#maybe kaishin having kids of their own
hayaku14 · 2 years
thinking about old and grey kaishin, comfy in their living room, lazing on the sofa, empty mugs and a plate of half-eaten cake left on the coffee table. kaishin sitting so closely, so easy. kaishin invading each other's space as natural as breathing. kaishin basking in each other's presence on a quiet sunday night.
kaito softly smiling and staring at the increasing laugh lines on shinichi's face. shinichi gently brushing away kaito's greying hair and tracing the countless crinkles in his eyes. shinichi sliding down his hand into kaito's neck, scratching on a ticklish spot to pull a giggle out of him; to see more of those beautiful lines that litter his face.
kaito giggling as he takes shinichi's hand off his neck. kaito staring reverently as shinichi's hand shakes in his. kaito looking back at a time when everything was still new and unfamiliar; a time when shinichi's hand shook the same way in his but for a different reason. kaito looking now at shinichi's hand, trembling all the same but they are also calloused and wrinkly, the hold on him sure and steady. kaito closing his eyes as he puts shinichi's hand on his lips. kaito leaving a lingering kiss that still leaves shinichi red on the cheeks.
kaito holding shinichi's face in both hands and peppering him with kisses. a kiss on the nose, a kiss on the cheek, a thousand kisses on the worry lines he caused on his forehead. kaito sliding off shinichi's glasses to give him a firm but chaste kiss on the lips. kaito pulling away with that same teasing smile all those years ago. shinichi pouting and red and so achingly fond pulling him right back in to give him a proper kiss. a little nibble, a little tongue. a little kiss to remind him whom he belongs to, even after all this time.
kaito and shinichi pulling apart breathless and smiling. eyes bright with mischief, cheeks cherry red, and still so utterly in love.
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avvrithelle · 6 months
First time I'm making a post and it's because of KaiShin cousin reveal. (d@mn)
This'll be very extensive because it's just a rant; I'm just writing as both a fan and a writer having been inspired by the franchise, so scroll past if you want to!
And this'll mainly be about my dissatisfaction and grievance over another decision Gosho Aoyama-sensei did, not about KaiShin as a ship.
I love Gosho Aoyama-sensei's work, Detective Conan, as it was literally the one thing that kept me going each and every time I go to and come back from school. It's one of the main things that has kept me going, and has inspired me to write.
Frankly speaking, without DetCo maybe I wouldn't have been writing at all, and thinking about that kind of saddens me.
One of the major things within DetCo that inspired me to write was of course, our very own beloved thief, Kaito Kid, what with how he was nearly a parallel to Shinichi (geniuses in their own ways but one's a thief that doesn't want anyone getting hurt in his heists and the other's a detective that will not hesitate to kick a soccer ball at a criminal trying to escape (Shinichi does it enough as Conan.))
As someone who has written numerous fan-works and has read the same amount but multiply that to, idk, a thousand? There's the sort of understanding of the fact that a character's past helps make them more relatable to the audience; makes them far more enjoyable, more real, in a sense.
The same way a person is shaped through their past.
One of the very foundations of Kaito Kuroba's character is his trauma; its one of the reasons why he becomes Kaito Kid, taking up the mantle his dad had left behind.
It's one of the main cruxes of his entire character, taking up the mantle of a Phantom Thief that doesn't steal anything. He just wants one THING, the reason his father died.
"Why is he doing this? Because his dad died.
But his dad's alive? So what is he doing this for then?
He didn't know they were alive 👀"
So making his dead dad not-so-dead kinda makes this aspect weak. It's weakening Kaito's character as a whole and is painting Toichi Kuroba in a very, very bad light.
And it's upsetting as a fan for someone whose work was held in such high regard to just, make this seemingly off-hand decision that is somewhat harming the character of one that has been the fan-favorite of many.
And not to mention this is also affecting the fandom itself as shipping is a major thing in fandoms (always has been) and KaiShin is one of the many more populous shipping fanbases there is. No exaggeration. Literally.
That's all from me! I ran out of things to get out of my system and need to move back to writing KaiShin fics to comfort myself on what the hexagon just happened.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Seeing as it came up twice today and I feel like I haven’t done fic-teasing in ages, how about a sneak-peek to my upcoming multi-chapter KaiShin fic The White Collar Phantom Thief?
“Inmate Kuroba! You have a visitor!” the guard barked loudly.
Kaito was laying sprawled out on his bunk, with one arm folded behind his head, holding A Study in Scarlet in his free hand. How peculiar. He had told Jii-chan to lay low for a while, just to make sure, and his mom not to bother, not for now, not while there was still a target on his back. Aoko was still to angry with him to see him. Hakuba also seemed mad – or perhaps disappointed, Kaito wasn't entirely sure, really. Maybe both – at him, ever since they had talked briefly during the arraignment, so he doubted the detective would visit him. Akako, perhaps. Since she had put him here, indirectly. With a heavy sigh did Kaito put his book down and slowly get up to casually trail after the guard. His curiosity was piqued. Who would come to visit him in jail...? When he saw who sat on the other side of the glass, a bright smirk spread over his lips, his trademark KID smirk, but it was so much more genuine than often times. With the slow ease and grace of a cat did he slip into his seat and take the phone, his eyes drinking in the sight in front of him.
“My, my, the great detective himself. Have you come to gloat? Rub it in?”
If not for his impeccable poker face, Kaito would flinch away from the look in Shinichi's eyes alone. Those beautiful cerulean eyes that would sparkle at him with mirth and excitement were cold as jaggedly cut ice, staring at him devoid of any emotion. It made Kaito swallow hard.
“Why did you do it?” Shinichi sounded off. “Why did you let me capture you?”
“Now, don't underestimate yourself, tantei-kun,” chided Kaito, tilting his head sideways. “You are the Great Detective. You were able to capture me all on your own. No one else but you.”
“Don't,” Shinichi spat the word out like it was poisonous, his eyebrows drawn together deeply. “Don't mock me, KID. You didn't have to be arrested that day. You... You chose to. Why?”
Kaito smiled, a sad little smile, as he tilted his head. “That's for me to know and... well, for you to figure out, Great Detective. A new mystery for you to unravel, mh?”
Stay tuned for more coming January 29th to an AO3 near you ;D
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
Ship bingo; we're gonna start easy, shinichi x kaito?
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I am, unfortunately, incredibly dull...
I like them more as friends/platonically: I suppose this has to be true? Because...
I'm open to it, but don't ship it right now: I'm a very basic, boring 🐝 100% admit to it. One of my favorite desserts is honestly, no joke, vanilla ice cream mixed with whole milk in a bowl. Because I genuinely do that rather than, like, add sprinkles or chocolate syrup or literally anything else.
So, rival ships just don't really click with me—even ones that I do view as "objectively" good like Kaishin. They're too exciting and chaotic for my tastes.
But, I mean, I get the popularity. (Maybe? Maybe it's hard to say when it's not a passion I share.) It's not the most eloquent thing I've ever written or anything, but this probably sums up my thoughts decently well:
I think a lot of the appeal in the Kid and Conan rivalry are the questions it raises about Shinichi's sense of morality. Like the classic rival archetype, Shinichi and Kaito aren't actually all that different; they're both too clever for their own good, they're both seeking out a mysterious organization, they both have dual identities and lie to their loved ones, and they both, well, behave in criminal ways. And I think that's part of the intrigue here. Shinichi has such staunch ideas about what's right and wrong, and he immediately thinks of Kaito as wrong because he's a thief. Yet, Shinichi routinely knocks out and impersonates his girlfriend's dad, which, uh, I think qualifies as crime, too. Maybe it's not explored too deeply in either series, but the fact that Shinichi never catches Kid (when he arguably could, if he really wanted to) could perhaps lend itself to the idea that Shinichi recognizes this similarity—that they're both doing these dubiously moral things to reach their goals, and he's not gonna stop Kid if Kid's not gonna stop him. Or maybe I'm thinking too deeply into it, but at the very least, Shinichi loves riddles and puzzles and codes (his excitement at that "Who Shanked Teddy" case [Episodes 163-164] comes to mind), so I think he does definitely enjoy the heists (at least on some level) and does think they're a nice break from constant murders. I think he'd be sad for them to stop. All's this to say that I get the appeal here. Even if I'm examining it too much, Kaito and Shinichi still challenge each other, and that's part of the fun of a rivalry . . .
Beyond this, there's a sense of mutual respect—I think it's sweet that Kid calls Conan "Great Detective" regardless of appearances—and at least on Shinichi's side, there definitely seems to be some sort of attraction going on with the way he waxes poetic about Kid (their first encounter in Episode 76 stands out).
