kale-smoothies · 16 days
I really want to hear someone ramble about music and characters, and this is the second time I’ve seen those songs being used to describe Scourge so please explain away.
if you want of course.
everytime i listen to the song i imagine an animatic so ill do my best to explain why I associate the song with Scourge.BUT ITS REALLY HARD FOR ME TO EXPLAIN THINGS LIKE THESE so forgive me if it doesn’t make sense
From the scars on my arms And the cracks in my hips And the dents in my car And the blisters on my lips That I'm not the carefullest of girls
Scars on his arms and blisters on his lips cause he’s always fighting AND being tossed around like basketball (He was used as a basketball in one panel) so I always think he had some small lasting scars on his body or something
And the strings that're breaking And I keep on breaking more And it looks like I am shaking But it's just the temperature
Okay FIRST TWO LINES, I like to take it as a metaphor for losing control. Scourge lost control over his life and KEEPS losing control in prison, OR it could be a metaphor for losing sanity. As Scourge was seen being super paranoid at one point, maybe everything he’s going through is slowly chipping at his sanity.
last two lines, shaky hands due to anxiety but also because he’s cold at night since he doesn’t have a mattress or a pillow or a blanket
If it were any colder I could disengage If I were any older I could act my age But I don't think that you'd believe me
It's not the way I'm meant to be It's just the way The operation made me
“I could act my age..” GUYS HE’S 17!! He did all he did when he was 17! Barely 17 too. “The way the operation made me.” IT’S THE NARRATIVE! HE’S TALKING ABOUT THE NARRATIVE! HE WOULDN’T BECOME WHO HE WAS IF HE WASN’T SHOVED INTO THE VILLAIN SHAPED COOKIE CUTTER THAT THE UNIVERSE WANTED TO MOLD HIM INTO! He accepted and embraced his role as Anti Sonic which is WHY HE’S SUCH A DICK! HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE A SONIC! BUT THAT’S WHAT FLOWING
And you can tell From the state of my room That they let me out too soon And the pills that I ate Came a couple years too late And I've got some issues to work through
State of his room AS IN solitary confinement. They DEFINITELY tossed his ass in SC multiple times in the first week, BELIEVE ME. And he’d go crazy over no chaos energy, no movement, no running, no form of communication, just him, himself, and the darkness of his thoughts and his past regrets IT WOULD EAT HIM ALIVE
also he has ALOT of issues to work through Imposter syndrome, Superiority complex, parental issues, possible feelings of inadequacy. Which is probably why he never went to therapy with Zouge. He doesn’t want to open up and admit he has problems with people he doesn’t know
There I go again Pretending to be you Make believing That I have a soul beneath the surface
“Pretending to be you.” HE’S TALKING ABOUT SONIC!! Like? Like?? “I’m sonic at his fullest potential.” IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT BUT THIS IS LITERALLY HIM!!
I was taken out Before the labor pains set in and now Behold the world's worst accident I am the girl anachronism
Literally him went he went green! He was taken out before he turned super AND so behold the world’s worst accident: scourge. He was never meant to be green, he just jumped off the road of the narrative with that little escape
And you can tell By the red in my eyes And the bruises on my thighs And the knots in my hair And the bathtub full of flies That I'm not right now at all
Red eyes due to insomnia, bruises because of fights, knots in his quills because of lack of self care…
There I go again Pretending that I'll fall Don't call the doctors 'Cause they've seen it all before They'll say just
Let her crash And burn She'll learn The attention just encourages her
“Don’t call the doctors!” THATS HIM! NO BODY CALLS THE GUARDS WHEN HE’S BEING BEATEN SHITLESS! BECAUSE ZOBOTNIK DOESN’T WANT THEM TO!!!!1! “Let her crash and burn she’ll learn. The attentoin just encourages her.” DO YOU SEE MY VISUON
And you can tell From the smoke at the stake That the current state is critical Well it is the little things, for instance
In the time it takes to break it She can make up ten excuses Please excuse her for the day It's just the way the medication makes her
First part is probably Moebius after Scourge disappeared? Did it fall into anarchy? Did Alicia Acorn or the supression squad take control?
I genuinely don’t know how to explain the last line but its him its him its so him AUGGHHHHHHH
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gazsluckyhat · 12 days
Sarah's House *TW* - from this chapter on
Six - Chest Hair
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Hey guys! I know I said there'd be consistent updates but apparently my brain doesn't work like that. Chapter six is a lot of talking and some sad things. But its getting good. Get a little banter in this one. I hope you guys enjoy!
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Price knew he shouldn't take the mission. The outcome seemed obvious, or so he thought. Until he wasn't anymore.
Like calls to like. Or something of the sort.
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Ghost and Gaz have the table set and ready when Sarah makes it downstairs. The food smells amazing and her stomach growls as she walks in, both boys looking over at her. Ghost finds her hand, pulling her to him and kissing her head before pushing her towards a seat.
"Good to know you're hungry." She nods towards Gaz. Starving. She doesn't say it. Doesn't want to admit how hungry she really was. Had wanted to steal the MRE Johnny had offered her on the flight, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.
"Made something simple, easy on your belly we hope." Gaz has such pretty hands, she notices when he sets her plate down. His fingers aren't too small or big, just right and long. Manicured nails showing just how much he actually cared for himself. She wonders what else those pretty fingers were capable of. Shooting? Fighting? Strangling? Fingering? Would he shove them down her throat to shush her while forcing the other ones inside her?
It's not until a hand touches her thigh that she realizes she was staring, or daydreaming. She shoos the thoughts away with the idea they're wildly inappropriate. These men saved her and have agreed to get her back on her feet, nothing more. What she's feeling is normal, she tells herself. Most woman saved like she was develop attraction towards their heroes, but she should not act on it. Plus, she doesn’t even know if her vagina works anymore. Hadn't been used since before she'd went missing. Even then finishing was rare. No, she needed to focus on herself and not the increasing need to frisk the men sitting around her.
