#maybe when vol 14 comes out ill compare those bc that comparison will actually mean something
youkaigakkou-tl · 1 year
hi putting this in an ask instead of dms because I think it's cool!!! the CN translation of chap 79 (listed as such on mangaup, but listed as 80 on the drive) translates the student life Haruaki montage as "so happy" but the OG Japanese translates more literally to "fun (adjective)" which is what the official eng trans went with! it's an interesting difference in interpretation of the context, I wonder which one tanamai sensei meant more
(ive considered writing a post comparing my translation and the official for vol 12 but halfway through i decided im not that much of a masochist lmao)
that's the thing about translation innit, you have to get at what the author means! i still sort of stand by my translation of "so happy", because 好开心 gets across the same feeling as 楽しい, and idk if "fun" gets across the same feeling
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