So, I totally get it. (Maybe.) Sometimes I feel like there's something wrong with me for not being more into this, but... one cannot pick and choose what they're passionate about....
It's more funny than romantic tbh: It seems mean to mark this, but I'm sorry, if Kid doesn't know that Conan is Shinichi, the rivalry cracks me up. Kid takes this six-year-old child so dang seriously as a nemesis and doesn't even question it. That's the kind of nonsense shenanigans that I love this series for.
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itoof137 · 3 years
[A review] Sky colored eyes - by Alaena F. Drangonstar
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Link to the full fanfic
I am a wordy person, hence it might take a long paragraph to shoot my point.
Anyone who knows me knows that I am very bad at English, I am sorry in advance if anything I wrote underneath is vague or easy to misunderstand. If anything is, I will try my best to explain/fix it later.
Finally, this review is absolutely wholeheartedly entirely my opinion and will heavily spoil the whole fic.
If you are ready, here we go!
When I heard the topic of fanwork day was "classic", my head immediately popped back into the summer of 2014, in high school with a brand new Nokia Lumia 520 in hand. I first got the feeling of reading and understanding English, opening a whole new world of information that I never dreamed of learning before. That was when I first searched "kaishin" and the results were not only in my mother tongue. That was when I found "Sky colored eyes".
😎 Of course, the first thing I have to mention is the background, and "Sky colored eyes" begins with mid-grey tones. For Kudo Shinichi, at least: he has just finished 2 long years of fighting for his family, friends, and his own life. Such heavyweight pressed on a little 7 years old child's body must leave so many dents and cracks, because it changed him inside out. After his absence, Shinichi, aside from suffering the side effects of seizures that can drop him anytime, came back to find no one was waiting for him. He was way out of touch with his classmates, Ran became distant because - in the author's word - "she looked at him as though she was wondering whether to believe what he'd just told her or not". I realized, making your childhood friend pour her heart and soul out to take care of an illusion of a brilliant younger brother can strike scars in one's heart. It is fair for Ran to be mad, to yell, to resist, and in this version, to unconsciously doubt his every word. Naturally, Shinichi started to lose the confidence he once had in the past, he second-guessed his decisions: kept Ran waiting for him, away from the danger, while using her father to seek information... of course, crying over spilled milk never helps. Instead, he slowly closes himself off, rarely communicating even with the detective boys, or the closest friend Heiji Hattori. Maybe the reason was Conan - the lying version of himself that he ran away from, or maybe, he just doesn't know how to be Shinichi anymore. The modern Holmes became stuck on being a kid yet to reach puberty and an over 19 years old young man at the same time.
So he ran away. You might call it a moving school because Teitan High's study pace won't help him graduate on time, but to me, he was stuck and he got what he needed when he needed it. Ekoda High would be a forgiving grace, a place far away from Mori's Detective Agency, from Teitan Junior, or anywhere that the haunting hands of Conan have touched. Perhaps it was the right call because as the story progressed, Shinichi became more open to both others and himself. The group friends of Aoko, Kaito, Hakuba, Keiko, and even Akako welcomed him with open arms, dragging our main character into their crazy yet lively school life. Finally, "The new-old detective" gets what he deserves - to live as a normal high schooler again (aside from passionately solving murders and mysteries, of course).
The two met in such a scenario, completely unexpected and abrupt. Both Shinichi and Kaito don't know about each other's aliases. Their first meet was just that of a high school detective and the class prankster. Without masks and lies, Kaito genuinely approaches Shinichi out of curiosity (and "The last thing he needed was Hakuba corrupting Kudo into taking up said blonde's attitude." 😂), blow the detective's world away with magic shows, investigations of scary rumors, and then lunches, dinners, and desserts (heck, a lot of sweets). On the other hand, Shinichi genuinely was reluctant about this Kuroba toomuchenergy Kaito at first (well, just a tiny bit 🤏), but he loves all the fun they had. The modern Holmes - a guy used to strictly think with logic - begins to believe in magic, and indefinitely trusts the phantom magician.
😳 Ah, I cannot spend all this review to describe just Shinichi and Kaito, can I? Let's talk about the second thing I love most, the plot. Unlike the original Dcmk, or any other kaishin fanfic I've read so far, this story is quite unique, it has the style of a teenager mystery novel: simple and small pieces of puzzles, which make it easy to follow. "Sky colored eyes" spend words on what we see less in canon or other places. Such as the research phase, looking through tons of files and records, websites, newspapers. Or the work Kaito pours into his performances: where he finds inspiration for disguises, how he spies on others, practicing, etc (all that he shows to Shinichi alone to impress him. Well, impressed the detective was, but he is too slow on this he rarely gets the cues). Each member of the team, which contains Shinichi, Kaito, Hakuba, and Aoko, has a strength and purpose following the case. Other fun adventures were there, too, like solving the mystery of disappearing pets, finding the treasure at Shiratsuki Lake, or fighting a dangerous birdbath. Reading it reminds me of many closed cases in DC, meanwhile, the romance between two main characters advances with a slow and steady pace - my favorite kind of pace, really - I have no complaint.
🥰 Third, about the broad starring, the Ekoda cast is just how they were in the early years of Magic Kaito. With Aoko's swinging broom and her complicated love-hate relationship with Kid, her gentle care and sympathy for others who lack fatherhood. The mysterious yet proud "class witch" Akako's knowledge of the dark art, of life itself. A confident and sassy Hakuba. A Kaito - I love everything about this bold and vibrant daily life-Kaito, so many new quirks, I don't know where to begin. His favorite activity is to make others smile (and to make school a living hell for Hakuba) with grand performances: transport the whole classroom to the ceiling, turn all the students, tables and chairs into fruits, calling people random nicknames like Akako - "our class witch", or Hakuba - "a Nuisance". He loves to gossip about scary stories and rumors everywhere, he always says - I still remember vividly - "A magician never reveals his sources". I first learn about sarcasm, and smugness from this hilarious Kaito (I have this fanfic to thank for that). Cannot forget his soft side, one he stores for Ahoko - his childhood friend. Kaito kindly (though not fondly) leaves her a safe space for the relationship between the girl and Hakuba to bloom, protecting her both physically and mentally from harm's way - a true friend. This Kaito has Kid as an unchangeable part of him, and he brought that into everyday life. He may have a mission on finding Pandora, but that doesn't stop him from enjoying his last year of high school with friends. A guy that, is truly hard not to love.
🤨 Finally, I have to admit, with 51 chapters and still, ongoing, I can't write enough about this fanfic, but I have to tell you how it means so much to me. It was not just a story about kids investigating mysteries and finding love, it also contains a big part of my fandom memories. I actually grew up with Dmck, kind of, it is such a popular series that everyone around me is guaranteed to have read at least 1-2 volumes of it. But only around 2010 that I found out I can ship two guys together and imagine whatever the hell I want to in my head, and 2014 to start reading in English. This fic glues to my excitement and happiness whenever I have time to read after school (I still do now, but, life), to find new people who share the same passion, only in different languages. The memory of once I planned to translate this very fic, I even got the permission, then my laptop crashed with all of the translation o(-< (I am so sorry, Alaena). All in all, I don't know if I will find time to work on it again - my literature needs polishing haha - or if the story will ever be finished, but I know for sure that "Sky colored eyes" will remain an unforgettable fic in my fanwork library.
So that is it! There are still things I have yet to touch on about this fic, but I hope you like this review!
Thank you so much for reading my nonsense!
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katsukifatale · 3 years
Kaishin and the prompt: Kaito holding Shinichi's hands while saying "no matter what, I'll stay with you."
thanks anon, this prompt is right up my alley lol.
i'm taking open prompts! you can send them here or to my writing blog, @trumpet-geek. if you enjoy this, check out more of my writing here.
[injury cw, blood cw]
“hey, hey. stay with me,” kaito says. “you stay with me and i’ll stay with you. no matter what.”
“no,” shinichi slurs. his voice is wrecked, a barely there rasp of sound. he’s not sure if kid can even hear him over the rain or the rush of his own blood in his ears, so he lifts arms weak with pain to push at him. “go. please, kid.”
kid can’t be caught here. he can’t. he can’t sacrifice himself just because shinichi got himself shot. he can’t. he can’t do this to shinichi, because if shinichi makes it out of this and there’s no kid on the other side, what’s the point?
what’s the point of any of it without him?