"Do you like it?" Ghost and Jesus, everyone else are watching her. She looks down and actually looks at the food. Pasta. Alfredo with what looks like chicken and broccoli. It looks like what she imagines Heaven will look like. She takes a fork full and tastes it. Fuck me. It tastes like what she imagines Gaz tastes' like. Fucking Heaven. She moans, doesn't mean to but the food is euphoric. She hasn't had anything decent in two years. Slop and molded food that only kept her alive and never fed.
"I'll take 'at as a yes." The men are all smiling. Watching her eat being the first step in a long recovery.
Sarah listens to the boys talk as she eats. Her dad chiming in with facts and stories. She finished her first bowl and got another, just listening and watching the people around her. How normal it was. Conversations not pertaining to murders, rape, or torture. How it felt to sit and eat and not be gawked at or have things thrown at you. What it was like to not have food used as a bargaining chip. She enjoyed food before. Loved to try new things. Sushi, BBQ, pasta, anything. The only reason she was as small as she was, was because of her training. Russia had ruined it. Took away the love and smothered it. She ate only because her body screamed for it. Had done horrible nasty things for scraps. Allowed herself to fade to the black and whatever happen, happen. She'd forgotten what it was like to be human. To talk and eat and relax. Relaxing was still far away but this, this was nice. She was safe, fed, clothed, and happy. Maybe happy? Wasn't sure what that was anymore.
"Do you remember Rabbit?" Head snaps up as she hears her pet name. Cheeks flaming as she realizes she's missed the whole conversation.
"Hop away did we?" Price is smiling, no anger or malice in her voice. He's asking her if she's okay without making it a spectacle. She gives a quick nod and looked down to take a bite. Failure. It's loud and in her ear. She jumps, head whipping around to face nothing. She doesn't clock the eyes on her. No, she's too focused on the loud sounds in her head. Whore. It's across the room. Shape dark and standing taller than her. Face clouded in mist, swirling around. It's speaking to her. Useless. She crinkles her napkin. Worthless. Scoots her chair out. Traitor. Standing she goes to run. The thing closer now. Russian garbage. Used like the whore you are. She's running before it finishes it's sentence. Footsteps pounding behind her, she goes to hide in her room. Sobbing she's in the closet in seconds. Hit's the back and crawls into the corner. The clothes concealing her from view. Hands over her ears she rolls herself into a ball. The voices in her head getting louder and louder. Someone's banging on her cell door. The guards are trying to get in. They're gonna hurt her, tear her clothes again and try to touch her. Her team is gonna find her though, no man left behind. They'd promised.
"Sarah!" Her name is strange agaisnt her ears. She curls tighter and sobs louder. There's a loud noise and some light. They've found her. They're gonna kill her. Sarah is screaming, loud and hoarse.
"Flower, c'mre." Hands are coming towards her, rough and calloused. Hands that have held a gun. Sarah screams louder, begging for help. Feet kicking as she attempts to crawl away. Her side still aching from the last guard.
"Price!" The person behind the one trying to grab her is built just like the one below. The light behind him casting a shadow. She's praying her team finds her soon, terror racing through her veins.
"Move, she can't see our faces." The shadow is gone and suddenly she sees her tormentor. Brown eyes. She knows those eyes. Dean. She reaches out to him. Tears soaking through her uniform.
"You found me." Why is her voice so gruff? And she's wrapping her arms around his neck. Clinging to the man she'd spent years bunked beside. "You saved me." She's being picked up, carried to safety.
"We found you. You're safe, flower." Flower? No, raven. Her name is raven, Dean came up with it. She's set on something soft and pulls back confused. The face she sees is not Dean's, no but it is familiar. Flower. Someone else calls her that. Someone with a skull mask. Her fingers touch the baklava. She catches those eyes again and notices the difference in them to Dean's. Instead of gold she sees chocolate. Deep and smooth. Those eyes did save her, they carried her away from the horrible pain. Her lip quivers and shes shaking.
"Ghost?" Voice so low he almost misses it. Hands on her face he nods. She leans into those hands.
"Right 'ere. Haven't left you." He can see the tension in her bones. She's wound so tight she could snap. She looks over his shoulder to the other boys watching, her father in front.
"I'm - so-rry." She hiccups. Ghost is shushing her, hands holding her to him.
"No, don't do 'at." He throws a look over his shoulder and her dad is there in a instant.
"Rabbit?" She nods. Doesn't know what to say. Refuses to tell him what happened. Instead she points to the bed.
"I wa-an-na sl-e-ep." It's broken but more than she'd said in years. Her father nods and kisses her head before rushing off down the hall. She catches the boys and tears well in her eyes again. She makes grabby hands and Gaz and Johnny join Ghost's side. Sarah holding each of their hands as she leans on Ghost's chest, breathing slowing down. She tenses for a second when she feels the dip in the bed, before instantly relaxing when Price's scent hits her nose. She's safe like this, boxed in by the only four men who'd not hurt her. Who'd only ever offered kindness and safety.
"You need to sleep, lovie. We can talk about tonight in the morning." Price is rubbing her hair, she can feel the exhaustion taking root as the adrenaline fades out. He's right, she's picking up that he usually might be. But she doesn't wanna be alone. She's been alone for two years. So she tugs on the hands and looks up.
"Not alo-ne." Gaz is tugging her hand away in a second, her eyes going wide and breathing picking up. He's leaving. Tears well up in her eyes until he takes her chin and shakes his head.
"Need to get ready for bed if I'm laying with you." She smiles as he kisses her head watching as he pulls away and goes to change.
"You wanna change too?" Ghost is turning her face up.
"Course." He's in her closet right after leaving her to sit with Johnny and Price. Price who is still rubbing her hair, and shit, she could fall asleep like this.
