#maybe one day ill get around to drawing something based on this
hellcifrogs · 2 years
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Okay. alright, I needed a separate post to go in detail, because now I'm pumped! BTW I only quickly looked up the bijuus’ references to have some guidance, so they might not be all exact, I also went a bit by their appearaces alone.
Unfortunately I can’t fit the number of tails, but this is a great excuse for me to ramble about these lovely myths to anyone interested.
Ichibi Shukaku, the shapeshifting tanuki - I might be probably forgeting some, but I decided to go with an animal I like. It kinda matches how bloodthirsty Shukaku was in the begining, but it’s a bird instead. Matinta Pereira is a little owl (sometimes mistaken or also described as a potoo) that brings the news of death. Sometimes it takes the shape of a witch, other times is an old man seeking petty regenge. Another nice detail: since both tanukis and kitsunes are somewhat tricksters, the Matinta is actually sometimes related to the creature I chose for Kyuubi too.
Nibi Matatabi, the cat ghost - The obvious here would be to go with the Alma-de-gato (Cat soul) which is literally a shadow or spectral cat that appears to haunt children who misbehave, silently staring into their souls with (literal) burning eyes. Totally fits and I’d be happy with it. BUT if we take what looks the most like the beast in the series and just overall vibe, I’d have to go with Boitatá. Nothing to do with cats, just a giant fire snake with its body covered in eyes. This myth is actually closely related to the will-o'-wisp so many times the fire is made blue
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Anon says “Boitatá would make a fucking awesome bijuu let’s be honest” and that is true! Boitatá IS one of my favorite myths for a reason! Not only it looks badass the legend says the snake protects fields and forests from anyone trying to set illegal fires by blinding them, or driving them into madness or just straight up killing them.
Sanbi Isobu, the sea demon - Here I picked the Ipupiará who’s basically another sea demon, though more humanoid, kind of resembling a mermaid, but more of a walrus shaped one. There are multiple stories and creatures similar to this one, but I like the older and more murderous version for this. Option TWO is another one of my favorites (another giant snake, of course it’s another snake): Boiúna, the black snake. A huge, river long, pitch black snake with flame red eyes, that just scares anyone living by the rivers by sinking ships or straight up swallowing them. Neither of these has any moral or motivation, they’re just beasts.
Yonbi Son Goku, the monkey king - For this one I went with the idea of an “Imposing monkey-like creature” and got: Mapinguari, this huge, smelly, man devouring monster. These monsters, mostly known in the amazon region, easily stand at over 2 meters tall, sometimes depicted with a single eye in the forehead and with a huge mouth full of razor sharp teeth stretching all the way to the bellybutton. They attract the prey by screaming like desperate humans and deceiving people to go help. To have this one as a source of power is nice, but wouldn’t be nearly as respectable as the original.
Gobi Kokuou, Hanging horse head and ghost whale - Okay so a horse. that’s easy: Mula sem cabeça, literally a Headless horse, with fire coming out of its neck. This one is widely known in the country so it has many MANY variations, but the shape is what matters here, so ‘only head horse’ for ‘no head horse’. Not sure how to fit the whale ghost part :(
Rokubi Saiken, the shellfish ogre - Alamoa! I’ve been told not many people know about this one?? But searching for this shellfish ogre, the wiki description fits quite perfectly with the Alamoa. She is a storm (thunder? lightning?) ghost, who appears on stormy nights dancing naked in the beaches of Fernando de Noronha. She is very pale and with near white blonde hair and attracts fishermen with her beauty and treasures, only to trap them and turn into an skeleton before killing them.
Nanabi Choumei, a rhinoceros beetle - This one was surprisingly hard, but let’s go with a simple one: Minhocão (literally big worm). Huge worm like creature living in rivers or underground that also goes around sinking ships. I would also take the ‘lucky seven’ joke and turn it around by using Caapora (out of the numerous names, this is the one I’m most familiar with), who is said to bring bad luck! Caapora can be an angry little girl, a creature with red skin and hair or even a cyclops, they ride a boar (queixada) and cause depression and bad luck to whoever meets them.
Hachibi Gyuki, the cow demon - Immediate choice: Boi Bumbá (with many name variations). It’s an annual performance/celebration telling the story of death and ressucitation of an ox. There’s a lot of dance and colorful outfits involved so it makes for a nice visual for a magical beast. BUT I also remembered a more regional one called Boi Vaquim: a winged bull with golden horns and diamonds for eyes that spits fire. How badass is that?
Fun fact: ‘boi’ is the actual portuguese word for bull/ox, but in native tupí language ‘boi’ stands for snake so we have the snakes boitatá and boiúna.
Kyuubi Kurama, the kitsune - Absolutely NOTHING to do with foxes, but I’m going to pick Saci! Simply for the trickster nature. Sacis are probably the most famous supernatural creature in brazilian mythology. They vary in shape (can be human or have goat horns and beard or bird foot), size (from tiny little fairies living in flowers to 2m tall with scales and claws), power (can create small tornadoes, grant wishes, spoil food), nature (they go from harmless and inconvenient pranks to kidnapping children and beating up animals to death), but the base look is of a pitch black humanoid creature - most times a black boy - with a single leg and red pointy hat. Option two for visuals: Maned wolf.
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squirmydonnie · 7 months
Vent art/ animation
TW: Blood, Religious Trauma
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Leah, Fatin and Choice.
Not to wax lyrical about a TV show that was cancelled over two years ago, but The Wilds is pretty good, actually.
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All 8 of the main characters (yes, eight, the boys don't count) are some of the most complex, layered and interesting characters I've ever seen. Each of them, on a surface level, seem to be one-dimensional.
Shelby, for example, is the goody-two shoes Christian flawless pageant queen. But she isn't, not really. She's a closeted, anxious mess, who is about one or two mental breakdowns away from shaving her head at any given time. She cares far too deeply, leaving her heart exposed and vulnerable.
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Or take Rachel; on the outside, she's hard on everyone, angry and resentful, and bound for diving for America in the next Olympics. But in reality, she's burnt out. She might be hard on everyone around her, but she's hardest on herself. She suffers from bulimia, brought on by a few ill-advised words from her diving coach, and isn't even on the team anymore. She is angry, and she is resentful, but I think she has good reason to be. So when she does release that anger, it's an inspiration for us all.
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You can do this kind of analysis with all of the characters, but the two I want to focus on in particular are Leah and Fatin.
Leah, the boring, ordinary, average girl from the Bay, who thinks too much and leaps before she looks.
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That doesn't even scratch the surface of who Leah is.
She's whip-smart, and not in the "knows the first 20 digits of pi" Hollywood style of smart. She notices things and tucks them away in her brain until she has a moment to herself where she can ruminate, drawing connections where maybe there aren't any, and draw conclusions based partly on evidence and partly on a near-infallible trust for her gut.
She analyses. Not in the (BBC) Sherlock kind of way where she just magics up the answer out of thin air, but in her own way. She sees something is out of place, and digs around in the rocks and dirt, bloodying her fingers and knees until she can figure out what's wrong.
She gets taken advantage of by a man far older than her, and lies about her age so he'd sleep with her. She's hopelessly, helplessly tied to this pathetic man, every aspect of her life tethered to him. So when he finds out the truth and removes every part of her from his life, she is left drowning in his wake. She clings to the book he wrote and the sick annotations he left for her like it's a lifeline, when it's actually pulling her further beneath the waves.
Leah broods, she ruminates and she analyses, until something gives way.
She runs headlong into walls until either they break, or she does.
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Next, let's talk about Fatin.
Promiscuous, princess-y Fatin, who's never done a day's hard work in her life.
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In 1x05, Fatin runs away from the group. In 1x04, she was (metaphorically and a little bit physically, albeit accidentally) mauled by Leah. Her soft underbelly exposed and prodded. The others have all made judgements on her character, and in their eyes she has come up short. So, she chooses to remove herself from the equation, and runs away, like a thief in the night.
She finds a waterfall, practically saving all of them from dying slowly of thirst. And Leah, who pushed her, shoved her, rejected her last episode, spearheads the campaign to find her, after a little encouragement and wake-up call from Dot.
Fatin is not used to forgiveness. We see her mother let things go, but her mistakes are not forgiven, and most certainly not forgotten. Her hurt is minimised and dismissed by her mother, so she turns to her father for support. He is her best friend and confidant. He always has her side.
But then she discovers the photos. Her father has been cheating with lots of women over a long period of time. He has been lying to and betraying their family for years. She lashes out and chooses to send his nudes to everyone in his contact list, not thinking it through properly. When this is inevitably drawn back to her, her father turns on her, and her mother just sits and watches.
She isn't familiar with forgiveness, so when Leah offers it to her the first time she chooses to willingly accept it, offering it back in turn.
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Leah makes the choice to burn Jeff's book, severing the tether holding her beneath the water. She's free, and can breathe.
Fatin becomes her confidant, listening to Leah's theories about the island and offering reasonable explanations for what's going on, and it works for a while.
But Leah becomes obsessed with the island. She's convinced something is wrong, and works herself to the bone to discover the truth, at the expense of her own safety and sanity.
Fatin reaches out to her, tries to wade through the darkness clouding Leah's thoughts and pull her back into the light.
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But she fails.
When Leah runs into the ocean, desperate to find a way out, Fatin can do nothing but watch. Rachel overcomes her fear of the water and drags Leah back to the beach. Dot wants to sedate her, just to be safe, but Fatin refuses. Leah's had enough choices taken away from her, so she lets Leah choose.
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Fatin, who knows how damaging it is to have your autonomy stolen, gives Leah this choice. Fatin, who knows Leah had many decisions made for her in the past, lets her decide for herself. She lets Leah make the choice to live.
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xxanaduwrites · 4 months
much ado about nothing, major
ii. bluell & blue skies
the main hub
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pairing: john “bucky” egan x (ofc) maude “blue” bluell
warnings: this story will contain mature themes, descriptions of injury, blood, sexual content, swearing, as well as, physical and mental illness. proceed with caution.
— ii. some inappro-pro jokes courtesy of curt & mentions of beating a dude up, that’s all i got folks !
word count: 5.5k
there must be something or nothing at all.
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The sound of clinking glasses, chattering men, giggling women, and tapping feet amongst the beat of swinging jazz filled the Officer’s Club and the ears of one Maude Bluell at roughly around 2100 hours.