“i’m flattered, meitantei, but i’m not going to let myself get caught,” kid says. he tries for a signature smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his blue, blue eyes. he looks like he’s going to say something else, but instead he looks around himself, eyes narrowed against the rain, and says, “we gotta get you up off the ground.”
“is it —?” shinichi lifts his blood-covered hands from the wound to look, but kid pushes them back down, pressing them harder than shinichi is currently capable of.
maybe kid seeing him at his worst isn’t so bad.
“it’s through-and-through, meitantei. you’re leaking too much to let you keep lying down.”
together they inch shinichi up into a sitting position, and kid is at least courteous enough not to mention the little punched-out gasps that escape or the way shinichi’s entire frame is shaking from pain and exhaustion as he goes slowly, slowly up.
the bullet is in his chest, he thinks. or well, went through his chest if what kid says is true. hard to tell what’s blood and what’s rain the dark, when they both feel wet. thankfully the wrong side for his heart, because otherwise kid would have stumbled on shinichi’s dead body instead, and that — doesn’t bear thinking about.
“you’re not — not normally so quiet,” shinichi pants. “is this what i have to do to shut you up once in a while?”
“rude,” kid sniffs, not sounding offended at all. there’s a rustling noise — when did shinichi close his eyes? — and then a sharp pain in his back that has him gasping, just beneath the wing of his shoulder blade. “sorry, sorry.”
“now you’re — now you’re apologizing? are you okay?”
kid laughs. “i’m not the one bleeding out all over my cape.”
“that’s what you get for — for being so damn flashy.”
“guess you owe me some drycleaning.”
“next time,” shinichi says, and presses his hand over kid’s on his chest. “i’ll get it next time.”
“that a promise?”
shinichi knows what kid is really asking. he opens his eyes then, and meets kid’s gaze as evenly as he knows how. “it’s a promise.”
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nagiru · 4 years
(so, so, so many WIPs still sitting in my files, haha) I’m going to talk about one of my most recent WIPs now, because despite it being recent, it’s also a soulmate AU, and while I love reading those, I struggle with writing them. So!
Detective Conan it is! Also, KaiShin, because that’s basically the only ship I write for DetCo...
So! This is a Soulmate AU where the greatest secret of your soulmate is written in your wrist:
Shinichi has “Kaitou KID” written on his wrist;
Kaito has “Edogawa Conan”;
When Yusaku realizes what is written on Shinichi’s wrist, he takes Shinichi to meet Toichi because he knows Toichi is KID, and he could not stand for his son to be fated to a grown adult with a son of his own.
Thankfully, he was not Shinichi’s mate. Yusaku allowed Toichi to live another day.
After Toichi’s death and the disappearance of KID, Shinichi kind of... forgot about it. Sure, it’s his mark, but he didn’t much care for that in the first place, so whatever.
He’s only reminded of who and what KID is when he flies by a heist. It’s a bit of a shock that his mark points him to a thief, but...
But then Conan happens, and he just. Forgets about it. Again. Because this is more stressing and pressing and just--- he has much more to think about, and no time to even consider his mark, ok?
Of course, then he starts going to KID’s heist AS Conan, and it’s much more obvious that he is possibly his fucking soulmate. But. Well. Now he is Conan, and KID is... probably his own age. Great.
On the other hand of the spectrum, we have Kaito that goes through his life without ever knowing what his mark was supposed to be about... until he meets Edogawa Conan himself and he. realizes that’s a fake identity. of a kid.
He’s not a fucking pedophile!!!
Of course, there IS such a thing as platonic soulmates, so maybe... maybe that’s it. Kaito just... always dreamt of having a romantic soulmate, but... well. There’s nothing wrong with a non-soulmate romantic relationship, and he had a bit of a crush on Aoko before everything, so it’s not like he can’t have a relationship still, just...
Of course, at some point Kaito discovers about Shinichi’s true identity and things are. still complicated, but at least he doesn’t have to feel guilty for being fated to a child, so. there’s that, at least! :D
I... don’t have more than that, honestly. but I thought it was fun, this idea, so I also wanted to share it?
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letitrainasunnyday · 3 years
Hello, I love your takes, and I agree to some of it, I want to ask something tho, I've read fanfics about Shinichi feeling so guilty of letting Kid go, and am I the only one who finds it OOC? I mean this is the guy who had no problems letting go of the culprits of the two attempted murder we've seen so far (Celebrities' Secrets, and The Tragedy of the Pier) after letting the victims decide whether to press charges. I just don't see how he'll beat himself up over something as petty as thievery (as Shinichi himself said it), or am I making wrong comparisons? I just think that Shinichi doesn't see everything as white and black, and would have no problem letting a harmless thief (with Kid's rule being no one gets hurt) go, except maybe his pride hshshs, but even that is debatable
But what do you think?
The answer to everything that starts with "I've read in fanfics" is always, automatically, never believe anything you read in fanfics. Especially KaiShin ones. They are incredibly biased in their interpretations of characters to fit ships that will never be, precisely because the characters are different to the ones they seem to be interpreting. This is also true of AiConan, ShinRan, and pretty much any other ship that people have written fanfic about. Fanfic is never real life. Hell, I've yet to read a single Conan one that gets characterization right --they never do.
Except that's kind of the point of fanfic, isn't it? To let your imagination run wild and free and take stuff and make it your own in whichever way you want --as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
Always in favor of fanfiction.
Never in favor of people taking fanfiction as gospel.
(Also, never in favor of taking everything I say as gospel. I'm just some freak who has dedicated her life to this anime and occasionally writes stuff she thinks about on the internet. Never trust me. I'm not Aoyama. He's the one person we can actually trust.)
So anyway, to answer your question, I think it's been established that the """"""rivalry""""" Shinichi and Kaito have has become something far from true, cold-blooded, and deadly. They're kids. Playing catch with each other. Much in the same way their parents did. Shinichi hasn't taken Kaito Kid seriously since that first encounter where Kaito established that he's never going to cross the two unforgivable lines Shinichi has: killing or hurting someone, and actually committing a crime. I don't actually think Kid has ever broken any laws other than, maybe, trespassing and impersonating an officer. Minor crimes. Nothing. He's literally just some dude who shows up to cause a little chaos, do some magic, then leave. All of that while wearing a monocle and a white top hat. Shinichi doesn't take him any more seriously than he'd take The Condiment King.
That, added to the fact that by now, Shinichi has enough clues about Kid's identity that he could've --if he hasn't secretly already-- figured out his identity but hasn't. Because he doesn't care. He doesn't actually want to put him in jail. He wants to know he's clever enough to solve his little riddles and eventually take his monocle off to find out (or confirm his theories on) who he actually is.
So no, I don't think Shinichi ever feels guilty about letting Kid go. Also cause we've seen him literally smile after Kid flies off. That's probably just some fanfic trope to establish some sort of deeply traumatized relationship between them that ultimately ends up in sex, I guess?
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wickfursfanfics · 3 years
DCMKEmogust2021 - 05/08
My entry for DCMKEmogust 2021 - Thursday 05/08
My prompt Inspirations for this one:
Word 1 - Discover Dialog 1 - “Please marry me” Dialog 2 - “You can’t stay here” Song 1 - They’re home! By hanz Zimmer, Steve mazzaro Intended Genre: Humor I guess and fluff
Rating: General with slight Teen and up
Starring: Kaito, Shinichi and his eccentric parents. It's a KaiShin btw.
It was a quiet and tranquil day in the Kudo mansion. Shinichi had no cases to tend to and no extra university work to finish. It was a rare day to just relax and take it easy. He had sat down with his favorite Holmes book and a cup of coffee in his favorite armchair. The pages flipping and the quiet ticking of the clock was the only sound in the whole library and that was exactly how he wanted it. He picks up the cup of coffee into his palms and inhales the aromatic scent, it wafted over his senses making him sigh content. Everything was perfect.
He takes a long slow sip of the coffee letting it gently smooth over his taste buds. Pure bliss. It didn’t last long.
He could hear the moment the tranquility shattered in the form of the rattling of keys and the slamming of the front door. He blinked and froze with the cup at his lips. The unexpected sound making him just stare uncomprehendingly at the opposite wall. He wasn’t expecting anyone, maybe KID if he was so inclined. But no one who had access to his house keys.
“Shinichi! We are home!” He spilled the coffee all over his shirt at the familiar voice calling him from the foyer.
Oh no. Oh no no no no. His parents are home. No please not now, not today. Just give him one day to relax in peace and quiet. Was that too much to ask for?