"Gaz wins this round 'aye?" Johnny is joking, his need to always make people happy even in the worst of times. Sarah doesn't agree and instead tugs him closer.
"You t-oo-o." Her cheeks are crimson even asking. The idea taboo but she can't sleep alone. Not yet, not when she can still feel the cold of her cell in her bones. Johnny nods, because of course, he'd do anything she asks. "Cha-nge?" Johnny nods before he too exits. Ghost comes back with a pretty purple set that looks like a dream. Price gets up to leave.
"I'll leave you to it." Turns to say goodnight and she's already stripping. He freezes, not because she's naked but because she's naked. It's the first time he's seeing her clean and treated. Her wounds and scars on full display. He catches sight of a nasty scar on her side. He doesn't mean to stare, doesn't even know hes walked closer until he's brushing his fingertips agaisnt the scar. She freezes for a split second before looking at him, gauging his reaction. She expects disgust or pity, but instead finds anger? She leans away and he finally notices her face. Shame. "No, never. You 'ave nothin to be shamed about? No ones angry at 'ya. We're mad at what happened, at the people who did it. Never you." Ghost slips the shirt over her head and pushes her into Price who hugs her. Squeezes her and places a kiss on her head.
"Get some sleep. Long day tomorrow." She nods and nuzzles into Ghost's black hoodie. Gaz is back, slipping in behind her and grabbing her arm. She allows him to pull her into the bed, slipping under the blanket and making room for Johnny. Johnny who is only in a thin pair of sleep pants. Sarah looks away, hoping he doesn't notice her red cheeks.
"Better watch out, Johnny snores." She giggles and she curls into Gaz, grateful for the warmth. Johnny scoffs as he scoots close to her and slips a arm over her hips.
"Speak for yourself." Gaz laughs and Sarah can feel the vibrations in his chest. Its calming somehow. Johnny kisses her head and nuzzles into her back, his breath warming her neck. Its comfortable, being touched like this. She knows she doesn't have to worry about them hurting her. They actually care for her and wanna see her thrive. And here wrapped in both of them she knows she's safe. She can sleep and not worry about waking up to hands around her throat or thighs. This is relaxing, she realizes. Wrapped up and warm. Both boys breathing evenly and holding her. She slips off thinking how this is her version of home.
Johnny does in fact snore. Extremely loudly at that. But she's fully rested, the sun dim through the curtains. Gaz is gone, must have gotten up earlier. She curls closer to Johnny, his warmth on the verge of easing her back to sleep. And she would've too, if Johnny hadn't slung his arm over her chest and squeezed, nuzzling into her back. It cuts off her air supply and she has to slap at Johnny. Clawing at the fat of his arm, pinching him.
"So-oap." He moves a bit. "So-o-oap!" A little louder. "Soap!" That's it. He's up in a instant. Eyes finding her and helping her sit up.
"What is it lassie?" She giggles a little. He's cute. Mohawk a mess, dried drool on his chin and sleep in his eyes. "What?"
"Cute." She squeeze's his cheek for added effect. "Yo-ur lo-ou-d. Squi-sh-ed me." Johnny blushes. Sarah smiles and snuggles into his chest, nudging his arms out of her way. The light hair tickling her cheek. She sits there and listens to his heartbeat. The rhythmic thump, thump, thump quieting the voices. Johnny rubs her hair as he hums some old song his mum used to sing to him. Sits there for as long as she wants, her touch calming his nerves. Easing away the terror he felt last night.
"Oi! You're awake." Gaz is still in sleep clothes but looks wide awake. He climbs in beside her and kisses her head that is still pressed to his friends chest. "Sleep good?" She hums in response.
"Sn-ore l-ou-d." He chuckles and smacks Johnny's arm.
"Told ya' mate." Johnny is grumbling.
"Can't 'elp it!" Sarah chuckles and pry's herself off him. Her eyes staring into the sparkling blue of Johnny's. She rubs her nose agaisnt his, causing him to shiver and nip at her own.
"C'mere. You're dad made French toast." She happily climbed out of the bed and into Gaz's waiting arms. Mention of her dads favorite breakfast food causing her stomach to growl.
Breakfast is simple and no one asks questions about last night. Letting her eat and wake up. Ghost gives her a cup of coffee, gawking as she dumps sugar and milk in it. Grumbling about "coffee is black" and "already too fukin' sweet". She just giggles and sit back beside Price and her dad. Almost moaning once again when the toast first touches her tongue. Memories of Sunday mornings and laughter bubbling up. Tears come to her eyes when she first takes a sip of coffee. The warmth is brings reminding her of her mom, the coffee she'd make her every morning. She take a second, closes her eyes and lets herself actually feel. The ache from losing her and from not having her when she needs her the most. Price catches it, catches everything really. It is his job after all. He takes her knee under the table. Three light taps to let her know its okay. That she's okay. And she taps back. Giving him a smile when she opens her eyes. Thankful for his understanding.
"I'm gonna head back home today." She stares at her father. Shock in her eyes. Maybe a little hurt too.
"Why?" Ghost grunts it out, going between looking at him and watch Sarah for a reaction. All she does is a slight dip in her shoulders.
"I can do more from there then I can here. Last night was proof I'm not capable of properly helping. And I feel I'm only in the way here." She looks away. Out the back door and into the forest. The sun shining bright. She wants to feel the warmth. So she promptly gets up and walks out the door. Letting it shut behind her. There's a lawn chair not to far from the patio in front of a fire pit. She sits down and brings her knees to her chin. Turning her head up she closes her eyes and just basks in the warmth. The sunshine bright even agaisnt her closed eyes. She evens her breathing and tightens her hold on her legs. The burning in her throat the sign tears are coming. She can feel the person before they speak, but doesn't open her eyes. Knowing if she does she's gonna break.
