#maybe we all just want to matter to someone else and seeing the proof of that in a not-actually-harmful way is a therapeutic experience
zhongrin · 2 years
HELP RIN THAT ISN'T A BRAINROT THAT'S A WHOLE FIC !!!! /pos (putting the tag just in case jsjhdjhaj) Not gonna lie, I just wrote that off of some very dark thoughts-, that's the main reason as to why I got to write angst properly that time BUT THIS TIME, it's very normal ! :DD (also forgive my rusty writing, it's been a few days since I fully wrote anything TT) =====
"Ah," As Zhongli snaps out of his trance, he finds himself forgetting something. "Hmm, perhaps a cup of tea would bring it back." He muses, preparing himself another drink. The warm, bittersweet taste of the liquid soothes his worries - yet, he finds himself doubting his 'perfect memory' when blurry images of a face play in his mind. The man sighs, leaving the uneasiness to simmer and slowly sink in. He dearly wishes he hadn't. *** Immortality is a curse, Zhongli knows all too well. A curse that binds him to the harrowing clock of time, a millennia of it he's experienced - bloodied with the sacrifices and loss and painted with the compassion left behind by those whom he did lose. With forever comes the monotonous tick and ring when the hands reach midnight, a familiar and unnerving experience each time it bellows in his eardrums. Oh how he wishes he never knew it better than you. It spread like a tasteless poison on his tongue, grasping tight to the walls of his throat, leaving him unable to utter even a cry for help. Why would he even? An archon - albeit he be a retired one - he was once glorified and revered to by thousands, millions of people. How could he let the hysterical screams for your name be heard? It would be improper and unbefitting of the man he is and once was. "Darling, (Name), forgive me, I apologize for being too late..." Oh, how he knelt before your body as if to beg for forgiveness, the years of suffering before you long forgotten when faced with your last breathe and tear. "Please, dearest, please.." Cradled like a vase on the verge of shattering, Zhongli wiped away the hideous red soaked on your clothes, wiped away the tears you've left behind bit by bit. It hurt him to do so, it did. He had yet to retell the tales of old almost no one knew of, yet to ingrain the moments your fingers ran through his hair and treated it like the finest of silk. In your arms, he found peace, tranquil, and solicitude. Now however - all he is left with are the memories that would soon be lost without you. Zhongli lays alone on the cold mattress, clutching the sheets tightly to his chest. The clock strikes midnight - and along with it, he momentarily remembers you. 'Forgive me for forgetting you, my love.' =====
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Hope I delivered as you expected Rin ! ♡
"it's very normal"
"it's very normal"
*head in hands* *massages temples* *breaks down crying anyway* must you hurt me continuously like this- /j /nm
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gothamhappiness · 2 months
Just in love (Jason Todd x f!reader)
Warnings: no proof reading, Batman is a bit of an ass, fluff
The batfamily was on edge because Jason seemed unusually quiet lately, in Crime Alley. They all were certain Red Hood was planning something bad.
But the reality was that Jason was very distracted by a pretty little Y/N. For the first time in his life, he was falling deeply in love to the point nothing else truly mattered to him. He was completely unaware of his former family's concern.
The first time Dick saw you, you were fast asleep into Jason's arms. Jason's book was lying on the ground as the giant guy was also resting his eyes. Dick was watching at the two of you through the window. Something warmed up inside of his chest, because things might get better for his baby brother. He hoped that Jason finally found some happiness in his new existence.
Actually, Nightwing was looking for Red Hood, because everyone was certain he was the reason behind the several buildings exploding during the night. Nightwing thought he could try and find clues at Jason's place. Instead, he saw the two of you cuddled up on the couch.
"Guys, we got the wrong guy. Clearly not Red Hood" he said over the comm's
"How so?" Batman replied
"He's currently asleep on the couch with a girl. Gosh he looks so relaxed. Maybe we all worried for nothing." Dick was almost smiling
"Let's focus back on the situation then, Nightwing" Batman hummed
The next day, Dick tried to find a way to run into Jason and you. He wanted to meet you, he wanted to talk with you. He needed to make sure you were good for Jason, but more importantly he needed to make an ally out of you. He was certain he could get Jason back in his life thanks to you.
Jason wasn't too glad to see Dick trying to be all frendly and chatty with you. However you seemed happy to listen to whathever Dick had to say and he couldn't deny you anything.
On the other hand, Dick loved being allowed to tell someone about all their childhood stories. It was making him feel like maybe not everything was lost.
Jason even smiled at your laughter and started to tell some of the stories himself, mostly to try and embarrass Dick (which was nearly impossible).
Perhaps brothers can still be brothers despite all the blood and violence.
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Odysseus always trusted Penelope. He was ordered to lie to her and it hurt him to do so. Penelope was distrustful of this stranger until she had absolute solid proof.
There are way too many people talking about how "Odysseus lies to Penelope. What a prick!" and it makes me sad/mad as that's not the case at all
The whole "Odysseus usually always has a reason to lie" maybe upcoming essay aside, He was literally commanded by Athena to not tell anyone. And it was with Penelope that he had the hardest time keeping up the act with. Not only because she's smart af and figured him out almost immediately (that essay coming soon too) but because he was trying to keep himself from crying with her.
I think people forget that he is disguised to look like someone else completely. If a random man claimed to be your missing husband, wouldn't you be scared/freaked out?
Anyways, the 3 most important people in his life are Penelope, Telemachus, and Laertes. He lies to all three.
Telemachus: Lied by letting Eumaeus answer him and still under the orders from Athena, did not cry or reveal himself until Athena allowed him to. (I read it as him being in shock. Last time he saw him, Telemachus' hand could only wrap around one finger and now he's as big as him. a bit shocking to say the least)
Laertes: He teared up seeing him but still decided to question and test his father, not by the order from Athena.
Penelope: He was trying so hard to keep from crying, tried to noodle his way out of lying to her, Under Athena's orders. still couldn't help but basically flirt with her.
Also to get this outta the way: No, it wasn't a matter of trust. He is shown to trust her right away. As this happens even before he gets the chance to speak with Penelope.
Staunch Odysseus glowed with joy to hear all this— his wife's trickery luring gifts from her suitors now, enchanting their hearts with suave seductive words but all the while with something else in mind.
(Book 18, Fagles)
If Odysseus does not trust her, why is he so happy to see her "flirt" with the suitors? It's because he KNOWS what she's doing and knows she doesn't actually want them. If he didn't trust her, he would be upset by this.
Now for the "it hurt to lie to her" bit.
Athena's command:
"Tell not a single person in the palace, man or woman, that you are back from your wanderings; but endure all vexations in silence and submit yourself to the indignities that will be put upon you.'
(Book 13, Rieu)
If you are my son—truly of our blood—                                            let no one hear Odysseus is back home. Don’t let Laertes know or the swineherd, or the slaves, or Penelope herself.
(Book 16, Johnston)
And the people he did reveal himself to, he only did so after being given permission by Athena.
Athene spoke to him. 'The time has come,' she said, 'royal son of Laertes, Odysseus of the nimble wits, to let Telemachus into your secret, so that the pair of you may plot the downfall and death of the Suitors and then make your way to the famous city. [...]
(Book 15, Rieu)
He talks to Telemachus before talking to Penelope.
I’ll stay here, so I can stir the servants even more— and your mother. As she laments, she’ll ask for each and every detail.”
(Book 19, Johnston)
Odysseus is already sweating about having to lie to her
The next part would honestly be me just inserting almost ALL the text for this so I'll go into a summary. It's all in Book 19.
Penelope asks him where he's from. And instead of answering, it's a tsunami of compliments. Calling her flawless. Comparing her to a king. etc, etc,
Probably because he couldn't help himself and had to babble about how wonderful she is Who wouldn't? before finally ending with "Please don't ask me where I'm from. It makes me sad."
Penelope, probably overwhelmed by his praise, immediately goes into how "her beauty left with her husband. It did not. And where did you say you were from again?"
"Fine! I'm from Crete..."
And we all know that as soon as she starts crying, after a lovely description of how her tears "melted", he talks about how hard it was for Odysseus to hold in his OWN tears. Lying to her and being unable to comfort her was painful for him!!!
But though Odysseus' heart was wrung by his wife's distress, his eyes, hard as horn or iron, never wavered between their lids, so craftily did he repress his tears.
(Book 19, Rieu)
Even with him revealing himself to Euryclea, when she cried out to Penelope, Athena made sure she didn't hear! It's most likely that he wouldn't be able to tell her even if he wanted.
She spoke, and her eyes glanced over at Penelope, anxious to tell her that her husband had come home. But Penelope could not see her face or notice, for Athena had diverted her attention.
(Book 19, Johnston)
He desperately wanted to be with her again. Literally daydreaming about it!
At those words Dawn rose on her golden throne in a sudden gleam of light. And great Odysseus caught the sound of his wife’s cry and began to daydream—deep in his heart it seemed she stood beside him, knew him, now, at last …
(book 20, Fagles)
Clearly doesn't trust her. /sarcasm
It's PENELOPE that has trouble trusting him. And rightfully so! While she was very certain that was her husband, there was so much going on and of course, she's cautious! He looked like an elderly stranger at first, why is he hiding from her? He somehow took out all those men with only a little help, Athena isn't telling her anything, Helen was kidnapped and she did not want that to possibly happen to her too, etc.
He even understands her cautiousness to be reasonable.
As she spoke, lord Odysseus, who had borne so much, smiled and immediately spoke to Telemachus— his words had wings:   “Telemachus, let your mother test me in these halls. She will soon possess more certain knowledge. Right now I’m filthy, with disgusting clothing on my body. That’s why she rejects me and will not say I am Odysseus. [...]
(Book 23, Johnston)
He even trusted her completely to take care of everything while he was gone before. And he does again when he wakes up and goes to see his father. Telling her about how she too wise to need instruction
Odysseus (and Penelope as well) is well-known for his cunning tricks and how his loyalties are often blurred but one thing that is for sure about him is that he trusts and is loyal to Penelope full-heartedly. He spent every day missing her and their son and wanting to go home to her. The only moment we see his trust in her waver is during the Treebed scene, (which is what she wanted to test).
They are "like-minded". 😭
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mixingpumpkins · 3 months
Man, we really lost when we decided that the best way to feel safe or to try to prevent bad things from happening is to assume malicious intent from everyone and police every little fucking thing about existing.
Want to go shopping? You'll be treated like a thief. Security cameras, anti-theft sensors by the door, and a staff that may or may not follow you around isn't enough; we're also putting security tags on every single piece of $4 underwear in the bargain bin and keeping everything on the shelves under lock and key, so you can't even look at it without staff assistance/supervision. No, cameras and staff monitoring checkouts isn't enough. We also need someone else searching your bags and verifying your receipts at the door. (And god help you if a security sensor somewhere didn't get deactivated properly and the door alarm goes off.)
Are you a student taking an exam? We've already decided you're a cheater. Of course you are — all students cheat. So you get assigned, spaced out seats in the testing room, surrounded by cameras. Show us your photo ID at the door. Nothing goes in the room with you but your pencil. Leave your phone, wallet, water, and anything else in a locker outside. All your jewelry, too. No long sleeves. Let us check your hair/headbands/pockets/ears/religious garb in case you're smuggling something in. Need to leave for the restroom? No, you don't, or your exam is done. Emergency? You can choose between literally shitting yourself or failing your course and risking expulsion for cheating.
Online exam? Prepare to be subject to literal spyware. Your eyes better not waver a fraction out of the "acceptable" gaze window. Don't press any button you're not supposed to or mis-click anything; that's proof you're trying to cheat. Don't even think about shifting in your seat, even if your test is two hours long.
Do you work? It'd better be at top speed and no errors at all times. We have security cameras trained on you every moment, sensitive enough to read the text of any paper you handle. We're tracking exactly what you do and how fast. Did your metrics slip for even a second? Unacceptable, even if your rate is otherwise within our "acceptable" range, because we know you can work faster. Yawn? How dare you — we don't pay you to be tired. You're not working hard enough. You must not have enough to do — your requirements have now tripled and we've cut your pay as an incentive not to waste time again. Make a mistake? You must have done it on purpose. You must be trying to steal or sabotage. We'll be evaluating to see how quickly we can fire you and if we can press charges or sue you for damages.
Need to travel via plane? It doesn't matter if you're paying through the nose to do so; you're clearly a criminal who's only not committing a crime at this very moment because you're outnumbered by security officers. We need to question you excessively if you don't look exactly like your ID picture taken three years ago. Take off half your clothes and walk through our scanners that will basically show you without them. (Then prepare to be wanded, and possibly groped — maybe even by more than one person — and if we really feel like it, taken to another room to be stripped and questioned further.) You can't take some necessities with you. Your belongings will be x-rayed and pawed through and commented upon, and they're maybe even a reason to detain and question you further. Why does your purse have suspicious organic matter in it? No, that can't possibly be a bag of fruit snacks you bought from the kiosk 20 feet away; you're trying to hide explosives.
Need medication? You're lying. You're faking. You're just trying to get drugs. You're an addict. You're a dealer. No, you don't have a condition that really requires medication; if you just slept more/lost weight/did yoga/were a better person, you wouldn't have to feel like you need to use drugs. We don't care if your doctor says you need this medication — your insurance company says you don't. Oh, you can afford it anyway? At that price? You must be reselling. We need to investigate and put notes on your file.
Communicating via message? God forbid you take even a fraction of a second too long to respond. You must be trying to hide something. You're slacking off your work. You must be cheating on your partner. You must have a problem with the sender and are leaving them out of something. You left them on read; you're being a bitch. You edited a response or took too long to type something — you're actually being mean and manipulative by not just saying what was on your mind first. Company policy is we get to see everything on your devices. You shouldn't have a problem sharing your personal location/passwords/etc. with your partner if you're not up to no good.
Want to simply exist where a stranger might see you? That's suspicious. What are you doing out here? We don't recognize you. You must be stealing. You must be casing the houses or stores in this neighborhood. You must be looking for someone to rob/assault/harass/etc. You must be part of that rabble claiming they're protesting to cover up the nuisances and criminals they are. Why did you hold a door for me — are you trying to get behind me? Why have I seen you more than once while I'm shopping here — are you following me? Why did you smile at me — do you have a problem? Why are you walking down the street? Why are you sitting on a bench? Why are you visiting the library? Why are you eating alone at the cafe? You don't look like you belong here. You look like a creep. You need the police to come handle you. (If they use force, that just shows you were up to something and totally deserve it.)
