#maybe when she has more money i'll have her by a washing machine
moonfromearth · 1 year
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Chores... Bleh 😝
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
Hiiii!! I fell in love with 'until the colours fade' and the end made me think that maybe Aegon was going to commit su*cide? it felt open ended too as if maybe he could work things out with Jae and they could be the family they both so desperately need. I was so angry with Aegon at first because the neglecting hit close to home, but I ended up feeling sad for both of them in the end. It felt like you meant to keep the mother unnamed but was she Amara? i wanted to guess because of the moodboard and the girl with the dark hair.
If you want to reveal anything about their life when she was still alive I'd really love that!! The idea of Aegon mourning her when he found out she died just made me so sad and I didn't even wannt to imagine it because they always feel so joined in my mind
Aaahhhh thank you so much (and thank you for being so sweet with your request omg)
It is open-ended. It's ultimately up to the reader to decide what happens without any input from me. My irls read the fic today and were dragging Aegon over the coals because they refused to accept that anyone once they've become a parent has any excuse not to raise a perfectly normal, well balanced child, which I didn't agree with, but to each their own. Traumatised children grow up to become parents all the time and don't stop being traumatised. All you can do is your best, even if that counts as bare minimum to someone else. To you, that is your best. Your intentions are there.
Aegon definitely didn't mean to let his intentions slip, but after the mother's death, aka someone he obviously relied on heavily in terms of emotional support, he lost his mind a little bit. His family is busy with their own lives, and are also quite neglectful of him because I imagine he's not the success story amongst the Targ-Hightowers. No one came to his house after the funeral to clean up and make sure there was food in the fridge when he got back. That's how they never realised Jae was still there until a week and a half later. He had the excuse (barely) of numbing himself on alcohol and drugs to avoid facing up to the fact that his wife was gone, hence why he forgot her. He let Jaehaera parent herself which was also wrong, and she became a latch key kid pretty much. If the electric bill isn't paid, the washing machine isn't working, and then who's cleaning her underwear? At eleven, she's probably thinking whatever, it's fine i'll reuse it, it doesn't look dirty because no one's teaching her that stuff (can't even say it's common sense because kids will be kids). She hasn't started her period yet, but I imagine Aegon would be a lot more aware of that this time round and actually buy her the stuff before he drags Helaena in to explain it all LOL.
And yes, 'Momma' was in fact Amara. And yuupppp, pulled my heartstrings to think of Aegon losing her. She was a baby having a baby, and then suddenly she was gone and Jaehaerys went with her.
Their life before she died was happy, I must admit. They both obviously struggled massively with mental illness and addiction and whatnot, but the kids were their pride and joy, something they made between them and would go to the ends of the earth for. Aegon was a good dad before she died, which is the most heartbreaking bit. Glimpses of it come through, for instance the glitter shampoo, buying Jae sweets after they fight, running after the ice cream van, but these are all notably things he did when she was way younger and before Amara died, suggesting he's frozen in time. Jae is growing up, and her Dad is failing to keep up. He's sluggish and trapped in memories he wants to return to. He used to put his all into making sure his kids were happy on the little money they had, and that his wife wasn't sinking into her depression again (Amara went through a couple suicide attempts during her post-partum period). She was terrified she'd go through with it one day and that it would never end even once the kids were older, and Aegon was the one who was like I won't let you, I promise, I'll keep you here even if it's not that simple.
The sad irony is she died and it was completely out of both their hands. She didn't want to leave, but she did. He tells Jaehaera no, baby, you're all me to disguise the fact that she has her mother's eyes and those eyes haven't looked at him the same since Amara died. Obviously Jaehaera's lonely and depressed and struggling to cope, so when she looks at her dad, he sees all those things staring back at him. He sees what Amara used to look like in her worst moments, but he doesn't have half the mental and emotional energy he used to in order to help his daughter. Instead, he drowns and watches her drown with him.
Amara is probably somewhere in the afterlife crying over the pair of them and not enjoying heaven I'm ngl 😭
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soullikethesea · 3 months
The super privileged/maybe kind of arrogant side of me is really unsure about the house. The ceilings are pretty low, for example. And it felt really small.
"It's not how it's supposed to be,"
The disapproving looks of one of my roommates when I said that it's a good choice for now and I probably won't get many other choices. It feels a bit difficult with her, because she earns way more than me and has been living in our current house for at least 10 years. Most people would have left way sooner, but she's extremely frugal about money and has very high standards. So of course this wouldn't be good enough for her, she's waiting for gold. For over 10 years, in which the housing market has really imploded.
I like the bedroom of the new apartment. That's the room that felt convincingly nice. The rest just needs a lot of love and perhaps also getting used to. In the bathroom you can barely stand, lol. The kitchen needs squeezing through, especially since it needs to feature a washing machine. Very crowded and tiny. The living room is very dark and dirty currently. The "garden" is completely bare and sad. But there is potential.
I said yes for the potential and to escape the insecurity of what will happen with my current place. And it's not every day that you win a literal lottery.
I also felt like the universe gave me some signs. There was a really sweet and polite man walking two dogs, clearly rescued, but very well-trained. And a cat that kept wanting to be pet and to be involved with the viewing. Some people in the street had their front doors open for airing out. There seem to be a lot of people who are really into plants. So even though it's not the best neighbourhood and you can hear traffic and there are probably also questionable people, there are also people trying to make the most of it and feeling relatively safe.
So those are good signs.
I talked to T on the phone about it a day before the viewing. She got even more excited than me... which honestly felt scary. She even admitted that she couldn't contain it and was pacing around. So I've been spending a few days super hyper and finding it difficult to eat/sleep/breathe. I also have a lot of work piling up and I hope I'll manage!
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nathank77 · 4 months
6:16 p.m Edited/ Added to 6:26 p.m
I fell asleep fast on the half MG of xanax and a hydroxyzine 25MG around 7 a.m or 7:15 a.m. I woke up at like 2:30. I didn't sleep after that despite trying but I didn't want to take Benadryl and miss therapy. So I gave up around 3:30 p.m
So i had therapy at 4:45 p.m. I haven't heard back about the Kristen complaint. Yesterday and some of today I've had horrible flashbacks to Nala and to just psychosis.
Last night I basically watched family guy all night. Today idk what to do. I was going to do laundry but my mother always hogs the machines... and I haven't been able to use a towel to dry off for like 3 days so far...
I got to shower and shave my head but I may skip it. I showered yesterday and shaved my face..
I might try to see if I can get the hdcp bypasser to work before I return it back to Walmart and then buy another one from Ebay or just try to buy a regular hdmi splitter and see if that allows the, "handshake" but idk...
Also I might play fc2 or fc4 but idk. My clippers are Contaminated bc of contact with puss.... for at least another 7 days.. maybe I'll shave with a razor instead. I don't want to wash my clippers or use hand sanitizer as they rust them...
I may just watch family guy all day. I'm fucking lonely and I'm thinking about going back to Stacey. She's pretty. She's crazy and she will take me as I am. We can have kids cause she has money. She saves and is great with money. She saved up for a 60k car and paid out of pocket.
I mean I won't be happy but at least I'll have someone to talk to everyday and video chat or talk on the phone with once a day and I'll have someone to spend my weekends with...
Beyond that I don't expect to find anyone and actually be happy. Maybe I was right 10 years ago when I thought, about breaking up with her but my other thought was- what if I can't find someone else to love me?
