#maybe we should play somewhere else bud.
kirby-the-gorb · 4 months
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the-french-belphegor · 8 months
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Making my way (makinmawaayy) through my @critter-genfic-events bingo card, and this one's filling the "fights" slot! Or rather, "post-fight", which they told me works as well. Also it's set way before the start of the stream, when they're all more acquaintances and travelling companions than the friends and family we see later. They're already buds, though, for the most part.
Posting it on AO3 ASAP Now on AO3! Hope Tumblr doesn't hide the post from the tags! 🤞
(oh yeah, side note: I do know that concentration-based spells get dropped when you either don’t roll high enough to maintain it or when you take too much damage – like both invisibility spells do in DnD. But I liked the idea of being so concussed you don’t remember how to drop a spell :3)
Scanlan is pretty sure someone’s calling his name in the distance with a certain amount of worry. It’s okay, he thinks but doesn’t say. He’s gonna get back up any time now. He’s fine.
(Scanlan is more than fine, Scanlan is a godsdamn snack, thank you very much.)
In fact, he might even go as far as to let the word drag, let some notes slide a little: fiiiine. Four ‘i’s should about do it.
(Heh, four ‘i’s. Four eyes. That’s Percy. Where’s Percy?)
So, to recap, Scanlan is fine as hell, and he’s okay because he’s always okay, even with a headache so bad he’s pretty sure his brain is leaking out of his ears. Won’t check, though, that might be gross and his stomach isn’t doing too well either at the moment. Barfing while lying on your back? Yeah, no, bad idea. Of all the ways to die, drowning in his own puke is probably around number… sixty-eight.
Sixty-nine would be, of course, a particularly ill-advised tumble with someone with an ungodly number of teeth and a taste for blood, preferably that of a gnome with more curiosity than sense. As always with sex stuff with consenting adults, though, Scanlan isn’t willing to completely dismiss the idea.
Might be fun to try someday, who knows.
When he’s less tired.
Why’s everything swimming?
Actually asking out loud is out of the question, since for some reason his voice can’t even make it out of his throat, let alone his mouth –
(oh fuck no, if I can’t sing I’m toast, if I can’t play I’m dead, if I can’t talk we’re done)
– so at the price of an effort so bad he almost upchucks everything since the invention of breakfast Scanlan pivots his head juuuust a little to the left.
And sees nothing.
Well, no, not exactly. He sees yellowing grass, some dirt, a bit of sky. But nothing where his shoulder should be, or the rest of him.
…Oh yeah. He made himself invisible a while back. Somewhere between Tiberius’ Fireball, Vex’s arrows, and Percy’s pepperbox and its more-or-less controlled explosions. (Or maybe Percy went before him. Right before the world got very loud, very fast, and then very quiet. Somehow there’s a connection between this and that.) Dropping the invisibility looks like a really good idea, if only Scanlan could remember how. As things stand, he can barely remember to breathe. Oh, and also that the warm stickiness soaking up the back of his head and seeping into his collar is Not A Good Thing – not that there’s a lot he can do about that.
Things are rather quiet now. He must’ve missed the end of the fight.
Seriously, though, where’s Percy? Scanlan can’t hear the usual blasts and somewhere in the shattered mess that is his brain there’s a nagging inkling that it’s a bad sign. Or maybe there’s something else poking at the edges of his mind, he doesn’t know. He’s not exactly up to turning stuff over in his head at the moment. Turning his head was hard enough.
He’s just gonna… chill there for a while. Rest his eyes a little bit.
Which is why he doesn’t spot Vex running over until she drops to a crouch next to him and squashes his hand with her knee for five seconds.
Vex’ahlia is sharp eyes, sharp aim, sharp words, sharp everything. Her knees are no exception. Ow.
“Shit shit shit, fucking shitballs,” Scanlan hears her mutter under her breath as her hands find his head with uncanny precision considering she can’t see him. Her ‘t’s are beautifully defined, her vowels clear and precise. It’s a pity she sings so rarely; most performers would kill to have her diction.
“PIKE!” she yells over her shoulder. “OVER HERE!”
Pike, echoes the part of Scanlan’s mind that’s still functional. It would have been a small, pitiful yearning sound if he’d been able to speak. Thank goodness the word doesn’t pass his lips as is. It’s frankly a little scary just how the thought of her – the first in a while that doesn’t feel fractured in some way – quietens the part of him that’s not watching the proceedings with a detached interest. Pike is fun to flirt with and try to charm; she’s beautiful and radiant and strong, anyone with an appreciation for the female form can see that, so it’s not so surprising that Scanlan always feels drawn to her like a sunflower to sunshine. It’s so easy to let himself get starry-eyed over her, even if she’s so completely out of his league it bypasses sad and goes straight into funny. Scanlan probably is in love with her, a little bit, like he’s a little bit in love with everyone. Just… sometimes… sometimes when he calls her the love of his life he’s not sure he’s joking.
The nausea and the waves of blinding pain relent a little.
No, Scanlan corrects himself, Vex, who when he manages to focus for more than a second finds his gaze and holds it. Unerringly.
Which must mean… the hour is up. The spell must be wearing off.
“There you are,” says Vex, residual magic still shimmering in her fingers after her low-level Cure Wounds. She must really be tapped out.
There is blood in her hair and one of her feathers is bent at the stem, but the most telling cue that the fight went wrong is the brittle quality of her smile. She’s good at putting up a front, almost as good as Scanlan; insight isn’t Scanlan’s forte, let alone when his head feels like it’s just been cracked open like an egg, but sometimes seeing Vex’ahlia slice her way through life like a knife, just as sharp and just as shiny, is like staring into a warped mirror.
She’s good.
He’s better.
“How’d you find me?” he croaks.
Vex draws back the hand she was using to prop herself with a couple of inches from his head. Her palm is coated with red.
“Head wounds, darling. They tend to bleed rather a lot.” She cocks her head to the side. “How did you even end up all the way here in the first place?”
Scanlan’s memories still feel like a scattered jigsaw, but at least now the pieces are right side up. What he puts together isn’t very glorious. Getting punted into a rock by a giant who only heard you and who was supposed to go down easily isn’t anything to brag about. At least he can always quip about it.
“Well,” he wheezes out with a grin that might work better without the blood in his teeth, “I got got.”
Then he remembers why the giant whirled round blindly and whacked him with his club. He’d been out of any useful magic, trying to sneak up on it with a fucking sword, of all things, because the big dumb fucknut had somehow gotten hold of—
“Shit, Percy – where’s Percy?”
Vex’s own smile gets wry and just a little shaky at the corner.
“He got got,” she says. There’s a story there, but at least Vex doesn’t look like it ended in tragedy. Instinctively Scanlan relaxes into his headache. “Don’t worry, though. Pike reached him in time and Grog and Keyleth got the giant.”
Oh. Good. Percival Freakystein von Mussels Colossal de Rolo III is one scary motherfucker with his pepperbox and his glasses and his devastating one-liners, but he’s still squishy as hell. Plus, well, he’s so young – Scanlan is fairly sure he’s twice, maybe three times older. The kid must be, what, mid-twenties tops? That’s way too young to die, especially having experienced so little of what the world has to offer. Scanlan would bet anything the stuck-up nerd has never taken anyone to bed, for the gods’ sake.
They’re all assholes, in the SHITs, sort of (except Pike, of course, and probably Keyleth too) but Scanlan likes them. If the universe suddenly decides that an asshole has to get killed today, he’d rather it be him rather than one of the others.
Still, nobody needs to know that.
“Worry, me? Please, I never worry.”
“I know you don’t, darling. I’m just updating you on what you missed while you were having a kip.”
Vex’s tone is even, her words light, and yet when Scanlan meets her gaze it’s like crossing blades. Somehow it also feels like grasping hands in reassurance and honestly it unnerves him a little. He prefers to know where they stand, and usually he does: he’ll downplay close calls and tell lewd jokes to alleviate the tension, while she’ll be sarcastic and magnificent and not call him out on his lies on the occasion she sees through them. But sometimes she reminds him that both twins are like blades, swift and sharp in more than one way, and in some of them she’s the sharpest. Gods, she’s terrifying.
He’s saved from having to retort something by the metallic rustle of ring mail over heavy cotton as Pike rushes up to him. Perspiration left traces in the dirt smudged across her face and her dark hair is mussed, whole locks coming out of her braided bun. She smells like sweat and leather and a little like wild strawberries, and she’s the most beautiful thing Scanlan’s ever seen.
Pike doesn’t lose a second with platitudes; she just gives him a very professional once-over, almost clinical in its efficiency, then cups his face with her hands with a look of intense concentration, eyes closed. The healing spell she pours into him feels so potent it’s practically an out-of-body experience. For a couple of seconds all Scanlan feels is warmth, clean and bright and fierce, and when he opens eyes he doesn’t remember closing his ears are still ringing.
Although that might be the blood loss.
Which would also neatly explain how weak he still is, especially when Pike’s face goes soft.
“You okay?” she asks quietly.
There are so many answers he could give her.
I am now – with a wink and a nod.
I want to have your babies – with a theatrical gesture that will make her laugh.
I am if you are – with his heart in a smile. (NOPE.)
“I’m always okay,” Scanlan finally says with a grin, hoping for an echo.
Which he gets, so points to him for being awesome. Pike Trickfoot should always have a reason to smile.
Vex snorts and somehow still manages to make it sound classy as hell.
“Sure. Which is why the only reason I found you at all was the random pool of blood on the ground thirty feet from where we thought you were. You’re lucky I’m a good tracker.”
“Fair, fair,” he says with a careful nod. “Although that could’ve been from some forest critter that met a grisly end.”
“Please, this much blood, and this fresh? How dumb do you think I am?”
Scanlan sits up on his elbows and counts off on his fingers. “One, that’s gross – two, ‘dumb’ is the last of things that you are and you know it all too well – three, thank you for saving my life – four, that’s still so gross, oh my gods. What’d you do, sniff out my lifeblood?!”
“It was me or Trinket,” says Vex, looking way more smug than she has any right to. “It just so happens I beat him at the game of ‘spot the invisible gnome’. You know, before he dies on us.”
“Oh no. What a loss that would be. Such a young, useful bear, too.”
“How scrambled did your brains get? I meant you, you dick.”
Her peeved expression eases just as quickly as the smugness hardened into a glare, and she smiles at Pike before straightening up and striding off toward the others. Her perfect hips swing subtly as she walks, in an unassuming way Scanlan knows from experience requires a lot of work. He’d find her so hot if she wasn’t so scary.
(Well, he does find her extremely hot, if only because she could break him with either a gesture or a word, but despite popular belief Scanlan Shorthalt isn’t that reckless. Even he can weigh the pros and cons occasionally before deciding that diving in headfirst isn’t a good idea.)
There’s a snort on his right, and his whole world is Pike again.
“I really don’t get your little war on Trinket,” she says, but there’s a twinkle in her eyes.
“When he starts landing actual hits on whatever we’re fighting or even just holding his own more than two minutes, I might reconsider. Right now he’s just a glorified pack mule.”
“He’s plenty useful. He gives the best massages, for one thing. And he’s a good boy.”
I can be a good boy, Scanlan almost retorts, but refrains at the last minute. The lie is too big to work, even as a joke, and he doesn’t like the sliver of truth behind it, like the glint of a blade. So he settles for a fake disgruntled huff and a grin.
Nothing falls off as he picks himself up with Pike’s help, so that’s good news. He just has to suppress a shiver at the congealed blood, now gone cold, that makes the top of his shirt stick to his back. His ponytail is a mess, a clump of matted hair half glued to his neck. Ugh, he hates having to wash blood out of his hair.
His usual armour is back on, though. Pike doesn’t seem to notice the shiver; the look of slight worry she gives him has a general fight-almost-gone-very-bad flavour of ‘are you okay’ to it.
“I am glad you didn’t get scrambled,” she says in a rare mix of bluntness and thoughtfulness that’s uniquely Pike. “You know, for good. I mean, you looked pretty bad there for a moment.”
“Aw, Pikey-pants,” Scanlan says in a singsong voice, “don’t tell me you were worried.”
Pike gives a half shrug, which he feels because she’s thrown one of his arms over her shoulders and is supporting some of his weight.
“Oh well, you know,” she says in an offhand voice, a little high-pitched, “a little? You’re never silent this long, and then Grog and I couldn’t find you, and then Keyleth said she heard the giant hit something with his club, and then—”
“Well, you don’t need to worry about me, okay? Never worry about me.” He smiles, big and toothy, to counter the frown she gets sometimes when he says things like that. “I mean, there’s really no need. I’m awesome! I’m Burt Reynolds!”
This at least gets a smile with the hint of a smirk. Still sweet, though, because Pike could make (and has made) even the bluntest blow feel sweet.
Scanlan nods carefully, mock-serious. “Right, right, ‘Esquire’.”
“Shouldn’t forget that bit.”
“No, I should not.”
She smiles at him, sharp but warm, and there it is again – the sudden urge to say something stupid, make a joke, deflect, like raised hackles, because what if she gets the true measure of him? (‘And doesn’t like what she sees’ goes without saying. There’s a reason Scanlan spent the last couple of decades carefully building himself up.)
Being a charismatic bastard means sometimes you can afford to coast on charm alone. He grins and changes the subject, as swift and dextrous as a knife in Vax’s hand, and that’s it. Matters closed.
Honestly, he’d have to be a lot more scrambled than that for it not to work.
“No, Grog, there’s already a troll dick in the bag of holding, we’re not keeping a giant dick as well!”
…Plus there’s always the next distraction. That works, too.
(until it doesn’t, but he doesn’t know that yet!)
I started writing this on a whim and then couldn’t decide who I wanted to find Scanlan between Vex, Vax and Pike – so I decided to sort it out with a d20, set the DC at 20 (“hard”, because he’s invisible) and roll a perception check for each member of VM using their proficiencies at level 10 (the earliest character sheets of theirs Critrolestats have). Both Pike and Grog rolled a natural 1 :’( Keyleth and Percy got a 9, and even with +10 and +7 respectively for perception they failed the check; Vax got 26 (rolled a 16 with +10 perception) and then Vex got the same number but by rolling a nat 20! Plus her passive perception is 22, so that makes sense. And she was top of my list anyway, so ^^
(I spun the whump wheel a couple of times, thinking I’d get a good handful of prompts for some short snippets (like <1k words) and then happened on “concussion” and. Well. Someone clearly had a lot of thoughts about that one...)
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ador3him · 2 years
HIII!! CONGRATS ON 150!! THATS SUCH A MILESTONE! I also have a request ! what about the promt “i wish i could love you, i know you’d be good for me, but i can’t.” + quackity??
pairing: Quackity x gn!reader
warnings: kinda angsty oooo also swearing
requested? yes by @hawaiidwt
word count: 749
a/n: FIRST POST FOR MY 150 EVENT OMLLLLLLL so basically i wanna just say that i will start the 24hr timer when I see the request not when you send it in because i dont have time notifications!! so I saw this one at 6:30AM AEST (15ish hrs ago) 
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Y/ns smile stretches across their face as Quackity answers a fans’ question at the DSMP TwitchCon panel. y/n is obsessed with his dedication toward not only content creation but his studies at college.
Quackity isn’t obsessed with y/n in the same platonic way as they are with him, he admires y/n from afar and when he is close just acts as if they are best buds. Far too scared to flirt, let alone make a move. But today after the panel Quackity has convinced himself to at least flirt with them. Mainly because this is their first IRL meeting but also because he cannot stand the constant fear he lives under. He is always scared they will find out about his as he likes to call it ‘teeny tiny’ crush.
“Thank you all for coming down today! You mean so much to all of us here,” y/n spoke into the microphone then looks around to see if anyone else wants to say something. Nobody moves they all just smile nodding in agreement. Quackity then stands up and walks behind y/ns’ seat, pulling it from under them y/n lands on their ass. Quackity is bent over laughing along with the rest of the room – including y/n themselves. Sapnap offers a hand, so y/n pulls him down onto the floor with him and grabs Quackity’s hand to do it to him. But he is quicker, pulling on their arm forcefully making them fling up and stumble. Sapnap stands up and does a silly bow as if to say he was fine and its all-playful banter.
“Hey y/n! You did well today in the panel,” Quackity beams laying his arm around their shoulder as they walk together. “Obviously I am a natural,” they joke with him. “You were really funny in there!” they admit smiling at him.
“You know what we should do? Get some food, I heard the others were going for a Macca’s run but why don’t we maybe go somewhere else? Just us two!” He hesitantly asks whilst pulling his beanie down a bit with his free hand. “You know what Big Q? That sounds fun, but what if we order in from hotel service instead, I’m tired.” They suggest, he just nods smiling gleefully redirecting them both to the hotel.
 “I swear to god I am not watching some dumb rom-com, chic-flic, 90s-2000s movie,” Quackity groans at the sight of ‘Clueless’ on the screen. y/n eyes get soft and they slightly pout. “But Paul Rudd is in it! I love him so much!” They respond whining a bit. “No!” he groans motioning them to pick something else to watch.
“Ghostbusters but the new one!” y/n suggests grinning. “Doesn’t that have Paul Rudd in it?” Quackity raises his eyebrow a little knowing it does. y/n makes a ‘shushing’ motion with their finger and attempts to press play. “Come here we aren’t watching fucking Paul Rudd!” Quackity goes to grab the remote off them. Making y/n scramble away and trip, he falls with them- landing on top of them.
Their faces were inches away. Quackity’s eyes trail down to y/n’s soft-looking, blush pink lips as if they were calling his name. ‘Alex! Alex!’
“Alex! Hello, get off me I can’t breathe you idiot!” y/n groans pushing him up a little. “Sorry I- I don’t even know what I was doing,” he laughs nervously, fixing his lopsided beanie. “What is up with you today, Q? You seem awkward almost, well more awkward then usual.” They push away the peaking hair that was dropped in front of his eyes to under his beanie. Their close proximity made his breath hitch. Is he going to confess? This is the perfect time to do it the opportunity is right here. “I think- I think I love you. I am in love with you y/n,” His voice is meek, barely above a whisper. A gasp left y/ns mouth before they clap their hand over it in shock. Tears build up, threating to spill everywhere. He didn’t know that y/n just broke up with their boyfriend of 8 months, no one knew. They didn’t tell anyone they were dating, and they didn’t tell anyone the broke up.
“I wish I could love you; I know you’d be good for me, but I can’t. I just broke up with my boyfriend a week ago- I-I can’t,” y/n speaks through broken sobs. Their eyes red and stingy- just like Quackity’s. They cry together because they can’t be together.
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lavender-sunhaven · 1 year
So how do we feel about that update
because I'm obsessed
Sheds are changing my life. This is exactly what I wanted. I'm so happy.
(this got really long so I'll put my thoughts under a read more! spoilers for, the update I guess!)
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I am speedrunning sheds immediately. I have already found some places to set them up and figured out how I can fit my entire crafting operations into 2 sheds. Now I just need to move over all the stuff in the chests in my one barn so that I can replace it with the shed and put the barn elsewhere.