The newly polished nurse of Thorpe Abbot’s infirmary leaned rather uncomfortably against a nearby wall with her fellow colleagues observing the function. Now changed out of her more suitable work attire, she stiffened like a board in the confines of her neatly pressed Red Cross issued uniform. Already becoming rather used to her usual loose white ward dress and cap, the fitted material of the more proper wear seemed foreign to her. Too foreign to be a uniform worn just a week prior, in route for base transfer.
The more she spent in the infirmary, the more time was proving itself to be heavier conceptually speaking and lighter actuality speaking. The truth of the matter was that Nurse Bluell witnessed enough loss in one week that could very well add up to more than whole lifetime.
So maybe — just maybe the Dirty Shirley Q was attempting to shove into Maude’s hand — wasn’t such a bad idea after all. “‘S not all that bad, Blue. Just a cherry little thing with a pinch of alc. ‘S like sucking up straight candy.” Susie slurred and the bright red liquid swayed like a wave in a storm trapped in glass.
“Not everyone wants to rot out their teeth and stain their tongues red like you, Q.” Lottie pointed out and grimaced at the concoction with a sweet cherry on top. To prove her point further, the blonde took a sip of her less colorful drink — a simple gin and tonic.
If the concept of “two sides of the same coin” could be defined by people, Maude was certain Lottie and Q were the perfect definition.
It became quite apparent early on that Lottie upheld a more serious and resolved persona, taste aligning simplistic and rather blander than her bubbly and eccentric colleague Q who flourished in a rather colorful nature.
In an odd way, even though the two could get into the occasional spat over their differences, they overall leveled each other out in a way where Blue wasn’t sure where she exactly fit in. How she found fit into such an established dynamic.
“And not everyone wants to deny every name on their dance card, but here you are,” She countered, clearly commenting on something Maude was unfamiliar with. Something that spiked a nerve in Lottie. The red headed nurse noticed the newbie's confusion drawing prominently in her features. “Lots has a look but no touch policy,” She explained, the drink flailing about even more dangerously as she exasperated, enough for Maude to accept this drink from her without a word.
Crossing her arms over her chest, the all work, no play blonde ignored her former colleague and turned to her new one. “It’s not entirely true. You see, I look at it this way. We touch men all day long –” Sue promptly cut Lottie off with a well timed snort, and Lottie sighed but continued on, “rotating between check-ups, wrapping wound after wound, and seeing them in their most vulnerable states…I just – I don’t know, something about it doesn’t sit right with me,” she shrugged nonchalantly, not knowing that her words laid heavily on Maude’s own chest.
“But, there’s no denying that the girl lovesssss to look!” Sue chirped in, nudging her friend’s shoulder who’s mischievous grin was hidden behind the rim of her gin and tonic. “Speaking of, has anyone caught your eye yet, Blue? See anything you like?” She mused, fishing for the hot gossip as she liked to do.
Had anyone caught her eye? Well a very certain major who had waltzed his way into the infirmary just this morning had, but could she admit such a thing when she was trying to convince herself otherwise?
“Oh I – I dunno,” Maude finally spoke up and blushed madly, cheeks promptly dusting pink.
She suddenly felt grateful for the Dirty Shirley and took a sip, the tart yet sweet mixture coating her tongue in a delightful way. The condensation of the glass felt cool against her now heated skin, and she prayed it would cool down her unease in the current conversation. If not, at least she could simply blame it on the drink. Not that she knew very well what it was like for herself. She wasn’t much of a drinker to begin with, but she had been around enough functions with family and friends alike to know how flushed face one could get on a glass or two – worse with a few more added into the mix.
“Give the girl some time. She just got here after all and we haven’t given her a run down yet on who’s who.” She noted. “Wait, have we?” She asked, turning to Blue for confirmation to which she shook her head in a delcarative no. “Oh then, this’ll be a thrill. Perfect timing then, ain’t it Sue.”
“Absolutely! You’re in good hands Maude Bluell. Can’t go wrong with Lots full boring government names in conjunction with my fun nicknames for the full effect.” Sue added.
“It’s not boring, it’s official and makes our job a whole lot easier.” Lottie reasoned. “At least I can identify each pilot by their title and rank efficiently with no hiccups on their health charts.”
“Hey! It was just one time, and in my defense it’s not my fault that two Majors decided to have the same goddamn nickname, and it’s no help when Croz only refers to them as the “two Buckys” in conversation.”
“Two Buckys’?” Maude questioned, rather perplexed.
“Yes, see the blonde over there. Strong cheekbones. Full lips. Bright blue eyes,” Lottie — as loud as Maude could hear over the blaring music and as subtly as she could, a good two gin and tonics in — pointed to the definition of such a man seated right in front of the Officer’s band.
Maude followed her eye and nodded in confirmation.
“That’s Major Gale Cleven,” She said in her left ear.
And on her right side Sue added in, “Buck, or in other words — if you couldn’t tell — the man Lots was fawning for before she found out he’s got a girl back home.”
Lottie shot her a look.
“What? Made it real obvious with those detailed descriptors. I’m simply stating facts.” Sue regarded Lottie while fetchinf the cherry out of her own Dirty Shirley “Anyways, Name’s Marge. Short for Marjorie. High School sweethearts from Wyoming or something like that.
Major Gale “Buck” Cleven — Maude repeated over in her head, trying to commit it to memory.
“Couldn’t help it. He’s a real gentleman. Quite reserved but extremely smart. Doesn’t drink. Doesn’t smoke. Doesn’t gamble. Doesn’t dance with a single girl. It intrigued me.” Lottie concluded and then continued on, “next to him, to the right is Major John Egan.” Lottie trained Maude’s gaze just where she wanted her and just where Maude herself had not expected to be.
Major John Egan. Major Egan. The man Lieutenant Payne had mentioned in his demotion and replacement from today’s mission. The man who walked right into the infirmary at 0900 hours and churned something deep inside her, yet to be deciphered.
Out of his flying gear and signature sheepskin jacket, she took in the sight of Major Egan in his more formally pressed uniform, and her breath hitched. There was no denying how handsome he looked all cleaned up, but she wouldn’t make that known to them. Not now and especially not here.
“That’s Bucky.” Q was back in her right ear, and Maude wondered if this is what it felt to have an angel and a devil on your shoulders, whispering different things. “Confusing, aye?”
“Bucky,” she repeated aloud, a small laugh escaping the nurse as she twirled the straw around in her drink. “So it’s Buck and Bucky then, not the Buckys.”
“Technically, yes.” Lottie nodded.
“Quite redundant.”
“Precisely, but for good reason I suppose. Sue can explain that one further.”
“Oh yes!” She lit up. “So apparently, Major Egan has always been known as Bucky back home and when he first saw Major Cleven, well he couldn’t get over how much he looked like some fella named Buck from Manitowoc, Wisconsin — also his home — and they’ve been stuck like glue ever since. All in good word from Curt of course who filled me in on all this business.”
“Right…and oh! Over here is Captain Bernard Demarco.”
“Benny.” Sue cut in again.
“He’s the one that has that sweet pup Meatball running around, and….” Lottie kept the flow going, canning the conversation on the redundant nature of the Buckys.
Maude tried her best to stay attentive, taking in the passing faces and attaching them to their respected names, yet she couldn’t help but draw her gaze back to Major Egan who’s long fingers were tapping against the arms of the chair he occupied to the beat of smooth jazz as he spoke to his friend next to him. She attuned her bouncing stare to the drink starting to take effect in her system, but also to her remembrance of why she truly pulled up to the function — to find Lieutenant Crosby and properly congratulate him on his promotion.
Yet, through the whisking crowd of people, the target of her mission became indetectable.
At some point Katherine “Tatty” Spaatz, daughter of Lieutenant Carl Spaatz, and Helen — both Red Cross volunteers for the Clubmobile circling the Eighth Air Force’ First Air Division — joined in on the conversation, greeting the nurses, and meeting the new addition to their circuit.
Tatty recounted stories to Lottie of countless pilots trying to get in her good graces just to secure a promotion from her father. It never worked, while Helen continued to help Sue familiarize Maude with the crew on base. Helen was in the middle of trying to point out another pilot to the nurse when the band started playing a new song — a popular song that not only Sue knew very well, but Maude too. Blue Skies by Irving Berlin. Maude hummed it to herself the past week any chance she got. Any time she was feeling rather blue so to speak — ironically enough. And Sue — well Sue wasn’t one not to be observant.
“Blue!” She interrupted Helen’s tagging game by latching onto Maude’s arm. “It’s your song.” She proposed excitedly.
Maude, taken aback for just a moment, collected herself enough to correct the notion and Helen’s sudden raised brow. “Oh — I — ‘S not my song. I just like it.” She shrugged.
“But your Bluell. Blue. Blue Skies!” Q slurred shirly as ever. “Come on Blue. Sing for us.”
“Oh no I — I don’t sing,” The shy nurse mumbled out, not lying so to speak but not telling the truth either. Sure, Bluell sang, but only when she was alone. When no one else was present. When she had a good sense of privacy. Humming was one thing, but singing no — singing was a whole other ball game.
“‘S not true. I’ve heard you.” She assured, making escaping this proposition even more impossible.
Maude gasped. “When?”
“Just the other day. When you were out hanging the sheets up on the line,” the red head recalled, not giving up by any means.
As a newbie of sorts, Maude was appointed to hang up the freshly washed sheets outside to dry before the beds were made back up — neat and clean in preparation for the inevitable return of injured pilots. Q usually came out with a basket to collect the dry ones, and on one particular day, she had caught the nurse there — singing away in what she assumed to be a rather private area. Instead of making herself known, Q took a moment to listen to the newbie's voice, connecting to what she could only imagine to be what fluffy clouds would sound like if you could hear them in one’s ears, if clouds could in fact sit in such a way — soft and airy on a summer’s sunny day.
“My, well I —I” Embarrassment dusted Maude’s features as she found herself at loss for words in being discovered.
“Yes, she has quite the voice!” Lottie suddenly overheard the conversation, added in, piquing the interest of the Clubmobile girls.
Maude silently wondered if her colleagues and newfound friends were really her friends at all.
“Oh! Now I must know. Would you sing for us?” Tatty asked, absolutely intrigued by this information and ever-so slightly tipsy herself.
“I – I dunno,” Maude replied shyly, her fingers reaching up to the edge of her collar, tugging the material away from her now heated skin.
“It would boost morale,” Helen reasoned, actually considering the state of their boys and how music seemed to ease their souls.
Especially one Major John Egan who, little to Maude’s current attention, was absolutely fizzing with delight just across the way.
“Do you know what this is missing?” The Major probed suddenly to the blonde Lottie described in heavy detail only moments prior.
