#maybe t/ila has some elemental elements to her fam
erigold13261 · 2 years
I would love to hear about DJ’s parents
Me too buddy, me too. /j
Uh, I don't have anything really specific about them right now. I like the idea that his mom is the space elemental while the dad is a human. But I also don't mind if the dad is a space elemental while the mom is a glass elemental (which is where the helmet and object headed-ness would come from for DJ).
I do know that DJ's parents are some of the most kind and nurturing people there are. They were super supportive of DJ and always welcome him back to their house whenever he shows up or if he might need it in case he gets down on his luck.
Even when DJ was doing terribly in school (like highschool and middle school, not college) they were very understanding of him and even tried to find alternatives for them, like night school, homeschooling, or him dropping out and getting a GED. Anything for DJ to stop coming home so stressed small cracks would form on their head.
They are definitely still alive today and talk with DJ on a monthly basis. He will visit them during holidays when he has time off and will send them gifts whenever he can/thinks of it. Neither are financially supporting the other as both sides are in good positions right now, but if Nova's parents fell on hard times, or the other way around, each side would be willing to take the other in with no questions asked and no push to get them to leave.
DJ has just wanted to live up to what he thought his parents' thought of him, but they never wanted anything more for them than to be happy with life. So the only time they were actually disappointed in DJ was when he took a job teaching because they both knew DJ would not like that kind of work environment in the end, but they still supported their decision. They are much happier now that DJ is in a career he actually likes and gets the praise and recognition he deserves.
So yeah, not much else than that I have right now. Though considering I want to draw Tatiana's, Neon's, and Mama's parents, I might be also drawing DJSS's parents as well at some point. I have no idea what to do for Eve and Remi's parents, or the rest of the Sayu Crew's families, but I might get to them one day.
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