Idk. I'm getting desperate. Not desperate enough to truly settle. I won't be settling on appearance.... I'll be settling on personality.. and the fact that she made more than a few transphobic remarks..
But I mean I have a feeling I'll be settling no matter what. Whether it's a life of loneliness or a life with Stacey or some other girl i haven't met yet.
Stacey was thoughtful and wrote sweet things to me. It fulfilled one of my love languages and she takes my mom as she is and loves her. She loves my dad. She was a part of the family. Most people can't stand my mother and can't stand my sister. She didn't like my sister but I'm sure they could put that in the past. It's a real consideration.
Me and Stacey could do artifical insemination. I could be on a birth certificate as the father. She would take my last name. We could get a house. She'd be fine with me being a stay at home dad. I mean it could work.
Also I have my disability appt tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. I'm going to take melatonin 2MG, hydroxyzine 25MG, and 1MG of xanax at around 4 a.m.... I hope I fall asleep fast and wake up around 12 or 12:30. If I can make it I might go to New Hampshire after bc it'll be done at 2:30 p.m and I could get out the door by 3 p.m or 3:30 the latest...
I'm anxious I wont wake up on time or fall asleep fast enough... if I don't I'll reschedule and I'll go grocery shopping and do new Hampshire Saturday unless I wake up at like 2:30 and then I may go to new Hampshire anyways cause I never wake up that early with 7 hours of sleep.
I'm going to try not to worry about it as I can always reschedule and I'll make it work eventually but I truly hope I can do it tomorrow and see how much back pay I'm entitled to and hopefully get it for June 1st.
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He appeared from his room, freshly showered, towel round his neck. It took him 247 seconds more than usual to finish washing up. Was something the matter? Walked up straight to the sofa where I was sitting and took up the other end. He was not thinking straight. Where was the bottle of water he usually has?  The scent of citrus from his shampoo got on my nerves. He's using a new one. I needed to change mine too, then.
'What about dinner?'
The casualness of my tone was an irony. I'd serve him the meat off my back on a plate if he ever joked that he wanted it.
I fix my eyes on the bags under his eyes. He's tired. Men had a way of appearing unscathed in front of the world. The moment he stepped inside the house, all the exhaustion would show up on his features, like invisible ink surfacing under heat. I liked watching him like that. That meant he was comfortable in here. Even though we're just roommates. He didn't mind, me seeing him like this. Or maybe he couldn't care less. Either way, I'd take it. I'd take in his existence anyway I could.
'I ate.'
That's all he said. I wished he would elaborate. What did he eat, who did he eat with, was it good enough? I wanted to know more; from his mouth anyway.
His still form on the other side of the couch made him appear like a statue. He's looking at the TV screen. He was here yet he felt miles away from me. I wished to feel his gaze in my bones.
His shoulders are tense. I read the distress off him like my favorite riddles. This time of the semester are always hell. What could be bothering him today? Was it that professor who refused his submission for a 2-minute delay? Was it that exchange student that won't leave him alone? Was it his mother that never knew when to shut up over the phone?
All he had to do was give me a hint. Just a crumb, however little. The things I’d do for him could not be limited by anything humane or inhumane. Who knows, maybe I already have crossed those limits before. Nothing fazed me when it came to him. His unawareness of this fact only fueled my devotion.
"Whatever it is," I thought, "I'll find out myself. And I'll make it go away. I will take care of you; in ways you cannot imagine." Love, it was not. Mere love could never explain this. I wouldn't know what to do with him if this, whatever this is, was ever returned. The thought turned sour in my head. 'God, I hope not.'
'Today was your day off?' He was still distant. His eyes not moving once from the screen.
'Yes, I watched Netflix all day.' The lies rolled out of my tongue smoother than a recited script. I didn't watch Netflix all day. I watched him.
Off days meant my favorite entertainment. I watched him in the cafeteria, having dinner. I saw him buying an apple juice from the vending machine instead of Gatorade, because his insufferable mother told him to. I watched some girl bump into him because she was on her phone. He almost fell on his face. I did not like that. So, I had to take care of that too. I hope she'll learn not to glue her eyes on the phone all the time, if she ever gets a new one.
'You don't look well.' I voice out, feigning concern. Whatever he looked like, it always seemed the same kind of beautiful to me. 'It's nothing.' His eyes finally tore away from the screen. He smiled at me or tried to. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He checked the screen.
He sighed. His frown deepened.
One, two, three- deep lines appeared on his forehead.
He ran his hand through his hair in exasperation.
‘You wish you could do that, don’t you?’
I immediately cringed at the thought. No, I did not wish that.
I wished to keep him in a glass box in my room, so I could stare at him all day.
Untouched and Clean, all mine to admire.
'I'm...going to go to bed, my classes start early tomorrow.' He stood up and left without waiting for a reply. I knew who that was. He owed money to someone. The calls were getting frequent. He had enough time to sort it out himself, I decided then. I stood up.
I had errands to run.
I walked out into the chilly night, wrapping my coat tighter around me. It was dark out, shielding my surgical gloves from the questioning eyes of any passerby. The taser in my pocket never felt lighter.
Turns out, I was also in need of some money that I needed to borrow.
I patted the inside of my coat, feeling the thin blade in place. My second most prized possession. Very handy for keeping things discreet. I had tested it on myself, and it passed with flying colors. Knives only made things messy. One stroke of this, on a spot vulnerable enough, and it would bleed anyone’s lights out in 15 seconds, give or take.
'Maybe you could keep something of his, for your collection.'
My heart picked up at the thought. The blood pumping in my ear got louder. The pulse near my throat sped up. Maybe I'll go for the hands, to make it look like a suicide. That was safer.
‘But the sound out of his throat when the trachea is punctured deep enough, the cascading of the blood to the lungs; cutting off oxygen supply, the mouthwatering rich crimson painting the snow, and the eyes…oh, the eyes that’s going to give away his will to live a second longer and the fear, the regret, the pain-’, I breathed and stopped in my tracks to calm down.
'Haven't smiled this big in a while', the voice inside my head sneered.
I haven't, have I? Looks like Christmas came early this year.
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 5
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GIF not mine. Credit goes to owner.
Summary: The last golden ticket has apparently been found, breaking Rose’s heart for Charlie. Harry sees her at work, and makes her an offer. Then, Rose takes Charlie to the shop to get him another Wonka bar, where something rather lucky happens.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Rose was dressed in her uniform, ready for her last day of work. But Charlie didn't know that. He knew something was wrong, judging by the sad grin on her face, but he didn't want to push her into telling him anything she didn't want to. The two of them stood in front of the cafe, but before Charlie could part for school, Rose stopped him.
"I have something for you, Charlie" Rose smiled at him. "Well, it's from Mrs Mason" She pulled out the Wonka bar. Charlie's eyes lit up as he took it. He opened it up, but like last time, this bar had no golden ticket. Rose's smile dropped. "Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie"
"It's alright, Rosie" Charlie assured her. "I have the chocolate at least" He split the bar into two, and gave one half to his sister.
"Thank you, Charlie" Rose said as she took the chocolate. "And I think I have a little extra saved up. We'll walk over to the candy shop after school and have one more go at it?"
Charlie nodded. "I'd like that, Rosie" The two siblings hugged each other, before Charlie made his way off to school.