He rushed out of the library and out into the hall to see his parents putting down their luggage. His mother was hanging up her coat when she spotted him, her face lighting up as she saw her son. His father just nodded to him in greeting. “Shin-chan~” his mother singsonged happily.
“Hey- mom and dad… you’re home... early” he smiled awkwardly at them. 
His mother walked up to him with open arms and incased him in a bone-crushing hug. “I’ve missed you so much!” she cried dramatically. “Look how big you have gotten!” He looked to his dad for help. His father just smiled, the traitor. 
When his mother finally let go, she frowned at his shirt. "Why do you have coffee all over your shirt?" She asked slowly. She begins patting her own shirt for dampness. Shinichi shrugged his shoulders "I was a bit careless…" he lied before asking “Why are you here? You could have called in advance... and warned me” he says with a bit of a strained smile on his face.
His mother pouted childishly “Do we need a reason to come visit our favorite son?” Shinichi's brow twitched “I’m your only son last time I checked” at least as far as he knew. His mother just grins at his grumpiness.
"Now now Shinichi, this is our house too" his father pointed out. Which was true of course, but so not the point.
"You certainly don't act like it. You never visit and when you do, it's always out of the blue" he grouses. 
Always, they don't contact him for months on end and suddenly they just show up out of nowhere and expect him to be happy about it. He didn't mind it all that much when he was younger. But as he grew older, the more he realized how little his parents actually checked up on him. It took KID to point it out to him though.
“Mou, why are you being so stingy?” his mother wails with a pout, like she was a 5 year old kid and not a woman in her late 30s. Shinichi ignores her antics with the grace of someone accustomed to it and coughs awkwardly
“So, how long will you be staying?” he asks casually. He wanted to be alone again as soon as possible.
His mother juts out her bottom lip with an expression of 'sad mother', but it was all crocodile tears.
“Please Shin-chan, we just got here. Can’t you be kinder to your parents?” she couldn't make him sad for her with that act, he was immune by now. She looks to his father with big tear-filled eyes "Yusaku~" she sniffs. Though his father wasn't immune unfortunately.
“Your mother is right you know” he says after giving in. He knew full well she was acting but gave in nonetheless.
"But to answer your question son, we will be staying for 3 weeks" he says.
3 whole weeks?… he was going to go insane.
Suddenly out of nowhere his mother gasps “Are you hiding something you don’t want us to see?” she giggles. Her expression doing a 180. "You know your mother has already seen everything, there is nothing to hide." 
Shinichi splutters, unable to hide his embarrassment “Omg mom no, there is nothing like that” he vehemently denies. He couldn't very well tell them he was dating Kaitou KID after all, or about all they do.
His mother narrows her eyes in suspicion at his claims. “Oh really? Nothing at all?" She says, incredibly suspicious.
Shinichi can feel himself sweating "Nope" he says a bit too quickly.
Before his mother can strap him down in a chair to interrogate him or something along those lines. His father interrupts them with
“Why don’t you go make us some tea while we go pack up?” his father suggests, ever the diplomat in their family. But only when it suits him.
Shinichi sighs but agrees easily enough. As long as he could be alone with his thoughts for a few moments.
While his parents drag up their luggage to their room, Shinichi goes into the kitchen to start brewing some tea. While he waits for the water to boil he looks longingly at his coffee maker. Maybe he should make himself a cup… or a pot. He would need it.
He starts the coffee maker and lets his mind wander as the grind slowly becomes the lovely brew he loves. How was he going to survive them staying here for 3 whole weeks? He would go insane in the first 3 days. 
Maybe he could plan out a few trips for his parents to make them stay out of the house as much as possible. The hot springs could work well enough, or a museum. The only thing is that they would drag him with them, which wasn't ideal… How was he going to survive this!?
He mutters plans to himself for several minutes. He is so distracted he doesn't notice the new person in the room that sneakily approaches him.
He gets snapped out of his planning when a kiss meets his cheek. A smooth whisper in his ear "Hello Shinichi" The detective automatically put a hand into the soft locks and dragged him back for another kiss, this time on his lips. "Hello KID, fancy meeting you here" he says. He gets a soft grin for his troubles.
The magician looks down at his shirt and frowns at the coffee stain "What happened here?" He asks even as he quick-switches him into a new fresh shirt. Shinichi smiles as he feels some of his tension slipping away. "Just a bit of a spill. Thank you"
"Any time" is his fond reply.
Shinichi can't help but tease "Are you here to steal my heart away?" a bit playfully.
KID smirks at his antics "No, but that can be arranged"
He then surprised the detective by going down on one knee. He can feel his brain spluttering and restarting several times as KID poofs out a small box into his hands.
He looks up at him with so much love that it melts Shinichi's heart. "Will you marry me?" He asks while opening the box. His gaze was hopeful and sweet, oh so sweet. Shinichi's heart does little jaunty jumps in his chest. He would love to.
The moment breaks as Shinichi suddenly remembers they aren't alone in the house. "Oh no" he utters a bit panicked, missing KID's hurt expression. He starts to push at him to leave "You have to leave right now, you can't stay here" the magician's expression turns even sadder. This time he noticed.
"Oh no, KID, not because of that. They will see you" he tries to explain. His expression changed from sad to confused. "They?" He asked. 
It was too late. His mother was already in the doorway. Her smile turning up several watts.
"Iiiiiih!" His mother exclaimed in an incoherent happy noise. "My little Shin-chan is getting married!"
Shinichi groans and hides his increasingly red face on KID's shoulder. The magician just looked stunned and super confused at the lady nearly jumping in happiness. "Is that your mother…?" He asks slowly.
"Yes unfortunately" is all he could say.
"Yusaku look, look!" She exclaimed as her husband joined her in the doorway. "Shin-chan is getting married!" His father takes in the scene of Kaitou KID and his son standing very close in his kitchen and feels his mind go blank. What.
Shinichi gets annoyed at their gawking "Mom, dad. A little privacy please"
His mother just continues right over him "You are dating KID and you didn't tell us?" She says dramatically "And now you are getting married, why don't a mother get to know these things?" 
Shinichi can feel his brow twitch "Well, you never call, so it's a bit hard to keep you updated" she ignores his grumpy reply. "I'm so happy, my little boy is getting married! Go on and tell him your answer!"
KID unsticks his tongue "uuuh, should I just, you know. Leave?" Shinichi puts up his hands and motions for him to stay "no, please stay"
His mother continues to watch them and he sighs at the fact his mother can't take a hint and leave them alone on her own. "If you could you know, leave us some privacy that would be great" he tries. His father finally seems to snap out of it and drags his wife away. He gives him an awkward thumbs up and a "good luck son" before they retreat into the living room. A bit too easily if you asked him, but there were more important matters.
He turned back to his confused lover with a sigh of relief and gave him a disarming smile. "Hey" he tries. KID just continues to stare off into the living room and back to him before he again asks "Should I just… go?"
Shinichi panicked slightly, he hasn't told him his answer yet. He couldn't quite manage to gather his thoughts though. So all his words just tumbled out in a mess. "Yes…. NO! I mean that yes, I’ll marry you”
KID's expression slowly lit up into a happy smile. He picked the detective up and twirled them around until his cape flowed around them dramatically. He then let him go and stepped back to quick-change. After a small amount of smoke dissipated there stood a young man in a fancy suit holding out a few blue roses in an artful bouquet.
"Kuroba Kaito" he started. Shinichi could feel his heart hammering in his chest at the reveal of his name. "Magician extraordinaire and university student at your service~" Shinichi smiled and took the flowers, before going in for a soft hug. They touched their foreheads togeter snd looked into each other's eyes, exchanging "I love you" as they did.
He suddenly hears his father splutter and yell from the living room "Wait, you didn't even know his name and you agreed to marry him!?" In a very unusual display of emotion. That wasn't like him at all. But more importantly, how did he hear them.
His mother giggles "Oh Yu-chan, stop being so dramatic. It's romantic" his father does a strange noise between a dog whine and a cat's fighting yell. "That isn't the appropriate order" he complains. How unusual.
He glances to the wall suspiciously and sees the little device sitting on the door jamb. Shinichi huffs, "Mom, dad. Didn't we agree on privacy?" He calls over to them.
His parents looked out of the room next door "We did give you privacy" his mother says innocently.
Shinichi pointedly holds up the camera they had put down to watch them on the living room TV "I wouldn't call this privacy!" He scolds. Why are they always so-
"But we left the room Shin-chan" hos mother says in defence, like that would make any difference whatsoever.