"Your mom was sick before you were born." He doesn't try and touch her. Just speaks. "Her childhood was rough and her time in the Marines gave her enough problems. I didn't quite understand until it was too late. She'd disappear in her head for weeks at a time. Found her with a razor a couple times, nothing too serious. She stopped after a while, though she was getting better. You were born and she seemed so happy.  We both were. You were the light of our lives. Around your second birthday it got bad again. She would go to bed and just lay there. I'd find you in your crib, playing with the air. I tried to talk to her and help but it just didn't work. When you were two years old you walked in on her cutting words into her arms. I went to look for you and found you crying at her feet, your little hands bloody. You were asking her why she was doing it. I took you and cleaned you up, put you to bed. Then I went and called nine-one-one. She was gone for two days before coming back. I tried to get her help. But I wasn't enough. I lost your mother because of that, and I refuse to lose you for the same reason." Sarah chokes back a sob, allowing herself to fall into her fathers arm and cry.
"Mis-s her." He rubs her head, nodding with her.
"I do too. But she loved you. She may have had her problems but you brought her so much joy." She breaks harder at that. "I can't wait until you come home. But I know you are safe here. I trust you with these men more than you being home. They care for you, I can see it. I love you and want for you to be happy."
"Lo-ve y-ou dad." She knows when he's leaving, feels herself being handed off. Smells Price's musk and cries even harder. Knowing he was leaving to keep her safe.
"C'mere sweet girl. I've got ya'." She clutches onto him, sobbing into his chest as he rubs her hair and whispers in her ear.
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wwenhlimagines · 1 year
#1 from fall fluff prompts with ricky starks x female reader?? like he makes their first (outdoor) date and then the rain hits but our boss ass bitch baddie reader finds something to do inside to make up for the date??
Fall Fluff Prompt List
I stood in front of my mirror, fidgeting with my hair and outfit when I heard a knock at my front door. I grabbed my phone and purse and made my way to the door, excited to finally go on a date with Ricky. We have been best friends for a while, and although we have gone on coffee dates, I know he actually put effort into planning this date so it feels extra special. I open the door to see him smiling, holding a little teddy bear.
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I smile as he hands me the bear, and I cuddle it into my chest quickly. "When I was at the store getting everything, I saw that little guy, and I thought of you. Cute and cuddly, well when you want to be."
I set the bear down on the table by my front door before turning back to give him a hug. "Thank you, Ricky. That's so sweet of you. Now, how about we get this date on the road?"
He takes my hand after I lock the door, and we walk to his car before he opens my door for me. "Your chariot, m'lady."
I get in the car and wait for him to walk around and get into the driver's seat before leaning over, kissing his cheek. "Why, thank you, kind sir."
He dramatically shivers as if my kiss electrocuted him. I smile and try to look in the backseat to see what he had planned. "Nu huh nosey, it's all in the trunk. You just have to wait."
I sigh and turn back to face the road as he pulls out of my neighborhood. His right hand comes to rest on my left knee, and he gently squeezes it reassuringly. I let my hand rest on top of his for a moment before he intertwines our fingers and brings my hand up to kiss the back of it. If I wasn't already smitten with this man, he was making sure I had no doubts going into this date.
We drive for a few minutes before he pulls up to a park I used to go to with my friends growing up. We get out of the car and we grabs a cooler and some blankets out of his trunk before grabbing my hand again and leading me over to a secluded part on a hill where he lays one blanket down and wraps the other one around our shoulders as we sit down. "How did you know about this park?"
He smiles sheepishly as he starts pulling some sandwiches, chips, and drinks from the cooler. "I may or may not have searched through your Facebook and Instagram for ideas."
"You stalker... I'm glad you did because I haven't been here in a few years."
He smiles proud of himself as I start to eat my sandwich. We talked a bit as we ate before we saw the sky get darker and everyone running back to their cars. "I swear I checked the weather forecast, and it wasn't supposed to rain until later."
I giggled lightly as I grabbed my stuff and the blanket around my shoulders while Ricky collected everything else. "Well, welcome to my hometown. The weather has its own plans sometimes."
We get back to the car, and he groans before looking over at me. "I'm so sorry the date got ruined, I had so much planned, but it was all outside activities."
I see how much he is internally beating himself up about it, and I decide to place my hand on his cheek and pull him into a kiss. We both relaxed into the kiss as our lips molded together perfectly. I pulled back, and he instinctively tried to follow my lips, but I rubbed my thumb across his cheek soothingly. "How about we go back to my place and maybe do some more of that?" He smiles before quickly buckling his seatbelt and driving away from the park at a not so safe speed.
Back at my house, we quickly run inside and I offer to put his clothes in the dryer. "Are you just trying to see my naked?"
I roll my eyes as I quickly find some oversized sweats and a shirt that I like to sleep in. "You basically wrestle naked, so there isn't much left to see."
He laughs as he takes off his flannel and changes into the shirt. "I wouldn't be smack talking before you see the goods if I were you."
I blush and walk into my closet to change into a shirt and sweats as well. I walk back out and see he is changed and standing awkwardly in the kitchen with the cooler on the counter. I offered him something to drink and as I was getting my water I got an idea. "Since you had planned the date at a place that reminded me of my childhood, how about we make a fort and you can tell me what we would have done?"
He thinks for a second, "I'm going to save the details to surprise you at a later date, but I'm down to make a fort."
I squeal with excitement as I round up all of the blankets and pillows in the house before bringing them to the living room. Ricky has moved a few things around in the living room, so we have room for our fort, and he smiles, seeing me almost falling over trying to carry everything at once. "Why didn't you ask for help Y/N?"
I groan as I throw everything down into the middle of the living room. "I'm a strong, independent woman, and I don't need help carrying blankets and pillows."
He laughs and looks behind me "Well Miss Independent, you seem to have dropped a few on your way over here."
I groan about to go pick them up when he rushes past me and start gathering the rest of the blankets and pillows. I had started setting up the base when I felt a pillow hit the back of my head. I look up to see him quickly look away as if nothing happened before grabbing my own pillow and hitting him in the stomach. We have a mini pillow fight for a few minutes giggling and throwing harmless insults at each other until we get tired.
