#maybe someday i’ll write it. who knows
bisexualwintermoon · 9 months
thinking about My sequels au/rewrite again….
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linklethehistorian · 10 months
A Four Letter Word for Dreamers
In the enigmatic morning hours 
When the sun is far from risen 
Yet burns high within the sky
I spend my time in the darkened room
Talking by your side
We shared a past, you and I
Like the one who came before
With crooked frames and battered hearts
Marring the broken wall forevermore  
Perhaps then that is why we find
The desires to speak as we do
To defend the past and safeguard the future
From those who haven’t a clue
Of the hardships that we’ve faced
And the facts that they’ve erased
And the dreams that could be chased
If only they’d understand
I see the light within in your heart
Like a million glowing stars aflame
Like the cherished letters that I write
To send to you not half as often as I ever should
In the dead of the night
Your talent is something perfect
That I watch with stunned amaze
Yet you think you walk within my shadow
For the rest of all your days
Your outlook on your life is bleak
It’s easy to understand why
This world has never been kindest to those 
Who wish not to walk but to fly 
But their opinions will never be right
And our dreams are always worth the fight
And I promise to safeguard your light
So that you can continue to shine
So as we gather together again
In a time that is two times at once
Let us two vagabonds dare to dream
Of a Home where our kind can find hope
Of a world that won’t turn their young dreams to cinder
And I’ll tell you again and again and again
That carnations still bloom in the endless winter
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lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
Hmm one day I’ll have to figure out my characters’ MBTI types.
#Personal#To be fair I’m super interested in this topic but#I’m just not sure my typing will be objective enough because most of them got their types on the very early stages of my writing x)#Anyway for now I’m sticking with Valerio being an ENFJ or ESFJ#He’s clearly a Fe dom user but honestly I’m not sure about his auxiliary function#I mean he might seem dwell into his past but he’s rather ignoring it which is why it can’t let him live a normal life#Hmm does it mean he’s in the Fe-Ne loop?#Like he tries to find different possibilities for having a bright future#but since he doesn’t rely on one of his main functions (Si) it doesn’t work out#Wait it does make sense#Akajjdkfm but I want him to be an ENFJ#I’ll need to think about it deeper someday#Okay so Ángel is clearly an ESFP and Frida is either an INFJ or INTJ#Matías seems like a Ti dom user because in his and Valerio’s duo he’s the one who always holds a braincell so he’s an ISTP#Emilio is an INTJ and he seems to be in the Ni-Fi loop#Verónica hmmmm ENTP maybe?#To be fair I barely know anything about her so I really don’t know XD#But she’s creative and can think objectively which does sound like NeTi I think#And INTJ and ENTP are the perfect match :D#As for Leticia I need to write her more often to figure it out but for now I think of her as an ENFP#And Gabe himself is an ESTJ#Wait wait wait wait coming back to Valerio’s MBTI#He does seem to be in the Fe-Se loop as well considering how much he cares about what other people will say about his scars#Like he cares about his image A LOT and wants others to perceive him as a wise and kind Señor Álvarez even though he’s not really is#And he tries to distract himself from his dark thoughts and memories via the sensory world which is kinda why he became a teacher#He just HAD to do something so he wouldn’t lose his mind#Plus the main thing about his arc is not accepting his past (although it’s still a big part of it)#but rather finding a true purpose in his life which is not teaching actually#Anyway Valerio clearly can’t be in both loops at the same time it’s just me trying to figure out his actual type aksjdmkf#But idk I might be biased but him being an ENFJ sounds more realistic because really he never used Si even when he’s not under stress
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appropriatelystupid · 2 years
#this is making me think of my soup au again
......she was a chef, she was a soup lover....
what more can i say?
lmao almost yeah
tho i suppose food truck au is technically more accurate for what the idea is
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starlightbelle · 1 year
hewwo. jason is just trying to kill the joker and harley is like “not on my yatch lol” but she did poison the joker tho 💜
Ah, gotcha! Dang, I figured that probably wasn’t the case but I think that would be such an interesting premise! Maybe it’ll be explored in the future sometime?
Orrrr maybe someone will write it? If anyone does, please feel free to tag me in it 😁
Thanks for replying!
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waywardstation · 5 months
How many wips do you have, boss? Either art or writing or both
Tons. Tons and tons and tons!!!! I blame my hand issues from the last year and a half for starting so many canvases that I couldn’t finish.
I have WIP Wednesday tomorrow for fics, so I suppose I’ll share one of my art WIPs ^^ (and its accompanying concept cause it’s been nagging at me a lot again lately haha)
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This is really a big Nothing concept that’s been nagging at me since last year — I’ve seen so many cool interpretations from the submas fandom about which unovan dragon matches which twin. Reshiram and Zekrom, Ingo and Emmet — but my favorite out of the trio is Kyurem!!! And I am very very biased towards Warden Ingo, so I sort of just connected the two of them together when I saw a lot of dragon/twin connection content.
Warden Ingo is an empty husk of who he once was ever since he was separated from his life, and from Emmet. Drayden’s legend of Kyurem implies Kyurem is the husk of what was left after Reshiram and Zekrom separated.
Hisui is not Ingo’s world; he does not belong there. Another legend from the games says that Kyurem is an alien to this world, having landed from the sky and come somewhere unknown.
Warden Ingo’s clothing is damaged, an extension of himself. Kyurem’s asymmetry with its shorter right side visualizes damage.
Ingo’s memories and who he was as a person leaked out of his mind, but he’s trying his best to regain them. Kyurem’s power is constantly leaking out of its body and it makes efforts to hold it in with ice.
ICE. this one is headcanon-y but I associate Warden Ingo with ice and the cold, probably because of the Pearl clan and its location in the Icelands.
Again, it’s a nothing concept. It’s not an AU because I wouldn’t know what to do with it and I’m not really inclined to. It’s just nothing — it’s a concept in my mind that just floats there because I heavily associate the two with each other as parallels and think about it a lot. And it’s something I have fun drawing just for fun. I even have much rougher WIPs of different designs just mashing Kyurem and Warden Ingo together for fun too, I just felt this one was the most presentable haha.
TLDR: So many WIPs. SO MANY WIPS!!! This concept alone has a ton of scribbles and thoughts that just aren’t really prevalent at all but maybe I’ll share more someday haha.
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lexirosewrites · 3 months
Happy slick sunday!!
Maybe I'll write this someday or maybe you can if you want but omega! Mafia boss Steve who runs the largest casino embezzling scam know to man who's rivals with alpha! Mafia boss Eddie who has the largest drug trade ever.
Steve is old mafia money rich but Eddie built his empire by hand going from small dealing to this empire. There's a bit of an age gap and Eddie spent 10 years building from the ground up where steve has only taken over after his father for 2 years.
Steve HATES Eddie mostly because Eddie was the reason his dad had to redirect from drug trafficking lest they risk a mob war but also because in every interaction they've ever had Eddie is condescending, rude, and borderline sexually harasses him. Its mostly inappropriate flirting and innocent touchs that feel not so innocent when accompanied by one of his crass remarks.
He calls him kid not because he views him that way but because someone else did that and it pissed Steve off enough to pull a knife so he does it to be funny which pisses steve off even more especially since the war killing Eddie would start makes it not worth it but not less tempting.
On Eddie's end this he is legitimately in love with Steve like to the point of obsession. Every communication between them is packaged like a love gift. It freak Steve out so bad the first time it happened he had a bomb squad disect the package only to find out it was just regular and normal non-poisoned chocked a normal non-explosive teddybear and a regular love letter telling him how cute he was.
They always thoroughly check everything just incase its an attempt to get his guard down but it is legitimately just a romantic gesture.