Want to exist online? We need to know everything about you — your real name, address, email, age — to ensure you're not a criminal. But you're probably also lying. We need to spy on everything you do, too: every site you visit (and how long you spend there), every purchase you make, every message you send, every search you do. We will take everything you say in bad faith, so be careful about what you post. But it's also extremely suspicious if you don't post — who doesn't have an extensive social media presence these days? What are you trying to hide? You need to indicate that you think the right way. You aren't posting about this — you must not care; you must be a bad person. You deleted an old post — you must be trying to hide your awful views. You can't possibly just be removing things from your profile that no longer reflect who you are. You posted something that I don't like — I knew there was something off about you. It's not a leap to think you're also into worse things. You're probably a pervert. You're actually a criminal of the worst sort and this is an early warning sign for those of us who are smart enough to see it. We're only accusing you of these things NOW so you don't have an opportunity to do them.
Didn't you know? You need to be constantly watched and humiliated and inconvenienced and sometimes even attacked because that's the only thing standing in the way of bad things happening. If you find all this demeaning, there's something wrong with you. Only criminals would rather trade this for being less safe. You don't want us to go from thinking you're a criminal to knowing you're a criminal, do you?
Like, fuck. Aren't you tired of living like this???
Some of this stuff has been around for a long time, and it obviously isn't applied evenly across all demographics. But a lot of it has also gotten exponentially worse within the past few decades. Please don't ever accept any of this as normal or necessary or good, because it's not. I'm going insane watching people shrugging off the increasing infantilization and dehumanization of everyone just because this is all they can remember.
It doesn't have to be this way. Don't ever take this shit as a given — it wasn't that long ago that some of this would have been unthinkable. And the instant someone starts talking about doing things a certain way/supporting certain things because of "safety" or "security," be very careful about blindly agreeing with them. We lose very real, important things in pursuit of the nebulous concept of "safety."
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punkpandapatrixk · 5 months
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❣️How Abnormal Are You in Love? ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
Don’t be too hard on yourself with this PAC. Everybody in this world’s pretty much abnormal anyway. We all want something that’s extremely rare in this world: Love. Sometimes, we go crazy after mistaking shit for Love. But we all heal. Eventually, we all learn to love more healthily and sanely. And really, that’s all that matters. The crazy is also part of the character development~♥︎
‘Hey, actually, when was it that I began to realise that there’s no such thing as forever? Even so, I’m prouder than anybody else about the fact that the days we spent together were at least not a lie.
Even though it’s true that the length of time we have lived is only slightly different, just the fact that we met, that we loved, though we may never love each other again… I won’t forget.
Hey, why do I still want you by my side, thinking that I won’t do without you, even though this is hurting me so much? Even so, I became a person who could be grateful for the smallest things in life. It’s because, even the most casual of words were so meaningful between us.
Because we met, because we loved, though we may never love each other again…I’ll be fine with turning all of it into proof that I’ll survive, whilst facing all of truth and reality.
I’m just glad that we met. I’m just glad that we loved. Though we may never see each other again… I won’t forget.’
Those are words from Ayumi Hamasaki’s legendary song, LOVE ~Destiny~. At some point in Life, Ayumi said in an interview, ‘I loved one man so much that I destroyed myself.’ I can’t help but think this song could be about…it? Maybe hahah Just a vibe, gals~♡
SONG: LOVE ~Destiny~ by Hamasaki Ayumi
MOVIE: Snakes and Earrings (2008)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 3]
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Pile 1 – What I Can’t Let Go Of, Really, Is My Pride…
VIBE: kiss by Chara
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what is, Love? – 4 of Swords
Well, it seems quite obvious your past was somewhat chaotic. I think throughout childhood you felt like you were crossing a battlefield or had to fight the stormy seas all by yourself. Because of this, you deeply crave a Love that can put an end to all of those noises. In fact, it’s only fitting. Deep down you’ve always known that Love is something that’s pure, sweet and gentle; that it’s supposed to put you at ease. You understand that the world is in chaos because nobody has Love in their hearts.
You, never wanted to be like those grownups who were fighting with their own spouses. Even if you’re young, you feel like an Old Soul—the only one who seems to truly understand what Love is and is not. And you see that 99% of people literally don’t know what Love is, let alone how to love right. And you’re afraid. What if you can’t find that one person who can love you right?
Deep in your subconscious, you have these standards and ideals you desperately want to maintain. But nobody you’ve ever met seems to understand where you’re coming from. What you want is something so pure. People are rarely pure of heart, so nobody gets it. And it feels incredibly lonely. And at some point, you might’ve begun to doubt if your standards are even fair…
why do you chase, Love? – King of Wands Rx
So you grew up a bit and began to wonder what might happen if you lower your standards…a bit? You want to experience passion, right? You’re seeing all these peers around you kissing and holding each other and you crave that, too. You know very well it’s not like they’re in love—they’re just silly, infatuated, hormonal fuckers; but you wonder how it would feel to be intimate with someone. To actually have someone want you like that. To be wanted. To be held. To be kissed. To be…loved. No matter how shallowly.
Now you’re willing to look for someone passionate. You could try with a puzzling character. You like that kinda shit. Any kind of an intriguing fucker with some semblance of a mystery; making you curious to dive deep into their side of crazy. How do I figure out your particular brand of bullshit? Anybody you can’t immediately figure out would excite you to a point of insanity. And you thought this was happiness. You thought, this level of excitement surely must be happiness. Perhaps…even Love? Otherwise…
How do you explain this feeling that suddenly strikes, rattling your heartstrings, making you realise that there’s somebody in this world you’d want to care for other than yourself? Just the idea that you even fantasise about growing older with this mysterious fucker… How is this not, Love? And if this isn’t Love…what is? How else are people supposed to know happiness if this excitement alone isn’t enough?
what happens when Love, dies? – 8 of Cups Rx
To begin with, you’re not one to trust easily. It takes a lot for you to allow someone to see your vulnerable side. And when you go in, you go all in. It may not feel like it immediately because you’re cautious, but once you’re in…because you feel sure of someone…you’re in deep. Too deep it feels like you’re drowning in this whole situation, if anything. And you’re proud of how much you’re able to give.
And…you’re generally proud of your boundaries and the standards and ideals you’ve imposed upon yourself and others. So, the fact that you’ve given so much, revealed so much to someone who wouldn’t be there for life, is beyond frustrating. It’s world-shattering, at least. What have I been in this situationship/relationship for if it ain’t gonna last?!?! I can’t just let it die like that! Maybe I’m doing something wrong?! I must’ve! Lest none of this would’ve happened…
When Love dies, it feels so shameful. It’s a shame you trusted the wrong fucker. It’s a shame someone was able to see you that vulnerable. It’s disgusting that you thought this was The One. What was I thinking? Now everything becomes clear. It’s not the loss of that person’s Love you’re crying about. If you’re being honest now, you couldn’t care less that such a loser’s gone from your world. If anything, it’s such a relief. It was just the shock from knowing you made a mistake that made you cry… It’s OK now.
sacrifices I’d made – Green Magus (John Magus)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Ambition
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Pile 2 – I Can’t Tell If I’m Passionate or Just Immature
VIBE: Boys & Girls by Hamasaki Ayumi
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what is, Love? – Ace of Pentacles Rx
To begin with, you’re not exactly a rational person. Not saying you’re dumb! You just have a lot of passion for something that’s unexpected or foreign. You like mysteries and you aren’t afraid to dip your toe in uncharted waters. This desire could’ve developed from having a childhood that felt constricted tho. I think you grew up surrounded by so many rules and laws and forbidden things and that’s how you developed a taste for, DANGER~
It’s exciting, from time to time, to think about throwing all your caution to the wind and breaking all rules. You want to disappoint. If you’re being honest, you’re damn tired of following everybody’s whims and concerning yourself with their expectations. What about what I want?? You want to live. You want to feel alive. There are so many exciting things outside of your everyday Life, why can’t you have any of that? At some point, you could’ve dreamt of being rescued from your Tower by a handsome daredevil of any kind of a fucker.
If that fucker happens to be handsome and rich, even better. But that doesn’t really matter. You just want someone brave enough to approach you and actually uproot you from your boring Life. Surely, Love can do that to a person…? I don’t need stability, let alone predictability; what I want is a romantic hero who’ll take me on a grand adventure of Love! And if that daredevil happens to be dumb…
why do you chase, Love? – 9 of Swords
In many ways, you’re totally not an innocent person. You want to hurt. If whoever daredevil tries to fulfil your fantasies of being rescued from your miserable Tower happens to be dumb, you’re gonna be having a field trip! XD You want to terrorise and traumatise a person, really. It’s vengeance for all the years that you were serving others. Now, it’s your time to be served. It doesn’t even matter if they don’t worship you. You’re ready to find another dumbfuck to toy with. You’re hardly ever sincere anyway~
Why bother with sincerity? Ever since you were a kid, you’ve observed that none of the adults you knew was ever sincere. What even is Love? I think you know of it conceptually. But what exactly is its purpose? What exactly is so good about it? And how? How exactly must one be in order to attain it? You don’t believe in it some days. You deeply crave it some days. You could die for it some days. You want others to die for your Love most days.
Life is confusing. Love is confusing. Sex is easy. Money is easy. Food and jewelleries are easy. Let’s live easily. Life is exhausting if you think too much about everything that could go wrong. I’m done feeling terrible about my own existence, so I want someone to spin me around and make me forget. That’s ideal. Is generally your motto when chasing… Love♡
what happens when Love, dies? – 8 of Wands Rx
You don’t care about it. You don’t particularly care about losing people. It’s expected. If anything, because you’re never serious with quite anybody anyway, ghosting is the best way to go about it. You’re the type to ghost, block, and you don’t even mind if you’re the one ghosted or blocked. Basically, you just don’t want any contact with someone you’ve lost interest in anyway. So that only makes it easier for you.
In many ways, I think you sometimes regret being this kind of a callous person. There are days you wonder if you’ll become someone more sincere. You’ve wondered what it would take to actually love someone. To actually be loved back. Surely that must be so nice. You want to be happy, honestly. But it feels like a distant daydream. You don’t particularly understand how two people can be happy living together. After all, you find people exhausting most of the time.
All you know is that you’ve lived with yourself for the longest time. And if you have to compromise or sacrifice anything…you’re not willing. You’ve sacrificed shit before, a looong time ago, and you got nothing back in return. You gave someone a rose and they gave you back thorns and strangled you with it. Surely that can’t be happiness. Two people who don’t know how to love can’t be happy together. Life is better lived alone.
sacrifices I’d made – Red Alchemist (John Dee)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Innocence
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Pile 3 – Damn, Why’s Everybody Crying for Love?
VIBE: Sunglasses by Utada Hikaru
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what is, Love? – 2 of Cups Rx
Uhm…you’re a comical Pile for sure. Your psychology is so complex, although it’s also super straightforward (to you), but some people are not gonna have an easy time figuring out if you’re sincere or not. Most of us have got a lot of exposure to tragical romance, right? A lot of people get deep and insane in Love. And here you are wondering why everybody’s crying for Love. Why is everybody suffering in the name of Love? That’s not Love. People are silly for falling continuously for the wrong people. It’s all a Game for them. Me? I don’t play games.
But you do! Everybody does when it comes to falling in Love, to various extents. That’s what’s really fun about falling in Love. If you could face yourself, you’d realise you have a bit of a God-complex within this context. In the sense that…because Love and romance actually aren’t such a big deal to you, and somehow, you have an almost all-too-natural inclination to attract the right people, you can’t really empathise with those who cry in the name of Love.
For some though, if the above doesn’t really resonate, you’re the type that has an innate understanding that you must protect yourself from falling into those tragical romantic setups. You have a highly developed sense of boundary and you keep high standards for what kind of a romantic relationship you want. You’re kinda similar to Pile 1 in this case, but you most likely haven’t experienced sacrificing your standards for, EXPERIENCE~
why do you chase, Love? – 10 of Wands
In comparison to certain types of people in the world, you’re not exactly a dreamy type. When it comes to relationships you think straight towards building a matrimony with someone. You’re a traditionalist in a sense. You’re the based kid who knows that a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship is a training ground for a marriage. You think long-term. You’re realistic like that. But the problem is…you’re totally missing out on the passion of Love itself.
You don’t really see your partner(s) for the person—the Human—that they are. You care only for the practical, pragmatic facts surrounding their reputation or status or whether or not their physical appearance is decent enough. Stuff like that. And the dreamy ones who look at you, look at you with a pang of sadness in their chest, for although you seem responsible and blessed…you appear to them as someone who looks at another with an eye of business.
You’re the type that thinks love is an investment. An investment of attention, affection, time and money, and all that shit. That’s not Love; that’s something to be exchanged at the market. The dating market, OMG~
‘Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something—and it is only such love that can know freedom.’ – Jiddu Krishnamurti
what happens when Love, dies? – 6 of Pentacles
When Love dies, you celebrate. You’re wise enough to know that Life doesn’t end just because you broke up with somebody, even in terms of friendship. You’re spiritually mature enough to know you’ve learnt from the experience, and now, you’re just going to prepare for the next big thing to experience. Life goes on without a hitch like that for you, for the most part. I can’t tell if you’re really that spiritually mature or you just don’t give a fuck about emotions LMAO
Not saying you’re a bad person, btw. It just seems like you haven’t got a lot of crazy in your birth chart or that you haven’t experienced a lot of sorrows and soul-shattering heartbreaks, so…it’s kinda just a matter of not having, PERSPECTIVE? Coupled with the fact that you take Life very unseriously seriously…? Like, you’re serious about not being an asshole and wanting to do the socially right thing, but in doing so, you become an annoying insincere jackass in the lives of those who have (or will) dated you XDD
Basically, you’re not the type to get super crazy heartbroken when a relationship ends. You’ve got all of these other blessings anyway. Why would you focus on just the negative, right? In a sense, I believe that’s an incredible spiritual maturity which others are still struggling to figure out XD But yeah…rather than this being something abnormal about you, I think it’s just that your Higher Self designed for you not to experience the dramatic highs and lows of immature romance HAHAH
sacrifices I’d made – Gold Alchemist (Roger Bacon)
I’m glad I was able to love – Priestess of Luck
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girllookingoutwindow · 3 months
This is going to be a little requested analysis of how the letters work in their relationship. But first, I need to be honest. The show lost it here. Personaly, I can't think in something more romantic that voice in off letters.