Rose entered the shop, immediately being greeted by Mrs Mason. "Hello, dear. Any luck finding a ticket?"
"Not yet" Rose answered. She went behind the counter as she ate the piece of chocolate Charlie offered her. She even broke off a piece, and gave it to Mrs Mason. "But, I have enough to buy Charlie a bar after school. Maybe his luck still has yet to come"
"You blow on that money before you spend it" Mrs Mason told Rose. "That's what they do in Vegas to the dice, you know. Supposed to give them luck"
Rose had nothing to do so she sat a one of the tables reading a newspaper. She came across a page in the paper.
Wonka's Final Golden Ticket. Found in Russia.
Rose could feel her heart break into a million little pieces. What was she going to tell Charlie? She promised that she would find him a golden ticket. And now that promise was broken. And to make things worse, Harry had come into the store, looking more smug than usual.
"Well, well" He started, joining Rose at the table. "Looks like the last ticket was found. And it wasn't found by Charlie"
"You don't need to wave that in my face!" Rose said, getting up from the table.  Harry grabbed her wrist again, preventing her from walking away.
"Rose, please just sit and let me talk" Harry started. Rose wasn't in the mood to fight with him, so she sat down in her seat again, crossing her arms over her chest.
"It's clear things aren't getting any better. Today is your last day here, and rumour has it that your father has been replaced by a machine at that toothpaste factory. And I know your planning to spend the last of what money you saved up on Charlie" Harry was treading on very thin ice right now, but Rose had to admit that he was right. Things were just going to get worse. Harry took Rose's hands in his, and stroked the back of one of her hands with his thumb. "I'm going to ask you again. Marry me, Rose, and I promise that I will make things better for you and your family. Your family can move in with mine. We have a big house. There's enough room for your parents, grandparents, and Charlie. They'll all have their own rooms. You won't have to live off of cabbage soup anymore. You can have pancake breakfasts and turkey dinners. You just have to agree to be my wife"
Charlie came by to the cafe just as Rose's final shift was finished. She said her goodbyes to Mrs Mason before meeting Charlie outside. The two of them grabbed hands before walking down to the candy shop. "Rosie?" Charlie piped up, making his sister look at him. "Are you alright? You're unusually quiet"
"Did you hear about the last ticket?" Rose asked. "It was found in Russia"
Charlie nodded, a disappointed look on his face. "I heard someone reading the paper on my way to school this morning"
"Well, I have this" Rose reached into her pocket and took out the money. "Just because the tickets are gone doesn't mean you can't have some more chocolate"
Charlie's frown turned into a grin. "Thank you, Rosie" The two of them walked for a few more minutes until they came to the candy store. They both walked in and approached the counter. Rose handed the money to Charlie so he could present it to the shopkeep. "One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight please"
The shopkeep took the money and gave a bar to Charlie. Charlie began opening up the bar just as the woman beside the Bucket's put down the newspaper. Rose glanced at it, and went wide eyed when she saw the headline. It was completely different from the one she saw this morning.
Russian Ticket a Fake. Still One Ticket Left.
"The nerve of some people" the woman said to the shopkeep.
"I know" the shopkeep said. "Forging a ticket, come on!"
Charlie ripped open the wrapper of the bar, revealing a golden ticket inside. "Charlie..." Rose breathed in disbelief, gently grabbing his shoulder. "You found it.."
"It's a golden ticket" the shopkeep said. Everyone in the shop was now looking at the young boy. "You found Wonka's last golden ticket! In my shop too!"
A man approached Charlie. "Listen, I'll buy it from you. I'll give you fifty dollars and a new bicycle"
A woman walked up to Charlie. "Are you crazy? I'll give him five hundred dollars for that ticket!" The woman smiled at Charlie. "Do you want to sell me that ticket for five hundred dollars young man?"
"No, he doesn't!" Rose shouted at the two adults. "That's my brother's ticket!"
"She's right" the shopkeep said. "Don't let anyone have it! You and your sister take it straight home. Do you understand?"
Charlie grinned at the shopkeep. "Thank you!" He then grabbed Rose's hand. The two of them ran like the wind all the way home.
"Mom! Dad!" Charlie called out once he and Rose got to the house. "I found it! The last golden ticket! It's mine!" Charlie showed the ticket to Grandpa Joe.
"Yippee!" Grandpa Joe cheered once he got a clear look at it. He jumped out of bed and began dancing. Everyone stared at him in amusement and surprise. "Here!" Grandpa Joe handed the ticket over to Mr and Mrs Bucket. "Read it out loud. Let's see exactly what it says!"
Mr Bucket began reading from the ticket. "Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket from Mr Willy Wonka. I shake you warmly by the hand. For now, I do invite you to come to my factory and be my guest for one whole day. I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself showing you everything there is to see.  Afterwards, when it is time to leave, you will be escorted home by a possession of large trucks, each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat. And remember: One of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize beyond your wildest imagination. Now, here are your instructions. The first of February, you must come to the factory gates at ten am sharp. You're allowed to bring one family member to look after you. Till then, Willy Wonka"
"First of February" Mrs Bucket said.  Her eyes widened when she realized. "That's tomorrow"
"Then there's not a moment to lose, Charlie" Grandpa Joe said. "Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose!"
"And get that mud off your pants!" Grandpa George added.
"Now we must all try to keep very calm" Mrs Bucket said. "First thing that we have to decide is this. Who is going with Charlie to the factory?"
"Rose will" Grandpa Joe suggested.
"Me?" Rose asked.
"Yes, of course! You want to see the factory as much as Charlie does!" Grandpa Joe reasoned.
"How about you, dear?" Mrs Bucket turned to Mr Bucket. "Don't you think you want to go?"
"Well, Rose does love the factory as much as Charlie does" Mr Bucket said. "Provided, of course, she does want to go"
"No" Charlie said, shocking everyone. "We're not going. A woman offered me five hundred for the ticket. We need the money more than we need the chocolate"
"Charlie," Rose started, getting level with Charlie. "There's plenty of money out there in the world. They print more everyday. However, there's only five tickets in the world and that's all there ever will be. All your life you've dreamed of seeing that factory. Please, don't make a mistake and throw that away. Don't make a mistake like I did today"
Everyone furrowed their eyebrows at Rose. "What are you talking about, sweetheart?" Mr Bucket asked.
"It doesn't matter. What matters right now is that Charlie is going to see the factory tomorrow. Your dreams are coming true"
That seemed to get through Charlie's head. He smiled wide. "Alright, I'll go. And you're going with me, Rosie. After all, you bought me the chocolate"
That's when it hit Rose. She had kept her promise after all. She had promised she would get Charlie a golden ticket, and she did. The two of them hugged. Tomorrow was going to be quite the day for the Bucket siblings.