"We need to make our fort so we can lay down and rest from our pillow fight."
"Fine, but if you slap my butt again, I'm not helping you build it."
"Oh, come on, you love showing your ass."
"Right now, I do, but maybe I'll be more discreet and leave it all for you from now on."
My heart flutters knowing that he already sees us as a serious couple. A couple minutes later, our fort has been built, and we crawl inside. We sit down and lean back against the couch as we take it all in from the inside. His arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me closer before he pulls the same move of placing a hand on my cheek to pull me into a kiss.
This time, we let ourselves get lost in the kiss for quite a while. Soft caresses and tongues tease each other as we test out the waters of the intimacy we haven't known before as best friends.
I was about to straddle him when he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine, and we took heavy breaths smiling at each other.
"Y/N, you have been my rock for so long. Always helping me get back up when I get knocked down and humbling me when I get too cocky. I have wanted this since the first day I met you, but I was scared you would reject me given my 'fuckboy' energy. We have the best time together, and you are truly my best friend. Will you make me even happier and also be my girlfriend?"
I smiled and let the tears that welled up from his confession fall down my cheeks as I quietly squeaked out, "I'd love to."
Our lips meet again in a much more passionate kiss and I take my chance to straddle him and lean into his chest as I wrap my arms around my boyfriend's neck and show him how appreciative I am of him and our blossoming relationship.
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Tags: @seeingstarks @hooks-martin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @thesupreme316 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @plentyoffandoms @louisianalady
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skaruresonic · 9 months
I write HL fics sometimes so go check 'em out. links and excerpts under the read more. yeet
In the Eye of the Beholder - benignmilitancy - Half-Life [Archive of Our Own]
It wasn't a conscious decision.
It seldom is.
Risk factors. As if one's life can be reduced to a chemical deficit. ---
He can't say where it started, only where it's led him.
He saw the dwindling rations, the tight pinched miens of the men around him. The incessant chatter of a television broadcasting some new infathomable horror.
He ate less, started giving Kleiner his share. You need it more than I do.
Maybe the transference is why Kleiner started fighting battles on his behalf. Merely breathing is an incredible act of courage. I'll not have you speak ill to him when he's ailing.
"What about the rest of us, Kleiner? Do you really think this has just been peaches for us? Damned facility took everything! May God have mercy on our souls, because this coalition certainly won't spare us!"
In the days following the Seven Hours, he experienced no passions, no ambitions, no plans or desires. Consciousness a blank expanse. He became an unthinking creature, a vegetable at the ripe old age of twenty-three, confined to lying on a dirty couch, waiting for it to become a coffin.
A hand rustling the pillow beneath him, propping him up. A spoonful of flavorless chicken broth poised to his chapped lips, which parted out of reflex and allowed the liquid to slip inside.
Occasionally he felt fingers, dry and cold, knead his throat.
You must live. Kleiner, a tremulous wisp. Our hubris stole your future. Barney, I promise with whatever breath is granted me, I'll correct this grievous wrong. ---
I believe the Combine intend to show us every horror possible. They'll try to strip us of our rationality, our humanity, our sanity and our very souls. They'll parade us as animals to be gawked at and specimens to be dissected. You cannot do their work for them, Barney.
Life has no intrinsic meaning, it's true. We can neither rationalize nor justify our existence. We may not have a reason to continue. But there is such cohesion, such structure, to the universe that I find it impossible to believe we don't have a place in it at all. Let us be damned before we let our aggressors define it for us.
For a single sublime moment, Kleiner's hope made him beautiful.
Bless the wretched, who cling to scraps as they drift through this dark sea. --- Mycotoxin - benignmilitancy - Half-Life (Video Games) [Archive of Our Own] Hammer Two forges ahead and freezes at the threshold.
"Oh, sh... " And then it remembers. "Untagged biotics in Sector Nineteen."
Ghost Five staggers back in, twists and convulses beneath a pulsating mask of black mold. Spores spray on each exhale of the ventilator, latching onto the dust motes and burning. Asthmatic smoke.
Christ. Fall back. Bear back.
Daggers discharge. Raindrops in a puddle. The sterilizers have nowhere to go. They're simply eaten.
Hammer Two activates its wall and pulls up its hammer, sloughing sparks. There is something gladiatorial in the way it creeps toward Ghost Five. Near valiant. But the moment dies brutishly: the wall sputters and half of Hammer Two disintegrates. The other half slumps to the carpet. Carrion. Feasted upon. What it is now, the others don't know.
What's the designation? someone asks. Questions ripple through them.
What's the designation.
The designation.
"You fucking morons, who cares what it is?"
They call for their mother, who responds with cold silence.
--- Derailed - benignmilitancy - Half-Life [Archive of Our Own]
Rain bombs the rooftops, a thousand simultaneous explosions silvering the streets. Water rattles the drainpipes loose from their bolts. Skies weep, unable to inhale. Endless baptisms rinse the city clean. He hasn't seen anything like it since the Seven Hours.
The man who stepped in front of the razor train, the whole and complete Kevlar-clad body he used to belong to, asked him in a thin whisper: You think it'll work?
Will what work?
Your Resistance. Go poking at the beast and it'll tear your head right off the stump. ---
Mask - benignmilitancy - Half-Life [Archive of Our Own] After a moment of silence, you roll up the hem of your armor.
They can't help but stare at the purple welt puckered over your right kidney. The flesh folded inward, the serrated ghosts of stitches puncturing brown skin.
Torso pads caught most of it. You appraise it with a nonchalant sniff. He cut it from a tin can, y'know, didn't know how to hold it the right way, and, uh. You trace the scar, almost fondling it under the pad of your index finger, before lowering your hem. He ran when he saw it broke off. They sent a couple shredders after him. Didn't make it past the front gate.