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From the beginning it was clear that the letters who mattered to the plot I mean, were Pen's letters. The letters are a big part of their relationship, maybe one of the most important, because it's creates some kind of intimacy that belongs only to the characters. Even, us, we don't have the knowledge of what it's on them (with the exception of the last letter the Colin reads, because a fandom does this things)
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But we don't have more knowledge about his letters. We know he talks about his travels. We know that he find his own voice writing to Pen, what is a proof of his love. Because is the softness she makes him feel what it's making him understand than being soft it's a good thing. In the letters he sends to her, he's a little more of himself, a part of him that society doesn't aloud him to be. He is enough smart to understand this, but he can't connect the dots. Being soft is something that has value. It has a meaning in his life. Because created a bond with Pen, a bond he really appreciated. Colin sees on Pen, her good qualities, and he really cares about her and actually it's gives to him the permission to feel he has value too. Because of that his value persona is connected to the way she sees him too.
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  Something is between the lines I never saw  many comments. Pen answer his letters, but it's exposed to us, that he writes to her, very often. Rarely, nobody in her family notice it. They notice she writes to him and mocks her. Perhaps Pen hides them.
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Maybe it's because they're assuming it's not the romantic nature, but that's opposite of what it always was.
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The letters created an affectionate bond between them, so it was romantic all along. Even, if neither of them really realize. We know he keeps her letters, we don't know how many times he read them, but something tells me that more than once. Possible because he find her amusing and made him feel more close to his family, to his childhood, and his home. It's a little line there between the connection with home and Pen. Pen becomes home.
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But then, the letters stopped. He says I wrote to you this summer..., we don't know how much, but it feels like more than once. It's possible he tried to justify her silence first, before he went for the conclusion 'she doesn't care about me'. He doesn't really know, why she stopped to answer him. But the effect that this creates on him it's very interesting. He lost with her letters, that part of himself that made him feel that it was okay to be soft, to be kind, to care about others. The idea that others care about him. But others, are just one, Penelope. He only cares about what she thinks, she feels and wants. It didn't matter if someone else answered him, he was lost without her, he lost himself. The part of him that she wakes on him. She actually tells him that after. So, when the letters stopped all she represented it's lost. Everything she made him feel goes away, and a part of himself does with it. He saying he miss her is not really a surprise. It was always there.
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His idea of love, it's nothing less than a connection and bond that's pure. He's a romantic of nature, his hero complex comes from it. His love for her it's linked to the need of connection.     She, being LW didn't change all that, even if he didn't realize at first. I always felt it was weird that Colin didn't recognise her through LW post, because her narrative style and thoughts were there. Even when we write fiction, the way we express ourselves, the words we chose, the beat, it's all there. It was part of the plot, obviously, but a miss.
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Because she writes to him with the intimacy he always desire to have. He is open to her and his  real self is in the letters he wrote to her. So, when he says 'you've a one voice' is saying I know you, I loved you there, and I do it know. Like you know me, the real me. That's the piece he needed to find, to understand, of course it was her. It was always her.
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mcflymemes · 24 days
THE DA VINCI CODE (2006) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you say you hate history. nobody hates history. they hate their own histories.
we are who we protect, i think. what we stand up for.
that's why we study history... so we'll stop killing each other.
can you keep secrets? can you know a thing and never say it again?
how many have been murdered over this question?
if it's so important to you to stop us, then you're just going to have to shoot us.
understanding our past determines actively our ability to understand the present.
tonight, this will be our quest.
how would you know that?
you seem... uncomfortable.
you have me confused with someone else.
why would i try to run? i didn't do anything.
will you excuse me a moment?
i was supposed to have drinks with him earlier this evening.
i waited for over an hour.
i'm afraid the police arrived more quickly than i anticipated.
you must follow me, please. for your own safety.
you knew they were coming?
if you step inside, please. time is of the essence.
you have not been honest with me.
you will leave this house!
your ruse is pathetic.
will you just tell us what the hell it's for?
i've jammed my shoulder, i've been shot at... i'm bleeding.
if we are to get away from here, we must find another way.
you can start with him.
do not react to this message.
you must follow my directions very closely. you are in grave danger.
i could run them over.
i can pretty much remember what i see.
sorry for all the mystery, [name].
i'm into something here that i cannot understand.
you should be ashamed.
if you would close your eyes...
well, that's a bit strange, isn't it?
how many wine glasses are there on the table?
there's virtually no empirical proof.
that is what they want you to believe.
that's a common misunderstanding.
you are saying all this is real?
you are an angel.
i am a ghost.
have you ever heard those words before?
why are you asking these things?
i am the messenger of god.
every breath you take is a sin.
you will be hunted by angels.
you believe in god? your god doesn't forgive murderers. he burns them.
do you mock me?
we are betrayed.
did they find it? this buried treasure?
i've never heard about any of this.
this is an old wives' tale.
now you're a psychologist too?
what will you do?
it's a rudimentary phallus.
the only thing that matters is what you believe.
i thought i was going to die.
sometimes i wonder if i wasn't alone down there.
maybe human is divine.
thank you... for bringing me here.
the mind sees what it chooses to see.
do i owe you money?
care to open up for an old colleague?
first, a test of honor.
shall i serve coffee or tea?
what would you do?
maybe there is no proof.
surely such a travesty has never occurred.
your heart is true.
they are used to keep secrets.
you used me.
we've been dragged into a world of people who think this stuff is real.
do you trust this man? i hope you can.
i don't follow.
stop now. tell me where it is.
i don't know what you are talking about.
is it a secret you will die for?
well, i must say, you two are anything but dull.
forgive the intrusion.
i'm not sure how much help i'm gonna be here this evening.
funny, i don't even like history.
i've never seen much good come from looking to the past.
are you a god-fearing man?
you're acting like you lost your mind.
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nothorses · 1 year
actually though I think we need to talk about the way that people will just believe shit.
you can say whatever the hell you want, and people will just take that at face value, and it doesn't actually matter how much that thing is disproven later; people will still believe it. once they hear it, that information- no matter how far from the truth- taints their view forever.
some stranger publishes an anon that says "[X] is a literal known child predator and it's unbelievable that so many people still reblog from them." the blogger has responded, "oh my god what the fuck?? i can't believe nobody told me sooner I feel so gross".
there is no proof, no link, no indication of where this information came from. you can't even verify that the blogger in question didn't send this to themselves.
but there are still a bunch of notes on it, it's linked in a callout somewhere, people are referencing the same exact claim in their own posts, and [X] is now getting a bunch of anon hate and comments/reblogs/whatever from people who genuinely believe this lie about them.
someone comes forward with irrevocable proof that not only is [X] not a child predator, but they were in fact a victim of it, and the original anon was sent by the blogger themselves, and that blogger made it up from nothing. maybe they're also a pathological liar. hell, they could even be doing the shit they accused [X] of themselves.
it doesn't matter.
everyone heard this lie about [X], and now they believe it. there are enough iterations of this original lie that it doesn't matter if it was disproven; what about all these other people who are saying it? you can't prove all of them wrong!
and internet discourse isn't the only place we see this: Trump fabricates shit all the time, and it doesn't matter if he has proof, or if anyone else has even said this before him. his followers accept it, and everyone who hears from them- directly or indirectly- accepts it as fact, too. maybe they say it's distorted, but they believe some other version of it, thinking they're being Reasonable and Neutral or whatever.
it's not just silly little tumblr fun facts and blue watermelon and purple-eyes-no-periods disease and shit. it's not even just feeding hate and violence toward the Bad Tranny of the Week.
we NEED to start seeing the connections here, and the ways people use this to manipulate us and harm others. and we need to start making sure that our actions aren't going to be regrettable if we end up being wrong.
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mossbone · 1 year
The recent Dracula Daily updates are interesting to me. This book is infamous for being about the vampiric Horrors, as defined by their sexual immorality and hedonism; unlike our Heroes who are proper and British and christian. And yet...here we see the horrors being compounded and enabled by the rigid social structures emphasizing morality. And for all Bram Stoker's biases, I think that was intentional.
Firstly, the horror is compounded by the Need for Propriety. Lucy is sleepwalking, in nothing but her nightgown! How awful! So awful it is unthinkable as an option to Mina until she sees undeniable proof Lucy left the house. When that is proven true, "ever growing fear chilling my heart" Mina feels turns to "a vague, overmastering fear obscured all details." She then runs through the streets and finally turns to the cliffs, not fearing like Lucy's mother, to see her in danger of falling of the cliffs, but simply fearing to see her safe in their favorite seat—exposed to all the town.
She in fact sees in shadowy detail, an unidentified man leaning over Lucy. Yet..the whole update is strewn with Mina's massive and unfortunately justified fear for her friend's reputation, maybe more than her safety. Did someone take advantage of Lucy, enact some violence or violation of her while she was sleepwalking? Irrelevant, compared to the question: will anyone see them and assume they were up to some promiscuity? After all, she can't help but be "thinking how the story would become distorted—nay, infallibly would—in case it should leak out." There is the psychological horror on top of the nights events, which were traumatic enough.
An indictment of the present state of late Victorian values and their strict judgments already. But then. The consequence of our young heroines being unable to share their story is that Dracula continues to work unnoticed. He will get more victims, he will continue to grow in power and terrorize Lucy and whomever else he wants. Just like Jonathan being trapped in an increasingly abusive work contract because he feels he must stay to the strict matters of politeness [an imbalance of power that work relationships had then and continue to fucking have], here Lucy and Mina are trapped in very clear physical danger because they cannot share the predator hunting them without surely being accused of being a liar and a whore.
Of course, the loved ones of our protagonists are not of that malicious nature at all. If only they could talk to each other freely, Jonathan and Arthur and Lucy's other suitors would obviously not blame her. And Mina, or likely anyone, would help Jonathan recognize the red flags as what they were. But such close communication is impossible given the heavy expectations of the day.
Social standards were very bad and restrictive in 1897, and I think Bram Stoker consistently criticizes how they are with his novel, even while it serves as a cautionary tale against immorality. The solution to sexual abuse and immorality, in his words, is not punishing people for suffering from them or talking about them. I think he is saying this masterfully, as well, by allowing the audience to feel the visceral fear and helplessness through the perspective of the narrators so closely. Unlike many novels of the time which had people near the protagonist serve as cautionary tales and indictments of society, he forces the reader into those shoes through intimate first person narration.
Anyway. Good chapters, huh. Sadly still relevant.
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So do can u do a Luke Castellan x Child of Persephone (or SMT Idrc)reader and She HAS THE BIGGEST DELULU EVER
Like Imagine Luke faked breaking up with her and she’s like “no no 🥰 I want my kids have that big brown eyes My dear” Or Smt in the lines of that and Luke laughs his but off and ITS JUST HER DELULU OVER COMING HER
Thank you so much for your request! <3
Luke Castellan x fem!persephone!reader fluff
Requested?: Yes!!
I hope you are all well, i love you all!! Have a nice day and enjoy!
Reader cursing at Luke is her love language
Luke was always struggeling to keep up relationships with people. He had Chris as the ever lasting person in his life since they first met at Camp Halfblood when they were 14 years old. After that, everyone was coming and going but noone really stayed for long.
You only joined his life later. Having spent most of your life in the Underworld with your mother, social normes and interactions with living people were a riddle to you.
Long story short, you were... a challenge for most people. Not that they didnt like you. The younger kids loved you and even Dionysus gave you a smirk whenever you left behind a slightly distressed demigod that tried to challenge you.
Maybe you weren't from this realm but that certainly did not mean that you didn't like it at the camp. You were craving the space that the Underworld couldn't offer you. It was only a matter of time that someone would fall for you.
By chance, that was a certain son of Hermes. Luke fell for you just as bad as you fell for him. You knew he was complicated. He was reaching for the stars but got disappointed over and over again since he was a baby.
Luke was in a bad headspace today. He didnt really know when the idea crept up to him. Maybe it was because the gods let him down for one too many times. He had been questioning your love for him for the last few days while he rotted away in bed, trying not to neglect too many of his tasks.
He needed proof of your love. Proof that you would not leave him behind like everyone else did. He contemplated talking to you but proud as he was, he quickly discarded that idea and stirred up a plan instead.
A fake breakup.
It would give him the opportunity to see your raw reaction. And he could find out if you were serious about him. Or even glad to get rid off him? Luke didn't want to think about that. He loved you after all.
"You entered the Hermes Cabin after sword practice this afternoon. You were a little sweaty and your clothes had dust stains on it from the sand in the arena. Luke was laying on his bed, his arm covering his eyes. You thought that maybe he was sleeping so you tiptoed over to your bed and started taking off your boots.
Luke shuffled on his bed and groaned as he sat up. He smiled tiredly as he looked up to find you watching him. "Hey." He mumbled but his expression dropped soon. You looked at him confused.
"What's up, darling?" You asked while you put your boots to the side. Luke got up and approached you. "I thought about something all day... can we talk?" He asked. You nodded. "Of course. What's bothering you?"
Luke looked around. Besides the two of you, everyone was out of the cabin running around somewhere else. The situation was perfect... He sighed. "I... there is something." He said hesitating, fiddling with his hands. This was not normal. You frowned. Your Luke was never this nervous about talking to you.
"Im breaking up with you." He whispered in a low tone, barely able to get the words over his lips. He could see your world shatter into pieces. Your expression dropped and a couple of dead moths fell from the ceiling, making Luke cringe away a little.
Finally, you broke out of your freezed and shocked state.
"What?! No, no, no, no." You said, tears dwelling up in your eyes. Luke tried to pull his gaze away from you and turned around to the cabin door. There formed a single tear in his eyes too. He hated seeing you cry.
You grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to face you. "Why would you break up with me?" You sobbed. Luke looked at you irritated, trying to keep his sadness down. "You deserve someone better than me." He grumbled under his breath. You pushed him against the wall by his shoulders angrily.
"I wanted our kids to have your eyes." You yelled at Luke, tears streaming down your face. "What?" Luke asked, suddenly taken aback. You violently tried to whip the tears from your face, smearing some dust onto your cheeks.