"Your mother has a point" his father agrees, finally back to his normal senses. But again why do they do this.
Shinichi massages the bridge of his nose "That is so not the point!" He yells. "Seriously, why do you insist on doing these things?"
His mother comes out of the living room with her hands on her hips "Of course we want to see your precious moment"
"But that doesn't make it right to spy on us" he growls.
"But Shin-chan~" she whines.
Kaito just hangs back and watches as the Kudo family bickers. What an unusual family dynamic they had. And his parents had been shocked, but adapted fairly quickly. He was just happy they seemed to accept it so easily. 
He watches as Shinichi becomes more and more agitated with his parents starting to poke and prod him about Kaito. He defends against their words like a professional defendant. 
He wanders forward and puts his chin on his shoulder and a hand at his hip. Shinichi just rolls with it and puts his own hand on Kaitos' hip. Melding into his side like he belonged there. He really loves his detective.
I am several days late but at least it's finally done! Hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
Until next time //Wick 0v0
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limitless-shadows · 3 years
Tumblr media
Uh.. yeah I didn't think I would write something. But the prompt was cute and I wanted to publish it by Valentine's Day even though I ended up being late anyway;;
I wasn't able to give it a once-over, because of the time constraint. There may or may not be sentences that flow awkwardly, grammar and punctuation errors, formatting mishaps, etc T_T most importantly, beware of plot holes.
Happy Gofushi 2022 Valentine's Day~
Also decided to add some of my thoughts while writing this (aka word dump) ↓
I named the file "me die when I write heart AU" because I would spend days drafting the plot, reasons behind the characters, the extent of a heart's influence, etc o_o for example, what would a bank gain by safekeeping a heart? if the Zen'in get Fushiguro's heart, how can they exploit his power (my guess is: wearing the ring of someone else lets you use their powers to an extent or idk, Zen'in sussy clan magic hahaha;;)? why would Satoru steal Megumi's heart? how to write Megumi without feelings?
The original draft of this story was a Phantom Thief Satoru taking inspiration from Kaito Kid of the anime Magic Kaito 1412 (if you think about it, Kaito, Aoko, and the Inspector could fill the roles of Satoru, Megumi, and Touji let it be known tho, that I prefer KaiShin). Therefore, it was supposed to follow the general plot from MK: Phantom thief Satoru steals hearts every full moon, but ends giving them back. One day, as per routine, he steals Megumi's heart, but doesn't return it. That is because he finally found the ring he was looking for, the 10 Shadows, capable of granting immortality (revive would be cool according to JJK theories). I also considered it being any wish. The story sounds compelling, but looking at it closely, people don't display their hearts/rings like jewels, Satoru cannot destroy Megumi's heart like how Kaito is supposed to destroy the Pandora. Also, how will it end? will Megumi use his heart to heal Satoru from a mortal wound at the cost of his feelings forever? These and many other plot holes were a big headache. I was mixing too many themes, so something had to break.
That doesn't mean I will reject the possibility of a different story with eccentric phantom thief Satoru and maybe assistant OR detective Megumi. But considering this was my first fanfic even after being an avid reader of them for more than a decade, I can't promise more will be written. I'm bad at words after all hahaha...
If I decide to continue this, it would be hard because I feel like I have to give gfsh their 9 years back which means... a ton of writing (as deserved LOL). The next chapters would probably be series of gfsh mini episodes. I could imagine one being: gofushi tries to infiltrate the party of a possible power user, Satoru tricks Megumi into crossdressing+fake dating. I think Im dumping most of my fav tropes on this AU LOL
I would definitely try to rewrite this oneshot for a multi chaptered fic. These plot holes hurt me... but I rushed the publication for VDay.
At first, I wasn't going to include powers, it clashed with the story and created more plot holes (it's akin to lying to get out of a lie, only that it makes things worse;;). However, the reintroduction of techniques enriched the plot.
Does it seem like Megumi is showing feelings even without the heart? uh idk, Im awful at this topic (its hard for me to describe or identify feelings) but first half Megumi acts based on logic. Sukuna confession->unnecessary crowd and rumours. Heart being stolen->how will he keep getting money from the Zen'ins? Suspicious guy outside->hindrance to schedule. Tsumiki-> uh he is doing it out of courtesy/keeping social appearance? Im not sure ;-; Basically, he wants an ordinary life like Saiki from the anime Saiki Kusuo no Psinan.
What did Touji do to Satoru? Good question! I don't know either :D I left it up on the air on purpose. Well, Touji isn't that bad here. He let Megumi have a chance at saving his heart for 12 years maybe on the hopes that Satoru would pull through eventually. Is he still alive? who knows.
Why does it seem like Satoru knows Megumi already? Hmmm not sure, he just wrote like that to me. Probably because I felt bad how their 9 years never happened in this AU so I sped up their bonding process... or maaaybe it's actually a Satoru that has memories from the original JJK timeline. Imagine multiple gofushi AUs happening together at the same time and heartAU!Satoru is aware of the canon universe or the rest of the universes too (this has been done before in the light novel from another anime, but Im not going to spoil it, if you know, you know haha). Or we could always choose the trusty reincarnation AU >w< because Magic Kaito 1412's second opening is about a couple reincarnating. So maybe that vibe rubbed off on me.
-> Wow.. imagine a multiverse gofushi fic o_o but similar to that light novel. It would be amazing... amazingly tragic. It actually doesn't sound so bad, I think I could make it work.
Why does Megumi trust Satoru so fast? Yay, isn't it more romantic? similar to fated souls, when you meet someone new and click instantly. I wrote him that way on purpose, for example, how Megumi calmed down after Satoru joke. Also, because of the previous reason too. Halfway into writing the fic, I realized... that their nine years together were sacrificed! T_T
I wasn't sure how to write the part where Satoru showed his ring to Megumi. Initially, it was a box, but I was pressed with time, and somehow introduced Satoru's ring instead. Now that I think about it, it's funny how Satoru let Megumi see his ring kekeke like giving his heart to him. But it's also a magician's stunt of diverting attention (albeit a bad one).
I feel like I could write more, but I have to go buy birthday gifts o_o and my brain isn't quite working after staying up late writing the fic. Anyway, if you enjoyed the story, thank you for reading! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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sapphiresterreart · 4 years
Phantom Faces Part 2: KaiShin Idea WIP
I’m trying to kick writer’s block and actually write after so long. It’s hard. Haven’t been able to focus lately what with the wildfires on the west coast and the pandemic making me stir-crazy. Good news, the air quality is clearing slowly but surely. Now if the pandemic could end, that’d be great.
This is a continuation of the old thing that I’d written long ago but posted recently. Not edited. Might tweak it later before possibly posting to Archive of Our Own. Dunno.
Phantom Faces Part 1
Phantom Faces Part 2
“Fetch me a coffee.”
“Yes, sir.”
Shinichi gritted his teeth as he stood and strode out of the office. Talking to the Ekoda inspector was like navigating a minefield: one wrong step and his job would go up in flames. Staying on the man’s good side was a nightmare and even then it wasn’t that worthwhile. But he needed the resources and confidential databases offered by being on the force. And yet…?
There was something off about Inspector Inoue.
Whether it was due to the constant dismissal or something more, Shinichi’s gut said the man had something to hide. His gut had rarely been wrong. But this one time he wasn’t fully ready to believe his instincts. Ekoda precinct was the only one to accept him on their team. Ekoda was the only place where he had the chance to rebuild his tattered reputation. He had to start somewhere. And dismantling the police station with his low-status would be more counter-productive than helpful and could even risk his job.
But some risks were necessary. Starting with quietly investigating the Kimura case on his own. Depending on how key players of the case reacted to his face, he could play the “student researching a project” card. Should they recognize him as the “washed out detective” then he’d have to improvise. Maybe claim the higher ups had sent him as a test on his abilities? See if he can follow and understand Inoue’s “esteemed detective’s” deductions? Or maybe–
His face crashed into someone’s chest. “Watch it, brat.” The person snapped.
Stepping back, he sighed. “Apologies, Hayashi-keiji.”
“Better be. You’re lucky Inoue-keibu was kind enough to let you play pretend. Keep your head down and you might actually learn something. Maybe even fit in.”
His skin crawled. Outwardly there was nothing unsettling about the statement other than the aggressive nature. Inwardly, however…
“Of course.” He dipped his head. “I’ll be sure to watch closely.”
…there was an unspoken promise in those words, he was certain. He side-stepped the older officer. But what did they mean? If his instincts were right then the Ekoda murder division had something to hide. Knowing his luck then that meant they were covering a murder. Possibly more. But why? What did they have to gain?