Then I can use shed 3 for storage as I've wanted so badly so I don't need nearly so many hecking chests everywhere. Shed 4.... I actually don't know what I'll use it for yet. I actually have options! Maybe I will dress it up like a cute little room, or keep some of my pet collection in it, or fill it with stuffed animals, or see if I can make a cute little flower shop like Lavender would want.... I'm excited. I have options again. And assuming I can find somewhere else to put my other barn, that opens up a lot for me.
Also the barn upgrades are great. They don't take up any more space than before, they look cool, sure they give me more junk that I have to remove to fit more animals in but that's always the truth so it's neat. Now I have... ladders I guess. But I can store them in my shed!
But also. Nel'Vari barns. I am. SO excited
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the moment I saw. that they had added in a frog barn animal. I knew. I would need Nel'Vari barns immediately. I love him I need 10 of these things right now immediately
All the new animals are so cute! I'm excited to get stuff set up so that I can put them places and gain their resources.
To that end, though, I realized that Nel'Vari barns were going to require me to actually do Progression that I hadn't done yet (because so far I hadn't really found anything I wanted that required Nel'Vari mines stuff. I knew I wanted to get there sooner or later, but just... didn't need to yet). I have a fire under my butt again and I'm actually making progress which feels amazing. Trying to seriously manage multiple farms is going to be a problem but what I really need to find a spot to do a massive amount of wheat production which will help with all the barns. It'll be complicated, but I'll figure it out.
uhhhhh oh yeah more RNPCs happened. They're cool! I like Kai, I've met him and I like his stuff so far as I've seen it. I haven't met Vivi yet but I can't WAIT to forcefully befriend her. Wesley is... Wesley. I'm happy for him. I'll befriend him eventually, probably while I'm in the middle of running around Nel'Vari doing mine stuff.
The house customization I haven't been able to play a lot with yet but I will more when I have my sheds figured out and money to waste. Playing Mix and Match should be fun, and I'm glad they're planning to put out more in the future! Even more stuff to look forward to~
Also now sometimes ghosts come and water my crops and I love them. Me and the ghosts are buds.
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But also... this list... ohhhh man this list. I love this list. I'm p excited for most things on it but ESPECIALLY Farm Structures and WG and NV fruit trees. I LOVE fruit trees. I have a whole orchard section on my farm. Passive income is my JAM. Black market? Birthday? MORE RNPCs? I'm looking forward to all of these so much. Race-based dialog I know is something a lot of players have been looking for for a long time so I am interested to see how that gets put in! More dialog is generally good and they seem to have the personalities of the characters pretty well in hand so hopefully they'll just be fun fluff things and Lavender will finally be able to relate to Kitty and Catherine and they'll be best Amari buds forever (And then with Vivi too!)
Anyways I just wanted to spew my thoughts everywhere for a bit because I've been having so much fun again. Tell me your thoughts! Anything you don't like? What do you want to see in the future?
Bonus: Claude continues to have a hard time fighting the vampire allegations.
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Conversations with Leviathan #8, Purusha + the Expanse 23/4/23
Late night hours had us talking lying on my bed. I've had a theory for a while now, one that I know budded from the muddied water of past experiences with him (and through crawling inside his brain, possession is a two way door), that he was immensely present in... Something outside his bodies. Actually, my theory was that he was present in other states of consciousness, but a week or so ago he was sitting across from me in my desk chair as I laid here and he... Showed me himself in the very fabric of the air between us. It was like a curtain was pulled back, if that curtain was the instanced and singular dots of Reality itself dissolving like grains of salt into water, revealing what my mind translates into those eyes like those at the top of my blog, the eyes I associate with him for reasons I still don't fully understand.
He was there, though. Atoms withdrawing into themselves like dancers off a stage through a fourth dimension. I think I'm understanding the relationship of Maya and Shiva now... Maybe. The reason I started writing, well, we were discussing getting something done and this is what we eventually decided, plain and simple, but I'll pretend that the reason was my excitement at seeing him reconfirm this for me because that excitement was strong enough to spark this by itself.
Relaxing in bed, as I said, and one instant he was on one side of me and then next on the other. This is common by itself, yes, spirits flit about and go where they please and I'm familiar with doing so myself in the Astral, but not only did he linger in two instances on either side of me confirming my understanding of him in multiple bodies, but he was within the air itself around me. He showed me, peeking through, as if he were a veiled being that only ever showed fingertips of his played down and disguised as human-sized bodies and he pulled back his veil to show me himself; as if he were, like he keeps saying to me in terms I hear but apparently don't grasp, in the fabric of existence, like he were really bigger than everything I've ever seen, like he were - a song I associate with his energy starts playing, Sedation, by Council of Nine - absolutely huge and frayed from his core being-hood into concept and causality and Mind as much as he extends outwards in his planet-dwarfing body.
This is where we are now, patiently he let me catch up in writing.
He told me I should open the curtain to the night air, a relief physically, but now it's so clearly matched and overlapping with his energy. It's strange, as if opening the Sky leads to the Night which emanates down from it, well, nothingness, but the experience my brain gives to it is night air. There is no natural experience to it.
"And now you're getting it."
I can see him off somewhere distant lounging as if on a chaise lounge, but I can't see what it is he's on. The scene is bright, iced in whites and yellows and sunlight - or fire? I forget what the Sun is made of. So many instances of himself... I go to look for more bodies of his since I presume this lounging form is him somewhere else in the world concurrently, but I'm greeted by the vision of an oddly green-coded library, not actually green but its energies are, the familiar stacks of cubes in cubby hole shelves though it's not the library from before. A different library, one that metaphorically fits inside the outline of a body. It's an informational library? It's like scales on a lizard.
I prod at him for more information on his omnipresence, he tells me to have patience.
This body library of cubes... He asks in energy: "What is in the middle of all of them?" I'm presuming - "No presuming. What is it?" his voice is faint and much more like three-dimensional swirling fog than spoken words. I see lines of white making up edges but not all edges of the cubes. Impulses between points but not travelling between them, not moving at least, maybe they travel around the cubes... I see huge impulses of black too. As if where there is one, light or shadow, the other is magnetised to it, not a lack but a partnership. Huge swathes of full-empty dark following empty-full light - that's to say the dark feels so present like the night sky when technically it's a vacuum, the light feels so full when technically it should be particles... These cubes are strange. Yes, the light moves, but it doesn't move how I thought it would. It doesn't move with time (or at least it's not currently programmed to in this vision by him), it seems to move with my position to it in a nonlinear way. It progresses away from me if I go back and up, if I move to the left the furthest part away from me shrinks back down towards me, it's hard to know what it's doing.
"Such is the nature of the fourth dimension."
He's before me now, though deeply shrouded in shadow, as what seems to be an unexpectedly rather matte black snake thicker than I am tall (he laughs: "Oh, much bigger than you."), a form I've never seen him take. His form and body are obscured by the shadows that, while as dark as shadows of this magnitude generally are, seem lighter than him, and cut through his silhouette and obscure connections between his body and face and so all that really tells me he's a snake is like an incomplete set of puzzle pieces on a board giving impressions of a finished picture. I can't see his eyes. In fact, really, if I keep looking at the image its apparent sense is purposely obscured by nonsensical arrangements as if I dreamt of a snake and then in the morning, telling someone about it, I slowly realised it didn't make sense at all. His mouth isn't where its supposed to be, his scales are paradoxically both pointed and flat, his head is dissected by one of the god-ray-esque shadow lines that doesn't line up with how the same ray is cast over his body...
Hermes told me a while ago something about the importance of sleep and dreams to me. I've been scared of the concepts and energies of sleep and dreams for a few years now, but they are indeed important to me. The connection I knew Leviathan has to them was on the tip of the tongue of the mouth of my trauma for a long time now - accidentally I switch my keyboard to Hindi input, a reminder from him to see this outside of what I was then since I had no interest in Hindi back then, and a reminder to see this through the eyes of what Indian thought he's pulling me into - time to take a break.
A series of visions:
Someone is writing but they're surrounded by bright but slightly dulled red, like red fabric tends to be. As if they were writing on a red tablecloth on a red table on a red floor in a red room on a red chair and all that red was blurred together like soft taffy and filling space like insulation foam. Red everywhere, a sea of it. The word Maya spelled with five letters, cryptically attempting to undo itself or otherwise wriggling like pupae in casings, the concept straining against the letters like it's a being restrained in latex in playful anti-captivity.
The red gives way to a sight of a blue ocean with a sailboat and mountains in the back left of the background, but it remains red. The red is a host to a dream, the synonymity is immense. Like a cinema screen but three - no, four-dimensional - like it sells cheap tickets to see the impulses of synapses suspended like spider webs between points in creation.
A voice, Leviathan's voice, from the absolute pervading center of Nowhere and therefore Everywhere in the scene: "I am inside the points. I am the snake."
Physically I feel a presence in my room, obviously it's him since I knew he was there listening and communicating with me, but now I feel him. He makes me feel him. I see those stylised eyes, I see an expanse far longer than it is wide of pure outer space, like a huge book seen from it's spine extended outwards far, far away. I feel him physically touch the place my centre forehead meets my hairline. I know I can see him, but he is in-between presence and outside of physical body. A storm on the horizon except the Sky - he tells me to capitalise it - is upside-down. The night air creeps in physically. It looks like grass.
He touches my hand, I feel like I'm drawn somewhere. The red simulates on its cinema screen the ocean which simulates on its cinema screen a Mental scene that I visit privately with Hermes, a sunlit clearing in a forest, but no, again, it's dreamlike nonsense registered as Real sense. It's an interpretative splash of the same specific colours laid out so they'd spark familiarity. It's not anything real.
"The further in you go," he makes sure to energetically point out something I saw but didn't mention, that the colours are specifically like impressionist painting or more like a mosaic without gaps, separate from one another. Not blended. "The further in you go, the more abstracted it becomes. This is the process of 1 from 0. 0 to 10."
Leviathan said:
From just below the top left of the page, white, bleached, A4 or whatever rectangular shape you confine it to long side up. A square line. Draw, follow the exact lines of the page parallel. A spiral in red ink. The white of the paper left must be the exact width of the red line, therefore really you draw with two lines. One, the red, is the purposeful decoration and confines the white that remains, though the white will remain beneath the red. That is what gives the red ink its colour, after all, you couldn't do this on a black paper could you. White is 10. Red is 3. The number of loops on this spiral should be 33.
Imagining it in your head is as real as it existing on paper.
What was that about AI writing? What does your mind do when it thinks of things? The same thing taste does when it curls with smell, inner sight - the simulation on the simulation of the red - is a dance between impulses and understanding. A dream is a Mental task.
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or-something-better · 2 years
August 29, 2022
(Nightly RP      Sam & Ruby wrote)
at the bunker I grab a beer and sit at the map table I’m still really concerned about Sam its bot like him to leave like that and not acknowledge us
at the bunker with the team you guys that is not like Sam to just ignore us that way.
I agree. He’s been acting very off.
+even after we all were hollering for his attention… I agree with you all. this is not normal behavior for Sam+
I still blame Ruby! She’s done something or played some part in it. That bitch acts like his friend then drags him into this kinda bullshit it’s not the first time!
It is very strange behavior for him.
He’s never acted this way before. I know that for sure.
Maybe he had ear buds in and really didn't hear us.  thinking maybe not at the same time
Has he ever acted like this
Bullshit there was something wrong with him something bad like before
Or maybe he had a lot on his mind and wasn't thinking clearly.. he did just have a huge ordeal and woke up grumpy thinking of how snappy he was before he left
What about the mark on his arm? What is it?
I’m telling you something happened to him and she’s involved
+Mary, do you clearly remember that tattoo? clearly enough that you could draw it?+
very stern and direct dean just cool it. Ruby has done alot for this team.
nods. Gets a piece of paper and draws the mark
I take the paper from Mary and open my laptop to see if I can find anything similar on the hunters web.
+well, I’m coming up with nothing here guys. I have no idea what this mark is. I’ve never seen it before+
watching DAMNIT! there’s gotta be something on it somewhere
Well shit. Where else do you think he would have gone?
can't believe there's nothing on this mark, wonder if it's in any lore books
Wherever the hell ruby is!
shoots a glare at dean as to say stfu!
I grin widely at everyone as I appear in the middle of the Bunker and interrupt them  Guess who's baaaaack! Back, large, and in charge. Oh have I got some fun plans in store for everyone... We're gonna have a blast guys!
jump then rush and get in your face what the FUCK are you doing here?!? You aren’t in charge of a DAMN thing!
Ooh Deano- cool it huh? snap my fingers and offer him a small tin breath mints?
You are never in charge. No way would anyone let you be in charge
Fuck off bitch! knocking it out of your hand funny you being here all things considered but Gabe won’t allow you to have power dumbass!
Tch, maybe I should have offered soap instead, for that nasty mouth. snaps my fingers and offers a bar of soap
kicks it out of your hand why the fuck are you even here?
No one has to let me do anything sweetheart.  I take what I want.
Gabe will have a hell of a lot to say about that and cut your ass down to size AGAIN
Dean, dean- why are you so spicy today. Though kudos. Didn't know you could get your leg up that high.
Well stop you, and so will Gabe!
There’s no way we’re gonna let you take over, Luci!
Awww... see this I motion at all of them, cooing like they're fussy children This is just so adorable. You're all so cute in your ignorance. I'll leave you all to wallow in it some more. Toodles I wink and vanish
Once I finished making our sandwiches and put them on a plate.
I reach out to Ruby telepathically Ruby. Little chat? Meet with me..  the hillside we spoke of earlier...
I start for the bedroom when I get a mental message from Lucifer telling me to meet him at the hillside. I hand Sam the plate with both sandwiches while letting him know Lucifer just told me to meet him at the hillside.
Sits up straighter on the bed and looks up from the manuscript I’m reading He just told you? What… you’ve got an angel-radio kinda thing going on with Lucifer now?
“It’s a little different than angel radio because I can actually see him as well as hear him.”
Even more concerned now Does it work both ways? Does he see you?
“I can project an image to him. He can’t just see me in the shower if that’s what you mean.”
Files that information away for later to ask Able about Where are you meeting Lucifer?
“The hillside.”
Be careful. Don’t take any chances Ruby. I’ll be here where you get back.
Once at the hilltop, I call Lucifer, and wait for him to appear.
Starts on the sandwiches.
About damn time you showed up. I appear behind her from the shadows
"Got somewhere to go?"
Ah, ah, ah, dont start with attitude nowshhh.. You've been such a good little demon. No no, I really mean it..
"Get to the point"
A few chuckles escape me Why is everyone so spicy today? Sheesh... Anyways, cheer up some. You're gonna be rewarded handsomely. Especially since you got my vessel. And to think.. Tch- I tried so damn hard! A flicker of anger and annoyance behind my eyes There was just something about Sammy.... But ah well, this one does well enough for me in the meantime.
At his words, it feels like ice is in my veins. Have we been set up?
Oh don't look at me that way! Relax. I'm not taking Sam's meatsuit. I snort I couldn't even if I wanted to. No, no.. you bringing him on board this little 'team' of ours? Yeah, next best thing... That new little tattoo, is going to make sure of that. One more thing I picked up from dear old Dad. My nose wrinkles a little at the mention of him
“Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to make Sam a Knight of Hell. You’re still thinking about them as mere humans. They’ve stopped the apocalypse more than once!” I place my hand on his arm “You used to rely on my advice.  He’ll be like a dog with a bone.  You’ve seen the Winchesters in action!”
I pause and glance at her, tiny little frown on my lips as I step back a bit. Considering what was said. ... I'll call you when I need you again, my dear. I vanish into thin air
I serious think all of this is fucked up. Luci....amara.....theres bigger things here than you guys realize! Somewhere now Sam’s involved too He shouldnt be back! Not like this!
I agree that something is going on. But Cain is also back. And if he's the father of evil. What could it mean? Not just for us but the world
+you don’t suppose… do you think Lucifer and Amara are building armies to help them take over?!+
listening carefully to everyone's opinions and doing some thinking look we have no idea what Lucifer and Amaras relationship was like before they both got locked away. sighing maybe they were one big happy family rolling my eyes at that thought maybe they're not here against each other but to stand together against Gabe. can't believe that just came out of my mouth you know joining forces..
And if Cain is joining the mix who knows
I cover my mouth in shock +no… that just couldn’t be!+
We'll have to find out more if we could find clues
Well we gotta think of something here.
I agree
If that’s true the we are gonna have to figure out how to stop the damn apocalypse yet again! thinking to myself but not sharing what if Luci has something to so with whatever is going on with Sammy
Another message from Lucifer comes through. Standing at the counter I let Sam know the latest. Lucifer wants me back at the hill and wants me to bring you with me.
So what, you’re just at Lucifer’s beck and call now?
Don’t shoot the messenger Sam!
I know she’s right and try to dial my attitude back a bit. Any idea what this is about?
No idea, but what choice do we have? Reaching over and wrapping my arm around Sam’s arm “3-2-1” and pop us to the hillside.
I spot the both of them appear, my grin as unsettling as ever- it’s never a happy one but definitely unsettles people Well hello dynamic duo... Need the two of you to go play errand boy-- I glance at Ruby and hold my hands up - and errand girl, and go pick something up for me. Here. I hand her a paper with the address and description
Puts the paper in my pocket
I slide up my jacket sleeve showing Lucifer my new inking. We might have a little bit of a problem. The orders I signed on to follow were those of Able, not yours. I’d like to speak to him about this… if you don’t mind.
I feign a huge pout Oh come on Sammy. Why ya gotta be that way? There's supposed to be trust between us old pals, huh? We can be friends at least.
I stiffen at the word friends We aren’t friends, and in truth… not sure that I ever see that happening.
Ouchie. That stung. I wave my hands hurriedly, dismissively at them Fine fine fine... Just deliver to Abel when you get it. It was for him anyways. I roll my eyes and vanish again
I look back over at Ruby, since what I do here is surely to affect her too. That’s acceptable to me…
I read Sam the address, telling him where we need to go, and pop us over.
Once my feet are on solid ground again, I look across the street and see that we are at a Storage Facility, much like the one my Dad has stashed stuff in for years. Looks like someone’s got important things stashed for safe keeping, like Dad.
Catching sight of two guards, I can’t believe it. “Shit! Of course they are…I recognize them. They belong to Crowley.”
Also sees the two guards come around the side of the unit. Of course they are, why is nothing ever simple? Okay. I wonder if this whole place belongs to Crowley, or if he’s just hiding his shit in plain sight.
“It doesn’t matter to us. We just want the one item. In and out.”
Points to the hedge along the south side of the building Pop us over there and we can bring them to us. Slips the demon blade from pocket.
Touches his shoulder and pops us over there.
Solid once again, I reach over and surprise tickle Ruby, causing her to laugh out loud and alert the demons to our presence.
I unexpectedly burst out laughing. If you’d have told me 10 minutes ago I’d be laughing during any of this I’d have thought you were nuts.
Both demons approach the side of the building and as they turn, before either expect it, the first one finds my demon blade deep in his middle. Sending him back to Hell.