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datleggy · 4 years
I realize we are in the middle of a pandemic and possibly the worst thing to ever happen collectively to humanity, and that you're probably feeling as emotionally drained as I am... But I've reread your Buck Volunteer AU like 16 times in the past 3 months. It makes me happy. I realize writing might not make you happy right now, or give you energy or be on your mind. But reading is keeping me sane. So thank you for that little universe. I'll be here when you feel up to adding to it. ♡♡
these last few months have been pretty awful at every turn and have kinda made it almost impossible to write the way i’m used to (writing is like my lil escape from reality most of the time tbh) and this message made me really happy, i really appreciate this, so thanku. <3
and also, here are two lil random additions i’ve been v sporadically working on for the volunteer buck au?
and ima go ahead and tag the ppl i promised to tag(i hope i got everyone!)? i hope ya’ll don’t mind they’re unfinished snippets?
tag list: @ironbuckley @chrrlees @disgruntled-pelicant @nighting-gale17 @daughter-of-infinity @romeoandjulietyouwish @badbitchjackson @chitownwolf @lamalefix @moira3000 @heather-likes2review @demonwithasideoffries @pan-buck @fyeahhipsterdoctor @daylightisviolent @themoonyloveenvy @randomlyordinarlyed @jillibob44
Buck sneezes into his elbow, groaning miserably as he throws another load of laundry into the washing machine. He's been grappling with a cold for the past couple of days, and though as someone who works almost none stop, Buck should be relieved to finally have a few sick days off from work, the reality of it is, he's going a little stir crazy at home all by himself.
His studio apartment's never been as thoroughly clean as it is now, though, so Buck isn't too mad about the undesignated time off.
One minute Buck is putting his last quarter into the machine and the next he's lying sideways on the floor and there's a ringing in his ears and smoke filling up the laundromat, people screaming and scattering and dazed. Buck sits up carefully, confused until he sees the giant truck that smashed straight in through the giant glass windows.
He manages to stand up, ignoring the way the room starts to spin, and takes assessment of the situation, something he's learned to do while volunteering for the 118. It's a Wednesday afternoon so thankfully there weren't too many people inside doing laundry today, but those who were are all down, though some more out of shock than actual physical injury.
"Call 9-1-1!" Buck tells the laundromat employee, who's standing behind the counter, unharmed but horrified at the sudden destruction, and she nods hastily, getting out her cell. There aren't too many badly injured people, and those that are able, are helping those who aren't, so Buck limps over to the vehicle to check on the driver. He's a male in his thirties most likely, and by the empty beer cans on the bed of the truck it's obvious the driver's intoxicated.
He's passed out at the wheel, blood smearing his face from a laceration at the top of his forehead, but his pulse is strong and steady and nothing appears to be broken, upon Buck's initial examination.
There's a wailing to his left so, having confirmed the man will live to see his day in trial, Buck rushes to help. There's a woman on her knees, sobbing, with a little boy in her arms--he can't be older than Christopher. "Ma'am," Buck gets down next to her so that they're at eye level.
The woman clings to her child, shaking her head adamantly.
"I'm a doctor, I just want to check to see if your son's ok. Please." Buck exhales, relieved, when his words reassure the mother and she hesitantly lets go. He's breathing, but it's labored and from the sounds of it and all the fresh bruising on the boys' sternum, most likely he's got a collapsed lung. Buck looks to the employee who's still on the phone with 9-1-1 and asks for an ETA on an ambulance.
"The operator says two minutes!"
Buck curses faintly. He doesn't know if the kid has that long. As if to prove his theory, the boy stops breathing altogether, his skin turning a terrifying hue of blue. His mother's screaming now, completely inconsolable and a hushed crowd is starting to form outside of the laundromat.
The paramedics hop out of their rig but until firefighters get to the scene there's just no way they can get in without risking injury to themselves, since the car is blocking their way and has started to smoke fumes.
"Everybody please remain calm. The fire department's only five minutes out." they assure everyone. Weber and Jones; Buck knows them from working at the hospital and waves to get their attention. "Doc?!" Weber exclaims, when she spots him among the injured.
"This kid's got a tension pneumothorax, he's not gonna last five minutes without medical intervention. I need one of you to pass me a 16 gauge bore needle through the opening there so I can do a decompression!"
"You got it!"
The boys mother is close to hyperventilating at this point.
It's been a tough week--though that might be an understatement--and a part of Buck wants to stay wrapped up in a pile of one too many quilts and blankets, in the dark, watching bad romcoms and never leave his apartment ever again. But he's been so busy at work Buck hasn't had a single moment to text anyone from the 118, and he thinks maybe being around them might make him feel a little less like the world has come to an abrupt halt. He also hasn’t eaten anything besides instant ramen in over a week, and that can’t be good.
They’re in the middle of a card game when Buck shows up and Eddie begs him to join in. "It's way too easy taking Chim's money." he sighs. "I need a challenge."
Chimney gawks at him. "Big words from the man who was literally whining like a baby not five minutes ago. He was all, 'Oh I hope Buck comes in today. Buck didn't answer any of my texts this week. Do you think he's ok? Should I call him? Would that be too much?'" he pokes fun, only stopping when Hen flicks the back of his ear.
“Play nice.” she says. She sits down in the chair next to Buck and nudges his shoulder playfully. “Eddie wasn’t the only one worried, by the way. You suck at texting but I usually get at least a ‘K’ back--long week?”
Buck leans forward in his seat, elbows perched up on the table. “Yeah. Something like that.”
Bobby, who’s in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone, overhears the ongoing conversation and tilts his head in concern. The kid sounds wrecked.
“Sometimes it helps to talk about it.” Hen prods gently.
Buck chews on his bottom lip, nervous. He didn’t come here to unload his problems on his friends.
“You can talk to us.” Eddie says, reaching across the table to give his hand a quick squeeze. “You listen to my problems all the time--hell, I called you last week on your lunch break to yell about some asshole who cut me off in traffic.”
That manages to get a small smile out of Buck. “Ok, ok, I--” he takes a deep breath before starting. “I messed up.” he scrubs a hand over his face. Why hadn’t he seen it?
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke Reviews Xtra: Geppetto
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Xtra Where We Are Continuing Our Duke Reviews Look At Disney...
Where If You've Been On The Duke Reviews Tumblr, You'll Know That I Just Reviewed Pinocchio And Since I Can't Review Everything Disney On The Duke Reviews Or Duke Reviews TV Tumblr (Though On Duke Reviews I'm Sure Going To Try)...
I May As Well Review The Stuff I Can't Review On Either One Of Those Tumblr's Here So On Today's Show We're Reviewing Geppetto...
When This Tv Film Came Out I Was Excited For It Because Unlike Other People Who Thought "Who Gives A Crap About Geppetto?" And Didn't Watch It I Actually Wondered If There Was More To The Character Than Just Kindly Wood-Carver Who Makes Toys And Wants A Kid...
Did I Get It? Let's Find Out As We Watch Geppetto...
Our Story Starts In The Village Of Villagio...
Which Despite How It Sounds Is Not A Sex Act...
Where The Children In Town Are Very Excited As The Toy Maker, Geppetto (Played By Drew Carey)...
And Let's Talk About This Really Quick So I Can Continue Talking About The Movie, I Don't Mind Drew Carey As Geppetto...
Sure, He's Not Old, Sure, He's Not Elderly, Sure, He Doesn't Pull Off An Italian Accent And Yes, He Is Miscast But He Does Have A Good Singing Voice And Carey Is Trying His Hardest With The Role So I Got To Give Him Credit...
Anyway, As I Was Saying The Children Of The Town Are Very Excited As The Toy Maker Geppetto Has Finished Making His New Toys That He Made After Gathering Wood Over The Summer...
Which Leads To The First Song Of The Movie, Toys...
(Start At 0:42)
And For A Beginning Song It's Good But It Doesn't Really Pull You Into The Story Like A Musical Should But Drew Carey's Verses In It Are Pretty Good So I Guess I Can't Complain...