Also Eddie does INSANELY STALKERY things as a gesture of love. Like having a sniper follow Steve around so the one time he got attacked the guy was sniped and the next day he gets a letter with photos from the sniper pov like "protecting my baby". Which freaks Steve out and he obviously thinks is a threat.
The set up is that Steve wants some of Eddie's territory and Eddie basically agrees on a condition Steve has to go out with him. Steve thinks its ridiculous but sure he'll go on 1 date and that's that except Eddie pulls out thos dense ass contract with a few clauses in it.
The main ones surrounding dating is that they have to date for a year from January 1st to December 31st so they can have every holiday together in order, Steve can't try to kill Eddie or the deal is off it can't go into affect until the year is over so any early signed documents are automatic fraud and Steve only gets off the hook if he can pass a lie detector test to say he honestly has no feelings for Eddie. If Eddie can't win him over Steve can have a portion of Eddie's territory no strings and if he does all Eddie wants is Steve's hand. The requirements are 1) they live together 2)Steve must say yes to every date 3) they share a room but not necessarily a bed. They don't have to have sex but Eddie would never say no to that.
Steve thinks that's easy all he has to do is been seen with him in public and not fuck him and he gets whatever he wants easy! Until its stops being easy and he starts to view the alpha in a new light he's never thought of before.
i’ll take 100k words, thanks🤭
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𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x GN!Reader
Summary: Some nights you just can't seem to sleep no matter how hard you try, it's alright though because Miguel's on his way home.
Warnings: None, it's just very, very soft.
A/N: Not a request, but I have to write at least one fic about dancing in the middle of the night with Miguel. Set in the same universe as What's In Between, listen to the song mentioned here. Enjoy!
Everyone has those nights where they just can’t fall asleep. Whether it’d be the stresses of the day before or the next, an issue that has been troubling you, or simply because you can’t shut off your mind and fall asleep, it inevitably happens to us all.
Unfortunately for you, that was tonight. After tossing and turning for the last two hours, you had enough.
Maybe it was because the bed just felt so empty without Miguel in it, who knows.
All you knew was that you could not fall asleep. So what better thing to do than to make a late-night snack?
Sliding out of bed, you blearily blink your eyes as they readjust to the kitchen light. After a few moments of scrolling through your playlists you settle on a soft one, to match the mood of the early morning (or late night depending on who you asked).
The music played softly in the background as you made your favourite snack, humming along to the song. Miguel’s shirt hung loosely down your frame as a warm summer breeze floated in through the open window.
The reason you loved the night so much was because it was so quiet. So simple, so peaceful, with only the light of the moon shining its way.
“One day, I will stop falling in love with you~” you sing softly, swaying from side to side in between bites, a happy little smile on your face.
Miguel watched as you swayed gently from side to side, a soft look on his face as he feel himself relax with your presence alone.
He still wore his Spiderman suit, the aches of a difficult mission starting to settle in his bones but he seemed to forget all of that the moment he saw you.
“Until then I’ll drink my coffee, eat my pie pretend that we are more than friends~,” you sing, swirling around as you feel that familiar prickle giving away his presence.
His eyes seem to widen slightly as you acknowledge him before a small smile settles on his face.
“Then of course I’ll let you break my heart again,” you say, making your way up to him as the smile on your face mirrors his own.
“Dance with me?” you ask him, holding out a hand for him to grasp. He only shakes his head.
“Mi alma, you know I’m not much of a dancer,” he replies but eyes your hand for a moment.
“Oh, c’mon Miguel,” you plead, a hand held out waiting for him to hold it. “Just one dance?” And even though he tried his hardest, he just couldn’t resist the look in your eyes.
“Alright, but just one,” he says, grasping your hand warmly before pulling you close, wrapping his arms around your waist. Your expression lights up as he does, and you wrap your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his chin.
He can’t help the smile that plays across his face, his heart growing so warm in fondness.
The longer he holds you in his arms, the more he can feel his body relax within your embrace as you sway from side to side with the slow melody.
Being a protector of the multiverses, he didn’t have time to be soft. Not when the decisions he made, when the decisions all the spiders had to make under his direction would destroy that softness in an instant….But with you, he could afford that vulnerability, because he knew you would hold the frail wounded heart hidden behind the walls he built gently.
He reserved that softness for you, only you.
“Someday, one day,” you continue to sing, and he lets your voice wash over him like a calm ocean wave. “I will stop falling in love with you.”
He lifts an arm up from your waist for a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I don’t think I ever could, querida,” he whispers softly. “Stop falling in love with you, I mean.”
You look up at him, unable to stop the tears from welling in your eyes at the admission but he wipes them away before they could fall.
“I don’t think I could either,” you say softly before leaning your head back on his chest, listening to the steady thump of his heart. “You’re stuck with me, unfortunately,” you chuckle, but he only pulls you closer.
“How are you feeling?” you ask hesitantly, noticing how he looked more tired than usual. You knew it was a 50/50 tossup as to whether he would answer in truth, but you knew he appreciated the thought.
It wasn’t often he allowed himself to be vulnerable, truly vulnerable with you. To spill all those thoughts swirling in the beautiful chaos that was his mind. That strong front he put up was the only thing that held him together.
“I’m alright, mi corazón,” he answers, though his eyes held the depth of a thousand words.
He was tired…but he was home.
Taglist: @remuslupinwifee
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Hi! I’m not sure if you’re doing request if you aren’t don’t worry but If you are could you please write whatever you’re down for, a little Drabble of Simon and reader going yarn shopping! I just came back yarn shopping myself and I’ve been giggling at the names! One I picked is called “tutti frutie
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Thank you so much for the ask!! This is such a cute idea. Hope you enjoy the story <3
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Twelve Row Repeat
Your wonderful man, Simon Riley, has his heart set on a sweater for Christmas. So, you drag him to the yarn shop to make him squish the skeins.
“And you’re sure you want this one? There are some other —”
Simon reached over you, towering behind you in his motorcycle gear and black medical mask, snatching the paper pattern from the small rack,
“This is it.”
“Okay,” you flipped open the small pattern booklet, “Great.”
This was not great. 
Simon had only been asking for one thing all year. Each time Christmas came up in conversation, he’d just shrug and mention his sweater. It was your own fault, really. You’d been frequenting a new local yarn shop by your flat, and he’d begrudgingly tag along. His big brown eyes would cut over a sharp glance to you when the price rang up on the till, but he didn’t complain. One night, while you were scrolling through heirloom-style sweater patterns on your phone, daydreaming about the knitter you would someday be, he stopped you, pressing his thick fingerpad to the screen,
“Aye. That’ll do me.”
“Si,” you shook your head, “I’m not that good, yet. Those are much harder than they look.”
“Nah, you’re brilliant,” he planted a chaste kiss on your mouth, silencing your protests, and left it at that. 
So, now, here you were, hunched over the small pattern library of your favorite shop, digging through the advanced section of Aran sweaters, staring at sleeves with cables and twelve-row repeats. It was enough to make your mouth dry. 
But, he believed in you, and you wanted to trust yourself that you could handle it. Bucking up the courage, you grabbed a few notions and headed over to the yarn wall, dragging Simon behind you. 
You stood side by side as you stared at the collection. It was organized by weight and brand, color-coded for fiber type. It was one of your favorite places on earth. Sometimes, even when you didn’t bring your man with you, you’d come and dig through the cubbies, squishing the cakes and skeins, letting them whisper to you about what they wanted to be. It was important to you that you listened to the yarn. Just because you wanted to make a blanket with a particular yarn didn’t necessarily mean it would feel good on your needles. You needed to listen and feel… and most importantly — squeeze for softness.
“Alright,” you said, galvanized, “What color?”
There was no way in hell you were spending six months staring into the blackness trying to decipher the knits and purls and cables of a Level 4 sweater.
Simon huffed, but he was smiling. You could see the way his cheek creased up underneath his eyes. 