"Our kids need to have your eyes!" You sobbed and suddenly Luke wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close to him. You tried to push him away but he kept you in his embrace. After a few seconds, you stop trying to free yourself and let your head fall against his chest.
At first you thought Luke was crying too, from the way his shoulders were moving up and down in a quick, steady rhythm but soon you noticed that the bastard was actually laughing.
"I hate you." You mumbled between a few sniffs. "I know." Luke whispered, there was a light chuckled in his voice that he failed to swallow down. "Thats okay. Its what i deserve."
"Luke Castellan, i hate you so, so much. We will meet in Tartarus if you dont quit the bullshit right now." You weakly slapped his chest. "But i love you. Please, this was not real?" Your sobs died down as you leaned against his chest.
Luke swallowed heavily and finally, after a long moment, shook his head. You exhaled and sobbed again, this time because of the relief rushing through your body.
You leaned up to wrap your arms around him too, holding him close. You buried your hand in his hair and made him look at you. "You were kidding, right?" Luke nodded hesitantly, worried you would make some more dead animals fall from the sky.
You wanted to slap Luke. But that is not what you do to your boyfriend, at least not right now. Instead you rested your head on his shoulder and rubbed your tears dry on his tshirt.
"Hey." Luke complained, trying to push you off but you pressed him against the wall and continued to use him as your personal tissue paper. "That's your punishment, you idiot." Luke carassed your hair and let you go on with you drying your tears.
"Why did you do this?" You asked. Luke looked away, ashamed that he actually thought this was a good idea. You put a hand on his cheek and made him look at you. "This is not what i think about it is, is it?" You asked with a shocke expression.
Luke nodded slowly, lowering his gaze. You sighed and leaned against his forehead. "I really love you, otherwise i wouldn't keep you as my boyfriend. Luke nodded slowly, accepting.
"Luke?" "Mhh?" He hummed. "Will you be my boyfriend again?" You asked. A slight smile crept up on your face but you tried to hide it to not let Luke win just right away. Luke chuckled, his mood becoming a little better again. "If you truly want that." You groaned and bumped your head on his shoulder a few times.
"Just say yes, you morron." "Yes." He whispered. You pet his hair a little. "Good boy." You grinned at Luke, who now rolled his eyes. "But i am not having children with you until we both got a job." He argued but it ended up in a laugh. He was laughing at the absurdity of this situation.
Now it was you rolling your eyes. "Fine. Reasonable." You grumbled and pouted at him a little. Luke smiled and wrapped his arms around you extra tight. "Did you mean it? My eyes, really?" He asked. You huffed.
"I was never before this serious in my life." You stated firmly. Luke leaned forward to kiss the tip of your nose. You scrunched your nose sweetly and peppered his face with small kisses.
"So... if i mess up you will throw dead animals at me?" Luke asked mockingly, as you pulled back. You grumbled and slapped Luke's chest again.
"If you dont cut the bullshit, i will stuff a dead rat into your pillow case."
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jeonscatalyst · 18 days
Hey May do you think Jk acts different around Jimin when Tae is around? I've seen taekookers saying that you can always tell who the real couple is whenever Vminkook are together because Jk is always glued to Tae instead of Jimin and I also saw them talk about the fact that taekook mostly sat side by side on AYS.
Hey anon,
Yes I think Jk is different around Jimin when Tae is around. Jk and Jimin would obviously be different around each other when there is another person around. It could be Jin or Yoongi around them and they would still be different, them being different around each other has nothing to do with tae being there or not but just the fact that a third person will always change the dynamic of two. If we ever got a show with just tae and Jk their dynamic would be very different compared to when Jimin is around, that is completely normal.
The thing with taekookers is that they seem to have this belief that someone automatically becomes a jerk to their friends or is less nice to their friends when their lover is around and that is the narrative they have been trying to push. I saw this ridiculous thread on twitter a few days ago from a taekooker trying to show the difference in dynamics between taekook and Jikook when they are together and that post had over 4k likes even though it was filled with the most ridiculous things ever. Taekookers in my opinion are some of the most shallow, childish and inexperienced people ever because they lack the ability to look beyond the surface. As long as Jk or tae stare at each other, they see romance even if the next second they see Tae going away on his honeymoon, that wouldn’t matter because the honeymoon was set up by the company to cover up taekook’s real relationship. As long as Jk and Tae hold unto each other singing and dancing to a song at a concert they see romance even if moments later Jk is seen tongue kissing someone else, that person is a beard to cover taekook’s real and forbidden love. Taekookers would rather accuse every living thing on earth of trying to hide taekook than stopping to think that maybe they read things wrong.
I’ve seen them talk about seeing a difference between taekook and Jikook when vminkook are together, as a matter of fact that is something almost all the taekook blogs on tumblr believe in and talk about. They give examples like the HS concert in 2021, they talk about the Vminkook Vlive from 2021 and they have added AYS to the mix. Everytime I read the things they say and how they justify these points I am shocked at how shortsighted some people can be. I honestly don’t know if they really cannot see beyond the surface or if they just don’t want to look because they are afraid of what they might find or if they see but don’t want to accept it.
Let’s start with the HS concert. To them that was proof that taekook is real and Jikook isn’t because of the moment we saw of tae and Jk singing, holding hands and dancing to “falling”. There was that moment and another moment of taekook sharing drink or something and according to taekookers that was Jk and tae being glued the entire night nevermind the fact that we have footage of Jimin and Jungkook whispering to each other, sharing drinks, dancing together with Jimin’s hand over Jungkook, plus the fact that those two actually disappeared together for a while at the concert. Now, these examples of Jikook aren’t meant to prove that jikook is real either but just to show that Taekook weren’t glued all night as taekookers would like to believe but just because of those few moments they had of taekook’s interactions, they swore that the two were glued together all night and Jk didn’t even spare Jimin a glance. Now why do I say they are shortsighted? The Harry Styles concert happened on the 19th of November 2021 and then a little over a week later, we got the Vminkook Vlive (march 28th) and from this Vlive, we found out from Jimin that since they got to LA, he had been working out with Jungkook every single day, we also found out from Jimin that Jungkook was basically in his room almost all the time. Jimin said Jk visited his room about 3 times a day and that he saw Jungkook in his room way more than he saw the managers. Tae confirmed this story by telling us that he went to Jimin’s room one day and thought it was Jungkook’s because Jk was the one who answered Jimin’s door and greeted him. Mind you Jimin said Jungkook was in his room everyday and even came at night too when he was about to go to sleep, stayed there for 2-4 hours at a time and left. We also know that Jungkook was probably there every night because on the one night he didn’t go, Jimin asked why he didn’t come and he wouldn’t be asking this if Jk wasn’t a regular visitor to his room. Also, Tae thinking that Jimin’s room was Jk’s means that he didn’t even know Jk’s room. So which normal person thinks that taekook dancing together at a concert and you know, being friends proves they are dating when we know for a fact that at the same period, Tae didn’t know Jungkook’s hotel room, Jungkook was spending almost all his time in Jimin’s room and choosing to go to him repeatedly when he was lonely or bored? You see why I say taekookers are incredibly shortsighted? You don’t even have to think Jikooo are a couple but Jk clearly liked spending more private time with him that he did with Tae judging from the things they said. So how exactly could taekook be dating yet Jungkook prioritized being with Jimin over Tae? They focus on physical affection which in this case isn’t a sign of romance but of friendship, love and care and the they ignore facts because they facts shatter their fantasies. They watched the Vminkook Live and focused on 5 seconds of awkward eye contact and that to them was proof of the greatest romance but ignored everything that was said in that Live that completely debunked Taekook. Nevermind the fact that a few days after that Live, Tae attended Hobi’s live and mentioned that he had a meal with Jungkook and they had an adult conversation and Jk said he was happy. Anybody with a brain would understand that this is two people clearly catching up because it doesn’t seem like that is something they did often so after the concert Jk and Tae ate together, did some catching up and we saw Jk after he left Tae’s room still fully dressed with his combat boots on which means that he was just in tae’s room temporarily but when we saw tae a few moments later, he was already out of his concert clothes and had on more comfortable clothes you know, like he had already changed and settled in his bedroom unlike Jk who was clearly just passing by.
So let’s be serious anon, how exactly did the HS concert or the Vminkook Live show that taekook are the real couple when we know for a fact that Jk and Jimin were basically spending almost all of their time together while Tae didn’t know Jk’s hotel room? Before Tae started his Live wasn’t Jk busy eating chicken with Jimin while tae was eating alone? Tae had already showered by himself too while Jk and Jimin were talking about “we haven’t showered yet” lol. Taekookers never look beyond the surface and they don’t even realize that what they think is romance is just two people being friends and basically just dynamic.
They also think that AYS showed how real taekook is and when you ask them why, they tell you how Jk and Tae sat side by side or how Jk wanted Tae to get into the pool too or some other rubbish which proves that these people don’t have friends in real life. After watching Vminkook in AYS, I felt so validated about a post I made months ago describing Vminkook’s dynamic. Typical of taekookers to fail to look beyond the surface. Jk was seated next to Tae most of the time yet he spent the entire time interacting and talking with Jimin. How many times did taekook actually really talk to each other while seated side by side? Didn’t we all watch Jk and Jimin constantly interacting and talking while Tae’s head was buried in his phone the entire time? Let’s also talk about how taekookers claimed that “when Tae leaves the pool Jk leaves” forgetting that Jk chose to stay back with Jimin after they left the pool while Tae showered and went to bed. Jk did this on BOTH nights they were in Jeju btw. If he wanted to be stuck to Tae’s side like tkkrs claim, he would have gotten out of the pool, showered when tae was showering and gone to bed or atleast gone upstairs to be next to him while he was sleeping but that isn’t what he did. He got out of the pool, teased Jimin by locking the doors, knowing that he would have to stay back to open it for him while Tae went ahead to shower and go bed, he stayed back, played a little with Jimin, showered and they went to bed together on both nights so what exactly are taekookers talking about?
Anon, most taekookers, especially the ones here on tumblr swear they are body language experts and they can tell taekook is real because of how taekook’s bodies react to each other (lol) but ask them why Jk doesn’t seek tae out in moments of high emotions or why Jk didn’t immediately go to Tae’s room instead of Jimin’s and they pull out all the conspiracy theories under the sun. They say Jk always wanted to be by Tae’s side in AYS but ask them why Jk wasn’t rushing to his side at nights but choose to stay up playing with Jimin, showering at the same time as him and only going to bed together with him and see how fast they start contradicting themselves.
Anon, any unbiased person who watches AYS with Vminkook can very easily tell the difference between those three and no one would ever think there is anything going on between taekook. Taekookers harrassed and bullied so many unbiased reactors on youtube for seeing and mentioning how close they think Jikook are. You don’t need to be a shipper to see how clearly Jikook are different and how deeply they connect but I guess if you are someone who believes in how close people walk, or people’s sitting positions or people dancing together at concerts, then you might probably see what taekookers see. And this isn’t me saying that these things aren’t important, they are but the issue is you cannot depend only on your reading of people’s body language to prove a ship because first, body language cues could be subjective and could depend on so many things plus you cannot focus on your perception of things while ignoring all the hard facts. Jk and Tae stared at each other for 5 seconds, they are a couple/ there is attraction =Perception. Jk spends alot of time in Jimin’s room, so much that Tae once thought Jimin’s room was Jk’s, according to Jimin, Tae and Jungkook = Fact. While your perception could be wrong, facts can’t and if the fact isn’t wrong then your perception is wrong so that 5 second eye contact which you read as romance/ attraction, isn’t. If you thought taekook were a thing because you noticed that they look at each other in a certain way or they sit in a certain way, then you get to find out that in Jungkook’s free time, he mostly goes to spend time in another person’s room and also likes spending nights with this other person and basically spends almost all day with this person while Tae doesn’t even know his hotel room then doesn’t it make sense to just conclude that you must have read things wrong? But our neighbours would rather call Jimin and Tae liars before they sit to think that maybe, just maybe they read the cues all wrongs.
So anon, I do agree that when we see Vminkook together it is easy to see the difference between them and you can see it by watching them aswell as listening to the things they say. No reasonable person watches them, listens to the thing they say and comes out thinking “yea, taekook is the one” lol. That’s just ridiculous. When you actually watch them and listen to them, you actually get to understand just how complex human feelings and relationships are because so many people spend time arguing about who Jk is closer to when the truth is, he is close to Tae and Jimin in very different ways so you cannot even really compare but one thing that is clear and has always been clear is that of the two, his emotional bond with Jimin is deeper…unless someone wants to explain to me why in his moments of loneliness the one he thought of going to was Jimin even though he didnt do anything particularly interesting while he was in there with him… i’ll wait.
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otomehoneyybearr · 4 months
The Day I Made a Friend
Book of Memories Chapter 1
Keith & Kagari
Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | My First Dorayaki
In the radiant sunlight pouring down, Keith encounters a man in a town adorned with flowers
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Keith: “Kagari?”
Kagari: “You’re in town too?”
Keith: “Yeah, I came to buy dorayaki since you’re coming to the castle.”
Keith: "The scheduled meeting won’t start for a while, yet you're already here in Jade."
Kagari: "Yep."
Keith: "...Another troublesome matter?"
Kagari: "Our plans tend to overlap pretty often."
Keith: "...Come to think of it, it WAS you who requested to have the meeting and practice today."
Keith: “Could it be that you originally needed to come to Jade for a troublesome matter,
Keith: “But arranged a meeting with me as camouflage to avoid another scolding...?”
Kagari: “As expected of a bookworm like you. Your imagination is impressive, Keith.”
Kagari: “But more importantly, I see the dorayaki shop.”
Keith: "Huh? Oh, you're right. Thank goodness they haven’t sold out yet."
The two men stop in front of a stall with a sign that says "DORAYAKI."
The sales seem to be going well, with only two left.
Keith: “Looks like there’s only butter and matcha. Which one do you want, Kagari?”
Kagari: “Either one is fine. Which do you prefer?”
Keith: “...They both look delicious.”
Kagari: “So, you’re indecisive.”
Keith: “You sound just like Liam.”
Kagari: “Liam? Oh, your surly butler.”
Keith: “Surly? He's sincere and meticulous in his work. He's an exceptional butler who's too good for someone like me.”
Kagari: “As usual, you're spot on when it comes to assessing others.”