Buck, knowing his friend and exactly what he would be up to whenever music was involved did not hesitate in replying. “Nothing.”
“Vocals.” John announced, totally disregarding his friend’s input on the matter.
With a sigh, Gale reiterated, “no, it’s not.”
“I’m gonna sing.” John proposed, as if it was not already obvious enough to Gale.
Already ten steps ahead of his antsy friend, Gale’s reflexes proved to be on par and he eased John back down in his seat just as fast. In complete conjunction as one Nurse Maude Bluell was being eased herself. Right in front of the band and the lone microphone propped on a stand next to the conductor. A conductor who found himself rather confused with the sudden presence as well as the rest of the club when she nervously tapped it with a cherry red nail, freshly done up by Q. A necessity as the red head liked to say in her chain of convincing for the night. A chain that Maude had found herself unmistakably tied to for the rest of the evening with a reasoning of Biddick’s MIA on center stage.
“Looks like a lady has beat you to it.” Gale hummed in complete amusement. An amusement not reciprocated by his friend, slouched in defeat with his arms crossed over his chest in utter disappointment.
The nurse cleared her throat suddenly, trying to stifle her nerves and block out the faces that were drawn to her every move. So much so that she even had one Major John Egan attuned, eyes glued to her like a hawk catching their prey.
A twinge of familiarity washed over him as he took in the young woman with full red lips and pinned up hair, a complete contradiction to the nurse he saw in scrubs just a few hours prior attending to Lieutenant Joseph Payne. Yet, what captivated him, what really set in that sense of recognition were her eyes. Those hazy green eyes that had almost rendered him speechless in completing his promotional tasks for Croz.
“B—Blue Ski —“ the raven haired woman’s vocal chords betrayed her rather quickly leading the men — with a lack of better judgment enraptured with booze filled minds — to laugh at her mishap.
“Learn your place sweetheart!” Someone hollered far away. Too far away for Bucky to attach a face to voice so to speak, but close enough that he could make out every single syllable, every single word clustered in a sentence that made his blood boil tenfold.
He was no singer himself — hell he couldn’t carry a note for the life of him, but that wasn’t the point. The point was that singing — singing your heart out was freeing. It was fun. It was a way to forget the truth of it all. The truth of this reality, adhered to a war wrapped in violence and a future of uncertainty. A future only men lucky enough could promise.
Instead of jumping out of his seat, finding the man, and beating him to a pulp like he really wanted to for speaking to a lady in such a disrespectful manner — he decided on a different approach. An approach that would ease the clear embarrassment of the pretty raven haired nurse in front of him.
“Jack,” he whispered over to the pilot on his left, cringing at the scene. “should I sing?” He asked him, hoping to gain a better sense of backup clearly not tuned to his level headed friend.
To Bucky’s misfortune, Jack was with Buck on this one. “No.”
He tried again, this time with another colleague adjacent to buck. “Should I sing?” He motioned again.
And again. “No. You’ll just make it worse.”
John sighed. “Alright, you’re right. You're right.” He feigned a nod in agreement, putting on a facade that did not last long enough to see the light. Looking back at the nervous nurse caged in laughter of no good nature, John knew there was no shot in hell he’d leave her there imprisoned. Whatever bit of jealousy had set him off as he saw her hit the stage of sorts was long gone.
So, he hyped himself up, readying himself to take flight just as he did every time in a B-17, and tapped his fingers against the wooden edges of his chair. Letting out a breath, he finally stood up and danced his way over to the mic, leading Gale to send him a classic knowing glance of his that was reserved to him alone anytime he whipped up an antic.
“It’s my song, Buck!” He reasoned to his best friend just before turning around and coming face to face with the green eyed goddess.
Completely surprised, Maude nearly gasped at the sudden intrusion but collected herself enough to follow his gaze as he fitted himself behind her.
“May I?” The Major whispered against her ear, his arm brushing against her hip as he reached for the microphone in front of her.
His touch proved to be magnetic — electric even, and it shot something within her enough to keep upright and reply ever-so carefully. “My yes. Of — Of course, Major.” She went to step out of the way, but a warm and gentle hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her up against John’s side.
She could have melted then in his embrace, fitted so perfectly next to him as he grasped the mic and stared down at her as he began to sing….
Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
And then, just as she was starting to feel comfortable being serenaded, but considering the prospects of a duet, Major Egan’s hand flexed at her side, signaling the tilt of the mic close enough in her direction that they could sing together.
Yet, to her surprise he let her have her moment alone.
When you’re in love. My how they fly.
And the lines came out clear — clearer than she could ever imagine, but that was all she would contribute. She’d let the Major take the reins on the rest of the song with a simple nod of encouragement.
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on
With a final flourish, he dipped the young nurse. Her heart dropped to her stomach at the sudden movement, sending shock waves throughout her whole body in a reminiscent way. One that reminded her of her childhood. It brought back memories of the very first time she ever rode the Coney Island Cyclone with her father. The creeks of the wooden structure probed nervous jitters as the roller coaster went up, up, up — only to bring sweet relief as the cars swooshed down, down, down. And down she was now with Major Egan’s charming features in her direct line of sight. Pretty pearly whites, deep blue eyes, and large warm hands leaving her breathless yet grounded in his embrace.
If it wasn’t for the cheers that rounded out amongst the ladies and the hardy laughs that echoed from the men, the Major and nurse could have very well been locked in their own world — where it was just the two of them, alone. But they weren’t alone. They were surrounded by a bubbly crowd of fellow airmen and red cross members alike who were now making their way to the floor to dance out their newfound excitement.
Yet, the caging of it all felt rather intimate to Maude — who was now being pulled right back up by Major Egan. With a bit of a stumble and a trip of a heel, he caught her before she could trip — a strong arm wrapping around her lower back, urging her upright like a straight torpedo.
Her cheeks reddened ripper than the deep shade of lipstick coating her lips as her hand subconsciously found itself situated on Egan’s chest. Palm fizzing against the eloquent beat of his heart.
“Hi,” he mused, eyes sparking in delight as he took in the small frame of the nurse in front of him — her lack of height noticeable at this newfound proximity.
His prominent figure towered above her, forcing her to crane her neck back and head upward to look him in the eye. It wasn’t surprising. Truly it wasn’t. His stature became apparent the moment she first saw him. But now, standing right in front of him, practically caged over his towering presence was intimidating. “H-Hi.” She managed out and then tumbled in a frantic frenzy. “Bucky — I mean J— Major.” She sighed in an effort to compose herself and settled on, “Major Egan.”
Maude’s fumble did not fail to surprise the Major. It struck a pitch of laughter out of him instantly.
A pitch that Maude didn’t catch as a reaction to his sudden charm of her. “My apologies.”
So John, well he would swing until he got a home run. “No need to fret, doll.” He reassured her. “‘M not a formalities type anyways. Nothing good comes out of being a tyrant in team sports.”
“You’re an athlete then?” Maude questioned, trying to annunciate her words as loud as possible considering the boisterous music in the room.
Bucky chortled and matched her. “Far from that. Much more enjoy being an observer. A listener. More of a reader nowadays to keep up with the score.”
“Understandable.” She nodded, tilting her head ever-so subtly to get a better reading of him. “And what team has the pleasure of your devotion, Major?”
“Bucky. Please. Call me Bucky.” He corrected her. “And baseball. The New York Yankees,” he replied and her eyes alit with a familiarity John picked up on without fail. “You like the Yanks, doll?”
“Yes — well no. I mean being from Brooklyn it’s only customary for me to be a Dodgers fan. But you — you’re not a New Yorker, so I’ve heard.”
“That’s right. You’re fairly acquainted with me, ain’t yuh? Yet, I can’t recall the same for you. No shot in hell would I ever forget a gal quite as pretty as you.”
“That’s rather kind of you, Maj — Bucky.”
“Got a name, doll? A nickname even? Rank?”
“Maude. Maude Rue Bluell. American Red Cross Nurse for the 100th bomb group. Just touched down last week. But, I’ve found myself replying to the call of Blue. Quite redundant in name. I know. Yet, I have a bit of suspicion that it’s more complimentary of my mood as of late,” she revealed, more than she intended. More than she even expected. Usually — in matters such as this one — she’d find herself to be rather shy and timid. Especially in the presence of such a devily handsome man as Major Egan himself.
But something — something in the way he spoke to her was easing. His teamwork mantra proved to be a strong suit in his personality. She could tell he was a good leader just by his attitude and stance — equalizing himself against a woman in such an untraditional light. Subconsciously, it made Maude more drawn to the young man in uniform.
The edge of his lip curved up in a smirk. “Blue, huh?”
Bluell only had a second to nod in confirmation before the Major grabbed her hand, spinning her in a circle in accordance to the music. He pulled her back just as fast, her back aligning perfectly against his broad solid chest. A strong arm wrapped around her stomach, slender fingers taking shelter against her hip.
He leaned over then, the combination of his lips and mustache tickling the delicate skin of her ear quickened the pace of her heart. “Seems I’ve found myself my very own Blue Sky then,” he whispered.
She let out a laugh. A real genuine one. Lips perking up in a sweet smile.
“Smooth, yeah?” He mused, his lips still close enough to brush a smile against her ear a second time and his voice still low yet husky enough to warm up her insides.
“Mhm,” she hummed simply, rolling her emerald eyes playfully in an attempt to conceal her affections. “Out of the park.” She mused, swaying back and forth in his hold.
“That’a girl!” He chirped as she spun out of his hold.
Their hands puzzled right back together instantly, feet tapping to the beat as they danced with the rest of the pairings on the floor. There they were, forgetting all their troubles in the heat of the party. Just as the other girls intended. Just as John intended. Maybe for once, Maude could admit that the Club was the best medicine for her troubles, even if it would wear off come morning.
John and Maude danced well off into the night, until the nurse’s heels left blisters on her soles and a sheen of sweat dusted the curls on Bucky’s forehead. The Major was one to take notice, channeling his inner gentleman as he excused himself to fetch the two of them refreshments from the bar.
Alone, she moved out of the boisterous crowd to meet the girls but stopped short once she noticed Lieutenant James Douglas approaching them.
Meanwhile, John was situated at the bar next to Buck when a call came through for them. “Buck. Egan”
“Sir.” Buck replied as John took a swig of his drink, waiting patiently for Maude’s to be fixed up.
“From who?” Bucky asked intrigued.
“Operator, I have Majors Cleven and Egan…” Red murmured before passing the phone to Buck.
Buck took it with ease, a chorus of his name ringing out of the speaker from a far too familiar New York accent. “Yup.”