The second one’s face meets my knee and Sam tosses me the blade which I catch and I finish him off. I pull the keys off his belt and take them with me, pulling out the paper Lucifer gave me, and begin looking for G47. At the unit, I unlock and pull off the padlock.
I reach down and grab the bottom of the rolling door and shove it open. With my hand on the blade in my pocket, I pull my flashlight and step inside.
Follows Sam in. “Mahogany box with Angel warding sigils on it.”
Got it I turn to the left and begin looking. Be careful of trip wires. Dad always used them, I could see Crowley setting traps too, don’t touch anything you don’t have to.
Cautiously watching my step I search on the right. After searching for less than five minutes I find the box behind a mill press. “Sam, this is it!”
You sure? Walks over to Ruby
“Yes. Mahogany box, angel warding sigils.”
Let’s get out of here. I close the unit and put the lock back in place. As we walk to the street, I toss the keys onto the body of the guard, just before Ruby pops us back to the apartment.
Back at the apartment I place the box on the coffee table. Going to the fridge, and grabbing us both a beer, I sit on the sofa, looking at the box. Curiosity gets the better of me and I set the beer down, picking it up.
I start to chuckle You know, I thought you’d last at least 15 minutes…
I punch his shoulder “You know you want to know just as much as I do jerk.”
Open it
Carefully opening it, I peek inside. I feel let down. Looking disappointedly at Sam. “It’s a cremated body. But I’ve never seen one this color before.”
Drinking my beer, while Ruby investigates the box. What color? Reaching for the box to see for self.
“Whitish blue.”
My heart starts to race a little and I look inside. Shake it a little bit will ya?
Carefully, I do just that. As I do, I see a chain sift to the top and show Sam.
I see the chain as well and reach down to get a pen off my journal by the sofa. Using the tip of the pen, I pull the medallion out of the cremains and my heart drops. Ruby, this is really bad.
“ ‘Have a bad day’ bad or ‘apocalyptic’ bad?”
I’m pretty positive these are the last remains of Chuck…. I’m also positive that we really shouldn’t be handing them over to Abel without more information as to their use.
“Better Abel than Crowley, Sam. We don’t have the luxury of not doing this. It’s too dangerous.”
getting frustrated You know what? I can’t sit here anymore and not doing anything I’m out with it without you all! heading to the stairs
Just STOP Dean. shooting daggers at him
No! You all can fucking stand here if you want to I’m done! grab my keys running up the stairs and open the door....
standing right there in the doorway I laugh and casually prop a hand up against it blocking the entrance What? Can't a guy check in on his pals? Been a minute since I dropped by the Bunker now.
I can’t let Dean go at this alone, so I follow him
What the hell?
follows you and Dean to the door.
What the fuck man no what the hell you  doing. Here? I’m so sick of this bullshit!
Just doing house calls, what's wrong with that? Can't visit old friends now?
Fuck off since when would you call us friends!
What friends? I wasn't aware of a friendship
After plowing Dean and see Luci standing there the doorway shocked me.
That’s for good reason you haven’t been here in awhile!
I snap my fingers and silence her voice, dark look in my eyes
I step in front of jo trying to protect her
I fling my wrist and slam Ellen against the wall to pin her there Honestly! What is it with you pesky humans-- it's like you never learn! I eye Mary and slowly start to approach her next
trying to protect jo, I feel myself hitting the wall  watching lucifer as he holds me against the wall trying everything to be released from grasp
backs up silently. Not sure what to say at all
seeing Lucifer approaching Mary, I step in front of her. +back off, bitch+
What gives? I'm smiling evilly Everybody's so jumpy lately.
Jo, Seeing the dead rise will do that to someone.
I start laughing Seriously? You all should be used to that by now.
Not when a mother fucker been killed with the first blade jackass!
I roll my eyes Well you saw Cain. Also seems you forgot he was a twin...
Whatever... Hasta la Vista. I'll be back. I wink then vanish again
Getting back to the apartment with the groceries, I notice a note stuck to the door, and grab it.
Follows behind I’m carrying the supplies for tonight’s dinner and a six pack. See’s Ruby find a note attached to the door. Oh no, Come on! It’s another one, isn’t it?
Sighing “Sam, this is what we signed up for.” I set a bag of groceries on the counter and say out loud, “Don’t get your panties in a wad.”
Steps inside and closes and locks the door Oh this is what we signed up for? I don’t remember anything being said about a gopher job for monsters.
“It’s an address to take the ashes to. It’s Abel’s address.”
That is at least a piece of information that I’d been wanting to get my hand on.  Well, then, let go do it. The sooner I finish all my fetch and carry responsibilities, maybe I can sit down a minute and try to put these pieces together. Does it happen to say what Able wants the ashes for?
“I agree with you. I know it’s frustrating, but I’m sure when we need to know, they’ll tell us what we need to know. Right now it must not be our concern. It’s just got to get done. You want something to eat before we go?”
No I’m good, I had a couple of late sandwiches…
I roll my eyes and mumble, “I’m sure you did.”
after Dean and I tell the others to get searching to find anything we possibly can on Abel, I pull out my laptop again and do my own research
[10:09 PM, 8/29/2022] Ellen SPN: finding books and books and reading on everything we can in the lore.
Trying to read everything
tries to find anything useful in the books. Looking up everything
everything om finding just talks about Abel’s death and then Cain dam I'm not seeing anything here.
I'm not finding anything at here either. Are we missing something
You know what? I wonder if killing Cain brought on another prophecy, or something else sharing my thoughts with the team
So far, it hasn’t been in anything I’ve read.
phone starts going off. As I pull it out I see that it's Ash Hey Ash what's up?
Hey Ellen, how’s it goin’? Listen, something suspicious is happening near the old moldavite mine on the outskirts.
Well Ash.. I’m a little busy at the moment
It’s important, Ellen! Lucifer has been seen up there and we needed to know what he wanted.
All right well be there. Thanks Ash hangs up the phone
putting my phone away, I fill the team in hey guys, Ash just called and apparently lucifer has been seen up over at Moldavite mine. We need to gear up and go now!
gets my gear together and waits for the others
grabbing my gear I head for my truck who's riding with?
I am mom!
Damnit lets go! Who riding with me in baby?
I will Dean
+eh I don’t particularly care but sure I’ll ride Dean+
after everyone piles in. I push the clutch in and the start the truck. Drop it in first, then second, the truck starts sliding sideways, and hitting third hard we straighten out as we speed towards Moldavite Mine.
grab my duffle bags and head to my car and wait for those riding with me to get in I start it up
I pop us to the mine.
At the entrance to the Moldavite Hollow mine, I turn on the lights at the side of my helmet and pull the smaller helmet out of my bag and hand it over for Ruby. It doesn’t look like the ground has much moisture, so as long as we avoid loose rocks might not be hard going. You ready?
“Right behind you, boss.”
we pull up outside and I park
Looking out the opening to the mine, I catch sight of the team from the bunker, hurrying Sam forward. “We’ve got company.”
Looks back at her Good kind or bad kind?
“Brother kind.”
we pull up to the Mine and park the cars
Making our way inside the mine, we search as we walk. What kind of idol could be hidden in a mine anyway? I brush my hand across a smooth rock surface and feel an almost tingle of electricity. Hold on Ruby. I pick up the rock, it feel different than an ordinary rock, and almost appears to glow.
Watching Sam hold the rock up, I see his eyes change. “Sam, the longer you hold that your eyes are turning darker.”
I think we’ve found what we were looking for. I can feel the energy starting to move up my arms.
I catch Ruby out the corner of my eye walking into the mine.
I catch sight of the mine entrance, which, conveniently, was covered in “KEEP OUT! DANGER” signs +dammit. it just HADDDD to be a mine. couldn’t have been.. oh I DONT KNOW, a wide open PRAIRIE?!+
Eli, stick with me and Mary and we’ll keep you calm.
completely pissed off about the entire situation i told you! I fucking KNEW that bitch was in on it!
taking in what Dean just said. Hoping he's not right about this, but he just might be
+yeah thanks Jo, but I’m not sure you quite get how the whole claustrophobia thing works. just having other people generally doesn’t make the problem go away+
Watching Sam hold the rock up, I see his eyes change. “Sam, the longer you hold that your eyes are turning darker.”
I bust into the place grabbing at the idol Give me that Sammy!
Dean! Tries to hold to the rock and moves back away from him
I tackle you to the ground and take it and get back up no you dont need this crap Sammy come on get your damn head on straight!
As Dean grabs for the idol, I haul back my fist and smash it straight into his nose as I fall. Back off Dean! You don’t know what you’re getting yourself and everybody else into here…
I grab my face but still keeping the rock in my hands DAMNIT Sammy! We're brothers! Stop this shit man! This isn’t you!
coming up on Dean and Sammy fighting please Sam just come home with us. We can work all this out later! I try to plead to Sam
Climbs back to my feet breathing hard Look, Dean we are brothers... we are of course.…I just know a little bit more about that idol than you all know. Hand it back to me and I’ll show you… and if you still think that it should go with you. I won’t try and stop you. I swear.
I slowly make my way closer to Sam.
runs into the room Sam, please think about this. You're better than this. Please come home with us m
Dude, this isn’t you talking man come on we need you to come home.... What do you mean you know about it? Besides its part of the reason you aren’t you.
+Sam. please come home with us… this isn’t you! we’re your family. whatever your going thru, let us help! please Sam+
Steps closer and holds out my hands Please, trust me..
Yeah because you ignoring us and just disappearing is so natural and everything start to hand it over how can I be sure?
Course... I take the Idol back Now, everyone… watch my face and my eyes… I hold tight to the idol with both hands
When Dean hands over the idol, I rush over, grabbing Sam around the waist and pop us back to the apartment.
Damnit Sammy! Maybe DAD WAS RIGHT ABOUT YOU!
I grab Dean by the shoulders, standing in front of him look at me boy, look at me. making eye contact with dean you don't mean any of what you said. Your just upset, we will work this out. You know your family wouldn't do anything like this unless it was to protect us! trying my best to comfort this poor boys heart. I hate seeing Dean so hurt and upset
No! I mean every damn word! Dad was fucking right!
I can tell you right now Dean. I'm always going to be here for you. Now let's try to figure out how to help your brother.
Back at the apartment, I lay my head back on the couch and send a message telepathically to Lucifer letting him know that our mission was accomplished.
I respond telepathically, praising them Very well done. But… tomorrow is going to be the real test. Wait for my message and I'll set up the meeting with Abel.
“What is all of this for?”
Every knight needs his weapon... and Abel? He was an incredible blacksmith in his day. He wants to make his own, and you and Sam are going to help him.
Eyes still shut, I’m not sure what he means by that and I just nod my head, showing him I’m paying attention. Worry begins to creep in.
Today was one of those days when it felt good to be getting back home all in one piece. Looking at the cloth wrapped idol and the mahogany box of ashes, it sure felt like an unreal day. If we just hadn’t unexpectedly been thrust head to head with my brother and the Team, I’d have considered it a success all round. Okay, do you think it’s safe to assume we’re off the clock. I look over at Ruby and see her eyes closed. I know she had to have been under even more pressure today than I’d been. Hey Ruby… let’s call it an early night, sound good to you? I cross to the sofa and hold out my hand.
Opening my eyes, I smile at him. You know what Sam, that sounds good to me. We had a successful day. Taking his hand, I let him pull me up.
Pulling Ruby up in to my arms I give her a kiss on the top of the head
After he scoops me up, I wrap my legs around his waist and hold him tight, laying my head on his chest.
I hold her tight and walk us back to the bedroom
To Be Continued
1. At the bunker, Dean, Eileen, Ellen, Mary and Jo talk about Sam’s odd behavior yesterday and not being able to catch up to him even after they called out to him. They discuss why he might be acting this way. Dean still blames Ruby and Ellen tells him to cool it. Mary asks if they’d ever seen this before. Jo tells her no.
Mary remembers the tattoo she saw on Sam’s arm and brings it up. Eileen asks Mary if she can draw it from memory, which she does and then Eileen does an image search on the hunter’s web to see if she finds anything. She doesn’t and they all react, and start brainstorming where to look next.
Lucifer shows up  in the middle of the bunker and tells them he’s back and in charge. He hints of great things to come. Dean gets in his face and they argue back and forth. The other’s also say that there is no way Gabe or the Team are going to let him regain power. There isn’t anything any of them can say that spoils Lucifer’s fun. Lucifer thinks they are all just ‘so cute in their ignorance’ and leaves.
2. Sam and Ruby are at the apartment and Lucifer mentally tells Ruby to come meet him at the hillside they spoke of earlier. Sam tells her to be careful and not take any chances. Ruby makes her way to the hilltop and calls to Lucifer. Lucifer appears with a smirk and smart remark. Ruby responds with one of her own and Lucifer shushes her, telling her what a good little demon she’s been. Ruby’s attitude shows, but she says nothing, for now.
He tells her she will be rewarded, especially since she got his vessel! He had tried so hard, but he was satisfied with the one he had now. He muses that there was just something about Sam.
Ruby looks alarmed and Lucifer assures her that he wasn’t taking Sam’s meatsuit - he couldn’t anyway. But felt bringing him onto the …
3. Dean and the Team discuss the seriousness of Lucifer being back. No one is sure if this is becoming a War between the big powers, Lucifer & Amara. Mary speaks up and reminds them that Cain is also back from the dead, maybe he’s involved too. Eileen says that maybe Lucifer and Amara are each trying to build an army to help them take over. Ellen considers the ideas everyone is throwing around and suggests that no one really knows what kind of relationship Lucifer and Amara had before they were both locked away. What if they had been really close and were now not coming to fight against each other, but joining forces to knock Gabe from his spot as God. Everyone is shaken by her suggestion and Dean says that if it's true then they are going to have to figure out how to stop the apocalypse one more time.  
Dean also worries to himself that maybe Lucifer being back has something to do with Sam’s recent odd behavior. But he doesn’t share this with the others.
4. Lucifer sends another mental message to Ruby to return to the hill, this time with Sam. Sam and Ruby discuss what they’re getting into, and Ruby says all they can do now is wait for more instructions. Ruby pops them to the hillside and Lucifer is already there. Lucifer tells them that he needs them to go and pick up something for him and hands Ruby a paper with an address and description. Sam tells Lucifer he signed up to follow orders from Abel and he’d rather speak to him. Lucifer questions why he’s being that way, there should be trust between them and they could be friends. Sam retorts and Lucifer relents, telling them fine, they can deliver this item to Abel themselves once they get it, it was for Abel anyway. Sam says that is acceptable to him and Lucifer vanishes. Ruby shows Sam the address and item they are to pick up, then pops them to the address.
5. At the storage facility. Ruby recognizes the two demons out front guarding it and realize they belong to Crowley. We pop into the side of the unit and call them over. They kill both and get the keyring off one of them. They carefully make their way inside, find the correct unit, but Ruby can’t pop in. They use the key to open it and once inside, thankfully the locker is well organized, and it doesn’t take long for them to find what they are looking for. We look for the mahogany box with Angel warding sigils on it. Once back out of the unit, Ruby pops them back to the apartment to safety. Ruby can’t help herself and has to look at the contents. They’re both a little shocked. Sam begins to have second thoughts. Ruby says it's too dangerous, they can’t.
6. Dean says he can’t sit idly by anymore and gets up to get his keys. Ellen tells him to stop and dean argues and heads to the door. Jo, Mary and Eileen follow and are shocked when dean opens the door and Luci is standing here. Ellen swears and dean takes a step back, asking what he is doing here. Luci laughs and says he was just checking up on his friends, it has been a while since he had been at the bunker. Jo says that’s for good reason and Luci silences her. Ellen tries to protect jo and Luci holds her against a wall with his powers asking if any of these pesky humans would ever learn.  Mary stays back and doesn’t know what to say as Luci approaches her, Eileen gets protective. Luci asks why they’re all so jumpy and jo says seeing the dead rise will do that to someone. Luci laughs saying they should be used to that, and Dean says not when they were killed with the first blade. Luci makes a remark about them seeing Cain, and how they forgot Cain was a twin. He cracks another joke and vanishes.
7. Upon arriving at the apartment, there is a note on the door from Luci- saying he has one more job for them today.  Sam curses, and Ruby reminds him that this is what they had signed up for. She continues reading to find out this, along with the ashes needed to be delivered to Abel. Sam questions what Abel needed the ashes for, and Ruby tells him it’s not their concern-for now, this mission needed to be completed. She was going to make them both some lunch and then they would go. Sam grumbles a bit but agrees.
8. Back at the bunker Eileen and dean have told the others to see if they can find any information about Abel. Mary and Ellen are reading everything they can find along with jo Eileen and dean. Most everything about Abel talks about his death, and then Cain. Ellen wonders if Cain's death brought on another prophecy of some sort. Jo speaks up and tells her it wasn’t in anything she had read so far.  Just then Ellen gets a call from ash, telling him something suspicious is happening near the old moldavite mine on the outskirts. Ellen tells him she’s a little busy, and ash says it’s important, lucifer had been seen up there and they needed to know what he wanted. Not needing to hear any more Ellen tells the team to gear up, they’re going for a drive. They all get ready and go in baby and Ellen’s truck.
9. Ruby and Sam have made their way to the mines, just as the others pull in. They hurry inside hoping they hadn’t been seen. Dean and Ellen park their cars, and jo catches a glimpse of ruby as she enters the mine. (Which is covered in keep out signs) Eileen swears, then explains she does not like confined spaces. Jo tells Eileen to stick with her and Mary, they’ll help keep her calm. Dean just looks angered and tells Ellen he knew Ruby was in on it. Inside the mine Sam and Ruby are looking for the idol that lucifer sent them for. Sam asks what kind of an idol is hidden in a mine. Suddenly Sam touches a rock, that feels a bit different than the other stones in the room and he picks it up, it seems to have an otherworldly glow to it, and ruby watches Sam’s eyes grow darker as he holds it. Dean busts in and tries to take the idol. Sam fights him telling him to back off, he didn’t know what he was getting into. Dean argues that they’re brothers, and they’re soon joined by the rest of the team. They all try to talk Sam into coming home with them, Sam argues, but then has an idea, telling the team he knew something about what Dean had taken from him, and he’d share…but he needed it back. Giving ruby a knowing look at the same time. Dean hands over the idol, ruby rushes over and grabs Sam’s shoulder, popping them both out of there. Dean rages and says maybe his dad was right all along. Ellen tells him he doesn’t mean that and tries to comfort him
10. Back at the apartment, Sam and Ruby examine what they’ve managed to gather, and ruby sends a telepathic message to lucifer telling him it is done. Lucifer tells her well done, but tomorrow was the real test. She needed to wait for his message, and he’d set up the meeting with Abel. Ruby asks what all of this is for, and Luci tells her every knight needs his weapon, Abel was an amazing blacksmith in his day—-he wanted to make his own. Ruby and Sam were going to help him. Ruby doesn’t know what to do with this information so she just nods. When she opens her eyes, she tells Sam that so far, they’re succeeding. But who knew what tomorrow held
0 notes
timtonki · 2 years
Play time pilot
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If we attempt to make GO do exactly what we want, we miss the point. The GO approach is to allow GO to repetitively test and adjust a complex surface to reach a set of targeted grading goals based on priorities. Therefore, the principals of Learn and Burn apply. What we think we know can be a big problem. GO requires an experiential learning curve. At times GO seems to conjure sense out of nonsense. If you are a Civil 3D Feature Lines Only compulsive or control freak, GO is going to be initially unnerving or maybe even terrifying. Preliminary Site Design is not the only reason to employ GO – the GO tool is bigger and more robust than that. The answer might take a week, days, or even hours to muddle through in Civil 3D. “Is this preliminary site design possible?” Grading Optimization certainly helps us address the mission critical question How many design iterations are possible within the man-hour budget and the project time-line constraints? How fast can we validate and integrate survey data from multiple sources and turn it into useful fodder for the design team?Ĭan the design team resolve a complex grading design problem with a lot of conflicting design objectives as fast as possible? This type of Civil 3D project work obviously favors process over substance. Most of the time throw all the work away and do it again next week somewhere else. Design and grade two 40 acre shopping center lots on this intersection corner as fast as possible. Some of you know the Big Box Store drill. My dubious civil engineering and survey project production experience includes years of iterative shopping center site work. The computer must sweat the data details. Computers feed on data, algorithms, and the power of many iterations. Humans work and approach problems based on generalities and heuristics. If you have a simple grading problem and/or sparse starting data, you are better off with the Civil 3D traditional tools. If you have the types of grading problems that GO is good at solving.