Continuing his way through the police department, deep in thought and only half aware, he almost missed the faint whispers of men working on a case. The muffled words “gem” and “heist” briefly filtered through his ears. He paused a beat, gaze sliding to the nearest, slightly ajar door.
The muffled words became clear as the door swung open. Shinichi blinked, startled, and greeted. “Hakuba-san?”
The blonde blinked in return. “Kudo-kun. What brings you to Ekoda? Interested in the KID heist, perhaps?”
“Ah, no.” They fell into step beside each other, both heading towards the lobby. “I actually transferred here recently. I’m the new officer in Division One.”
“Oh.” Hakuba’s voice lifted with an odd, unreadable tone. “Interesting.”
They arrived at the lobby. Shinichi dismissed his hackles instinctively rising as paranoia because, really, when had Hakuba ever been a threat? They didn’t know each other well as his older self. Hakuba didn’t know he was secretly Edogawa Conan.
So he tipped his head in farewell. “Enjoy the heist.”
“You’re not curious?”
He straightened. Oddly enough, Shinichi thought he could hear disappointment in the other’s tone. He couldn’t waste time running around an, admittedly fun, heist. Though KID was a welcome break with his “no one gets hurt” policy, murderers and conspiracies wouldn’t wait. It would be fun to attend, but…
“I’ve got bigger fish to fry.”
Hakuba flinched. Shinichi frowned. “Hakuba-san? Are you alright?”
The expression smoothed. “Yes, I just remembered I have approximately one second and twenty five milliseconds before I’m late to the next meeting. Farewell, Kudo-kun.”
“Ah…” The other pivoted on his heel and strode away. “…bye.”
Weird. But he didn’t have time to sit and wonder Hakuba’s behavior.
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altumvidetur · 5 years
Kaishin Fic Recs
Previously: Haikyuu!! Fic Recs
So, I was thinking about the coronavirus pandemic and what I could do to help people out. I’m isolated because I’m at higher risk, so I can’t really offer to go out for my elderly neighbors or my family… but I thought I could try to help keep people entertained.
Because I don’t have an AO3 account right now, I’ve been compiling fic recs for my own amusement for a year or so. And I thought – maybe that’s the time to share these with everyone? So everyone will have plenty of things to read while they have to stay at home, or even to escape anxiety a little bit if you’re forced to go out.
Of course, these cater to my own tastes, so you may find stuff you don’t like around here. I never include works in progress. The Mature and Explicit works will be in italic. I ask you to READ THE WORK’S TAGS before continuing, so you won’t find anything that makes you uncomfortable.
I’ve decided to split it in a series of posts, and, well, when it comes to DCMK, I have one major OTP. So here’s enough Kaishin to keep you entertained for a year:
The Dwelling Night, by proser132
Three shot. KaiShin. Brief moments were all they had, but dwelling on dreams is sometimes enough.
In Theory, by orphan_account
Kaito's got a whole list of cheesy and awful pickup lines to use on Shinichi.
(Un)fortunately for him, Shinichi's got just as many to throw back.
As You Wish, by orphan_account
Shinichi hasn't been doing a very good job of pretending he isn't hiding something from Kaito, and Kaito is more than determined to find out what it is -- even if it means asking everyone the detective knows in order to do so.
He just wants to know what all the boxes are for.
you’re the reason i come home, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi comes home after a two-week investigation in New York. Kaito could not be more thrilled.
Lovesick, by DragonSorceress22
"You know what I want? I want a fic where Kaito sends out a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I guess it could go the other way too, where Conan solves a heist notice but then he gets sick but he can't NOT go. I want to read that fic." "There's tons of fics like that..." And now there's one more.
whispers and nicks and all these tricks, by LunaDarkside
In which there is sex pollen at a heist, and Kaito and Shinichi end up in the same room. Coincidentally enough.
Be Real, by DragonSorceress22
This, KID thought, was what someone reaching their limit looked like.
a study in scarlette, by kittebasu
There are people who want to live forever, and then there is Shinichi, who just wants to live a little longer than this.
wait a minute (so you’re not just losing the dress), by LunaDarkside
Everything is overwhelmingly good. And then Kaito has to go and say it.
“I’ve never done this before,” he mumbles mindlessly against the pliant softness of Shinichi’s lips, and everything immediately stops.
“Wait, what?” Shinichi jerks upwards, eyes wide.
Or, neither Shinichi nor Kaito has any experience, but they make do.
The printer’s a lie, by OrphanText
In which Kuroba has an annoying printer, a very good looking (and mildly terrifying) RA, and general bad ideas up his sleeves (but it works out in the end).
The Alcohol Test, by DragonSorceress22
When your rival-turned-best-friend is a phantom thief who has recently reached legal drinking age, there’s really only one responsible way to approach the matter. Spreadsheets.
Getting Off Track, by solomonara
The easiest way to find out what someone wants is to ask them, so of course neither Shinichi nor Kaito KID is going to do that. (OR: In which Shinichi and Kaito KID take turns falling into each other's arms.)
Wouldn’t Change A Thing, by BlackKatJinx
“Don't you get tired of it?”
“'It'?” He asks.
By Any Other Name, by AngelicSentinel
the one where you don’t know your soulmate until you hear them say your name.
Snowed In, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi and Kaito are exceptionally bad at quiet nights at home.
Go Out With a Bang (Since We’re to Wilt Anyway), by KXL
Love can be cruel, and painful, but Kaito knew that already. Maybe he's just a masochist.
take in another breath (get closer), by Melomaniac
He paused on the threshold of the door between the pseudo-corridor and the seating area, and faintly corrected himself. Not as alone as he thought. Not as alone at all.
Sat by himself, with his chin resting on his hand, an arm loosely propped on the small table, an explosion of paper and assorted important looking documents in front of him, flask of (presumably) coffee held to his lips, was Kudou Shinichi, whose eyes had met Kaito’s when he walked into the carriage, had widened, and hadn’t looked away since.
In which there is a late night (or an early morning), a train, copious amounts of flirting, a phone, a name, and a stolen heart.
Last Day Again, by Phantoms_Echo
(Summary by me: Groundhog Day!AU with Kaito becoming more and more unhinged as he desperately tries to break the time loop he’s stuck in.)
Net Force, by LunaDarkside
Ran decides it's high time for Shinichi and Kaito to get together. Awkward matchmaking ensues.
Of Corset Hurts, by KXL
Shinichi and Kaito are both pretty much done with the situation, though for somewhat different reasons. Both reasons involve overly long dresses to some degree.
Ace up Their Sleeves, by Procrastination_Sensation
Summary by me: Soulmates!AU in which seeing your soulmark in someone else (your soulmate) causes debilitating pain until the two of you kiss.
Murder by Cremation, by KXL
Capturing the lawless monsters who ate people after burning them up was, apparently, the easy part.
Halloween Heist, by Phantoms_Echo
Because Halloween Scavenger Hunt doesn't sound as nice.
Trick or Treat, Tantei-kun! Up for a little Halloween game? I’ve left clues all over town. Find them all, you’ll get a treat. Fail to find them in time, you’ll get a trick. Good luck, Tantei-kun. -Kaitou KID
the suffering of fools, by AngelicSentinel
It's Las Vegas; the lights are bright, the liquor is flowing, and Ran married someone other than Shinichi. He just wants to drown his sorrows, but a half-familiar face steals his drink.
♠ ♦ ♣ ♥ Case Files, by AngelicSentinel
Solving life's little mysteries, one at a time.
one-shots in the suffering of fools universe
A Study in Trust, by Calculatrice
Conan swallows anger and condemnation and, for the very first time, gives Kaitou KID the benefit of the doubt. ________________
In which Conan constantly has to revise what he thinks of a certain thief, and is frankly getting pretty sick of feeling like his subconscious is already ahead of him.
Jacket, by Calculatrice
He turns to look at KID, grimacing as his overlong sleeves swish around him.
“It doesn’t exactly fit me,” he frowns as he points out the obvious. “Does this do anything for you?”
Kiss and tell., by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi might have gotten a little ahead of himself. And KID. Luckily, Hakuba has a level head and a soft spot for lovesick genius-idiots.
the goat one-shot, by helloimtrash
They're family now.
Interrogation, by Calculatrice
Admittedly, there are many things Kaito could probably be blamed for, but pulling Shinichi into the nearest empty hallway to kiss him senseless isn’t one of them.