“Ayeeee Buck is that you?” Lieutenant Biddick exclaimed on the line just as John was leaning over to listen in on the conversation.
“Curt.” Buck confirmed, leading John to follow suit an octave louder in a Bucky like fashion.
“Curt!” John banged his fist on the table, pleased to know Curt had made it.
Susie being nosey as she tended to be, did not fail to excuse herself from the flirting attempts of Douglas on Helen. She whipped across the floor in an instant, locking a careful arm around Bluell, dragging her to the bar with her. “It’s Curt!” She chirped, beaming from ear to ear.
“Buck! Buck!” Curt repeated as the girls found themselves at the bar. Q fitting herself right next to Gale on his right – Maude sandwiched between her and Red.
“Yeah, it’s Buck and John. Susie’s here too. Where’d you end up?” Gale spoke for the two of them.
“Ughhhh, that’s a very very good question, but we’re safe and sound ‘er.” Curt replied amidst his own boisterous surroundings. He pulled the phone away for a moment to ask, “Hey! Aye, wh – where am I?”
“Where are ya?” Someone asked far away. Too far away for John or the girls to grasp, but close enough for Gale to catch the tail end of.
“Where am I?” Curt repeated.
“In the devil’s dope son!”
“Ugh–ah we made a wee bit of a mess up ‘er.” Curt explained. “Well – the people are really swell and they’re looking after us. It turns out they don’t like the English much either, but they like me because I’m Irish!”
Again muffled voices took over. “You’re not Irish.”
“I’M IRISH!” Curt yelled, brushing smiles across the faces of Buck, Bucky, and the girls.
“No you’re not.”
“Hey, my family's Irish.” He was still going on, the group trying their hardest not to burst out in laughter. “I told ya I’m an American but anyways… Buck – hold on, hold on.” A rustling sound took over for a moment as Curt resituated himself. “Ugh, I wanted to call you and to let Sue know I’m ‘ight but…Thank you Buck…Thank both of you for saving our asses. I mean it.”
“Yeah, well alright you just get back here soon, Curt.” Buck replied.
“We miss you Curt. We’re glad you’re still with us!” John yelled.
“He’s okay. He’s really okay!” Susie bit back a smile.
“He’s quite alright.” Maude assured, resting a gentle hand on her friend’s shoulder.
“Eh – John said he misses his little spoon.” Buck joked and Sue laughed.
“Heyyyy I’m the big spoon ‘er remember?” Curt chided. “Just ask my Sue. Where’s my Sue?” He asked, unraveling the lollipop she supplied him earlier.
“It’s gonna be cold tonight Curt!” John added.
Curt’s voice became muffled as he shoved the petite treat in his mouth.. “Gotta tell ‘er I’m sucking ‘er cherry rye now.”
“W–What?” Buck’s eyes widened up in surprise and embarrassment at the rather inappropriate and unexpected joke.
John did not fail to miss the twist of Gale’s features. He picked up on it rather quickly, his interest peeking instantly. “What he say? What he say?”
“Nothing.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably. “You know what Curt. Lemme pass the phone. Sue, Curt wants to talk to you.”
She squealed excitedly and grabbed the phone. “Hi baby!” Soon her fingers were wrapped around the cord, mirroring how wrapped up she was in conversation with her man.
Maude watched her friend beam with a newfound sense of radiance. Her joyfulness bounced off of her like bright sunbeams, warming up Bluell just as much.
She was so stuck on the picture of her friend, she didn’t realize John had weaseled his way next to her until he was nudging his shoulder with hers. “Doll..” He pushed a glass of water across the table in front of her.
“Thank you.” She hummed. A smile was still plastered across her face as she took a sip.
“So much for being blue, huh?” John mused, completely infatuated with her smile. “Nothing but blue skies…from now onnnn…” He sang in her ear.
Her cheeks began to sting from smiling so much. “You're something else, Major Egan.”
“Well – I’d hope so. Rather be something than nothing at all, you know?” He replied thoughtfully, so thoughtfully that his simple yet profound words settled deeply within the confines of her chest.
“I –” She began to say something, anything really but lost her train of thought in an instance when a fellow pilot interrupted across the Club to make an announcement.
“Come on everybody! Bike race in the mess hall – who’s in?”
“I am.” Bucky stated.
“Me too.” Buck agreed.
And that was that. It was settled. The boys would be racing and Maude and the rest of the ladies would be pulled along to watch.
John grasped Maude’s hand then to do just that, but stopped her in his tracks as he leaned over to whisper, “wait – don’t I get a good luck kiss?”
His forwardness took her by surprise, and even though his charm was very well infectious, she found herself hesitant to appeal to his wishes. “I wouldn’t suggest pushing your luck, Major, but I’m not the kind of lady to oppose a reward in the face of a victor.”
“Ah,” He held their conjoined hands up and kissed the back of hers, sending goosebumps across her fully clothed skin. “More reason for me to win then, hm.”
“Precisely.” She hummed in agreement, right before he took off, dragging her along. Leaving her in a fatal attempt of matching his long strides as she giggled and yelped out his name.
Before she knew it, she found Lottie and the rest of the girls in the Mess, perched and ready to watch the race along with Croz who was mounting a bike not too far away. She congratulated him in passing, and he was happy to see her. It was all a frenzy of fun and games, absolute excitement – until it wasn’t. Until the boys were just reaching the finish line, – Bucky right behind Buck – and the alarms were going off. Alarms that reminded them of the war they were truly in. A war that kept them on their toes and left them taking shelter. Left John without his kiss and Maude running dry of her medicine.
There would be more blue days than blue skies for Nurse Maude Rue Bluell and Major John Bucky Egan – but this night – this very night proved to be the catalyst of something new for the two.
Something that would become much ado.
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iiii!! idk how i feel about this but enjoy peeps. feedback would me amazeballs. also curt is wilddddddd 👀🍒🍭
love ya’ll,
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merbear25 · 5 months
Could I request prompt 18 with Vash? Maybe something sweet and sappy and a little angsty <3
Hello, hello! I understand that this didn't make it on the 200 followers list, but I couldn't resist writing it for Vash! He needs to be shown so much more love. I hope you like it 💜💜
Collections of a lovesick man
CW: SFW, gn!reader, a tad angsty, fluff
There was barely anything worthwhile in your town; each day was relatively bleak and was refected in the people. So when a charismatic laugh echoed down the alley, you stopped in your tracks. Curiosity got the best of you as you went to locate such a memorable display of joy.
Laying eyes on him, the man you'd later learn to be Vash was exchanging laughs with the formly gloomy residents. Going up to him, you were eager to get to know the man who unabashedly welcomed others―such warmth was what separated him from anyone else you'd met before.
He seemed friendly enough, but the following day you saw the whole town turning on him, accusing him of being a devil. Based on the brief interactions you had, he came across as a genuine person. Doubts of whether or not you should go to him were ignored as you went against your better judgement to offer a place for this gentle stranger to reside in.
After some convincing, you eventually wore him down. The time spent together was short, yet he still managed to leave a significant impression on you. When it came to him leaving, every fiber of your being was calling out to you to go with him. You knew the risks, but you couldn't help wanting to keep his vision of peace afloat. You wanted to keep that hope alive.
Allowing you to go with him was something he couldn't even wrap his head around. That being said, seeing his passion for love and peace mirrored back in you gave him the sense of home.
The more time you spent together, the closer you became: sharing dreams for the future and stories from the past. He was quickly earning a special place in your heart, and unbeknownst to you, you in his. Despite his habit of keeping people at arms length, he still craved connection just like everyone else. When you began journaling, noting down each and every detail the two of you encountered, he became curious. Not wanting to invade your privacy, he left you to it, writing your little heart away.
There was a time when you tossed one of your notes out, though. Unable to fight off his inquisitiveness, he took it out of the waste basket and read it. You jotted down your thoughts on what you'd set out to do with him: your hopes for success and fears of failure. Being able to have more insight into your innermost personal views felt wrong, yet he thought they should be cherished, not thrown away.
Whenever you threw out one of your notes, it was rescued by him, each one giving him a better understanding of where your head was. Spending time with you after reading these notes filled him with conflicting emotions: guilt and regret mixed with endearment and affection. With each passing day, the draw towards you had more of a pull, making it harder to hold off his rising interest in you.
Looking for something specific, you had a hunch it would be in Vash's room. Once opening a drawer, you saw a bunch of carefully folded paper that appeared to have once been wadded up. Thinking it strange to fold crinkled paper, you picked it up―then the others followed suit.
When you didn't return, Vash went to look for you, stumbling in on you discovering his little secret.
His apology for keeping such private thoughts of yours was caught in his throat, making you break the silence.
"You mean to tell me you've kept every single note?" Your tone showed no ill feelings, simply painting you in a light of bewilderment.
His heart was pounding, while he remained incapable of coming up with a proper excuse. "I did."
"I know you wanted to throw them away, but they seemed important. They are your feelings, after all." Looking down at the floor, shame crept in.
"Your hopes and dreams are just as important as your fears and woes." Still unable to meet your gaze, he assumed your eyes held betrayl and disgust. "I'm sorry."
Closing the gap between you, you placed a tender hand on his arm. Unsure what you could say to this, you motioned to embrace him, giving him space to refuse if he so wished.
When he finally brought his eyes to yours, the gentleness they held made him melt. In spite of his ever present fear of growing close to others, it wouldn't hurt to let you in, would it?
Opening his arms to welcome your solace lifted his spirits, set his busy mind to rest, and helped to bandage his lingering wounds.
Tightening your arms around him, you opened yourselves up to one another, allowing your vulnerabilities to be on full display. However frightening it felt, you were sure you were placing your heart in trustworthy hands.