“Green,” he relented, then grabbed your arm in his gloved hand, snatching you away from a pretty sage color wool, “Dark green.”
You glared up at him, but you set your sights on a dark green merino. It called to you like a siren’s song. And, at the price per skein that you assumed that it was, you were about to help Simon find out just what kind of gift he was asking you for. 
Your hand reached out to grab the carefully wound ball. It was soft, with a very slight halo, and the emerald hues varied only a little through the strands, letting you know that it had been hand-dyed with the utmost care. You flipped it over to read the name: Spruced Up. As your fist delicately closed around the skein, you nearly sighed from the plushness of it. You wanted to bury your face in it already, and it wasn’t even knitted up. 
You checked the weight. After measuring Simon at home, you knew you needed to over buy. Who knows? You told yourself. Maybe I’ll even get some gloves out of this. It would be fun to match with him.
“Okay, tiger,” you smiled up at him, “We need thirteen of these.” 
He grabbed the ball from you and checked the tag,
“Thirteen? Are you havin’ a laugh?”
“You’re a big bloke,” you shrugged, “And this is a complex pattern. Just give me your hand. I want you to feel it.”
He hesitated, doing the mental math for the cost in his head. But, he gave you his hand and let you remove his glove.
You placed the skein back into his palm, staring in wonder at the sheer size of it, and told him,
“Okay, now squish.”
Simon squished. He was careful, now that he knew the price of what he was holding, and he looked down at it in surprise.
“Soft…” He commented in a half-whisper, looking up into your gaze with amused surprise. Then, he squished again, indulgently, and his timbre changed to something a little more insidious, “Soft like you, lamb.”
Your pet name rumbled out of his mouth as no small threat. You saw him reaching for you, and you caught him before he could snake his other hand fully under your dress, grabbing for your thighs to tease the soft, plump flesh there.
“Hey! If you get me kicked out, you definitely won’t get your sweater.” You smirked, bumping him with your hip, promising him he could be naughty later, just not here.
Simon helped you haul your purchases up to the counter and paid for the entire lot, not even grimacing at the final total. He patiently waited while you used their in-store winder and swift. You enjoyed the way he studied you as you practiced the skills of your craft. His faith in your abilities really made you feel like you could accomplish anything you set your mind to. 
Finally, with your yarn and notions packed and stowed carefully in his bike’s saddle bags, Simon handed you your helmet and commented, 
“Looking forward to seeing your progress, love.”
“I’ll keep you posted. Might even let you squish my yarn again…” You winked when his head turned back to you, getting excited by your tone.
“It’s not the yarn I want in my hands, little lamb. Get on this bike before you get yourself into trouble.”
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AO3 Link
*Sorry, my knitting knowledge is basic, but I tried to do my homework. I can make a scarf and that's about it!
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babiebom · 11 months
Sdv Age and Height Headcanons
A/N: hi! It’s officially my birthday(the 15th) and I am now 23 :((((( I didn’t know what to post because everything is in the works right now but I wanted to post something to celebrate in a way so here!! Only base game stardew characters so no ridgeside or expanded. I do count Rasmodius/Marlon/Gunther/Morris as base game even though they’re expanded upon in mods. If anyone has questions for me (personal or about my fics or whatever) feel free to request or ask!!
Tw: none other than a mention of death in Shane’s part.
Sdv Masterlist
We always have to start with the loml (it tries to autocorrect loml to mommy and lonely btw)
I think he’s about 23-26 I think he has a degree in IT but I’m not sure. He has to be able to have graduated or taken classes or something.
I think he’s 5’10 at the shortest and 6’2 maybe 6’2 1/2 at the tallest.
Idk just seems tall to me because he’s lowkey intimidating.
Him and Abigail are in the same age range. I think they were born in the same year.
This means he is about 22-25 and his birthday occurs right after summer break(maybe I should do birthday headcanons?)
I think he is a very tall boy(keep in mind that I am short af so what I mean by very tall depends)
So maybe he is 5’10 at the shortest like Seb and 6’3 at the tallest.
I think him and Seb can be interchangeable when it comes to height? Both of them however come behind Harvey and Elliott but not by a lot.
The shortest bachelor for sure
I think he is very short and stocky he gives me big strong dad energy like your dads not the tallest but man is strong af.
So maybe 5’5-5’8? I mean 5’8 isnt short at all really but keep in mind I’m saying this is the tallest he can be, and the height really does make some guys seem really short when in reality they arent( also my phone tried to add king every time I typed short so there’s that)
Among the older bachelors so about 31-35?
I feel like that’s enough time to go from playing football(sorry gridball) in high school, getting a scholarship to play in college, dropping out to take care of his goddaughter when his friends die and becoming depressed.
He just seems like a 30 something year old going through the trenches :(.
I think the oldest out of the bachelors and bachelorettes. He has gone to med school and that is I think at least like 4 years then 8 years? Unless I’m wrong lmao
So I think he would be around 35-38
He’s an older man that has spent his life helping people it’s so cute
He is on the taller side. In my mind he gives gentle giant vibes.
So 6’0 at the shortest and maybe 6’5 at the tallest. I think he towers over people but his posture is so bad that no one notices.
I think he is between the ass trio and Maru so 21-24
I think he graduated high school only a couple years prior to year one because of how passionate he is about gridball and how he thinks it’ll happen I don’t think anyone older would be like “someday I’ll go pro” they’d be crushed already
I think he is 6’0 exactly. He gives off 6 feet vibes like I can see that if he had a tinder profile it would 100 percent say “I’m 6’0 btw”
I think he’s 34 exactly.
He seems like during his 20s he worked in the family business, he did what was told of him because he didn’t really know how to be an adult.
Then when he hit 30 he decided that he didn’t want anything to do with the family business and decided to move to Pelican Town to follow his dreams of writing.
He had enough money saved up to move and cut contact with his parents after they threatened to disown him because of him choosing to chase his dreams.
I think he is up there with Harvey as I’ve already said. I think they could be the same height range and who is taller is interchangeable.
So 6’0-6’5 really. Gives off hunk on the cover of a romance novel vibes.
I think she’s around 24-26. And I do think she has a teaching license and an education degree so this would give her enough time to have graduated and come back to Pelican Town after like a year of teaching in the city.
She seems sort of mature but immature at the same time, like immature when it comes to romance and dating, and sort of life but also she has the vibes of an introvert that was forced to mature quickly so she is good at making decisions, but at the same time her emotions are out of whack.
I think she’s a petite girl she doesn’t look very tall at all.
So I think she’s 5’2-5’5 I think for women to me 5’5 that’s the cap on people seeming short to me for women.
Luckily I didn’t have to think about this too hard because I already answered this in one of my very first posts
I think she is 5’4 to 5’8 (sorry I’m American so 162 to 172 cm?)
She’s the first one I’m doing I’m not converting everyone but it’s like 2.5 cm per inch and 30.5 per foot
Her age is around 22-25 in year 1 I think. I know I’m my original Abigail headcanon I said oldest is 24 but I think 25 is okay.
She is amongst the youngest in her grade level during school years.
I think she’s on the younger side, like the same age range as Alex. Especially because she gives the vibes if she just graduated and hasn’t grown out of her mean girl/insecure personality
So she’s about 21-24
I think she’s similar to Abigail where she gives off like petite girl energy but also tall girl energy. Like I feel like she was a cheerleader and people always said that she could model so maybe she’s on the taller side
So maybe 5’4-5’7
Idk what it is about women that are 5’7 are specifically beautiful to me, they seem super tall but not so tall that it makes me feel like they’re a giant, their arms and legs are long idkidk.
She’s the older sister of Haley, and I think she’s pretty close to Shane and Gus so I think she’s on the older side
I also think that she could be the oldest out of all the bachelorettes.
