#maybe next year i will draw smthn for that.... i have ideas in mind but i havent pursued them yet ajksldfhhdf
crescentfool · 2 years
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oops, all persona 3! art summary for 2022, thank you to everyone for all of the kind words and support! cheers to another year of fun art experiments and drawing things that i enjoy 💛💙
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khoitai · 1 year
Sunflower. [Miles Morales/Reader]
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I originally posted this on AO3 here !! I’m new to Tumblr so sorry if this seems messy or smthn
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It had been a year since Miles’ dad (Jefferson Davis) had passed away. Exactly a year. He felt stupid crying about something that happened so long ago, but that was his dad. His dad that looked after him, raised him, loved him. But apart of him was so angry at himself for not moving on. It happened a year ago. He’d gone without him for a year, why was he so upset? The boy was a superhero who had seen many die, including his own best friend (Phin) and he still couldn’t take death well.
You were well aware that Miles struggled with the idea of death, which was completely understandable. He was so protective of you whenever the both of you went patrolling, or even went out to the park. He’d do whatever he could to keep you safe, even though you were a superhero yourself. Now, this could be really annoying as you knew you could take care of yourself and you’d tell him that, but you knew it came from a good place and you knew he didn’t want to control you. He was just scared that he’d lose you too.
”Hey, Spidey.” You greeted him. Apart of you knew that he’d want to be left alone, but he needed comfort. Otherwise he’d suffer in silence. Again.
When he stayed silent, you decided to sit down next to him, dangling your feet over the edge of the building.
”Go away. I don’t wanna talk.”
If you didn’t know that he was upset, then you’d be offended by this. But you knew he was going through it and you knew you needed to comfort him.
”Talk to me, Miles. I know today is the day, let’s talk about it.”
”Talking doesn’t do anything to help.”
”You didn’t say that when my sister died, did you? C’mon Morales, tell me what’s in that head of yours.”
He didn’t wanna admit that you were right, but he knew you were. Your sister had passed away when you were 13 and Miles was there with you throughout all of it, so you had to do the same.
”I just…” he paused, looking down at his lap. From the shaking of his body, to the sniffles that escaped his nose, you knew he was crying. Your natural instinct would be to hug him, but Miles wasn’t one for that type of physical affection when he was crying. So, you opted for rubbing his back instead. Drawing small circles. “I m-miss him.” He mumbled, looking up at you with a wry smile and tears rolling down his face. 
“I know. I know you do, we all miss him Miles. And he misses you too. And I know you feel embarrassed for crying about it a year later… but don’t forget that’s your dad. You grew up with him, you had a bond with him. You still do, even if he isn’t here physically.” He looked at you, taking in you features. Something about you face calmed him and he instantly felt his tears not fall as heavily. Was this apart of your powers? Making people happy? Or was that just natural to you?
In reality, Miles didn’t need your words even though he appreciated them. If anything, he just needed to see your smile. Your smile that was as bright as the sun, as bright as the stars in the sky… well maybe not the stars in New York since you can’t really see them due to light pollution but, you get the point.
”Thank you.” He spoke, still crying softly.
”Anytime. By the way… I have a question.” You spoke before you could think. Yes, you did have a question in mind but you didn’t actually want to ask it.
Welp. No going back now. Would he think you’re insensitive for asking? You just wanted to cheer him up… You went for it.
“What’s your favourite flower?” the sentence left your lips, your eyes still trained on his face.
“…huh?” The boy hummed, a stray tear on his cheek. Your thumb found itself swiping the tear away, cupping his face. Blinking, Miles waited for you to repeat the question. Even though he was certain he heard you, he wanted to make sure his suspicions were correct.
“I said,” you started, smiling softly “what’s your favourite flower?” 
He was confused, such a random question at such a random time…? But, he still answered. “Um, I suppose… sunflowers? Yellow is a cool colour ,I guess and they look kinda cool.”
His eyes followed your movements as you held your palm out. Nothing happened for a few seconds, before soil slowly formed in your hand. After another couple of moments, a small sunflower sprouted from your palm and you smiled. Plucking the flower, you moved your hand to his cheek and placed the flower behind his ear. “Good choice. Sunflowers always try to find the sun, even on the darkest days.” 
The corners of his lips curled up ever so slightly and a airy laugh escaped his lips.
He too spoke before he could think. “Well, then I guess you’re my sunshine and I’m your sunflower.” Miles. Why the heck did you say that?! He mentally ridiculed himself as your face contorted into a surprised and confused look. 
“How? What—Why? Where did that come from?”
”Well,” he thought before he spoke this time and decided to go for it. “Everyday, I always look for you because you make me happy. Whenever it’s a bad day, you always find a way to cheer me up. Like today… Maybe I should call you my sunshine?” He asked, even if you declined, he’d still do it. It was a fitting name. You were his sunshine. 
You blinked once. Then again. And then again. And then you laughed, your cheeks a faint pink.  “Well if you’re gonna call me sunshine, I’m gonna call you sunflower.”
”Oh really?”
”Yeah, because you’re my sunflower!”
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