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You can't just leave me like that😭 I need to know razor's lore PLEASE
Ugh fiiiine since you're asking i GUESS i will talk about the oc lore 🙄🙄🙄 (silly)
So we all know the hit show lego nexo knights if you don't honestly skill issue have you been living under a rock or something lololol imagine
Well in nexo knights there's a knights school shocker i know a school of knights?? What a novel idea
It the start of the extensive oc plot that me n a few friends have been making up as we go razor n their friends are in the knights academy
However plot twist razor is a actually a MONSTER!!! can you believe that a monster in the killing monsters 101 place that's crazy
Since razor is a basilisk they can disguise themself so no one can tell they're a monster well no one but the besties
Their friendgroup are @/merloksdigitaltoes ocs cherry🐍 sage🐦 n trace🐐 and @/stellarwaffles oc talya☀️ + a surprise addition that will join later🦈 wink wink we call them the chimera pride :)
Anyways academy arc doesn't really have much plot it's just the characters getting introduced to each other n hanging out
Sage adopted trace as his friend while cherry adopted razor meanwhile cherry n trace were beefing but dw they make up all 4 of them are friends now yippee 👍talya joins the academy later in the years n joins the friendgroup cause gaydar for monsters
Apocalypse arc is based on the sadly cancelled s5 where the gang are basically trying to not die
Talya gets infected big L just don't get infected loser trace dies but then comes back then dies again skill issue n the other three are just going thru it™️
At the end of the arc razor graduates but not the rest of the friendgroup cause um have you considered being older?? Idiots 🙄
Fish arc is the MAIN main arc we think about that lore needs like 10 pages on it's own
This takes place like a year or 2 after the last arc when the group all graduated a lot of ppl are going missing in the peaceful seaside town of forgetavile n as their first group mission the gang are tasked w figuring out what's going on n fix the issue
Turns out fish ppl have been kidnapping the ppl of forgetavile 😱😱 the knights try to do something but thise fishes are smart dealing with them is no easy and oh no this glowy mean fish lady put a curse on cherry wtf
So they're all staying at forgetavile trying to stop more ppl from going missing until they deal with the fish pp also they find this weird fish twink washed up on shore? He's talking a lot of nonsense about a place called totallynotatlantis and this loser named agniss? Idk he looks gay
Maybe some day I'll post all the fish arc drawings i never posted it'll take days to post all of them lol
Last arc in the timeline is cayne/mimic arc this one involves another grouo of ocs
So remember how razor is a basilisk? Ok hear me out what if there was another basilisk n HEAR ME OUT!! What if he was EVIL
This evil basilisk is named cayne explaining the name of the arc n he was actually annoying the other oc group before the gang got intangled with the plot
The other group minus one are still in the academy so when they found this loser trying to commit identity fraud they asked the older moe experienced group to help (they will later regret this decision)
We don't have a clear story w this one it's just cayne going around committing identity fraud all over the room also sage n that fish twink are missing from that arc i bet they're kissing i hate those homosexuals
I gotta stop talking now the ops are onto me i got too mentally ill
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levshany · 1 year
What's your favorite thing about Belos? Do you have any headcanons about him? Also, I love your art and how you draw him!
My favorite thing... Should I pick just one? Well, if we're talking about the look, it's his hair. If we're talking about the temper, it's his hardworking
And here are my headings about him. I'll start with the most common ones, and end with personal ones that I haven't seen from anyone yet:
1. Belos is a retrained left-hander. He holds all the instruments with his left hand, but writes with his right, since it was previously believed that left-handers subject to devilish influence.
2. Phillip's mother was burned on charges of witchcraft. Perhaps little Philip even had to witness this terrible scene.
3. Belos was often ill at the beginning of his journey through BI. And I'm not talking about a curse, but about local infections, to which he had no immunity. Over time, his body adapted, and later the curse itself began to neutralize all poisons and infections.
4. Belos really had fun while communicating with the Collector. These two have the dynamics of a king and a jester, and the jester is allowed to interact with the king as equals, making fun of him, giving advices, and generally talking to him as a friend. Thanks to this feature, a trusting relationship was often built between the king and the jester. With Collector Belos could afford himself to forget he was an emperor and just chat about whatever came to mind.
Perhaps Belos could even tell Collie details of his life that he could not discuss with anyone else. He was going to get rid of the kid anyway and didn't allow them to have contact with the outside world, so there was no need to worry about spilling something to anyone.
5. It was Belos who built the portal door. This headcanon even has confirmation in Philip's diary, where one of the pages depicted scheme of this very door
6. The picture of the witches dancing around the campfire is based on one of Belos' real memories. I'm sure witches have such parties/rituals, and Belos was a witness to them. I like this massive wall of fire and it seems to me that it is somehow connected with the fire that occurred during the battle of the brothers
7. Some people think that Belos doesn't eat anything other than palismen, but I headcanon that he still eats normal food, it's just that his diet is severely limited due to his inability to digest most of the foods of the demon realm
8. Little Philip didn't allow anyone except his brother to touch his head and hair. This is the intimate area
9. Belos wrote a huge number of magic books. It is unlikely that this person was limited to only one diary. To keep order in the covens and teach witches the "correct" use of magic, books and guides were needed. So Belos wrote at least a book for each coven, but I'm sure there are many more. Maybe even Belos signed some of them with pseudonyms.
It is possible that some of his works have survived and are still used to this days for an in-depth study of a certain type of magic.
Wooooo, so far these are all the heads that I remembered for now! I hope you enjoy it :3
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
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Thank you to the INCREDIBLE @ezynse for giving me this so I can ramble about my guys~ 😭💗ily so much (part one can be found ~here~) ~From This Ask Game~
Part Two: G/ojo
🤧: What does their sneeze sound like? (Description, spelling, or both!)
If he let it out naturally, it would be whiny, slightly desperate, and deeply ticklish, yet still soft. Something along the lines of "hh'yiieshhiew-! hiHhZShh'tiew-! hiHHkashh'ih-! tshhieew-!" But he normally likes to add some ~flair~ to them, whether to annoy people, or just for fun. So they end up sounding more like "hK'yIEZShhh'CHOO-! anGZShhh'shhoo-! krZSHHhhioo-!" Though, he can also stifle almost perfectly, (though he can't keep it up forever), so those can range from "nxt-! kxt-!" to "enGXT-! ah'dNT-!" all the way through to ones that break free with more of a "knzshh-! dt'chh-! ah'nGXT'iew-!"
😩: Do they tend to sneeze just once or twice, or multiple times? Do they have fits frequently or rarely? Does how many times they sneeze depend on the cause?
Multiple times. If he gets one sneeze, and just one, it's a sure sign that something is wrong. Like for some reason he is holding the rest back (which he's entirely capable of, at least for a little bit~) or he has some sort of illness, basically the only time he'd get singles, though it's still rare.
Even his 'natural' sneeze comes out in multiples. Photic sneezes are always multiples, allergies are fits, and usually sickness is fits, albeit sometimes spread out ones. T
he cause will change the desperation of the fit, how long it lasts, maybe how intense the sneezes are, but the amount varies more based on how sensitive he's feeling that day. (he's incredibly sensitive, but some days are worse then others).
😭: When they’re sick, do they try to downplay their symptoms, or do they treat every little cold like the plague? Do they whine a lot, or do they complain quietly or even just in their head?
I think he's the first one I've done for this where it's an intense complainer. Mans could have the sniffles and he'll act like he's literally about to die. Whining all the time, INCREDIBLY clingy, pathetic, just a mess.
However. This all ends the second he actually starts feeling that the illness/attack is out of his control. If he starts feeling actually unwell, like there's actual weakness being shown, the complaining will stop because he will vanish. Just dip immediately, you will not see him anymore. </3
💦: How wet are their sneezes? Do they spray barely at all, or are you gonna need an umbrella? Do they try to cover at all, or just let it go? Do they sniffle a lot when they’re sick or allergies are bugging them?
(still not a mess person 😭) I'd say he gets a little bit of mist if he's letting them out naturally, but when he does the whole exaggeration thing then they end up a little wetter because he's spraying a bit more. However his stifles end up pretty dry, surprisingly, until they start being a little more let out/escaping.
Absolute sniffle man. Purposefully to annoy the people around him or/and show how pathetic and miserable he sounds. He wants the attention, whether that's sympathy or annoyance, attention is attention <3
😳: Are they embarrassed by their sneezes, or do they just not really care? Do they apologize after sneezing? Do they say “sorry!” or “excuse me!” or anything like that? If they’re embarrassed about it, why?
Not embarrassed, doesn't care, in fact I'd go so far as to say he likes them because they get him attention. However. If his natural slips out when he doesn't mean for it to, that can get him a little embarrassed. Also he does not apologize, but he might give a mocking "wow, sooorry!" or "exSCUSE me!" entirely meant to draw more attention/tease.
📝: Quick! Come up with a scenario for them! It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just something you think would be cute or something you’d like to see with them!
Off the top of my head- so it's not gonna be very good, and it's feat. Nanami because while my heart is a satosugu, they're a lil too tragic for the lighthearted prompt im thinkin of rn <3
The first indication of a fit was the hitching. Nanami had to push Gojo to keep from him hitting a wall. Still, no one batted an eye. It was more unusual to go a day without a Satoru Sneeze, and he's not exactly known for being careful.
When the sneeze never came, Nanami didn't bat an eye. Any scents could be setting him off, or the lights, but with infinities help, it makes sense that it would be held off.
But when Nanami turns around to scold him for lagging behind, his glasses nearly fall off at the sight waiting him. Gojo has one hand pressed against his nose, blindfold hanging around his neck, tears streaming from his brilliant blues.
"What are you doi-"
"Shhh!! You'll sc- hh... scare it away!"
"What are you on about?"
BLAH BLAH- Gojo has to sneeze, it isn't coming, and he drops infinity, still doesn't come, he's staring at the lights, still not coming, eventually Nanami has to grab him by the arm and pull him into a heavily scented store (bath and body works typa place).
Then Nanami gets the fun task of explaining to the concerned bystanders and employees why there's a man having a desperate allergy attack frantically smelling a candle that seems to be only making it worse. (and letting out whines that are frankly undignified).
THANK YOU FOR THE ASKS THIS HAS BEEN SO FUN AND I'M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THESE WERE <3333 (and I'd also be incredibly down to write this one sometime, though this was more off the top of my head and I'm not sure how good it is hahaha~)
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puexii · 5 months
Yuh so imma just drop this really old thing I wrote a while ago with my ocs hrhrr
Includes many outdated facts like Ren going out frequently and them living in a warehouse
actually Ren is not allowed to go out by himself and they live in Clyde's apartment but anyways
Oh also I hadn't really figured Clyde's personality out back when I wrote this so uhh ye
Oh ye also the kit having a cat thing was based on a drawing I made at the time, not sure if I'm keeping it in canon
Anyways onto the thing itself
Ren “RN-E5” finds a moth
One time, while Ren was outside on one of the buildings observing from a high place like usual, he found a moth, or rather a moth found him.
“Hmm? Whats this?” Ren said when he noticed a cool bug, “it looks so cool! And fluffy!” Ren said surprised by the coolness of the bug “i should go show everyone!” Ren said to himself excited about the cool bug. Ren then stood up and spread his wings, preparing to fly back home, which is the warehouse they stay in, except while doing so the moth got scared and flew away. “W-WAIT!” Ren asked the moth while trying to follow it. “I didnt mean to scare you!” Ren said while the moth continued to fly away.