So maybe 29-35
She seems a lot more mature than Haley, as well as understanding and confident in her life and her choices
As well as she doesn’t seem insecure or as if she’s weird at all like I think younger people are.
I think her height range is very small compared to the others like
She’s 5’5-5’6
She gives off the vibes for that like not too short not too tall just average.
In my opinion Maru is the youngest out of the bachelorettes AND bachelors because I think everyone is around the same age and she’s the younger sister of Sebastian who I think is closer to everyone else’s ages so it makes her younger.
I think she’s about 19-21
Like yes she’s working as a nurse, but it’s a small town and she’s an actual genius, I don’t think they care that she’s young. Besides Harvey handles everything on his own she mostly does paperwork and assistant stuff.
Her height has to be around like 5’2-5’4 I think she is a very small girl despite Robin and Demetrius being a little on the taller side.
I think she might be the second oldest out of the bachelorettes
Like her backstory is her working in a dead end job, she was in a longtime relationship and could’ve gotten married had she not decided to leave
So she’s about 27-31 she’s not the same age as Emily, but she does hang out with Elliott so I think she’s a little older.
I think she’s about 5’6 she makes me feel as if she’s about average in heigh because of how artistic she is I feel like anyone smaller would be very disadvantaged when carving or doing anything and so would someone taller.
I think he would be about 5’9-5’11
Like he doesn’t seem too tall but he does give me taller side energy
Would probably tell people he’s 6 feet bc he gives me the vibes of someone who would because he wants to seem like he’s perfect.
I think he’s like 45-48
He is for sure older than Caroline especially because I believe he is into the traditional gender roles which means younger wife and older husband.
Caroline I think is a very average woman. And not by looks because I think she actually would be quite attractive like I feel like she would be vERY beautiful.
I mean in terms of her body, she isn’t too big or too small, she didn’t have too much fat or too little her body is just average.
So I think she would be 5’4-5’6
I also think all of the moms are in a similar age range so she would be 44-47
Honestly with the way they’re designed I would’ve said 30s but that would make no sense if their kids are in the marrying age/having kids range.
I think she is on the shorter side, she gives me short thicc mom energy. Especially because Kent is a military man.
So maybe 5’2-5’5 bc I think Kent towers over her and so does Sam. The kids did not get her genes because I do think Vincent would be quite tall when he is an adult.
I also think she would be like 43-46 she has a kid that’s an adult and a kid that’s a child so I think this age range would be more plausible for her to have had one kid young and the other one at an older age.
Is large and in charge like BIG MAN
So I think he must be 6’2-6’5
Like towers over most people and intimidates them based on size alone.
Similar age as Jodi. I think they probably were in the same grade in high school so same age 43-46
Right now like as of year 1 would probably be tiny
Like people think he’s going to turn out like Jodi but would actually turn out to be like Kent and Sam and be huge.
So maybe like 3’10?
Kinda small for his age but not like super small?
He is probably 6 or 7 years old
Granny Evelyn is probably TINY
Like I think she is 4’9
She’s so cute and small and was probably taller when she was younger
Also old as HELL from how she looks
So maybe from 80-95
Because she as well as George have to older than everyone on the older side.
Was probably on the taller side before he was wheelchair bound.
Probably 5’11 exactly like not super tall but tall enough.
Him and Evelyn have such a big height gap and it’s ADORABLE.
I think maybe 2 or 3 years older than Evelyn
83-98 so super old lmao
I think the oldest out of the parents
So maybe 49-54
She hates the fact that she’s on the older side out of the parents, especially because she isn’t really close to the others as much as she would like to be. She feels out of place among them.
I think she’s about 5’6 I can see her being VERY beautiful when she was younger, and she probably still has a nice body and face, especially if she stops drinking.
His ass is probably in his 60s but sees himself as younger
I think 60s isn’t really old at all, like it’s still enough time to do different things.
But his glory days are over
Probably 5’9 like average height.
I think he might be younger than Emily. His crush seems very immature to me. And it makes him a little less incel-y but idk.
So maybe 27-30?
He’s definitely old enough to know not to act a fool but like it makes sense at this age that he’s an asshole after being rejected for so long y’know.
I think he’s maybe 5’9? Not too short but not too tall. Definitely thinks being taller could’ve helped his situation.
I cannot tell anything about this man at ALL
He’s very mysterious
I think he is literally 40-59
Could literally be anywhere in that
He’s probably 5’10 too since I think he’s able to see something on the shelves, and he can see over the counter.
He’s on the older side. Idk if he has kids or anything, but he gives dad vibes
So maybe 50-59 not too old but like middle aged.
Very sweet and that’s what gives me the father vibes.
Also he doesn’t seem like a gossip but knows a lot which gives me that age range.
I think he’s either 5’6 or 6’3 nothing else. I think 5’6 is more likely though.
I think he is a little younger than Robin. It’s lowkey what makes him and Sebastian to be so bad at getting along.
So maybe 40-42?
Old enough to be a dad but not really old enough I guess.
I think he is VERY tall. Especially since in game it looks like he has a little height over Robin.
So 6’3 at the shortest? 6’5 at the most?
I think she had Sebastian at 20? Maybe younger but I think 20 is a good age. She was young and barely out of teenagedom that her parents were probably upset.
I think she’s a little tall but not too tall like 5’7
Very beautiful and her legs are longer than her torso but not in a tall SpongeBob vibe y’know.
I think he’s in his 50s? So 50-60
I think he is younger than Lewis and that’s also why they can’t really get along other than Marnie.
Probably 5’10
Like tall enough that when fighting monsters he has no disadvantage but not so tall that he can’t get anything done.
He is also mysterious.
He looks old but at the same time he lives in nature and his looks probably don’t match his age.
So anywhere from 50-70?
Some 70 year olds look young and can move around and I don’t doubt that he is agile due to him being a nature man.
On the taller side of kids.
So sort of like 4’5 or almost 5’0
I think Leo is older than Jas and Vincent
But not too much older that it’s weird.
So maybe 10?
I think she is on the older side. I don’t think that she is too old, for sure younger than Lewis
I think she’s like 50-56?
Young enough that Lewis wants to sleep with her for sure
Also young enough that she still hopes by some miracle that she has a child
I think she’s like 5’2-5’4
I think he is either like super old like hundreds of years or like a mortal person old
So maybe like 60-70
Quite a bit older than Caroline and old enough that he has lived and seen some things
Like an affair and a divorce and losing everything
Probably 6’0 exactly ngl
Also on the smaller side, and will end up like 5’2 at most when she’s older
So like 3’7 first year she is a very small BABY
She’s also the same age as Vincent so 6 or 7
I think he is old but doesn’t look it
So in his 60s-70s
Has time to fish and perfect it has time to gain things and lose things
Has lived through a LOT
I think he is 5’5-5’9
A bit on the smaller side but y’know short kings exist.
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oddaesthetin · 4 months
sunny days — yoon jeonghan
“aigoo. you really have got to get out of here.”
awoken from the sound, you grunted as you tried to find where the voice was coming from. just near the bedroom door stands your hannie, with both arms resting at both sides of his hips. you whined and closed your eyes as you felt your energy depleting again.
it was monday, and you really have no plans whatsoever to spend the day. after two weeks of being completely eaten out by a very important presentation at work, your two days off were the only ones you had long anticipated. and it’s not that you didn’t miss spending time with your boyfriend, but he’s mostly been here with you on the two weeks you were killing yourself over work, so you’re pretty sure he’s aware of what you’ve been through.
“no, like seriously, when was the last time you actually went out and just basked in the sun?” footsteps nearing your bed, you raised your head again and looked at him with sleepy eyes.