Kagari: “So, have you decided?”
Keith: ….
Keith didn't respond, and as if on cue, the two of them silently extended one hand forward.
Then they lightly shook their hands in place. At the same time, Keith opened his hand while Kagari made a fist.
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Keith & Kagari:
"Oh, I won again."
"I lost."
Did they really just play rock, paper, scissors?
Keith: ".........."
Kagari: "So which one? If you don't decide quickly, someone else will buy it."
After glancing at Kagari, Keith pointed to one of the dorayaki.
Keith: "I guess I’ll have butter."
Kagari: "Then I'll take the matcha."
Kagari: "Shopkeeper, two dorayaki, please."
Keith: "Oh, Kagari, let me pay for them."
Kagari: "It's fine, consider it an apology."
Keith: "......So the real reason you came to Jade was because of some trouble, after all."
Kagari: "Relax, I didn't kill anyone. I just taught them a lesson."
Keith: "When you say 'teach a lesson,' it usually means more than a light injury... Is the other person alright?"
Kagari: "Focus on the dorayaki. They're still slightly warm."
Keith: "Wow, Kagari, you're eating it already.”
Keith: "I was planning to save this for after our meeting, but since it's still warm, I guess I'll eat it now. Thanks.
Keith accepted the dorayaki with its faint buttery aroma and took a bite.
Keith: "Mmm, it's so nice and fluffy when it’s warm. Maybe I'll come by for a freshly made one next time."
Kagari: "Thanks for the meal."
Keith: "You already finished!? Did you chew it properly?"
Kagari: "Do you think I'm a child or something? I chewed it and savored it."
Kagari: "The matcha was delicious too. A dorayaki shop with no misses is rare in other countries."
Keith: "Your love for dorayaki hasn't changed since we met."
Kagari: "Back then, I didn't particularly like or dislike it. Actually, I..."
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Keith: "?"
Kagari: "--Just thought you'd cry if I refused."
Kagari: "You were such a crybaby."
Keith: "I wouldn't have cried just because you refused."
Kagari: "But it's true that you were a crybaby. You often teared up in front of me."
Keith: "T-That was half crying... Though it is true that I showed you countless embarrassing moments."
Keith: "Looking back on it, my life is full of embarrassing moments... It's painful to even think about."
Kagari: "Think of it as proof that you struggled, and your heart will feel a bit lighter."
Kagari: "Though, I admit, the training back then might have been overkill."
Keith: "You nearly killed me multiple times, Kagari."
●●●��●●●● Flashback●●●●●●●●
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Jade and Kōgyoku—
Although the countries situations were completely different, they’d maintained friendly relations up to the present.
"Couldn't that demon train this failure?"
It was such words from the King of Jade that led to the meeting of young Keith and Kagari.
Kagari: "Stabbing, beating, strangling, poisoning—Keith, which one do you prefer? Or are you good at any of them?"
Keith: "....Um,"
Keith: "I don't particularly like nor excel at any of them."
Kagari: “….”
Kagari: “….I see…”
Keith: “….Yeah…”
Keith & Kagari: “…”
Keith & Kagari: “……..…”
Keith's face showed visible confusion, while Kagari remained expressionless like a Noh mask.
As another moment of silence stretched on for the umpteenth time, surprisingly, it was Keith who spoke up.
Keith: "Um... I'm Keith Howell, the First Prince of Jade."
Kagari: "……………Second Prince of Ruby. Kagari Amagase."
Keith: "Thank you for agreeing to train me, Sir.
Kagari: "........Sir?"
Keith: "I am weak and useless, weaker than even weeds, but—"
Keith: "As an older brother and a member of the royal family, I want to become stronger."
Keith: "So, um, please take care of me!"
Keith bowed his head so forcefully it seemed like a gust of wind might arise, causing Kagari to take a slight step back.
His expression remained unchanged. However, the hands clasped behind his back repeatedly clenched and released, as if deep in thought...
Kagari: "…………"
Keith: "Um...?"
Kagari deftly picked up a practice sword with his foot and pointed its tip at Keith.
Kagari: "First, a warm-up. Ready your sword."
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silkjade-archived · 2 years
maybe we're a forest fire
Featuring— alhaitham x reader ⤀ warnings: gn!reader, hurt/comfort fic, reader has a pyro vision, slightly suggestive at the end if you squint ⤀ summary: when a love divination claims your relationship is doomed to fail, alhaitham is there to soothe your overthinking | w.c. 1k+ ⤀ a/n: alhaitham strikes me as someone who's intelligent but doesn't overthink, so as an overthinker, this is a bit self indulgent
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“You’re overthinking things again,” al-haitham states matter of factly. He continues to read despite the soft thudding of your footsteps as you pace the room.
“I’m not.” You argue, stopping in your tracks. “It makes sense. I just think… what if we…” your words trail off as you hesitate, biting your lip, wondering if you should continue your train of thought. 
“...what if we… end things now. Before things get worse…” you falter, wringing your hands, your voice as small as you feel under the watchful eyes of the heavens. Al-haitham’s shoulders visibly stiffen, pausing for just a moment to look up from his book, before slamming it shut in his hand.
“And where’s all this coming from?” he inquires, a quizzical brow arched in skepticism. Your boyfriend leans back in his seat, arms crossed, waiting for an explanation; you weren’t one to make rash decisions like this.
“Where’s this coming from… al-haitham were you even listening to me?” you throw your hands up in frustration and continue pacing the room. The two of you had taken a stroll this afternoon through sumeru city and you had thought it a good idea to have your fortunes read; your colleague at the akademiya, setaria, had sworn by nabiya and the accuracy of her readings, claiming that this relationship you had with the scribe should undergo the young fortune teller’s divination before proceeding foward: “Lest you waste your time on a doomed love prospect,” your friend had warned. Besides, it wasn’t that you necessarily believed in divination, but it didn’t hurt to have a little bit of fun… right? How wrong you were.
As you once again begin to pace to and fro, you miss the way al-haitham rolls his eyes from across you. “Don’t tell me this is all because of what that fortune teller said. You know they’re almost never accurate right? And you’re telling me you want to end things because… her cats recommended it?” Nabiya had read that your relationship would burn up, like a dying star, that it’d be better to save the trouble before everything went up in flames.
“No,” you continue, ignoring him, “she said the gods spoke through her. But anyways, I’ve been thinking ever since and I mean… just looking at our visions should be proof enough that maybe we shouldn’t be together at all.” 
“And pray tell, what do our visions have to do with our relationship? If anything, I’d say it’s a good omen that our elements react so well together.” Ever the rational insight. Usually, al-haitham quite enjoyed listening to your theories, but this was getting absurd, making him wonder if perhaps, there was more troubling you beneath the surface than you let on. Because even he couldn’t predict the tangent you were about to go on when your pyro and his dendro vision worked wonders together, especially when encountering enemies during your investigations in the forest and beyond. 
“Yes, they do react well don’t they,” you chuckle, cynical. “Burning. In our forest nation.”
“Well actually only half forest,” he interjects, as a poor attempt at lightening the mood. In his quiet observation, al-haitham hears the slight shift in your tone, hears you struggling to choke back your true feelings in your tirade. And yet the more you processed your own reasoning, the more it made sense. Your lover is rational if nothing else, so he’s sure to see your point. The nails of your clenched fists dig into the flesh of your palms, your heart starts beating faster, the voices of a hundred different thoughts swirling in your head. Here in the knowledge driven nation of sumeru, it was a rare occasion that the head would agree with the heart, so when it came down to it, most chose to follow their head. You were no exception.
“Al-haitham I’m being serious.” As if your large, pleading eyes weren’t already enough to break his cool persona, your next words do. You turn around, unable to face him as you begin to speak.
“Pyro is destructive. When it spreads, it burns everything in its path, and what if I burn you. Maybe not literally but I’m sure you know the sages aren’t exactly happy their scribe is getting distracted lately. And the grand sage is rtawahist— he’s bound to connect the dots and say the same… I don’t want to be a liability to you al-haitham, or cost you-” 
Ah. There it was. Dating the infamous grand scribe had thrown both you and your relationship into the public eye, and the scrutiny of the akademiya itself was no exception. You felt the air escape from your lungs before you could continue any further. Al-haitham had all but jumped out of his seat, tackling your person and enveloping you from behind, in a rare embrace.
“Hey. Hey, it’s okay. We’re going to be okay,” he murmurs, “having a pyro vision doesn’t make you the fire itself. And the sages have no say in my personal life, so even if you do ever burn me, well, forests need fire to renew and regrow.” He turns your body around to face him, fingers lifting up your chin so he could look into your eyes.
“I don’t care about any sort of destiny the gods or stars want to show me. I-”
“-plan to discredit the entire rtawahist darshan?” Al-haitham ignores your interruption and continues,
“And? I’d go against celestia as well if they think the element of our visions is enough of a reason to seperate us. You know I’m no zealot.” When the only response he gets from you is the fact that you shift your eyes away from his, he opts to pull you into himself, a hand on your back, the other behind your head. At this proximity, you’re able to pick up the steady sounds of his heartbeat. It was calming; it settled the rapid pace of your own heart to match his. Slowly, you bring your arms to wrap around his waist and press a soft smile into his chiseled chest.
“I fight for what I believe in, and I believe in us. It’s going to take more than just some fortune teller to change my mind, so let’s not discuss this anymore… unless you’d like other ways to keep your thoughts at bay?”
“You know… despite the robot allegations, you’re actually quite romantic,” you tease, looking up. 
“And you’re strangely impulsive for an overthinker.”
“...shut up.”
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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wisteriaphobia · 3 months
Alright time to come out, not out of the closet, but I am Nat (Or Lilnatx) . I wanted to come here and share my story or fairy tales if you don't like me. I was a part of “clique 1”
Not to use my age like a pokemon card but I am 15, and I don't care what you have to say to me personally but I'm sick and tired of my name being dragged through the mud and being used as a scapegoat. But I have lots of pent up anger that I didn't have the privilege of saying.
April 3rd was the day I was banned from nevermore, with no proof. Like at all, I'm still bamboozled and scratching my head like a monkey on what was actually on me and my friends. We were accused of “shit talking” and I have yet to see the shit that we have allegedly talked about.
And honestly? Even if I did shit talk people, why… in a conversation about a predator … does that matter? I'm exhausted with how Red always fights with teenagers (like me) and other friends of mine. It's so despicable that the minions might just leave Gru for her instead. I was in gym class when I got banned and honestly? I would rather get banned 10 more times than do another plank for 2 minutes while seeing my P.E teacher's bald head.
My crimes that I did publicly (in the screenshot that red posted) is me being.. not fucking involved? Right before I got banned I was staying away from people that I previously did not enjoy and in fact I tried my best to not interact with them directly. At one point I had many members blocked on my discord because I was tired of being the villain.
Yet here I am in the year of our lord July of 2024 and people are still referring to my friends as “nats clique” like I said earlier im 15, quince. I have little power over my friends' actions , especially if they're an adult. I can barely get Laci to join me on Minecraft let alone make her collaborate on some high tech scheme, what is this shit? Oceans 11?
I find it petty that red refers to my friends as a “clique” we're a friend group, and the definition of a clique requires a group that's hard to get into. The server (until now) was open, you could pull up to Jinx's profile like a McDonald's drive through and get an invite. Our friend group was constantly expanding and if you personally felt like you were scared to talk to us, I'm sorry that you never experienced the poop closet jokes.
Red being paranoid about what a bunch of teenagers were maybe saying behind her back to deflect about crimson is quite irresponsible I do say so myself. So please Red! With a cherry on top! Show me what I did to you. What sin have I committed on your ego that should banish me to hell. Because I sure as hell don't know what I've done, (and you can quote this) you probably don't know what I've done either, because you made it all up.
Unfortunately I have no screenshots to give, because my phone storage is ass. But you can hit up any of the members of my clique for proof regarding my innocence. I promise I'm not an evil bitch who wants to ban you (not evil not evil no I'm the least evil person I know)
I'm sorry if this response upsets you, but if a 15 year old girl who ships who chicks bothers you so much. Imagine how I feel, imagine now so many people who once looked up to you feel. Everyone in your post looked up to you once as a role model, and have had panic attacks and stress because (allegedly) you harmed them with your cruel words. You can think it's your fault or not that's not my problem.. but for someone who wants evidence and proof 24/7 you sure like to not give out proof of anyone else.
P.S if you were anyone who gave red evidence of my wrong doings, can I see them? Cause I don't know what I have done.
P.P.S I'm not a man, and I write fanfiction of lesbian vampires.
P.P.P.S this is so not sigma that I gotta make this response
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dragonflylady77 · 3 months
the bit that mattered
a Harringrove Corner Pride fic (all told in Robin's POV) and a present for @whenyouwishuponastar7 and @discodeviant
I was given the prompt 'enemies to soulmates' and then I stumbled upon this post by @imsodishy with tags by @gravegroves and I knew I had a winner. Also, as a matter of interest, I found the doodle by @ihni from the same post...
Oh and this other post by @ihni also inspired a scene in the fic.
Harringrove & Buckleway | 7.2k
Tags: enemies to soulmates, Robin POV, Billy and Robin are secret queer besties, fake dating to throw parents off the scent of queer teenagers, Steve's bisexual awakening
Robin helps Steve realize his soulmate was under his nose this whole time, he just had to give a guy a chance...
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“Can you run that one past me again, dingus?” Robin couldn't believe the sob story Steve was telling her. She’d heard about the fight back in November, of course, because the rumors had made the rounds at school for over a month. But listening to Steve recount his version of what had happened was leaving a bad taste in her mouth.
“Really?” He sat on the metal stool they kept behind the counter for when they were the only ones on shift. Standing around in an empty store was murder on the feet.
“Come on, Steve, humor me,” Robin said as she refilled the container of sprinkles.
They’d been working at Scoops Ahoy together for a few weeks now, and Robin was pretty sure she was Steve’s only friend who was his age. Those kids of his kept coming in for free ice cream, and so he could sneak them into the movies via the back corridor, but Robin knew Steve didn’t consider them his friends. Not really.
Heather Holloway had come in after her shift at Hawkins Community Pool, and Robin had managed to serve her that one scoop of strawberries and cream without blushing too much. Heather was so pretty with her long dark hair and her big brown eyes and bright red lips… Whenever Robin dreamed about meeting her soulmate, it was usually a girl who looked like Heather. She’d never told anyone about it, and kept the soulmark on her right wrist hidden under the band of her watch. 