After The Last Of The Children Go Home, Geppetto Works On A Puppet Named Pinocchio Before Going Into Our Next Song Called An Empty Heart As He Gets Ready For Bed..,
Sorry, There Was No Clip For It...
And Despite People Complaining That Because Drew Carey's Performance Has No Emotion The Song Has No Emotion, I Find That To Be Bullshit, Carey Does Well With The Song And I Honestly Like It...
But All Is Not Quiet In Geppetto's Workshop As The Blue Fairy (Played By Princess Atta) Drops By To Grant Geppetto's Wish Of Making Pinocchio A Real Boy...
However, Having Alot Of Questions, (And Why Wouldn't He) Pinocchio Keeps Geppetto Up All Night...
But A New Day Lead To Our Next Song Called And Son, As Geppetto Looks To The Future With Pinocchio Only For Problems To Happen Along The Way...
(Start At 0:31)
And While The Song Is Cute And There's Nothing Inherently Bad About It, It's Just Not My Favorite Song In The Entire Musical...
So, By The 4th Day, Geppetto Has Lost All Patience And Sees Sending Pinocchio To School As His Last Hope, But Even That Goes Wrong When A Misunderstanding Of Something Geppetto Said Leads Pinocchio To Get Into A Fight With A Young Kelvin Timeline Chekov...
And Yes, I Know I Shouldn't Make Fun Of Anton Yelchin Because Of How He Died But It Was Too Easy To Make A Star Trek Reference...
And Speaking Of Star Trek, After Geppetto And Pinocchio Leave The School, They Run Into Stromboli (Played By Data) Who Takes An Interest In Pinocchio And Wants Him In His Show Despite Geppetto Saying No...
Returning Home, Geppetto Is Mad At Pinocchio For Getting Into The Fight At School Starting A Fight Which Fractures Father And Son And Leads Geppetto To Go Find The Blue Fairy As He Believes Pinocchio's Defective...
Eventually Finding The Blue Fairy She Basically Tells Him "Hey, You Wanted A Kid, It's Your Problem Pal" As She Sings The Next Song Just Because It's Magic"...
(Start At 1:32)
And While I Like The Choreography In The Song, It's Again Not One Of My Favorites...
Returning Home, Geppetto Finds That Pinocchio Has Runaway From Home As Left A Note Saying That He's Joining Stromboli's Puppet Show...
Thinking That Maybe It's For The Best, Geppetto Goes Down To Stromboli's Show Where We Get Pinocchio Singing I've Got No Strings...
But After The Show We Discover That Stromboli's Not A Great Father Figure As He Keeps Pinocchio Locked In A Box....
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Hiding Pinocchio As Geppetto Goes Backstage To Give Him Some Of Pinocchio's Things, Stromboli Tells Geppetto That It Was Just A One Night Show Before Pinocchio Left For The Big City To Seek Fame And Fortune...
Upset That Stromboli Did This, Stromboli Points Geppetto In The Direction Pinocchio "Went" Before He Goes Backstage Again To Get Pinocchio Only To Discover That He's Escaped His Cage And Has Boarded A Carriage For Pleasure Island...
Angry Over Losing His Meal Ticket, Stromboli Packs Up To Go After Him Which Leads Into Our Next Song, Bravo, Stromboli...
(Start At 0:43)
And This Is Honestly One Of My Favorite Songs In This Musical...
It's Like Brent Spiner Took All The Pent Up Wackiness He Had Inside After Playing A Robot on Star Trek The Next Generation And The Movies And Let All Out In This One Song And It Works...
Meanwhile, Geppetto Runs Into The Blue Fairy Who After The First Reprise Of Just Because It's Magic Decides "This Idiot Wants Magic, Fine, I'll Give Him Magic To Show Him What I'm Trying To Tell Him"
So, Using Her Magic, The Blue Fairy Introduces Geppetto To The Great Lazardo (Played By Wayne Brady) Who Is A Bad Magician But Is Only A Magician Because It's What His Father Wanted Him To ...
Sound Familiar?
But Seeing That Lazardo Is Great At Making Toys, Geppetto Suggests That He Become A Toy Maker Which Leads To A Reprise Of Toys Before Geppetto Continues His Journey Deciding That "Ok, Pinocchio Doesn't Have To Become A Toy Maker"...
Finding His Way To The Town Of Idyllia, Where We Get A When You Wish Upon A Star Reference...
Yeah, We Kind Of Heard It Earlier Too When Pinocchio Was Brought To Life But I Don't Really Count That
Before Geppetto Meets Professor Buonragazzo (Played By Paul From Boston Legal R.I.P. René Auberjonois) And His Son Who Have Made A Machine That Makes Perfect Children That Obey And Do Everything They're Parents Tell Them To Do...
Again, Sound Familiar?
Which Leads Into Our Next Song, Satisfaction Guaranteed...
And...It's Okay..
While I Do Like The Song And I Like The Choreography In It, It Just Raises Too Many Questions As Val Kilmer Batman Would Put It...
Freaked Out By What He Sees, Geppetto Realizes That He Doesn't Want A Child THAT Perfect...
Running Into The Blue Fairy Again...
Ok, She's Quickly Turning Into The Cheshire Cat Of This Movie...
We Get Another Reprise Of Just Because It's Magic Where She Tells Geppetto That Pinocchio Is Headed For Pleasure Island And That Not Only Did Stromboli Screw Him But He's After Pinocchio Too...
Transitioning Into Pleasure Island We Get The Best Song In This Musical Sung By Usher...
(Start At 0:08)
In A Scene That Some People Say Is Lazy But I Say Is Just Saving Time And Money As It Is A Television Movie, Through Pictures We See Geppetto Go After The Donkey Pinocchio On A Boat Only To Be Attacked By Monstro...
Seeing His Father In Danger, The Donkey Pinocchio Jumps Overboard Only For Him And Geppetto To Get Eaten By The Whale...
Finding Pinocchio Who Has Been Turned Into Himself Again, Citing That The Donkey Magic Must Have Washed Off...
Despite Me, Seeing It As Pinocchio's Sacrifice To Save His Father Allowed Him To Become Himself Again...
Apologizing With A Reprise Of And Son, Father And Son Make Up Which Leads Them To Find A Way Out By Deciding To Tickle Monstro's Uvula With Pinocchio's Nose Which He Lies To Make Grow So Monstro Can Throw Them Up...
And All I Can Say About This Is That Tony Goldmark Has A Dirty Mind...And If You've Seen His Review On This With Emily Clark You'll Know Why...
Returning To Their Home In Villagio, Geppetto And Pinocchio Are Confronted By Stromboli, Who Has Come To Take Pinocchio From Geppetto As He Has A Contact With Him That's Iron Clad...
Which Leads Us Into The Final Song, Since I Gave My Heart Away And It's Very Touching...
(Start At 0:23, End At 6:47)
So, That's Geppetto And...It's A Mixed Bag...
While The Beginning Of The Movie Isn't That Great It Makes Up For It In Both The Middle And The End, And Yes, While Drew Carey Is A Bit Miscast In This, He Still Isn't That Bad Of A Singer But The People That Steal This Movie Is Brent Spiner And Usher As They Both Have 2 Of The Best Songs In This...