We will all tend to make incorrect assumptions about a new software tool and Grading Optimization’s different approach to the challenges of grading complex surfaces. If you are new to GO, start with the GO Team’s first webinar. GO requires a few trips around the mountain if we want to learn to move them quicker. Good stuff.Ī proper dose of Learn and Burn requires we continue to read and reread the help files and watch all the content we can consume on a regular and repeated basis. See the site’s Grading Optimization video page for the recent published videos and more GO walkthroughs and demos from some other budding or emergent GO experts.
Grading OptimizationĪutodesk's Charlie Ogden, Valentin Koch, and John Sayre were hosting an on-going series of Grading Optimization live webinars on YouTube.
That Update contained significant improvements to the GO Tools, performance, and functionality.īased on my recent GO 2023 playtime experience, the much improved and much more refined Grading Optimization 2023 interface should help us all understand the essential GO operations and mechanics much better. We might consider the GO 2022.1 Update as important. Grading Optimization 2023 is effectively the third major release of GO. Autodesk Grading Optimization (GO) is one year old this year.
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0 notes
maple-the-awesome · 2 years
She's Taken, Bud ||
Pairing: tasm!Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 4,615
Overview: Your flirtatious neighbor thinks you're just playing hard to get by 'claiming' you have a boyfriend, so Peter decides it's time to prove you're definitely taken with a lesson that'll be hard to ignore.
Warnings: Smut, +18, oral (fem./male receiving), rough vaginal sex, praise kink, pet names, soft!Peter, semi-public sex? (walls are thin, but that's kinda the point 😏)
Marvel Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist 💙 Requests
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Peter sways on his heels with his hands hidden behind his back. He's poorly trying to hide the euphoric smile pulling at his lips which is a bubbling impatience and joy that only appears on his way to your apartment, threatening to spill over by the time he finally makes it to your front door. 
The ten seconds that it takes you to open the door feel like an eternity. Despite seeing each other just yesterday and having spoken on the phone a mere hour ago, Peter feels as if he's returning to your arms after years at war. You barely even have time to smile at him before his lips are to yours, one arm remaining behind his back and the other set upon your hip as he gently guides you backwards into the apartment, only moving to shut the door behind himself. Of course, the feeling is mutual with a hum of satisfaction echoing off of you, your arms wrapping themselves over his shoulders for balance.
If able to have things his way, Peter would've extended that kiss to last all night, maybe even the rest of his life, but alas, you pull away. Even then, he doesn't allow you too far, keeping his forehead and nose to yours with your lips still close enough for him to feel your smile,"...long day, hon?"
"Every day is long without you."
"You're such a sap."
"But I'm your sap."
"I repeat: you're such a sap," you chuckle nevertheless, pecking his lips once more before pulling yourself out of his grasp completely. He plans to complain, however, the pout is replaced by a smile just as quickly as your hand replaces your hip in his grasp, dragging him along after you into the kitchen.
"I got everything set up in the living room; blankets, pillows, and I even had the movie paused at the start so we don't have to watch all those dumb previews first. I just need to make popcorn and we'll be all set-" you begin to explain quickly, loosening your grip on him which signals your plans of letting go, however, Peter's having none of that.
"Hold on there, bug," giving your hand a yank, he twirls you around to face him and the bundle of fresh roses held between the two of you,"...are you not going to give me time to say 'Happy Anniversary' first?"
You beam at him, loving the way he still manages to make your cheeks heat up even after three years of dating. Stretching on your toes, you capture his lips with hands softly holding his over the roses," happy Anniversary to you, too, Peter Parker. I can't imagine spending these years with anyone else."
Eventually, you manage to part from him, sending him off to start the popcorn while you try to find a vase, knowing you have one somewhere since he'd given you countless bouquets throughout the years. Maneuvering around the kitchen, your search is interrupted by a knock at the front door which perks both you and your boyfriend's attention.
"Are you expecting someone else?" He asks with a raised eyebrow, not really believing it should be a question since, well, you'll both likely agree that it's a little awkward to invite a third wheel to a movie night on your anniversary. 
As he predicts, you quickly shake your head, rising from where you had been looking under the kitchen sink to begin walking to the front door," no, but it could just be Mr. Reynolds. You know how he likes to bake stuff for neighbors." 
"Hopefully it's cookies. I love his cookies!"
You playfully roll your eyes at his childish giddiness, peeking through the peephole with the expectation of seeing your kind elderly neighbor standing on the other side with a friendly smile and a platter of treats. Instead, you grumble at who's really there. 
"Hey now, is that anyway to greet someone? You look so grumpy," you fight back the urge to scowl at the man who looks a little too smugly at you like a ten year old ripping off classmates on the school's blacktop. 
Steven Rodriguez had moved into the apartment next door a month ago. At first he seemed like a good neighbor. He liked to strike up friendly conversations woven with innocent compliments, however, his comments towards your pretty name and beautiful eyes soon turned into what any sane person would consider sexual harassment with eyes that linger to your breasts and even a comment once about how your voice must sound amazing in bed...Definitely not things anyone outside of a lover should be saying especially to a neighbor they just met less than four weeks ago...
When it became clear that Steven's mind was beginning to wander with indecent motives, you made a point of being frank with him and mention your boyfriend, naively hoping he'd turn out to be an unexpected gentleman or at least a halfway decent human respectful enough to back off of an uninterested gal, but alas, he decided to be a stereotype. 
"Peter Parker?" He had scoffed before giving a hoot of laughter," come on, babe. If you're going to make up a fake boyfriend to play hard to get, at least put some effort into the story. That's the fakest name I've ever heard!"
Unfortunately in Steven's own mind, you're totally into him and the best way to win your heart is by following you around like a cute puppy except he isn't a cute puppy, but rather an annoying wolf who makes you uncomfortable in your own apartment building. While his behavior always irks you, you find it extra upsetting to see him here at your door tonight when you just want to spend it in peace with the man who makes you feel like a princess within a fairytale.  
"Sorry, I'm busy right now-"
"-Busy? With what? It's seven on a Friday night," he leans against the doorframe, his heavy cologne burning your nose.
Taking a small step back to maintain distance, you decide to once again be direct with him," it's my anniversary and I want to spend it with my boyfriend, so if you could just-"
"-Boyfriend? God, are you using that excuse? I thought that would just be a one time thing. Let me guess, he got you those roses? Oh, babe...You're really trying to make me work for this, huh?" He leans closer, flashing his teeth with a husky whisper that makes you want to gag. 
"It's not an excuse, but you're going to need a good one for management if you don't get out of my doorway," you threaten, hurrying to slam the door directly into his face before he can even begin opening his mouth again. He knocks, his voice calling from behind the barrier yet unlike his twisted grasp of reality tells him, there's no way in Hell you're giving him anymore time out of your night. Not tonight of all nights.
Stepping backwards, your sigh is cut off by a fearful gasp when you meet a solid chest. For a moment, the irritation and disgust you felt made you forget Peter's in the apartment until his arms wrapped around your waist to steady your tense body. His eyes flash with concern when you glance up at him," what's wrong, sweetheart? Who was that?"
"...Oh, just that dickhead who lives next door."
"He's still bothering you? I thought you told him we're dating?"
"I did. He just thinks I'm bluffing because I'm 'playing hard to get'," you mock Steven's voice with a roll of your eyes, but Peter's always been good at reading you. He knows just by that pout on your lips and deflated tone of your voice that you're uncomfortable with the unwanted attention which is enough to make his worry melt into protective anger.
"I'm going to talk to him-" Stepping around you, his hand makes it to the doorknob, however, you're quick to prevent him from getting any further.
"No, Peter, please don't!" When he tries to protest, you rub smoothing circles against his chest," it's fine. It's...Look, you can talk to him later if you want, but tonight's our anniversary. It's the first night in two weeks that we have together and you even took it off from being Spiderman just so that we can have it in peace. What's the point if I'm going to be holding an ice pack to your cheek regardless?"
You sigh, directing your eyes away from him,"...I just want tonight to be about us. Not Spiderman, not stupid Steven...just me and you."
Peter sighs himself after a long moment of internal debate before pressing a kiss to your lips which you take as a stamp of agreement. Happily accepting, you deepen the kiss by placing your free hand on the back of his neck while the roses dangle lowly in the other. 
You're taken by slight surprise when Peter's own hands snake lower, eventually reaching your bottom and pulling you up into his arms, but you don't protest, assuming he's going to carry you to the couch where the two of you can finally begin your planned movie night. You're confused, however, when he walks right past the living room towards your bedroom instead.
"What are you doing?" You part from the kiss with an inhale, although you can conclude the answer on your own when he lightly kicks open the door and carries you right over to the bed.
Dropping you onto the fluffy covers, Peter crawls over top of you with a mischievous smirk mere inches away from your face," you said that Steven guy doesn't believe you have a boyfriend, right? So I guess we just have to prove it to him."
"Peter-" Your whisper is cut off by another kiss. 
He takes the roses from your hands, not that you even have much of a grip on them anymore. You can hear them be tossed to the side somewhere before Peter reaches down to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head in one swift tug. It's as if he knows you can't resist one look at his toned abs, but let's be honest, he definitely knows. 
In no time at all, your shirt follows his on the floor, allowing him full access to your bare neck which he attacks with soft butterfly kisses," come on, bug. Don't you wanna stick it to that asshole? 'get him to finally leave you alone after realizing you have a boyfriend who pleases you better than he ever could? I mean let's be honest with ourselves here. We weren't really going to just be watching movies all night long, were we? I would've still had you under me like this even if he never showed his face at that door, so he won't be ruining anything for us this way, only making it more...interesting."
You hum, your hand reaching up to tangle within his soft hair,"...I expected it to be on the couch, though...I even had wine set out and everything."
Despite his previously cocky words and the amount of times you've both had sex in the past, it never ceases to make Peter's chest tingle with the idea that you actually look forward to him touching you so intimately. It's an honor he's always sure to treat as such.
His chuckle sends vibrations through your neck making you bite your lip," the wine doesn't have to go to waste. We have all night after all. I only figured we'd start where your apartment shares a wall with his.
"But we can always go to the couch if you want. You know the rules by now: whatever or wherever you're comfortable with, bug...You just have to use your words," the butterfly kisses he showers you in soon turn into suckles nestled against the nook of your neck, drawing a quiet mewl from your lips.
"...I want him to know."
"Know what?"
"That you're my boyfriend...That you're definitely real..." You can feel Peter's smirk against your skin before he sucks a bit harder then begins nipping your neck in more than a few places. Each decorative bite is followed by a loving kiss, leading up as high as your ear and as low as your collarbone. 
"I'll make sure to cover you all up, bug. That way even if he misses the show, he won't be able to deny you belong to someone- not that I think he'll be able to ignore us tonight; we'll make sure of that, won't we sweetheart?" 
Once again you hum, content as Peter transitions back to placing butterfly kisses which lead down to his next location of choice: your breasts. 
"No bra tonight?" He pretends to just notice, but you saw the way his eyes flickered to them the second your shirt got discarded before.
"We weren't really going to be watching movies all night long, were we?" You decide to quote him smugly, feeling the wetness pool between your legs thanks to his proud smirk (not that you weren't already getting wet just by his kisses earlier).
Moving his legs up, he places his knees on each side of you as a means of keeping himself upright while his hands are busying being used to massage your round breasts. His thumbs rub circles over your perked nipples, maintaining a consistent rate of gentle to rough that has basically become professional with his experience. 
Meanwhile he kisses you again, his teeth biting down on your bottom lip which is always enough to part your lips fully, allowing his tongue full access to your mouth. You moan into this kiss, pulling him closer to yourself as if he's too far away despite being able to feel the heat radiating off of his body. 
You might've been disappointed when he pulls away if not for him shifting to his feet at the end of the bed, roughly pulling your pants off while simultaneously tugging you closer to the edge yourself; right where he wants you.
Kissing along your stomach, he lowers himself to a level that forces you to sit up on the backs of your arms in order to still see him as he kneels down in between your thighs. He spreads them apart with a familiar smile; a hungry one, you eagerly recognize.
"This is my favorite way to spend our anniversary," he comments, kissing the inner part of your thigh while making eye contact with you.
"What? Eating me out loud enough for the neighbor to hear?"
"I was gonna say eating you out in general, but the second part adds some fun," he finally pulls down your panties," and by the looks of it, I think you're enjoying this just as much."
"I'm about to enjoy it a lot more..." you sigh delightfully before leaning back with your arms crossed behind your head, after all, they'll soon be useless in supporting your weight once Peter begins. He's always been good at turning your body to jelly with his tongue.
You moan with slightly lifted hips when he uses his fingers to part your folds, hovering there long enough to rememorize the sight of your beautiful cunt, soaking in juices all for him; just the way he likes it. He knows by the unholy sound that comes from your mouth that it's the way you like it too once he licks along the line. 
When he begins massaging your inner thigh instead of doing anything else, you kick your leg over his shoulder with an annoyed groan of his name," Peter, no teasing."
"But you're so cute when desperate," he pouts, chuckling upon hearing you groan again. Remembering that you two have a long night ahead of yourselves, he stops with the games and dives right in, his tongue swirling around your sensitive clint with much vigor. 
"'might want to try saving your voice right now, bug. You'll need it for when I have you screaming out later," his words are muffled as he refuses to move himself far from his work, poking his tongue inside of you along with a finger that pumps in and out. Then two. Then three. 
You bite your lip, trying to hold back moans as Peter eats your pussy like a starved man, enjoying this way too much while only pausing long enough to praise," you taste so good, sweetheart...So wet and juicy...It's a shame no one else will ever taste you. Only me."
"On-Only you..." 
"That's right. Only ever me," he chuckles, returning his mouth to your clint while his fingers stretch your hole. It’s a wonder how you ever survive the size of his cock when just his lean fingers already have you reaching the sky. 
"F-Fuck," you can't keep your voice down forever, bucking his fingers deeper inside of you with a whimper,"...I'm g-gonna cum, Pete."
All too suddenly, he pulls away much to your annoyance, but you can only be somewhat mad at the man who crawls above you with a face dripping in your own wetness, wearing an adorable smile far too innocent for what he had just been doing down there. 
"-Not yet, sweetheart," he whispers in your ear before stepping out of his pants and boxers which only makes your core ache in anticipation. How can you not get excited? Peter so much as pecks your lips and it's still a rush, but to have him pounding deep inside of you while showering you in loving affection? Now that's the strongest drug.
His arms carefully wrap under your body to pick you up. You don't receive much time to be confused before you feel a cold surface meet your back, a contrast to the warm bed covers. Of course, Peter has no difficulty holding you against the bedroom wall, maneuvering your limbs around until your arms are over his shoulders and legs wrapped securely around his waist. 
"You're gonna be careful, right?"
"I'd never hurt you, bug," he promises softly with a kiss to your cheek, missing the way you roll your eyes.
"I don't mean me, I mean the wall. This apartment's cheap- cheaply made anyways. The walls are probably super thin."
"Perfect," when you raise an eyebrow at him, clearly unamused, he chuckles and rests his forehead against yours,"...I'll be careful, but I still have to make you scream, don't I?"
"You act as if this'll be the first time you have me screaming your name."
He smirks," then scream it. Scream it loud enough for the whole building to hear and know exactly who's fucking the life out of you."
Growing a bit impatient of his teasing at this point and still highly unsatisfied from being edged seconds ago, you smash your lips to his, tightening your legs around his waist which brings him close enough for his erected dick to rub against your inner thigh," keep stalling and I'll decide to have you screaming my name instead."
"Atta girl," unlike before, you show no restraint in moaning loudly after Peter quickly lines himself up with your entrance then thrusts inside of you. 
The image of your head leaning back against the wall and the way your lips part in pure bliss only fuels his need to push deeper and deeper, already learning long ago that your pussy can take his size like a matching puzzle piece. Nevertheless, your walls are tight and squeezing, making him groan with hands that grip onto your hips hard enough to slightly sting yet never enough to actually harm you.
"F-Fuck...Always so soaking for me, bug."
"Always for you, Peter!" There's no need to whisper it, in fact you don't even bother with a normal 'inside voice'. Screw stupid Steven and his annoying flirting. He only wishes he could fill you even half as good as Peter does. While you normally don't like to be petty or spiteful, a part of you hopes he won't be able to think about sex for at least a few months without feeling insecure about his own skill. 
You moan as loudly as possible which is a task that doesn't even need to be faked by how hard Peter's pounding inside your soaking center. It's a force that repeatedly sends your back into the wall, the sound surely making other building residents wonder who the hell is hammering so late at night. Your next door neighbor will be the one to know it's not a last minute workshop project; unless you consider breaking your girlfriend's pussy in for the millionth time as such.
Peter hardly needs to hold you to the wall anyway, the force of his thrusts already doing that for him. This allows him to reach one hand down, using his thumb to begin circling your clint once again. It's this action that soon sends you over the edge at last, leaving you crying out," Peter! Ah!"
You barely hear his praises through your own panting or the banging and wet slapping sounds. Even the stars in your eyes make it hard to focus as he shows no sign of slowing down even for your climax. Instead, he continues to show endless endurance, his thumb continuing to harshly rub as a finger or two slip in with his cock, making sure he's truly stretching you to your limit.
"That's it, sweetheart...You're doing so good for me. Keep it up," maybe if you were in a clearer state of mind, you'd notice the way Peter bites down on his lip to suppress his own loud groans or the way his cock twitches deep inside of you, growing more aroused by the second at the sight of your pleasure. Yeah, you taste fucking amazing and the way your pussy hugs around his cock so perfectly puts him on cloud nine, but at the end of the day, nothing gets him off as much as seeing how much he can please you. 