Heather had asked the guy who was with her if he wanted something but he’d said no. Robin had seen him around before, at school mostly. She’d briefly wondered if maybe he was dating Heather but the way he kept sneaking glances at Steve made her think that it was more likely she was not the only queer teen in Hawkins. She was pretty sure Steve had no idea, about her or about the guy, whose name, Steve had said with the utmost rancor, was Billy Hargrove. 
“I’m waiting,” she said, glancing at Steve before she checked on the glace cherries. He’d already told her all about the Upside Down, and while she hadn’t seen any proof, she knew that weird stuff happened in Hawkins, so Steve’s story about monstrous creatures from another dimension, and a girl who could move things with her brain, made as much sense as anything else she’d heard. 
Steve groaned but he complied. “Fine. Mrs. Byers, Nancy and Jonathan took Will to the chief’s cabin. Chief Hopper and El went to the lab to close the gate and I stayed behind at the Byers house with the kids because someone had to. Then Hargrove showed up. Max freaked out, she said he was gonna kill her, so I went outside to talk him down, and like, make him leave.”
“He came to get his sister, must have had a reason, you didn't think of that?”
“She was terrified, Robin. And she was right. I mean, he shoved me to the ground then went into the house and attacked Lucas.”
“From what you said to me, he asked about his sister and you lied to his face.”
“Well, yeah, but…”
“Do you not see the problem here?”
“No! He attacked Lucas so I punched him then we had a fight and he broke a plate on my head. A plate, Robin! I still have a scar!”
“Uh huh,” Robin deadpanned, because she knew Steve enough to know he had a flair for the dramatic. That said, he had shown her the scar. It was nowhere near as big or noticeable as his antics made it to be, but she wasn’t about to tell him that.
“And then he used me like his own personal punching bag until I passed out from the pain. The kids told me Max stabbed him in the neck with that syringe she found on the dresser and told him to leave us alone. Then we went into the tunnels to help El.”
“And you took his car.”
“Max drove his car, yes, but I had nothing to do with that, I was unconscious in the backseat for most of the ride.”
“I will grant you that one.”
“Oh thank you, o wise one.”
“Don't get fresh with me, Steven. You really don't see how wrong that whole situation looks from the outside?”
“What are you talking about? Hargrove is the one who showed up and attacked us. He gave me a concussion, Robin. The guy is a psycho.”
Robin lets out a sigh. She felt like getting the whiteboard out to help Steve understand how wrong he was, but the You suck/You rule tally was ongoing. She looked around but the store was still thankfully devoid of customers. Mondays after lunch were mostly dead, affording her and Steve much needed bonding time. “Okay, so, let's recap, and please do not interrupt me.” 
“The guy shows up looking for his thirteen-year-old sister at a house he doesn’t know, in the middle of the woods. The only people there with his sister are a bunch of thirteen-year-old boys and Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington. The same Steve Harrington everyone knows is a hit with the ladies and who is rumored to have slept with over half the female population of Hawkins High.”
Steve opened his mouth but Robin glared at him and he closed it again.
“I said do not interrupt me. I know neither of us has siblings, but I have girl cousins and I know that my aunt would not take it well if one of her daughters was alone in a house filled with teenage boys, my uncle even less so. You lied to him about the sister he was looking for, you antagonized him, and then you threw the first punch. Is it any wonder he fought back? And don’t answer that, it was rhetorical. That means it doesn’t need an answer.”
“I know what it means, thanks. I did graduate from high school.”
“Good for you, now shut up. From what I’ve heard your children say when you illegally let them into the back corridor, Max’s stepfather seems like a total hardass, and she’s sneaking around a lot. Which leads me to believe her big brother, the aforementioned Billy Hargrove, may well have been under orders to bring her back, or he was trying to get her home before their parents came back. Either way, it seems likely that the older sibling would have been left in charge of the younger one.”
“You don’t know that for sure. I mean he—”
“Steven MiddleName Harrington, I swear to the goddess…”
“So, in all likelihood, Hargrove was left in charge of Max, and she left without telling him, and when he came looking for her, it didn’t go well for anyone, then Max shot her brother up full of some unknown drug from a syringe left unattended—not very safe, but whatever—and you, what, just left him unconscious on the floor while you guys stole his car?”
“Um, yeah, I guess… when you lay it out like that, it sounds really bad.”
“Dingus, that is what happened. Bet his dad was super impressed with him when he got home with no car and no Max.”
Steve groaned, leaning on the counter and resting his head on his folded arms. Robin took pity on him. She put her hand on his shoulder and patted it awkwardly a couple of times.
“I remember that both of you looked rather beat up when you came back to school, though you came back a few days before he did.”
“I did?” Steve sat up and stared at her.
“Oh yeah. I told you before, I’m very observant.”
Robin lightly punched Steve on the shoulder, as punishment for his disbelieving tone. She was way more observant than him, that was for sure. “So, what happened after that?”
Steve shrugged. “Nothing.”
“What do you mean nothing? I thought you said he apologized?”
“Oh, well, yeah. He drove up in his car while I was waiting for Dustin at the arcade, and he said he was sorry about the fight. That’s it. Max said he apologized to Lucas as well.”
“And he’s been staying away ever since, like he told Max he would, the night of the fight.”
“After she threatened to pulverize his boy parts with that nail bat you keep in the boot of your car, right?”
“Yeah, well, I don’t really remember that part, cos, yanno, concussion from that plate he smashed on my head, but Dustin told me about it in great detail, many many times.”
“That kid needs to learn to shut up, I swear.”
Steve chuckled. “He grows on you.”
“Yeah, like mold,” Robin deadpanned, making Steve cackle.
Three days later, Robin was deep in the stacks at the library when she bumped into someone, causing them to drop the handful of books they were carrying.
“Shoot, sorry, I wasn’t paying attention,” she said, crouching to help.
“It’s okay, Buckley. I got it.”
Robin fell on her ass from the surprise. “You know my name?”
“Uh, yeah?” Billy Hargrove said, straightening up and offering her a hand up.
Robin accepted the help, still in shock, then followed the guy to the closest study table where he’d left his messenger bag. She sat across the table from him, her eyes never leaving his face.
“You gonna say something or you just gonna stare at me for the rest of the day? Only I have a shift at the pool in a bit.” He lifted an eyebrow at her, daring her to speak up.
“Oh, um, sorry. It’s just… how do you know my name?” She really, really, needed to know.
“You’ve been in my AP English class since I moved here and you play the French horn with the band every time we play a home game. Course I know your name.”
“And…” Billy leaned forward, gesturing at Robin to do the same.
She complied, and watched, confused, as Billy looked around to see if anyone was near, before he whispered, “I’ve seen the way you look at Hank, and I can help, if you want.”
“Hank? I don’t…” Robin shook her head. The conversation was taking a surreal turn.
“Sorry, Heather. Holloway.”
“Oh.” Robin felt her cheeks heat up and it was her turn to look around, fidgeting with her rings.
“Don’t worry,” Billy whispered, both hands flat on the table. “I’m not gonna out you to anyone. I may be an asshole, but I wouldn’t compromise someone’s safety like that.”
“Ho-how did you…?” Robin stammered, glad she was sitting down. She felt like a breeze would have knocked her down. She hadn’t even told Steve, and he was her best friend. Maybe.
“Let’s just say you’re not the only one who has to hide who they truly are, for fear of repercussions.”
“When you say repercussions…?” She had to know. She had an inkling about Billy’s dad from some things she’d heard Max say but having confirmation she was right would be vindicating, especially the next time Steve brought up The Evil Billy Hargrove...
“Let’s just say I like being alive, Buckley, and leave it at that, ay?”
“Robin. And you must be joking. Please tell me you’re joking.”
“I had to tell the doctor I fell down some stairs and broke my wrist because Max told my dad she’d seen me sitting with a guy in the library at my old school, Robin, so you tell me. I was tutoring the kid in math but Neil didn’t give a fuck. Right after that, he moved us to this podunk town in the middle of fucking nowhere. Wasn’t fun driving with a cast, let me tell you.”
“Is that really why you moved here?” It seemed a bit far-fetched to her, relocating an entire family because of a misunderstanding like that.
“Well, Susan’s sister lives in Indianapolis, but Neil was more than happy to move me across the country to a less… permissive state.”
“Is California really better for, yanno, people like… like us ?” Robin whispered, elated her hunch had been correct and that she suddenly had someone her age to talk to about these things. 
“Oh yeah. Well, I mean, it can still be dangerous, but, fuck, dude, me and some friends drove up to L.A. last year for the Pride parade and it was fucking amazing.”
“Oh my goddess… You have to tell me all about it, please!”
“Another time, friend. Right now, we need to come up with a plan for you, before I go to work.”
Robin’s cheeks were heating up again. “Oh, um, no, no, it’s okay, there’s no need.”
“Buckley, why do you think that Hank drags me to the stupid mall after every shift? It’s not for the ice cream, because her parents are loaded and she’s got a freezer full of nicer ice cream than your strawberry and cream at home…”
“Maybe she’s just your decoy so you can enjoy the view…”
Billy laughed and Robin startled. She didn’t remember ever hearing him laugh. They received glares from the librarian and a forbidding ‘shhhh’ that made them both silently snicker.
Billy sat back in his chair, the mirth now gone from his eyes. “The difference, dear Robin, is that the view I enjoy hates my everliving guts and I have zero chance in hell to ever close that deal, due to said view’s inclinations, while you, my musically inclined friend, don’t even realize how close you are to getting what you want.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Billy’s watch started beeping, earning him another glare from the librarian, even though he silenced it quickly. “That’s my alarm. Need to get to the pool for my shift. I’ll catch you later. Think about what I said.”
Robin watched Billy leave, marveling at the absolutely unexpected yet terribly exciting turn her afternoon had taken.
Steve looked like he hadn’t slept since their last shift together two days ago and Robin wasted no time telling him as much. He threw a dark look her way but said nothing.
“Aw, come on, dingus, don’t be like that. What’s keeping you from your beauty sleep?”
“This is all your fault, you know,” Steve bit out as he moved to refill the next container of sprinkles. 
Robin didn’t understand why the store only offered sprinkles in the colors of the flag, but that might be because she didn’t really have a patriotic bone in her body. “How is it my fault?” she said, holding the jar of red sprinkles for Steve.
He glared at her as he put down the white sprinkles and picked up the red ones. “You made me feel guilty for something that happened over six months ago.”
“And? I didn’t realize there was an expiry date on figuring out you did something shitty and taking steps to fix it.”
“Oh, now I have to fix it as well?” Steve argued, spinning so fast the Scoops hat fell off his head.
Robin bent down to pick it up and put it down on the counter with a sigh. “Steve…”
“Robin. I draw the line at one concussion a year, thank you.”
“Oh my goddess, Steve, Billy isn’t going to punch you if you apologize for lying to his face.”
“One, you don’t know that, and two, since when are you on a first name basis with the guy? Pretty sure you didn’t even know his name when you made me tell you about the fight over and over the other day,” Steve said, fixing her with a stare that might work on his kids but didn’t work on her.
All the same, Robin was happy to be saved from answering by a slew of customers that kept them so busy they had to take their breaks at different times. Steve finished his shift earlier than her and she was only too happy to wave him off. The look he gave her before he walked out the door told her that he would demand answers the next time they saw each other.
Walking to the bus stop after her shift ended and cursing herself for asking her mom for a ride to the mall earlier that day instead of taking her bike, Robin startled when a vaguely familiar blue Camaro slowed down alongside her.
“Hey, Buckley. Fancy a ride home?”
Robin stopped and looked through the open passenger window with a grin. “Hargrove. Are you stalking me?”
“You should be so lucky. Get in, we need to talk.”
Dropping her bag in the back before settling into the passenger seat, Robin angled her body towards Billy. “Well?”
Billy threw the butt of his cigarette on the road then pulled away from the curb, waiting until they were back on the road into town to open his mouth. “Dropped off Hank at the mall after our shift, her mom is getting her a new outfit for our date on Saturday.”
What? Robin’s fingers dug into the leather seat under her. “A date? You’re going on a date with Heather? But I thought—”
“Relax, Robin, I told you I would help and I’m gonna. Me and Hank had a chat the other day after I saw you at the library and we came up with a plan.”
“Oh?” Robin wasn’t sure what else to say. She didn’t like feeling confused and so far both her interactions with Billy Hargrove had left her on the back foot.
“Yeah. Thing is, we figured if her parents, and my dad, think we’re dating, it will get them off our backs.” 
“Okay…” That made sense to Robin. Being a queer teenager in small town America was scary if your parents weren’t accepting, and Robin knew she was lucky in that respect. Her parents were soulmates and they’d always told her they loved her and would love whoever her soulmate turned out to be. 
“So the idea is that on Saturday night, I'm gonna pick her up, then pick you up, and we're gonna go over to the drive-in in Marion, and then I'll make myself scarce until the movie is over.”
“Oh god. You’re gonna… you’re… and she… oh god.” Robin couldn’t breathe. This was really happening. She was going on a date. With a girl. With Heather . 
She didn’t realize Billy had stopped on the side of the road until he was crouching on the ground next to her, holding her hands and telling her to breathe.
“Deep breaths, Robin. That’s it. You got this.”
“I…I… oh god…”
“Hey. Calm down. It’s gonna be okay, you know why?”
“She likes you. She really likes you.”
“She does…?”
“Yeah. And you know what else?”
“I’ve seen the way you look at her, and I’ve seen how animated she is when it’s just the two of us and she won’t stop talking about you. And I wonder…”
“Your soulmark wouldn’t happen to be a flower by any chance?”
Robin eeped and she took her hands back to clutch at her right wrist. What the fuck was happening right now? She must be dreaming, there was no other explanation.
“No, dude, you’re not dreaming” Billy grinned. “I show you mine, you show me yours?”
Robin nodded because she couldn’t trust herself to keep her thoughts out of her mouth. Her eyes bugged out when Billy removed the watch he kept on his right wrist. His skin wasn’t as tanned under the strap and she immediately spotted the five point crown lightly etched on the inside of Billy’s wrist.
She scrambled to take off her own watch and share her own soulmark. “I’ve never shown it to anyone, not even my parents,” she said, her eyes tracing the familiar lines of the small violet. It had felt too private to share with anyone, not that she had many friends anyway.