However, If There's Anyone That's Really Bad In This Then It's Julia Louis Dreyfuss, With The Way She's Talking I Can Barely Understand What She's Saying At Times Also I Got To Give Credit To Stephen Schwartz Who Wrote The Songs As Some Of Them Are Pretty Good...
All I Can Really Say Is Don't Believe The Haters And See This Movie, Just Skip The Very Beginning...
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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cashtonwoah-blog · 6 years
Better Man // Part 1
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Hey guys! It's been a while since I wrote any stuff on here, so apologies! This is a new Ashton Irwin Series, enjoy!
Warnings : Swearing, light smut.
Side note--this is a very different series to what I normally write. It's a long one!
"Do you have Fanta Lemon or Orange?" I hear the old man say at the pool bar desk.
"Both! Which will it be?" I politely ask the customer. He agrees on one of each. I smile, walking over to the machine to pour a drink. I give the man his drinks, complete with ice and a lemon slice in the Fanta Lemon.
"Thanks" he says, adding a creepy wink at the end, shoving a crumpled €5 in to the tip jar on the work surface. I weakely smile, thanking him for his tip.
It's March, and it's currently 21 degrees in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and I'm working for a 6th day in a row. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. It was only meant to be a summer job, working in a restaurant bar at a five star hotel for 3 months during my university holidays. I had it all figured out, work during the summer abroad to save money for my 2nd year at university, however life took a different path. I ended up failing my last essay, meaning that I would have to retake the whole year, so I decided to drop out of university all together. My Dad ended up marrying this blonde women I'd met appropriately 5 times in 6 months, so I decided to move out. In the end, staying in Santa Cruz de Tenerife was a better plan, no family, no university, just my friends out here and work, and that's all that mattered.
"Y/N, go have your break" I hear my boss, Andre shout from the store cupboard. I take my apron off, grab a glass of water and head to the break room. I open the door to find my best mates, Camila and Ed, already sat in there, probably gossiping about someone.
"Y/N! Come join us, we're bitching about Margot again" Ed laughed, pushing a chair towards me.
"Let me guess, she left the cups in the dryer again?!" I sighed.
Ed and Camila hated the new girl, Margot, who had just started working shifts on the bar. It would be unfair to say she was bad at her job, she is awful. From spilling drinks to over customers to making basically poisonous drinks, she couldn't get the hang of it.
"She left me to do all the washing up again today, it's pissing me off" Camila moaned.
I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe mention it to Andre, maybe she needs more training".
Camila laughed.
"Nope, she needs to leave. She isn't cut out for this job" she replies, high fiving Ed. I rolled my eyes again.
"Anyway, what's up with you? Any new guys on the scene?" Ed winked at me, resting his hands on his face, like he was waiting for some big story.
"Oh please, next question" I scoffed, taking a mouthful of drink to clear my dry throat. Since moving to Santa Cruz de Tenerife permanently, I'd become best friends with Ed and Camila through work. We were a smiliar age, but very different people. Camila had been seeing a guy, Pete, for 8 months when I first met her, and Ed was in an on-off thing with the lifeguard at the pool, Mateo. Where as me, I'd been single for a good 2 years. My last relationship was with a guy back in England, which didn't end so nicely. I decided that my move to Santa Cruz de Tenerife would maybe bring some new love into my life, and a year later after moving here, I was still single.
"Well what about Matias?" Camila sighed.
"Not my type, too chatty" I laughed.
"Not funny enough"
"Mateo is nice" Ed laughed.
"Yeah, before I realised he only went out with me because he fancied you!" I laughed.
"Seriously though Y/N, where are you gonna find someone and stop being so fussy?" Camila asked.
"When the time is right Cami, just not now I guess!" I jokingly snapped at her. I loved my friends, but do wish that they'd get off my case about finding someone. I wasn't really in the mood for dating at the moment.
"Anyway... Moving on... What you got planned for this weekend?" I asked my friends.
"Well, there's fuck all to do here, so we could head into town, have a night out?" Ed suggested.
"Sounds good, and, maybe I could ask Pete to bring a mate..." Camila winked at me. I groaned.
"I better get back to work, see you later!" I got up and walked away before she could finish what she was going to say.
"Okay girl, think about it!" she laughs, seeing how annoyed I was getting. Ed nudges her playfully.
It's 12am, and my shift is coming to an end. I close up the outdoor bar, pack away the glasses that Margot didn't do from earlier. I hang my apron up, and head to the main reception desk of the hotel to sign out. I see a few regular hotel guests and say goodnight to them. Just as I get the staff sign out book, I hear a slam of a door behind me. It startles me so much that I drop the book onto the floor. I groan, bending down to pick the book up. As I go to pick it up, a set of hands also reaches for the book and helps me to pick it up. I look up, and see a man with messy curly hair, wearing a polka dot shirt and skinny black jeans. He gives me a warm smile, as he gives the book back to me.
"Gracias" I thank the boy in Spanish.
"No worries" he chuckles in English, with an Aussie twang. He warmly smiles, before reaching to his Jean back pocket, getting his mobile phone out to answer a call.
"Sorry" is all the boy says, before walking off.
I stand there, all confused for a second, before then realising that I need to sign out of work. I sign my name, and head for the exit of the hotel.
My drive home is a quiet one, thinking about the curly haired boy in the reception area. Yeah he was cute, and smartly dressed. I chuckled to myself, hoping to see him the next day around the hotel.
"Two beers coming up" I smile at the young couple on their holiday. Its a busy down round the pool today, lots of new arrivals, after all it is the school holidays. I place the young couple their drinks on their table before heading back to the bar to clean some drinks. The curly haired boy has been on my mind all morning. Yes it was a brief encounter. Yes I thought he was cute. And yes, I wanted to see him again.
"Y/N, can you go to reception? There's an early check in" Andre asks.
I head to reception, and I'm greeted by a young women with black hair, and a tall blonde haired boy. They look very young, but cute together. As I approach them, I greet them.
"Welcome to the Hotel La Flora, my name is Y/N" I smile. I see Ed across the counter, checking the young couple in.
"Thanks Y/N, I'm Sierra and this is my boyfriend Luke". She smiled, her boyfriend Luke offering a hand for me to shake. Polite, I thought. Once they're all checked in, I carry their bags to the room on the top floor, our penthouse deluxe room. Normally only wealthy businessmen or celebrities hire this room. I open the door, set the cases on the beds and open the French doors to show the young couple the huge balcony. The view fell the balcony is beautiful.
"You've got a beautiful view here, perfect view of the beach" I smile, handing them their keys.
"Would you like any help unpacking?" I ask.
"No thank you Y/N, thanks again" the boyfriend Luke smiles, handing me a €20 tip. I widely smile at this very generous tip, making note of the generous offer.
"Thank you that's very kind". I smile, placing the money into my pocket. I walk around the rest of the apartment, opening the other doors to show the couple around, including the 2nd bedroom.
"Ah, Ashton and Kay will be just fine here I hope" I hear the girlfriend, Sierra say to her boyfriend.
"Yeah, I'm not sure about Kay though" Luke mutters. I hear a deep sigh from the girl.
"I'll leave you guys to it, I hope you enjoy your stay. " I smile, thanking them again for the tip, before shutting the door to give them time to unpack. I run down to reception, to gloat at Ed for the huge tip.
"Comeon that's not fair, I checked them in!" he moans, trying to take the money off me.