So It Goes, by Calculatrice
It goes like this.
(In which Murphy’s Law isn’t much of a law - more something to be gleefully stomped on.)
Mii Plaza, by Calculatrice and helloimtrash
“Okay,” Kaito grins as the opening notes of Wii Sports ring out. “Are you ready for defeat?”
“Can’t we just play Mario Kart,” Shinichi frowns, crossing his legs as he watches Kaito push the coffee table out of the way. “It’s like, one in the morning.”
The Forensics of Falling, by LunaDarkside
[FF.Net Link] When fans of world-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito begin turning up dead, Inspector Kudou Shinichi is put on the case.
the toxicology of trust, by LunaDarkside
World-famous magician and actor Kuroba Kaito and the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Force's star inspector Kudou Shinichi finally get some much-needed time off. Or they would, if there wasn't a killer on their cruise.
(sequel to The Forensics of Falling)
On Familiarity, by lastdream
No one had ever known Kaito quite like Shinichi did, and Kaito wasn't sure he could take it.
Lies and the Art of Relaxation, by DragonSorceress22
Shinichi is stressed and Kaito is a liar. Business as usual.
And Again, by Calculatrice
It’s late, late in the night, and while on another night they may have been awake and neck-deep in plans, or perhaps delirious and making silly conversation, tonight he and Kaito are both curled in bed.
the only bed worth sleeping, by LunaDarkside
Kaito's not a detective, but he's pretty sure there's no logical explanation for Shinichi's disappearance from his apartment. Or for the cat that's shown up in his kitchen.
Magic Eight Ball, by Rikkamaru
Shinichi chases Kaitou Kid into the Blue Parrot thinking he's injured.
(For the Kaishin Discord, which made a "challenge" that a few people took up.)
swing for the fences, by LunaDarkside
"How to Fall in Love with Kudou Shinichi (Featuring Pink Panties, Dead Bodies, and Ill-Advised Bets): A Comprehensive and Kind of Embarrassing Guide" by Kuroba Kaito.
In The Soul, by Calculatrice
Shinichi ferries souls from the shores of the living to those of the dead, so they may pass safely on to an eternal afterlife. It’s really not a difficult concept, and definitely not one he thought could be wilfully ignored, but Kuroba Kaito obviously didn’t get the memo.
even miracles, by LunaDarkside
“No, Mother,” Shinichi says pleasantly. “I don’t think it would be a good idea to host a dinner party to find me a wife.”
bros before, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi needs a fake date for his parents' vow renewal ceremony. Naturally, he asks his best friend, Hattori. 
maybe I was going too fast, by Ann1215
A year after Kaito faces off Conan, who'd figured out his identity, he comes across Kudou Shinichi during their first year of university.
Trouble is, Kudou has no idea who Kaito is.
swear i’ll never leave again, by Ann1215
When Kaito eventually grows tired of his mother's relentless matchmaking tendencies, he ropes Shinichi into tricking everyone they know and love that they're both engaged. To each other. And it's easy enough, because all they have to do is:
1. Don't lie to each other. 2. Don't tell anyone about their plan. 3. Don't fall in love with each other.
At least, it was supposed to be easy.
(See you) Next Illusion!, by PhantomsEcho
Collections of Oneshots too long to fit in Next Conan Hint.
beneath a waxing moon, by kittebasu
The man stares at him, and then shakes his head, messy hair shaking with it. “Car trouble, Detective?” The way his lips curl around the word ‘detective’ strikes Shinichi as strange, eerily familiar, and Shinichi almost has to physically shake the feeling away before he can reply.
“Engine’s making a weird noise,” Shinichi says, and then his thoughts catch up with alacrity, his muscles tensing all at once. “What makes you think I’m a detective?”
“Police tags on your car,” the man replies, grin growing wider. “Plus this is a Camry from the nineties. No one drives those but police, these days, and regular officers drive patrol cars.” He leans forward a little, gloved hands circling his helmet and lowering it slightly to his handlebars for extra balance. “Far from undercover, if you know what you’re looking for.”
The cloud cover shifts, revealing the gorgeous full moon, and the light catches the man just right, surrounding him in a pearly glow and putting his face in shadow. “And you know what you’re looking for?”
broken glass, by jadedgalaxies
KID presses Shinichi into the wall, covering his mouth with a gloved hand and shushing him quietly. Shinichi’s heart thrums. KID isn’t looking at him but every part of KID that is pressed against Shinichi is electrified. Even amidst the circumstances that led to this moment, KID’s heartbeat is steady under Shinichi’s trembling fingers. His hair tickles Shinichi’s nose, his scent sweet and overpowering. KID is warm, alive, thrilling. Shinichi’s face warms.
In this moment, beneath the pale moonlight, helping KID evade arrest, detective Kudou Shinichi realizes he’s in love with the Phantom Thief, Kaitou KID. And he probably has been for a long time.
Shinichi realizes he's in love with Kaitou KID and that's just the beginning.
Owned and Never More Free, by Curry Jolokia
Kaitou Kid is uncatchable. Except for this.
about a love that glows, by LunaDarkside
The good news is that it’s not an overt time limit on his life, and it’s not anything parasitic. It’s not a life-force drainer, or a bad luck charm, or a magnet for unfortunate circumstances. It’s not going to bother him in day-to-day life.
The bad news is that if Shinichi falls in love with someone, he’ll die. And they’ll die.
(There is no good news, really.)
the empty vault of night, by AngelicSentinel
Shinichi offers Kid a gift. For a price.
Sound of Silence, by Cesela
His return to being Kudou Shinichi was not everything he had hoped for, not with Ran moving on, a limp and a shattered soul as he struggles with the return to normalcy. And then there’s the neighbour with a soft smile slowly battering down his walls. Kaishin / Shinkai
A Case Closed Carol, by solomonara
With apologies to Charles Dickens. Shinichi is working way too hard and has zero time for Christmas or anything else, really. But a rather unlikely source is about to put him back on track...
where villains spend the weekend, by aishiteita
A former teen sleuth enlists a should-be-retired-thief's help to slap ennui in the face.
(Alternatively, a study in motives.)
always ends in a hazy shower scene, by LunaDarkside
Shinichi didn’t mean to shack up with an internationally wanted thief.
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helen-renee · 4 years
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AU where the BO's snipers are actually smart and aim for Hakuba instead of Kid, knowing that Kid would prioritize Hakuba over his own safety.
So HakuKai has quickly become one of my favorite DC/MK ships in the two days that I've been aware of it, I honestly don't know how 14 year old me wasn't obsessed with it. Then again I was busy being obsessed with KaiShin so maybe I just didn't have the brainpower to multiship back then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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youmiciel · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 名探偵コナン | Detective Conan | Case Closed, Magic Kaito Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan/Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid Characters: Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid, Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan, Hakuba Saguru, Nakamori Aoko, Haibara Ai | Miyano Shiho Additional Tags: soft kaishin, shinichi's lowkey having an internal crisis, Secret Identity, Identity Reveal, whipped shinichi Summary:
As it turns out, if you fall for someone once, you will fall for them again. Or maybe Shinichi's life just has a way of turning the weirdest situations into wonderful wonderful things.
"And then what? Will you finally tell Kuroba-kun?"
Shinichi shrugs. "I'm not sure. I do want to tell him, though. I just haven't figured out how to broach the subject."
She snorts. "Yeah, I can see how that would be troublesome."
"Well, I'll see when the time comes," he says, grabbing another paper.
"As is the Kudou Shinichi modus operandi, because it has always worked out so well before."
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astoriii · 5 years
Human “Glitch” / Failed Cloning AU Prompt
Fandoms: Detective Conan | Case Closed, Magic Kaito
Pairings: Kudō Shinichi | Edogawa Conan x Kuroba Kaito | Kaitō Kid (kind of... keep reading. You’ll see what I mean.) // could be Gen with no pairings tho
Warnings: Major Character Death. Angst. Abuse of pseudo-science.
This is going to be a doozy.
So... I apparently came up with this idea July 26, 2017 at 6:40 pm according to my Notes app. I have a vivid memory of this. Lol. Not that any of that is important, but I just wanted you all to know how long this idea has been taunting me. I just wanna delete it.
Anywho, I was going to write a little preview of this au for my story dump on ao3, but alas!! I’m too lazy and uncreative to do that. Okay. I digress. You’re probably only here for the prompt thing so let’s go!!!
This story starts out normally. Kudō Shinichi is a famous high school detective and the arrogant mother fluffer we know and love. Ran is his beloved childhood sweetheart and all that shebang.