Ren started to fly behind the moth, trying to not crash with it. The moth tried to speed up since there was a giant (compared to the moth) robot following it. “I dont wanna hurt you! I just wanna show you my friends thats all!” Ren said to the moth attempting to make it stop.
After a while of flying and attempts at persuading the moth, they started to get tired. Then the moth went into a narrow place, trying to escape the robot thats been following it for three hours now. Ren finally realised that he was scaring the moth all this time, and also decided he should probably save the charge he has left for the flight home. “Oh uhm, sorry i didnt mean to scare you like that.” ren said while preparing to leave.
After a bit he reached the warehouse and landed. When he went inside he took off his wings and decided that he should probably go to bed early this time since he flew alot that day, except he was interrupted by clyde who noticed he finally came home after staying outside later than usual. “So what were you up to today?” Clyde asked ren, “i found this really cool bug today and wanted to be friends with it and show you guys like kit did with their cat! Except i might have followed it for too long and scared it so i thought i should probably leave alone.” Ren told clyde. “And you were flying all this time? No wonder your battery started to run out.” Clyde said while leaning on the wall, “hehe, yeah, i did that!” Ren said while chuckling realising that he didnt really think this through. “Ok ill go now, i still need to recharge.” Ren said while starting to leave “alright, see ya!” Clyde said while waving to ren goodbye.
The next day ren went back to the building looking around as usual, until someone familiar came beside him, “oh hey! You came back! I honestly never expected this since what i did to you yesterday!” Ren said while laughing lightly, remembering his stupidity the previous day. Suddenly the moth started approaching ren slowly, “hm?” Ren said while noticing the moth approaching, “I thought you hated me.” Ren says while confused by the moth’s behaviour. Then the moth flew and sat on ren’s head, “huh, you seem to be a very forgiving lil guy!” Ren said happily, still confused by the moth’s behaviour. The moth stayed up their, seemingly forgiving the silly bot, though ren didnt notice since he couldnt feel the moth up their.
After a while when ren decided to go do something else, he noticed the moth, surprised by the fact that the moth was up their the whole time, he didnt really say anything, only making a “:O” face. Before he could say anything, the moth started to leave, maybe going home, “oh! Uhh bye mr bug! Or ms i couldnt really tell. Was nice hanging out with you!” Ren said while waving to the moth goodbye.
Ren was happy for the rest of the day, perhaps he made a new friend! Later when he went home he told kit and Clyde about how he became friends with the cool bug he saw the other day, kit seemed happy about the story, clyde was surprised by the bug’s behavior but he didnt think much of it.
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gobstoppr · 7 months
Okay but in all seriousness the way you use color just shifts something in my brain whenever I see it, ESPECIALLY when you choose vibrant colors for the entire piece or only add one vibrant color because just AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH the way I'm SOBBING every time because it's so damn good
Also when you opt for more pastel colors????? It's been a while but back during ✨️our Kirby days✨️ you posted an art piece of Meta Knight sitting in the moonlight and just. The lines, the moon popping out thanks to the limited color pallet, the pastels, the way you made him So Fucking Shaped. It's literally the first thing that comes to my mind whenever I think of Meta. It's just such a stunning artwork like hhhhnnnnggggggGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH IT'S SO GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE IT
this made me smile sm
im rlly proud of that meta knight ur talking about.. it was originally a physical sketch but i liked it sm i turned it digital and then i got silly with the colors
ive always been proud of my colors, but in the past (like idk 7 years ago) i had a weird limited approach to things. i figured out the trick of like,, taking something whose base color is pink and shading with purple. and then that was all i would do, because it pretty consistently made stuff that was pleasing to look at
and i developed a bit on that sorta style for years until my spamton era happened. i started using mspaint a TON and it radically changed my approach to coloring. having to both go into a seperate menu to select colors AND having the black/white slider be required to color pick Made it so that i had to experiment a lot more. mess around, maybe try a lower saturation. and after a while i started getting obsessed with grey tones.
my old old art was all super colorful, but in a sorta predictable way. its nice but didnt leave much of an impression
but in like my current era i use a lot of toned down colors. desaturated, greyish in betweens, playing with warm greys v cool greys, actually appreciating complementary colors
butyeah thats all to say. uh. i like colors a lot and i think about them alot
there r always new ways to approach coloring something and u can make some crazy stuff
ill admit that i feel like alot of my doodles n stuff look a little samey atm. u can tell what colors i default to when im feelin lazy lmao (cream, teal, green, warm pink, etc. all desaturated of course) but then again i havent been drawing much lately, the sample size isnt super big
i wanna make more shit i just never have the ideas or motivation.. i jsut end up doodling fish furries lol
uh i got distracted. anyways. thank u sm.....
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naughtylilbabygirl · 1 year
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I am 30, identify mostly as female (Neogirl), & am mentally ill + neurodivergent - I'm autistic, have severe depression & anxiety, ADHD, & bipolar 2.
This is an 18+ kink blog. Minors DNI. Again, age in bio or pinned, or I'll block you.
Also DNI: actual pedophiles, twerfs, swerfs, trans/homophobes, racists, - basically all exclusionists.
Read the kink/hard limit lists below. Don't like one of my kinks, block me. I tag everything extensively.
Also read under the cut about what i will/won't rp if you want to do that.
I want to make something clear: I don't 'have' a twin; i did have a twin. She wasn't born (vanishing twin syndrome). So i suppose I cope with feeling like something's missing by having a twincest or fauxcest/fauxtwincest kink basically. I don't support incest IRL.
Though I have CNC/r@pe & pretend underage kinks, i absolutely don't support such things in real life in any way.
I'm mostly here to share fantasies, RP a little, talk about kinks, etc. I don't know if I'm into being in an actual relationship at this time, but, well, maybe?
Don't send me nudes without asking. I'll block & report instantly just based off the fact that that's fucking rude AF. I might share partial nudes if we're getting along, but won't guarantee anything. However, please feel free to share good porn gifs & pics though, and I'll reciprocate (i collect so much porn lol).
Don't take it personally if i don't reply for a while. I disappear for a couple weeks often before i get my good meds and can come back. I'll reply to messages when I can, promise.
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What i do & don't RP:
What i like to RP:
🔥ass spanking, especially hard otk by hand, but anything not super harsh (like heavy bruising & drawing blood) is good too. Paddles, hairbrushes, crops, straps, and canes if I'm really bad.
🔥 pussy spanking very much wanted; would love to be in diaper position or Viennese Oyster position, and would love hard hand spanking, straps, swatters, and riding crops used on me.
(info: no spankings count if they don't turn an ass/pussy at least a medium shade of red)
🔥wedgies, especially an all-around wedgie, flossing wedgie, hanging wedgies, &/or one i have to wear for hours, especially a permanent wedgie I have under my clothes while out in public
🔥having my full bladder being pressed on and rubbed and squeezed and generally tortured; being made to drink several bottles of juice or water every few hours. Also, not belong allowed to pee without permission, and only in my diaper, like a real baby slut
🔥 painful CNC/r@peplay; r@pe any/all of my holes, & either keep me if you want a r@pedoll or leave me with ruined holes and pregnant with several rape babies inside me (maybe even tied up at home to be found by my family, or in public somewhere, maybe with a sign or body writing saying how I am a r@peslut/r@petoy and how I came X times from it)
🔥impregnation/birth, especially of multiples, and the more the better. Also erotic birth torture & birth denial, like fucking me while I'm trying to give birth and pushing the baby all the way back to my cervix with your cock, or letting the baby crown & pushing it back inside, or reaching inside me to twist the baby around in my pussy and make them squirm inside me. I'm into really erotic births where I'm made to cum over and over - when each baby comes out of my cervix, when you fuck me while the baby/s are already in my birth canal, when they crown, when you push them back inside me, when you move them around in my pussy and they squirm or kick in my slutty pregnant pussy, and ofc when I'm allowed to finally push each baby out.
🔥 related: since I'll have so many babies to nurse throughout the day and night, would love to be fucked while nursing them bc it's so dirty for me to cum over and over while feeding our babies at the same time
🔥belly button torture; having my navel fingered, spread open, fucked, putting toys in it, etc.
🔥face-fucking; having my mouth used like a fucktoy by a pussy, cock, strap, et all.
🔥 servicing/pleasing my Domme: worshipping your pussy/cock/ass with my mouth for as long as you want me to, waiting naked and kneeling by the door when you come home so you can use my mouth right away, and ofc all my holes being free use all the time, even in public (and if I say no, then you just r@pe me instead, and picking a punishment for saying 'no', like having my holes hate-fucked painfully hard until I apologize and thank you for raping me like I need)
🔥 humiliating/painful things like cuntbusting, stepping on my pussy with a rough shoe and either rubbing painfully over it until I cum despite how much it hurts, or making me rub myself on it until I cum, having your foot fuck my pussy and making me cum from it (and then clean you up with my mouth of course),
🔥verbal humiliation (like being called fucktoy and baby slut and r@peslut and breeding slut, etc - no mean things though, like being ugly or stupid or worthless.)
🔥incest – but ONLY with a sibling or cousin, & I'd love to be used along with my twin sister (mentioned above). I can RP as both of us if you want two sluts to use, or even just it watch two twincest sluts touch each other and lick each other's pussies and make each other cum again and again - and then you could jerk off onto our little pussies and tell us to clean each other up
🔥being used in semi-public places, like a dark alley at night, or the woods just off a trail in the park; you always make me cum hard enough that I can't help but be loud, and either curious strangers watch from nearby, or you invite people you know to watch. (And maybe tell them how very slutty your slave is, maybe hold my legs open to show my dripping pussy while you fuck me.)
🔥 body writing is Huge for me. I have a list of fave things here (link to come shortly) that you can write on me whenever and wherever you want, even if people can see them when I'm in public.
🔥 pussy and bladder inspections - throughout the day, at home or in public or even at a friend's house, you'll regularly bend me over and pull up my dress so anyone can see my little pussy or make me stand still and hold my dress up while you spread me open and check my pussy over, maybe softly tickling it if I've been good, or rubbing my swollen clit. For bladder inspections, they happen anywhere too, though sometimes in public you'll feel my swollen bladder over my clothes instead, and when I'm getting full, you always rub it hard, sometimes letting me cum from it. At home or at friends houses, you always pull up my dress or shirt to see my bulge better, and if I'm not full enough, you'll get out my bottles and tell me to drink them all, and I always do. If we're with people we know, maybe you'll let them look - to see how my slutty pussy drips constantly, how if you press on my swollen bladder hard enough, I'll cum over and over until you stop.