"Well maybe next time you carry your own bags!" I scoff at him, playfully sticking my tongue out at him, before skipping back off to the bar.
It's 3pm, and things have gotten a lot quieter around the pool bar. People are starting to head inside for evening plans. I grab a book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and read a few pages, before spotting a girl heading towards the bar. I set my book down, and greet the girl with a warm smile.
"Hello what can I get you today?"
"Tap water, make sure it's cold" she snaps, not even looking at me. I pore the girl a tap water, noting her tone. Rude, I thought.
"Thanks, sorry if I snapped at you, just been one of those day, you know" she sighs, looking at her phone still.
"I get it, it's OK" I say, not wanting to be nosy and ask what's happened. Before I can say anything else, she calls someone.
"I'm here, where are you?" she snaps to the person on her phone, before walking towards the door to the entrance of the bar. As she walks towards the door, a familiar face walks in, wearing a red t-shirt with skinny Jean shorts and Ray Ban sunglasses. I sigh, it's the curly haired boy from last night with the sign out book.
"Kay, you're early" he says, hugging the girl.
"Well I wanted to see you, is that so much of a problem?" she snaps.
"Not here, please" he requests, looking at me, before looking at the floor. He gently grabs her arms and they walk off. Dramatic, I thought. I continue to read my book.
Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.
"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway".
That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway."
I deeply sighed at the quote in the book, before taking a sip of my ice tea.
"Are you Okay?" I hear a voice say. The voice startles me, as I spit out my drink over the counter. I can feel my face going bright red from sheer embarrassment.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Sir" I say, running around to the back to get a cloth and wipe up the mess. I come back and see the curly haired boy looking at me and laughing.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have disturbed you during your book reading" he laughs, looking at my book. I continue to politely ignore him, clearing up my mess. I noted that my book was now covered in ice tea.
"Damn, guess I'll be needing a new book" I laugh, looking at the boy.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry Sir, it was very unprofessional of me to-" I apologise.
"No need... Um.... Y/N" he interrupts, looking closely at my name badge.
"Thank you." I awkwardly chuckle. There's a pause before either of us say anything.
"So.. Can I get you anything sir?" I ask, resuming my duty.
"Gin and tonic please" he responds. I head to the bar, and pour the man a drink. As I head back to the bar I note that he's taken a seat in front of my work station. Odd, I thought.
"There you go" I politely say, placing the drink in front of the boy. He smiled, taking a huge gulp of the drink. He sits there in silence, so I decide to make light conversation while cleaning a few glasses.
"So, everything okay?" I ask. For a few seconds he doesn't respond, he just stares into his glass.
"Yeah, just one of those days, y'know?" he says, scoffing under his breath, before finishing the rest of his drink. He lightly taps the top of the glass, indicating that he would like another, I head to the liquor counter and make him another one.
"I get what you mean, do you wanna talk about it? You wouldn't believe the stories I've heard working here" I softly reply.
"Maybe after a few of these ill open up" he cutely laughs. I hand him his second drink, to which he finishes all in one.
"Woah okay, take it easy yeah?" I say, slightly concerned.
"Nah its okay, I'm good with my drink. I remember having a drinking contest with Mike and Calum in LA after a gig... Good times." he reasurres me, asking for another drink. I make him another one, but deliberately put less alcohol in it, just in case.
"Oh so you're in a band?" I ask.
"Yeah, been together for quite a few years. Been touring for a few months so it's nice to have a break... Or so I thought" he mutters the last part.
"That's cool. What sort of music do you play?" I ask, continuing to clean glasses.
The boy pauses, looks confused into my eyes. I can't tell if he's mad at my comment or going to pass out.
"Oh, so you don't know who I am?" he asks confused.
I pause for a second. Shit, I've offended him.
"I'm sorry, just that music out here is a mixture and-" I panic.
"Hey no its okay! To be honest it's quite nice to not be well known" he smiles at me, taking a sip of his drink.
3 hours later, and the boy is still sat in front of me, drinking his millionth G&T, and I've joined him, having one or two won't hurt at work. He tells me his life story, the more drunk he gets. Turns out him and his band are quite well known globally. He tells me the awards they've won over the years, and tour stories. He tells me about the time one of the Jenner-Kardashian crew didn't get their band name right at an awards ceremony. He seems incredibly proud when talking about his band mates, who are also his best friends.
"So you've never really heard of us? " he slurrs a little.
I giggle. "I don't think so. Hum me one of your songs" I reply.
All of a sudden, he gets up on the bar stool and starts singing.
"Sometimes I’m feeling like I’m going insane
My neighbor told me that I got bad brains"
He is screaming at the top of his voice, standing on a bar stool in an empty bar. I'm crying with laughing at this, amazed at how he hasn't fallen off the bar stool. He says two lines of a song, that freezes, and hums.
"I-I can't remember how the rest goes" he laughs, climbing off the stool.
"That's okay" I laugh, wiping tears from my eyes.
"Did you enjoy that?" he laugh, shooting me a playful wink.
"I did actually, I'll keep an eye out for it in the charts" I laugh back. Suddenly his phone rings in his pocket. He groans, answering the call.
"Luke! Yeah I'm good, just in the bar. Yeah ill be up in a minute." he states bluntly, before hanging up. He stares at his phone, looking somewhat sad.
"Everything okay rockstar?" I chuckle.
He awkwardly chuckles back. "Yeah I guess just women stuff".
"Wanna talk about it? Funnily enough I'm quite knowledgeable in that area" I smile.
"Just my girlfri-ex girlfriend." he scoffs.
"Oh, wanna talk about it still?".
"She's here, on holiday wit-with me and my best mate and his girlfriend and I honestly don't know what. We're done, like done-done months ago, y'know?" he slightly slurrs.
"Yeah I get you" I sigh, remembering not so long ago I went through the same thing back in England.
"Why is sh-she here? She said she wanted to be mates and I agreed, but then she wants to acted all like a couple in public, but hates me when it's just me and her" he says. Im sympathetic towards this guy.
"Maybe talk to her while you're here, a little bit of sun and a different sight might work things out" I suggest, trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah, you're right. We're definitely done, I just want her to leave me alone basically" he scoffs.
"Sounds awful, but I don't want a relationship right now you know? I just wanna explore the world with my band, but also have something on the side, y'know?" he says. I stare at the harshness in his voice, yet I understand what he means.
I sigh. "um, yeah, I know exactly what you mean".
Just as the boy starts to speak again, the blonde hair boy from earlier walks in. He kicks his heals on the wooden floor, like in an inpatient manner.
"Ash, are you okay?" he asks.
The curly haired boy sighs. "Yeah I'm alright man, just needed a break. I just want her to go".
"Well Sierra is talking to her now, I think she's gonna head off so you can have a break" Luke replies. Luke notes my presence.
"Sorry, he hasn't been a pain has he?" Luke sarcastically asked.
I laugh. "I can reassure you sir I've had much worse."
The curly haired boy stands up from his bar stool slowly, trying to not stumble.
"Comeon, let's go have a nap" Luke says, putting his arm and shoulder under the curly haired boys armpit to support him.
"Do you need any help?" I ask.
"It's okay, he just needs a nap" Luke laughs.
"Thanks Y/N, see ya around!" the curly haired boy laughs. Luke walks off basically carrying the curly haired boy back to his room.