"Wanna remind him who's fucking you, sweetheart?"
"You! A-Ah! Peter!"
"And who the only one able to fuck you this good?"
"Let me hear you scream it, sweetheart. Scream my name. One last time."
"P-PETER!" You cry out with a whimper as you reach another orgasm that makes your entire body shake. 
The sight of your sweaty, heaving chest and the feeling of your aching pussy sends Peter off the edge himself. His hot seed spills inside of you, filling you with even more warmth that ends up leaking through the cracks of your pussy as Peter's head falls against your shoulder with a heavy moan. He helps you both ride out your highs by rolling his hips much slower and mixing his load into your juices all while kissing your neck with mumbles of sweet praises.
You're thankful for his endurance because if left unsupported, you would've surely sunk down the wall and laid there limply for as long as it takes to catch your breath. Instead, Peter's able to effortlessly carry you back to the bed, carefully lying you there to relax while he disappears into the bathroom, returning only moments later with a towel to get you cleaned up like the selfless boyfriend he never fails to be.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" You can't help but smile as he pulls the hair away from your face, laying down next to you with that same innocent smile from earlier. You swear he could get away with murder with it.
"Amazing as always..." you finish your sentence by sitting up then leaning down to kiss him, your hands traveling across his toned bare chest as his fall behind your head and the small of your back to pull you closer,"...I love you."
"I-" He cuts himself off with a hitch of his own breath, a shiver running down his spine as he feels your hand rub against is cock," what-"
"-Shh," you hush, rubbing the side of his hip while looking down at him through fluttering eyelashes," I was loud enough, but shouldn't we make sure it's known there's actually another guy in here and that I'm not just really good at pleasuring myself?"
"W-Well, when you put it that way," Peter's smile falters into a pleasant hum as you begin massaging his balls.
While you take your time lowering your sore body down, you eventually make it level to his manhood, using your hand to give him a few good pumps before kissing his sensitive tip," you're always so good to me, Pete...Never asking for anything more even though you should know by now I'm happy to return the favor."
"I f-forget."
"You forget?" You raise an eyebrow in mock offense," I was hoping I suck you well enough to make you remember how good it feels."
Peter groans, being the one to grow impatient this time as you continue to only work with your hands," you suck me a little too well, bug...'can't...'can't even think straight when you're touching me."
You smirk at this," oh? When I touch you like this?...Or like this?"
Finally your mouth sinks down his cock, drawing a loud moan from your boyfriend who grips the bedcovers with a smile. While you're a little too preoccupied to focus on what he's saying exactly, you think you hear him say 'yeah, just like that'. 
You begin bobbing your head, sucking as much as his cock that you can fit into your mouth while pumping the rest with one hand and using the other to continue massaging his balls. Whenever moving upwards, you run your tongue along the vein, releasing him with a 'pop' just to take the time to look at his cute, scrunched up face before getting back to work. 
While the two of you are normally equally considerate of neighbors, tonight is an expectation and even Peter shows no restraint compared to his typically quiet volume. You manage to have the same effect on him as he had on you, leaving him moaning your name as loud as possible. He doesn't care tonight. He'll let all of New York know how good his girlfriend treats him, but most importantly, he wants Steven and any other guy who looks at you longingly to know: this is exactly what they're missing out on.
It takes all of his willpower not to start bucking into your mouth, figuring there's plenty of time for that later. Right now he settles for gently lifting his hips, letting you work your magic until the coil inside his body begins to pull back to its limit leading him to grip onto the covers so roughly he's afraid he might use too much strength and rip them. 
"F-Fuck...I'm gonna cum, sweetheart."
"Then cum, hon. Let everyone know how I take care of you," the words are rushed as you selfishly refuse to spare more time away from his cock, enjoying the salty taste and his whimpers a little too much.
Peter groans your name at a volume that echoes through the room, coming loose inside your mouth just as planned. You give him one last long suck all the way up to his tip before releasing him. 
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you smile shyly before shallowing what you can, your face heating up in slight embarrassment that's smoothed away by Peter's thumb as he sits up himself shakily and clears the bits of cum away from the corners of your mouth.
"Such a good girl..." he smiles proudly, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
"Do you think he heard everything?"
Peter smirks, pulling you to his chest with a kiss to your forehead. While he only hums at your question, he's all too satisfied with secretly knowing Steven's currently next door taking a breath of relief during the moment of silence since his earbuds did nothing to block out the sound of his two neighbor's fucking. Of course, he's going to want to either get used to it or find another apartment to live in, because your anniversary present to Peter is the invite to move in, and you'll happily let him fuck you against the wall any day.
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prettyboybuckley · 3 years
36 for buddie for the kisses ask?
hi anon! thank you for the ask! because it's a little shorter than what I usually write I'm only putting it here on tumblr! 36. stopping a kiss when it gets too heated from a hundred different kisses prompt list
If Eddie has to give a reason to like sneaking around with Buck, it's the thrill of all the stolen kisses at work.
They're keeping their budding relationship under wraps for the time being. It's not so much that they're afraid of the way everyone will react as that they just want some time for themselves.
Christopher knows, mostly because he's the only one who immediately caught them sneaking around. Eddie stuttered his way through that conversation while Buck sat next to him with bright red cheeks and Christopher quietly laughed at them.
"I already knew you are in love," Christopher told them by the end, asking if he could play Fortnite in almost the same breath.
Hiding their relationship can be a little stressful, is the thing. Eddie barely remembers how he behaved before they finally pulled their heads out of their asses. He never quite knows if he's allowed to touch Buck in a certain moment or if it will cause suspicion.
Pulling Buck aside to kiss him at work, though, that's something he loves about this. Buck already makes his heart beat faster any time he sees him, but the danger of being caught gets his adrenaline pumping in the most delicious way.
Their shift is almost over and they're both dead on their feet, but Eddie can't handle another second without kissing Buck. No one seems to be around so Eddie, pulls him behind the firetruck and then presses him up against it.
Buck's hands come up to cradle his jaw, reeling him in until their lips finally touch and Eddie gets the kiss he's been craving. His hands find Buck's waist, fingers itching to untuck the uniform and touch bare skin.
He'll never get tired of kissing Buck. The fullness of his lips, the passion as he tries to get rid of any space between them. Kissing Buck always feels like drowning in the best way, and Eddie didn't think he'd ever say something like that.
Fingers find their way under his t-shirt, ice-cold and featherlight as they trail up his ribs. Eddie presses in closer and tries to shove his leg between Buck's thighs.
It's a good thing the firetruck is this big and hard to move because they're bumping against it over and over as they kiss.
Their tongues tangle together and Eddie presses in closer, one hand coming up to tangle in the hair at the back of Buck's head.
Eddie has to admit that whereas Buck kisses playfully, he likes to keep control a bit more. While Buck nips at his lips and teases him with his tongue, Eddie explores and takes over, leading wherever Buck will follow.
They're both breathing heavily at this point. Eddie pushes and Buck pushes back, rolls them over against the firetruck until he's looming over Eddie - even with his mere two inches of height advantage - and still kissing him thoroughly.
He doesn't just let that happen, giving it as good as he's got so that within seconds he has Buck with his back against the truck again.
Somewhere something falls, maybe a helmet or something else entirely. They barely even react, even if it means someone could come down here and find them.
"Hm, wait, wait," Eddie murmurs against Buck's lips, the words practically swallowed by his boyfriend. It's a struggle to pull away, to let go of his boyfriend. " Buck, we should stop, we gotta stop."
He finally manages to pull back, putting an arm's length distance between them in hopes that he won't be tempted to go back in for another kiss.
"Maybe we should put some boundaries on making out at work," he sighs.
Buck is panting just as hard as Eddie is, chest heaving under his tight uniform, and his cheeks flushed the prettiest pink. His lips are red and kiss-bitten and Eddie really doesn't understand how no one has realized what's going on between them.
"Thought you were into it."
The bastard is grinning, so satisfied with the effect he has on Eddie. It's so tempting to reel him in again, keep kissing those perfect lips, but the chance of them being caught is too big.
"Buck, you look like you got ravaged by someone and I probably don't look much better," Eddie says with a roll of his eyes, and he runs a hand through his undoubtedly messy hair. "They're gonna find out."
Buck does that little head-tilt that makes him look adorable and he lets out a heavy sigh.
"Yeah, you're probably right," he mumbles, but he ducks forward to press a quick kiss to Eddie's lips. "Gotta have one for the road, though."
Eddie stares after him as he saunters off, and the sway of his hips is definitely on purpose. One day that man will be the death of him.
send me prompts!
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universitypenguin · 3 years
Steve Rogers - Sex Headcanon
Warnings: Smut, Light bondage, NSFW, 18+
Word Count: Too long, as usual.
First of all, Steve Rogers loves sex. 
He’s a bit touch starved after waiting for the right woman, but when he finds you and things move into the physical affection stage, he’s all over you.
During sex, Steve loves that he can pick you up with little effort
He likes doing it against the wall
Standing, almost any position
Likes that he can hold your hips still even when you start to squirm when he hits the right spots
In general, holding onto your hips, your butt, and even when he gets to curl his hands around to grasp your inner thighs, Steve is thrilled. Captain America is an ass man.
He loves your legs too, though.
Likes to pin you down for prone bone.
He hates to admit how much using his strength against you turns him on.
But you love it too and when he realizes that you like the same positions he does, it gets more intense.
Like, he’ll pick you up while he’s standing and lift you to his shoulders, draping your legs over his shoulders to eat you out.
When Steve learns that you not only can orgasm multiple times, but that you enjoy it, he starts to let go a bit more.
At first he was careful in bed. He kept things slow and gentle, not being entirely sure of his strength. But once he gets comfortable…
He goes feral
It starts when you ask him to tie you up. The idea is only familiar to him from Tony and Thor’s jokes about 50 Shades of Gray.
Steve hates 50 Shades of Gray. He thinks Christian is an ass who doesn’t respect women.
But back to the topic: bondage. He’s willing to hear you out about why you want that. And eventually, he says yes.
The conversation about bondage goes like this:
You’ve never done bondage before. Despite having several past relationships and experiences, you’ve never trusted a man like that. Erotica tastes aside, reality is a beast of its own.
And without the feeling of complete safety that Steve Rogers inspires in your heart, you won’t have even brought it up.
But you trust him without reservations.
The idea of bondage for you is totally psychological. To have your hands restrained and be blind folded takes the pressure off of you. Sometimes your mind starts going during sex and it ruins your enjoyment.
It’s not like you’re thinking about the groceries or anything, just that you start planning your next move. Should you kiss him now, or do you need to moan louder? Does your moaning sound like a dying cat? Maybe you should keep it down.
So the blind fold is important.
And you don’t want to be able to move because you’d try to plan that too. Sometimes you put a lot of pressure on situations to be perfect. Perfect because you made it perfect, you mean. Your expectations are of yourself.
This is one reason you hate not being able to achieve orgasm. That matters to Steve a lot and he always but your pleasure first. The man is selfless and sweet. And when your mind decides to shut down the orgasm buttons, you hate disappointing him.
Steve is sold on the idea of bondage once he understands that it’s only an option because you feel safe with him. And he likes being the only person you’d trust to be this vulnerable with. All the 50 Shades objections vanish for him once you explain that part.
When you tell him that your struggles orgasming sometimes are from your own pressures to be good in bed, he gets it.
He loves that about you, your desire to please him and make things good. It motivates him to accept the offer of bondage.
Because it makes perfect sense that being forced to be the recipient and having control stripped away would fix that for you.
Steve says that you’ll have to let him make the plan. Which is *so* Steve Rogers it’s almost funny.
On a random Tuesday you get dinner with a friend and come home late. The lights are off which is weird because you expected Steve to be home. When you step inside you call out for him but no reply. Kicking off your shoes you wander to the kitchen and when you reach for the light switch, a hand grabs your wrist.
You give a small scream as a body presses you into the wall. Then you recognize the feel and the scent of his aftershave.
Steve has you pinned to the wall, wrists on either side of your head, feet spread apart and his big body caging you in.
It’s happening. It’s so happening. And you feel thrilled and scared and outrageously excited.
He’s excited too, you can feel it pressing into your back. The man’s been planning and fantasizing, clearly.
“Do you still want this, honey?”
His first words to you are the reason that you want this. It warms your heart at the same time your panties are growing wet.
“Yes, Steve. So much. Please.”
He rolls his hips, pressing his body against you and you can’t control the moan that passes your lips.
“Red means we stop. Yellow is slow down. If I’m going to do something that I think you need to consent to, I’ll ask ‘is this okay?’ and you’re going to say “Green” if you want it. Understand?
“Pick a safe word, doll.”
Eagle is your safe word. Your mind just liked the whole patriotic motif, you supposed.
Once the ground rules are laid out, Steve turns you around and with a tap on the curve of your ass, signals you to jump up.
With your legs around his waist and arms curled around his neck, he carried you upstairs to the bed.
Blindfold goes on first. Then cuffs that are lined with something soft that feels like shearling.
You know without asking that he picked them because he thought handcuffs would be too aggressive. Again, your heart flips.
“I’m going to push you, baby. I want you to wring every bit of enjoyment you can out of this. I’m going to make you come hard. You with me on that?”
You’re with him. You’ve waited a long time to try this.
“I have a plan for aftercare too,” he says.
And that’s your first hint that he’s about to go feral on you like he sometimes does when he’s keyed up from a mission.
Steve Rogers has freaking stamina for days. The man could kill you with sex if he wanted to.
(His sex drive is high… all that waiting for the right girl makes a man horny)
He undoes the halter tie of your dress and pull it down, slipping it over your legs.
He uses his mouth first. And it’s frustrating that he left your panties on. 
(The outfit was something he’d suggested. You’d thought he just liked the sundress and had been complimented when he’d said you’d look great in it today. Now it was clear he’d been planning all day. Probably longer.)
He’s been planning since the night you told him two weeks ago. Before the conversation was even over. You felt safe enough with him to ask for such a private and vulnerable fantasy and that turned him on in a mental way he can’t even explain.
So he starts by teasing you.
He kisses your mouth, slow and sensual. His tongue flicks against yours but never quite for as long as you’d like. And he knows how you like it by this point in the relationship. So you’re well aware he’s teasing you.
His mouth begins to wander to your neck and he laps at the sensitive spot. Your thighs clench in response. You’re soaked now, so wet it’s a little bit embarrassing.
He finally finds your breast with his mouth, taking an aching bud in his mouth and drawing on it. Softly. Gently. Lapping and teasing without the friction you needed to enjoy it.
Your breath came in pants now and you spread your legs to open yourself to encourage him to continue. Because there’s somewhere else that really needs attention.
Instead he turns to the other breast and gives it the same attention. Slower. And softer. Stroking with his tongue until your nipple was painfully tight.
His hand trailed up to cup the breast he wasn’t sucking on. The pad of his thumb made teasing circles and you moaned, arching your back into his mouth.
He chuckled and released the aching bud with a pop. Fingertips swirled the nipple he’d just abandoned, coating it with his saliva. He pinch it just right and your hips jerked.
Arousal was a living breathing thing inside your body now, clawing at your lower belly, turning breath into unsteady pants.
“How are you doing, baby?”
The bastard knew you were dying. Sweat was starting to burst from your pores. Your entire body was hot with need.
“Please, Steve…”
“Mmmhh? What do you need, doll?”
“I need your to touch me.”
“My pussy. I’m so wet for you, please touch me. Get inside of me.”
He purred. This was the moment you realized that you’d created a monster. Because he was getting off on the power play.
(This wasn’t actually when the monster was officially created. No, that would be later when you were done and he got to see your dazed face and tear filled eyes from the magnitude of what he’d drawn your body.)
He let go of the nipple and flattened his palm on your ribs, sliding it down inch by inch until he paused on your low belly.
He toyed with the band of your panties.
“You’re wet for me? Does this needy pussy want my fingers or my mouth?”
He laughed again. But he went ahead, so it was worth it.
And heaven help you, there were fireworks. The bondage was working wonders for your mental need to be out of control. But Steve took it higher when he forced your legs wide and pinned them to the mattress.
And while spin class workouts did amazing things for your thighs, nothing topped super soldier strength. You were stuck. Legs pushed flat to the bed, hands cuffed to the head board and nothing stopping the extremity turned on man with his head between your legs.
He lied about giving your his mouth and fingers. At first he only used his mouth on your clit, licking around it, touching the tip of his tongue over it in slow flicks, then finally, finally, sucking.
Your body seized at the shock of pleasure, white hot and raw jerking through nerve endings frayed from lack of fulfillment.
He knew what pitch he needed to hear you moan at before he added his fingers.
He knew it because Steve Rogers is a man who studies all the angles of a situation and knows his enemy. Or in this case, knows his lover.
He rubs at your G-spot with the pad of his finger and you scream.
Your head falls back on the pillow and tears start to flow because it’s not enough.
“More, oh, please. Steve, I need-“
He growls. “I know what you need, babydoll. And I’ll give it to you when you’re a good girl and you hold back that orgasm for me. I don’t want you to come yet. Don’t you dare come. If you do I’m going to have to take you over my knee.”
Just the idea of him spanking you almost makes you lose it.
He backs off the intensity. And you start to sob from the brutal frustration of being taken so high and left without release.
His name begins to fall from your lips like a litany, as you start to beg.
“Steve! Please, I want to come!”
“Not yet. Hold back. You be my good girl and hold back. I don’t want to spank that sweet behind until it’s red, but I’ll do it.”
Your scream is gargled by a wave of pleasure that makes your whole body roll as it rips through you from head to toe.
“Let me come, damn it!”
Smack. He’s light and there’s a sting on your right inner thigh.
“Hold. It. Back!”
Screams become sobs. You can’t hold still. You’re fighting the restraints and trying to move but he’s not allowing it. All you can do is clench around his fingers and cry.
“Come for me, baby.”
Release floods you in a second when he gives permission.
The cord of tension snaps. Your muscles lock. The scream you felt building is nowhere to be found. Your voice disappears in the violence of the orgasm. It’s totally silent as your body takes control.
Your channel clamps down around his fingers. The orgasm pulses through your body like being set on fire.
Then you scream. And the muscles that had gone stiff suddenly quiver with release.
If Steve hadn’t held you down through it you’d have been snapping your hips and arching into the sensations, away from them.
He keeps going, pushing you through it until the orgasm is finished.
Then you cry.
Honestly crying, because of the intensity of the release.
You’d expected to get off. You hadn’t guessed that you would get obliterated by the world’s most intense orgasm.
Steve immediately crawls up and takes off the blind fold.
“It’s okay, doll. I’m here. You’re okay, you’re safe. Hold on to me.”
You move, trying to reciprocate when his arms go around you, but they’re still cuffed.
This makes you cry harder.
Steve rips them open, letting you free.
And then you’re in his arms and you can cry properly.
He rolls over with you in his arms, one arm tight around your waist, the other cupping the back of your head.