“don’t know and don’t care, hannie. i’m so tired,” you said in a groggy voice, hoping he’d feel even just a little bit of pity and not make you go out. “besides, since when were you the one to be excited to ‘go out and bask in the sun’? last time i checked, you’re the type to hibernate longer than a dormouse.”
fast forward to 40 minutes later, you found yourself getting dragged by jeonghan outside your apartment complex. something about how you needed the sun’s vitamin D for your bones (because you spent the past weeks sitting and grouching on your work desk) was what made him win the argument. where to, still unknown. but since he’s the one who asked you out, you’re pretty confident he’s prepared for this.
“lovie, don’t you feel much better?”
as much as you wanted to disagree, fortunately, unfortunately, he’s right. after a few quick trips to several cafés on a bread and pastry hunt, you spent the remaining time before sunset walking along the pathways of a small trail near the mountains. indeed, you needed the sun so badly that you started running excitedly as soon as you saw the familiar trail. to give more context, this was the trail you and jeonghan often frequented when you just started dating. you remember considering this place as a hideaway when you were still not used to adjusting to each other’s schedules. 2 years later and everything remains the same— from the fresh smell of the leaves from the pine trees brought by the cold winds to the glowing scarlet orange sky. anyone who would come here, stressed or not, would be delighted in a minute.
“yes,” you answered shortly. childishly plucking off some of the dandelions disseminated along the field, then sneezing right after you idiotically attempted to smell them. jeonghan couldn’t help but laugh at the behavior. you’re just like a cat.
“someday, i’ll build a house on a place like this. sooo refreshing.”
“wow, really saying that while rubbing your nose off your face? couldn’t be more ironic, love.”
sighing, jeonghan went to your side to gently slap your hands away from your face. he pulled out a handkerchief in his pocket and started using that in an attempt to remove any remaining pollen in your hands. despite your complaining about treating you like a child, he won the argument for the second time on this day.
“ooh, but i do get you, tho. remember that piano scene from crash landing on you? wasn’t that in switzerland? the place looks so chilly and vibrant. maybe we could buy a house there in the future.”
feeling lighthearted, you made a joke, “what, like, you proposin’ to me or somethin’?” while annoyingly raising your brow up and down at him. not quite a common sight, but the faint embarrassed expression he quickly hid behind a grin did not escape your eyes. he playfully swatted your face and stood up.
“who said you’re gonna live with me? i’m just planning to include you in the buying process then i’ll leave you alone here.”
“i’ll secretly write my name as the sole owner then. i’d be so quick you won’t even notice me stealing your pen, asshole.”
your boyfriend laughed again; not because of your silliness but because of the happenstance of what you said. such an irony, truly. he shook his head as he thought.
by the time he was finished having an internal monologue, you were already walking far away from him, still preying on the variety of dandelions scattered wildly at the trail. the previous lassitude on your face is now gone. he eventually caught up to you and stopped you from walking by holding your hand as he pointed the other to the sun that is now in its setting glory. as cliche as it looks like, the day ended with you both being completely entranced by the scene.
unbeknownst to you, somewhere along the streets of lake brienz already lies a home unneeding of your clever plan. you must have forgotten already, he deemed. but it’s still clear as day in his mind how you had mentioned of switzerland before. it’s still a secret though. making sure not to mess up an even bigger surprise he plans on giving you, he grinned again at himself.
jeonghan rarely plans dates, but when he does, it always ends up being more than what your heart can long for.
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plutoccult · 4 months
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pairing: levi ackerman x gender neutral reader
description: modern au headcanons of levi as your next-door neighbor.
author’s note: HEY??? it’s been a long, long time. i’m not guaranteeing a comeback to this account, but i have missed posting on here. with the way my adult life has become, i don’t have the time to write like i used to, and i find myself caught up in other things now. i wrote these headcanons a long time ago, but with some changes. maybe someday i’ll write again! but for now, i hope you all enjoy, and i’ve missed you guys!!!!
tags: @solefleurs @heavenfilm @mayariviolet @todorokiskitten @jeanboyjean @cowgirlikets @dawnthequeen @urhotgfmelz @0p1umz @lykak
taglist form here
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— next-door neighbor levi who watched from his front porch with a cup of tea in hand as a handful of movers carried countless boxes into the house next door, the change all happening so fast after the old man who once inhabited it passed away.
— next-door neighbor levi who rolled his eyes upon realizing a young woman had taken over the property, anticipating nights where he struggled to fall asleep thanks to loud music blaring.
— next-door neighbor levi who wasn’t prepared for you to knock on his door, introducing yourself as his new neighbor and explaining that you had inherited your grandfather’s home after his death.
— next-door neighbor levi who felt bad for judging before ever meeting you, welcoming you to the neighborhood and keeping an eye on you from that moment forth, but not in a creepy way. it’s not like a soft spot for you had quickly developed. definitely not that.
— next-door neighbor levi who began to find himself saying good morning to you before you both left for work, you joking that the two of you “need to stop bumping into each other like this.” shockingly enough, levi laughed at such a joke, a rarity from him.
— next-door neighbor levi who noticed your lawn was an atrocious mess and feared you’d get a fine as a result, later knocking on your door and asking if you would like him to cut your lawn for you as he had a mower of his own. when you tried to offer him cash for doing such a thing, saying you had been trying to find someone to do it for ages, he refused, insisting it’s the neighborly thing to do.
— next-door neighbor levi who hated grass, but for some reason he didn’t mind getting a little messy if it was for your sake. it was all about keeping the neighborhood as clean as possible, right?
— next-door neighbor levi who was invited over for dinner after mowing your lawn. although hesitant, he accepted and later came over after washing the smell of grass off of himself.
— next-door neighbor levi who you noticed almost always wore a button up, even now as he entered your place with a bag of tea leaves, one you didn’t ask for him to bring. you were trying to do something nice for him in return for what he’s done for you, but he always seemed to keep on sharing the wealth.
— next-door neighbor levi who was amazed by your tea collection in the kitchen, you explaining how your grandparents loved to drink tea and that you probably got your love for it and also murder mysteries from them.
— next-door neighbor levi who found himself blushing around you that night, unable to pinpoint why he was feeling this way. he wanted to blame the burning sensation in his cheeks on the steaming ramen you cooked, which tasted absolutely delicious, by the way.
— next-door neighbor levi who stayed at your place past his typical bedtime, finding himself in the midst of a murder she wrote marathon with you close to midnight, only leaving because you realized how late the two of you had stayed up, knowing you both had to work the next day.
— next-door neighbor levi who knew after that night he had become smitten by you, but refused to do a thing about it. he didn’t want to end up ruining the friendship you were starting to build and turn into your creepy neighbor instead.
— next-door neighbor levi who tried his best to not overstep any boundaries, the only way he knew how being to keep his distance. he figured it was the safest way to go.
— next-door neighbor levi who hated moments not spent with you. as much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was completely head over feet.
— next-door neighbor levi who was surprised on a sunday morning when you confronted him and asked if you did something wrong. he hadn’t realized his avoidance was so cold and regretted it upon seeing the frown on your face.
— next-door neighbor levi who knew he couldn’t run from these feelings he was saddled with any longer. the least he had to do was try, and if you were to say no, then so be it.
— next-door neighbor levi who confessed his attraction towards you, although looking away in shame as his face became scalding hot.
— next-door neighbor levi who was taken aback when you cupped his face so he could look at you, his shock even more evident when you kissed him on the cheek and said you were glad he felt that way.
— next-door neighbor levi who later down the line became boyfriend levi, eventually selling his home in favor of sharing one with you, his future wife.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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hellsslibrary · 11 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚NSFW Alphabet with Azul Ashengrotto˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
DNI : minors.
!!Warnings : switch!top!male!reader, switch!bottom!Azul, size difference kink, oral, toys, cock warming, praise/humiliation kink, power dynamic, ink(I'm not sorry).