"She's kinda cute, right?" I hear Ashton attempting to whisper to his friend. I quietly giggle at this.
"Shh drunk boy" Luke laughs, helping his mate. They both leave the bar together, leaving just myself around an empty desolate bar, surrounding with 7 empty G&T glasses. I laugh to myself, thinking about the last 4 hours of chat we've had, hoping to have more with the curly haired boy sometime soon.
Part 2//
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wontokkiluv97 · 6 years
Club Love
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A few little notes:
I'm real nervous about posting this but hi! This will be multi chaptered & I promise Wonho appears in the next chapter! It's very loosely based on my own experiences hah!
The only warning for now is for profanity I guess, that may change in the future...
This will be cross posted on Ao3 as well
That's it I guess! Hope you enjoy ~♡
"I really don't wanna go to a club this is not my type of thing..." You said with an edge of exasperation seeping through the phone, as you lay in your bed refusing to get up.
"Oh come on (Y/N), we're in freaking Japan you can't just hole yourself up in your room all the time." Your friend Amber replied with a whine in her tone. "You gotta let loose and have some fun sometimes, pull that stick out of your ass for god sake."
"I don't have a stick up my ass, fuck you Amber. I just don't see the appeal of being in a crowded room with the music blasting and being pushed around by a bunch sweaty people. Also, some of us haven't taken 3 semesters of Japanese, it's not like I can even flirt with anyone." You answered a bit sulkily. You were studying abroad in Japan for the semester, and even though you tried to teach yourself as much Japanese as possible before coming, the University you attended until now didn't offer Japanese courses like Amber's did, so you never got a formal Japanese education.
"Flirting has no language just come on it'll be fun!" She begged.
"Alright fine," you answered with a defeated tone, "But I'm gonna have to be drunk for this or it's not gonna happen."
"Of course! Hurry up and get ready, we'll take the train to Shibuya and stop at a Sev and pregame with some Strong Zeros. Meet me downstairs at 11." She blurted excitedly.
"What the hell am I even suppo-" you started before you heard a click indicating that Amber had hung up the phone. You pulled the phone away from your ear and looked at the time, 22:37, before groaning and rolling over onto your stomach and burying your face into the pillow and sighing loudly.
After a minute or 2 you pulled yourself out of bed and walked over to the dresser and began looking for something to wear. You scrutinized your closet for a few more minutes before purposely ignoring your more risqué outfits and settling on a thin cropped black sweater with shoulder cut outs and simple but tight, high-waisted white washed blue jeans. You quickly threw on the outfit then walked over to your bed and sat on the floor, eyeing the few pairs of shoes you brought before deciding against the heels and putting on a simple pair of black flats. You then walked over to the mirror and looked at yourself, debating whether or not it was worth it to put makeup on, before simply applying eyeliner and mascara and being done with it. As you were grabbing your bag and throwing your wallet in it, being sure that your resident's card was in it in case the police decided to stop you since your University threatened they would, Amber was sending text after text telling you to hurry out. You responded quickly telling her to "calm her tits" you grabbed your badge to get back in the dorm and your passmo for the subway and left your room.
You, Amber, and another mutual friend Jules, were precariously sitting on a guard rail on the side of the road right next to Seven Eleven, each of you nursing your third strong zero and most certainly feeling a rather strong buzz at this point, arguing about the alcohol content of the regular cans versus the larger cans.
"Dude, that doesn't even make sense." You argued squinting at Amber and pointing a finger in her direction.
"How does it not make sense?" She questioned right back, "If I'm drinking a tall strong zero, it's like drinking 2 regular strong zeros and therefore has an 18% alcohol content."
"Are you stupid?" Jules jabbed at Amber. "Both the regular and tall strong zeros are labeled as 9% alcohol, which means drinking 2 small ones will get you more drunk than one tall one."
"That still sounds wrong to me..." you replied hesitantly, because for some reason Jules' argument was swaying you when you knew if you hadn't been drinking at all, you wouldn't have given it a second thought. "Either way I think the fact that we are having this conversation proves that we are well on our way to being drunk so we should chug the last of these and head to the club." You said before doing just that with the last of yours and cringing at the aftertaste. You really weren't a fan of grapefruit but it was the only flavor they had left at the Seven Eleven.
"Oh, someone's impatient considering I had to drag your ass here in the first place." Amber commented with a smirk before her and Jules finished their drinks as well.
"Don't let the alcohol get to your head. You couldn't drag me anywhere if you tried."
"Sure babe whatever helps you sleep at night." Jules replied with snark.
"You know, I'm feeling really attacked right now, maybe I should just go home." You replied sarcastically.
"And waste a perfectly good buzz? Nah, lets go." Amber answered as she got off the guard rail and you and Jules followed behind her, since she knew where the club was.
"TADA!" Amber screeched. "Welcome to Camelot, AKA the best club in Shibuya!"
"How do you know it's the best club in Shibuya?" You asked sarcastically. "Have you been to every club here?"
"I know you're trying to be funny but I honestly probably have, you know I go clubbing on weekdays too."
"Yeah I know, because you always miss class the next day and ask me for notes. Honestly they can fail your ass for breaking the attendance policy."
"I'd like to see them try."
"Can y'all shut up so we can go inside?" Jules asked heading into the club and you and Amber continued to bicker as you followed behind her.
You all walked down the stairs to the front desk gave the attendent your residence cards to inspect and paid the 1500 yen entrance fee for the club. She gave all three of you 2 free drink tokens and permitted you to enter the club. The club had several small circular tables spread throughout where there were various people smoking and drinking. Straight ahead was the bar in which there was a small line of people waiting their turn to order drinks. Further to your right you analyzed the dance floor where there was a small crowd of people dancing and jumping up and down. There was a fog machine periodically adding more fog to the atmosphere and red green and blue flashing lights. At the very front of the dance floor there was a stage with a DJ hyping up the crowd. There were three platforms on the dance floor that only girls were permitted to dance on. No one explicity told you that, but you assumed that was the case when you saw security guards pull guys down from the platform if they attempted to get on them. The music was so loud you couldn't hear Amber trying to get your attention so she smacked your arm instead.
"Ow you bitch, what do you want?!" You asked loudly, trying to raise your voice over the music.
"Do you have 100 yen?" Amber questioned.
"Yeah, for what?"
"There are some lockers over there we can put our stuff in, it cost 300 yen for the night. I figure we could all just share one for 100 yen each."
"Sounds good to me! C'mon let's go." Jules shouted.
The three of you walked to the locker room, taking some money out of your bags before stuffing them in the locker and taking the key. Your friends left the key in your care since even though you were all a little drunk already, you were known to be the more responsible one. You all left the locker room and walked to the bar and used your first drink tokens. Amber and Jules got tequila sunrises while you just got whiskey on the rocks. Not the tastiest but hey, if you're gonna make it through this night you're gonna need to be much more drunk and it needs to be right now.
"Hey Y/N!" Jules shouted both her and Amber already finished with their drinks. "C'mon let's go dance on the podiums!"
"I'll meet you guys there! Lemme just finish my drink." You yelled back and the others nodded in agreement before running over to the podiums and jumping up on them, dancing like maniacs immediately. You sighed as you downed the rest of your whiskey, and shook off that familiar burn. You mumbled to yourself as you walked over to join them.
"God it's gonna be a long night..."
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