You sigh then and throw a stick into the oil drum. Golden cinders flare.
You know the real fucked part? As you were bleeding on the floor like a stuck pig? You got pissed at him. You. The mask. They were chasing him out the door and all you could think was, Just you wait, you raggedy little shit.
Path of the Borealis - benignmilitancy - Half-Life [Archive of Our Own]
Alone, he contemplated his failure.
One thread remained.
He crushed it.
Windows shattered outward, crashing tidal waves of glass into the darkness. Incandescent tubes scorched around him, belching sparks that caught on the upholstery. The tram's chassis screeched as the car folded in on itself, metal joints and steel bones scrunching with papery ease.
The last vortal cord sizzled protest in his fist.
Doctor Freeman. The darkness harbored lungs, and it prepared to scream. It… appears we've been quite… obdurate. ---
"You call me less than human. You, who are no more than an animal yourself, terrified of any glimmer of truth illuminating the shadows playing upon the cavern walls of your dim consciousness. What possible use could we have for you, an evolutionary dead end clinging wretchedly to its last vestiges? Only a fool would believe her short-lived passions serve us in the palace of the enlightened."
Breen dropped her. Let her crawl.
Long, jointed fingers grasped her ankles and dragged back its prey, letting the steel grate abrade her Hunter wounds. The floor's ridges scraped her flesh until her scabs cracked. A cold, seeping trickle smeared across her stomach, joining the sweat dampening her undershirt.
"I am the gentlest propagator of this process, believe you me. The native-born aren't quite as considerate for the concerns of the flesh, but I still remember what it means to be saddled down by human foible."
Clutching her throbbing shoulder, Alyx scrabbled in vain at the floor. Toward the launcher, toward anything that could offer salvation. Her heart slammed inside her ribcage, full to burst.
"I can improve you, perfect you in ways your simian cerebrum can hardly grasp. Have you seen the thorough work I've done with Dr. Mossman? How easily I've washed away her pesky flaws? One can't help but appreciate her now that she lacks her stubborn streak, her subtle arrogance driven by fears of inadequacy. Far better than the existing stock, wouldn't you agree?"
This couldn't be it. She couldn't die here, not to him, not with Mossman watching—
" …Now, there, you won't feel a thing, I promise. This baptism is the most invigorating thing you will ever do. Doesn't that sound far kinder a fate than any afterlife could purport to be? And who better to convert you than me?
"Not to worry: you're in much more capable hands than the ones that clutched your father. His death was an unrefined mess I wish not to repeat. No; for my next piece, I intend to chip away at you until what remains cannot even be called broken."
In the midst of horror, a place of calm. A clear voice.
Look, her father said. Look closer.
No; closer. Past the shock and pain and helplessness; past the blood pooling through limestone; peel back the layers, quiet the scrape of the scream writhing from your throat; stop feeling, stop grieving and see; what remains?
The Advisor in the barn. Bearing pockmarks from its damaged life support.
Alyx, her father said. Look in the inhuman eyes of the one who killed me. ---
Around her, darkness laughed. Stupid girl. Your father suffered many nightmares, but only one was born of choice.
Whether hand or mind willed it, she didn't know. The former slipped into her boot and curled around a familiar curve.
[Vindicate me. Extinguish these lies.]
Alyx slaked off the HEV with a shove and brandished the pincer. Let the bastard's amused gaze absorb the glint of the weapon that had lured the terrified animal from Breen's host body, made the human inside taste hell.
"This is what you really want, right?" It turned, wry amusement etching Gordon's features. "What you arranged in Black Mesa." With a spirit as chillingly clear as ice, she poised the tip over her heart. "Let him go." Pushed in until the point sank through the parka's outermost skin, slitting tender down. "Or you lose everything."
Unperturbed in the slightest, it rose, and walked toward the fire. "Of the various species I have encountered, I have noted core characteristics." Emerald radiance blurred its edges. Gordon immolated. Gordon through a stained-glass window. Exalted. Untouchable. "They are born, cold, hungry, and screaming, into a world where their suffering engenders no meaning. Rather than endure such an existence, many seek relief. They embrace the end."
The pincer quaked.
"All except one. You do not know how to die."
The light was as holy as it was alien. Heatless like oblivion. Like transcendence.
"It is because you do not know how to die that your kind worships shadows. I knew your Resistance would never come to be without a sacrificial lamb or two. For that role, I could have chosen anyone. You, well. Provided the most convenient means, shall we say.
"To put it in the simplest terms I can: I don't like squandering my investments." Smooth metal nudged her breast. The heart, pumping worthless blood, accelerated at the intrusion. "At Black Mesa, I hoped to purge you of your afflictions. But I see my methods have failed. Instead, you passed your strain onto your neighbor."
Instinct checked her hand, prevented her from carrying out the threat.
The entity huffed a noiseless laugh as she relented her grip. "The flesh is a prison. It craves survival."
tery power is four p
Reduced to a crawl, she knelt beside Barney's prone form while the entity raised its arms, spreading veined wings of cables and cords. If she couldn't commit the crucial deed, she could at least... At least...
"There is nowhere to run, Miss Vance. You both belong to me," it said, "the organs of my body." ---
Something Secret Steers Us - benignmilitancy - Half-Life [Archive of Our Own] Maybe all their struggles amounted to futile effort, a fool's errand. An armored suit worn once and tucked away.
She wouldn't accept her death with any of the grace her mother and father had. She'd be dragged screaming into the dark, gnashing her teeth and biting the hand that supposedly fed.
Until now, she'd been measuring herself against this shadow in her head, this specter of Eli, weighing whether or not he'd have done the same in her circumstances. And she'd been so certain, so absolutely sure her father would have done the right thing, wouldn't have let anyone under his protection die.