#a.n. : While everyone is writing kinktobers, I'm still trying to finish this. But wait after the alphabets, there will be kinktober... In November, to make it more convenient (and maybe earlier, if I try). Also, no pictures today because I want to redo the decor, and I'm writing this part of Azul for two beautiful ladies, so...(I'll add them later)
A = Aftercare (What are they like after sex?)
He is embarrassed about this (just a little), but he will help put things in order in what he and his partner have done. Prefers to rest a bit before cleaning, but if his partner starts, he will certainly help too. Especially if he was in a dominant position.
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part as well as their partners)
Well, in your body it would... Certain parts. He definitely has a kink for the size difference (you can't argue with me, I want to pin him against the wall). And he will love anything if it is bigger than his body parts? Palms, muscles, if any, tongue, di—. Yes.
Honestly, he really likes his chest, and not just the nipples specifically, he likes it when his partner touches him anywhere on the chest in general. I just have a headcanon that he has very petite chest, even for a guy and well... Sorry.
C = Cum (basically anything related to sperm)
So... His sperm has the most ordinary consistency. It is released quite a bit during orgasm, but it tastes quite salty. There is his ink in the sperm (fanfiction with the overblot form of Azul is always in my head, maybe I’ll write them too someday)
Mmm, I think he likes it when people cum in his mouth. Fish sperm, according to internet experts, is simply disgusting. So he likes this taste, definitely.
D = Dirty Secret (Self-explanatory, their dirty secret)
He is the power bottom almost always, simply because he is flattered by the idea of control. But damn, he has moments where he just wants you to take it all into your own hands and take it as you please, mostly without considering his opinion (but still having his consent to it, of course).
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they are doing?)
... No. Simply no. He's definitely a virgin. I doubt he even knows much about sex in theory. Well, dick, hole there, sperm, orgasm. That's all, okay?
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Doggy style~. Don't lie to me that you didn't want to bend him over his table in the VIP room, I won't believe you (it's not exactly doggy style, but who cares). He mostly refuses to look you in the face when you're dominant, so why not.
If he is dominant... Missionary position? I just like the idea of a dominant bottom underneath a service top and well... Azul would be a good fit. He likes to be snuggled anyway.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious at the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Extremely serious, but with a hint of playfulness, if that makes sense. For example, if he has sex with a partner, it means that they literally mean the world to him and he is exposing a part of himself that is really vulnerable, so he likes it if both parties take it very seriously, but he also likes to have an opportunity to tease you and pull your strings just to see how you react.
H = Hair (How well groomed is it? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I wouldn't say he's shaved, but his hair is definitely short, so there's no real need for that. The color is absolutely identical and they are also slightly curly, just like this hairstyle...
I = Intimacy (How are they feeling at the moment? Romantic aspect.)
He is very romantic in general. As I said earlier, he exposes a part of himself that is truly vulnerable, so when his partner takes it seriously, he feels very loved, generally respected and accepted, so he becomes much more romantic both sexually and in general .
J = Jack off (Main canon of masturbation)
He has a lot of stress in his life, you know? So, fuck... I think he would like to do this more often, but he doesn't do it often anyway. He still prefers your hands.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He probably likes to be humiliated and praised at the same time, and I can't explain it for the world, but I know it. Also likes power dynamics, likes to be bossed around and have less power than the other person, but still respected. But when it comes to dominating you—... For now. He also loves getting your cock warm (sorry). Well... I like to attribute this kink to all busy characters, except for Vil, what will you do to me.
L = Location (Favorite places to do things)
Very personal to him, so the only place he could really do this is either his room, his partners room, or some motel if he's really desperate. Specifically and for the most part, this is his room because he knows where everything is and he has certain toys that he can just pull out whenever he wants. Although... With a lot of persuasion or no choice (if one of you was EXTREMELY horny), he would agree to have sex in a less secluded place
M = Motivation (what turns them on, turns them on)
When he and his partner have a truly romantic relationship (that is, serious) or when you start whispering all sorts of dirty things in his ear and touching his thighs, for example.
N = No (Something they wouldn't do is disabled)
Hmm, I should at least list with someone no (with Vil there will be a direct list, lol), but Azula will also receive this honor. Rape, he also really doesn't like threesomes because he feels it's more about getting laid than actually caring about each other and wants to dedicate all his love to one person in particular. And also his real form until a very distant moment in the relationship.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving. You can't tell me otherwise because this man looks like he was made to be flexed, especially with his skinny waist like...(sorry, I got carried away) and he probably doesn't mind either sit on your face (if that’s what you’re into, of course). The ratio would be something like this: 60% for you, 40% for you.
He's not particularly good at giving blowjobs, but it's all made better by his enthusiasm to bring you to orgasm as quickly as possible... As long as he's not teasing or denying your orgasm, of course.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He is slow and sensual as he loves to enjoy every moment he can spend with his partner in this way. Also wants to make sure that the other person knows that he loves them for real, and not just for sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickie games, how often, etc.)
Doesn't like quick games, but if he's really busy and his partner wants to do it, he'll agree to one. Well... Actually, they happen quite often, if I may confess.
R = Risk (are they playing with experiments? Are they taking risks? etc.)
Willing to take risks, but very quickly draws a line under what he doesn't like to do (he absolutely doesn't want many things until he becomes comfortable with his boyfriend/he has more trust in him). He wants to spend time with his partner as fully as possible.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they last? How long will they last?)
He becomes very weak in this position, so can usually only last about 7-10 rounds at most (still a reminder that this is a magical world, kittens). He actually only tries three or so, but if his partner wants to try a few more, he's more than welcome. True, only a few.
T = Toys (Do they have toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He probably has a dildo that he pleasures himself with from time to time, but he only really uses one. He takes good care of it and always makes sure it's properly cleaned so he doesn't get an infection or get sick or anything like that. Not a big fan of toys in general, but if that's what you want, he's okay with it.
U = Unfair (How much they love to tease)
He really likes both sides of the coin. He enjoys both teasing his partner and receiving teasing from him. Loves it when he squirms under his partner and he starts making comments about it, although he always complains about it, he likes it. And I also like the completely mirrored version.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very loud because he often forgets to be quiet, the only thing he can really think about is his partner at that moment so nothing else matters. Although, if you persuade him to have sex outside of your rooms with him... He will hardly utter a sound, he is too ashamed.
W = Wild Card (random character headcanon)
He... Loves... Jerk... You... With...His... Tentacles. Okay, listen to me. When in the end, you gain his trust completely, he will agree to many things in his form. And damn... The tentacles are clearly faster and more skillful than his arms (even if they are quite chubby).
X = X-ray (Let's see what's going on under those clothes)
12 cm/just under 5 inches. He has a mole on his balls. His balls are surprisingly quite large and plump.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Like I said, his sex drive is quite high considering his stress level, but on average... He's fine with about 2-3 times a week. Although, what if you want more? He's all yours.
Z - Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep later)
Doesn't fall asleep right away, he likes to compliment his partner or talk a little before he falls asleep. If his partner is asleep, he can simply lie there for 10-20 minutes and come to the realization of what he just did before falling back to sleep.
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sundo-li · 11 months
Intro Dialogue ❥ Flirty | 1 [My Boys]
I'm new to the fandom so don't be too hard on me. Raiden, Liu Kang, the Lin Kuei and the Royal family has my heart. Anyway, I wanted to start writing for them and this is the start of that. Enjoy! xoxo [In the future, if people want male reader content I can do that as well].
❥ female reader x the lin kuei + liu kang & raiden. ❥ intro dialogue
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──── · · · ❥ BI-HAN
❥ | You will never become apart of the Lin Kuei. ❥ | Oh no, you wound me, Bi-Han.
❥ | You really think I would go for someone like you, Empress? ❥ | Where there's a will, there's a way.