What shocks you is that he’s not nervous, apologizing, or asking if you’re hurt. He’s petting you and whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
“It’s okay, baby. Let it out. I’m right here, not goin’ anywhere. Hold on to me, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
The warm hand moving over your back is a delicious comfort. Almost as good as being held to the strong chest by arms thicker than most people’s legs.
When the storm of emotions passes, you blink up as Steve, a bit confused.
His smile is gentle and his eyes are filled with warmth.
“I did my research. You came down from that hard, didn’t you?”
Your answering “yeah,” is slurred.
He kisses your forehead. If you weren’t already boneless from your release, that would have finished you off.
“You were such a good girl for me. I can’t wait to do this again.”
With a tired smile you arch an eyebrow.
“But we can’t be done. I haven’t had you inside of me yet, soldier.”
Steve’s eyes go wide at the remark and you smirk.
“I still need you to fuck me, baby. I need to feel you finish on top of me and collapse into my arms. Please.”
You said please. And if he didn’t get assist a lady who needed his help, what kind of a hero was he?
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raindownforme · 3 years
omg omg ok ok so maybe for a request charlie and the reader and how they interact as streamers?? like a friends to lovers au but you can tell how they fall in love through all their interactions online & in games (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
like for example whenever they play on the smp charlie only reaaallly wants to help the reader and when anyone else asks he’s like hm? what? IT JUST SEEMED CUTE IN MY HEAD ☹️💌
Charlie slimecicle x reader [they/them used]
“Hello twitchers.” y/n smiled into the face cam, watching the chat fly by a mile a minute. They knew they’d draw in a larger audience today, it being their first official stream on the Dream SMP. They loaded up the game, spawning in a wooded area surrounded by cobblestone. “Alright where do we- hello?”
y/n leaned closer to the screen. They could see someone standing behind a tree. Someone in glasses and green blotchy skin. They typed into the in-game chat, trying to get who ever it was to come closer. Thankfully they did, revealing a character named Slimecicle. y/n looked over to the discord server, pulling themselves into a voice channel with the mystery person.
“Hi there!” Slimecicle’s voice rang through y/n’s headphones and they smiled. They liked the sound of his voice. “Im Charlie. Welcome.”
“Thanks. Do you know how to get anywhere?”
“Yeah!” Charlie’s character jumped as y/n followed after him. Charlie led them to a snowy mountainside that had been covered with sand. Someone had built a white mansion and several other buildings, including a fountain and a tall tower. “This is where I live.”
“This mansion?” y/n panned to look around the mountainside. They glanced over to watch their chat fly by.
“No I just live in the country in general. Las Nevadas!” Charlie jumped up and down, punching y/n in a friendly manner. “Oh are you hungry? I have food!”
Charlie’s character threw a stack of lamb chops at y/n. They smiled at him, then quickly realized he couldn’t see them. “Thanks! Where is this by the way.”
“Only the best country ever. It’s Las Nevadas! Do you want to live here?”
“Sure!” y/n followed as Charlie ran around. He showed them all around the country; the casino, the strip club, the restaurant, and even the garden. “Charlie this is so cool!”
“I know!” Charlie jumped up and down in a circle. “I’m not the guy who owns it but I’m sure he’d like to meet you.”
“Oh.” y/n paused, biting their cheek. “Will he be okay with me being here?”
“Of course he will. It’s Quackity! Let’s find you somewhere to live.” y/n followed Charlie to the tall white tower. He led them behind it to a flat plot of sand. “Here! We’ll be neighbors.”
“Awesome. I don’t have anything to build with yet but-“
“Oh here!” Charlie ran into the base of the tower, coming back 30 seconds later. He threw two stacks of oak logs to y/n. “Is this what you needed?”
“I- yeah. That’s a lot of wood.”
“I want you to have it!”
y/n smiled bashfully, trying to swallow the heat rising to their cheeks. They could see their twitch chat running by with messages asking if it was lore or cannon. “Here. Take this then.”
Charlie marveled at the flower y/n had tossed him, a blue cornflower. He smiled, holding a hand over his mouth to hide from the prying eyes of his own twitch chat. “Thank you.”
y/n began running around the plot, randomly placing oak planks to make a frame for their house. They tossed Charlie some planks, allowing him to help build up the home. They continued beholding for another half an hour, allowing y/n to have a gorgeous one story home with room for storage and supplies.
“Thanks for all your help today.”
“Of course! Do I get to see you again?”
y/n smiled, glancing over at discord to make sure they’d requested to be friends with Charlie. “Of course! I’ll see you around the server?”
y/n and Charlie saw each other quite often around the server. y/n logged on, Charlie was there. They’d spend hours in the game mining together, building structures, hunting. It went on months of them interacting in streams and lore exclusively.
“You can’t do this Quackity.” y/n spoke slowly. They’d been practicing the recording for this lore for weeks now, and thank god it wasn’t live. “I trust you, and I’m glad we’re friends, but this? Burning it all? What will that do for you. What will any of this do for you?”
“I know you haven’t been here as long, but this is my fucking country. It’s my fucking war. Who the hell are you to think you have any understanding of this? And ideas?”
“Because this isn’t how it works. This isn’t going to work. How many times have you tried this and it just hasn’t happened or you? I don’t know, maybe think about Schlatt? Or Technoblade?”
Quackity froze, being eerily silent. y/n glanced over at the script, making sure nothing was missed. “How do you know about that? Who told you about that?” Quackity’s character ran forward with a diamond sword in hand. “That is none of your business.”
“It’s none of your business how I know.” y/n backed away from Quackity as he walked closer. “I may not have been here long but I have friends.”
“What friends you have-“ he paused, realization setting in. “You have Slime. My friend.”
Quackity came at y/n swinging, they tried to fight back, blocking with a shield and iron sword. “Quackity enough! This isn’t what you want! Quackity please-“
y/n stopped, holding a breath and muting their mic. Quackity had landed the final blow, taking their first cannon life. They moved slightly away from their set up, making sure to not touch any keys. They knew Quackity was still recording, and Charlie’s part was coming soon.
Quackity panted. Taking a shaky breath. “Fuck. Okay. God I can’t believe-“ y/n waited expectantly. Quackity’s pause meant that he saw Charlie. “Oh. Hey bud.”
“Quackity from Las Nevadas.” Charlie almost sounded like he was crying. “What did you do?”
“Slime, you don’t understand, they knew more than they should-“
“So you killed them?” Quackity was quiet. y/n silently cheered to themselves, proud of both Charlie and Quackity’s acting. “You- you took my friend. You took my friend away and- are they coming back? Is y/n coming back?”
“Slime, I took one life. It doesn’t matter. They don’t matter. They didn’t care about Las Nevadas, not like we do.” y/n could hear Quackity’s character moving from his audio in the discord call. “It’s you and me Slime, my best friend.”
“No?” y/n looked over the shared script, searching for what part was happening. They hadn’t read this far ahead. “What do you mean no?”
“I cared about y/n. They were my friend. This is not how you treat a friend.”
“And how would you know?”
“Because I know Quackity. I know.”
Charlie and Quackity came to a halt, waiting a moment before speaking again. “That was great!” y/n exited the Minecraft world, turning their full attention to the discord call. Quackity had his camera on, smiling, but Charlie still kept his camera off. “Was there anything else to record today?”
“No that’s it.” There was some clicking from Quackity’s end. “Thanks again. I’ll talk to you later?”
“Yeah, later.”
Quackity exited the discord call, leaving Charlie and y/n in silence. Charlie cleared his throat, turning on his camera. His room was lit by just the lights behind his set up, casting his shadow over the shelves of stuffed toys and collectibles behind him. “Hey.”
“Hey!” y/n felt their face grow warm slightly. “I didn’t realize there was that much more to the script.”
y/n chewed the inside of their cheek. It almost sounded like Charlie was disappointed. “Are you okay? You sound upset.”
“I just-“ Charlie paused, resting his chin on his propped-up hands. “What do we do now? I don’t want to stop playing minecraft with you.”
“Charlie we don’t have to stop. Just because the lore goes one way doesn’t mean that we can’t interact.”
“But continuity-“
“You’re thinking like DnD.” y/n smiled gently at him. “If you still want to play together we can, it’ll just be like a secret. Or we can do our own lore. I’m sure if we talk to everyone about it me and you can write something.” Charlie didn’t say anything, and they frowned. “Is there something else?”
“I kind wish they didn’t kill you so early. I’ve still got my lives.”
“Maybe Quackity will kill you next.”
“That’s not-“ Charlie huffed, running a hand through his hair. “I like the character dynamic. I like us interacting. I like us.”
y/n paused, their face burning. They’d be lying if they said they hadn’t thought about the dynamic between themself and Charlie. The clips of them talking on late night streams. The fan-art all over Twitter. The edits recommended to them on Instagram. Hell, they thought about it even without seeing any prompted content. Charlie was on their mind most of the day. They’d constantly find themselves checking twitch to see if he was live or discord to see if he was active. Charlie had become a constant in y/n’s life and they indulged themself in it. “I like the dynamic too.”
“Well we don’t have that dynamic if you stop being part of Las Nevadas. There isn’t us.”
“Charlie, what are you talking about?”
“I’ve been— fucking— I’ve been using this stupid server to get closer to you. I thought that maybe you liked us the way that I liked us and I- I don’t know what I’m doing now.” Charlie rubbed his hands over his eyes. “I just didn’t want you to go.”
“Charlie I’m not going anywhere. I like us too.”
“You do?” Charlie perked up a bit, seeming more enthusiastic.
“Just cause we write lore doesn’t mean it affects us. Here, watch this.” y/n went onto the shared script, hoping Charlie still had it open, and began to type. They wrote about how y/n would possibly live alone in the woods on the outskirts of Las Nevadas, staying close to Charlie.
They could see Charlie smile on the other end of the call, then emit the sound of keys tapping. y/n watched as the words appeared on the page: Charlie tells y/n how he feels.
y/n gasped and turned back to the discord call. “I wanted to tell you soon. I guess I didn’t realize how upset the recording would make me.”
“Charlie, how long have you had a crush on me?”
“Uh, remember your first day?” y/n nodded eagerly. “Yeah. Probably about there.”
y/n turned back to the shared document, typing furiously. “It’s a good thing I like you too.”
Charlie smiled widely at the words; y/n returns his affection. He smiled at the discord call, resting his face in his hands. “Well then, what’s next for our lore darling?”
y/n chuckled, going back to open minecraft. “Help me make a new house.”
“Only if my bed can be next to yours.”
They could hear Charlie tapping on his keyboard as he loaded in the game. “I know we haven’t met in person, but I’m serious. I like you.”
“And I’m serious. I like you too.” y/n looked at Charlie’s character on their screen. “It does kind of suck we’ve never met but that doesn’t mean-“
“I bought a ticket.”
“W-what? What kind of ticket?”
“A plane ticket. For next week. I mean if that’s okay. I can still cancel it.”
“No! I mean yes. I’d be delighted to have you come over Charlie.” y/n felt their smile soften.
“Can I still have a bed then?”
“Yes!” y/n laughed, going back to the game. They placed two beds side-by-side in the open air. “How’s this?”
“Better.” Charlie’s character went to stand on one of the beds. “Maybe we can write something different- oh.”
y/n looked at the document. Quackity had left them a comment on their new writing, telling them to flirt elsewhere. “Well, I guess he had a point.”
“Back to the game then darling?”
y/n smiled bashfully at the nickname. “Back to the game.”
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fruitymimi · 4 years
five nights.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
pairing; eren jeager x princess!reader (modern royalty au)
rating; explicit. minors dni. all characters are 18+ and you should be too.
word count; 2.1k
warnings; please read them all. arranged marriage, mean eren, reader is kind of innocent, slight corruption kink, pet names (princess, good girl), loss of virginity / virginity kink, possessiveness, spitting, slight size kink
summary; the princess of wall maria is set to marry the cocky youngest son of the royal family of wall rose, eren jeager, in 5 days.
💭; new fic format !! this ones not dark, but i feel as though i should mention that this may not be for everyone.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆   。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
“I don’t understand what the problem is,” Eren popped one of the grapes into his mouth, his eyes trained on his father, “I was only a couple minutes late, who cares?” he shrugged.
Grisha couldn’t believe what he was hearing from his son. His ears burned an angry red as he listened to him, the embarrassment sinking in finally.
In preparation for the wedding between the two young royals, Y/N’s family graciously invited the Jeagers to stay the five nights in their castle, as their own was a far, tedious drive. So, in hopes of bringing the two closer, they were given the “opportunity” to spend five days together to become aquatinted with one another and prepare for their marriage.
“The King and Queen of the Maria kingdom had given us this opportunity to connect with them and get to know Y/N and you came to dinner late. You’re embarrassing our family.”
Eren blinked at his father, “What exactly do you want me to do...? She doesn’t want to talk to me,” he pointed at Y/N, who was watching the whole conversation go down with wide eyes.
“Why don’t you show him around, Y/N?” Her father piped in, cutting the conversation short to avoid any further arguments.
Eren looked over to her, standing out of his seat. “I would love that, Princess,” he extended his arm for her to grab onto, the word rolling off his tongue.
She hesitantly wrapped her arm around his, leading him out of the dining room. “This way,” she said, watching as the guards pushed open the large, obnoxious doors.
“This is my father’s office. I’m not really allowed in this room,” she pointed towards the room, looking up at Eren.
He looked unamused, like he wasn’t at all interested in this house tour. “Why aren’t you allowed in here? Don’t you live here?” Eren furrowed his brows.
Y/N blinked, gently pulling him away from the room. “I dunno. He says it’s just his room. Not even my mom is allowed in there,” she giggled, “But it’s whatever, just his... boring king stuff. Whatever he does during the day-“
“Show me your room.” Eren cut her off.
She looked up at him, tilting her head. “My room is on the next floor, we aren’t finished with this one yet..”
“You know, Princess,” there he goes again, “You sure do talk a lot.” He said it with ease, the insult falling out of his mouth as if it was normal to speak to a princess in that tone! Especially in her own castle!
She was quiet for a little, biting down on her bottom lip. “I’m talking about the tour, Eren.” No one had ever spoken to her this way. Not her parents, not a servant, not a low-born, and damn sure not a snobby prince.
“Do you really want to take me on a tour of your whole castle? Doesn’t this get boring to you?” Eren nudged her arm that was tucked into his.
She looked at the floor. “I mean, I guess it does,” she led him to the stairs, walking up them slowly, careful not to trip over her dress.
She pushed open the door to her room, looking around to see if anyone was on that floor before she let him into her room.
And my god, it looked just like a princesses room.
Eren bit back a smile, letting Y/N’s arm go as he explored the big room.
“Don’t break anything,” she warned, standing in the doorway awkwardly. As if it wasn’t her own room, “My maid just cleaned here.”
“I’m not gonna break anything, Y/N.” he assured her, looking at the many pictures she had on the walls.
As he was looking around her room, Y/N’s palms grew sweaty. What would her family think if they knew Eren was snooping around her room before the two were wedded? “We’ve got to finish the tour now, Eren.”
He looked over at her, “What’s the rush, sweetheart? We just got in here,” he walked to her bed, patting the spot beside her, “I wanna sit and talk to you before we have to go back. I wanna get to know you without a guard breathing down our necks,” he chuckled.
She sighed, pushing the door shut. “I suppose you’re right,” she walked over to him, pausing in front of his legs. “Don’t you think we should sit somewhere else? Maybe on the chairs in that corner? The bed is for sleeping-“
Eren took ahold of her hand, tugging her down to have her seated beside her. “Mm, no. We’ll be married soon. We should be comfortable enough to talk anywhere, right?” His hand wrapping around her lower back.
Her breath caught in her throat, “Yeah...” She said, scooting in a bit closer to him. Something about being so close to him lit a fire in her.
Eren smiled, looking down at her. “Good girl,” he praised, his thumb rubbing against her clothed side. “Tell me if something makes you uncomfortable, Princess.” he told her, his once free hand sliding up her torso, smoothing over her chest.
She nodded her head, pressing into his hands. “I will,” she told him.
Eren hummed, his lips pressing against hers. He could taste the wine they’d served at dinner, his tongue swiping over her soft and plump lips.
Being so close to him sent an adrenaline rush throughout her body. The thought of one of the servants walking in to see her desperately kissing her soon-to-be husband with her clothed chest pressed against his hands just excited her beyond belief. It’s something she’d never done before, hell, she doesn’t even remember having any male friends.
“Can I unzip this?” he asked, tugging at her tight dress, “I wanna see your pretty body.” He pulled down the zipper when she nodded, helping her out of the sleeves. He unfastened her bra, “Lay down for me, Princess.”
She did as he said, watching his movements. Eren’s tongue latched around her nipple, flicking over the sensitive bud. He loved the way her back instantly arched into him.
He looked up at her, watching her eyes flutter closed. “Let me get you out of this dress,” he tugged it off of her, gently placing it on the bedside. “You’re so fucking sexy, Princess,” he kissed down her body, stopping at her panties. He pulled them down her legs, spreading them open on the bed.
Eren darted his tongue out, running it between her folds. He hummed at her taste, planting a kiss on her sensitive clit. “Your pretty cunt tastes sweet,” he let out a chuckle.
He looked so gorgeous. His piercing eyes lazily looked up at her, his pink lips wrapped around her clit, cheeks blushed a pretty shade of red.
She rocked her hips against Eren’s tongue, gasping from the sensation.
“Has anyone played with you down here before? Hm?” he asked her, his finger pressing against her hole.
She shook her head, her eyes closing shut as his finger sunk into her pussy.
Eren nodded, flicking his tongue against her clit. “I get to claim this pretty cunt and make you all mine, huh?” he began to move his finger, watching it disappear inside of her.
He slid another into her, thrusting the two fingers in and out of her dripping pussy. “My good girl... Think you can cum just from my fingers and my tongue?” He asked her.
She nodded her head eagerly, her thighs daring to close around his head. He was taking such good care of her, making sure she was comfortable and felt every flick of his tongue, every drag of his fingers, each time he pressed the pads of his digits against that spongy sensitive area, the pleasure building up in her stomach.
She clenched around his fingers, bucking her hips. “I’m gonna-“ she cut herself off with a quiet whimper, “I’m gonna cum!” she covered her mouth.
“Cum for me. Cum all over my tongue, baby. Be my good girl.” he told her, his eyes fluttering shut.
Her orgasm took over, her body shaking as she felt her release gush around his fingers. Her mind went blank, the only thing she could think about was Eren’s skilled fingers and tongue stimulating her cunt in the best way possible, guiding her through her orgasm.
After she’d calmed down, Eren pulled out his fingers. He pressed them against her lips, biting down on his lip. “Open,” he told her, watching her lips wrap around his fingers, “Good girl... I can’t wait to bury myself inside of your cunt, have you stretched around my cock..” he kissed her forehead, pulling his fingers from her mouth. He placed an open-mouthed kiss on her lips, tasting her cum on her tongue.
She helped him out of his suit, placing it beside her dress to avoid wrinkles. She just wanted to touch. To run her hands down Eren’s pretty body, make sure she’s felt every inch of him. But she was so desperate to feel the stretch of his cock that she couldn’t wait.