“My friend Argyle back in Cali is the only one who knows about mine. Doubt Neil would take too kindly to this confirmation his useless son is a fa—”
“Don’t say that word,” Robin urged him. Then she remembered something Billy had said at the library. “Ooh!” She slapped a hand on her mouth then slowly let it drop. “A crown. I get it now. You think Steve is…”
“I don’t think, I know.” Billy sounded so defeated it broke Robin’s heart.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Basketball practice, Robin. Communal showers don’t hide much, even if you’re doing your best not to look.”
“Exactly. So let’s focus on getting you and Hank together instead, alright?” Billy said, standing up again and putting his watch back on.
Robin did the same and waited until Billy was back in the driver’s seat. “Billy?”
Billy glanced at her then back at the road. “Yeah?”
“I, um, I was talking with Steve the other day at work, about that fight you guys had last November, at the Byers’ house, and I may have impressed upon him how wrong it looked for your thirteen-year-old sister to be alone in a strange house with a bunch of teenage boys, and, um, there is a slight chance that he might decide to apologize for lying to you and throwing the first punch, and yanno, taking your car while you lay full of unlabeled drugs on a dirty floor. Or something.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You heard me. So if he does, could you… not punch him? Maybe?”
“If, and that’s a big if, Steve comes to me to apologize, I promise to hear him out.”
“Hey, dingus?”
It was Friday night, and Robin was lying on Steve’s couch eating popcorn from a giant bowl on the floor. He was sitting next to it on a cushion. Robin wasn’t really paying attention to the movie Steve had put on, too keyed up about the motherflippin’ date she was going on the next evening. 
Billy was being the perfect wingman so she wanted to return the favor, and that started by testing the waters.
“Yeah?” Steve took a sip of his cola and turned his head to look at her.
“You ever think about what your soulmate might be like?”
“I used to. I had all these grand ideas about all that stuff, and for a bit, I even believed Nancy might be my soulmate.”
“Yeah, but our soulmarks didn’t match, not even a little bit. And after that, I just… stopped.”
“Stopped what?”
“Looking. Hoping. If there’s a person made for me out there, I doubt they’re stuck in Hawkins, yanno? And since I’m never getting out of here…”
“Aw, Stevie, don’t be like that…” Robin patted Steve on the shoulder. “We’ll get out of this place, and you’ll find them, whoever they are.”
Steve let out a disbelieving snort. “Sure… As the person who started the You Rule/You Suck board, you know very well that my chances of that are about as high as my chances of getting into college.”
“What do you think they look like?” Robin asked, shushing him when he groaned his displeasure at her pushing it. “Come on, indulge me.”
“What don’t you tell me about your soulmate instead?” Steve pushed back.
“Ha! Not so keen to share now, are you?” Steve turned around to face her, his back to the TV, movie completely forgotten.
Robin sat up. This would make or break their friendship. She took a deep breath and threw herself into the deep end. “I’ve had the same image of who my soulmate is since I started middle school. I’ve always imagined her with long dark hair, brown eyes and—”
“Shiny red lips that match her work uniform and a first name that starts with H?”
Robin felt the tip of her ears heat up. Steve was watching her with his usual smile, and he wasn’t ordering her out of his house.
“I know I’m not the most observant person, but even I noticed how often Heather comes in for one scoop of the least interesting flavor we sell. And she’s hated my guts since kindergarten so…”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I wasn’t sure how you’d react, learning I’m into… you know… girls,” Robin whispered the last word, even though Steve admittedly already knew and they were alone in his house. It still felt like something she should hide; less so when she was hanging out with Billy, which seemed to happen more since that day at the library. They’d started spending their free periods together at the same study table of the seniors home room most days.
“You’re my friend, Robin.” Steve said. “Pretty much my only friend. And I’m not gonna risk losing that because we both like boobies.”
The serious way Steve said it launched Robin into a laughing fit and Steve joined her. When it ended, they were both sitting on the floor, her legs on his lap, the TV screen a flurry of static.
“Can I see your soulmark?” 
Steve shrugged. “Sure.”
To Robin’s surprise, Steve whipped off his shirt, dropping it on top of her legs, before lifting his left arm. He angled his head.
“It’s right there, on my ribs, by my armpit.”
Robin peered at the area Steve had indicated and, sure enough, there it was. A crown with five points, matching Billy’s perfectly. She couldn’t quite silence the ‘eep’ that escaped her and Steve frowned at her as he put his shirt back on.
“Nothing. A crown for King Steve. Fitting.” She moved her legs off Steve and got back up onto the couch, her mind going a mile a minute. She needed to find a way to plant a seed in Steve’s mind, to help him open his horizon to a different possibility. She knew you couldn’t make a person queer, of course, but the universe had decided these two boys were soulmates, so she had to do something to help. 
She tuned back into what Steve was saying.
“...left that king bullshit behind in high school when I realized I wanted to be a better person.”
“So it wasn’t just because you wanted in Nancy Wheeler’s pants?” Robin couldn’t help the snide remark, grinning as she said it.
“Oh my god, Robin!” Steve shoved her shoulder. “What about you? What’s yours?”
“A flower, on the inside of my wrist,” she told him, thinking how odd it was that two boys linked by fate had asked her the same question within a few days of each other.
“Dainty,” Steve said with a snort and it was Robin’s turn to shove him.
Still laughing, Steve stood to go put another movie on then took his spot in front of the couch again. “Hey, you wanna go for a milkshake tomorrow after work? My treat. You can help me figure out how I’m gonna apologize to Billy Hargrove without getting punched.”
“For fuck’s sake, Steve, stop making him out to be such a monster.”
“Sorry, I forgot you’re president of his fan club now. My bad.” Steve’s posture went all rigid and he kept his eyes on the screen in front of them.
Robin took a deep breath before she replied with something she would for sure regret. She forced a smile and slid onto the floor next to Steve, resting her head on his shoulder. “Dingus, you’re my best friend, you know that. But I think we’d both benefit from having more friends our age, and unless you really want to hang out with your ex and the guy she dumped you for, our options are limited.”
“But Billy, Robin?”
“Yes, Billy. He’s funny, he’s one of the top students at school, he drives a cool car, and he’s objectively, and by any standards, extremely good looking.”
“I thought you only liked girls.”
“I’m a lesbian, Steven, not blind.”
“I don’t know…”
“Well, I do, and I’m sorry, but I can’t go for a milkshake tomorrow.” Robin paused then whispered, “I, um, I have, um, a date.”
Steve spun so fast Robin fell over onto the carpet.
“A date! Oh my god, Robin! Is it with Heather? How? Wow! What the fuck!”
She sat up, rubbing her elbow that had taken the brunt of her fall. “Ow.”
“I’m sorry! You can’t just spring this on me like that! Spill, lady! I want details!”
“Yes, it’s with Heather. And, uh, it was set up by, um, a mutual friend. We’re going to the drive-in over in Marion. I’ve been kinda freaking out about it, to be honest.”
“A mutu—Oh. I see.”
“Do not start this again, I need my best friend right now, not King Steve’s high school vendetta.”
“Okay, okay, sorry.”
“Tell me something, why does he get under your skin this much?”
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Oh please, the mere mention of his name gets your hackles raised like no one else does. From what you’ve told me, it predates the fight you guys had at the Byers’ house. Did you seriously never wonder what it is about Billy Hargrove that makes you react so strongly?”
Steve’s eyes widened but he didn’t say anything. Robin patted Steve’s knee before standing up.
“I’ll get us another drink if you rewind the movie. I missed everything that happened in it so far.”
Steve nodded and moved to the VCR as Robin left the living room for the kitchen. She figured she’d done enough pushing for one evening. 
“Earth to Robin, need you out here, dude.”
Steve’s voice pulled Robin out of her daydreams. She checked her watch to see her break had ended a few minutes ago. She hurried back into the main part of the store and went to work, scooping ice cream like it was her calling while Steve rang the orders on the temperamental till.
Once the after school rush had died down, she picked up the mop and did a quick pass on the blue and white checkered lino while Steve cleared rubbish and wiped melted ice cream off the tables.
“You’ve been spacey all day, Rob. Are you okay? I hope it means you had a good time on Saturday night.”
Robin smiled as she finished cleaning then took the mop back into the back room. She waited for Steve to join her, keeping an eye on the main doors through the small window behind the counter.
“So? How did it go? What movie did you see?”
“I have no idea what the movie was, we were too busy making out in the backseat of the Camaro,” Robin said with a happy sigh. “Best night of my life so far.”
“Camaro? Hargrove’s Camaro?”
“Yes, Stevie. I told you Billy set it up. He picked Heather up first, to make it seem like they’re dating, and get Billy’s dad off his back, then they picked me up. When we got there, he parked the car and went to read his book at the diner on Main Street.”
“That was very thoughtful of him.”
“I don’t know why you’re so surprised. He’s a good guy once you get to know him. Sure, yes, he’s got some anger issues, but anyone would, with a dad like his.”
“Like what?”
“Are you seriously telling me you’ve never heard Max talk about how much of a controlling hardass Mr Hargrove is? I only see your kids when you sneak them in and I’ve heard it enough times.”
“Um, no, I tend to just tune all their chatter out. So he’s bad news?”
“He’s the kind of guy who’s only got bad sides.”
“Oh, okay. Yikes.”
“I probably shouldn’t have told you, because it’s not my story to tell, but I needed you to understand.”
“Thanks. I mean it. I’ve, um, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said, and I’m gonna apologize to him for my part in that stupid fight.”
“I’m glad to hear it, because he and Heather are coming over after their shift at the pool. We talked about going for burgers and I think you should come with us. It will help sell it a bit more if it looks like a double date.”
Robin chuckled at Steve’s impression of a deer in headlights. “Don’t worry, dingus, we don’t have to hold hands or anything.”
Thankfully, Steve had recovered by the time they closed the store for the day and met Billy and Heather in the food court. Steve took Billy aside briefly and got through his apology without getting punched, like Robin had predicted. The look Billy threw at her when they rejoined her and Heather was filled with new-found gratitude and Robin felt a bit like a miracle worker on a mission from the universe.
They headed out in pairs, Robin giddy with excitement, as Heather’s fingers kept brushing against hers as they walked out of the mall and into the carpark. Neither boys were keen to leave their cars there so they traveled separately to the diner.
They piled up in a booth, Steve and Robin on one side, Billy and Heather on the other, and ordered. They made small talk about the highs and lows of their day at work as they waited for their food. Robin was vibrating with excitement. Heather kept smiling at her as they ate, their ankles locked together under the table. 
When Steve excused himself to go to the bathroom after they’d ordered dessert, Billy leaned forward across the table and smiled at Robin.
“I don’t know what you said to him, but thank you.”
“You deserve better, Billy,” Heather said in a clipped tone, red lips around her straw as she finished her strawberry milkshake commanding Robin’s attention.
“Hank, this is more than I thought I’d get, as little as it is. At least he’s not glaring daggers at me anymore.”
“I’d say you’re welcome,” Robin told Billy with an encouraging smile, “but I’m not done trying.”
Things got better slowly over the next few weeks.
Billy told Robin about Steve showing up at the quarry and how they shared a couple of beers as they smoked some weed and talked.
During another double date at the diner, Steve and Billy got into a very animated conversation about Dune, Billy arguing the book is better, while Steve defended the movie, despite the fact that he had absolutely not read the book. Robin and Heather escaped to make out in the bathroom.
As summer turned to fall, they left Scoops Ahoy to go work at Family Video, and Steve lived through another one of his father’s lectures about his future. He moped around for days afterwards and Robin wasn’t sure how to help then one night, Billy showed up. Robin left them to it and heard later about how they’d raided Mr Harrington’s liquor cabinet and got so extremely drunk they’d passed out on the floor in the den, and woken up cuddling. 
Billy told her he’d pretended to be asleep until Steve went to the bathroom, then he’d gone to the kitchen to make coffee and pretended it hadn’t happened.
Steve hadn’t mentioned it at all. Robin said nothing but took mental note of the daydreaming look on Steve’s face that appeared more often the day after he spent time hanging out with Billy.
Then one day, she arrived for her after school shift at Family Video and headed for the break room to dump her backpack and her jacket, and Steve followed her. He seemed flustered, unusually so.
“You okay, dingus? Did something happen? Mrs. Wheeler get too close again?” Robin asked, a shudder of distaste at the memory of seeing Nancy’s mom seductively running a finger along Steve’s hand as she’d picked up her change a few weeks ago. Steve had washed his hands for like an hour afterwards.
“You!” Steve started, pointing his finger at Robin and pacing the small room. “This is all your fault!”
“What did I do now?”
“You told me to give Billy a chance. You told me I needed to have more friends my age. And I listened to you, and we’ve been hanging out, and talking. About all sorts of stuff. And let me tell you, lady, you now have serious competition for your best friend spot, just saying.”
“Okay…” Robin still didn’t see what about that would warrant the state Steve was in. “I fail to see how any of this is a bad thing, dingus.”
Steve collapsed onto the rickety chair that sat by the equally rickety card table Keith had installed in one corner. Robin cringed at the loud creaking noise it made when Steve’s knee started bouncing in time with Steve running his fingers through his hair.
She knelt on the floor next to Steve, and reached up to get his hands free from the now tangled mess on top of his head, really concerned now. “Sweetie, what happened?” she asked softly, cutting through his mutterings.
“Dreams, Robin.”
“What kinds of dreams, Steve?”
The look he gave her was enough of a clue. “Oh, okay… It’s normal to have, um, graphic dreams, you know that, we learned about it in Sex Ed class.”
“Sex Ed classes didn’t exactly cover having graphic and detailed sex dreams about your male best friend, Robin,” Steve told her in a rushed whisper.
“Well… no, they did not. But there’s nothing wrong with having dreams.”
“But what does it mean?” He sounded haunted by it and it broke Robin’s heart.
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a rare hug before sitting back down. “It doesn’t have to mean anything. Or it could mean that you like both, girls and boys, I mean. Or…”
“Or what?”
“Remember when you asked me about my soulmate and I pretty much described Heather?”
“Well, as it turns out, her soulmark is the exact same flower, only in a different spot.”