The change is that the B.O. is working on a method to clone people in addition to the APTX 4869. Why? I have no idea. But... basically, when the cloning process is complete, the B.O. can “rewire” the brain and by doing so, they can essentially turn the clone into a different person.
(It’s how they get some of their best agents. They kill and clone some of the most brilliant minds in certain fields and “rewire” their brains to make them loyal to the B.O.)
So. You’re probably wondering: wtf. Lemme continue...
The Tropical Land date happens. The poisoning happens. The difference? Gin and Vodka stay around long enough and Shinichi dies. Like, actually dies. No shrink. He’s not that lucky.
And because of his reputation, Gin decides that it would be a waste to let such a brilliant mind go to waste. They take the body along with them with the intent of cloning Shinichi so that they may turn his clone into an agent.
So, like, the whole cloning thing? The clone grows in stages—basically like 1 week or 1 month = 1 year. Does that make sense? I hope.
But, so, Sherry stumbles upon Shinichi’s body and the clone some time after Shinichi had been fed the APTX. Right now, the clone is at the physical age of 6—so people think that Shinichi has been missing for 6 weeks/6 months.
Do you see where this is going?
Realizing what’s going on, she somehow (don’t ask) speeds up the cloning process. In doing so, she is able to give the clone all of Shinichi’s memories and knowledge and stuff. Sherry does this in some twisted attempt to “right a wrong” because she doesn’t believe he deserved to die for one reason or another.
The clone’s physical body... it’s unstable. She realizes this, but she doesn’t know to what extent. Sherry dumps the clone somewhere and buries Shinichi’s body to keep another clone from being made.
What she doesn’t know is, shortly after she dumped the clone, the clone reverts back to the physical age of six as that had been the last stage it had been stable in.
And when the clone awakens... it (I’ll start saying he now) thinks he’s the real Kudō Shinichi.
The B.O. finds out about Sherry’s betrayal. She lies and says that she buried/burned/whatever the clone and the body. With that, she’s locked up and she takes the APTX.
And she shrinks. Sherry gets lucky. And she hates it.
Now shrunken, she goes to the Kudō residence to see if the clone made it. When Agasa finds her, she asks about the clone without mention of how he’s a clone and reveals that she had been part of the organization that had “taken” him.
When Agasa tells her that “Shinichi” had shrunk, she realizes that the clone had been too unstable with her interference—whether she tells Agasa the truth... I have no idea.
But the clone... as Conan, he is unaware of his status as a clone, but he is aware that there is something not quite right with him. I imagine he’s more paranoid and cautious. After all, there’s a huge blank between Shinichi’s last memories and his own memories of waking up. For all he knows, he was captured by the B.O. or something.
And even tho he is a clone of Shinichi, he doesn’t have the same exact feelings as him—he’s kind of his own person because of Sherry’s interference.
And that’s it!! That was a whole doozy, wasn’t it?
I remember planning for Conan to find out. And it’s just an angsty mess because he has all of Shinichi’s memories and knowledge—has his face and all that, too—but he knows he isn’t Shinichi. Like, it’s a whole different type of... dysphoria?? Like, his body was that of a teenager. And now it’s a child. Except... that body wasn’t his body. Except it is. But it isn’t.
Do you see his struggle here???
But after learning that he’s a clone, he asks Haibara to find a way to stabilize his body so that he can properly avenge Shinichi.
(It’s the least he can do.)
The APTX antidotes... well, I imagine that it’s different for him and Haibara? Like, he shrank because of his instability, which Haibara is looking to fix somehow. Tho... I imagine there is some APTX copied into his system or something? So APTX antidotes have some effect on him—like a trigger or something. Idk. I think this is, like, the sole reason why I haven’t written anything for this.
And, Ran??? Conan knows that Shinichi loved Ran, but he’s only known her as a sister. The feelings he has for her are Shinichi’s feelings and he refuses to act on those because it doesn’t feel right. Like, he may have Shinichi’s memories and all that, but Conan isn’t her Shinichi.
The KaiShin thing? It’s... more so self-indulgence on my part. Lol. You could basically just disregard that and have no romantic pairings at all. Shrugs. But!!!
Conan just... he likes how he feels more carefree at heists? He enjoys the banter and the thrill and the feeling. He doesn’t have to pretend as much and Kid makes him feel like he’s his own person?? And he loves it?? Like Kid doesn’t expect him to be anything but Tantei-kun. Like, Conan is a clone. Shinichi is the one he was cloned from. But Tantei-kun? He’s just a critic who keeps Kid on his toes. Like, Kid doesn’t expect him to be an ordinary child but he also doesn’t expect him to live up to a now-dead brilliant detective.
Does that even make sense? I have no idea. It’s late and I’m running on five hours of sleep.
But like... hoo boy. Just thinking about all this... Shinichi’s parents learning that Conan is a clone of their dead son. Ran possibly never knowing that her Shinichi is dead. Conan dealing with the fact that every part of him is Shinichi and hating it because he doesn’t feel like Shinichi and he feels that it’s wrong to even pretend. Maybe even Hattori learning that his true rival died.
Anyway. That’s all. Thanks. I’ve been wanting to post this somewhere but it didn’t feel right putting this in my story dump on ao3. Let’s not discuss any weird plot holes or anything because I don’t think I was completely sane when I wrote this two years ago.
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jacksgreysays · 5 years
Fake Fic Summaries, 23/? the Ultimate Rival edition (2019-10-08)
Ultimate Rival
One day, Hero’s going to be the greatest soccer player in Japan. But right now, there’s someone standing in his way.
Imagine a sports manga protagonist--just your stereotypical shounen hero who's clumsy but big hearted and wants his high school soccer team to be the best in Tokyo/Japan/the world. He has some kind of catch phrase involving hard work or friendship or believing or something like that and, even though he's not very good at soccer now, he's got potential.
Do you have it?
Now, imagine Hero's high school gets matched up against Teitan High School. Why does sound familiar? We'll get to it. Hero's high school--let's call them, hm, Underdog High--is looking forward to this match. Maybe it's a practice match. They're not arrogant, but they're feeling pretty good, because Teitan's at their level and it'll be a good learning game. Sure, there's a new player (or an old player who's returned? Some guy who was gone for a while and missed a lot of practices, so he probably won't even be in the match) but Underdog thinks they have a fair shot.
Except then they get there. They play. And they lose. Majorly.
You know how in sports manga, the abilities kind of feel like super powers? Well, imagine Hero up against an opponent who has Perfect Accuracy in their kicks and Prediction/Deduction who knows what and when and where not only their own teammates will go/do but also Underdog's players.
Imagine a normal shounen sports manga protagonist up against Kudou Shinichi.
And imagine that Hero then claims Kudou Shinichi as his Rival--in the way that all shounen sports manga protagonists do when faced with the first "powered" opponent they ever play.
Kudou Shinichi. Who has recently returned from being a child again and taking down the Black Org--a criminal organization spanning the entire nation (/world?). Kudou Shinichi. Who has been shot. Who has a lot of other people who would claim themselves as his Rival. Kudou Shinichi, for whom soccer is The Least Stakes Activity he has in his life.
Can you imagine this? And, like, Kudou Shinichi doesn't mean to be dismissive of Hero's claim of rivalry. It's just. What? Kudou Shinichi is rivals with Hattori Heiji, the Great Detective of the West. Kudou Shinichi is rivals with internationally acclaimed phantom thief Kaitou KID. He has an eight year old biochemist and an inventing professor on stand by. He has literal spy gadgets. Kudou Shinichi has worked with the FBI. He's been shot!
What does one big-hearted shounen sports manga protagonist have? Soccer is literally how Shinichi relaxes. Not only does he not use his literal spy gadgets during games (because that would be cheating) he doesn't even think of his Perfect Accuracy and Prediction/Deduction as an awe-inspiring ability. They’re human level capabilities. His childhood friend can break concrete wth her bare hands! Soccer is a hobby! Hero is not even on his level.
I just. The idea of a normal teenage boy who really loves soccer trying to claim Shinichi as his Ultimate Rival is just so hilarious to me.
And also, Shinichi's Actual Rivals passive aggressively bullying Hero because they're his REAL Rivals.
It's such a dumb, amusing idea. I hope someone else enjoys it.
A/N: I've been binge-reading Detective Conan Magic Kaito fic, specifically of the KaiShin variety, and had a delightfully amusing thought for a fic which I don't think I'll ever get to but it's made me literally laugh out loud multiple times on multiple days so that's what happened.
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