He rubbed his tip against her folds, gathering her slick against his dick. “Don’t make too much noise, okay? Don’t want someone to hear me fucking the pretty princess, hm?” he teased, kisses trailing down to her neck.
He licked over the skin, teeth sucking a pretty mark onto the sensitive flesh. He slowly pushed his cock into her tight cunt, his eyes fluttering shut at the feeling.
She clasped a hand over her mouth, nails digging into his back, decorating the now broken skin with red scars.
He moaned at the feeling. “I’m surprised you could take me. Your pussy’s so fucking greedy, too... You’re so fucking sexy. And you’re taking me so well...” Eren bottomed out, the sounds of her gasps and whimpers only egging him on.
“You feel so fucking good, Eren... I want you to fuck me so badly...” she whined, throwing her head back.
“Tell me when I can move, ‘kay?” he whispered, voice sweet as he rubbed soothing circles on her stomach as he waited.
She nodded, clenching around him. “You can— fuck, you can move..” she told him, gripping onto his shoulders with both hands this time.
Eren started a slow pace, hands holding her hips. Eren looked down at his cock where it met her hole, watching her cunt flutter and swallow him in greedily. “Don’t think I’ll ever get over how beautiful you are...” he kissed her lips once more.
She gave a lazy smile, her head thrown back in ecstasy. “Faster, please..” she begged him, opening her eyes just to look at him as he fucked into her.
Eren did as she wanted, speeding up his pace. He reached a hand down, fingers finding her clit. He rubbed circles against the bud, admiring how pretty the princess was as she got stretched on his fat cock.
She moaned out, “Eren... I’m close..” she whispered, clenching around him. Her orgasm rocked through her body, her cunt spasming around him.
Eren licked his lips, pulling out of her. “Sit up, Princess,” he said, sitting down on the bed. He laid back, “get on my lap, I want you to ride my cock.” he told her, arms open for her to get into.
She did as he said, sinking down on his cock with a quiet cry. “It’s so good, your cock’s so big..” she whined, bouncing her hips up and down with his guidance.
His hands were tightly gripping her hips, helping her move up and down along his dick. Eren looked up at her, biting down on his lip, face beet red.
“I’m getting close, Princess. I want you to cum around my cock again,” He said, bucking his hips into her, “You squeeze around me so well... Fuck, I can’t wait to marry you, you’re gonna be all mine..” he panted out, grinding her pussy against his cock.
She arched her back, moaning out his name. “I wanna cum with you.” she said, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.
Finally, they’d came together. Both of them riding out their orgasms. He held onto her body, loving the heat their bodies radiated together. They caught their breath, Erens arms wrapped tightly around her.
“We should get cleaned up, Princess,” he said, looking up at her after awhile, “Everyone’s gonna worry about where we are,” he chuckled, rubbing his hands against her back, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple.
Maybe these five days wouldn’t be too bad.
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onestowatch · 3 years
19 LGBTQIA+ Artists You Need to Listen to This PRIDE
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PRIDE is all about self-empowerment and self-determination. It’s about not just being comfortable with who you are but showing the world that there is pride to be found in being unapologetically you. And that’s why, this PRIDE, we wanted to shine a light on a small handful of our favorite LGBTQIA+ artists. Ranging from rapturous hyperpop, revelatory bossa nova meditations, romantic rave music, and everywhere in between, these are 19 LGBTQIA+ artists who deserve a spot on your PRIDE playlist and every playlist for that matter. 
girl in red
In her debut single, “i wanna be your girlfriend,” a teenage girl in red unapologetically sings of young queer love over a mesh of lofi production and jangly instrumentation that would come to define much of the bedroom pop genre. It is a standout moment of unrelenting honesty, and a serenely simple three-minute confession that would go on to strike a chord with millions who were afraid of what it meant to be something more than friends. Now, a few years later and following the release of her critically-acclaimed debut album, if i could make it go quiet, Ulven still writes with that same emotional honesty, putting forth every ounce of herself for the world to see. 
Meet Me @ The Altar
“the little lonely black alt girl i was in the 00s is living rn, she never even dared to hope she might see this 💖💖,” reads the top comment on Meet Me @ The Altar’s music video for their single “Garden.” It is a sentiment shared by much of the rising band’s fanbase, who are used to the mainstream alternative scene championing cis white males. Existing in the space between pop-punk and hardcore, Meet Me @ The Altar exists to challenge the notion that queer women of color don’t have a place in punk. And after penning a record deal with Fueled By Ramen, home to the likes of Paramore, Panic! at the Disco, and nearly every pop-punk band that made up your middle school playlist, chances are this is just the beginning for our new favorite punks.
For Lily Lizotte, better known as THE BLOSSOM, music exists as the synthesis and subsequent recontextualization of a host of past experiences. From the sound of their dad belting away in his home studio to stumbling upon niche Internet subgenres, THE BLOSSOM transforms all this and more into a sound that is instantly recognizable but impossible to perfectly place. The culmination of this host of influences takes sweeping sonic form on their debut EP, ‘97 BLOSSOM, a perfectly imperfect introduction to one of the most fascinating rising artists of recent memory.
You may recognize BIMINI as Bimini Bon-Boulash, the runner-up on the second season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK. And now you should familiarize yourself with Bimini, brit-pop extraordinaire. Releasing their debut single “God Save This Queen” earlier this June, Bimini deftly channels late ‘90s brit-pop and punk to deliver a single that has us absolutely living for the ensuing chaos. Serving up multiple looks throughout its eye-catching music video, “God Save This Queen” is not just a non-binary anthem but a veritable 2021 lookbook.
Hope Tala
With a sound that falls somewhere between turn-of-the-century R&B and bossa nova, Hope Tala’s music is expectedly a dream given sonic form. Perhaps that’s why much of the UK singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist’s music is able to so deftly weave imagery of love, heartache, and teenage fistfights into tightknit tracks that feel simultaneously transcendental and deeply personal. And with the release of her 2020 EP, Girl Eats the Sun, Hope Tala poses one all-important question, “Why have a life if you’re not going to do something crazy and make a difference in the world?” 
chloe moriondo
For much of chloe moriondo’s avid fanbase, watching her transform from budding ukulele sensation to pop-punk phenom very much meant watching her grow up. Getting her start on YouTube, moriondo's fanbase witnessed her evolve as both an artist and person. Coming out in the aptly titled “a ramble about self identity, growth, and being a lesbian,” to be a fan of the artist often feels like trading secrets with a close personal friend. It is a sentiment that rings all the more true upon delving into her debut album, Blood Bunny. Grappling with coming-of-age at the axis of empathic pop and euphoric pop-punk, Blood Bunny sees moriondo taking yet another impressive step forward.
Little is known about Godford beyond what can be garnered from a handful of interviews online and his succinct Spotify bio, and chances are he’s happier that way. The anonymous DJ and producer aims to make non-binary music that exists outside of the confines of genres, overly-simplified classifications, and even himself. What is important are the emotions his music hold and what his listeners take away. Fusing romanticism and rave in his debut album, Godford: Non Binary Place, the anonymous artist does just that. He provides a space that exists simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, like an ephemeral night spent out on the dancefloor with a stranger or close friend.
Joy Oladokun
Joy Oladokun is at the core of her music. It may at first glance appear to be a painfully obvious statement, but as her sincere songwriting seeps into every corner of your soul, it is a notion that becomes undeniable. In her major label debut, in defense of my own happiness, Oladokun writes with an unabashed authenticity, never turning a blind eye to the world around her. These shared reflections and recollections of life are often heartbreaking and uplifting in the same breath, but in their candidness, we can begin to piece together what it means to be human, imperfections and all.  
Allison Ponthier
Allison Ponthier may only have a handful of singles to her name, but her unmatched potential is clear as day. Raised in the outskirts of Dallas, Texas, Ponthier’s moving songwriting and emphatic vocal prowess speak to her country roots. Pair that country sensibility with some of the most pristine pop songwriting we have heard in quite some time, and you begin to understand just how exciting Ponthier is as a rising artist. With only two singles to date, there’s not much else we can say beyond do yourself a favor and play “Cowboy” on repeat.
Rina Sawayama
It feels like no hyperbole to call Rina Sawayama an inevitable pop icon. First garnering critical acclaim with singles like “Cherry” and her 2017 debut EP RINA, the Japanese-British singer-songwriter staked her name on her immaculate ability to capture all the glamour and larger-than-life appeal of early ‘00s pop. Building on what was a nostalgic yet forward-thinking vision, Sawayama returned with her 2020 eponymous full-length debut. From nu-metal, club beats, to veritable pop anthems, SAWAYAMA emerged as a genre-defying showcase of an avant-garde pop star.
Arlo Parks
Listening to Arlo Parks’ music is akin to sipping on a hot cup of chamomile tea as you watch the world slowly pass by your living room window. It is a testament to the British poet and singer-songwriter’s subtle yet beautiful way with words, the way in which each lyric serves as a glance into a tightly-held memory or passing observation. These poetic musings come to life in her debut album, Collapsed In Sunbeams, which layers lyrical revelations over some of the most tender R&B of recent memory. Parks’ is more than a must-listen; she feels like the birth of a new wave.
Claud has spent the past few years making a name for themselves in the indie pop world, and the culmination of it all arrives in their debut album, Super Monster. The acclaimed album sees Claud reckoning with coming-of-age and love with an irresistible charm. Pair that with a penchant for grounded, affective songwriting and infectious, dreamlike melodies and you have one of the best debuts of recent memory. In case you somehow need any further convincing that Claud is one to watch, Super Monster marks the debut release from Phoebe Bridgers’ Saddest Factory Records.
Equally as inspired by R&B and neo-soul as she is by her generation’s penchant for blurring genre lines, UMI and her music exist as a form of spiritual healing. Half-Black and half-Japanese, her work explores everything from identity to self-introspection, such as on the aptly-titled Introspection. It is a fondness for self-exploration that UMI delves headfirst into on her 2019 EP Love Language, a sublime blend of identity struggles, love, and anime that tackles the issue of always feeling like an other, never Black or Japanese enough.
Sad boy summer. It’s the simplest way to being explaining Joesef’s serene albeit somber sound. Emerging out of Glasgow, the quickly rising star often wears his still bleeding heart on his sleeve, even when the underlying sonics seem to be moving onto greener pastures. It is an exquisite balancing act that comes to life on his 2020 EP, Does It Make You Feel Good?. Blending elements of soft-spoken R&B, jazz, and ethereal pop, Joesef sets himself apart as an artist whose influences and appeal know no bounds.
Serena Isioma
At the top of the year, we named Serena Isioma one of our top artists to watch in the year to come, and for good reason. The self-proclaimed “nonbinary rock star” experienced a breakout moment with “Sensitive,” a track that is difficult to perfectly encapsulate but think along the lines of fusing modern-day R&B and woozy indie-pop with reckless abandon, and you’ll be about halfway there. It was an impressive standout track that was only buoyed by a pair of EPs, Sensitive and The Leo Sun Sets, in 2020, officially cementing Isioma as an artist like no other.
Khai Dreams
Khai Dreams’ music is effortlessly easygoing. With its straightforward guitar lines and understated production, every track from the Pacific Northwest singer-songwriter flows out as naturally as breathing. Maybe it’s that laid-back approach that begins to explains Khai Dreams’ universal appeal and millions of monthly listeners, despite releasing most of his music independently. A hallmark of the DIY generation and its massive homebrewed potential, it would be a crying shame if you didn’t let Khai Dream’s serene meditations transport you somewhere far from here.
Frances Forever
Like much of their Gen Z cohorts, Frances Forever’s exponential rise was not the result of a well-executed marketing plan but by the pure chance of a single song finding a home online. The song in question, “Space Girl,” was originally part of NPR’s Tiny Desk Content before soon blowing up on TikTok, and it’s not hard to see why. Short, sweet, and to the point, “Space Girl” is a saccharine love letter to that bubbly feeling of floating on cloud nine. Now signed to Mom+Pop and with their debut EP, Paranoia Party, due out later this year, this is the perfect time to get familiar with Frances Forever.
Dorian Electra
Unapologetically playing with gender norms and stereotypes while seeing just how far they can push the limits of pop, Dorian Electra has long maintained a cult following in the world of experimental, highly addictive hyperpop. And it’s not hard to see why. Having collaborated with the likes of Charli XCX, 100 gecs, Village People, Pussy Riot, Rebecca Black, and more, Electra’s music ranges from off-the-rails hyperpop to introspective pop slow burns. All of this and more reaches a fever pitch in their 2020 album My Agenda, a devious showcasing of one of pop’s most explosive figures.
Maya Cumming, professionally known as MAY-A, is no stranger to the hustle it takes to make it in the music industry. The Australian artist got her start entering numerous singing competitions in her hometown of Byron Bay and started busking on the streets at the tender age of 11. Now, she has a breakout single under her belt in the form of “Apricots,” an anthemic indie-pop ode to queer love. And since that breakout moment, MAY-A has continued to release impressive single after single—the latest being the collaborative “American Dream.”
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skellebonez · 3 years
Hmmm how about MK and Monkie King with number 1 and number 45
I wanted to write a follow up to a certain fill that got some wonderful art recently too! But then the finale happened and now I made it depressing, sorry. Spoilers for... everything as this is set 3 days after the final episode. This also plays around with the “Sun Wukong is still super immortal and powerful but...” and other theories. (second prompt line is only used as inspiration in fill)
Do not give me that look./ You may technically be an adult, but you’re still my child.
The moment MK's curse was lifted and he was re-aged from 4 years old to adult Wukong acted like nothing had happened at all. No understanding conversations about how his powers could hurt him, no cooking together, no video games, and no accidental couch naps. It was as if the entire day had been undone to the sands of time.
But MK remembered and when the literal next day Wukong announced he was going on vacation... let's just say he was not happy in the slightest. He had tried to voice his objections, citing the Spider Queen as a prime example for why they should be worried, but the immortal monkey just flashed him dual thumbs up with a “Monkey King Out!” and flashed off somewhere MK couldn’t follow.
And now he was back and while MK had been more than happy to get going at first, to push everything that happened deep down inside him and ignore it for as long as possible (why was he doing that, he needed to stop doing that, look where that got them he was a mistake a bad choice as a successor and now he’s barely a successor at all) there was only so long he could go before it became clear there was more wrong than what Sun Wukong was telling him.
There was more wrong with Sun Wukong himself that he refused to admit.
He tried to hide it as well as he could. Despite the heat outside and the fur covering his body he still wore full body clothing. Hiding away the gashes and healing scars that riddled his form now. There was a nick in his eyebrow that had never gone away, and when MK watched closely he could see his mentor sometimes place his hand too far to the left when grabbing something. He walked with a slight limp, though that had improved over the last few days.
And he was quiet. Yes, when someone was addressing him he was “yeah totally, we got this fam, onward westward!”, but when MK caught him alone... especially outside on the deck of the drone, watching the horizon, he was more quiet and still than the Monkie Kid had ever seen him before.
Or maybe he was always like this and now Wukong was too hurt or distracted enough or just didn’t care anymore that MK was finally seeing him.
It was hard to tell with how distant he had been the last three days. Distant in the same way the day after the curse was lifted, but quieter.
“We need to talk,” He said from behind his mentor, watching as Wukong’s tail jumped only a little. Maybe that was just surprise at the words themselves. “Alone. Please.”
He expected Wukong to brush him off, to say “aw bud, can’t it wait? look at the sunset!” despite the sun having set so far they barely had any light left or something else. But instead he straightened up (MK heard the slight crack of his back again, much softer than when he had first heard it after their crash landing, and he wondered how much his back had healed from whatever injury it had) and turned to his student with an odd expression. Somewhat soft and fond and somewhat worried and resigned. Like this was more than just 3 days coming (and it was).
“Let’s... get something to eat first, alright?”
MK didn’t mention that they had eaten just over an hour ago.
They sat in the kitchen of the drone, alone under the dimmed lights with cups of tea and sliced fruit between them (mostly for Wukong). Neither had said anything as they prepared the small snack, and neither said anything as they sat down and took sips of their tea.
MK had made it slightly too strong.
“What did you want to ask first?” Wukong started off, picking up a peach slice and biting into it carefully. Slowly. This was something else that was noticed. Before when eating the Monkey King would just shove whatever he was eating in his mouth and MK wasn't certain he tasted it. But now it was like he was trying to make every meal last as long as possible. “There’s... a lot. I can tell.”
“We spent an entire day together and then you left without telling me anything,” MK said firmly, gripping the tea cup in his hands. He squeezed harder, just to see what would happen. It should have shattered... it didn’t. “Why didn’t you just... say something?”
“... I thought I was protecting you,” Wukong admitted honestly, taking another bite of peach. “And the city, the others...  That if I acted distant you wouldn’t wonder where I went a-”
“Wouldn’t wonder wh- no!” MK interrupted, gritting his teeth. “No, Monkey K- Wukong.” The change in how MK addressed him made Wukong jolt, looking at him with wide eyes. He had never called him by his name before now. “We spent an entire day together. You took care of me, helped me when my powers went haywire, helped me make food! You never treated me like that before! You treated me like... Like I was...”
“My kid,” Wukong finished for him, now looking down into his tea cup. “MK... You’re an adult, I know that, but somewhere down the line I started to think of you as... I didn’t know till then I guess, and that terrified me. The idea of you getting hurt that day was the only thing that compared to admitting I got attached to you as more than just my student.”
Had this revelation come sooner MK might have been more surprised. More disbelieving. But after that day and everything that happened once the curse was gone...
“... you have a funny way of showing it,” MK snapped without thinking, eyes widening and jolting upright when he realized what he had said. “I-”
“Don’t,” Wukong said with a shake of his head, sipping his tea with a sigh. “You deserve to be angry with me. I talked to, uh... Pigsy? Sandy too. Tang.... Mei. Your boss in particular laid into me pretty hard after the excitement died down... Don’t know how I went 1000 years without knowing what a ‘lie by omission’ was.”
“... you abandoned me.”
“Yes... I didn’t mean it that way, but that doesn’t change that I did.”
“You didn’t trust me.”
“NO.” Wukong said firmly, voice raised for the first time in days. MK glowered at him. “No, that is one thing I will not back down on. Yes, I lied to you and left you behind and that was a mistake I will need to make up for over a long time, but it wasn’t because I didn’t trust you. I trusted you to take care of yourself, to teach yourself the lessons I left behind, and take care of the city. And you did! You did so much better than I even hoped for, and I hoped so badly that you would do as well as you did! I didn’t leave you there because I didn’t trust you, I left you there because I did... and because I thought I had to do everything myself...” He sighed, running a hand down his face. “I’ve been alone so long... I forgot I could do things with help on my end, I guess...”
“If... If Lady Bone Demon hadn’t finished what she was doing...?”
“Had the Lady Bone Demon not been working faster than I thought she was I would have come back with nothing less than even more trust in you as my successor.”
“... am I even still your successor without...?” MK trailed off, trying to keep his voice level. The tea cup still held strong.