🔥 pretend underage (me being the underage one that is); i just like to imagine being small and helpless, and you could just pretend I'm either real little but still a grown up, or pretend I'm a slutty little kiddo who clearly needs an adult Domme to take care of me - mostly by using me as your personal sex doll or fucktoy, since I'm small enough to hold up in midair while you fuck me.
What i won't RP:
❌calling anyone daddy; pick any other title ok
❌No personal pics to or from me without permission for the former and no pressuring me for the latter.
❌Knives, needles, & similar
❌Being yelled at
❌Chastity devices & cages & sleeping on the floor & stuff as punishments
❌Being called stupid/ugly/worthless/dumb/etc. Call me slutty, filthy, naughty, dirty, etc instead.
❌ Oviposition/Insect- type impregnation/birth are Not my thing, and also miscarrying or having my babies taken after I give birth (I actually love babies and so that would just make me cry)
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
What platform do you use to make your art?
Also any tips for very new artists who are bad at art
IbisPaint X!! Its free & im p sure its on most devices (i use my phone for like 90% of my art).
But sometimes ill plan out or make a rough draft of a piece on my tablet. Its an amazon one so its got like NO art apps...at all. But the best ive found thats free & its called ArtFlow!
As for tips about art, im like the worst at answering that since 90% of when im drawing im just fuckin around and attempting to find out. Most I can think of to say is below! [its a bit long oops]
1. Have fun with finding your style. My art style almost changes every year if not like multiple times a year. Hell if you look at how i drew HMS in like, March it looks very different than how i draw them now. But every time it changes i feel more confident in it! Also its just fun sometimes to draw in a different way :}
2. Its 100% chill if you ever feel burntout or feel like ya "lost the touch". Feel like its said a lot but you do get out of that pit (haha get it like the song) eventually and youll prolly even make something ur hella proud of! Also if its not goin great its good to take a br8k and maybe try the next day. Sometimes ya just be in a funk and its best to make sure ur all hydrated n rested. And a much as i don't listen to myself sometimes, those things rlly do help
3. Last thing i can think of is that its sometimes real difficult to find a good reference of somethin. Whether it be like a pose, an outfit or something, you can always use yourself as a ref! For things like a ref to look at or even to use as a base. And of course not everyone like taking a photo of themself (me included) but its not only very helpful and takes less time than searching through pinterest & google for like an hour, but helps you get confident in yourself! Ive never be confident in myself (specially with that gender dysphoria an all) but it helps to take a photo in a pose, outfit or even a half ass cosplay. Gettin used to yourself in a photo might take a bit but it takes you a good way.
Sorry if this didnt help im not quite good at tips and teaching things. If youd like more ideas/help with things like shading or somethin, id be happy to post a vid of like a speedpaint or something on how i color n stuff :}
Hope this helps!!! 💜
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pennyserenade · 2 years
send me a 📝 and i’ll tell you about a fic i want to write but haven’t yet
you put six of these nonie, and so now i am obligated to give you six of these little ideas of mine:
oberyn martell fic that’s enemies to lovers. he is the prince you’re meant to marry, and you eagerly await it. he comes from a good family, lives in a handsome place, and is, from what you hear in the whispers around your castle, very good looking. you only wish him to be a kind husband, but a good looking one too is an added bonus that you think you’d very much like. your entire life has been leading up to this moment, the one where you marry. prince oberyn objects to you, though. even before you get off the boat to met him, oberyn has decided that he does not want you to be his wife. in fact, he declares, at the ripe age of sixteen, he does not want any wife, ever. that is the day you begin to hate oberyn, the spoiled brat he is. you couldn’t have objected even if you wanted to, and here he was, not even willing to met you. eventually you do marry. your husband, though not incredibly charming, is devoted and captivated by you. you lead a swell marriage until one day, many, many years later, he unexpectedly dies, thought to be poisoned. the kingdom goes to his heir, your eldest boy. you are relieved of most of the duties imposed onto you before. for the first time in your life, you are free to live it as you please. when one night your son invites the martells over to talk of alliances, you find yourself once more in company of the insufferable oberyn. he has aged beautifully, you find, much to your dismay, and he your ire is but a source of amusement that he draws on. he provokes you any chance he gets, and you admit, he finds many. it is not until one day when you are nearly provoked to cutting off his head with a sword that you realize this oberyn does something that few men before him have: he makes you feel alive and equal. even as he taunts you, it is never on the basis of your sex or your intellect. he takes you on the basis of your hatred for him, and that alone. you slowly find yourself giving way to him and eventually falling foolishly in love with the prince.
this isn’t a pedro pascal fic, but i feel a strong desire to write a fic about gregory peck’s jimmy ringo from the gunfighter. nearly no plot, just smut. it’d be for me and maybe one sole grandma on ao3 who’s been waiting her whole life for something like this (lol). nothing like some good hate sex and this character is particularly the perfect vessel for that because he used to be too cocky for his own good, and now he is just grumpy. everyone has lots of reasons to hate him, including reader. he left for dust when they were younger (but too old to know better) and now that he is back, she wants nothing to do with him. he makes a futile attempt at an apology she doesn’t want to hear. the important thing you need to know is that they end up fucking. that’s the whole purpose of this fic. it is self-indulgent and thus, very important to me.
a fic where frankie and reader are neighbors. while her husband goes away over the summer to colombia, they engage in an affair. the fic is called seven because it takes place over the seven days leading up to his return. very angst, with lots of talk of mental illness because that’s important to me. i have some of this written but i haven’t looked at it in a long time.
dave york in a hitchcockian type of deal, where everything is not as it seems (or is it?). he has the potential to be a lot the things you see in hitchcock films: the voyeuristic neighbor, the could be, charming murderer you marry, the man with the dead wife who haunts his home, the hardened us government employee to your woman with a bad past turned government informant. there’s a lot of fun that could be had with a fic with hitchcock vibes 
i played with this idea already but i kinda watch to expand on that fic i wrote before, called life can be a dream. it was based a little on from here to eternity, but i mainly just took from the name. i like the idea of javier sharing this short of illicit relationship with a married woman because i think this also could be a great vessel to explore a lot: themes of depression, of loneliness, of feeling helpless in the face of everything. just growing older but never growing older that seems to affect every adult once in their life. 
an old western au with agent whiskey. i kinda did one before but i really want to commit fully to the bit because it was a lot of fun the first time. i don’t know what i’d write but i do know i want to explore that au badly.  
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worldofgoo · 1 year
yayayay yippee (≧◡≦) i love how vibrant & lively your art is, i think my fav pieces are Horse Surgery & hanyuu (even tho i have no idea who that is) but that one wip with the rainbow is also v ery special 2me because it reminds me of my fav kind of weather ^_^ generic Which Program Do You Use question & also which programs have you tried so far? which one would you recommend for someone whose only experience so far wiht digital art has been scribbling in ms paint -_-? on topic, what do you draw with (mouse, phone, drawing tablet, ??) & was it easy for you to get used to digital art? i always get overwhelmed by the amound of different functions available so im not sure where to even start, any advice? which physical art forms do you like / would you like to learn (anything at all, i personally have been getting into air dry clay... well actually ive been using my sisters playdoh but maybe ill purchase smthn fancier :3) & final question how do you come up with poses to draw? your characters (+creatures) seem very animated and i really like that :)
HI okay i guess ill answer these in a list. actually will put it under the cut since i ended up saying a lot (and dw i enjoy being able to talk a lot so thank you!)
-THANK YOU im glad some of my more recent works (in my more current style) are appealing 2 people! like i wanna draw my own way even though i think it gets less notes... the higurashi fanarts (hanyuu and shion) r very memorable pieces to me because its when i started doing the loose sketches with the thin lines and block colors and thats the direction i reallyreally wanted to take my style in. also the rainbow is rian my friend rian
-i draw in paint tool sai! the only program i used before that was sketchbook pro, which i didnt like because the brushes were kind of... blurry/smudgy? sai allows you to zoom in and draw pixel by pixel which is something i like, and i like the way it does its blending. its also just easier for me to understand. i didnt pay for it i think i found some deviantart page that had the link, id have to find it again
-i draw with a wacom intuos tablet! its lasted me... almost 10 years now. ive heard newer ones are poorer quality in terms of at least the nibs needing to be replaced constantly, so idk what the most recommended tablet these days is. ive drawn with my mouse and tbh it caused awful hand pain so i would not recommend this. i draw on my phone with my finger sometimes but i find doing it on my laptop easier, however it is doable once you get used to it
-the way i got into digital art... well. i still have an archive of my earliest art if you wanna see! i was 14 n just drew random shit, often lining over doodles i did on paper and coloring them in. i think esp if youre overwhelmed start with making like throwaway experimental pieces, scribble around, doodle stupid things and color them in with different brushes and see what you enjoy. and then you can just keep the files to yourself if they dont look too good or maybe itll look interesting, it depends i guess haha. the other thing that ive always found helped me was telling myself id draw every day even if it was a little scribble or the tiniest amount of work on a wip bc getting a habit going helped my art a Lot beause it helped me spend more time thinking n focusing on it
more specific advice for sai that i found useful- using clipping groups & the preserve opacity functions are both lifesavers in terms of not spending so much time trying to color in the lines. if you color in a base layer you can just put everything above it as a clipping group and just not worry about it anymore. i also really like using the filters (like multiply) to mess around with the colors a drawing has, though sometimes its more effective to just select a layer/individual color and fuck with the hue/saturation/etc until it looks good. when i color, esp when its not turning out how i wanted to, i rely on shifting colors A LOT. n also mixing colors together using a blending brush and then colorpicking the intermediate color. very useful
-for the most part i stick to uncolored pencil doodles on like, notebook paper (even though i have some fancy supplies X[ one day) but i LOVE making things with clay, wish it was more accessible to do at home. i have a handful of clay animal statues and stuff that i made in my ceramics class in high school. would looove to do more
-because my poses tend to be very pushed/cartoony using references of real people isnt always useful (though obv knowing the basics of anatomy always helps) so in those cases ill use other cartoony art i like as inspiration, i try to see what i like about their poses nd emulate that with my own. sometimes when im struggling ill just do a bunch of studies where i copy art i like to try to get a feel for what im missing. mostly ive realized i like when the pose conveys some level of like, volume and taking up a 3D space (which im still definitely not a master of but bullshitting it can be fun). and i also like to have a balance of curved and angular shapes. sometimes i try to just do a pose that conveys a specific emotion or i just make shit up lol
alsooooo i cant reccomend aimless doodling enough! just random shapes, turning the random shapes into creatures, trying and trying and trying different ways to draw something until you like it, i feel like the things my hand makes when i shut my brain off and just scribble can inspire me as well, and i try to emulate whatever i made by chance while doodling. and if your doodles turn out better in traditional i tend to consider using a photo of a drawing as a way to skip the "preliminary sketch" phase nd drawing a rough sketch over that which i then use for my drawing (or just directly color since i draw very fast/lazy...)