"I can't take this," she whispered. "Between Dad and Barney and Gordon, it feels like I'm being crushed… And I know they need me to hold it together, I know… But making these decisions over who lives and who dies… How am I supposed to do that?"
But maybe he would have. The prospect that she didn't really know him at all, what he was capable of in a similar moment of blind, abject desperation, terrified her. That behind every self-effacing moment of his was calculation. That his insistence not to saint him but to look to Gordon instead—so certain this myth of a man held the answers they sought—had been in fact meticulously designed to get her to this point, with Gordon as the control. Solved like an equation, by proof and by axiom, whose life will pay the greater dividend? Whose life may we cast aside? Show your work, Dr. Vance.
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eggratgremlin · 1 year
I forget how much you've shared but I think you should mayhaps give a big list of your Splithead species hcs of the creature variety and also society ones maybe <3
Okay so split heads are like Humanoid beings that are clay based and are symbiotically  tied to fungi slime molds! I personally refer to them as mulns (because dedus and smul both have ‘mul’ in their names)
huge ass lore drop under the cut
The horns are fungi! They're like the texture of a very stale Swedish fish but are very sensitive! They also get a bit drippy when the splithead is all emotional and weepy! Their horns are their predominant sensory organ, its where their eyes and scent glands are!  
Splitheads also have fungi that grow all over their body though some of it is seasonally occurring. This fungi is actually various slime molds though, and they are attached to the nervous system of the Splithead! Those fungi are like connected to the subconscious and display emotions! So like they wiggle around when the Muln is happy or anxious! Theres also two kinds of mulns, Mulns born in th wet season and those born in the dry season. 
Now Mulns aren exactly born persay, they start out as spores which parasitically live in another organism aka a host! Until they get enough nutrients! Then they burrow out of any hole in the body or just make their own, usually killing the host and then they dig into the soil where they grow like plants for a couple more months. 
After those months the baby mulns burrow out of the soil with big ol fungi covered horns and theyre so very hungry and so they start eating each other with their goblin shark mouths, which is called The Feast in muln culture and usually only one Muln surivives the feast, theres social stigma surrounding mulns that dont eat their batchmates during the feast.Also the more batchmates you eat the bigger muln you are! So Smuldunde? Yeah she fucking ate everyone!
Wet mulns only have thier fungi during the wet season, and they have patches on slime mold that grow on them rather than dry mulns usually that have their fungi all year round and can grow full body like fur ! And dry mulns horns are more so like a jelly bean, hard crust on the outside. Mulns also have 3 sets of eyes, one on the front, the side and on the tips of thier horns (because they are both prey and predator animals due to the feast)
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If anyone has anymore questions at all about muln lore at all or want clarifications just ask!!!
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Laini Taylor Quote RP Meme
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ny times bestselling author most famous for the books daughter of smoke and bone and strange the dreamer- feel free to edit quotes or change pronouns for rp purposes
“Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love.It did not end well.”
“Have you ever asked yourself, do monsters make war, or does war make monsters?”
“If you're afraid of your own dreams, you're welcome here in mine.”
“She moved like a poem and smiled like a sphinx.”
Inessential penises? Is there any such thing as an essential one?'
“Love is a luxury."
“Your soul sings to mine. My soul is yours, and it always will be, in any world. No matter what happens. I need you to remember that I love you.”
“Be sorry, then. Just be sorry somewhere else.”
“It’s the mind. It’s the most complex and astonishing thing there is, that there’s a world inside each of us that no one else can ever know or see or visit.”
“Peace is more than the absence of war. Peace is accord. Harmony.”
“You’re a storyteller. Dream up something wild and improbable. Something beautiful and full of monsters."
“It was interesting the way a small hate could grow inside a big hate and take it over.”
“I turned my nightmares into fireflies and caught them in a jar.”
“How much does your life have to suck to want the Apocalypse?”
“A dream dirty and bruised is better than no dream at all.”
“It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming.”
“I think you’re a fairy tale. I think you’re magical, and brave, and exquisite. And I hope you'll let me be in your story.”
“I am one of billions. I am stardust gathered fleetingly into form. I will be ungathered. The stardust will go on to be other things someday and I will be free.”
“With the infinite patience of one who has learned to live broken, he awaited her return.”
"Good people do all the things bad people do. It's just that when they do them, they call it justice.”
“Hey! My body may be small, but my soul is large. It’s why I wear platforms. So I can reach the top of my soul.”
“It is a condition of monsters that they do not perceive themselves as such. The dragon, you know, hunkered in the village devouring maidens, heard the townsfolk cry 'Monster!' and looked behind him.”
“Hope can be a powerful force. Maybe there's no actual magic in it, but when you know what you hope for most and hold it like a light within you, you can make things happen, almost like magic.”
“Once upon a time, an angel lay dying in the mist. And a devil knelt over him and smiled.”
“He read while he walked. He read while he ate. The other librarians suspected he somehow read while he slept, or perhaps didn't sleep at all.”
“The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around”
“Stop squandering yourself, child. Wait for love.”
“People with secrets shouldn’t make enemies.People with destinies shouldn’t make plans.”
“Your heart is not wrong. Your heart is your strength. You don't have to be ashamed.”
“Once upon a time there was a silence that dreamed of becoming a song, and then I found you, and now everything is music.”
“Dead souls dream only of death. Small dreams for small men. It is life that expands to fill worlds. Life is your master, or death is”
“Without his books, his room felt like a body with its hearts cut out.”
“It was brave, It was rare. It was love, and it was beautiful.”
“Wasn't that what religions did? Squint at one another and declare, 'My unprovable belief is better than your unprovable belief. Suck it.”
“And that's how you go on. You lay laughter over the dark parts. The more dark parts, the more you have to laugh. With defiance, with abandon, with hysteria, any way you can.”
“I know it's not easy for you, living this life, but try to remember, always try to remember, you're not the only one with troubles.”
“You are a conniving, deceitful hussy. I stand in awe."