“Yes,” Wukong assured, reaching out to put a hand on MK’s shoulder. MK noticed how he almost missed and corrected his hand. “The staff and my powers alone didn’t make you my successor. I picked you before those, remember? You’re still the Monkie Kid, MK. Nothing is going to change that for me.”
The young man went quiet for a moment, taking a shaky breath. He wanted to ask why he was chosen, what made him so special... but there would be time for that in the future. For now he had gotten at least some of his questions answered. But there was something much more pressing to touch on.
“,,, you’ve been lying to all of us,” he accused suddenly, reaching up and grabbing the wrist of Wukong’s hand on his shoulder before he could pull back. He looked his mentor in the face, watching as Wukong’s eyes widened in realization and horror. “Do not give me that look. Stop... please, stop lying. I’m not stupid, I can see you’re still hurt bad. You’re supposed to be invincible but you came back hurt and... and almost nothing can hurt you!”
Wukong didn’t meet MK’s gaze, looking down at their snack as he breathed heavily and shakily. He knew he was caught, that much was obvious.
“Please... talk to me, for once. I know I do the same thing, I lied to everyone else by not telling them about LBD or the calabash or Macaque coming back-” Wukong tensed at that, an odd sound escaping his throat. “-and look where it got us. We both need to talk. To everyone else. To each other.”
Wukong’s arm was shaking where MK held it, but he didn’t try to pull it back. Not until MK let it go. He sat back down, looking at the table like it held all the secrets of the universe before bringing his hand up to cover his eye. The one with the nicked eyebrow.
“Bud...” Wukong started, biting his lip. There was something wrong in his tone. “I... you were going to find out eventually. I can’t keep this up forever, not like Macaque can.” MK tensed at the mention of the other immortal monkey, watching as Wukong did not move his hand. “This takes a lot of focus. And... with my invincibility partly gone-”
“What?” MK asked, so soft he thought Wukong hadn’t heard him.
“... You didn’t get my powers from the staff, MK,” Wukong said. “And they don’t just duplicate. That’s not how they work. From day one I have been... siphoning my powers to you. Bit by bit. As you got better at controlling them I would give you more until I felt I didn’t need them myself anymore. When I locked away your invincibility I just undid what I had given you and slowed down the transfer... you’d been half invincible for weeks.”
“No...” MK started, slowly realizing what Wukong was implying. “No, no you’re lying again! This is a terrible, horrible prank!” Despite wanting to be quiet before MK found himself yelling. “Say you’re still lying!”
“No,” Wukong shook his head, looking down at the scar on his arm that was now visible as his sleeve had slipped down. “Most of this will probably heal eventually, except maybe one thing, and I’m still immortal! There’s no undoing that no matter what I do. I’m not dying any time soon. But my transformations? Cloning? My cloud...” He trailed off at that, breaking in a shaky breath. “You didn’t even get to use that... Lady Bone Demon took all of it when she took it from you. I still have some powers, some of my transformations and hair stuff and some invincibility... but I’m not the same overpowered Monkey King you met when you freed DBK...”
And as he trailed off, Wukong lowered his hand. Something flickered, something familiar. Too familiar. Reminiscent of Macaque’s shadows but brighter. And after there was something else reminiscent. In reverse.
MK had only seen it for a split second, when all of Macaque’s glamor magic had dropped. The milky white right eye and the scar over it that was left behind from his battle with Wukong 500 years ago.
And now Wukong looked at him with a similarly white left eye, a similar scar that wasn’t just a nicked eyebrow running down his face.
It makes sense in retrospect, much more. MK supposed that when you lose an eye you lose depth perception and it takes a while to get used to judging where things are.
“... what happened before you came in to save me?” MK asked quietly, watching as more of the glamor fell with a curse from Wukong. There was another nick on his cheek that was still healing, a piece of one of his ears had been ripped off too. No doubt there were more injuries under his clothes that Wukong hadn’t let anyone see.
“She has Macaque under her control,” Wukong said plainly, groaning as he held his head. “Damn, that... letting that down...” He groaned again and before MK could realize what was happening Wukong’s eyes rolled back into his head and he slipped from his chair to the floor.
“WUKONG!” MK shot up, rushing over to his side and yelling over his shoulder in the hopes someone would hear. “Pigsy! D-DADSY! Help, SOMETHING’S WRONG!”
When Pigsy rushed in with the others in tow Wukong hadn't regained consciousness.
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Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader
Word Count: ~1.4k
Warnings: Talks about Suicide, Survivor’s Guilt, Depression, Parental Abuse, Panic Attacks, Use of Platonic Pet Names
A/N: Today is my 22nd birthday. I have always had issues regarding my birthday and getting older. I spent 12 years of my life actively wishing I was dead and never expecting to make it to 18. It’s hard for me to understand that I’m still here 4 years after my believed expiry date. I’m getting better each year at dealing with all the feelings that come with my birthday. I’m okay and this piece helped me get out what I struggle with telling others. The nice thing at least is this year I’m not spending this day alone.
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You let out a shaky breath as you laid out in the grass. The stars were just barely shining through the cloudy sky above you. The night breeze was still warm enough that you didn’t need a jacket. It would have been a pleasant night if the voices lurking in the back of your mind had taken some time off for once.
Tonight they were screaming at you, louder than ever before. Their voices bounced off the walls your mind, echoing endlessly. The pain in your chest was too much to bare. It was a crushing weight that threatened to flatten you to utter nothingness. No matter what you did to cope it just wasn’t working like it normally would.
Tonight they were screaming at you, louder than ever before. Their voices bounced off the walls your mind, echoing endlessly. The pain in your chest was too much to bare. It was a crushing weight that threatened to flatten you to utter nothingness. No matter what you did to cope it just wasn’t working like it normally would.
You had to swallow down the bile that was trying to creep up your throat. There was an ever present fear seeping from every single pore as you did the one card you had left to play. You didn’t want to do this on tonight of all nights. Hands shaking you type out the words that could save or damn you.
10:28 PM Midnight Picnic. Delivered …. Read ✓
The swell of anxiety becomes too much as you wait for those little dots to appear. You toss your phone next to you as you struggle to hold back tears. The voices seem grow into a roar as the minutes slip away. Everything he ever said to you is stuck on repeat in your head
You held him back…
It was your fault…
You ruined his life…
If only you hadn’t been born…
You didn’t deserve to be alive…
They all loved him better than you…
You hadn’t even realized that the tears had burst out, painting your cheeks, your neck, your shirt and most likely staining the ground under you. It’s not until you feel something pressing down on you and warmness chasing the tears off your face that you realize you had been hyperventilating. A soft clicking comes from somewhere behind you as you finally open your tear-blinded eyes. There, resting on top of your shaking form, was a fuzzy face you knew too well.
“Kal, up,” the figure behind you utters,” You gotta let her up, boy.”
The bear of a dog gave a disappointed huff before doing as his master commanded. You felt warm hands gently help you sit up and soon after you feel a solid mass against your back and two long legs incase yours. If anything, the close contact caused your panicking to cease only for a moment. Henry’s arm wrap around your shoulders and he settles you against him. Kal lays himself down by the two of you.
“I’m here for you, Bunny. I know how you might be a little trapped right now, but I want you to try and listen to me alright,” he whispers and waits for the nod that comes between your gasping breaths,” See you’re doing so well already. Remember that exercise your gram does with you. I know you do. Can I help you with it?”
You nod again as you try to unscramble the wires in your brain. You feel his breath tickle the top of your head as he continues to hold you tightly.
“Good bunny. I want you to try and tell me 5 things you can see. Take all the time you need okay?”
“St-t-tars…” You start between gulps, “Grass…..Kal…..uhmmm”
“You can do it, sweetheart,” Henry says as he reaches down and gives your shaking hands a squeeze.
“Your Flops… Trees..”
“Now 4 you can feel.”
“Your Hand…the ground…the breeze…my shirt,” You respond with your voice a bit stronger than before.
“You’re doing great. 3 things you can hear,” Henry adds giving your hands another squeeze.
“You..me..the bugs.”
“We’re almost there. Tell me 2 things you can smell.”
“My lotion and detergent,” You voice, feeling yourself come back even more.
“Last thing. What can you taste?” The Brit asks.
“My tea from earlier,” You sigh slumping into him more.
The two of you remain there, listening to the night’s music. You continue to come down from your attack and your breathing gets softer and softer as he holds you. A few more moments pass before he loosens his hold on you because he knows that you’re back in control. You stay against him as you try to find a thought you can easily share. You wiggle away from him slightly and then turn yourself sideways so you can rest your head above his heartbeat.
“I’m so sorry.” You murmur into his warm chest,” I couldn’t be in my place anymore.”
“It’s alright, Bunny,” He mumbles, the nickname causing your nose to scrunch up slightly,” You’re the one who keeps wiggling that nose of yours like that.”
You chuckle softly before taking some deep breaths.
“I can’t stop thinking about it you know. How I never planned to be here this long and here I am still here. It feels like I stole someone else’s time. Someone more deserving,” You express, desperately trying to keep yourself from getting worked up again.
Henry wraps his arms around you again, giving a squeeze to tell you to continue.
“I know Megan says that it’s okay to not have a plan, but I don’t like that. I don’t like feeling like I have no control. I always thought I wouldn’t make it to 18 and every year that passes hurts more because I feel like I’m on borrowed time. That maybe this is all some sort of dream or something and I’ll wake up and I’ll be back in that house with him,” You blubber.
He keeps holding you tight and slightly rocks you in his arms. Kal even moves to rest his head on your leg.
“I still hear him in my head. He keeps telling me how I ruined his life, that he can’t see his girlfriend as much because of me, that I’m causing him all these problems-“
“Bunny,” Henry cuts you off,” Your father was wrong. He had his problems just like you, but he shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You’re not the reason why any of his life turned out the way it did…”
“But I killed him didn’t I? Speed up his desire to do what he did. The thing that I was supposed to do,” You cry into his chest.
“Y/N, you didn’t kill him. He should never have made you feel like killing yourself was the only way to help him. You are not on borrowed or stolen time. You were meant to be here. You deserve to be here. Your life matters to me and Kal and so many others. I know this time of the year is rough, but you did something you never did before. You reached out to someone instead of handling this alone and I am so damn proud of you,” Henry uttered and he held you tighter, blinking away the own tears in his eyes.
You sob harder at that, letting it all out. He lets you sob for as long as you need to. Occasionally rubbing your back and whispering how proud he is of you over and over until it sticks. The tears eventually run dry and you breathing evens out once more. You listen to each breath he takes, the praise he gives you. The silence only broken by a small dinging from nearby. Henry adjusts to slightly to see his watch alert midnight.
“I’m only going to say this once so don’t get too annoyed. Happy Birthday Bunny,” The man whispers to you,” Now I know we can’t do anything to crazy to distract you but I may have brought part of the festivities early. Theres two cupcakes in the car with your name on it. How about I grab those, we go inside, curl up on your couch, and watch The Little Mermaid? Maybe I can start calling you fishy instead huh? Kal thinks its a good idea right bud.”
Kal huffs loudly in approval before getting up to stretch and do his business. You laugh at that as you pull away from him slightly. “Thank you Hen. I really needed that.”
“That’s what friends are for. Now let’s go before my cheat day passes by.”
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A/N 2: If you've read this far, I want you to know you're not alone. Trust me I know it feels like that sometimes, but there are people who are there for you. I'm one of those people if you need it. You deserve to be here in this life just as much as I do. ❤️
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scented-morker · 3 years
⇢˚⋆ ✎ first "I love you's" with en-maknae line
*:・゚✧ genre : fluff
*:・゚✧ description : established relationship, bf!enhypen, gn!reader, first time saying I love you headcanons :D
*:・゚✧ here it is!!! this is- pretty long, just a heads up 🤪
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ଘ Sunoo ~ˊˎ-
He was having a hard time lately with all of the stress from the comeback and everything
He tried to hide it from you but obviously you noticed, like you were on FaceTime and he wasn’t even showing his face 😞
So obviously you were like 🤨 “Where did my sunshine baby go?”
Which actually made him show his face it was red asf
So when he hung up you were like k time to cheer up the love of my life
Which is exactly what you said in your brain and then had a nervous breakdown because ??the love of your life??
But you decided to push that away for now so you could get everything you needed together
You texted the boys and told them you were going to come over
They had noticed his change and thought it would be a good idea so they agreed, and some of them left while others promised to stay in their rooms
When you knock on the door the next day you hear “Sunoo can you get that?” from somewhere in the house and you know they’re doing their jobs
Sunoo wasn’t sure what he was expecting when he opened the door, maybe a manager or a crazy fan, but it wasn’t his s/o with a bag on their shoulders and holding a little bouquet of flowers
“Y/n!!” He immediately engulfed you in a hug, and you smile at his excitement, you definitely made the right plan
He pulls away, asking a “why are you here” to which you shove the flowers at him
“These are for you, um I hope you like them”
Your words came out kinda squished, most people don’t get their boyfriends flowers but you thought it was a really good idea, except now that you’re in front of him you feel kinda dumb, what if he doesn’t like them
“Thank you!! I love them!”
His eyes are sparkling and he tells you that he’s never been given a bouquet of flowers like this and that he’s so happy you got him some
And with your renewed confidence you tell him the rest of what you have planned, a self care day with movies and snacks and skin care and cuddling, lots of cuddling
And he just !!!
He gets so excited 🥺
Like “okay let’s start right now” and then picks you up and goes running the the couch, and you’re laughing almost directly in his ear and he can’t get any happier
So you spend all day together, just messing around and doing whatever
And then he falls asleep, right on the couch on your lap which like 🥰
He looks so peaceful and calm you can’t resist, so you stop playing with his hair like you were originally and lay your hand on his face, tracing his cute lil nose and all that
You start talking to him, quiet so you don’t ruin the mood or wake him up and you’re just like spilling your heart to this dude while he’s asleep, er, “asleep”
Like straight up “I was so worried about you, you were just acting different and I really hope you’re taking care of yourself like you should. My brain knew I had to do something, it specifically said ‘time to cheer up the love of my life’, which was also scary because love is scary you know”
He’s just laying there, eyes closed, trying not to lose his mind and just tackle you in a hug and kiss all over your face, but you don’t seem to be done talking yet so he waits
“But I love you, I really do. And I think that makes it not so scary, because it’s you”
He opens his eyes and at first you don’t even notice because you’re looking off into space but he kinda shifts in your lap and you just 😳
“I love you too, like a lot and it took everything in me not to cut you off and just attack you with my love”
“Well I’m done talking now so you wouldn’t be cutting me off”
And he does exactly what he was planning, tackling you in his arms on the couch, laying there with you while giving you sweet lil kisses and whispering about how much he loves you
He’s definitely back to himself
ଘ Jungwon ~ˊˎ-
Now our dear leader is a lil shy, which we all love him for, but that meant y’all had been dating for like a year almost
An ‘I love you’-less year
And you were a little worried like ‘is this not a serious relationship to him’ but you kinda brushed it off because you’re pretty young and you would never want to rush him
And then it became very obvious that he was serious when he freaking INVITED YOU TO A FAMILY VACATION
Not like a board the plane were going to Hawaii for a month vacation, a thankfully more chill like family camping in log cabins together for a weekend vacation
And obviously you were terrified because ya know meeting the ‘rents (I am so sorry why did I say it like that)
But you weren’t gonna say no to your boyfriend especially when he was so excited
So flash forward to you and jungwon, fresh off of a 3 hour car ride (where you obvi played 10 months like 80,000 times), walking up to a cute little campground with like three big log cabins next to each other, real cute
And you walk into the main one where everyone is meeting and his family is like SCREAMING like absolute chaos and there are little cousins running around and everything
And for some reason it feel comfortable and one of his little cousins comes up to you and asks you to play obviously you do
By the time his family realizes he’s here and greets him you’re surrounded by children
Cue his older cousins like “I knew they were fake” “you don’t have to lie wonnie, it’s okay to be single”
But then he points over to the living room and you’ve got a little kid on your back and another on your lap and someone has used their play makeup to give you blue eyeshadow
You give him a really big smile when you see him looking over and literally everyone just 🥺🥺🥺
He thinks you’ve never been more perfect even tho you literally end up with a glitter mustache
Eventually his aunts make their kids leave you alone and you help them wash up to eat (as almost scream when you see your reflection because their first impression of you was of you looking like a whacko)
But then you sit down at the table where he’s saved you a spot and they’re all so excited to meet you and ask you all sorts of questions
You’re holding his hand under the table because you’re nervous but then he’s got your hands in his lap fiddling with your fingers and you aren’t nervous anymore
Literally every single person in his family gives you a hug before you guys go to the cabin you’re sleeping in and you ask him ya know like
“Do you think they like me”
And he’s like ??? They literally like you more than me and my cousins tried to fight me to the death for a seat next to you at the table
But he just goes “they love you just as much as I do”
And you just combust
“You love me???”
And it wasn’t even an accident, he was just like “yup, like a lot”
Then bam “I love you too”
And they lived happily ever after more like his aunts overheard and screamed to the rest of the family what just happened
ଘ Niki ~ˊˎ-
Niki had begged you all week to come over and visit and you finally found a day that you were both free on
You knocked quietly, announcing your presence before letting yourself in like the boys had told you to do
Once you had set your things down and taken your shoes off you set out on a mission to find your lovely boyfriend
Which really didn’t take long because you could hear him screaming in the living room as soon as you walked in
Apparently he was losing at whatever video game they were playing and was not happy about it
You went over to his spot on the couch, squeezing in next to him and he gave you a lil side hug and a kiss on the temple to say hello
You settled down in your spot, leaning on him with his arm still around your shoulder as the next round started
Although it was a bad idea because when he lost again you almost got elbowed in the head
After a few more rounds some of the boys decide to go out and get food even tho he definitely begged them to stay because he wanted to win at least once
“No bud, we’re hungry, and you kinda have a significant other you’ve been ignoring for like an hour” thanks heeseung
So they leave (except for jake who got stuck on babysitting duty)
And you’re like well he seems to like this game even tho he sucks at it so might as well play it if that’s what he wants to do
So you’re all like “hey bub what if I play with you” and he’s already shoving the controller in your hand and explaining how it works
He loves that you try to take an interest in the things that he likes, and he also likes that you’ve never played it before because that’ll make it easy to beat you
Which it definitely was, sorry you kinda suck at this game (even more than your boyfriend)
“Yes!! I did it!!! I won!!”
Cue the trash talk because he’s a little devil spawn sometimes
“See that I woooooon, you didn’t even stand a chance against me, I’m a master at this game”
And you’re just sitting there like you hadn’t seen him get absolutely demolished by everyone else literally like 30 minutes ago, just shaking your head
“Ya know you’re lucky I love you or I would have smacked you by now”
You laugh when you say it and he joins in before going dead silent after like 3 seconds
“Wait you what?”
“I said you’re luck I lo-”
And then you go quiet too bc dang did you really just say that and now you’re all nervous
But then he just goes
“Yeah I kinda love you too”
And then he makes sure to spend some actual time with you, not just beating you in video games for the rest of the day
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