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vampireantihero · 1 year
It's May Day. (Newsletter)
This year feels like it’s flying by. Buckle up, y’all; this is going to be a slightly longer newsletter, so I hope you all stick with me.
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It’s May 1st; and it’s snowing here in Wisconsin. To be honest, that feels like the perfect metaphor of this year for me. Winter has been hanging on to the year like a heavy weight; far past its time, and bad for the things that are trying to grow, bitter and cold, and refusing to die. Spring is trying to establish itself hard, and the flowers are in bloom despite the snow. This year has been a lot of shakeups, stepping back, and reassessing for me. Most of the first quarter of the year was spent caring for my mental health, and now I am working hard on putting together a new portfolio in a different facet of my art career. I’d love to do illustrative work for companies and not just private sector commission-based work. I’d also love to work on videogames, or maybe films or television as a concept artist (I like creatures and environments best). So, since the beginning of April, I’ve been revamping old stories and rebuilding the worlds in order to be clearer, and drawing concept art for the environments and characters.
I’ve been working quite a lot, and have forced myself to reassess that too. I think now I’ve found a bit better of a balance and better know my limits, so I can stop myself from doing too much at once. If I connect back to the metaphor I started this newsletter with regarding the weather, the “winter” would be my unhealthy work ethic and tendency to try to please everyone and be totally available despite my own energy levels. For the past few months, I have been giving myself time to breathe and being less available in online spaces, because I’ve been extremely tired. I’ve lost friends and connections because of this, and I do feel guilty for being less around, but also I recognize that if I keep going at the pace I was, I’ll make myself ill the way I did in college and I don’t want to do that again. It would also (and has in the past) make my content suffer, and you all deserve quality from me.
Plans Going Forward
As it stands, I’m distancing myself from streaming because I just do not have the time to give to it. I may still pop up from time to time for art streams, but I am focusing on my art and career change this year. You can still see my art in the discord, in social media spaces, and on youtube. I’ll also still be keeping up with this newsletter, social media, and the Youtube uploads. I’ll likely also start working on story-based content to upload to Youtube, though I don’t know how far down the line that’s going to be. And I’ll still have commissions open, and I’m working to get myself organized enough to offer my services over on Fiverr and Upwork.
Once my portfolio is completed, I think I may give creating the comics one more try. I feel like I’m on stronger footing with some of them now that I’m establishing the visual assets a bit better for my portfolio. Though this time, I won’t start publishing it (or even announce it) before I have a significant amount of the pages done, and am far enough into the story that I have quite a decent buildup of content so that I can post regularly. I’m also going to be revisiting the tarot concept I started creating back in 2021; redraw the two cards I’ve got done and go back to concepting the rest of the cards.
The first portfolio piece I finished went well! It’s also been added to a concept art contest in one of the art discords I’m in. Here is the drawing, as well as some backstory on some of the characters:
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Setting: This story is a historical fiction, in which the humans are in a religious monarchy called the Abbey. Inhuman and humanoid creatures need to hide at night in order to avoid being captured and either used for their powers or murdered by the Abbey and the human settlements surrounding them. In this world, spirits exist, but they have to be bound to something in order to inhabit the physical plane.
Characters (and backstory):
1. Ghost. Our protagonist, a reluctant hero. Previously human, but has been dead so long that he has long forgotten his original name. He was sickly as a human, and learned how to project his spirit from his body as a child in order to escape the constant pain he was in. One day as he was astral projecting, his body died. Desperate to find a way back to life, he contacted his family; only to be betrayed by them as they tried to capture him and sell him to a High Warlock within the Abbey. Ever since, he has been looking for a way to bring the Abbey down. His tether is the clay pot he carries, faithfully made for him and repaired by his friend, Hyacinth.
2. Hyacinth. Our Tinkerer/Support character. Hyacinth is also a spirit, though she died way more recently than Ghost-- having been murdered whilst praying in front of an Abbey altar. When she died, her spirit was so terrified to disappear that she inhabited a nearby gargoyle. In life, she was a tinkerer, and in death, she was is much the same -- she spends her time looking for ways to enhance her party's gear, and to strengthen both her and Ghost's tethers to their physical objects. She is the only one in the party that cannot participate in combat-- because of the nature to her tether to her gargoyle and her death circumstances, if she takes a significant amount of damage, her soul will disconnect from her body.
3. Silas. Our Mage/Necromancer. Not much is known about Silas. He doesn't speak much, and chooses to help because he likes the spirits of the group. At first glance, he looks like a human in a plague doctor costume, but if it's too light or you look a little too long, his mask starts to look a little too real...
4. Vesper. Our Tank/Heavy Hitter. She's a vampire type creature from a long line of reclusive vampires. Though, her species is fruititarian like many natural bat species. Because of the expansion of humans into her family's forested spaces, her family was hunted and killed for their pelts. Devastated at their loss, she traveled to find a master who would teach her to fight and learned how to wield a scythe really effectively. She joined our squad when Hyacinth found her, injured, in the forest, and nursed her back to health. She heard what Ghost was planning, and decided to help them with their journey.
They are from one of the three projects I’m developing for my portfolio; they may be popping up from time to time as I go through and create more of these worlds. If you’re interested, they’re a set of characters that shows up in one of my vampire stories that the actual main character of the comic spends a good deal of time with.
Theatre (And Other Life Updates)
As you all know if you’ve been keeping up with the newsletters, the past month or so has been extremely busy both on weekends and week days. The theatre I’m a part of has been working hard on painting our more permanent space for the theatre. We’re working in conjunction with a local-to-us church in order to have this performance space. Me, my husband, and another member of the theatre have spent the last month between rehearsals and after work painting this room, and it’s finally done. And it looks so good!
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We’re really excited to have this space. And, I’m really happy to no longer be painting, though I’m proud of us for putting in the work in this room. We’ll be announcing our next play very soon. I’ve been making props for the last few weeks (in fact, you can kind of see one in the bottom of the 3rd picture — a chunk of styrofoam I’m painting to look like a busted piece of concrete) and, have quite a few more things to create. One of the coolest aspects of this play is that we’ll be performing it in pride month, and it has a lot to do with LGBTQIA+ history; some of the props I’ve been creating have been exploring the culture surrounding these topics and it’s been a lot of fun! But, some of it is also very heavy. I’m also assistant directing this show, and it’s been interesting to learn how directing works.
All in all, I’m almost caught up with the stuff that I’m behind on, such as the commission terms switching over into the shop, and I should have more to share with you all soon. I’m hoping to have Youtube stuff done earlier as well, so that I can give earlier access than a single day for Ko-Fi members. I’m sorry for the delay on these things, but with the painting done in the theatre room and most of the props we need finished, I should be a bit more productive during my week day, and a bit less busy on the weekends.
Lastly, I want to take a moment to mention the Discord. Today the newsletter is a bit late because I took a little bit of time to rearrange the Discord and make it less Twitch-oriented. Now, it’s much more art and content creation centric, so if you want a place to talk about art, content creation, or just hang out with our growing community, check out the discord here. I also ask for feedback here, and you can sometimes see things earlier than they’re released there as well. If you’re a Ko-Fi member or subbed in some way, then that’s also where a lot of the rewards get put as well. If you join, just make sure that you let us know why you’re there (Check the #start-here channel.)
So, even though this was a large update, a lot of it is positive. If I’m going back to the metaphor at the beginning of this email, then I can confidently say that I’m shaking off the winter of bad habits, self-doubt, and overworking to burnout. Now, I’m doing my best to let the spring take over and let me grow; as a person, as an artist, and as a worker. And with that, I’m signing off. I hope that you all have a fantastic week. Remember to take care of yourselves, drink your water, and do what you can. I love you all.
(Friendly reminder: You can sign up to get this newsletter directly to your mailbox by subscribing here.)
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vansvoidgear · 2 years
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if kairi gets to be a keyblade wielder, so should naminé!!
also a norted nami n' a role/color swap for nami and van
more thoughts vvv
image 1. ) i love nami so much i think she deserves the world.. i think she has a lot of potential to be a really great hero of light. i think she feels a lot of guilt from the events of re:com and that she would hold that as a sort of drive for her initial desire to wield a keyblade, and that she would have to work through that guilt and come into her own strengths.
this is why i named her first keyblade, Sanctuary's Penance and used elements from castle oblivion/events of com. sanctuary pulled from the kh2 op, and penance as she feels she's using the keyblade to make up for her past mistakes. a reminder of the things she's done, but that she's trying to make up for it.
the second keyblade i made for her is based off the key altered memory from re:com of the meteor shower. i think thats an important falsity for her! i think she obviously knows that the memory is fabricated, but i think she can't help but feel attached to it. i, as a namixi enthusiast, have a scene in mind where xion and naminé bond over the memories that aren't actually theirs/memories that aren't real and after that scene nami would get this keyblade<3. maybe ill do a comic of it one day it lives in my head day and night..
i also just really like butterflies and thought it would be fun to incorporate them into a design for nami. final thought i think she should train underneath aqua.
image 2.) i just wanted to draw a norted nami that's it!!
image 3.) i have a thing i like to call namiswap in which i take naminé and switch her with another character i like. it's something of a role & color swap because erm.. i like messing around with putting characters in different places and seeing how they would act in those circumstances. and i like drawing characters with different palettes. you don't have to think too hard about the consequences of this or how they came to be it's just for funzies.
vani-> i think vanitas would loooove gaslight gatekeeping sora in com. i think he would have soso much fun with it and he and larxene would get along great pushing sora around both physically and emotionally. i think he would also really really make marluxia mad. in this swap i think he would replace riku in soras heart instead of nami replacing kairi, and there would be a different sort of promise about leaving the island together.
nami-> naminé has an incredibly gentle heart.. though she's capable of doing horrible things under the right pressure, i think making the χ-blade with ven is something she would really dread. still, she wouldn't be able to refuse xehanort, so she would have no choice.
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