#maybe just post about whatever tf i want because i'm a grown ass man
predominantlynormal · 2 years
fuck it what if i started posting on tumblr again.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
tlc fairest thoughts
this is all gonna be one post because if i put every "levana wtf" moment i had. i would end up just posting the ENTIRE book. ngl will probably tag this as anti?? because i don't have very much that is nice to say unlike the other books. respectfully, do not press keep reading if you're gonna be upset about how i feel about fairest because i don't want you to have a bad internet experience and i don't want ME to have a bad internet experience. thanks <3
am i really going to be forced to go through a whole second-hand-embarrassment-fest as an explanation for levana's backstory
sorry the writing style is giving the cruel prince. and i am very much not a fan of that book
wait i'm really confused. levana was 15 yet is now celebrating her 17th?? did the mourning period last an entire year or???
levana is just as delulu as cress when it comes to love, but she doesn't have the excuse of being locked up for like a decade in isolation. what's her excuse lol
respect for evret for being the ONLY grown man in this goddamn series that doesn't go after minors
AND NOW LEVANA IS 16 AGAIN. looks like someone in publishing didn't notice the continuity error lmao
idk if it's because i'm tired but WHY does channary not want anyone to know the father of the baby?? and also aren't there dna tests for that which make it redundant anyway??? tho i guess if she's fucking THAT many men then she wouldn't even know where to start with testing even if she did want to
i'm sorry but there's something HILARIOUS about levana hating all these women having babies. knowing that the babies are gonna grow up to kick her ass off the lunar throne
is the queen being glamoured????? it's hard to say because she was ALREADY such a disturbed individual that it's hard to say whether this new shit is her own thoughts or someone else's
ahhh. part of me wonders if channary glamouring her sister during early developmental stages is what made levana so fucked up to begin with
the description of how hair catches fire is entirely accurate
god. i feel so bad for evret. his entire life was ruined and then he was killed before he could ever see his daughter grow up
ngl levana didn't seem to be very proactive in HER OWN story?? it's just a bunch of things happening to her or falling into her lap CONSTANTLY. other than her glamouring evret and trying to kill cinder, she never actually DOES anything. it felt like the author had a checklist of things like "okay these all canonically happen before the events of cinder so i'm gonna tick all these off quickly". idk. didn't love it. i'm glad that at least she didn't go to any effort to redeem levana, but istg levana literally had the moral consistency of literal water. one minute she's like "time to toss this baby off a balcony" and then "boohoo i didn't realise that killing someone would ACTUALLY kill them" like girl what???? that's not to say that i WANT her to be good and whatever, in fact i mean the opposite. just let her be an evil bitch. stop with the totally random, OUT OF PLACE bouts of empathy that happen for literally no reason. pulled me out of the plot so hard every time it happened. maybe it's because of my negative feelings but it just felt very anticlimactic?? i'm just sitting here like "okay so what??"
managed to get through the slogfest but i can already feel myself slipping into a reading slump. yesterday i wanted to read winter SO bad but now i feel like i need time to recover from that read. lesbians give me strength to persevere because i KNOW that i will LOVE winter
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