“Like mold on books, grow myths on history.”
“Mercy, she had discovered, made mad alchemy: a drop of it could dilute a lake of hate.”
“Was there any fate more bitter than to get what you long for most, when it's too late?”
“I will give them nightmares to haunt their dreams long after I'm gone.”
“You were true to her, even if she was not to you. Never repent of your own goodness, child. To stay true in the face of evil is a feat of great strength.”
“I'm afraid they're in love,"
"No way. There will be tasks. Like in a fairy tale."
“Stars got tangled in her hair whenever she played in the sky.”
“Yearning for love made her feel like a cat that was always twining around ankles, meowing Pet me, pet me, look at me, love me.”
“Life won't just happen to you boy, he said. You have to happen to it.”
“Soldiers and children do as they're told. Children grow out of it, but soldiers just die.”
“Never repent of your own goodness, child. To stay true in the face of evil is a feat of strength.”
Your dream is my dream, and your name is true. You are all of our hope.”
“He believed in magic, like a child, and in ghosts, like a peasant.”
“Cake for later, cake as a way of life.”
“We haven't been introduced. Not really.”
“Wishes don’t just come true. They’re only the target you paint around what you want. You still have to hit the bull’s-eye yourself.”
“...something was starting to take shape, out of magic and will. Smoke and bone.”
“How could you tell if your instincts were just hope in disguise, and if your hope was really desperation parading as possibility?”
“Hot, perpetually pissed-off angel seeks living pincushion for scowl practice and general stabbiness. No kissing.”
“There is the past, and there is the future. The present is never more than the single second dividing one from the other. We live poised on that second as it's hurtling forward—toward what?”
“Better to be the cat gazing coolly down from a high wall, its expression inscrutable. The cat that shunned petting, that needed no one. Why couldn't she be that cat?”
“Life doesn't need magic to be magical.”
“There are other ways of showing someone you love them, such as fetching them out of Hell.”
“Anyone who would wear all white like that clearly had issues. Just looking at him made her wish she had a paintball gun, but hell, you couldn’t pack for every eventuality.”
“Be a Samurai. Because you just never know what's behind the freaking sky.”
“I love vengeance like normal people love sunsets and long walks on the beach. I eat vengeance with a spoon like it’s honey. In fact, I may not even be a real person, but just a vow of vengeance made flesh.”
“She tastes like nectar and salt. Nectar and salt and apples. Pollen and stars and hinges. She tastes like fairy tales. Swan maiden at midnight. Cream on the tip of a fox’s tongue. She tastes like hope.”
“He actually listened, rather than pretending to listen while waiting a suitable interval before it was his time to talk again...”
“By contrast, the grime of her journey, the outre inappropriateness of the state of her, it felt like armor.I earned this dirt.Respect. The dirt.”
“Scientist and smart fellow learner-of-stuff, want to do samurai-monster training with us? We intend to become dangerous.”
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masterqwertster · 6 months
💐Soul Blooms and Ruidians💐
Kind of chewed on this at work before ep91's ending bowled me over, but I've had some worldbuilding ideas about soul blooms on Ruidus.
Now, I do prescribe to the theory that the Ruidian peoples are descendants of Exandrian people that got scooped up with Predathos when the gods and titans made Ruidus (why they couldn't lure Predathos to an unpopulated area to scoop is a question whose answer is probably "for the story/narrative"). Especially given the ancient elven ruins Bells Hells found inside Ruidus and the lore/myth that Predathos "left twisted life in its wake," which seems supported by what Ludinus did to Molaesmyr just trying to commune with it.
So those scooped people would have soul blooms because they are mortal creations of the gods and that's part of the design in this AU.
...But Predathos twists things. And, to our knowledge, it ate a Fate god, so a little fucking around within the Fate domain may be possible for it because of that.
Also, there aren't really flowers on Ruidus, I think? We certainly haven't seen any in Bells Hells' Moon Scouting. However, the reilora Imogen summoned to show Keyleth back in ep68 gave its name as mental images and sounds, like so:
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Considering this is the only reilora to not present a... let's say traditional name, I would guess Matt maybe hadn't solidified on what he wanted to do with some parts of reiloran culture at the time. Or this is a specific culture of reilora that Bells Hells hasn't found on the moon yet.
Regardless, Reilora Name Video had a flower to show on a red plain, so presumably there are flowers somewhere on Ruidus. But most of what we've actually encountered has been fungal flora.
And so we get to the actual AU lore.
Soul blooms are one of those things Ruidians are jealous that the Dreamers have. Like fruit and flowers in general.
It's not that they don't have soulmates themselves. They do, thanks to their Exandrian ancestors. But the evolution/twisting under Predathos's dominion, cut off from the Exandrian gods by the cage around the moon, also got to the soul blooms like it got to most surviving plant life on the moon.
So Ruidian soulmates grow patches of mold where their soulmates bleed in the shape of the wound. Thickness of the mold indicates severity. And the mold has to be kind of scraped off, sort of like large flakes of dried paint. Now some molds are colorful and eye-catching. A lot are like "Ugh, it looks like that one corner of the bathroom that hasn't been properly cleaned in forever." Thus the jealousy that Dreamers get such commonly vibrant markers from their soulmates that are also easy to clear away. It kind of feeds from and into the jealousy of Exandria's general greenery.
There have been no known soulmates between Ruidians and Exandrians until the Bloody Bridge to move people back and forth. Because I have to imagine there are at least a few cross-planetary bonds of importance that can finally communicate as both sides are on the same side of the Moon Cage finally (because Ruidus does have a tighter lattice than the actual Divine Gate since it can't be Plane Shifted past according to wider attempts to infiltrate the moon without the Bridge). But largely, the blooms of the two don't mix just because it wasn't until now that there was any in-person meetings that weren't brief magic summonings that grab a random person, likely to never be seen again after that summon ends.
So yeah, that's my thoughts on that so far.
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