❥ | I am the Lin Kuei's Grandmaster. ❥ | You could also be my King.
❥ | Let's hope you can fight as much as you... flirt... ❥ | You're always so mean to me, Bi-Han. It’s cute.
❥ | Do you fight as well as you talk? ❥ | Why don't you come over here and find out.
❥ | Oh, how you chill my heart. ❥ | Where did you learn that from? Johnny?
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──── · · · ❥ TOMAS VRBADA
❥ | You cannot hide, Queen. ❥ | For you, I am always available.
❥ | You would serve well as my Concubine. ❥ | I- I don't know what to say to that.
❥ | Would you serve me as your Queen, Tomas? ❥ | I- *blushes* I can't focus. Yes?
❥ | Would you train me, Empress? ❥ | I'll show you more things than one.
❥ | What are you, Empress? ❥ | I could be yours if you let me.
❥ | That mask covers your handsome face. ❥ | Wait... You think I'm handsome?
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──── · · · ❥ KUAI LIANG
❥ | Weren't you once Lin Kuei? ❥ | In another lifetime I was also yours.
❥ | Johnny outed you. ❥ | No he didn't! Wait, what did he say? *glances around worried*
❥ | I hope that fire burns for me. ❥ | Here, let me set you ablaze.
❥ | You’re a sorceress. ❥ | Let me enchant you with my spells.
❥ | I’ll let you be my king if you behave. ❥ | I belong to the Shirai Ryu. I have no need for your trickery.
❥ | You are a warrior of many talents. ❥ | I can show you some that no one has seen before.
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──── · · · ❥ LIU KANG
❥ | You're already the queen of Outworld. ❥ | Maybe in another lifetime I could be your queen.
❥ | Even in this forsaken lifetime, your beauty is unmatched. ❥ | You flatter me, Liu Kang.
❥ | You still much to learn about the realms, Empress. ❥ | Then teach me, Liu Kang.
❥ | Will I someday find my King? ❥ | I created one person fit for you this timeline. *smirks*
❥ | Do you still have eyes for Kitana, my lord? ❥ | I only have eyes for you, my Queen.
❥ | Am I to bow before my creator? ❥ | No. But I wouldn't mind you kneeling.
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──── · · · ❥ RAIDEN
❥ | How about a sparing match? ❥ | Oh and what will be my prize if I win?
❥ | So, you have a crush on little ol' me? ❥ | What?! Who told you that?!
❥ | I want to know your secrets. ❥ | Hm, maybe I'll tell them to you in my chambers.
❥ | You have been warned, Empress. ❥ | Is that a threat or a promise?
❥ | I would like to assist you, Empress. ❥ | Oh? In what way, Raiden?
❥ | Your sister is pretty. ❥ | I thought you like me, Empress?
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© 2023 › SunDo-Li || All Rights Reserved. 🐰 DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. Thank You!
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slasherbvnnie · 2 years
Until We Found You | Part V
Part V is finally out!! I enjoyed writing this one a lot! I still have some more chapters in mind, especially for the big reveal. Not sure how many I can write out, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.  Sorry it’s a bit short this time! The next part is going to be longer. As usual, heed the tags
Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader, Eventual NSFW, All characters 18+
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
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word count: 1836
“Don’t you know the trope of never having sex in horror films?” The other line asked you, making you laugh, “you didn’t kill me the first time, why would it be any different now?” You asked as you sat out on your front porch, taking a seat on the bench outside. “What if someone else made you star in their movie, huh? Wouldn’t you be part of their film instead,” they said as you laughed, “yeah, but then it could be some big cross over. Like alien versus predator or king kong and Godzilla, I would kinda like to see that, my two boys fighting for protecting me.” You teased as they chuckled. 
“I heard you wanted both of us there tonight,” they hummed, making you smile, “so you’re the one who makes the calls?” you asked before continuing, “I want you both here…alongside a new lingerie outfit too, you boys are really racking up a total. You two should take me shopping sometime.” You suggested playfully, wishing that you could go out in public with the two. “Maybe someday,” they said, sounding a little more somber now. “Will you two ever let me know who you are?” You asked, it had been on your mind lately, but the silence gave you your answer. “I guess you still can’t trust me, huh? It’s fine, I’ll find a way to prove it to you two.” You said, hearing another phone call coming in. “I have to let you go now, one of my friends is calling, I’ll see you two tonight, right?” You questioned, “we’ll be a little later tonight but don’t worry, we’ll be there.” They promised you before hanging up. Y
ou smiled, answering the new call coming in. “Hey! Me and Stu were gonna head out for lunch soon, did you wanna join? Sid’s gonna call Billy to see if he wanted to go,” Tatum’s voice said, you debated for a moment before agreeing. “Great! Me and Stu will pick you up, we can pick up Randy too afterwards,” she said as you hummed. “Sounds good, I’ll get ready now,” You said, hanging up after saying goodbye. Your eyes lingered out into the street, you couldn’t help but feel as if there was someone watching you, wondering if your secret stalker was watching over you right now. Part of you wished they’d just come out and reveal themselves to you, pull off their mask and show you their faces. You let out a sigh, getting up from the bench and heading back inside the house to get ready.By the time Stu’s car pulled up to your driveway you were ready, hair and outfit finished along with just the right amount of makeup for you. 
You could hear the music playing from outside, wondering at which point in time Stu would finally lose his hearing, you gave him another 10 good years. You texted your parents that you were going out with your group again, promising them to be home before curfew. Curfew had bummed you out recently, you made a mental note to tell your masked killers that you were mad at them for making Woodsboro go under a curfew, everything sucked now that nothing was open past 6. “Hey Macher, calm it with the stereo,” you said as Stu chuckled, “can’t help it, I like making my presence known,” he said as he turned up the music louder. You rolled your eyes, chatting with Tatum as you all headed to pick up the others. 
Sid and Billy met you at the restaurant, already sitting down at a booth when you all arrived. It was about an hour later, everyone finished with their food and just spending time chatting about whatever came up. “Did you guys hear about Oliver?” Randy asked as Tatum nodded, “Dewey said it was even worse than Casey and Steve, said you couldn’t recognize him at all,” she added in as your eyebrows furrowed. “Sid said the neighbors tried getting the killer, did Dewey say anything about that?” You questioned as Tatum shook her head, “no, he said the neighbor tried to shoot at them but they missed. Said they took off into the woods,” she said, you growing worried if they had been hurt. They didn’t mention anything on the phone so you assumed they weren’t, making you relax a bit. “Maybe it was your mystery date,” Randy teased, making you glare at him, “I mean we were talking about him yesterday, maybe your boyfriend got mad about him and decided to off him as some romantic present,” he added as you laughed. “Right, cause I totally want to be an accomplice,” you joked as you rolled your eyes, but you did wonder if that was true.
 Oliver had bullied others as well, so you didn’t put it past them to have also been one of his victims. Though, the thought that they did it for you made your heart beat faster. “I think you cracked the code Meeks,” Billy teased, noticing your reddening cheeks, “are you all forgetting she was almost killed by them?” Sidney brought up as Stu hummed, “well she is still alive, maybe Randy was right with them doing it to cover up their tracks,” he said as you scoffed. “Can you jackasses back off before I take my turn at you?” You said jokingly, waving the butterknife on your plate around playfully. 
Later that night you sat in bed, rewatching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre on your laptop with Irena purring and fast asleep on your lap. You snacked on some popcorn as you watched the movie, looking to your side as you saw Tatum calling you. You hit pause on the movie and answered as you ate another piece of popcorn, “whats up, Tate?” You asked as she quickly spoke, “holy shit! They almost got the killer!” she yelled into the phone, making you sit up. “What?” You questioned as she laughed. “The killer! They were going after some of Oliver’s friends. They were having a celebration for him and one of the guys actually fucking stabbed them! Dewey said they were chasing them down but lost them a few moments ago, they said the police are gonna be waiting at the hospital incase anyone comes in with a stab wound,” she said, you carefully moved Irena off your lap and set your laptop on your vanity as you looked out your window. You could see the black outfit moving and struggling to climb up, “shit, that’s awesome Tate, let me know if Dewey calls you again, I’m gonna go tell my parents,” You spoke, hanging up the phone and putting it down as you pushed your window open. 