“I’m happy for you, I really am, it’s great, but that doesn’t help me much right now. I need the dreams to stop. I am going crazy. I can’t sleep, because every time I close my eyes, I…”
“Steve, sweetie, maybe the universe is trying to tell you to stop fighting it.”
“Fighting what?”
“You know that crown on your ribs?”
Steve closed his eyes and shook his head. “Don’t say it.” His knee was bouncing again, faster than before.
“Don’t say it, Robin.” Steve opened his eyes again and he looked about to cry.
“I’ve seen its match.”
“You’re telling the truth, aren’t you?”
“I would never lie to you, dingus,” Robin told him earnestly. The ding of the counter bell interrupted her train of thought. “Fuck. You stay here, take the time you need, and I’ll go deal with the customers.”
“Thank you.”
“It’s gonna be okay, Stevie. You’ll see.” 
She left him there, closing the door behind her as she stepped into the area behind the counter. Her eyes narrowed when she took in the gaggle of Steve’s children gathered on the other side. She let out an exaggerated sigh so they’d know she didn’t have the patience to deal with them.
“What do you lot want?”
The annoying kid who never shut up glared at Robin. “We need to talk to Steve.” 
“Well, you can’t. He’s not here.”
“His car is outside.”
Robin shrugged. “Dunno what to tell you. I’m not his keeper. He’s not here and if you’re not going to rent videos, you can leave. Shoo.”
She stared them down until they left, grumbling as they filed through the door.
“Jesus!” Robin startled, not expecting Billy to appear in front of her. “Oh my god, wear a bell or something. I nearly had a heart attack.”
Billy chuckled and leaned onto the counter. “Sorry, Rob. Didn’t mean to scare ya. Is he really not here or were you just trying to get rid of the weird kids brigade?”
“Oh he’s here. He’s having a major freak-out in the break room.”
“Fuck. Is he gonna be alright?”
Robin and Billy had become pretty close over the past few months, as they bonded over shared interests and her secret relationship with Heather had progressed. She knew he’d made his peace with being nothing more than best friends with Steve, despite their matching soulmarks or his own feelings for Steve. She loved how much he cared for her favorite dingus, and she wasn’t about to start lying to him about Steve.
“I’m not sure. He was pretty shaken up.”
Billy groaned and rested his head between his arms on the counter. “It’s probably my fault.”
“What do you mean? What happened?”
He lifted his head and stared at a spot on the wall. “Last weekend, at the quarry, I stupidly mentioned soulmates. No, not like that , I just… asked him if he ever dreamed about his. Then he asked about mine. I stayed vague, for obvious reasons, but he kept asking and I may have snapped then driven off.”
“What the hell, Billy?”
“I know, I know, but I felt cornered, okay?” He ran a hand over his face then finally looked Robin in the eye. “I don’t know how much longer I can go on pretending he’s not everything I’ve ever wanted.”
Robin heard a click behind her and noticed Billy turning deathly white and frozen on the spot.
At the sound of Steve’s voice, Robin turned around to find him standing in the doorway.
“Hey, dingus,” Robin called out with extra cheer in her voice. “Feeling better?” 
Steve ignored her, his attention on Billy whose eyes hadn’t left his.
“Do you think we could talk?”
“Of course, pretty boy.” Billy cut himself off, and Robin spotted his cheeks getting pink under his tan. “I mean, sure, here, or…?”
“Here is fine.” Steve half turned, looking at Robin, a question in his eyes.
“I’ll cover for you, no worries.”
She motioned for Billy to follow Steve, and she’d never seen him look so scared. She closed the door behind Billy and turned the music up a couple of notches, just in case…
When they came out of the break room forty minutes later, they both looked disheveled and Steve was sporting a rather damning hickey on his collarbone.
He came to stand next to her at the counter and they both watched Billy walk towards the exit, though Steve’s eyes strayed decidedly lower than Robin’s. Billy pushed the door and turned to give them a little wave before he stepped onto the sidewalk.
“Not a word, Robin. Not a word.”
Robin mimed zipping her lips together but that didn’t stop her smile. She bumped her shoulder into Steve’s and he bumped hers back.
A large group of customers entered the shop and the two of them got to work, dealing with returns that needed rewinding, and issuing new movies. The job wasn’t exactly rewarding, they didn’t get paid much, but all that didn’t matter, because working together had led them both to find their soulmates.
And that was the bit that really mattered.
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axlerica · 1 year
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Rosy gently placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, offering comfort and understanding. She spoke softly to Y/N, "You know, Pedri has always been very protective of his family. He loves them deeply, and sometimes that protective instinct can make him react strongly in situations like this."
Y/N nodded, her eyes still filled with tears. "I get that, but why doesn't he trust me?" She sighed, continuing, "I would never do anything to hurt Fer or anyone in his family. I love Fer like he's my own brother. He even told me about his peanut allergy when we used to cook together. I would never forget something like that."
Rosy patted Y/N's back gently, reassuring her, "I know you wouldn't, cariño. But sometimes misunderstandings happen, and people's emotions get the best of them. Let's give Pedri some time to cool down, and then I'll talk to him and try to sort things out."
Rosy went back to the living room, where Pedri, Fer, and Isabela were sitting together. She approached Pedri and asked if she could talk to him alone.
Pedri, still upset, replied, “No, Mami, if you want to talk about her, I don’t want to talk about it.” Fer, concerned, chimed in, “Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh on her? People make mistakes, and she might not have intended any harm.” Pedri defended his stance, saying, “She doesn’t want to admit her fault and tried to blame someone else. How can I not be mad at her? All she needs to do is admit it, and I would forgive her.
Fer, replied, "You should talk to her, bro. It wasn't nice how you treated her. You shouted at her in front of all of us, and she must've felt really embarrassed."
Pedri, feeling angry, didn't listen to Fer's suggestion. He just went to his room and didn't try to talk to Y/N.
When it was getting dark, Y/N went to Pedri's room because she needed to get her clothes and take a shower. As she opened the door, she saw that Pedri was napping. He woke up when she came in, but he didn't want to look at her. So, he grunted and quickly covered his face with a blanket to avoid seeing her.
Y/N noticed Pedri's reaction, and even though it hurt her, she held back her tears. She quietly grabbed her clothes and left his room, heading back to the guest room with a heavy heart.
The next day, Pedri went out with Isabela to hang out and explore the island without even telling Y/N. Confused and worried, Y/N texted him, asking where he was, but he didn't reply. It seemed like he was giving her the silent treatment.
When Pedri returned home with Isabela, Y/N approached him, feeling the need to have a private conversation. She gently took his hand and asked with concern.
Y/N: "Pedro, why are you treating me like this? You went out with her, and you didn't even let me know where you were. Please, Pedro, what's going on?"
Pedri replied with a simple “I don’t know” and then ignored Y/N, walking away and heading to the living room.
Isabela approached her with a malicious grin.
Isabela: “You poor thing, he doesn’t care about you now. Maybe it’s better for you to leave.”
Y/N wasn’t about to back down and confronted Isabela with a burning question.
Y/N: “It was you, wasn’t it? You’re the one who put the peanut in Fer’s drink, right?”
Isabela laughed dismissively.
Isabela: “You don’t have any proof. Besides, don’t you get it? Pedri won’t trust you. You’re just the ‘girlfriend.’ Don’t you know girlfriends come and go? It’s just a matter of time before he breaks up with you, and then who’s going to be by his side? Me. We’ve known each other for so long, and he trusts me more than you.”
Y/N:“You crazy bitch!! Why are you doing this? You won’t get away with it!”
Isabela, in an attempt to be dramatic, slapped herself and shouted, “OWWW!”
Pedri, hearing the scream, rushed over to them, concerned about what had just happened. Isabela, with her hand on her face, pretended to cry as she spoke to Pedri.
Isabela: (faking tears) "Pedro, your girlfriend slapped me because she wants me to admit that I put peanut in Fer's drink."
She was trying to manipulate the situation and turn it against Y/N.
Y/N: “What? No! I didn’t slap you! Are you crazy? When did I say that? Pedro, you have to trust me. I did not slap her at all. She did it by herself. I would never do something like that.”
Isabela kept on pretending to cry and said, "She told me to admit it. I told her I didn't do it, but she just made me say it. When I said no, she slapped me." She was trying to make it sound like Y/N had done something wrong.
Y/N, feeling frustrated by Isabela’s false story, confronted her.
Y/N: “What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you making up that story? Pedro, I swear to God I didn’t slap her at all!”
Pedri, still not convinced by Y/N’s words, shouted in frustration.
Pedri: “God, what is wrong with you, Y/N? Why did you slap my friend? First Fer, now Isabela? You’ve gone too far this time!”
Y/N, shocked and hurt by Pedri’s lack of trust, tried to hold back her tears as she spoke.
Y/N: “Oh God, Pedro, you actually believed her over me? I’m your girlfriend, I would never lie to you or even hurt the people you love. You know that. I told you I did nothing. It wasn’t me, and you didn’t trust me. You blatantly ignored me.”
Pedri: "It's Pedri."
Y/N: "Huh? Wh.. what? What do you mean?”
Pedri : "My name. You can call me Pedri. Only my family and close friends call me Pedro. For you, it's Pedri now."
Y/N: “Are you fucking kidding me right now? Seriously?Why are you doing this to me? After everything we’ve been through, and you still don’t trust me?”
Pedri: “Get out. Just get out. I don’t wanna see your face again. You went too far this time. You hurt my family and my friend. They were right about you. Who are we kidding with this relationship? We don’t even speak the same language. You don’t fit in here. And I don’t think you will. This is not your place. We are not meant to be together. Just get out.”
Y/N, shocked and in tears, choked out her response.
Y/N: "Wow. Ok. If that's how you really feel... then….okay."
She swiftly grabbed her sweater and, walked away from the house.
As soon as Y/N stepped out of the house, she totally broke down. She couldn’t stop crying. Tears streamed down her face as she stood there, feeling lost. She didn’t know where to go. She was not familiar with Canary Island. Her only wish was to return to Barcelona as soon as possible.
She took out her phone, hoping to find a flight back to Barcelona. Unfortunately, there were no available flights for the day. She felt even more stranded and lost in this unfamiliar place. So, she walked around aimlessly, looking very sad, like a lost puppy.
Meanwhile, Fer approached Pedri, deeply concerned.
Fer: “Hermano, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you do that? Are you out of your mind?! Why did you kick her out? This isn’t Barcelona. She doesn’t know this place. What if something happens to her?! Why are you being so harsh to her?!”
He was genuinely concerned for Y/N’s well-being and couldn’t comprehend Pedri’s actions.
Pedri: “Stay out of this, Fer. It’s none of your business. Nothing’s going to happen to her. She’s not a kid, she’s a grown woman. She’ll manage.”
Fer: “Suit yourself, bro. What you did was wrong. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Feeling tired and emotionally drained, Y/N decided to look for an Airbnb or hotel to stay in. She hoped to find a place where she could rest. After some searching, Y/N found a place and decided to check in. As soon as she entered her room, she jumped onto the bed and lay down, and started crying thinking about what Pedri had said to her. Tired from her tears, Y/N then eventually fell asleep.
Pedri sat in his room, he had his hand on his head, deep in thought about his recent actions. Then, there was a knock on the door, and Isabela asked, "Can I come in?"
Pedri agreed, “Uh.. yeah….sure, come in.” He then asked, “How’s your cheek? Are you okay now?”
Isabela: “Oh yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, how about you? Are you okay..?”
Pedri : “I don’t know… I just……”
Pedri seemed lost in his thoughts, and Isabela, seizing an opportunity, held his hand while trying to comfort him.
Isabela: "I told you, Pedro, she's not the one for you. You should've listened to me….”
She gently caressed his cheek as she spoke, trying to influence his feelings.
Pedri looked deeply into Isabela's eyes and began to express his doubts.
Pedri: "But... maybe I was too hard on her... What if Fer was right? What if something bad happens to her? She doesn't know this place..."
However, Isabela, wanting to change the subject, intervened.
Isabela: "Hey, hey, don't think too much..."
She leaned in and kissed him, hoping to distract him from his worries. Pedri became completely distracted, and he and Isabela started making out, and they got lost in the moment. They ended up sleeping together.
The next day, Y/N had to return to Pedri’s house to collect her stuff. She texted Fer, hoping he could help her, as she wished to avoid Pedri after their recent fight.
Y/N: “Hey, Fer. I need to get my stuff from Pedri’s place, but I really don’t want to run into him. Can you help me out?”
Fer, busy at his parents’ restaurant, regretfully replied:
Fer: “I wish I could, Y/N, but I’m swamped at the restaurant right now. Don’t worry, though. I’m pretty sure Pedro has cooled down by now. Just go and grab your things.”
As she entered Pedri’s room to gather her things, she was met with a shocking sight – Pedri and Isabela were together, naked in bed.
As Y/N stood in the doorway, her heart pounding and her breath catching in her throat, she couldn't help but blurt out her shock.
Y/N: "What the fuck?! Pedri?! Isabela?! What... How could you do this to me?! What the fuck Pedri?!"
Pedri and Isabela, caught off guard, quickly separated and scrambled to cover themselves.
Pedri, looking guilty, attempted to explain:
Pedri: "Y/N, I... I can explain.. It was.. I….”
Y/N's voice trembled with a mixture of anger and heartbreak as she confronted Pedri about what she had just witnessed.
Y/N: "What? Pedri?! YOU WHAT?! You don't even know what to say because you fucked her, right? Right after you broke up with me, you went and slept with her? Wow. I can't believe you. You made me look like the crazy one. You told me she was just one of your close friends, but then you went and fucked her. I hate you, Pedri.
Pedri : “I…. I can explain…..”
Y/N : “ Theres nothing to explain. You know… I have been nothing….nothing but supportive of you. I was there taking care of you during your bad days, injuries, and after one big fight, you decided to break up with me and sleep with another girl. I told you I didn't hurt anyone, and you didn't trust me. You did not fucking trust me at all. You shouted at me in front of them. You humiliated me.”
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes as she continued, her voice breaking:
Y/N: "How could you do this to me? After everything… how could you? You know what? Fuck you,Pedri. I hate you so much...Goodbye."
Pedri's voice, filled with regret and desperation, called out to Y/N as she gathered her belongings and prepared to leave.
Pedri: "Y/N, wait... I..."
But Y/N didn't stop. She picked up her bag and walked out of the house.
PART 4????
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