“Seriously? Going after the whole fucking football team?” You asked angrily, putting your hand out to help them inside. You shut the window after they got in, seeing them collapse onto the floor. “Shit, hold on,” You said as you rushed to your bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit and rushing back to their side. You were about to lift up the robe before they grabbed your wrist, pushing your hand away. You felt a little hurt that they still didn’t trust you, but pointed in the direction of the restroom. “You can patch yourself up in there, my friend said the police are going to be at the hospital, you can’t go,” you said, seeing the flashing of police lights pass by outside. “Is the other one okay?” You questioned them, getting a nod as they hubbled to the bathroom. After half an hour they emerged from the bathroom, taking a seat on your desk chair. “Are you okay? Did the bleeding stop?” You fretted over them, getting a nod as they motioned you over. They grabbed your wrist, holding your hand up to their chest so you could feel their steady heartbeat. You relaxed before pushing on their chest, huffing at them. “The whole fucking football team, you’re actually fucking crazy,” you huffed out before gently rubbing where you had pushed them. “The other one, he got away okay?” You asked, smiling when you got another nod. “You can stay as long as you need tonight, the police are probably out searching for you,” you said, sighing softly as you looked to them. “Don’t think I forgot about that lingerie set either, it was pretty expensive,” you said jokingly, earning a laugh from behind their mask. “I’m gonna head to bed, I have an exam tomorrow,” you said, giving a little kiss to their mask. “If you wanna join at least take off your clothes, I won’t look, I promise. You can even blindfold me if you don’t trust me,” you offered, heading to bed. They followed after you, you laid down and closed your eyes, facing them so they could see that you weren’t looking. They began to shuffle out of the costume, going to your door and locking it before heading back to your bed. They laid down behind you, wrapping their arms around you and holding you close.
You fell asleep easily in their hold, relaxing in their arms throughout the night. A few hours later you woke up to muffled voices in the bathroom, you sat up and rubbed your eyes as you looked to see the morning sunlight lighting up your room. “I’m fine, just spent the night at her place,” you heard coming from the bathroom, your groggy mind a bit too slow to recognize they weren’t using the voice changer. You did your best to not pay attention, not wanting to betray their trust by finding out who they were too soon. You laid down again, closing your eyes when you heard the door open. You felt their hand tracing your face before they planted little kisses on your cheeks before planting a soft and loving one to your lips. They pulled away and pulled the mask on before tapping you, you pretended to stir awake, blinking up at them. “You’re leaving?” You asked as they nodded, “be safe, okay? I would rather prefer finding out who you are when you trust me and not through some Gale Weathers interview,” you said as you leaned up, planting a little kiss on their mask just like last night. “Be safe, both of you,” you said as they nodded and began to climb out your window. 
An hour later Tatum came to pick you up in her little red beetle, driving both of you to class. You met up with Sid and Stu, who had his arm wrapped around Tatum. “Where’s Billy at today?” Tatum asked as Sid sighed, “said he came down with a major stomach bug. He said he was sick all night and didn’t even sleep, his dad told him to head to the doctor instead of class,” she said as you turned towards Sidney. Stu became aware of your glance at her, his eyes widening in surprise when you made eye contact with him. 
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1onescu · 3 months
omg I loveee your Jana fics!! could you write a fic were Jana is on live with Kayla and Kayla brings up her girlfriend (the reader obvi) and the comments are going crazy because they didn’t know Jana had a girlfriend. And then a couple days later reader joins one of their lives with the team and all everyone can talk about is how cute reader and Jana are? :)♥️
𝐨𝐧 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 - jana el alfy
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warnings: none!
pairing: jana x fem!reader
summary: basically the request! thank you anon!💕
Jana was lying on her bed, phone in hand, as she scrolled through her social media. It had been a while since she’d done a live session, and she knew her fans had been eagerly waiting for one. Her best friend Kayla had just gone live, and Jana decided to join in. Kayla was always a blast to chat with, and Jana knew her followers loved their dynamic.
“Hey, everyone!” Kayla greeted, her face lighting up the screen. “Guess who decided to join me today?” Jana’s face popped up next to Kayla's
“Jana! We missed you!” “Jana and Kayla together, this is the best day ever!” “Jana, how have you been?”
“Hey, guys!” Jana said, waving at the camera. “I missed you all too. What’s up?”
As they chatted, the comments kept rolling in, filled with questions and jokes. It was all going smoothly until Kayla, decided to drop a little bombshell.
“Oh, Jana i've been meanig to ask you,” Kayla began, “how’s Y/N doing?”
The comments froze for a split second before erupting into a frenzy.
“Who’s Y/N??” “Jana has a girlfriend?!” “Spill the tea, Jana!”
Jana’s cheeks flushed a deep red. She had kept her relationship with Y/N private, cherishing the intimacy away from the public eye. But now, thanks to Kayla, it was out there.
“Oh, um, Y/N’s great,” Jana said, trying to act nonchalant. “We’ve been keeping things on the down-low, but yeah, she’s my girlfriend.”
The comments were now a mix of surprise and support.
“Jana, you have a girlfriend? That’s awesome!” “We need to see Y/N!” “Can you bring her on the live sometime?”
Jana laughed nervously. “Maybe someday. She’s kind of shy, but I’ll see what I can do.”
Kayla grinned, clearly pleased with herself. “You two are so cute together. I’m sure everyone would love to meet her.”
The live session continued with Jana and Kayla answering more questions, but the topic of Y/N kept popping up. Jana could feel her phone buzzing with notifications even after the live ended. She texted Y/N to give her a heads-up about what had happened.
A few days later, Jana was back on live, this time with Paige, Ice, KK and Aubrey. They were doing some Q&A, laughing and having a great time. The chat was filled with the usual banter, but once again, the subject of Y/N came up.
“Jana, we’re all dying to meet Y/N!” KK read out loud as she looked over at Jana, with a sly smirk. “Is Y/N there with you?”
Jana looked over at her girlfriend, who was sitting just out of frame, scrolling through her phone. She raised an eyebrow, silently asking if Y/N was okay with joining. Y/N gave a small, nervous smile and nodded and she got up.
“Alright, everyone, here she is,” Jana said, pulling Y/N into herself, in front of the camera, while Jana's hand remained on her shoulders.
Y/N waved shyly. “Hi.” she immedieately turned around and sat back. With a blushy cheek.
The comments exploded again, this time with a flood of hearts and supportive messages.
“Y/N, you’re adorable!” “You two look so happy together!” “Couple goals!”
Jana couldn’t help but smile. "She’s amazing and I’m really lucky to have her.” after Jana's little comment the team elt out some ooo's
The rest of the live was filled with questions for Y/N about how they met, their favorite things to do together, and what she loved most about Jana. After a while, Y/N got back into the screen, still staying close to Jana, The couple shared a few cute stories, making everyone in the chat swoon.
By the end of the live, it was clear that Jana and Y/N had won over the hearts of all the viewers. Jana felt a warm sense of relief and happiness. Sharing this part of her life with her fans had been nerve-wracking, but their overwhelming support made it all worthwhile.
As they signed off, Jana gave Y/N a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Thank you for doing this,” she whispered.
Y/N smiled up at her. “Anytime. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jana said, feeling more content than ever. There will definetly be a lots of edits by tomorrow, but none of them minded.
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